The profession is a commodity operator. Commodity Operator Introduction to Oil and Gas Production

Since January 27, 2020, the rules for issuing documents for the right to drive rolling stock have changed both on public and non-public tracks.

Major changes

1. The issuance of a certificate for the right to operate rolling stock on public tracks is now carried out not by Russian Railways, but by Rostransnadzor and is becoming a public service.

2. To manage rolling stock on non-public tracks, now you also need to obtain a certificate for the right to drive from Rostransnadzor.

Harmonization of training programs by rail

The requirements for professions that determine professional standards and the development of technologies are constantly changing, in this regard, the process of changing, adjusting and updating curricula, in particular for the railway professions, is constantly underway. Last week, we received training programs that were co-ordinated and approved by the Ministry of Transport and Federal Agency railway transport by profession:

Learning to operate a railway crane

The theoretical training of a railway crane operator was completed last week. It was the train crane operators who studied, taking into account all the specifics: shunting, signaling and safety rules on railroad... The course focused on the KDE-251 and KZhDE-25 cranes, as well as the EDK-1000/2 with increased lifting capacity up to 125 tons.

Next week, the trainees will go to our training ground, where they will put their theoretical knowledge into practice under the guidance of experienced instructors.

An introduction to oil and gas production

Where does the oil come from? How is it mined and into what is it processed? How are drilling rigs built, drilled and completed?

All this was discussed at the course "Introduction to oil and gas production", which was conducted by specialists of the oil and gas division "PromResurs" last week.

Although the course is over, we will be happy to repeat it for you.

The course will be useful for you if:

We studied: Training for electroplating

There are a little more people who have mastered a qualified specialty, Hurray!

Our specialists conducted a regular training for the employees of the galvanic shop with the organization of theoretical and practical classes. In the course of practical exercises, work was carried out to cover parts of complex shapes.

Now galvanizing will be able to independently perform the declared work, and the company will not waste invaluable time on their training while working on productive parts and will reduce the level of rejects in its production.

We are waiting for everyone who has not yet completed the training!

Recruitment of a group of train crane driver in July

Friends, at the end of July training in the profession of "Railway crane operator" will begin.

The training will consist of 2 parts: Theoretical and Practical.

The theoretical part is held from July 31 to August 18, 2017. The training will cover topics such as crane design, operation, handling, railroad signaling and the basics of maneuvering.

Signalist on the tracks of Russian Railways

The specialists of the railway department of the training center "PromResurs" have adjusted the training program for the profession "Signalist" in accordance with the requirements of JSC "Russian Railways". In particular, the requirements of the instruction on labor protection and job requirements signalman approved regulations RUSSIAN RAILWAYS. Also, within the framework of the training, the mastering of the profession "Pathfinder" is carried out - a mandatory requirement when working as a signalman on public roads.

The conference was attended by almost all the color of specialists in all industries distance learning, starting with the technical and ending with its substantive part.

The useful information that we managed to find out at this event will be sure to be introduced into our distance courses.

We bring to your attention a typical example of a job description for an operator of a commodity 4th category, a sample of 2020. A person with education, special training and work experience can be appointed to this position. Do not forget, each instruction of the operator of the commodity 4th category is handed out against a receipt.

On presents typical information about the knowledge that the operator of the 4th category commodity should have. About duties, rights and responsibilities.

This material is included in the huge library of our site, which is updated daily.

1. General Provisions

1. A commodity operator of the 4th category belongs to the category of workers.

2. A commodity operator of the 4th category is a person who has _________ (education, special training) and work experience in this position ________ years.

3. A commodity operator of the 4th category is accepted for the position and dismissed from the position __________ (by whom, position)

4. A commodity operator of the 4th category must know:

a) special (professional) knowledge by position:

- state standards or interdepartmental conditions for the quality of all products stored in the serviced park;

- the procedure for conducting targeted blending of oil products: conditions and rules for the carriage of goods by rail and water;

- the terms of contracts with the railway for the operation of the access roads of the plant;

- rules and terms of loading and unloading of tanks, ships, loading and unloading of wagons;

- standards for the quality of sent and received oil products and dry cargo ships;

- plumbing.

- qualification requirements for this position of a lower category.

b) general knowledge of an employee of the organization:

- rules for labor protection, industrial sanitation and fire safety;

- rules for using personal protective equipment;

- the requirements for the quality of work (services) performed, for the rational organization of work in the workplace;

- assortment and marking of materials used, consumption rates of fuels and lubricants;

- rules for the movement and storage of goods;

- types of marriage and ways to prevent and eliminate it;

5. In its activities, a commodity operator of the 4th category is guided by:

- legislation Russian Federation,

- Charter (statute) of the organization,

- real job description,

- The rules of the internal labor regulations of the organization.

6. The commodity operator of the 4th category reports directly to: ____________ (position)

2. Responsibilities of the operator of the commodity 4th category

Operator of the commodity 4th category:

a) Special (professional) job responsibilities:

1. Maintenance of equipment for a distribution tank farm: with an annual sales volume of petroleum products over 10 to 40 thousand tons and management of all works; with an annual sales volume of petroleum products over 40 to 100 thousand tons.

2. Maintenance of commodity and tank farms, railway and truck loading racks, berths, loading points, main oil product pipelines, oil storage depots and loading points of oil refineries with a cargo turnover, the volume of pumping or loading of oil and oil products up to 5000 tons per day.

3. Maintenance of liquefied gas parks with a capacity of up to 500 tons.

4. Maintenance of ethyl mixing plants, oil traps, flare facilities, high and low pressure gas and oil product pipelines, gas tanks, discharge of loading racks and berths.

5. Preparation of alkali and acid solutions of the required concentration.

6. Conducting the cleaning process of industrial Wastewater, separation of the captured oil product.

7. Control over sampling and pumping mode.

8. Maintenance of all transfers performed per shift in the serviced economy.

9. Ensuring the safety of oil, oil products, gas and reagents.

10. Monitoring the heating of tanks, the condition of product and steam lines on the territory of serviced parks, overpasses, oil traps.

11. Arrangement of tanks along the loading and unloading front and wagons along the loading and unloading front.

12. Keeping records and operational reporting on the operation of the freight fleet, drawing up documentation for all operations for pumping, receiving and delivering products, for accepting empty wagons.

13. Registration of acts for simple tanks.

14. Monitoring the serviceability of the serviced inventory and equipment.

15. Management of the work of pouring-pouring operators.

16. Responsibilities of the officials for this position of the lower grade (s).

b) General job responsibilities of an employee of the organization:

- Compliance with the Internal Labor Regulations and other local regulations of the organization, internal regulations and standards of labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

- Fulfillment of the orders of employees within the framework of the employment contract, by whom it was repaired in accordance with this instruction.

- Carrying out work on acceptance and delivery of a shift, cleaning and washing, disinfection of serviced equipment and communications, cleaning of the workplace, devices, tools, as well as keeping them in proper condition.

- Maintaining the established technical documentation.

3. Rights of the operator of the commodity 4th category

The commercial operator of the 4th category has the right:

1. Submit proposals to the management:

- to improve the work related to the provisions of this instruction responsibilities,

- on the encouragement of distinguished workers subordinate to him,

- on bringing to material and disciplinary responsibility of employees who have violated production and labor discipline.

2. Request from structural units and employees of the organization information necessary for him to carry out his job duties.

3. To get acquainted with the documents defining his rights and obligations in the position held, the criteria for assessing the quality of the performance of official duties.

4. To get acquainted with the draft decisions of the management concerning its activities.

5. Require the management to provide assistance, including the provision of organizational and technical conditions and the execution of the established documents necessary for the performance of official duties.

6. Other rights established by the current labor legislation.

4. Responsibility of the operator of the commodity 4th category

The merchant operator of the 4th category is responsible in the following cases:

1. For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this job description - within the limits established by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. For offenses committed in the course of their activities - within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. For causing material damage organizations - within the limits established current legislation Russian Federation.

Job description of the operator of commodity 4th category - sample of 2020. Job responsibilities the operator of the 4th grade, the rights of the operator of the 4th grade, the responsibility of the operator of the 4th grade.

This article will focus on one of the most responsible professions. A commodity operator is a very important and difficult job. All the features of this profession will be discussed further.

What is a commodity operator?

This specialist is responsible for the safety, quality and transportation of various raw materials at the refinery. This work is very responsible, and therefore hard. This is due to the fact that the slightest mistake will lead to a very big problems... So, if, due to an oversight of the commodity operator, an incorrect mixing of different substances occurs, a huge part of the resources will be lost. Problems can also arise with the movement of substances, their delivery, storage, etc.

The commodity operator controls the activities of a large number of workers. And this also leaves an imprint on the profession; if even one worker makes a mistake, his boss is to blame. That is why the commodity operator must be a calm, stress-free person. The job in question is really specific, but it is prestigious and highly paid.

Duties of the commodity operator

Who really has a large number of very different functions is a person with the profession of "commodity operator".

This employee always has responsibilities, and there are really a lot of them. Below are just some of the functions of a representative of the profession in question.

The commodity operator is obliged to manage the transportation of products at the refinery. In addition to moving, the goods should be checked periodically for quality. This is also done by the specialist in question. It is very important that the produced and processed products fully comply with the standards. It is equally important to monitor the quality of storage of raw materials. All these functions are also inherent in the commodity operator. His responsibilities also include such minor functions as controlling inventory in production, determining the characteristics of products, working with documents, etc.

Professional Requirements

Like any other professional, a commodity operator must meet a number of requirements.

And the requirements are very high. This is connected, of course, with the burden of responsibility that falls on a specialist.

A quality refinery worker must, of course, be punctual. After all, the described profession is a very responsible job. The commodity operator must calculate everything in advance to the smallest detail. Moreover, a competent specialist should always be prepared for the worst. And this "worst" must be prevented by any means.

A representative of the described profession must have a fairly deep knowledge in the field of chemistry, physics and logistics. Any gap in knowledge - and a mistake will be made. This implies, by the way, the following requirement: resistance to stress. Whatever happens, a professional should always remain calm and sane person. You need to understand that fear and worries will not help the business in any way, but will only aggravate it.

Characteristics of the 2nd and 3rd digits

Has the profession "operator of commodity" categories, each of which is characterized by certain requirements.

Below will be given the features characteristic of each category.

Characteristics of the 2nd category

An employee is obliged to observe the following activities: heat substances, check the cleanliness and sterility of containers, prepare sealing, take samples, weigh products, engage in loading and unloading operations. There may be some other, small types of activity.

Characteristics of the 3rd category

Sealing of containers, draining of reagents and harmful substances from containers, maintenance of equipment (no more than 40 thousand tons per year), storage of products, determination of the weight of containers, temperature measurement. This also includes the preparation of tanks and other equipment for repair work, as well as the preparation of documents for unloading / unloading. Other activities are also possible.

Characteristic of the 4th and 5th digits

Features of the 4th category

Work with equipment sales from 40 to 100 thousand tons per year. Maintenance of various kinds of work sites - with the sale of up to 5 thousand tons per day (this includes berths, overpasses, loading points, etc.).

Preparation of certain solutions, control of sampling. Supervising the serviceability of inventory, heating substances. Keeping records of work in parks. All presented features are basic. There are many other functions for workers of the 4th category.

Features of the 5th grade

Maintenance of equipment with sales of over 100 thousand tons per year. Maintenance of parks with sales up to 10 thousand tons per day. Carrying out operations related to delivery, shipment and registration of settlements with transport companies... Financial control over the railway. A guide to pouring and draining. The specialist of the 5th category may also be affected by some other, less important duties.

Characteristic of the 6th and 7th digits

Requirements for employees of the 6th category

Management of all works. Maintenance of equipment with sales of over 100 thousand tons per year. Maintenance of parks, flyovers, factories, berths, etc., with the sale of over 10 thousand tons per day. Guidance over workers who are engaged in the automatic loading and unloading system. Control over the quality of oil products, over their safety. Working with a computing center - preparing information for it. The guidance of the activities of all operators is ranked below. Some other functions may be inherent as well.

Requirements for workers of the 7th category

A commodity operator of the last category is obliged to manage activities related to the receipt, storage and release of oil products, sales of over 130 thousand tons per year. Management should also be exercised over the working areas: overpasses, berths, unloading and loading points, factories, etc. Moreover, these areas can be sold in excess of 16 thousand tons per day. It is also necessary to service containers, the volume of which may exceed 20 thousand tons. The operator of the 7th category supervises the acceptance and delivery of products. It is also necessary to maintain constant communication with the dispatcher of the oil base, with the computing center and with other points. A representative of the 7th category specialty can be endowed with many other functions and duties.

Advantages and disadvantages of the profession

Like any other profession, the work of a commodity operator has a number of advantages and disadvantages.

The profession in question has the following advantages:

  • High Of course, it all depends on the discharge. However, the income of commodity operators is really high: from 20 to 75 thousand rubles.
  • The ability to climb career ladder... If you set a clear goal for yourself and start working actively, you can grow professionally pretty soon. In the profession of a commodity operator, there is every chance for this.
  • Education. Do not underestimate the demand for such a profession as "commodity operator". Training is one of the benefits of this job. It is not at all necessary to graduate from university to take workplace at least for the second category. It will be enough to graduate from any technical college in the specialty available for work. A complete list of specialties suitable for the profession in question can be easily found on the Internet. But it's worth calling educational institution, specially preparing commodity operators: this is the Leninogorsk Polytechnic College.

Among the disadvantages of the profession, one can single out excessively high responsibility for any actions. Some enterprises have and harmful conditions labor.

The importance of the profession in question

The commodity operator is one of the most important professions in the state. After all, it is oil that provides the economy of the Russian Federation to the greatest extent. In fact, representatives of the profession in question are the economic pillar of the state, its foundation.

Those young people who are still only thinking about their future should take note of such a profession as "commodity operator". There are enough vacancies in this specialty today.

In conclusion, it should be said that the profession of a commodity operator can definitely be called prestigious. This is a hard and demanding job, but highly paid and interesting.

Unified tariff and qualification reference book of jobs and professions of workers (ETKS), 2019
Part No. 1 of issue No. 36 ETKS
The issue was approved by the Decree of the USSR State Committee for Labor and social issues and the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions dated June 7, 1984 N 171 / 10-109
(as amended by the Resolutions of the State Committee for Labor of the USSR, the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of 03.02.1988 N 51 / 3-69, of 14.08.1990 N 325 / 15-27, the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of 21.11.1994 N 70, of 31.07.1995 N 43)

Commodity operator

Section 33. Commodity operator of the 2nd category

Description of works... Measurement of oil products in tanks, cisterns, on oil vessels. Sample selection. Pumping out or draining from tanks and reservoirs of water and dirt. Weighing of tank trucks, containerized oil products, gas cylinders. Preparation of fillings. Filling. Suspension of passports. Delivery of oil filters to consumers and reception of waste oils from them. Checking the technical condition and cleanliness of consumer containers, its clogging. Heating of oil products. Loading and unloading operations with containerized oil products and other liquid products.

Must know: the purpose of tanks, measuring tanks, their full capacity and per unit height; sampling rules; elementary information about the properties of oil, oil products and gas; unloading and filling technology; methods of sealing tanks, cisterns, oil ships; methods of heating oil products; device of measuring instruments, measuring instruments and devices; the appointment of various oil filters; characteristics of used oils; storage rules for containerized petroleum products; methods of cleaning tanks, reservoirs, racks, containers from oil residues, oil products and mud; regulations technical operation serviced equipment; the main causes of losses and spoilage of oil, oil products and reagents during storage and pumping and methods of their prevention; norms of natural losses, the procedure for drawing up documents for the receipt and delivery of oil and oil products.

Section 34. Commercial operator of the 3rd category

Description of works... Maintenance of equipment for a distribution tank farm: with an annual volume of sales of petroleum products up to 10 thousand tons and management of all works; with an annual sales volume of oil products over 10 to 40 thousand tons. Reception and placement, pumping, supply and storage of oil, oil products, liquefied gases, trap product, reagents and other products. Switching valves at the direction of a more qualified operator. Preparation of tanks, racks, risers, berths and pipelines for receiving, dispensing and storing oil, oil products, reagents, liquefied gases and other products. Definition specific gravity oil, oil products and other liquid products in tanks, cisterns and other containers. Determination of temperature, content of mechanical impurities and water. Collection of oil and oil products from oil traps, pumping them into measuring tanks. Pumping water and dirt from tanks. Determination of the specific gravity of oil, oil products and other liquid products in tanks. Determination of the volume of liquid products in tanks using calibration tables. Participation in the measurement of tanks, containers. Sealing of tanks. Preparation of tanks, pipelines, unloading equipment and other equipment for repair. Draining alkali, acid and other reagents from tanks. Maintaining alkalization of liquefied gas, adjusting the gas supply, filling cylinders and tanks at gas filling stations and compressed gas filling installations. Crushing, sorting and sealing of catalysts. Service of oil traps. Torch ignition and extinguishing. Gas condensate purification. Pumping of solvents and fuels in the production of ozokerite. Weighing and stacking of ozokerite by grade. Maintaining documentation for accepted and delivered products.

Must know: control and communication units of the serviced area; types of pumps, their performance, normal and permissible pressure; rules for pumping hot, viscous and paraffinic oil products and gases; technical specifications for ozokerite and solvents; rules for the operation of pipelines; physical and Chemical properties oil, oil products, reagents and gas; the main reasons for the loss of oil products and reagents during storage, pumping and methods to prevent these losses; design and purpose of sampling valves, safety and breathing valves, measuring devices, crackers, oil seals, compensators; the procedure for preparing communications for the sequential pumping of oil, oil products and reagents; methods of ignition and extinguishing of torches; methods of carrying out the simplest analyzes; methods for determining the weight of oil and oil products in tanks and oil vessels and measuring tanks; rules and established terms for loading and unloading railway tanks, oil ships and the completeness of their discharge, loading and unloading of wagons and oil ships in accordance with the charter and contracts with the railway and shipping company; operating conditions of access roads and berths; the basics of plumbing.

Section 35. Commercial operator of the 4th category

Description of works... Maintenance of equipment for a distribution tank farm: with an annual sales volume of petroleum products over 10 to 40 thousand tons and management of all works; with an annual volume of sales of petroleum products over 40 to 100 thousand tons. Maintenance of commodity and tank farms, railway and auto-loading racks, berths, loading points, main oil product pipelines, transshipment tank farms and loading points of oil refineries with a cargo turnover, volume of pumping or loading of oil and oil products up to 5000 tons per day. Maintenance of liquefied gas parks with a capacity of up to 500 tons. Maintenance of ethyl mixing plants, oil traps, flare facilities, high and low pressure gas and oil product pipelines, gas holders, loading and unloading racks and berths. Preparation of alkali and acid solutions of the required concentration. Conducting the process of purification of industrial wastewater, separation of the captured oil product. Control over sampling and pumping mode. Maintenance of all transfers carried out per shift in the serviced economy. Ensuring the safety of oil, oil products, gas and reagents. Monitoring the heating of tanks, the condition of product and steam lines on the territory of serviced parks, overpasses, oil traps. Arrangement of tanks along the loading and unloading front and wagons along the loading and unloading front. Keeping records and operational reporting on the operation of the freight fleet, drawing up documentation for all operations for pumping, receiving and delivering products, for accepting empty wagons. Registration of acts for simple tanks. Monitoring the serviceability of the serviced inventory and equipment. Management of the work of pouring-pouring operators.

Must know: state standards or interdepartmental conditions for the quality of all products stored in the serviced park; the procedure for conducting targeted blending of petroleum products; conditions and rules for the carriage of goods by rail and water; terms of contracts with the railway for the operation of the plant's access roads; rules and terms of unloading and loading of tanks, ships, loading and unloading of wagons; standards for the quality of sent and received oil products and dry cargo ships; plumbing.

Section 36. Commodity operator of the 5th category

Description of works... Maintenance of equipment for a distribution tank farm with an annual sales volume of oil products over 40 to 100 thousand tons and management of all operations with an annual sales volume of oil products over 100 thousand tons. oil depots and filling stations of oil refineries with a cargo turnover, volume of pumping or loading of oil and oil products over 5,000 to 10,000 tons per day. Maintenance of liquefied gas parks with a volume of more than 500 tons. Maintenance of parks with high-quality oil products and complex system communications, compounding of petroleum products for the preparation of commercial products, ethylation of gasoline, the addition of additives and inhibitors. Conducting operations for delivery, shipment and settlement of accounts with transport organizations, conducting financial settlements with the railway. Management of the work of pouring-pouring operators.

Must know: state standards for the quality of all products stored in the park; the procedure for preparing tanks for filling it with a product of a higher quality; rules for acceptance and delivery of petroleum products and liquefied gases; conditions for regulating cargo flows through the supply and discharge pipelines; rules for financial settlements with the railway.

Section 37. Commercial operator of the 6th category

Description of works... Maintenance of equipment for a distribution tank farm with an annual sales volume of more than 100 thousand tons of petroleum products and management of all works. Maintenance of commodity and tank farms, railway and automobile racks, berths, loading points of main oil product pipelines of oil refineries, transshipment oil depots with a cargo turnover, the volume of pumping or loading of oil and oil products over 10,000 tons per day and management of all work. Maintenance of tank farms with remote control systems and telemechanics systems. Management and supervision over the operation of the automatic system for loading oil products into tank trucks. Ensuring the quantitative and qualitative safety of petroleum products. Taking the necessary measures to reduce the loss of petroleum products. Conducting accelerated physical and chemical analyzes of oils. Improving the performance of oils by adding additives and mixing. Monitoring the health of structures, equipment and inventory. Preparation of coded information for the computing center. Management of the work of operators of lower qualifications.

Must know: charters and contracts with the railway and shipping company on the terms and procedure for loading and unloading tanks, open-top wagons, bunkers and oil ships, loading and unloading cars and oil ships; physicochemical properties of petroleum products and their areas of application; signs of aging of oils, methods of their stabilization and mixing; standards for the quality of received, sent and released petroleum products; apparatus device remote control and telemechanics, their adjustment and adjustment; device of electronic invoice machines.

Section 37a. Commercial operator of the 7th category

(introduced by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of November 21, 1994 N 70)

Description of works... Management of work and maintenance of the technological process for the reception, storage and release of petroleum products at oil depots that supply (sell) petroleum products with a potential annual supply (sale) capacity of over 130 thousand tons. and automobile racks, berths, filling stations, main oil product pipelines, transshipment oil depots with a cargo turnover, the volume of pumping or loading of oil and oil products in excess of 16,000 tons per day. Maintenance of tank farms with tanks with a capacity of over 20,000 cubic meters, underground tanks for storing petroleum products. Reception of filled reservoirs from main oil and product pipelines and delivery of reservoirs for injection. Maintaining communication with the dispatcher of the oil depot, with the oil products unloading and loading shop, laboratory, operators of other tank farms, oil and product pipelines, and a computing center.

Must know: technological process of receiving, storing, dispensing and pumping oil and oil products; design and methods of operation of tanks for storing oil and oil products, including underground tanks; rules for interaction of filling points, oil depots, main oil product pipelines, rail and water transport; standards, regulatory documents for the quality, storage and pumping of oil and oil products.

This labor protection manual has been developed specifically for the operator of a commodity


1.1. Persons over 18 years of age who have passed:
- preliminary medical examination and no contraindications to work;
- introductory briefing on labor protection;
- firefighting instruction;
- initial briefing on labor protection at the workplace;
- training in safe techniques and methods of work;
- checking knowledge of labor protection requirements, fire safety, as well as practical skills of safe work, prevention, localization and elimination emergency situations and fires.
1.2. During labor activity the commodity operator is obliged to pass:
- periodic medical examinations at least once a year;
- repeated briefings at the workplace (once a quarter) on labor safety, industrial sanitation and fire safety, as well as, if necessary, unscheduled and targeted briefings;
- study of the emergency response plan, emergency and fire fighting drills to work out this plan;
- regular testing of knowledge in the field of labor protection, industrial, environmental, fire safety at least once a year in the amount of requirements of instructions for the types of work included in his duties.
1.3. In order to prevent accidents, industrial accidents, occupational diseases, the commodity operator needs to know the classification of hazardous areas and their designations, the semantic meaning of warning signs, light and sound alarms operating on the territory of the tank farm and the railway overpass.
1.4. The following hazardous and harmful production factors may affect the operator of the commodity in the process of work:
- toxicity of petroleum products;
- increased or decreased air temperature of the working area;
- increased air mobility in the working area;
- work at height;
- insufficient illumination of the working area;
- physical and emotional stress;
- increased level of static electricity;
- moving machines and mechanisms;
- non-ionizing radiation (when working with personal electronic computers);
- criminal actions of third parties;
- movable container;
- the impact of moving, flying away, rotating objects and parts;
- electric shock;
- high temperatures and pressures in steam pipelines (when heating high-viscosity oil products, steaming tanks);
- increased (decreased) surface temperature of the equipment;
- moving railway rolling stock;
- increased noise level at the workplace;
- increased dust and gas content in the working area;
- sharp edges, burrs on the surfaces of tanks, means of fastening and fastening devices for tanks, locking and sealing devices.
1.5. Under the influence of these factors, under certain conditions (violation by an employee of technological regulations, non-compliance with safety requirements, personal negligence), a commodity operator can receive:
- injuries;
- burns;
- poisoning with vapors of petroleum products;
- injury when falling from a height;
- electric shock;
- skin disease under the influence of petroleum products.
1.6. The commodity operator is obliged to know the techniques and methods of providing first aid to victims in accidents and be able to apply them in practice.
1.7. The commodity operator is obliged to observe the mode of work and rest, the Rules internal regulations, rules of industrial sanitation and personal hygiene.
1.8. The commodity operator must be provided with and use special clothing, special shoes and other personal protective equipment during work, in accordance with the Model Norms of Free Issue special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment for oil industry workers employed in work with harmful and (or) hazardous working conditions, as well as in work performed in special temperature conditions or associated with pollution ", approved. by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development dated 09.12.2009. No. 9 70n .:
- a suit for protection against oil and oil products made of mixed fabrics or a suit made of fire-resistant fabrics based on a mixture of meta- and para-amide fibers;
- leather boots with a hard toe cap;
- gloves with polymer coating;
- rubber gloves;
- mask or half mask with replaceable filters;
- signal vest;
- headdress;
- T-shirt;
- underwear;
- raincoat for protection from water;
- helmet;
- helmet liner;
- safety belt;
In winter, additionally:
- a suit for protection against oil and oil products from mixed fabrics on an insulating pad or from fire-resistant fabrics based on a mixture of meta- and para-amide fibers on an insulating pad;
- insulated leather boots with a hard toe cap;
- gloves with a polymer coating, oil and frost resistant;
- woolen gloves (inserts);
- hat with ear flaps.
1.9. The commodity operator is obliged:
- know the rules for the use of personal protective equipment issued to him for personal use, as well as those that are available at serviced facilities and are used as duty officers or in emergency situations;
- know the simplest ways to check the serviceability of these tools;
- know the places and rules for their storage;
- comply with the requirements for the use of personal protective equipment established by instructions for specific types of work.
1.10. The commodity operator is prohibited from:
- wash work clothes with flammable liquids (kerosene, gasoline, etc.);
- dry and store oil-contaminated clothing and footwear in production and sanitary facilities;
- to service rotating and moving parts of the equipment, to carry out other work in long-length clothing, scarves, scarves with hanging ends;
- to work in clothes drenched with flammable substances.
1.11. Fire safety requirements
The commodity operator is obliged:
- know and comply with the requirements of the instructions on fire safety measures and administrative documents establishing a fire regime at the oil depot;
- carry out all fire-prevention measures provided for by the instructions for the type of work and technological regulations;
- know the purpose and location of fire equipment, primary fire extinguishing equipment, stationary fire detection, extinguishing and warning devices in the tank farm and railway overpass and be able to use them;
- know all the possible causes of emergencies and fire hazardous situations, scenarios for their development and the procedure for their actions, established by the emergency response plan (LAS).
1.12. In order to ensure explosion and fire safety, it is prohibited:
- operation of reservoirs with sediment, lack of tightness, with faulty shut-off valves, as well as with sunken or faulty pontoons;
- entry into the territory of the tank farm of cars, tractors and other vehicles not equipped with spark arresters;
- smoking and the use of open sources of fire (matches, torches, candles, etc.).
1.13. Smoking is allowed only in specially equipped areas of the tank farm, marked with an appropriate sign or sign "Smoking area".
1.14. It is allowed to warm up frozen pipelines and fittings only with steam or hot water.
1.15. When working in the dark for local lighting only battery flashlights in explosion-proof design should be used, the switching on and off of which is carried out outside the explosive zones (behind the embankment of the tank farm).
1.16. Before using the rechargeable flashlight, make sure that it has an explosion protection mark, a seal and all necessary parts provided by the design.
1.17. In the event of a lamp breakdown during operation, it is prohibited to search for and eliminate malfunctions within the explosive zone.
1.18. It is allowed to heat viscous and solidified oil products in tanks when the liquid level above the heater is at least 0.5 m.
1.19. It is forbidden to leave uncleaned oil spills on the territory of the tank farm and railway overpasses. They must be cleaned up immediately, and the spill sites must be cleaned up and covered with sand.
1.20. Used wiping material and sand impregnated with oil products, the soil must be put in special metal boxes with tight-fitting lids.
1.21. It is prohibited:
- to carry out during a thunderstorm drainage of tanks and other devices, unloading operations, level measurement and manual sampling, as well as leave open gauge hatches of tanks, railway tanks and other containers with oil products;
- obstruct entrances and approaches to fire extinguishing, communication and signaling equipment;
- damage and reduce the height of the embankment;
- use fire-fighting equipment for other purposes;
- work in shoes with steel nails or horseshoes.
1.22. Accident notification procedure
In the event of an industrial accident, his eyewitness (if possible, the victim himself) must immediately inform his immediate supervisor or the management of the tank farm and, if necessary, call an ambulance by phone 103.
1.23. If possible, the location of the accident should be retained unchanged until the investigation is started, if this does not threaten the life and health of workers and does not lead to an accident.
1.24. Before arrival medical professionals it is necessary to provide the victim with first aid, having previously eliminated the factors of injury (in case of gas poisoning, take the victim out into the fresh air, when the worker catches on fire, extinguish it using a felt mat, in case of electric shock, release it from its action, etc.). At the same time, you should ensure your safety: in case of gas contamination of the scene, wear a gas mask, in case of electric shock, protect yourself from its effects: do not touch the victim's body, which is under voltage, with unprotected hands (use dielectric gloves or non-conductive objects, drag by clothing ).
1.25. Personal hygiene rules
1.26. Overalls must be kept clean and in good working order. It is prohibited to leave overalls and safety footwear in the production area. Overalls and work footwear should be stored in a special metal locker separately from personal clothing.
1.27. It is prohibited to store and eat food in production areas. Eating is allowed in a room specially designated for this purpose.
1.28. Before eating, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. Do not use flammable liquids to wash your hands.
1.29. For violation of the requirements of this instruction, the commodity operator bears disciplinary, material and criminal liability in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.


2.1. Before starting work, the commodity operator must:
- inspect, check serviceability and put on overalls, safety footwear,
- check the serviceability of the tool, inventory, devices, as well as personal protective equipment used during work;
- when entering the railway tracks, it is necessary to wear a signal vest, which must be worn over clothing and fully buttoned;
- get acquainted with the results of the operator's work of the previous shift and get information from him about deviations in the technological process or malfunctions in the service area.
2.2. When accepting a shift, the operator must check:
technical condition, availability of grounding of serviced tanks, equipment (loading risers, pumping equipment, vapor removal systems), pipelines, fittings;
- operation of automation and signaling equipment; lighting condition;
- availability of fire-fighting equipment, operation of communication facilities, staffing of a first-aid kit;
- the presence of instructions, diagrams, posters and safety signs at the workplace;
- condition of fences, stairs and their fastening.
2.3. In winter, you should additionally check the operability (permeability) of pipelines, fittings, drainage devices of tanks.
2.4. If frozen sections of the pipeline, fittings are found, they should be warmed up by workers who hand over the shift.
2.5. The noticed shortcomings must be reported to the immediate supervisor (the senior on the shift) and get permission from him to accept the shift or other instructions.


3.1. The commodity operator must perform only the work that is included in his direct responsibilities, in accordance with employment contract, or entrusted to him by the work supervisor.
3.2. A commodity operator should not start performing assigned one-time work, not related to direct duties in the profession, without receiving targeted instruction, drawn up in the prescribed manner.
3.3. Work at height (for example: maintenance of equipment on the roof of the tank), as well as work using hose gas masks (in wells, containers, apparatus and other gas-polluted places) should be carried out using a safety belt.
3.4. It is forbidden to be on the territory of the tank farm and at the workplace in a state of alcoholic, narcotic, toxic intoxication.
3.5. When moving around the territory and premises of the tank farm, use the established passages and passages. Move around the territory of the oil depot along sidewalks, pedestrian paths, and where there are none - on the left side of the carriageway (towards moving vehicles). Pass through the embankments of tanks, trays, pipelines only in established places equipped with transition bridges.
3.6. Do not touch moving mechanisms and their parts, do not touch live parts, electrical wires (even insulated), cables, tires, terminals, lighting holders.
3.7. Places of possible release of gases and vapors of oil products (open hatch of the tank when fuel is drained into it, a trench where communications are being repaired, etc.) should be bypassed from the windward side.
3.8. It is prohibited:
- to be under the lifted load and on the way of its movement;
- stand and walk under scaffolding decks or in places where objects may fall;
- step on the hatch covers;
- walk along pipelines, trays;
3.9. All work included in the direct responsibilities of the commodity operator must be performed by him in accordance with the requirements:
- technological regulations and technological schemes;
- instructions for the technical operation of tanks, pumps, unloading racks and equipment, valves, instruments, safety devices;
- instructions on labor protection by profession and types of work performed;
- emergency response plan (LAS);
- other local normative documents according to the approved list of mandatory instructions.
3.10. When participating in the performance of work of increased danger: work in containers, wells, hot, gas hazardous work - the commodity operator must be guided by instructions on labor protection when these works.
3.11. When working on a computer (PC), observe the requirements of the labor protection instructions for PC users.
3.12. Maintenance of the territory of the tank farm
3.13. The territory of the tank farm must be cleared of debris and foreign objects in a timely manner. In summer, the grass must be mowed and transported raw.
3.14. In areas where the accumulation of explosive gases and vapors of petroleum products is possible, warning signs should be installed.
3.15. The presence of pits, pits, ditches inside the embankment of the tank farm is not allowed. If this is due to technical necessity, fences of these places with warning signs should be installed, and at the end of the work - fill up all the depressions, plan the site.
3.16. For the transportation of heavy equipment, materials to tanks during repair work, it is allowed to arrange transfers through the embankment with soil filling.
3.17. It is not allowed to stay on the territory of the tank farm of persons who are not related to its maintenance.
3.18. Tank maintenance
3.19. During the shift, the commodity operator is obliged to ensure the tightness of the entire tank farm, installations and pipeline communications in the serviced area. To this end:
- check the presence of gaskets in all flange connections and their tightness with bolts;
- monitor the state of the installed equipment (check the performance of the breathing valves, the presence of liquid in the safety valves);
- take timely measures to eliminate the causes of detected leaks.
3.20. The commodity operator should know that tightness in the system of transportation and storage of oil products is one of the most important conditions not only for reducing losses of oil products, but also, at the same time, for creating a favorable sanitary state of the service area.
3.21. The performance of the breathing and safety valves is checked according to the approved schedule and in accordance with the technological regulations.
3.22. Inspection of tanks and tank equipment should be carried out in order established by the instruction for technical operation.
3.23. During the operation of tanks with pontoons, the pontoons should also be inspected. In the upper position, the pontoon is examined through a skylight, in the lower position - through a manhole in the second belt of the tank. Moving on a pontoon made of polyurethane foam for its inspection or repair is allowed only on ladders. It is forbidden to navigate the pontoon when it is floating.
3.24. During operation, there should be no sinking of the pontoon or damage to its structural elements, as well as technological elements and devices located on the bottom and wall of the tank when filling and emptying the tank.
3.25. The pontoon must be in contact with the product in order to exclude the presence of a vapor-air mixture under it.
3.26. Pontoon tanks must be operated without internal pressure and vacuum. The design of the pontoon should ensure its operability over the entire height of the tank without distortions. At the first filling of the tank with the pontoon with oil, it is necessary to fill it to a level that ensures the separation of the pontoon from the support posts, and keep it in this position for 24 hours, inspect the pontoon and make sure it is tight. Then put the tank into operation.
3.27. It is forbidden to take the oil product into the tank with a pontoon if there is air in the technological or main pipelines after the repair work.
3.28. When working on the roof of the tank, it is necessary to move only on the platforms. It is prohibited to walk directly on the roof of the tank.
3.29. Ladders and railings must be kept clean, cleaned of dirt, snow, ice in compliance with safety requirements when working at height.
3.30. It is not allowed to wipe stairs and railings with oiled rags.
3.31. All open drainage trays, ditches must be periodically cleaned of debris and dirt.
3.32. The valves should be opened and closed smoothly, without jerking.
3.33. The commodity operator must monitor the health of the sewerage system, traps and ventilation devices in them.
3.34. It is prohibited:
- tap a tank filled with oil product with a hammer or other similar tool;
- throw a lot, tape measure, tools and other items from the roof of the tank;
- clog the place of work with oiled cleaning material (rags, rags).
3.35. If a malfunction is found in the equipment of the tanks, the commodity operator must inform the immediate supervisor and make an entry in the shift (rotational) logbook. The commodity operator is not allowed to perform any troubleshooting work on his own.
3.36. Filling (emptying) tanks
3.37. Before filling (emptying) the tank, the commodity operator is obliged to check:
- the work of the breathing valves;
- correct opening and closing of valves;
- the patency of pipelines.
3.38. The capacity of filling (emptying) the tank should not exceed the total throughput breathing valves (or ventilation pipes) installed on it.
3.39. The tank is filled under the oil product layer. The supply of oil products by a falling (open) jet is not allowed.
3.40. During the filling of the tank, the commodity operator must monitor the level of the oil product (in order to avoid overflow) and other parameters (pressure, flow rate, etc.), preventing their values ​​from deviating from those provided for by the technological regulations.
3.41. It is allowed to turn off the existing tank during pumping of oil product only after another tank is introduced into the pumping.
3.42. Sampling and measurement of oil product level
3.43. Sampling is carried out using stationary and portable samplers in accordance with the technological regulations and instructions for their technical operation.
3.44. Locking devices of stationary samplers should ensure duplication of each other and complete prevention of product leakage, as well as have a lockable and sealable hinged casing and a visor over the cap.
3.45. The design of a stationary sampler should provide for the possibility of checking its operability without dismantling and emptying the tank from the product. Sampling and level measurement should be performed in the presence of an observer.
3.46. Before taking a sample, you must:
- make sure that the copper grounding cable is present and intact; connect the copper grounding wire to the grounding device (for a portable sampler);
- check the serviceability of the sampler.
3.47. When opening the gauge hatch cover of a tank or railway tank car (by the handle or bracket) to take a sample or measure the level of an oil product, be on the windward side of the hatch. In order to avoid poisoning with oil vapors, it is not allowed to look or bend low to the neck of the open hatch (lower than 1 m from the neck).
3.48. It is prohibited to take samples of oil products during filling or emptying of tanks (cisterns). The sample should be taken no earlier than 2 hours after the end of the filling of the reservoir.
3.49. Measurement of the oil product level should be carried out accurately, avoiding hitting by the lot, meter rod or sampler on the edges of the gauge hatch, avoiding friction of the measuring tape or the cable of the sampler on the edge of the hatch. Do not wipe the tape measure with a woolen or silk rag. For this purpose, it is allowed to use only cotton rags.
3.50. After sampling and measuring the level of the oil product, the hatch cover should close smoothly, without falling and hitting it on the neck of the hatch.
3.51. If an oil product is spilled on the roof of a tank or on a railway tank during sampling or level measurement, the spill site must be cleaned up and wiped dry. It is not allowed to leave rags, tow, foreign objects, uncleaned oil spills on the roof of the tank (cistern).
3.52. Samples of petroleum products should be carried in special fabric bags worn over the shoulder.
3.53. When sampling and measuring the level, it is necessary to pay attention to the serviceability of the hatches and equipment of the tank (cistern). Any faults noticed should be reported to the shift supervisor and not started until they are eliminated.
3.54. Work on a railway loading and unloading rack
Shunting work on the railway tracks of the overpass must be carried out under the supervision and personal control of a responsible employee of the oil depot.
3.55. Operations for loading and unloading railway tanks (hereinafter referred to as the tank) must be performed by at least two employees. The work is supervised by a senior on shift, who is prohibited from absenting during loading and unloading operations. Arrangement of tanks for unloading and loading operations of oil products is carried out in accordance with the established requirements.
3.56. At the end of the installation of tanks for loading and unloading, they must be coupled and secured with brake shoes (made of intrinsically safe metal) on both sides. It is prohibited to use steel shoes and any random objects for this.
3.57. Before starting the discharge of the oil product from the tank, the commodity operator is obliged to:
- familiarize yourself with the entries in the shift (rotational) journal;
- check the serviceability of communication facilities, unloading equipment;
- check the completeness of the primary fire extinguishing equipment and their serviceability;
- make sure that there is grounding: the loading / unloading rack, rack equipment, rails, cisterns, pipelines, hoses (if any);
- check the technical condition of the tank, its fittings, safety devices;
- ground the tanker boiler to the ground loop of the railway overpass;
- measure the level of the oil product;
- close the storm drain cracker and open the emergency tank cracker (if any) or make sure the emergency drain trays are working properly (if any).
3.58. Before loading and unloading operations, an external inspection of the bottom drain devices should be carried out.
3.59. Unloading and loading operations from the tank are prohibited in the following cases:
- the period of factory and depot repairs of the running gear has expired;
- the terms of preventive or scheduled repairs of fittings, technical examination or hydraulic testing of the tank boiler have expired;
- missing or faulty safety, shut-off valves or instrumentation;
- there are no established stamps, inscriptions and stencils are unclear;
- the cylindrical part of the boiler or the bottom is damaged (cracks, dents, noticeable changes in shape, etc.);
- ladders, platforms, handrails, hatch covers (no rubber gasket, eyelets for sealing), drain devices are faulty;
- there is no mark of technical inspection of the tank.
3.60. All identified deficiencies (malfunctions) are documented, and the tank is returned to the station of departure.
3.61. The commodity operator must monitor the loading and unloading process, avoiding leaks. If a product leak is found, the operation should be stopped, the product should be drained and measures should be taken to identify and eliminate the malfunction. For lighting, it is allowed to use portable lamps with a voltage of no more than 12 V in an explosion-proof design, which are switched on and off outside the hazardous area.
3.62. It is forbidden to tighten and unscrew the threaded and flange connections of the tank and communications under pressure, as well as to use an impact tool when screwing and unscrewing the nuts.
3.63. It is prohibited to carry out loading and unloading operations, taking samples and measuring the level of oil products during a thunderstorm.
3.64. Manhole covers, lower drain devices of tanks must be opened and closed, avoiding blows that can cause sparking, and after unloading operations and measuring the level of oil, they must be hermetically closed.
3.65. Crossing the railway tracks should only be at right angles, without stepping on the rail head, after making sure that there is no train moving at a dangerous distance.
3.66. The freight operator must be familiar with the plan and methods for the safe implementation of the forthcoming shunting work, the head of which is the trainer of the railway station. The train builder is obliged to ensure the correct placement and coordination of the actions of all workers involved in the maneuvers, as well as to ensure the safety of the movement of tanks on the territory of the railway overpass of the oil depot and the personal safety of workers.
3.67. The freight operator must be extremely careful in the places of movement of tanks and transport and comply with the requirements of safety signs, visible and sound signals.
3.68. The commodity operator must ensure that the sanitary condition railway track.
3.69. The commodity operator is prohibited from:
- to cross or cross the railway tracks in front of moving tanks;
- to stand or sit on the rails;
- crawl under the cisterns;
- when crossing railway tracks, step on the railheads and the ends of the sleepers;
- sit on the steps of the cisterns, stand and get off them while moving;
- lean against standing tanks;
- walk inside the track and along the ends of the sleepers;
- to leave tools, devices and materials on the railway tracks.
- be on the territory of the railway overpass in the places marked with the sign "Oversized place" and also near these places when the tanks are moving. When making maneuvers, the commodity operator is prohibited from driving on the roof, the ladder of the tanker and other parts of it.
3.70. The fastening of tanks on the railway tracks is carried out after their complete stop using brake shoes. When securing tank wagons, grip the brake shoes only by the handle.
3.71. It is prohibited to install brake shoes directly in front of the rail joint and at the rail joint; under the moving tanks.
3.72. It is forbidden to operate brake shoes with a burst head, with a bent and warped sole, with a burst (broken, flattened, bent) toe of the sole, with a loose head with a sole, with or without a bent (broken) grip, with damaged or significantly worn sides of the sole ...
3.73. The withdrawal of the railway tank from the tank farm tracks should be carried out after the completion of the unloading operations, the closing of the tank hatch, the preparation of the necessary documentation, a thorough examination and approval in the prescribed manner.
3.74. Work on racks for loading tankers
3.75. The commodity operator is obliged to know the technological scheme of the overpass, the location of the loading devices, the grade of oil products passing through them, and be able to accurately connect tank trucks to them.
3.76. Before starting loading, the commodity operator must check the compliance of the tanker with the requirements for them:
- mufflers must be equipped with spark arresters,
- the presence of fire extinguishers, felt mat, sandboxes with dry sand and a shovel,
- the presence of a grounding circuit with a ground contact area of ​​100-200mm,
3.77. Before starting loading, the tanker must be connected to the grounding circuit of the loading rack. It is forbidden to fill a tanker truck without connecting the overpass to the grounding device.
3.78. The freight operator, together with the driver, must monitor the process of filling the oil product into the tanker truck.
3.79. The filling should be done with the vehicle engine off.
3.80. If the overflow of oil product is allowed, then starting the engine is prohibited. In this case, the tanker must be towed to a safe distance using a rope or bar. Spilled product should be removed immediately, cleaned up and covered with sand.
3.81. At the end of the loading, the filling devices (filling sleeves) are removed from the neck of the tanker truck after the oil product has been completely drained from them, avoiding impacts on the neck of the tanker truck. When using unloading hoses, they must be equipped with tips made of materials that do not cause sparks in case of a possible impact on the neck of the tank.
3.82. With an automatic filling system, the operator of the commodity should be guided by the operating instructions for this system.
3.83. Repair of tank trucks on the loading rack is prohibited.
3.84. Winter work
3.85. The commodity operator must know the places of possible freezing of pipelines, fittings, apparatus and control their permeability.
3.86. If moisture freezes in the pipeline, it is necessary to establish the approximate limits of possible damage and disconnect the pipeline from common system.
3.87. In winter, the territory of the tank farm, railway overpass, entrances to them should be cleared of snow and ice, and the paths in places where people pass should be sprinkled with sand.
3.88. Cleaning of snow, ice and icicles from metal hatches of wells, stairs and tank roofs is allowed only with wooden shovels.
3.89. Safety requirements for the operation of electrically operated valves
When using electric drives, it must be taken into account that a certain part of the drive is energized. Maintenance of electrical wires of valves must be carried out in accordance with electrical requirements.
3.90. Transfer to manual control should be carried out only with the completely stopped electric motor. It is prohibited to switch to the manual position of the drive control while the engine is running.
3.91. To transfer to manual control of the electric drive, you must:
- slowly turning the flywheel to the left or to the right, turn the shift lever in the center of the flywheel by about 85˚ until manual control is activated;
- lower the shift lever (spring will return it to its original position).
3.92. Manual control will remain on until the motor is turned on. This will be followed by automatic switching to operation from the electric motor.


4.1. The following emergencies may occur in the tank farm:
- overflow of oil products when filling tanks, railway and road tanks;
- vacuum collapse of the tank body when pumping oil;
- the appearance of cracks in the seams or metal of the tank body;
- ignition, fire, explosion;
- corrosive wear of equipment (tanks, pipelines);
- depressurization of pipelines;
- malfunction in the electrical network and electrical equipment.
4.2. On a railway overpass, the following emergency situations are possible: spontaneous movement of cars along the tracks, derailment of rolling stock, leakage of oil products, damage to cars that can lead to fire, explosion, poisoning.
4.3. A commodity operator who has noticed the danger of an accident or a situation threatening people must immediately inform the shift supervisor and act in accordance with the emergency response plan (LAS).
4.4. With the appearance of stains, cracks in the seams and in the base metal of the walls or bottom, the existing tank must be immediately released from oil. Welding of cracks and embossing on the tank without bringing it into an explosion-and-fire-safe state is not allowed.
4.5. In the event of an overflow of oil, it is necessary to immediately stop filling the tank, call fire brigade, inform the management of the tank farm and, observing safety measures, proceed to eliminate the accident in accordance with the PLAS.
4.6. In case of vacuum collapse of the tank body in the process of pumping oil product out of it, the pumping should be stopped immediately, reported to the management of the tank farm and act in accordance with the PLAS.
4.7. In the event of a fire or explosion on the territory of a tank farm (railway overpass), it is necessary:
- immediately stop all types of pumping;
- call the fire department by phone 101 and, if necessary, an ambulance by phone 103;
- inform the management of the tank farm;
- take measures to evacuate people outside the danger zone;
- start extinguishing the fire with primary fire extinguishing means.
4.8. If faults are detected in the power grid, electrical equipment that can cause sparking, failure of emergency and fire protection control systems, short circuit, etc., the commodity operator must disconnect the damaged area and inform the shift supervisor (work manager). The commodity operator is prohibited from producing any, even small renovation work with electrical equipment (change of lamps, fuses, cartridges).
4.9. In case of an accident, provide first aid to the victim, call an ambulance by calling 103 or send the victim to a medical facility, inform the immediate supervisor.


5.1. At the end of the work, the commodity operator must:
- inspect and put in order the workplace, the assigned areas of the territory;
- to inspect the territory of the tank farm;
- check the availability and serviceability of fire-fighting equipment and inventory;
- warm up (in winter) the pipelines, if they are found to solidify during the bypass;
- make an entry in the shift log about the faults noticed, about emergency and fire situations, if any, the work performed to eliminate them, as well as about the instructions and orders of the tank farm management.
5.2. It is not allowed to leave the workplace until the shift arrives.
5.3. It is forbidden to hand over a shift to a person who comes to work in a sick state, in a state of alcoholic, drug and other toxic intoxication.
5.4. After the shift has been handed over, the commodity operator must:
- remove, check serviceability and put in order protective equipment, overalls and safety footwear; put the overalls in a special locker;
- wash your face and hands with soap and water or take a shower.
5.5. The commodity operator must inform his immediate supervisor about all noticed malfunctions, violations of industrial safety and labor protection requirements during work.


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