What is the formula for success. Formula of nine: the rules by which successful people live. Formula for success: life option

"Formula for success" for any person, it is a kind of chain of actions aimed at realizing the set goal and achieving the necessary and desired result. Only a purposeful and responsible person is able to clearly define his formula for success, i.e. goal, resources, means and personal capabilities that will lead him to a result called Success.

It is very important that our children, when achieving a result, retain a sense of human dignity, moral perfection, all those values ​​that a person must carry in himself as a highly moral person. And most importantly, they should understand that next to the word “success” there must be such concepts as “happiness”, “love”, “friendship”.

However, today very often completely different values ​​come to the fore among the younger generation - money, connections to a parent, a thoughtless career and much more. There is a stereotype of the following formula for success - get a good education, make a career using all kinds of connections, and you are a Successful person.

It is very painful and alarming for our youth, who are losing the moral basis of life. Our task is to explain to the younger generation that a person becomes successful only when he constantly strives for personal growth, he is not alien to the words "morality", "morality" and he is in harmony with himself and the world around him. And, best of all, when they can independently formulate this correct formula, weighing all the pros and cons, expressing their personal attitude to this problem.

It is necessary to teach children the "formula for success." Then they will notice mistakes in the lives of others, analyze them and try to avoid them in their own lives.


  • Educational: to reveal the content of the concept of "success", to acquaint with the life of outstanding people of our state, to draw up a "formula for success."
  • Developing: development of communication and general intellectual skills and abilities: compare, contrast, find analogies, argue your answer, conduct a dialogue, reflect on actions.
  • Educational: the formation of students' motivation for self-development, personal growth, responsibility through the prism of universal values.

Classroom form: round table.

Students age: 15-16 years old


1. Motivational part:

Music sounds and against its background the words:

- Everyone who wants to realize themselves as a person strives for it.
- It's great when you reached it!
- To achieve it, you definitely need to make a lot of efforts.
- He is compared to the peak of happiness.
- It stands next to the word "luck", and they are often confused.
- You have to believe in him.
- It is on the way to him they say to a person - "The road will be mastered by the one walking."

The music fades.

Leading: Hello guys, today we have a slightly unusual class hour, since we have to talk about a very important stage in a person's life, about that important stage to which everyone who wants to realize themselves as creative person... We have to define this important step, figure out how to achieve it, that is, we will develop a real formula for its achievement. And most importantly, let's try to find out: which of you has reached or is on the way to it.
So, you have now heard the main characteristics of this stage, and I want to hear your suggestions: what will be discussed today? (Success.)

2. Exercise "Associations"

What are the words that you associate with the word "success." (Victory, happiness, luck, achievement.)

And now let's turn to Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary: What is success?

1. Good luck in achieving something.
2. Public recognition.
3. Good results in work, study.

A small, but such weighty and important word is “success”. I suggest you try to "sort" it into shelves, let each letter become a whole word, and the resulting words will show the inner content of the concept of "success":

"Y" - perseverance
"S" - courage
"P" - adherence to principles
"E" - unity
"X" - courage

So what did we do? (We have listed the qualities of a person that will help him achieve success.)

3. What does “successful person” mean from your point of view? Name successful people you know. What do you see as a manifestation of their success?

A video about the activities of successful people is offered:

- pediatric surgeon Leonid Roshal;
- Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu;
- actor, TV presenter Ivan Urgant.


1. Can our heroes be called successful people?
2. What personal qualities did they have to show in reaching the heights of success?
3. What or who helps a person achieve success?
4. How are the concepts of "success" and "respect" combined with each other in general and in relation to these individuals specifically?
5. Where, in your opinion, does the path to success begin?
6. What would you wish our heroes?
7. Give your examples of successful people, in your opinion.

4. Business game

The class is divided into 3 groups, each of which receives a specific task.

Group 1. It is necessary to determine what qualities a successful person should have. A list has been proposed, from which you need to choose at least 5 that characterize a person who is successful in life.
The group representative then writes the qualities onto the board and explains why the group chose those qualities.

Qualities offered:

Five qualities of successful people from the point of view of psychologists:

1. Such people are ambitious.

They see themselves as capable of becoming better. They develop their abilities, not even for a moment doubting the correctness of their decisions.

2. They are brave.

The two biggest enemies of your success are fear and doubt. Eliminating fear and doubt is the key to success.

3. They believe in themselves and their business.

Successful people believe in themselves; they believe in their friends; believe in their work; trust in their customers, etc ..

4. They are professional.

They are professional in any business they do, as they are constantly learning and improving.

5. They are responsible.

They understand the importance of their word, they bring any business to the end. You can rely on them.

Group 2. From the same list of qualities, you need to select those that prevent a person from becoming successful. What often prevents you from becoming successful?

The group representative writes the qualities on the board and explains why the group chose those qualities.

Presentation of possible results of the group's work.

1. Doubt about yourself, the conviction that you can never succeed.
These restrictions are set by a person himself. Sometimes a person resigns himself to the inability to achieve success. In this case, some people surrender earlier,
than give it all, and, in the end, destroy the possibility of success themselves.

2. Premature disappointment. Many try to cultivate but fail. If this happens over and over again, the complex may develop "it's still in vain." Even if the result you are achieving is small, do not give up.

3. Unwillingness for change by others. Each person is connected with many other people who want to keep their investments in this person unchanged: they need a person they know. People often try to hinder the attempts of loved ones to change, questioning them, ridiculing them.

4. Material concern. A person is immersed in the solution of only material problems and completely forgets about the world of creativity and ideas.

Group 3... It is necessary to present the resources that play a large role in the formation of a successful person.

Presentation of possible results of the group's work.

Resources are internal and external. The resources that, first of all, help a person become successful are:

Output: Psychologists say that a successful person is successful in any business. What brings successful people together? As a rule, it is not only a matter of talent and innate ability.
They are distinguished by:

  • activity: they value an active lifestyle, take initiative with pleasure;
  • creativity: they see problem situations as interesting tasks to solve and are not afraid of them;
  • responsibility: ready to take responsibility for their actions and decisions on themselves;
  • confidence: they believe in their strength and strive to show their capabilities to the fullest;
  • communication skills: they know how to competently give feedback, support, ask for help.

5. Development of a formula for success

And now we will try to draw up a "Formula of Success", i.e. to combine into a single whole all the components that will allow a person to achieve success.

1) You must first set in front of yourself a clear goal of your activity.

The most difficult thing is to learn to use the capabilities of your “I” and direct them to achieve success. Psychologists believe that one of the main steps to success in life is setting goals correctly. I want to remind you of an excerpt from Lewis Carroll's book "Alice in Wonderland". Remember Alice's first meeting with the Cheshire Cat?
- Tell me, please, where should I go?
- Where do you want to go? - answered the Cat.
- I don't care ... - said Alice.
- Then it's all the same where to go, - said the Cat.
In this passage, one of the most important principles of life is formulated - the goal determines the direction of movement, the direction of our activity.
Let us remember what it is goal?
The goal is a conscious image of the anticipated result. Unfortunately, many people fail in life because do not have well thought out goals.

2) The path to achieving the goal will be more successful if there are certain resources, both internal and external.

Resources will become a kind of soil on which the seeds of the target will sprout. (Family, friends, money, educational level, etc.).
For example, what does the family give us? Home comfort, understanding, moral support, material support, etc.

3) The next step: you need to choose the right funds.

Means are what and how we will use to achieve the goal. But are all means good for an end? What moral values ​​to choose, what to rely on in life, because the orientation of a person's life and his relationship with people also depend on value orientations.

Students are encouraged to pave the road to the goal with building blocks of moral values.

On the teacher's desk are cards with concepts of moral values.

Classification of moral values:

A) values Everyday life: diligence, punctuality, hard work, thrift, responsibility, love of order;
B) the values ​​of human relations: gratitude, respect, compassion, tolerance;
C) values ​​of the highest sphere of spiritual life: self-expression, self-realization, sensitivity, ability to empathize, compassion, generosity, mercy;
D) religious values: love for one's neighbor, humility, faith, etc.

4) The result of the activity will be - result.

We have come to the end point that will allow us to determine whether a person has achieved success or not, that is, whether the goal has been achieved.

Output: Let's try to formulate our "formula for success":

Formula for success: PURPOSE ––> RESOURCES ––> FUNDS ––> RESULT = SUCCESS

"The formula for my success"

Now, tell us about yourself: which of you considers yourself a successful person how did you achieve success and what are your plans for the future? (Students share their achievements and their "formulas for success").

6. Reflection

We raised very much today important topic: success, successful person, success formula. What conclusions have you come to today? Is it easy to become “successful”? I propose to compose a syncwine with the word "success", which will help you to consolidate today's conversation in your memory.

Attractive, exciting
Reach, strive, work
At the core is a goal
Positive result

7. Lesson summary

You are 15-16 years old, you have everything ahead, including “success”.
Who do you think will be successful?

  • Standing still? "My hut is on the edge"
  • Going straight ahead? "After me, even a flood"
  • The one who stumbles, falls, rises and walks forward?

And in memory of our class hour I would like to present you with a very instructive parable that will make you think about many things.

I asked for strength ... and life gave me difficulties to make me strong.
I asked for wisdom ... and life gave me problems to solve.
I asked for wealth ... and life gave me the brain and muscles to work.
I asked for the opportunity to fly ... and life gave me obstacles to overcome.
I asked for love ... and life gave me people to whom I could help in their problems.
I asked for favors ... and life gave me opportunities.
I didn't get anything of what I asked for. But I got everything I needed.

I wish you every success in your life. I really hope that you, too, will get everything you need from life.

This book presents a new direction in psychology - Synthesis technology. Combining in its content everything that has been tested by practice and really works, it has its own face. First of all, this is not a slogan, but business style and language, adaptability of the approach, clear and simple description of methods and means. It is distinguished by external simplicity and the absence of unnecessary science: practice needs an understandable and memorable algorithm, and not scary-sounding terms that require translation into normal human language. Synthesis technology is a psychology of action, not contemplation, it does not seek to explain and does not compose "general theories of everything": first of all, it is a collection of "know-how", but not a bag of disparate recipes, but a consistently built system. This is a real psychology for business and efficient people.

The formula for success, or the philosophy of life of an effective person

Initial views and principles of Synthesis technology

What is a "working relationship"

When a well-trained athlete consistently shows high results, it is natural. But here he, with all the excellent preparation and normal health, suddenly began to admit malfunctions. And more crashes. What's the matter?! The doctor examines: everything is normal, there are no functional abnormalities. The trainer and the masseur see: the body is in perfect order. But - lost to the weakest. But - withdrew from the race. What's the matter?! Apparently, the reason is in the psychology of the athlete.

  • Inadequate claims or low self-esteem, increased anxiety or mental trauma ...

All these reasons have one thing in common: they do not allow to work normally. And then the psychologist is called.

  • A psychologist is called when a person develops psychology and begins to interfere with his work.

Because if it does not interfere with his quality work, who will just pay money to a psychologist for nothing?

It seems a paradox, but there are no psychological moments in the work of a well-made enterprise and in the interaction of its professionally trained employees, just like a computer or a calculating machine does not have them. The head gave the order, the order was carried out, the head was reported. What kind of psychology is this? But it also happens in a different way, and, as a rule, everything is very different in enterprises where there is no working relationship. It is known what psychological mastery of the highest class is required from a leader when working in a female team, where female employees do not always work, but always treat. Also, if an employee has a difficult character, you just can't come to an agreement with him: when communicating with him, psychology is required. And if it is a well-trained worker (read: “past good school”), Everything is simple with him: he has no character.

  • Well, what is the character of a waiter in an elite restaurant? As soon as he has "character", he will simply be fired. And they will do the right thing: at work, he is required not to demonstrate his character, but to understand the policy of the management and provide high-quality customer service.


At work, the less psychology, the better.

But in order to make an enterprise where the relationship is truly working, where employees are engaged in business, and do not relate to each other and with you, you will need a real, practical mastery of applied psychology.

  • Synthesis technology is at your service.

Psychology psychology - discord

“I don't seem motivated to work with enthusiasm today.”
"This job does not match my state of mind."
"I listened to myself and realized that your order is not environmentally friendly to me."
“I had a difficult dream, it says something important to me, and I have to think it over.
Let the clients wait, I think an hour will be enough for me. "

So your employees began to declare after classes with a psychologist. What are your feelings, leader?

Are you afraid that by sending your employees to the classes of psychological groups or inviting a team of psychologists to conduct training with the staff of your enterprise, you will simply waste your money? You should not fear this, because it is not the most unpleasant thing that you can get as a result.

Here is a team of game technicians, having come to your enterprise, suggested stopping the work process for three days and, having united both the grassroots staff and managers into creative groups, invited them to problematize the activities of managers.

  • It took half a day of working time to understand what “problematization” is. The majority understood that they were being asked to indicate all those points where they disagree with the management. The technician Aunt Fenya put her hands on her hips and said that she did not understand at all what all these directors were doing.

As a result, by waking up the lower classes and exposing the leaders of all levels to their blow, you will get a furious quarrel that you will disentangle for more than one month.

The recommendation is simple: before signing a contract to work with this promising (to you and in words) group of psychologists, ask them for the coordinates of the companies with which they have worked over the past year. A short conversation with the Deputy Director of Finance will give you full clarity on the prospects ahead.

  • And it is very possible that you will sign an agreement with this particular team of psychologists. Well, that's nice. You just have to be - more attentive.

It is the same with conducting psychological trainings for your employees: psychology, of course, is a cool thing, only psychologists are different from psychologists and they often solve psychotherapeutic problems, not yours.

What is it about? There is such a concept - psychotherapeutic groups, which for the general public are more often called groups personal growth... Among them there are groups that are efficient and different, but, at least for the most part, they teach people to work with their problems.

  • And not yours, for the solution of which you sent them. For the group.

In these psychotherapeutic - excuse me, in groups of personal growth - the work is carried out emphatically carefully, people are taught that, when communicating with each other, they come into contact with something very important, almost holy: namely, with a soul that is so vulnerable and in which so many sore spots. The first and most important thing that they learn in such groups is to find sore spots in the souls of others and, naturally, in their own, and finding, with them work... To work is very important concept, here it means: look for the deep causes of your ailments, nesting in the dark fears of a difficult childhood, and sometimes not even yours. During the entire time of mental digging, you cannot poke at sore spots, but you can only stroke them and surround them with warmth.

  • The child coughed, his mother put two hats on him, a sheepskin coat and put him in a warm bed.

In the groups it is mentally, in the groups it is interesting, but the groups have their own rules, their own atmosphere and their own policy, obligatory for everyone. For example, if you have a problem - they will work with you,

  • Translation: you will be in the spotlight.

and if you have no problems today or they are not interesting, they will not work with you today and you will sit without attention to yourself.

  • “If you’re no problem - what are you doing here?” - sooner or later you will hear this question from others or ask yourself it yourself. The correct question!

So, what will you choose if you're interested in a group? That's right, there are no fools, and people quickly get used to it: I came to a group - I brought a good personal problem. Our people are talented, it doesn't take much work for them, and soon the visitors of these groups become high-quality, professional clients, feeling like a fish in water there. They already know how to be always a little sick, and their problems are always of high quality: diverse, interesting and in sufficient quantity.

If you want, in many psychotherapy trainings people are made professional patients. Do you need such employees?

When psychological trainings (such) were conducted with the vigorous, lively Orlyonok counselors, they began to walk slower, like hypnotized ones, constantly listen to their feelings, find them deep psychological justification and painfully react to attempts to direct them.

  • The quotes before this chapter are based on what they said.

In short, a year later, so that the counselors could be allowed to visit the children again, they began to look for other psychologists in Orlyonok who could eliminate the consequences of the work of the previous ones.

There is psychology, and there is psychology.


At work, you need to do business, and not delve into difficult experiences. At least Synthesis Technology teaches just that.

Initial views

Synthesis technology in views on a person and his life proceeds from the following philosophical positions:

  • If he introduces himself as a Sacrifice, this is also his work of authorship. And those of his actions that a person considers his natural or forced reaction to ... are also his arbitrary and free, author's choice.

All the main points of a person's life are laid down in his childhood.

  • At the age of five, the child defines his own, author's, concept of his life, where the central point is the attitude towards parents. Later, the world takes the place of the parents, and the child transfers the attitude towards parents - love or war - to life as a whole. On the other hand, the patterns of behavior learned in childhood, as a rule, are carried by the child throughout his life.

In every person like in the universe have everything, you just need to be able to open and use what you need.

  • In each of us a coward and a hero coexist, a fool and a sage argue, in each of us a sea of ​​love splashes and an abyss of hatred burns. And there is no stronger person than the one who insists on his weakness ...

Sometimes I really don't want to believe in this. At least in novels and films this does not happen: there are certain types and the hero does not exist vile. But in real life ... Somehow they conducted an experiment: they put an inverted warped car near the motorway, and next to it, in plain sight, they put actors barely moving, “bloody” with red paint. Result? Cars in a stream, hundreds drove by, only a few stopped. Moreover, among those who traveled there were mothers with many children, and excellent professional doctors who saved more than one life ... And even a person who was awarded a medal for courage in a fire, who risked his life for the lives of other people. But - in a different situation ... And among those who stopped there were also the most ordinary people, and many of them honestly said that if they had hurried a little more, they might have "not noticed." And in another similar experiment, an ambulance was called by a man who had just pulled out a wallet from the pocket of a dying man. Savior and marauder in one bottle?

By nature, initially, any human behavior is wise and appropriate.

  • If you see behavior that is stupid and inappropriate, then you simply did not look closely and are delusional. And also think why you didn't look closely and misled yourself ...
  • especially when they need it for some reason, and in their life a person gets what he really wants.
  • The result obtained by a person speaks primarily not of successful or difficult circumstances, but of the person's true intentions.

All human intentions are positive. From his point of view. And he didn't always mean you and other little things.

  • And all you need to positively understand someone's monstrous intentions is to take their point of view. And to understand that for another person you are not at all the Navel of the Earth. Or you may not be anyone at all.

True, sometimes a person thinks to himself: "How bad I am with all my intentions." So, until he himself can take his point of view ...

Life is a stream of neutral events. What is good, what is bad and how to experience what is happening is determined by the person himself in accordance with his culture and upbringing. And culture and upbringing can change - just like you, because -

As long as we are alive, we change. The world is always changing. The world is made up of verbs, not nouns.

  • Even calling a rose a “flower” is hardly correct in this sense. Calling it a flower, that is, a noun, we remove its movement, its flowering, we make it - dead.

While a person is alive, he is like a river, is constantly in change, movement, flow, makes a choice every hour and every minute. Today's solutions are solutions today and who knows what storm will be tomorrow? And the direction in which you flow, you can choose yourself, or you can let someone or something else lead you ...

Each of us rules the world, although, maybe, he does it badly.

  • The paved road controls your path. The newly born baby rules the parents day and night. The dog controls the owner, and the cat controls the dog. Everyone rules everyone.

It is not a shame to rule the world, it is a shame to do it badly.

Who needs Synthesis technology

Target audience of Synthesis Technologies - successful, efficient people, versatile businessmen, as well as those who plan to become such. A universal businessman is a person who, possessing the knowledge and skills of Synthesis-technology, acts as efficiently as possible in any area of ​​life, successfully achieving the set goals.

If this is an entrepreneur, he quickly sets up and promotes his business, making it strong and profitable. HR manager - recruits and educates personnel who can and want to work properly. Writer - builds texts that are vivid and meaningful, as a result of which his books are in demand. Mom - organizes a well-thought-out health-improving, personality-developing and educational process that is not difficult for her and gives the maximum result to children. It does not matter in what area of ​​life you work: in addition to professional knowledge, there is simply personal adequacy and the ability to be effective, which makes a person a universal businessman.

Synthesis technology and psychotherapy

Does the synthesis technologist use psychotherapeutic techniques in his work? Does Synthesis Technology teach these techniques?

Yes, it does. Yes, it teaches.

However, acquaintance with the selected psychotherapeutic techniques and techniques in no way aims to make anyone out of early maturity psychotherapists and provoke them to carry out not quite responsible professional psychotherapeutic work.

Synthesis technology proceeds from the fact that psychotherapy is heterogeneous in terms of the composition of its instruments. For the most part, this is science and practice that has developed its own tools for solving specialized problems. But, besides this, she crystallized and successfully formulated those techniques and techniques that, being necessary moments of effective communication, have naturally lived for millennia and belong to a common human culture.

  • A scalpel is a surgeon's tool, but knives were invented by mankind long before the advent of surgery and are used in the kitchen by all civilized housewives.

Similarly, reframing techniques, the technique of supportive compassion, the practice of relaxation, as well as the use of metaphors, cannot be considered the exclusive property of psychotherapy - under other names (and without a name) they live in a common human culture, regularly used by poets and merchants, sorcerers and priests, creators advertisements and executives of all ranks.

However, if in life these practices, techniques and techniques are used more often spontaneously, semi-consciously and therefore not efficiently enough, then Synthesis-technology offers them formalized into a system and for conscious, purposeful application. In Synthesis technology, psychotherapeutic techniques and techniques are given strictly in the sample and in the volume that are determined by the need to use them by successful people in everyday life, primarily in business communication to improve its efficiency.

The union of reason and feeling

Sometimes, observing from the sidelines how the master works - it doesn't matter whether it is a well-versed hostess or an experienced leader - wondering how the master works wonderfully "one-to-one", one gets the impression that this is not quite a person, but very perfect machine. Of course it is not. It is not true that a universal businessman is a machine with every movement, thought and detail calculated: no, this is a person who has a perfectly developed intuition, he is ready to give in to an impulse and is attentive to his premonitions. But it is also not true that effective people live and make decisions based only on feeling and intuition. The choice of a versatile businessman is a union of reason and feeling. Solving issues, leading politics and doing any business, feeling intuitive support for your deeds and decisions within yourself, is more effective than relying on naked calculation.

  • And there is no reason to assume that you will not become such a master.

Philosophy of life of an effective person

Can everyone use the approaches of Synthesis technology and become a truly effective person? No, not everyone. Everyone can use its elements, effective techniques and techniques, but an effective person is more than a collection of techniques. First of all, this is the philosophy of life, and its main axes are asked by two questions.

How much do you need in life, what is the bar for your life?

Who is responsible for your success?

And you can answer these questions like this - in different ways.

The plank of your life

"He - small man... And this is a great man! " - what is the conversation about? First of all, about the size of the Circle of Concerns. At all Small child not only is he only busy with himself, he also cannot fully serve himself. Young man- talk about who is busy only with himself. Adult- the one who supports himself, plus supports not only himself, but also his family, brings up children and supports parents. Big man - they call someone who, besides this, conducts his own business or does big things, on whom the lives and fates of many people depend. great person - one whose influence extends to the fate of many for years to come.

Yes, and this is about you? Do you need it?

A normal Mexican peasant or an indigenous resident of the sunny country of Congo will lie under his happy palm tree and will only smile lazily at any suggestion to change something in his life: "What about the fig?" He does not need anything, because he needs little. He has his minimum, everything else requires effort - and then why? For the main population of these countries, the philosophy of maximum life success it is incomprehensible, the willingness to pay for this success with work and stress is not close. This is not just laziness, it is an appropriate understanding of life, where the opportunity to relax is more precious than any achievement.

Laziness itself is not at all a vice; laziness in the history of mankind has been one of the main engines of progress. I don’t want to drag the log on me - I invented the wheel. The desire for comfort one relaxes under the nearest bush, even in the mud, even in the rain, the other is motivated to first make himself at least the simplest shed, and then to build a house with all imaginable conveniences.

A lover of comfort under a bush is called a lazy person, a lover of comfort by the fireplace in his own home is called a business leader. A leader needs a lot in life. This is a person who strives and wants, this is a living person, a person with a motor, a person-activist. It is a hunter and conqueror: a success hunter and a conqueror of life.

Academician AD Sakharov once in an interview uttered the most unexpected phrase: "The meaning of life is in expansion." Yes, for a leader this is always the case. Each a real man- the conqueror of the universe. Either, as a growing entrepreneur, you want to occupy the market with your product, or how new leader, carefully looking for an opportunity to make these people your own and become an authority for them; if you are a leader, you are a conqueror. The meaning of life is expansion. And if you fell in love with the most beautiful woman in the world, you occupy her soul with your love at the utmost tension, after which the beloved woman tightly occupies your house and your life with meaning and warmth. You conquered her, she conquered you.

  • And you are happy.

The most famous computer game of a strategic direction (that is, one where you do not need to kill toothy monsters from a plasma cannon, but you have to think with your head) - "Civilization". Its goal is to spread its political influence, culture, scientific achievements throughout the planet. Moreover, it is not necessarily violent. However, at first, the authors tried to create a completely "non-aggressive" game, where one does not need to spread one's influence, but one only needs to peacefully be good neighbors. Nonsense came out. As in life.

A true leader knows how to be content with little, but always strives forward, strives for really big goals. He needs a lot in life, he needs the whole world.

So, how much do you need in life, what is the bar for your life?

Who will bring you your success? Who is responsible for ensuring that your success always accompanies you through life? There are two fundamentally different ways to have success: the first is to create your own success, to achieve it by your own efforts, the second is to expect it as a gift from the world, or, more realistic, to receive it at someone else's expense. The choice between these methods is your main choice, your pain or your main luck in life. This choice is rarely made by a conscious decision from the head, more often it is a fundamental, existential choice that permeates a person through and through, ringing through all his deeds and actions, building all his other choices and decisions.

This choice is made by each person in the first weeks of his life. Here is a situation, utterly simple: a child lies in a crib, he is bored. What to do? You can start knocking on the rattles that hang over it with the handles, you can simply wobble with the arms and legs, or you can even try to roll over and crawl forward where you can see it: it’s difficult, but very interesting.

  • This is how the Agent determined in his choice.

And you can do nothing of this, continue to lie and be bored. But it’s not easy, but to start crying into the world: then the Big Wizards appear, and they themselves knock on the rattles. And if you start screaming in a cry louder and more demanding, then you can be on your hands, and wiggle yourself to a sweet dream, that is, for as long as you like.

Answer: hard division may not be entirely correct, but it WORKS. If you are thinking about your life, about its maximum, then it definitely worked ...

So who is responsible for your success?

The focus of your life

An egoist is a very bad person. This is a person who constantly thinks not of me!

Ambrose Bierce. "Satan's Dictionary"

So, you can build your life and your success at your own expense, you can look for an opportunity to do it at the expense of others. But the second, perhaps even more important, question that defines the philosophy of life of every person:


  • Take the issue very seriously. The author of the question is a real person, a professional political strategist, who creatively disconnected entire cities from heat in Siberian frosts in order to compromise the current government before the elections.

Answer: he knows the correct answer, you can not answer ...

Well, some people normally only take care of themselves. Well, about some more loved ones: as a rule, about those who take care of him. All the rest are outsiders who can be used when it is convenient and successful, and the rest of the time, let them not interfere.

  • Like a chair - I need it, I pushed it to me, sat down and sat. I got up and pushed the chair: that's it, I don't need it anymore.

The point is not that "pushed" - this is normal. An efficient person differs from a loafer in that he can push those who are now on the sidelines of his business - the point is that among all people, a really living person, worthy of interest and care, is only himself.

  • It hurts him - it's wrong, because he shouldn't be hurt. It hurts another - so what, what does it matter to me? He got money - that's good, money appeared with you - it's good only if something gets passed on to him.

He is not interested in life, or rather, he is only interested to the extent that it relates to him personally. Its inner slogan is catch phrase, which was left behind in history by the French king Louis XV: "After us - even a flood!" Such a person only cares about himself.

And there are people for whom it is naturally clear that the people around him are also living people, they also want to eat and use comfortable things, meet with loved ones and do what they love, that they also dream and feel sad, hope and believe ... Such a person perceives himself not only as a unique unit in a cosmic void, he knows that he is a continuation of human history, that so many have made his life people before him and, perhaps, he himself will be able to make the necessary contribution to life.

It is common for such people to care about people and life.


Caring first of all about life and people - at someone else's expense


Caring first of all about life and people - at your own expense


Taking care of yourself first - at your own expense

Taking care of yourself first - at someone else's expense

Situations are different: life is sometimes generous to us, sometimes cruel, sometime it pushes us with its foreheads, sometime it puts us in front of the possibility of cooperation ... How differently the designated types manifest themselves in all these cases!

Break: Test!

Ahead are diagrams and tables, complex and interesting: you will need to understand them, and for this - to understand yourself, then think and determine your place in life. Accordingly, you have a long way to go. But before this reflection, no one will bother you and just spread the cards. On the track ...

To put it simply, circle the card suit icon to the left of the statements you agree with. Don't hesitate, trust the first impression.

True friendship is rare these days. - worms

I really love Her Majesty FREEBY. - peak

I would rather perish, but I will not lose my honor. - worms

I am ready to do uninteresting, but very necessary work for everyone. - tambourine

Getting rich by doing it yourself is the most beautiful goal. - baptize

I would like to get into a plane crash knowing in advance that I will remain unharmed. - peak

If I receive a large inheritance, I will work no less than I do now. - tambourine

The interests of my beloved family are above all. - baptize

I am ready to give my left hand if it saves the lives of hundreds of people. - tambourine

I can save money for a cool vacation most of the year. - baptize

I am very sorry for all stray animals.

When no one helps me, I am very worried about this injustice. - peak

For me, the most important thing in life is Freedom. - worms

I choose to root for the sports team that usually wins. - peak

On the sinking Titanic, I would have been among the survivors at any cost. - baptize

Between a worthy friend and an unworthy brother, I will choose - a friend. - tambourine

The alignment is over, let's summarize. Calculate which suit you have the most cards of. The results are on the next page.

Test results

Clubs? - And the shelf of Consumers has arrived.

Cherva? - Let's sing, Signor Romantic!

Tambourine? - Is it really true? Creator, I take off my hat ...

Take this test on your friends: they will like the questions, and you will learn a lot of interesting things about them. You can get acquainted with the standard results presented by Maxim Katchalov on the following pages.

And now about these types - in detail and seriously.

Life is ordinary, not easy

Romantic in the same situation, he is not sick of himself, he cannot come to terms with the imperfection of life as a whole: “What kind of bestiality ?! We live in mud, damn it, we have forgotten how to be friends, we do not know how to love. Is life really necessary ?! Eh !! " So it's time to get the bottle and drink. And then have another drink. And then all together, with a guitar, sing beautiful and soulful songs about true love, which is sure to wait for us around the corner, and a wonderful life, which will come to us sooner or later ...

  • Let's translate - someone will make it for us ...

Creator he is also not satisfied with the imperfection of life, but, unlike the Romantic, he does not sing songs and does not expect miracles, but does what depends on him. Does every day - energetic, persistent and flexible. The most interesting thing is that through human efforts, life can really acquire a new quality and become comfortable: beautiful, clean and convenient for people.

  • First, in one separate house and in one separate enterprise, then - in a separate country ... Why do people like living in Switzerland? Because life there is well done. Really done.

Checked the test on the listeners; interviewed in live, and most importantly, several dozen people gave answers to the on-air pager. The distribution is as follows:

40% - Consumers;

30% - Romance;

15% - Creators.

There is only one remark on the theory: after conversations with the people, it seems that it is impossible to assert: "Romantics always spoil the holiday". There is a feeling that they are unpredictable during the moments of the holiday: as the left leg wants. They can dance merrily with everyone, and then suddenly move away and burst into tears. A kind of manic-depressive psychosis in miniature ...

In general, it is not difficult to confuse the Creator and the Consumer, because both the Man eats (regularly) and the Consumer creates (at least once). The main difference is in accents, what is being done for what. The consumer creates out of necessity in order to acquire, have and become rich, the Creator acquires, has and grows rich in order to create.

  • Erich Fromm posed this question as a choice to have or to be. And Bregg formulated it even more simply: "Live in order to eat - or eat in order to live?"

Confusion also arises because the Creator, caring about people and life, cannot and should not forget about himself: he is also a part of this life, and, obviously, not the worst part of it! Moreover, in many cases, you need to take care of yourself first. Why? Because it is naturally reasonable to take care of people close to you in the first place, and who is closer to you, if not you yourself?

  • Take a realistic look at the question: pushing the breadbox to a neighbor is normal, but if I spoon-feed him while he feeds me, this is no longer a concern, but a madhouse.

Let everyone be primarily concerned with themselves and their own business, the question is, why, for whom are you doing this?

For yourself - or for life?

When life is a holiday

Happy child. Since a human consumer most of all loves to get high and have fun, then in a situation of free time, effort and money, he arranges a holiday for himself. Hooray!! Glasses clink, champagne pours, paintball farts, firecrackers fly and explode. Strictly speaking, a holiday is a time when what was created and accumulated during everyday life is joyfully destroyed. And the more destroyed, the greater the holiday!
  • But everything is fair: on our own. And how beautiful people are at this holiday!

No brakes. The holiday is good when everyone knows how much you can drink and when it's time to leave. If this culture of the holiday is absent, then instead of joy, problems arise, including those of others: one in the heat of excitement will lose other people's money in the casino, another drunk in a jeep will knock down people standing at the bus stop.

  • Short holiday, big problems.

Sad. However, someone refuses to celebrate on principle: “Well, how can you rejoice when at this very time in Angola children are starving? How can you rejoice then ?! " This humanistic person takes care of everyone, but in fact, day after day, deprives himself and others of the opportunity to celebrate.

  • This means that someone else will have to make life festive ...

Businessman. The man-creator loves the holidays, he loves this happy time, when he finally has free time, energy and money. This is his real holiday - because now he can invest his time, energy and money in those who deserve it. Having calculated everything, he can finally support the best, invest in those who make sense to invest in.

  • And then many will really have a holiday!

When life is hard

Life is hard - what to invent? Necessary survive, the Consumer knows, and strains, sometimes extremely heroically, in order to save at least something.

  • Though for my own sake, it is a feat.
  • This is all so terrible! Just hands down!

The romantic, looking at this really filthy situation, exclaims sublimely: "A person cannot live like this!" - and commits suicide.

  • Then the question: "And who will correct this filthy situation?" - he no longer cares.

And the Creator takes control of the situation and does everything in his power to help those who really need help in a difficult situation: not necessarily those who shout the loudest, but those who are really under attack. As a rule, first of all, it is necessary to support the weakened and save what can be irrevocably lost.

  • If you are in the mountains, all tired and hungry, but one of you broke his leg: what should you do? - Carry the one who cannot walk now.

When life pushes our heads together

In nothing the philosophy of life of everyone is so clearly manifested as in a situation when life pushes our heads against each other: you or me? Will you or I get this tidbit? Should I give in - or will you manage? Whose interest, mine or yours, will be considered more important?

When you have something to profit from, but you are not alone, normal egoist looks after what he likes and how to grab it, sacrificing himself altruis t is worried if he has already given up everything, is a decent person ( sociocentrist) makes sure that everyone's interests are taken into account.

A special place is occupied by sociopath, who worries not so much about whether he got everything he was supposed to get, but about whether others got too much. At the household level, his slogan is: "I don't need a second cow, I need a neighbor's cow to die!"

  • And this, too, is the philosophy of life ...

When life offers union

When life offers a union, all normal Consumers flock: one for all, all for one, and all against strangers: "Loyalty!" Upbringing corporate culture As a rule, this is instilling in employees the feeling: "We are ours!"

  • And accordingly: "We are not for sale!"

which makes any team - family, gang or company - stronger, more resilient and more combat-ready.

A romantic will never betray, but the discipline of corporate culture is clearly not to his liking. He chooses - independence, that is, "freedom FROM". His favorite defensive thesis: "I don't owe anyone anything!", The attacking thesis: "You have no right!" , back off ("My business!") and defend (your desires).

  • Called Principles.

A man-creator knows how to work in a team, knows how to be faithful, but his faithfulness is not blind. His "friends" are good not because they are "theirs", but because they are worthy people doing a worthy job. He chose these people, this company, this job, and now he is in the job he loves and with responsibilities that he is proud of. The man-creator chooses "freedom FOR".

The formula for success is the advice of successful people!

Recently, I got carried away with the question "but how can I become loved, happy and, in short, a successful person, and so that I have everything, but I got nothing for it))) ..." famous people who succeeded and tried to draw up an action plan. Here's what happened.

1. Desire
The key to success is desire. And it constantly burns in me (Al Pacino, theater and film actor, world-famous director)
There is a desire - a thousand ways; no desire - a thousand reasons!
(Peter I, Russian emperor)

2. The ultimate goal
The road will be mastered by going ... there (write where) (Lissi Moussa, psychologist, writer)
“Formulate your life credo. - I would formulate it with a phrase from one movie: the main thing is to see the goal and not notice obstacles. - Does this mean walking over corpses? “That means you can walk through walls. (from an interview with Arkady Kolodkin, President of the National Reserve Bank)

3. Belief in yourself
Never let someone tell you that you cannot do something. Even me ... Okay ?! If you have a dream, protect it! People who are not capable of something will tell you that you cannot either. If you want something - go and achieve it! And the point! (Will Smith, American actor, musician, Academy Award nominee)
You can't go wrong anyway: say "I can't" and you can't, say "I can" and you can (Henry Ford, American industrialist, owner of car factories around the world, inventor)
What one person in the world can do, everyone can (one of the presuppositions of NLP)

4. Take action!
If there is no wind, grab the oars (Latin proverb)
Anyone can have a good thought while they are taking a shower. But only an active person is able to get out of the shower, dry off and begin to implement it (Nolan Bushnell, founder of Atari)
Learning success is determined by changes in behavior. You cannot assume that you have learned something until you put your knowledge into practice (from the book "A trainer for everyone" Don Shula and Ken Blanchard, world management experts, writers)
The smart approach is to take a method and try it out. If it doesn't work, admit it frankly and try another method. But in any case - go for it! (Franklin Delano Roosevelt, one of the most prominent US politicians of the 20th century)

5. Visualization of the goal
Mentally create an image of "a successful self, who has already achieved the set goal" and imagine this "picture" in your mind (one of the presuppositions of NLP)

6. High self-esteem
We would not seek universal respect so much if we knew firmly that we were worthy of it (Luc de Vauvenargue, famous French philosopher, moralist, writer)
Confidence is half the victory (V. Korban, Belarusian satirist, translator, fabulist)
It is dangerous to underestimate a person who overestimates himself (Franklin Delano Roosevelt, one of the most prominent US politicians of the 20th century)
Never be discouraged if something goes wrong. List all your achievements for the day / week / year. Praise yourself every day. Learn to appreciate your victories and be proud of them! Make yourself gifts (Itzhak Pintosevich, business coach, coach, writer)
The inevitable must be accepted with dignity (Marlene Dietrich, German and American actress and singer)
A bad attitude towards yourself leads to the belief "I do not deserve." And with this conviction, you will never achieve anything.

7. Do what you love (examples - Steve Jobs, William Boeing, Michael Dell, Mark Zuckenberger, Robert Kiyosaki, Al Pacino, Daniel Radcliffe, etc.)
There are no lazy people. There are lousy goals - ones that don't inspire (Anthony Robbins, writer, entrepreneur, professional speaker, actor, coach, psychologist)
Ideally, the business owner would be well aware of what his strong point, which makes him entrepreneurial excitement. I don't understand anything about the product, but I understand about sales and I get pleasure from organizing them (Evgeny Chichvarkin, Russian millionaire, entrepreneur, co-founder and former co-owner of a chain of salons cellular Euroset)
Success is the ability to wake up in the morning and fall asleep in the evening, having time to do what you really like in between the two events (Bob Dylan, American songwriter, poet, artist, film actor)
Never do anything for money that you don't enjoy (Bodo Schaefer, multimillionaire businessman, writer and financial advisor)

8. Thank yourself for your mistakes!
Failure is the first sign of success. A new venture can begin with it. When a child learns to walk, he has to fall many times before he can master this skill. Failure can also be a sign that you are on the road to success. When a pole vaulter fails to reach a winning height, the failure is the starting point for another attempt and indicates that no failure is final. (Dave Anderson, President of Anderson's LeamToLead)
Victory is the absence of fear of failure (Robert Kiyosaki, American entrepreneur, investor, writer, teacher)
For their troubles, people, as a rule, blame circumstances that they supposedly cannot control. I do not believe in this. People who succeed look for the circumstances that they need, and if they cannot find them, they create them themselves. (George Bernard Shaw, British writer, novelist, playwright, Nobel laureate in literature)
Another scenario does not mean a "worst" scenario. What is death for the caterpillar is birth for the butterfly.

9. Constantly level up
Talent is inherent in you by nature; skills can only be developed by devoting many hours to your skill (Will Smith, American actor, musician, Oscar nominee)
Books and plays helped me to understand myself and the world around me, there was some kind of shift, I became more serious (Al Pacino, theater and film actor, world-famous director)
If you want to achieve success, expand your comfort zone - go in for sports, expand your social circle (Itzhak Pintosevich, business coach, coach, writer)

10. Think and act globally (examples - Henry Ford and his cars, brothers Wilbur and Orville Wright - invention and tuning of the world's first airplane, Thomas Edison and his ventilation stack, Bill Gates - founding Microsoft, Word Jeffrey - Director of Development Strategy technologies of the SAP company, etc.)
We think too narrowly, like a frog at the bottom of a well. She thinks that the sky is as big as the opening of a well. If she pops up, she has a completely different point of view. (Mao Tse-Tung, Chinese statesman and politician)
One sees only a puddle in a puddle, and the other, looking into a puddle, sees stars.

11. If you want to receive - first give
Most people understand success as an acquisition. However, in reality, success begins with the ability to give (Henry Ford, American industrialist, owner of car factories around the world, inventor)
Only those who always strive to help others succeed (Brian Tracy, renowned lecturer and business writer, head of Brian Tracy International / Will Smith, American actor, musician, Academy Award nominee)
Tell your loved ones, friends and acquaintances about what you have decided to do to make your life better. Invite them to join you, teach them the positive changes that you decided to apply in your life. Thus, you will be even better able to master it yourself and acquire useful skills and habits that will change your destiny and help you become successful (Itzhak Pintosevich, business coach, coach, writer).
At the same time, you will share with the people around you information that may be useful to them - you will "give"!
Success in life has nothing to do with your acquisitions or selfish achievements. The measure of success is what you do for others (Danny Thomas, show business)
The only thing a competitor can't steal from you is the relationship between your people and your customers. (Ken Blanchard, global management expert, writer)

12. Surround yourself with successful people
Surround yourself with people who have bigger plans and goals than those you have.
Where there is no community of interests, there can be no unity of purpose, let alone a unity of action (Friedrich Engels, German philosopher, social and political figure, one of the founders of Marxism)
You should not discuss your problems with people who cannot help solve them.
Communicate with the bearers of those qualities that you want to have.

I wish you all the best!

Alain Souchon - Foule Sentimentale

  • The formula for success in life 😎
  • Don't be afraid to hit the stars

How many great minds have been struggling to find the coveted “formula for success”? How many attempts have they made to calculate this universal equation that holds the key to the benefits of life? With exactly the same enthusiasm in ancient times, people tried to find youth elixir, the philosopher's stone and goldfish making wishes come true.

If you believe that everything can be achieved with just one single formula, then your beliefs cause a slight smile. Likewise, you want to smile at the mention of a magic wand or an almighty genie in an old lamp. We also decided to try to look for clues that will really help to achieve what we want.

The formula for success in life 😎

"Want Want want". All human life is built on desires. Primitive, instinctive, high and impossible. Desires can turn into intentions, and this is the right course of events. Desires can turn into unreal dreams, addiction or source of constant trouble.

It all depends on how exactly a person treats them and what he does in order to achieve them. Get a star from the sky? This is an example of an unrealizable "lofty" desire, which has become the lot of incorrigible romantics. The desire to "move mountains", "to go to the ends of the earth" can be attributed to the same category.

We will descend from heaven to earth and return to lower desires, the fulfillment of which promises an improvement in life. Desires determine the goals of a person. Achieving goals determines success. Everything is very simple and at the same time complicated, because everyone interprets the concept of “success” in his own way. Some cannot feel successful if they do not get a beautiful actress as their wife, while for others, the recovery of a loved one is enough. Man is greedy by nature, so fulfilled desires are replaced by new ones.

Some goals are a thing of the past, while others take their place. This is the very "engine" that pushes a person forward. If we take as a basis two equalities (desires = goals, goals = success), then we can get a simplified and understandable formula "desires = success". Success is directly related to the desires of a person. The more you want, the more difficult it is to succeed.

Now let's get back to the universal formula. We will not lock ourselves in a dark tower for tens of years to pore over old manuscripts and tablets in search of the truth (what if someone still achieved their “success” and came up with this formula?). We will apply more modern methods research and consider the equations that psychologists and success counselors advise to follow.

This equation is based on three basic postulates. They can be called axioms because they do not require proof. Each of them works without misfires:

  • Everything has its time. Impatience is the vile enemy of desire. In order for everything to go like clockwork in life, you need to learn to wait. The same tool or item may be useful tomorrow, but today it is completely useless. You wouldn't wear a winter jacket on a summer day, would you? But in the cold you can't do without it.
  • Everything has its place. Here, too, the same example with a winter jacket will come in handy. It is imperative to take it with you if you are flying to Murmansk, but it will be useless in Tahiti, where it is constantly hot.
  • Everything has its own person. Here we return to the individual interpretation of the concept of "success" and the difference in desires. If you are the son of a British aristocrat, then your main goal is to become a successful lawyer or banker. When you live in the Siberian wilderness, then for you there is nothing more important than buying a cow, which will become the breadwinner for the whole family.

The problem of “our” person is that he takes a ready-made (usually Western) model of life and tries to use it to achieve success in his homeland. It looks cartoonish, and sometimes there is even a desire to laugh, if it were not so sad.

The postulates of life are the foundations, with an eye to which the formula for success must be applied. Whether you derive it yourself or borrow it from someone else, it will only work if you use it in right time in the right place.

Formula for success: the primitive option

Success is achieved not by the one who works hard, but by the one who conserves his strength. Although this statement can be taken literally with skepticism, there is still a grain of truth in it. Success comes to those who use their energy rationally and use their personal time sparingly. One of the "direct" formulas looks like a simple equation:

Success = Goal + Knowledge + Motivation + Action.

This equation can be called primitive. Likewise in mathematics, when you are given a complex example and you cancel fractions, bring them to a common denominator and get a simpler formula.

This example is missing one unpredictable variable - luck. Madame Fortune is a capricious lady. She is famous for her inconstancy and nasty character, so a pinch of luck, of course, would not hurt, but even in its absence, you should not give up and humbly give up. This simple formula is perfect for those trying to get their first positive results. On it you can learn to achieve success.

Formula for success: life option

This is a cyclical equation. It is based on simple equality:

Success = goal setting

Success in this case can only be obtained by the method of repetitive actions. To hit the target, you first need to take good aim. After each unsuccessful attempt, an analysis of the actions should be carried out, the identification of errors, work on them and a repeated attempt.

This formula is closely related to the term "operant behavior". A person, in addition to reflexes, which are determined by physiological needs, performs actions that affect the world around him. By his behavior, he changes something around him, and a prerequisite for this is the collision with the need to solve the assigned tasks.

It's a long process of trial and error, but it works well when you need to be successful. The cyclical model is suitable for cases where there is no time pressure. It is also convenient to use if there is too little data on the correct method of achieving the goal.

Another formula looks like a simple equation:

Success = Knowledge + Experience + Environment

Why is it subjective? Because it takes into account the environment in which a person lives. This is the very case when the methods of achieving success in the United States do not work in Russia. If you were born into a family of physicists and attended the physics department, you will become a physicist.

Advance speed career ladder depends on your experience, which will be acquired over time. This formula takes into account an important constant - the environment in which a person lives. She shapes his desires.

Don't be afraid to hit the stars

Formulas for luck, success, happiness - you can try for decades to find a scientific basis for these concepts and try to derive the ideal equation. One of the most famous writers of success said “Weak desires bring weak results. Likewise, a small small amount of fire gives a small amount of ash. "

The basis for success is the correct formulation of your desires and the ability to weed out the main from the secondary. Everyone chooses the path to success, that is, the achievement of goals. Hence, there are many formulas that are suitable for some, but are considered ineffective for others.

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