How to open a quail business. Raising quails as a business. How to start quail farming

Before starting a discussion about the commercial aspect of quail breeding and building farm business on it, first of all, let's discuss what “quail farming” is? In fact, the term “quail farming” means raising quails on on a commercial basis(like other birds) in order to make a profit from the sale of eggs and meat products. A business built on quail breeding is quite interesting and profitable, and most importantly, profitable. Building a quail farm is as easy as organizing the whole manufacturing process breeding of this bird, because quails are one of the smallest species of birds and large spacious areas, and also do not require special care. Japanese scientists were the first to domesticate wild quails and began breeding them as poultry.

Quail farming in Japan has spread extremely quickly, acquiring commercial value. Now, people all over the world breed quails and build entire quail farms in order to obtain and sell the meat and eggs of these birds. Quail farming is very profitable, and is no different from other agricultural enterprises such as chicken, turkey or duck farms. Quails quickly acclimatize to new territories and are unpretentious in care. Quail meat and eggs are very tasty and nutritious. As already mentioned, quail eggs, in their properties, are in many ways superior to the eggs of other birds. Since quail eggs contain relatively more protein, phosphorus, iron, vitamin A, B1 and B2, they have no equal in nutritional value and usefulness. Quail Agriculture can play a vital role in meeting the dietary demand of the population, and breeding these birds does not require colossal investments Money and physical labor costs. Quails can be kept with other birds on a farm and get along well with chickens.

Characteristics of quail

Advantages of quail farming

Quails are smaller in size; compared to poultry, they are easy to care for and rarely cause difficulties or inconvenience in the formation of a production flock. The main advantages of raising quails on a production scale are listed below:

The lifespan of quails varies from 3 to 4 years. Adults individuals most often weigh from 150 to 200 grams. Egg production in quails develops by the age of seven weeks and continues throughout the entire life cycle. One quail egg weighs about 10-12 grams. In a year, a laying quail will lay approximately 300 eggs. The eggs have an interesting coloring, unlike chicken eggs, and quail eggs are speckled.

To establish effective egg production in quails, it is necessary to provide the bird with light and increase the daylight hours to 14 hours a day. As a rule, quails lay eggs actively at noon. The incubation period for quail eggs is about 17 days. Newborn quail chicks weigh about 6 to 7 grams. Quails in captivity refer to the incubation of eggs without “enthusiasm”; more often on a farm, in order to obtain a quick hatch, quail eggs are placed in an incubator. To successfully breed quails, it is necessary to take into account the number of males per female, ideally there should be one male for every five females. Quail chicks hatch quite small and weak, they are sensitive to temperature changes, so after hatching, the quails are kept under a lamp or on a heating pad for 24 hours; it will take about a month for the quails to get stronger and begin to develop no worse than their adult counterparts. Eggs weighing between 9 and 11 grams with smooth and hard eggshells are ideal for incubation and producing healthy and strong chicks.

How to start a quail breeding business?

It is easy to build a farm for raising quails; it does not differ much from a standard poultry house. First, draw up a business plan that includes all the intricacies of quail breeding and building a business, namely: breed, housing, maintenance and food costs, care, and others marketing strategies. Soon we will describe each step in more detail, but for now we will deal with the breeds of quail.

Quail breeds

Currently, there are 18 types of quail available for building a quail farming business. Some of these breeds are known for their high egg production, while others are popular for their high meat yield. In accordance with their consumer characteristics, there are two types of quail breeds, meat ones, such as broilers and egg ones, and in common parlance - laying hens. Let's consider some of the most popular breeds of quail suitable for breeding in a rural farmstead.

Quail house

Proper maintenance of quail is the key to good egg production and development of this bird. Therefore, let's start with one of the most important and key points, these are the conditions of maintenance and installation on the site of the poultry house that meet all the requirements for keeping quails.

Quail diet

To keep your quails healthy and developing properly, as well as growing quickly, they need to be provided with a properly balanced diet. Adult quail consume approximately 20 to 25 grams of food per day. Corn is an important component of the quail diet. It is also necessary to include meat and bone meal and fish meal, in equal proportions.

Ingredients Age
0-3 weeks 4-5 weeks For adults
Wheat crushed 48 50 50
Flaxseed 23 22 22
Fish flour 20 16 14
Rice bran 6 8 9
Crushed corn 2,25 3,25 4,25
Salt 0,50 0,50 0,50
Mineral supplements 0,25 0,25 0,25
Total (percentage) 100 100 100

Egg production

Having enough light is highly recommended to increase the egg production of your quails. You should provide the birds with artificial light and heat if this is not enough, using a light bulb and a heater. You can use from 40 to 100 watts of lamp power for lighting. The demand for light and heat changes naturally depending on the season. Therefore, it is necessary to clearly monitor the lighting temperature and if something is missing, take corrective action. For successful reproduction of quails, there must be one male for every 5 females. For optimal egg production, build a flock of high-yielding, healthy large quails and keep them in dry, clean houses. Egg production also depends on temperature, bird nutrition, water availability, care and proper housing. Increasing daylight hours has a positive effect on egg production not only of quails, but also of any other poultry. Keep this in mind. The table shows an approximate daylight schedule and the optimal temperature for keeping quails and increasing their egg production.

Quails never incubate their eggs. Therefore, chickens are obtained by
incubation of quail eggs, or deception of a brood hen, and substitution chicken eggs under a quail hen. The incubation period for a quail egg is approximately 16 - 18 days. Quail chicks need sensitive care; they are taken from the incubator and transplanted into boxes with a warm heating pad or placed under a special lamp. Must be observed simple rules so that the survival rate of quails is maximum. Namely:

  1. Set the poultry house to an adequate temperature.
  2. Provide sufficient light.
  3. Organize correct work ventilation, no drafts.
  4. Adjust the density of chickens.
  5. Organize a clear supply of water and food for the chicks.
  6. Strictly observe bird hygiene.

The main indicators of heat and light provision are shown in the table:


Quails are less susceptible to diseases than other poultry. But this does not mean that you can neglect the rules of keeping and caring for birds; you must take care and provide decent maintenance for quails so that diseases do not affect your flock of birds. Good care and proper maintenance of poultry is prerequisite for a profitable quail business. There are no preventive vaccines against avian diseases, so the owner must ensure full compliance with sanitary standards in the poultry house. Quail chicks react negatively to any changes, worsening weather conditions and sudden temperature changes are destructive for them. If young animals are exposed to this negative factors, then illness and death cannot be avoided. Here are some of the most common and dangerous:

The quail business is just gaining momentum in our country, so if you are seriously thinking about starting your own business, go for it. Visit quail farms, observe the teamwork of the employees and the birds themselves. Decide on the breed. Choose young animals with high productive qualities, and most importantly, healthy ones. Don’t be afraid of difficulties, be result-oriented, follow the rules described in the article, and your work will be rewarded. Good luck.

Planning itself is very important factor in the life of any person. After all, we live in a world of limited resources, the main of which, according to most businessmen, are time and money.

Business planning is the main pillar on which financial stability and long-term success are based. Every self-respecting entrepreneur starts his business by drawing up a business plan.

The quail business is a very profitable and quick-paying type of business. This is largely due to the fact that there are still no large monopolists or factories working in this direction in the world.

Let's start with the advantages and opportunities that distinguish quail eggs as a product:

  • A healthy product with medicinal properties.
    Quail eggs and meat have been used in medicine since ancient times. Eating quail eggs helps improve mental abilities and potency in men.
  • High demand for products and relatively low competition in the market.
    Great potential for business development. With enough advertising and a serious attitude towards business, you can quickly rise to a medium- and large-scale enterprise.
  • Fast capital turnover.
    Quails begin to lay eggs by the second month. The productivity of one quail is up to 5 eggs per week, which makes it possible to start a business with minimal investment.
  • Low requirements for labor resources.
    To operate the farm at the initial stage, 2 pairs of working hands are sufficient, because quails do not require special care and a lot of time spent on maintenance.
  • Compared to other types of poultry farming, quail farming does not involve the use of large areas.
    In an area of ​​1 square meter you can place cages for 280 quails.

Based on the initial population of 750 units, we can conclude that to open it, it is enough to acquire a room of 2-3 square meters. However, birds reproduce very quickly and their number can increase up to 10 times during the year, so when choosing a room it is worth taking this factor into account.

Room of 15 sq. m. ideal for the first year of work.

For successful start quail business usually start with a small number of 500-700 birds.

A smaller number of birds will not provide you with enough of the final product to break even, and a larger number will require attracting additional work force, the presence of larger premises, more modern equipment.

How to write a business plan for a quail farm

Successful preparation of any business plan implies a complete the financial analysis project. In order to compose correct business plan for a quail farm you need to find answers to the following questions:

  • How much is the product in demand on the market?
  • Level of competition in the market.
  • Profitability of the production process.
  • Are there markets for sales and free niche On the market?
  • Production technology, its uniqueness and flexibility. Necessary equipment.
  • What is the amount of initial capital required?

Both quail meat and eggs are in great demand on the market. In the case of egg production, only female hens will be needed. They will begin to lay eggs 30-40 days after birth. A flock of 750 actively laying quails will provide you with an average of 3,750 eggs per week. The active stage, during which quails produce the maximum number of eggs, is the first year of their life. Usually after this, productivity drops by half, which ceases to cover the costs of maintaining “old” birds. Usually, one-year-old quails are sent to retirement.

Both males and females are fattened for meat production. The process of fattening and achieving physical maturity of quails takes on average up to 2 months. This is due to the fact that as they grow older, feed costs increase and further keeping of quails becomes unprofitable. During the first month, males and females can be kept together, but after this period they should be placed in different cage batteries. By the second month, quails gain weight and their meat reaches 80-150 grams.

To increase the poultry population, fertilized quail eggs are usually used, the age of which is no younger than 2 and no older than 10 months. Bird eggs older than age 10 months are used exclusively in food.

Feed and other key conditions

Feed and rationed nutrition is a key factor for raising a healthy tribe and obtaining a high-quality final product. Unfortunately, ready-made combined feed for quails is not produced in Russia. However, professional poultry farmers have long developed a combination of feeds that should be given to these picky birds.

  • Wheat – 30% of the feed should consist of this grain;
  • Corn, which is included in almost any compound feed, should occupy a quarter of the mixture;
  • Barley – 5%;
  • Ground shell – 40% of the mixture.

Young chicks are especially sensitive to nutrition, since you will start your business mainly with 3-7 day old chicks, the future of the entire gene pool of quail offspring will depend on them. Therefore, you should be responsible about the frequency of feeding and the quality of feed. It is advisable to have constant stocks and purchase products constantly from the same supplier and the same grade and quality. To prepare supplies, one should proceed from the calculation that one bird will consume up to 1.1 kg of feed per month.

There must be water in the drinking bowls, which should be renewed 3-4 times a day. Although having a watering system is not necessary to start a business, over time you will have to think about providing running water for your birds.

Necessary equipment

A quail farm can be a source for you permanent income in the long term. Quails are not particularly demanding birds, so at the initial stage of your business they can be bred in cages even in a city apartment. Adult quails should be kept in cage “batteries” - several cages interconnected. You can make the cells yourself or order them from manufacturers. One battery usually contains 6 cages equipped with feeders and drinkers. These cages can safely accommodate up to 280 adult birds. detailed instructions To collect quail cages you can find them at You can also buy a ready-made design.

To increase the number of birds it will be necessary to use an incubator and hatcher.

You can also do it yourself, but it is better to entrust this matter to professionals. The incubator must constantly maintain the temperature at 37-39 degrees and periodically turn the eggs to distribute heat over its entire area.

Also a very important factor in growing such a farm is compliance with the light regime. For this you will also need special equipment. Although it is necessary to use dim light in a room with quails, the energy costs will not be so small. Daylight hours must be maintained for 18 hours.

Sales of products

Quail farm products will always find their consumer on the market, but are still not in constant and growing demand. Because of this, product suppliers spend most of their time and effort on creating individual sales plans, advertising the products they offer, and nurturing the customer. The least expensive and effective way attracting customers are various promotions and mass marketing of products.

In order to provide yourself with food on an ongoing basis at the initial stage, you should accurately calculate the number of quails. For initial stage it is necessary to purchase 750 quails. Of these, 500 females will need to be allocated for egg production, and the remaining 250 for females and males for meat and increasing offspring. Young hens and cockerels cost about 30-50 rubles. You can start breeding the breed from eggs, it will cost a little less, but it will take a little more time and nerves.

The wholesale price for eggs is 1 rub. 50 k. per piece, to find your client and debug your sales network, it is best to sell at this price. The retail price for quail eggs on the market reaches up to 3 rubles. for a unit. Shops, supermarkets and businessmen at the market are actively selling quail eggs. Production volume for the first months from a population of 750 quail can reach up to 540 eggs per day. Quail eggs have a shelf life of up to 1 month when stored at room temperature; they can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 60 days, which is very convenient when selling them in large wholesale quantities.

Selling meat can also bring you additional income. For these purposes, you need to purchase an additional stock of 250 quails. Sales of meat will begin by the second month. It is best to negotiate with restaurants and cafes on the supply of quails; you can also arrange sales through supermarkets and the market. The price per kilogram of carcass is 300-350 rubles if sold through restaurants. Long-term business prospects can only be achieved by properly planning an increase in the number of birds.

Sample business plan for a quail farm

Investment costs:

  • Purchase of a livestock of 750 birds (based on the average price of 40 rubles per quail) - 37,500 rubles.
  • Cage batteries for keeping 250 quails - 3 pcs - 54,000 rub.
  • Small-sized household incubator - 4500 rub.

Total investment expenses:96000 rub.

Variable expenses:

  • Compound feed (per month at the rate of 1 kg per quail) – 8625 rubles
  • Wheat – 225 kg * 10 rub. = 2250 rub.
  • Crushed corn – 187.5 kg*8 r. = 1500 rub.
  • Barley – 37.5 kg*10 rub.=375 rub.
  • Ground shell – 300 kg*15 rub.=4500 rub.
  • Lighting and heating - 3000 rub. per month

Total variable expenses: 11,625 rubles.

Total expenses: 107,625 rubles.

Sales income:

Sales of eggs per month 540 eggs per day * 30 days = 16200 eggs * 1.5 rub. = 24300 rub.

Minimum monthly profit 12675 rubles

Meat sales will begin by the 3rd month - 250 carcasses * average weight 100 g. * 350 rubles (average price) = 8750 rubles.

Profit fromtaking into accountmeat sales: 20375 rubles

Project payback – 5 months (withoutaccountingincrease in quail numbers)

This business plan reflects the minimum profit you can make. The real profit potential is much higher. To fully realize your full sales potential, you need to maintain ongoing marketing activities, negotiate with cafes and restaurants, advertise the positive properties of products among your friends and acquaintances. Quails reproduce very quickly and soon you will need additional labor, new premises and distribution channels.

The Sprut Technology company offers a series modular (mobile) mini-farms for raising poultry.


This set of equipment is intended for a mini-farm for raising quails for meat and eggs. The mini quail fern kit contains a sufficient set of equipment for raising quail for eggs and meat.

Mini-farm Sprut-6M - this is a compact solution for your mini-business.

Mini-farm Sprut-6M - this is a completely ready-to-use module, professionally designed and equipped with the necessary equipment.

Mini-farm Sprut-6M - this is mobility, a car with a manipulator is enough to quickly move your mini-quail farm.

Mini-farm Sprut-6M - ease of use due to proper planning and use modern materials and technology.

Mini-farm Sprut-6M - this is an opportunity to expand or increase production volume in the future, thanks to the joining of new modules:

module with auxiliary room

module with residential block for staff

Mini-farm Sprut-6M assembled on the basis of a 20-foot sea container covered with sandwich panels. Overall dimensions: L6058 x W2438 x H2591mm, ceiling height 2280mm.

Technical characteristics of the Sprut-6m mini-farm:

Livestock: 1500 heads
Power: 1 kW
Footprint: max 15m2
Service staff: 1 person

Mini-farm Sprut-6M based on a sea container can be supplied complete with all internal engineering systems: electricity, ventilation, heating and air conditioning, water supply and sewerage. All that is needed at the installation site is the presence of a level area. Installation Mini-farms Sprut-6M can be carried out by unskilled workers following our instructions.

The inside of the container is lined with galvanized white sandwich panels 80-100mm thick, which provide the necessary insulation and are easy to clean during disinfection. The flooring is made using commercial linoleum. Doors and windows are made of aluminum and plastic with energy-saving double-glazed windows.

The layout of the room can be changed according to your requirements.

Price Mini-farms Sprut-6M calculated individually depending on the needs of your production.

Price "Mini-farms Sprut-6M " as standard : RUB 799,999

Comes as standard "Mini-farms Sprut-6M " includes:

1. - interior finishing (galvanized metal, painted with white powder paint)

2. - power supply/lighting (installed sockets and LED bulbs lighting)

3. - water supply to cell batteries with a pressure regulation tank.

4. - technological table.

5. - plastic cage batteries for 1500 heads.

This set of equipment is designed in accordance with the requirements of state sanitary and epidemiological rules, regulations and GOST 12.2.135-95 “Equipment for processing products in the meat and poultry processing industry. General requirements safety, sanitation and ecology", as well as technical regulations on the safety of machinery and equipment, which is confirmed by relevant certificates.

All equipment is made from of stainless steel and food plastic (polypropylene).

The surfaces of polypropylene parts are absolutely smooth, easy to clean and do not absorb dirt.

The polypropylene structure has antibacterial properties that inhibit the growth of a number of bacteria, including salmonella, Escherichia coli (e.Coli), staphylococcus and bacteria that cause pneumonia.

. Polypropylene parts haveSanitary and epidemiological report ! The equipment is certified!

We equip workshops with sanitary equipment and materials according to your specifications - Sewer and water pipes, shut-off valves, ventilation, septic tanks and storage tanks.

Delivery conditions :

Prepayment 100%

Technical documentation provided

Operating documentation is provided

Warranty 12 months from date of shipment.

Delivery time is 10-15 days from receipt of payment.

Sending equipment across Russia transport company"Auto trading".

You just need to send your application by e-mail: [email protected] or PLACE AN ORDER - we will do the rest!

Along with this product you can buy:

Sending equipment across Russia by transport company.

The main idea or concept of a quail farm business is that quail eggs and meat have a large sales market (second only to chicken eggs), and in every Russian city or town you can see quail eggs for sale.

The prospect of a quail farm as a profitable business project is based on the fact that:

  • Quail eggs are a valuable immunomodulatory food product and contain a whole set of vital vitamins (A, P and K, B1, B2, iron, cobalt) and other microelements necessary for the human body. This is particularly confirmed by the fact that quail egg protein is widely used in biopharmaceuticals, especially in the field of gerontology and life extension technologies (anti-ageing).
  • Meat and semi-finished meat products quails are considered a delicacy and dietary food product, especially in restaurant business.
  • The unique egg production of quails allows the bird to receive its first eggs already at 6 weeks of age. On average, an egg-laying quail produces 280-330 eggs per year. This allows you to have quail eggs and meat almost uninterruptedly, and ensure a stable supply of farm products to the market of any capacity.
  • Creating or starting a business does not require large investments, complex equipment, technologies. Also, the farmer does not need to obtain a license to raise quail stock and sell products.
  • The quail egg market, as well as meat, in the Russian commercial and consumer sectors has had constant positive dynamics for more than 20 years. This indicates the stability of demand and the future expansion of the market.

The payback period for the quail farm project is 24 month.

The initial investment will be equal to 2 445 000 rub.

The break-even point is reached at 5 month of operation of the quail farm.

Monthly net profit - RUB 105,555.

2. Description of the business, product or service

The quail farm project provides for its specialization in the production and supply of quail eggs to the commercial and consumer markets. This is the main product of the farm and its output will be approximately 98%.

The remaining insignificant part of the supply will be carried out in the form of sales of quail in live weight for restaurants that have quail meat dishes on their menu. This part of the production is episodic and very insignificant in the volume of the entire farm business.

The project starts with 2000 quails, by the end of the year it reaches a volume of 4500 quails, after which it stabilizes. Taking into account the egg production of quails, which can lay eggs 300 days a year, on average, each bird is expected to produce 20-25 eggs per month. Moreover, the quail begins to lay its first eggs at 5-6 weeks of age. The total gross flow of eggs from the farm to the market will range from 2,500 dozen at the first stage to 10,000 dozen by the time the number of birds is optimal and sales are established.

The most egg-laying bird breeds will be selected as the main type of quail - Japanese quail, English black quail and Manchurian golden quail.

All these breeds are well adapted to being kept in small farms and in Russian climatic conditions.

The average selling price of a dozen quail eggs is 60 rubles.

The main sales channel will be focused on the commercial sector - culinary, baking and confectionery companies, enterprises producing dietary and baby food, mayonnaise, creams and others semi-finished food products. A small part, about 15%-20%, of the products is planned to be supplied to retail chains and shops.

It is also planned to work with various medical institutions and sanatoriums of the state or municipal sector under contracts concluded during participation in special electronic auctions for the supply of goods and services for state and municipal needs.

Strengths of the project:

Weaknesses of the project:

  • relatively constant demand for quail eggs from private and corporate clients
  • variety of sales and product supply channels;
  • rapid adaptation to the rapidly changing market for poultry farm products;
  • individual approach to customer requests regarding the range and volume of supplies of quail eggs, as well as supplies of poultry in live weight
  • competition from suppliers of quail eggs, primarily large specialized agricultural holdings;
  • poor staff work
  • risks of frequent equipment damage and failure
  • risks associated with the epidemiological situation, the spread of avian influenza infection

Project capabilities:

Project threats:

  • business expansion by increasing the number of quails, incubation and sale of chickens of special breeding breeds of quails;
  • the ability to work with state and municipal consumers of quail eggs;
  • the possibility of creating related types of business for processing quail meat, eggshells and substandard products;
  • high competition in the poultry product market, especially from agricultural holdings;
  • Increase in prices for feed on the domestic market
  • Rent increase/lease termination;
  • A decrease in the purchasing power of the commercial sector and a decrease in demand for farm products from food retail, stores, and markets.

3. Description of the sales market

For qualitative assessment quail eggs sales market and calculation economic efficiency For this business project, the following important market parameters should be taken into account.

Volume and dynamics of the quail egg market. Despite the fact that quail farming in Russia relatively recently began to acquire industrial scale(only in the early 90s the first full-cycle quail farms appeared), only for the period from 2010 to 2016. The quail egg market has almost tripled. However, such rates are still quite far from the world average. For example, in Japan (considered the birthplace of quail farming), the quail market in physical terms is growing annually by 8 million units. and in China - no less than 25 million units. The average annual growth rate of quail egg production is at the level of 4%, as well as the entire Russian market eggs in shell. The total volume of the egg market in Russia is about 5.5 billion dollars, where the main share is occupied by chicken eggs (80%), followed by quail eggs (at least 15%) and eggs of other birds.

Structure of demand for quail eggs in Russia differs little from most European countries, and the main share goes to industrial processing (for example, the production of mayonnaise), as well as to restaurants and confectionery business. Quail eggs are also used to prepare dietary foods and even for medical purposes (special creams, vaccines).

As for the use of quail meat, this segment consumer market occupies a very small share in general structure demand. Quail meat is mainly used in the restaurant business for preparing exotic dishes (previously in Russia, quail meat was served exclusively to the table of royalty and the nobility close to them).

Taking into account the above brief analysis, the following important conclusions can be drawn:

  • The Russian market for quail farming and, in particular, egg production is still far from being saturated, and the average annual growth rate of consumption of quail eggs (to a lesser extent, meat) of 4-5% allows us to count on a long investment horizon of at least 10-15 years.
  • The measures taken by the Russian government to protect the domestic agricultural market from competition from import suppliers guarantee comfortable conditions for development for both large agricultural holdings and small farms.

In addition, it should be noted that the gradual introduction of the majority of Russians to healthy image life, the use of dietary products (where quail eggs occupy not the last place) gives prospects for increasing demand for quail farm products, even within a separate municipal district or urban settlement.

4. Sales and marketing

5. Production plan

To solve the organizational problem and legal registration of the quail farm business, the individual entrepreneur form was chosen ( individual entrepreneur), as the most suitable for starting production at an enterprise with a small number of poultry.

The main advantage of this form legal registration is that a simplified taxation system (STS) is used with a maximum tax rate of 6%.

Also in favor of choosing the individual entrepreneur farm format is the fact that to maintain accounting and tax reporting, you can use the services of a financial specialist outside staffing table enterprises (for example, in the form of outsourcing or remotely).

In addition to individual entrepreneurs, you can also use the option of registering a farm as a private household plot or peasant farm farm). But this form contains restrictions on the use of tax benefits, which may further complicate business expansion through the creation of related types of production.

The general scheme for registering individual entrepreneurs has standard view and is completed within 3 working days by submitting a corresponding application to the local branch of the Federal Tax Service. Together with payment of the state fee for registration and execution of other documents, the amount of organizational expenses will be no more than 10,000 rubles.

It is necessary to keep in mind that when submitting an application, you must indicate the code entrepreneurial activity according to a special classifier - OKVED.

For a quail farm, this code looks like this:

OKVED 01.24 “Raising poultry”».

In addition to registering the farm as a business, you should issue a package permitting documents, due to the very specifics of quail farming. The list of such mandatory documents includes:

  • resolution of the local administration (signed by the head of the city or district) authorizing the construction of a quail farm. This document takes the form of a separate order on the official letterhead of the head of the administration or representative body (city or village council) of the municipality;
  • permits from the Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision departments (veterinary supervision) for the operation of premises and equipment for keeping poultry - quails;
  • an agreement for the treatment or disposal of waste, as well as a permit for the disposal of biowaste, approved by the local Sanitary and Epidemiological Inspectorate;
  • certificate of workplace compliance with SanPiN requirements - issued in labor inspection at the location of the farm (in municipal authorities authorities).
  • Certificate of conformity (ROSTEST Certificate according to regulations TU 9846-036-23476484-04) for quail farm products and obtaining an individual barcode for a specific enterprise. These documents are issued by regional branches of Rospotrebnadzor.

In addition, it will be necessary to conclude agreements with local water suppliers, utility companies and electricity supply companies.

The final amount required to obtain all permits and register a business in the individual entrepreneur format will be no more than 70,000 rubles.

This set of equipment is intended for a mini-farm for raising quails for meat and eggs. The mini-quail kit contains the most complete set of equipment and tools, from hatching chicks in incubators to slaughter in the production of quail meat.

The advantage of our mini quail farm kits in exceptionally compact production. Quails are kept in cages of several tiers, made of hygienic polypropylene. On an area of ​​250 sq. meters you can keep up to 1000 birds.

It also takes up little space mini quail slaughter shop, including a professional set of equipment and tools for quail slaughter and processing

Technical characteristics of the mini-farm:

Containment area

Livestock: 1000 - 1200 heads
Power: 1 kW
Footprint: max 10m2
Service staff: 1 person

Often slaughter

Performance: 150 carcasses/hour
Power: 7.25 kW
Footprint: 20m2
Weight: 190kg
Cold water consumption: 0.9m3h

The composition of the site for quail maintenance includes:

1) Cellular battery with 5 tiers. 4 batteries included

Each battery allows you to keep more than 300 quails. The battery is equipped with everything necessary: ​​a feed tray, a nipple drinking system, trays for collecting litter, etc.

Detailed description>>>

2) Tank for adjusting water pressure in the poultry watering system. 1 tank included.

Allows you to connect a poultry nipple watering system to a standard water supply.

Detailed description>>>

3) Automatic incubator for 252 eggs. 2 incubators included.

A semi-professional incubator made in Italy fully automates the process of hatching quail chicks.

Detailed description>>>

4) Technological table for installing incubators .

Completely stainless, made of hygienic plastic.

5) Ovoscope.

Suitable for all types of eggs.

Detailed description>>>

5) Brooder pen with infrared heating lamp, feeder and drinker.

Used to keep newly hatched chicks.

Detailed description>>>" alt="Flycatcher" width="188" height="188"> !} 7) Insect trap.

Detailed description>>>

The poultry slaughter area includes:

1) Shparchan "Sprut-5".

Equipped with a device for adjusting the water temperature, a thermometer for reading readings and a waste water drain tap.

Detailed description>>>

1) Feather removal machine "Sprut-500P" .

The diameter of the working body is 500mm.

Detailed description>>>

3) Feather separator.

Allows you to separate water from feathers and offal of any bird.

Detailed description>>>

4) Storage basket for shparchan "Sprut-5" with a tray for collecting blood. It is used for collecting carcasses immediately after slaughter and further heat treatment in the parchment. Trayhas a pipe for connection to a standard sewer system.

Detailed description>>>

6) Technological table for installing a box with live birds.

Installed at the very beginning of the production line, it is designed for the convenience of retrieving birds from the box.

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7) Pneumatic scissors for cutting off poultry limbs.

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8) Knives for gutting poultry.

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9) Fork for gutting poultry. A special configuration allows you to remove the insides in one movement. Material - stainless steel.

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10) Table for gutting and washing carcasses. Equipped with a hot and cold water mixer, a shower gun for external washing and a special gun for internal poultry washing.

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11) Cooling bath, double. Designed for cooling poultry carcasses after slaughter. Equipment with a system of constant water flow and a system of pipes for drainage.

Detailed description>>>

12) Tray for drying poultry. The set with boxes is designed for collecting carcasses after cooling and draining them of excess water obtained during cooling.

Detailed description>>>

13) Plastic boxes for meat and poultry products .

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14) Stand for disinfection and washing of aprons and shoes .

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15) Grease trap. Designed to clean wastewater from grease. Allows you to avoid rapid “overgrowing” of the sewer system with fatty deposits.

Detailed description>>>" alt=" Hand washing with contactless water supply" width="161" height="142"> !} 18) Washbasin with touch activation and automatic temperature control.

They are used in slaughter and meat processing shops, laboratories, and honey. institutions and other places where it is necessary to prevent direct contact of the operator with objects.

Detailed description>>>

19) Cleaner-disinfector "Dis .Infector ".

Used for disinfection - spraying of premises and equipment food production, to prevent the development of viruses, fungi and bacteria (eg bird flu), spraying areas infected with infectious diseases, bioactive substances and toxins.

Detailed description>>>

"Dis .Kover ".

Disinfection mats are used wherever disinfection of shoe soles is required, from kindergartens to large poultry farms:

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21) Disinfection lamps.

Designed to suppress the activity of microargonisms in the air and on the surfaces of premises and equipment: It is recommended to install one lamp at each production site.

Detailed description>>>

22) Insect trap.

Industrial electric flycatcher with remote control control is specially designed for large areas:

Detailed description>>>

It is possible to supply individual elements from this kit.

The kit is designed to equip quail slaughter shops with modern technology. Its use will increase labor productivity. The set is made entirely of stainless steel grade 12Х18Н10Т GOST 5632-72 and polypropylene, all materials are approved for use in food production.

Layout of equipment for the quail slaughter area

Equipment for processing products in the meat and poultry processing industry. General requirements for safety, sanitation and ecology", as well as technical regulations on the safety of machinery and equipment, which is confirmed by relevant certificates.

All equipment is made of stainless steel and food-grade plastic (polypropylene). Properties of polypropylene>>>

The surfaces of polypropylene parts are absolutely smooth, easy to clean and do not absorb dirt.

The structure of polypropylene has antibacterial properties that inhibit the growth of a number of bacteria, including salmonella, E. coli (e.Coli), staphylococcus and bacteria that cause pneumonia.

Polypropylene parts have Sanitary and epidemiological conclusion! The equipment is certified! More details>>>

We equip workshops with sanitary equipment and materials according to your specifications - Sewer and water pipes, shut-off valves, ventilation, septic tanks and storage tanks.

Delivery conditions :

Prepayment 100%

Technical documentation provided

Operating documentation is provided

Warranty 12 months from date of shipment.

Delivery time is 10-15 days from receipt of payment.

Sending equipment across Russia by the transport company "Autotrading". More information about equipment delivery>>>

You just need to send an application to e-mail -mail : Sprut. *****@***ru - we will do the rest!

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