Organization of documentation support for the activities of the service. Documentation support. The staffing table of the enterprise

Today, the main problem in the documentation of the activities of personnel services is to ensure that all published personnel documents comply with the requirements of labor legislation, current GOSTs, various instructions, bringing all enterprises to comply with the standard established by the management company in documentary support of personnel work.

Normative methodological support of the UP system is a certain set of documents of an organizational, organizational and methodological, organizational and administrative, technical and regulatory and technical nature.

One of the important documents of the UP are

    internal rules work schedule

    duties of the employee and the administration

Personnel and management office work primarily includes the development of a staffing table, job descriptions, orders for personnel and the management of personal affairs. Most often, this may also include information about the calculation of the salaries of employees of the organization.

  1. The main approaches to assessing the performance of personnel management services.

Evaluation of the activities of personnel management units is a systematic, well-organized process aimed at comparing the costs and benefits associated with the activities of personnel services, as well as correlating these results with the results of the organization's past activities, with the results of the activities of other organizations. The results of the assessment serve as indicators focusing attention on the main problems of working with personnel, such as the quality of work performed, employee satisfaction, performance discipline, and staff turnover.

A quantitative assessment of the effectiveness of the personnel management services involves the mandatory determination of the costs accompanying the implementation of the organization's personnel policy. In this case, one should take into account the costs of both the maintenance of personnel and the replenishment of its number and training. Another indicator characterizing the activities of personnel management services is the cost of personnel activities per employee. When assessing the effectiveness of individual personnel programs, the impact of each of them on the performance of employees and the organization as a whole is determined.

The second group of indicators for assessing the activities of personnel management services is staffing level. It is assessed quantitatively - by comparing the actual number of employees with the required (calculated) value for the labor intensity of operations or with the planned number provided by the staffing table; and also qualitatively - according to the correspondence of the professional and qualification level, education profile, practical experience of employees to the requirements of the jobs (positions) occupied.

The degree of employee satisfaction is assessed based on an analysis of their opinions about personnel policy organization and its individual directions. Such opinions are revealed through questionnaires or interviews.

The effectiveness of the personnel management divisions can be assessed by employees on the basis of the following objective criteria:

    the degree of cooperation of various departments and services with the personnel management service;

    the opinion of line managers on the effectiveness of the personnel management service;

    the readiness of the personnel management service to cooperate with all employees in solving personnel problems;

    confidentiality of relationships with employees;

    the speed, quality and efficiency of fulfilling the requests addressed to the personnel management service and the services provided by this service to other divisions;

    evaluating the quality of information and advice that the service provides to senior management.

The data obtained in the course of the survey of employee opinions is analyzed, the results are compared with the results of past surveys to find out whether there are positive or negative changes.

The main indirect criteria for the effectiveness of personnel management services are indicators of staff turnover and absenteeism. Closely related to fluidity and absenteeism are such indirect forms of evaluations as complaints and discontent expressed in any way.

Dissatisfaction is an expression in any form of dissatisfaction or criticism from an employee towards a manager.

A grievance is a grievance presented to management orally or in writing.

Of course, complaints and grievances are not always related to HR management. They can relate to various areas of the organization. But in any case, an increase in the number and objectivity of complaints indicates dissatisfaction with work, which, in turn, entails an increase in absenteeism and turnover. These factors are indicators of how effective the work of the personnel management service is in creating conditions for increasing employee satisfaction with work in the organization.

Assessment of the activities of the organization's personnel will be incomplete without assessing the quality of work of personnel services employees according to the following indicators:

    fulfillment of obligations on the selection of the number of employees, provided for by the staffing table of the organization;

    fulfillment of obligations to provide the organization with managers, specialists and workers of the required professions, specialties and qualifications;

    the number of cases of violation of the established procedure for registration of personnel documentation (contracts, pension cases, work books, certificates, reports, etc.);

    the degree of provision of a full-fledged reserve for the promotion of managers and specialists;

    timeliness and quality of registration of the established reporting;

    number of violations labor discipline staff personnel service;

    the number of cases of violation of the schedule for checking and analyzing the observance of labor discipline by employees;

Maintaining ……………………………………………………………………………

CHAPTER I. Management documentation service (DOE) of a modern enterprise, its purpose, tasks, structure and composition .....................................................................

1.1. Management documentation service (DOU) of a modern enterprise, its purpose, tasks ……………………………

1.2. An indicative list of normative documents governing the organization of documentation support for enterprise management .......

1.3. The daily activities of the preschool educational institution are regulated by ……………

1.4. Organizational structure and strength of the service ……………… ..

1.5. Qualification structure …………………………………………… ..

CHAPTER II. Organizational and administrative documentation of the preschool educational institution ……………………………………………………………………………

2.1. Staffing schedule of the enterprise …………………………………………

2.2. Regulations on the service of the preschool educational institution. Regulations on the structural unit of the enterprise (organization, institution) …………………………………… ...

2.3. Instructions for documentation support of management …………

2.4. Instructions on the types (areas) of activity of the preschool educational institution …….

2.5. Instructions on the organization of workplaces for the personnel of the preschool educational institution .......

2.6. Time norms for the execution of work on the preschool educational institution ………………………… ...

2.7. Planning and reporting documents of the preschool educational institution ………………… ..

2.8. Documents for improving the activities of the preschool educational institution ……….

2.9. Job descriptions of the personnel of the preschool educational institution …………………… ..

Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………...

List of used literature ………………………………………… ...



The information recorded in the documents is a reflection of the activities of the organization and forms the basis of any business.

According to the estimates of specialists, the preparation of documents and work with them on average takes up to 60% of the working time of management personnel. Modern business is largely a continuous process of drafting and moving documents. Transactions are concluded and terminated, the purchase and sale of securities, real estate and other assets of the enterprise takes place, the relationship between employers and staff is formalized, information is transferred between enterprises and citizens - behind all this there are documents.

Documentation support of management (office work) is a specific area of ​​activity, which consists in the preparation, execution of documents, their processing and storage. The timeliness and correctness of managerial decision-making largely depends on how correctly the documents are drawn up and executed, how the work with them is organized. A competently drafted, legally binding document is the main argument in controversial situations and the guarantor of a successful transaction.

The topic of my term paper: the organization of the preschool educational institution in the conditions of the functioning of a modern enterprise.

The goal is to consider all aspects in the organization of the preschool educational institution.

CHAPTER I. Management documentation service (DOU) of a modern enterprise, its purpose, tasks, structure and composition

1.1. Management documentation service (DOU) of a modern enterprise, its purpose, tasks

“In accordance with the requirements of the State System for Management Documentation (hereinafter referred to as the DOE), the management documentation support at modern enterprises should be carried out by a special service - the Management Documentation Service (hereinafter referred to as the DOE service). Such a service functions at the enterprise as an independent structural unit headed by the head of the service and subordinate directly to the head of the enterprise. At enterprises with up to 100 employees and a relatively small volume of workflow, it is allowed to assign responsibilities for a preschool educational institution to one of the full-time employees. "

The purpose of the preschool educational institution is to organize, maintain and improve the system of documentation support for enterprise management on the basis of a unified technical policy and the use of modern technical means in working with documents. At the same time, the main tasks of the preschool educational institution are:

1.2. An indicative list of regulatory documents governing the organization of documentation support for enterprise management

Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Civil Code of the Russian Federation (parts I and II).

Federal Law of 28.08.1995, No. 154-FZ "On General Principles of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation" (with subsequent amendments).

Federal Law of the Russian Federation of 25.01.1995 “On Information, Informatization and Information Protection”.

Federal Constitutional Law of the Russian Federation of December 25, 2000 No. 2-FKZ "On the State Emblem of the Russian Federation".

Federal Law of the Russian Federation of 10.01.2002 "On electronic digital signature».

Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 27, 2002, No. 184-FZ "On Technical Regulation".

Law of the Russian Federation of 25.10.1991, No. 1807-1 "On the languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation" (as amended by the Federal Law of 24.07.1998, No. 126-FZ).

Basic requirements for the concept and development of draft federal laws (approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 02.08.2001, No. 576).

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 02.05.1996 No. 638 "On the procedure for preparing draft decrees, orders of the President of the Russian Federation, providing for the adoption of resolutions, orders of the Government of the Russian Federation."

Rules for the preparation of normative legal acts of federal executive bodies and their state registration (approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 13.08.1997 No. 1009 (with subsequent amendments)).

Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 31, 2000, No. 1547-r "On improving office work in federal executive bodies and strengthening executive discipline."

GOSG R51141-98 “Office work and archival work. Terms and definitions "(approved by the Resolution of the State Standard of the Russian Federation of 27.02.1998, No. 28).

GOST R6.30-2003 “Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for paperwork ”(approved by the Resolution of the State Standard of the Russian Federation of 03.03.2003, No. 65-st).

State system of documentation support for management. Basic provisions (approved by the board of the USSR Main Archives on 04/27/1988, put into effect by the Order of the USSR Main Archives of 05/25/1988, No. 33).

Typical instructions for office work in federal executive bodies (approved by Order of Rosarkhiv dated November 27, 2000, No. 68).

Qualification reference book of positions of managers, specialist employees (approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of 21.08.1998, No. 37).

All-Russian classifier of management documentation OK 011 -93 (approved by the Resolution of the State Standard of the Russian Federation of 30.12.1993, No. 299).

The list of typical management documents generated in the activities of organizations, indicating the storage periods (approved by Rosarchiv on 06.10.2000).

Basic rules for the archives of organizations (approved by the decision of the board of the Federal Archives of 06.02.2002).

Time norms for work on documentation support of administrative structures of federal executive bodies (approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation of March 26, 2002, No. 23).

1.3. The daily activities of the preschool educational institution are regulated by:

Regulations on the service of the preschool educational institution;

Regulations on structural divisions (if the latter are part of the preschool educational institution);

Instructions for the preschool educational institution;

Instructions for certain types (areas) of the service's activities;

Instruction on the organization of work places for the personnel of the service;

Time norms for performing work on a preschool educational institution;

Planning and reporting documents;

Job descriptions of service personnel.

If necessary, the preschool educational institution develops other documents -

in particular, documents on improving the activities of the preschool educational institution.

1.4. Organizational structure and strength of the service

The organizational structure and the strength of the preschool educational institution will be determined in accordance with the staffing table.

To determine the optimal organizational structure of the preschool educational institution, which best meets the needs of a particular enterprise in documented information, it seems appropriate to refer to the relevant provisions of the State Educational Institution of Education. This document provides for the following typical options for the organizational structure of the preschool educational institution:

“At state enterprises (associations) - the department of documentation support of the administration or the office. They usually include:

a) subdivisions for accounting and registration, control, improvement of work with documents and implementation of technical means;

b) consideration of letters (complaints);

c) secretariat;

d) expedition;

e) typewriting bureau;

f) copying and duplicating bureau;

In associations and concerns, the composition and structure of the preschool educational institution is determined by the leadership of the organization. In joint ventures (organizations) - the board. In joint stock companies - a constituent conference. In cooperatives - the composition and structure of the preschool educational institution is determined general meeting members of the cooperative. There is a general department in local self-government bodies and in the apparatus, administrations of public organizations. The general department includes:

a) secretariat;

b) the office;

c) control group;

d) protocol group;

e) a group for improving work with documents;

f) a group of letters (complaints);

g) typewriting bureau;

h) copying bureau;

In organizations that do not have a management documentation service, in structural divisions, the work with documents is performed by the manager's secretary (inspector) or another specially appointed person. "

Option 1. Meeting the needs for documented information of the ministries (departments) of the Russian Federation and the subjects of the Federation, other similar organizations and institutions is prescribed to be assigned to the administration of affairs (Fig. 1), which include:

Secretariat, including reception, secretariat of the minister (head of department, organization, institution), secretariats of deputy ministers (head), secretariat of the collegium, protocol bureau;

Inspection under a minister (head of a department, organization, institution), including an office (correspondence bureau), an accounting and document registration bureau, an expedition, a typewritten bureau, a copy-and-duplicate bureau, teletype;

The department of letters (complaints), that is, the department for working with appeals received by the ministry (department, organization, institution);

Department for the improvement of work with documents and the introduction of technical means (TS) (automation and mechanization) of office processes;

Central archive (archive).

Fig. 1. Approximate organizational structure of case management

Option 2. The provision of the needs for documented information of state enterprises, research, design, design organizations and computing centers, higher educational institutions and other similar organizations is prescribed to be assigned to the departments (services) of documentary support of the management (office) (Fig. 2), which include :

Group (department) of accounting and registration;

Control group (department);

Group (department) for improving the work with documents and the introduction of technical means (automation and mechanization);

Group (department) for consideration of applications received by the enterprise (organization);

Secretariat; expedition; typewriting bureau; copying and multiplying bureau; archive.

Option 3. Meeting the needs for documented information of non-state enterprises (organizations), including associations, concerns, joint stock companies (including joint ones), cooperatives, etc., is prescribed to be assigned to the services of the preschool educational institution, the structure of which (another similar unit) is determined by the management bodies of the enterprise (organization) (fig. 3).

Fig. 2 Approximate organizational structure of the department (service) of the preschool educational institution (office) of a non-state enterprise

Fig. 3 Approximate organizational structure of the preschool educational institution service of a non-state enterprise (organization)

Option 4. Meeting the needs for documented information of local government (authorities) and staff (boards) of public organizations is prescribed to be assigned to an abundance of departments (Fig. 4), which include:


Chancellery (office work group);

Control group;

Protocol group;

Group for the improvement of work with documents (implementation of technical means);

Group of consideration of letters (complaints);

Typewriting Bureau;

Copying and duplicating bureau;


Rice. 4. Approximate organizational structure of the general department

Determination of the number of the preschool educational institution service - by structural divisions and in general - is recommended to be made on the basis of appropriate calculations. Such calculations should be carried out on the basis of data on the standard time spent on performing certain types of work (actions), as well as on the basis of the real needs of the enterprise for documented information, taking into account:

The volume of workflow;

The main types of management documents;

The frequency of their use in order to ensure the daily activities of the enterprise, etc.) The calculation methodology is presented in the consolidated intersectoral standards of time for work on the preschool educational institution.

An example of the calculation is presented in table. 1. (See Appendix)

1.5. Qualification composition

The determination of the qualification composition of the preschool educational institution is made based on the total needs of the enterprise in the types of work on the preschool educational institution, the implementation of which presupposes that employees have the appropriate qualifications. The qualification requirements for the main categories of employees of the preschool educational institution are presented in Appendix 2 to this manual.

The final results of the calculations, after a thorough check for reliability, are taken as the basis for the preparation of draft documents that determine the qualifications and number of personnel of the preschool educational institution (the most important of which is the staffing table, see below). The approximate qualification and number of personnel of the preschool educational institution of the enterprise with the number of employees up to 1000 people is presented in table. 2. (See Appendix)

CHAPTER II. Organizational and administrative documentation of the preschool educational institution

2.1. Staffing schedule of the enterprise

The staffing table is an organizational document that establishes the quantitative and qualitative composition of employees of an enterprise (organization, institution) as a whole and for each of its structural divisions. Staffing table service preschool educational institution is drawn up in the prescribed form.

The specified form - form No. T-3 "Staffing" (see the template of the form on the CD attached to the book) - is intended for documenting the structure, staffing and staffing levels and is annually approved as of January 1 by order of the head of the enterprise. Changes in the staffing table, including those caused by the formation of new structural divisions at the enterprise (for example, preschool educational institutions), are made in accordance with the order (instruction) of the head of the enterprise or a person authorized by him. A sample of such an order is presented on the CD.

The general procedure for preparing the staffing table is determined by the "Instructions for the use and filling out of forms of primary accounting documentation for labor accounting and remuneration."

“The staffing table is drawn up by an authorized official of the enterprise (as a rule, an authorized employee of the personnel department), signed by the developer and approved by the head of the enterprise. The staffing table indicates:

Company name;

Its code is according to OKPO;

Date of entry into force of the staffing table;

Date and number of the document;

Date and number of the order, in accordance with which the staffing table was approved;

Staff size in units;

The size of the wage fund (in rubles);

The name of the structural unit;

The name of the profession (position) of the employee;

Number of staff units;

The size of the monthly payroll for each position (profession) ".

2.2. Regulations on the service of the preschool educational institution. Regulations on the structural unit of the enterprise (organization, institution)

When preparing the text of the provision on the service of a preschool educational institution, it seems appropriate to use as a basis the approximate provision on the service of a preschool educational institution, presented in Appendix 12 to the GDOU. The text of the regulation on the service of the preschool educational institution is given in Appendix 3 to this manual.

Regulations on the structural unit of the enterprise (organization, institution)

When preparing the text of the provision on the structural unit as part of the preschool educational institution, it seems advisable to use the corresponding exemplary provisions as a basis. In particular, the approximate provision on the archival department, functioning as a structural unit as part of the preschool educational institution, is posted in Appendix 4 to this manual. (The approximate regulation on the archive of an enterprise (organization, institution), functioning as an independent structural unit (outside the structure of the preschool educational institution), was approved by the Decree of the Federal Archives of 18.08.1992, No. 176.)

2.3. Instructions for documentation management

When preparing the text of the instruction on the documentation of management, it is also recommended to use the relevant standard documents as a basis, for example, the Instruction on office work in federal executive bodies.

(Approved by the Order of the Federal Archives of 27.11.2000, No. 68.)

At the same time, the relevant provisions of other documents regulating certain areas of preschool educational institutions should be taken into account to the necessary extent. In addition to GSDOU, this is, in particular, GOST R6.30-2003. On their basis, the text of the instructions for the documentation of the management of the enterprise (organization, institution) is drawn up.

2.4. Instructions on the types (areas) of activity of the preschool educational institution

Instruction for the type of activity is a regulatory document that sets out the procedure for carrying out any activity (the procedure for applying the provisions of other regulatory legal acts for the implementation of such activity) by officials (structural divisions) of enterprises (organizations, institutions). The general procedure and rules for drawing up instructions for the type of activity are determined by paragraph 4.2 of the Model instructions for office work.

The instruction for the type of activity is signed by the head of the relevant structural unit responsible for the development of the document, and approved by the head of the enterprise. The approval of the document must be formalized in the form of an approval stamp or by issuing an administrative document on their approval.

The instruction for the type of activity should be drawn up on the general letterhead of the enterprise. The text of the document should be stated in accordance with the requirements of the Methodological Recommendations of VNIIDAD FAS RF (1998) and taking into account the specifics of the type of activity of the enterprise (structural unit), regulated by the corresponding instruction.

The main text of an activity instruction is usually divided into chapters, clauses and subclauses. The chapters of the document should have titles and are numbered in Roman numerals.

2.5. Instructions for organizing workplaces for the personnel of the preschool educational institution

Instruction for the organization of workplaces is a regulatory document that sets out the procedure for organizing workplaces for personnel of a structural unit of an enterprise (personnel of a certain qualification or professional-job category). When preparing such instructions, one should be guided by the above requirements governing the procedure for preparing instructions, as well as the provisions of documents establishing specific requirements for the organization of workplaces in a particular field of activity.

The instruction is signed by the head of the relevant structural unit responsible for the development of the document, and approved by the head of the enterprise.

Approval of a document must be issued in the form of an approval stamp or by issuing an administrative document on its approval.

The instruction should be drawn up on the general letterhead of the enterprise. The text of the document should be stated in accordance with the requirements of the Methodological Recommendations of VNIIDAD FAS RF (1998) and taking into account the specifics of the type of activity of the enterprise (structural unit), regulated by the corresponding instruction.

The numbering of paragraphs and subparagraphs of the document should be made in Arabic numerals.

2.6. Time norms for performing work on a preschool educational institution

The standardization of time for performing work on a preschool educational institution, as a rule, is carried out on the basis of the relevant documents - time standards and time standards developed by the bodies for the regulation of time costs for the performance of certain types of work. So, in order to properly set the time for performing work on preschool educational institutions at enterprises (in organizations, institutions), the Intersectoral consolidated standards of time for work on preschool educational institutions are applied, approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of November 25, 1994, No. authorities - the norms of time for work on documentation support, approved by the Resolution of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of March 26, 2002, No. 23. Based on the standards (norms) of time:

The number of employees of preschool educational institutions is determined and justified;

The job responsibilities of employees are established;

Work is distributed among employees (category "technical executor").

Where necessary, on the basis of the specified documents, enterprises (organizations, institutions) develop updated time standards. In such norms, as a rule, are fixed:

Time spent on execution certain types works not provided for by the consolidated standards (norms);

Time costs for the performance of certain types of work - in the event that, due to the specifics of the preschool educational institution in the conditions of a particular enterprise (organization, institution), the actual time costs for their implementation differ significantly from those established by the consolidated standards (norms).

“Calculation of the revised norms, as a rule, is carried out by the method of technical rationing, based on fixing (timing with subsequent recording) the costs of working time for the performance of the corresponding types of work. In this case, in addition, the time spent on organizational and technical maintenance of workplaces, rest and personal needs of workers should be taken into account.

Time norms are set in hours (fractions of an hour) per unit of measure for each specific type of work - for example, a sheet, a box, a folder, a case.

The time norms for performing the most common operations for preschool educational institutions are presented in Appendix 5 to this manual. "

2.7. Planning and reporting documents of the preschool educational institution

“Ensuring planning and reporting, as well as the timely and correct preparation of relevant documents - plans, reports - is one of the main responsibilities of the head of the preschool educational institution of the enterprise. In the general case, a work plan is a document that defines the composition and content of the main activities (tasks), the implementation of which is entrusted to the employee (the structural unit, the enterprise supervised by him), the dates, places and those responsible for their implementation within a certain period of time (during the day , week, month, quarter, etc.) ”.

The initial data for planning the activities of the preschool educational institution for the coming calendar year are:

Indicators of financial and economic development of the enterprise for the planned period;

The main results of the activities of the preschool educational institution for the past period;

The goals and objectives of the preschool educational institution arising from the content of the relevant sections of the documents for long-term and medium-term planning (including business plans, programs of organizational development of the enterprise, etc.).

On the basis of the indicators of the work plan of the preschool educational institution, the work plans of the structural divisions of the preschool educational institution are specified and approved in the final form.

Individual work planning by the employees of the preschool educational institution is carried out on the basis of the plans of the relevant structural divisions and taking into account the instructions of their immediate superiors. The main document for planning the individual work of an employee is the personal work plan.

A report is a document, in expanded form, reflecting the final results of processing (systematization, counting and reconciliation) and analysis of statistical data characterizing the performance of any type of work (any activity) for a long period of time (month, quarter or more). Reporting on the activities of the preschool educational institution is carried out in the manner prescribed by the provisions of the relevant regulatory and methodological and organizational and administrative documents, as well as the instructions of the head of the enterprise.

Forms of planning and reporting documents on the activities of the preschool educational institution are approved by the head of the enterprise on the basis of the corresponding submission by the head of the preschool educational institution. An example of a work plan for the head of the preschool educational institution is presented on a CD-ROM, and an example of a report on the work with written requests from citizens is in Appendix 6 to this manual.

2.8. Documents for improving the activities of the preschool educational institution

A special group in the organizational and administrative documentation of the preschool educational institution is formed by documents to improve its activities. Improving the activities of the preschool educational institution involves the systematic implementation of a set of measures aimed at achieving higher performance indicators of all structural divisions (work areas) as part of the preschool educational institution and the service as a whole. The content of the activities is determined depending on the direction on which the management efforts of the management of the preschool educational institution are concentrated. However, in practice, the conduct of such events is most often associated with the introduction into the daily activities of the service of new regulatory and methodological (organizational and administrative) documents on various issues of management documentation.

As noted, the implementation of a set of measures to improve the activities of the preschool educational institution should be systematic. For this purpose, the management of the service develops a draft plan (if necessary, in cooperation with other officials (structural divisions) of the enterprise). Such a plan may include activities related to:

Development of new (clarification of existing) regulatory and methodological (organizational and administrative) documents of the enterprise on the issues of preschool educational institutions;

Changes to the existing document flow of the enterprise, taking into account the new requirements for its organization;

Training of the personnel of the preschool educational institution and, if required, other officials of the enterprise, admitted to work with management documentation;

Provision of appropriate documentation for the structural divisions of the enterprise.

The implementation of the measures provided for by the plan is reflected in the act. Templates of an action plan to improve the activities of the preschool educational institution of the enterprise and the corresponding act are presented on the CD attached to the book.

2.9. Job descriptions of the personnel of the preschool educational institution

“Job description is a normative document regulating the activities of a specific official (categories of employees - management personnel, specialists, executors, etc.) of an enterprise (organization, institution) and establishing the procedure for the application of the provisions of other regulatory legal acts by these persons. The general procedure and rules for the execution of job descriptions are regulated by paragraph 4.2 of the Standard Office Work Instruction. "

The job description must be signed by the person responsible for its development and approved by the head of the enterprise - in the form of an approval stamp or by issuing a regulatory approval document. The title to the text of the job description is formulated in the dative case, for example: “Instructions to the chief metrologist”.

The text of the instruction is printed on the general letterhead of the enterprise and is stated in the third person, singular or plural. The text of the instruction can be divided into chapters, clauses and subclauses. Chapters should have titles and are numbered in Roman numerals. Clauses and subclauses are numbered in Arabic numerals.

Requirements for job descriptions of certain categories of employees are regulated by the relevant departmental regulations and organizational and administrative documents. So, in accordance with Appendix 2 to Appendix 12 of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine in the section of the job description “ General Provisions"Are installed:

The tasks of the employee (for example, for a clerk - receiving, registering incoming and sending outgoing documents);

The procedure for filling a position, that is, by whom this employee is appointed and dismissed from office;

Professional requirements for the employee (level of education, work experience, etc.);

Basic documents and materials that the employee must be guided by in his activities.

The section of the job description "Functions of an employee" defines:

Subject matter or area of ​​work assigned to the employee;

The list of types of work that make up the implementation of the assigned functions (for example, registration of documents may include filling out cards, maintaining a card index, issuing certificates, etc.).

In the section of the job description "Obligations of the employee", the features of the activity are indicated:

Related to the preparation of documents, receipt, processing and issuance of information;

Assuming the mandatory use of certain forms and methods of work (for example, periodic control over the formation of cases in structural units, briefings, etc.);

Requiring compliance with the deadlines for the implementation of specific actions;

Regarding the order of execution of orders;

Affecting ethical standards that must be observed in the team.

In the section of the job description "Rights of the employee", the rights of the employee are determined for the implementation of the functions assigned to him and the performance of duties. The section of the job description "Relationships" indicates the divisions and employees from whom the performer receives and transfers information, its structure and transfer times, who is involved in the execution of certain documents, with whom they are coordinated, etc.

In the section of the job description "Evaluation of work", the criteria are listed that allow you to assess the degree to which the employee fulfills his functions and responsibilities, the use of rights, etc.


Studying the scientific and practical material on this topic, the following conclusions can be drawn:

In accordance with the requirements of the State System for Management Documentation (hereinafter referred to as the DOE), the management documentation support at modern enterprises should be carried out by a special service - the Management Documentation Support Service (hereinafter referred to as the DOE service). Such a service functions at the enterprise as an independent structural unit headed by the head of the service and subordinate directly to the head of the enterprise.

The main tasks of the preschool educational institution are:

Implementation at the enterprise of a unified procedure for working with documents in accordance with the State Statistics Service of Ukraine and other regulatory, methodological, organizational and administrative documents;

Implementation of methodological management of the organization of work with documents in the structural divisions of the enterprise;

Ensuring effective control over compliance with the established procedure for working with documents;

Improvement of forms and methods of work of company officials with documents.

Documentation support of management - an activity covering the organization of documentation and document management in the process of implementing the functions of an institution, organization and enterprise.

Documentation support of management in organizations, institutions and enterprises is carried out by a special service acting as an independent structural unit subordinate directly to the head of the organization.

List of used literature:

Normative acts

Resolution of the Goskomstat of Russia dated 05.01.2004 No. 1 "On approval of unified forms of primary accounting documentation for labor accounting and remuneration."

GOST R6.30-2003. Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for paperwork. - M .: Publishing house of standards, 2003.

GOST R 51141-98 Office work and archiving: Terms and definitions. - M: Publishing house of standards, 1998.

DR-191-98. Unification of texts of management documents. Methodical recommendations of VNIIDAD FAS RF. - M .: VNIKDAD, 1998.

On approval of unified forms of primary accounting documentation for labor accounting and remuneration. Resolution of the Goskomstat of Russia dated 05.01.2004. No. 1.

Typical instructions for office work in federal executive bodies (approved by order of the Federal Archival Service of Russia dated November 27, 2000, No. 68). - M., 2001.

Federal Law "On Information, Informatization and Information Protection" dated 20.02.1995 No. 24-FZ.

Educational literature

Andreeva V.I. Office work. - M .: Intel-Sintez, 2002

Belov A.N. Office work and document flow: Textbook. Manual.- M .: Eksmo, 2007

Basakov M.I. Office work and correspondence in questions and answers: Textbook. - Rostov n / a: Phoenix, 2004

Basakov M.I., Zamytskova O.I. Office work. - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2004

Vasilieva L.M., Skvortsova R.E., Shkatova L.A. Document management. - Chelyabinsk .: Book. Publishing house, 2000

Galakhov V.V. Office work: Samples, documents, organization and technology of work. - M .: OOO "TK Welby", 2005

Demin Yu.M. Office work: Preparation of office documents. - SPb .: Peter, 2004

Zinovieva N.B. Documentation: Study guide. - M .: PROFIZDAT, 2003

Kolesnik E.N. Introduction to management records management. Tutorial... - M.: INFRA-M, 2003

Kreiskaya Z.V., Cellini E.V. Archival science: A textbook for secondary specialized educational institutions. - M .: Publishing house NORMA, 1996

Krylova I.Yu. Documenting management activities: Textbook. allowance. - SPb .: Business press, 2004

T.V. Kuznetsova Office work: Organization and technology of documentary management support. - M .: Unity-Dana, 2003

Kushnarenko N.N. Document management. Textbook. - Kiev: Znannya, 2000

Lysenko N.A., Serbinovsky B.Yu. Documenting management activities at the enterprise: office work and correspondence. - Rostov-on-Don: March ITs, 2002

A. V. Okhotnikov, E. A. Bulavina Document management and record keeping: Fundamentals of records management; Types, functions of documents; Office technology: A textbook for universities. - M: ICC March, 2004

Rogozhin M.Yu. Handbook on office work. - SPb .: PMter, 2006

Spivak V.A. Office work. - SPb., 2003

Spivak V.A. Documenting management activities: Office work - SPb .: Peter, 2005

Stenyukov M.V. Office work: Lecture notes. - M .: Prior, 2005


Table 1

An example of a calculation to determine the total cost of time (CTP)

by type of work on preschool educational institutions

Name of the type of work

Annual volume

Norm value, h

Costs, man-h

Processing of incoming documents

Outbound processing

Control of execution of documents

Development of norm.met. benefits

Execution thematic. requests

Checking the organization of work in departments

TOTAL person-h:


SZV, taking into account the time spent on organizational and technical maintenance of workplaces and rest of the personnel, are: SZVp = 12 651 x Ku = 13 916 man-h, where Ku is an accounting coefficient with a value of 1.1.

The approximate number of specialists (taking into account the qualification requirements imposed by the content of work), based on the value of the indicator of the useful fund of working time of one employee (FPV), will be: SZVp: FPv = 13916: 2006 = 7 units.

Table 2.

The approximate qualification and number of employees of the preschool educational institution of the enterprise with the number of employees up to 1000 people

Number of regular units


Administrative group - management of the preschool educational institution

Service chief


Deputy Head of Service


May not be entered

Inspector for control of execution of orders


Document expert



Tech. execution

May not be entered

Name of the profession (specialty)

Number of regular units


Group for technical preparation and replication of documents

Group leader


May not be entered

Senior typist - PC operator

Tech. execution

Typist - PC operator

Tech. execution

2-5 and more

Depends on the amount of work

Office work group

Group leader


May not be entered

Art. clerk

Tech. execution


Tech. execution

2-5 and more

Depends on the amount of work

Document storage group

Group leader


May not be entered

Senior Archivist

Tech. execution


Tech. execution

2-5 and more

Depends on the amount of work

Support group

Group leader


May not be entered


Tech. execution


Tech. execution

In general, in the service of the preschool educational institution



Tech. execution

12-20 and more

    Office work as a structural subdivision of the hotel "Tourist": composition and functions. Documents regulating its activities (position, job descriptions). Basic principles of rational organization of document flow, document movement.

    Purpose and composition of the unified documentation system. All-Russian unified systems of management (organizational and administrative) documentation. Types of main classifiers for coding technical, economic and social information.

    Tasks, the procedure for the examination of the value of documents. Organizational arrangements for the examination. Operational storage of documents. Storing documents in structural units organizations. Operational storage of machine-readable documents.

    Regulatory documents, their composition, purpose. Examination of the value of documents. Stages and order of its implementation. Rules for registration of details "stamp of approval", "mark on the execution of the document and its direction in the case." Drawing up a resume.

    Documentation systems in organizations. Classification of administrative documents. Stages of preparation, the procedure for issuing regulatory documents in the context of collegial or individual decision-making. Rules for the execution of administrative documents.

    Regulatory framework governing documentation support for the administration of the Rodinsky district. Reception, registration and consideration of incoming correspondence. Organization of control and verification of the execution of official documents. Transfer of cases to the archive.

    The procedure for drawing up, classification and purpose of organizational documents - a set of documents containing the rules for creating an organization, including: its organizational and legal form; competence, structure, staffing, composition of positions.

    Organization of the management documentation service. Registration of documents and organization of reference and information services. Control over the timing of the execution of documents. Formation and storage of cases in office work, transfer of cases to the archive.

    Composition, organization of work in the automated system "Dokumentum", in a structured reference book containing all information about employees and management with the names of their positions, divisions and counterparties with which VITUS LLC is in correspondence.

    Tasks to ensure documentation and organization of work with official documents in the institution. Improvement of forms of work with documents, taking into account the automation of documentary processes. Regulatory and methodological documents for office work.

    History of office work in Russia. The composition and characteristics of organizational and legal documents. Memorandum of Association and the purpose of its conclusion. Articles of association. Structure and staffing. Regulations on the structural unit. Job description.

    The concept and features of the organization of the office work, what are the organizational and administrative documents. Requirements for the design of the logo of the organization. Description of document flow, nomenclature of cases. Examination of the value and classification of documents.

    Registration - registration of credentials about a document in the prescribed form. Reference and information work and deadline control of the execution of documents as the main purpose of registration. Magazine form and a card registration system. Types and details of the order.

    Management documentation (DOW). Goals, tasks and functions of the preschool educational institution. The relationship of the preschool educational institution with other structural units. Methodical guidance and control over the organization of office work in structural divisions.

    Methodology for the formulation of job descriptions. Deficiencies in the personnel documentation of the company, in particular, the job descriptions of employees of the personnel service. Development of a timesheet and staffing table. Benefits of job descriptions.

    An example of drawing up an order for a director of a company to reward employees for the early development of a business plan. Description of the full minutes of the meeting of workers of the production cooperative. An order for the hiring of an employee as the head of the sales department.

    Company documents. The concept of "document flow", normative and methodological regulation. Basic rules for organizing document flow in the institution. Office work in the structural unit of production printed circuit boards FSUE "Northern Reid".

    Fundamentals of office work and its main components. Regulatory and methodological basis of office work. Types of classification of documents. Directions for improving documentation support in tourism based on scientifically grounded principles and methods.

    Characteristics of a group of reference and information documents (definition, types of documents, rules of execution). Differences in the design of the general letterhead and letterhead. Requirements for the texts of organizational and administrative documents, the procedure for their execution.


Management Documentation Service (DOU), its purpose, tasks, structure and composition

6 Tasks and functions of the preschool educational institution

Regulation of the activities of the management documentation service

The structure and size of the management documentation service

1 The structure of the preschool educational institution

3.2 The size of the management documentation service



documentation management office work qualification


The entire management process is permeated with information, which is the basis for decision-making and is built on operational work with the documents in which it is recorded. Therefore, information and documentation support of management (office work) of any firm, institution, organization, enterprise is considered today as the most important service management function. Its rational organization determines the speed and optimality of the choice of the solution, bringing it to the performer, timely control over the implementation and, ultimately, the achievement economic effect in the activities of a firm, organization, enterprise.

Since office maintenance has its own specific tasks, it should be carried out by an independent, organizationally separate service - a structural unit: management, department, department, sector, group, etc. Today this service has various names: management of affairs, management of information and documentation support, management of office work, management of documentation support, general department, office, secretariat, etc.

The main tasks of such a service are the formulation and maintenance of information and documentation support for the management activities of the organization at the level modern requirements... The service of documentation support of office management is usually entrusted with the organization of a unified integrated system of office management (information and documentation support of management) in an organization, a single procedure for working with documents, starting with their creation (or receipt) and ending with their delivery to the archive (or destruction).

This is achieved by the development of an appropriate package of organizational and regulatory and methodological documents.

Questions regarding the organization of the preschool educational institution are very relevant.

The purpose term paper is the consideration of all aspects of the organization of the preschool educational institution at the enterprise, the identification of urgent problems arising in the course of the work of the preschool educational institution, as well as the determination of the number of personnel of the preschool educational institution.

The objectives of the course work in connection with this goal are:

Study the legal framework for the organization of the service;

Study the regulation of the activities of the preschool educational institution;

To reveal the features of the structure and the numerical strength of the preschool educational institution.

The introduction reveals the relevance, purpose, objectives, reveals the theoretical and practical significance of the work.

The first chapter examines the organization of the document support service, its purpose, tasks.

The second chapter is devoted to the regulation of the activities of the preschool educational institution.

In the third chapter on specific examples the features of determining the structure and number of the preschool educational institution service are shown.

In the conclusion, the results are summed up, the final conclusions on the topic under consideration are formed. "

Analysis of sources and literature

1. Service for documentation support of management (DOU) its purpose, tasks, structure and composition

1 Form of organization of office work

There are three forms of organizing office work:




At centralized formorganization of office work, all technical operations for processing documents are concentrated in one structural unit (preschool educational institution), and creative work with documents is carried out in other structural units. The advantages of a centralized form of organizing office work include the ability to form a single database for all documents received by the organization and created in it, which makes it possible to increase the efficiency of document search and, consequently, to optimize reference work on documents. It is advisable to use a centralized form of organization of office work if the organization has a linear-functional organizational structure.

Decentralized the formorganization of office work involves the creation of an independent office management service in each structural unit. It is advisable to use it with a divisional type of organizational structure or in conditions of territorial disunity of structural divisions of an organization.

Mixed formorganization of office work involves the implementation of some office operations (reception, registration, control, reproduction of documents) in the preschool educational institution, others (creation and execution of documents, their systematization, formation of cases and storage) in structural units. It should be noted that with a mixed form of organization of office work, the same technological operation, for example, registration of incoming and outgoing documents, can be carried out both in the preschool educational institution service and in structural divisions, depending on the category of documents.

2 Choosing the name of the preschool educational institution

Currently, there are no regulatory documents or documents of a methodological nature, which should be guided when choosing the name of the preschool educational institution and determining its structure, therefore, organizations have the right to independently make decisions on these issues. However, there are several factors to consider:

the nature of the organization's activities, its structure (the number of departments, the number of management staff and the total number of employees);

the volume of the organization's workflow;

the presence of a subordinate system (subordinate organizations, branches, departments, representative offices) and the nature of the relationship between them and the central management body.

Speaking about the name of the management documentation support service, it should be noted that today the preschool educational institution service can have different names, for example: case management, office management department, management documentation support department, general department, office, secretariat, etc. At the same time, we can say that the specific name of the preschool educational institution is not of fundamental importance, however, when choosing it, it is advisable to take into account the following factors:

-subdivision structure (whether or not it has an internal structure, if it does, whether it is complex or not);

-requirements for the name (it is desirable that the name be simple, easy to remember and pronounced);

-existing clerical traditions.

For example, in the State System of Management Documentation it is recommended to use the following names:

· in ministries and departments - management of affairs, which, as a rule, includes:

-secretariat (reception, secretariat of the minister, secretariats of deputy ministers, secretariat of the collegium, protocol bureau);

-inspection under the minister (head of department);

-office (government correspondence bureau, accounting and registration bureau, expedition, copying and duplicating bureau, etc.);

-department of letters (complaints);

-department of improvement of work with documents and implementation technical means;

-central archive;

· at state enterprises (associations), in research, design, engineering organizations and computing centers, higher educational institutions and other organizations - the department of documentation support of the administration or the office, which, as a rule, includes:

-subdivisions for accounting and registration, control, improvement of work with documents and implementation of technical means, consideration of letters (complaints);



Archive. 2

However, for those organizations that categorically do not want to use the old names of the preschool educational institution (case management, general department, office), name options can be proposed that reflect modern trends in the development of management documentation, for example: service (department) of document management (documents), improvement department work with documents and implementation of technical means.

V small organizations management documentation service, as an independent structural unit, may not exist. In this case, the work with the documents is performed by the manager's secretary (inspector) or another specially appointed person.

3 Organizational structure of the preschool educational institution

On large enterprises as part of the preschool educational institution, functional groups are allocated and certain responsibilities are assigned to each employee. The DOE service may include a secretariat, an expedition, a control group (bureau, department), a group of letters (complaints bureau, public appeal department), a typewriter bureau, a copying bureau, an archive.

At medium-sized enterprises, the functions of the preschool educational institution are performed by individual specialists in the areas of work.

In small enterprises, the preschool educational institution service consists of 2-3 people.

In many organizations, the preschool educational institution service is not an independent unit, but is part of the administrative and economic service, personnel management service or accounting. However, the organization of work with documents is a completely independent type of activity that has nothing to do with economic support or accounting... Since the preschool educational institution actually manages the documentation and documentary flows of the entire organization, it should be an independent unit, albeit with a small staff number (it can be 2-3 people), with subordination directly to the head of the organization or one of the deputy heads in charge of information and documentation. This is also fundamentally important because the preschool educational institution directly works with the management, decides on the consideration of documents, monitors their execution, conducts reference work on documents on the instructions of the management, and carries out other instructions from the management.

4 Determination of the official composition and staffing of the preschool educational institution

When determining the official composition of employees, one should be guided by the All-Russian Classifier of Workers' Professions, Employee Positions and Wage Grades (OKPDTR) and the Qualification Reference Book of the Positions of Managers, Specialists and Other Employees (approved by Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 37 dated 21.08.1998).

To determine the number of personnel of the preschool educational institution, normative documents on labor and labor organization are used. The rationing of work of office workers, including the calculation of their staffing, is carried out on the basis of the following documents:

Interindustry consolidated norms of time for work on documentation support of management. M., 1995.

Time standards for work to improve the documentation support for the management of ministries, departments, enterprises and organizations. M, 1992.

Time norms for work on automated archival technology and documentation support for governing bodies. M., 1993.

Time norms for work on documentation support of administrative structures of federal executive bodies. M., 2002.

As a rule, determining the size of a unit is not the responsibility of the preschool educational institution itself - this work is carried out by labor and wages departments or economic divisions, but if necessary, such calculations can be carried out by employees of the preschool educational institution. The above-mentioned labor regulations contain guidelines concerning the application of these documents in practice.

5 The qualification structure of the preschool educational institution

The determination of the qualification composition of the preschool educational institution is made based on the total needs of the enterprise in the types of work on the preschool educational institution, the implementation of which presupposes that employees have the appropriate qualifications. The qualification requirements for the main categories of employees of the preschool educational institution are presented in Appendix 2 to this manual.

The final results of the calculations, after a thorough check for reliability, are taken as the basis for the preparation of draft documents that determine the qualifications and number of personnel of the preschool educational institution (the most important of which is the staffing table, see below). The approximate qualification and number of personnel of the preschool educational institution of the enterprise with the number of employees up to 1000 people is presented in Appendix 2.

1.6 The task and functions of the preschool educational institution

The main tasks of the preschool educational institution include the following, namely:

-improvement of forms and methods of working with documents;

-ensuring a unified procedure for documenting, organizing work with documents; construction of information retrieval systems, control of execution and preparation of documents for transfer to the archive in accordance with applicable standards;

-reduction of document circulation;

-unification of document forms;

-development and implementation of regulatory and methodological documents to improve the documentation of management in the organization, its structural divisions;

-introduction of the latest information technologies to work with documents.

The standard functions of the preschool educational institution include different types works that can be divided into technological, organizational, methodological, control.

Technological functions include:

-implementation of the initial (expeditionary) processing of incoming documents;

-registration of incoming, outgoing and internal documents;

-conducting information and reference work on the documents of the organization;

-typewritten production of documents (typing on a computer);

-copying, duplication and operational reproduction of documents;

-development and design of document blanks;

-preparation of documents for shipment.

Among the organizational functions of the preschool educational institution, the following stands out:

-preparation for the report to the management of incoming documents;

-organization of timely consideration of documents by the management of the organization;

-regulation of the course of execution of documents, passage and execution of documents within the prescribed period;

-organization of storage of documents in structural divisions;

-organization of the archive in accordance with the rules, instructions and guidelines Rosarkhiv;

-advanced training of employees of office management and archives;

-organization of workplaces for office workers, including automated workplaces (AWS), working conditions for office workers;

-organization of office work at the request of citizens;

-development (together with the relevant structural divisions of the organization) measures to improve the forms and methods of working with documents.

Control functions include:

-control over the correctness of execution of documents submitted for signature to the management (that is, outgoing and internal documents);

-control over the deadlines for the execution of documents;

-control over the correctness of registration and formation in the structural divisions of the organization of cases to be submitted to the archive;

-organization of control over work with documents in structural divisions;

-generalization of information on the progress and results of the execution of documents, systematic informing of the management on these issues;

-ensuring the storage of cases and the operational use of documentary information.

Methodological functions performed by the preschool educational institution include:

-development of a nomenclature of the organization's affairs, instructions for office work, a sheet of forms of documents and other local normative documents that consolidate the organization's office work system;

-examination of the scientific and practical value of documents;

-holding meetings and consulting on issues related to the competence of the office management.

The purpose of the activity of the preschool educational institution is to organize effective documentation support for the management of the enterprise's activities. Accordingly, the main tasks of the preschool educational institution are:

in the organization, implementation, operation, improvement of the integrated system of documentation support for enterprise management;

in optimizing forms and methods of working with documents on the basis of a unified information policy and modern technologies processing of documented information;

in a proper organizational and methodological guidance on compliance with the established procedure for working with documents of structural divisions and officials of the enterprise:

in effective control over the observance of the established procedure for working with documents of structural divisions and officials of the enterprise.

2. Regulation of the activities of the management documentation service

The Service for Documentation Management (DOU) and its employees carry out their activities on the basis of the following organizational and legal documents:

· regulations on the structural unit;

· job descriptions;

· instructions for office work.

The regulatory framework for the development of regulations on the management documentation service and job descriptions of its employees is very limited. In accordance with this, in the process of creating a regulation on the service of a preschool educational institution, you can use the State system of documentation support for management.

The main normative document for the development of job descriptions is the Qualification Handbook of the positions of managers, specialists and other employees, approved by the decree of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation on August 21, 1998 No. 37, which contains the qualification characteristics of positions.

The qualification characteristic of each position has three sections:

In the section "Job responsibilities", the main labor functions are established that can be assigned in whole or in part to an employee holding this position, taking into account the technological homogeneity and interconnectedness of work, allowing to ensure optimal specialization of employees. These functions are carried over to the second section of the job description with the same title "Job responsibilities".

The section "Should know" contains the basic requirements for an employee in relation to special knowledge, as well as knowledge of laws and regulations, regulations, instructions and other guidance materials, methods and means that the employee must apply when performing job responsibilities... These requirements are transferred to the first section of the job description "General Provisions".

In the section "Requirements for qualifications" the level vocational training the employee required to perform the prescribed job duties, and the requirements for work experience. The levels of required professional training are given in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education". These requirements are transferred to the first section of the job description "General Provisions".

When developing proper instructions, it is necessary to take into account that since the qualification characteristics specified in the Qualification Handbook of the positions of managers, specialists and other employees apply to employees of organizations, enterprises, institutions and organizations, regardless of their industry affiliation and departmental subordination, they present the most characteristic job positions. Therefore, when developing job descriptions, it is allowed to clarify the list of jobs that are characteristic of the corresponding position in specific organizational and technical conditions, and requirements for the necessary special training of workers are established.

For the positions of employees of the preschool educational institution, the Directory provides the following qualification characteristics. (Annex 1).

It is possible to add the title "senior" to the position, provided that the employee, along with fulfilling the duties stipulated for the position held, manages the performers subordinate to him. The indication in the name "leader" is established in the case when the employee is assigned the functions of a leader and a responsible executor in one of the directions of the organization's activities or the responsibility for coordination and methodological guidance of groups of executors.

1 Instruction for documentation management

When preparing the text of the instruction for management documentation, it is also recommended to use the relevant standard documents as a basis, for example, the Instruction for record keeping in federal bodies executive power.

(Approved by the Order of the Federal Archives of 27.11.2000, No. 68.)

At the same time, the relevant provisions of other documents regulating certain areas of preschool educational institutions should be taken into account to the necessary extent. In addition to GSDOU, this is, in particular, GOST R6.30-2003. On their basis, the text of the instructions for the documentation of the management of the enterprise (organization, institution) is drawn up.

2 Instructions on the types (areas) of activity of the preschool educational institution

Instruction for the type of activity is a regulatory document that sets out the procedure for carrying out any activity (the procedure for applying the provisions of other regulatory legal acts for the implementation of such activity) by officials (structural divisions) of enterprises (organizations, institutions). The general procedure and rules for drawing up instructions for the type of activity are determined by paragraph 4.2 of the Model instructions for office work.

The instruction for the type of activity is signed by the head of the relevant structural unit responsible for the development of the document, and approved by the head of the enterprise. The approval of the document must be formalized in the form of an approval stamp or by issuing an administrative document on their approval.

The instruction for the type of activity should be drawn up on the general letterhead of the enterprise. The text of the document should be stated in accordance with the requirements of the Methodological Recommendations of VNIIDAD FAS RF (1998) and taking into account the specifics of the type of activity of the enterprise (structural unit), regulated by the corresponding instruction.

The main text of an activity instruction is usually divided into chapters, clauses and subclauses. The chapters of the document should have titles and are numbered in Roman numerals.

3 Instructions for organizing workplaces for the personnel of the preschool educational institution

Instruction on the organization of workplaces is a normative document that sets out the procedure for organizing workplaces for personnel of a structural unit of an enterprise (personnel of a certain qualification or professional-job category). When preparing such instructions, one should be guided by the above requirements governing the procedure for preparing instructions, as well as the provisions of documents establishing specific requirements for the organization of workplaces in a particular field of activity.

The instruction is signed by the head of the relevant structural unit responsible for the development of the document, and approved by the head of the enterprise.

Approval of a document must be issued in the form of an approval stamp or by issuing an administrative document on its approval.

The instruction should be drawn up on the general letterhead of the enterprise. The text of the document should be stated in accordance with the requirements of the Methodological Recommendations of VNIIDAD FAS RF (1998) and taking into account the specifics of the type of activity of the enterprise (structural unit), regulated by the corresponding instruction.

The numbering of paragraphs and subparagraphs of the document should be made in Arabic numerals.

4 Documents for planning and reporting of the preschool educational institution

Ensuring planning and reporting, as well as the timely and correct preparation of relevant documents - plans, reports - is one of the main responsibilities of the head of the preschool educational institution of the enterprise. V general case a work plan is a document defining the composition and content of the main activities (tasks), the implementation of which is entrusted to the employee (the structural unit, enterprise supervised by him), the dates, places and those responsible for their implementation within a certain period of time (during the day, week, month, quarter, etc.) ".

The initial data for planning the activities of the preschool educational institution for the coming calendar year are:

financial and economic development enterprises for the planned period;

the main results of the activities of the preschool educational institution for the past period;

the goals and objectives of the preschool educational institution arising from the content of the relevant sections of the documents for long-term and medium-term planning (including business plans, programs of organizational development of the enterprise, etc.).

On the basis of the indicators of the work plan of the preschool educational institution, the work plans of the structural divisions of the preschool educational institution are specified and approved in the final form.

Individual work planning by the employees of the preschool educational institution is carried out on the basis of the plans of the relevant structural divisions and taking into account the instructions of their immediate superiors. The main document for planning an employee's individual work is a personal work plan.

A report is a document, in expanded form, reflecting the final results of processing (systematization, counting and reconciliation) and analysis of statistical data characterizing the performance of any type of work (any activity) for a long period of time (month, quarter or more). Reporting on the activities of the preschool educational institution is carried out in the manner prescribed by the provisions of the relevant regulatory and methodological and organizational and administrative documents, as well as the instructions of the head of the enterprise.

Forms of planning and reporting documents on the activities of the preschool educational institution are approved by the head of the enterprise on the basis of the corresponding submission by the head of the preschool educational institution. An example of a work plan for the head of the preschool educational institution is presented on a CD, and an example of a report on work with written appeals citizens - in Appendix 6 to this manual.

5 Documents for improving the activities of the preschool educational institution

A special group in the organizational and administrative documentation of the preschool educational institution is formed by documents to improve its activities. Improving the activities of the preschool educational institution involves the systematic implementation of a set of measures aimed at achieving more high performance the functioning of all structural divisions (work areas) as part of the preschool educational institution and the service as a whole. The content of the activities is determined depending on the direction on which the management efforts of the management of the preschool educational institution are concentrated. However, in practice, the conduct of such events is most often associated with the introduction into the daily activities of the service of new regulatory and methodological (organizational and administrative) documents on various issues of management documentation.

As noted, the implementation of a set of measures to improve the activities of the preschool educational institution should be systematic. For this purpose, the management of the service develops a draft plan (if necessary, in cooperation with other officials (structural divisions) of the enterprise). Such a plan may include activities related to:

development of new (clarification of existing) regulatory and methodological (organizational and administrative) documents of the enterprise on the issues of preschool educational institutions;

changes in the existing document flow of the enterprise, taking into account the new requirements for its organization;

training of the personnel of the preschool educational institution and, if required, other officials of the enterprise, admitted to work with management documentation;

provision of appropriate documentation to the structural divisions of the enterprise.

The implementation of the measures provided for by the plan is reflected in the act. Templates of an action plan for improving the activities of the preschool educational institution of the enterprise and the corresponding act are presented on the CD attached to the book.

6 Job descriptions of the personnel of the preschool educational institution

"Job description is a normative document regulating the activities of a specific official (categories of employees - management personnel, specialists, executors, etc.) of an enterprise (organization, institution) and establishing the procedure for the application of the provisions of other regulatory legal acts by these persons. instructions are governed by paragraph 4.2 of the Model Records Management Instruction ".

The job description must be signed by the person responsible for its development and approved by the head of the enterprise - in the form of an approval stamp or by issuing a regulatory approval document. The title to the text of the job description is formulated in the dative case, for example: "Instructions to the chief metrologist".

The text of the instruction is printed on the general letterhead of the enterprise and is stated in the third person, singular or plural. The text of the instruction can be divided into chapters, clauses and subclauses. Chapters should have titles and are numbered in Roman numerals. Clauses and subclauses are numbered in Arabic numerals.

Job description requirements selected categories employees are regulated by the relevant departmental regulations and organizational and administrative documents. So, in accordance with Appendix 2 to Appendix 12 of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine in the section of the job description "General Provisions", the following are established:

employee tasks (for example, for a clerk - receiving, registering incoming and sending outgoing documents);

the procedure for filling a position, that is, by whom the given employee is appointed and dismissed;

professional requirements for the employee (level of education, work experience, etc.);

basic documents and materials that the employee must be guided by in his activities.

The section of the job description "Worker functions" defines:

subject of reference or area of ​​work assigned to the employee;

a list of types of work that make up the implementation of the assigned functions (for example, registration of documents may include filling out cards, maintaining a card index, issuing certificates, etc.).

In the section of the job description "Employee responsibilities" specifics of the activity are indicated:

related to the preparation of documents, receipt, processing and issuance of information;

those involving the mandatory use of certain forms and methods of work (for example, periodic control over the formation of cases in structural units, briefings, etc.);

requiring compliance with the deadlines for the implementation of specific actions;

concerning the order of execution of orders;

affecting ethical standards that must be observed in the team.

In the section of the job description "Rights of the employee", the rights of the employee are determined for the implementation of the functions assigned to him and the performance of duties. In the section of the job description "Relationships", the subdivisions and employees from whom the performer receives and transfers information, its structure and transfer times, who is involved in the execution of certain documents, with whom they are agreed, etc., are indicated.

In the section of the job description "Evaluation of work", the criteria are listed that allow you to assess the degree to which the employee fulfills his functions and responsibilities, the use of rights, etc.

3. The structure and size of the management documentation service

1 The structure of the preschool educational institution

An important issue when setting up office work in an organization is to determine the structure of the management documentary support service, its official and numerical strength.

The structure of the document management service depends on the volume of workflow, as well as on the technology of working with documents and can be represented by the following structural divisions:


-expedition (the expedition can be divided into groups for processing incoming and outgoing correspondence, confidential documents, a courier group, etc.);

-subdivision (department, group) for registration and accounting of documents;

-subdivision (department, group) for the control of execution of documents;

-subdivision (department, group) for work with citizens' appeals;

-subdivision (department, group) for the production of documents (former machine bureau);

-department of improvement of office work;

-copying and duplicating bureau;

-protocol group;

-editorial group;

Reception room;


In a large organization with a large volume of workflow, all of the above divisions can exist that are part of the management documentation service.

In smaller organizations with a smaller volume of workflow, it is possible to combine several functions in one department or, instead of structural departments, individual employees perform the corresponding work; in a small company, all work is usually carried out by one secretary.

The method of establishing the organizational structure of the office work (DOE) service, depending on the volume of workflow, was formulated in the Unified state system office work (Main Archive Department under the Council of Ministers of the USSR, 1974). According to this method, all organizations, institutions, enterprises, depending on the volume of workflow, are divided into four categories:

So, according to the above classification, if the volume of an institution's document circulation is more than 10 thousand documents per year, then for the effective organization of work with documents, it is necessary to create a document management service as a separate unit.

Despite the fact that this method of establishing the organizational structure of the preschool educational institution was proposed more than 30 years ago, in general it is applicable today. So, for example, Bobyleva M.P. in his book "Effective workflow: from traditional to electronic" proposes the following development of the organizational structure of the preschool educational institution, depending on the volume of workflow (presented in table 1).

Table 1 Development of the organizational structure of the preschool educational institution, depending on the volume of document flow

The volume of document flow, thousand documents per year Organizational forms of the DOU service Less than 10 usually one or two secretaries of the head of the organization from 10 to 25 the service is organizationally formalized; a group of workers is required with the allocation of those responsible for certain areas of work (specialization of employees) from 25 to 50 a unit is created that includes several areas of work (processing and registration of documents, control over execution, archiving, etc.) from 50 to 100 more developed structure, within which organizationally formalized all the main areas of work; the degree of specialization of the work of employees is increasing, corporate regulation and improvement of preschool educational institutions is singled out as an independent area (one or more specialists), including on the basis of automation; over 100 complex non-standard structure of the preschool educational institution, depending on the specifics of the work of the organization and its structure (hierarchical, geographically distributed) and use of automated systems

2 The size of the management documentation service

The number of staff and the nomenclature of positions of employees of the office work service primarily depends on the assigned functions, the volume of work performed by this department and the technology adopted (the level of automation and mechanization of work with documents).

During the development of the Unified State System of Office Work in the country at the end of the 1960s, the Research Institute of Labor proposed a method for calculating the number of office work personnel based on the volume of workflow and the total number of employees of institutions. The formula looked simple enough:

Number= 0.00016 x D0.98 x P 0.1

The simplicity of the calculation according to this formula has led to its repeated repetition in educational and reference manuals for office work. However, it was designed for ministries and state committees and was based on the existing technology of typewritten documents with multiple reprints of texts during the preparation of the document and a small degree of mechanization of managerial labor that existed in those years. Calculation according to this formula will give a significantly overestimated quantitative composition of the office work service, which does not correspond to new technologies and increased labor productivity in the field of management. Today this formula is interesting only for the history of office work.

A more realistic calculation of the number of office work personnel is carried out based on the labor intensity of the types of work performed according to the formula developed by the Central Bureau of Labor Standards and attached in all collections of time standards for office work types of work, including in the latter - "Time standards for work on documentation administrative structures in federal executive bodies ", approved by the Resolution of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation of March 26, 2002 No. 23.

The calculation methodology is the same in them. To calculate the required number of personnel, the labor intensity of each type of standardized and non-standardized work is determined separately. For the standardized types of work, the time standards have already been calculated and are indicated in the listed collections. For each type of work, the time standard is determined by the formula

H bp = H × TO,

Where H vr

K is the coefficient that takes into account the costs of organizational and Maintenance workplace, rest, physical culture breaks and personal needs,% of operational time.

According to the results of the analysis of maps, photographs, and the photographs of the working time K is taken equal to 1.1

Then, the annual labor intensity of standardized works (T) is determined in hours, taking into account each type of work performed according to the formula:

T n = H bp × V i,

Where H vr - time spent on performing a specific standard type of work, h;

V i - the volume of a specific type of work performed per year.

The annual labor intensity of non-standardized work in hours is determined by the method of expert assessments, taking into account the volume of work performed according to the formula:

T nn = H nnj × V j,

Where H nnj - labor intensity of non-standardized work of a specific type,

V j - the annual volume of non-standardized types of work.

The total annual labor intensity of both standardized and non-standardized operations is calculated by the formula:

T O = T n + T nn

Knowing the total annual labor intensity of the work performed by the office work service, they calculate how many workers are needed to complete this work according to the formula:

Where f n - useful fund of the employee's working time per year.

Examples of how to calculate the number of employees in the office work service can be taken in the same collections of time standards of the Central Bureau of Labor Standards.

Examples of calculating the number of office workers (traditional technologies)

The number of employees was calculated based on the planned labor intensity of work performed during the year.

No. Type of work performed Standard number Unit of volume of work Volume of work per year Standard time per unit of volume of work, people. -h. The amount of time spent people. - Part 1 Drawing up and maintaining the nomenclature of the organization's affairs items 200 2302302 Processing received documents documents 144000,781123.23 Processing sent documents documents 106 500,80852.04 Control of the execution of documents 3.1.310 documents 1500,7010,513 Transfer of the case to the organization's archive from the structural subdivisions cases 1003.20 3.20 Total 7377.4 T n - the labor intensity of work, calculated according to the time standards given in the collection, taking into account the coefficient K = 1.1, taking into account the cost of time, organizational and technical maintenance of the workplace, rest (including physical culture breaks and personal needs) -8115.1pers.-h.

T nn - labor intensity of works not foreseen by the collection - 114.2 man-hours. (determined by expert judgment).

F n - useful fund of working time of one employee per year, hours (taken on average equal to 1910 hours).

Here is another example of calculating the number of employees in the office work service, given in the Interindustry consolidated standards of time for work on documentation support of management:

The calculation of the number of employees of the preschool educational institution (the office was made based on the actual labor intensity of the work performed in the past year.

T n - the labor intensity of work, calculated according to the time standards given in the collection, taking into account the coefficient K = 1.1, taking into account the time spent on organizational and technical maintenance of the workplace, rest (including physical culture breaks and personal needs) - 11698.5 man-hours.

T nn - labor intensity of work not provided for in the collection - 98.8 people. -h. (determined by expert judgment).

F n - Useful fund of working time of one employee per year, hours (taken on average equal to 2006 hours).

And finally, let's take examples given in the latest time standard of 2002.

Calculation of the normative number of employees of the documentation service, providing a complex of tasks "Accounting and registration of documents"

Name of work Unit of measurement Annual volume of work Rate of time, h..No of the table Standard labor intensity, p.1 Maintaining a control card index One RKK108600,151816292. Entry in the ledger of sent documents One entry 60000.04402403. Inventory of incoming documents One inventory 1200.234027.6 4. Filling in the register One register 37330.1940709.275. Processing telegram One telegram 6500,113471,56. Distribution of documents One addressee 60000.02321697. Registration of the received documents of the collegial body 2 p. 48000.0316728. Registration of internal orders 2 p. 1200.08 164.89. Accounting for orders of a collegial body One document 1200.07158.410. Accounting for decisions (resolutions) of a collegial body One document 1201151211. Accounting for telegrams of a collegial body One telegram 1500.05 157.5 12. Accounting for reports of a collegial body One report 60 0.481528.8 13. Accounting for the inventory of documents of the collegial body One inventory 4200,121550,414. Accounting for letters-notifications of a collegial body One letter12600.05156315. Accounting for decisions of a collegial body One document 1200.08159.6 Total: 3002.87

Registration card (RKK) is a registration and control card that has a specially designed form for recording and serves for accounting and control of incoming documents, with a volume of no more than 1500 characters.

L - sheet (l.) - a unit of measurement of the volume of typewritten text on a sheet of paper, measuring 210x297 mm (A4 format) printed on one side, on which 38 - 41 lines (2450 characters) are located at 1.5 intervals with the number of 60 - 64 printed characters per line (in automated conditions - 2 Kbytes).

T n - time expenditures, calculated according to the norms of time - 3002.87 hours.

F n - the norm of working time per employee per year is conventionally assumed to be 2000 hours.

T nn - 438.9 - time expenditures not provided for by the norms, which are of a one-time nature (determined by an expert);

T about = 3002.87+ 438.9 = 3441.77 h.

Calculation example 2

Calculation of the number of main personnel of employees of the documentation service

Name of workUnit of measurementAnnual volume of workThe rate of time, hours number of the tableStandard labor intensity1.Automated accounting of the volume of document flow of the institution 100 documents200000,153202.Automated registration of incoming documents10 documents250000,405410003. Automated accounting of the number of incoming documents 100 documents 65000,05523,254. Automated control of the execution of incoming documents 10 documents 50,000.756350 ------ 10. Automated accounting of the number of internal documents sent 100 documents 150,000,04516 Total: 10,545

T n - the time spent, calculated according to the norms of time, - 10545 hours.

T nn - time expenditures not provided for by the norms, which are of a one-time nature - 1096.8 hours (determined by expert judgment);

F n - the norms of the working time of one employee per year, hours - is conventionally assumed to be 2000 hours.

As you can see from the examples given, the methodology is calculated the same, but you take the time standards from the collection that you use, and you calculate the non-standardized types of work by means of expert assessments yourself.

In addition to employees who are directly on the staff of the office work, in each structural unit there may be a secretary who conducts office work in the department. In the absence of such a department head, he must appoint one of the department employees to be responsible for the conduct of office work.

Thus, the total number of employees involved in office management services in the organization will consist of the number of employees in the office management service and all employees of other divisions who are entrusted with office management functions.


Exploring the material on the topic of the course work, you can draw the following conclusions:

In accordance with the requirements of the State preschool education systems documentation support of management in modern enterprises should be carried out by a special service - the service of documentation support of management (service of the preschool educational institution). Such a service functions at the enterprise as an independent structural unit headed by the head of the service and subordinate directly to the head of the enterprise.

The main tasks of the preschool educational institution are:

introduction at the enterprise of a unified procedure for working with documents in accordance with the State Statistics Service of Ukraine and other regulatory, methodological and organizational and administrative documents;

implementation of methodological guidance for organizing work with documents in the structural divisions of the enterprise;

ensuring effective control over compliance with the established procedure for working with documents;

improvement of forms and methods of work of company officials with documents.

Documentation support of management - an activity covering the organization of documentation and document management in the process of implementing the functions of an institution, organization and enterprise.

To obtain an economic effect, first of all, the quality of information is important, which is determined by its quantity, efficiency, and the degree of complexity. If the enterprise does not have a clear work with documents, then, as a result, management deteriorates, since it depends on the quality and reliability, the speed of receiving and transmitting information, the correct setting of the reference and information service, and a clear organization of the search, storage and use of documents.

List of used sources and literature

Sources of

GOST R 51141-98 Office work and archiving: Terms and definitions. - M: Publishing house of standards, 1998.

DR-191-98. Unification of texts management documents... Methodical recommendations of VNIIDAD FAS RF. - M .: VNIKDAD, 1998.

Typical instruction on office work in federal executive bodies (approved by order of the Federal Archival Service of Russia dated November 27, 2000, No. 68). - M., 2001.

State system of documentation support for management. Basic provisions. General requirements for documents and documentation services. Approved by the board of the USSR Glavarchiv on April 27, 1988.


Belov A.N. Office work and document flow: Textbook. Manual.- M .: Eksmo, 2007

Basakov M.I. Office work and correspondence in questions and answers: Textbook. - Rostov n / a: Phoenix, 2004

Galakhov V.V. Office work: Samples, documents, organization and technology of work. - M .: OOO "TK Welby", 2005

Demin Yu.M. Office work: Preparation of office documents. - SPb .: Peter, 2004

Krylova I.Yu. Documenting management activities: Textbook. allowance. - SPb .: Business press, 2004

T.V. Kuznetsova Office work: Organization and technology of documentary management support. - M .: Unity-Dana, 2003

T.V. Kuznetsova Office work: Textbook / T.A. Bykova, L.M. Vyalova, L.V. Sankin; Under total. ed. prof. T.V. Kuznetsova. - 2nd ed., Rev. and add. - M .: MCFER, 2006.

Rogozhin M.Yu. Handbook on office work. - SPb .: PMter, 2006

Spivak V.A. Documenting management activities: Office work - SPb .: Peter, 2005

Stenyukov M.V. Office work: Lecture notes. - M .: Prior, 2005

Yankovaya V.F. How to organize office work. - M .: MCFER, 2004.

Qualification reference book of positions of managers, specialists and other employees, approved by the Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of August 21, 1998 No. 37. - General provisions.

Annex 1

Qualification characteristics of positions of employees of the management documentation support service

Category of the employee by the nature of work Title of the position Qualification characteristics of the position · heads the work on the organization and maintenance of archiving at an enterprise, institution, organization; · ensures, in accordance with the established procedure, the reception, registration, systematization, storage and use of documents; · supervises the work on the preparation of a reference apparatus that facilitates the accounting and use of archival documents; · provides methodological assistance in finding the necessary documents; · instructs employees of structural divisions on the procedure for the formation, preparation and submission of cases to the archive; · controls the timeliness of receipt of documents completed by office work in the archive; · ensures the work on the examination of the value of archival documents, the formation of documents for permanent and temporary storage; · supervises the work on the compilation of lists of cases for the transfer of documents to state archives, drawing up acts on the destruction of documents, the storage periods of which have expired; · monitors the state of documents, the timeliness of their restoration, compliance in the archive premises with the conditions necessary to ensure the safety of documents; · organizes work on keeping records of workflow and the number of cases, issuing archival certificates based on the data available in the archive documents; · prepares established reporting; · takes part in the development of regulations and instructions for the conduct of office work and the organization of archival affairs. must know: · decisions, orders, orders, other governing and normative documents of higher and other bodies concerning the work of archives; · · the procedure for processing documents entering the archive, and the current system for their classification; · · fundamentals of the organization of production, labor and management; · labor legislation; · · · the average professional education and at least 2 years of experience in office work. · organizes the work of the office; · ensures the timely processing of incoming and outgoing correspondence, its delivery to its destination; · monitors the timing of the execution of documents and their correct design; · organizes work on registration, accounting, storage and transfer to the relevant structural divisions of documents of current office work (including orders and orders of the management), on the formation of cases and their deposit; · develops instructions for the conduct of office work at an enterprise, institution, organization and organizes their implementation; · takes measures to provide office workers with the necessary instructional and reference materials, as well as inventory, equipment, office equipment, technical means of managerial labor; · carries out methodological management of the organization of office work in divisions, control over the correct formation, storage and timely delivery of cases to the archive, preparation of certificates on compliance with the deadlines for the execution of documents; · provides printing and reproduction of official documents; · participates in the preparation of meetings convened by the management and organizes their maintenance, preparation of travel documents, registration of workers arriving on a business trip; · supervises the employees of the office. must know: · · Unified state system of office work; · · structure of an enterprise, institution, organization; · · workflow schemes; · the procedure for drawing up a nomenclature of cases, inventories of cases of permanent and temporary storage, established reporting; · terms and procedure for submitting cases to the archive; · systems for organizing control over the execution of documents; · office equipment and other technical means of managerial work; · fundamentals of economics, organization of production, labor and management; · labor legislation; · internal labor regulations; · rules and norms of labor protection. qualification requirements: · secondary vocational education without presentation of requirements for work experience or primary vocational education and work experience in the specialty for at least 3 years. · ensures timely and high-quality performance of copying and duplicating works, including microfilming of technical documentation for all structural divisions of an enterprise, institution, organization; · organizes the reception of technical and service documentation for copying, reproduction, accounting for the receipt of materials from divisions; · determines the consumption of materials and the issue finished products customers; · draws up schedules for copying and duplicating works; · distributes work between performers in accordance with their specialty and qualifications and instructs workers; · determines the bureau's need for equipment, materials and ensures the preparation of applications for their receipt; · monitors the timing and quality of copying and duplicating works, as well as the completeness of the material handed over to customers; · takes part in the development of instructions, rules and other normative documents on the technique of performing copying and duplicating works; · takes measures to improve the organization of work of office workers, to introduce advanced techniques and methods of work in order to reduce costs, material consumption, improve the use of equipment and increase labor productivity; · ensures the safety of the documentation accepted for work; · monitors the condition of workplaces, equipment and its timely repair, compliance with the rules for the operation of equipment and labor protection when performing copying and duplicating works; · studies the causes of defects in copying and duplicating works, and takes measures to prevent them. must know: · decisions, orders, orders, other governing and normative documents of higher authorities concerning the performance of copying and duplicating works; · methods and means of performing copying and duplicating works; · design, principles of operation, rules for installation and operation of copying and duplicating equipment; · types of materials used in copying and duplicating works, their properties and specifications; · standards, instructions and other guiding documents for the preparation of technical documentation; · norms and prices for copying and duplicating works; · advanced domestic and foreign experience in copying and duplicating works; · fundamentals of labor organization; · labor legislation; · internal labor regulations; · rules and norms of labor protection. qualification requirements: · secondary vocational education without presentation of requirements for work experience or primary vocational education and work experience in the specialty for at least 3 years. · supervises the work of the typing bureau; · accepts material for printing, distributes it among typists, keeps track of production, hands over the work performed; · ensures control over the timing and quality of typewritten work, the safety of received documents and phonograms; · provides typists with the technical means and materials necessary for their work; · monitors the condition of typewriters, dictaphones and takes measures to eliminate their malfunctions; · in his free time from the listed duties, he performs typewritten work. must know: · decisions, orders, orders, other governing and normative documents of higher and other bodies concerning the conduct of office work; · the main provisions of the Unified state system of office work; · typescript; · the procedure for recording typewritten works; · spelling and punctuation rules; · the order of the arrangement of the material when printing various documents; · standards for a unified system of organizational and administrative documentation; · rules for the operation of typewriters, dictaphones; · fundamentals of labor organization; · labor legislation; · internal labor regulations; · rules and norms of labor protection. qualification requirements: · secondary vocational education without requirements for work experience or primary vocational education and work experience in the specialty for at least 3 years. · supervises the work of the expedition; · organizes work on the receipt, processing, dispatch of incoming goods, documents and correspondence according to their destination, ensuring their safety and timely delivery to addressees; · draws up instructions for escorting goods and documents passing through the expedition; · participates in checking the safety of packaging (containers) and the presence of investments in accordance with the accompanying documents, if necessary, in drawing up acts for the discovered shortage or damage; · takes measures to provide the workers of the expedition with means of labor mechanization, inventory, special equipment, monitors their correct operation and technically sound condition; · monitors the availability of the necessary types of transport, organizing the correct transportation, carrying out loading and unloading operations, placing and stowing goods, documents and correspondence, the correct execution of acceptance documents; · organizes the work on keeping records, drawing up the established reporting, preparing certificates of compliance with the delivery time; · provides the necessary storage mode and safety of goods, documents and correspondence during their transportation. must know: · decisions, orders, orders, other governing and normative documents of higher authorities concerning the organization of office work; · structure of an enterprise, institution, organization; · receptions and methods of processing correspondence; · organization of office work; · organization of loading and unloading operations; · the procedure for receiving and delivering goods; addresses of the main suppliers of goods, their warehouses; · forms of documents for the receipt and dispatch of goods and the rules for their registration; · the procedure for drawing up requirements for transport, especially the transportation, warehousing and storage of forwarded materials; · the procedure for registering senders and recipients of goods, documents and correspondence, organizing control over their delivery; · established reporting; · means of labor mechanization; · special equipment and inventory; · fundamentals of economics, labor organization and management; · labor legislation; · internal labor regulations; · rules and norms of labor protection. qualification requirements: · initial vocational education without requirements for work experience or secondary (complete) general education and work experience as a freight forwarder for at least 1 year. · develops and implements technological processes for working with documents and documentary information based on the use of organizational and computing technology(accounting, execution control, operational storage, reference work); · takes part in planning, organizing and improving the activities of the management documentation support service, monitors the state of office work; · prepares proposals for ensuring ergonomic working conditions, rationalizing the workplaces of employees of the management documentation support service; · develops unified documentation systems and timesheets of documents for various purposes and management levels, classifiers of documentary information; · organizes the implementation of documentation systems; · takes measures to streamline the composition of documents and information indicators, reduce their number and optimize document flows; · participates in the selection of documents transferred for state storage, organization of storage and examination of the value of documents; · takes part in the setting of tasks, design, operation and improvement (in terms of information support) of automated information systems and control systems, as well as in the development of the latest information technologies (including paperless ones) based on the use of computing and microprocessor technology, design and updating of databases and data banks; · studies and summarizes the best domestic and foreign experience in the field of documentation support for management, develops regulatory and methodological documents on documentation support; · takes part in the work on the selection, placement and advanced training of personnel of the management documentation support service. must know: · legislative and normative legal acts, decrees, orders, orders, other governing and normative documents of higher authorities concerning the documentation of management; ·

Maintaining ……………………………………………………………………………

CHAPTER I. Management documentation service (DOE) of a modern enterprise, its purpose, tasks, structure and composition .....................................................................

1.1. Management documentation service (DOU) of a modern enterprise, its purpose, tasks ……………………………

1.2. An indicative list of normative documents governing the organization of documentation support for enterprise management .......

1.3. The daily activities of the preschool educational institution are regulated by ……………

1.4. Organizational structure and strength of the service ……………… ..

1.5. Qualification structure …………………………………………… ..

CHAPTER II. Organizational and administrative documentation of the preschool educational institution ……………………………………………………………………………

2.1. Staffing schedule of the enterprise …………………………………………

2.2. Regulations on the service of the preschool educational institution. Regulations on the structural unit of the enterprise (organization, institution) …………………………………… ...

2.3. Instructions for documentation support of management …………

2.4. Instructions on the types (areas) of activity of the preschool educational institution …….

2.5. Instructions on the organization of workplaces for the personnel of the preschool educational institution .......

2.6. Time norms for the execution of work on the preschool educational institution ………………………… ...

2.7. Planning and reporting documents of the preschool educational institution ………………… ..

2.8. Documents for improving the activities of the preschool educational institution ……….

2.9. Job descriptions of the personnel of the preschool educational institution …………………… ..

Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………...

List of used literature ………………………………………… ...



The information recorded in the documents is a reflection of the activities of the organization and forms the basis of any business.

According to the sub-accounts of specialists, the preparation of documents and work with them, on average, takes up to 60% of the working time of management personnel. Modern business is largely a continuous process of drawing up and moving documents. Transactions are concluded and terminated, securities, real estate and other assets of the enterprise are bought and sold, relations between employers and staff are formalized, information is transferred between enterprises and citizens - all this is backed by documents.

Documentation support of management (office work) is a specific area of ​​activity, which consists in the preparation, execution of documents, their processing and storage. The timeliness and correctness of managerial decision-making largely depends on how correctly the documents are drawn up and executed, how the work with them is organized. A competently drawn up, legally binding document is the main argument in disputable situations and the guarantor of a successful transaction.

The topic of my term paper: the organization of the preschool educational institution in the conditions of the functioning of a modern enterprise.

The goal is to consider all aspects in the organization of the preschool educational institution.

CHAPTER I. Management documentation service (DOU) of a modern enterprise, its purpose, tasks, structure and composition

1.1. Management documentation service (DOU) of a modern enterprise, its purpose, tasks

“In accordance with the requirements of the State System for Management Documentation (hereinafter referred to as the DOE), the management documentation support at modern enterprises should be carried out by a special service - the Management Documentation Support Service (hereinafter referred to as the DOU service). Such a service functions at the enterprise as an independent structural unit headed by the head of the service and subordinate directly to the head of the enterprise. At enterprises with up to 100 employees and a relatively small volume of workflow, it is allowed to assign responsibilities for a preschool educational institution to one of the full-time employees. "

The purpose of the preschool educational institution is to organize, maintain and improve the system of documentation support for enterprise management on the basis of a unified technical policy and the use of modern technical means in working with documents. At the same time, the main tasks of the preschool educational institution are:

1.2 . An indicative list of regulatory documents governing the organization of documentation support for enterprise management

* Constitution of the Russian Federation.

* Civil Code of the Russian Federation (parts I and II).

* Federal Law of 28.08.1995, No. 154-FZ "On the General Principles of Local Self-Government in Russian Federation "(with subsequent amendments).

* Federal law of the Russian Federation of 01/25/1995 G."On information, informatization and information protection".

* Federal Constitutional Law of the Russian Federation of December 25, 2000 No. 2-FKZ "On the State Emblem of the Russian Federation".

* Federal Law of the Russian Federation of 10.01.2002 “On Electronic Digital Signature”.

* Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 27, 2002, No. 184-FZ "On Technical Regulation".

* Law of the Russian Federation of 25.10.1991, No. 1807-1 "On the languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation" (as amended by the Federal Law of 24.07.1998, No. 126-FZ).

* Basic requirements for the concept and development of projects federal laws(approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 02.08.2001, No. 576).

* Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 02.05.1996 No. 638 "On the procedure for preparing draft decrees, orders of the President Russian Federation providing for the adoption of resolutions, orders of the Government of the Russian Federation ”.

* Rules for the preparation of normative legal acts of federal executive authorities and their state registration (approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 13.08.1997, No. 1009 (with subsequent amendments)).

* Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 31.10.2000, No. 1547-r "On improving office work in federal executive bodies and strengthening performing discipline».

* GOSG R51141-98 “Office work and archival work. Terms and definitions "(approved by the Resolution of the State Standard of the Russian Federation of 27.02.1998, No. 28).

* GOST R6.30-2003 “Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for the execution of documentation "(approved by the Resolution of the State Standard of the Russian Federation of 03.03.2003, No. 65-st).

* State system of documentation support for management. Basic provisions (approved by the board of the USSR Main Archives on 04/27/1988, put into effect by the Order of the USSR Main Archives of 05/25/1988, No. 33).

* Typical instructions for office work in federal executive bodies (approved by the Order of Rosarkhiv dated November 27, 2000, No. 68).

* Qualification reference book of positions of managers, specialist employees (approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of 21.08.1998, No. 37).

* All-Russian classifier of management documentation OK 011 -93 (approved by the Resolution of the State Standard of the Russian Federation of 30.12.1993, No. 299).

* A list of typical management documents generated in the activities of organizations, indicating the storage periods (approved by Rosarkhiv on 06.10.2000).

* Basic rules for the operation of archives of organizations (approved by the decision of the Rosarkhiv collegium of 06.02.2002).

* Time norms for work on documentation support of administrative structures of federal executive bodies (approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation of March 26, 2002, No. 23).

1.3 . The daily activities of the preschool educational institution are regulated by:

* regulations on the service of the preschool educational institution;

* provisions on structural divisions (if the latter are in the composition of the preschool educational institution);

* instructions for the preschool educational institution;

* instructions for certain types (areas) of the service;

* instructions for the organization of work places for the personnel of the service;

* norms of time for performing work on preschool educational institutions;

* planning and reporting documents;

* job descriptions of service personnel.

If necessary, the preschool educational institution develops other documents -

in particular, documents on improving the activities of the preschool educational institution.

1.4. Organizational structure and strength of the service

The organizational structure and the strength of the preschool educational institution are determined in accordance with the staffing table.

To determine the optimal organizational structure of the preschool educational institution, which best meets the needs of a particular enterprise in documented information, it seems appropriate to refer to the relevant provisions of the State Educational Institution of Education. This document provides for the following typical options for the organizational structure of the preschool educational institution:

“At state-owned enterprises (associations) - department of documentation support of management or office. They usually include:

a) subdivisions for accounting and registration, control, improvement of work with documents and implementation of technical means;

b) consideration of letters (complaints);

c) secretariat;

d) expedition;

e) typewriting bureau;

f) copying and duplicating bureau;

In associations and concerns, the composition and structure of the preschool educational institution is determined by the leadership of the organization. In joint ventures (organizations) - the board. V joint stock companies ah - a constituent conference. In cooperatives - the composition and structure of the preschool educational institution is determined by the general meeting of the members of the cooperative. In organs local government and in the apparatus, departments of public organizations - a general department. The general department includes:

a) secretariat;

b) the office;

c) control group;

d) protocol group;

e) a group for improving work with documents;

f) a group of letters (complaints);

g) typewriting bureau;

h) copying bureau;

In organizations that do not have a document management service, in structural units, the work with documents is performed by the secretary of the head (inspector) or another specially appointed person. "

Option 1. Meeting the needs for documented information of ministries (departments) of the Russian Federation and subjects of the Federation, other similar organizations and institutions is prescribed on business management(Fig. 1), which include:

* secretariat, including a reception, secretariat of the minister (head of department, organization, institution), secretariats of deputy ministers (head), secretariat of the collegium, protocol bureau;

* Inspection under a minister (head of a department, organization, institution), including an office (correspondence bureau), an accounting and document registration bureau, an expedition, a typewriter bureau, a copying bureau, a teletype;

* department of letters (complaints), that is, the department for working with appeals received by the ministry (department, organization, institution);

* Department for the improvement of work with documents and the introduction of technical means (TS) (automation and mechanization) of office processes;

* central archive (archive).

Fig. 1. Approximate deeds

Option 2. Meeting the needs for documented information of state enterprises, research, design, design organizations and computing centers, higher educational institutions and other similar organizations is prescribed to be assigned to departments (services) of documentation support of management (office)(Fig. 2), which include:

* group (department) of accounting and registration;

* group (department) of control;

* group (department) for improving the work with documents and the introduction of technical means (automation and mechanization);

* group (department) for consideration of applications received by the enterprise (organization);

* secretariat; expedition; typewriting bureau; copying and multiplying bureau; archive.

Option 3. Meeting the needs for documented information of non-state enterprises (organizations), including associations, concerns, joint stock companies (including joint ones), cooperatives, etc., is prescribed to be assigned to the services of the preschool educational institution, the structure of which (another similar unit) is determined by the management bodies of the enterprise (organization) (Fig. 3).

Fig. 2 Approximate organizational structure of the department (service) of the preschool educational institution (office) of a non-state enterprise

Fig. 3 Approximate organizational structure of the preschool educational institution service of a non-state enterprise (organization)

Option 4. Meeting the needs for documented information of local government bodies (authorities) and apparatuses (boards) public organizations it is prescribed to assign to the abundance of departments (fig. 4), which include:

* secretariat;

* office (office work group);

* control group;

* protocol group;

* group of improvement of work with documents (introduction of technical means);

* group of consideration of letters (complaints);

* typewriting bureau;

* copying and duplicating bureau;

Rice. 4. Approximate organizational structure of the general department

Determination of the number of the preschool educational institution service - by structural divisions and in general - is recommended to be made on the basis of appropriate calculations. Such calculations should be carried out on the basis of data on the normative time spent on performing certain types of work (actions), as well as on the basis of the actual needs of the enterprise in documented information, taking into account:

* volume of workflow;

* the main types of management documents;

* the frequency of their use in order to ensure the daily activities of the enterprise, etc.) The calculation methodology is presented in the consolidated intersectoral standards of time for work on preschool educational institutions.

An example of the calculation is presented in table. 1. (See Appendix)

1.5. Qualifyingcomposition

The determination of the qualification composition of the preschool educational institution is made based on the total needs of the enterprise in the types of work on the preschool educational institution, the implementation of which presupposes that employees have the appropriate qualifications. The qualification requirements for the main categories of employees of the preschool educational institution are presented in Appendix 2 to this manual.

The final results of the calculations, after a thorough check for reliability, are taken as the basis for the preparation of draft documents that determine the qualification and number of personnel of the preschool educational institution (the most important of which is the staffing table, see below). The approximate qualification and number of the service of the preschool educational institution of the enterprise with the number of employees up to 1000 people is presented in table. 2. (See Appendix)

CHAPTER II. Organizational and administrative documentation of the preschool educational institution

2.1. Staffing schedule of the enterprise

The staffing table is an organizational document that establishes the quantitative and qualitative composition of employees of an enterprise (organization, institution) as a whole and for each of its structural divisions. The staffing table of the preschool educational institution is drawn up in the prescribed form.

The specified form - form No. T-3 "Staffing" (see the template of the form on the CD attached to the book) - is intended for documenting the structure, staffing and staffing levels and is annually approved as of January 1 by order the head of the enterprise. Changes to the staffing table, including those caused by the formation of new structural divisions at the enterprise (for example, preschool educational institutions), are made in accordance with the order (order) of the head of the enterprise or a person authorized by him. A sample of such an order is presented on the CD.

The general procedure for preparing the staffing table is determined by the "Instructions for the use and filling out of forms of primary accounting documentation for labor accounting and payment."

“The staffing table is drawn up by an authorized official of the enterprise (as a rule, an authorized employee of the personnel department), signed by the developer and approved by the head of the enterprise. The staffing table indicates:

* Company name;

* its code according to OKPO;

* date of entry into force of the staffing table;

* date and number of the document;

* date and number of the order, in accordance with which the staffing table was approved;

* number of staff in units;

* the size of the payroll (in rubles);

* name of the structural unit;

* name of the profession (position) of the employee;

* number of staff units;

* the size of the monthly payroll for each position (profession) ".

2.2. Regulations on the service of the preschool educational institution.

When preparing the text of the provision on the service of a preschool educational institution, it seems appropriate to use as a basis the approximate provision on the service of a preschool educational institution, presented in Appendix 12 to the GDOU. The text of the provision on the service of the preschool educational institution is given in Appendix 3 to this manual.

Regulations on the structural unit of the enterprise (organization, institution)

When preparing the text of the provision on the structural unit as part of the preschool educational institution, it seems appropriate to use the corresponding exemplary provisions as a basis. In particular, the approximate provision on the archival department, functioning as a structural unit as part of the DOE service, is posted in Appendix 4 to this manual. (The approximate regulation on the archive of an enterprise (organization, institution), functioning as an independent structural unit (outside the structure of the preschool educational institution) was approved by the Decree of the Federal Archives of 18.08.1992, No. 176.)

2.3 ... Instructions for documentation management

When preparing the text of the instructions for the documentation of management, it is also recommended to use the relevant standard documents as a basis, for example, the Instruction on record keeping in federal executive bodies.

(Approved by the Order of the Federal Archives of 27.11.2000, No. 68.)

At the same time, the relevant provisions of other documents regulating certain directions of the preschool educational institution should be taken into account to the necessary extent. In addition to GSDOU, this is, in particular, GOST R6.30-2003. On their basis, the text of the instructions for the documentation of the management of the enterprise (organization, institution) is compiled.

2.4 ... Instructions on the types (areas) of activity of the preschool educational institution

Instruction for the type of activity is a regulatory document that sets out the procedure for carrying out any activity (the procedure for applying the provisions of other regulatory legal acts for the implementation of such activity) by officials (structural divisions) of enterprises (organizations, institutions). The general procedure and rules for drawing up instructions for the type of activity are determined by paragraph 4.2 of the Model instructions for case management.

The instruction for the type of activity is signed by the head of the corresponding structural unit responsible for the development of the document, and approved by the head of the enterprise. Approval of a document must be formalized in the form of an approval stamp or by issuing an administrative document on their approval.

The instruction for the type of activity should be drawn up on the general letterhead of the enterprise. The text of the document should be stated in accordance with the requirements of the Methodological Recommendations of VNIIDAD FAS RF (1998) and taking into account the specifics of the type of activity of the enterprise (structural unit), regulated by the corresponding instruction.

The main text of an activity instruction is usually divided into chapters, clauses and subclauses. The chapters of the document should have titles and are numbered in Roman numerals.

2.5 ... Instructions for organizing workplaces for the personnel of the preschool educational institution

Instruction on the organization of workplaces is a regulatory document that sets out the procedure for organizing workplaces for personnel of a structural unit of an enterprise (personnel of a certain qualification or professional-job category). When preparing such instructions, one should be guided by the above requirements governing the procedure for preparing instructions, as well as the provisions of documents establishing specific requirements for the organization of workplaces in a particular field of activity.

The instruction is signed by the head of the corresponding structural sub-division responsible for the development of the document, and approved by the head of the enterprise.

Approval of a document must be issued in the form of an approval stamp or by issuing an administrative document on its approval.

The instruction should be drawn up on the general letterhead of the enterprise. The text of the document should be stated in accordance with the requirements of the Methodological Recommendations of VNIIDAD FAS RF (1998) and taking into account the specifics of the type of activity of the enterprise (structural unit), regulated by the corresponding instruction.

The numbering of paragraphs and subparagraphs of the document should be made in Arabic numerals.

2.6 ... Time norms for performing work on a preschool educational institution

The standardization of time for performing work on a preschool educational institution, as a rule, is carried out on the basis of the relevant documents - time standards and time norms developed by the bodies for the regulation of time costs for the performance of certain types of work. So, in order to properly set the time for performing work on preschool educational institutions at enterprises (in organizations, institutions), the Intersectoral consolidated standards of time for work on preschool educational institutions are applied, approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of November 25, 1994, No. authorities - the norms of time for work on documentation support, approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of March 26, 2002, No. 23. Based on the standards (norms) of time:

* the number of employees of preschool educational institutions is determined and justified;

* the job responsibilities of employees are established;

* work is distributed among employees (category "technical executor").

Where necessary, on the basis of the specified documents, enterprises (organizations, institutions) develop revised time norms. In such norms, as a rule, are fixed:

* time spent on performing certain types of work that are not provided for by the consolidated standards (norms);

* time costs for the performance of certain types of work - if, due to the specifics of the preschool educational institution in the conditions of a particular enterprise (organization, institution), the actual time costs for their implementation differ significantly from those established by the consolidated standards (norms).

“Calculation of the revised norms, as a rule, is carried out by the method technical regulation, based on fixing (timing with subsequent recording) the cost of working time to perform the corresponding types of work. In this case, in addition, the time spent on organizational and technical maintenance of workplaces, rest and personal needs of workers should be taken into account.

The values ​​of the time norms are set in hours (fractions of an hour) per unit of measurement for each specific type of work - for example, a sheet, a box, a folder, a case.

The time norms for performing the most common operations on preschool educational institutions are presented in Appendix 5 to this manual. "

2.7 ... Planning and reporting documents of the preschool educational institution

“Ensuring planning and reporting, as well as timely and correct preparation of relevant documents - plans, reports - is one of the main responsibilities of the head of the preschool educational institution of the enterprise. In general, a work plan is a document that determines the composition and content of the main activities (tasks), the implementation of which is entrusted to the employee (the structural unit, the enterprise that he supervises), the dates, places and those responsible for their implementation within a certain period time (during the day, week-week, month, quarter, etc.) ".

The initial data for planning the activities of the preschool educational institution for the coming calendar year are:

* indicators of financial and economic development of the enterprise for the planned period;

* the main results of the activities of the preschool educational institution for the past period;

* the goals and objectives of the preschool educational institution, arising from the content of the relevant sections of documents for long-term and medium-term planning (including business plans, programs of organizational development of the enterprise, etc.).

On the basis of the indicators of the work plan of the preschool educational institution, the work plans of the structural divisions of the preschool educational institution are specified and approved in the final form.

Individual work planning by the employees of the preschool educational institution is carried out on the basis of the plans of the relevant structural divisions and taking into account the instructions of their immediate superiors. The main document for planning the individual work of an employee is a personal work plan.

A report is a document, in expanded form, reflecting the final results of processing (systematization, counting and reconciliation) and analysis of statistical data characterizing the performance of any type of work (any activity) for a long period of time (month, quarter and more). Reporting on the activities of the preschool educational institution is carried out in the manner established by the provisions of the relevant regulatory and methodological and organizational and administrative documents, as well as by the instructions of the head of the enterprise.

The forms of planning and reporting documents on the activities of the preschool educational institution are approved by the head of the enterprise on the basis of the corresponding submission by the head of the preschool educational institution. An example of a work plan for the head of a preschool educational institution is presented on a CD, and an example of a report on work with written appeals of citizens is in Appendix 6 to this manual.

2.8 ... Documents for improving the activities of the preschool educational institution

A special group in the organizational and administrative documentation of the DOE service is formed by documents to improve its activities. Improving the activities of the preschool educational institution involves the systematic implementation of a set of measures aimed at achieving higher performance indicators of all structural divisions (work areas) as part of the preschool educational institution and the service as a whole. The content of events is determined depending on the direction on which the management efforts of the management of the preschool educational institution are concentrated. At the same time, in practice, the conduct of such events is most often associated with the introduction into the daily activities of the service of new regulatory and methodological (organizational and administrative) documents on various issues of management documentation.

As noted, the implementation of a set of measures to improve the activities of the preschool educational institution should be systematic. For this purpose, the management of the service develops a draft plan (if necessary, in cooperation with other officials (structural divisions) of the enterprise). Such a plan may include activities related to:

* development of new (clarification of existing) regulatory and methodological (organizational and administrative) documents of the enterprise on the issues of preschool educational institutions;

* changes in the existing workflow of the enterprise, taking into account the new requirements for its organization;

* training of the personnel of the preschool educational institution and, if required, other officials of the enterprise, admitted to work with management documentation;

* provision of appropriate documentation for the structural divisions of the enterprise.

The implementation of the measures provided for by the plan is reflected in the act. Templates of an action plan to improve the activities of the enterprise's preschool educational institution and the corresponding act are presented on the CD attached to the book.

2.9 ... Job descriptions of the personnel of the preschool educational institution

"Job description is a normative document regulating the activities of a specific official (categories of employees - management personnel, specialists, executors, etc.) of an enterprise (organization, institution) and establishing the procedure for the application of the provisions of other regulatory legal acts by these persons ... The general procedure and rules for the execution of the duty instructions are regulated by paragraph 4.2 of the Typical office work instructions. "

The job description must be signed by the person responsible for its development and approved by the head of the enterprise - in the form of an approval stamp or by issuing a regulatory approval document. The title to the text of the job description is formulated in the dative case, for example: "Instructions to the chief metrologist".

The text of the instruction is printed on the general letterhead of the enterprise and is stated in the third person, singular or plural. The text of the instruction can be divided into chapters, clauses and subclauses. Chapters should have titles and are numbered in Roman numerals. The numbering of paragraphs and subparagraphs is made in Arabic numerals.

Requirements for job descriptions of certain categories of employees are regulated by the relevant departmental regulations and organizational and administrative documents. So, in accordance with Appendix 2 to Appendix 12 of the GDOU in the section of the job description "General Provisions", the following are established:

* tasks of an employee (for example, for a clerk - receiving, registering incoming and sending outgoing documents);

* the procedure for filling a position, that is, by whom the given employee is appointed and dismissed;

* professional requirements for the employee (level of education, work experience, etc.);

* basic documents and materials that the employee must be guided by in his activities.

The section of the job description "Functions of an employee" defines:

* subject of reference or area of ​​work assigned to the employee;

* a list of types of work that make up the implementation of the assigned functions (for example, registration of documents may include filling out cards, maintaining a card index, issuing certificates, etc.).

In the section of the job description "Obligations of the employee", the features of the activity are indicated:

* related to the preparation of documents, receipt, processing and issuance of information;

* presupposing the obligatory use of certain forms and methods of work (for example, periodic control over the formation of cases in structural divisions, briefings, etc.);

* requiring compliance with the deadlines for the implementation of specific actions;

* concerning the order of execution of orders;

* affecting ethical standards that must be observed in the team.

In the section of the job description "Rights of the employee", the rights of the employee are determined for the implementation of the functions assigned to him and the performance of duties. In the section of the job description "Relationships", the sub-divisions and employees are indicated from whom the performer receives and to whom the information is transmitted, its structure and the timing of the transfer, who is involved in the execution of certain documents, with whom they are coordinated, etc.

The section of the job description "Evaluation of work" lists the criteria that allow you to assess the degree to which the employee fulfills his functions and responsibilities, the use of rights, etc.


Studying the scientific and practical material on this topic, the following conclusions can be drawn:

In accordance with the requirements of the State System for Management Documentation (hereinafter referred to as the DOE), the management documentation support at modern enterprises should be carried out by a special service - the Management Documentation Support Service (hereinafter referred to as the DOE service). Such a service functions at the enterprise as an independent structural unit headed by the head of the service and subordinate directly to the head of the enterprise.

The main tasks of the preschool educational institution are:

* introduction at the enterprise of a single procedure for working with documents in accordance with the State Educational Institution of Education and other regulatory and methodological and organizational and administrative documents;

* implementation of methodological guidance of the organization of work with documents in the structural divisions of the enterprise;

* ensuring effective control over compliance with the established procedure for working with documents;

* improving the forms and methods of work of company officials with documents.

Documentation support of management - an activity covering the organization of documentation and document management in the process of implementing the functions of an institution, organization and enterprise.

Documentation support for management in organizations, institutions and enterprises is carried out by a special service acting as an independent structural unit subordinate directly to the head of the organization.

List of used literature:

Normative acts

1. Resolution of the Goskomstat of Russia dated 05.01.2004 No. 1 "On the approval of unified forms of primary accounting documentation for the accounting of labor and its payment."

2. GOST R6.30-2003. Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for paperwork. - M .: Publishing house of standards, 2003.

3. GOST R 51141-98 Office work and archival business: Terms and definitions. - M: Publishing house of standards, 1998.

4. DR-191-98. Unification of texts of management documents. Methodological recommendations of VNIIDAD FAS RF. - M .: VNIKDAD, 1998.

5. On approval of unified forms of primary accounting documentation for labor accounting and remuneration. Resolution of the Goskomstat of Russia dated 05.01.2004. No. 1.

6. Standard instruction on office work in federal executive bodies (approved by order of the Federal Archival Service of Russia dated November 27, 2000, No. 68). - M., 2001.

7. Federal Law "On Information, Informatization and Information Protection" dated 20.02.1995 No. 24-FZ.

Educational literature

8. Andreeva V.I. Office work. - M .: Intel-Sintez, 2002

9. Belov A.N. Office work and document flow: Textbook. Manual.- M .: Eksmo, 2007

10. Basakov M.I. Office work and correspondence in questions and answers: Textbook. - Rostov n / a: Phoenix, 2004

11. Basakov M.I., Zamytskova O.I. Office work. - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2004

12. Vasilyeva L.M., Skvortsova R.E., Shkatova L.A. Document management. - Chelyabinsk .: Book. Publishing house, 2000

13. Galakhov V.V. Office work: Samples, documents, organization and technology of work. - M .: OOO "TK Welby", 2005

14. Demin Yu.M. Office work: Preparation of office documents. - SPb .: Peter, 2004

15. Zinovieva N.B. Documentation: Study guide. - M .: PROFIZDAT, 2003

16. Kolesnik E.N. INTRODUCTION to management records management. Tutorial. - M.: INFRA-M, 2003

17. Kraiskaya ZV, Cellini E.V. Archival science: A textbook for secondary specialized educational institutions. - M .: Publishing house NORMA, 1996

18. Krylova I.Yu. Documenting management activities: Textbook. allowance. - SPb .: Business press, 2004

19. Kuznetsova T.V. Office work: Organization and technology of documentary management support. - M .: Unity-Dana, 2003

20. Kushnarenko N.N. Document management. Textbook. - Kiev: Znannya, 2000

21. Lysenko N.A., Serbinovsky B.Yu. Documenting management activities at the enterprise: office work and correspondence. - Rostov-on-Don: March ITs, 2002

22. Okhotnikov A.V., Bulavina E.A. Document management and record keeping: Fundamentals of records management; Types, functions of documents; Office technology: A textbook for universities. - M: ICC March, 2004

23. Rogozhin M.Yu. Handbook on office work. - SPb .: PMter, 2006

24. Spivak V.A. Office work. - SPb., 2003

25. Spivak V.A. Documenting management activities: Office work - SPb .: Peter, 2005

26. Stenyukov M.V. Office work: Lecture notes. - M .: Prior, 2005


Table 1

An example of a calculation to determine the total cost of time (CTP)

by type of work on preschool educational institutions

Name of the type of work

Annual volume

Norm value, h

Costs, man-h

Processing of incoming documents

Outbound processing

Control of execution of documents

Development of norm.met. benefits

Execution thematic. requests

Checking the organization of work in departments

TOTAL person-h:


SZV, taking into account the time spent on organizational and technical maintenance of workplaces and rest of the personnel, are: SZVp = 12 651 x Ku = 13 916 man-h, where Ku is an accounting coefficient with a value of 1.1.

The approximate number of specialists (taking into account the qualification requirements imposed by the content of work), based on the value of the indicator of the useful fund of working time of one employee (FPv), will be: SZVp: FPv = 13916: 2006 = 7 units.

Table 2.

The approximate qualification and number of employees of the preschool educational institution of the enterprise with the number of employees up to 1000 people

Number of regular units


Administrative group - management of the preschool educational institution

Service chief


Deputy Head of Service


May not be entered

Inspector for control of execution of orders


Document expert



Tech. execution

May not be entered

Name of the profession (specialty)

Number of regular units


Group for technical preparation and replication of documents

Group leader


May not be entered

Senior typist - PC operator

Tech. execution

Typist - PC operator

Tech. execution

2-5 and more

Depends on the amount of work

Office work group

Group leader


May not be entered

Art. clerk

Tech. execution


Tech. execution

2-5 and more

Depends on the amount of work

Document storage group

Group leader


May not be entered

Senior Archivist

Tech. execution


Tech. execution

2-5 and more

Depends on the amount of work

Support group

Group leader


May not be entered


Tech. execution


Tech. execution

In general, in the service of the preschool educational institution



Tech. execution

12-20 and more

The list of controlled documents is compiled in a free form and approved by the management as presented by the preschool educational institution with the participation (approval) of the legal service of the organization. The composition of documents subject to mandatory control, along with documents of higher authorities and internal administrative documents, also include important specific documents inherent in this management system and having specific deadlines.

For the overwhelming majority of documents circulating in various organizations and management systems, the deadlines for their execution are marked on the upper field of the applied control and registration cards (RCC).

Information on the results of control of execution should be received by those managers who determine the need to control specific documents and the timing of their execution.

Terms of execution of documents. For periodically created documents, for documents most often created on a national scale, individual areas of activity or a specific organization, standard deadlines for their execution are established.

Thus, standard terms are established in decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, laws of the Russian Federation, government regulations, for example, for the consideration of proposals, applications and complaints from citizens, deputy inquiries; for the transfer of documents of permanent storage from departmental bodies to state ones; for the final entry into force of signed documents, etc.

A significant number of standard deadlines are established in departmental by-laws, for example, on the provision of statistical and financial reports, on the deadlines for filing claims for product quality, on filing appeals against decisions of financial and judicial authorities, etc. not reflected in laws and other regulations. After their approval and inclusion in the Table of forms or instructions for the preschool educational institution, they also become typical for all employees of the organization.

Individual deadlines for execution are indicated in the text of the document or resolution when considering the received document only if this deadline differs from the document established by the author or is not included in the standard deadlines.

The term for the execution of incoming documents is generally accepted to be calculated from the moment of fixing the fact of their receipt by the organization, and for those created - from the moment they are brought to the performers, unless, of course, a different period is specified in the document.

The term of execution can be extended only by the organization or the official who established it, or the management superior to it. In practice, in the case when the deadline for the execution of a document by the time of its registration or upon consideration cannot be determined, a conditional deadline is established, which can be adjusted during the execution of the document, for example, when monitoring the execution of outgoing documents.

Controlling. The technical means of control over the execution of documents is the input format of the control system (card or screen form), which, as a rule, is a duplicate of the registration format. As, for example, the card of the control system proposed by the Unified System of Organizational and Administrative Documentation.

When controlling the oral instructions of the head, unregistered documents, when returning to the documents that were considered executed, the input format is filled out in the control service itself. When placing on control documents containing a number of tasks, various performers and deadlines, the control input format is filled in for each controlled order or task. For this, the workflow schemes should provide for familiarization of the control service, consequently or in parallel (for example, in copies), with such documents. In the right part of the upper field of the document itself, they put a mark on taking it under control.

The control array is organized in such a way that regardless of whether the document is internal, incoming or outgoing, documents can be classified according to due dates for the days of the current month, as well as for longer due dates.

During the period of execution of the document, a professionally organized control service carries out regular checks of the progress of execution, the results of which, as a rule, are also recorded in the control array. The contractors are responsible for the correctness of the information provided.

Checks can be recorded verbally or in writing. In the latter case, written reminders are prepared by the control service. They can be dedicated to both a specific task and a separate document and performer. Reminders are sent to the heads of structural divisions, and after filling out, they are signed by them and returned to the control service for analyzing the performance discipline.

Verification of the progress of execution is usually carried out in the following terms recommended by the USORD:

Tasks for subsequent years at least once a year;
tasks for subsequent months of the current year at least once a month;
tasks of the current month every 10 days and 5 days before the due date.

The transfer of documents for execution to other employees is not a basis for removing them from control or postponing the deadlines.

Removal of the document from control. This can only be done by the official who established control, or the responsible executor after the actual completion of tasks, requests, communication of the results to interested persons and organizations or other documented confirmation of performance.

It is possible to mark the removal of a document from control only in the control array itself (card, database). At the discretion of the management, information on the execution of documents or individual tasks may be reported to the control service in writing or orally.

If the control service establishes that the content, form and procedure of execution did not correspond to the task, it has the right to return the document for revision without extending the deadline.

Data on the progress and results of control over the execution of documents are periodically analyzed. As a rule, information on the state of the performing discipline is summarized monthly. Since the standard analytical forms for the control of executive discipline are not defined, they are established by the management of the organization as advised by the preschool educational institution.

The results of the work of the performers look most clearly if the monthly summaries presented to the management indicate:

The total number of documents in the work of the contractor;
number (percentage) completed ahead of schedule;
the number (percentage) not completed or completed later than the established deadlines;
delays in execution in working days;
reasons for delays in the execution of documents.

Typical reasons for non-execution of documents on time usually include:

Too high degree of centralization of powers;
overload of performers and managers of different levels;
indiscipline of employees and subordinate organizations;
insufficient time frame for quality execution;
irrational document management system;

lack of technical means for drawing up and replicating documents, etc.

Based on the results of the analysis, measures are developed and taken to speed up the execution of documents, improve performance discipline, and improve the organization of control and management in general.

Management documentation

Documentation support for management (office work) is a type of management support for an organization, which includes fixing, transferring and storing information about the state of the organization and control actions to change its state. The branch of activity that provides documentation and organization of work with official documents is an important aspect of the work of any enterprise: in organizations documents are created that reflect the results and maintenance production activities, financial condition, work with personnel, logistics, etc.

It is the documents that ensure the implementation of management functions, they define plans, record accounting and reporting indicators and other information. In this regard, we can say that the efficiency and quality of decisions made, the effectiveness of their implementation and the activities of the organization as a whole largely depend on how the work with documents is arranged.

Organization of work with documents is an important part of management processes and management decision-making, significantly affecting the efficiency and quality of management.

The process of making a managerial decision includes obtaining information; its processing; analysis, preparation and decision making.

These components are closely related to the management documentation. To obtain an economic effect, first of all, the quality of information is important, which is determined by its quantity, efficiency, degree of complexity and cost. If the enterprise does not have a clear work with documents, then, as a result, management deteriorates, since it depends on the quality and reliability, the speed of receiving and transmitting information, the correct setting of the reference and information service, and a clear organization of the search, storage and use of documents.

There are three main tasks solved in office work (DOE):

1. Documentation (preparation, execution, approval and preparation of documents).
2. Organization of work with documents in the process of management (provision of traffic, control of execution, storage and use of documents).
3. Systematization of the archive of documents.

Documentation support of the management is carried out by a special service, acting as an independent structural unit. This can be: management of affairs, general department, office or secretariat.

The preschool educational institution service solves three main sets of tasks:

1.providing documentation of management activities;
2. organization of work with documents in the institution;
3. improvement of forms and methods of working with documents.

The tasks facing the DOE service determine its functions:

1. The tasks of ensuring the documentation of management activities can be solved by performing the following functions:

Development and design of forms, ensuring their production;
ensuring the production of documents, copying and replication;
quality control of preparation and execution of documents, compliance with the established approval procedure and certification of documents.

2. The tasks of organizing work with documents in the institution are solved by performing the following functions:

Establishment of a unified procedure for the passage of documents (document flow of the institution);
Forwarding processing of incoming and outgoing documents;
Registration and accounting of incoming, outgoing and internal documents;
Control over the execution of documents;
Systematization of documents, ensuring their storage and use; organization of work with citizens' appeals.
Ensuring the protection of information.

3. The tasks of improving the forms and methods of working with documents include the following functions:

Development and processing of regulatory, instructive, methodological documents and bringing them to the attention of the organization's employees;
methodological guidance and control over compliance with the established rules for working with documents in the structural divisions of the organization;
advanced training of employees of the organization and their advice on working with documents;
streamlining of the organization's documentation, carrying out work on the unification of documents, developing the Timesheet and Album of document forms used in the organization's activities;
development and implementation of new forms and methods of working with documents, improving the organization's workflow, increasing executive discipline;
setting tasks for the development and improvement of automated information systems and databases for working with documents.

An enterprise striving to create an effective environment for processing information and improving the quality of management has the following tasks:

1. Improvement of all work on the preparation and processing of documentary information by creating a mechanism for documentary support of the enterprise (DOE).
2. Choosing the right automation strategy, including the right choice of software products.

To automate such a seemingly simple subject as working with documents, you have to use the latest technological advances:

1. database management systems;
2. Document search and text analysis systems;
3. systems for scanning and recognizing documents (printed and handwritten);
4. client-server environment;
5. Internet / intranet.

Regardless of the specifics of the enterprise, the following main groups of documents can be distinguished:

Organizational documents of the enterprise (charter, regulations, memorandum of association, structure and staffing, staffing, job descriptions, internal labor regulations);
administrative documents of the enterprise (orders for core activities, orders, decisions);
documents on the personnel of the enterprise (orders on personnel, labor contracts(contracts), personal files, personal cards f. T-2, personal salary accounts, work books);
financial and accounting documents of the enterprise (general ledger, annual reports, balance sheets, profit and loss accounts, acts of audits, inventories, plans, reports, estimates, accounts, cash books, etc.);
information and reference documents of the enterprise (acts, letters, faxes, certificates, telephone messages, memoranda, explanatory notes, minutes, etc.).

From state and municipal organizations, the enterprise can receive documents regulating various issues of its activities (taxes, security environment etc.). These documents constitute a separate group - the regulatory documents of the higher authorities.

Commercial contracts (agreements), which are the main documents of entrepreneurial activity, can be distinguished into an independent group. All of these documents refer to management or organizational and administrative documents (ORD). The exception is financial and accounting documents that have specific features of preparation and processing.

The State Archival Service of Russia (Rosarkhiv) and its bodies are engaged in the collection and storage of documents reflecting the material and spiritual life of its peoples, which have historical, scientific, social, economic or cultural significance. They create the "memory" of society, store information about the life of the country. In addition, Rosarkhiv, as the central body of the federal executive power, is responsible for organizing and rationalizing office work in the country. He develops standards and recommendations for organizing office work. Rosarkhiv is responsible for organizational and administrative documentation (ORD) as a developer agency, which involves the development of general requirements for OSA, specific forms of documents, control over the use of OSA in various fields of activity, unification of document forms by creating a Unified System of Organizational and Administrative Documentation (USORD). The RF Committee for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Gosstandart of Russia) is responsible for the normative consolidation of specific requirements for documents and unification by creating GOSTs, as well as participation in the international unification and standardization of documents. The Ministry of Labor is developing documents on labor and labor protection. Thus, if the authorities are the highest authority for regulations office work, the State Archival Service.

In the regulation of the activities of the office management service, a significant role is played by the Charter of the organization - a legal act that determines the formation procedure, the competence of the organization, its functions, tasks, and the procedure for work. The development of the charter affects the overall organization of office work. The organizational structure laid down in the charter makes it possible to determine the sets of documents that will be used in management activities.

The main regulatory documents governing the activities of the preschool educational institution of the organization:

The regulation on the service of a preschool educational institution is a legal act that determines the procedure for the formation, duties and organization of the work of this unit, as well as the legal status and competence of officials working in the service of the preschool educational institution. The regulation on the service of the preschool educational institution is developed and signed by the head of the service, approved by the head of the organization. The Regulations are agreed with the heads of those structural divisions with which relations are fixed in it.

The job description is the main organizational document that regulates the delineation of duties and rights between employees, serving as the basis for eliminating parallelism and duplication in the performance of individual operations.

Instruction for office work is the main regulatory document governing the rules, techniques, processes for creating documents, technology for working with documents. For the effective work of the preschool educational institution and all divisions of the organization, for a clear understanding and presentation of all stages of working with documents in each organization, an instruction for office work should be drawn up, taking into account the specifics of its activities.

Table of forms of documents for typical management situations. The timesheet is a list of unified forms of documents necessary and sufficient for the implementation of documentation support for the functions and tasks solved by the company. It contains the characteristics of each document, its legal status and stages of documentation. The report card is a method of normative consolidation of both the composition of the documents used in the apparatus and the procedure for their preparation.

Album of forms of documents of the organization. Along with the Table of forms of documents, any organization must have an Album of forms of documents, which is a collection of standards of forms of documents included in the Table.

Today, there are four main organizational structures of the preschool educational institution:

1. Management of affairs.
2. General department.
3. Office.
4. Secretary.

Management of affairs, in turn, is subdivided into the following structural standard divisions:

1. The Secretariat is a structural unit created to serve the management of the organization. It includes:

Reception room;
secretariat of the head and secretariats of deputy heads;
the secretariat of the board;
protocol bureau.

2. The department of rationalization of preschool educational institutions is a center for improving preschool educational institutions, a methodological center. Its functions include:

Development and implementation of measures to improve the technology of office work;
development of regulatory and methodological support for office work (regulations, instructions, rules, regulations, timesheet of unified forms, etc.);
development of classification reference books (nomenclature of cases, classifiers, lists of documents with storage periods).

3. Chancellery, which, in turn, is subdivided into:

correspondence bureau;
bureau of registration and registration of documents;
computer center for processing and reproduction of text documents.

4. Letters department.

5. Central archive.

6. Inspection.

Organization of documentation support

There are three forms of organizing office work:

- decentralized;
- mixed.

With a centralized form of organization of office work, all technical operations for processing documents are concentrated in one structural unit (preschool educational institution), and creative work with documents is carried out in other structural units. The advantages of a centralized form of organizing office work include the ability to form a single database for all documents received by the organization and created in it, which makes it possible to increase the efficiency of document search and, consequently, to optimize reference work on documents. It is advisable to use a centralized form of organization of office work if the organization has a linear-functional organizational structure.

The decentralized form of organization of office work involves the creation of an independent office management service in each structural unit. It is advisable to use it with a divisional type of organizational structure or in conditions of territorial disunity of structural divisions of an organization.

The mixed form of organization of office work involves the implementation of some office operations (reception, registration, control, reproduction of documents) in the preschool educational institution, others (creation and execution of documents, their systematization, formation of cases and storage) in structural units. It should be noted that with a mixed form of organization of office work, the same technological operation, for example, registration of incoming and outgoing documents, can be carried out both in the preschool educational institution service and in structural divisions, depending on the category of documents.

Choosing the name of the preschool educational institution

Currently, there are no regulatory documents or documents of a methodological nature, which should be guided when choosing the name of the preschool educational institution and determining its structure, therefore, organizations have the right to independently make decisions on these issues.

However, there are several factors to consider:

The nature of the organization's activities, its structure (the number of departments, the number of the management apparatus and the total number of employees);
- the volume of the organization's workflow;
- the presence of a subordinate system (subordinate organizations, branches, departments, representative offices) and the nature of the relationship between them and the central management body.

In practice, various names of the office work unit are used: case management, office, general department, office work department, correspondence department, office work service, management document support service, document management department, documentation department, etc.

The case management is, as a rule, a subdivision with an internal structure. As part of the management of affairs, groups, sectors, departments and other structural units are distinguished that provide accounting and registration of documents, control over the execution of documents, work with documents of collegial bodies, production of documents, copying and duplication of documents, as well as such units as the secretariat, archive, department for improving office work, etc. Office management is created in large organizations with a subordinate structure: federal executive bodies (ministries, services, agencies), large joint-stock companies, etc. The Office of Affairs, along with purely office-work functions, provides organizational and methodological support for the office work of subordinate organizations ...

The rest of the given names - chancellery, general department, office work department, etc., in terms of content, can be regarded as synonyms. Chancellery is perhaps the most understandable and familiar name for the preschool educational institution. It is convenient because it consists of one word, which means it is easier to use, but in the minds of many, this name is associated with "clerical routine", "clerical red tape", that is, with the negative aspects of office work. The name "general department" is not entirely clear to many, since the word "general" can imply anything, but we are still talking about working with documents. In this regard, the names "office work department", "document department", etc. more successful. Based on these considerations, when choosing the name of the office management service, preference should be given, if not to the name "office" (due to its clarity and ease of use), then to such names as "office management", "documentation support department", etc.

Organizational structure of the preschool educational institution

At large enterprises, functional groups are allocated as part of the preschool educational institution, and certain responsibilities are assigned to each employee. The DOE service may include a secretariat, an expedition, a control group (bureau, department), a group of letters (complaints bureau, public appeal department), a typewriter bureau, a copying bureau, an archive.

At medium-sized enterprises, the functions of the preschool educational institution are performed by individual specialists in the areas of work.

In small enterprises, the preschool educational institution service consists of 2-3 people.

In many organizations, the preschool educational institution service is not an independent unit, but is part of the administrative and economic service, personnel management service or accounting. However, the organization of work with documents is a completely independent type of activity that has nothing to do with economic support or accounting. Since the preschool educational institution actually manages the documentation and documentation flows of the entire organization, it should be an independent unit, albeit with a small staff number (it can be 2-3 people), with subordination directly to the head of the organization or one of the deputy heads in charge of information and documentation. This is also fundamentally important because the preschool educational institution directly works with the management, decides on the consideration of documents, monitors their execution, conducts reference work on documents on the instructions of the management, and carries out other instructions from the management.

Determination of the official composition and staffing of the preschool educational institution

When determining the official composition of employees, one should be guided by the All-Russian Classifier of Workers' Professions, Employee Positions and Wage Grades (OKPDTR) and the Qualification Reference Book of the Positions of Managers, Specialists and Other Employees (approved by Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 37).

To determine the number of personnel of the preschool educational institution, normative documents on labor and labor organization are used.

The rationing of work of office workers, including the calculation of their staffing, is carried out on the basis of the following documents:

1. Interindustry consolidated norms of time for work on documentation support of management.
2. Standards of time for work to improve the documentation support for the management of ministries, departments, enterprises and organizations.
3. Norms of time for work on automated archival technology and documentation support for governing bodies.
4. Norms of time for work on documentation support of administrative structures of federal executive bodies.

As a rule, determining the size of a unit is not the responsibility of the preschool educational institution itself - this work is carried out by labor and wages departments or economic divisions, but if necessary, such calculations can be carried out by employees of the preschool educational institution. The above-mentioned normative documents on labor contain methodological instructions regarding the application of these documents in practice.

Development of regulations on the service of a preschool educational institution and job descriptions of workers An important task in organizing the service of a preschool educational institution is the development of regulations on the service of a preschool educational institution and job descriptions of employees. This task is solved by the head of the preschool educational institution itself or with the involvement of qualified specialists. The regulations on the service of the preschool educational institution and the job descriptions of its employees constitute a set of organizational and legal documentation, the development of which completes the organizational stage of creating this service.

1. General Provisions.
3. Functions of the preschool educational institution.

The recommendatory nature of the GSDOU suggests the possibility of making the necessary changes and clarifications. In particular, in our opinion, the 4th section "Rights and responsibility" should be divided into two sections: "Rights" and "Responsibility" due to the fact that these are completely different concepts.

The organizational stage of creating a preschool educational institution ends with the development of job descriptions. The magazine has more than once published articles on the development of job descriptions, so in this article we will limit ourselves to only general comments. It should be borne in mind that the job description is developed for a specific position, and if there are several identical positions in the unit, but the employees occupying them perform different duties, a separate job description should be developed for each set of job responsibilities. The assignment of a certain set of job duties to the position should be reflected in the title of the document, for example: job description of a specialist in accounting and registration of documents, job description of a specialist in document control, job description of a specialist in working with citizens' appeals, etc.

Documentation support system

The activity of any organization is accompanied by the creation of documents; execution of business documentation in accordance with the current rules protects the interests of the organization, increases the efficiency of managerial work.

The regulatory framework for office work is a set of laws and regulations governing the technology for creating, processing, storing and using documents in the current activities of an organization and includes:

Legislative acts of the Russian Federation in the field of information and documentation;
Decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, decisions and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, regulating the issues of documentation support for federal level;
Legal acts of federal executive bodies (ministries, committees, services, agencies, etc.) of both industry-wide and departmental character;
Legal acts of the bodies of representative and executive power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and their territorial entities, regulating the issues of office work;
Legal acts of a normative and instructive nature on the office work of institutions, organizations and enterprises;
State standards for documentation;
Unified documentation systems;
All-Russian classifiers of technical, economic and social information;
State system of documentation support for management. Basic requirements for documents and documentation services (GSDOU);
Regulatory documents on the organization of managerial labor and labor protection;
Normative documents on the organization of archival storage of documents.

The regulatory framework of office work can be conditionally divided into two parts: information documentation support management:

1. the regulatory framework that ensures the technological process of office work;
2. the regulatory framework that ensures the organization of work of office workers.

The first part of the regulatory framework is conventionally divided into several groups.

The first group - federal regulations not direct action, to one degree or another affecting the organization and technology of documenting management activities and the organization of work with documents. Among them are the Civil Code, the Code of Administrative Offenses, Labor Code... For records management and office work, the section of the Federal Law "On Information, Informatization and Protection of Information" is very important, which establishes the legal regime for documenting information. According to the Law, documenting information is a prerequisite for its inclusion in information resources. The law establishes the procedure for documenting information and names the state authorities that are obliged to ensure this procedure. According to the Law, this task is assigned to the state authorities responsible for: organization of office work, standardization of documents, security of the Russian Federation.

The second group of normative acts is departmental legal acts on office work, which are of an interdepartmental nature.

These include:

State system of documentation support for management;
- Typical instructions for office work in federal executive bodies;
- state standards for documentation (GOST R 6.30-2003 "Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for paperwork");
- All-Russian classifiers of technical, economic and social information;
- rules for drawing up regulations of the Bank of Russia (instructions, regulations, instructions) established by order of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 02-395 "On the Regulation of the Bank of Russia" On the procedure for the preparation and entry into force of regulations of the Bank of Russia ", as well as a number of regulations of the Ministry of Labor of Russia , Goskomstat of Russia, Rosarkhiv, etc.

The third group of regulations is various standard and sample instructions on the office work of the administrations of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and instructions of specific organizations.

The general trend of strengthening the legal support for the life of the Russian state requires a solution to the issue of eliminating the legislative gap (the lack of a clear legal norm on this issue) in the field of document management regulation. It is necessary to develop a federal law "On documentary support for management activities."

Proposals for the development of a law "On documentary support for management activities" are caused by the fact that in modern management and its information support, the volume of documentation continues to grow, there are unjustified parallel "paper" and "electronic" systems for documenting and document circulation, there is a variety of software, technological and technical incompatible means, there is no effective system for controlling the movement and execution of documents.

At present, VNIIDAD, together with a number of departments, has prepared a draft law "On documentation of management activities".

The management documentation system includes three interrelated components: the preparation of management documents, the technology of working with documents, the systematization of documents during the calendar year and the organization of their archival storage. When solving each of these problems, practitioners should be guided by the current regulatory and methodological documents in the field of office work, approved by the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Standardization and the Federal Archival Service of Russia.

In accordance with the Basic Provisions of the State Archive Service of the Russian Federation, the State Archival Service of the Russian Federation approved the Standard Instruction for Office Work in Ministries and Departments of the Russian Federation, establishing a unified procedure for organizing office work in federal executive bodies in order to ensure the timely implementation of federal laws, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees and orders The Government of the Russian Federation and the improvement of documentation support for the activities of structural divisions of ministries, departments and territorial bodies of federal executive power. The procedure for drawing up and approving the nomenclature of the organization's affairs, conducting an examination of the value of documents, registering cases and transferring them to archival storage is set out in the Basic rules for the work of departmental archives.

An important task in organizing a preschool educational institution is the development of regulations on the preschool educational institution service and job descriptions of employees. This task is solved by the head of the preschool educational institution itself or with the involvement of qualified specialists. The regulations on the service of the preschool educational institution and the job descriptions of its employees constitute a set of organizational and legal documentation, the development of which completes the organizational stage of creating this service. The regulations on the structural unit of the department are developed by the head of this unit together with the head of the department, and approved by the head of the department, the manager of affairs or the head of another unit, which includes the department of records management.

Subdivision Regulations - a document defining the organizational and legal position of a subdivision in the structure of an institution.

The state system of documentation support for management contains an approximate provision on the service of a preschool educational institution, but it is currently possible to apply it in practice only taking into account the changes that have occurred in the management system and which are reflected in modern legislation.

The text of the provision on the service of a preschool educational institution, in accordance with the State Educational Institution of Education, should contain the following sections:

1. General Provisions.
2. The goals and objectives of the preschool educational institution.
3. Functions of the preschool educational institution.
4. The rights and responsibilities of the preschool educational institution.
5. The relationship of the preschool educational institution with other structural units.

The organizational stage of creating a preschool educational institution ends with the development of job descriptions. It should be borne in mind that the job description is developed for a specific position, and if there are several identical positions in the unit, but the employees occupying them perform different duties, a separate job description should be developed for each set of job responsibilities. The assignment of a certain set of official duties to the position should be reflected in the title of the document, for example: job description of a specialist in accounting and registration of documents, job description of a specialist in document execution control, job description of a specialist in working with citizens' appeals, etc.

The manual consists of the following sections:

- the general part (the main tasks of the employee are established, the procedure for filling a position, professional requirements for the employee, the person to whom the employee is directly subordinate, the main documents and materials that the employee must be guided by in his activities);
- the functions of the employee (the subject of conduct or the area of ​​work assigned to the employee, the list of types of work that make up the implementation of the assigned functions are determined);
- the duties of the employee (the duties related to the preparation of documents, receipt, processing and issuance of information are indicated, involving the mandatory use of certain forms and methods of work, requiring compliance with the deadlines for performing specific actions, determining the order of execution of orders, ethical standards that must be observed in the team);
- the rights of the employee (the rights of the employee to implement the functions entrusted to him are determined);
- relationships (indicate the divisions and employees from whom the contractor receives and to whom the information is transmitted, the timing of the transfer, who is involved in the execution of certain documents, with whom they are coordinated, etc.);
- evaluation of work (the criteria are listed that make it possible to assess the degree of fulfillment by the employee of his functions and duties, the use of rights, etc., the main criteria are the quality of work and the timeliness of its implementation).

The job description is signed by the head of the office and approved by the head or deputy in charge of the office.

Legislative acts and normative and methodological documents on the conduct of office work should be taken into account by specialists of organizations and enterprises of all organizational and legal forms.

Documentation Department

Tasks and functions of the documentation department

Ensuring a unified procedure for organizing and maintaining office work in the divisions of the enterprise, unifying the forms of documents, creating samples of documents for the enterprise Organization of office work at the enterprise in accordance with standards and regulatory and methodological documents.

Organizational and methodological management of work with documents in the structural divisions of the enterprise.

Organization of control over the timely execution of documents in accordance with the resolutions of the company's management.

Ensuring an appropriate mode of access to documents that have a confidentiality stamp and the use of the information contained therein.

Drawing up a consolidated nomenclature of the company's affairs, monitoring the correct formation and execution of cases in structural divisions.

Development of regulatory and methodological documents for the conduct of office work at the enterprise (instructions for working with documents, forms of official documents, unified forms of documents of the enterprise).

Registration and accounting of documents, conducting reference and information work on the documents of the enterprise Reception, registration, accounting, storage and distribution of incoming, sent and internal documentation; prompt search and issuance of information on documents.

Consideration and verification of the execution of documents submitted for the report and for signature to the management of the enterprise.

Registration of travel documents; registration of business travelers. Participation in the work of the expert commission of the enterprise on preparation for the transfer to the archive of documents with long-term (permanent) storage periods; selection for destruction of documents with expired storage periods.

Implementation of new information technologies in work with documents Participation in the setting of tasks, development, design and implementation of new information technologies at the enterprise.

Carrying out measures to improve the qualifications of employees of the enterprise engaged in office work.

Regulatory documents

External documents:

Legislative and normative acts, standards and normative-methodical documents on office work.

Internal documents:

Charter of the enterprise, Regulations on the division, Job description, Internal labor regulations.

Relationship of the department of documentation support with other divisions

With technical subdivisions and workshops of drawings, technical specifications, other documentation support for:

Registration, accounting and storage;
- messages about changes in the documentation;
- applications for the selection of technical literature;
- acts on write-off of documentation support;
- applications for reproduction and distribution of documentation support;
- copies of documentation support for drawings, technical specifications, other documentation support;
- technical literature;
- indications, instructions on the procedure for registration of documentation support for the archive.

With the department of labor organization and wages of the approved staffing table:

Regulations on bonuses for employees of the department;
- consultations on labor law issues;
- proposals for the formation of the staffing table of the department.

With the department of material and technical supply of material and technical resources at the request of the department of applications for the material and technical resources necessary for the department (stationery, office equipment, etc.).

Documentation department rights

Check the organization of office work in the structural divisions of the enterprise, make proposals based on the results of the checks and recommendations to their managers for taking appropriate measures.

Require from the heads of structural divisions references, information, documents, other materials necessary for the management of the enterprise, as well as information on the execution of documents, instructions and tasks of the management.

Return to structural units for revision documents prepared in violation of the rules for registration established by GOST.

Present to the management of the enterprise:

Proposals for incentives for employees of the department.
- Information about the plans of the department and a report on their implementation.
- Conduct certification of employees of the department.

Responsibility of the documentation department

The head of the documentation support department is responsible for the conscientious and timely performance of the functions assigned to the department.

The head of the documentation support department is personally responsible for:

Compliance with applicable laws in the process of managing the department.
- Compilation, approval and presentation of reliable information about the work of the department.
- Timely execution of orders from management.

The responsibility of the employees of the documentation support department is established by the corresponding job descriptions.

Documentation Service

The entire management process is permeated with information, which is the basis for decision-making, and is built on working with documents in which it is recorded. Therefore, the documentation support of management (office work) of any organization, institution, enterprise is considered today as the most important service management function, which has its own specific tasks and should be performed by an independent, organizationally separate structural unit - the management documentation service (preschool educational institution).

The fifth section of the State system of management documentation, approved by the board of the USSR Glavarchive, states the following: "Documentation management in an organization is carried out by a special service acting as an independent structural unit subordinate directly to the head of the organization."

Speaking about the name of the management documentation support service, it should be noted that today the preschool educational institution service can have different names, for example: case management, office management department, management documentation support department, general department, office, secretariat, etc.

At the same time, we can say that the specific name of the preschool educational institution is not of fundamental importance, however, when choosing it, it is advisable to take into account the following factors:

Subdivision structure (whether or not it has an internal structure, if it does, whether it is complex or not);
requirements for the name (it is desirable that the name be simple, easy to remember and pronounced);
existing clerical traditions.

For example, in the State System of Management Documentation it is recommended to use the following names:

In ministries and departments - management of affairs, which, as a rule, includes:

Secretariat (reception, secretariat of the minister, secretariats of deputy ministers, secretariat of the collegium, protocol bureau);
inspection under the minister (head of department);
office (government correspondence bureau, accounting and registration bureau, expedition, copying and duplicating bureau, etc.);
department of letters (complaints);
department of improvement of work with documents and implementation of technical means;
central archive;

At state enterprises (associations), in research, design, design organizations and computer centers, higher educational institutions and other organizations - the department of documentation support of the administration or the office, which, as a rule, includes:

Subdivisions for accounting and registration, control, improvement of work with documents and implementation of technical means, consideration of letters (complaints);
copying and duplicating bureau;

However, for those organizations that categorically do not want to use the old names of the preschool educational institution (case management, general department, office), name options can be proposed that reflect modern trends in the development of management documentation, for example: service (department) of document management (documents), improvement department work with documents and implementation of technical means.

In small organizations, the management documentation service, as an independent structural unit, may not exist. In this case, the work with the documents is performed by the manager's secretary (inspector) or another specially appointed person.

Speaking about the service of documentation support of management, it is necessary to highlight its main tasks and functions.

The main tasks of the preschool educational institution include the following, namely:

Improvement of forms and methods of working with documents;
ensuring a unified procedure for documenting, organizing work with documents; construction of information retrieval systems, control of execution and preparation of documents for transfer to the archive in accordance with applicable standards;
reduction of document circulation;
unification of document forms;
development and implementation of regulatory and methodological documents to improve the documentation of management in the organization, its structural divisions;
introduction of the latest information technologies in work with documents.

The structure of the standard functions of the preschool educational institution includes different types of work, which can be divided into technological, organizational, methodological, and control ones.

Technological functions include:

Implementation of the initial (expeditionary) processing of incoming documents;
registration of incoming, outgoing and internal documents;
conducting information and reference work on the documents of the organization; typewritten production of documents (typing on a computer);
copying, duplication and operational reproduction of documents;
development and design of document blanks;
preparation of documents for shipment.

Among the organizational functions of the preschool educational institution, the following stands out:

Preparation for the report to the management of incoming documents;

Organization of timely consideration of documents by the management of the organization; regulation of the course of execution of documents, passage and execution of documents within the prescribed period;
organization of storage of documents in structural divisions;
organization of the archive in accordance with the rules, instructions and methodological recommendations of Rosarkhiv;
advanced training of employees of office management and archives;
organization of workplaces for office workers, including automated workplaces (AWS), working conditions for office workers;
organization of office work at the request of citizens;
development (together with the relevant structural divisions of the organization) measures to improve the forms and methods of working with documents.

Control functions include:

Control over the correctness of execution of documents submitted for signature to the management (that is, outgoing and internal documents);
control over the deadlines for the execution of documents;
control over the correctness of registration and formation in the structural divisions of the organization of cases to be submitted to the archive;
organization of control over work with documents in structural divisions;
generalization of information on the progress and results of the execution of documents, systematic informing of the management on these issues;
ensuring the storage of cases and the operational use of documentary information.

Methodological functions performed by the preschool educational institution include:

Development of a nomenclature of the organization's affairs, instructions for office work, a sheet of forms of documents and other local regulatory documents that consolidate the organization's office work system;
examination of the scientific and practical value of documents;
holding meetings and consulting on issues related to the competence of the office management.

Documentation support of public administration

GSDOU is a set of principles and rules that establish uniform requirements for documenting management activities and organizing work with documents in the authorities government controlled at enterprises. GSDOU is an intersectoral document developed by Rosarkhiv. We must not forget that in recent years significant changes have taken place in our country, which could not but affect the documentation. Some of the information of the State Educational Institution of Education is outdated, however, most of its rules and recommendations can serve as the basis for organizing rational documentation of management in institutions and enterprises of various levels, fields of activity and forms of ownership.

The main goals of the GSDOU:

1. in streamlining the organization's workflow;
2. reducing the number and improving the quality of documents;
3. creation of favorable conditions for the use of technical means and modern technologies for collecting, processing and analyzing information;
4. improvement of the management apparatus.

The section "Documenting management activities" consists of four parts: Composition of management documents, Unification and standardization of management documents, Execution of management documents, Drafting of texts of management documents.

When drawing up documents for a particular enterprise, it is very important to focus on the requirements for the composition of documents in various management situations and for their texts.

GSDOU considers documenting management activities as the creation of documents not only on paper, but also on other types of media (magnetic tapes, disks, etc.). In other words, the formulated requirements apply to all documents, regardless of whether they are created in a traditional way or with the help of computer technology.

The section "Organization of work with documents" covers the entire cycle of work with documentation from the moment of its receipt or creation to the completion of execution, sending or putting into action. The section includes recommendations on the rational organization of document flow, the creation of information retrieval systems for the documents of the enterprise, control over the execution of documents, their preparation for transfer to the archive.

A peculiarity of the GDOU is that all points related to the automated processing of documents should be included in the schemes of routes for the movement of documents in the enterprise. An important requirement is the compatibility of manual and automated document processing.

In addition, in the GSDOU, recommendations for the creation and use of an information retrieval system (ISS) of an enterprise, institution are separated into a separate subsection. In this part, the rules for creating an IMS in the conditions of traditional and automated systems are considered. The composition of the ISS has been determined. It should include registration, indexing of documents, their operational storage, information retrieval arrays. Since information retrieval arrays can be implemented in paper form (card indexes) and in electronic form, the GSDOU requires their compatibility. To achieve such compatibility, the enterprise develops classifiers, for example, the nomenclature of cases, the classifier of correspondents, the classifier of structural divisions, the classifier of types of documents, etc.

The section also discusses technologies for document registration, indexing, operational storage, compilation of a nomenclature of cases, formation of cases, technology for monitoring the execution of documents, transfer to the departmental archive.

The section "Mechanization and automation of work with documents" contains the most General requirements to the conditions for using automated tools for working with documents (this section requires a lot of work).

The section “Organization of the preschool educational institution” contains an approach to the organization and functioning of the management documentation services.

GSDOU defined the preschool educational institution service as an independent structural unit, which reports directly to the head of the organization. GSDOU provides for the creation of several standard office services, depending on the category of organization or enterprise, it can be: case management, office, general department, secretary of the head.

The section formulates the main tasks of the service, the requirements for the job structure, the normative support of employees in the field of office work. The section contains links to documents that should concretize them. Some of them, for example, the All-Russian Classifier of Workers' Professions, qualification handbook positions of managers, specialists and other employees.

The functions of the office management services are given in the appendix to the SSSOU: "Approximate provision on the management documentation service."

The GSDOU has a number of applications that can be used at present in the practice of management documentation services:

An indicative list of documents subject to approval;
An approximate list of documents on which the official seal is put;
List of typical deadlines for the execution of documents;
The approximate structure of the text of the job description for employees of the preschool educational institution;
Case nomenclature forms;
Case cover form for permanent and temporary (over 10 years) storage periods, etc.

Many provisions of the GSDOU require revision. However, a number of rules and recommendations for organizing a preschool educational institution can help clerks of institutions, enterprises, especially for those who are just mastering the difficult technology of working with documentation.

Organizational management documentation support

For the effective fulfillment of the functions assigned to the preschool educational institution, an appropriate package of organizational and regulatory methodological documents is being developed - regulations on the preschool educational institution service, job descriptions of employees, instructions for documentation support for management, rules for working with proposals, applications and complaints from citizens, etc. Thus, in the normative legal documents of the preschool educational institution, first of all, the organizational form of the organization of office work, its official composition, the technology of working with documents, selected in the institution, is fixed.

There are three forms of organizing documentation support for management:

- centralized;
- decentralized;
- mixed.

A centralized form of documentation service is used in firms and small institutions. This form of setting up documentation support for management involves the concentration in one unit of all work with documents: from receipt to submission to the archive. The advantages of centralized processing of documents lie in the rationalization of office work.

The decentralized form of setting up documentation support for management assumes that each structural unit has its own office work service and independently conducts all types of work with documents. This form used in a geographically distributed organization, when it is impossible to carry out office work in one place.

In large organizations, a mixed form of management documentation is established - when part of the operations is carried out centrally, and part in structural divisions. For example, the registration of documents received in the name of the management is carried out centrally by the preschool educational institution, and accounting, personnel, financial - in the corresponding structural divisions.

The structure of the preschool educational institution is established depending on the amount of work and belonging to a certain group of organizations. In ministries and departments - management of affairs, in research institutes, factories, other state and non-state enterprises, a department for documentation support of management or an office is created, in executive bodies of power and local self-government - a general department.

Each of the above structural divisions includes specialized structural elements: department, bureau, group, sector. Each division performs one or more functions.

Case management includes:

- inspection under the minister or the heads of the department;
- letter department;
- office;
- protocol bureau;
- the secretary of the board;
- bureau of accounting and registration;
- expedition;
- computer center for processing text documents;
- bureau of government correspondence;
- letter department;
- department of improvement of work with documents;
- central archive.

The Office or Department of Documentation Management may include:

- a group for receiving and processing incoming and outgoing documents;
- a group for accounting and registration of documents;
- a group for working with citizens' appeals;
- archive;
- secretaries of heads and structural divisions;
- control group;
- copying and duplicating bureau.

The structure of the general department includes the following divisions:

- office;
- control group;
- protocol department;
- group of improvement of work with documents;
- a group of citizens' appeals;
- copying and duplicating bureau;
- archive.

Information and documentation support

As you know, the management process includes a certain set of typical technological operations for the collection and processing of documentary information; preparation of a management decision, its adoption and documentation, communicating to performers; execution of the decision and control of execution; collection of performance information, transmission of information through vertical and horizontal channels; storage and retrieval of information.

Each of the listed operations is implemented in a subject, documentary form, created both traditionally (manually) and with the help of electronic computers. In practice, undocumented management decisions are, in essence, auxiliary, operational and organizational and are preliminary in nature.

The complex mechanism for managing national economic objects is implemented mainly through a fairly universal administrative documentation, created regardless of the specifics of the activity or form of ownership inherent in a particular enterprise (organization, institution).

By the beginning of the nineties of the XX century, more than 14 million people were employed in the administrative apparatus of the country, and the annual document circulation amounted to at least 60 billion sheets with a clear growth trend. For a country like Russia, these data do not seem fantastic. 1. Document. Documentation systems in the national economy of Russia.

In the process of a person's labor and social activities, documents arise that record, reflect and consolidate complex informational connections between people and their various formations. "A material object with information fixed in a man-made way for its transmission in time and space" - this is how the document is defined by the state standard.

Historically, the information in the document is fixed different ways, formed in the process of civilization development: symbolically, in writing, graphically, photographically, with the help of audio and video recordings. At the same time, the document itself performed, first of all, an informational function, but other, no less important, are inherent in it: communication, accumulating, evidentiary, accounting and administrative. In the context of this course, the organizational and administrative function comes to the fore, implemented with the help of established management technologies, including planning, accounting, and control.

Each separate document is a single documenting act as an independent technological process. At the same time, the activities of individual organizations, industrial enterprises is actively displayed by a set of interrelated, interdependent and organically interacting documents, which are united by the basic concept of the documentation system.

The most generalized and integral system is the nationwide documentation system, which includes virtually all types of documents created and implemented on a national scale. This system, in turn, is formed by a multitude of subsystems, which are classified according to subject, geographic, functional, hierarchical and other essential characteristics.

So, functional systems include planning, reporting and statistical, supply and marketing and financial documentation, inherent in all, without exception, the management bodies of the national economy of Russia.

Sectoral documentation systems reflect the organizational aspects of sectoral (departmental) management bodies, which include the activities of ministries, departments, departments and departments of the federal, regional and local levels of government.

In fact, intensive activity on the development and implementation of unified documentation systems has been launched in the country since the end of the sixties of the XX century. At the same time, the concept of such systems is associated with the unity of legal and formal requirements for information necessary and sufficient to coordinate management procedures in a specific area of ​​society.

By the end of the nineties, more than twenty federal unified documentation systems operated in the country, the regulatory framework of which was regulated by the relevant GOSTs. So, for a unified system of organizational and administrative documentation, document forms are developed on the basis of the GOST R6.30-7 model "Requirements for paperwork."

The creation at one time of a nationwide system of documentation support (GS DOU) made it possible to more clearly formulate the concept of the documentation system itself as a set technological processes for the creation and processing of documents created at enterprises, organizations and institutions of various status and departmental affiliation. At the same time, the documentation system presupposes the presence of certain norms, procedures and requirements not only for the execution of the document, but also for the organization of work with it, processing, movement, storage and control of execution.

With the introduction of computer technology and automated workstations (AWS) into the processing of documentary information, the concept of information and documentation support for management has become legitimate, which includes an organized set of works on receiving, processing, storing and issuing information and documents to the consumer (subscriber) as its material carriers.

In the objects of implementation of information and documentation support, where they have not yet been implemented automated systems on the basis of a computer, all technological operations are observed - from creating draft documents to working with documents of external origin: reception, distribution, registration, delivery (transportation), execution control, reference and stock-archival processing of documents.

With the introduction of computers in the documentation processes, the considered technological chain changes, since the specialist and the manager get the opportunity to work with both full text document, and with fragments containing pragmatic information.

The phenomenon of a document is that it acts simultaneously as an object, means and object of labor in a single entity. This circumstance is decisive in the preparation, execution, coordination, approval and analytical and synthetic processing of documentary information, which takes from 60 to 80 percent of the working time of the management apparatus. It should be borne in mind that for a significant part of employees (planners, economists, accountants, secretaries-assistants, statisticians, etc.), work with documentary information is the basis of their work.

The introduction of modern information technologies and office equipment into documentary processes is quite effective, but it requires compliance with at least two basic conditions: uniformity of formats and rational construction of document processing technology, in which operations of the same type would be concentrated in one place.

In the Unified State System of Documentation Support, which developed back in the seventies, it is advisable to single out several priority areas of rationalization and technological improvement of documentary processes:

Unification and standardization;
- centralization and streamlining of document flow;
- separation of storage of documents;
- economics and planning of documentation processes;
- organization of work of specialized personnel;
- mechanization and automation of technological processes. The introduction of centralized systems of office work throughout the state made it possible to achieve uniformity and information compatibility of documentation of various hierarchical structures and functional purposes.

The massive introduction of electronic computing technology in the documentation processes and the organization of work with documentary information required a significant revision of the main provisions of the Unified State Statistics Service, taking into account the real changes in the technological processes of preparation, registration and processing of documents. New system The EGS DOU is based on the potential capabilities of a computer, but it also takes into account the real possibilities of the previously accumulated experience of traditional (manual) processing of documents of a different nature. This takes into account the specific conditions of the enterprise (organization) and the volume of workflow.

Thus, the technology of information and documentation support for the management of the national economy and its structural links, which has developed in Russia, is a set of methods and means of document processing, the implementation of information processes and organizational procedures designed to ensure the effectiveness of management.

Quality criteria for document information flow management are:

Complexity (participation of all structures);
- consistency (a set of elements connected by organizational and technological unity);
- regulation (ordering of elements in the given parameters);
- evaluation and stimulation (comparability of results with accepted criteria and motivation for rationalizing management).

Information and documentation support is a highly mobile technology, enriched with new forms, methods and means of processing, storing and distributing documents.

Documentation process

The specificity of the documentary support of the organization's management in modern conditions lies in the creation and processing of an ever-increasing volume of documents and significant labor costs with a shortage of trained personnel. These restrictions affect the rate of implementation of progressive methods and means of processing organizational and administrative documents and largely explain the urgency of the problem of documentation support itself.

A prerequisite effective management ensuring sustainable competitive activity of the enterprise is its information security.

Two types of information stand out:

Technical, technological - methods of manufacturing products, software, basic production indicators, test results, etc.;
business - forecasts, action strategy, research results, database, etc.

Any management decision is always based on information on the issue under consideration or the controlled object. Timeliness and correctness depend on objectivity, reliability, efficiency and completeness of information. the decision... The carrier of information (that is, the result of the reflection of facts, events, objects, phenomena of objective reality and human mental activity) is a document.

In the process of management, the information recorded in the document is not only the basis for making a decision, but also evidence of its implementation, a source for analysis and generalization, material for reference and search work. Thus, in managerial activity, the document acts as an object of labor and a result of labor. Accounting and reporting documents come from the lower management level to the upper one; they can be used to assess the state of affairs in the managed objects. This information is the basis for planning and forecasting. Organizational and administrative documents originate at the top level of management and go down.

Organizational and administrative functions in management are implemented with the help of documents different types and destination. So, creating an organization like legal entity accompanied by the adoption of constituent documents (charter, statute, constituent agreement). The activities of the management bodies of the organization, its structural divisions and officials are regulated by regulations, provisions on structural divisions, instructions, rules and other organizational documents. Management decisions are recorded in administrative documents, the names of which are determined by the legal status and competence of the organization (decisions, orders, orders, etc.). Meetings of collegial bodies are accompanied by the keeping of minutes. Relationships with business partners are governed by contracts and other documentation used in contract work. Information exchange with organizations and citizens is carried out by means of letters, telegrams, telephone messages, as well as messages transmitted by means of facsimile communication and computer networks. The organization prepares acts, reports, certificates, memoranda and other documents. When registering an admission, dismissal, transfer of employees, granting leave, personnel documents are created ( employment contracts, orders on personnel, statements, work books, personal cards, etc.).

The activities of specialists related to documentation support for the management of modern organizations (secretaries, assistants, office managers, clerks, etc.) include a wide range of tasks, functions and job responsibilities. Along with the processing of documents, employees of the management documentation services (business departments, offices, general and organizational departments, secretariats) have to pay a lot of attention to non-documentary maintenance of the work of the management staff: receiving visitors; organizing negotiations, meetings and meetings; preparation of business trips for the head; telephone conversations, etc. However, it is the work with documents that is the main component of the activities of the management documentation services, which is due to objective reasons: for successful implementation the main management functions - organization, planning, motivation, control and coordination - it is necessary to constantly possess both operational and strategic information about specific areas of activity and the market situation, including information about consumers, competitors, new technologies, etc.

Information is a collection of information, indicators, data necessary to describe phenomena, objects, processes. Exclusively important role information in management is explained by the fact that the management process, in fact, boils down to collecting, processing, transferring, storing, searching and using information in order to develop management decisions, which are new information of the governing body intended both for internal (employees of the organization) and and for external (other organizations) consumption.

The official activity of a person in any field requires, as a rule, the creation and use of written information to confirm specific facts and events during business communication, especially in the event of economic or labor disputes. Considered, respectively, in arbitration courts and courts of general jurisdiction. Information recorded on paper or other medium becomes a document, and the process of recording information itself, i.e. creating documents is called documenting management activities.

Service documents have long performed a number of important functions, which have not lost their significance at the present time:

Informational - are the source and carrier of information;
- management - allow you to organize, regulate, control and analyze the management process;
- legal - serve as a legal basis for financial, economic and management activities, confirming facts and certifying indicators and information;
- communicative - help to organize the exchange of information and communication;
- accounting - they accumulate information for certain periods of time and allow them to be analyzed, identifying trends and patterns;
- social - characterize the socio-economic, political, public and other spheres of life of the state and its citizens;
- cultural - are a cultural monument, showing the features, traditions, customs of the era;
- historical - they are a source of knowledge about events and figures of different eras, more specifically other historical monuments reveal historical events, confirm and supplement historical facts, help restore the historical past of countries and peoples.

However, documentation alone does not solve all the problems associated with management documentation. Documents are specific material objects, when working with which it is necessary to perform many different actions. The created documents require further processing in the course of their use in the management process, as well as subsequent storage for reference purposes. Therefore, the procedures for creating documents are supplemented by the organization of work with them.

Clerical support of the personnel management system (personnel records management) is, firstly, a set of organizational, administrative, information and reference and accounting documents for the organization's personnel and, secondly, their creation (or receipt from outside), processing and organization of traffic all levels up to transfer to other units.

Part HR administration, directly related to the creation of the named documents in accordance with the established requirements, is called documentation. Issues of movement and accounting of documents (receipt, processing, registration, execution control, current storage, sending) are covered by the concept of document flow. Activities related to the organization of long-term storage of documents (examination of the value of documents, registration of cases, transfer to the archive, archival storage) are related to archival affairs.

The main clerical functions of the personnel management system are:

Timely processing of incoming personnel documentation;
- registration, accounting and current storage of personnel documents;
- development, approval, printing of documents on personnel issues;
- bringing personnel documentation to the relevant employees for execution;
- control over the fulfillment of document requirements;
- reproduction of documents on personnel issues, etc.

The management process includes the following basic typical documentary operations:

Collection and processing of documentary information;
- preparation of a solution;
- making and documenting the decision;
- communicating the decision to the executors;
- execution of the decision;
- execution control;
- collection of information about performance;
- transmission of information along vertical and horizontal links;
- storage and retrieval of information.

Each of these operations is implemented in documentation both in the traditional version and in the form electronic documents... Undocumented (non-documentary) managerial actions are auxiliary, operational and organizational and therefore constitute an insignificant percentage in comparison with documented functions requiring, despite computerization, large intellectual and labor costs.

The administrative apparatus implements its functions mainly through universal and authorized organizational and administrative documents created and circulating regardless of the specifics of activities in all sectors of the economy and public administration.

Increasing the efficiency of using information systems is achieved through the end-to-end construction and compatibility of information systems, which makes it possible to eliminate duplication and ensure the reuse of information, establish certain integration links, limit the number of indicators, reduce the volume of information flows, and increase the degree of information use.

Information support assumes:

Dissemination of information, i.e. providing users with the information necessary to solve scientific and production problems;
- creation of the most favorable conditions for the dissemination of information, i.e. carrying out administrative, organizational, research and production activities to ensure its effective dissemination.

The automated management information system is designed to provide information on deviations from the planned indicators on the basis of fast information processing.

The intra-organizational information system performs the following functions:

Determining the needs of each specific leader in the nature and content of the information he needs for the purposes operational management the activities of the organization;
- determination of the needs for the technical means of the organization as a whole and of each manager to provide all the necessary information;
- centralized planning of all costs for the acquisition, rental of technical means to ensure the smooth functioning of the information system;
- determination of the level of costs for the use of technical means in the information system (maintenance and training of service personnel, payment for used premises, costs of purchasing magnetic tapes, floppy disks, paper, etc.);
- ensuring the proper level of collection, storage and provision of information;
- development software tools, applied programs.

The most effective is the information system based on the simultaneous use of computer technology and automated processing of textual information.


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