CRM - customer relationship management. Customer relationship management. Implementation of CRM systems The main tools of customer relationship management technology in the crm system

CRM (customer relationship management) systems- This is a class of automation systems that allow you to manage interaction with consumers. They include all aspects of interaction: from various business contacts, pre-sales, and customer service. The main purpose of using a CRM system is to manage and organize customer information. This makes it possible to understand the behavior of customers and organize more effective communications.

As part of a quality system, the automation of customer interaction processes provides significant assistance and simplifies the implementation of the requirements of the ISO 9001 standard. The quality system requires that all issues related to the interaction between the organization and its customers (consumers) be controlled. Such issues include: actions to identify needs, determine customer requirements, provide information on the status of orders, receive feedback from consumers, etc. As a rule, such information is stored and processed separately. CRM systems allow you to combine information from different sources in one system.

Structure of the CRM system

The process of relationship with consumers includes many tasks: identifying target consumers, managing sales, optimizing information exchange, improving customer relations, determining customer needs, analyzing feedback, etc.

Most of these tasks can be structured into groups. Groups form the basic processes of the cycle of interaction with consumers (customers). The structure of existing CRM systems is aimed at supporting each of the stages of this cycle.

In summary, the cycle includes:

  • marketing;
  • sales;
  • service.

Groups of tasks that CRM systems solve make it possible to realize the basic needs of an organization for customer relationship management.

These groups include:

  • sales management. A group of tasks related to sales management allows you to automate the execution of orders. This element of the CRM system is responsible for ensuring that the client receives his order with the required quality and on time. In addition, it can be used to track all customer requests, create Required documents accompanying sales, and plan follow-up actions of customer service personnel.
  • marketing management. This element of the CRM system is necessary for automating and supporting work with clients, developing relationships with clients, conducting surveys and market research, analyzing the information received, registering potential customers, identifying their needs, and drawing up marketing plans.
  • interaction management. This element is required to collect and manage general information about consumers and customers. Such information includes contact information, company (client) name, profile, request history, events, business relations, feedback, etc.
  • service management. This element of the CRM system provides planning for the delivery of goods and services to the consumer, receiving feedback, claims and customer requests for service.
  • analysis and reporting. This group of tasks includes all tasks related to obtaining information about the effectiveness of work with clients and the business as a whole. This element of the CRM system allows you to analyze information about working with clients in various areas. The results of analysis and reporting can be used to make strategic decisions.
  • integration . The effectiveness of a CRM system largely depends on the exchange of information between its elements and with external systems. To ensure this exchange, the structure of the CRM system must include elements that allow for both internal and external integration.

Each of these elements must work in concert, provide processing, storage, feedback and management of all information on the relationship with customers.

Types of CRM systems

Modern CRM systems can be divided into several types. Types of CRM systems are distinguished depending on the tasks to be solved and the stages of the cycle of interaction with consumers, which these systems are aimed at supporting.

There are three main types of systems:

  • operating rooms. This type of CRM systems allows you to automate operational activities. Operational CRM systems process various data sets, "attached" to each specific client. They are necessary for the operational support of sales, marketing, and customer service departments (service support). As a rule, the data sets that operational CRM systems work with include all contact information about the client, interaction history, types, volume and number of purchases, communication channels with the client, etc. Information from these systems is the basis for the operation of analytical CRM systems .
  • analytical . This type of system is essential to support the marketing and sales phases at a strategic level. They allow you to plan marketing campaigns and choose the most effective sales strategies. Analytical CRM systems process information from various databases, organize information, and, based on certain algorithms, identify the most effective trends in interaction with customers.
  • joint . This type of CRM system provides joint work with clients, i.e. customers have the opportunity to interact directly with the company's CRM system. Interactions can be carried out through web pages, e-mail, automatic voice communication, etc.

These types of systems are basic. Manufacturers of CRM systems offer combinations of these three types.

Benefits of a CRM system

The main application of the CRM system is related to the organization and management of customer relationships. Therefore, first of all, the advantages of the CRM system are manifested in an increase in sales figures, in particular, the volume of sales increases, their efficiency increases, and the cost of attracting customers decreases. In addition, CRM systems have a significant impact on the manageability and culture of the organization.

The main advantages of a CRM system include:

  • increasing the speed of decision making. By combining disparate customer data, data processing and analysis is accelerated. As a result, those responsible for interacting with customers can see the entire history of contacts, more quickly respond to requests and make decisions on them.
  • improving the efficiency of working time. CRM systems allow you to automatically track important events related to customers and issue notifications. Personnel do not need to search for this information in disparate sources.
  • increase the return on marketing activities. Because CRM systems store all information about the client and the history of interaction, then marketing campaigns become more client-oriented. The company has the opportunity to organize marketing activities aimed at each specific client.
  • improving the reliability of reports. Systematization of information increases the reliability of reports and the accuracy of sales forecasts.
  • determining the value of each customer. Allows an organization to identify and plan resource requirements for a particular customer. CRM systems allow you to set the priority of attracting resources depending on the value of the client.
  • paperwork reduction. By automating the process of interaction with the client, all documents can be converted into electronic form.
  • reducing customer churn. Through the use of a CRM system, the staff has access to all the details of interaction with the client. This improves the quality and efficiency of servicing consumer requests.
  • elimination of duplication of tasks. CRM systems can be integrated with other activity management systems, which eliminates the double work of transferring and processing data.
  • streamlining processes. CRM systems allow you to combine all the processes of interaction with customers into single system. Process inputs and outputs are made available to different processes, making it easier to manage contracts, projects, events, products, and more that are associated with each individual client.
  • improving management culture. Automation of the process reduces the dependence of the tasks being solved on the subjective actions of each of the employees. CRM systems set uniform rules for working and interacting with customers.
  • data protection and safety. Through the use of a CRM system, you can centrally manage access to customer data and ensure their safety.

Criteria for choosing a CRM system

In the market of software products and information systems, there are a large number of proposals for CRM systems. These systems are quite diverse in terms of the volume of tasks to be solved, the equipment used, and the operating technologies. There are many factors to consider when choosing a CRM system.

For purposes related to the operation of the quality system, it is important to consider the following of them:

  • business compliance. Before making a decision on the implementation of a CRM system, it is necessary to determine exactly what tasks it will solve in a particular enterprise. The system must be chosen according to the requirements of the business, and not vice versa.
  • ease of use. The user interface should be as simple and easy to use as possible. If the CRM system complicates the process of interaction with customers and increases the number of actions that employees will need to work, then such a system will remain unclaimed. This will lead to the fact that a key element of the quality system - data recording - will not be implemented.
  • availability of analytical tools. In order to analyze and identify consumer behavior, their requirements and expectations, the CRM system should provide an opportunity to conduct an analysis focused on each specific client.
  • ability to customize processes. It is important that the CRM system allows you to flexibly change settings depending on the progress of the process. Such an opportunity allows to more fully define and automate each specific process.
  • scalability. This criterion is especially important for large organizations. It is necessary that the solutions used in the CRM system are scalable and can be applied to a large number of users.
  • industry-specific customization. Each industry and field of activity has its own specifics of working with clients. This specificity should be taken into account in the CRM system.
  • customization for users. Both the organization itself and the environment surrounding it change over time. This leads to the need to change the working conditions of users of the CRM system. For effective work, it is necessary that the system provides the ability to easily and quickly change user functions in accordance with changing business tasks.
  • integration with other information systems. The organization may have other automation and process management systems, so an important selection criterion is the ability to integrate and exchange data between the CRM system and other automation systems.
  • cost of ownership. The cost of owning a CRM system consists of several components: the cost of licenses, the integration of hardware and software, the current costs of Maintenance and administrative costs for managing IT assets. This criterion is also essential when choosing a system.
  • efficiency of technical support. For the effective operation of the CRM system, an important factor is the speed of response of the system supplier to user requests and the solution of their problems.

There are a number of other criteria to consider when choosing a CRM system. The above criteria are the most general and necessary for most companies.

Implementation of CRM system

The introduction of a CRM system brings the organization to a new level of work and quality of customer service. For effective and successful implementation, many factors must be considered. The implementation process always affects the organization's customers, so it is important to clearly define the needs of the company (what tasks the CRM system should solve) and plan the entire process in detail.

For the successful implementation of a CRM system, the management of an organization must take a number of steps.

The main steps that ensure the successful implementation of a CRM system include:

1. Involvement of key stakeholders.

Before the start of the project, it is necessary to identify all stakeholders (users, customers, management, suppliers, etc.) and evaluate their expectations from the implementation of the CRM system.

Many CRM projects fail because stakeholders are not involved in the implementation process. They should take part in evaluating business tasks, developing an implementation strategy, and determining the rules for using CRM in a company. Top management must provide financial and time resources for the implementation of the CRM system.

Also, it is necessary to determine who will benefit from the CRM system, such as customers, staff, suppliers, business partners, etc.

2. Definition of CRM strategy.

Defining a CRM strategy is about identifying the critical interactions between business goals, business processes, people, and software. A CRM strategy is needed to improve these interactions. Before proceeding with the implementation of software, it is necessary to determine the benefits of the implementation and establish key performance indicators.

3. Determining the goals of implementing CRM and setting priorities.

Before starting a project to implement a CRM system, you need to clearly formulate the goals of the implementation. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account social and organizational factors, such as the structure of the company, roles and subordination, resistance to change.

Priority in achieving goals should be prioritized in such a way that key areas of interaction with consumers are affected.

4. Development of an implementation plan.

After determining the strategy and goals for implementing the CRM system, an implementation plan is drawn up. It may consist of several plans related to priorities in achieving goals. The plan should contain responsible persons, key indicators and deadlines.

5. Integration of existing systems.

If the organization uses information systems related to the automation of other processes, then the implementation plan must include a plan for integrating these systems with the CRM system.

6. Determination of CRM system providers.

To select CRM system providers, it is necessary to compare business needs (business tasks) with the capabilities of CRM systems on the market. The next step in vendor selection will be to compare the implementation strategy and implementation and integration plans with vendor offerings. Based on these comparisons, it is necessary to form a list of potential CRM system vendors.

7. Choice of suppliers.

CRM system is a complex software product. There are a number of factors to consider when choosing a supplier. technical support and maintenance of the CRM system.

8. Informing stakeholders.

The introduction of a CRM system changes the order and rules for the implementation of existing processes of interaction with consumers. For the effective functioning of the system, it is necessary to inform stakeholders about the rules of work. The personnel of the organization (users) of the system should be trained to work with the system, customers, suppliers, partners should be informed about the new rules of work and changes related to the implementation of the CRM system.

To understand how CRM works in specific company, I'll give you an example. Kirill runs a window installation company. Previously, there were few customers, and everything was simple: everyone needs to take an order, go for measurements, agree on a cost, receive payment, and install windows. But then there were not 3, but 33 clients. And it began ... They forgot to call one client back, they didn’t go to another for measurements, they didn’t send a cost estimate to the third, and they accepted payment from the fourth a month ago, but the windows were still not installed. Buyers began to leave for competitors, and the cost of new employees ceased to pay off. Kirill did not have time to control every step of the employees and realized that it was time to change something.

  1. When a buyer leaves a request on the site, a transaction card appears in CRM, where the sales funnel stage: "First call". CRM sets the task for the manager: "Call the client back within 15 minutes." If the task is overdue, CRM will notify the manager.
  2. The manager calls the client directly from CRM, records the results of the negotiations in the transaction card and transfers it to stage "Measurements". CPM automatically creates a task for the measurer: "Leave for measurements on the transaction [date, time]".
  3. After the departure, the measurement specialist attaches a document with dimensions and technical specifications to the transaction card, transfers the transaction to stage "Agreement".
  4. The responsible manager receives the task: "Calculate the cost and call the client within 2 hours." He fixes the calculations in CRM and calls.
  5. The deal goes to stage "Payment", CRM automatically generates a document according to a template, where it inserts the name, address, service name, amount, payment details. The manager needs to send the document to the client, receive payment and transfer the transaction to the last stage - "Installation".
  6. The installer immediately receives an automatic notification that he must install the transaction windows before a certain deadline.
  7. The leader is monitoring online reports: how many deals are closed, how many calls each manager made, what is the amount and number of deals, what is the conversion of applications, from what sources the most clients come, etc.

So what does CRM do?

The program helped Kirill systematize data about clients and transactions, employees stopped forgetting about business and missing deadlines. The conversion of applications into sales has increased, customers have become more loyal, and profits have grown. Now Kirill does not have to be in the office for everyone to work as they should and he can devote more time to the company's strategy.

What problems does the SRM solve?

Managers forget to process applications?

CRM captures applications from the site, appoints responsible managers, sets tasks for them at each stage of the sale. If the task is overdue, the manager will instantly know about it. You will never lose a single client again.

Federal Agency for Education

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

State educational institution higher professional education

Perm State University

Berezniki branch

Department of Economics

"Customer Relationship Management Systems"

Control work on discipline

« Information Technology in management"

fourth year students

specialty "Management of the organization"

groups BF/Z MNO-1-06

Syuraeva Elena


Lecturer: Kadochnikova G.V.

Berezniki, 2010

CONTENT Introduction…………………………………………………………………………………...2Chapter 1. Customer relationship management systems. Basic concepts and history of development …………………………………................................ .....................4

1.1. The concept of CRM. Types and purpose of CRM systems…………………………..4

1.2. History of CRM - solutions. Place of CRM in Russian business……………...10

Chapter 2. Implementation technology of the customer relationship management system "1C: CRM PROF" ……………….…………...................... .....................fourteen

Conclusion………………………………………………………………………………..23 References….…………………………… ………………..24


The presented control work is devoted to the topic "Customer Relationship Management Systems".

The relevance of the chosen topic is due to the fact that companies have realized that simply offering excellent products is no longer enough: ease of copying and market saturation can quickly negate the first hints of a success formula. Today, the hallmark of distinction has become the exclusivity of the service provided on a solid and clear basis. The service requires the influx and involvement of customers, and therefore it is much more difficult than the product to imitate. Therefore, competitive advantage can be achieved by sharing knowledge about customer expectations, preferences, and behaviors. And this requires a continuous dialogue with customers and the use of information and ideas obtained at each point of contact with them.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM), often referred to as customer management, is a business approach. Its goal is to create, develop and strengthen relationships with carefully selected clients, increasing client benefits, increasing corporate profits, and therefore maximizing investor profits. CRM combines new technologies with new market thinking, thus creating profitable long-term relationships with customers.

The relevance of the problem under consideration and its practical significance led to the setting of the goal and objectives of the work.

aim control work is a comprehensive study and consideration of the features of customer relationship management systems.

The goal set defines the main task to be solved in this work:

Studying the essence, role and purpose of CRM - systems;

Consideration of the history of CRM - systems and place of CRM in Russian business;

Studying the implementation technology of the CRM-system "1C: CRM PROF" in practice.

The object of the control work is customer relationship management systems (CRM - systems), and the subject CRM systems, their purpose and main functions.

The topic of this work is widely considered in the works of foreign and domestic specialists Kudinov. A, Adrian Payne, Cherkashin P.A. and other authors.

Chapter 1. Customer relationship management systems. Basic concepts and history of development

1.1. The concept of CRM. Types and purpose of CRM - systems

CRM - system (Customers Relationship Management - customer relationship management) is a customer-oriented strategy based on the use of advanced management and information technologies, with the help of which the company builds mutually beneficial relationships with its customers.

The main nuance in the use of the term CRM, which often leads to misunderstanding between the heads of commercial and IT departments of companies, is that it is used both for corporate strategy and for the class of information systems that support this strategy.

An analysis of various information-technological and methodological solutions, which have now received the name of a customer relationship management system (the so-called CRM - Customer Relationship Management), allows us to conclude that CRM is not a software product, and not a set of software products, and even not a special information technology. CRM is primarily a complex organizational model, the core of which is a "customer-centric" approach. This approach assumes a high level of information technology and organizational solutions.

Such strategic model is based on the use of advanced management and information technologies, with the help of which the company collects information about its customers at all stages of its life cycle(attraction, retention, loyalty), extracts knowledge from it and uses this knowledge in the interests of its business by building mutually beneficial relationships with them. The result of applying this set of organizational and technical solutions (business models) is to increase the company's competitiveness and increase profits, since properly built relationships based on a personal approach to each client allow attracting new customers and helping to retain old ones.

The purpose of CRM systems is to attract and retain profitable customers by establishing and improving relationships with them. The development of a customer relationship strategy has been made possible by advances in information technology. Today, companies can improve their customer experience using a range of database management technologies, as well as a growing number of CRM applications. This development allows for the creation of vast arrays of customer data, guarantees broad customer feedback, and enables analysis, interpretation, and constructive use of the resulting data. In addition, as the benefits of more and more powerful computer hardware, software, and electronic services increase, the cost of their maintenance is declining. This plethora of available CRM tools allows companies to target the most promising areas much more effectively.

The main task of CRM systems is to increase the efficiency of projects and services concentrated in the "front office" and aimed at attracting and retaining customers - in marketing, sales, service and maintenance, regardless of the channel through which contact with the client occurs.

In the light of information technology, the CRM system is a set of specific software (software) that allows you to automate and improve business processes related to sales management, marketing and customer service support. This software makes it possible to coordinate not only the actions of various departments interacting with the client (sales, marketing, service), but also the work of various channels of interaction with the client - personal interaction, telephone, Internet - in order to establish long-term and mutually beneficial relationships

Currently, CRM solutions, in addition to collecting and storing information, make it available to all company services, allow you to analyze information, make forecasts and take into account customer preferences and make decisions for each specific client.

There are several types of CRM systems:

1) Operational CRM. This type of CRM is aimed at automating business processes that take place at the points of contact with customers. Includes sales, marketing and customer service automation. Historically, operational CRM has become a major expense for businesses as companies develop call centers or install sales force automation systems. CRM vendors are gaining the attention of companies by offering an increasingly wide range of operational CRM solutions.

2) Analytical CRM. Includes the search, accumulation, organization, analysis, interpretation and use of data obtained in the operational part of the business. It is very important to consider integrating analytical CRM methods with operational CRM methods.

3) Collaborative CRM. Includes the use of shared services and infrastructure to enable a company to interact with its many channels. This type of CRM facilitates interaction between customers, the enterprise and its employees.

Together, these three components of CRM support and nurture each other; their integration is essential for successful work CRM, which is expressed in improving the experience of customer relationships. Collaborative CRM allows customers to contact the enterprise through a range of different channels and get the same impression of contact with the company across all these channels. Operational CRM facilitates customer contact with the company, as well as the subsequent processing and fulfillment of their requests. Analytical CRM helps you target the right customers and make them the right offers, as well as personalization and individual marketing with a much higher level of customer knowledge. While historically operational and collaborative CRM have dominated, businesses today are increasingly recognizing the need for analytical CRM to optimize their customer-centric operations and create value for themselves and the customer.

The following terms are also used in the CRM market:

1) Strategic CRM. It includes the development of an approach to CRM based on the company's business strategy and aimed at developing customer relationships that result in long-term growth in shareholder returns. This approach is the focus of this book. Note that a number of authors use the term "strategic CRM" in a more limited sense, when, in fact, we are talking about analytical CRM.

2) e-CRM. This term refers to the use of tools in CRM e-commerce or electronic data collection channels. As noted in the introduction to this book, we do not distinguish between CRM and e-CRM. (Sometimes confusing is the use of e-CRM in relation to company-wide CRM, a system designed to provide a unified view of the customer across all company channels.)

3) Partner Relationship Marketing, or Profit Center. This term means CRM activities aimed at strategic partners.

The implementation of CRM will bring tangible benefits if the company has the following problems:

Scattered client base. Data about customers, partners, suppliers, competitors is stored in different sources. Information is difficult to access, there is no possibility of joint analysis of customer data. When a manager leaves, customer data simply disappears, because no one knows where it is stored and how to get it.

The history of communication with clients is fragmented or not recorded at all. The agreements reached in the negotiations are forgotten and not implemented, which causes a negative reaction from customers. Customers are asked each time about their phone number or e-mail, about what they ordered.

The loss of information during the transfer between departments leads to failures in the main business processes of the company. "Information gaps" between employees and departments increase the number of complaints and the cost of sales.

Regulated and approved business processes are not automated and are not implemented in the "working environment" of the company. They are not always executed, and it is impossible to quickly control the progress of business processes.

A company needs a sales forecasting tool to actively manage the sales business process.

There is no possibility of analyzing the client base, building comprehensive reports on sales, purchases and the history of communication with clients.

Customer complaints are lost, not dealt with in a timely manner. It is not possible to receive reports on the types of complaints for the period in the context of the company's managers.

The knowledge of the company's employees is stored only in their heads, the transfer of knowledge from an experienced employee to a newcomer takes a lot of time and ultimately leads to an increase in company costs, reduces sales.

Employees waste a lot of time answering typical customer questions.

Managers are forced to spend several hours a week writing sales reports and talking to the head of operations.

Drawing up a standard contract or commercial offer takes the manager more than half an hour.

The manager is forced to spend half of his working day on monitoring the work of employees.

Marketing, sales and after-sales service is growing much faster than the company's turnover.

If the listed problems take place in the company, then the CRM system will be able to help in solving them.

The implementation of a CRM system is unlikely to bring tangible benefits to the following businesses:

If the organization has a limited circle of clients and contact persons and it is not interested in further growth of the client base, for example, in the case of a deliberate restriction by management of the growth of a small company.

If there is no competition in the market segment or its level is low. When there are no competitors on the market, and the demand for the company's product is high, customers will be forced to purchase it without additional efforts on the part of the seller.

If the customers are one-time, casual, and the seller is not worried about the quality of services, about retaining regular customers. This style of work is typical for traveling salesmen. If there are enough potential customers for decades to come, then why bother with each of them?

When everyone works as he sees fit, and does not need to exchange information with colleagues. An example of such a business can be a law office - a community of independent professionals united in one entity only to solve formal or technical issues of doing business.

1.2. History of CRM - solutions. Place of CRM in Russian business

History of CRM - solutions. Typically, the history of CRM-like products for systematizing customer data is customary to begin with John Henry Patterson (John Henry Patterson), the founder of the National Cash Register, who was the first to generalize the techniques used in the organization of trade.

In 1911, Jam Handy, an advertising executive for the Chicago Tribune, studied the reasons why customers buy certain products. He believed that the use of special posters and films that explain to buyers the benefits of goods and services would give sellers a head start over those who act in accordance with the usual patterns of trade. Subsequently, he registered the trademark "A Jam Handy Production", used in more than 7000 types of advertising and explanatory products.

In 1947, attorney Morris Perkin of Pennsylvania developed a system for recording appointments and events, the Day-Timer. It contained a means of notification of upcoming events, served as a detailed time planner and a diary that reflected the work performed. This system could already be attributed to the prototypes of modern computer CRM solutions. The development of the "Day-Timer" since 1952 began to become widespread. In the 60s of the XX century, this development became in demand in the UK and Canada. The many times resold company Day-Timer Ltd. still exists and continues to release tools for organizing and planning time.

Even closer to computer technology Arnold Neustadter, the inventor of the 360-degree rotating Rolodex file cabinet, which until the 70s became the most popular means of recording business contacts, came up today.

At the same time, the much earlier described era of computers begins. Despite the fact that the number of transactions stored in computers increased markedly in the 60s and 70s, computer time remained too expensive, and most companies had to limit themselves to simple sales support tools like Day-Timer and Rolodex. ".

By the early 80s, the number of specialized sales management CRM systems could be counted on the fingers. But time passed, and the development of computer technology made it possible to significantly reduce the cost of computing. In 1987, Pat Sullivan, founder of Contact Software International and SalesLogix Corporation, released the first commercial computer program to manage contacts, dubbed "ACT!". This specialized program allowed salespeople to track the development of customer relationships, process and analyze information about these relationships. Currently, the 10th version of the program (“ACT! by Sage 2008”) has been released for the twentieth anniversary of the product, and it still remains the leader in sales of CRM solutions of the Contact Management class and operational CRM systems in many countries of the world.

The term "CRM-system" acquired a new quality by the mid-90s. Under the CRM-system began to understand the end-to-end automation of customer-oriented sales technologies. The term CRM itself was first used by Siebel Systems to reflect the specifics of this type of enterprise software products.

At the moment, there are more than 1000 solutions in the world that can be classified as CRM and Contact Management.

The place of CRM in Russian business. The development of interest in CRM-technologies in Russia as a whole repeated the trends of the Western market, only it was accelerated in time by several times. The events that took place in Russia in the first half of the 20th century did not contribute to the customer orientation of either the service sector or the wholesale and retail. At the first stage of the emergence of domestic business in modern times, in the late 80s - early 90s, in the era of "wild capitalism", on Russian market a large number of new products and services appear, the demand for which, as a rule, exceeded the supply. A characteristic feature of that time was the unsaturation of markets, their chaotic organization, and the breakdown of established ties.

Lack of specialization for most firms and enterprises was the norm. It is not uncommon for companies to completely change the profile of their activities during the year. Under these conditions, the company's management did not even think about plans for the development of customer loyalty programs, about long-term relationships and target segments, and in general about any management of sales, service and marketing processes.

In the second half of the 90s, the Russian market was gradually saturated with goods and services. In the face of increasing competition, companies that specialized in certain types of business won. The key link of this time were sales managers or "contact managers", around whom the whole business technology was built.

Such a manager recruited a client base for a certain time, and then worked independently with it, receiving a percentage of each sale upon subsequent contacts. The result of his activity depended solely on his personal experience, skills of searching and communicating with clients. Therefore, the main capital of such a manager was the actual client base, which he protected from fellow competitors, and, often, from his own employer. In the press came across such announcements: "We will hire a sales manager with our client base." Naturally, when such employees left, the losses for the company could be very tangible. With such an organization, the overall strategic goals of the company were often at odds with the current interests of key employees. For example, the top management of the company, based on strategic plans, the competitive situation and trends, planned to move into new markets, and key manager, accustomed to working with a familiar assortment and market, resisted change. As a result, the current financial result of the manager came into conflict with the strategic plans of the company. The resolution of such conflicts was often the departure of the manager along with "his" client base to another employer.

The first projects for the implementation of CRM-systems in Russia were completed in the late 80s - early 90s. At that time, implementations were carried out mainly in banks and the financial sector. This is not surprising, because at that time not every Russian company could afford a Western CRM system and Western consultants. These projects were isolated and were mainly based on the enthusiasm of the leaders or top managers of the companies. Often, the implementation project involved full or partial localization of a Western CRM solution (translation of the interface and documentation, adaptation to Russian business realities).

In modern conditions, when competition in many markets in the Russian Federation has become quite tough, the issue of active sales management is acute. Customer-centric technology has become a means of survival for the company in the market and a weapon in the competition. Now the demand for CRM technologies from Russian business much higher. The number of exhibitions and conferences dedicated to the subject of CRM is growing year by year, and the number of CRM implementation projects in Russia is already in the thousands.

Chapter 2. Technology for implementing the customer relationship management system "1C: CRM PROF"

The implementation methodology is intended for companies that plan to implement CRM systems using the 1C: CRM PROF software product. Based on the 1C: Enterprise 8 program, several compatible industry-specific CRM solutions have been developed. This is a set of tools for working with information, which includes a client base, as well as a number of methods that allow you to systematize data and regulate the procedure for working with them. Those. it is an automated system that allows a company to maintain customer relationships, collect customer information and use it for the benefit of its business.

"1C: CRM PROF" is a tool for registering and distributing contacts, conducting and evaluating marketing activities, implementing and controlling key business processes, planning and analyzing sales. This is a universal solution that can be used both as a standalone program and as an extension of the configuration CRM functionality on the 1C:Enterprise 8.0 platform.

Implementation goals software product"1C: CRM PROF":

1) Attracting new customers;

2) Reducing the number of dissatisfied customers;

3) Organization of monitoring the quality of work with clients;

4) Automation of business processes for working with clients;

5) Obtaining reliable information about clients to make informed management decisions;

6) Responding to customer complaints.

The main features of the solution "1C: CRM PROF":

Client base management. Detailed information about each client and contact person, the dynamics of changing relationships with clients, the ability to quickly enter and access information about the client (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Extended information about the client in the client card

Managing contacts with clients. Accounting for the history of contacts with customers, registering customer needs, prompt transfer of information between departments, planning contacts.

Planning and control of actions. Coordination of work in time, a system of reminders and issuance of tasks.

Marketing management. Customer segmentation, planning and evaluating the effectiveness of marketing campaigns, questioning, telemarketing.

Multivariate sales analysis. ABC analysis of sales, analysis of the state of work with clients, performance of employees, analysis of the client base.

Sales knowledge base. Data about goods, competitors, service. Structuring information, keyword search, quick access to information.

Data protection. Setting up access rights for users to information, providing users with access only to information on their clients.

Facilitate routine operations. E-mail integration, report preparation, new client entry assistant, search for duplicate clients, group processing of clients, filters.

Management of business processes for working with clients. Creation of a procedure for working with clients and templates for typical actions for sales, service, complaints (Figure 2).

Rice. 1. Information about past and planned meetings with clients

Preparing for the implementation process before it is formally launched is of the utmost importance. In order to decide how to implement the CRM-System, involve external specialists or not, whether a change (programming) of the program is required or not, it is necessary to perform a number of preparatory actions:

Understand what specific problems and tasks in the company the CRM system should solve:

Formulate the desired goals and results of implementation;

Determine the responsible project manager and key customers from your company;

Determine the desired budget and timing of the project;

Familiarize yourself with the capabilities of the 1C: CRM PROF program and compare them with the needs of the company;

Decide on the method of implementation and clarify the budget and timing of the project.

For the successful implementation of the CRM-System, it is necessary to clearly define the goals and business problems in the company. In the future, it is on the basis of these goals that the options for their solution using the CRM-System will be determined. If the project initiator does not have a clear vision of what tasks can be solved during implementation, the project will be meaningless. You need to ask yourself the question “Why are we doing this?”.

One of the factors for the success of implementation is the formation of an implementation team consisting of company employees who have knowledge of their business and organizational structure companies. All members of this team should be interested in success.

The company's implementation team may include: the head of the company, heads of departments in which the program is being implemented, leading experts in the subject area. It is necessary to distribute “roles” among the members of the implementation team: project manager, project sponsor from the management side, project consultants, system support specialist, system administrator. In this case, the same participant can perform several roles, or one role can be distributed among several participants.

Not unimportant role is played by the budget of the project and the timing of implementation. It must be understood that it is impossible to achieve maximum results in record time with financial constraints. Therefore, it is necessary to find a compromise between several interests: the functionality of the system, the timing of implementation, the budget of the project. Before implementation, it is necessary to decide on the method of implementing the program - on your own or with the involvement of consultants.

Implementation technology of the CRM-System "1C: CRM PROF"

The most complete technology for the implementation of the CRM-System with customization (programming) for the specifics of the company and the involvement of external consultants includes the following stages of program implementation:

Table 1. Stages of implementation of the software product "1C: CRM PROF"

First stage: Pre-project survey

The first stage is necessary to assess the needs of the company and the possibilities to meet these needs when implementing the CRM-System.

The purpose of the stage is to analyze in detail the current state of the business in the field of customer relationship management, identify problem areas and understand the desired state of the business.

At the stage of pre-project examination, the following questions are clarified:

Organizational structure of the company. Within the framework of the organizational structure, the main functions of the departments are specified. Departments (departments) that interact with clients are studied in more detail.

Products (services) of the company.

Existing classifications, characteristics of clients.

Client portraits. They are sets of specific values ​​of customer characteristics that describe categories of customers. For example, portraits of "desirable" and "undesirable" clients can be prepared.

Sales channels for products.

Sources of attracting and stimulating sales. Or the marketing mix that a company uses to attract and retain its customers.

The main business processes of departments (departments) working with clients. Usually this is a sales department, a service department, a marketing department.

Used analytical tools, reports. It is necessary to find out to what extent the existing analytical tools will satisfy the needs of the company, what analytical slices the company needs additionally.

During the pre-project survey, problematic situations are identified at each stage. For a holistic picture and analysis of problem situations, it is recommended to prepare a summary table of symptoms and causes of problems (Table 2).

Table 2. Analysis of problem situations

Not all causes and symptoms can be eliminated by implementing a CRM System. Perhaps the problems lie in the sphere of organizational or personnel policy companies and automation is possible only after these problems are eliminated or solved.

The result of the pre-project survey is the report "Terms of Reference", which describes what needs to be implemented in the system.

Second stage: Design

As part of the second stage, the design of the proposed CRM-System is carried out. The purpose of this stage is to describe how to implement the requirements for the program described in the Terms of Reference. As a result of the stage, a report "Draft design" is prepared, which answers the question - "How to do it?" what is described in the Terms of Reference.

The Draft Design report contains: a method for implementing the requirements for the program, a description of the required settings and changes in the program, examples of screen forms of document and report interfaces, printing forms reports or other material that describes how the requirements for the program described in the Terms of Reference will be implemented. To check the results of the program, we recommend preparing test cases.

Third stage: Development

The third stage consists of the following sub-stages:

Embedding "1C: CRM PROF" into the accounting system;



Development of operational documentation;


Configuration embedding

If a company to automate management accounting uses the configuration "1C: Trade Management" or "1C: Trade Management manufacturing plant”, then it is necessary to embed the “1CCRM PROF” configuration into an existing accounting system.

This stage is not mandatory if the organization uses "1C: Accounting 7.7". In this case, the "1C: CRM PROF" configuration is installed without merging with the accounting system, as a separate program. Between "1C: CRM PROF" and "1C: Accounting" there is a mechanism for exchanging information: synchronization of directories "Counterparties", "Nomenclature", documents "Account".


At this stage, the 1C programmer develops new functionality and implements the necessary changes in the "1C: CRM PROF" configuration.


The purpose of the stage is to prepare the system for users to work. At this stage, the main accounting parameters are configured, directories are filled in (the necessary analytics are created), interfaces are configured, user access rights are determined, system users are registered, interfaces and access rights for users are assigned.

Development of operational documentation

The purpose of this stage is to develop clear instructions for working with the system for all categories of users of the organization. It is advisable to prepare two types of documentation.

The first type of documentation is an instruction for working with the system. The instruction should contain information about the purpose and use of CRM-system objects. The instruction is created in accordance with official duties employees.

The second type of documentation is the regulation of participation in the business process for each category of users. That is, the stages of the business process are grouped by categories of employees. It is convenient to use such a regulation - a “hint” regularly in everyday work.

The result of the stage is clear and convenient instructions for working with the system for the organization


The purpose of the stage is to check the performance of all implemented modules and blocks. In the course of testing, a list of inconsistencies is identified, and the procedure for their elimination is agreed upon.

Testing is performed by employees from the program implementation team. This group includes external consultants who are involved in the development of this software product, familiar with the tasks and requirements of the project.

Fourth stage: Implementation

The purpose of this phase is to prepare the system for commissioning. After completing this step, users should be able to perform their functional responsibilities using a CRM system.

This stage consists of the following sub-stages:

Data transfer

User training


Data transfer

At this stage, information about clients from various electronic sources is transferred to the CRM System. Before transferring customer data to the system, it is necessary to check the information, remove obsolete and irrelevant data, and remove duplicate information. Data transfer is carried out using converters implemented at the programming stage. After data transfer, it is recommended to check the information for duplicate records using the processing of the 1C: CRM PROF program and make the necessary adjustments.

User training

The purpose of this stage is to teach employees of the organization to work with the system. Training is carried out by an individual specialist. The number of classes depends on the level of computer literacy of employees.

In the process of training, employees should get acquainted with the main objects of the system, learn how to use the system in their daily activities. Training should include a sufficient number of practical tasks.

During training, it is necessary to teach employees how to use the developed documentation for working with the system. At the end of the training, employees perform control task. The purpose of the task is to check how well the material is learned.

Trial operation

The purpose of this stage is to start working with the CRM-System of all employees of the organization. To do this, the CRM-System is installed on the server and at users' workplaces, measures are taken to ensure the security of the information base, user passwords are set to enter the system.

Fifth stage: Project audit

To successfully achieve the set goals, it will be necessary to monitor this process and take corrective actions. For this, an audit (analysis) of the work of employees with the system will be regularly conducted. On the initial stage implementation audit will be performed once a month.

For an average business, there are approximately the following indicators the acquired benefit from the implementation of the software product "1C: CRM PROF":

Table 7. Indicators of the acquired benefits from the implementation of the CRM strategy


In this control work, the features of customer relationship management systems are considered. The studied material corresponds to the goal and objectives.

In the course of the control work, results were obtained that prove that with the correct implementation of the CRM system, the business receives significant competitive advantages and opportunities for growth. Using CRM tools, it is possible to solve a number of tasks facing almost any company, here are just a few of them:

Bring together disparate information about customers, transactions, marketing and service;

Create company business processes in the system, regulate the activities of employees on typical operations;

Get advanced analytics on the company's work and move from analyzing the results of the past to predicting the expected result;

Minimize routine operations in the work of qualified highly paid employees, increasing their productivity;

Facilitate the adaptation of new employees in the company and reduce the period of their entry into the position;

Establish systematic work to collect and analyze customer feedback, including complaints;

Organize the collection, systematization and storage of knowledge about the products, services and regulations of the company and quick access to this knowledge.

So, CRM technology proves its viability and effectiveness. The CRM system is becoming a business application, "by default" necessary for the company, just like the accounting program today. In the coming years, the work of a company without a CRM class system will become almost impossible.

List of used literature

1. Kudinov A. CRM: Russian practice of effective business. - M.: 1C-Publishing, 2008., 374 pages.

2. Pikulin D.M. Project-oriented service management system. - Moscow, Chelyabinsk: Sotsium, 2005. - 334 p.

3. CRM online. Independent CRM - portal.

4. CRM - systems. Journal IT Special February 02’2008. Publisher: Game Land. – 132 p.

5. CRM - systems: brief reference. Journal IT Special February 09'2008. Publisher: Game Land. – 128 p.

6. Cherkashin P.A. Are you ready for the war for the client? Customer Relationship Management (CRM) strategy. - M .: LLC, 2004, 384 p.

7. Chizhov N.A. Management of the bank's client base: A practical guide. - M .: Publishing house "Alfa-Press", 2007. - 284 p.

8. Adrian Payne. CRM guide. Way to improve customer management. - Publisher: Grevtsov Publisher, 2007, 384 pages.

In order to effectively manage the company and achieve maximum results, it is necessary to try to automate many commercial processes, including the interaction of employees with each other and work with the client base.

The use of specialized software makes it possible to conduct effective management activities, track and analyze all stages of transactions.

To work with the client base, specialized programs are used - CRM. They allow you to create an information base about customers, contractors, suppliers and other third-party counterparties. CRM systems are successfully used in small businesses and allow companies to quickly solve current problems.

CRM system: what is it

Translated from English CRM (Customer Relationship Management) - customer relationship management.

These programs are responsible for organizing and automating interaction with customers and help increase sales.

CRM systems allow you to save all the necessary information about customers:

  • personal data;
  • preferences;
  • list of interests;
  • call and purchase history;
  • list of transactions.

Due to this data, companies are able to build effective work aimed at maximizing profits, based on the collection and analysis of the results.

Video - what is a CRM system and why it is beneficial to use them in business:

In fact, any program for keeping records of work with clients can act as a CRM system. The same Excel can be used to control all forms of interaction between a buyer and a seller. However, such a program is not capable of fully automating the process.

The difference between CRM-systems lies in the fact that they are designed for each specific business area, taking into account the specifics and products sold.

Why are they needed for small businesses

If the software is fully consistent with the direction of the company and allows you to solve problems specific to a particular type of activity, then you will be able to achieve the following results:

  • increase in sales volume;
  • improving the service of the services provided when working with clients;
  • customer base optimization;
  • Improving the efficiency of the marketing and sales departments.

Video - why CRM systems are needed:

Key tools and features

The introduction of CRM-systems will expand the opportunities for doing business.

Video - how CRM systems work in the sales department to maintain a customer base:

The main software block includes sections that allow you to:

  • keep records of the client base and fill in information that will be available to other employees of the company;
  • interact with the list of existing contacts;
  • create ready-made commercial offers using built-in templates;
  • plan and set current tasks for employees and monitor the status of their implementation;
  • promptly receive reporting and analytical information;
  • coordinate and control the work between employees and individual structural units;
  • register transactions, draw up contracts and other reporting documentation necessary for the conclusion of contracts;
  • make calls to customers using the built-in Internet telephony system;
  • send commercial offers and send promotional emails;
  • analyze the fulfillment of tasks and the effectiveness of sales at any time interval using visual charts.


The market for customer relationship management systems has dozens of different programs that are applicable in various industries. A properly selected CRM system guarantees an increase in sales and an improvement in the service provided to customers.

Most companies do not use the full functional set of CRM, but focus on those features that are aimed at optimizing their business.

CRM systems can be conditionally divided into three categories:

  • information type;
  • analytical view;
  • collaborative type.

Information-type programs are a database of clients in which you can work with information on ongoing transactions and control the progress of sales. The ability to organize data allows you to instantly receive information on all customers, transaction histories and cooperation with clients.

Analytical type CRMs are an improved information option. Due to the extended functionality, it becomes possible to analyze the information received.

The tools of such programs allow you to control all business processes by compiling reports according to specified criteria. Analytical CRM systems use special templates and settings that display statistics on completed transactions, the number of goods and services sold, as well as the activity of the customer base.

Collaborative CRM is the most advanced business software. It opens up opportunities to systematize and analyze incoming information.

The main feature is the presence of functionality for the correction and modernization of business processes. The program is suitable for entrepreneurs who are constantly trying to improve the service and quality of services provided.

Who will benefit

Before choosing a CRM system, you should decide - whether it is necessary for a particular business. Such programs are effectively used in those industries that work directly with customers and consumers of the final product.

CRM-systems are needed in those areas where customers are given the most attention, and the main emphasis is on expanding the number of interested buyers.

In the operation of an online store, phone calls and inquiries from new customers play a key role. In order to retain the old audience and systematically attract new customers, it is necessary to use a CRM system with integrated Internet telephony.

CRM systems are well suited for wholesale companies that work with both customers and suppliers. In such a business, it is important that all requests from customers are processed as quickly and efficiently as possible, orders are fulfilled, and buyers are satisfied with the completed transaction. This increases the number of active customers and loyalty to the supplier of goods or services.

CRM-systems will not be successful with retail stores and companies working on long-term contracts. If every contract with new clients is concluded through personal meetings, no CRM system will give positive results.

Overview of popular CRM systems

Among the most popular systems are the following:

  • Bitrix24;
  • Megaplan;
  • Sails CRM.


Development of the company "1C-Bitrix". Allows you to keep track of potential and current customers. It is possible to integrate with online stores for efficient order processing. With its help, you can set tasks for employees and keep track of working time. The system captures all events up to the moment of the transaction and provides reporting data to improve efficiency. There are 8 reporting forms for sales analysis.

Bitrix24 CRM official website - LINK .

amoCRM is a cloud-based system for implementing the effective work of a company. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that the company can independently choose the necessary set of tools that is suitable for a particular type of business. amoCRM allows you to automate and speed up personal work with clients through integrated communication channels (telephony, mailing list).

Video - overview of amoCRM sections:

Learn about amoCRM.


Megaplan is one of the top corporate CRM systems. With its help, you can conclude transactions, store and view all documentation, keep track of finances and set planned tasks for employees.

Ideal for team work. Among the advantages, it is worth noting the rapid implementation of the program and easy development for full-time employees. There is a free version that is ideal for small businesses.

The free version of Megaplan has a limit on the number of contacts entered and a ban on the use of a number of functions.

More detailed information you will find about this CRM system.


Sails-CRM is a program that allows you to keep track of customers and manage sales. Intuitive and simple interface makes it easy to get used to the work of Sails-CRM.

You can visit the official website of Sails-CRM by LINK.

Reliable assistant for your business

If you decide to develop your business and attract new customers, and the specifics of your business are suitable for their use, then CRM systems will become an indispensable assistant in optimizing work with your customer base.

Video - how one of the CRM systems for realtors works:


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