Department of marketing departments. Scheme for organizing his work. Analysis of work performance efficiency

) we talked about the relevance of strategic planning for our enterprises. Today we will talk about the functions and purpose of the marketing department, common stereotypes of marketing perception and the reasons for this phenomenon.

Company plans are drawn up on the basis of resources, primarily human resources. In order to develop and implement a marketing strategy, a staff of initiative people with special knowledge and experience to implement such programs is needed. And in order for the knowledge and experience of specialists to become useful for the company, it is necessary to distinguish between their functions, clearly define goals and objectives. At the same time, in the Ukrainian market one can often observe a lack of understanding of the purpose and functions of the marketing department, their differences, for example, from the functions of the sales department.

Let's list the key goals and objectives of the marketing department, which are in demand by Ukrainian enterprises today.

First of all, you should not start forming a marketing department, like any other department, just for the purpose of creating jobs or following fashion. The marketing department should be created only when there are specific tasks. Often, practice indicates the artificial creation of a marketing department. This situation, as a rule, ends with the fact that sooner or later the employees of this department are either transferred to other departments and the marketing department is abolished, or the company's management concludes that the increase in sales is the result of the actions of the marketing department specialists, and then marketers become top managers and leading sales managers. This is not entirely true, because the main task of marketers is to maintain the market orientation of the enterprise. And if the marketing department is engaged in sales management, then in this case, tactical activities do not allow you to carefully study and evaluate external factors the position of the company in the market.

The activities of the marketing department are aimed at achieving the overall goals of the enterprise, including economic issues and prospects for the development of the enterprise. Based on this, the goal of the marketing department is to develop recommendations in the following areas:

    determination of the marketing policy of the enterprise, taking into account the available resources and the existing market dynamics;

    coordinating the work of all departments of the enterprise related to sales.

The recommendations of the marketing department regarding market orientation, after approval by management, should be binding on all departments of the enterprise. But often the plans developed by the marketing department and approved by the management are placed in a safe and there they end their lives. Unfortunately, this is a fairly common occurrence. In fact, the company has "buried" a colossal potential in the ground: marketers are studying the market, processing huge amounts of information, and developing plans. And as a result, the developments that were made by marketers, those financial resources, which were spent on market research, not only do not bring benefits to the enterprise, but also become "thrown away" money. And the enterprise continues its movement, based solely on intuition, old habits and past experience, not noticing the opportunities that open up, often inadequately and untimely responding to emerging dangers, giving its more agile competitors the opportunity to use themselves to achieve their goals.

What are the principles and methods of work of the marketing department at the enterprise?

All divisions are required to provide the marketing department with any information about the result of their activities. In turn, the marketing department is obliged to provide the departments with the information they need for market orientation. The joint effect of actions resulting from the exchange of information is very important. This allows the company to successfully achieve its goals. The marketing department does not replace or duplicate other divisions, it was created only to orient the activities of all divisions of the company to the needs of the market, in order to timely adjust their work and interactions between divisions, taking into account the interests of the market. This is especially true today, when the marketing services at enterprises are still very young and the heads of marketing departments cannot always accurately set specific, quantitatively measured goals and objectives, evaluate the result of the work performed by the marketing department.

Recall that strategic and tactical marketing are two directions that are different in their tasks. If strategic marketing is in the competence of the first or second person of the company, then the marketing department in this case is assigned the role of an executor. Key tasks are market analysis, development of intermediate plans, various models of enterprise development, development of market segments, determination key positions on the market, evaluation of competitors and consumers. All of these are tasks. strategic analysis, on the basis of which is born strategic planning, and it is the first persons of the company that take the most direct part in this work. The marketing department in this case provides the management with full information about the realities of the market, about how successful the company is, what difficulties may arise if measures are not taken in a timely manner.

With regard to tactical planning, in this case, the marketing department acts as a service that coordinates the work of departments so that the developed plans are implemented.

In this case, the marketing department performs the controlling function and answers the questions: how do divisions move towards the goal, how does the company operate in the market, how do certain customer preferences change, how well do various products “feel” on the market, how profitable are they today, in what phase life cycle a particular product is located.

The main tasks of the marketing department are as follows:

1. Evaluation of the state of the market and continuous analysis of the results commercial activities enterprise, as well as factors affecting the operation of the enterprise.

2. Development of forecasts for sales and market share of the enterprise.

3. Conducting a situational market analysis.

4. Development, together with other departments and the management of the enterprise, of the goal and strategy of market activity both in the domestic and foreign markets.

5. Development of commodity and pricing policy.

6. Choice of rational distribution channels and methods of product promotion.

7. Development for the enterprise as a whole and for individual product groups of long-term and current plans marketing and coordination of the activities of the enterprise division in this area.

8. Providing the enterprise and all its divisions with marketing information (information about the market).

The image of an enterprise is mainly determined by the quality and quantity of contacts with external organizations. In this regard, the development of recommendations for establishing and organizing contacts with certain organizations, and sometimes the functions of representing the enterprise in its relations with other organizations, can be performed by the marketing department. Of course, the procedure and level of competence in the performance of such work is determined by the management of the enterprise. This gives confidence that the marketing department is systematically and consistently pursuing a planned policy aimed at creating an appropriate image of the enterprise in the eyes of consumers, suppliers and partners.

Often in enterprises there is such a phenomenon as the combination of sales and marketing services. This can be explained by the fact that the marketing service, as a rule, is staffed by sales department specialists. In this regard, I would like to draw attention to the fact that the main function of the sales service is distribution and direct sale. Very often, the sales department is expected to analyze the market, evaluate the market, forecast sales, etc., but this is not typical of the sales department, since its employees are not able to perform these functions due to lack of time and lack of certain knowledge.

The functions of the sales department are thus centered around the sales process and related communications, as well as generating and providing sales insights. As soon as there is a competent separation of sales and marketing functions, then in one and the other service, as practice shows, surprising acceleration is found, because if specialists are focused on fulfilling their direct duties, their work efficiency increases several times.

There are several stereotypes regarding the purpose of the marketing service. These stereotypes, in turn, dictate certain rules for managing the marketing department in an enterprise.

The first stereotype is the “narrow window” (this and subsequent terms are proposed by Professor Yu.D. Krasovsky), associated with the understanding of marketing as one of the management functions. This means that marketing is not given a defining, coordinating and guiding value in the formation of a management system. And then the head of marketing is not a top manager, but a middle manager.

The second stereotype is the "floating octopus". The marketing service is often perceived by managers as a kind of tool with which they try to probe the entire market and draw general conclusions for everyone in the form of “wishes”. If such an approach is formed, then very often the conclusions are rejected, because, as a rule, they are perceived as helpful tips or recommendations, and not as instructions for performing specific tasks. In such cases, marketing information is presented more likely as probabilistic rather than reliable, deviations of forecast values ​​are interpreted by specialists who do not have special knowledge as something that cannot be relied upon, which cannot be trusted. Naturally, managers, receiving recommendations that do not clearly outline tasks and algorithms of actions, prefer to rely mainly on themselves, on intuition, on their own experience.

The considered stereotypes indicate that many enterprises still underestimate the role of the marketing service in improving the efficiency of the enterprise.

The other two stereotypes are based on an overestimation of the possibilities of marketing and the marketing service.

The first stereotype is called the "all-seeing eye". Marketing in this role is perceived as something great, completely covering the market, a miracle is expected from it. This stereotype is quite insidious, because the higher the expectations, the greater the disappointment.

The second stereotype associated with high expectations and overestimation of the capabilities of the marketing service is the “annoying fly”. This perception of marketing or marketing service perhaps in a situation where managers are forced to admit that those calculations, developments, calculations that were made by marketers are indeed reliable and accurate. But sometimes managers cannot put into practice the recommendations of marketers, because, as it turns out, in order to complete the tasks that were assigned to the staff, it is necessary to acquire new experience, new knowledge, make additional efforts, sometimes spend more time. And then they try to dismiss marketers in order to avoid new actions for themselves, continuing to work as they are used to. Marketing, in turn, tries to change these habits in order to form an entirely new holistic management of feedback from the external environment. On the one hand, everyone recognizes that this is necessary, and on the other hand, it is, as it were, a heavy duty.

The appearance of stereotypes is due to the fact that specialists do not fully understand the essence, purpose and capabilities of the marketing service, at the same time, insufficient attention is paid to the training of marketers in educational institutions. Often marketers are addicted to one-sided economic indicators or vice versa, motivational factors. All these reasons determined the situation when the marketing service during its formation at the enterprise experiences certain difficulties. At the same time, it gives hope that those companies that have passed the stage of formation of the marketing service at the enterprise were able to determine the criteria by which the effectiveness of the marketing service is measured, to determine quantitative, temporal and financial indicators. The speed of these companies in the market today is quite high, which translates into higher profits than competitors.

Victoria Kidon

The marketing department is now necessary for almost every company, because it is very difficult to sell a product with maximum profit without studying the market. What does the marketing department actually do and what goals does it pursue?

The concept of the term

The attitude to marketing in the business environment is contradictory. Most entrepreneurs and businessmen understand the need to implement certain marketing strategies in their companies, but there are still those who have a negative attitude towards the concept of marketing.

What does the marketing department actually do? And why are opinions divided around the need to create a department?

In fact, all owners of shops and enterprises are engaged in marketing. It's just that those who think they don't do marketing are actually doing bad marketing most of the time. Or marketing in the style of "as you have to."

When you determine the price of a product in your store, when you think about how to sell a long-lived product, when you decide on the purchase of a particular product, you are already marketing.

Marketing is essentially the totality of all the actions that a company performs in the market. And the task of the marketing department will be to build the right strategy of action in the market, which will increase the company's sales.

Marketing within the company or outsourced

Like the activities of any department that is not directly related to production, the marketing department can be outsourced. This way of organizing a company's marketing is preferable if you need a high-quality implementation of new strategies, as well as in that case. when it is impractical to pay for a permanent marketer in the state.

However, in most cases, companies still face the need to have a full-time employee who, even when working with non-staff specialists, will make key decisions on the implementation of a particular strategy.

This increases the possibility and effectiveness of control.

Which companies need a full-time marketer or marketing department

Any manufacturing company modern world just need a marketing department.

However, it is not always necessary to have a marketer on staff. In some stores or online businesses, the functions of a marketer are partially performed by another employee, such as a merchandiser or category manager.

But it is worth noting that in most cases it is easier to track the effectiveness of a company's sales precisely in the event that a specially dedicated specialist is purposefully engaged in marketing, whose motivation is directly related to its effectiveness.

Goals of the marketing department

The marketing department has the following goals (depending on the goals, the responsibilities of the marketing department as a whole and each individual employee are formed):

  • Increasing the value of the product in the eyes of customers. The value of the product in the eyes of the buyer is formed on the basis of ideas about the usefulness of the product and its benefits.
  • Analysis of the market of competitors and related products is a constant monitoring of the market of competitors and related products in order to study its dynamics, search for new sales areas and niches.
  • Choice of target market. Definition target audience and key clients.
  • Development of a sales strategy. Depending on the choice of the target audience, the development of interaction with potential buyers.
  • Company assortment management.
  • Sales and Success Analytics existing strategy promotion of goods and services.

Why does a company's marketing department exist?

What is his task? A key function of the marketing department is to build brand-customer relationships.

In fact, everything marketers do is done just for this.

Accordingly, based on the main function, additional ones can be distinguished:

  • market research (study of demand, supply, customer behavior);
  • development of a product policy (selection of assortment, bringing the goods into proper form, packaging, offer for goods);
  • pricing, pricing policy setting;
  • strategy for the implementation of the sale of goods;
  • organization of communication with the market (holding promotions, branding, establishing the company's image).


The structure of the marketing department can vary greatly depending on the type of company, its goals and functions. What does it look like in practice?

The marketing department in an enterprise will be very different from the marketing department of an Internet portal or publishing house.

Most often, the marketing department consists of a marketing director, an analyst and a product promotion manager. At the same time, the analyst collects data on the market, the promotion manager draws up a sales plan based on the data received. Also, in some cases, the department may have a specialist in the range of goods and a person who specializes exclusively in promotion on the Internet.

Marketing employees are usually divided into five levels, which in some companies are partially present, and in some completely. It happens that in big companies the organization of the marketing department is such that one employee combines the tasks of different levels.

The task of the manager will be to coordinate the actions of employees, ensure their workload and control the effectiveness of the marketing department.

Marketing Efficiency

The marketing department must constantly increase sales growth by tracking and closing customer needs as fully as possible. The effectiveness of the marketing department in different companies will be calculated differently. However, there are general criteria that reflect the essence of the problem. It should be noted that marketers themselves do not sell anything, they are engaged in creating optimal conditions for the sale.

The effectiveness of the marketing department can be assessed by the following criteria:

  • The effectiveness of the sales funnel.
  • Sales conversion. The ratio of the number of informed customers to customers who made a purchase.
  • Compliance of the sales plan with the real capabilities of the sales department. As a rule, this is 100% completion + - 20%. If sales were more than 120% or less than 80% of the plan, then the marketing department did not work effectively in either planning or promotion.
  • The increase in the profit of the enterprise should also correspond to the planned one.
  • Optimal use advertising budget.
  • Price per client.
  • The price of one application.
  • Coverage of the target audience during the marketing campaign.
  • The effectiveness of investments in a particular marketing campaign.

Responsibilities of the Marketing Director or Head of Department

The head of the marketing department manages everything that the marketing department does. Briefly describe its functions as follows:

  • Budget planning for the company's marketing.
  • Coordination of marketing activities.
  • Determining the need for certain marketing activities.
  • Supervision of the activities of the employees of the department.
  • Communication with the sales department.
  • Communication with outsourcing specialists.
  • Conducting marketing campaigns.
  • Compliance control labor discipline.
  • Identification of the need for marketing activities in the company.

Employee Requirements

Requirements for marketing staff may also vary from company to company. Much depends on the specifics of the tasks. For example, what the marketing department does in a metalworking business will be different from marketing campaigns in a clothing store. Most often, the main requirement for employees will be the presence of specialized education or experience in this field, as well as successful cases. However, this is not always the case. Job description the marketing department and its staff may vary depending on the specifics.

Knowledge, skills and personal qualities what a marketer should have:

  • analytic mind;
  • knowledge of the characteristics of the studied market;
  • Ability to work with a large amount of information and multitask;
  • flexibility of thinking;
  • willingness to learn something new;
  • deep understanding of the mechanisms of promotion of goods on the market.

Marketer Motivation

The efficiency ratio of a marketer, as a rule, is more difficult to calculate than that of a sales manager. If everything is simple for the seller and is calculated by the number of calls, involved customers and sold goods and services, then it is more difficult to calculate the effectiveness of a marketer at first glance.

However, there are parameters by which you can evaluate its effectiveness:

  • Number of clients.
  • Increase in the number of clients.
  • Client cost. It is calculated in this way: the entire budget spent on advertising is divided by the number of all customers.
  • The cost of an application or lead (for Internet marketers - one of the key performance indicators).
  • Percentage increase in repeat purchases.
  • Increasing the number positive feedback about the product.

If we consider a way to motivate a marketer, then a well-proven option would be a standard salary + a bonus bonus part, which is calculated based on KPI indicators.

Departmental interaction

For maximum efficiency companies in the market, the sales department and the marketing department should interact closely.

The marketer must collect information about the behavior of customers during real dialogues, and the seller should listen to all the recommendations of the marketer.

At the same time, the following nuances should be taken into account in the interaction between the marketing department and the sales department:

  1. Communication should be established and structured. It can be an exchange of letters, communication in managers and any other.
  2. The promotion strategy must be agreed between the sales and marketing department. Ideally, each seller should understand why he performs certain actions. A marketer will consider any feedback.

It is not necessary to find out which department is more important. Both of them work together and are created for the same purpose - building relationships with customers. At the same time, the marketing department performs strategic planning, and the sales department performs tactical implementation of campaigns.

Internet Marketing

If ten years ago few people knew about Internet marketing and few people used it, now it is difficult to imagine a company that would not be engaged in promoting its product on the Internet.

In a way, the internet is the new kind Mass media, where much is borrowed from traditional communications.

But the Internet market is different from the classical one. The advantage of online trading platforms is a much simpler analytics of sales and applications.

Modern analytical web services allow you to track the sales funnel step by step without any special knowledge and skills.

Thanks to the introduction of Internet marketing, many areas of business development and, accordingly, new professions for specialists who make up the marketing department have appeared. These are professions such as:

  • content manager - a specialist who selects content for a website or blog, as well as a community in social networks;
  • SMM-specialist - a specialist who interacts with customers in social networks;
  • An SEO specialist is a person who optimizes a website for search results;
  • director - setup specialist contextual advertising;
  • targetologist - the same directologist, only in social network(in the staff of the marketing department, these two functions are combined by one specialist);
  • web analyst.

And also in the marketing department there may be copywriters and web designers who also help to carry out what the marketing department does in the company.

Consider examples effective use marketing in various organizations.

What does the marketing department at Tefal do? A great example of market research and the impact of the resulting data is a Tefal advertising campaign influenced by consumer market research. Tefal manufacturers have long positioned their pans as a way to save on oil. However, during surveys and focus groups, it turned out that buyers see the main advantage of the Tefal pan is that, thanks to the Teflon coating, food does not stick to it, which means that it is easy to clean. And that was the most important advantage of the frying pan in the eyes of customers. Thanks to the information received, the concept of the advertising campaign and positioning were changed, which made it possible to dramatically increase sales.

What does the marketing department do at P&G? There was a time when sales of the famous Ariel brand powder were not going to get off the ground. P&G commissioned a massive study on how people care for their clothes. It turned out that the majority of the population uses powder only in 30% of cases, using dry cleaning services in 70%. At the same time, the results of the study showed that the majority of powder consumers are employed and go to work in suits that are dry-cleaned. It also turned out that many work more efficiently when they go to work in casual clothes. And P&G has allowed employees to wear casual clothes to work a couple of days a week. The news was widely covered in the press. Many companies followed suit and the laundry detergent market grew by 20%.

We studied the structure of the marketing department. As you can see, it's quite important topic. Often, from correct operation The marketing department depends on the welfare of the company.

Why is the Marketing Department Doing Weird Jobs? Where is the Efficiency?

Marketing is no longer just a buzzword. Executives believe that marketing must be present in the structure and therefore hire a marketer. But after a few months, they see no result, no improvement, no deterioration. What's the matter?

There are many opinions about this. Many marketers claim that management does not know what marketing is, its tasks and functions. Therefore, they cannot set specific goals and form a department.

Partly, it is. Marketing is a new concept and few people fully understand it. Yes, business owners hire marketers and fail to set goals for them. But, here is the question: “Why do marketers themselves do nothing, but wait for goals and objectives from management?”. The answer is simple, there are very few truly qualified marketing specialists in Russia. Marketing is taught relatively recently, which means that there are not many marketing specialists with work experience. Most likely, these are not specialized specialists.

But today, marketing is taught in full force, and applicants believe that this is a fashionable direction, such as advertising, where a creative approach is needed. From this and all the ensuing problems. If a student graduated from an institute with a degree in marketing, then he is far from a specialist, because he studied only theory (if he studied at all). Moreover, an outdated theory that means nothing in practice.

Teachers sometimes do not understand what marketing is for and who a marketer is. A specialist can only say: “Segmentation… Positioning…. 4P…. SWOT Analysis". Hence the problems with marketing in Russia. Students study theory (we will assume that they study hard), but due to lack of experience, they do not know what it really is. Marketing specialists with experience are not specialized (I met marketers with a philological education). So what should businessmen do in a situation where no one can really say what marketing is and what it is responsible for? Take everything into your own hands! How? This digest is dedicated to this.

Let's make some adjustments to our general knowledge about marketing. What do we know about it and what marketers say. As for the theory (Kotler, Bliss), the definitions of marketing are not very clear and complex. In general, these definitions are pure theory and are not applicable to a real company or business. And what do the marketers themselves, who have read these books, do? As a result, we have a marketing department that talks a lot and does very little.

And in particular, the marketing department, today, is engaged in advertising, questioning, positioning, segmentation, customer satisfaction, branding. Are you familiar with these words? Marketers love to say them, they are trendy (no offense to marketers). Why is the department that deals with advertising and research called marketing? Why does management think marketing is creative?

Nobody remembers that marketing is the science of the market. The science! And creating a marketing department, we accordingly create a department that deals with market research. But for what? Is this why you create this department? Well, maybe he does a little advertising, in our company ....

Marketing is, first of all, the science of the market. And it appeared because a lot of competitors began to appear on the markets. In the days of Henry Ford, marketing was not needed at all, because there was no competition as such. But for the time being, for the time being. The market becomes open and attracts other participants - competitors begin to divide the market. This is where marketing begins to emerge as a science, 80 years ago. In order to study the moves, activities of companies, in order to use them and improve them. This science tried to answer the question: “Why do some companies succeed and others do not?”

And today, marketing is a science that studies market activity organizations (it does not matter which - commercial or non-commercial. For example, the actions of a deputy to attract votes are the same marketing. Turkey, as a resort area, is also engaged in marketing). Everything that is connected with the organization outside (on the market) is marketing.

In recent years, marketing, as a science, has accumulated a lot of knowledge, developed many methods, techniques for organizations, absorbed several other sciences, such as economics, psychology, anthropology, sociology, and thus formed a set of methods and stages of marketing. Therefore, in order to put the knowledge of this science into practice, a marketing process is necessary. And it exists, logical, consistent and effective.

Today, marketing encompasses all marketing activities of any organization. It is much more than just research and advertising. Marketing, today, is the concept of managing an organization, a business. Why so grand? Check it out, read on.

It is impossible to tell how marketing works in detail in one article, but nevertheless, in brief, I will try to outline the theoretical foundations and their application in real business.

As a student, I was always touched by how logistics and advertising professors argued about what was more important in business. Advertising or logistics? Who would have thought that these are complementary marketing tools?

Not much theory....

Marketing studies the market activity of your company. Therefore, I propose to look at your company in the market schematically. Any organization does not exist in a vacuum. The market is not only you and your customers. These are competitors, suppliers, possibly intermediaries, consumers, economic changes, political unrest, ecology, technological growth, culture. All of these have an impact on your organization. We won't go into the details of how culture has a direct impact on your company, but we'll look at how the major players in the market work with you.

Like any organism on this planet, an organization must adapt to the conditions of the external environment. The world is evolving along with changes in nature. A living organism uses the sense organs to receive information about the external environment, such as eyes, lungs, skin, and smell. Our sense organs receive information and adapt the body to the environment. So is the organization. But the sense organs are completely different. Consider how and why the organization should adapt to the market (external environment).

In order to ensure success in the market, you need to find a place in it. Your organization must have loyal customers and be different from competitors. Differentiation of competitors does not mean being brighter or just having a great slogan or logo, or dressing service personnel in branded clothes. It is necessary, but it's about something else. Each company in your market should ideally be different from the competition. And that is to focus on a certain segment of buyers.

Therefore, there are companies that offer expensive, medium and cheap products, beautiful, technological or simple. Depending on the selected (promising) segment of consumers (buyers or intermediaries), the preferences, tastes, needs, requirements of buyers are different. So there are people who want a sports car, a jeep, an inexpensive subcompact car, a premium sedan, or an electric-powered hybrid. All people are different and their preferences differ, but still they can be divided into groups according to preferences and requests.

Dividing buyers into groups, we will see segments. But this is not enough to adapt the organization. After all, there are competitors and suppliers. For example, if you have chosen the segment of the most inexpensive shoes for yourself (i.e., you are going to or are already offering inexpensive shoes to the market), then there is probably a competitor in your segment, or maybe none. A competitor who also offers inexpensive shoes, just like you and to the same customers. How is your organization different from a competitor in your segment?

To do this, it is necessary to study the customer segment in more detail. Perhaps they are not satisfied with the design or reliability? As for suppliers, there are also many nuances to consider. After all, basically the basis of difference from competitors lies in the product - and, as we know, your supplier can very easily be found by your competitor, and then you will again be no different and buyers may not pay attention to your brand, unless, of course, you have an exclusive .

It is not necessary to enter one segment, there are many companies whose product line contains both expensive and cheap items. And it is market analysis that allows you to determine what place the organization should take in the market and how it should differ in order to secure a prosperous future. Having identified the segment, the requirements of buyers in this segment, the offer of competitors and the availability of various suppliers of products suitable for this type of buyer, marketing tools can be considered.

I remind you that we are now considering marketing as a theory. About the organization a little later.

Knowing the group of people who will buy products with certain characteristics from you (by the way, the better you know the buyer, the more likely you are to find the difference between your company). And also, knowing the competitors of other segments and your segment, suppliers and possibly intermediaries. It is necessary to understand how it can take this place in the market.

To do this, there are 5 marketing tools. These tools are the result of the marketing organization's preparatory work.

  • Products
  • Service
  • Promotion
  • Sales channels
  • It is for the selected market segment, taking into account competitive offers and suppliers, that marketing prepares: products, services, prices, advertising, points and methods of sale. These 5 tools are called the marketing mix. Mix, because by managing, selecting, changing, replacing these tools, your organization adapts to the conditions of the segment, while differing from competitors.

    Global manufacturers use it to the maximum. They not only take into account competitors, suppliers and customers, but also technological progress, thereby offering something that we could not think of. It is a detailed and painstaking analysis of consumers that can provide information about them, prepare a new product, and generate demand for a completely unique, new product.

    We can imagine how much time and effort it takes to prepare a new assortment, make purchases and organize a warehouse, determine future costs and set prices, train salesmen and establish service, develop advertising campaigns and printed products. And in order to prepare a marketing policy (advertising policy, pricing, product policy, sales policy), it is necessary to conduct an extensive market analysis, and then prepare a marketing strategy.

    Can your marketer or marketing department do all this? And that's exactly what needs to be done, because that's how marketing works 100%. Sales cannot work without promotion, promotion cannot work without pricing, pricing cannot work without sales. Everything is interconnected. Imagine that you are selling premium bags. The Pricing Specialist Did Too low price, the advertiser promotes bags for schoolgirls, and the buyer-logistician buys plastic bags.

    Yes, this is a primitive example, but it clearly depicts what happens when there is no marketing management.

    How Marketing Works.

  • Vision development.
  • Market analysis.
  • Goal setting.
  • Positioning of products, companies.
  • Product policy development (service included here).
  • Development of pricing policy.
  • Marketing policy development.
  • Development of advertising policy.
  • Prepare a budget and payback plan.
  • This is a strategic marketing plan. In simple words, we answer the following questions:

  • Where do we go?
  • Where will we go?
  • How will we get there?
  • And now we can make sure that one person can not cope with this work. So who prepares this plan and how?

    Your organization should have people responsible for:

  • Marketing planning
  • Market research
  • Logistics/purchasing and/or product development
  • Pricing
  • Sales and service
  • advertising
  • Budgeting
  • Depending on the size of the company, the marketing structure will be different. If the company is small, then one person may be responsible for several areas of activity. In large companies, maybe several people, for example in advertising, as the volume of work increases.

    What you need to do is hire a marketing planner (in large companies this can be as CEO the company itself, or the director of the marketing department). If you yourself, regardless of the size of the company, find it difficult to plan marketing on your own, then the ideal option is to hire a manager or director. By the way, in Russia a marketer is a commercial director.

    Take your time in hiring all the other marketing staff, try to find a planning manager with experience. It is important. And remember, such a person should have broad official powers - this is your right hand and more than a deputy. Further with this person, you will definitely be able to determine the required amount of work and the structure of marketing. In a medium business, ideal marketing looks like this:

  • Marketing Director - Responsible for planning and execution.
  • Specialist in marketing research- Responsible for market research.
  • Advertising Manager - responsible for promotion.
  • Director of Logistics and / or Production - responsible for procurement, warehouse logistics, production.
  • Pricing specialist (economist) - responsible for pricing.
  • Budgeting specialist (economist or financier) - responsible for finance.
  • Sales manager (head of sales department, director of sales department) - responsible for sales planning, customer service, training of salespeople.
  • That's what highly organized marketing will be, because, look: you have a person in charge of promotion, a person in charge of sales and service, a person in charge of prices, a person in charge of assortment and production, a person in charge of market research for that would correctly direct the work of all these people in the right direction and the person who monitors and controls all this.

    Now, with this structure, your manager for marketing planning can move on to development strategic plan. The strategic plan is being prepared for 1, 3, 5, 7 or more years, but we know what planning is in Russia, so the most the best option is the preparation of a strategic plan every year.

    Where does it all begin.

    And that's a good question.) Because it all starts with the development of a vision, which no one knows how to do today. Yes Yes. Have you ever heard of a mission? Nobody believes in it, and nobody wants to do it. I will not convince you of this, but there will definitely be a digest. If the marketing planner you hired also doubts his ability to produce the vision, then skip this step. The negative aspects of the lack of vision are also in the new digest.

    Next, the market research specialist must conduct a full-scale market research, both in-house and with the help of third-party companies. Then, the planning manager prepares marketing strategy(segmentation and positioning). After that, goals in the field of target sales volumes are formulated by the planning manager and all policies are prepared together with a specialist in advertising, logistics, production, sales (what products are needed to achieve the set target sales volumes, what prices to form, what to train salespeople, how much outlets discover how much to produce, how to advertise a new product or service). Then, the budget specialist must determine how much money is needed and when to implement this plan.

    After agreeing on the plan, it is implemented in a year and a new one is prepared in the new year. This is a complete and constant cycle of analysis, planning, implementation. Despite the fact that no article will show the full significance and all the specific works of marketing, I still decided to write why marketing does not work in many companies. This introduced you to marketing integration very briefly, but it's actually much more complex. But, anyway, I hope that I helped someone and showed in which direction it is necessary to move.

    If you have any questions, you can contact me at e-mail always happy to provide professional advice. I promise an individual approach.

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    Quite often, marketers are identified as PR managers or sales specialists. However, their responsibilities are much broader and include developing a strategy for the development of the entire company, as well as resolving economic issues. To understand what the marketing department does and whether your company needs it, you need to study this issue in more detail.

    From this article you will learn:

    1. Main tasks and key features marketing department
    2. Employee Responsibilities
    3. What problems can arise with leadership

    What does the marketing department at the enterprise do and do you need it

    The need to create a marketing department in an enterprise depends solely on whether the manager is aware of this need and whether he is ready to give full authority to the specialists of this unit. When the functioning of the department is based on the principle “I don’t know why, but everyone does it”, all the efforts of marketers will be in vain, even if they are professionals of the highest level.

    The expediency of creating such a service depends on the specifics of your product. The higher the competition in a given niche, the higher the need for a marketing department.

    In the table below you will find the arguments for and against the creation of a marketing department in an enterprise. Matching them with needs own company, you will be able to conclude whether you need such a unit.

    4 stereotypes about the marketing department in a company

    The lack of understanding among many company employees of what the marketing department does creates stereotypes about its tasks. However, some leaders, who have little idea of ​​the purpose of this unit, also sin by generating such stereotypes. In this regard, the company has certain rules for managing the marketing department:

    1. "Narrow window". This stereotype is based on the notion that marketing is one of the management functions. In this regard, marketing is no longer included in the development of tasks for coordination and adjustment. strategic development company, and the head of the department turns into a middle manager, losing his position as a top manager.
    2. "Floating Octopus" In this case, top management perceives the marketing department as a tool for market analysis and making some recommendations based on this research. Such conclusions are not taken seriously by management, because in its eyes they have the character of wishes, and not specific instructions.

      Therefore, the information received from the marketing department is perceived as insufficiently reliable, and deviations of the forecast values ​​only strengthen the top management's confidence that such recommendations should not be trusted. As a result, managers who do not have clear instructions and algorithms of actions are forced to rely not on marketing indicators but on your own experience and professional intuition.

    3. "All-seeing eye". In this case, marketing plays the role of a wonderful tool that literally makes it possible to manipulate the market. As a rule, such high expectations end in disappointment even with positive results.
    4. "Intrusive fly". Such a stereotype arises as a result of a competent assessment of the capabilities of the marketing department, coupled with an insufficient desire of the staff to follow its recommendations. When receiving information from marketers, managers often face situations where tasks require the acquisition and application of new knowledge and competencies, as well as spending more time.

    However, not everyone is ready to deviate from the usual algorithm of actions. The result of this inertia is the desire of staff to brush aside marketers, who in turn seek to change this state of affairs and form a completely new holistic feedback management from the external environment.

    The reason for the emergence of stereotypes is not only the lack of a clear understanding among the staff of what the marketing department does, but also the insufficient theoretical training of such specialists in educational institutions.

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    The main tasks of the marketing department

    In addition, this list can be replenished by searching for the necessary partners for transactions, cooperation or signing the necessary contracts. Often, the tasks of the marketing department include SMM promotion, as well as maintaining and filling the corporate website.

    Key functions of the marketing department

    Marketing Planning

    The company's marketing plan must take into account overall strategy development, according to which the marketing department receives the main task (for example, the development of regional markets). In addition, the amount of time and financial investment required to achieve this goal is determined.

    When a company plans a promotion, the marketing department deals with:

    • determination of the number of hours spent by the sales manager to work with the clients attracted by the action;
    • planning the degree of loading of telephone lines and determining the number of calls that can be received and processed;
    • establishing required amount managers, as well as the degree of their qualification;
    • determining the number of workers required for the further implementation of orders placed;
    • planning the range of products offered as part of the action in order to identify an analogue that can replace the missing unit of goods, or determine the necessary temporary changes if an analogue cannot be found.

    All planned activities should have predictable quantitative results. If the expected performance is measured, it is much easier to evaluate the effectiveness of the ongoing campaign and adjust it as necessary.

    Market research

    Market development is impossible without knowledge of its specifics. Market research can be done in two ways:

    • collection and analysis of customer information;
    • research on competitors.

    The marketing and sales departments jointly collect and analyze information about customers. At the same time, the sales department is delegated the task of attracting information about customers. The preparation of the questionnaire is carried out by marketers, who subsequently analyze and prepare the main conclusions regarding the company's activities in the market.


    Positioning of a company or product can be based on a portrait of the target consumer and competitor analysis. At the same time, the marketing department is developing a set of measures that will allow the product or company to be unified in the market, taking an advantageous position relative to the position of competitors.


    The formation of pricing policy cannot be carried out without the participation of the marketing department, so there must be a close relationship between the financial department and marketers. The basic price is formed on the basis of the prime cost proposed by economists, and the marketing department deals with its adjustment, which makes changes taking into account market prices, competitors' pricing policies and the chosen strategy of the enterprise.

    Assortment policy

    The formation of the assortment is influenced by the needs of the market, financial position company and the goals of the implemented strategy. The marketing department analyzes customer preferences and determines the dynamics of demand for certain units of the product group.

    Development of new ideas

    It is the marketing department that helps to formulate a “portrait of an ideal product”, which has the qualities necessary for its successful introduction to the market. To highlight such signs of a novelty, marketers need to hold round tables in conjunction with the technology department, sales department, development department, and others. During the discussion, the design of the product (and its packaging) and the distribution system are developed. In addition, the marketing department is developing an advertising campaign.

    Analysis of marketing activities

    No marketing report marketing event cannot be considered completed. This document should include information about the summed up results (how many new customers were attracted, how much sales increased, how much income increased), as well as information about the methods that were used during the implementation (advertising campaigns, promotion, other marketing activities).

    Such reports are able to demonstrate the dynamics of development if we analyze similar events in the long term.

    Responsibilities of the Marketing Department

    Head of the Marketing Department

    The head of the marketing department is responsible for the operational control of the development of marketing, advertising and PR campaigns, as well as their coordination. The purpose of such events is to implement the company's strategy for making a profit, conquering and retaining markets.

    Applicants for the position of Marketing Manager must meet the following requirements:

    Marketing Manager

    A marketing manager is responsible for planning and executing the company's marketing campaigns.

    Main activities:

    • Strategic and detailed marketing planning.
    • Implementation of the marketing plan.
    • Development of a budget for marketing campaigns.
    • Identification of signs of target consumers that will help to effectively organize and carry out activities to expand the sales market.
    • Studying the dynamics of supply and demand in the market and making forecasts.
    • Analysis of promising sales markets.
    • Coordination of market changes of competitors.
    • Identification of reasons for conducting marketing research.
    • Coordination of the organization and conduct of a tender among third-party companies that ensure the implementation of marketing programs.
    • Development and signing of contracts with third parties.
    • Study of the effectiveness of the conducted marketing activities.
    • Development of reports on the implementation and results of marketing campaigns.

    Applicants for the marketing manager position must meet the following requirements:

    1. Not younger than 25 years old.
    2. Experience in marketing - from two years.

    PR, media relations and special projects manager

    The PR, media relations and special projects manager is responsible for the formation and maintenance of a positive image of the enterprise.

    The following requirements apply to applicants for the position of PR, media relations and special projects manager:

    1. Experience in conducting PR events: development of projects for image campaigns, established relations with the media.
    2. Not younger than 25 years old.
    3. Higher humanitarian education.

    Advertising Manager

    With whom and how does the marketing department interact?

    Effective work of the marketing department is impossible without well-coordinated and coordinated interaction with other related departments.

    1. Cooperation with the commercial department.

    Such interaction is based on preventing situations of disruption of orders associated with the occurrence of unforeseen circumstances (for example, lack of components or raw materials). In addition, marketers must keep employees commercial department up to date on concluded and planned contracts.

    In such interactions, the marketing department must be aware of the risks involved in providing erroneous forecasts of future order volumes. An underestimated or overestimated forecast can lead to incorrect funding.

    1. Cooperation with the financial department.

    Of course, marketers do not have to know all the subtleties accounting, however, they are required to understand the basic methods of costing and production. Developing a marketing budget is impossible without these skills, and their practical use allows effective coordination of spending.

    Ultimately, it is the work of the marketing department that makes it possible to judge the activities of the company itself. In order for the execution of the marketing budget to meet the goals of the enterprise, marketers need not only to know the indicators of expenses and income, but also to be able to control them.

    1. Cooperation with the legal service.

    Since interaction with counterparties (marketing and creative agencies, marketing research services, etc.) is impossible without the conclusion and signing of contracts, the coordination of such processes must be carried out by the legal department.

    The legal service has a significant amount of templates of regulatory legal acts that regulate all aspects of the economic and economic activities of the enterprise (development of a new product, conditions and rules for production, storage and transportation, terms of sale, pricing, advertising, etc.).

    1. Collaboration with the HR department.

    Good personnel determine the effective functioning of any department, including the marketing department. The head of the marketing service interacts with the personnel department in the event of a need to hire personnel or improve the skills of an existing one. In addition, close interaction between the personnel and marketing departments is necessary at the stage of preparing the briefing and training program for hired novice specialists.

    1. Cooperation with the planning and economic department.

    The planning and economic department is engaged in the preparation and transfer to marketers of the constructed forecasts regarding sales volumes, information on price changes, methodological materials for competent planning, and also submits for approval the costing of ongoing marketing activities.

    1. Cooperation with accounting.

    The interaction in this case consists in the transfer by marketers of the documentation required for balance sheets, as well as the documents required when preparing an employee's business trip. In turn, the accounting department sends all information regarding travel expenses, pay slips, etc. Such a workflow looks routine, but without it it is impossible to imagine the effective operation of all departments of the company.

    What problems can management have with the marketing department?

    Problem number 1. The owner/management has no understanding of the marketing process.

    If company management has little understanding of what the marketing department does, it can be very difficult to explain the specifics of marketing tools. Many owners start from the conventional wisdom that the entire range of marketing processes can be carried out by just one specialist.

    Problem number 2. There is no understanding of the basic functionality.

    When the basic functionality is a "dense forest", this can lead to a decrease in the efficiency of the execution of all processes of the marketing department:

    1. Lead generation.
    2. Qualification of incoming leads.
    3. Planning of indicators of lead generation.

    Problem number 3. Missing professional education in the field modern technologies marketing, .

    Most internet marketers are self-educated. This is due to the specifics of the marketing industry, which is constantly changing and evolving. New tools appearing almost daily require immediate application. Therefore, the construction of theoretical teaching postulates can be difficult, and over the five-year period of university education, all acquired knowledge becomes obsolete almost immediately after receiving a diploma.

    Problem number 4. The marketer does not understand who the target audience of the company is.

    This phenomenon can occasionally occur even among experienced marketers. Lack of knowledge about the characteristics of the target audience or lack of understanding of the specifics of the reference buyer makes further marketing work difficult.

    To prevent such situations, the marketer should deal with:

    • performing an ABC XYZ analysis;
    • preparation of client characteristics based on ABC XYZ analysis;
    • conducting continuous testing of marketers on the product.

    Problem number 5. There is no communication between the marketing department and the sales department.

    If there is no close interaction between marketers and the sales department, such a gap can negatively affect the activities of the entire company. Feedback on leads provided by sales managers ensures openness in identifying signs of the target audience and product niches. If it is not available, non-target consumers may fall into the sample, which will lead to distortion of the results, as well as to time and investment losses.

    Internet sales and marketing department

    Internet sales are gradually conquering the market. That is why any business project today cannot successfully exist without its own high-quality website that meets .

    If the head or owner of the company has little understanding of the specifics of online advertising and does not consider it necessary to finance this direction, this can lead to a loss of attractiveness of the corporate site in the eyes of potential buyers, and hence to a decrease in sales.

    If you understand the power of online advertising, an experienced marketer will be able to ensure the good development of the company even with a small investment in this area. Depending on the capabilities and scale of the enterprise, the marketer may be alone, dealing with the entire spectrum marketing tasks(one specialist can be effective only if you need to provide search promotion and contextual advertising).

    However, in terms of time costs, it is much more efficient to attract an experienced team that can work smoothly.

    But don't be put off by the prospect of hiring so many people and securing their jobs. The work of several people can be handled by one (for example, a content manager will successfully cope with the work of a copywriter).

    If attracting even 4 people out of 7 is still too expensive for you, part of the work can be outsourced to third-party marketing organizations. But do not forget that this process must be coordinated by your in-house marketing specialist, otherwise the result may turn out to be unpredictable, and promotion efficiency will approach zero.

    In every large organization, there is a mandatory marketing department, which is assigned some specific, but at the same time important functions. Depending on the structure of the enterprise, the marketing department may differ. So, with large LLCs, OJSCs or CJSCs, this is a whole division in which more than a dozen people work. There is a director, middle-class bosses, as well as lower management and the well-known office plankton. Concerning small firms in the form of an individual entrepreneur, then the marketing department may not be provided for in them, but still there are several people who are engaged in advertising. They are responsible for all the functions and tasks of the marketing department.

    Thus, regardless of the size, structure and other features of the company, marketers are necessarily present in it. If there is no person who is engaged in advertising and promotion of products, then such an organization cannot be called a full-fledged business, because it does not shine for any expansion.

    Marketing is the backbone of business!

    I have repeatedly repeated this phrase in different variations in my previous articles, and I will gladly repeat it again. The fact is that without an effective advertising system, modern business becomes absolutely uncompetitive and will soon go bankrupt, or it will work, but will not grow and expand in any way. The enterprise will freeze at one stage of its development and will not move further. There are, of course, areas of activity in which advertising is used quite rarely.

    For example, these may be plants that have several large buyers and do not need new customers. But after all, marketing is aimed not only at attracting consumers, but also at finding new employees. If few people know about your business, then only a few will come to get a job. Perhaps this is enough for you for normal activities, but it is much better for several people to apply for one place at once, because in this case you have the opportunity to choose the most competent one. And if your company does not yet have a marketing department, then immediately create it, and you will see the result in a couple of weeks.


    As a rule, this department never has problems with financing, unlike, say, the department of labor protection, environmental safety, etc. And the point is not at all that marketers require little money, but that the profit of the company directly depends on their activities. Why improve the quality of the product and wait for the consumer to appreciate this when you can simply make a new attractive packaging design and multiply the clientele?
    With structure joint-stock companies in general, the marketing department constantly gets what it asks for, because it is beneficial for shareholders that the company not only works to maintain, but also expands. That's why the lion's share capitalization is divided between production department, which increases the volume of production, and marketing, which increases the influx of consumers. The latter, in turn, will buy new products.

    The main functions and tasks of the marketing department!

    1. The main function of marketers is, of course, advertising. The marketing department promotes the company's products among the consumer, concludes contracts with advertising agencies etc. Moreover, in the modern world there are many varieties of advertising, and the task of the department is to determine which type will be the most effective and cost-effective.
      As mentioned above, advertising can be directed not only to customers, but also to potential employees. The more people who want to work in the company, the more choice its management has and the more competent and competent people will work here. However, not everyone is engaged in such advertising, and even then many are limited to ordinary newspaper ads. But in fact, such marketing can bring results, and some businessmen understand this. They sponsor activities educational institutions, create private universities only so that new and advanced specialists go to work for them. To expand the organization, not only a surplus of goods and consumers is needed, but also workers who will produce and sell this very surplus.

    1. This department is also involved in planning further marketing strategies and analyzing previous results. As a rule, this division has action plans for the next six months, which, moreover, are easy to change to new consumer needs. Marketing does not stand still, and if you do not follow the innovations, then your competitors will leave you ahead of you, and you will be left without a clientele.
    1. Thanks to this department, the efficiency of sales of a certain product is increased, because everyone knows that advertised products diverge better than a brand that no one knows. The better marketers work, the better more sales the company will have.

    1. As I said, marketing does not stand still, and every day there are more and more new ways to promote products. Don't be afraid to use latest technology and advertising methods, because if they turn out to be ineffective, you will not lose much, but if the innovation really justifies itself, then the flow of customers will increase many times over in a short time.

    The main task of marketing!

    The main task that any marketing department strives to fulfill is to increase the company's profits and expand it. Of course, such a goal simply cannot but attract entrepreneurs and investors, which is why such divisions are created in any organization. In total, it turns out that the better marketers work, the more income the company and its direct owners will receive.

    Marketers in the law!

    It often happens that it is precisely because of the activities of the marketing department on entity a state fine is imposed. The fact is that the line between effective advertising and illegal advertising is very thin, and you can cross it without even noticing. That is why it is strongly recommended to keep several competent lawyers in this unit so that once again you do not run into lawsuits and administrative fines.


    In the end, I want to add that the functions and tasks of the marketing department are sometimes underestimated. This is especially true for small firms that simply do not have enough money for new employees and advertising campaign. But remember one thing: without marketing, your business will not be profitable and competitive, so before you open your organization, calculate whether you will also have enough funds for marketing. And if the answer is “no”, then it’s better to wait a bit, earn more money, and only then begin to realize yourself as a businessman.


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