What you need for a startup. Startup ideas for business. How to know if you are ready for a startup

Do you want to start a startup? Congratulations! You are on the right track. Because, before opening a startup, you must definitely study the topic, find new moves, tools, conduct marketing research... In general, become a real professional in the field.

And of course your startup will be a startup startup. Clearly, quickly and immediately. And, you will surely come across 7 truths. We suggest that you prepare for them in advance.

1. You and your startup - ... nobody needs... Yes, you heard right - not needed. Since all investments, loans and state aidprovided to entrepreneurs are designed for payback. And your startup is an idea whose return on investment is questionable. Therefore, at the first stage, when there will be no profit, nobody needs your startup.

2. Time is against you. Even having calculated all the terms from textbooks - implementation, payback, market entry. In reality, you will face the fact that this does not work, and the other tool does not work as fast as you planned. Therefore, all theoretical timelines will fail. Real terms are 3-4 times greater than the theory. Get used to it.

3. Cadres are everything. Stalin's ingenious words. Trust us, he was a very good HR manager. It's all about the staff and the team that will implement your startup. Look for smart people who work with their heads, not their tongues. Who are not afraid to look for flaws in themselves that affect work and business as a whole.

4. How much to weigh in grams? Or rather, how much money does it take to get your startup to market? Have you counted? Add 50%. How, have you counted? Therefore, add another 50% of the cost. Since you didn't take into account the overhead costs, sick days in your team, increased deadlines, extended deadlines, and more. Therefore, plus fifty percent. And that's still good. He knows one uncle for whom the project cost was 250% more than he had planned.

5. We started a startup, but didn't do the pre-project research. And why? Are you so confident in your idea that solves the current problems of humanity? For a moment, pre-project research will soften or even eliminate all of the above points to one degree or another. And you scored on him. And they did the right thing. Better reconnaissance in force and, most importantly, get involved. Meanwhile, by conducting a simple survey, making a landing page for 500 rubles and spending some money on advertising, you will study the market and be able to correct your idea. Cheap.

6. Dead ends. This is normal. Any business has a dead end when you don't know where to go next and what to do. In a startup, it may come the next day. Too many problems close a person. Do not be alarmed, all problems are solved, and the exit may be where the entrance is. To mitigate this problem, try switching to a different project or idea that is less capacious than your main one. Such a switch will unload you and you will break the deadlock.

7. Investments. The weakest point. Any project. Even after finding investments, they will be extremely slow. Even if you successfully lead your project through, you will receive the minimum required by your startup. This is normal. Just get ready for it. Accumulate more money for a startup. Take out a consumer loan. This is your project, and you get paid.

So, after studying 7 points, what conclusion did you draw? Don't want a startup? You just don't want to work. Work hard. Day and night. But when you really want to work and you are not afraid of our points, then your startup will become successful, profitable and popular. Like Apple. Almost. Interest by 5%. But, it will be! Don't get lost, work!

Novice businessmen who are inspired by the idea of \u200b\u200btheir business are looking for opportunities for its implementation. Often, the implementation of an idea requires initial capital, which is not available. And the search for investors begins, and those who are weaker in spirit completely refuse to implement the idea. Is it possible to organize a startup without a budget at all? To this question, there is already an answer: "Really!".
In order not to be unfounded, the article provides examples from world practice, when startups were created with a zero budget, growing to companies with millions of turnovers. How did they manage it?

Startup without a budget: what is most important?

Needless to say, newcomers have little chance of implementing global ideas. That dreams will remain dreams without financial support from investors and a highly paid professional team. But everything is not as banal as it seems at first glance.
After all, there are examples of entrepreneurs who, despite the lack of money, moved towards their goal and achieved it. Why does someone succeed and someone not?
Why teams, on which high hopes are pinned, do not live up to expectations, and someone without connections, money can bring an idea to life? A striking historical example!

Inventor Samuel Langley had a good team and great connections. He worked at Harvard, was a professor of mathematics, he had open doors to the most successful people who could support him.
He was given a $ 50,000 grant from the US Department to invent the world's first flying machine. His work was covered by journalists, whom he constantly promised the first plane.
At the same time in Ohio, the Wright brothers were also trying to build an airplane. They didn't have a grant, they didn't have any connections, they didn't have funding. In their garage, where they sold bicycles, they got together with their friends and invented the plane. On December 17, 1903, the Wright brothers took off on the first plane and they changed the world.

What is the principled approach of S. Langley and the Wright brothers. Langley wanted popularity, aspired to be the first, the brothers, in turn, wanted to improve the world. And their friends who helped them were like-minded people who also had this dream.

Moving forward to your dream depends on motivation and belief in success!

What is the secret of a successful startup?

Simon Senek, a speaker on the popular TED show, made the following conclusions.

100% of companies know what they do, what product and service they produce.
- Some companies understand how they differ from others, what is their competitive advantage.
-Few companies know why they are doing this business. Profit is not meant here, as it is only a result. Why is the original reason, belief in something, a dream, the engine of the process.

What can lift you out of bed in the morning? Why is your startup needed? Why should you love him? The answer to the question "Why?" is the secret key to the client's heart!

Scientists have conducted research on the most successful people and made conclusions that they think, communicate, and approach their business in a completely special way. What they do is fundamentally different from what others do.

Consider an example if apple was the same as everyone else. How she would communicate with her clients.
- We make computers. They are easy to use and beautiful to design! Want to buy?
This approach is the main one for many manufacturing companies.

A similar example in other sectors:

We have opened! Grocery store 24 hours! Come to us!
-We are large law Firm... We serve such and such prestigious clients. Waiting for you!
This approach is not effective.

What ideology does Apple have that brought them popularity?
“Everything we do, we believe that it brings new quality standards. We believe you can think differently. Believing in this, we make our products easy to use, modern and beautiful. It so happens that we make good computers, iPads, iPhones. "
The earliest buyers of these products were the first to believe what they believe.
Believing the ideology of the company that it is changing the world for the better, products are bought for a lot of money, despite the cheaper counterparts of competitors!

Another example. The first MP3 player was released by the Singaporean company Creative Technology under the name 5GB3MP, but it was not popular. 21 months later, Apple released an iPod called “100 Favorite Songs in Your Pocket,” which everyone loved. Feel the difference in the delivery of goods?

When we tell what we do, what we produce, this should not force people to buy our product. How do we make our customers loyal over the years? The demand for a product cannot be sustained simply by offering constant discounts.
You need something that will enable customers to become like-minded people with the manufacturer. And this can be done only if you broadcast ideas in which we ourselves believe.

What target audience should you attract?

Why is it important to find like-minded buyers? Because they are the engine in the formation of new demand!
There is an established rule for the development of demand. The entry of a product to the market consists of several stages:
1. 2.5% of customers who are the first to buy a product are innovators;
2. 13.5% early adopters;
3. 34% were previously the majority;
4.34% late majority
5.16% lagging behind.

The very first customers of a new product rely on intuition, impressions of the product when buying, they will be the engine of further sales through word of mouth. You need to find clients who will believe in what you are doing.

How to create a team of professionals without money?

When selecting people for a team, you need to look for like-minded people who will also believe in your idea, ready to work for free until the result, and not for the sake of getting a salary.

A striking example was the creation of Facebook, when partners-developers were offered a share in the company instead of a salary, because no one knew what this could lead to.

There are still other non-monetary motivators, for example, creating flexible schedule work, a comfortable place to work or the ability to work remotely from home, public praise for employees, arrange entertainment for them.

Where can you look for employees? Good way negotiate with higher and specialized educational institutions where to take interns to get practice as interns. In turn, you can be useful to them as a mentor.

Startup implementation instructions!

  1. Make a plan of what you would like to achieve in the market, i.e. the ultimate goal. Knowing it, you need to understand what will have to be done approximately for this. An ordinary business plan is doomed to fail here, because it is static, not flexible. Don't try to adjust the development of your new idea to some old market framework. Write what you would like, not limited to anything.
  2. Analyze the current market situation for this direction... Find niches that have the least competition. Choose one as the main one.
  3. Make a trial batch of a product or service, offer it to customers. Make sure people want to buy it.
  4. Make short-term planning for the quarter. The main emphasis should be placed on achieving immediate goals.
  5. Officially register with the tax authorities. Build a system of repetitive business processes.
  6. Release of goods and services in proportion to sales.
    No need to do big commodity stock... Minimize costs.
  7. Adjust business development.
    Take into account changes in market dynamics, remove inconvenient processes. Plan short-term, while leaving the opportunity to make prompt adjustments to the current plan.

Where to make money: 5 unique business ideas that will help you get rich! How to make money fast on the eve of the holidays? Working ways from Anatomy of Business!

According to the materials of the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, about 305 million startups are registered in the world, about 100 million are opened annually. Edible tableware, sale illiquid goods - These 2019 startup ideas have already become successful and profitable.


What is a startup and what is the secret of its success?

Translated from English startup means:

  • the beginning of the process;
  • launch;
  • start.

"Startup" does not duplicate the concepts of "small business" and "own business". Hundreds of businesses register daily, but few are referred to as startups.

Characteristics of startups

The term "startup" was first introduced by Steve Blank, a Silicon Valley entrepreneur who has successfully implemented at least eight innovative projects... By his definition, a startup is a temporary organization created to find a repeatable and easily scalable business model. However, this definition is rather vague and is interpreted differently in each industry and business region.

Nonetheless, there are a few startup-specific attributes that most entrepreneurs and investors recognize:

  1. A startup is a company that has recently been created and is in the development stage.
  2. The ability to grow and develop without geographical reference and restrictions is the key difference between startups and other types of small businesses. Small convenience store, coffee shop are not made for fast growth. True startups can reach financial indicators Volkswagen or Samsung, wherever they are.
  3. The basis of the idea is novelty. Startups are always based either on the use of innovative technologies, or on the implementation of fresh interesting ideas, or on products that have not been previously produced.
  4. Lack of start-up capital... At the dawn of startups, they were often referred to as the garage business, since their founders often did not have the money for elementary expenses. The opportunity attracts millions of people to startups. But due to funding problems, startups are forced to look for investors and register on crowdfunding platforms that raise money for attractive ideas.
  5. Lack of certainty, predictability, and a sound business plan. These qualities make startups, on the one hand, more vulnerable than any other type of business. On the other hand, it allows you to find effective iterations, quickly re-check the viability of a business model, and flexibly respond to market changes and customer needs.

The classic image of a startup:

  • a young man without start-up capital, often a yesterday's student who wants to implement some new idea;
  • profit interests him not in the first place;
  • for the sake of the project, he is ready to risk everything, so great is his interest and confidence in his success.

Principles of a Successful Startup

A startup's activities are usually associated with risk. Even with an ingenious and innovative business idea, one cannot be sure that it will be in demand.

There are a number of factors that affect the success of a startup:

  1. Idea. Its success cannot be predicted, but it must be distinguished by originality, uniqueness and practicality.
  2. Team. Commitment, professionalism and team cohesion are important for the successful and competent development of a startup. Without such a team, it is impossible to bring an idea to the market.
  3. Money. Before you go in search of funding, it is important to make the project attractive to investors. For example, to release a promotional version of a product, build a business scheme for the coming months and argue the appropriateness of the chosen business model. An additional factor that increases trust in a startup is investing your own, at least minimal, funds in its development.
  4. Time. Bill Gross, owner of the world's first business incubator, Idealab, conducted research on the activities of 200 companies launched on its platform. He found that the time factor is the most important factor in the success of a startup. It is very important not to lose the novelty of the idea and at the same time enter the market when consumers are ready to accept it. Being “on the crest of the wave” and soberly assessing people's readiness for a new product is the main quality of a startup.

The Startup Genome company during the research concluded that 94% of startups close within the first 3 years of operation.

The main reasons for failure:

  • wrong business model;
  • miss with the choice of a niche;
  • irrational use of investments.

How to choose an idea for a startup?

Generating business concepts is a skill you can learn.

To come up with a successful startup idea you need to:

  1. Determine for yourself what activity brings the most pleasure. Only an idea that captivates a person will bring success in business. Often, a hobby tells you what to actually do in life.
  2. Be interested in the latest inventions and innovations in various fields. Read about them on the Internet, use them in everyday life.
  3. To be an expert in a certain area, or even better, in several. In many areas, you can become successful only if you have some experience behind you. If a person is professionally trained in several niches at once, this significantly increases his chances of success. IT-sphere and government agencies, culinary arts and sales - it is at the junction of several activities that there are many unrealized ideas.
  4. Be able to solve problems. A startup should practice this: think about what is stopping him and the people around him - and come up with ready solution for this inconvenience. For example, the popular photo hosting website Flickr emerged during the development of an online game. Its creators could not find a convenient and simple storage for users' pictures, so they decided to create it themselves. As a result, by 2019, few people will remember the game, and Flickr is used by millions of people around the world.
  5. Improve what is already there. It is required to observe what people use every day and what causes them negative emotions - renting an apartment, obtaining documents. Find ways to help people do it easier and better.
  6. Copy, but it's better to do it. Many well-known companies started out as clones, but they added something of their own to the already existing successful business model. This can be an unusual distribution channel, interesting bonuses for customers, or special quality guarantees. The same applies to products - old things will sound completely different after improving or adding just a couple of options.
  7. Follow the global market conditions. New fashion trends are constantly appearing in business circles - today there is a demand for mini-gardens, and tomorrow there will be a boom in coworking for mothers. Such trends are unevenly spread throughout the world. You can have time to get inspired by new ideas and create something of your own before it becomes a mass phenomenon.
  8. Travel. It is worth looking at the world through the eyes of people from another country, studying their achievements, life and culture. The best that is available abroad can often be successfully realized at home.
  9. Consider creating custom options for new markets. Recently launched products from successful market players promise great opportunities for those who quickly react to changes and are able to complement them in an original way. Bitcoin applications, Facebook services, grandiose construction projects - all this attracts both investors and enterprising businessmen.
  10. Go out with successful people... Many businessmen have more ideas in their arsenal than they can manage to implement. I. Musk gave the idea of \u200b\u200bproduction and sale solar panels closest relatives. Their company, SolarCity, currently generates billions of dollars in revenue each year.

The most interesting ideas for startups from around the world

Before starting to come up with a business model, it is useful to familiarize yourself with the most interesting startups that have appeared recently or are gaining momentum.

Nevertheless, the projects listed below are already considered successful and bring profit to their owners:

  • edible tableware;
  • pressed napkins for restaurants;
  • release of mobile applications;
  • opening of an economy store;
  • production of light bulbs that simulate daylight;
  • release of shampoo in special packaging.

Edible tableware

Edible tableware does not pollute the environment and does not require disposal or washing. The idea is attractive to customers for its originality and novelty.

Pursuing the same goals various companies implement it in different ways:

  1. In 2017, the KFC fast food restaurant chain offered its customers coffee in edible cups from. Inside, the "dish" is covered with special heat-resistant chocolate, and outside it is painted with sugar in the corporate style of the company. The chocolate layer slightly sweetens the drink and prevents it from leaking out. Of course, coffee cannot stay in such a container for a long time - it is better to drink it right away, but this does not bother visitors at all. In order to make customers even more interested in the novelty, there is an opportunity to choose not only the taste of the glass, but even its smell. Freshly cut grass, coconut cream, wildflowers - such aromas, according to the creators of edible containers, will help you enjoy the drink to the fullest.
  2. There are edible glasses that resemble jelly or dense marmalade in structure, with different flavors - orange, raspberry, apple and cherry. They are suitable for serving alcohol, juices, mineral water and ice cream.
  3. Cups are not the only thing you can eat after your meal. Tureens made from specially baked bread and bowls for main courses made from vegetable and fruit fibers have recently been used in restaurants of the ButtFoods chain.
  4. In Japan, startups came up with the idea of \u200b\u200bproducing sets of dishes from flour, salt and water for several catering establishments at once.
  5. In France, soups are served in special cheese bowls.
  6. In Spain, designer Monieux is experimenting with rice flour-based edible dishes, adding plant extracts and seeds to it. It is expected that the "green" dishes will be especially popular with picnic lovers.

Such startups help improve the environment and have a positive effect on the income of the institution. After all, edible plates and cups are not just for serving food, they also make a profit, positioning themselves as a delicious and fashionable novelty.

Jelly cups Cup KFC Unleavened dough dishes Plate for first courses

Compressed napkins for restaurants

This innovation is intended to replace the outdated approach to hygiene in places catering... Visitors to cafes and restaurants are offered special tablets that turn into napkins after being placed in a special disinfectant solution. The pressed fabric “unfolds” in front of customers, acquiring a pleasant aroma and becoming an excellent hand sanitizer.

Release of mobile applications

Minimum cash investment in development with high potential profitability is what attracts startups and investors to mobile technologies.

Novice startups with limited resources should pay attention to special cross-platform applications:

  • Cordova;
  • Xamarin.

With their help, it is easy to create a variety of mobile applications using only one front-end programmer for development.

Upon reaching an impressive number of clients, it will be possible to start monetizing the project through:

  • advertising sales;
  • paid version of the application;
  • leads.

The Mobile Applications for All channel introduces the viewer to detailed instructions for beginners to create an application for mobile devices.

Opening of an economy store

Often, startups are not only profitable, but also represent social value for society. The Danish supermarket BeFood is displaying goods that in other stores would definitely be subject to write-off. On the shelves you can see expired products, semi-finished products in crumpled or torn packages, etc. This project has reduced the amount of food wasted in Denmark by a quarter. Thanks to its implementation, thousands of people who had to save money were able to start eating varied and complete.

Production of light bulbs that simulate daylight

The production of lighting equipment will be a great idea for business if you start producing not just bulbs, but ones that simulate daylight. Such light is not only much more pleasant than "ordinary" artificial, but also more useful. Innovative light bulbs allow you to adjust the intensity of the light flux depending on the time of day. The disadvantage of the development is the high price for the domestic market (about $ 70 per 1 piece), which does not interfere with the growth of popularity abroad.

Shampoo release in special packaging

Liquid hygiene products are a daily product. They are usually packaged in plastic bottles that have a decay time of hundreds of years. Using the special packaging from the creators of Nephentes, you can take care of personal hygiene without causing harm. environment... The idea of \u200b\u200bthe startup is to sell care cosmetics to stores in huge packages, which are then bottled on the spot in customers' nephentes bottles, which are reusable containers.

Its design is thought out to the smallest detail:

  • bright;
  • stylish;
  • convenient;
  • instead of caps - a bending bottle neck.

Refillable bottle from the makers of Nephentes

Relevant startup ideas for business with minimal investment

Startup projects as a type of entrepreneurship allow people who have limited financial capabilities and live in a small town.

After reading the ideas below, you can choose the one you like best from the list and with minimal cost organize your own business:

  • consultations on the Internet;
  • advertising services;
  • teaching;
  • production of hand-made goods;
  • beauty services;
  • photo processing and retouching;
  • organization of events;
  • resale of things;
  • repair services to the population;
  • catering and catering;
  • breeding of animals.

Online consulting

All that is needed to launch a project is a computer and an installed program with which to make web calls (for example, Skype). By providing advice on the Web, you can earn decent amounts without leaving your home. The topics of the sessions are limited only by experience and imagination.

This could be:

  • legal support of transactions;
  • providing psychological assistance;
  • conducting master classes.

Advertising services

Creative people can try their hand at. All that is needed for this is the necessary office equipment and a creative mindset. You can start developing an advertising business without an office or even a team. With a competent approach and diligence, you can organize a professional advertising agency from scratch.


90% of business ideas from scratch are related to the provision of services.

An impressive service delivery is based on educating clients in specific skills and knowledge. By sharing your information and experience with people, you can get a decent monetary reward for this. The greatest demand for such a service is in the spring months, when future students begin to prepare for admission to higher education. schools... You can start with hourly lessons and online training. Developing a business, over time, you can build an author's school with students from different cities of the world.

Hand-made goods production

Manual labor, piece work, is especially appreciated among consumers.

The most popular hand-made directions:

  • scrapbooking;
  • felting;
  • jewelry;
  • quilling;
  • decoupage;
  • woodworking;
  • soap making;
  • patchwork.

There are many regional and global trading platforms where craftsmen place their products for free:

  • ETCI;

With the growth of income and customer base, it will be possible to think about creating an online store and patenting your brand.

Beauty services

You can start working at home or visit a client.

At the client's home, you can do:

  • haircuts;
  • manicure.

To build a client base, it is enough to beautifully maintain a profile in social. networks and do the job well.

Photo editing and retouching

If you have the skills to work with programs and applications for photo processing, it is quite easy to become a sought-after specialist. Over time, it will be possible not only to perform image correction, but also teach other people to do this.

Organization of events

Starting a business is most effective with children's parties, since such an audience is the least demanding. With the acquisition of experience, you can expand the range of services to hold thematic corporate events and organize concerts.

Resale of things

To launch a commercial project, it is not at all necessary to purchase large quantities of products and spend significant budgets on advertising.

Most Popular trading platformsallowing you to display your goods for free:

  • Avito;
  • Ebay;
  • Irr.

It is enough to find a reliable supplier with a reasonable price, willing to send goods directly to customers. The markup on the product is the direct profit.

This scheme, called "dropshipping", is used by most of the sellers on the web. Having studied the demand and the main trends, over time, you can open your own online store.

Repair services to the population

All that is needed to implement the idea is a set of tools and the ability to use them. Despite the large number of offers on the market, "husbands for an hour" are in great demand. If you still figure out how to stand out from the competition, you can achieve excellent results in this niche.

Catering and catering

Starting a business based on your love of cooking is not difficult. The options for organizing a business model in this area are varied.

Having chosen the food sphere, you can:

  • make cakes to order;
  • prepare takeaway food;
  • spend evenings in the "Dinner Party" format.

Animal breeding

For successful breeding of animals, it is necessary to find out which species and breeds are used most in demand and analyze your capabilities.

Most popular industries:

  • breeding livestock;
  • fish farming;
  • ostrich farm;
  • breeding of exotic animals.

When you start creating a project of your whole life (or at least one that you are not going to sell for a year), you should forget about investments for a very long time. Both Russian and Western investors assure us that the longer a company can stay afloat without external injections, the better.

First, the founder of the project will be able to change the development strategy of the startup without the need to prepare reports and presentations for investors. Secondly, there will be no fear that the investor will sell his share to others or wish to withdraw from the project and demand a buyback of the shares. Thirdly, this will show the possibility of the project to exist without external injections and in the future will be more highly appreciated by investors. Fourth, the founder of the startup will be its sole owner. And it's worth a lot.

The stage when a startup lives on its own money and does not attract investment is called bootstrapped in the professional environment. It is often used instead of Pre-seed investments, when a startup takes money for development out of his own pocket, and not from a private investor or from an accelerator who needs to give a few percent of the project.

No external investment

Above, we briefly talked about the reasons when you can give up investments for some time. Meanwhile, few people take these reasons seriously. The point is that every startup is based on the idea of \u200b\u200bits founder. Then there is a desire to do or change something. As a result, when the team gathers and everyone starts to “be creative”, the thought may arise that the original idea is nonsense and absolutely everything needs to be changed. This can happen several times until the idea finds itself and is not implemented. It's like with Instagram, which was not originally conceived as social network for photos.

All this is testing hypotheses, ways of development, strategies. It takes time, but it can exist without huge investments. Especially if the team consists of only a few people, does not require an office and huge resources for development. In Russia, investors do not want to wait for a return on their investment for five years and demand results here and now. Not all funds in the United States are ready to wait several years for the return of their investments and deal with startups that have not even found themselves.

Why investment is needed

A good startup cannot survive long without investment. There are several perfectly rational reasons for this.

Development. Many startups take money precisely to open multiple offices around the world and aggressively capture the market. For example, when Airbnb or Uber attracted new rounds of investments, the money went to open offices in several countries and work in local markets. The money is spent on recruiting staff, marketing, advertising. This is necessary, since it is not easy to grow on your own funds and there may simply not be enough money for all the necessary expenses. Entering new markets requires a lot of effort and expense.

Staff. For the rapid development of a startup and company, people with experience are needed. Often, founders of startups take this adequately and are willing to pay large sums of compensation to eminent top managers for their work. A great example is Eric Schmidt, who took over as CEO of Google in place of the young Larry Page and Sergey Brin. Large startups hire experienced marketers, staff that work with the press, external audiences, and developers. Do not think that a startup will be able to survive at the expense of students and freelancers alone: \u200b\u200bif the project goes beyond the room in the apartment and chat in Skype, the right people can seriously affect the quality of growth.

Competitors... Each the year of Coca-Cola spends several billion dollars on marketing. And all so that Pepsi does not bypass it. There is a lot of competition in every market, and even a startup that provides unique services, will not be able to remain so for long. A great example is shown in the series "Silicon Valley", where a large corporation with huge resources began to copy the idea of \u200b\u200ba simple guy. Real life is no different. Additional monetary resources allow you to bypass the competitor in terms of the speed of new product development and marketing.

Mentors. Often, investments are not only money, but also huge resources of the investor. Angels, foundations - they all have not only money, but also knowledge, acquaintances, experience. A startup can use all this for his project. For example, everyone who falls under the influence of Paul Graham from Y Combinator assures that a person gives a lot of great advice, and even an hour walk with him can affect the further development of the entire project.

Who can do without investment

Often these are startups that live on one or more simple projects. For example, Mac Paw provides several Mac applications, of which Clean My Mac is the most popular. The application is so powerful that it sells itself - you do not need a lot of money for advertising, as well as resources to create a project. Today the Mac Paw staff does not exceed several dozen people, and they simply do not need external investments. The same situation is with many developers who live on one or more projects, the income from which is enough for independent existence and development.

Local startups, which will not enter new markets, almost never attract investments. Aggressive marketing with a top manager from another country can only harm them. For example, small clothing brands and establishments usually do well without external money. The conclusion is simple: you need to take money when you need it. Otherwise, they will go to what is not necessary.

Contrary to popular belief, a startup is not just any nascent project. This is a special type of business, the main features of which are minimal investment and non-standard approach to solve the problem. Biznes.ru figured out which startups are relevant now and whether it is possible to learn how to generate ideas for startups from scratch.

How to find an idea for starting a business

To understand the hottest startup ideas, you need to understand what separates a startup from a business. Here are the main criteria for a startup:

  • minimum starting investment;
  • fast business start-up;
  • the prospect of rapid development;
  • innovative creative solutions;
  • lack of an adequate alternative on the market.

Considering successful ideas for startups from scratch, one most important condition can be distinguished - the idea must be really needed. I.e home business the startup idea should help the interested audience to clearly and quickly solve a specific problem.

Have you been nurturing a startup idea for a long time, but don't have enough time to implement it? Untie your hands by outsourcing some of the paperwork of bookkeeping to service specialists

Actual startup ideas for business

You don't have to reinvent the wheel to find a startup idea. Just look at what's important at the moment potential clients and consumers. Regardless of social status and degree of wealth, for any person there are common important areas of life:

  • health;
  • quality nutrition and keeping fit;
  • comfortable living conditions;
  • the ability to quickly resolve any issues;
  • education and professional achievements;
  • beauty and appearance;
  • movement, travel;
  • comfortable permanent and temporary housing;
  • fixed salary.

The motto of a startup idea is: if you see a problem, find a way to solve it quickly and easily. Considering the basic requirements of people's lives and modern technologies, the most relevant types of fast business can be identified.

Online consulting

Services with online consulting of specialized specialists are now at their peak of popularity, the help of doctors and lawyers is especially in demand.

When creating a medical consulting service, it is better to initially set certain narrow specifics. For example, online consultation with a doctor on children's health or cardiovascular diseases. Many people do not have time to visit a doctor, so when health problems arise, most users search the Internet for information.

The same can be said for legal advice. The majority of citizens sometimes simply do not know where and to whom to contact. Fast and high-quality online consultation will save them from wandering around forums and tedious attempts to google the answer.

Production and delivery of ready meals

Despite the fact that catering companies are quite common in the field of modern services, the demand for quality food never falls. An important factor This idea for a startup from scratch stands for quality, assortment and organized delivery.

The advantages of this type of business are minimum investment, equipment for cooking and purchasing products do not require large financial costs and quickly pay off. Starting with the delivery of lunches and lunches to the nearest offices, you can increase the reach of clients and diversify the types of services - off-site banquets, corporate events in nature, organization and service of weddings.

Computer repair and maintenance

Computer repair today - is it large service centres with a high price list, or private masters, whose honesty is sometimes questionable. A start-up idea in this area is to create a democratic team of computer scientists who understand hardware and programmers. You can start working with services at home, and in the future, the development prospects depend on the degree of ambition and correct organization work.

Help in solving everyday issues

"Husbands for an hour" and "wives for an hour" did not just appear in the life of modern townspeople. More and more often we do not have enough time for the simplest household actions: clean, cook, fix a leaking tap.

Take a look at the ad feed, study the demand. Many people constantly require services for small household repair, maintenance of home appliances, cleaning of premises. Companies that provide repair services for plumbing, furniture, household appliances never remain without work and clients. The same goes for cleaning services, household help. This small business startup idea never loses its relevance.


Educational reforms are bringing tutoring to a very high degree of demand. Help for children and future graduates is most often required in the Russian language, mathematics and specialized subjects, knowledge of which is necessary for admission to a university. Adults need tutors for foreign languages, which is associated with the need to communicate with foreign partners.

Sports apps and online classes

Good physical shape in modern world - not only a requirement for health, but also an important aspect of success. And here again the problem of time arises - not everyone has the opportunity to visit gym, therefore, online classes with the advice of a professional trainer, personal complexes are becoming more and more in demand. An additional bonus when promoting this idea for a startup is the sale of related products, equipment and accessories for sports activities.

Production, sale, delivery of building materials

Building materials are always in demand, and if there is a possibility of independent production, taking into account the wishes of the client and an oriented pricing system, the demand will only grow.

Development of mobile applications

Many types of services - counseling, tutoring, sports activities, diets and nutrition systems - can be created as a mobile application. High-quality applications for smartphones, despite the large number of proposals, will always be of interest.

Development and launch of browser games

Browser game is not only an opportunity to get away from everyday affairs and worries, but also a way to find a circle of friends with interests, to get certain achievements... If it is possible to assemble a team of professional programmers, web developers and graphic designers, then the creation of computer games can be an effective idea for a startup with subsequent development.



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