Federal service for the regulation of the alcohol market. Connecting to egais Retail egais

After the introduction of EGAIS at retail trade enterprises their interaction with suppliers alcoholic products will be built as follows.

  1. The manufacturing organization, importer or wholesaler of products fixes consignment notes in EGAIS. The volume of shipped products is reserved on the balance of the sender in EGAIS.
  2. The recipient organization of the products (retail trade organization), through its own accounting system or otherwise, through the EGAIS Universal Transport Module (hereinafter referred to as UTM), receives all invoices sent to it.
  3. If the organization agrees to accept the products specified in the invoices, the organization confirms receipt. In case of detection of an actual shortage of products compared to the volumes indicated in the electronic invoices, if the organization wishes to accept such products, an act of discrepancies is formed with the corrected quantity. The act through UTM gets to the sender of products, while the sender can agree with the act. In this case, only the amount agreed with the recipient will be debited from the sender's balance. In case of disagreement of the sender with the act of discrepancies, he refuses the act and then the entire invoice is refused and the entire volume remains on the balances of the sender.

EGAIS work in the wholesale-retail link

  1. In the event that an actual excess of products is found in comparison with the volumes indicated in electronic invoices, if the organization wishes to accept such products, the recipient organization confirms the invoice. For an excess amount, the sender generates an additional invoice.
  2. In case of disagreement to accept the products specified in the invoices, the recipient organization refuses the incoming invoice. Rejected products remain on the balance of the sender.
  3. Rosalkogolregulirovanie processes all incoming documents and through the UTM returns to the organization receipts for fixing data in the Unified State Automated Information System.

How will EGAIS work in retail?

In accordance with the new legislation, the sale of each unit of alcoholic beverages must be recorded in the EGAIS system. The cashier must have at the checkout 2D scanner that is capable ofread the necessary information from a special or excise stamp. After scanning it processed EGAIS cash module and with electronic digital signature is transmitted to the server of Rosalkogolregulirovanie. Thus, accounting is carried out in the "online" mode.

To date, the system has been installed and is already operating in some large retail chains, such as Magnit, Dixy and X5 RetailGroup - Perekrestok store.

Changes in the work of the cashier

In connection with the introduction of EGAIS, there will be some changes in the usual sequence of actions of staff at the checkout (only when selling alcoholic beverages):

  1. The buyer brings products to the checkout, among which there is alcohol;
  2. The cashier reads the EAN of the item;
  3. When reading the EAN of alcoholic products, the request “Scan the bar code of the brand” appears on the cash register screen;
  4. Using a 2D scanner, the cashier reads the FSM / AM barcode;
  5. Upon successful reading of the FSM / AM Barcode, the product is added to the receipt, otherwise the sale of this product is canceled;
  6. If all the goods are included in the check, the cashier presses the "Total" button;
  7. The cash register software generates an xml file and sends it to the EGAIS software (Transport Terminal);
  8. The Transport Terminal generates a receipt and returns it to the cash desk;
  9. The check is closed with the print of a slip of alcoholic products;
  10. The buyer, having read the QR code from the slip of alcoholic products, can check its legality;

What if the alcoholic product does not break through?

If for some reason the EGAIS software ( Transport Terminal) does not send a receipt to the cashier, that is, does not confirm the legality of the product, the alcoholic product is removed from the receipt to complete the sale of the rest of the non-alcoholic product.

Why didn't alcohol make it to the check?

There are two main reasons why a unit of alcoholic products does not break through:

The main reasons that the barcode is not readable:

  • non-compliance of the printed barcode with GOST (low readability category);
  • abrasion of the brand surface during transportation;
  • curvature of the surface of the applied brand due to the characteristics of the container;
  • applying decorative materials to consumer packaging (conditionally);
  • Combining several units of consumer packaging into a group container (conditionally);
  • Use of souvenir packaging (conditionally).

How to avoid problems with alcoholic products at the checkout?

  1. Pay attention to the presence and quality of labeling of alcoholic products;
  2. Carefully handle alcohol products, avoiding damage or difficulty reading the brand;
  3. Work with trusted suppliers;
  4. Check the legality of alcoholic products before they enter the trading floor.

The seller must know what's on the counter!

Reducing the risk of counterfeit products entering the sales area

The EGAIS system allows you to check the authenticity of alcoholic products not only at the time of sale at the checkout. By registering on the Rosalkogolregulirovanie website, the store owner can check his goods at any time.

This will require:

  • access to the personal account of the FS RAR;
  • (modified to work with the system).

In this article, we will try to highlight the topic of EGAIS, talk about the goals of implementing the system, the risks that enterprises bear in connection with its implementation, regulators and the necessary training.

The system is an automated data system for state accounting and control over the turnover of alcoholic products (hereinafter referred to as AP), namely production, storage, delivery, export, wholesale and retail trade.

  1. Stores purchasing alcoholic beverages in bulk are required to record these wholesale purchases in the system.
  2. Retail sales of beer, beer drinks, as well as cider, poiret and mead, are not recorded in the system, and the rest of the alcoholic products are recorded from 07/01/2017.

Who is responsible for the functioning of the system

In accordance with Article 5 of Federal Law No. 171 "On state regulation production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products and on limiting the consumption (drinking) of alcoholic products "dated 11/22/1995 and Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 522 dated 05/25/2006 provision of CenterInform JSC.

Who is required to join

Direction Activity Fixation
Retail Organizations_producing_beer_and_beer drinks with a production capacity of more than 300 thousand decaliters per year production
Organizations engaged in the production of beer and beer drinks with a production capacity of less than 300 thousand decaliters per year turnover
Wholesalers Organizations engaged in the purchase, storage and supply of AP turnover
Manufacturers Individual entrepreneurs and organizations that purchase only beer and beer drinks for the purpose of subsequent retail such products purchase fact
Organizations Catering retailers of alcoholic beverages and beer (restaurants, bars, cafes, etc.) purchase fact
Organizations engaged in the retail sale of alcoholic products in urban areas purchase fact
retail from 7.17.
Organizations engaged in the retail sale of alcoholic beverages in rural settlements purchase fact
retail from 7.17.

What you need to connect retail

Set technical means - this is: a PC with an installed UTM module and a special media with a CEP certificate for the system and an RSA key recorded on it.

Name Price
1 a computer
more than 2 GB RAM, 100 GB disk space, conventional processor, Windows 7 Starter or higher, Java 8 or higher
16 000 rub.
2 scanner_for_reading_barcode_PDF417 1 500 rub.
3 JaCarta crypto key with built-in PKI/GOST crypto provider 2 500 rub.
4 enhanced qualified electronic signature
a qualified electronic signature is used to sign files transferred to the EGAIS system: waybills, acts, checks. The certificate is produced and issued to an authorized person of the organization.
included in the price of the crypto-key
5 cash register compatible with the system
The cash register (CRE) must be equipped with a clock set to the real time of the area where this equipment is installed and used (Letter of the Ministry of Finance No. 03-01-15 / 28072 dated 05.05.2017).
18 000 rub.
6 software UTM Free at http://fsrar.ru/
7 stable internet connection from 256 kbps Mobinternet

How many kits are needed for LLC and IP

For Limited Liability Companies

  1. Technical means are purchased for each separate subdivision YL, which has a unique combination of TIN-KPP. Each such unit must use your own set technical means.
  2. These technologies must be used at the place of activity specified in the license wholesale or retail trade in alcoholic beverages.
  3. For organizations that sell only beer, technical means are placed at the address of registration of a separate subdivision of a legal entity that sells beer.

For Individual Entrepreneurs

  1. For individual entrepreneurs selling beer at retail, only one set of technical equipment is required.
  2. Hardware kit can be installed to any address carrying out the activities of this individual entrepreneur.

Connecting to the system

You can connect to the system yourself, for this you need to register in " personal account»on the system website http://egais.ru/, and the video instruction at the link http://egais.ru/instrukcii.

The essence of the EGAIS system is that each producer or seller of alcohol, wholesale or retail, must enter data on his work into it.

Thus, ideally, the state will be able to monitor the turnover of alcohol and simply catch counterfeit products on the market - and there have been more of them recently, as a result of a sharp increase in the excise tax on alcohol.

Connection order

1. Purchase a qualified certificate electronic signature GOST (CEP) and a special carrier.

The CEP certificate is written to a hardware crypto-key (Jacarata SE or Rutoken EDS 2.0) - a certified key carrier, a special usb device designed to create, securely store and use CEP keys. Required amount CEP certificates are determined by the number of separate divisions of the organization that sells alcoholic products, including beer and beer drinks. For each separate subdivision that has a unique combination of TIN-KPP, a separate QEP certificate is ordered. It is enough for individual entrepreneurs selling beer and beer drinks to order one CEP certificate.

2. Get a certificate on the egais.ru website for establishing a secure connection with EGAIS (RSA key).

This certificate is issued free of charge, it is necessary for organizing a secure connection and identifying the organization in the system.

To create an RSA key:

Log in to the organization's personal account on the EGAIS portal egais.ru using the CEP certificate received earlier.

Select the "Get Key" section in the side menu. On the page that opens, you can view the locations of your organization's activities.

Select from the list the place of activity for which a specific hardware key is intended and click the "Generate key" button. In this case, the required RSA key will be generated on a special medium.

3. Get the distribution kit of the program "Universal Transport Module" (UTM) and its description on the site egais.ru.

This software module is required to interact with EGAIS, it belongs to the EGAIS software and is distributed free of charge.

To obtain a UTM distribution kit, you need

Log in to your personal account on the egais.ru website and go to the "Transport module" section.

Get the UTM software distribution kit from the appropriate link and install it on a dedicated computer

After receiving the distribution kit, you will be able to install and configure UTM, set up information interaction between the accounting solution used and UTM.

Additionally for retail stores - until 07/01/2016

Contact the supplier of your cash register software to bring it in line with " Technical requirements» module UTM

Those involved in the retail sale of alcoholic products, before July 1, 2017, must also contact the supplier of the cash register software used to bring it into line with the technical requirements.

Using the system

EGAIS is maintained in in electronic format using software. Rosalkogolregulirovanie or an authorized customs body, using software, carry out the fixation of information in the Unified State Automated Information System and the direction of the organization, agricultural producer or individual entrepreneur in electronic form via information and telecommunication networks confirming the fixation of information or notification of refusal to fix.

The order of work of sellers

1. Fixing the sale to the consumer

The introduction of the Unified State Automated Information System will entail a number of changes in the usual work of the retail store staff, primarily the cashier. The sale of labeled alcoholic products in the store will be carried out as follows:

  1. The buyer brings products to the checkout, among which there are labeled alcoholic products.
  2. The cashier reads the EAN-13 linear bar code of each purchased item.
  3. If this code refers to alcoholic products, then the cash register software will require the cashier to scan a PDF-417 two-dimensional barcode with FSM/AM applied to alcoholic products. With the help of a 2D scanner, the cashier reads this code.
  4. Upon successful reading of the two-dimensional bar code from the FSM/AM, the product (alcoholic beverage) is added to the check, otherwise the sale of this product is canceled.
  5. When all the goods are included in the receipt, the cashier presses the “Total” button.
  6. The cash register software generates an xml file containing information about the alcohol products sold and sends it to the EGAIS software (UTM).
  7. UTM generates a receipt and returns it to the cashier.
  8. The check is closed with the AP QR code printed on it.
  9. The buyer, having read the QR code from the check, can check the legality of the AP.

1. Fixing the wholesale purchase of alcohol for sale to the end consumer Yu

After the introduction of the system at retail trade enterprises, their interaction with suppliers of alcoholic products will be built according to the following scheme:

1. Product sender(manufacturer, importer or wholesaler) fixes consignment notes in EGAIS . The volume of shipped products is reserved on the balance of the sender in the system.

2. Recipient of products (retail store or another wholesaler) receives all waybills sent to him through the Universal Transport Module (UTM).

The recipient agrees to accept the products.

In this case, the recipient acknowledges receipt.

An actual shortage of products was detected compared to the volumes indicated in electronic invoices, the following options are available:

  • If the recipient wishes to accept such products, a discrepancy report is generated with the corrected quantity. The act through UTM gets to the sender and to EGAIS.
  • If the sender agrees with the act of discrepancy, only the volume agreed with the recipient will be deducted from its balance.
  • If the sender does not agree with the act of discrepancies, he refuses the act and then the entire invoice is refused and the entire volume remains on the balances of the sender.

Actual excess of product detected compared to the volumes indicated in electronic invoices, here, again, options are possible:

  • If the recipient wishes to accept such products, he confirms the invoice. For an excess amount, the sender generates an additional invoice.
  • If the recipient does not agree to accept the products specified in the invoices, he refuses the incoming invoice. Rejected products remain on the balance of the sender.

4. All invoices, acts, as well as confirmations / refusals are recorded in the EGAIS repository. FSRAR processes all incoming documents and, through the UTM, returns to the sender receipts for fixing data in the Unified State Automated Information System.

According to the manufacturer, EGAIS allows you to:

  1. ensure the completeness and reliability of accounting for the production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products; with the possibility of detailing to the subject of the Russian Federation, manufacturer, type, product name, strength, volume, correctness of excise tax calculation;
  2. ensure the maintenance of records of imports of alcohol and alcoholic products with control over the correctness of the calculation of excise duty;
  3. ensure the accounting of federal special stamps and excise stamps;
  4. to analyze the state and trends in the development of production and turnover of ethyl alcohol and alcoholic products on the territory of the Russian Federation and its regions;
  5. hinder the sale of counterfeit products by checking the accompanying documents certifying the legality of the production and circulation of ethyl alcohol and alcoholic products.

The law also provides that:

  • software and hardware of organizations engaged in these types of activities, using equipment to record the volume of turnover (except for imports) of labeled alcoholic products, must ensure reading from federal special stamps and (or) excise stamps of information about such products specified in paragraph 3.1 of Article 12 Federal Law of November 22, 1995 No. No. 171 FZ "On state regulation of the production and circulation of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products and on limiting the consumption (drinking) of alcoholic products", as well as receiving and transmitting information on the circulation (except for imports) of such products;
  • software and hardware of organizations engaged in these types of activities, using equipment to record the volume of turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcohol-containing products, beer and beer drinks, cider, poiret, mead, as well as individual entrepreneurs that purchase beer and beer drinks, cider, poiret, mead for the purpose of subsequent retail sale of such products, must ensure the receipt and transmission of information on the turnover of such products.

Legislation about the system

1. Federal Law No. 171

1.1. The main law in the field of regulation of the production and circulation of alcoholic and alcohol-containing products is Federal Law No. 171-FZ dated November 22, 1995 “On state regulation of the production and circulation of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products and on limiting the consumption (drinking) of alcoholic products” .

2. Government Decisions (GD)

2.1. RF GD No. 1459 dated December 29, 2015 “On the functioning of a unified state automated information system for recording the volume of production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products”

2.2. PP on the labeling of alcoholic products:

  • RF GD No. 785 dated December 21, 2005 “On the labeling of alcoholic products with federal special marks”
  • RF GD No. 866 dated December 31, 2005 “On labeling alcoholic products with excise stamps”

2.3. RF GD No. 864 dated December 31, 2005 “On the certificate to the bill of lading for ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products and on amendments to some resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation”

3. Orders of Rosalkogolregulirovanie

  1. Order No. 33n dated May 12, 2010 “On approval of the list of information on labeled alcoholic products applied to federal special stamps and read using technical means of the unified state automated information system for recording the volume of production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products, as well as the application format specified information"
  2. Order No. 43n dated 07/01/2010 "On approval of the list of information contained in the unified state automated information system for recording the volume of production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products provided to organizations engaged in the production and (or) circulation (excluding retail sales) of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products.
  3. Order No. 191 dated July 12, 2012 “On approval of samples, a list of details and security elements of federal special stamps”
  4. Order No. 193 dated 08/01/2013 "On approval of the administrative regulations for the provision by the Federal Service for Regulation of the Alcohol Market public service for maintaining a unified state automated information system for recording the volume of production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products "
  5. Order No. 149 dated May 21, 2014 “On approval of application forms for fixing in the unified state automated information system for recording the volume of production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products, information about the organization engaged in the production and (or) turnover (except for retail sales) of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products, on products, on the volume of production and turnover of products, on documents authorizing and accompanying the production and circulation of products, confirmations of fixation and notifications of refusal to fix specified information, as well as the form and procedure for filling in requests from organizations for the provision of information contained in the unified state automated information system for recording the volume of production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products, and certificates provided by territorial bodies Federal Service on the regulation of the alcohol market based on these requests"
  6. Order No. 231 of August 23, 2012 “On the Procedure for Filling in Declarations on the Volume of Production, Turnover and (or) Use of Ethyl Alcohol, Alcoholic and Alcohol-Containing Products, and on the Use of Production Facilities”
  7. Order No. 164 dated June 19, 2015 “On the form of the register for the volume of retail sales of alcoholic and alcohol-containing products and the procedure for filling it out.”
  8. Order No. 414 dated December 3, 2015 “On Approval of Application Forms for Recording in the Unified State Automated Information System for Recording the Volume of Production and Turnover of Ethyl Alcohol, Alcoholic and Alcohol-Containing Products, Information on the Organization Producing and (or) Turning (Except for Retail Sales) of Ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products, on products, on the volume of production and turnover of products, on documents authorizing and accompanying the production and turnover of products, confirmations of fixing and notifications of refusal to fix the specified information, as well as the form and procedure for filling in requests from organizations for providing information contained in the unified state automated information system for recording the volume of production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products, and certificates provided by the territorial bodies of the Federal Service for Regulation of the Alcohol Market on the basis of these requests owls."

Responsibility for not connecting to the system

For violation of the procedure for fixing information in the Unified State Automated Information System and (or) not connecting to the system, it is possible to bring to administrative responsibility under Article 14.19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation and impose a fine:

  • for IP and officials organizations - from 10,000 rubles to 15,000 rubles;
  • for organizations - from 150,000 rubles to 200,000 rubles.

History of EGAIS ( brief reference)

The main functional purpose of the EGAIS system is to provide information and technological support for the tasks set forth in the Federal Law No. 171 FZ of November 22, 1995 "On state regulation of the production and circulation of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products."

Since 2005, the system has been introduced for mandatory use by enterprises working with wholesale quantities of alcohol-containing products.

In 2012, Rosalkogolregulirovanie announced the need to use EGAIS in retail alcoholic products. The system was developed by the main research computer center of the Federal Tax Service.

A retail program for connecting to EGAIS is required for legal sales alcohol on shopping facilities. To use it, you need access to the Internet, software and the presence of an electronic digital device at the facility. The program is valid from 01/01/2016 (only purchase is reflected).


From January 1, 2016, all business participants engaged in the sale of alcoholic products are required to report on the products accepted for balance (including catering points) through the EGAIS sales control program

This requires registration in the EGAIS system, which can be performed directly on the Internet. And from 07/01/2016 is also subject to a report retail turnover vodka. This measure was introduced to exclude the shadow circulation of alcoholic products.

In practice, this has already led to additional problems for entrepreneurs. Absolutely all stores must connect to the system in order to perform the following actions:

  1. Confirm receipt of products (paper and electronic invoices must match);
  2. Issue an act of discrepancies (if the actual number of bottles indicated in the documents and brought in differs);
  3. Submit a report on the number of alcoholic beverages sold;
  4. Write off goods that are not subject to sale for various reasons.

A complete transition to EGAIS to certify the fact of the purchase of all points selling strong alcohol in cities is determined by July 1, 2016, for towns, villages (agricultural settlements) - until July 1, 2017, for Sevastopol and the Republic of Crimea - until July 1, 2018 . It is possible to legally sell vodka and similar drinks after this date in a certain region only if you have access to automated system in the shop.

Rules for working with EGAIS when selling alcohol at retail:

  • Availability of software installed on the device of the object;
  • A working 2D scanner connected to a computer and a cash register;
  • Access to the global network required for the exchange of information with the regulatory body;
  • Printing a receipt with a two-dimensional barcode (QR code).

The latter is necessary so that the buyer can independently verify the authenticity of alcohol by reading the encrypted information from a piece of paper. To complete the task on a smartphone, it is necessary to synchronize several devices: a retail sales accounting system, a connection to the Unified State Automated Information System, the Internet.

This calculation is only approximate, because additional costs will be required: training of sellers, expendable materials for technology and much more.

For the sale of alcohol bypassing the new order, that is, not through the EGAIS system, from July 1, 2016, large fines will be applied: up to 15,000 rubles - for directors and managing organizations, individual entrepreneurs, 150,000-200,000 rubles. - for companies.

Criticism of the system:

  1. Uniformity. All shops selling alcohol must connect to the FRSAR, however, the turnover and opportunities of outlets, for example, in large cities and in rural areas settlements varies greatly.
  2. Access to the Internet. In many regions of Russia, there are problems with the stability of the connection to the global network, not everywhere it is possible to install it cheaply (if the store is located far from telephone and cable networks).
  3. High cost. As the above calculation shows, compliance with the requirements of the law will cost a round sum.

Who should connect to EGAIS?

The system is mandatory for sellers of all spirits, with the exception of beer drinks, mead, beer, poiret and cider. Any other alcoholic products from July 1, 2016 cannot be sold without using the system described above. This tool should be adopted as legal entities, and entrepreneurs, regardless of the number of stores.

As for public catering outlets, they must record the fact of purchasing alcoholic beverages, but this can be done without additional equipment - you only need to register in the system and access the Internet. Therefore, cafes and restaurants should not experience any particular difficulties from innovation.

Some programs (for example, the solution from the My Warehouse company) allow you to sell alcohol for some time (up to 3 days) even without the Internet. As soon as access to the global network appears, information about the bottles sold will go to the global network.


So, sellers were left with no choice: if they don't accept the rules of the game and make the transition to high-tech rails by the designated dates, they will have to leave the market. But even now we can say that not everyone will be able to cope with the task in time. Experts do not predict the disappearance, but the flourishing of the shadow market.

EGAIS (Unified State Automated Information system) is a database that contains detailed information about all alcoholic products produced and sold on the territory of the Russian Federation. The Rosalkogolregulirovanie (Article 5 of the Federal Law No. 171 of November 22, 1995, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 522 of May 25, 2006) and CenterInform (providing the technical part) are responsible for the functioning of this system.

Almost all participants in the circulation of alcoholic products should connect to EGAIS. The main task of the system is absolute control from the moment of production of alcohol, delivery of products to points of sale and sale to the final consumer.

Do I need to connect EGAIS to sell beer in 2018?

note that the retail sale of beer, beer drinks, as well as cider, poiret and mead, is not recorded in the EGAIS. At the same time, LLCs and individual entrepreneurs engaged in this activity are required to connect to the system to confirm the purchase (fact of receipt) of products for subsequent sale.

When and to whom to connect to EGAIS

Business form Kind of activity What is recorded in EGAIS Term of entry into EGAIS
OOO Retail sale of alcoholic products in cities, urban settlements (rural settlements and villages) Procurement confirmation 01.01.2016
OOO Sales confirmation 01.07.2016
OOO Retail sale of alcoholic products in the provision of catering services Procurement confirmation 01.01.2016
OOO Retail sale of alcoholic products in urban settlements in the Republic of Crimea or the city of Sevastopol Procurement confirmation 01.07.2016
OOO Sales confirmation 01.01.2016
IP Purchase of beer (beer drinks), cider, poiret, mead for subsequent retail sale Procurement confirmation 01.01.2016
IP Purchase of beer (beer drinks), cider, poiret, mead for subsequent retail sale in urban settlements of the Republic of Crimea or the city of Sevastopol Procurement confirmation 01.01.2017
IP Purchase of beer (beer drinks), cider, poiret, mead for subsequent retail sale in rural settlements of the Republic of Crimea or the city of Sevastopol Procurement confirmation 01.01.2018
OOO Retail sale of alcoholic products in rural settlements of the Republic of Crimea or the city of Sevastopol Procurement confirmation 01.07.2016
OOO Sales confirmation 01.01.2018

What you need to connect EGAIS in retail

To install EGAIS, retailers of alcoholic beverages will need the following:

  • computer (at least 2 GB of RAM, at least 50 GB disk drive, 32-bit processor with a frequency of 2.0 GHz or more, Windows 7 Starter OS and higher, Java 8 software and higher);
  • barcode scanner PDF417;
  • JaCarta crypto key with built-in PKI/GOST crypto provider;
  • enhanced qualified electronic signature;
  • cash register compatible with EGAIS;
  • EGAIS UTM software (available for free download in your personal account on the Rosalkogolregulirovanie website);
  • stable Internet connection from 256 kbps.

How to connect EGAIS for the retail sale of alcohol

The EGAIS connection procedure can be divided into 3 stages:

1. Write the electronic signature certificate to the JaCarta crypto-key.

The key is necessary to protect the information transmitted to the EGAIS, and it is also used directly to connect to the system. With the help of a crypto-key, documents are assigned an electronic signature and they acquire legal force.

2. Register in your personal account on the site and generate an RSA key.

The procedure is as follows:

  • on the egais.ru website, select the “Login to your personal account” section;
  • click "Read the conditions and check their compliance";
  • after successful verification, click "Go to your personal account";
  • enter the Jacarta pin code and select "Show certificates";
  • if everything is successful, a personal account opens, in which the corresponding certificate of electronic signature is visible;
  • click on the certificate and select "Get the key";
  • in the window that opens, the places of business will be listed, you must select a specific point of sale for which the key will be valid.

3. Install a free UTM (Universal Transport Module) and set up (finish) an adapted information system.

To install UTM, in your personal account, click on the "Transport module" and enter the e-mail, which will receive a link to download the module.

Detailed video instructions for installing and getting started with EGAIS are available.

How much does it cost to connect to EGAIS

Approximate cost estimate for connection to the system:

note, at the request of Rosalkogolregulirovanie to work with EGAIS in each point of sale with a separate checkpoint, there must be a separate JaCarta crypto key with an electronic signature certificate recorded on it. If several points of sale with the same checkpoint operate at the same address, there may be one key.

How EGAIS works

In practice, the work of EGAIS looks like this:

  • the supplier or manufacturer sells alcohol to the buyer (retailer) and draws up the appropriate invoices, the fact of the sale is recorded in the Unified State Automated Information System;
  • the buyer receives invoices for alcohol from EGAIS through UTM and checks with the amount of alcoholic products delivered to him, a notification is sent based on the results of the verification (in case of discrepancies, the buyer has the right to refuse the goods and send an act of discrepancies);
  • the retailer starts selling the goods, at each sale the cashier scans the barcode located on the bottle (the date and time of production, the name of the manufacturer, information about the license are encrypted in the code);
  • if the barcode is read successfully, the product will be added to cash receipt, and the installed software will generate an xml file and transfer it to the UTM, which will generate a receipt and return it to the cashier;
  • after closing the check, a QR code is printed, it is transferred to the buyer along with the check (the received code can be scanned and go to the EGAIS website to receive detailed information about the purchased alcoholic beverage).

Responsibility for non-connection to EGAIS

Administrative responsibility

For violation of the procedure for fixing information in the Unified State Automated Information System and (or) not connecting to the system, it is possible to bring to administrative responsibility under Article 14.19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation and impose a fine:

  • for individual entrepreneurs and officials of organizations - from 10,000 rubles to 15,000 rubles;
  • for organizations - from 150,000 rubles to 200,000 rubles.

Deprivation (cancellation) of a license

If an individual entrepreneur or LLC continues to ignore the need to connect to the Unified State Automated Information System and comply with the established requirements for working with the system, this may result in license deprivation, and hence the inability to engage in relevant activities. Cancellation of the license, in this case, occurs only on the basis of a court decision.


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