Competent justification of the dissertation topic, as well as a template and example of justification. Competent justification of the thesis topic, as well as template and example of justification Qualitative justification

To assess the qualitative characteristics, the following provisions should be followed. All qualitative signs can be divided into two groups: alternative and growing. Alternative signs are characterized by the fact that they are either present or absent. The growing ones change, they increase from some value. An example of an alternative quality trait is a plant variety that is present or absent from crops. Along with the alternative, there are also growing qualitative signs. Their specificity lies in the fact that they are formed under the influence of several interconnected elements. The interrelation of elements is usually not linear, therefore, it is very difficult to derive a formula for assessing an increasing qualitative characteristic, although in the conditions of a market management system, the role of qualitative characteristics in economic results is constantly increasing. An example of a growing qualitative attribute can be the qualification of a specialist, its elements are education, work experience, etc.

Depending on the task at hand, expert assessments are divided into 2 levels of use: qualitative and quantitative.

At the qualitative level, the most preferable or probable object is selected, be it the definition possible development situations, or the choice of the final solution, etc. It is considered more reliable, as opposed to quantitative, when assessments are given to this or that object, for example, during product quality control. This situation arises due to the fact that the methods used by many expert groups today do not pay enough attention to justifying the chosen integration scheme for quantitative estimates obtained based on the use of several criteria by which the state of the object under study is assessed. In addition, very often the choice of group decisions based on the assessments of individual experts is carried out without analyzing the legality of obtaining such a decision.

Opponents of the method of expert assessments argue that it is impossible to synthesize and even consider together the disparate individual opinions of each expert. But the opinions expressed by experts can be treated similarly to the readings of devices in a physical experiment, when there are a number of errors, such as a measurement error or an error due to the experiment, the influence external factors etc. These errors are reduced by duplicating measurements, repeating experiments, using various measuring instruments.

Thus, in the case of expert assessments, the experts themselves can be considered as a kind of measuring instruments, and if the totality of expert opinions includes the correct solution, then the entire set of answers can be reduced to a generalized opinion, which is solving the problem.

The accuracy of solving the problem can be increased using more reliable methods, in particular, using paired comparisons and ranking. In this case, based on the judgments and assessments of experts, statistics, which approximates and estimates fairly accurately.

In any case, assessing the behavior of an object or the likelihood of a situation occurring, experts can consider only a certain sample, but each case is unique and there is an element of uncertainty. Therefore, there can be no classical statistics, even if the sample covers hundreds of events. Nevertheless, examining a sample of a parameter, the expert notes that for most objects, the values ​​of this parameter are grouped within a certain calculated range near some of the most expected values ​​of factors. This regularity allows the expert to draw conclusions about the distribution law and allows him to look for this law probabilistic form and guess the value of the parameter.

Similar reasoning can be carried out if an expert observes one parameter of a single object, but in a time interval. Obviously, in this case, there is no statistical homogeneity of observations, since over time the environment and other external and internal factors... Nevertheless, an expert, evaluating a fairly decent number of observations, can say that “this state is typical for an object, it is not, i.e. doesn’t correspond, but I cannot classify it ”. In this case, the expert speaks about the parameter distribution law in such a way that he classifies all observations in a fuzzy way, and this is the fact of generating information that is important for decision making.

It makes sense to consider methods of expert assessments in much more broad sense rather than simply polling experts, collecting and obtaining an average of collected points of view, obtained in an arbitrary way from unreliable sources, which is exactly what is wrong. The above-mentioned methods of correctly collecting information and obtaining generalized judgments are included in the so-called scientific direction of expert assessments.

Ranging- ordering the objects of research according to their importance, influence on the problem posed, or in accordance with any criterion investigated in this survey.

When studying the relationships between phenomena, they meet with functional (complete) and stochastic (incomplete) connections... With a functional relationship, the value of the effective attribute is uniquely determined by the values ​​of the factor attributes. In this case, the effective sign takes on a strictly defined value, which can be calculated by the formula expressing this functional connection. Functional dependencies include formulas for calculating certain economic indicators... For example, labor productivity is the quotient of dividing income from the sale of product services by the number of employees W = D / T, the cost of services is determined by dividing the cost of producing services by their volume in physical terms c = E / q, etc.

In reality, the relationships in socio-economic phenomena are much more complicated, they are transitive, multifactorial and not functional. So, labor productivity is determined not just by the amount of income from the sale of services and the number of employees, but, first of all, by the level of organization of production and marketing activities, the degree of progressiveness of equipment, labor automation, balanced tariff policy; each of these reasons, in turn, is also multifactorial.

It is impossible to list all the factors influencing the studied phenomena; all the more, it is impossible to create a final or general formula for all cases that establishes the relationship between the effective and factor indicators.

To characterize the real relationships that appear in general, average, with a large number of observations, statistics resorts to the study of stochastic dependencies, a special case of which is the correlation. Correlation is a connection that manifests itself only on average, when each value of the factors corresponds to the average value of the effective indicator. "Correlation" in translation from Late Latin (correlatio) means "correlation", "correspondence", "interrelation", "interdependence". It lies in the fact that the change in the average value of the effective indicator is due to the change in the values ​​of the factor indicators.

Correlation links appear with a sufficiently large number of observations. Only in the mass is the stability of average values ​​achieved, which is due to the action of the law of large numbers. Correlation links are incomplete links, since the resultant sign also depends on many factors that are not taken into account by the correlation equation. Correlation links in social and socio-economic phenomena are irreversible. Thus, the revenues of the communications industry depend on the demand and needs of the clientele in its services, profitability - on the efficiency of using production resources, and not vice versa, although a formal comparison of the variation of these indicators may show their consistent variability.

When studying correlations, it is important to remember that only after the essence of the phenomenon has been clarified, the causal relationship and its form have been established, and what is primary and what is secondary, it makes sense to quantitatively assess the relationship between phenomena and model the patterns of their development with using statistics techniques.

The application of the mathematical apparatus of correlation and regression to the study of the performance indicators of communication organizations necessitates the sequential solution of three problems:

1. substantiation of the theoretical form of communication;

2. determination of the parameters of the analytical communication equation;

3. quantitative measurement of the tightness of the relationship between the effective and factor indicators.

All phenomena and processes economic activity enterprises are interconnected, interdependent and conditional. Each performance indicator depends on numerous and varied factors. The more detailed the influence of factors on the value of the effective indicator is investigated, the more accurate the results of the analysis and assessment of the activities of enterprises. Hence the important methodological issue in the analysis of economic activity is the study and measurement of the influence of factors on the value of the investigated economic indicators.

A solid piece of financial analysis with a dedicated impact assessment form shows you how to write a business case. An example of using such a form, tracing the process of changing the net financial flows that arise as a result of the implementation of measures will be presented in this article. Such a plan estimate cash flows v corporate programs should be aimed at positive changes in the socio-economic sphere.


Russian lawmaking practice has clearly defined how to write an economic justification, an example of which is presented in Article 105 (Rules of the State Duma of the Russian Federation), and it concerns financial expediency when introducing bills requiring certain material costs... The government considers relevant materials prior to the submission of the draft law.

First of all, they prepare an explanatory note, which sets out the concept of the bill with all the subjects of legislative regulation. The second document demonstrates how to write a business case. This example is not universal, since it is designed for a specific project and meets the interests a specific customer... Naturally, each case requires an individual approach - each time with different calculations and plans, since financial justifications are written everywhere and by everyone - from legislators of the State Duma to students in technology lessons in high school.


How to write a business case? You can see an example below. It all depends on the object to which it is dedicated: whether it is technical regulations, organizations with their own standards, or even a national economy looking for financial ways for economic recovery. Take, for example, technical regulation, which requires clear financial justification for changing norms or technical regulations.

When implementing the project, the costs, benefits and risks of each subject of the state, enterprise or community will inevitably be redistributed. Not many people know how to write a business case. A pattern exists for every type of activity, but it cannot be called universal. The implementation of such a procedure is required for initial stage- when designing, which allows you to avoid many mistakes and acquire a lot of opportunities.

The pros of a business case

First of all, with the writing of the justification, changes in costs are predicted, the risks and benefits of all subjects of the economy are identified. This is due to an accurate assessment of the financial and economic effect due to changes in certain norms. Costs are optimized by adjusting the direction of economic development, and the development of new regulations will help to achieve this goal.

A concrete simulation of the secured impact of these emerging regulations will guide you step by step on how to write a business case. The sample is unlikely to reflect the actual situation of this enterprise, industry, society. Identifying the winning and losing sides can only be a person who is inside the situation. The requirements for change must be effectively harmonized with all systems subject to technical regulation, taking full advantage of the implementation of any project.


Regulatory legal acts also require material or financial costs, and therefore the legislator proposing new project, must write a business case, that is, provide specific financial calculations... In these justifications, directly related to the introduction of a new norm or a change in a legal act, income and expenditure of budgets at all levels, the costs of each economic entity, the costs of society (or third parties), tax revenues, and budgetary efficiency must be specified.

This is how all reforms in the state are done: management mechanisms are changed, self-regulatory organizations are introduced, the rules of trade and production are changed, certain new services are provided by members of associations and associations. To tell the truth, the effectiveness of the introduction of any draft law rarely lends itself to direct and accurate calculation, which is now observed by society with its own eyes - many errors and inaccuracies accompany them. Apparently not all legislators know how to write a business case for their operations. When carrying out reforms, the forecast of socio-economic consequences and effects is especially important.

How do you need it?

The financial and economic assessment of any innovation should be as accurate as possible and identify political, administrative, economic and other effects and consequences in advance. The "young reformers" know best of all how to write an economic justification for the alienation of property from the state, but the consequences of this knowledge are now being overcome by society - with great difficulty, pain and loss. But it was necessary to assess in cash not only our acquisitions, but also our losses (this is from the section business case called "additional costs"). Have you identified the impact of such changes on the finances of all stakeholders and budgets of absolutely all levels? And this is a prerequisite for the correct preparation of a business case.

No, nothing was revealed, just a huge number of citizens of the country "did not fit into the market." How to write a business case for a paycheck that people haven't seen for months? It was necessary to conduct a thorough analysis of all changes in the structure of incomes, expenses and risks of economic entities, the whole society, that is, third parties, and this is an unshakable rule for drawing up economic justifications. We needed a detailed analysis of everything related to changes in management mechanisms. It was necessary in this financial calculation to honestly estimate (monetize it!) The redistribution of benefits, and for absolutely all parties interested or affected by the changes.

About expediency

It is an honest and impartial analysis of the situation even before the start of any changes that can help in assessing the feasibility of any project, primarily in terms of money. Then recommendations are given on its compliance with this state of affairs. Business feasibility studies should be carried out at the very first stage, when the project is still in the development stage. Designing Code Changes legal regulation requires sufficiently strong justifications, since only then are the risks, benefits and costs of various economic entities predicted. Only a business case can schedule costs based on expected revenue increases or cost reductions. Money is spent in order to earn significantly more or spend less in the future.

Financial subtleties

How to write a business case for a bank to convince it to invest in a project? First, you need to understand some of the immutable truths of the borrowed nature. Does the written rationale take into account that money tends to be more expensive today than it will in a very short time? After all, the bank will give them, of course, at interest. But even if there are personal free amounts that can cover the costs, is the justification calculated that percentage on the deposit that will inevitably be lost when investing in the project?

How to write a business case for an agreement with a bank so that it is proved that all expenses will be efficiently and more than paid off, that is, future income will pay off the interest on the loan or exceed the interest on the deposit? It is necessary to find the most promising parties in this project and prove in the justification that all the proposed costs will actually bring savings or income equal to those planned. And no need to look for ready-made forms and printed forms. It should be remembered that there are simply no hard and fast rules for documenting a financial or feasibility study.

The form of the economic feasibility study should be the simplest and with the obligatory indication of the reason that influenced the decision of this organization to carry out this project. But the discussion of the alleged benefits should be very detailed, with the attachment of alternatives, which, perhaps, will be useful, and the most detailed financial analysis, which will determine the investment attractiveness of the project. In practice, no one usually knows how to write a feasibility study, especially for projects where significant risk is expected. Most often, it is drawn up as an independent document and serves as an attachment to the exact form of initialization of this project. If, in fact, the project is small, then all the benefits can be listed directly in the form of initialization.

Individual elements

Usually, the results of the project in its material aspect are determined and indicated, that is, all parameters are measurable: cost savings, increased capacity or productivity, increased market, increased income, and the like. Before writing a justification, it makes sense to talk with people interested in investing in a project, or with licensing authorities about what exactly they want in the justification to see what is most important to them.

And yet, some material elements must be kept in mind when writing justifications. And the more complex the project, the more such elements will be present in it: cost reduction, savings, the possibility of earning additional income, an increase owned by the company market share, complete customer satisfaction, cash flow directions. The latter is documented as a major part of the business case for the project.

Cash flows

This analysis aims to help committees or individuals reviewing projects to select the most suitable ones for implementation. Measurable elements are already listed above, but they do not exhaust the business case. There are intangibles, and there are many of them. For example, the main ones are the transition period and its costs, operating costs, changing the business process, replacing personnel, and the like.

It is also necessary to pay tribute to the economic justification for alternative solutions, listing all the available methods of implementing the project in practice. For example, among thousands of suppliers with millions of identical products on offer, virtually no price is ever given.

How can you make your purchase profitable? A business case will have to answer many, often awkward or simply difficult questions. It is more profitable to buy ready-made solution or find an alternative, your own version. And you can partially buy, partially implement it yourself. There should be many such answers in a business case.


Depending on the culture of the organization, the business case is written by the guardian or the project manager himself. But in any case, the trustee is responsible for the project, that is, the investor, it is he who is responsible for financial efficiency, while the manager plans, executes and practically implements. The leader is the form, and the guardian is the content, that is, the investment. And therefore, the main thing is to bring to the investor the exact amount of costs for the entire project, indicate the correct payback periods and predict attractive results of work.

Statistical quality control methods are now gaining increasing acceptance and distribution in health care. The terminology used in this area is borrowed from probability theory and mathematical statistics; it applies to the production and use of consumer goods and the provision of services.

The main task of statistical control methods is to ensure the production of usable products (medical services) and the provision of these services with least cost... For this purpose, new operations analysis or other research is carried out to ensure the production of usable products.

In this chapter, the concept of quality control will be considered in connection with planning, design, development of requirements for the production of medical services, etc. Statistical methods of product quality control have been implemented in several leading manufacturing industries and government agencies the former USSR, which gave significant results on following indicators: improving the quality of purchased raw materials; saving raw materials and work force; improving the quality of manufactured products; decrease in the number of rejects; reducing the cost of monitoring; improving the relationship between producer and consumer; facilitating the transition of production from one type of product to another.

The main task of quality control is not just to increase the number of services, but to increase the number of such services that would meet the needs of consumers, i.e. patients. Although the quality of medical services largely depends on the planning and development of requirements, the quality of medicines and medical supplies, the organization of the production process and control of the medical services produced are also of no less importance. One of the basic principles of quality control using statistical methods is the desire to improve the quality of medical care, exercising control at various stages. production process in health care facilities.

There are two main concepts in quality control of health care: measurement of controlled parameters and distribution. In order to be able to judge the quality of a medical service, it is necessary to measure such parameters as the reliability of the standard of its production, the significance of the side effects of the technology being implemented, the potential cost-effectiveness, the efficiency indicator, etc. The second concept - the distribution of the values ​​of the controlled parameter - is based on the fact that there are no two absolutely identical parameters in the same medical services, as measurements become more and more accurate, small discrepancies are found in the measurement results.

These discrepancies may have some pattern or be chaotic. The variability of the "behavior" of the controlled parameter is of two types. The first case is when its values ​​are a set of random variables formed under normal conditions; the second is when the aggregate of its random values ​​is formed under conditions other than normal under the influence of certain reasons.

The personnel managing the process of providing medical care, in which the monitored parameter is formed, must set several parameters according to its values.

First, in what conditions the service parameters were received (standard or different from them). And if they were obtained in conditions other than standard ones, then what are the reasons for these violations. Then, a control action is taken to eliminate these causes. Thus, it is rather difficult to represent the parameters of the production of medical services in the form of numerical data, but in the end, the solution of many, if not most, problems in the production of high-quality medical services depends on the measured data. In order to overcome these difficulties in the theory of statistical control of product quality, a number of mathematical models have been developed.

Right management decisions depends on the accuracy of the original data. Decisions made on the basis of a small amount of hard data are more correct than decisions made on the basis of a large amount of inaccurate data. Even using a PC to analyze a large amount of inaccurate data will only lead to the fact that the wrong decision will be made faster than the right one. The more accurate the data we have in solving a problem, the sooner we will come to the right solution if we can correctly evaluate and use it.

Quality control using statistical methods can be successfully carried out in various areas of production of goods and services. This control is used in the management of a process in which the same products are mass-produced over a long period of time, or when a certain level of product quality needs to be maintained, since even a small deviation leads to a large loss of funds.

Statistical methods are also used in the control of single and small-scale production. In percentage terms, the savings or profits in short-term production processes of medical services are greater than in long-term ones. This means that if the equipment resumes operation or if the process repeats, then it is useful to know the possibilities and disadvantages, for example, diagnostic equipment and its attendants. For short-term processes, it is important to have reliable equipment consisting of a minimum number of separate parts. It is very important to be able to make the most of the small amount of data. In such situations, it is very important to "measure" the opinions of experts.

When analyzing the opinions of experts, a wide variety of statistical methods can be used, describing them means describing all applied statistics. Nevertheless, it is possible to single out the main methods of mathematical processing of expert assessments that are currently widely used - these are checking the consistency of expert opinions (or classification of experts, if there is no consistency) and averaging the opinions of experts within an agreed group.

Since the answers of experts in many procedures of an expert survey are not numbers, but such objects of a non-numerical nature as gradations of qualitative features, rankings, partitions, the results of paired comparisons, fuzzy preferences, etc., methods of statistics of objects of non-numerical nature are useful for their analysis. ...

Why are the experts' answers non-numerical? The most common answer is that people don't think in numbers. In human thinking, images, words, but not numbers are used. Therefore, to demand an answer from an expert in the form of a number is to “rape” his mind. Even in economics, entrepreneurs only partially rely on numerical calculations when making decisions. This can be seen from the conditional (i.e., determined by arbitrarily adopted agreements) nature of the balance sheet profit, depreciation deductions and other economic indicators (Orlov A.I., 1995). Therefore, a phrase like “ Medical clinic seeks to maximize profits ”cannot have a strictly definite meaning.

The expert can compare two objects (prosthetic, medical service etc.), give them ratings like "good", "acceptable", "bad", order several objects by attractiveness, but usually cannot say how many times or how much one object is better than another. In other words, the answers of the expert are usually measured on an ordinal scale, they are rankings, the results of pairwise comparisons and other objects of a non-numerical nature, but not numbers.

A common misconception is that experts try to consider the answers of experts as numbers, they are engaged in "digitizing" their opinions, attributing numerical values ​​to these opinions - points, which are then processed using the methods of applied statistics as the results of ordinary physical measurements. In the case of arbitrary digitization, the conclusions obtained as a result of data processing may not be relevant to reality (Kemeny J., Snell J., 1972). From the standpoint of the representative theory of measurements (Litvak B.G., 1982), algorithms for data analysis should be used, the results of which do not change with an admissible scale transformation.

Nevertheless, mathematical statistics makes it possible for the heads of health care facilities to make the right decisions, which are based on interpretation. Interpretation, in turn, is based on analysis, analysis on tabular data, and tabular data on the aggregate of collected data. Each of these stages depends on the previous one. Data can be obtained on the basis of expert examination data, analysis of registers (accounts), patient interviews, etc. The sampling is carried out by the method of directed and random (randomized) selection.

Mathematical statistics are used to:

· Determining, establishing or describing the nature of the data obtained;

· The possibility of making a conclusion about the population or general population from which the sample is made.

For a systematic consideration of the process, identification of the problem, graphical techniques should be used, such as a cause-and-effect diagram, a process flow diagram, and others. Consequently, continuous quality improvement is a scientifically organized process based on the use of methods of mathematical statistics, including graphical techniques.

The fundamental method in assessing the quality of medical care is an examination of completed cases of prevention, diagnosis and treatment, as well as an examination of the quality of functioning of prostheses of heart valves, dentures, etc., disabled people - standard indicators. Ideally, the assessment of the quality of care should be based on the health outcomes of the population. In theory, the health care industry should use such endpoint systems to study prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation processes so that, as a result of observation, only those technologies for the provision of care should be promoted that combine maximum outcomes with minimum costs to achieve them.

In practice, the use of final health indicators of population contingents to measure the quality of prevention, diagnosis and treatment has significant limitations. A more practical method of measuring quality seems to be the assessment of its intermediate indicators. They significantly affect the final results and can serve as a good approximation in the case of using specific medical technologies. In addition, they enable continuous rather than periodic measurement of quality.

Intermediate indicators should reliably reflect the course of treatment and maximally exclude fluctuations depending on the characteristics of the patients. Indicators showing final and intermediate results provide an idea of ​​typical situations. Together with them, signal indicators characterizing single situations are used.

Signal indicators indicate that the situation requires further investigation. For the analysis of statistical information, generalizing indicators are used - average and relative. In order for the statistical indicators to correctly reflect the phenomena under study, the following requirements must be met:

· Strive to ensure that they express the essence of phenomena and give them an accurate quantitative assessment.

· Achieve completeness of information, especially on a comprehensive display of all aspects of the current process.

· Ensure comparability of statistical indicators through the same time intervals, as well as the same units of measure.

· To increase the degree of accuracy of the initial information on the basis of which the indicators are calculated, since the data are reliable only if they coincide with the actual dimensions of the processes, correctly characterize their content.

Analysis is, first of all, comparison, comparison of statistical data. The comparison results in qualitative assessment phenomena, which is expressed in the form of relative values. According to their cognitive value, relative values ​​are divided into the following types: structure, intensity, dynamics, comparison, coordination. The relative values ​​of the structure characterize the composition of the population. Calculated as the ratio of the absolute value of each of the elements of the population to the absolute value of the entire population. For example, the structure of non-compliance with the DRG standards for a set of diagnostic, therapeutic measures, etc. As a rule, the indicators of the structure are expressed as a percentage.

The relative values ​​of the dynamics characterize the change in the studied phenomenon in time, reveal the direction of development, measure the intensity of development. The calculation of relative values ​​is carried out in the form of growth rates and other indicators of dynamics. Relative intensity values ​​show how widespread the phenomenon under study is in the environment, that is, the frequency of the phenomenon.

The intensity indicators are calculated by dividing the absolute value of the phenomenon under study by the absolute value characterizing the volume of the environment in which the phenomenon is detected. The relative value shows how many units of one population are in the unit of another population. For example, an indicator of the frequency of non-compliance with KSG standards per 100 examinations. Intermediate and final quality indicators are also relative.

The main characteristics of the trends in the course of the process are the arithmetic mean (mathematical expectation), mode and median, scattering parameters. The scattering parameters are peak-to-peak, standard deviation, and variance. The standard deviation is determined using the standard formula. The range is the difference between the largest and smallest values ​​in a sample. It is a random variable and obeys a certain distribution, characterized by a mathematical expectation. There are tables of ratios of the mathematical expectation of the range to the standard deviation, depending on the sample size. Knowing these coefficients, it is possible to estimate the magnitude of the general standard deviation by the value of the swing, which is often done in practice, for example, when building a control graph. It should be noted that the mathematical expectation of the swing increases rapidly with the growth of the sample size. Therefore, the range for assessing the standard deviation is used, as a rule, when using small samples (5-10).

It does not cover marketing research. The business case usually contains a detailed description of technologies and equipment, as well as the reasons for their choice.

When drawing up a business case, it is necessary to observe a certain one. It starts with initial data, information about the market sector. Then the existing opportunities for the development of activities, sources of raw materials, material resources for expanding the business, the amount of capital costs required to achieve the goal are described, production plan, financial policy, and general information about the project.

Thus, the economic rationale contains a description of the industry where the enterprise operates, the type of input products, the price level for it. Financial part of this document includes terms of attraction borrowed money, sources of their coverage. Calculations are shown in tables showing cash flows.

When preparing a business case, it is necessary to study current position enterprises, their place in the market, technologies and equipment used. In addition, it is necessary to determine ways to increase the company's profitability and business development, predict the level of profitability that can be achieved during the implementation of the project, study the necessary technical data, and analyze the level of training of personnel. You will also need to draw up a project implementation plan, cost estimate and income plan Money and also give a general economic assessment investment investments.

A feasibility study is a document that contains an analysis of the feasibility of creating a particular product or service. It allows investors to determine whether they should invest their own money in the proposed business project.


Use the following structure when drafting a feasibility study: - initial data and conditions; - market characteristics and company capacity; - material factors of production activities; - location of the company; - design documents; - information about the organization of the enterprise and overhead costs; - labor resources; - forecasting the timing of this project; - financial and economic.

Write the general information about the project, that is, the overall intent in the feasibility study. Indicate the location and participants of the business project. Then make up brief description for the industry to which it belongs this project... Next, analyze supply and demand and estimate the market size. After that, identify the main potential consumers of products (services), as well as the main competitors.

Write a justification for the selected region for placing the project from the point of view of market conditions. Give the main parameters in the feasibility study: the type and range of products (services), the amount of services provided by the enterprise.

Provide data on capital costs in the feasibility study. Provide an estimate of the capital (one-time) costs required to implement the business project in question. Calculate the amount of operating costs. To do this, refer to the feasibility study for an estimate of operating (annual) costs.

Make up production program in the feasibility study. Describe all types of products (services) that the company plans to produce within the framework of the analyzed project, indicating the volume of production activities and sales prices. Make a rationale for the main price indicators.

Note how the funding for the project is planned. To do this, draw up a scheme for financing a business project, which will contain a description of all sources of obtaining credit funds, their purpose and terms of repayment.

Assess the commercial viability of implementing the created business plan. Make calculations of the main economic indicators based on the necessary initial data that are taken for economic analysis project. In turn, the calculated part of the feasibility study should contain the following calculation material: a table of the company's cash flow, a balance forecast.

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The project justification stage is very important. During it, you can identify and, if possible, correct those moments that in the future may lead to failure. Take away special attention starting early and you will achieve better results.


Define the goals and objectives of the project rationale. You need to answer the main question: do you need a project. Based on how well you work out the idea and convey the benefits that a new business can bring, a decision will be made to accept or reject the project.

Describe the essence of the project. Tell us what exactly is planned to be done and what goals are being pursued. Explain how the need for a new business arose and why this path was chosen.

Communicate to the reader or listener the main ideas and the ways in which the result will be achieved. Reassure him that the chosen methods are the most effective in this case.

Tell us how many employees will be required to implement your project, and what qualifications they should be. Give reasons that the workforce should be just like that. Describe in detail the functions of each member of the team. If you have any candidates, announce their names and surnames. In addition, the panelists or your management should know how participation in the project will affect the main work of these employees.

Establish a sequence of actions and state the timeline for the project. List clearly the main stages of its implementation. Then go into detail at each stage. There should be a logical relationship between the actions so that it is clear why one item follows another. Speak out the real terms, if it is problematic, do not name only the possible date of the project, it is better to indicate the maximum term. Explain what factors can affect the time it takes to complete the assignment.

Give the calculation of the material resources that will be involved in the project. Show what each cost item consists of. Re-count everything before presenting. Remember that if you miscalculate or miss an important article, it can blur the entire impression of the rest of your rationale and lead to abandonment of the project.

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Tip 4: How to write a feasibility study?

When creating a production company, an entrepreneur in many cases has to draw up not only a business plan, but also a feasibility study of the project. This document is especially often required when a company seeks to introduce new technologies and obtain funding to achieve its goals.

Clause 1 should provide a brief description of the development, disclose its purpose (function performed), identify the likely consumer, identify a satisfied need and give its possible quantitative assessment. The emphasis of the section should be shifted in relation to the rationale for the necessity and relevance of the proposed development from the point of view of the consumer, which in its essence consists in answering the following questions.

Need: 1) why (for what) is it necessary?

2) why is it impossible to do without it today?

Relevance: 3) why is it necessary to implement it now?

Here, an assessment of the required production volumes and the type of production can be given.

2.2. Justification for choosing an analogue for comparison

The choice of a base for comparison (analogue) is a significant difficulty. Quite often, the student is inclined to believe that his development has no analogues. However, in the overwhelming majority of cases, there is always an analogue (competitor product)!

Analogue- in this case, this is software that has a purpose similar to the proposed development, performs the same function (competitor product) and can be taken as a basis for comparison with the development.

In this regard, the task of clause 2 should be precisely the justification of the choice of one or another analogue (competitor product) for comparison with the development. The implementation of this task consists in a detailed and reasonable answer to the question: why is this software chosen for comparison with development? Diagrams, tables and all sorts of authoritative comments can give clarity and weight to the rationale.

The key points in answering this question can be:

1) a similar performed function (purpose) of development and analogue;

2) similar (close) technical parameters of development and analogue;

3) similar (close) technical conditions for the development and analogue.

2.3. Justification for the selection of criteria for comparison

When comparing an analogue and a development, it is important to choose criteria for their comparison, which, on the one hand, should be informative, i.e., characterize the objects of comparison, on the other hand, should have a quantitative assessment, and, on the third hand, there should be uncorrelated ( independent). In addition, the choice of criteria should be made by the student independently from the standpoint of their usefulness and relevance for the consumer. Therefore, in clause 3, attention should be paid not only to the choice of criteria for comparison, but also to the justification of this choice.

The criteria for comparison can be classified:

Quantitative parameters;

Qualitative parameters that are quantified;

New opportunities.

Table 1 provides a possible list of comparison criteria, which is not exhaustive and can be substantially changed or supplemented.

In each specific case, one should very carefully approach the choice of criteria for comparison and the justification of this choice, since they will form the basis of the economic assessment of the feasibility of introducing the proposed development (commercial implementation), and it is they that will give the final values ​​of the key parameters for making a management decision. The number of criteria should be no more than 5, but these should be the most important and essential from the standpoint of the consumer (user of a computer program). The use of more criteria leads to the "smearing" of the distinctive features of the development and averaging of key parameters.

Table 1

Possible list of criteria for comparison

When choosing the criteria, preference should be given to the quantitative parameters of the analogue and development, since in the overwhelming majority it is they that characterize the product and determine the set of its consumer properties. In case it is not possible to choose required amount significant quantitative parameters, or qualitative parameters are directly important consumer properties, in the course of assessments, qualitative parameters are used, reduced to a quantitative assessment. The quantitative values ​​of the qualitative parameters are established by experts, using the method of expert assessments. New capabilities should be highlighted additionally as undisputed development benefits.

Quantitative parameters- specific technical parameters of the analogue and development with an indication of the dimension. All selected parameters should be justified from the point of view of their usefulness and relevance for the consumer. If the quantitative parameters selected for comparison are not specified by the terms of reference, then it is necessary to provide links to the calculation of the corresponding parameter in qualification work and the technique used. Otherwise, the use of such a quantitative parameter is unacceptable.

Qualitative parameters- the qualitative characteristics of the analogue and development, expressed in points on a scale of 10 points, the values ​​of which are established by an expert method using the method of expert assessments. The values ​​of the established quality parameters should be justified from the point of view of their usefulness and their relevance for the consumer.

The comparison results are entered into a table.

New opportunities- fundamentally new useful abilities, properties, results that appear in the process of development functioning. They are indisputable advantages of development and are not directly involved in comparison, since there is no (and cannot be) a methodology for a corresponding quantitative assessment of the utility acquired by each consumer from the use of new opportunities and its consideration in an integral technical and economic indicator. New opportunities should be formulated in such a way as to create a clear and clear idea of ​​what specific useful abilities, properties, results the end consumer acquires. Vague descriptions are not allowed.

The list of new features is entered in the table.


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