Electronic document management for a small organization. NauDoc is a free electronic document management system for small and medium businesses. Practical reviews. Mobile EDMS are dangerous

6. Who are charismatics? [ Electronic resource] // Magazine "Blessing". 2013. URL: http://hve.by/blagoslovenie/blagoslovenie-dekabr-2013.html

7. Pignotti M. My nine lives in Scientology / per. from English. A. Kondrashova, 2007. M.: 201 p.

8. Chernyshev V. M. Double-edged sword. Summary of sectarian studies. K: Kyiv Theological Seminary, 2000. 169 p.

© A.A. Vaykina, 2016

Vladychansky Timur Valerievich

Student of the Faculty of Management, Russian State Social University

Moscow, Russian Federation E-mail: [email protected] Supervisor: Veretekhin S.V., Candidate economic sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Human Resources Management and Personnel Policy

e-mail: [email protected]



The paper deals with the issues of implementation electronic document management, as well as the main advantages and economic feasibility of its implementation.

Keywords Electronic document management, document management automation, Information Systems, business processes, document.

The paper discusses the implementation of electronic document management, as well as the main advantages and economic feasibility of its implementation.

Electronic document management, workflow automation, information systems, business-processes, document.

The modern order of doing business in enterprises and organizations requires a large amount of work with documents. Search, approval and approval are becoming quite complex and cumbersome procedures, which cannot be excluded. Only effective approach in such a situation is to use modern technologies and maximum automation of all stages of work with documents. In addition, the emergence in recent years of a sufficient amount of available computing power and high-quality software for them makes such a solution easy to implement and economical.

Automation of workflow allows you to more productively organize the work of the enterprise. Rapid receipt of paper and electronic document samples through the use of document scanning, recognition and printing technologies makes it easy to switch from paper to electronic and vice versa. Thus, a way is opened for the painless transfer of documents from paper to electronic representation, while it becomes possible to use the advantages of computers.

The possibility of introducing legally significant electronic document management into existing


information systems and business processes of customers helps to bring the work of large, medium and small businesses to a qualitatively new level. The use of online document exchange mechanisms will provide the following benefits: independence from geographic location, increased productivity of financial and accounting services, and optimization of business costs.

Also, automation will make it possible to instantly allocate costs by financial responsibility centers and budget items, analyze the execution of budgets of departments to make operational decisions and evaluate the effectiveness of their work online, and analyze in detail individual, especially significant cost items.

If we talk about efficiency, the automation of workflow in the enterprise provides significant savings. Significantly reduces the number of paper documents, thereby minimizing the cost of expendable materials. Employees spend less working time searching necessary information, for the creation of standard documents from scratch and the preparation of various reports. The preparation and approval of documents are much faster, which, among other things, increases the credibility of the company on the part of partners.

The electronic document management system allows you to automate the development and approval of all documents of the organization, distribute documents for review by a wide range of employees, issue instructions and monitor their implementation, as well as create arbitrary business processes to solve any problems of the organization.

The system contains a number of built-in standard business processes that cover most of the workflow automation tasks. Using these processes, you can get up and running with the system very quickly. In addition to the standard ones, users can develop their own processes, as well as make the necessary adjustments to existing processes, using a convenient toolkit built into the system.

Any business process can be launched by a system user who has the appropriate authority. In addition, the system provides flexible scheduling of events, allowing you to pre-configure the dates and frequency of launching certain processes and notifications.

The system allows you to work not only with internal documents of the organization, but also fully automate the processing of incoming and outgoing documents. Such automation significantly reduces the processing time of incoming documents and simplifies their accounting, makes the entire process from the receipt of an incoming document to the sending of an outgoing document absolutely transparent and manageable.

The following shows the time spent on typical operations in the processing of paper and electronic documents.

Burden spent on routine operations, hours per month

Figure 3 - Graph showing the time spent on typical operations in the processing of paper and electronic documents.

One of the key advantages of automating the organization's business processes using electronic


workflow systems - the emergence of complete control over the implementation of all tasks solved in the organization. In addition to the terms for the development and approval of documents, management can control all aspects of the work of their subordinates: the time they work in the system, the number of tasks performed, the time for completing tasks, the number of overdue tasks and the time for which they were overdue. Authorized employees receive timely notifications that the task may not be completed on time, so that the delaying employee can be contacted and the potential problem quickly resolved. In addition, at any time you can request detailed reports on the progress of the current tasks of the organization.

Execution control allows you to radically change the work of the organization, make complex processes simple and transparent, show the quality of work of all employees and allow you to quickly influence all processes.

Recently, boxed solutions for electronic document management systems have begun to appear, aimed at small and medium business, which have the capabilities of corporate systems, such as, for example, Graphic Designer routes, a designer of registration cards and report templates, or the ability for users to write additional software modules.

The introduction of an EDMS is advisable in large enterprises, where the volume of documents is sometimes very large and paper workflow often slows down the activities of entire departments, which is simply unacceptable. An electronic document management system is an effective tool for improving the speed of any enterprise or organization.

The first is to reduce the cost of paper media. In addition, employees of the organization will not need to waste time running to the next department for a signature, another for a seal. Naturally, this will affect the speed of processing information flows. Orders will be executed much faster, documents will be processed without delay.

AT modern world with ever increasing competition and increasing flows of information, you are being asked every day to make your infrastructure more efficient, keep every employee productive, improve business processes, make your business more transparent and secure. And do it all faster, safer and at a lower cost. Under these conditions, the presence of an effective electronic document management system becomes crucial for successful business.

List of used literature:

1. Bondaletov V.V. Career and professional competence of a manager in conditions modern Russia./ In the collection: Professional social education: levels, experience and development prospects. Collection of materials of the XIII All-Russian Social-Pedagogical Congress. 2013. S. 38-40.

2. Vertekhina S.V. Problems of implementing an electronic document management system in the preschool educational institutions of enterprises // Kadrovik 2014, No. 11. P. 122-129.

3. Vertekhina S.V. Psychometric tests and software solutions. Materials of the Afanasiev Readings. 2015. T.1.; 13. P.116-121.

4. Vertekhina S.V., Rubtsova E.V. Automated systems control over the execution of documents. modern science: actual problems of theory and practice. Series: Economics and law.2015. No. 3-4.S.12-16.

5. Vertekhina S.V. Overview of the requirements of the European specification MOREG-2 and the problem of import substitution of software for EDMS/ECM solutions on the Russian market. Materials of the Ivanovo Readings. 2015. No. 5. S.203-209.

6. Veretekhina S. V. Automated personnel assessment systems / S. V. Veretekhina // Personnel management and intellectual resources in Russia. 2015. Vol. 4. No. 5C. 72-77. DOI: 10.12737/14961

7. Vinichenko M.V. Efficiency as the basis of KPI. Materials of the Ivanovo Readings. 2015. No. 5. S. 209-216.

8. Vinichenko M.V. Personnel reserve guides. /Vinichenko M.V. // Problem analysis and state-administrative design. - 2014. - No. 5 (37), volume 7. - P.16-30

9. Kibanov A.Ya. Fundamentals of personnel management. - M.: INFRA-M, 2014. - 440 p.


10. Kirillov A.V. Problematic issues of development of personnel management technologies in domestic practice and ways to solve them: Monograph / A.V. Kirillov, M.V. Vinichenko, A.V. Melnichuk, S.A. Makushkin. - M.: Rusayns, 2015. - 280 p.

11. Aksenov, A.S. Features of the implementation of electronic document management systems for small businesses / A.S. Aksenov // Innovative prospects of Donbass: materials of international scientific-practical. Conf., May 20-22, 2015. V. 7: Reforming management in the context of innovative development. - Donetsk, 2015.-p.7-11.

12. Mansurova N.A. Prerequisites and stages of the introduction of electronic document management in the field of small and medium-sized businesses//Economic research. No. 1., 2014

© Vladychansky T.V., 2016

UDC 316.346.32-053.6

Goldenberg Ekaterina Alexandrovna

3rd year student of the Faculty of Economics Novosibirsk State University Economics and Management - "NINH", Novosibirsk, RF E-mail: [email protected]



The article reveals the essence of the main problems arising from the active and frequent use of social networks, their possible causes. Methods for solving the considered problems in relation to an individual person and a group of people are proposed. The possibilities of solving problems independently by the user of the social network are revealed.

Currently, social networks and especially the problems associated with them are of the greatest relevance in wide circles. Social networks are becoming more and more popular every year, almost no person, mainly from young people, can imagine their life without using the Internet for communication (after all, communication is the primary goal of creating such a resource as social networks). Of course, young people also pursue other goals (besides informal communication) by registering on all kinds of sites, for example: watching news, listening to music, business correspondence, Work . However, most of the time spent on social networks, young people devote it to informal communication with family, friends and relatives.

The active use of social networks, despite their timely appearance against the backdrop of scientific and technological progress, despite the inalienability of their existence in the modern world due to the development of remote communication, still has negative aspects and problems that may relate to both individual person, and groups of people (and these groups can be completely different in terms of the number of members) and can be the cause of larger-scale problems that need to be solved, and solved without prejudice to the normal course of time, namely: progress, technical and technological development society.

In order to form proposals for solving problems associated with active

About the answer to the question “Why does your company need electronic document management?” at least half of the success of the project to introduce an electronic document management system (EDMS) depends. Oddly enough, very often you can hear an answer like: “A competitor / partner already has one - why are we worse?” But if you set such a goal for the introduction of an EDMS, the results are unlikely to be impressive.

So, what goals can a company face when implementing an EDMS? Consider the possible options.

Since the achievement of each of these goals consistently increases both the budget of an automation project and the risks that the project will not be successfully completed, setting high goals should be treated with the utmost caution.

Another common mistake when implementing a system is the expectation that automation itself will help to optimize the workflow process itself. But as programmers say in such cases: “When automating chaos, you will only get "automated chaos"».

By the way, an important note on the formation of the project budget: it must be calculated based on the total number of employees in the company. Pilot projects such as “let's try in one department” in most cases will not even help to understand whether a company needs an electronic document management system or not.

When the goal is set, and the automation tasks are defined, you can proceed to the next stage - the choice of an electronic document management system.

How to choose?

Almost until the second half of the 2000s, the EDMS market in Russia was focused exclusively on large customers, small and medium-sized companies had no choice: there was a very small circle of “boxed” EDMS suitable for implementation in companies of this size. Moreover, in most cases, these EDMS were only cut-down versions of "large" systems, which means that the cost of purchase and maintenance, the complexity of use were not quite adequate to the expectations of small and medium-sized companies.

In recent years, the EDMS market for small and medium-sized businesses has expanded significantly: vendors have formed a vision for automating the workflow of medium and small businesses, and many new solutions have appeared that are focused specifically on this market segment. Therefore, the choice of an electronic document management system is now a rather difficult task. Let's try to systematize the process of choosing an EDMS based on the goals that the company sets for itself by introducing electronic document management.

All electronic document management systems can be divided into 3 large groups:

  1. Systems for organizing an archive (storage) of documents.
  2. Office automation systems with elements of workflow.
  3. Complex systems of workflow automation.

Most modern EDMS contains elements of each of the three groups, but "full-fledged generalists" are rare. As a rule, each system is focused on automating a specific group of processes.

1. Document archive organization systems

The term "archive (repository) of documents" has two meanings. These systems mean:

  • Specialized storage and processing systems for super-large volumes of documents. Such systems are necessary for a narrow circle of companies, for example, organizations queuing(utilities, public sector, insurance, credit and banking sector). There are not so many such systems, they solve a rather narrow range of problems, and we will not consider them in this article.
  • "Lightweight" document management systems that provide only basic functionality work with documents: centralized storage of document files and organization of employee access to them.

If we talk about the archive of documents as a “lightweight” document management system, then the following solutions are most popular in this approach to document management automation:

In general, the organization of document circulation in the form of an “archive of documents” makes sense either for small enterprises (with a managerial staff of less than 10 people), or for enterprises with a small amount of document circulation (up to 10-20 documents per month). The main bonus of such systems is only their cheapness and ease of use.

2. Office automation systems with elements of workflow

Office automation systems with workflow elements now make up the majority of those offered on Russian market SED. Typical functions of systems of this group:

  • Archive of documents:
    • storage and archiving of documents,
    • search by details of registration and control cards of documents, full text search according to the documents,
    • scanning and recognition of documents;
  • office work(in this group of systems, the office automation unit is the most developed):
  • Document flow:
    • document routing,
    • issuing orders,
    • visualization of business processes.

All systems have almost identical characteristics, but each, of course, has its own competitive advantages. Detailed information about the systems can be obtained at http://www.doc-online.ru and on the websites of EDMS manufacturers.

3. Integrated workflow automation systems

This group of systems is the most "strong" in automating the processes associated with the document flow and operational management of the enterprise - issuing and monitoring the execution of instructions, routing documents, etc.

The introduction of such EDMS is rather justified in large organizations (holdings) due to the fact that systems of this class are developed only on order, and therefore, they are expensive, rather difficult to master, and require the participation of IT specialists during implementation. However, the choice of the EDMS of this group also provides great opportunities for modifying the system to the needs of the company, you can create a system that is balanced in terms of functions both in the field of office work and in the field of document management.

What's next?

After you have decided on the favorites for the purchase, do not forget to consider the following aspects that will definitely affect the success of the EDMS implementation project:

  • Ask what the system has opportunities for growth so that, with the growth of the scale of the business, you do not have to spend money on the introduction of a new EDMS.
  • When comparing the cost of systems estimate the total cost project. Very often, a significant part of the cost is hidden in additional modules, infrastructure software, survey services, implementation and maintenance of the system.
  • Before the purchase look at the system "live", and even better - at the customers of the solution provider. Not a single beautiful presentation or "laboratory" demonstration of the system will show the real features of working with it.
  • Some of the systems on the market are so-called "boxed" SED. This means the ability to install and configure the system on their own. Calculate, this option may be more profitable, even if you have to send your IT specialists for training.
  • Make sure that your company's employees "pull" the system- any automation usually leads to an increase in the amount of work, especially at the implementation stage. If the company has a shortage of personnel, it is necessary either to increase its number, or to choose an EDMS with simpler functions.
  • System Implementation Procedure is an important element of project success. Before buying a system, be sure to plan this stage in advance and discuss its features with the solution provider! Very often, without a thorough study of this stage, the EDMS hangs like a "dead weight" on the company.

The introduction of an electronic document management system is a responsible step for a company, especially for medium and small companies, where any expenses significantly affect the "vitality". Therefore, the correct choice of an EDMS and a solution provider that takes into account the specifics of the work of medium and small businesses is very important. important factor. In this article, we have tried to give an idea of state of the art EDMS market for small and medium businesses and help in right choice electronic document management systems. I wish you success.

Collapse Show

When selecting an EDMS, you can apply for analytical information to the sites http://www.doc-online.ru and http://www.docflow.ru, as well as directly to the developers:

  • System "BOSS-Referent" of the company "Ai-Ti". Site http://www.boss-referent.ru
  • System "DELO" of the company "EOS". Site http://www.eos.ru
  • Euphrates-document management system by Cognitive Technologies. Site http://www.evfrat.ru
  • "CompanyMedia" system of "InterTrust" company. Site http://www.intertrust.ru
  • The NauDoc system of the Naumen company. Site http://www.naumen.ru
  • Acta system by DuxSoft. Site http://www.duxsoft.ru

Small business seems to me important for the market, since the number of large federal customers is finite and almost all of them have decided on the choice of platforms and software. And the mechanisms that work there are not very market-based.

So if we talk specifically about the market, then the main potential for expanding the client base is just a small business. When small businesses see the real benefits of electronic document management and when the functionality of the EDMS begins to reflect their real needs, and not reproduce the ministry in miniature, then this market will become as massive as accounting. Can one of the EDMS vendors repeat the success of 1C?

So, 5 myths about EDMS for small businesses:

Although readiness for electronic document management has grown over the past few years, people still lack understanding of some aspects of the technology. They often mistake file management for Enterprise Content Management or EDMS, which can be considered part of ECM. Here we will try to dispel five myths, especially in the focus of small business challenges.

Myth #1: I have File Explorer so I don't need a separate EDMS
Indeed, Windows Explorer allows you to manage files, but this is only a basic tool, its significant limitation is the hierarchical folder structure.

Even an elementary task, when you want to group documents by products and by customers using folders, is not solved - client A orders products X and Y. Client B - products X and Z. We want to see orders by products and by customers and any DBMS or even Excel allows you to do this. But sorting documents into folders in this way will not work.

Theoretically, you can use labels and links, but in reality this is inconvenient. It turns out that using the file system it is impossible to build convenient system classification and search of documents.

Myth #2. Small businesses don't need EDMS
Nothing is further from the truth. Small business operates under severe resource constraints, no one will hire additional employees to perform routine operations with documents, to place, classify and search them. Even those employees who are, should work more productively. The presence of an EDMS in an organization can ensure that required documents will be available with a single mouse click.
(Well, maybe two or three, which is still faster than rummaging through papers or file storage.)

Myth #3. EDMS is too complicated for small businesses
The requirements for document flow in a small business are usually simpler and the owners can formulate them in front of the contractor. There are enough products on the market that are easy to implement. You can start with one department or function, such as account management. See how this affects efficiency. Then you can expand to the entire organization. Make sure that the EDMS meets the following requirements: simple user interface, ease of installation and configuration, understandable and complete guide and availability of high-quality technical support.
(I’ll add from myself - don’t try to become like a big bureaucratic office! Save your work style. It’s better to train employees, you shouldn’t save on this. It’s better to save on analyzing and drawing business processes. You already understand them. And if not, most likely business no longer small.)

Myth number 4. EDMS is too expensive for small businesses
Small businesses do not need overly advanced complex integrated solutions, which are usually implemented in large corporations. And you don’t need much scalability, because there will be few users. Based on this, you can choose a solution that will be quite reasonable in price. In addition, the transition to electronic document management will help reduce printing costs. (But this needs to be consciously approached and managed, otherwise the cost of paper will only increase.)
(And again, I’ll say it for myself - calculating ROI when implementing an EDMS is a dark matter. Analysts will tell you anything. Trust your intuition. In general, EDMS should help reduce costs and increase productivity.)

Myth number 5. You can completely get rid of paper documents after the introduction of EDMS
So, you have implemented EDMS in your small business. Congratulations! But do not rush for a new shredder. Paper documents are still needed. Let's divide them into three groups:
1) Documents that must be in paper form by law. For example, contracts and other official documents.
2) Documents that remain in paper form because business processes are built that way. As long as your couriers are not equipped with iPads, they need papers.
3) Documents that do not exactly have to be in paper form. Any reports office notes, applications, etc. - everything that did not fall into the first two groups. They can be safely carried in the sherder.

After months and years, documents from the first two groups will gradually move into the third. Legislation is changing and technologies are developing, it may soon be easier to give each courier a tablet and not fool around with paper. This is how we will someday arrive at a paperless office.

The main requirements that an electronic document management system must meet:

  • Reliable storage and easy search of documentation.
  • Support and performance of clerical tasks.
  • Timely control over the execution of documents and their routing.
  • Creation of analytical reports.
  • Ensuring information security.

Modern EDMS also have functions for interacting with customers, processing their requests, and additional useful tools that allow you to solve many applied problems.

Types of electronic document management systems

There are various types of classification of electronic document management systems, but the most indicative classification is the division of EDMS by title functionality. Any EDMS is positioned by its developer as designed primarily to perform a certain type of task. This does not mean that it does not provide for any additional technologies inherent in most of the "brothers". Just a set of tools of each electronic document management system has its own strengths and weaknesses. In the classification according to the title functional, it is just taken into account strengths SEDov.

So, it looks like this:

  • EDMS designed to create and work with electronic documentation, as well as digital analogues of paper documents.
  • Accounting systems that automate the registration of events and documents throughout their life cycle(electronic files).
  • EDMS, the main task of which is to automate the work with large corporate information repositories.
  • Systems managing electronic archives with documentation.
  • EDMS, the functionality of which is specialized in extracting the necessary information from archives and other electronic sources.
  • Systems that control corporate processes, document processing and activities of employees of the organization who are involved in working with business documentation.
  • Information EDMS that manage data storage devices.

There is also a brief classification of SEDs by country of origin, used only in Russia. According to it, electronic document management systems in our country are divided into domestic, imported and Russian, developed on the foreign Lotus / Domino platform. Our review includes examples of only two foreign EDMS - EMC Documentum and Lotus Domino.Doc. All other EDMS have "citizenship" of Russia.

TOP-10 electronic document management systems

We evaluated electronic document management systems, focusing on a comparison of five parameters that are decisive when choosing an EDMS for automating document management in an enterprise. The scale is ten-point.

Place Program/service Price Ease of learning Functionality Accounting for Russian legislation Technical
Overall rating
1 A business 8 8 10 10 10 9,2
2-4 1C:Archive 9 7 10 10 9 9
2-4 CompanyMedia 9 9 9 10 8 9
4-6 EMC Documentum 9 10 8 8 8,8
4-6 Logics 9 10 9 10 6 8,8
4-6 Euphrates 9 10 9 10 6 8,8
7 DIRECTUM 10 8 8 10 7 8,6
8 Lotus Domino.Doc 8 8 9 9 8,5
9 OPTIMA-WorkFlow 10 8 8 9 7 8.4
10 LanDocs 8 7 7 10 8 8

Note: the final assessment of the system in the table does not claim to be 100% objective and reflects the opinion of the author, based on an in-depth analysis of this topic. This review of electronic document management systems is made only among high-quality software products that can be safely chosen for use in various types of business.


This electronic document management system is a recognized leader in its segment throughout the entire post-Soviet space. It successfully carries out document circulation and office work as largest holdings both corporations and small businesses. In relation to this system, it is appropriate to apply a tautology: "DELO" knows his business. Indeed, this software is ideal for deep automation of office work and workflow.


  • The ability to track all stages of the movement of any electronic document.
  • Simplicity and convenience in creating documentation projects.
  • General debugging and functionality of the system.


  • The "stretched" minuses include a somewhat archaic interface and a certain difficulty in mastering.

What is the price?

The price of a license to use the "DELO" system within one workplace (DBMS - Oracle) depends on the planned total number of these places and varies from 11,000 rubles (201-500 r / m) to 13,400 rubles (1-5 r /m). If the organization uses the Microsoft SQL Server DBMS, then the license for one workplace will cost from 7200 to 9500 rubles, respectively.


The Logic SED program was called Boss-Referent until 2012 and was one of the most popular Russian systems electronic document management, a serious competitor to the Delo EDMS. The name change did not affect the quality of this software product, and it is still a reliable and functional system for office management in enterprises of any type and size.


  • The ability to build complex multi-level routes for document approval.
  • High degree of user data protection.
  • Relative ease of mastering the main components of the system.
  • Flexible and customizable document processing processes.


  • Inconvenient differentiation of access rights with a serious staff turnover.
  • Not the most conscientious work of technical support.
  • Archaic interface.

What is the price?

The cost of one license to use this program depends on the number of employees connected to it. If their number does not exceed 49 people, then the price will be 5,900 for each workplace; from 50 to 199 connected workers - 5,200 rubles; and if there are more than 200 jobs, then the price of one license will be minimal - 4900 rubles.


This electronic document management system was developed in full compliance with the requirements of the ISO 9000 quality standard and Russian GOSTs in the field of office work. From its "colleagues" "EUFRATS" differs in the presence of many of its own unique software developments that cannot be found in competing EDMS. Purely technological this system is one of the most "advanced" EDMS on the modern Russian market.


  • The delivery package of this system includes a built-in Nika DBMS, which automatically frees the user organization from purchasing additional software.
  • Friendly interface with a nice memorable design.
  • Built-in role mechanism for managing access rights.


  • Pretty slow speed, especially on weak computers.
  • Periodic failures in work and slow technical support.

What is the price?

A standard license with the installation of the system on the organization's own server costs from 5200 to 7300 rubles per workstation, more users - the price is lower. However, there is also the option of placing the server component on the manufacturer's equipment. In this case, a subscription fee system is applied - four tariffs, costing from 10,000 to 95,000 rubles per month.


This is one of the best and certainly the most versatile program for enterprise document management. 1C:Archive provides reliable and, most importantly, centralized storage of business documentation of various formats, with access to it by authorized personnel who can edit files.


  • A debugged algorithm for quickly finding the necessary data.
  • The ability to store documents of any type - from text and graphics, to audio and video files.
  • The widest scalability that allows you to successfully use this software in both large and small enterprises.
  • The main advantage of 1C:Archive, which distinguishes this program from competitors, is the optimal combination of the price of the product and the capabilities of its functionality.
  • Support for integration with external applications.


  • Consuming a lot of system resources.
  • Increased difficulty of mastering even for experienced users.

What is the price?

The price of the “assembly” of this program varies from 12,000 to 57,000 rubles, and the first amount will have to be paid exclusively for upgrading the previous version of 1C: Archive.


Simple and functional EDMS DIRECTUM will be an excellent solution for small and medium-sized businesses. Thanks to this system, electronic document management can be successfully combined with traditional paper workflow in order to subsequently “painlessly” completely transfer the organization to work in DIRECTUM. Advanced Workflow technology provides efficient automation of office work processes.


  • Availability of specialized software tools that simplify the search and identification of documentation as much as possible.
  • Ample opportunities for independent modification of the system for specific tasks.
  • Extended possibilities of integration with other programs.


  • Orientation of the system to the management of the enterprise - it is more difficult for ordinary clerks to work in it.
  • Somewhat confusing and opaque pricing policy.

What is the price?

Licenses for the use of this EDMS are purchased both individually and as part of package offers. The cheapest basic client license costs 7,800 rubles. The cost of license packages starts from 148,200 rubles (basic for 20 employees) and goes up to 2,010,000 rubles (for 200 employees).


This electronic document management system is a strong middle peasant in its segment. She is in constant development and so far cannot compete on equal terms with the recognized mastodons of the market. However, OPTIMA-WorkFlow has a number of "tricks up its sleeve" - ​​unique technologies that make it stand out from the crowd.


  • Implementation of the function of serial input of the same types of documents and their registration information.
  • Scanning with an antivirus program.
  • Indexing of regular and encrypted documents of your choice.
  • Multilingual user interface.


  • Disadvantages of typical functionality that are permanently eliminated by outgoing updates.

What is the price?

Typical solutions based on this platform cost from 55,000 to 75,000 rubles.

EMC Documentum

This platform for automating workflow processes was developed by the world leader in the IT industry, EMC. Powerful functionality coupled with flexible customization of individual tools make EMC Documentum the best foreign EDMS available on the Russian market.


  • High degree of convenience in managing design documents.
  • Implementation of a check-in/check-out mechanism that allows you to manage the distribution of access rights.
  • The presence of a function that allows you to implement the approval procedure at several levels.
  • Support for scanning and document recognition devices.


  • Works only with Internet Explorer browser.
  • Lack of publicly available technical and practical documentation on the system.
  • Frequent "brakes" and lags with a high system load.

What is the price?

There are no fixed prices for using this platform. The cost of its implementation is negotiated individually with each customer.


Developed in 1997 by the domestic company LANIT, this platform for automating document management remains in demand by many enterprises and institutions to this day. LanDocs allows you to build a comfortable workflow and workflow environment, providing all categories of users with the necessary set of tools to manage it.


  • Availability of integrated cryptographic protection tools.
  • The ability to include employees from remote branches in the workflow process.
  • The presence of the function of batch scanning of paper documentation.


  • Quite common performance issues.
  • Weak opportunities to expand the functionality.
  • Difficulty in mastering the system from scratch.

What is the price?

The price of a server license varies from 30,000 to 216,000 rubles. User licenses can be purchased at a price of 5,600 to 8,400 rubles.


CompanyMedia is a whole set of software solutions designed to automate business processes, workflow and office work. This EDMS differs from competitors in its unsurpassed flexibility of settings and the presence of independent modules that can be installed separately.


  • Possibility successful work systems in enterprises with complex corporate structure and territorial organization.
  • Unprecedented reliability of the system, which allows it to actively operate around the clock, 365 days a year.
  • Automated support for working with several types of jobs.
  • Differentiation of access rights, according to the hierarchical structure of the organization.


  • The web interface has limited support for some browsers, in particular FireFox.
  • The focus of the system is mainly on medium and large businesses.

What is the price?

The final price of this software consists of many components, including staff training, installation of additional modules and transfer of rights to use the system. The upper limit of the total amount is 99,000 rubles. The cheapest thematic module will cost 4,000 rubles.

Lotus Domino.Doc

This EDMS is an application to the well-known Notes/Domino platform, which has a high-level data security system. Also Lotus Domino.Doc has an advanced Electronic archive, which allows you to implement a large storage of corporate documents.


  • Availability of unique replication systems designed for complex solution of document flow management tasks in a distributed environment.
  • Possibility of searching for documents in separate parts of the information storage.
  • LDAP directories scale up to the corporate level.


  • The disadvantages of this system mainly stem from its Western origin - there are certain questions about the interface and the implementation of some functions.

What is the price?

The cost of user and server licenses is calculated individually on the platform website.


Summing up a certain line under the review, I would like to note an important nuance: the introduction of an electronic document management system into your business does not at all guarantee an instant increase in its profitability, and, in some cases, it can do harm. If your organization successfully functions and makes a profit, working without EDMS, then think a thousand times before deciding to implement them. No need to chase the "progressive fashion" and install these systems without a serious need for them. However, with the expansion of the business and high workload of employees, the electronic document management system can become a kind of lifeline that will help the company swim out of the maelstrom of paperwork.

At the moment, there is an active development of software solutions in the field of IT technologies. They are used in various fields of human activity and in manufacturing, small business, education and other equally important industries. In parallel with this, a lot of paper documentation is used everywhere.

Nowadays, many enterprises wish to abandon paper documents and transfer their enterprise to an electronic document management system. It's incredibly convenient and practical.

Of course, with the advent of the need to translate documentation into electronic system there are companies that develop software products in this direction. And sometimes these same products simply shock those who want to buy them with their cost. However, thanks to some people who do not work for self-interest, you can find programs for the electronic document management system for free.

Today, two such products can be distinguished: Alfresco and NauDoc.

NauDoc is a product that is designed to automate office work, various business processes, and workflow. This program was developed by NAUMEN. The presented program makes it possible to manage the procedure for processing documents, as well as to control the discipline of execution, as a result of the results obtained on the fulfillment of the assigned tasks.

NauDoc allows you to organize storage for documents with different access rights based on roles. This allows employees of a certain company to view the documentation at any time, even if at that moment the person responsible for it is absent for some reason at the workplace.

This program has a registration log, where you can track all the movements of documents and their copies within the enterprise.

The possibility of control in NauDoc allows you to assign tasks to your employees directly in the system, monitor their execution, monitor deadlines, send documents for approval, and then send already agreed documents to other users of the system. The program allows you to set up routes for a specific type of documents in automatic mode.

Absolutely all actions in the system are carried out through the web-interface. This makes it possible to log in to the system in any corner of the planet. Thus, there is a single information space within the organization and it does not matter where its representative offices and branches are located.

The technological features of the system are as follows:

- 100% web-interface opens the possibility to connect to the system from any place;
— ABBYY Fine Reader Scripting Edition software for scanning and text recognition is integrated into the system;
- the system is configured in such a way that authorization and authentication of users can be carried out in external directory services;
— the system has a module for working with an electronic digital signature. Users can use digital signature any crypto provider that supports the Microsoft CryptoAPI interface.

The capabilities of the NauDoc system include:

- ease of work with documents of the organizational and administrative direction. All electronic documents are created based on certain templates. When creating a document, the user only needs to specify the values ​​of the details in the document registration card. These values ​​are automatically added to the text of the document. If necessary, the user can be allowed to change the template text.

Each type of document can be assigned a specific set of details. To do this, the user must have the rights of "Technologist".

After the document is created, it is sent for approval to those employees who are responsible for this function in the enterprise. The approval process is completely saved in the system. Scheduled deadlines are controlled automatically, the necessary employees are notified, and a notification about the approval process is received.

When working with each document, the system automatically assigns a registration number to it.

- process management. The NauDoc system makes it possible to automate the workflow process that is associated with managerial and production processes enterprises. Each process can be configured separately in the system, that is, a certain process is assigned its own representation within the system, persons responsible for it, as well as scheduled deadlines. The program has reporting tools that allow you to control each stage of the process and, in case of a possible failure of the scheduled deadlines, to determine the culprit of this incident. After collecting the data, you can analyze the process and make the necessary changes.

- the procedure for the approval of documents by responsible officials. After creating a document, it is sent to a circle of people for approval, depending on the accepted procedure within the organization. In the case of collective work with the document, all procedures are carried out for the same copy of the document. Persons responsible for the approval get access to the document. At any time, you can create an approval report, where the name and position of the approver are affixed, and the exact time of the procedure is immediately indicated.

- the possibility of registering paper and electronic documents in the system. Automatic logging occurs at a certain stage of work. Especially for paper documents, the system provides an electronic card, which has the ability to attach a graphic image of the document, which can be obtained by scanning the document.

- quick search documents on content and details. The program allows you to quickly find required document by entering details, that is, by brief description or registration number. The system makes it possible to search by the content of attached files, as well as by the documents themselves.

- Work with correspondence (incoming and outgoing). The system provides an opportunity to work with the company's correspondence using the company's mail server. Any letter passing through the system is processed as a normal document.

Incoming correspondence goes directly to the secretary. He registers letters in the log of incoming correspondence. The document automatically receives a registration number. Then it is sent to the head of the company, and after reading it, it is sent to employees for consideration or execution.

Outgoing documentation is created based on a template adopted by the organization. The document is sent to the manager, who approves it.

After the approval procedure, the document goes to the secretary, who registers it in the appropriate journal. After this letter is sent by the secretary to the desired email address. All correspondence is automatically stored in the system and at any time everyone can find what he needs.

- the ability to create a corporate web portal and the company's website. The NauDoc system allows an enterprise to create websites and place content on them. In this case, the content is documents, images, and any other objects created in NauDoc.

The system has a built-in WISYWIG-editor that allows you to edit site pages and is easy to manage. Also here you can manage the publication of news, polls and profiles.

If necessary, you can change the design of the pages. Access to various sections of the site allows you to coordinate documents before publishing them on the site. Today there are two editions of NauDoc: Free and Enterprise.

Let's look at the second free electronic document management system Alfresco. This system is widely used by Western companies to maintain records in in electronic format and management of various projects. Popularity this service can be explained by the openness of the code (Open Source), while the program works stably and can be used for projects of various sizes.

There is nothing surprising in the stability of the presented program, since the founder of the system is John Newton, who is known for running Documentum.

This company is the market leader in electronic document management systems for large enterprises. This system is successfully used by many corporations. The system differs in that it works on any platform and with a variety of databases.

Alfresco easily copes with any load of stored documents with the number of users exceeding several tens of thousands.

The presented system is little known in Russia, since until recently no one could provide professional services organization of support and training in the use of the Alfresco system.

The advantages of Alfresco include web accessibility. The system does not require the installation of additional software on the computers of enterprises, therefore, there is no need to update the client software. You can work in the system even from mobile devices, being anywhere in the world. Alfresco features the most advanced and modern web interface.

It is worth saying that in recent years, both American and European electronic document management systems have ceased Special attention give to the web interface.

Support is provided only for remote access to documentation. This was a consequence of the fact that people are used to editing documents using office applications.

How, then, to solve the problem of the need to work with standard folders and files, despite the fact that they do not have routing, do not support the required version, there is no access, and so on?

The solution was developed and has long been used in electronic document management systems.

Let's imagine our desktop. Here, for example, there are two folders. One is called "documents for consideration", the second - "corporate documents". We open the first one and see a certain number of documents. Documents in this folder are for consideration and decision. Such a document opens in the usual MS Word. It turns out that you have the opportunity not only to read the document, but to open any version of the document, read the comments, make decisions on it, send this document to those who need it, directly performing all the above actions directly in Word or another office application.

In addition, here the user sees incoming and outgoing tasks.

If you need to create a new contract and then send it for approval, no problem. All this can be done in MS Word, create a document and send it to the specified standard route. You can also simply copy the document to the "corporate documents" folder, and it will automatically go to the desired route.

Of course, no one is going to refuse the web-interface. The web interface allows you to perform a wider range of tasks.

This method is convenient on trips, business trips, having quick access from mobile devices, as well as the ability to perform collective tasks with documents and reports.

The Alfresco system is released in two main versions: Enterprise Edition and Community Edition. Community version available for free download and can be used by any enterprise. It is worth noting that this version is supported solely by members of the system community. Despite this, Alfresco Community is the most common version of the system in European countries.

The system can be used by a small number of participants, as well as easily able to serve more than ten thousand users. The system works with built-in PostgreSQL and MySQL databases.


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