Project all professions are needed all professions are important. Pedagogical project “All professions are needed, all professions are important. "Who I want to be"

MKOU Ulyanovsk secondary school Project "Professions"

Completed: 2nd grade student

Savrasny Matvey

Fireman profession - boiler operator and watchman

My grandfather Valera works as a fireman, and grandmother Zoya works as a watchman.

Profession night watchman , no matter how primitive it may seem, is very desirable for many specialists who want to have Additional income or to resolve the issue of temporary housing. On the other hand, the watchman is considered a specialist who must be responsible for the safety of the facility and the safety of people. The employee must pass the required vocational training, as well as receive special instructions for ensuring the safety of the facility. In addition, the night watchman will have to be responsible for the physical security of a particular room or people.

Profession boiler-house stoker belongs to the category of high-risk professions. Maintenance of gas, electric, solid fuel boilers, elements of heating and water heating systems requires the acquisition of special knowledge and skills.

  • My aunt Natasha works as a seller.
  • Do not think that the main task of the seller is to exchange our money for the goods he has.
  • In fact, the buyer is very often not sure of his choice, so he has to be “pushed” to buy.
  • The ability to be convincing, to speak the same language with the consumer is one of the most important for those whose profession is a salesperson.
  • Working as a salesperson requires truly encyclopedic knowledge. The buyer asks many questions, and each one needs to be able to answer.
  • In a grocery hypermarket, we definitely need to know how sweet the apples that we liked will turn out to be, in a perfume and cosmetics store - will this smell suit our brunette friend.
  • There are always questions, and we always expect to be answered in detail.

  • My uncle Jenya works as a driver for BelAZ.
  • The profession of a driver is relevant at any time. Even today, when other modes of transport are developing rapidly, it is difficult to do without road transport.

Engineering book of the project “All professions are needed, all professions are important. Designer"

Idea and general content of the project

Creative project. “All professions are needed, all professions are important. Designer"

1. Informational characteristics of the educational project.
1.1 Project developer:
Chuvaeva Larisa Vladimirovna - educator senior group.
Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten combined type No. 1g.ab. Samara
1.2. View:
Informational and creative, collective.
1.3. Participants:
Children of the older group, educator, parents of pupils.
Location: group room, home.
1.4. Age:
5-6 years old
1.5. Term: 8days

2. Relevance.

Love for his homeland is formed in a child from early childhood, when he is receptive to bright, new things. Through acquaintance with folk arts and crafts, which carries national traditions, the preschooler comes into contact with the life of the people, with what the people live in the past and present. Folk arts and crafts develops the imaginative thinking of the child, imagination, and influences the creative process.
With the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard in preschool educational institutions, an important problem is not so much the acquisition by children of a certain amount of knowledge from an adult, but the development of a preschooler's desire to learn, discover new things, explore the world on their own. The main feature of the modern world is its high dynamism. Our everyday life demands from each of us - both the adult and the child - the manifestation of search activity, on the basis of which exploratory behavior is built.
Currently, developed exploratory behavior should be considered a lifestyle modern man... Relevance of this project is the development creative personality the child through the development of skills of research behavior, acquaintance with the peculiarities of the profession "Designer", the implementation of independent creative and technical activities of preschoolers, the formation of patriotism, love and pride for the motherland, native people, native city.

3. Project plan:

Target: acquaintance with the profession of a designer; the formation of aesthetic feelings and the development of creative abilities of preschoolers through familiarization with folk arts and crafts through Lego design and robotics.
To acquaint preschoolers with the profession of a designer.
Contribute to the formation of interest in robotics and design;
Continue to acquaint children with folk crafts of Russia, their characteristic elements; to form the ability to make patterns based on Khokhloma painting and Gzhel painting; offer to paint volumetric figures from the designer.
Develop constructive skills, attention, memory, logical thinking, communication skills.
To activate the speech of children.
Implement independent creative activities of children.
To develop the creativity and technical creativity of preschoolers;
To foster patriotism, pride in the hometown, country.

To foster respect for the work of people.
Preschoolers will get acquainted with the profession of a designer (construction artist), master new educational construction sets and how to use them in independent activities. The fusion of robotics with the beauty of folk painting will increase children's cognitive interest in technology and the development of creative potential, the formation of aesthetic feelings.
Estimated results:
- get acquainted with the profession "Designer";
- get acquainted with the types of folk arts and crafts - Gzhel, Khokhloma, with the history of these paintings, with the main elements and patterns;
- will master new non-traditional techniques artistic creation, new educational constructors;
- get acquainted with industrial enterprises Samara region;
- will take part in the creation of the layout of the "FIFA World Cup in Samara"
- improve their knowledge of folk arts and crafts;
- get acquainted with educational constructors.
- will take part in the development of the project and the creation of the layout of the "FIFA World Cup in Samara"
- will take an active part in the design of the exhibition "Lego Constructor in the Hands of Craftsmen" ( joint work children with parents)

Stages of work:

Stage 1. Preparatory:
-Development of the hypothesis, goals and objectives of the project;
-Selection of methodological material and literature;
-Organization of a subject-developing environment.

Stage 2. Project implementation:
Cognitive - research activities:
- Conversations "Delicate blue miracle"; "Golden Khokhloma", "Acquaintance with the profession. Designer"
- Oral journal "FIFA World Cup 2018"
- The story "The history of Gzhel painting", "Where did Khokhloma come from", "What is the Samara region famous for"
- Slide presentation: "Miracle - Gzhel", "The beauty of Khokhloma painting."
- Visit to the art studio of the preschool educational institution. "Works of masters"
- Visit to the mini-museum of the preschool educational institution "Russian hut"
- Virtual excursion "Progress Rocket and Space Center";
"Automotive company OJSC" AvtoVAZ ".

Play activities:

D / and "Gather the dishes"
- D / and "Pick a pattern"
- D / and "Find unnecessary"
- Educational game "Gzhel Rose", "Golden Khokhloma"
- Finger game "We went to visit the master"
- С / р "City of Masters".
- С / р "Shop of handicrafts of folk art"
- С / р "Designers"

Communication activity:

Educational game "We are friendly guys"
-development game "We build and play together"

Visual activity:

Application with Lego secret. "Olympic bear. Gzhel "" Jug. Khokhloma "
- Director's game "City of Masters"
- Plasticinography "Gzhel.Lego - horse" "Khokhloma. Cup"
- Drawing up a Lego puzzle: "Gzhel. Dog "," Samovar. Khokhloma "

Creating a volumetric applique using a Lego background: “Gzhel. A chicken in a nest ”,“ A swan floats on a wave. Gzhel "," Sugar bowl. Khokhloma "," Vase. Gzhel "

- Creation of a Lego building as an object of plastic applique

"Gzhel. Fish "
- Creation of a drawing using Lego-print "Gzhel. Tea Service "," Pot. Khokhloma "

Construction from various materials:
- Acquaintance with the designer ROBOROBO, the creation of buildings "Samovar", "Stove"

Perception of fiction and folklore:
- Reading stories, poems, musical compositions and songs about craftsmen, about Gzhel and Khokhloma paintings. Learning poems about the native land, listening to songs about Samara.

Motor activity:
- P / and "The masters called to them, they showed what needs to be done"
- P / and "Who will collect faster"

Family interaction:
- Creation of a folder-travel "How to acquaint children with folk art", "Educational constructors".
- Consultation "Patriotic education of a preschooler", "Development of technical creativity of a preschooler".
- Organization of the exhibition "Lego Constructor in the Hands of Craftsmen" (joint creativity of children and parents)

Stage 3. Final.
- Creation of a model of the stadium "Samara Arena", creation of a Lego-Samovar and Lego-Pechki using the RoboRobo constructor.

Design of the exhibition "Lego Constructor in the Hands of Craftsmen". (joint work of children with parents)
-Speech of preschoolers to the children of the older group with the project "All professions are needed, all professions are important"
-During this project, preschoolers got acquainted with creativity folk craftsmen, with the features of Gzhel and Khokhloma paintings as elements of traditional decorative and applied Russian art, which has no analogues in the world; with the evolution of these paintings, from pottery to designating a style on absolutely any objects, from clothes to Lego constructors; preschoolers can demonstrate the basic elements of painting; make constructions from Lego blocks and decorate them with patterns using unconventional drawing techniques and plasticineography.
Acquainted with the profession of "Designer"; mastered new educational constructors.
We got acquainted with the industrial enterprises of the Samara region;
Participated in the creation creative project"All professions are needed, all professions are important"
We performed a project in front of the children of the senior group of the preschool educational institution.

During the project, the parents took an active part in the selection of information about Russian masters, about the features of painting Gzhel, Khokhloma; in preparing a presentation, in creating buildings and decorating crafts from a designer; in organizing the Lego Constructor in the Hands of Craftsmen exhibition and creating a model for the Samara Arena stadium.
1. Conversation "Blue-blue miracle". Examination of pictures, photographs of dishes and souvenirs, painted under Gzhel.
2. Recommend parents to consider with their children the utensils that are available at home and are painted with Gzhel patterns.
3.Viewing the presentation "Forget-me-not Gzhel". Children will learn the history of Gzhel painting.
4. Board games: "Fourth-odd", "Couples". Children fix the peculiarities of the painting pattern of the Gzhel masters; play independently, observing the rules of the game, choosing the leader with a counting rhyme.
5. Acquaintance with the author KI Chukovsky and his work "Fedorino grief". Children look at the illustrations of the book.
1. Printing by designer details. Children circle the "Cup" pattern and create a pattern based on Gzhel and Khokhloma painting.
2. Give an assignment to parents: bring a crockery item from home and write a story about it.
3. Viewing the presentation "Gzhel" "Golden Khokhloma". Children draw elements of Gzhel and Khokhloma painting.
4. GCD Drawing. "Kettle. Painting Gzhel "," Tureen. Khokhloma painting "
5. Role-playing game "Family"
1.Ind. work in the corner of art. Children practice plasticine graphy on the details of the “Horse. Painting Gzhel "," Cup. Khokhloma painting. "
2. Together with the parents at home, to consolidate the children's ability to draw elements of the Khokhloma and Gzhel painting.
3. GOD Modeling from salt dough“A cup and a saucer. Painting Gzhel ".
5. Conversation "How I help my mother at home." Encourage parents to involve their children in the dishwashing process at home.
1. Research and search activity "Subjects and materials". Children examine, compare, investigate the materials from which the dishes are made (ceramics, glass, plastic, paper, designer), conduct experiments with paint.
2. Together with the parents at home, they examine dishes made of glass, metal, porcelain, paper, and plastic. Acquainted with the profession of a designer.
3. GOD Creation of a plastic applique “Fish. Painting Gzhel "" Samovar. Khokhloma painting ".
1. Conversation - “Acquaintance with the profession. Designer".
2. Acquaintance with the constructor RoboRobo Robo Kids №1.
Creation of buildings: "Samovar", "Stove"
2. GCD "Designers in Robotics"
4. Together with the parents at home, they get acquainted with the industrial enterprises of the Samara region and the upcoming 2018 FIFA World Cup.
5. Preparation of the project “All professions are needed. all professions are important "and the creation of a model of the stadium" Samara Arena "
1. Design of the exhibition "Lego Constructor in the Hands of Craftsmen".
2.Creating a photo report on the project
1.Creating a model of the Samara Arena stadium
2. Design of the layout of the "FIFA World Cup 2018. Samara "
1. Speech with a presentation of the project "All professions are needed, all professions are important" in front of children of the senior and preparatory groups.
Prospects for further development.
Introducing children to the new possibilities of educational constructors and robotics; acquaintance with new professions; creation of the project "The beauty of folk painting conquers outer space".
Used Books:
1. Bardina R. A. Products of folk art crafts and souvenirs. - Moscow: graduate School, 1977.
2. Bedford A. "The Big Book of LEGO" - Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, 2014
3. Dybina O. V, We create, change, transform / OV Dybina. - M .: Creative center "Sphere", 2002
4. Ishmakova M.S. "Designing in preschool education in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard "- CPI Mask, 2013
5. Komarova L.G. Building from LEGO / L.G. Komarov. - M., 2001 .-- 88 p.
6. Kutsakova L. V, Design and art work in kindergarten / L. V. Kutsakova. - M .: Creative center "Sphere", 2005
7. Luss T.V. Formation of constructive-play skills in children with the help of LEGO / T.V. Luss. - M., 2003 .-- 96 p.
8. Paramonova L.A. Theory and methods of creative design in kindergarten / L.A. Paramonova. - M., 2009 .-- 210 p.
9. Popova OS, Kaplan NI Russian art crafts. - Moscow: Knowledge, 1984.
10. Feshina E.V "Lego - construction in kindergarten" - M .: Creative center "Sphere", 2012

Elena Golubyeva

Project theme:"All professions are needed, all professions are important."

Terms of implementation: short.

Project type: research and creative.

Educator - Elena Golubyeva

Participants project activities:

pupils and parents preparatory group MBDOU "Birch", Kostomuksha.

Relevance of the project:

In senior preschool age further familiarization with the world of adults and objects created by their labor is of particular importance for the full development of a child's personality. Familiarization with the professions of the parents ensures the child's further entry into modern world, familiarization with its values, ensures the satisfaction and development of the sexual cognitive interests of boys and girls of senior preschool age. Therefore, the idea of ​​creating this project arose. In-depth study of professions through the professions of their parents contributes to the development of ideas about their significance, the value of each work, the development of evidence-based speech. Right choice profession determines success in life.

Objective of the project:

to expand and generalize the idea of ​​children about professions, tools, labor actions. Development of interest in various professions, in particular in the professions of parents and their place of work.

Project objectives:

Arouse interest in the proposed activity;

Form a realistic understanding of human labor;

Help children understand the importance and necessity of each profession;

To form the ability to independently let them down, based on their life experience and previously acquired knowledge;

Develop communication skills;

To develop coherent speech, fine motor skills of hands, imagination, memory;

Develop imaginative and spatial thinking, encourage children to be creative and independent.

Expected Result:

Arouse interest in the surrounding world;

To expand children's knowledge and understanding of the professions, including the professions of their parents (the place of work of parents, the significance of their work; pride and respect for the work of their parents);

Help parents to properly organize joint family leisure;

To entrust children with feasible labor duties at home, in kindergarten, to be responsible for their implementation;

Ensure the child's activity in the complex process of his becoming a Human.

Project implementation activities:

When working with children:

Educational area "Communication":

Speech development:

Writing stories on the topic "Professions"

Teach children to independently invent a story on a given topic; develop monologue speech, creative imagination

"Human labor"

to acquaint children with a variety of professions; to consolidate the ability to argue their answers; develop logical thinking.

"Bread is the head of everything"

to give an idea of ​​how the bread came to our table; pay attention to the content of people's labor, to their coherence and mutual assistance in work, to the mechanization of labor; develop mental activity; to educate a respectful attitude to bread, respect for human labor.

"What will I become when I grow up?"

teach children to come up with a first-person story; develop creative imagination; use descriptions, dialogue, means of expressive speech.

Reading fiction:

"City of Good Deeds" by R. Scarry

"Who to be?" I. Karpova (a series of books about professions)

"What have you got?" S. Mikhalkov

"Who to be?" V. Mayakovsky

"Builders" B. Zakhoder

"Uncle Styopa is a policeman" S. Mikhalkov

"What does the crafts smell like?" D. Rodari

"Doctor Aibolit" K. Chukovsky

"Dunno in a sunny city" N. Nosov

Educational area "Cognition":

Constructive activity:

"Young Architects"

Purpose: to train children in working with different natural materials; to teach how to select beautiful combinations of shapes and colors when drawing up decorative compositions, to combine your crafts with a single plot. To encourage children to work together, it is proposed to combine their crafts with a common idea.

"Young inventors"

Purpose: to teach children to model structures according to schemes; to consolidate the ability to observe proportionality and symmetry, select material, beautifully and expediently decorate buildings; to teach children to design collectively, to use their knowledge and experience in the process of work; develop the desire for search, experimentation, creativity.

Formation of a holistic picture of the world:

Master - class "Our pies for mothers"

expand and concretize the idea of ​​the profession of a cook; develop cognitive interests; develop speech activity and dialogical speech.

Master - class "Beautiful haircut".

expand and concretize the idea of ​​the profession of a hairdresser; develop cognitive interests; develop speech activity and dialogical speech.

Excursion to the Museum "Living butterflies".

to give children an idea of ​​the profession of people who work in the museum; arouse in children a cognitive interest, a desire to learn new things about butterflies.

Excursion to medical office"Profession - a doctor."

to acquaint with the professions of a doctor and nurse, cultivate respectful attitude towards employees kindergarten, develop observation in children; replenish the children's dictionary with medical terminology, activate verbs, teach children to fully answer questions, find as many words as possible for answers in the process of communication.

Excursion to the library "Profession - librarian".

to form in children realistic ideas about the work of adults; involve parents in educating children about the profession of a librarian; to educate children to be responsive, respect for the work of adults.

Excursion to the kitchen of the kindergarten "Profession - cook"

to introduce children to the work of a cook; expand and consolidate knowledge of kitchenware.

Formation of elementary mathematical representations:

Travel to the country "Geometry"

Clarify children's ideas about geometric shapes: triangle, square, rectangle, circle, oval and their main features; learn to find geometric images in the environment.

"Solving problems of geometric content"

Learn to solve problems of a geometric nature with ingenuity.

"Comparison of objects by height"

Learn to compare objects in height, establish equality between two groups of objects, distinguish between quantitative and ordinal counting.

Educational area "Artistic Creativity":


"Coloring Pages - Professions"

Purpose: to develop the desire to select objects for the image according to the plan; to teach to distinguish between various shapes, to combine ready-made colors and shapes in a drawing.

"What will I become when I grow up?"

Purpose: to continue to develop children's visual skills (sense of color, shape, composition); to form skills associated with artistic - figurative reflection of objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality in drawing.


"Album" Professions are different "

Purpose: to continue to develop children's interest in collective activities; select objects for the image in accordance with the intention; develop creative imagination, fantasy.

Plot - role-playing games:


teach children to develop creative imagination; the ability to jointly develop the game, coordinating their own game plan with those of their peers; to form the ability to negotiate, plan and discuss the actions of all players; reinforce children's knowledge of the rules of behavior in in public places; develop initiative, organizational skills.


to form an idea of ​​collective farm management, family budget, about family relationships, joint leisure; foster love, a benevolent attitude towards family members, interest in their activities.


to arouse children's interest in the profession of a seller, to form the skills of a culture of behavior in public places, to foster friendly relations.


Arouse children's interest in the profession of a doctor; to bring up a sensitive, attentive attitude to the patient, kindness, responsiveness, culture of communication.

"Military base"

continue to introduce children to military professions; clarify the daily routine of military personnel, what is their service; to educate courage, dexterity, the ability to clearly follow the orders of the commander; expand the vocabulary of children.


to form concrete ideas about construction, its stages; to consolidate knowledge about blue-collar occupations; foster respect for the work of builders; to form the ability to creatively develop the plot of the game.


To expand the knowledge of children about the school; help children in mastering the expressive means of realizing the role (intonation, facial expressions, gestures); independently create a game environment for the conceived; contribute to the formation of the ability to creatively develop the plots of the game; help children learn some moral norms; foster fair relationships; to strengthen the forms of courtesy; foster friendship, the ability to live and work in a team.


expand and consolidate children's knowledge about the work of a hairdresser; foster a culture of behavior in public places; respect, courtesy to elders and to each other; teach to thank for the help and service provided.

Working with parents:

Design for the book "The Professions of Our Parents".

Parents held master classes with children. We got acquainted with such professions as: hairdresser, doctor, designer, military man, cook.

Project result:

The project "All professions are important, all professions are needed" has achieved its objectives.

The results indicate positive changes in children's ideas about the work of adults (knowledge of the direction and structure of specific labor processes, understanding of the value of human labor). different professions, the ability to transfer knowledge about the content and structure of adult labor to their own labor activity, understanding the significance of their labor).

During the implementation of the project, such a form of work as joint, partner activities of educators, children and parents was clearly manifested. Parents have gained important experience, which allows them to help their children successfully adapt to the new federal state requirements in the process of preparing for school.


The program "from birth to school" (edited by N. Ye. Veraksa)

A comprehensive program for the development of speech of preschoolers (T.A.Falkovich, L.P.Barylkina)

"Learning to communicate with a child" (V. A. Petrovsky, A. M. Vinogradova)

"Learn by playing" (A. I. Maksakov, G. A. Tumakova)

Program for the formation of mathematical representations (T. A. Falkovich, L. P. Barylkina)

Scenarios for environmental education preschoolers (L.G. Gorkova, A.V. Kochergina, L.A. Obukhova)

Comprehensive classes for the development of creative abilities of preschoolers

(N. V. Korchalovskaya, G. D. Posevina)

(Middle group)

Implementation timeline: long-term (6 months).

Project type: cognitive, informational, creative, group.

Project participants: educators, children and parents middle group, invited guests of different professions.

Relevance of the project:

In preschool age, further familiarization with the world of adults and objects created by their labor is of particular importance for the full development of a child's personality. Familiarization with the professions of parents ensures the child's further entry into the modern world, familiarization with its values. Therefore, the idea of ​​creating this project arose. In-depth study of professions through the professions of their parents contributes to the development of ideas about their significance, the value of each work. The correct choice of profession determines success in life.

Objective of the project:

  • to expand and generalize the idea of ​​children about professions, tools, labor actions.
  • Development of interest in various professions, in particular in the professions of parents and their place of work.

Project objectives:

  • Contribute to the expansion of the clarification of ideas about different types of work.
  • Create conditions for consolidating ideas about labor actions performed by adults; about the results of labor; about equipment, tools and materials necessary for work.
  • Awaken the curiosity of children, interest in the activities of adults.
  • Contribute to the formation of a positive attitude and respect for work.
  • develop communication skills;
  • develop coherent speech, fine motor skills of hands, imagination, memory;
  • develop imaginative and spatial thinking, encourage children to be creative and independent.

Expected Result:

  • arouse interest in the surrounding world;
  • to expand children's knowledge and understanding of professions, including the professions of their parents (parents' place of work, the significance of their work; pride and respect for the work of their parents);
  • help parents to properly organize joint family leisure;
  • entrust children with feasible work duties at home, in kindergarten, be responsible for their implementation.

Activities of teachers:

  • Development of guidelines for familiarizing children with professions.
  • Observation of the nearest professions inside the preschool educational institution.
  • Making a ledbook for some of the professions presented

(composer, cook, salesman, dentist, nurse, driver, sentry, firefighter, artist, hairdresser, builder, carpenter, postman, sailor, educational assistant, military).

Children's activities:

Participation in conversations, cognitive leisure, GCD, competitions, role-playing games, reading fiction, memorizing poetry, designing, various types of work.

Parents' activities:

Conversations with children, stories about professions, walks and excursions with a cognitive purpose, assistance in conducting cognitive leisure activities.

Additional information required to complete the project:

Information from books, normative documents, magazines and the Internet.

Material and technical resources required to complete the project:

Constructor kits, targeted walks, activities together with employees of several professions, didactic games, a card file of musical works on the topic of the project, multimedia equipment, a selection of didactic material on the topic "Professions" , card file with cartoons about labor.

Results of work:

  • Children have developed an understanding of the meaning of the word "profession" .
  • Created by new system labor education in a preschool educational institution.
  • The children had the opportunity to find friends with the same interests.
  • There is a positive dynamics in the development of labor skills and abilities among preschoolers.
  • As a result of the project, the teachers have formed: positive motivation and skills to master the method of play interaction with children.
  • Developed by guidelines to familiarize children with professions.
  • Summaries of thematic lessons have been created.
  • Photos for the website of the preschool educational institution have been prepared.
  • . The game development environment is supplemented with role-playing games to familiarize children with professions.

Stages of project implementation:

Stage I - preparatory (accumulation of knowledge).

  1. Determination of the goal and objectives of the project;
  2. Development of a project implementation plan;
  3. Selection of methodological literature for the implementation of the project;
  4. Selection of visual and didactic material; fiction, reproductions of paintings, illustrations; organization of the developmental environment in the group.
  5. Development of summaries of activities directly from educational activities, conversations to familiarize children with professions.
  6. Forecasting the result.

Stage II - main (joint work with children, parents, social partners).

Working on a project involves cooperation with parents, children, social partners. It is important to define the role of parents in the project as the work of the kindergarten has its own difficulties in the implementation of acquaintance with the professions: a significant part of the work of adults does not take place in front of children, professional labor activity parents remain beyond the understanding of the preschooler, the possibilities of observing their work are limited.

  1. Registration information stand for parents on the topic of the project.
  2. Consultations on the topic of the project: "What makes up hard work?" , « Labor education in family" , "Introducing children to the work of adults" , "The influence of adult labor on the development of children" .
  3. Development of a calendar-thematic plan, including different kinds children's activities, taking into account the integration of educational areas.
  4. Organization of a developing subject environment, which is an important component for the development of children's interest in the professions of adults.
  5. Meeting interesting people of different professions (cook, dentist, firefighter).
  6. Excursions, observation, conversations with people of different professions. Observations of the work of adults clarify children's ideas about professions, awaken curiosity, interest in the activities of adults, and contribute to the development of a positive attitude and respect for their work. In the course of observing the work of adults, it is necessary to draw the attention of children to the labor process, to what tools and objects of labor the adult uses, to overalls that are needed for different professions, and its purpose.
  7. Directly educational activities acquaintance with various professions. To implement the tasks, you need to use technologies for activating mental activity: design and research method, problem situations, active methods (modeling).

The priority is the inclusion of health-saving technologies (articulation gymnastics, eye gymnastics, exercise minutes and others).

Classes are accompanied by conversations, examining illustrations, objects of labor, reading a literary word, didactic games - all this allows children to fully understand the process of labor, the essence of the profession. The use of various methods of work contributes to the development of descriptive and explanatory speech skills in children, enrichment and activation of the vocabulary.

Didactic games are aimed at expanding, clarifying and consolidating the acquired knowledge.

Organization different kind labor: labor in nature, duty, household. Children see the result of their work, its significance for others.

In independent activity, children organize role-playing games: "Cruise" , "Hospital" , "Family" , "Score" , "Firefighters" , "Mail" , "Transport" , "Salon" , "Guard" etc. In the course of these games, the knowledge gained in the course of the GCD is consolidated. The fact that this knowledge is sufficiently formed is evidenced by the fact that children willingly take on a leading role, correctly perform role actions, and can independently choose equipment and play attributes.

Stage III - final (result).

At the final stage, an analysis of activities is carried out, a generalization of the results of work (leisure-entertainment "All professions are needed, all professions are important" ) .

Thus, during the implementation of the project, such a form of work as joint, partnership activities of educators, children and parents is clearly manifested. Parents gain important experience that allows them to help their children successfully adapt to the new federal state educational standards in the process of preparing for education.

List of used literature:

  • Program "From birth to school" (edited by N.E. Veraksa)
  • "Summaries of complex lessons on the development of speech in the middle group" (G. Ya. Zatulina)
  • "Development of gaming activity in the middle group" (N.F. Gubanova)
  • "Perspective planning in the 2nd junior and middle group" (N. S. Golitsina)
  • "Lecture notes for children 4-5 years old" (O. E. Gromova)
  • Open events for children of the middle group, d / s. (FSES)
  • "Modeling" , "Painting" , "Application" (D. N. Koldina)
  • "Familiarization with objects and social environment" (O. V. Dybina)
  • "Conversations about professions with children 4-7 years old" (T.V. Potapova)- M .: TC Sphere, 2008.
  • "What are the professions?" (T. A. Shorygina), Publishing house GNOM and D, 2011.


All professions are needed, all professions are important.

Completed by: Kuznetsova Natalia Sergeevna,

2nd grade student, MBOU Oblivskaya secondary school number 1

Head: Solovieva Oksana Anatolyevna.

  • Conducted a conversation using the presentation "On Professions and Diligence"
  • She took part in the exhibition of drawings "The Professions of Our Parents".
  • Conducted a survey of students in grade 2 "b"
  • Visited the employment center
  • Together with the head, I searched for information and pictures about rare professions on the Internet
  • Designing a project in the form of a presentation

Conversation using a presentation

"About professions and hard work"


Exhibition of drawings "Professions of our parents"

3. Interviewing students in grade 2 "b"

"Who do you want to become?"

Out of 17 respondents:

Doctor - 2 people

Dentist - 1 person

Doctor - pediatrician - 1 person

Nurse - 1 person

Police officer - 4 people

Builder - 1 person

Hairdresser - 1 person

Artist - 1 person

Private detective - 1 person

Lawyer - 1 person

Mathematics teacher - 1 person

Undecided - 2 people

The most demanded professions in Oblivsky district are:

  • Lawyer
  • Salesman
  • Workers



STAGE 5 Search for information and pictures about rare professions on the Internet.

There are many professions on Earth, and each of them is important and necessary in its own way. Everyone knows the profession of a doctor, teacher, economist, programmer, lawyer. But there are many other professions that not everyone knows about, and there are such specialists. limited quantity... I will present to your attention a few rare professions.

Sniffer - rare profession in the field of perfumery. Its main task is to assess the smell and compose perfume compositions. Such a specialist should have an excellent memory for fragrances and have a good understanding of them.


- one more rare profession, whose representative specializes in the manufacture of wigs, sideburns, mustaches, beards, braids, eyelashes to order.


- tea taster. The specialist of this rare profession determines the variety, quality of tea, the place where it was grown, makes tea blends. Most of the tea testers are trained and trained in Indian tea plantations.


/ Vladimir Bredikhin / We decided to play at school, Turned the group into a class. Let's wave a bell - We have mathematics. I will be a teacher I'll go to the board to explain. I knock on the table with a pointer Calling for silence. Lift to the top of the handle, Let's count our fingers: Two, sixteen, ten, eight ... Well done! I give everyone a five.


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