In this work, the 360-degree method was used. 360 Degrees: What You Need to Know to Conduct an Effective Assessment? Distribution by competency groups

The relevance of research. In the minds of most people, each person has a certain set of qualities that determine his individuality. In modern business psychology, a different approach is common: here it is not the possession of quality that is considered more important, but professional efficiency. It is important that, in addition to possessing qualities, abilities, skills and abilities, a person knows how to direct them towards solving the problems facing the company. And it is in this context that all modern ways staff assessment.

One of the central concepts in business psychology is the concept of "competence" - the skill, quality, or ability of a person that significantly affects his performance in work. In the West, they have been using competencies since the mid-70s, they came to our country relatively recently. Usually, to assess personnel in companies, several competencies are used, which are selected so as to compose a system (model) - that is, they contain exactly those qualities, abilities, skills and abilities that are important for working in this particular company.

The use of each competency must be justified by the objective requirements of the company for the employee. Typically, such competency systems are drawn up based on an analysis of the experience of the most successful employees and those who do not cope with the work.

Competencies can be assessed in many different ways: test methods, interviews, business games, observing a person's work for several working days, and so on. Any company that uses a competency system for assessing and selecting personnel has a whole arsenal of techniques in stock that allow it to obtain information from different sources, compare, separate objective assessments from subjective opinions. However, a distinctive feature of most methods for assessing competencies is the presence of a "subjective component". An employee is assessed by a person who is not able to observe his work for a long time - a specialist in the personnel service, or an external consultant. Estimates are made by the consultant based on observations, interpreted by him to the extent of understanding the specifics of the work performed.

Naturally, such estimates are often subject to subjective distortions, and of course, there are many ways to minimize these distortions. Assessment consultants specifically learn how to conduct competency interviews correctly, what to look for when observing an employee in the workplace or during a business game. However, in spite of everything, by their mere presence, they make changes in the behavior of the person being assessed, "are part of the stimulus," as psychologists say.

One method that avoids these drawbacks is 360-degree cross-evaluation. In the course of the 360-degree survey, employees undergoing the assessment procedure are asked to answer a series of questions about themselves, their colleagues, subordinates, management, and to rate each according to several criteria. Historically, this method began with the assessment of mutual likes and dislikes in the team (sociometry), and then they began to use it to solve the problems of personnel assessment.

The purpose of the research is to consider the possibilities of the "360 degrees" technique.

Research objectives:

1. Conduct a review of personnel assessment systems, methods and techniques.

2. To study the scope of application of the methodology "360 degrees". Pros and cons of the technique.

3. Conduct a 360-degree survey of a company employee.

The object of research is the methods of personnel assessment.

The subject of the research is the cross-sectional assessment of "360 degrees".

The theoretical basis of this work was the work of such authors as: Birli U., Kozub T., Konovalov V.G. and others.

Structure of the work: the work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion and a list of used literature.

Chapter 1. Methodology "360 degrees": scope and assessment possibilities

1.1 Overview of systems, methods and techniques for personnel assessment

Many companies sooner or later face the problem of personnel assessment. Indeed, for the successful development of any structure, it is necessary to constantly improve, know its prospects and correct mistakes.

Personnel assessment enables managers or personnel services to more effectively pursue personnel policy, improve, attract new employees instead of those who do not cope with their duties and, thereby, make work of higher quality.

Personnel assessment is a system for identifying certain characteristics of employees, which then help the leader in making management decisions aimed at increasing the performance of subordinates.

Typically, personnel assessment is carried out in three areas:

· Assessment of employee qualifications - when the characteristics of the standard are identified and compared with a specific person;

· Analysis of work results - here the quality of the work performed is assessed;

· Assessment of the employee as a person - personal characteristics are identified and compared with those ideal for a given place.

If we generally talk about building an assessment system in a company, it is very important to remember three main features, isolation from which will not give the desired result.

First, the assessment must be carried out regularly.

Secondly, it must have a clearly defined purpose.

And, thirdly, the assessment system should be transparent for everyone and based on generally understood criteria.

The personnel appraisal system itself is a whole series of actions and activities aimed at employee appraisal and are ongoing.

This system, in order to be effective, should be based on the basic and universal scheme of this assessment.

The first thing that needs to be done is to identify the company's need for personnel assessment and, on their basis, form clear goalsthat will be pursued when evaluating employees. Among the main goals, monitoring of the social climate in the team, assessment of the quality of work and the degree to which a person's qualifications correspond to the position held are usually distinguished.

The second step is to define the subject of assessment, that is, who to assess. Depending on the goals, that the target audience, the information about which the company needs in the first place.

This is followed by the definition of the criteria by which the assessment will be carried out.

This requires professionals in the industry who can identify the most appropriate characteristics for each specific position.

After choosing the criteria, it is necessary to choose the method of assessment based on them. The choice of the method itself is also carried out depending on some criteria, including compliance with the goals set at the beginning, the degree of cost of one or another suitable method, objectivity, which is best expressed in quantitative characteristics, understandability for the evaluated, and demand, that is, the results should really be necessary.

The next stage of the personnel assessment system is called the preparatory stage. There are a number of steps you need to take to assist in the assessment itself.

· Creation of an internal regulatory framework for assessment - development of regulations, regulations;

· Training of the personnel who will directly conduct the assessment;

· Informing the staff about the upcoming assessment and its positives.

After that, the assessment system enters its main stage - the actual assessment itself, the implementation of the entire project.

Then it is necessary to analyze all the information collected as a result of the assessment for its relevance and the quality of the system itself.

The final stage in the implementation of the assessment system is action - making management decisions in relation to those people who were assessed - promotion, demotion, training.

Let us now consider the methods themselves that can be used in personnel assessment.

According to their focus, they are classified into three main groups: qualitative, quantitative and combined.

Qualitative methods are methods of defining employees without the use of quantitative indicators. They are also called descriptive methods.

· The matrix method - the most common method, involves comparing the qualities of a particular person with the ideal characteristics for the position;

· Method of the system of arbitrary characteristics - management or personnel service simply highlights the most striking achievements and the worst mistakes in a person's work, and, comparing them, draws conclusions;

· Assessment of the performance of tasks - an elementary method when the work of an employee is assessed as a whole;

· Method "360 degrees" - involves the assessment of the employee from all sides - managers, colleagues, subordinates, clients and self-assessment;

· Group discussion - a descriptive method - which provides for a discussion of the employee with his leaders or experts in the industry about the results of his work and prospects.

Combination methods are a collection of descriptive methods using quantitative aspects.

· Testing is an assessment based on the results of solving pre-set tasks;

· Method of the sum of estimates. Each characteristic of a person is assessed on a certain scale, and then an average indicator is displayed that is comparable to the ideal;

· A grouping system in which all employees are divided into several groups - from those who work perfectly well, and to those whose work is unsatisfactory against the background of the others;

Quantitative methods are the most objective, since all results are recorded in numbers;

· The rank method - several managers make a rating of employees, then all ratings are compared, and usually the lowest are cut;

· Method of point assessment - for each achievement, the staff receives a predetermined number of points, which are summed up at the end of the period;

· Free point assessment - each quality of an employee is assessed by experts by a certain number of points, which are summed up and the overall rating is displayed.

All of the above methods are able to effectively assess only a certain aspect of a person's work or his socio-psychological characteristics.

Therefore, it is not surprising that recently a universal complex method is increasingly used - the method of assessment centers, which has incorporated elements of many methods, to achieve the maximum objective analysis staff.

This method has as many as 25 criteria by which a person is assessed.

Among them: the ability to learn, the ability to make oral and written generalizations, contact, perception of the opinions of others, flexibility in behavior, internal standards, creative characteristics, self-esteem, the need for approval by superiors and colleagues, careerist motives, reality of thoughts, reliability, variety of interests, sustainability to stressful situations, energy, organization, organizational and management skills.

All personnel assessment criteria are usually divided into two main categories - performance criteria and competency criteria.

When assessing the effectiveness, the achieved performance indicators of a particular person are compared with the planned indicators for a given period of work. To this end, clearly measurable objectives are set before the start of the reporting period. The effectiveness of work is expressed in specific indicators: sales volume, number of completed projects, amount of profit, number of transactions.

When assessing the competence of an employee, his knowledge and ability to apply them in practice, personal qualities, behavior are assessed.

One of the most effective ways of such an assessment is solving situational problems, taking into account the position that the employee occupies or for which he applies.

These tasks are of two types - descriptive and practical, and differ in the nature of actions when solving a specific task.

Thus, the personnel assessment system is quite complex and has many nuances and aspects that need to be paid maximum attention. Otherwise, all the work invested in the assessment may result in complete absence required output information.

1.2 Scope of application of the "360 degrees" method. Pros and cons of the technique

A 360-degree assessment is an assessment of an employee's competencies by a manager, subordinates, colleagues, clients (external and internal), suppliers, and the employee himself.

The 360-degree method was first proposed by Peter Ward in 1987.

The first definition he gave to this method:

360-degree assessment is a systematic collection of information about the work of an individual (or group), received from a number of people interested in his work, and feedback on it. According to the author of the method, the scope of its application can be very wide:

· Self-development and individual counseling (receiving feedback allows the employee to adjust his behavior and outline areas of development);

· Corporate training and development (receiving feedback before training allows the participant to understand his training needs and helps him to target precisely the aspects of the course that are most relevant to his needs);

Team building (meaning team feedback, which allows to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the team, before the start of team work);

· Performance management (regular feedback allows a person to judge how much his performance has improved);

· Strategic and organizational development (the ability to determine the points where development is especially required, the use of the 360-degree method in this vein is based on the fact that by changing the behavior of specific people, it is possible to change the way the organization acts as a whole);

· Evaluation of the effectiveness of trainings and other training activities (conducted after the training, the questions are aimed at determining at the level of behavior what changes have occurred in the employee's behavior after the training);

· Remuneration (not used 100 percent in determining the amount of remuneration).

The 360 \u200b\u200bdegree method is used both independently and as an additional method to other assessment procedures.

The 360 \u200b\u200bdegree method is applied:

· To determine the need for employee training, those competencies that need to be developed, create plans for individual development;

· The current assessment of activities according to the specified criteria for performing work at a given workplace for a certain period of time (as a rule, together with an assessment of goals or performance assessment);

· To select a project team or identify employees capable of working on complex projects;

To form personnel reserve, it is better in conjunction with professional tests, profile cases, an assessment center (since the 360-degree method evaluates the qualities manifested in the past, and to assess the talent pool, you need to predict how a person will behave in the future in a new position).

Based on the results of the 360-degree assessment, we can conclude:

· About the nature of interaction between departments, identifying conflict situations;

How much a person fits into the corporate culture of the organization and the existing team;

· How adequate the person's self-esteem is.

Not used directly

· To develop a system of remuneration and accrual of bonuses (since the methodology can only identify personal qualities and is not suitable for determining the qualifications of specialists and the value they bring to the company).

Basic conditions necessary for successful holding 360 degree ratings:

· A close-knit team, trusting relationship between employees;

· Lack of pronounced staff turnover (employees have worked together for at least 1 year);

· Ensuring the anonymity of the assessment (employees' confidence that their assessments will not be disclosed);

Preliminary explanatory work with employees about the goals of the assessment (the goal should be formulated before the start of the assessment and communicated to employees,

· Awareness will reduce the stress of the assessment and will provide more objective data);

· Obligatory feedback on the results of the assessment (should be carried out no later than one month after the assessment, during this period it remains relevant and significant for the employee);

· Mandatory implementation of decisions based on the results of the assessment (assessment for the sake of the assessment itself does not make sense, clear control of the implementation of decisions will make the assessment a tool for personnel development)

The results of the assessment should be aimed at development (this is the only way to get not overestimated assessment results, in the assessment of 360 degrees this is the main drawback with which you have to fight, as a rule, 2-3 assessments go through before the thought is fixed in the minds of workers, that 360 degrees has only positive aspects).

The advantages of the method:

· Obtaining a versatile assessment for one employee (an employee receives an assessment from people with whom he directly encounters while performing his work, unlike other methods, the circle of assessors is significantly expanded);

· The democratic method (not only the manager evaluates the subordinates, but also the subordinates can evaluate it, this increases the loyalty of employees to the organization, for them it is an indicator that their opinion is listened to);

· Building and strengthening trusting relationships with customers (this is an opportunity to show once again that the organization is working to improve customer service);

· Modeling assessment criteria for the requirements of corporate standards (competencies developed for a specific organization are used as criteria).

Each method has its own limits of application, this must be taken into account when choosing an assessment method. So, the disadvantages of the 360-degree method:

Not used directly for basic personnel decisions: transfer to another position, dismissal, increase in wages;

Assesses only the competence, not the achievements of the employee;

Eliminating these 2 disadvantages - using the method as a complement to other assessment methods

A high degree of confidentiality is required. To solve this problem, you can involve external organizations that collect information and provide the results of the assessment. Or think about a methodology for collecting data in an organization that takes into account the principle of confidentiality. Nowadays, automated personnel assessment systems are increasingly used, thanks to which the process of collecting and processing information is greatly facilitated.

It is difficult to get frank information from colleagues in the assessment (especially the opinion of subordinates about the leader).

As a rule, subordinates highly value their managers, even though the principle of confidentiality is strictly observed. This situation can be corrected by using the weight of the assessment of subordinates. By reducing the weight of the subordinates' assessment in relation to the weights of the assessments of the manager or colleagues, you can seriously adjust the final result.

High or low self-assessment scores affect the overall score.

The solution is the same as in the previous paragraph.

Stressful impact on the employee.

It is possible to reduce the stressful impact on the employee by a competent PR-th event.

It is necessary to convey to the employee the purpose of the assessment and the nature of the use of the results of the assessment.

Laboriousness in processing the results.

This problem is now being addressed by automated grading systems. There are several manufacturers of such systems on the Russian market. As a rule, they have basic functions for collecting and processing results, reports and presentation of results that are required for a specific organization, are added by the program developers, or by the IT department of the organization.

1.3 Employee Feedback Process

First of all, the purpose of the assessment is determined. It depends on the requirements of the staff. For example, it is important for a company to increase the level of customer service and to have qualified specialists on its staff. This means that the HR service should find out the degree of development of the competencies of employees and, based on the results of the assessment, form recommendations for training.

This goal is explained to employees, while the main thing is that everyone understands: the event is aimed at their development, and based on the results of the assessment, no one will be fired. In addition, employees should be aware that the data obtained during the study is confidential, all information is provided only to the subject of assessment and his immediate supervisor, and the names of survey participants are not disclosed. These rules should be brought to the attention of staff through managers, as well as through the corporate website, message boards, using newsletters on e-mail and other materials (leaflets, newsletters, articles in the corporate newspaper, etc.).

After that, you can deploy a PR campaign for the upcoming event. It should be started no later than three months before the start of the assessment. Information openness facilitates the work of the HR service, makes it possible, already at the stage of preparation, to understand the attitude of employees to the event, clarify their concerns, and check expectations. It is important to inform about all preliminary stages of the event (description of competences, drawing up lists of participants). The gradual involvement of managers and subordinates in the procedure, understanding of its structure and sequence of stages, involvement in preparation - all this reduces the risk of resistance to innovation.

Documents accompanying the PR campaign: assessment regulations, description of assessment criteria (competencies), rules for calculating final scores, event plan.

Let's consider the basic rules for providing feedback after conducting a 360-degree assessment:

1. Feedback must be made no later than two weeks after the assessment. Only during this period the data remain valid.

2. The information must be positive. It is better to start by describing the good results of the assessment and only after that talk about the competencies for which the scores are low, accompanying this information with a comment that the company provides the employee with the opportunity to develop and grow. In this case, one can expect a person's desire to improve his qualities.

Let's talk more about how to complete a written report.

The following outline can be used to compile a written feedback report:

1. Contacting the participant in the assessment.

2. Timing of evaluation.

3. Objectives of the event.

4. Informing about the anonymity of the assessment.

5. Evaluation criteria. A brief description of the competencies for a specific position.

6. Description of the scales used for the assessment. Where numeric values \u200b\u200bare used, a qualitative description is provided.

7. The results of the assessment and their interpretation. This item is the main content of the report. All data should be sufficiently detailed, but presented in an easy-to-understand form. At the end of this part of the report, the assessed person is offered 2-3 questions aimed at developing his competencies. For example: "What do you think was the reason that the manager rated you high on the competence" timely informing, feedback from team members ", and colleagues gave you a low score?"

Such a survey will help the employee focus on the data received and associate it with their own behavior.

8. General conclusions, a description of the approximate results that are expected from the employee when conducting the next assessment.

To write a report, you can prepare a template in advance and use it to provide feedback.

When compiling the content of the report, it is important to remember that information is best perceived when it is presented both in numerical, graphical (tables, diagrams) and verbal (text) form.

For example, diagrams are very visual and easy to understand. So, in Figure 1, the diagram reflects the average ratings. These data will allow the employee to understand the whole picture: for which competencies he received high scores, and for which - low.

Figure 1. Average scores for competencies

In order for the assessed person to understand why he received a low score for a particular competence, and to be able to adjust his activities, it is necessary to describe the indicators of behavior that make up this competence. For example, “quality of work” might include the following indicators:

· Performs work on time;

· Performs work efficiently, without errors;

· Complies with company standards when performing work.

This information can also be presented in the form of a diagram of assessments of specific indicators that make up the competence (see Fig. 2).

Figure 2. Average scores by indicators (competency "quality of work")

Thanks to this presentation of data, it is easier for an employee to understand what specific behavioral manifestations he received a low rating for, and to adjust his activities. In particular, the diagram in Figure 2 shows that he adheres to company standards and does his job without errors, but does not always meet deadlines.

When working with graphic and numerical information when compiling the content of the report, it is important to remember that, despite the advantages of this form of presentation of the material, you should not overload it with tables and diagrams, and adhere to the following rules:

· Use graphic elements only to explain the competencies for which the employee received a low score;

· Supplement with text (preferably), amounting to approximately 2/3 of each table or diagram.

As mentioned above, each diagram should be followed by an explanation. It is worth paying attention to the high and low scores and commenting on what could have caused such ratings, or asking the employee a question about it.

Chapter 2. Assessment of an employee using the "360 degrees" method

2.1 Study description

In the second chapter of this work, we carried out an individual assessment of a company employee using the "360 degrees" method.

The assessment was carried out for Millennium, and at the time of writing, 82 people took part in it.

The assessment was carried out via the Internet using the BSS Around system. Each participant received an email invitation to participate, along with a link to log in to the rating system.

Our results are based on the assessments of 18 people from the business environment of the researcher in 4 competencies, as well as the researcher's own assessments (by the time the report was created, the person had rated 30 employees).

According to the results of the assessment, only average estimates are available, and the answers to the questions themselves are not available to anyone. This ensures both objectivity and confidentiality.

From the report, you can find out the subject's assessments for key competencies, strengths and weaknesses (in the opinion of the environment), you can find out which of the colleagues the subject was inclined to overestimate or underestimate the grades.

The evaluations used two indicators: a five-point rating scale (1 - the lowest score, 5 - the highest) rounded to tenths, as well as a rating score (the percentage of employees who showed a result lower than the subject's indicator for this indicator). For example, a rating score of 90% means that the subject was ahead of 90% of his colleagues, and got into the top 10%, and a rating score of 10% means that the subject was ahead of only 10%, and was left behind the other 90%. A rating score of 50% means that the subject is exactly in the middle of the rating for this indicator.

The results of the study are presented in the form of a report prepared for familiarization for the subject himself.

2.2 Rating scores and significance of results

All scores in the report are based on one of two metrics: a 5-point score and a rating score.


Traditional 5-point grade, from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest). The score on a 5-point scale is absolute; only your personal results affect its value.

A rating score is a special indicator used to present the results of an assessment. Rating scores are expressed as a percentage and allow you to effectively compare the results obtained by different participants. Your rating score for a competency shows what percentage of the project participants received lower grades for that competence than yourself. In the literature, this indicator is often referred to as "percentile" (with an emphasis on "I").

Suppose, when evaluating on a 5-point scale, you received a score of 4.2 for one of the competencies. How to determine if this is a good result or not? It is impossible to determine this by the score alone - you need to know what points other project participants received for this competence. If the results of most of the participants are around 4.5, then your result is not very good. To understand how “good” this or that result is, it is necessary to use the terms “rating-score” and “level of significance”.

To determine the level of significance of the assessment, you need to look at how far the participant is from the middle of the rating. The further a person is from the middle, the more significant the assessments he has received.

The rating score of a participant in the assessment project for a competence is a number showing what percentage of other participants scored less points for this competence than he has. The rating score shows the participant's place in the rating and is a relative score. By looking at it, in contrast to the average score, one can tell whether the participant received a large (and how big) score.

The rating-score of the participant who is in the middle of the rating is 50. Those who are closer to the beginning of the rating (with lower scores) - always less than 50, and those at the right end of the rating (with higher ratings) - approach 100.

So, for each competency, you will recognize your two assessments - absolute (on a 5-point scale) and relative (rating-point), in comparison with the assessments of other people.

A higher rating score does not always mean a better result. For example, when assessing the level of criticality, the best results (which are obtained from participants who did not show either excessive criticality or excessive loyalty to colleagues) are in the middle of the rating - around a score of 50.

For your convenience, extremely high (large 85%) and extremely low (less than 15%) rating scores (as the most significant ratings) are marked with "" and "".

The blue triangle indicates significantly better results. These are the cases where your result is in the 85% of the best results among people in your organization.

The red triangle denotes low results. These are the cases where your score fell into the 15% lowest scores among your employees.

The two black triangles indicate those indicators in which your self-esteem significantly exceeds the average rating given to you by your colleagues.

2.3. How were you rated

In this section, we provide you with the details of the ratings given to you. What grades and how often did your colleagues give you when answering the questionnaire. You will be able to see on which issues your colleagues' opinions about you are agreed, and on which they differ.

table 2

Assessment by employees

Possible answer

Departures from the accepted rules to offer the client the best solution

I find it difficult to answer

Loses sight of the latest advances in science and practice that can improve the company's business processes

I find it difficult to answer

Shows perseverance in achieving difficult goals

I find it difficult to answer

Creates standards of conduct for company employees

I find it difficult to answer

Is a leader in the eyes of employees

I find it difficult to answer

Is interested in the progress of his subordinates

I find it difficult to answer

Gives subordinates specific action plans

I find it difficult to answer

Selects and offers the client a choice of several solutions

I find it difficult to answer

Uses the best practices of other companies to improve work efficiency

I find it difficult to answer

Sets easily achievable goals for himself and his subordinates

I find it difficult to answer

Encourages subordinates to adhere to principles in their work corporate culture

I find it difficult to answer

Impersonates a company for clients, partners, journalists, etc.

I find it difficult to answer

Correctly determines the level of abilities and qualifications of subordinates

I find it difficult to answer

Notifies regular customers about changes in the work of the company

I find it difficult to answer

Allows the client to control the progress of work

I find it difficult to answer

Adopts best practices (best practices) from other companies

I find it difficult to answer

Satisfied with the average performance of his subordinates

I find it difficult to answer

Explains to subordinates the importance of the tasks they solve

I find it difficult to answer

Distributes tasks without taking into account the individual characteristics of subordinates

I find it difficult to answer

Establishes informal relationships with clients

I find it difficult to answer

Wrongly identifies customer needs

I find it difficult to answer

Continues to use the same method of operation even if several previous attempts have failed

I find it difficult to answer

When solving any problem, he strives to achieve maximum results

I find it difficult to answer

Doesn't celebrate the achievements of subordinates

I find it difficult to answer

Delegates authority and responsibility to subordinates

I find it difficult to answer

Terminates communication with the client after the work with him is finished

I find it difficult to answer

Actively interested in customer needs

I find it difficult to answer

When faced with obstacles, makes additional efforts to overcome them

I find it difficult to answer

Sets ambitious goals for its employees

I find it difficult to answer

Promotes corporate values \u200b\u200bby example

I find it difficult to answer

Creates an atmosphere in which all employees strive to achieve maximum results

I find it difficult to answer

Supervises the work of subordinates too often

I find it difficult to answer

Accurately formulates tasks and deadlines for subordinates

I find it difficult to answer

Optimizes the offer according to the client's request

I find it difficult to answer

If the initial plan is not successful, finds alternative ways to achieve the result

I find it difficult to answer

Turns a blind eye to violation of the principles of corporate culture by his subordinates

I find it difficult to answer

It is limited to the implementation of only its immediate functional responsibilities

I find it difficult to answer

Checks how the results of work of subordinates correspond to the set goals

I find it difficult to answer

Sets ambitious tasks for subordinates, the solution of which allows the company to achieve success

I find it difficult to answer

2.4 Results by competency

Competence is the skill, quality, or ability of a person that significantly affects his performance in work. The 360-degree assessment assesses participants across multiple predefined competencies based on cross-sectional assessments. In the text of the report, the names of the competencies are typed in capital letters.

Summary table of test results for core competencies. Here is your self-esteem, the average score of other people, and your subordinates, colleagues, and supervisors.

Note that the charts are based on your rating scores. These are relative scores that compare your results with those of your peers.

Table 3

Results by competency

Leading people


According to others

According to subordinates

Customer rated

Corporate leadership


According to others

According to subordinates

Customer rated

Ensuring success


According to others

According to subordinates

Customer rated

Customer orientation


According to others

According to subordinates

Customer rated

"Wind rose" by competencies, or a "map" of your competencies. This illustration shows your strengths and weaknesses, as well as possible differences in the assessments of different groups of your colleagues.

Figure 3. "Map" of the subject's competencies

2.5 Results by indicator

Each competency contains several indicators (more detailed indicators).

An indicator is an integral part of a competence. The indicator describes a specific manifestation of a person's skill, quality or ability in behavior. To distinguish them from competencies, the names of the indicators in the text of the report are typed in lowercase letters.

We present to your attention your scores for the indicators.

Leading people

Table 4

Leading people

The ability to accurately formulate tasks and set adequate deadlines for their implementation, the ability to distribute responsibilities and control the process and the result.

· Setting goals

Delegation of authority

· Control

We will present the obtained data graphically.

Figure 4. Results for the indicators "Setting targets"

Figure 5. Results for the indicators "Delegation of authority"

Figure 6. Results for indicators "Control"

Table 5

Corporate leadership

The ability to gain a reputation as a recognized leader in the company, to inspire and motivate employees, to create and implement corporate values.


Inspiring others

Creation of corporate values

We will also present the data on these indicators graphically.

Figure 7. Charisma

Figure 8. Inspiring others

Figure 9. Creation of corporate value

Table 6

Ensuring success

Internal desire to successfully solve complex problems, perseverance in solving them, active search new resources, both external and internal.

The need for achievement

· Focus on results

Search for resources

Figure 10. The need for achievement

Figure 11. Focus on results

Figure 12. Finding resources

Table 7

Customer orientation

The ability to look at the problem through the eyes of the client, find the optimal solution for him, maintain long-term mutually beneficial relationships with clients.

Understanding customer needs

· Optimal solution

Building long-term relationships

Figure 13. Understanding customer needs

Figure 14. Optimal solution

Figure 15. Building a long-term relationship

2.6 Strengths and weaknesses

Or “pink and black glasses” - in this section we draw your attention to those competencies and indicators by which your self-esteem differs markedly from the assessment of other people. This may be due to both excessive self-criticism or, on the contrary, self-deception, and (which happens much less often) the lack of awareness of colleagues about your contribution to the common cause. In any case, this is important information for thought, because abrupt deviations in self-esteem from the assessment of others, whatever the cause, can interfere with your career.

For each competency and indicator, we have provided average scores on a 5-point scale and rating scores for other people's assessments in comparison with the same indicators for your self-esteem.

Here we list the competencies and indicators for which your colleagues rated you better than you yourself:

Table 8

Strengths and weaknesses of the subject


Thus, the 360 \u200b\u200bDegree Feedback (360 Degree Assessment) method is a system for assessing employees, which involves the collection of information about their activities from a number of sources. Graphically, such a system is expressed in the form of a circle that personifies the person being tested, and around this circle are sources of information.

Traditionally, such sources are:

· Chiefs of the tested;

· Colleagues of the tested person;

· Subordinates of the tested;

· The person being tested;

· Suppliers of the company;

· Clients of the company.

Getting information from people who interact with the person being assessed at work makes 360 degrees a reliable tool. The candidate for the position can also be involved as an expert: he is asked to assess his work behavior and professional qualities in order to further use this data to correct his self-esteem and create a plan for individual development together with him.

The "360 degrees" method can be used to solve a wide range of problems related primarily to the professional development of an employee. It is used for the preliminary formation of a personnel reserve, identifying the need for training, assessing its results, creating plans for individual development.

When forming the talent pool of the company, it should be borne in mind that not all the qualities required for a new position can be applied at the current place of work, therefore, based on "360 degrees" it is not always possible to accurately determine how a person will behave in a new position. In such a situation, professional tests, profile business cases, assessment centers should be used, that is, create an analogue of a future professional situation and assess a person's behavior in it.

The "360 degrees" cross-assessment method, with a competent approach, has great potential and can help in solving a wide range of problems. The method can be useful in determining the circle of business contacts of employees, and for forming a team of performers, and in distributing bonuses or bonuses. But, of course, the method is not a panacea. It also has serious limitations.

People evaluating each other using the 360-degree method should know each other well, have some history of interaction in work situations, joint problem solving. In most cases, it is possible to evaluate in this way only employees who have already joined the team, about whom their colleagues have something to say. The method is not at all suitable for solving the problem of personnel selection, for assessing newcomers, it will not help to assess the subtle nuances of the professional knowledge of employees - there are other methods for such tasks.

In addition, when conducting a study, it should be remembered that both the study itself and its processed results are usually additional stress for employees. Therefore, the control of specialist psychologists is mandatory here. The energy released by these stressors must be directed towards constructive goals, otherwise the opposite effect may be obtained instead of the benefits of research.

The written 360-degree report prepares the employee for the next personal communication - allows him to form his opinion about the results, draw the necessary conclusions, formulate questions.

He receives verbal feedback, as a rule, from an employee of the assessment department or an involved consultant, possibly the presence of a manager at a meeting.

For HR professionals, this document is also a tool for preparing for personal communication with the assessed employee. In addition, thanks to the report, information about each specific employee obtained as a result of the procedure is saved.

In general, a well-written report acts as a means of forming a positive attitude of personnel towards the assessment by the "360 degrees" method, which is very important in further carrying out assessment activities in the company.

As with any method, 360-degree assessment has its advantages and disadvantages.

Correct use of the method will allow you to get more reliable results and, on their basis, to accept the correct management decisions.

List of used literature

1. Antsupov A.Ya., Kovalev V.V. Socio-psychological assessment of personnel. - M .: Unity-Dana, 2008.

2. Birli U., Kozub T. Assessment of 360 degrees. Strategies, tactics, and techniques for nurturing leaders. - M .: Eksmo, 2009.

3. Vuchkovich-Stadnik A. Personnel assessment. A clear algorithm of actions and high-quality practical solutions. - M .: Eksmo, 2008.

4. Vyazigin A. Assessment of senior and middle level personnel. - M .: Vershina, 2006.

5. Darinskaya V.M., Chaplygin I.N. Assessment and development of personnel using the "Assessment Center" method. - SPb .: Rech, 2008.

6. Konovalova V.G. Organization of selection and assessment of personnel. - M .: Exam, 2007.

7. Cooper D., Robertson IT, Tinline G. Selection and recruitment of personnel. Testing and evaluation technologies. - M .: Vershina, 2009.

8. Lukash Yu.A. The staff of the company. Selection, control, assessment, prevention of negativity. - M .: Finpress, 2007.

9. Motovilin O.G., Motovilina I.A. Personnel assessment in modern organizations... Assessment technology. Professiography. - M .: high school Psychology, Institute of Counseling and System Solutions, 2009.

10. Paponova N.Ye. Building a personnel assessment system. - M .: Finpress, 2009.

11. Soshnikov A., Pelenitsyn A. Personnel assessment. Psychological and psychophysical methods. - M .: Eksmo, 2009.

12. Ward P. Method of 360 degrees. - M .: Hippo Publishing LTD, 2006.

13. Khrutsky V.E., Tolmachev R.A. Personel assessment: modern systems and technology. - M .: Finance and Statistics, 2004.

14. Schmidt V.R. Problems and technologies of personnel assessment. - SPb .: Rech, 2008.

Cooper D., Robertson I.T., Tinline G. Selection and recruitment of personnel. Testing and evaluation technologies. - M .: Vershina, 2009 .-- p. 35. Birli U., Kozub T. Assessment of 360 degrees. Strategies, tactics, and techniques for nurturing leaders. - M .: Eksmo, 2009 .-- p. 45.

Each leader strives to develop his company. There are many ways to help you achieve your goal. One of them is personnel assessment using the 360-degree method, which is common among many companies in Russia.

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Personnel assessment method "360 degrees" is a way to determine the level of competence of employees through a survey conducted in the environment. It originated at the end of the 20th century and gained popularity due to its many advantages.

The application is effective in companies in which:

  • authoritarian management style does not dominate;
  • there are traditions of teamwork;
  • the optimal level of work culture;
  • positive psychological climate.

Anonymity guarantee is required during the event.

Purpose of application

The 360 \u200b\u200bDegree Personnel Assessment Method can be used alone or in conjunction with others to:

  • determine the level of need for training of an employee, whose abilities need to be developed for the high-quality implementation of new orders;
  • evaluate the quality of work for a set period of time according to certain characteristics;
  • select a team of professional employees who are able to cope with certain tasks (for example, work on complex projects);
  • create a talent pool (in this case, it is recommended to combine with professional cases, or professional tests).

The method in question cannot be used to solve serious organizational issues: bonus or promotion.

Advantages and disadvantages

The use of the "360 degrees" personnel assessment method has several advantages:

  • democracy - the competence of not only subordinates, but also the employer is considered;
  • maintaining a trusting relationship;
  • high objectivity of results;
  • the ability to assess competence taking into account enterprise standards;
  • identify the strengths and weaknesses of employees;
  • correct employee behavior.

It should be borne in mind that each technique has its own limits of application and the 360-degree method is no exception.

Its disadvantages:

  • competence is assessed, not achievement;
  • lack of ability to resolve personnel issues;
  • sometimes it is difficult to obtain truthful information;
  • has a stressful effect on a person.

These negative factors can be eliminated in different ways:

  • Combine the "360 degrees" personnel assessment method with others.
  • Use competent PR;
  • Inform the employee about the purpose of the event, as well as where the results of the assessment will be applied.

The difficulty lies in the fact that you will need to ensure a sufficient level of confidentiality. Sometimes it is necessary to involve other organizations to solve the problem.

Features of the 360-degree personnel assessment method

At first glance, it may seem that the procedure will not cause difficulties: it is enough to make a list of questions of interest and distribute them to employees, then analyze the answers and draw conclusions. But the information received is not enough for a firm that plans to identify problems and make competent management decisions.

Personnel assessment using the 360 \u200b\u200bdegree method can be carried out between:

  • colleagues from the same or different departments;
  • director of the company, head of department and subordinates;
  • employees of the organization and customers, contractors, etc.

The circle of stakeholders is determined, depending on the purpose of the event.

The use of the considered assessment method is advisable for solving the following tasks:

  • analyze the state of external / internal communications;
  • determine the level of the psychological climate in the organization and the degree of its impact on performance;
  • decide if training is required for persons applying for a higher position.

Stages of the

Periodicity of personnel assessment using the 360-degree method - 1 time / year.

The procedure consists of the following steps:

  • Setting goals and objectives. The category of respondents and the circle of persons with access to information are being specified.
  • Formation of a group of about 10 employees who will evaluate the specialist. At the same time, it is important to indicate by what criteria applicants are selected.
  • Determination of the level of competence that the employee must meet. A questionnaire is created, where decisive indicators are noted and the list of employees whose activities are to be evaluated is specified.
  • Informing participants about the goals of the event, a presentation and a seminar are held. Additional information is sent by e-mail.
  • Providing questionnaires for event participants to fill out. The documents characterize the activities of the employee. If necessary, links to the Internet resource on which the answers will be given are indicated.
  • The respondents fill out the questionnaires.
  • Analysis is being carried out: the data for each employee are summarized and conclusions are drawn.

Based on the information received, the necessary management decisions are made, a plan for improving the professional skills of employees is formed. If necessary, trainings or events aimed at team building are held.


Organizational research is complex and organizers must have the appropriate skill level and experience.

Otherwise, it is impossible to count on the desired effect, all efforts will be in vain.

The analysis of the information received and the preparation of reports takes a certain amount of time. When considering the activities of a large organization, there is a high probability of making a mistake.

When using automated systems, the process of collecting and processing information is greatly simplified. To solve this problem, manufacturers offer many modern technologies.

How to evaluate the result and what conclusions can be drawn?

After assessing personnel using the 360-degree method, it is possible to find out the nature of interaction between departments, the presence of conflict situations, relationships with colleagues.

It allows you to determine how an employee corresponds to the corporate culture, whether his self-esteem is adequate.

Common mistakes

  • An inexperienced specialist is entrusted with assessing personnel using the "360 degrees" method, which is unacceptable. If this is the first time such an event is taking place, it is recommended that you engage a third party provider. When all operations are completed, training of personnel specialists can be carried out.
  • All activities are analyzed. This approach is wrong, you need to consider specializations that are most significant for the enterprise.
  • Downloading “ready-made” questionnaires is a common mistake. You should not do this, since such works do not take into account the individual characteristics of a particular organization. The information obtained with their help will not bring much benefit. It is necessary to create questionnaires independently or with the help of specialists.
  • P conducting compulsory evaluation without a prior PR campaign. As a result, various negative consequences are possible: the staff will be worried and will not be able to give a reliable answer. It is important not only to warn employees about the planned event, but also to communicate the goals. It is recommended to prepare a short presentation.
  • Attempting to conduct a 360-degree assessment covertly. Some believe that doing this will increase objectivity and help to obtain reliable information. But such an opinion is erroneous and will bring the opposite effect: information will become known through informal channels, and there will be a lot of mistrust in the leader. The psychological climate will worsen.


Firm LLC "Aktual Torg", engaged in the development computer technology, conducts a survey of employees using the "360 degrees" method.

Three objectives are set:

  • to investigate the effectiveness of IT developers;
  • determine the level of competence of specialists;
  • find out if additional training is required to improve the competence of some workers.

Certification of blue-collar professions is quite well developed - these are tariff and qualification exams and the assignment of regular categories / rates. The greatest difficulties are caused by the assessment of managers and specialists. According to various sources, more than half domestic enterprises this procedure is not carried out at all, somewhere it is formal, and only a few can boast of a well-functioning certification policy. In the meantime, performance appraisal can be a powerful tool for stimulating staff development.

The main one is that traditional methods are extremely cumbersome, laborious and ineffective. Attestation commissionsthat are created at some enterprises do not justify themselves due to the large share of subjectivity in the assessments: the attested are represented by their manager, who, as a rule, gives his subordinates the most flattering characteristic, as a result of which the members of the commission cannot objectively evaluate the employees of other departments. Naturally, the results of such attestations do not meet the requirements of modern enterprises.
In recent decades in the West, and for some time now in domestic business, a special method of assessing the business and personal qualities of personnel has gained popularity - "Attestation 360 °".

Let's note its main advantages:

  • ease of organization and execution;
  • practically does not distract staff from work;
  • does not require the formation of certification commissions;
  • covers all the main aspects of the life of the team;
  • not only measures the quality of employees, but also significantly affects their development.

The essence of "circular" certification is that the employee is assessed according to certain competencies-criteria by his environment (experts): manager, colleagues at work, subordinates. According to the same criteria, a specialist carries out a self-assessment, which is compared with the characteristics of experts.

This scheme assumes a triple feedback: from top to bottom - from the immediate supervisor, horizontally - from colleagues and bottom-up - from subordinates. Unlike traditional attestation, with this approach the assessment is multilateral, the most complete and objective.
Let us dwell on the applied aspect of the methodology.

The “circular” and mass character of assessments minimizes the factor of subjectivity in assessments, multifactoriality allows one to obtain an integral assessment of both an individual employee and the rating of specialists in a comparable group.

Thus, a kind of "photograph" of the opinion of others about the business and personal qualities of a specialist is obtained.

For any company, the goals and objectives of personnel certification are approximately the same, namely:

  • to identify the level of qualifications of employees, their ability to assess the professionalism and quality of each other's work;
  • establish adequate levels of wages;
  • make informed decisions on personnel appointments and transfers;
  • motivate employees to achieve specific results and a certain level of quality of work;
  • develop a training program for employees, set goals and objectives for the next certification period;
  • establish status ratings, track the dynamics of their changes.

When preparing for certification, a high-quality selection of assessment criteria is very important (a list of what an employee must be able to do in order to fulfill his job duties). The basic assessment criteria (competencies) of a specialist, as a rule, cover the most important areas:

  • knowledge (general and special);
  • work performance skills;
  • the ability to master new types of activities (technologies, markets, customers);
  • personal qualities and characteristics of behavior.

Over time, the criteria may change slightly, if necessary - be replaced by others: you need to strive to ensure that in the end they all meet the specifics of the activity and the requirements of the company.
Should be drawn special attention on the fact that, on the one hand, not everyone is able to express constructive criticism without fear of offending a colleague, on the other hand, few can adequately perceive it. therefore the most important factor high objectivity of attestation - anonymity of assessments and confidentiality of results, which is achieved by questioning. After computer processing of all questionnaires, the certification results with detailed assessments, integral characteristics, rating, etc. are handed over to the employee in a sealed form. In addition to him, only his immediate supervisor has access to the certification sheets. This allows one to assess each other's qualities without fear of reprisals and negative attitudes from the person being assessed.
The employees themselves, as a rule, show great interest in the results of the certification. It is important for them to compare the results obtained with the results of the previous certification, to analyze how their self-assessment differs from the assessment of the team. This will help everyone identify their strengths and weaknesses, think about how to fix the weaknesses and achieve better results in the future.

Another significant difference of the "Attestation 360 °" methodology is the establishment of feedback between the head of the department and subordinates. Objective information about how employees, management, and clients evaluate the boss can become an incentive for his further personal and professional development. Moreover, participation in the certification of a direct supervisor on an equal basis with subordinates significantly increases interest and confidence in her.

Personnel officers using this methodology note significant differences in the assessments of what is assessed by managers, colleagues and subordinates, inadequate self-esteem, etc. The results of attestation open up a wide field of activity for the management and personnel officers for planning and implementing the company's personnel development programs.


"360 ° certification" is widely used; formation of a personnel reserve; choosing a specialist for vacant post; identifying the staff's need for training and analyzing its effectiveness; making plans professional growth specialists.

  • Advantages and advantages of the methodology compared to other methods (traditional, modern complex certification - for example, through the Assessment Center):
    assessment of the person being certified (or a homogeneous functional group) based on individual criteria, combined with sincere assessments of colleagues, makes it possible to draw the most objective conclusion about the employee's compliance with the company's requirements;
  • comparison of self-esteem with the assessment of the team stimulates the employee to develop best qualities and the elimination of deficiencies identified by colleagues;
  • comparing the results of the current and previous certification, the manager can trace the dynamics of the specialist's development.


The experience of use in various companies allows us to formulate several general recommendations for organizing its preparation and certification:

1. It is recommended to include only those who have worked in the company for at least five to six months in the number of those being certified. Such a period is necessary for the employee to be able to objectively evaluate his colleagues and so that others can evaluate him.
2. In one group there should be no more than 20-25 people: in such a team, everyone is in close contact and has an idea of \u200b\u200beach other's work. In addition, the risk of getting a lot of “blank” or random estimates is reduced.
3. The group of experts for a complete and objective assessment should include at least 6–7 people (line and / or functional managers, colleagues and subordinates - at least two to three people).
4. On the eve of certification, all employees must be familiar with the rules of its conduct.
5. For each position, 10–12 of the most important out of 30–40 corporate evaluation criteria are selected, for example: work experience; professional knowledge; business relationship with a leader, colleagues, subordinates; labor discipline; independence in work; use of powers; labor intensity; conflicts.

Similarly, special criteria are formed, taking into account professional features groups (for example, for managers - organizational and managerial skills; the ability to motivate subordinates, interact with the client).
6. It is not recommended to immediately link the results of the first attestation with administrative decisions - personnel transfers, changes in wages, etc.
7. We recommend planning the re-certification not earlier than in six months or a year, since the employee needs time to work on his shortcomings.
8. It is advisable to conduct a pilot (trial) certification in one typical unit in order to use the experience gained in ramified organizational structures.
The openness of the corporate culture in the company is extremely important, when each employee is tuned in to an objective and reasonable assessment of other employees and is used to counting on such an attitude from his colleagues.

Well-developed and clearly organized allows not only to assess the personnel potential of an enterprise with all the ensuing opportunities for its optimization, but also gives an opportunity for each certified employee to look at himself with a new look, to better assess his potential, to understand what he needs to improve, draw up or adjust a plan for your further professional development or clarify a career plan. Those. employee appraisal can be structured in such a way as to bring mutual benefit to both parties - both the organization conducting the appraisal and its employees.

What should be the questionnaire?

In the questionnaire, which is used in the framework of the "360 degrees" method, one should not only offer the experts, that is, those who will assess the employee, a scale for assessment, but explain what each wording means, otherwise experts with different experience will interpret the values \u200b\u200bof the scales for -different. For example, if in the questionnaire the questions are formulated as follows: “evaluate the management potential of Ivanov I.I. on a scale from 1 to 5 ", then for an ordinary Russian employee the scale from 1 to 5 is a direct analogy with school gradeswhere 5 is excellent, 4 is good, 3 is satisfactory, and 2 is unsatisfactory. As you noticed, the scale turns from five to four. In addition, the values \u200b\u200bof the points as understood by the expert may differ from the values \u200b\u200blaid down by the assessors.
Many Western-oriented companies use a five-point scale to assess the business qualities of personnel with the following description:

5 - the level of mastery, allowing to show this quality in extremely difficult conditions, develop its standards and teach others;
4 - the level of extended experience, allowing to show quality not only in standard, but also in difficult conditions;
3 - level basic experienceallowing you to show quality in most working situations;
2 - the level of development, when business quality is not always manifested, but the employee already understands the importance of its manifestation and is trying to develop it;
1 - the quality is not manifested.

In addition, by inviting experts to give a digital assessment of a person's qualities, we can judge how sympathetic he is to others and how effectively he is able to build his relationships with colleagues. This means that we will be able to assess the degree of team cohesion rather than the business qualities and competence of the test taker.
For example, the block of the questionnaire in which we invite experts to evaluate the employee's creativity should not look like this:

  • badly
  • below the average
  • moderately
  • above average
  • high

Before inviting an expert to assess the level of creativity, the organization should clarify what meaning is attached to this term, and what manifestations of creativity are unacceptable to it. That is, it makes sense to assess the quality of an employee not in general, but in relation to a given company. For example, if an organization encourages creativity in its employees, the relevant section of the survey might look like this:

  • never comes up with new proposals, rejects the proposals of others;
  • strives to adhere to proven approaches in his work, treats new ideas with caution, implements new methods only under pressure from management;
  • readily responds to suggestions from the management to think about new methods and technologies;
    proactively proposes new approaches and solutions to management;
  • always filled with many new ideas, uses every opportunity to offer a new solution;

Give a specific example that, in your opinion, most fully characterizes the attitude of Ivanov I.I. to new ideas and approaches.

If the company does not care about the creativity of its employees, but its positive results, then this section of the questionnaire may look like this:

Mark the points that most accurately characterize the behavior of Ivanov I.I. at work:

  • does not come up with new proposals or his proposals often go to the detriment of the common cause;
  • his ideas and approaches can sometimes reduce some costs or avoid costs;
  • his proposals often bring tangible optimization of business processes, technologies, production processes;
  • his approaches and solutions increase the efficiency of the company;
  • his proposals significantly develop the company's business. Give a specific example, which, in your opinion, most fully characterizes the contribution of Ivanov I.I. in a common cause.

It is very important that the 360-degree assessment questionnaire is built on the basis of a system of criteria that is universal for a given organization. Only in this case, the information obtained as a result of the questionnaire can be compared with other already available data.

It is also desirable that the questionnaire should not only offer the experts a numerical assessment, but also contain instructions to choose a behavioral indicator and give an example. Ideally, the questionnaire should provide quality information, which can then be digitized by an automated system or personnel evaluators. Thus, as a result, we can obtain two types of information - qualitative and quantitative. Qualitative information allows you to describe how an employee behaves at work, while quantitative information allows you to compare employees with each other.

If the assessment system is built in the company from scratch, then before the questioning, an even more difficult task will have to be solved - to create a competency model, a competency assessment scale, a description of behavioral indicators.

Questionnaire forms

The form of the assessment primarily depends on the objectives of the procedure. If the purpose of the 360-degree assessment is, first of all, the collection of high-quality information about a small number of employees (up to a hundred people), then the questionnaire can be either on paper or on electronic media. The questionnaires are handed out, filled in and processed manually. In this case, as a rule, each assessed person can talk about the results of the assessment with specialists.

If, however, a large number of employees are assessed using the "360 degrees" method, this process is usually automated (sending, collecting and processing questionnaires is carried out using special automated systems). Employees are practically deprived of the opportunity to maintain feedback with information processors. As a rule, the respondent receives the results of his assessment in electronic form.

Automated 360-degree assessment systems are used when it is of paramount importance to collect quantitative data to compare employees against each other according to certain parameters (for example, when forming groups for training). Some automated systems themselves form recommendations for employee training, offer a list of references, electronic courses, a list of trainings. Such programs are offered by several companies, and they cost from several hundred to several tens of thousands of dollars.

360 Degree Assessment: Sample Questionnaire

The number of questions and the time for filling out the questionnaires are essential factors for the success of the method. If there are too many questions (more than 50) or they are difficult to understand, there is a risk of a formal attitude to the procedure, people will get tired of answering, which will lead to a decrease in the reliability of the results.

Let us dwell in more detail on the compilation of the questionnaire.

Statement questions

The correct wording of the assertion questions is of great importance (the questionnaire can also consist of closed questions(although statements are often the more universal and convenient form). They should cover the core competencies to be assessed. The more the quality is necessary for the company, the more questions about it should be included in the questionnaire. It is very important that they are clear and that they do not use complex or ambiguous terms.

An example of an unsuccessful question-statement: "Tolerant to the characteristics of other people" - not all respondents may know this term. Another example: "In a conflict, inclined to compromise solutions." The answer depends on how the person understands the compromise strategy. Perhaps he perceives it at an everyday level as a desire to meet others halfway or considers it not the most successful, because he prefers cooperation (especially if he has successfully completed the conflict management training). As a result, the estimate will not be entirely reliable.

When composing assertion questions, in most cases, one should not use formulations that suggest extremes in answers ("always appears", "never appears"), since then they cannot be both honest, objective and unambiguous. For example:

"Never and in any form criticizes the decisions of the management and the strategy of the company";

"I am always ready to sacrifice my own interests for the sake of common interests";

"Always takes initiative, makes rationalization proposals";

"Never gets annoyed, does not show negative emotions."

Thus, when formulating assertion questions, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  • avoid complex terms and ambiguity;
  • use words that everyone understands;
  • avoid extremes (an exception is checking the sincerity and objectivity of the respondents).

Rating scale

It is definitely worth avoiding a 5-point scale, since this leads to the manifestation of school-student stereotypes: 3 is bad, and 5 is good. It is impossible to sincerely believe in a short time that 3 is normal (not perfect, but meets the requirements) and 5 is excellent (this grade is extremely rare). Therefore, it is recommended to move away from scores to descriptive characteristics altogether. In addition, it is worth using a scale in which there are no more than 6 points, since with a large number of them, the respondent may get confused.

Along with the rating scale, there should also be a column "I have no information", since not all employees have the opportunity to see the manifestation of a colleague of absolutely all competencies. Accordingly, when determining the average score, the number of grades actually taken into account decreases.

A scale that includes extreme options ("always" and "never") increases the validity (reliability) of the answers.

Ensuring the accuracy of responses

Sincerity scale

It is recommended to include several question-statements in the questionnaire, which do not imply "extreme" wording of the answers. They help to determine the sincerity of the research participants. For example, it is impossible to give unambiguous polar estimates in the case of the following statements:

“Doesn't make mistakes even in small details”;

“He is never addicted to people, always avoids personal likes and dislikes”;

"He unambiguously positively perceives any decisions of the management, etc."

If the assessor gives an "extreme" answer to these questions-statements, this indicates either his insincerity (as a rule, overestimating the ratings out of the best intentions, for example, out of sympathy for a colleague), or a formal approach to the questionnaire.

When this answer occurs 1-2 times, it is worth lowering the estimated score by 1 unit, but if there are many such options, then this questionnaire should be excluded from general analysis, since the reliability of the results is questionable.

Reverse questions

Some people tend to choose predominantly the same answers for their assessment. More often than not, this is not an average version of the assessment ("appears in about half of the cases"), but a stable choice of answers like "always appears" or "appears in most cases." Choosing this approach, the employee does not really think about the questions and answers formally. To avoid this will help the inclusion of questions in the questionnaire, the best answer to which is “He never shows”.

It is worth warning employees about the presence of such "shape-shifters", and this will increase the likelihood of correct answers.

Double questions

These questions allow evaluations to be analyzed for objectivity and reliability and to exclude those that do not meet these criteria. The bottom line is that two or three questions have different wording, but the content is absolutely identical (it is important that they are not located side by side). An example of such a take:

“Knows how to manage conflicts from a position of cooperation, that is, in such a way that all parties are in the maximum gain”;

"In a conflict, he usually does not seek to pull the situation in the direction of his interests."

There is another type of question of this type - related questions. Not being full duplicates, they assume a gap in the answers by no more than 1 point, otherwise the result is assessed as low-confidence.

Decisions based on survey results
It should be borne in mind that the 360-degree assessment is in any case subjective, therefore it should not be considered as a tool for making administrative decisions - rewards, punishments, promotions, etc. In addition, if employees learn about such consequences of the assessment, then the answers will be either overestimated due to unwillingness to "substitute" colleagues, or underestimated in order to settle scores. Most foreign companies, where this practice came from, the "360 degrees" questionnaire serves as a tool for the employee's self-development or (less often) as a subject of joint analysis with his manager.

Based on the results of the assessment, it is necessary to identify the zones:

A - overestimated self-esteem in comparison with the assessment of others;

B - low self-esteem in comparison with the assessment of others;

B - high and low marks;

D - differences in the assessment of the same competencies among assessors of different levels.

In cases A and B, the reason for the discrepancy should be ascertained from colleagues and supervisors. The likely conclusion is that a person cannot see himself from the outside. He should definitely initiate receiving feedback from others more often, compare his behavior and those people who are considered as a standard, that is, have competencies that are significant for the company.
Situation B gives the most complete picture of the strengths and weaknessesah employee. A big plus in this case is that a person can see himself from the outside, understand how others react to him.

Section D is very important for analysis both by the assessed person and by his manager. It is worth clearly identifying the cause of the discrepancies and adjusting your behavior in the course of communication at the levels to which the employees who gave low marks belong. A manager, if his opinion differs significantly from the ratings given by peers or subordinates, needs to be more attentive to the employee's behavior: focus on the merits (if the boss's rating was lower than the others) or learn to identify socially desirable behavior (if the rating is higher).

Here is an example of a questionnaire that was used in one of the companies (you should not consider it as a universal one, suitable for any organization). Try to test yourself and highlight:

  • competencies that are checked by this questionnaire;
  • questions related to the sincerity scale;
  • flip-flop questions;
  • questions (there can be 2 or more of them), the discrepancy in the answers to which should not be more than 1 point (example of duplicate questions).

360 Degree Questionnaire (Example)

Instructions for survey participants
Dear employee!
This survey will help your colleague (assessed) to better understand their strengths and weaknesses, to see the potential for further growth and development. No reward or punishment will be taken based on the research results. We guarantee anonymity and confidentiality. In this regard, we ask you to give the most truthful, frank and thoughtful answers. If, by the nature of your interaction with this person, you do not see the manifestation of some aspects of behavior and cannot judge how he manifests himself in the situations described, please choose the answer: "I have no information." In addition, some of the questions assume the quality better option the answer is "He always manifests", and some - "He never manifests." Be careful! There are also several questions, the answers to which will allow us to assess the reliability of the result; in case of low reliability, the questionnaire will have to be filled out again, which is undesirable.
The survey takes an average of 30 to 45 minutes. We recommend that you fill out the questionnaire immediately from start to finish, without distraction. This will save you time and improve the reliability of your results. You can be of significant help to a colleague in understanding their strengths and weaknesses and planning further development and growth. Thank you for your sincere answers!

Question Answers *
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Able to make and defend unpopular decisions when necessary
2 In case of problems with the client, he solves them independently, strives to do it as quickly as possible
3 Understands that the performance of subordinates depends on their leader, seeks to correct the situation and prevent its occurrence in the future
4 When justifying the decision, it considers both the pros and cons, correctly calculates the resources
5 Upgrades qualifications only when suggested by management or the HR department
6 When setting priorities, he takes into account what is fundamentally important for the business and difficult to perform, therefore he strives to do such work himself, and delegates the rest to subordinates
7 When problems arise, he strives to overcome them on his own, finds several solutions, knows how to justify the pros and cons of each of them
8 In case of prolonged stress, is able to maintain good mental shape
9 If a problem arises, then first of all, he carefully analyzes the causes and finds those responsible for their elimination.
10 Colleagues and subordinates often turn to the employee for advice and help, they feel psychologically comfortable with him
11 In case of problems with a client due to the fault of other people or departments, it immediately redirects him to the culprit of the problem
12 In difficult situations, easily gets annoyed, can be harsh in communication
13 Seeks to receive the most complete information about the market, related areas and effectively uses this data
14 Knows how to act effectively in conditions of uncertainty
15 Doesn't make mistakes even in small details
16 Positively characterizes the company and its values \u200b\u200bin conversations with other people
17 Knows how to admit his mistakes and take responsibility for them
18 Never gets annoyed, doesn't show negative emotions
19 Tries to find the same interests and common language with colleagues in solving joint problems
20 Recognizes his responsibility for the result
21 Demonstrates a desire to solve the client's problems, takes responsibility in difficult situations
22 Never and in any form criticizes management decisions and company strategies
23 Does not welcome changes, prefers proven solutions proven by long-term experience
24 I am always ready to sacrifice my interests for the sake of common
25 In a stressful situation, he is not lost, he seeks and finds solutions
26 If problems with the client arose due to the wrong actions of subordinates, he tries to involve them in the solution, to teach how to avoid such situations in the future
27 Proactive, pre-adjusts the work of his department to change the company's strategies
28 Sees the relationship and interdependence of different departments and functions in the organization, understands its interests in general
29 Knows how to analyze opportunities, risks, as well as calculate and plan resources
30 He never seeks to pull the situation in the direction of his interests in a conflict
31 Motivates people based on their results
32 Believes that employees must be professionals and act clearly within the framework of their duties, otherwise people must be separated
33 He is never addicted to people, always knows how to avoid personal likes and dislikes
34 Knows how to determine and take into account the individuality of a subordinate in interaction and motivation
35 Differs in a systematic approach, sees the interests of the organization as a whole and divisions in particular
36 Performs mainly control functions, believes that censure and punishment are the most effective methods work with people
37 Charismatic, uses the strength of his personality to motivate subordinates
38 Subordinates are progressing noticeably from the moment this person joins the company
39 Forms the staff in advance, correctly determines the need for employees
40 Confident to motivate staff, correctly chooses the ratio of encouragement and censure
41 Knows how to manage a conflict from a position of cooperation, i.e. so that all parties get the maximum benefit
42 Organizes training and coaching of its employees, develops people
43 Knows how to concentrate on the task, attentive to little things
44 Knows external environment organizations, competitors
45 Defends his position, if he considers the interlocutor's opinion incorrect, tries to shorten the conversation
46 Shows initiative when the process really needs improvement
47 In behavior and decision-making takes into account the values \u200b\u200bof the company and its interests
48 Always shows initiative, makes rationalization proposals
49 Takes into account the interests of exclusively his unit, leads competitive struggle for resources
50 Seeks to solve the problem as quickly and efficiently as possible, and not always independently, but with the involvement of experts (if necessary)

* Answers:

  1. - I have no information;
  2. - always appears;
  3. - manifests itself in most cases;
  4. - appears in about half of the cases;
  5. - appears rarely;
  6. - never manifests itself.

Answers to the questionnaire (decoding of the types of questions and competencies)

  1. Reverse scaling questions: 2, 3, 8, 14, 19, 20, 36, 37, 46, 49. If the answers to the rest of the questions are at the 4–5 level, then to questions of this type the answers should be rated at 1–2 points. If the answers to the questions with inverse scaling correspond to the level 4-5 in two or more cases, then their reliability is considered as low.
  2. Unambiguously positive answers to questions 6, 15, 16, 30, 33, 41, 50 indicate a high degree of probability that they are socially desirable. If there are more than two such answers, it is recommended not to count the results, but to suggest filling out the questionnaire again.
  3. Groups of questions, the marks for the answers to which should have a discrepancy of no more than 1 point (two or more discrepancies allow us to consider the validity as low): 10-12, 18-22-25, 34-38-40-41, 39-45 , 43–44.

Distribution of questions by competency groups

Compliance with corporate values \u200b\u200b(questions 1-29, 43-50)

  1. Customer focus - 11, 21, 26.
  2. Loyalty to the company, patriotism - 16, 22, 47.
  3. Result orientation, responsibility for it - 17, 20, 24, 49, 50.
  4. Initiative - 23, 46, 48.
  5. Adaptability, openness to new things - 27.
  6. Independence and decision-making skills - 14, 29.
  7. Understanding the business environment - 13, 19, 28, 44.
  8. Resistance to procedures and detailed work - 15, 43.
  9. Resistance to stress - 25.
  10. The desire for communication and communication skills with people in the company - 12, 18, 19, 45.

Management skills (questions 26-42)

  1. Control current work - 30, 35, 41.
  2. Team management - 28, 33, 34.
  3. Planning - 27, 29, 39.
  4. Training - 26, 32, 34, 38, 42.

Motivation - 31, 33, 34, 36, 37, 40.

With full or partial use of materials, a link to the site is required

In some situations, it is required to quickly and accurately assess the personal and business qualities of an employee.

For example, for the second year in a company, an approved model of employee competencies has been operating, and the HR department was puzzled by the question: how to determine the dynamics of competence development in comparison with the previous year?

Or, let's say, for a while maternity leave one of the talented specialists was appointed as the head of the department. At the same time, the results of the department's work remained at an acceptable level, the pace of work did not change. A specialist, inspired by the experience in a new position, does not mind studying and moving to a related department on leadership position... How to determine the level of development of qualities for the transition? How to get information on how to manifest managerial competencies acting - what worked, and what needs to be "tightened up"?

For a long time and successfully working sales manager wants to work with larger clients, expand the range of products sold. It is necessary to determine what qualities prevent you from moving on, and what helps to fulfill the existing functionality. How to be?
Situations like this often arise at work. To resolve them, there are many ways, methods of assessment. In this article we will look at one of them - the so-called 360-degree method.

The essence of the 360-degree method

The 360-degree method is an ideal tool for obtaining versatile additional information about the employee's work behavior, close to an objective assessment of his qualities. As you know from geometry, 360 degrees is a trajectory that describes a circle, which implies a comprehensive assessment not by one person, but by several, in relation to the assessed being in different statuses and relationships. Above - the direct manager, on the side - colleagues, partners, clients, below - subordinates. In the center is the person being assessed. The assessment process is reduced to obtaining information about the manifestation of a person's business and personal qualities in behavior. The competencies of employees are usually assessed for the following purposes:
- determination of the development zones of the employee;
- comparison of competencies for a certain period (month, quarter, year, etc.);
- identification of different opinions about the strengths and weaknesses of the employee;
- identification of the compliance of the employee's competencies with the required level and standards.

Advantages and Disadvantages of 360 Degree Assessment

As practice shows, it is not worth relying only on a 360-degree assessment to make serious personnel decisions. This method cannot be called 100% objective, it does not allow assessing the quantitative performance indicators, the employee's potential, his motivation for development. You can get data in real time, only "here and now".

Advantages of the method:
1. Method is sufficient simplein design, application and interpretation, no outside experts are required. You yourself determine the list of assessors. It is not necessary for the assessor to have special professional and psychological knowledge. (But you should make sure that the qualities being assessed are equally understood by all participants in the assessment.) Knowing what exactly needs to be assessed, you can present the qualities in the form of a description, a list of behavioral indicators and create a questionnaire. How to prepare personnel for the assessment, develop a methodology, conduct a procedure, provide feedback and draw conclusions, it is easy to learn from a variety of open sources (HR portals, HR media, websites of specialized companies, etc.). In case of uncertainty, you can always practice by doing a small group assessment.

2. Versatility... You get a ton of additional information. For example, one can see a general tendency in the development of the competencies of those being assessed, carry out a comprehensive multifaceted analysis of the results, assess the attitude towards a person. The employee gets the opportunity to compare his opinion with the opinion of others - subordinates, colleagues, management, clients. This is very useful for identifying low or high self-esteem.

3. Visibility. The results can be presented not only in the form of a description, but also in the form of a table, graph, diagram, etc. Let's give an example.

Disadvantages (risks) of the method:

1. Subjectivity. It cannot be avoided, especially if people who communicate with each other are selected as evaluators, and the closer, the more subjective the assessment will be. Those who are disliked are underestimated, those who sympathize are overestimated (not necessarily consciously). Sometimes colleagues even fill out questionnaires together, confidentiality is not respected. It happens that people are afraid to give real grades, because the method does not imply anonymity. Clients and partners, as a rule, do not give low ratings, especially if they are chosen by the evaluator himself.

The participation of a large number of appraisers in the assessment does not always ensure its objectivity. The assessment is influenced by personal relationships, the presence of conflicts or simply a competitive motive (when the assessment is carried out in order to determine the best employees). These factors can be compensated for:
- together with the 360-degree method, use other methods that are not based on an outside opinion;
- select evaluators with supposedly different attitudes towards the evaluated: loyal, disloyal and neutral;
- ask for reasons for high and low marks, leaving space for comments at the end of the questionnaire.


2. Ambiguity of wording in the questionnaire. The qualities assessed must have an unambiguous interpretation and be understood by all participants in the process in the same way.

Take, for example, the skill to plan working time". The colleague believes that since the person being assessed carefully keeps a to-do list in Outlook, he is doing well with planning and gives a high mark. The subordinate gives a low mark, noting that the person being assessed fusses almost every day, gives tasks without taking into account the time resource and often is in a state of time pressure. The manager knows that the person being assessed carefully writes down the list of to-do's in the program every morning, but, as a rule, does not adhere to the plan, undertakes everything at once, gets distracted, etc. but low in terms of planning implementation, as a result - average.

Now let us describe the competence "the ability to plan working hours" as some kind of behavioral indicators, in particular:
- keeps a daily list of planned cases;
- knows how to prioritize, separate important and urgent matters from "routine";
- adheres to the plan;
- analyzes the reasons for the failure to complete tasks.

If you work with this list, the assessment will be differentiated and accurate, weaknesses and areas for the development of the assessed will be visible.
Here is a list of evaluating the competence "loyalty to the company".

There is another trick - mix qualities and competencies of the same order in the questionnaire. This makes processing more difficult, but improves reliability. Otherwise, people, filling out the questionnaire, read similar characteristics and automatically give the same marks. If different parameters are mixed, the assessor will less often try to remember what grade he gave to a similar description. Indeed, in practice, a hardworking, painstaking employee is perceived by us as efficient, loyal, customer-oriented, etc.

For example, the description of the competence "focus on results" may contain the following indicators:
- evaluates his work on the achieved result;
- shows persistence in achieving goals and overcoming obstacles, failures do not "unsettle";
- knows how to work in a shortage of time, effectively distributes working time with a large volume and a quick change of tasks;
- performs the work on time and completes what was started.

One employee completes tasks on time, but does not focus on the achieved result - he does not think about it, but focuses on speed. Another, having made a laborious analytical report by the deadline, but faced with difficulties, spent a lot of personal resources, constantly complained about the lack of time, creating unnecessary panic, emphasized the frightening volume and complexity of the work, and attracted attention. The assessment of the parameters of the same “results orientation” competence of these two employees will be different, although they both cope with their work.

And you don't need numbers! Form the scale in the form of descriptions or in the form of a rating accompanied by a description. If you want to get an assessment in the form of points, decipher them, for example:

5 - the level of mastery, allowing to show this quality in extremely difficult conditions, develop its standards and teach others;
4 - the level of extended experience, allowing to show quality not only in standard, but also in difficult conditions;
3 - the level of basic experience, allowing to show quality in most work situations;
2 - the level of development, when business quality is not always manifested, but the employee already understands the importance of its manifestation and is trying to develop it;
1 - the quality is not manifested.

And be sure to leave the "no information" field. In this case, the evaluator will not have a feeling of being driven into the framework of choice.
3. Labor intensity... If you need to estimate a large number of employees (more than ten), manually it is quite long. To solve this problem, try to automate the process as much as possible (for example, you can use excel program). This will also reduce the risk of careless errors.

Conclusions based on 360 degree assessment

So, research using the 360-degree method includes:
- profile analysis (obtaining a competency profile in the form of a graph);
- matrix analysis (splitting the results on self-assessment scales and assessments of others into four zones: strengths, weaknesses, tending to strong sideaiming at weaknesses);
- analysis of the difference between assessment and self-esteem (in which a person overestimates or underestimates himself);
- analysis of the difference between the actual behavior of the employee and the required;
- analysis of professional qualities individually and in aggregate.

In addition, we will learn how the immediate supervisor, colleagues and subordinates perceive the assessed, and, having created a unified idea of \u200b\u200bthe "ideal", we will be able to rank the employee's competencies, including in terms of their relevance.

And the last thing: to make the 360-degree assessment effective, provide the assessed feedback in time: the assessment results can become the basis for the development of an individual employee development plan, perhaps he will even cope with it on his own.

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One of the common barriers to human development is the inability to look at yourself from the outside. Can you effectively build a career and position yourself correctly if you do not understand how your colleagues and managers see you? One of best practices in the world management and HR practice, which allows solving these problems, is the assessment of employees using the "360 degrees" method.

One of the common barriers to human development is the inability to look at yourself from the outside. Is it possible to build a career effectively and position yourself correctly if you do not understand how colleagues and managers see you? One of the best methods in the world management and HR practice, which allows solving these problems, is the assessment of employees using the "360 degrees" method.

The "360 degrees" method is called so precisely because it allows you to evaluate an employee from all sides, "in a circle". Ideally, the list of graders looks like this:

  • the employee himself, who evaluates himself according to the given criteria;
  • immediate superior;
  • colleagues or other leaders;
  • subordinates (if any);
  • in some cases - clients who communicate with the assessed.
The number of questions and the time for filling out the questionnaires are essential factors for the success of the method. If there are too many questions (more than 50) or they are difficult to understand, there is a risk of a formal attitude to the procedure, people will get tired of answering, which will lead to a decrease in the reliability of the results.

Let us dwell in more detail on the compilation of the questionnaire.

Statement questions
The correct wording of the assertion questions is of great importance (the questionnaire may also consist of closed questions, although it is the assertions that quite often represent a more universal and convenient form). They should cover the core competencies to be assessed. The more the quality is necessary for the company, the more questions about it should be included in the questionnaire. It is very important that they are clear and that they do not use complex or ambiguous terms.

An example of an unsuccessful question-statement: "Tolerant to the peculiarities of other people" - not all respondents may know this term. Another example: "In a conflict, inclined to compromise solutions." The answer depends on how the person understands the compromise strategy. Perhaps he perceives it at an everyday level as a desire to meet others halfway or considers it not the most successful, because he prefers cooperation (especially if he has successfully completed the conflict management training). As a result, the estimate will not be entirely reliable.

When composing assertion questions, in most cases, one should not use formulations that suggest extremes in answers ("always appears", "never appears"), since then they cannot be both honest, objective and unambiguous. For example:

  • "Never and in any form criticizes the decisions of the management and the strategy of the company";
  • "I am always ready to sacrifice my own interests for the sake of common interests";
  • "Always takes initiative, makes rationalization proposals";
  • "Never gets annoyed, does not show negative emotions."
Thus, when formulating assertion questions, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:
  • avoid complex terms and ambiguity;
  • use words that everyone understands;
  • avoid extremes (an exception is checking the sincerity and objectivity of the respondents).
Rating scale
It is definitely worth avoiding a 5-point scale, since this leads to the manifestation of school-student stereotypes: 3 is bad, and 5 is good. It is impossible in a short time to truly believe that 3 is normal (not perfect, but meets the requirements), and 5 is excellent (this rating is extremely rare). Therefore, it is recommended to move away from scores to descriptive characteristics altogether. In addition, it is worth using a scale in which there are no more than 6 points, since with a large number of them, the respondent may get confused.

Along with the rating scale, there should also be a column "I have no information", since not all employees have the opportunity to see the manifestation of a colleague of absolutely all competencies. Accordingly, when determining the average score, the number of grades actually taken into account decreases.

A scale that includes extreme options ("always" and "never") increases the validity (reliability) of the answers.

Ensuring the accuracy of responses

Sincerity scale

It is recommended to include several question-statements in the questionnaire, which do not imply "extreme" wording of the answers. They help to determine the sincerity of the research participants. For example, it is impossible to give unambiguous polar estimates in the case of the following statements:

  • “Doesn't make mistakes even in small details”;
  • “He is never addicted to people, always avoids personal likes and dislikes”;
  • "He unambiguously positively perceives any decisions of the management, etc."
If the assessor gives an "extreme" answer to these questions-statements, this indicates either his insincerity (as a rule, overestimating the ratings out of the best intentions, for example, out of sympathy for a colleague), or a formal approach to the questionnaire.

When such an answer occurs 1-2 times, it is worth lowering the estimated score by 1 unit, but if there are many such options, then this questionnaire must be excluded from the general analysis, since the reliability of the results is questionable.

Reverse questions

Some people tend to choose predominantly the same answers for their assessment. More often than not, this is not an average version of the assessment ("appears in about half of the cases"), but a stable choice of answers like "always appears" or "appears in most cases." Choosing this approach, the employee does not really think about the questions and answers formally. To avoid this will help the inclusion of questions in the questionnaire, the best answer to which is “Never shows”.

It is worth warning employees about the presence of such "shape-shifters", and this will increase the likelihood of correct answers.

Double questions

These questions allow evaluations to be analyzed for objectivity and reliability and to exclude those that do not meet these criteria. The bottom line is that two or three questions have different wording, but the content is absolutely identical (it is important that they are not located side by side). An example of such a take:

  • “Knows how to manage conflicts from a position of cooperation, that is, in such a way that all parties are in the maximum gain”;
  • "In a conflict, he usually does not seek to pull the situation in the direction of his interests."
There is another type of question of this type - related questions. Not being full duplicates, they assume a gap in the answers by no more than 1 point, otherwise the result is assessed as low-confidence.

Decisions based on survey results
It should be borne in mind that the 360-degree assessment is in any case subjective, therefore it should not be considered as a tool for making administrative decisions - rewards, punishments, promotions, etc. In addition, if employees learn about such consequences of the assessment, then the answers will be either overestimated due to unwillingness to "substitute" colleagues, or underestimated in order to settle scores. In most foreign companies, where this practice came from, the 360-degree questionnaire serves as a tool for employee self-development or (less often) as a subject of joint analysis with his manager.

Based on the results of the assessment, it is necessary to identify the zones:

  • A - overestimated self-esteem in comparison with the assessment of others;
  • B - low self-esteem in comparison with the assessment of others;
  • B - high and low marks;
  • D - differences in the assessment of the same competencies among assessors of different levels.
In cases A and B, the reason for the discrepancy should be ascertained from colleagues and supervisors. The likely conclusion is that a person cannot see himself from the outside. He should definitely initiate receiving feedback from others more often, compare his behavior and those of people who are considered a standard, that is, have competencies that are significant for a given company.
Situation B gives the most complete picture of the employee's strengths and weaknesses. A big plus in this case is that a person can see himself from the outside, understand how others react to him.

Section D is very important for analysis both by the assessed person and by his manager. It is worth clearly identifying the cause of the discrepancies and adjusting your behavior in the course of communication at the levels to which the employees who gave low marks belong. A manager, if his opinion differs significantly from the ratings given by peers or subordinates, needs to be more attentive to the employee's behavior: focus on the merits (if the boss's rating was lower than the others) or learn to identify socially desirable behavior (if the rating is higher).

Here is an example of a questionnaire that was used in one of the companies (you should not consider it as a universal one, suitable for any organization). Try to test yourself and highlight:

  • competencies that are checked by this questionnaire;
  • questions related to the sincerity scale;
  • flip-flop questions;
  • questions (there can be 2 or more of them), the discrepancy in the answers to which should not be more than 1 point (example of duplicate questions).

360 Degree Questionnaire (Example)

Instructions for survey participants
Dear employee!
This survey will help your colleague (assessed) to better understand their strengths and weaknesses, to see the potential for further growth and development. No reward or punishment will be taken based on the research results. We guarantee anonymity and confidentiality. In this regard, we ask you to give the most truthful, frank and thoughtful answers. If, by the nature of your interaction with this person, you do not see the manifestation of some aspects of behavior and cannot judge how he manifests himself in the situations described, please choose the answer: "I have no information." In addition, some of the questions suggest the answer "Always manifests" as the best option, and some - "He never manifests." Be careful! There are also several questions, the answers to which will allow us to assess the reliability of the result; in case of low reliability, the questionnaire will have to be filled out again, which is undesirable.
The survey takes an average of 30 to 45 minutes. We recommend that you fill out the questionnaire immediately from start to finish, without distraction. This will save you time and improve the reliability of your results. You can be of significant help to a colleague in understanding their strengths and weaknesses and planning further development and growth. Thank you for your sincere answers!

Answers *

1 Able to make and defend unpopular decisions when necessary
2 In case of problems with the client, he solves them independently, strives to do it as quickly as possible
3 Understands that the performance of subordinates depends on their leader, seeks to correct the situation and prevent its occurrence in the future
4 When justifying the decision, it considers both the pros and cons, correctly calculates the resources
5 Upgrades qualifications only when suggested by management or the HR department
6 When setting priorities, he takes into account what is fundamentally important for the business and difficult to perform, therefore he strives to do such work himself, and delegates the rest to subordinates
7 When problems arise, he strives to overcome them on his own, finds several solutions, knows how to justify the pros and cons of each of them
8 In case of prolonged stress, is able to maintain good mental shape
9 If a problem arises, then first of all, he carefully analyzes the causes and finds those responsible for their elimination.
10 Colleagues and subordinates often turn to the employee for advice and help, they feel psychologically comfortable with him
11 In case of problems with a client due to the fault of other people or departments, it immediately redirects him to the culprit of the problem
12 In difficult situations, easily gets annoyed, can be harsh in communication
13 Seeks to receive the most complete information about the market, related areas and effectively uses this data
14 Knows how to act effectively in conditions of uncertainty
15 Doesn't make mistakes even in small details
16 Positively characterizes the company and its values \u200b\u200bin conversations with other people
17 Knows how to admit his mistakes and take responsibility for them
18 Never gets annoyed, doesn't show negative emotions
19 Tries to find the same interests and common language with colleagues in solving joint problems
Recognizes his responsibility for the result
21 Demonstrates a desire to solve the client's problems, takes responsibility in difficult situations
22 Never and in any form criticizes management decisions and company strategies
23 Does not welcome changes, prefers proven solutions proven by long-term experience
24 I am always ready to sacrifice my interests for the sake of common
25 In a stressful situation, he is not lost, he seeks and finds solutions
26 If problems with the client arose due to the wrong actions of subordinates, he tries to involve them in the solution, to teach how to avoid such situations in the future
27 Proactive, pre-adjusts the work of his department to change the company's strategies
28 Sees the relationship and interdependence of different departments and functions in the organization, understands its interests in general
29 Knows how to analyze opportunities, risks, as well as calculate and plan resources
30 He never seeks to pull the situation in the direction of his interests in a conflict
Motivates people based on their results
32 Believes that employees must be professionals and act clearly within the framework of their duties, otherwise people must be separated
33 He is never addicted to people, always knows how to avoid personal likes and dislikes
34 Knows how to determine and take into account the individuality of a subordinate in interaction and motivation
35 Differs in a systematic approach, sees the interests of the organization as a whole and divisions in particular
36 Performs mainly control functions, believes that censure and punishment are the most effective methods of working with people
37 Charismatic, uses the strength of his personality to motivate subordinates
38 Subordinates are progressing noticeably from the moment this person joins the company
39 Forms the staff in advance, correctly determines the need for employees
40 Confident to motivate staff, correctly chooses the ratio of encouragement and censure
41 Knows how to manage a conflict from a position of cooperation, i.e. so that all parties get the maximum benefit
42 Organizes training and coaching of its employees, develops people
Knows how to concentrate on the task, attentive to little things
44 Knows the external environment of the organization, competitors
45 Defends his position, if he considers the interlocutor's opinion incorrect, tries to shorten the conversation
46 Shows initiative when the process really needs improvement
47 In behavior and decision-making takes into account the values \u200b\u200bof the company and its interests
48 Always shows initiative, makes rationalization proposals
49 Takes into account the interests of exclusively its subdivision, competes for resources
50 Seeks to solve the problem as quickly and efficiently as possible, and not always independently, but with the involvement of experts (if necessary)

* Answers:
  1. - I have no information;
  2. - always appears;
  3. - manifests itself in most cases;
  4. - appears in about half of the cases;
  5. - appears rarely;
  6. - never manifests itself.
Answers to the questionnaire (decoding of the types of questions and competencies)
  1. Reverse scaling questions: 2, 3, 8, 14, 19, 20, 36, 37, 46, 49. If the answers to the other questions are at the level of 4-5 points, then to questions of this type the answers should be scored at 1-2 points. If the answers to the questions with inverse scaling correspond to the level 4-5 in two or more cases, then their reliability is considered as low.
  2. Unambiguously positive answers to questions 6, 15, 16, 30, 33, 41, 50 indicate a high degree of probability that they are socially desirable. If there are more than two such answers, it is recommended not to count the results, but to suggest filling out the questionnaire again.
  3. Groups of questions, the scores for the answers to which should have a discrepancy of no more than 1 point (two or more discrepancies allow us to consider the validity as low): 10-12, 18-22-25, 34-38-40-41, 39-45 , 43-44.
Distribution of questions by competency groups
  • Compliance with corporate values \u200b\u200b(questions 1-29, 43-50)
    1. Customer focus - 11, 21, 26.
    2. Loyalty to the company, patriotism - 16, 22, 47.
    3. Result orientation, responsibility for it - 17, 20, 24, 49, 50.
    4. Initiative - 23, 46, 48.
    5. Adaptability, openness to new things - 27.
    6. Independence and decision-making skills - 14, 29.
    7. Understanding the business environment - 13, 19, 28, 44.
    8. Resistance to procedures and detailed work - 15, 43.
    9. Resistance to stress - 25.
    10. The desire for communication and communication skills with people in the company - 12, 18, 19, 45.
  • Management skills (questions 26-42)
    1. Management of current work - 30, 35, 41.
    2. Team management - 28, 33, 34.
    3. Planning - 27, 29, 39.
    4. Training - 26, 32, 34, 38, 42.
    5. Motivation - 31, 33, 34, 36, 37, 40.


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