Determine what type of profession they are. Classifications of professions. Man - artistic image

As the children's proverb says: "All professions are needed, all professions are important." Of course, this is true. It's hard to imagine life modern man without a job in any profession. Even seemingly the most useless work makes a huge contribution to the life of each of us. What is the classification of professions?

General concept

Classification is a meaningful division of certain things into groups and types according to certain characteristics. The concepts of "profession" and "classification of professions" are closely related. A profession is a kind of activity of a person who owns a complex of special theoretical knowledge, as well as skills acquired as a result of training and practical exercises. Depending on the type of activity, professions lend themselves to grouping. The classification of professions according to the subject of labor also plays an important role in the division. This issue will be discussed in detail in this article.

Types of classification of working professions

The world of professions is diverse, there are more than seven thousand names in it. In 1957, the International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO) was adopted, created by the combined efforts of representatives of UNESCO, the UN and World Organization healthcare. This is a kind of division of professions into groups. The process of division into groups can proceed in different ways, depending on the feature taken as a basis. This could be a classification:

  • By the first letter of the name of the activity (in alphabetical order, for example).
  • By nature or physical).
  • By sector of the economy (industry, science, construction, animal husbandry and crop production, forestry, transport and communications, healthcare, management, trade, and so on).
  • By sign material production(for example, Agriculture, industry, forestry, construction and so on. There is no material production in health care, science, trade, the media, etc.).
  • By the level and nature of the required qualifications: highly qualified (financial auditor, chemist, broker, engineer, and others); qualified (insurance worker, personnel officers, administrator, appraiser, technologist and others); low-skilled (postman, store worker, and so on); unskilled (janitor, street vendor, cleaner, courier and others).

Everything has its flaws

Each of the above classifications of professions has its drawbacks.

The first option is inconvenient because there are a lot of areas of activity (about seven thousand), and it will be difficult to distribute each one in alphabetical order, and as a result, an incredibly huge list will turn out.

The disadvantage of the second method is that the enumeration automatically erases the boundaries of mental and physical labor.

The third method has two drawbacks:

1. There are professions that belong to several sectors of the economy (for example, a locksmith. The field of activity is common in several sectors of the national economy).

2. Inaccurate as some activities spill over into other areas (eg, school nurse, healthcare worker but still in the scientific field).

The fourth way is also debatable. Every profession is related to production, only in one case these are material things (for example, the sphere of industry, construction), and in the other case these are intangible values ​​(for example, science, the media). Regardless of whether it is possible to "feel" what is being produced, every field of activity is important for humanity.

The fifth case also has its own nuances. Often there is such a situation when a person is a jack of all trades, and really does his job with high quality, but he cannot be accepted into the state, because there is no "crust" about education. At the same time, a graduate comes in who actually knows nothing.

Division of professions according to working conditions

There is also a classification of professions according to working conditions. It includes only four types:

  1. Household microclimate. This is a profession whose employees work indoors in familiar conditions (or office work). For example, a programmer, accountant, doctor, teacher and others.
  2. Outdoor work. The worker spends most of his time outdoors, not indoors. For example, a sales representative, postman, janitor, forester and others.
  3. Small enclosed spaces, cabins. Most of the worker's time is spent in a small room. For example, driver, concierge, operator, and so on.
  4. Unusual working conditions. Under unusual working conditions is meant underground work, work in water conditions or at high altitude. For example, a miner, an industrial climber, a mountain rescuer, a diver and others.

In any case, depending on how you want to classify the types of professions, any of the above methods is chosen. But about this in order.

What are they like? In addition to the above options for classifying professions, there is another way of psychological division into groups. The division of activities into groups according to the psychological principle is intended for career guidance. This type of distribution is important for the theory of labor psychology, as well as for understanding the role psychological factors in one form or another.

Psychological analysis of labor activity in any profession is an integral part and the primary stage of work in the field of labor psychology. Analysis acts as the basis on which any further research is built.

The diversity of professions poses the task of classifying professions, identifying common features and differences between professions and activities. The psychological study of certain types of labor activity is called a description of professions (professiography), and the result obtained is called a professiogram. The professiogram includes a number of characteristics related to the types of work: technical and economic, social, psychological, and hygienic working conditions. The result obtained is influenced by a combination of personality traits and mental processes that are activated during a certain type of labor.

The concept of professionally important features

Professionally important qualities are individual traits of a person's character and personality, mental and physical qualities that meet the requirements for a person holding a particular position in the profession.

To important features professional applies five points:

  1. Attitude to the profession, work, interests related to this field of activity.
  2. The moral image of a person as part of a team.
  3. Capacity relating to a particular position (flexibility of mind, resourcefulness, ability to self-develop - the intellectual sphere of activity; physiological development, endurance - for physical labor).
  4. Single, private, special abilities, if any, are necessary for the required position or profession in general.

  5. Knowledge, skills, abilities and experience in a similar position.

A new kind of classification of professions

Alexandrovich, academician, specialist in labor psychology, professor of psychological sciences, made a lot of discoveries in the field of psychology and did not disregard the psychology of labor. In 1970, he patented his classification of professions according to the subject of labor, which is still used today. His subject-activity concept professional labor is extensive and captures almost all professions, dividing them into certain groups. According to Klimov himself, each person is able to find the profession in which he will be comfortable, and labor activity will bring pleasure. With the concept of Klimov, you can draw up an approximate formula for the desired profession, as well as determine the job of your dreams.

Distribution of professions Klimov

The correct compilation and further use of professiograms requires certain knowledge in the use of classification. The most common for career guidance is the classification of professions according to Klimov. According to the object of labor, five types are distinguished.

"Man - Nature"

This type includes people whose labor activity is connected with the animal and plant world, as well as microorganisms and the conditions of their existence. The worker of this profession sees the world from the side of biological development, innovations and losses in this area. Representatives of professions of this type are able to create and adjust the conditions for the life and development of living organisms, while using a variety of technical means. If we take into account agriculture, then not all remote places are equipped with necessary equipment, so physical labor in this area also takes place. And also do not underestimate the intellectual aspect of this classification of professions. Since working conditions are non-standard, it is often necessary to notice the most subtle, but very important changes in living organisms. The requirements for an employee of this structure are also non-standard: from special skills (for example, drawing, so that you can fix what is visible under a microscope) to managing equipment. As for professional qualities, the employee must love nature, have perseverance in achieving goals, creative thinking and patience. The professions of the "Man - Nature" sphere include: a veterinarian, an agronomist, a biologist, a beekeeper and many others.


This type includes activities related to the repair and maintenance technical devices and their operation, as well as the creation, installation and assembly, design and construction of devices and technical systems, individual parts of the mechanism. Observation, acute hearing and vision are among the main professional qualities of a worker in this field. Also, for successful work, accurate and high knowledge in the technical field is required. Professions of the type "Man-Technology" include a locksmith, repairman, driver, technician and others.

"Man - Sign System"

The object of labor of this type of classification are signs - numbers, formulas, oral and written speech, drawings, drawings, maps, and so on. basis work activities is intellectual labor, with the help of which the creation of all kinds of systems of signs takes place. The professional qualities of an employee of this type of profession are perseverance, attentiveness, the ability to concentrate for a long time, love for solitary work. Professions of the "Man - Sign System" type include a programmer, system administrator, accountant, stenographer, radio operator, draftsman, cutter, editor, and others.

"Man - Artistic Image"

The objects of labor of workers in this area are artistic images formed in literature, fine arts, music and acting. The goals of this profession are to create beauty, bring harmony to the world around us, preserve the cultural heritage of mankind and create aesthetics. A professional in this field must have an undoubted innate talent, a love of beauty and art, artistic taste and a rich imagination. Professions of the "Man - Artistic Image" type include an actor, a photographer, an artist, a journalist, and even a jeweler.

"Man is Man"

Workers in this type of profession work directly with people. The main task is to interact with people or serve other people. Certain types of professions are interconnected by the essence of the work, although the labor activity itself is completely different. The purpose of this classification of professions can be treatment, teaching, management, information, etc. Professional quality that an employee should possess is sociability and a culture of communication, an understanding of a person’s mood and his needs, developed cognitive activity, friendliness, listening skills and stress resistance. Professions of the "Man-Man" type include a teacher, a policeman, a doctor, a salesman, a service worker, an insurance agent, and many others.

To the choice future profession should be taken very seriously. Without the love of work, the love of life will be lost. When choosing the type of profession according to the classification, you can understand what exactly you need.

Orientation in the world of professions - classification of professions

Classification - this is a meaningful order of things, phenomena, their division into varieties according to some important features.

There are thousands of different professions in the world. It is quite difficult for a person to navigate in such numbers, and therefore it is not easy to understand the sea of ​​\u200b\u200bprofessions without classification.

Classification professions - combining similar professions into different groups according to some criteria.

There are several different classifications of professions.

1. Professions can be divided into two groups according tonature of work (physical and mental, or performing and creative).

2. Professions are also differentby skill level , required from a specialist:

a) professions requiring higher education(engineer, doctor);

b) professions that require high qualifications from an employee obtained in the system of secondary specialized education (operator, accountant);

c) mass professions requiring qualifications (agent, seller);

d) professions that do not require qualifications (auxiliary worker, loader).

3. There is also a classification of professions according to the level of rigidity of requirements for a person, when professions are divided into mass ones (which almost any person can master) and those where certain qualities are required from a person (cosmonaut, taster, artist).

4. There is a classification of professions by sectors of the economy (for example, industry, construction, etc.).

5. The most famous and interesting classification by types of professions was proposed by the famous academician E. A. Klimov and developed in detail by his employees.

If we imagine that the whole vast world of professions is like a geographical map, then the territories of this map are groups of professions similar in their characteristics. Each profession has certain requirements for a person. Some professions require strength and dexterity from him, others - mainly intelligence and accuracy, others - sociability and restraint. Some professions require practically the same qualities from a person, so they can be grouped into groups that can be imagined as a kind of "professional states" occupying a certain position on the map. Just like on a real geographical map, the position of the profession on psychological map can be described by two coordinates. Only on the psychological map of professions, the role of latitude is played by the type of profession, and the role of longitude is played by the class of the profession.

What do these coordinates mean on the map of professions, what is the type of profession and the class of professions?

Occupation type - a group of professions that are similar in subject matter.

The type of profession indicates what a person has to deal with in the course of his professional activity, that is, on the subject of labor. The subject of labor This is what a person's work is aimed at.

Since there are a lot of professions in the world, there is a great variety of objects of labor. All these objects of labor are divided into five large groups. The subject of labor can be people, technology, information, works of art or nature.

In accordance with the subject of labor, five types of professions are distinguished.

1 Type "man - man".

The subject of professions of this type are people. In the process of their activities, some people constantly and directly communicate with other people, that is, the main content of labor is reduced to interaction between people. This type includes professions related to medical care, training and education, consumer services, and legal protection. These are such professions as a doctor, nurse, educator, teacher, seller, guide, district inspector.

2. Type of_ "human-technique"

It includes professions related to the creation, installation, assembly and adjustment, operation of technical devices, tools, and repair of equipment. It can be such professions as a bricklayer, welder, engineer, driver, turner, seamstress, repairman, electrician.

3. Type "man - sign system".

This type combines professions associated with symbolic information (with texts, with numbers, formulas and tables, with drawings, maps, diagrams, with sound signals). These are such professions as a translator, librarian, programmer, accountant, cashier, navigator, radio operator.

4. Type "man - artistic image

This type includes professions associated with the creation, design, modeling of works of art. Professions - artist, journalist, composer, jeweler, actor, cutter, restorer.

5. Type "man - nature".

Professions can be included , associated with the study of animate and inanimate nature, with the care of plants and animals, with the prevention and treatment of diseases of plants and animals. These are professions such as microbiologist, agrochemist, geologist, arborist, vegetable grower, livestock specialist, veterinarian.

In order to master a certain profession and then work successfully, a person must have specific qualities that meet the requirements that this profession imposes on a person. Therefore, it is very important, when choosing a profession, to know these requirements.

1) Profession type "man - man" makes high demands on such employee qualities as the ability to install. and support business contacts, understand the state of people, the ability to understand human relationships, find a common language with people, influence others, have a good memory (names and faces of many people), show restraint, patience, calmness and goodwill, have developed speech abilities.

2) Pro typessiy "man - technology" requires a high level of development of visual-figurative and practical thinking, spatial representations, technical awareness and ingenuity, good motor skills, dexterity.

3) To be successful in any profession

type"man ek - znakovy system", n you need to be able to mentally immerse yourself in the world of dry designations, symbols and focus on them. Therefore, the special requirements of this type of profession are imposed on attention (long-term and concentrated) and perseverance. They also require from a person the ability to think abstractly, to operate with numbers.

4) The most important requirement for the profession

type "browcentury - artimage" - this is the presence of the ability for the arts, creative, rich and vivid imagination, developed and artistic taste, talent, aesthetic sensitivity, imaginative thinking.

5) Man working in sphere "man - nature"

must love nature, living beings, be calm and balanced. It requires good observation, endurance and tolerance for lack of comfort.

If the type of profession speaks about the subject of labor , then about the degree of complexity and the skill level of the employee, i.e. about the nature of work, testifies profession class.

Class of professions - a group of professions similar in nature of work.

According to the nature of work, two classes of professions are distinguished: performing and creative.

Performing class

Professions of this class are associated with the implementation of decisions, work according to a given model, compliance with existing rules and regulations, following instructions, a stereotypical approach to solving problems (cashier, telephone operator, driver, salesman, driver). In most cases, professions in this class do not require higher education.

creative class

Professions creative class associated with analysis, research, testing, control, planning, organization and management, design, design, development of new samples, adoption of non-standard solutions; they require independent and original thinking, a high level of mental development and, as a rule, higher education (doctor, manager, programmer, teacher, lawyer).

Any profession can be simultaneously classified on the basis of the subject of labor to one of five types and on the basis of the nature of labor to one of two classes, so they can be presented in Table. one.

Table 1

Classification of professions

Types of professions by subject of labor

Classes of professions by nature of work



"Man is man"

Kindergarten teacher




Social worker




Assistant Secretary


"Man - technology"




Engineer Designer Technologist Cosmonaut






Man is iconic

telephone operator



Paging operator





The hairdresser


"Human -



artistic image"






Sculptor Fashion designer


"Human -





The division of professions into types and classes is rather conditional. It is not always possible to state clearly, with certainty, to which particular type this or that profession belongs. For example, a professional lawyer most often has to work with

people, so his profession can be safely attributed to the type of "man - man". However, to a large extent, a lawyer has to deal with textual information: documents, laws, etc. Therefore, the activities of a lawyer may also be characterized by features of professions such as “a person is a sign system”.

Or a nurse, who must first of all be able to communicate with sick people, but, in addition, she must have the skills to care for patients and use technical equipment, as well as know the basics of human anatomy, physiology and pathology, chemistry and pharmacology, be careful when working with documents, analysis data, equipment indicators.

Now that you have become acquainted with the world of professions, you need to understand how and why people choose a particular profession, that is, what are the conditions and motives for choosing a profession. (we will talk about the secrets of choosing a profession in the next lesson).Study

Items, services. 5.2. Classification professions 115 5.2. Classification professions Representing complex socio-technical ... labor is the process of its active orientation in world professions associated with the search for the meaning of labor activity ...

  • Educational program of basic general education of the Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution

    Educational program

    ... . World professions. Choice problems professions. ... Classification inorganic substances (6 hours). Classification simple substances. Classification oxides. Classification grounds. Classification acids. Classification... their internal peace; - orientation in culture...

  • Choice of profession


    Goals. During the period orientation in world professions, professional self-determination, "unobtrusive... World professions and your place in it. Survey psychological classification professions according to E.A. Klimov. Purpose: 1) building classification professions ...

  • Classification is a meaningful order of things, phenomena, their division into varieties according to some important features. The classification of professions is the combination of similar professions into different groups according to some criteria.

    1. Professions can be divided into 2 groups according to the nature of labor - physical and mental, or performing and creative. Performing class professions are associated with the implementation of decisions, work according to a given model, compliance with existing rules and regulations, following instructions, stereotypical approaches to solving problems (cashier, telephone operator, driver, salesman, driver). In most cases, professions in this class do not require higher education.

    Creative class professions are associated with analysis, research, testing, control, planning, organization and management, design, development of new samples, making non-standard decisions; require independent and original thinking, a high level of mental development and, as a rule, higher education (doctor, manager, programmer, teacher, lawyer).

    2. Professions are distinguished by the level of qualification required from a specialist:

    – higher education – engineer, doctor, teacher;

    - high qualification from an employee obtained in the system of secondary specialized education - operator, accountant;

    - mass professions requiring qualifications - agent, seller;

    - professions that do not require qualifications - ancillary worker, loader, watchman, technician.

    3. There is also a qualification according to the level of rigidity of requirements for a person, when professions are divided into mass (which almost any person can master) and those where certain qualities are required from a person (cosmonaut, taster, artist).

    4. There is a classification of professions by sectors of the economy (for example, industry, construction, medicine, etc.).

    5. The most famous and interesting classification by types of professions was proposed by Academician E. A. Klimov and developed in detail by his staff.

    Occupation types:

    A) The subject of labor is technology, the “man-technology” system (H-T). These are professions related to production and maintenance. These are, as a rule, working specialties: a driver, a locksmith, a turner, a carpenter, a builder, an adjuster of automated equipment, etc.

    B) The subject of labor is the animal and plant world, the system "man - nature" (N-P). These are professions related to agriculture, forestry, environmental protection, biotechnology, meteorology, geodesy, etc. Example: ecologist, geologist, biologist, livestock specialist, ranger.

    C) The subject of labor - schemes, signs, oral and written speech, numbers, notes, chemical and physical symbols, and the system "man - sign" (Ch-Zn.). This activity is related to mental labor. Example: accountant, PC operator, physicist, cashier, etc.

    D) The subject of labor is visual, musical, literary and artistic, acting activity, and the system "man - artistic image» (Ch-Ho). Example: designer, decorator, makeup artist, journalist, vocalist, etc.

    E) The subject of labor is a person, the system (type) "person - person" (H-H). The subject of this type are people. In the process of their activities, some people constantly and directly communicate with other people, that is, the main content of labor is reduced to interaction between people. This type includes professions related to medical care, training and education, consumer services, and legal protection. These are such professions as a doctor, nurse, educator, teacher, seller, guide, district inspector.

    Occupation classes. Internally, profession types are divided into classes according to the goals of labor ( final goal):

    A) Gnostic (from the Latin “gnosis”) The goal is to recognize, recognize, control, classify, verify according to a previously known sign;

    B) Transformers. The goal is to make according to the sample;

    B) exploration. The goal is to invent, invent, derive a new scheme or formula.

    A design engineer comes up with a scheme for a new machine, completing working drawings. The goal is to invent. This is a research profession. The process engineer controls the process according to the created schemes, issues recommendations for improving the work. The goal is to transform. This is a transformative profession.

    The test engineer checks the prototype in order to mass production the machine with the fewest defects was selected. The goal is to check. This is a gnostic profession.

    Professions departments. Classes of professions are divided into departments, depending on the tools:

    A) using hand tools; these are mainly working specialties, for example, a bricklayer - a trowel, a painter - a brush, etc .;

    B) Using machines with manual and foot control; example: driver, driver;

    C) Using automated equipment; example: operator personal computer;

    D) Using the functional capabilities (means) of the body; example: professional athletes, actors, announcers, etc.;

    Occupation groups. Professions are also divided into groups depending on working conditions:

    A) Work in normal living conditions, for example: accountant, teacher, etc.;

    B) Outdoor work, for example: construction workers, agricultural workers, etc.;

    C) Work in unusual conditions, for example: divers, miners, etc.;

    D) Labor associated with increased moral responsibility for the health, life of a person or for great material values; example: collectors, doctors, etc.

    3. Practical part. The teacher suggests uniting in 5 groups, each of which is a team of specialists representing one of the types of professions.

    "Technicians" need to create a model of a building that can be built in "Zubrenok", they must submit their project.

    The human-to-human group is advertising agency who needs to present the product in an original way, which is a hanger.

    The "Man-image" group must pantomime something. All other participants guess what it could be. Tasks the teacher makes up his own.

    The Sign Man group is given several puzzles to solve.

    To the proposed words, you need to choose anagrams. An anagram is a permutation of letters in a word, leading to a new word, for example: meadow - hum, address - Wednesday, etc.

    A set of words to which you need to pick up anagrams: fidelity, waterfall, choice, entrance, mainland, fun, word, laundry, cleaning. (Answer: jealousy, supply, break, breath, metric, infantry, hair, old man, holster.)

    The "Man-nature" group needs to come up with a landscape object that can be placed on the territory of "Zubrenok".

    The groups then present their findings. At the end of the presentation, the teacher invites students to determine the qualities that representatives of each type of profession must possess. First, the participants are called, then the guys from other groups, then the teacher completes their options.

    Technique: precision, creativity, interest in technology, technical thinking, accuracy, high discipline. Be sure to discuss why these qualities are inherent in this type.

    Man: steady good mood in the process of working with people; the need for communication; the ability to understand the intentions, thoughts, moods of people; the ability to quickly understand people's relationships; the ability to find a common language with different people.

    Sign: the ability to concentrate, perseverance, etc.

    Image: good taste, creative imagination, rich imagination, the presence of special abilities.

    Nature: love of nature, enthusiasm, observation, propensity to keep records.

    3. Task for the squad: at the end of the lesson, the team draws up the most complete description of the chosen type of profession. The material is handed over to the shift supervisor the next day.

    4. Reflection.

    What task did you feel most confident doing?

    The teacher asks students to answer the following questions:

    Have you learned anything new about professions?

    Have you thought about the qualities that you need to develop in yourself?

    What do you expect from the change?

    ! The teacher is invited to develop reflective exercises for each subsequent lesson, using guidelines which are listed below.

    Why do we use reflection?

    Reflection is aimed at achieving various goals: not only on the emotional sphere, the mood of the child, but also on learning activities, process and content.

    2.9 Occupational classification

    The most famous system for classifying professions is the system of E.A. Klimov. In it, the whole variety of professions is consistently divided into types, classes, departments and groups. Let us briefly dwell on this approach to the systematics of professions.

    Occupation types ( subject of labor).

    1. "Man is man"(H).

    The main subject of labor is people and groups of people. Examples of professions: waiter, salesman, doctor, psychologist, coach, investigator.

    2. "Human - technical systems» (T).

    The main subject of labor is technical systems, material objects, materials, energy. Examples of professions: - turner, bricklayer, locksmith, driver, architect, engineer.

    3. "Man - nature"(P).

    The main subject of labor is living organisms and biological processes. Examples of professions: botanist, zoologist, livestock specialist, beekeeper, ichthyologist, agronomist.

    4. "Man is a sign"(Z)

    The main subject of labor is conventional signs, numbers, ciphers, codes, formulas, languages. Examples of professions: programmer, proofreader, philologist, mathematician.

    5. "Man - an artistic image"(X)

    The main subject of labor is artistic images. Examples of professions: poet, sculptor, conductor, artist, designer.

    Occupation classes

    (according to labor operations or purpose of labor)

    According to E.A. Klimov, in accordance with the prevailing labor operations, all professions are divided into three classes:

    1. Gnostic(recognizing) specialties (GN),

    2. transformative specialty (PR),

    3. Survey(creative) specialties (I).

    Let's show how the classes of professions correlate with the types of professions (Table 2.7).











    Man - Technique

    QCD worker

    Locksmith, driver, installer.

    Designer, inventor.

    Man - Man


    Teacher, nurse, doctor, salesman.

    Psychologist, entrepreneur.

    Man - Nature

    Acceptor of agricultural products

    Field grower, veterinarian.


    Man - Sign


    Programmer, accountant, coder

    theoretical physicist

    Man - Artistic image.

    Inspector-acceptor of painting works

    Jeweler, painter, decorator.

    Composer, writer, sculptor.

    Professions departments

    (by means of labor)

    1. Manual labor(P) - manual (simple and poorly mechanized) tools.

    Examples of professions: jeweler, fitter, auto mechanic, surgeon, pianist.

    2. mechanized labor(M) - mechanical equipment with manual control.

    Examples of professions: driver, turner, seamstress.

    3.Automated labor(A) - automated equipment for long-term or continuous technological processes.

    Examples of professions: steelmaker, brewer, boiler room operator, nuclear plant operator.

    4. Functional tools(F). The main means of labor are the functional means of the body.

    Examples of professions: teacher, singer, actor, theoretical scientist, dancer.

    Occupation groups (according to working conditions)

    1. Household microclimate(work indoors) (B).

    Examples of professions: accountant, teacher, manager.

    2. Outdoor work(O)

    Examples of professions: - shepherd, farmer, postman, huntsman, soldier.

    3. Small enclosed spaces, cabins(TO).

    Examples of professions: driver, crane operator, exchange office cashier.

    4. Unusual working conditions(H)

    Examples of professions: diver, miner, mine rescuer, steelworker, astronaut, stuntman.

    According to this classification, you can create formulas for a particular profession. For example, the formula for the profession of an accountant would be - Z: Pr: R: B.

    Psychologist - C:R:F:B

    Turner - T: Pr: M: B

    Locksmith - T: Pr: R: B

    Steelmaker - T: Pr: A: N

    Artist - X: TV: R: B

    Investigator - H: H: F: B

    Summary of the pre-profile preparation lesson

    Classifications of professions. Signs of a profession.

    Smirnova Elena Mikhailovna, Deputy Director for Water Management,

    pre-professional teacher, primary school teacher

    You have probably noticed how quickly and accurately the librarian finds the book the reader needs. The easiest way to find it is if you know the author and the title - the alphabetical catalog will help with this. But it happens that the reader is looking for literature on a topic of interest to him, not knowing either the author or the title. Then the librarian comes to the aid of a thematic catalog, where you can find the right books. Classification helps to find a book - the rules for placing books on shelves. In biology lessons you study the classification of the natural world, in chemistry lessons you study the classification of chemical elements. AT broad sense of this word, classification is a meaningful order of things.

    The classification of professions is built according to its own laws. There are about forty thousand professions in the world, and every year dozens of old ones disappear and hundreds of new ones appear. Some professions coquettishly change their names, pretending to be modern. You will not immediately understand that the bartender is a bartender, and the manager is the manager. The classification of professions alphabetically will help you navigate them if you know the names of all forty thousand professions. How many professions do you know?

    All students take turns to name professions. Whoever could not remember the profession within three seconds or repeated the one already named is out of the game. If the guys do not name a profession, but a position (boss, director, president), such answers are not accepted, as are the words “oligarch”, “authority”, etc. The game goes on until there is one winner.

    AT different countries there are classifications that unite professions according to various criteria: place of work, degree of independence, speed of promotion, etc. It is possible to distribute professions by industry. Take, for example, the clothing industry. What kind of professions are not there - and fashion designers, and equipment adjusters, and mechanics, and artists, and seamstresses-machinists of various specialties, and economists, and accountants. But is it possible to try on an industry to suit your interests and inclinations? You can only try on a profession. That is why it is important to know the classification of professions, built on the basis of essential features (E.A. Klimov. How to choose a profession).

    Interestingly, back in the 18th century, the famous historian and statesman V.N. Tatishchev proposed his classification of species professional activity:

    useful sciences (agriculture, physics, biology, mathematics);

    smart or entertaining sciences (literature and art);

    vain sciences (alchemy, astrology);

    Required sciences (education, healthcare, economics, law);

    sabotage sciences (witchcraft).

    In our country, the four-level classification of professions by E.A. is most often used. Klimov, according to which all professions can be divided into five subjects, three goals, four means and four working conditions.

    According to Klimov, five large groups of professions can be distinguished depending on the subject of labor - "technology", "man", "nature", "sign", "artistic image". This is the first level of classification.

    1. TECHNIQUE (T). This group includes professions related to the production, maintenance and design of any technology, from space rockets and computers to the anvil and blacksmith's hammer. Engineer, designer, pilot, machinist, driver, electrician, builder, car mechanic, plumber, miner, engine tester - to name but a few. The peculiarity of technical objects is that they can be accurately measured and calculated, therefore the professions of this group require a combination of a practical mindset and creativity, accuracy, good health from a person.

    · What type of thinking is typical for professionals in the field of technology?

    2. MAN (H). Doctor, nurse, teacher, educator, waiter, lawyer, salesman, hairdresser, tour guide - all these professions belong to the same group, because they have one subject of labor - a person. These professions have a special social significance. They require patience and exactingness from a person, the ability to take responsibility for themselves, to control their emotions. The main content of labor in these professions is effective interaction between people. Some qualities contribute successful work while others complicate it. If you have an increased need for communication, contacts with people will delight you, if you have a reduced need, they will tire you. Enhanced Level aggression is unacceptable for specialists in this field. By the way, the ability to communicate productively is necessary for each of us.

    · What temperament has to communicate with other people?

    3. NATURE (P). This group includes all professions related to animate and inanimate nature. Research, study and use natural resources, caring for animals and plants, their treatment - these are the possible activities. Professions in this group: agronomist, breeder, livestock specialist, veterinarian, dog handler, plant breeder, geologist, hunter, ecologist, meliorator. People of these professions are united by love for nature. But this love is active, not contemplative. It's one thing to play with pets and admire flowers. And it’s quite another thing to take care of them regularly, day after day, to observe, treat, walk, regardless of personal time and plans. To be successful in this activity, you must be strong and enduring, caring and patient, not afraid of difficulties and not expecting quick results.

    · What type of thinking is typical for successful specialists in this field?

    4. SIGN (Z). This group includes all professions related to the use of oral and written speech, work with documents and numbers. These are the professions of an economist, accountant, linguist, mathematician, programmer, notary. The subject of labor for these professions is a "sign system", that is, all information that can be represented in the form of texts, formulas, signs, codes, graphs, diagrams and drawings. Much, if not all, depends on the reliability and timeliness of information in our lives. Therefore, it is important for a specialist who works with signs to be able, on the one hand, to abstract from real physical, chemical, mechanical properties objects, and on the other hand, to represent and understand the characteristics real phenomena and objects behind signs. Professions of this group make special demands on the thinking, memory and attention of a person.

    · What type of thinking is typical for a specialist in the field of sign information?

    5. ARTISTIC IMAGE (X). This group includes professions related to visual, musical, literary and artistic, acting and stage activities. Creating works of art is a special process. It is not always possible for contemporaries to appreciate a brilliant artist, poet or composer living nearby, because talent tends to overtake its time. Therefore, fame and recognition often come to creators only after death. But on the other hand, a person engaged in creativity experiences incomparable joy. For development creative professions desire alone is not enough - creative abilities, talent, diligence are needed.

    · What type of temperament is most common in people of art?

    Many professions are difficult to attribute to one subject of labor. For example, a good secretary should not only be a specialist in the field of sign information (working with documents), but also be able to use a computer and office equipment communicate effectively with people. A good teacher, in addition to professional knowledge and the ability to communicate, must have artistry.

    In the course of the teacher’s explanation, the children, on their own or at the blackboard, fill out all four floors of the pyramid, writing down the abbreviated names of the objects of labor at the first level, the goals of labor at the second, the means of labor at the third, and the working conditions at the fourth level, emphasizing the preferred for each objects, goals, means and working conditions.

    When choosing a profession, first of all, they have in mind the subject of labor. Thus, the concept of “object of labor” is the basis for further classification, the foundation of the pyramid invented by Professor E.A. Klimov.


    Regardless of the object of labor, all professions are classified according to the three goals of labor: gnostic, transformative, exploratory. This is the second level.

    1. Gnostic professions (D)

    The gnostic, or cognitive, goals of labor can be varied: to sort, to compare, to check, to evaluate. Gnostic professions can be found among any of the five types of professions: "Nature" - laboratory biologist, specialist in exterior; "Technique" - controller of radio equipment, tester; "Chelovek" - forensic medical expert, sociologist; "Znak" - proofreader, auditor; "Artistic image" - art critic, theater critic. These professions impose certain requirements on the employee: cognitive activity, observation, stability of attention, memory, thinking, and responsibility are necessary.

    2. Transformative professions (P)

    The transforming activity of a person can be directed to objects, energy, information, processes. In some cases, the results can be seen immediately - a builder, a blacksmith, an artist, in others - the results wait for months and years (breeder, educator). The predominance of practical or mental activity specialist depends on the subject and content of his work: "Nature" - livestock breeder, plant breeder, livestock specialist; "Technique" - a locksmith, a machine operator; "Man" - teacher, coach; "Znak" - typesetter, accountant; "Artistic image" - graphic designer, fashion designer.

    3. Survey professions (I)

    The purpose of the work of professions of this class is the search for something new, unknown. "Nature" - fishery inspector, huntsman, biologist-researcher; "Technique" - design engineer; "Man" - supply agent, production organizer; "sign" - programmer, mathematician; "Artistic image" - composer, designer. Many professions combine features of different classes.

    The goals of labor make up the second floor of the Klimov pyramid.



    At the next level, professions are classified by tools, or by means of labor. The means of labor can be real and functional.

    Real tools of labor are a carpenter's hammer and ax, a surgeon's scalpel, a musician's violin, a teacher's pointer, a programmer's computer. Material means of labor are manual (R)- scalpel, screwdriver, cutter, brush; mechanical (M)- sewing machine, car, crane; automatic (BUT)— automatic and semi-automatic lines, robotic complexes.

    Functional tools (F) invisible. This is the eye of a carpenter, the tactile sensations of a surgeon, the inspiration of a musician, the knowledge of a teacher and a programmer.

    The means of labor constitute the third level of our pyramid.




    Each of the professions involves working in certain conditions: in the office and under water, underground and in space, in hot shops, in the open air at any time of the year.

    The diver examines the water areas, the underwater part of structures and ships, finds and repairs damage in ship hulls and hydraulic structures, lays cable lines and pipelines under water, raises sunken ships, cuts and welds metal structures under water; conducts research.

    Underground navigators - mine surveyors - using special instruments, make measurements and calculations, draw up underground maps, working underground, on the ground, and at a desk. They work with pinpoint accuracy, because a deviation of even five centimeters in the case of oncoming tunneling is unacceptable.

    Pilots of civil aviation not only carry cargo and passengers. They refine maps of the area, put out forest fires. Banks, climb angles, speeds, directions, the state of on-board systems - all this is in the pilot's field of vision.

    A doctor, an educator, a teacher are responsible for the life, health, and full-fledged education of people. Their work, like the work of a pilot, is associated with increased moral and material responsibility.

    There are four groups of working conditions:

    B- normal, household microclimate (laboratory assistant, accountant, salesman, scientist);

    O– open air (agronomist, traffic police inspector, installer, geologist);

    H- unusual conditions (miner, astronaut, submariner, fireman);

    M- increased moral responsibility for the health and life of people, for large material values ​​(teacher, doctor, judge, security guard).

    Working conditions make up the fourth level of the Klimov pyramid.





    Using this classification, any profession can be designated by a formula of four letters denoting the corresponding attribute. Almost every profession has several attributes. Therefore, the main thing is to highlight the main features and secondary ones.

    3. The teacher works:

    4. In the world there are:


    1. Lesson work card (for students)

    2. Presentation

    _________________________________ _____________________________

    F.I. Class

    Task number 1. "Name your profession."

    Task number 2. "In hot pursuit".

    List the objects of labor according to Klimov's classification.

    Task number 3. "Pyramid of Klimov".

    Task number 4. Test questions.

    1. The base of the "Klimov pyramid" is:

    a) working conditions; b) the subject of labor; c) means of labor; d) the purpose of work.

    2. The subject of the driver's labor is:

    a) technique; b) a person; c) nature; d) artistic image.

    3. The teacher works:

    a) in domestic conditions; b) outdoors; c) in unusual conditions; d) in conditions of increased responsibility.

    4. In the world there are:

    a) about 10 thousand professions; b) more than 100 thousand professions; c) about 40 thousand professions; d) 23,198 professions.

    5. Hand tools are needed in the work:

    a) a surgeon b) an astronaut; c) an actor; d) driver.


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