Proposals for improving the effectiveness of career guidance. A set of measures aimed at improving the professional orientation of students. Minister of Labor and Social Development of the Republic of Dagestan, Ph.D. n., Makhachkala [email protected] datacom. en

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UDC 37.048.45 LBC 74.200.526

Sardushkina Yulia Anatolievna

Deputy Head of the Educational and Methodological Department of the Autonomous Municipal Educational Institution of Higher Education vocational education"Samara Academy of State and municipal government»

Samara Sardushkina Yulia Anatolievna Deputy Administrator of Instruction and Methodological Department Autonomous Municipal Educational Establishment of Higher Professional Education “Samara Academy of State and Municipal Management”

Increasing the effectiveness of career guidance among high school students in the system of school profiling Senior School Students’ Professional Guidance Effectivization in the School

Streaming System

The connection between profile education and professional orientation is considered. The results of a study aimed at studying the formation of the ability to make choices in high school students, as well as the conditions of the educational process that contribute to the development of the ability to choose, are presented. On the example of the built interaction between the university and the school, it is proposed possible way improving the effectiveness of career guidance work among high school students.

The article surveys a connection between school streaming and professional guidance. A research which studies the ability to make a professional choice among senior school students and conditions of educational process are described. A possible way of effective professional guidance among senior school students is offered on the basis of well-structured coordination between school and university.

Key words: professional orientation, specialized education, ability to make a choice, interaction between the university and the school.

Key words: professional guidance, streaming, ability to make a choice, coordination between school and university.

The problem of professional orientation of students always remains attractive for its relevance for specialists in various fields of activity. This is due to the fact that scientific practical solution issues of career guidance is a response to the social order of the state correct selection personnel, their training and subsequent consolidation in their chosen profession.

Career guidance is "...a system of evidence-based activities aimed at preparing young people for choosing a profession, taking into account the characteristics of the individual and the socio-economic situation in the labor market." including professional education, professional counseling, and psychological support for students. Work in these areas is carried out in regional or city centers for vocational guidance, in various circles and sections, enabling students to develop their abilities, acquire additional skills and abilities. But it is possible to create better conditions for planned, systemic career guidance on the basis of a specialized school. This is due to the fact that it is profile education that allows "to take into account the interests, inclinations and abilities of students more fully, to create conditions for the education of high school students in accordance with their professional interests and intentions in relation to continuing education" . Through the profiling of high school students

the opportunity is given to "design your future and generate the necessary resources for making a conscious professional choice" .

Accordingly, one of the results of effective specialized training should be - "the ability to make a choice", i.e.:

Ability to analyze the motives of choice;

Ability to analyze external conditions;

Ability to predict and evaluate the results of choice.

This skill is one of the main necessary resources for making a conscious choice of profession.

In order to study the formation of the ability to make choices in high school students, as well as the conditions of the educational process that contribute to the development of the ability to choose, we conducted an empirical study.

Among the methods that we use in the study, there are also interviews and content analysis.

“Interview (from the English. Interview - conversation) is one of the main types of survey through a conversation that the researcher conducts according to a predetermined plan, either with one person or with a group.” Their answers serve as material for subsequent analysis, interpretation and generalization, of course, in conjunction with material obtained by other methods.

Content analysis is “a method of collecting quantitative data about the phenomenon or process under study contained in documents. The word "content" means the content (or content) of the document. In this case, a document is understood as an official text (such as an instruction or a legal law), as well as everything written or spoken, everything that has become communication.

The study takes place throughout the academic year, on the basis of predetermined educational institutions (a number of schools and a gymnasium) of the city of o. Samara.

At the beginning of the academic year, the head teachers of these educational institutions were interviewed. All the head teachers acknowledged that the school needs to implement a career guidance program aimed at developing the ability of students to make independent choices. This is due to the fact that, according to their observations, finding themselves in a situation of choice, high school students have difficulties related to the ability to make this choice.

Most head teachers consider it expedient to start career guidance work from the 9th grade, explaining this by the fact that at the end of the 9th grade, students must decide on a further profile of education or decide to continue their education in institutions that provide secondary vocational education. And their work experience shows that, today, by the end of their studies in the 9th grade, students are not ready to make a conscious independent choice. And, accordingly, already in the 9th grade, the head teachers see the need to implement a program that develops this skill, with a mandatory continuation in the 10th and 11th grades, but at a more in-depth level. Some of the head teachers, relying on their vast experience at school, suggest starting to implement career guidance tasks from the 1st grade through the program “Introduction to the World of Professions”, and, starting from the 8th grade, for 4 years

at a more in-depth level - a career guidance program that promotes the development of the ability to make choices. The rest of the head teachers believe that the best option for starting the implementation of a career guidance program is grade 10, explaining this by the fact that by this age students have an idea of ​​what they are interested in / not interested in, what they have the ability to do, what area of ​​activity brings satisfaction . The information obtained allows us to conclude that the high school needs to conduct a career guidance program aimed at developing the ability of students to make independent choices, and the best option, realistically feasible in modern conditions, to start its implementation is either 9 or 10 Class.

Answering the question: “Is there enough appropriate human resource for the implementation of a career guidance program? ”, - all the head teachers answered that, today, the school personnel resource is not enough. Collaboration with higher education will help to resolve this issue. The directors of studies note that it is university teachers who, through direct interaction with practitioners, will be able to develop and implement a career guidance program in the best possible way. Thus, we see that at present the high school is interested in building interaction with the higher school, as a result of which both the personnel issue (in the relevant area of ​​work) and the issue related to the development and implementation of a career guidance program will be resolved.

The results of the study, obtained by us as a result of the content analysis, confirmed the statements of the head teachers that by the end of the 9th grade, as well as with further education in the 10th grade, getting into a situation of choice (in this case we are talking about a profession), students have difficulties related to the ability to make this choice.

We conducted a study among students in grade 10. Of all the subjects, only 32% can say with less doubt what professional field they choose. 40% of students chose for themselves

several priority areas of activity, but do not know which one to give preference to, what criteria to use when choosing. 28% - do not know at all what profession to choose, in their works they say that there are great difficulties with how to choose; they do not know what to be guided by when making a choice of profession. Some of them openly admit that, despite the difficulties that have arisen with choosing a profession, they will think about this issue only after graduating from the 10th grade, or they rely on the fact that their parents will help them make their choice. The results obtained indicate that students have difficulties in designing their further educational and professional activities, with the ability to analyze their motives and reasons for making certain decisions, with the ability to predict the result of the choice and the consequences of the choice made.

Being in a situation of choosing a profession, only 28% of the subjects think about external conditions, by which we mean, among other things: the ability to analyze the situation on the labor market and take into account what specialties are in demand today and will be in demand in a few years. The ability to analyze external conditions, take them into account when making a choice, is one of the necessary conditions for making the choice the most conscious. According to the data obtained, it is clear that in this direction, as part of the implementation of the career guidance program, it is also necessary to carry out work.

The study of the opinions of the head teachers and the content analysis of the work of schoolchildren show us that the high school needs help aimed at improving the effectiveness of career guidance, one of the aspects of which is the development and implementation of a career guidance program that helps students develop the ability to make informed independent choices. And, in the opinion of the head teachers, the best option for solving this issue is the built-up interaction with higher education.

Since in order to choose a profession, students must develop the ability to make a conscious independent choice and, accordingly,

measures, first of all, should be aimed at developing this skill, creating the necessary conditions for increasing the effectiveness of career guidance work is possible within the framework of profile education: it is essentially aimed at “meeting the individual needs of high school students (subject to mastering the compulsory educational minimum) and they have the ability to make responsible choices.” But, since, as noted above, in this situation it is difficult for the school to independently successfully carry out career guidance work, and the need for specially organized career guidance events is acute, the built-up interaction between the university and the school can help solve this problem.

The school has a need for highly professional specialists who will be able to carry out career guidance work at the proper level, incl. will contribute to the development of the ability of high school students to make a conscious independent choice; in a career guidance program that provides high school students with ample opportunities for choice.

The university's need for interaction with a general education institution is to attract high school students to enroll in this particular university. Any higher educational institution needs schoolchildren who are oriented towards this institution, independently aware of what they want, understanding why they want to enter this particular university, and why they choose this particular area of ​​training. Only through interaction with such applicants will the university receive a responsible student, and in the future, meet the needs of society and the state in qualified specialists with higher professional education, in scientific and pedagogical personnel of the highest qualification.

Therefore, a possible way to increase the effectiveness of career guidance work is to build interaction between the university and the school, where the university develops an appropriate modular career guidance program that provides high school students with a sufficient breadth of choice, contributing to the development of the ability to do

conscious independent choice, which, in turn, is necessary condition for successful career guidance, and also sends qualified teachers to the school for the implementation of this program; and the school provides an opportunity for the university to engage with an audience of high school students, with the aim of orienting them to the professions for which they are preparing for work at this university. When building interaction in this way, the quality of the educational service provided increases. And it is within the framework of the coordinated interaction between the university and the school that the interests of these two parties are satisfied, and the effectiveness of career guidance work is also increased.

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on the organization of career guidance work with students educational institutions aimed at increasing the prestige of working specialties in demand on the regional labor market

1. Introduction

At the moment, the problem of professional self-determination of young people is one of the most important in terms of the formation of a person as a full-fledged member of the modern society. Each student must make a choice of a profession, an appropriate educational institution, and also be prepared for possible changes on the path of their professional development in connection with the general socio-economic changes in the country and their region.

The success of choosing a profession is largely determined by the psychological readiness of the student, associated with: the formation of a professional orientation of the individual, adequate self-assessment of abilities, a realistic level of aspirations, stable professional intentions, sufficient awareness of professions. It should be noted some common mistakes that students make when choosing a future professional field of activity:

  • Orientation to a profession that requires higher qualifications (lawyer, economist, banking specialist, etc.).

  • Disregard for professions that are not prestigious, although significant in life (mason, locksmith, worker in the field Catering, paramedic, etc.).

  • The absence of one's opinion in choosing a profession and making a decision, not of one's own free will, but at the request of parents or other people.

  • The transfer of attitude towards a specific person who is a representative of this profession, to the profession itself.

  • Fascination only with the external or any one side of the profession.

  • Transfer of attitude to the subject to the profession associated with this subject.

  • Lack of ability to understand, evaluate their abilities, opportunities in the chosen profession;

  • The choice of a profession, determined by the material considerations of the family and the student himself.
One of the significant factors that impede the professional self-determination of students is the insufficient formation of sustainable motives for mastering typical types of activities by students that correspond to the professions most in demand in the region; development of self-presentation skills as a guarantee of the beginning of a successful labor activity and build your professional career.

Analysis conducted by the laboratory of the Institute of Vocational Education of the Russian Academy of Education (St. Petersburg) sociological research the process of forming positive motivation when choosing working profession students in grades 9-11 shows the following. The number of students who decide to choose working professions is relatively small, although it significantly depends on the type of school and the socio-economic profile of the region. Most of those who want to choose a working profession are students (mainly boys) from incomplete secondary schools in villages and small towns. For the majority of students, interest in the content side of the profession as the leading motive for choosing is presented in a much smaller number of cases than the so-called secondary reasons: the desire to quickly become financially independent and free from the care of the school and parents, “for company with friends”, unwillingness to “pound science at school”, the desire to graduate from a vocational school with excellent grades and get privileges for entering a university (1,21-22).

The results of a sociological study aimed at identifying the professional priorities of the youth of the Vologda Oblast, and comparing these data with the needs of the modern labor market, clearly show the existing contradiction between the needs of rational distribution labor resources and the prevailing professional preferences of young people.

The study of the dominant motives of professional preferences shows that the vast majority of young people have a stereotype of getting fashionable, prestigious profession. According to the results of the study, only 24% students of educational institutions of the region when choosing a profession, they were interested in whether it uses real demand in the labor market, and were guided by this criterion. More than half of future school graduates choose specialties in economics, management, social sciences and the humanities. Decreased interest in professions material production and social services: transport, communications, agriculture, housing and communal services, consumer services, public catering.

Young people prefer higher professional education. The results of the survey show that for approximately 70-85% of graduates making a professional choice, a significant factor is studying at a higher educational institution, along with the fact that there is a demand in the labor market of the region mainly for professions obtained in institutions of primary and secondary vocational education.

The annual need of the region's economy is about 23 thousand new workers and specialists, including graduates of educational institutions, of which 7.2 thousand people need specialists with higher education, 8.5 thousand people - with secondary vocational education, 7 .3 thousand people - with primary vocational education.

The largest annual need for workers and specialists is experienced by organizations in the field of wholesale and retail, repair of vehicles (4 thousand people), Agriculture(2.5 thousand people), transport and communications (2.2 thousand people), education (1.9 thousand people), construction (1.4 thousand people). In specialists with secondary vocational education the greatest need is experienced by organizations of wholesale and retail trade (1.6 thousand people), transport and communications (0.9 thousand people), healthcare (0.8 thousand people). Organizations in the field of agriculture (1.5 thousand people), wholesale and retail trade (1.5 thousand people), transport and communications (1 thousand people) experience the greatest need for specialists with primary vocational education.

There is a significant increase in the pragmatic orientation of young people, the desire to get professions that maximize material prosperity. Such a choice is not always in the interests of employers and society. Young people assess working professions as not prestigious - only 5% of young people associate their professional plans with obtaining a working profession. At the same time, in the structure of vacancies offered by enterprises to public employment services, about 80% are just working professions. This indicates the absence of market-oriented career guidance in the education system.

In recent years, the output of specialists in the field of economics and management has increased by 2 times, specialists in the humanities and social specialties - by 1.5 times, which does not meet the real needs of the labor market in the region. The result of an excess of specialists in certain sectors of the economy is that graduates find it difficult to get a job. In 2009-2011, the percentage of employment of graduates of vocational education institutions at all levels averaged 55%. Total employment, including graduates of vocational education institutions who continued their studies and were drafted into the army, was 91%.

A significant number of graduates of vocational education institutions cannot find a job in their specialty. In 2011, they got a job at permanent job 46% of graduates of higher vocational education, 35% of graduates of secondary vocational education and 56% of graduates of primary vocational education.

The discrepancy between the structure of vocational education and the current and future needs of the labor market in terms of qualification level and professional structure leads to a shortage of qualified personnel in a number of professions and specialties, which can become a significant limitation for accelerating the pace economic growth areas.

Factors negatively affecting the choice of a working profession include: low prestige among parents and schoolchildren of working professions; schoolchildren's ignorance of the prospects for professional and social promotion in working professions; unpopularity of labor training lessons at school, inadequate assessment by students of their inclinations and abilities.

Factors that positively affect the choice of a working profession include: the positive position of parents; close connection between schools, enterprises and institutions of the system of primary and secondary vocational education; adequate self-assessment by students of inclinations and abilities; success in educational, industrial and labor activities (in student teams, in patronage work, in school workshops, in school areas), provided that all these activities are well organized, and achievements are noticed and publicly celebrated.

These factors sharply raise the issue of more targeted preparation of students for the choice of a future profession related to working specialties that are in demand in the regional labor market, where the task of developing sustainable educational and professional motives will be one of the most important. At the level of an educational institution, work on the study and formation of motivational factors of a student's personality should be systemic, that is, school administration, teachers, school psychologists, and social teachers, and, of course, the students themselves should participate in it. In addition, parents of schoolchildren should actively participate in career guidance.

These recommendations highlight the organizational and methodological component of targeted career guidance work among young people and schoolchildren based on a system of main components that determine the formation of the needs, professional intentions and real opportunities of students with a focus on working professions. They are addressed municipal authorities management of education, managers and teachers of educational institutions of the system of general, primary and secondary vocational education, institutions additional education directly organizing pre-profile and professional training of students, teachers and parents.

2. The main ideas of the system of career guidance work with students of educational institutions, aimed at increasing the prestige of working specialties

The correct professional orientation of adolescents to working professions consists in solving a dual problem: on the one hand, it must meet the demands of the labor market, on the other hand, it must correspond to the abilities, inclinations, skills and personal qualities of young people when choosing a future field of activity.

aim professional orientation in educational institutions is the formation of students' ability to choose a field of activity that best suits their abilities, interests and psychological characteristics of the individual, taking into account the labor market situation. A successful solution to this problem is impossible without the active participation of educational authorities, local administrations, employers, the media, as well as the students themselves and their parents.

As part of common purpose vocational guidance work with students, aimed at increasing the prestige of working professions, is designed to solve a certain range of tasks:

  • To promote the development of students' attitude towards themselves as a subject of future vocational education and professional work; awareness of the moral significance of the future professional choice in accordance with the interests and abilities of each and taking into account the needs of the region;

  • To prepare students for a conscious and responsible choice of the sphere of future professional activity, ways of obtaining education, for a conscious choice and development of various professional educational programs with a focus on demanded working specialties;

  • To acquaint students in practice with the specifics of typical activities that correspond to the professions most in demand in the region; to promote the development of self-presentation skills as a guarantee of the beginning of a successful career;

  • Create additional terms psychological and pedagogical comfort in teaching students, the formation of stable educational and professional motives, the ability to correlate their individual psychological characteristics and capabilities with the requirements of the chosen profession.
The following ideas form the basis of career guidance activities aimed at solving the above problems.

Informing about the positive aspects of working professions

The results of sociological research (2.14) prove that the less students are informed about the world of professions, about their personal qualities, the more dominant factors in choosing a profession are external factors(the influence of parents, material income, the prestige of the profession, etc.) In this regard, it is necessary to consistently disclose to students the positive aspects of choosing working professions, the possibility of building their own career and developing it in this direction. The “pluses” of choosing a working profession include:

  • obtaining a profession in demand on the labor market in a shorter period of training;

  • obtaining a profession free of charge or for an affordable fee;

  • guaranteed employment due to the lack of specialists in working professions, especially in times of crisis;

  • early economic independence;

  • the formation of basic skills and abilities of labor activity, significant in the practice of everyday life;

  • the opportunity to engage in entrepreneurial activities in the provision of services to the population;

  • increasing requirements for specialists in working professions (new technologies, new equipment require high qualifications);

  • improving the quality of education due to the growing tendency to conclude tripartite agreements: between primary and secondary vocational education institutions, students and an enterprise that provides the latest equipment and places for internships;

  • increasing the prestige of employers from the real sector.
The multiplicity of individual prospects for building one's professional career

This idea determines the "horizontal" and "vertical" construction of possible professional and career trajectories. professional development students.

Readiness for professional mobility is one of the mandatory requirements for modern worker and includes a set of particular readinesses (competences), suggesting the possibility of implementing alternative scenarios:

  • after completion of vocational education - work in the specialty; change of specialty; continuation of education in a specialized higher education institution; entrepreneurial activity; a combination of these scenarios;

  • at the stage of professional activity - improving existing competencies and mastering new ones without changing the formal level of education; moving up the steps of formal educational levels; changing the profile of professional activity with or without obtaining the appropriate formal education.
Unity of professional, educational and general self-determination

Professional self-determination is realized only in the context of general self-determination. In this regard, the education system should support not only educational and professional, but also a broader socio-professional self-determination, which implies the orientation of the student in various economic, social and political processes, in the context of which the social and professional development of the individual takes place.

Another important aspect of the unity of general and professional self-determination lies in the consideration of professional activity as predominantly practical, practical educational activities, which differs significantly from learning activities, mainly (and in some cases exclusively) implemented in educational institutions. In the light of the foregoing, the inclusion of students in general education schools in the system of practice-oriented (project, research, labor) activities is an important precondition for the formation of their readiness for professional self-determination.

Continuity of the process of supporting professional self-determination in the education system

In the system of continuous education, the process of accompanying professional self-determination loses the form of a one-time act of “choosing a profession” and also acquires features of continuity, accompanying a person’s entire life from preschool to retirement age. Each stage of education requires the solution of its own specific tasks of supporting professional self-determination using a specific set of tools (see Appendix 1). At the same time, some cross-cutting trends can be identified that characterize the change in the tasks of supporting vocational education by age levels:

  • as the student grows older, his ideas about the possibilities of choice should gradually expand, which requires a gradual expansion of the content of information work in the system of supporting professional self-determination;

  • as the subject of self-determination develops, the degree of its independence increases, which requires a gradual transition from “influencing” and “guiding” relationships to “helping” ones;

  • the need for vocational guidance services and vocational diagnostic consultations, as a person grows older, decreases and, on the contrary, the need for psychological support increases.
The designated approach requires the rejection of "quick" and one-time forms of career guidance, which create the illusion of efficiency due to their cost-effectiveness. On the contrary, the emphasis should be placed on planned and systematic work based on the idea of ​​developing the subject of self-determination. At the same time, the points of institutional transition of the subject require special attention: from a general education school to a vocational education institution; from an institution of vocational education to the sphere of professional activity.

The idea of ​​meaningful choice

The educational and professional choice of the subject must be meaningful; at the same time, a full understanding should be achieved, as far as possible, of both what this or that profession gives to society, and what it can give to the subject of self-determination (and his family). This requires dedicated work to overcome common myths and prejudices about various types professional activity. As part of this work, it is necessary to bring a number of acute problems out of the “silence zones” and turn them into the subject of open discussion with students and their families. We are talking, among other things, about such problems as: elitist orientations of students and their parents as a factor in educational and professional choice; perception higher education as "storage and ripening chambers"; pressure on the applicant from vocational education institutions; low quality and imitation of vocational education; situations of limited educational and professional choice; deformations in the sphere of labor associated with the discrepancy between labor and its payment, etc.

The idea of ​​self-determination as a test

In modern conditions, repeated educational and professional self-determination, which takes place in various forms. The student must be ready for such repeated self-determination, and his parents must understand and accept it as a socio-cultural norm of modern society.

The idea of ​​a possible mismatch between ends and means

The subject of self-determination may consciously use various social institutions for their own purposes, which differ from the purposes for which these institutions were intended (for example, higher professional education may be initially planned not in order to subsequently work in this specialty, but to achieve other goals). , for example, for the accumulation of "social capital", etc.). The indicated points should also be considered as a socio-cultural norm of modern society, and not as indicators of the inefficiency of career guidance work.

Reliance on activating techniques (professional trials, career-oriented educational and research projects, role-playing and business games, etc.) This will ensure a gradual transition from working with a passive subject to an activity in which the subject of self-determination is formed, a system of its values ​​and motives is developed that ensures adequacy and sustainability educational and professional choice.

The complexity of career guidance work should not be limited to one or more functions, but include the whole complex of them: professional education (professional information and professional propaganda), professiography, professional diagnostics, professional consultation, professional selection (selection) and professional adaptation (see Appendix 2).

All of these ideas complement each other, forming a certain structure within which career guidance work with students is built. The main directions and mechanisms of professional orientation based on the goals, objectives and features of the functioning of the main types and types of educational institutions, as well as public associations and organizations interested social institutions and partners responsible for education, upbringing, vocational training, retraining and employment of young people, respectively, are filled with their qualitative content and specified taking into account the needs of the regional labor market.

The purpose of the career guidance system at the level of general secondary education is to develop in a person choosing a profession the ability to choose a sphere of professional activity that best suits personal characteristics and labor market demands, to increase his competitiveness in the labor market, i.e. the subject of career guidance must be capable of planning and implementing career goals.

General topical areas of career guidance work in institutions of general secondary education are:

  • organization of socially useful labor and labor (production) practices;

  • pre-professional and professional training students;

  • establishing and implementing the relationship of educational subjects with the professional environment;

  • comprehensive career guidance support for students;

  • use of modern information and communication technologies, including holding on-line consultations, conferences;

  • carrying out extra-curricular activities of career guidance;

  • career guidance work with parents;

  • design of an office (corner) of vocational guidance.
Career guidance work should have a differentiated approach in the activities of all subjects of the educational process and be built in the following areas:

  • organization of professional trials in order to form stable orientations towards a certain profession, working lifestyle, professional self-determination, a conscious attitude to the profession;

  • informing students of institutions of general secondary education about the socio-economic situation and trends in the labor market in order to form motivation for professional self-development as a means of increasing competitiveness;

  • familiarization of students of institutions of general secondary education with the professional and qualification characteristics of professions, the requirements for the profession, about professional opportunities in selected areas;

  • organization and holding of actions, meetings with graduates of institutions of primary and secondary vocational education, aimed at creating a positive image of the worker and specialist;

  • organizing and conducting elective courses on the basis of institutions of general secondary education, institutions of primary and secondary vocational education as part of pre-profile training and profile training for students;

  • holding days of open doors for the purpose of vocational guidance for working professions (at least 4 times in the academic year);

  • organization of excursions to production in order to familiarize students of general secondary institutions with the specifics of professional activity, production technology, modern technology (at least 3 times a year);

  • organization of weeks by specialty, months professional excellence, professional decades;

  • organization of meetings with leaders and innovators of production in order to form a positive motivation for professional activity and increase the prestige of working professions.
In order for professional activity to become the meaning of all life, it is necessary to develop professional ideas, which consist in students' awareness of the content of the future profession and the requirements that the profession imposes on the personality of a specialist, as well as the possibilities of their own professional development. The development of ideas about the profession can be carried out through:

  • attraction of students of institutions of general secondary education during extracurricular time to technical and artistic creativity on the basis of institutions of vocational and secondary specialized education in order to promote professions and a massive influx of students to further education;

  • organizing the work of clubs of creative associations, youth scientific communities;

  • organizing the participation of student production teams, training and production workshops, cooperative associations and contract teams studying in productive work;

  • organization of exhibitions of technical creativity, the best works of students of institutions of general secondary education, institutions of NGOs and SPO, institutions of additional education.

Career guidance work at the 1st stage of general secondary education (grades 1-4)

The purpose of career guidance influences at this educational stage is the formation of a conscientious attitude to work, understanding of its role in the life of a person and society, installation on the choice of a profession and the development of interest in labor activity.
The tasks of career guidance in elementary school include:

  • explaining to students the social significance of various professions, their importance and necessity;

  • acquaintance of younger schoolchildren with the peculiarities of the social and industrial infrastructure of the district, city;

  • instilling elementary labor skills;

  • formation of a positive orientation to labor activity.
Students lower grades with the help of active means of career guidance, it is necessary to form a positive attitude towards work, an understanding of its role in the life of a person and society, an attitude towards choosing a profession, and develop interest in labor activity.

At this stage, it is advisable to apply methods that are in the nature of professional education. These include:

  • study and formation of socially and personally significant motives for choosing a profession;

  • individual work with students on the choice of profession;

  • circles of technical and artistic creativity;

  • formation of cognitive interests, organization of socially useful work, excursions to enterprises and organizations;

  • formation of a socio-professional orientation towards labor activity, a system of career guidance work with parents and teachers;

  • meetings with masters of their craft;

  • holding meetings, class hours, exhibitions of children's works, drawing competitions;

  • mini-conferences: "People of what professions live in our house, district?", "My favorite heroes of books and films."
At the second stage of general secondary education(grades 5-8) the continuity of psychological and pedagogical support of career guidance is preserved. Given the age and psychological characteristics of the personality of a teenager in the pedagogical support of self-determination, it is important to pay special attention to the further formation and awareness of interests, abilities, values ​​associated with continuing education, determining one's place in life and society.

The tasks of vocational guidance at this stage are to update the importance of professional activity in younger adolescents, to assist them in understanding their interests, abilities, social values ​​with a focus on the future. professional activity; development in schoolchildren of a personal sense of choosing a profession, the ability to correlate their own priorities with public ones.

The achievement of the goals is facilitated by the involvement of students in specially organized activities aimed at updating the self-determination of adolescents in their future: these can be training courses, workshops, trainings, comprehensive diagnostics and self-diagnosis, compiling a portfolio of achievements and self-presentation, career guidance game. career guidance game – modeling the process of choosing a profession and further professional self-determination in conditions of active learning. Career guidance business games reproduce the process of professional self-determination, employment and career adaptation in the context of interactive interaction between participants study group operating in immersive mode.

In addition, in the educational process it is necessary to establish the relationship of educational subjects with the professional environment, which provides for:

  • selection in the program material of topics in the presentation of which it is advisable to include career guidance material;

  • determination of the form of presentation of career guidance material (business game, discussion, excursion to the production), the most relevant to the content of a particular topic;

  • studying the literature on the areas of economics and the main professions related to the program material in this subject (special attention is paid to the sought-after working professions in the region);

  • studying the interests and inclinations of students;

  • regular individual work with students in order to form their interests and aptitudes for the studied subject and professions related to this subject;

  • updating of exhibited materials about professions related to the study of this subject in the classroom.
At the III level of general secondary education (grades 9-11) professional interests of students are more differentiated, conscious.

The purpose of career guidance at this stage is to continue the formation of students' ability to make a conscious choice of profession, confirmation, formation or correction of professional plans, development of professionally important qualities.

The main targets of students' professional self-determination are: organization of mastering the social and personal meaning of various areas of professional activity; providing a space for choosing the possible use of one's strengths and abilities, a sphere of professional activity corresponding to the interests, inclinations and abilities of everyone; inclusion of students in the simulated future professional activity, etc.

At this stage of profile orientation, during the presentation of the educational map of the territory, students get acquainted with the types of vocational education institutions. This work may include the following information blocks:

  • characteristics of the levels and prospects of vocational education;

  • restrictions and risks associated with the acquisition of vocational education in vocational education institutions of various types and levels;

  • presentation of educational institutions of various types and levels, whose graduates are in demand in the labor market of the region;

  • acquaintance with the most striking and typical examples of the ways of achieving professional success by former graduates of schools in the region.
Schoolchildren study the possibilities and ways of pre-profile training and profile education in general education schools, interschool educational complexes and institutions of additional education. It is desirable that acquaintance with the possibilities of specialized education in the conditions of a municipality or region be consistent with information about the types and levels of vocational education, as well as with the prospects for further professional development of school graduates.

At the main stage, it is desirable to implement a special orientation course of classes, which will contain:

  • learning how to make decisions about choosing an individual route of educational activity (carried out, if possible, by a specialist psychologist by means of a mini-training or focus group);

  • analysis of educational situations, allowing to identify the main constraints (difficulties, problems) of the freedom to choose the profile of education;

  • samples of choosing the profile of education (a series of heuristically oriented tasks that predict the correspondence of the student's personal interest in learning to this profile its capabilities).
Samples for choosing the profile of education are designed in accordance with the profile and elective courses available in various educational institutions of general, additional and professional education. The heuristic orientation of the samples helps to concretize the student's request about the relationship between the content of the chosen profile of education with the content of post-secondary education and future professional activity. For example, if the test corresponds to the humanitarian direction, then it may involve the performance of a series of tasks in which the student acts as an expert in book, magazine products, and a video film according to the proposed algorithm. If the sample corresponds to the natural science direction, then its heuristic tasks are aimed at studying the characteristics of the subculture and professional competence, for example, catering workers.

Professional samples

When completing the pre-profile training of graduates of a basic school, it is necessary to take into account not only academic achievements and a certified “portfolio”, but also the level of social maturity of students, expressed in readiness for an independent choice of a training profile (conditionally - “I can”).

On the final stage profile orientation provides work with a scheme for an alternative choice of the profile of education, which allows you to formulate, rank and visually, "quantify" the arguments "for" and "against" the choice of profile (for example, school subjects that are of interest to the student, academic performance on them; opinions of parents; certified and non-certified personal achievements of the student in basic and additional education, advice from teachers, recommendations from psychologists, prospects or prestige of the choice, territorial proximity of the place of future study, financial situation, state of health, sensitivity to the emotional climate at the place of study, etc.). It is important that the student, teachers and parents independently take part in the ranking (“weighing”) of factors. This can reveal differences in priority motives for profile orientation, as well as highlight internal and external factors that influence the choice.

Based on the results of the work performed, the array of students can be differentiated according to the following, for example, features:

  • whether adolescents are capable of independently formulating a request to an educational institution;

  • whether profile training is associated with further educational and professional activities;

  • whether the formation of general educational abilities of a universal nature, in demand in the profile of education and the corresponding options for further life, professional and social development, reaches the required level.
For the effective organization of profile orientation, it is necessary to use the resources of the socio-cultural environment, institutions of professional and additional education, which allow students to discover the potential of out-of-school educational space, which is in demand in a senior specialized school.

Profile orientation can be carried out in the system of pre-profile training in the form of career guidance courses, for example: the course "Your Choice" (N.V. Afanaseva, N.V. Malukhina). The training course is aimed at forming schoolchildren's ideas about the requirements of society for school graduates, future specialists in a particular field of professional activity, at developing their attitude towards themselves as a subject of future professional education. The content of this course includes the use of means of clarifying diagnostics of readiness to choose a vocational educational route; information about the world of professions, professional interests and inclinations of students; training in planning a vocational educational route; special tasks-exercises aimed at clarifying the choice made and acquiring additional practical experience in other areas of professional activity, helping to assess oneself and check readiness for fallback options.

The result of the main stage of the professional orientation of schoolchildren is the presence of a deliberate, realistically justified personal professional plan a graduate that allows you to answer the questions: “what profession do I want to become a representative of; in which educational institution I will acquire this profession; where I will work in a few years”, and just in case, choose a fallback variant of professional education: “if I don’t get in, then…”.

Thus, career guidance activities with students of educational institutions aimed at increasing the prestige of working specialties that are in demand in the regional labor market are considered as an active, multi-stage process. In its implementation, it is necessary to rely on forms and methods that require the direct participation of schoolchildren in the very process of obtaining information. Methods and forms that would allow students to "try on" take on a particular professional role, get an external assessment of your abilities, skills and abilities, try yourself in activities to form an adequate self-assessment of certain professionally important qualities ( role-playing games, socio-psychological trainings, etc.), close cooperation of educational institutions with institutions of additional and professional education, industry enterprises and organizations, small, medium and large businesses.

Career guidance at each age stage should contribute to:

  • towards the end elementary school- the formation of a positive attitude towards the value of labor, its social significance;

  • by the end of the 8th grade - the development of educational professional interests and inclinations;

  • by the end of the 9th grade - readiness to choose the profile of education, reasonable formation of professional intentions, options for obtaining a general complete education;

  • by the end of the 11th grade - to a conscious choice of profession, the formation of an individual trajectory of professional education;

  • by the time of graduation from an educational institution of vocational education - the formation of professional competence, readiness for independent employment and professional self-realization.

  1. Batarshchev A.V. Psychological and pedagogical support for the choice of a profession by young students: a practice-oriented monograph. - M .: Academy, 2011.

  2. Batarshchev A.V. Educational and professional motivation of youth: textbook. Benefit. – M.: Academy, 2009.

  3. Bodrov V.A. Psychology professional suitability. M.: PER SE, 2001.

  4. Klimov E.A. Psychology of professional self-determination. - From "Phoenix", Rostov-on-Don, 1996.

  5. Klimov E.A. How to choose a profession. - M., Enlightenment, 1990.

  6. Klimov E.A. The image of the world in different types of professions. – M.: Enlightenment, 1995.

  7. Kostyuk N.V. Psychological and pedagogical support for the formation of students' competitiveness // New pedagogical research: Almanac: App. To the journal "Professional education". - Number 3. - 2004. - P.102-109.

  8. Proshchitskaya E.N. Choose a profession! – M.: Enlightenment, 1992.

  9. Pryazhnikov N.S. Professional personal self-determination. – M.: Enlightenment, 1996.

  10. Pryazhnikov N.S. Psychology of work and human dignity. – M.: Academy, 2001.

  11. Rogov E.I. Choice of profession: Becoming a professional. – M.: Vlados, 2003.

  12. Tyushev Yu.V. Choice of profession: training for teenagers. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2006.

  13. Chistyakova S.N. Criteria and indicators of readiness for professional self-determination. - M .: Institute of General Secondary Education of the Russian Academy of Education, 1997.

  14. Yaroshenko V.V. Motivation for choosing a profession and features of its development among students of a general education school. - M .: Education, 2004.
Internet resources for career guidance in the Vologda region

  1. Official website of the Department of Labor and Employment -
Section: "Public Services" -Organization of professional orientation of citizens in order to choose a field of activity (profession), employment, vocational training:

  • provision information public service on professional orientation; register of educational institutions, organizations;

  • rating of professions (specialties);

  • information materials for the regional employment lesson
Section "Work for graduates" contains information about:

  • professions in demand in the labor market of the region;

  • forecasting the needs of the economy in qualified personnel in Russia for the period up to 2015;

  • 10 most demanded professions of the future;

  • internships for graduates of educational institutions;

  • appeals of graduates of vocational schools to the employment service in order to find a job;

  • prestige of professions;

  • secrets right choice professions;

  • on the training of personnel for the tourism industry.
To increase the chances of employment, graduates can post their resume on the website - heading "Summary"; graduates studying in other regions can fill out a questionnaire to assist them in their search suitable jobheading "Natives of the Vologda region"

  1. Information portal of the employment service of the Vologda region -
Chapter « Organization of professional orientation of citizens in order to choose a field of activity (profession)»

  1. Official website Department of Education of the region -
On the website of the Department of Education, a link to the website "Primary and Secondary Vocational Education" -


  • « List of professions (specialties) for the 2011-2012 academic year»;

  • "Institutions of professional education";

  • "Regional Center for Promotion of Employment" (heading - " Career guidance for graduates of the Vologda region»);

  • "Applicant" (heading "List of professions", "List of specialties", "Admission rules")
Career guidance page on the website of secondary schools

FGBOU "Vologda State Technical University» young specialists training department -

FGBOU "Vologda State Dairy Academy named after V.I. N.V. Vereshchagin" - "Employment of graduates", "Additional education", "Admission committee")

  1. Department of Culture and Protection of Cultural Heritage Objects of the Vologda Region

  1. Vologda Regional Youth Library named after V.F. Tendryakov -

"Where to go to study?" (Presentation of educational institutions of the Vologda region);

"Virtual Book Exhibition on Career Guidance"

  1. Committee on Physical Education, Sports and Youth Policy

Budget institution of youth policy of the Vologda region "Commonwealth" - on this site there is a link to the Portal for applicants -

Attachment 1




Level of education



Primary general education

    1. class)

- Development of value-motivational foundations for self-development and self-determination.

Formation of a positive attitude towards professional and labor activity; sustainable interest in the world of work and professions; elementary ideas about the diversity of professions and the role modern production in human life and society.

- Gradual development of initial labor skills.

General introduction to the world of professional work, including excursions to enterprises.

Practice-oriented projects implemented in extracurricular activities.

Basic general education

- Formation of readiness for self-development and self-determination.

Formation of successful experience in creating useful products as a result of practical activities and, on this basis, the motive of striving for success in activities.

- Use of career guidance potential of various subjects.

Educational area "Self-determination".

The system of practice-oriented educational and social projects implemented in extracurricular activities.

Excursions to enterprises

Basic general education

- Definition of educational and professional interests and motives.

Formation by students of their own life position at the stage of primary professional choice and designing a successful career.

Formation of the ability to correlate one's own claims and inclinations with public interests.

Building students' personal professional perspectives.

Preparation for individual training curricula in high school.

- Acquaintance with the lists of working professions, specialties of secondary vocational and higher education.

Discussion of consumer profiles of professions of interest.

Pre-profile elective mini-courses of professional orientation and professional tests.

Information work with families, including the preparation of an educational map of the city, district.

Specially organized orientation work with students and their parents (diagnostics, vocational and educational counseling).

Acquaintance with the experience of successful professionals in various fields.

Secondary (complete) general education

- Clarification of the profile choice in the context of variable learning; designing a post-school educational and professional route (taking into account the introduction of undergraduate studies in universities); acquaintance with the specific features of specific chosen specialties and areas of training.

Formation of the value of self-education and self-development.

- Use of career guidance potential of specialized subjects.

System of specialized elective courses.

Specially organized orientation work with students and their parents (diagnostics, educational counseling).

Extra-curricular project-research activities of students (including the study of the world of professional activity).

Secondary vocational education

- Clarification of the personal meaning of the chosen specialty or working profession.

Ensuring the transition from the social role and personal position of the “student” (consumer, dependent) to the position of the “employee”, the formation of professional and labor independence.

Formation of the value of professional self-education and self-development.

- Saturation of the educational process (educational environment) with a professional context.

The course "introduction to the specialty" (in the first year of study).

Acquaintance with the experience of successful professionals in the field corresponding to the profile of the education received.

Acquaintance with corporate culture partner enterprises, introduction of its elements into the educational environment.

Providing opportunities for paid professional activities in the learning process.

Higher education

- Accompanying local elections in the learning process (specialization, topics of course and diploma papers, places of internship, etc.); choice of location future work by specialty.

Assistance in the formation of an individual style of activity.

Formation of readiness for professional self-realization

- The course "introduction to the specialty" (in the first year of study).

System of individual and group consultations.

Additional professional education

- Identification of individual professional difficulties and determination of a strategy for working with them.

Determination of ways and means of achieving "akme" in the profession.

Determination of motivation to continue working in one's specialty (profession) or to master new specialties (professions).

Promoting the development of an individual style of activity.

- Diagnostic work.

System of individual and group consultations.

Acquaintance with the experience of successful professionals in the field corresponding to the profile of the education received.

Annex 2

The main directions and mechanisms of career guidance in the education system
professional education - scientifically organized informing about the content of labor activity, ways of acquiring professions, the needs of the labor market, as well as the requirements of professions for individual psychological characteristics of a person.

Professional Information - familiarization of young people with the types of production, the state of the labor market, the needs of the economy for qualified personnel, the content and prospects for the development of professions, the forms and conditions for their development, the requirements for professions for a person, opportunities for professional and qualification growth and self-improvement in the process of labor activity. Vocational education provides information about the socio-economic and psycho-physiological conditions for the right choice of profession. The source of information about professions is the media and various reference literature: directories describing professions (specialties), their characteristics, directories for applicants to various educational institutions, as well as information on promising employment trends.

Propaganda contributes to the formation of positive motivation for professions in which society is in need.

Professiography - one of the areas of career guidance associated with the description of professions (specialties), including their requirements for the psychophysiological qualities of a person. The result of professiography are professiograms and psychograms.

Professiogram - a comprehensive, systematized description of a particular profession (type of work activity), its characteristics, including information about working conditions, the rights and obligations of the employee, as well as the personal qualities, knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for mastering the profession. The professiogram reveals the most essential characteristics of the profession and the professionally important qualities of a person.

Professional diagnostics - an integral component in the career guidance system, which covers all levels of schooling. Diagnostic work is built in such a way as to maximally identify the needs, interests and inclinations of each child at each age stage. The study of individual psychological characteristics can be carried out different ways: from simple observation of achievements in the development of academic disciplines to the use of various questionnaires, questionnaires, traditional and modified methods for self-determination of students. This is a rather voluminous work that requires the involvement of not only the administration, psychologists, social educators but also teachers.
In order to organize the interaction of all participants in the educational process, today schools are developing comprehensive targeted programs for the socio-psychological support of students' professional self-determination, which include propaedeutics and training, consulting work and diagnostics.

Professional consultation - part of the career guidance system, the regulator of professional self-determination of the individual. This is direct assistance to the student in choosing a specific profession based on the study of the personality, its capabilities and comparison of the information received with the requirements of the profession, which ensures maximum consideration of the objective and subjective conditions of professional choice. Vocational consultation stimulates the student's reflections on the prospects of his personal and professional self-determination, providing him with certain guidelines for assessing his own readiness to implement the planned professional plans.

Professional selection is a predictive procedure for selecting persons professionally suitable for a particular type of activity (profession, specialty). Occupational selection linked to the idea of ​​rational use individual differences people, allows you to solve a number of socio-economic problems: increasing labor productivity, saving financial and material and technical resources, reducing injuries and accidents. The professional selection process provides for the diagnosis of sufficiently stable psycho-physiological functions of mental processes, properties and states.

Professional adaptation - an active process of adapting a person to production, labor market conditions, the characteristics of a particular activity, a new social environment, a work or educational team. Adequate self-assessment of the individual's professional suitability can be considered as one of the factors of its successful adaptation. The success of adaptation is a criterion for the correct, reasonable choice of profession.

Professional samples focused on getting to know different types and types of professional activities in real practice, which have different profiles of training at the senior level of education. They help high school students to test new professionally expedient communicative behavior in conditions simulating professional activities.



N.V. Maslova

OBOU SPO "Dmitrievsky

agricultural college,


The problem of studying the professional self-realization of a student's personality is relevant, since fundamental changes in the political, economic, spiritual spheres of our society entail radical changes in professional values ​​and people's actions. Students cannot carry out adequate professional self-identification in order to understand whether their personal qualities and psychological data correspond to the requirements of the chosen specialization. Such self-identification is largely based only on intuitive self-assessment.

Quality matters a lot right now. work force that creates goods and services. In order to achieve significant development human resources First of all, it is necessary to create conditions for increasing the competitiveness of citizens in the labor market.

Particular attention should be paid to working with young people, who are one of the most vulnerable categories of the country's population. The relatively low competitiveness of students is determined by a number of factors:

Lack of professional knowledge, qualifications and skills;

Combining a significant part of the students work with study;

The infantilism of a part of the students who are accustomed to receiving basic life benefits for free (from the state, parents, etc.)

As numerous studies show, students do not receive sufficient knowledge about the modern labor market, about the rules of behavior on it, the components of building a successful professional career, about their rights and obligations in the field of labor relations. Students are not ready to compete and be subject to the labor market.

When entering the labor market for the first time, SVE graduates are dominated by idealistic ideas about their future profession, labor and professional career. From the first steps in the market, in conditions of impossibility of employment, these ideas are destroyed and lead to the emergence of complex socio-psychological conditions (anxiety, depression affecting the communicative sphere and accompanied by a sense of hopelessness, a guilt complex).

Collision with labor reality leads to reorientation or degradation of labor values. There are points of view that unemployment should be considered as a kind of socialization of youth, but numerous examples confirm that unemployment negatively affects the socio-psychological development of young people and often leads to the disappearance of the view of work as a means of personal self-realization, and the process of normal socialization turns out to be broken.

In recent years, research interest in the problem of self-realization of the individual has increased dramatically both in domestic and foreign psychology. Increased attention to this problem is associated with an understanding of its decisive role in the development of the individual, the presentation of higher requirements for such human qualities as the ability to self-development and self-improvement, which is dictated in Russia by socio-economic conditions that have exacerbated competitiveness in the professional labor market.

Creating conditions for successful socialization and effective self-realization of students directly depends on the degree of interest of potential applicants in obtaining a profession or specialty related to the priority industry. In professional educational organizations there are significant changes in the content and technology of education. There was a need to develop the skills and abilities of students to independently and creatively transfer the acquired knowledge to changing socio-economic and production and technical situations.

In order for each graduate of general educational institutions to choose a business of their own heart, to be in demand in the labor market, to become successful, teachers must work hard.

Every year, job fairs are held in the Dmitrievsky district, including those for students in schools, and employment of teenagers during the holidays is organized. The Dmitrievsky Agricultural College annually holds an "Open Day" for graduates of educational organizations.

To build a system and create conditions for successful socialization and effective self-realization of students in the educational institution "Dmitrievsk Agricultural College" the following activities are being implemented:

Thematic competitions and olympiads are held in the system of vocational education;

Organizational documents (regulations) are being developed for conducting thematic conversations with applicants and students, the excursion route is determined by specialists from leading enterprises in the industry;

Conferences are held jointly with enterprises, competitions of scientific, technical creativity and professional skills, olympiads in special disciplines;

Student councils are held in the priority area;

Developing scientific and creative rationalization activity students.

The implementation of these measures allows to increase: the share of graduates who have mastered the modules of the variable component of the main professional educational programs on ways to find a job, employment, career planning, adaptation in the workplace, from 84% in 2014 to 100% by 2020;

The share of graduates who have mastered the modules of the variable component of the main professional educational programs in special disciplines, own business, contributing to the "self-employment" of the graduate in the modern labor market, from 65.0% in 2013 to 80.0% by 2020;

The proportion of graduates who have mastered the programs of the educational institution, registered as individual entrepreneurs within 3 years after graduation, from 8.0% in 2013 to 3.0% by 2020.

The OBOU SPO "Dmitrievsky Agricultural College" is systematically working to create conditions to meet the needs of various categories of the population in vocational education (training).

In order to develop a system of career guidance and support for professional self-determination of young people, a Career Guidance Center was created in the OBOU SPO "Dmitrievsk Agricultural College", educational, program and methodological materials were prepared for planning, organizing and conducting career guidance work with various categories of the population.

The administration of the OBOU SPO "Dmitrievsky Agricultural College" considers the creation of favorable conditions for the socialization and self-realization of students as the most important condition:

1) inclusion in the professional educational programs academic disciplines and special courses on effective behavior in the labor market and the basics of entrepreneurship, as well as professional disciplines (modules) aimed at the formation and development of students of additional applied qualifications demanded by employers in the region;

2) the creation and operation of a service for promoting employment and supporting the employment of graduates in the institution "DSHT", which actively interacts with territorial bodies and institutions of the regional public service on labor and employment of the population;

3) developing the practice of identifying and supporting talented youth, increasing the prestige of blue-collar jobs, developing additional knowledge, skills and abilities through the expansion of the youth competitive movement (holding competitions of professional skills and scientific and technical creativity, competitions, etc.), including within the framework of implementation state program Russian Federation "Development of Education for 2013-2020"

To implement the tasks set in the educational institution, the Action Plan "Road Map" of the technical school development program was developed. The part of the program concerning this issue is presented in the work (Appendix 1).

In conclusion, I would like to note that a developing society needs educated, moral and entrepreneurial people who can independently make responsible decisions in a situation of choice, predicting their possible consequences, capable of cooperation, characterized by mobility, dynamism, constructiveness, who have a developed sense of responsibility for the fate of the country. The preparation of such a competitive in the labor market, professionally mobile worker largely depends on the socialization and pedagogical support for the professional orientation of young people.

Bibliographic list:

  1. Akberdina A.R. Motivation for getting education as a factor of professional socialization of university students /Akberdina A.R. - Technologies for improving teaching staff: theory and practice: Kazan. Tat. book. ed. - in -2005. pp. 75-77.

2. Golomshtok A.E. The choice of a profession and the education of the student's personality / Golomshtok A.E. M: Pedagogy, 2009. - 160 p.

3. Kovalchuk A.S. Socio-cultural activities: Uch. settlement 2nd ed. / Kovalchuk A.S. Eagle, 2012 - 172 p.

4. Scientific and methodological foundations for the modernization of the content of sociocultural education //Comp. E.V. Kulagina Kazan, 2013 - 350 p.

5. Nikandrov N.D. Russia: socialization and education at the turn of the millennium / Nikandrov N.D. - M., 2008 - 304 p.

ZHOLOVAN S.V. Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor,
Rector of the St. Petersburg Academy of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education

Efficiency of Forms of Career Guidance as a Factor of Improving the Quality of Vocational Education

It should be noted that a feature of the regional labor market is that, along with the growth of the unemployed population, there is a shortage of labor in working professions.

In this regard, an important place in the work of teaching staff is given to professional information, which meets the following requirements:

Reliability (objectivity, accuracy of facts, figures, assessments characterizing vocational training and work, including an adequate display of difficulties, dangers and risks);
- relevance (compliance with the demands of the labor market, the physical and spiritual needs of clients);
- prospects (showing a profession in development, revealing the possibilities of professional and qualification and job growth of an employee, including through the development of related professions);
- updateability (timely replacement and clarification of data on the level of demand, content and conditions, regime, payment and organization of labor, content and terms of vocational training, employment prospects);
- intelligibility (clarity, orderliness, simplicity and clarity of presentation);
- attractiveness and accessibility (rational selection and combination of text and visual materials, placement in a convenient place, favorable conditions for perception).

The complexity of organizing vocational guidance with adolescents requires solving a dual problem: on the one hand, it must meet the demands of the labor market, on the other hand, it must correspond to the abilities, inclinations, skills and personal qualities of young people when choosing a future profession.

In SEI NPO and SVE, various forms of career guidance are systematically used, the effectiveness of which is different, according to employees of educational institutions of primary and secondary vocational education (Diagram 1).

From this diagram, it can be seen that advertising products are distributed in all educational institutions and information is posted on the site. However, the results of the study reveal their lowest performance (distribution of promotional products and placement of information on the site by 19%). The effectiveness of holding Open Days is the highest (52%), but insufficient, because used systematically, but in a traditional form. The low effectiveness of the presentation of an educational institution in schools (30%), excursions to the State Educational Institution of NGOs and SVE (22%) and speeches at parent meetings(22%) is due to the lack of interest of schools and gymnasiums of the city in joint career guidance work with institutions of primary and secondary vocational education. Active forms of career guidance, despite the limited use of them, confirm their effectiveness (career guidance games, quizzes, festivals - 45%, professional tests - 33%, master classes - 30%).

The study of the motivation for entering the GOU NPO and SVE, the choice of a profession for students in 1-5 courses (diagram 2) determines the priority areas of career guidance.

Analysis of the chart shows that:

The majority of respondents chose an educational institution independently and consciously (42.6%);
- significant influence was exerted by parents (22.3%) and friends (17.3%);
- wages in the chosen industry are not the determining motive for choosing a profession (8.2%);
- the percentage of those who chose an educational institution by chance is quite high (14.5%);
- it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the advertising activities of the SEI NGO and SPO are not effective enough (3.5%).

These results are confirmed in the study of the motivation for entering the State Educational Institution of Non-Governmental Education and Secondary Education, the choice of a profession for freshmen in the 2010-2011 academic year:

The majority of respondents chose an educational institution on their own (39%) or their choice was influenced by their parents, other family members and relatives (36%);
- a significant influence on the choice of profession of friends and neighbors (19%);
- the opportunity to earn good money after graduation is one of the defining motives for first-year students (36%);
- a fairly high percentage of those who chose an educational institution by chance (easy to enter - 15%, easy to study - 10%, did not enter a university, college - 10%, decided (a) to enter for a company with friends - 8%) ;
- advertising activities of SEI NPO and SPO had little effect on the choice of first-year students ( promotional materials educational institution (booklets, memos, etc.) - 6%, mass media (television, radio, newspapers, magazines) - 3%, advertising of an educational institution placed on transport, etc. – 2%).

For effective training of specialists, partnership of institutions of general, professional and additional education with employers is necessary. The results of the study show that career guidance work in this direction is insufficient in terms of influencing the professional choice of applicants (influence school teachers- 6%, teachers of additional education - 5%, psychologists (professional consultants) - 4%).

Questioning first-year students allows you to determine from what sources they learned about a particular educational institution (Diagram 3).

This diagram shows that the information in the handbook for applicants to vocational education institutions (27%) and from friends, acquaintances, neighbors (23%) is decisive. It should be noted that 51.6% of those studying at SEI NGO and SVE would advise their friends to enter an educational institution where they receive a profession (specialty).

On the basis of 70% of SEI NPOs and SPOs career-guided propaganda teams have been created, but only 50% would like to take part in the city competition of propaganda teams in 2011. Open days, which are held regularly, are not effective enough (14%), as are the websites of educational institutions (15%), visits to schools by representatives of an educational institution (12%), participation in various career guidance events (8%), job fairs for educational places in district (7%), which coincides with the opinion of employees of educational institutions of primary and secondary vocational education.

The conducted studies make it possible to determine the expectations of students from educational institutions (diagram 4).

Priorities are obtaining a profession, solid knowledge of subjects and the ability to think independently. The possibility of a guaranteed device at the end of training and the experience of communicating with people are also noted. The chosen profession (specialty) is considered to be in demand in the labor market by 24% of first-year students. The results of the study confirm the relationship between the demand for a profession (specialty) in the labor market and satisfaction with the chosen profession (specialty) (Diagram 5).

In the learning process, there is a positive trend in the demand for a profession (specialty) in the labor market. 52.2% of students in SEI NGO and secondary vocational education believe that the future profession (specialty) is in great demand, 27.4% - that it is not in demand enough, 4% - that it will be in demand very soon. However, 6.4% believe that it is not in demand at all. These data correspond to the level of satisfaction with the chosen profession (61.6% are satisfied with their choice, 27.1% have not yet decided on their attitude to the chosen profession (specialty), 6.4% are absolutely indifferent and 4.3% are disappointed in choise).

Based on the results of the study, the activities carried out by educational institutions of vocational education to solve several interrelated tasks were identified:

Approval of students in the correct choice of vocational education (Diagram 6);
- social and professional adaptation in the course of the educational process to the labor market (diagram 7);
- employment according to the acquired profession (diagram 8)

Analysis of the diagram shows that in order to confirm students in the correct choice of vocational education:

Excursions to the enterprises of the city are organized (100%);
- competitions of professional skills are held (63%);
- various creative contests and meetings with alumni (45% each).

The results of a survey of employees of SEI NGO and SPO indicate that they are also cool watch, conversations of industrial training masters, visits to museums, temporary employment in the chosen profession in their free time, questioning and testing of students (27% each).

Analysis of the diagram shows that for social and professional adaptation in the course of the educational process to the labor market:

Training is provided on the course "Fundamentals of job search and employment" (100%);
- excursions to enterprises are organized (63%);
- individual support of students during industrial practice (55%);
- competitions of professional skills, meetings of graduates with employers and representatives of the Employment Center, questionnaires and testing of students (36% each) are held;
- assistance is provided to temporary employment of students, and various simulation, business, organizational and activity games are held (27% each);
- conversations are held with students about the prospects for the development of the industry, monitoring of vacancies and wages(18% each).

Analysis of the diagram shows that for employment in the acquired profession:

Interviews of employers with graduates and meetings with representatives of social partners (91%);
- inform graduates about job vacancies at enterprises (73%);
- long-term contracts are concluded with enterprises for the training, internship and employment of graduates (63%).

The results of the study determine the main problems in career guidance work, according to the employees of primary and secondary vocational education institutions (Diagram 9).

From this diagram, it can be seen that the main problems in career guidance work are as follows:

Conditions are not created for career guidance work at school for representatives of SEI NGO and SPO (67%);
- not enough methodological products on the organization and conduct of career guidance work (37%);
- the use of only traditional forms and methods in career guidance (15%);
- Insufficient level of professional competence of the employees of the institution on career guidance activities (12%).

Based on these diagrams, it is necessary to pay attention to measures for psychological support to confirm students in the correct choice of vocational education, for social and professional adaptation in the course of the educational process to the labor market, for employment in the profession received.

Despite the lack of efficiency, in the 2010-2011 academic year, similar career guidance activities are planned on the basis of educational institutions. 30% do not plan to hold meetings with successful production workers and persons who have achieved significant success in their work activities, graduated from educational institutions of NGOs and vocational schools and started their own career from working professions. 33% plan to invite only those with whom such meetings have previously been held. 10% hold such events only with graduates who are currently working in the same NGO and SPO.

The results of the study allow us to summarize the proposals from educational institutions of primary and secondary vocational education to improve the effectiveness of career guidance work (diagram 10).

Based on this diagram, it can be seen that it is advisable to address the following questions:

Creation of more favorable conditions for career guidance in grades 9-11 of schools and gymnasiums of the city (42%);
- development guidelines for schools and institutions of NGOs and SVE with specific proposals for both parties (30%);
- organization joint activities(conferences, seminars, round tables) on career guidance with representatives of schools, with employers (23%);
- additional funding for career guidance (18%);
- advanced training of specialists (18%);
- creation of a common site with a forum (18%);
- informing in the media about the events that are held in the SEI NGO and SPO (6%);
- publication of a collection of existing normative documents (6%).


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