Psr projects of Rosatom. The production system of Rosatom. - How many modules were released

We are grateful to the editors of the "REA" magazine (Rosenergoatom Concern ") for providing this material.

When setting the task, Andrei Petrov emphasized that we need changes that give a real economic effect, having a direct impact on production. This decision was based on the positive experience of the Smolensk and Balakovo NPPs, which started implementing the RPS back in 2007, and at the end of 2015 received the status of "Enterprise - RPS Leader" at the industry level.

The introduction of production (or business) systems in recent years has become widespread in Russia. Companies that want to win competitive struggle, it is necessary to keep up with the times, but it is better to be “one step ahead”. Lean manufacturing is a philosophy of doing business and management. For those who have carefully studied the essence of lean technologies, it is clear that they are the future of management, and the theory lean manufacturing overturns the usual idea of ​​doing business. Realizing this, the State Atomic Energy Corporation ROSATOM has been actively introducing RPS at its enterprises since 2008.

While deploying the program of the Concern's transformation into the AKP division at the beginning of 2016, we understood that a functional vertical was needed, since it would be difficult to implement our plans without an effective management system. To this end, the NPP directors allocated active, proactive specialists, and the management of the Concern decided to create a department for the development of the RPS and operational efficiency in the central office, the task of which was the overall coordination of the development of the RPS in the division, methodological support of the RPS divisions of the NPP and the units of the central office of the Concern ...

Summing up the work of enterprises on the systematic implementation of the RPS is carried out with the help of developmental peer reviews of the quality of system deployment (for short we call them RSPK), whose teams involve highly qualified industry specialists.

RPPK allow you to carry out diagnostics in the directions of deployment of the RPS, assess the level of development of the production system at the enterprise, identify development zones and best practices. Representatives of 18 enterprises participating in the RPS development program of Rosatom State Corporation participate in the work of the RPPK at the sectoral level, and at the divisional level - employees of our leading enterprises, RPS divisions of NPPs and the RPS development and operational efficiency department. Full-time examinations take place twice a year.

In the middle of the year, an interim check - "Previsit" is carried out, within the framework of which the current level of development of the RPS at the enterprise is assessed, problem areas are determined for the prompt solution of emerging problems, and recommendations for managing the deployment program are given. At the end of the year, the results of the implementation of the program for the whole year are summed up. The RPPK team gives an opinion on the achievement of indicators in all areas.

Before each visit of the auditors, the enterprise conducts a self-assessment of the implementation of all indicators of the RPS deployment in five areas: "Decomposition of goals", "RPS flows", "Project and change management", "Training", "Motivation".

In the middle of the year, the level of implementation of indicators was different at each station. The RPPK teams gave recommendations for each of the directions, on the basis of which the stations developed action plans to achieve the indicators, which were fully implemented by the final RPPK, which made it possible to achieve such results.

Nevertheless, since one of the RPS principles is continuous improvement, based on the results of the final inspections, the stations received new recommendations from experts, which will form the basis for plans for the further development of the Production System at the sites.

Based on the results of the work of the divisional-level RPPK, seven nuclear power plants and the Concern's headquarters, which adopt the experience of the Smolensk and Balakovo NPPs on the principle of “leaders teach leaders,” under the leadership and with the help of the RPS development department, are assigned the status of “RPS-enterprise”. Based on the results of the sectoral RPPK, the Balakovskaya and Smolensk NPPs should be confirmed, and the Leningrad NPP should receive the status of "Enterprise - the leader of the RPS". Confirmation and receipt of this status will take place at the beginning of 2017 based on the results of financial statements.

The audits also identified the best practices that will be recommended for implementation at other sites. For example, at the Kola NPP, the best practices were recognized: lifting mechanisms, the use of industrial polyethylene dock ladders, the introduction of workplace standards for the 5C system at production sites. At the Kalinin NPP, the application of the "Instruction manual for working with PPU" was noted, the development and implementation of standards for cleaning and inspection of equipment of production areas of the centralized repair shop with visualization.

One of the objectives of the outgoing year set by the State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom for the division is to reduce the turnover of inventories in the Electric Power Division (in terms of revenue) by 27%. The fulfillment of this task would have been impossible without the opening of the personal RPS project of the General Director of the Concern and his deputies to reduce stocks.

The analysis carried out within the framework of the RPS project showed that this can be done due to:

  • bringing production stocks for REW to standard;
  • development and approval of standards for the availability of fuel assemblies in the operational stock;
  • development of schedules for reducing reserves in each direction;
  • procurement of materials and equipment taking into account the analysis of warehouse stocks;
  • efficient supply of materials and equipment (delivery just in time) and other activities.

In the information center of the General Director of the Concern, monitoring was organized to reduce the turnover of current inventories. The dynamics of all current stocks of NPPs and subsidiaries is monitored on a monthly basis. In the event of a deviation from the predicted reduction in stocks, those responsible for the directions report at which enterprise, in which direction the deviation occurred and what measures were taken.

However, unscheduled shutdowns at Smolensk, Kalinin, Rostov NPP and Novovoronezh NPP-2 made it difficult to fulfill the task. Due to the fact that the current production stocks consist of 75% of fresh nuclear fuel (SNF) and core components (KAZ), due to unscheduled shutdowns of power units, an incomplete predicted burnout of the fuel in the core occurred, and, as a consequence, the failure to write off this fuel from the balance of the enterprise.

Participation in industry competitions led to a clear understanding of the need to plan activities, to agree on the timing of the opening and implementation of RPS projects in the division

After the completion of the project, it will be necessary to analyze the nomenclature, the quantity of stocks and the formed irreducible stock in production cycle(from overhaul before overhaul), and then make a decision on further work with stocks and the establishment of their standards.

The main task of the RPS is to find and eliminate losses, as well as to solve problems that arise in various processes of the life of enterprises. Learning to see losses is the task of every employee. Unfortunately, we get so used to reality that we no longer notice the problems that are nearby. RPS tools such as value stream mapping and production control and analysis help us learn to see our processes from the point of view of lean manufacturing. To learn how to use them, this year each leader was given the task of implementing two RPS projects. A RPS project is a project aimed at optimizing a process.

If the solution to the identified problem is obvious, then any of us can submit an Improvement Proposal (IMP). This work is now being carried out at all enterprises of the industry, and for the sixth time the branch competition of PPU and RPS projects is being held at the State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom. Our division took part in it many times. The competition is held in three stages. At the first, nuclear power plants and subsidiaries of the Concern determined the best PPU and RPS projects implemented in 2016. Selected proposals and projects were submitted for participation in the second stage, which was carried out at the division level. The selection committee reviewed more than 80 works from nuclear power plants, as well as from JSC Atomenergoremont, JSC Atomtekhenergo and other organizations of the division, choosing from them the most effective PPU and RPS projects. Thus, we entered the third stage of the industry competition with 12 PPU and 12 RPS projects.

The best RPS projects and PPUs of 2016 (with economic effect)

The selection of the winners from the projects and proposals selected for the State Corporation was held within the framework of the annual forum "AKP Leaders". Each of the applicants was given the opportunity to personally present the implemented improvements. As a result, Denis Romanovich Vihasty, a repair engineer at the Kursk NPP, became one of the winners of the PPU competition. His proposal - "Development of a plug for the repair of the lower tract of the technological channel (TC) sb. 26", allows cutting off the TC from the SbC without carrying out work on dismantling the clips sb.25-33r.

The program for transforming the Electric Power Division into the RPS Division in 2017 provides for the systematic deployment of the Rosatom Production System not only at NPPs, but also in all other branches and subsidiaries of the Concern, which are just about to go through the path of learning RPS principles and tools. Serious assistance in this will be provided by NPP employees who have been certified by ANO Corporate Academy of Rosatom as RPS trainers.

An important task for the next year is the implementation of the approved director general State Corporation "Rosatom" A.E. Likhachev in December 2016 of the roadmap for the implementation of RPS engineering standards at Rosatom facilities under construction.

Results of RPPK at seven NPPs

Already this year, relying on the positive experience of JSC ASE EC (power unit No. 2 of NVNPP-2 was recognized by the State Corporation Rosatom as an exemplary RPS-unit), as well as focusing on the upcoming key event of 2017 - the physical start-up of power unit No. 1 of the Leningrad NPP- 2, the Concern, together with the general contractor, developed a Plan joint activities on the implementation of RPS during the construction of power units No. 1 and 2 of the Leningrad NPP-2 and the Action Plan for the creation of a unified information database of the customer, general contractor and designer. As part of the implementation of these plans, a unified information database was deployed on the servers of the Leningrad NPP and JSC Concern Titan-2, organized and conducted training for the employees of the Leningrad NPP-2 and contractors led by the general contractor in the basic RPS course, developed on the basis of the standards of JSC IC "ASE" RPS-standards for construction and installation works management, production control and analysis, application of the 5C system at the construction site, "Chain of help" and "Suggestions for improvement" standards. The adapted guidelines to motivate employees involved in the implementation of the RPS.

Another major challenge for next year is to look at the processes "New Products", "R&D and Innovation", "Quality" from the standpoint of RPS in order to optimize them and determine the possibilities and ways of implementing intersectoral and interdivisional RPS projects.

Achieving the ambitious tasks set for the division for the systematic deployment of the RPS is impossible without the involvement of all personnel in the philosophy of frugality and the use of tools of the production system. Let me remind you that RPS is a culture of lean production and a system of continuous improvement of processes to ensure competitive advantage at the global level.

Culture is a set of codes that prescribe a certain behavior to a person with his inherent experiences and thoughts, exerting a managerial influence on him. RPS is a new culture of production, organization of work and jobs. It will take a long time to instill it, and therefore we assign a separate role in the formation of this culture to the involvement, training and motivation of personnel. Only together we can achieve the result. When planning work on involvement in the RPS, we need to form a positive attitude towards the Production System.

At the forum "RPS Leaders" this year, the results of a study of attitudes towards the Rosatom Production System at the enterprises of the State Corporation were presented, in which employees of the enterprises of our division also took part. The attitude towards the RPS is dramatically changing at enterprises where the system has been introduced for several years.

To have a positive attitude towards the RPS requires an engaging implementation style. A high level of reputation is typical for enterprises in which managers are actively involved in implementation: they personally explain, demonstrate by example. The presence of AKP leaders demonstrating effective tools systems that clearly and convincingly explain the need for its implementation - important factor influencing the high reputation of the AKP. The upbringing, "nurturing" of such employees should be a priority for the heads of enterprises of the division at all levels.

Typical reputation of the RPS at different stages of implementation (results of qualitative research; illustrated with drawings collected during the research)

A lot of work on the development of the RPS has been done this year, and even more remains to be done next year. I would like to wish our leaders of 2015 - Smolensk and Balakovo NPPs - to successfully confirm their title, and to Leningrad NPP - to receive it at the industry level. Nuclear power plants, participants in the 2016 transformation program, who have achieved the target indicators of the RPS enterprise, will reach a new level and become the RPS leaders. And to subsidiaries and branches (not NPPs), participants in the 2017 transformation program, I wish successful implementation development plans for the RPS using the experience of the Concern's nuclear power plants.

The production system of Rosatom (RPS) is a culture of lean production and a system of continuous improvement of processes to ensure a competitive advantage at the global level.

RPS is based on five principles that encourage employees to be attentive to customer requirements (not only in relation to end consumer, but also to the consumer site, consumer workshop and even the subsequent operator); solve problems at the place of their occurrence; build quality into the process, do not produce waste; identify and eliminate any losses (excessive warehouse stocks, interoperational backlogs, downtime, unnecessary movements, etc.); be an example to colleagues.

These principles were formulated on the basis of the best examples of domestic and foreign experience, in particular, the system of scientific organization of labor, production and management (NOTPiU) of the Ministry of Medium Machine Building of the USSR and the Toyota Production System of the Japanese automobile company "Toyota". The production system of Rosatom is aimed at fulfilling the strategic goals of the State Corporation, and sectoral RPS projects are aimed at increasing productivity, reducing costs and improving product quality. Knowledge and ability to apply RPS tools is a prerequisite for professional and career growth employees of the nuclear industry.

At the beginning of 2015, it was decided to apply a systematic approach to the deployment of RPS at enterprises: decomposition of goals to the level of the site manager, optimization of the production of the main products of the enterprise ( production flows), implementation of RPS projects, training and motivation of employees. By 2017, the system deployment contour has grown from 10 to 23 RPS enterprises. Until 2020, there will be about 30 of them, their products will form about 80% of the total cost of Rosatom.

According to the concept of development of the Rosatom Production System, all enterprises where the integrated system is being deployed are divided into three levels: “RPS Leader”, “RPS Candidate” and “RPS Reserve”. Enterprises - "Leaders of the RPS" receive a package of privileges (visits of a business coach to the enterprise, the opportunity for employees to travel to exchange experience to foreign and Russian leading enterprises, family trips, certificates for training at the Rosatom Corporate Academy, participation in the project "Design of the working space" and etc.).

Currently RPS implementation at the enterprises of the industry has already made it possible to achieve significant savings, reduce commodity stocks in warehouses and the timing of scheduled preventive maintenance at Russian nuclear power plants.

We bring to your attention an interview with Sergei Obozov, where he talks about the origins of the Rosatom Production System, gives comments on the goals and features of the RPS implementation process.

At the end of the article, look for bonus- video report “Production efficiency management. The Role of the Rosatom Production System ”.

- Sergey Alexandrovich, what is the AKP and where did it come from?

- The Rosatom Production System (RPS) as a system was not invented or borrowed from other countries and companies. The AKP is a logically complete vision set out in a modern context effective management production processes.

RPS is the successor of the scientific organization of labor, production and management (NOTPiU) and the developments of the Ministry of Medium Machine Building, thanks to which our industry was able to achieve a multiple increase in labor productivity. In addition, the RPS includes and is adapted to our industry the best achievements and tools from other modern methodological platforms.

The production system of Rosatom (RPS) is a methodology, ideology and specific tools for increasing the production and management efficiency of the State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom and the state corporation's enterprises.

Rosatom Production System (RPS)- a methodologically holistic industry complex of interconnected production processes in which actions that do not create value are minimized as a result of successive improvements using principles, rules, tools and methods.

Even before the revolution, a Russian method of teaching practical skills was developed at the Imperial Technical School (now the Bauman Moscow State Technical University). In factories in Russia, the Taylor system began to be widely used. The revolution gave impetus to the development of an integrated approach to the organization of labor, the rational use of resources.

The famous scientist Kerzhentsev considers time as the most important resource and in 1923 he created the Vremya league. Timekeeping of working hours and analysis of its consumption are being introduced everywhere. Organizer, scientist and poet Alexey Kapitonovich Gastev in the late 20s, early 30s creates Central Institute Labor, where he explores work operations and rationalizes them. A model of continuous training in rational work is being created. We are talking about the mass training of skilled workers.

Then, already in the 60s, the topic “Minsredmash and NTPiU” appeared. The scientific organization of labor, production and management, which was introduced in the 60s at the Ministry of Medium Machine Building, gave a multiple increase in labor productivity.

In addition to the Soviet experience, we have attracted the best foreign experience, which has shown its effectiveness. First of all, this is the Toyota production system and other production systems, which are based on lean manufacturing.

- Tell me, what exactly is the AKP taken from the Soviet NOT system?

- Let's start with the fact that the Japanese experience of the same Toyota is essentially based on our domestic NOT. It includes everything - from rational organization workplace, in order to exclude unnecessary movements and any kind of loss, to ergonomics, that is, the most correct in terms of convenience and rational organization of equipment and workplaces.

It was all in the history of NOT. The experience gained in Russia has been actively studied, including by Western scientists. One of Taylor's associates, Gilbrett, admitted: “The Russians are deeper than we are in NOT. The original Russian methods are two decades ahead of the WEST! "

For example, according to the method for laying bricks developed at CIT, the Russians were three times ahead of their colleagues from the United States, who worked according to the Taylor-Gilbrett method.

Domestic experience was then published in journals on the scientific organization of labor abroad, including in Germany, which at that time was one of the most advanced in the field of introducing NOT. It was said that it is precisely the Soviet experience in the scientific organization of labor that deserves to be studied very carefully. The results were indeed very impressive for the time.

- In which industries were these systems implemented?

- This system was implemented everywhere. It was promoted and implemented not only at machine-building enterprises, but also in office activities, in the activities of ministries, in construction.

Gastev's memo "How to work" is widely known - these are the so-called 16 covenants, many of which we still use in the AKP.

Similar methods were then introduced in all other industries. In particular, the Stakhanov movement was a further continuation. Despite the fact that in the achievements of Stakhanov and his brigade there was a lot of propaganda, it turned out to be a strong propaganda move, and it gave its effect.

- One was chopping a coal, but three helped him.

- That's right. He and his team were freed from all auxiliary work and so on. But, nevertheless, the very approach, the very desire to improve labor efficiency and achieve the highest possible productivity in each specific area has borne fruit.

The Stakhanov movement had its effect, and in the country as a whole, labor productivity doubled at that time. These are our roots, our history.

Even in those years, the Japanese and Americans carefully studied the Soviet experience, took much of it and were able, on that foundation, to give an impetus to the further development of labor organization systems. Their new modifications appeared, first it happened in the East, in Japan, and then it returned to the West, in the USA. Moreover, the Japanese, paradoxically as it may sound, were taught right after the war by American scientists - Deming and Juran.

Production systems such as the Toyota Production System emerged, which then expanded to American car factories and other industries around the world. The Japanese were the first to synthesize everything that had been developed before them and were able to develop the ideas of their predecessors further. It turned out not just a set of certain tools, but a whole philosophy of production relations in any kind of industry, in any kind of production.

Now Rosatom is, in fact, returning to our origins. Gastev's theses such as “We are raising the issue of creating a certain kind of psychological and general biological adaptation of the worker to constant improvement” and “The task ... to constantly hear the call for continuous improvement” directly formed the basis of such a Japanese concept as “kaizen”, and we are now laying it down in the basis of the Rosatom Production System.

But we have tried to use the domestic experience of NOT in our industry before. Gastev was shot in April 1939, and the NOT movement did not develop in our country for a long time. In the 60s, Minsredmash again raised this issue, thanks to which it was possible to significantly increase labor productivity in the entire nuclear industry.

Rosatom is now making a new attempt, but on a much wider scale and taking into account the organizational mistakes of that time. And one of the conclusions that we made, studying the experience of the Ministry of Medium Machine Building of the 60s, is that the chief production worker should be responsible for the RPS at the enterprises, and the first person should be in charge. It is this organizational structure that is currently operating in the state corporation.

- We cannot but ask a question. From a formal point of view, the AKP entered Rosatom via Japan. Have the Japanese been helped by their production systems at Fukushima?

- The Japanese have an impressive experience that must be studied and adopted. I am aware of how these words sound against the background of recent events, but there is an indisputable fact - Japan is one of the world leaders in the field of nuclear power and a country that provides a record time for the construction of a nuclear power unit in 37 months from the first cube of concrete to the power start-up.

This record was set at the sixth power unit of the Kashiwazaki-Kariva NPP. Moreover, in this achievement they used our experience - this is the experience of the serial construction of the Zaporizhzhya NPP.

The Fukushima accident began as a natural disaster. The course of development of the accident is well known today, it is described, in particular, in your publication. Fukushima will change a lot, but, first of all, in another area - in the sphere of global views on security issues. If earlier many relied on probabilistic approaches, today we need to operate in terms of absolute reliability.

Production systems, be it Toyota or any other large company, are aimed at the fact that quality is embedded in the process itself. And by quality here we mean not just purely questions consumer properties products, but an integrated approach. The created product is considered as a whole, including from the point of view of safety.

Those new safety requirements that will appear as a result of Fukushima will be laid down in nuclear power plants throughout life cycle of this object. Not only at the construction stage, but at the design stage and even concept development.

If this is done efficiently, if the ideology of the Rosatom production system is applied in full - and this will happen! - then throughout the entire life cycle of a nuclear power plant, the inevitable fulfillment of safety requirements will be incorporated into the facility in the new conditions.

I don't see any contradictions here. The production system of "Rosatom" maximally contributes to the most efficient solution of any issues, if it is applied in full. In particular, the issues of reliability and safety are also in the sphere of activity of the AKP.

Second stage of implementation

- Next question. Okay, we figured out what the RPS is, and for what purpose is it still being implemented at Rosatom?

- ROSATOM is positioning itself in terms of strategy for the coming years as a global technological leader in the field of nuclear technologies. The goal is very ambitious, the deadlines are extremely tight. To achieve the set goals, there is a lot of work to be done.

By virtue of its historical development, Rosatom was created under conditions when economic issues were not a priority, with completely different goals and other tasks.

Deadlines - yes, they were. It was necessary in two or three years to solve the problem of ensuring the nuclear security of our state, that is, to create a nuclear shield. This task was successfully solved. But economic issues related to the efficiency and activities of the Ministry of Medium Machine Building and the nuclear industry as a whole were not a priority.

Now the world has changed, conditions have changed. Rosatom should become the world leader in the field nuclear technology... In order to solve these problems already in new conditions, new methods are needed, new approaches are needed, and the key issue is the issue of efficiency.

Accordingly, the production system of Rosatom is precisely aimed at achieving maximum efficiency... I repeat - in all forms, from nuclear medicine to power generation.

Moreover, Rosatom should be more than just effective. It must be competitive with the world's leading players, including in terms of innovation.

Therefore, it is wrong to neglect the experience of foreign colleagues who have achieved success in a particular field of activity. And Rosatom absorbs all foreign experience in improving the efficiency of its activities, but relies primarily on domestic roots.

- Where exactly does the implementation of the RPS start?

- The production system of Rosatom began to be implemented in 2008. The first pilot sites were a machine-building plant in Elektrostal and ZIO "Podolsk".

- That is, it engineering enterprises... One of them produces fuel assemblies, the other, respectively, works with steam generators and other heavy equipment.

- Both there, and there the introduction of the RPS has shown its effectiveness. There is an increase in labor productivity, a decrease in production costs, and a reduction in the production time of products.

I can give an example of MCP welding at the fourth power unit of the Kalinin NPP, when it was possible to reduce the MCP welding cycle from 255 days to 127 thanks to the use of PSR tools.

- This is where they cooked it? In Podolsk?

- No. This was already cooked on the site. This is another example of the implementation of the RPS in addition to the first two named.

If my memory serves me, then in 2010, 54 projects were successfully implemented through the RPS. At the first stage of implementation, pilot sites were selected at a number of enterprises. Now comes the second stage, when the system will be implemented in the main production chains of enterprises. We are moving from test, trial implementations to a full-fledged full-scale implementation of the RPS.

The system has already proven its effectiveness and brought a certain economic effect, although, as you understand, it is not always easy to measure it during pilot implementations.

By way of illustration. For example, in a workshop at a particular enterprise, the production area is halved due to the rational placement of equipment or a change in its layout. How to calculate the economic effect in this case?

The workshop is half free, but it continues to be heated and maintained. The enterprise can be closed, and it is impossible to let tenants into the vacated area. It is rather difficult to calculate the effect of implementation here.

Nevertheless, I have certain numbers. For those pilot projects that we implemented at the first stage, the effect was obtained, in total, about 3 billion rubles.

- This is for two enterprises? Electrostal and Podolsk?

- No. As I said, in total, at the first stage, there were 54 pilot projects for the implementation of the Rosatom Production System at 51 enterprises. They gave us a cumulative effect of about 3 billion rubles. In comparison, this is more than 30 times the associated costs of implementing a production system.

- A question about a specific company, about Podolsk. Where exactly at ZiO "Podolsk" was the implementation of the RPS? On what particular site?

- At the ZiO "Podolsk" plant, the system was implemented at the site for the manufacture of steam generator modules. Before the implementation, the productivity was two pieces per month. In October 2009, that is, less than a year after the start of implementation, the productivity reached three pieces per month. Now the figure has reached five units per month.

- These are modules for steam generators for ...

-… for BN-800, your publication's favorite reactor.

- How many modules were released in total?

- Before the advent of the AKP - 72 pieces were produced in 41 months. After implementation, the same 72 pieces were made in 18 months. The reduction in the production time is obvious.

The section for the manufacture of studs for the BN-800 reactor units in the shop # 33. In 2008, two sets of studs were produced per month. In October 2009 - three sets of hairpins per month. In 2010 - five sets of hairpins per month.

At the same time, the decrease in the number occurred in relation to 2009 by half.

- People were fired or ...

- Nobody fired people. There was a reduction in the number of participants in this process, and not the total staff. People were not fired, they were transferred to other production areas.

At the same time, there was a reduction in warehouse stocks. From 2008 to 2010, the reduction in stocks in the flow occurred 30 times.

Another example from Podolsk. A section for the manufacture of air cooling devices in workshop No. 16 of ZiO "Podolsk". In 2008, nine sets were produced per month. In 2009, we switched to the level of 12 sets per month. In 2010 - 15 sets per month. The cycle time for the manufacture of air coolers decreased by 20% by 2009, by 25% by 2010. The stocks in the stream have been reduced by 25 times.

Different sides of the AKP

- The question is - actually, what has changed with the introduction of the RPS?

- The main idea at the first stage of implementation of the Rosatom Production System is to reduce of various kinds losses. That is, these are unnecessary unnecessary movements, these are unnecessary stocks and overproduction of products, as we like to say, "for future use." But this is frozen money!

I recently visited one of our enterprises - OJSC “NIKIMT-Atomstroy”, so they have been on the site for several years now, they do not “lie”, namely, sheets of stainless steel with a total value of more than 12 million rubles are “lying around”. And so far, unfortunately, this is not an isolated case.

There are seven classic types of losses in the AKP. Unnecessary human actions, unnecessary unnecessary transportation, waiting losses, when a person or equipment is waiting for the next part, excess inventory (in fact, frozen money), unnecessary unnecessary processing steps, rejects or corrections, overproduction.

These are seven classic types of losses. By reducing them, by correct organization workplaces, due to the correct arrangement and layout of equipment, and the effect is achieved.

- Doesn't the intensity of people's work increase? Excessive burden on people is not always correct. The French got stuck on this.

- In this case, we are talking about unnecessary work of people. That is, people worked, but they worked in vain or idle, that is, they made losses. We remove unnecessary labor and replace it with necessary, useful labor, which brings added value to the product.

Due to this, without changing the intensity of labor, there is an increase in the efficiency of activities.

- Do we understand correctly that Rosatom, introducing the RPS, wants not to increase sweatshops, but, on the contrary, to remove unnecessary and unnecessary labor?

- In fact, that's exactly what it is.

- You helped to dramatically increase the rate of production of modules for BN-800 steam generators. Has the demand for modules increased?

- The subtext of the question is clear. Yes, if we only build one unit with BN, your irony makes sense. But even in the case of BN, there is also a Chinese order for two units. And there is an understanding that we need to be ready to occupy a niche in the market, to be ready for new orders that will surely appear.

By the way, after Fukushima, Rosatom got new opportunities. While many countries, including Russia's competitors in the nuclear market, have slowed down their activity, Rosatom has a “window of the possible”. This is one of the tasks that, among other things, fall on the AKP.

- What is the difference between the implementation of the RPS at various enterprises of the State Corporation "Rosatom"? We present how it can be implemented in a factory. But how will you implement the RPS in the design bureau? Or at a research institute?

- This question is often asked. If we are talking about the mass production of a large number of products of the same type, then everything is clear there. There is a pipeline where there are repetitive operations that can be improved from operation to operation.

At the same time, both Russian and Soviet experience, as well as the experience of foreign colleagues, show that production systems can be implemented not only in serial or mass production.

The Toyota production system was used not only in the workshops, but also at the R&D stage. Moreover, the efficiency of production processes was laid precisely at the R&D stage.

The designers considered how effective the production of this or that structure, this or that product would be, that is, issues of manufacturability are put at the forefront even at the stage of formulating the concept. A similar approach was in the design bureau of the Soviet period, but the requirements of the technologists were not always strictly followed. Changes have been made, including in terms of production efficiency. At the R&D stage, those costs are laid down, the cost that the finished product will then have during its production.

As the experience of developing new models at Toyota shows, through the use of lean manufacturing methods in R&D, they manage to significantly reduce the development time. Let's say there are world records for the development of new models, and they belong to Toyota, when a new model is created in 10-12 months. While at other foreign enterprises, the R&D cycle when developing a new model takes up to 40 months.

- But we don't need new project reactor every 10 months.

- But we need to achieve a reduction in the construction time of blocks to 40 months in order to be competitive. And this will require the introduction of the tools of the production system so that at the design stage, the project itself would include a tight construction schedule.

The same can be said about the cost of an object in a highly competitive market, when the Koreans win tenders for the construction of new power units, giving a low price for the unit.

Of course, at the R&D stage, it is required to take into account the cost of the future facility and its construction. This is one of the aspects of introducing a production system at the R&D stage.

The second aspect concerns the effectiveness of interaction between groups of specialists, designers and scientists, their communication with each other. The Japanese have such a concept as "obeya" - when all specialists gather in one large room and jointly solve problems. Moreover, designers often solve the problems of technologists and vice versa. Unfortunately, we do not have such experience yet.

In the R&D cycle, there are also technological chains for the design of certain parts of the object. If one design bureau develops a reactor, another develops steam generators, and the third develops a turbine, then their effective interaction with each other is very important. So that the R&D product of one development group is made exactly on time when the other group needs it. This is the so-called "pull" method - the same lean manufacturing tool.

Organization of clear interaction is one of the tasks of the Rosatom Production System at the R&D stage.

- Can you name examples of institutions where the Rosatom Production System will be introduced?

- Now I visit the enterprises of NTK. We started working, for example, at NIITFA, at VNIIKhT, at NIIEFA named after Efremov. Ultimately, it is assumed that I will visit all or almost all of the enterprises of the NTC. Specific projects and products are outlined. And these are the main products of the development of certain organizations that are part of the STC block of the state corporation. All enterprises included in this block will be covered by the RPS.

- What exactly can the AKP help the NIIEFA Institute?

- Several projects were outlined. For example, cyclotrons, which help diagnose cancer. Today NIEFA makes two cyclotrons a year. By 2014, the institute will work out the flow and will release a series of 10 products per year. This task will be solved using the RPS.

The next projects are optimization of the production of gamma tomographs, linear therapeutic accelerators. Considering a possible future order, this could be a series of 25 pieces per year, each worth a million dollars. In addition, NIIEFA participates in the ITER project, and components for a fusion reactor account for 70% of the institute's orders. Accordingly, the RPS will also be introduced there.

- What will be done to ensure that employees of the state corporation more willingly switch to work on new system? Will there be incentives? Or will it be done by order?

- Let's start with the fact that the experience of implementing the RPS shows that when people get acquainted with this production system, when we teach them, already at the stage of training they have intrinsic motivation introducing these tools into your work.

Simply because increasing one's own efficiency is inherent in a person's character. If this is a conscientious worker, he strives to ensure that he has order in the workplace, he strives to do his job more efficiently and with high quality. Intrinsic motivation works, and this is the main thing.

At the same time, the task has been set - and it is already being implemented, in particular, in TVEL - to amend the current provisions on motivation that are adopted at enterprises in order to take into account the contribution of each employee to the development of the production system of the enterprise, to take into account specific proposals for improvements, which every employee does. Such "Provisions on motivation for the RPS" have already been introduced in a number of enterprises of the State Corporation, for example, at the Balakovo NPP, at VNIINM and others.

Of course, we will take into account the previous experience as well. In particular, the Soviet one, when for the so-called "ratsuhi" ( rationalization proposals) specific employee received an award.

Of course, these employees interested in the implementation of the tools of the Rosatom Production System, actively participating in our programs, should be considered as personnel reserve in terms of their career development at the enterprise.

- Both are important. Because a good locksmith does not necessarily make a good boss, but he will not refuse a good bonus.

- Absolutely so. As I have already said, there is an experience of this kind of activity. And this process will continue.


Video report by Sergey Obozov “Production efficiency management. Role of the Rosatom Production System "

About the author:
Leader and Chief Editor... At the Institute for Complex strategic research responsible for the development of the publishing direction - lean books. Teaches Lean Manufacturing at Tomsk Polytechnic University.

The production system of Rosatom (RPS) is a culture of lean production and a system of continuous improvement of processes to ensure a competitive advantage at the global level.

The RPS is based on five principles that urge employees to be attentive to the customer's requirements (not only in relation to the end user, but also to the consumer site, consumer workshop and even the subsequent operator); solve problems at the place of their occurrence; build quality into the process, do not produce waste; identify and eliminate any losses (excessive warehouse stocks, interoperational backlogs, downtime, unnecessary movements, etc.); be an example to colleagues.

These principles were formulated on the basis of the best examples of domestic and foreign experience, in particular, the system of scientific organization of labor, production and management (NOTPiU) of the USSR Ministry of Medium Machine Building and the Toyota Production System of the Japanese automobile company Toyota. The production system of Rosatom is aimed at fulfilling the strategic goals of the State Corporation, and sectoral RPS projects are aimed at increasing productivity, reducing costs and improving product quality. Knowledge and ability to apply RPS tools is a prerequisite for the professional and career growth of employees of the nuclear industry.

At the beginning of 2015, it was decided to apply a systematic approach to the deployment of RPS at enterprises: decomposition of goals to the level of the site manager, optimization of the production of the company's main products (production flows), implementation of RPS projects, training and motivation of employees. By 2017, the system deployment contour has grown from 10 to 23 RPS enterprises. Until 2020, there will be about 30 of them, their products will form about 80% of the total cost of Rosatom.

According to the concept of development of the Rosatom Production System, all enterprises where the integrated system is being deployed are divided into three levels: “RPS Leader”, “RPS Candidate” and “RPS Reserve”. Enterprises - "Leaders of the RPS" receive a package of privileges (visits of a business coach to the enterprise, the opportunity for employees to travel to exchange experience to foreign and Russian leading enterprises, family trips, certificates for training at the Rosatom Corporate Academy, participation in the project "Design of the working space" and etc.).

At present, the implementation of RPS at the enterprises of the industry has already made it possible to achieve significant savings, a reduction in inventory in warehouses and the timing of preventive maintenance at Russian nuclear power plants.

Production system "Rosatom" (RPS)
What is RPS?

The Rosatom production system is a large-scale industry project designed not only to increase labor productivity to the level of foreign competitors of ROSATOM and reduce costs, but also to increase wages and form new rules for career growth.

The development and implementation of the RPS began in the second half of 2008, when the General Director of the State Atomic Energy Corporation "Rosatom" Sergei Kiriyenko set a goal to quadruple labor productivity in the industry by 2020, cut costs and, as a result, reduce the cost of manufactured products. On December 29, 2008, an order was signed “On the implementation of the Rosatom production system in the organizations of the industry”.

At the heart of the RPS is the NOTPiU of the Ministry of Medium Machine Building of the USSR - a system of scientific organization of labor, production and management. In addition, the RPS includes and is adapted to industry-specific best achievements and tools from other modern systems, in particular, the principles of the Japanese Toyota Production System.

Japanese 5S Principle: Quality - Safety - Performance

Sort - SEIRI
Separate the necessary from the useless

Indicate rarely used
Leave only what you need

Keep order - SEITO Identify a place for each item
Every thing in its place

Keep it clean - SEISO Wash the equipment
Clear workplace
Identify sources of pollution
Eliminate sources of pollution

Standardize - SEIKETSU Mark places requiring special
Create visual standards

Improve - SHITSUKE Be disciplined
Follow the 5S rules
Improve standards


year 2014:

A project was implemented within the framework of the enterprise and the NWC division "Increasing the productivity of SFA separation", achieved target- division of 5 SFAs in one shift, as well as an ambitious indicator - division of 6 SFAs in one working shift.

As part of optimization procurement activities put into operation Information system preparation of applications for the purchase of goods / works / services. This project in the competition of RPS projects of Rosatom took first place in the nomination " best project on optimization of office processes (de-bureaucratization) ". The author of the work - Rgroup leader new technology and RPS technologiesAlexander Melitonov.

2015 year:

“Optimization of the LRW processing process”. Targets achieved:

Reduced by 10% the processing time of 90 m 3 LRW;
- labor costs have been reduced by 60% for processing 90 m3 of LRW.

"Optimization of the nuclear fuel refueling process for reactors OK-900, KLT-40, KLT-40M with the use of refueling equipment of the 1314 complex." Targets achieved:

Reduced by 10% (4 days) time spent on reloading nuclear fuel.

2016 year:

- "Implementation of the 5C system at the special section for the repair of ship nuclear power plants and ATU (RTK 6 span western side and 7 span)", as a result of the implementation of this project complete modernization of the NPU and ATU repair section was carried out. The equipment necessary for the repair of special equipment and special equipment was purchased and installed in accordance with the developed layout scheme. nuclear icebreakers and ATO ships. Shelves, workbenches, cabinets were also purchased and installed. As a result of the project implementation, 100% of workplaces were covered in accordance with the requirements of the 5C system;

- “Use of the SRW CPS container as a reversible one for loading the cores and cores from the reactor plant of nuclear ships”, which allowed saving, in advance, more than 150,000 rubles;
"Reducing the time spent on preparing information and documents for placement in the UIS", the time spent was reduced by 69.8% from 5776 hours to 1746 hours for 572 contracts, which made it possible to save more than 1,500,000 rubles.

2017 year:

Rosatomflot has started personnel training at the RPS course under the guidance of the company's internal trainer Alexander Melitonov. The Regulation on motivating employees for the development of production facilities of Rosatom is in effect.

If you have a proposal aimed at improving the efficiency of production processes, reducing wasted time, please contact the group of new equipment, technology and RPS - group leader Alexander Melitonov tel .: 55-33-01 (ext .: 6269), Leading specialist of the group Valery Romanov tel .: 55-33-01 (ext .: 6168).

For questions about registering for the RPS training, please contact the HR department - the manager for training and development Elena Tkachenko, tel .: 55-33-59 (ext .: 7359).


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