Quest game according to the rules of the road for primary school students. For road safety in russia Road safety competitions for children

All-Russian competition for the best methodological development

"Lesson-game by the rules road traffic»

“Safe world. School of Confidence "

for students in grades 5-8

There are many road rules in the world,

All would not hurt us to learn them,

But the basic rules of the traffic

Know how the multiplication table should be.

(inscription on the board)

Krivobokova Maria Sergeevna, social teacher MAOU SOSH № 14 named after A.F. Lebedev, Tomsk

Material Description: I offer you a scenario of a lesson-game on traffic rules “Safe world. School of Confidence ". This material will be interesting and useful class teachers, counselors, teachers additional education... You can use the script as for class hour and for an open lesson. Test tasks can be used to conduct school competitions on traffic rules.


  • prevention of child road transport injury;
  • propaganda of the Rules of the road;
  • reinforcement of skills safe behavior on road.
  • check and consolidate knowledge of traffic rules on the streets and roads;
  • rules for bicycle drivers;
  • use by public transport;
  • foster a culture of behavior in students.


  • Expand your horizons in the field of traffic rules.
  • Develop teamwork skills.
  • To form the ability to independently use the knowledge gained in everyday life.
  • To deepen students' knowledge of traffic rules.
  • Form students' ideas about road safety when moving on streets and roads.
  • To educate the skills of fulfilling the basic rules of behavior of students on the street, on the road, in order to prevent child road traffic injuries.


According to statistics, about three quarters of all road traffic accidents involving children occur as a result of their ill-considered actions. How to prevent the growth of road accidents involving schoolchildren?

To do this, it is necessary to consider teaching the Rules of the Road as part of the teaching and educational work of the school. At the same time, the most important conditions for training should be the regularity of classes, their continuity, continuity, systematicity. Along with traditional lessons, it is necessary to conduct unusual activities.

Organization of the game:
The guys are divided into 3-4 teams of 7-8 participants each, which will compete with each other during the event.
Equipment: interactive whiteboard, computer with presentation, music, video clips (social clips),whatman sheets of paper with road signs printed on them, cut into pieces, paints, felt-tip pens, traffic light tokens, signal cards in the form of red and green circles, cards with letters printed on them, pins. Memo, recommendations. Diplomas, diplomas, certificates.

The course of the event.

(introduction by the class teacher)
Lead 1: Hello guys! Traffic rules are very important for adults and children, for drivers and pedestrians. Today we will remember these important and necessary rules and at the end of our game we will find out which team is worthy of the title of "Traffic Experts".
First, let's get to know each other.

Lead 2: Our teams will be evaluated by a respected jury consisting of:

Deputy Director for BP -

Deputy Director for Security -

Senior counselor -

OBZH teacher -


Representation of commands. Each team is asked to come up with a name related to traffic.
Well, well, all the teams have introduced themselves, you can start the game ...

Lead: N more and more cars appear on our roads every day. High speed and the volume of traffic require special attention from pedestrians and drivers.

Caution, discipline and observance of traffic rules by drivers and pedestrians are the basis for safe traffic on the street.

A game (students answer the questions, gaining appropriate points)

Stage 1. "Collect the right word."
Host: There are envelopes with letters in front of you. Your task is to collect a word from these letters. Hint: this word is known to all road users. The winner is the team that completes the task faster than others.
The letters are printed on the cards: Z, E, L, E, N, Y, Y, S, F, E, T, O, F, O, R. (the word traffic light).

Letters are printed on the cards: D, O, R, O, J, N, Y, Y, Z, N, A, K

Stage 2. "Traffic rules are worthy of respect."
Presenter: Guys, on your tables are sheets of Whatman paper, paints, pencils, felt-tip pens, glue, pictures and many others. The next competition is creative. You should place a poster on the sheets of whatman paper calling to know and follow the rules of the road. (After the end of the game, these posters can be used in the design of the security corner).

Stage 3. "Blitz survey: Connoisseurs of history and rules"

What was the name of the very first pedestrian on Earth? (Adam)

Which of all road signs are the oldest? (distance indicators)

What roads were called pole roads in the old days? (main)

What was the name of a large dirt road in Russia in the old days, as opposed to a country road? (highway)

Under what Russian tsar did milestones first begin to be installed? (Alexey Mikhailovich, 300 years ago)

Which horizontal road marking line should not be crossed: solid or discontinuous? (solid line)

How far from the right edge of the carriageway is cycling permitted? (no more than 1 meter)

At what age can a child sit alone in the first seat of the car next to the driver? (from 12 years old)

Which vehicle should be bypassed from the front? (tram)

What does the constantly flashing yellow traffic light mean? (unregulated intersection)

Stage 3. "Figure driving".
(For this competition, obstacles should be placed on the floor, in the form of road signs, wheels, etc. Everything should be at a short distance from each other).
Host: the next competition is mobile. As you can see, there are obstacles on the floor. The task of the team captain is to go through all these difficulties with a "snake", then return for the next team member to "hook" him to himself and go further with him, then the next participant joins, and so on, until the whole team passes the "snake" through the obstacles. You need to complete this task as quickly as possible and not shoot down anything.

Stage 4. Competition "Traps" ( Slides on screen)

Assignment to teams: You need to answer questions and decide how to act correctly in various traffic situations.

Question 1:

You saw a bus pulling up to a stop on the opposite side of the road. How will you proceed?

Cross the road quickly to catch the bus, hoping that the drivers of moving cars will let you pass.

Stop, look left and right, make sure there are no vehicles and cross the road.

Question 2:

You dropped an object while crossing the carriageway. What is the right thing to do?

Pick up the object quickly and continue driving.

Look left and right. After making sure that there are no vehicles, pick up the object and continue driving.

Question 3:

What danger lurks for a schoolboy who saw his parents (friends) on the opposite side of the road?

(Wanting to meet them faster, the student begins to cross the street, often not noticing moving vehicles, thereby creating an emergency situation for other road users and not ensuring their own safety.)

Question 4:

Why is the moment when one car overtakes another dangerous for a pedestrian?(A pedestrian may not notice an overtaking car, and its driver may not see a pedestrian until he has completed overtaking, i.e. there is a threat of a collision with a person.)

Question 5:

What is the danger to a pedestrian standing in the middle of the carriageway?

(Standing in the middle, a pedestrian can accidentally step back and get hit by a car moving on the left side)

Question 6:

What danger can a pedestrian expect at a pedestrian crossing?

(One car may stop, letting you pass, and another, following it, may not let you pass.)

Stage 5. Competition "Do you believe that ..." (Slides on screen)

The facilitator reads out a question beginning with the words "Do you believe that ...". The teams, having consulted for 15 seconds, at the same time, at the signal of the leader - the words "Please show your answer" - raise the card with the answer "Yes" or "No".

Do you believe that ...

Are cyclists forbidden to ride without holding the wheel with at least one hand? (Yes)

Are cyclists forbidden to carry passengers (except for a child under 7 years old on an additional seat equipped with reliable footrests)? (Yes)

Are children allowed to be transported by truck? (Not)

Leonardo da Vinci was the first inventor of the bicycle? (Yes)

If there is a traffic light at an intersection and there is a traffic controller, then drivers and pedestrians must obey the traffic controller? (Yes)

When the traffic light is red, it is not allowed to drive vehicles of operational and special services with blue flashing beacons and sound signals turned on? (Not)

Should a cyclist move in the dark with his headlights or flashlight on? (Yes)

Can the motorcycle be driven from 18 years of age? (Yes)

Do passengers always need to wear seat belts? (Yes)

Do cyclists need to wear a helmet when driving outside the city? (Not)

Are pedestrians forbidden to cross the road at a green traffic light if a car is approaching with special signals on? (Yes)

The sign "Footpath" prohibits movement for all vehicles? (Not)

Is it allowed to stick your head and arms out of the windows on subway trains? (Not)

When crossing the carriageway, first you need to look to the left, then to the right? (Yes)

Does your car brake better on wet roads? (Not)

Do you need to go around the front of the bus to cross the carriageway correctly after getting off the bus? (Not)

The rider obeys the rules for riders. (No, rules for pedestrians)

It is allowed to sled and ski on the right side of the carriageway. (Not)

The driver must give way to pedestrians when entering the road. (Yes)

It is not allowed to cross the road on the carriageway if there is an underground passage in this place. (Yes)

Blinking green traffic light means the command: "It is prohibited to cross the road." (Not)

If the signals of the authorized official contradict the signals of the traffic lights, then drivers and pedestrians should obey only the signals of the authorized official. (Yes)

The first traffic light appeared in Russia. (Not)

Crossing the road is allowed when the traffic light is yellow. (Not)

It is allowed to carry a passenger in the back of a cargo scooter. (Not)

When driving a moped, you need to turn on the headlight during the day. (Yes)

Summing up the game

The jury announces the results of the game, names and awards the winners.
The winning team is awarded with certificates and diplomas. All participants receive certificates

A safe road is one of the most important conditions for a comfortable life for a person in modern conditions.

The need to introduce traffic rules came with the invention of the automobile. The car was designed to make life easier for a person, and the introduction of traffic rules was necessary to make it safe. Every year thousands and thousands of people die under the wheels of cars in our country, the cause of death is non-observance of traffic rules.

Traffic rules are a set of rules governing the responsibilities of vehicle drivers and pedestrians, and technical requirementsapplied to vehicles to ensure road safety.

Every day we are road users: a pedestrian, a driver or even a cyclist, so knowing the traffic rules is extremely necessary for each of us.

Do you know the rules of the road? Tell us how to behave correctly on the road. Let us show by our example that in our country the roads can be safe if, first of all, you observe traffic rules!

Send your drawings, posters, crafts, photos and videos to ourAll-Russian creative competition dedicated to traffic rules "In the country of safe roads"!

Contest procedure:

Acceptance of works fromOctober 10 to November 15, 2018 inclusive.

Determination of the winners from November 16 to November 19, 2018.

Publication of competition resultsNovember 20, 2018.

Diplomas in in electronic format sent to participants within a monthsa.

Diplomas in paper form sent to participants within one to two monthsfrom the moment the results are published show jumpingsa.

Purpose and Objectives of the Competition:

    Study, consolidation and compliance with traffic rules;

    Involvement of children in activities to promote the rules of safe behavior on the streets and roads;

    Identification and support of gifted and talented children;

    Promoting the development of the intellectual and ecological potential of the child's personality;

    Raising a love for creativity, beauty, art in children;

    Education of an artistic and aesthetic attitude to art;

    Introducing children to cultural values;

    Stimulating the cognitive interests of the child;

    Development of artistic and visual skills;

    Promotion of professional development of teachers of institutions of any type, developing children of preschool and school age; identifying creatively working teachers and creating conditions for their self-realization.

    Encouraging children, teachers to participate in network projects;

    Encouragement of children, teachers.

    Providing entrants with the opportunity to compete on a scale that transcends the institution and the region through a distance competition.


    pupils preschool institutions any type of RF;

    students of grades 1-11 of educational institutions of any type of the Russian Federation (schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, colleges, etc.);

    students of art schools, children's centers for additional education for children;

    children not attending educational institutions;

    students of universities, colleges, colleges, schools, etc.

    adults (teachers, educators, parents, etc.).

    Competition nominations:

    "Decorative and applied art" (photo and video materials are accepted for the competition of crafts on traffic rules, which show (s) crafts corresponding to the topic).

    "Drawing" (photos or scanned copies of drawings on the topic of traffic rules are accepted for the safe road drawing competition).

    "Poster" (presentations and photographs of a poster of your class, group, collective, or an individual poster are accepted for the Safe Road poster competition).

    "Wall newspaper" (presentations and photographs of the wall newspaper of your class, group, collective, or individual wall newspaper are accepted for the competition).

    "The photo" (interesting, unusual photos corresponding to the topic are accepted for the competition of photos of traffic rules).

    "Literary creativity" (the competition accepts any work done by you and creatively designed, telling about traffic rules, including poems, songs, stories).

    "Expressive reading" (audio recordings, video materials of expressive reading of poetry and prose by heart are accepted for the competition of readers about traffic rules).

    "Acting skills" (audio recordings, photo and video materials of monologues, stage groups, classes, groups and reciters are accepted for the competition).

    "Musical creativity" (audio recordings, video materials of musical groups, dance groups, young composers and performers corresponding to the topic are accepted for the competition).

    "Presentation" (for the competition of presentations on traffic rules, presentations made by you that correspond to the topic are accepted).

    "Film" (video materials corresponding to the topic are accepted for the competition of video clips of traffic rules).

    "Cartoon" (drawn by you drawn, plasticine, computer, etc. cartoons are accepted for the competition of cartoons on traffic rules).

How to correctly apply for the competition:


The registration fee depends on the number of participants:

1 to 9 people (works) - 70 rubles for each participant in each nomination, Based on the assessment competitive works The portal of the OC "The Way of Knowledge" will determine the winners (I, II, III places in each nomination) and prize-winners (laureates, diploma winners). The Portal's decision is final and not commented on. Winners and prize-winners of the competition will receive a personalized Diploma as a final document. Participants who were not included in the number of prize-winners receive a nominal Participant Diploma as a final document.

Teachers, educators, parents, having paid their registration fee, can receive their own personalized diploma for leadership in performing work.

Also, teachers who organized the participation in the competition of 5 or more children (for whom the Diplomas were issued), regardless of the results of the competition, receive Thank you letter with the wording "for active participation in the All-Russian competition", which is sent to emailspecified in the Application, together with diplomas.

Diplomas in electronic form are sent to participants within a month from the date of publication of the results of the competition to the e-mail addresses specified in the applications.
Paper diplomas are sent to the participants within two months from the date of publication of the results of the competition to the addresses indicated in the applications.

Diplomas are sent to participants free of charge.

PARTICIPATION IN THE EVENTS of the city and regional level

road Safety

City contests:

March 14, 2019on the basis of the MADOU "Teremok Kindergarten" of the Asbestovsky urban district, a city family competition "Traffic rules can be studied sadly, but you can be fun and tasty."

The founders of the competition are the Asbestovsky Department of the State Traffic Safety Inspection of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and the Department of Education of the Asbestovsky urban district.

Five teams took part in the competition program, four from the bottom - the teams of the Asbestovsky GO and one team of the kindergarten No. 48 "Chaika" of the Malyshevsky GO "We live by the rules" - the Beloglazov family: Maria Anatolyevna and Anna.

Traditionally, the competition began with a greeting. The team "We Live by the Rules" presented itself in a theatrical form. Mom, Maria Anatolyevna, turned into a naughty girl, then into a grandmother - an offender, and Anya told how to do the right thing in order not to get into trouble.

In the second competition, it was necessary to answer questions on the rules of the road, and the third competition was musical. The participants guessed the songs on the theme of the competition.

The last most "delicious" competition - homework... All the contestants demonstrated video presentations “DIY Culinary Masterpiece” on the topic of road safety. The team of kindergarten No. 48 "Chaika" presented a strawberry pie in the form road sign "No entry".

Fun games and contests, dances and riddles, applause from fans and a friendly atmosphere turned competition program a real holiday for children and parents.

We thank the organizers and founders of the competition.

We sincerely congratulate our Winners: Maria Anatolyevna and Anna Beloglazov, who took the honorable second place.

We wish you success and creative victories !!!

Public inspector of kindergarten number 48 Svetlana Markelova

And Victory again!

Pupils of kindergarten number 48 "Chaika" took part in the city crossword competition "In the country of road signs": group number 3 (educators Galina Petrovna Marina Viktorovna Bragina), group number 4 (educators Valentina Semenovna Semenova, Evgenia Sergeevna Syulatova), group number 6 (educators Tatiana Mikhailovna Chadova, Lilia Vladimirovna Purgina).

Teachers, children and parents have creatively approached the design of crosswords. For example, the team of group No. 3 designed a crossword puzzle in the form of a cute Zebra, group No. 4 depicted a crossword puzzle in a drawn truck.

Interesting questions, the brightness and brilliance of the crosswords did not leave indifferent the members of the jury, which included: Inspector for the promotion of road safety of the OGIBDD department Natalya Vladimirovna Kholkina, leading specialist of the Education Department of the Asbest city district Oksana Olegovna Shantarina, head of the city headquarters of the YID Elena Vyacheslavovna Ugryumova

Out of 130 creative works, the crossword puzzle of group No. 3 is recognized as the best! Congratulations to the winners! We wish creative success and new Victories!

Public Safety Inspector

road traffic of kindergarten number 48

Svetlana Markelova

From 15 to 22 October 2018 pupils of kindergarten number 48 "Chaika" (group number 3 "Golden Key", group number 4 "Ku-ka-rya-ta", group number 6 "Zateyniki"), together with their parents, took part in the city crossword competition "In the country of rules road traffic "among preschool students educational organizations Asbestovsky, Malyshevsky, Reftinsky urban districts.

The crossword competition is organized by the Department of Education of the Asbestovskiy urban district together with the OGIBDD of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia "Asbestovskiy" on the basis of MADOU DS No. 27 of the Asbestovskiy GO.

We wish our participants only VICTORY !!!

January 31 in " Kindergarten combined type No. 27 "Asbestos city district held a competitionfor the best song, a poem on road safety.

Pupils from 19 preschool educational institutions Asbestovsky took part in the competition

urban district and 3 preschool educational institutions of Malyshevsky urban district

Maltseva Diana, a pupil of group No. 5 "Teremok" was recognized as the winner in the nomination "Vocal Creativity"!

A pupil of the same group Nikitina Nadya won the Grand Prix

in the reading competition!

Thank you for participating in the competition of reciters, pupil of group No. 6 "Zateyniki" Batula I cook!

Participation in the city defile competition

clothing models with reflective elements -

january Of 2018

Defending the work of a public inspector to promote road safety in May 2017 on the territory of the Malyshevsky urban district with the participation of inspectors from the OGIBDD of the city of Asbest

- Minutes of the meeting of the panel of judges to sum up the results of the city competition of newspapers "Pravda BDD" - November 2016

- Minutes of the meeting of the panel of judges to sum up the results of the city competition of children's creativity "My road to school (kindergarten)"- October 2016

- Minutes of the meeting of the panel of judges on summing up the second stage of the regional competition of children's creativity "Uncle Misha's heirs", dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the creation of the ORUD-GAI-GIBDD Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia -june 2016

- Minutes of the meeting of the organizing committee and the panel of judges on summing up the city competition of newspapers "Pravda BDD" - november 2015

"ABC of the city"

The city in which we live with you
It can rightfully be compared with a primer,
The alphabet of streets, avenues, roads.
The city gives us a lesson all the time.

Here it is, the alphabet, - above your head:
Signs are posted along the pavement.
Always remember the ABC of the city
So that trouble does not happen to you.
(Y. Pishumov)

Let this poem become an epigraph to a new competition, which starts from today on the portal "World of Preschool Children". All-Russian competition for road safety "ABC of the city".

After all, we talk about this constantly. We conduct educational, entertaining, a wide variety of activities aimed at teaching preschoolers and their parents the rules of safe behavior on the road.

Any work is accepted for the competition - lectures, scripts, actions, presentations, video and audio recordings, didactic games, visualization, projects .... Anything that YOU see fit to submit to the competition!

Your pupils can also participate in the competition! Let them reflect in their works the knowledge they received from you, from their parents, from those around them.

The position together with the application you can

And - on the topic of the competition - the All-Russian quiz for preschoolers on traffic rules "ROAD WITHOUT DANGERS"

More details about the rules of quizzes on the portal "World of Preschool Children" read HERE

It will be useful for you in your work:

The system of work presented in the manual within the framework of the content of teaching the rules of the road includes all the components necessary for solving the tasks set by the Federal State Educational Standard of DO: goals, content, methods, means, forms and types of activities, recommendations for organizing a developing subject-spatial environment.

An interesting and useful material is proposed to accompany all participants in education - teachers, parents and children of each age group: scenarios of seminars, teachers' councils, parenting meetings, notes of activities and entertainment.

Addressed to leaders, methodologists, educators of preschool educational organizations, useful for students of pedagogical educational institutions.

The Uchmag store presents a wholeSection "Traffic rules in the preschool educational institution"

Section presentation:


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