System of work on traffic regulations in dow presentation. Presentation “Traffic rules for kids. Road safety corner in the group

9th grade student Amelin Pavel

The multimedia presentation "Safety and Traffic Rules" is a visual aid for learning traffic rules.



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Prohibitory signs: Warning signs: Railroad crossing without a barrier " Road works"" Falling stones "Section of the road on which landslides, landslides, falling stones are possible." Other hazards "Section of the road on which there are dangers not covered by other warning signs." Bicycles prohibited "" Pedestrian traffic prohibited "" Danger " Further movement of all vehicles without exception is prohibited in connection with a road traffic accident, accident, fire or other danger.

Signs of a special order: "Bus and (or) trolleybus stopping place". "Tram stop". "Crosswalk" . "Pedestrian zone" The place from which the territory (road section) begins, on which only pedestrians are allowed to move.

Service signs: "First aid station" "Hospital" "Telephone" "Food point" "Police" "Toilet"

The movement of all vehicles is FORBIDDEN in all directions. Pedestrians are FORBIDDEN to cross the carriageway. From the side of the right and left sides, the tram is allowed to move straight, trackless vehicles straight and to the right, pedestrians are allowed to cross the carriageway. From the side of the chest and back, movement of all vehicles is FORBIDDEN. Pedestrians are FORBIDDEN to cross the carriageway. Pedestrians are ALLOWED to cross the carriageway ONLY behind the back of the traffic controller. Pedestrians are FORBIDDEN to cross the carriageway. Pedestrians are ALLOWED to cross the carriageway ONLY behind the back of the traffic controller. Pedestrians are FORBIDDEN to cross the carriageway.

When you walk down the street, you are a pedestrian. You are allowed to walk on the street only on sidewalks, keeping to the right side so as not to interfere with the traffic of oncoming pedestrians. If there is no sidewalk, go towards traffic on the side of the road or the edge of the road. Then not only the driver sees you from afar, but you also see the approaching car.

In order to cross to the other side of the street, there are certain places and they are called pedestrian crossings. They are marked with "Pedestrian Crossing" road signs and white zebra lines. If there is no marked pedestrian crossing, you can cross the street at intersections along the lines of sidewalks or shoulders. Make sure you are completely safe before crossing the road. Stop at the edge of the carriageway, listen, look to the left and, if there are no cars, walk to the middle of the carriageway. Look right again, and if there is no transport, finish the crossing. The road must be crossed at right angles and in places where the road is clearly visible in both directions.

If there is a traffic light at a pedestrian crossing or intersection, it will show you when to go and when to stand and wait. Red light for pedestrians - stop, yellow - wait, green - go. Never cross the street at a red light, even if there are no cars nearby. As soon as the green light comes on, do not "rush" from the sidewalk into the road. It happens that the car has faulty brakes, and it can unexpectedly go to a pedestrian crossing. Therefore, you must cross the road calmly. Cross over, don't cross!

A smart pedestrian will never run out onto the road, even if it's a crossing point. He will go calmly, because for the driver, a person who has jumped out on the road is always a surprise, and it is not known whether the driver will be able to cope with this surprise. It is dangerous to play next to the road: riding a bike in summer or winter sledging. Know the safety rules for pedestrians, do not break them, learn to apply them in life! The main rule safe behavior - to anticipate the danger. Slow down your pace, listen when you approach an arch, a corner of a house - in general, any place from which a car might suddenly leave.

"Vehicle"  a device designed to transport people, goods or equipment installed on it by road. “Road user”  a person who is directly involved in the process of movement as a driver, pedestrian, passenger of a vehicle. Take a close look at the following slides and answer the questions.

Name the road users. Name vehicles.

Look for pedestrians in the photo. Find vehicles in the photo.

Indicate vehicles in the photos. Show road users.

BEFORE YOU CROSS THE ROAD - MAKE SURE YOU'RE SAFE! Typical road traps. 1. The main danger is a standing car! A standing car is dangerous: it can cover another car that is moving at high speed, it prevents you from noticing the danger in time. You cannot go out on the road because of the standing cars. In extreme cases, you need to carefully look out from behind a standing car, make sure that there is no danger, and only then cross the road.

2. Do not go around a parked bus either in front or behind! A standing bus blocks a section of the road along which a car can pass at the moment when you decide to cross it. In addition, people near the bus stop are usually in a hurry and forget about safety. From the stop you need to move towards the nearest pedestrian crossing.

3. Know how to anticipate the hidden danger! Because of a standing car, house, fence, bushes, etc., a car may suddenly leave. To cross the road, you need to choose a place where the road is visible in both directions. In extreme cases, you can carefully look out from behind the obstacle, make sure that there is no danger, and only then cross the road.

4. The car is approaching slowly, and yet you must let it pass. A slow moving car can hide behind it a high speed car. A pedestrian is often unaware that another car may be hidden behind one.

5. And you can meet danger at the traffic light. Today, on the roads of the city, we are constantly faced with the fact that car drivers violate the Traffic Rules: they rush on high speedignoring traffic signals and crossing signs. Therefore, it is not enough to focus on the green traffic light, you need to make sure that there is no danger. Pedestrians often reason like this: "The cars are still standing, the drivers see me and let me go." They are wrong.

6. Children often run across the "deserted" street without looking. On the street, where cars rarely appear, children run out onto the road without first examining it, and are run over by a car. Develop the habit of always stopping before going out on the road, looking around, listening - and only then crossing the street.

7. Standing on the center line, remember: there may be a car behind! Having reached the center line and stopped, pedestrians usually only watch the cars moving on the right side, and forget about the cars passing behind them. Frightened, a person can take a step back - right under the wheels of the car. If you had to stop in the middle of the road, you must be extremely careful, not make a single movement, without making sure of safety.

8. Arches and exits from courtyards are places of hidden danger! In large cities, the places of increased danger are arches through which cars leave the courtyards on the roadway.

Find pedestrian hazards:

Try to understand the traffic situations suggested in the following slides and give advice to pedestrians.

Situation 1. A passenger exited the bus (or trolleybus) to a landing site located on the sidewalk or roadside. There is a pedestrian crossing near the stop. What to do?

Situation 1. And if the pedestrian crossing is located before the stop?

Situation 2. A passenger left the sidewalk or sidewalk, he needs to cross to the other side of the road, but there is no pedestrian crossing nearby. What to do?

А В Situation 3. At the stopping points equipped with raised landing areas (located in the middle of the road), passengers got out of the stopped trams moving in opposite directions and decided to cross to opposite sides of the road. Trams A and B stopped opposite each other. In this case, tram A was behind the pedestrian crossing, and tram B did not reach this pedestrian crossing a little.

Situation 4. Two pedestrians exit from oncoming trams to stopping points equipped with raised landing platforms located in the middle of the road. Both trams did not reach the pedestrian crossing a bit, which is adjacent to the landing sites. Both pedestrians decided to cross the tram lines and head to the opposite side of the road.

Situation 5. Pedestrians got off the trams to boarding points that were not equipped with elevated landing areas. The boarding points are located in the middle of the road

Thank you for participating! Until next time! Developed Pavel Amelin

Inna Atajanova
Presentation “Traffic rules. Integration. Security"

In the last decade, the problem of increasing security road traffic is one of the national priorities of state policy Russian Federation, and teaching children the rules safe road behavior is included in the main educational programs preschool education.

Our kindergarten is located in a neighborhood with heavy traffic, therefore, the need to teach children the rules of the road is dictated by life itself.

Federal target program "Increase security road traffic in 2013-2020 "fixed the basic principles, defined the rights and obligations of road users, considered the basic requirements for the training of drivers. Regulation on compulsory training citizens' rules of behavior on the roads are included in the relevant state standards.

The work of teachers with children on this issue should not be limited to verbal instructions "This is possible, but this is not possible"... The main goal is to develop in children the skills of conscious behavior, where the key word is "Conscious"

The main areas of work of teachers to study Traffic rules:

Information and educational;

Cognitive research;

Visual information

To conduct classes, conversations with children, the necessary conditions: in the methodical office there is a selection of methodological literature, sets of road signs, posters, methodological developments... In the groups there are SDA corners, developing didactic games, attributes for role-playing games, albums. Educators systematically subscribe to the newspaper "Good childhood road"use newspaper materials to work with children.

When working with children, teachers use toys of various types of transport. A bank of abstracts of classes, entertainment, a card index of outdoor games has been collected, there is a selection of teaching materials from electronic journal "Bulletin of Education".

This year, a mini-library was created with a selection of children's fiction literature on the study of traffic rules, literature with methodological recommendations for parents. The library is popular with children and adults.

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There is an information stand for parents on the study of traffic rules, created the Internet-page on the website of the preschool educational institution by traffic safety.

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The preschool educational institution has a special room for studying traffic rules. Collected here road signs, microdistrict layouts, work of children and parents, posters, newspaper filing "Good childhood road"... Teachers here conduct classes, children play, draw, make crafts.

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An annual work plan for the study of traffic rules has been drawn up. It provides for work with teachers, parents and children. The plan is drawn up taking into account the implementation of the program "Adventures of a Traffic Light".

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The work planning is carried out by the road safety... The commission develops scenarios of events, sums up the results of competitions held among children, teachers, and parents. Currently, in cooperation with the traffic police, work is underway to create a modern auto-town on the site kindergarten.

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A road passport has been developed security... Teachers preparatory groups use it in class with children, introducing children to dangerous areas on the way to kindergarten.

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Classes of the cognitive cycle, targeted walks, reading fiction, thematic leisure and entertainment, various types of didactic games are conducted with children.

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In the summer, in the kindergarten we hold holidays and entertainment, where our children teach the heroes of fairy tales the rules of the road, and the teachers create game situations to master this knowledge.

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Our children participate in activities for the study of traffic rules in the neighborhood. This is a promotion "Walking bus", stock "Buckle up and smile", « Safe path to kindergarten» .

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A detachment of young assistants to traffic inspectors has been created at the preschool educational institution. Yupidovites often speak to children of preschool educational institutions on topics "Light up in the dark" - about the need for reflective elements on clothing, especially in the dark, in explain in an interesting waywhy wear flickers during excursions and walks outside the preschool educational institution. The performances are thematic in nature and correspond to the seasons.

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Working with parents is versatile. These are not only well-known forms of work in the institution, but also the family experience of parents, joint work on making handicrafts for participation in the exhibition. At the meetings, we definitely celebrate active parents, present them with certificates and letters of thanks.

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Our preschool educational institution works in close cooperation with representatives of the traffic police. They provide information on parenting meetings, participate in activities with children, consult teachers.

In terms of the implementation of the successive ties between the preschool educational institution and the school, the detachments of the YUID of school No. 7 appear in front of the children.

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It must be remembered by all adults that the most best example for a child, we are adults. And if we ourselves violate traffic rules, our children will also violate them, no matter how much we persuade them not to do so. Be the best teachers for your children!

Related publications:

Report on the work of a road safety teacher “Traffic rules. Integration. Security" "Traffic rules. Integration. Safety "Being the chairman of the commission" For traffic safety "in our preschool institution for several.

Work experience “SDA. Integration. Security" "Traffic rules. Integration. Security". The purpose of the work is to educate children preschool age safe behavior in life, on the road, culture.

Fairy Tale Safety Presentation Talking about rules with kids isn't easy. Rules are clear guidelines that limit children's desires and freedoms. Only the right one.

Presentation of the competition for traffic rules “Integration. Security" On October 31, a zonal competition was held in st. Bokovskaya, where 15 teams of the Rostov region, including my presentation. All teams submitted.

Alla Kovalenko
Presentation on traffic rules

Good day.

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You are welcomed by the teaching staff of MBDOU # 70, Shakhty, Rostov region.

We present to your attention our work on the prevention of road traffic injuries.

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The road ... like life. Both in life and on the road, you never know what might happen, around which corner the danger awaits.

Their life and health depend on the behavior of pedestrians on the street. And children, the most careless participants in the movement. They disregard the rules of behavior, primarily because they do not pose a threat to them.

And therefore, you need to prepare yourself and especially children for various unforeseen situations on the road with early age.

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Preschoolers do not have a protective psychological reaction to the road situation typical of adults. The thirst for knowledge, the desire to constantly discover something new put the child in front of real dangers, including on the streets of the city.

I think that the sooner we introduce the child to the rules of the road, teach him the skills of the culture of behavior on the streets and roads, the fewer accidents on the roadway.

That is why it is necessary to teach children safe behavior on the streets, roads, in transport and traffic rules from a very early age. Both parents and preschool institutions should take part in this, and in the future, of course, the school and other educational institutions.

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In our kindergarten, the road traffic safety commission coordinates the work on the prevention of road traffic injuries.

On this slide, you can trace the work of the Commission "For Road Safety" with teachers, children, parents, as well as with society.

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To implement the assigned tasks, the preschool educational institution creates the necessary conditions... Equipped methodical office and safety corners on traffic rules, which have a variety of advisory material, recommendations, materials of the Commission "For traffic safety", seminars, video materials.

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The cabinet is supplied with instructional material, periodicals (the newspaper "Good Road of Childhood and the magazine" Journey to the Green Light ").

Designed for teachers information stands, where you can get acquainted with information about the planned events, stages of the game - travel "Adventure of a traffic light", specific recommendations for teaching preschoolers traffic rules, etc.

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In our preschool educational institution No. 70, a huge work is underway to prevent accidents in transport, with the parents of the pupils. This is participation in events: tournaments, quizzes, KVN, sports events, promotions " Baby chair"," The child is the main passenger ".

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Work in the preschool educational institution for the prevention of road traffic injuries is also carried out jointly with the traffic police. Conversations are organized for children in which they can better learn the specifics of the work of the traffic police.

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The preschool educational institution has information stands for parents, which contain the necessary information, reference, statistical, analytical materials, advice for parents.

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Work with preschoolers to familiarize themselves with the rules of the road is based on an integrated approach and is conducted in three directions: organized activity, joint activity and independent activity.

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Various forms of work with children are used: cognitive activities, targeted walks, reading children's fiction, conversations, creating and acting out problem situations, didactic, mobile, role-playing games.

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In the warm season, all work on teaching traffic rules is transferred to the street. For this purpose, a transport area with external road signs, bicycles, scooters, road markings with pedestrian crossings have been made on the territory of the kindergarten. Children learn how to properly cross the road, regulated and unregulated intersections, learn how to behave at a bus stop, get acquainted with the rules of behavior on the road for cyclists.

To keep children interested in the study of traffic rules, new forms of work with children and parents are being introduced using the means information technologies... In our Preschool educators together with the children, they create presentations "The road is not for games", "Make friends with the traffic light", which are used to consolidate the knowledge of children.

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Children and adults of our preschool educational institution took part in the "Research of O. Koshevoy Street according to traffic rules".

Purpose of the study:

Find out how many road signs

Find out if there are any offenders on the road.

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As a result of the work carried out, it can be noted that children have necessary knowledge by traffic rules: know road signs, the purpose of the sidewalk, carriageway, pedestrian crossing; know the modes of transport, the rules of behavior for pedestrians on the streets of the city and know how to use these rules.

And also, preschool educational institution # 70, is an active participant in drawing contests for road safety.

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In the kindergarten, pedagogical experience in teaching children traffic rules has been generalized and systematized, a methodological piggy bank has been collected, which is equipped with:

Card file of outdoor games for traffic rules;

Card index of didactic games on traffic rules "Road Game Library";

A selection of fiction to familiarize children with traffic rules;

Summaries of classes, conversations, leisure and entertainment;

A cycle of observations on traffic rules, excursions, targeted walks along the street, to a stop, to an intersection;

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For promotion teaching excellence teachers in the kindergarten conduct pedagogical councils, business games, seminars, consultations, open views on teaching children the rules of the road.

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Minutes of safety are held daily at the preschool educational institution, where teachers together with children repeat the road alphabet.

When organizing classes and conversations, teachers proceed from the fact that at this age children better perceive material presented in the form of a game, excursion, competition, that is, with the active participation of the child himself.

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Active, didactic games, simulation of traffic situations, travel to the "Country of the Road Alphabet", riddles and puzzles of cartoon characters help children learn how to behave correctly in the surrounding road environment.

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In order to instill in children practical skills in obeying the rules of the road, group walks along the sidewalk are conducted to observe transport, the actions of pedestrians and drivers.

All this allows teachers to comprehensively solve the problems of teaching children safe behavior in the road environment.

To foster discipline and conscientious observance of traffic rules, a culture of behavior in the road transport environment.

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In the work on the prevention of child road traffic injuries are used various forms interactions with parents:

Memo and leaflets, appeals to parents about the need to comply with traffic rules;

Moving folders, which contain material on the rules of the road, necessary for assimilation, both by children and adults;

Consulting material "Preschooler and the Road".

Great attention is paid to working with parents in kindergarten, because they are the ones who cross the road with the children more than once every day and are responsible for them.

Throughout the year, exhibitions of drawings by children of older groups are held: "Such different cars", "Me and the road", etc.

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About the effectiveness of the work of preschool educational institution No. 70, we can already talk about the above results, this system works and gives positive results.

But the work doesn't end there.

Every year babies come to us, and our task is to prepare them for life in society, to warn against danger on the roads.

We believe that this area of \u200b\u200bwork should always be in the field of close attention of teachers, parents, traffic police,

which means that further search and improvement in the organization of work on the prevention of road traffic injuries is needed.

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"Thanks for attention".

THE PURPOSE OF THE ORGANIZATION OF WORK IS THE FORMATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF CHILDREN'S SKILLS AND SKILLS OF SAFE BEHAVIOR IN THE ENVIRONMENTAL ROAD AND TRANSPORTATION ENVIRONMENT 1. Development in children cognitive processesnecessary for them for correct and safe orientation on the street 2. Formation in children of skills and abilities to observe the traffic situation, as well as the formation of stable positive habits of safe behavior on the street 3. Fostering discipline and conscientious observance of traffic rules, culture of behavior in road transport process

P RINCIPLES OF ORGANIZING THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS: Sequence - any new step in a child's learning is based on what has already been mastered in the previous one. Visualization - children must see, hear, touch everything themselves, and thereby realize the desire for knowledge. Activities - the inclusion of the child in play, cognitive, search activities in order to stimulate active life position... Integration - the integrativity of all types of children's activities that are implemented in the educational process. Differentiated approach - the tasks of effective pedagogical assistance to children in improving their personality are solved, it contributes to the creation of special pedagogical situations that help to reveal the psychophysical, personal abilities and capabilities of pupils. Age-specific - the same content is used to work in different groups with complication corresponding to the age characteristics of children. Continuity of interaction with a child in a preschool institution and family - nothing convinces better example parents.

DEPARTMENT OF WORK OF EMPLOYEES OF THE DOE: Head Distribution functional responsibilities between team members; Conducting briefings; Decision financial issues (purchase of equipment, literature, paintings, toys, etc.). Senior educator Determining the place of the system of Teaching preschoolers to the rules of the road in the general educational space of the kindergarten, its relationship with other areas. Participation in the development of projects and long-term plans for teaching children traffic rules and the organization of a subject-developing environment: - safety corners in groups; - information stands for parents; - a playground for practical exercises with children (on the territory of the kindergarten). Educator Creation of conditions for teaching children of traffic rules in groups: conducting work on road traffic - design of safety corners; - selection of literature, photographs for traffic rules; - making attributes for games. Interaction with parents. Medical worker o Participation in the assessment educational work in preschool in terms of children's health Musical director... Development of scenarios for holidays and entertainment according to traffic rules. Selection of musical compositions. Physical education instructor: Assistance in organizing a subject-developing environment. Participation in holidays, entertainment according to traffic rules. Conducting outdoor games with children according to traffic rules. Educator assistants: Assistance in organizing a subject-developing environment. Participation in holidays, entertainment according to traffic rules.

F ORMS OF WORK WITH CHILDREN UNDER TRAFFIC Forms robots with children on traffic rules Targeted walks to traffic lights, intersections and bus stops Different kinds Fine art activities Various types of games Leisure, holidays, entertainment Teacher's stories, reading art literature Consideration of didactic pictures and illustrations Conversations and conversations on traffic rules Observation of transport and pedestrians

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THE ABC OF SAFETY ON THE ROAD Completed by: educator Kochkarova Raisa Muratkhanovna MADOU No. 5 "The Scarlet Flower"

Dear Guys! I invite you to make an exciting journey to the country of traffic rules and road signs !!! Forward!!!

Well, here we are in front of the road! How many cars are there !!! How to cross the road correctly so as not to break the rules? Always look for the "crosswalk" sign !!! Zebra will come to our aid. You often see its white stripes on the road at pedestrian crossings. This is a pedestrian crossing. You will always see either a traffic light or a pedestrian crossing sign next to it.

And if you see a traffic light next to a pedestrian crossing, always remember the rules !!!

When starting the transition, look to the left, then to the right. Make sure there are no cars!

It so happens that there is no zebra in the place where you need to cross the road. What to do? Then you should look for overground or underground pedestrian crossings.

You can only walk on sidewalks, roadsides, pedestrian paths. If they are not there, then you can walk along the edge of the carriageway, but only facing the moving cars.

When at a bus stop, cross the road only when public transport leaves the stop. If the transport does not depart, be sure to move away from the stop to a safe distance so that you can see the cars driving on the right and left.

You cannot play on the road, as you may not notice the approaching car. You can play only in specially designated places - in courtyards, parks, squares. Leaving the entrance, already be attentive and careful.


On the subject: methodological developments, presentations and notes

The presentation will help make the lesson more fun ...


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