What you need for scrapbooking for beginners. Scrapbooking. What is scrapbooking? Master classes for beginners

scrapbooking is the art of creating personal or family photo albums with your own hands. This is a way to write your own chronicle, bringing together all the memorable little things under one cover, from photographs to newspaper clippings, from notes to dried flowers. Each page of such an album is a separate story or a short story, expressed using a variety of visual and tactile elements instead of words.

Short story

In the 17th century in England, a notepad for notes (commonplace book) was very popular, where any information significant to the owner was entered, from quotes of famous personalities and personal observations to recipes.

The next century only increased the popularity of such notebooks - thanks to the publication of John Locke's New Method of Making Commonplace books (1706), which told about ways to organize their contents into sections and categories. As a result, even university students began to be taught the art of their conduct.

A new stage in the evolution of scrapbooking was marked by the publication of William Granger's Biographical History of England (1769), which contained blank pages for the owner to fill in himself. The idea of ​​personalizing the printed edition was so relished by his contemporaries that many other authors soon followed Granger's example. This is how the concept of "grangerized book" arose - a book that combined printed text with handwritten notes, illustrations and other elements placed in it by the owner.

In 1825, the first issue of the Scrapbook magazine was published, dedicated to the creation of scrapbooks, and a year later the Anthology of Manuscripts and Literary Scrapbook was published, written by the American John Poole. The book contained a lot useful tips regarding the use of paper scraps and clippings. The furor that she made gave manufacturers the idea of ​​​​releasing products for scrapbooking.

The second half of the 19th century gave the direction a new invention made by the great writer and admirer of this work, Mark Twain - an adhesive album (1872), equipped with glue strips to secure clippings and other small things. The novelty brought tangible dividends to the author and even greater fame.

Roll film and the Kodak camera, developed by George Eastman (1888), on the one hand, greatly expanded the possibilities of scrapbooking, making photography more accessible to the mass consumer, and on the other hand, caused a temporary decline in interest in it.

For some time, a wide variety of factory photo albums replaced handmade counterparts. However, at the end of the 20th century, at the World Conference of Archival Studies (1980), Marilyn Christensen presented the annals of her family in fifty scrapbook volumes. Popular interest prompted Christensen to create a book on the intricacies of scrapbooking, which was followed by the opening of her own store.

Today, scrapbooking is one of the most common types of arts and crafts around the world. A rich choice of materials and a variety of techniques allows you to realize the most unusual creative fantasies, while creating a unique family chronicle that will keep the memory of today in many generations.

Scrapbooking in Russia

History of scrapbooking in Russia begins in the 18th century, when, under the influence of Western European culture, the fashion for handwritten albums spread. They were equally popular among both the female and the male population.

IN Soviet times albums have changed themes and been transformed, but their goal has remained the same - to preserve emotionally charged memories through all sorts of means and techniques.

For example, demobilization albums or school "confessors", in addition to polls containing poems, drawings, photographs of favorite actors and richly decorated with all sorts of ornaments - aren't these original interpretations of scrapbook albums?

The first mention of scrapbooking in the post-Soviet space refers to January 31, 2006. It was then that E. Belikova opened the corresponding topic on the Osinka forum, and with it the direction itself. Later (2007), she created the site "All About Scrapbooking", where she collected all the information she could find, including a personal translation of English-language articles on this topic.

In 2008, another resource appeared - Scrap-Info. It not only presented information to users, but also offered master classes and competitions, the purpose of which was to teach scraping to everyone and provide craftsmen with the opportunity to share their experience on the forum. A year later, the first Russian-language scrapbooking magazine was published.

Today in Russia there are numerous specialized online stores offering everything you need to create albums and postcards in any style, as well as interest clubs that allow all lovers of this art to communicate.

Materials and tools

The main requirements for the materials used in scrapbooking are their durability and complete safety for those who have to come into contact with them. To ensure maximum preservation of the original appearance of the work, it should be protected from intense exposure to ultraviolet radiation and sudden changes in temperature.

Used for scrapbooking:

As tools, special scissors, cutters, figured hole punches are used; pens, markers with different effects, pencils, glitters.

Page structure and basic techniques of modern scrapbooking

The scrapbook page is formed in such a way that the main and auxiliary elements can be easily identified on it, which would complement each other and make it easy to restore the history of the event.

The page traditionally consists of the following elements:

  • title;
  • main and additional background;
  • substrates;
  • decor;
  • text signature.

To implement the idea, several basic techniques are used:

In addition, scrapbooking often uses techniques from other types of arts and crafts, such as decoupage, quilling, and so on.

Basic styles

The main scrapbooking styles are:

Heritage. It is used in the design of pages with old photographs. They must be made in the style of the time they are talking about. It is desirable that the decor consists of really old, not aged elements. The color scheme most suitable for this style is “burnt out” shades, for example, sand or bronze.

Vintage. It is characterized by the use of antique or aged elements to create a special mood and atmosphere of the past. Items, images and colors are selected according to the time period in which the album is made. Black and white or sepia edited photos are used.

Shabby chic. Literally translated - "shabby gloss". Combines the use of pastel colors and aged details with traces of former luxury. Wrinkles, scuffs, tears in the design of such pages are only welcome.

European style. Distinguished by a clear composition and minimal use of decorations. A page can contain several photographs united by a common theme. Stencils are usually used to cut out photos.

American style. Unlike the previous version, American style requires the active use of various little things that allow you to restore the event in detail and supplemented with small notes. A particularly difficult task in this incarnation is to maintain balance and focus on photography.

Clean and simple. Minimalism, graphics and clear geometric shapes - these are the basic rules that should be followed when creating pages in this style. The background should be plain, the font should be the same.

mixed media. The main feature is eclecticism, a mixture of styles and techniques. The most complex style, requiring a serious approach to the selection of elements in order to avoid excessive congestion. It is allowed to use different materials, as well as the formation of inscriptions using newspaper headings or parts of the text.

Freestyle (free style). The creator is given complete freedom in choosing the way of presenting his story. The main decoration of the pages are the author's notes, made in some original way. The color scheme is bright and joyful. The style is characterized by some sloppiness in execution, such as slightly smeared ink or paint-stained parts.

Which of the scrapbooking options to choose is up to you. But whatever the decision, an exciting journey into the world of creativity and fantasy awaits you!

scrapbooking- a kind of handicraft art, which consists in the design of photo albums, postcards, envelopes, notebooks and other accessories. In translation from English it is referred to as scrapbook .

Today we will analyze what the cutting technique is used for, how to do it correctly and get real pleasure from practicing this art.

What is scrapbooking and what is it used for?

  • The scraping technique is to convey information through a visual image. For example, using this technique, the author can tell about a memorable day on one sheet or, in this way, arrange information about a much larger period of time in his life.
  • Initially, scrap was used to decorate personal and family photo albums. Now scrap masters use the technique to design notebooks, postcards, boxes and other things.
  • The scraping technique is very interesting and addictive. Scrapbooking products are quite expensive. But young craftsmen deftly come up with alternatives to expensive accessories.
  • Currently, scrap can be used everywhere, not only in the design of albums and notebooks, but also in the workplace and in the room in general. The main thing is that fantasy works well.

Scrapbooking for beginners: what do you need?

For beginners and those who are not going to make money on this art form or even work on this direction many years, you will need:

  • Cutting mat that can be made from thick linoleum
  • Stationery knife with spare blades
  • Ruler
  • Decorative tape
  • Cardboard or scrap paper
  • beer cardboard
  • multicolored pens
  • Ribbons
  • Buttons
  • Hole puncher
  • Scissors
  • Hook or stick for creasing
  • decorative elements
  • Stamps, brads and chipboards - optional.

Paper and cardboard for scrapbooking: how to choose and do it yourself?

  • Special paper is produced for scrap, it has a high density, which is necessary for long-term storage and operation. This paper can be purchased at any specialized store or order via the Internet on a site that distributes these products.
  • The range of scrap paper is very diverse. There are monochrome and color samples, most often the paper is produced in collections that capture a specific theme. For the design of albums, this is very convenient, since you do not need to select individual sheets according to the color scheme. But you can also purchase individual sheets if you do not need a collector's series.
  • Special paper has drawings on both sides and on one side, the difference is in price and in the method of application.
  • Cardboard can also be used for needlework, it also has a good density. There is one-sided and two-sided cardboard.
  • Paper sizes vary depending on what you want to use it for. There is 10×10, 20×20 And 30×30.
  • You can make paper yourself by choosing pictures that are suitable in size and printing them out on a printer. The only thing is that you need to use thick paper. The density of paper directly depends on the purpose of its application. On average, it should be 200 gr to 350 gr.
  • In many cases, scrap paper can be replaced with wallpapers that are suitable for prints and textures. You can also go the other way by making paper, as in the video.
  • When choosing paper for the design of albums and other things that should last a long time, pay attention to the density and integrity of the cover. But don't forget about appearance, such paper should convey everything that you want to capture on it.

How to use brads, chipboards and stamps in scrapbooking?

  • brads- an element of decoration, which is shaped like a carnation with a beautiful hat. With it, you can attach photos and other paper and fabric elements, or use it for self-decoration. They come with arrows for holding sheets.
  • Chipboards- a volumetric element of decoration, which has many motifs and shapes. It is used to convey the mood, meaning and nature of the page information.
  • Stamps- elements in application with ink create various effects. These can be inscriptions, images, portraits or other fantasy effects.

How to make a scrapbooking card: a step-by-step photo master class

For such a postcard, you need to prepare:

  • scrap paper;
  • wavy scissors;
  • stationery knife;
  • decorations;
  • glue;
  • thread with a needle.

Here is a plan for the postcard we sketched.

The base will consist of 2 sheets of 10x20 and 11x20.

Glue two sheets so that the smaller one overlaps the larger one by 1 cm.

Sew the sheets with a cross stitch by hand or on a typewriter, use threads to match the paper.

Cut out the photo backing and three different rectangles. Lay out according to the composition.

Place all cut out elements on glue or double-sided tape.

Glue decorative elements, just so that they do not pile on top of each other.

Decorate the lower part by securing the card with brads.

Cut out four small squares from cardboard and the same from scrap paper, glue together and place according to the composition. After - decorate as in the photo, or as you like.

Cut out an oval with a title and a slightly larger oval to add volume. Stack them on top of each other, then glue them in the top left corner. Curl the bottom left corner of the backing.

Decorate the backing by gluing a suitable photo and sign the card. Your postcard is ready.

How to make an album for photo scrapbooking with your own hands: video master class

  • Making an album is quite laborious and takes a lot of time. Get ready for the fact that it will take more than one hour, to create a good album you will need to set aside a whole day, maybe more than one.
  • It should also be taken into account that filling the album with a new stream of photos will affect the design and allocation of time for this. But at the end of the work, you will be proud of yourself and your work. And the most important plus is that no one in the whole world will have such an album, because your soul, imagination and work are invested in it.

Do-it-yourself flowers and butterflies for scrapbooking: a master class with a photo

Flowers and butterflies for decoration are used in scrapbooking in most crafts. Butterflies can be made flat or voluminous by bending their wings. Materials for manufacturing butterflies:

  • wallpaper;
  • paper;
  • cardboard;
  • napkins;
  • boxes;
  • magazines;
  • old postcards.

Flowers made from different materials, and by different methods:

  • knitted;
  • from lace, ribbons and beads;
  • paper;
  • lace;
  • umbrella flowers;
  • flowers-bags;
  • disk flowers;
  • picturesque.

DIY wedding cards scrapbooking: creative ideas with photos

Ideas for creating wedding cards are endless, as each craftswoman finds her own source of inspiration. Postcards can be simple but elegant, discreet but romantic, creative but soulful.

  • Before there was a demand for ready-made wedding invitations, they were handwritten for each guest. And rich families ordered from printing factories. With the advent of mass production, the tradition of issuing invitations has ceased to be relevant for the majority of the population.
  • But with the entry into fashion of scrap, even invitations began to be issued individually for each couple. You can make them yourself or order from a craftswoman. It should be noted that the more invited, the more time it will take to work.

DIY notebook using scrapbooking technique

You will need:

  • sheets;
  • clamps;
  • glue;
  • cardboard;
  • decorations;
  • ruler;
  • lavsan sliding threads and a needle;
  • fabric tape;
  • stationery knife.

Action algorithm:

  1. Measure the required number of format pages A4. Remember that they will turn out twice as much, as they will fold in half. If necessary, you can line each sheet manually or print out the finished ones.
  2. Fold the sheets in half with a book, iron the fold line, secure with clips and place under the press in the form of a pile of books.
  3. After pressing, align and fasten the clamps vertically.
  4. Measure the spine and divide into equal parts, then cut.
  5. Sew the binding of each stack, and connect them together with fabric tape.
  6. Then apply a large amount of glue or silicone sealant, compress with clips and leave to dry.
  7. Cut out three pieces of cardboard: one for the spine, the other two for the endpaper and backdrop. Cut 0.5 cm more of the glued sheets.
  8. Lay out the cover unfolded as you would like it to look. Then glue with cloth and glue.
  9. You can make the cover soft or hard by pasting the cardboard with paper or cloth.
  10. Glue the first sheet to the inside of the flyleaf and the last sheet to the back.
  11. Decorate the notebook the way you want with decorative elements.

Do-it-yourself envelope for money scrapbooking: how to do it yourself?


  • paper:
  • stationery knife;
  • curly scissors in a wave;
  • ruler;
  • pencil;
  • decorations.


  1. Cut out the envelope according to the dimensions of the bills in expanded form.
  2. Cut the lower and upper parts with curly scissors in a wave so that when combined it is a single sheet.
  3. Glue the tape in the center and decorate the front of the envelope.�/li>

DIY passport cover using scrapbooking technique

You need:

  • cardboard;
  • the cloth;
  • machine and thread;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • pencil;
  • ruler;
  • decor cards;
  • Velcro or button.

Course of action:

  1. Mark the dimensions of the passport on the cardboard and cut it out.
  2. Lay on the fabric and mark the borders.
  3. Make a loop for closing.
  4. Attach all the cards to the right side of the fabric and sew.
  5. Sew the second part of the button or Velcro closure to the outside of the flyleaf.
  6. Align the fabric with the cardboard and sew so that the tab coincides with the closing point, and there are areas for the passport to enter in the inside of the cover.
  7. Next, design the front side of the cover to your liking in a characteristic style.

DIY calendar using scrapbooking technique


  • paper;
  • cuts;
  • decorations;
  • creasing stick;
  • binding rings;
  • hole puncher;
  • glue;
  • typewriter;
  • threads;
  • printed names of months;
  • stationery knife.


  1. Fold a large sheet of scrap paper in half and create a composition on one front side.
  2. Glue all the cards, then sew.
  3. Arrange all the months in order and pierce the cards with a hole punch, make holes on the calendar itself.
  4. Fasten the cards with the months rings.
  5. Decorate the calendar with decorative elements.

How to make a scrapbooking box?

You will need:

  • box;
  • paper of low density;
  • stationery knife;
  • pencil;
  • ruler;
  • glue;
  • decorations.

Process flow:

  1. Measure the box, and transfer the dimensions to paper.
  2. Cut out the measurements and glue the box.
  3. Decorate with decorative elements: flowers and butterflies made of paper and fabric, buttons, beads.
  4. You can use the decoupage technique to decorate the box.

DIY scrapbooking photo frame: instruction with photo

You need:

  • cardboard;
  • paper;
  • the cloth;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • brads;
  • machine and thread;
  • sintepon.

Process of creation:

DIY document holder in scrapbooking style


  • beer cardboard;
  • the cloth;
  • stationery knife;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • machine and thread;
  • decorative gum;
  • decorations.


  1. Cut out 4 rectangles from cardboard 12×20 cm. Glue the first to the second, and the third to the fourth.
  2. Lay out two crusts on the fabric so that there is room for the spine, about 2 cm. Glue the fabric, and then sew.
  3. Make fabric document pockets inside the holder and sew.
  4. Sew an elastic band to the back cover to hold it.
  5. Decorate the flyleaf with appropriate decor elements.

DIY school album scrapbooking

You will need:

  • beer cardboard;
  • paper;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • hole puncher;
  • eyelets;
  • stationery knife;
  • scissors;
  • decorations.

Course of action:

  1. Cut out blanks for future sheets from cardboard, and each subsequent sheet should be a couple of centimeters larger than the previous one.
  2. Cover each page with crap paper, then poke holes with a hole punch at equal distances. Insert eyelets.
  3. Fasten the pages with ribbons.
  4. Decorate the endpaper and other pages of the school album.

Do-it-yourself scrapbooking cutters

  • Scrapbooking cuts are needed as an inscription, decoration or just a design element. In general, they are made using special figured hole punches. They can be in the form of figures of people, animals, birds, clothes or everyday objects. Cuttings are in the form of frames or inscriptions, different colors and textures.

  • To make the cutting yourself, you can either purchase a special hole punch, or buy a stencil, or use a sharp clerical knife to cut out a simple figure. True, to do this, you need to make a lot of effort and patience.

Stencils and templates for scrapbooking

  • Stencils and templates are used to decorate pages with an album, postcards, notebooks and other products made in the scrap style.
  • They can be used for outlining with colored pens or paints. Attach to the right place and outline.
  • Using stencils and templates, you can make cuttings, although the process will be very laborious and painstaking. You need to circle the template, and then cut it out with a knife.
  • They are also in high demand for embossing - the technique of drawing a convex image. For this technique, a special powder is used, which is heated with a hair dryer for embossing. After heating, the image applied with powder becomes voluminous.

Newborn Scrapbooking: Photo Album Ideas for Boys and Girls

The birth of a child is so beautiful and unforgettable, so you need to create an equally wonderful place to store these memories. An album for a newborn can contain not only memorable photos, but also the first tags, records, curls and other things that parents want to carry through many years of their baby's life.

Everyone who is interested in some kind of needlework has a question: what materials will be needed and where to buy them? We will bring required list materials and tools, we will tell you their specifics. For beginners, creating beautiful things using the scrapbooking technique seems like an unattainable dream: after all, for this you need to have a huge amount of expensive and rare materials. But there are products that are easy to make even for a beginner from what is at hand. To make an album or page in this way, you can limit yourself to paper, glue and scissors. To create artsy products use special materials and tools: paper, fabric, embossers, molds, decorative items, pens and ink.

Many materials can be found on the open spaces of online stores. Beginning masters should familiarize themselves with the basic techniques and styles in order to put their creative ideas into practice. This knowledge will help determine the direction while working on the product. Over time, everyone develops his own style by which he is recognized. The main techniques include distressing, embossing and stamping. There are also vintage styles, shabby chic, European and American, mixed style. Scrapbooking has become a hobby for millions of people and a passion for creative people. Connect your imagination and create something beautiful!

Features of materials for scrapbooking

It is important to use special materials or worthy analogues, at least for the following reasons:

  1. This will make it easier to work on the product. Special tools, paper will speed up the process and make it enjoyable.
  2. The product will be stored for a long time, well endure transportation.
  3. Non-professional materials containing acid and lingnin destroy photographs.

This one isn't cheap. Be prepared for the fact that you will have to spend money on materials by ordering them in online stores, possibly abroad. But for simple products on which the hand is stuffed, a small amount of inexpensive materials will do.

List of basic materials

  • The main ones include paper, photographs, scissors and glue. With these resources, you can create the simplest product.
  • The photo must be of high quality printed and not shed when in contact with the glue. Scissors use sharp ones to make clear cut lines. Useful tools large and small for elements of different sizes.
  • Glue, as noted above, should not contain acids and lingnin. For plain paper, use PVA, and for decorative elements, superglue without a strong odor. The remaining glue is carefully removed so that they do not spoil the appearance.
  • Scrapbooking paper often has an adhesive layer. This eliminates the need to choose PVA glue. Also, the elements are attached by sewing, staples, hot glue. For items from polymer clay you need a special glue that will not destroy the material.

List of additional

Additional materials include a huge number of decorative elements, a variety of paper, stamps and other things. For example, paper can be used:

  • special;
  • craft;
  • gift;
  • watercolor;
  • colored paper for pastels;
  • tracing paper.

I also use corrugated cardboard and ordinary thick cardboard, a special kind of cardstock paper. When creating albums and notebooks, craftsmen also choose leather, wood, leatherette, and suede.

Scissors for scrapbooking are also different: some allow you to cut out elements curly or obliquely. There are shaped hole punches and page binding rings on the market.

Brads (special elements made of epoxy resin or plastic), cuttings (elements carved from wood), metal jewelry, beads, corners, chips, eyelets and chipboards (stickers) are used as page decorations. Among them there are thermal stickers that are easily glued to the fabric.

Chipboards are words and figures cut out of thick, non-bending cardboard. Mini tags are author's stickers that adorn the pages of a product or its cover. Grommets are plastic or metal caps through which ribbons or cords are threaded.

Wax seals are also available. They are suitable for making author's postcards, especially in the form of letters. Also, the product is decorated with ribbons, rhinestones, small beads, even small natural stones.

The stores offer self-adhesive paper and fabric for scrapbooking and decoupage. Also offer various ways paper embossing:

  • embossing (wet stamping);
  • various rubbing and stamps;
  • machines for embossing and cutting;
  • silicone stamps.

It is useful in the work of double-sided and single-sided decorative tape and teip tape.

As an integral element for this type of art, memorable little things are used: tickets, badges, stickers, tags, feathers, shells, even hair. The art of scrapbooking does not limit the author's imagination.

You can also use homemade ways to decorate pages. You can age the pages with tea, singe them, make wax stamps. But to reach new heights, sooner or later you will have to turn to professional sets of materials.

Pens and ink

For inscriptions on the product, you should choose pens and ink of the so-called "archival" quality. Such materials do not fade over time. Also use markers, pencils, paints. Suitable for decoration glue-glitter.

Calligraphic letters are drawn using special tips (pens with a pen). Before using ink, make sure it is chemically neutral.

Scrapbooking is an art hand made”, the essence of which is the creation and design of photo albums different types, decorating the covers of books, notebooks, diaries or passports. Why is scrapbooking so popular in today's world of digital photography?

Several reasons for its popularity

The technique is especially popular in the West, but more and more craftsmen or just scrapbooking lovers are appearing in the CIS. Why does it attract so many people? Firstly, it looks very attractive, because the decoration by hand gives the work an exclusivity. Let's compare a cover printed in a printing house with a circulation of a thousand copies, and a unique cover made using the scrapbooking technique.

A standard purchase album is a banal “photo folder”, and you can supplement a scrapbooking album with various elements. Also, the advantage of handmade is that anyone can create an attractive product design for him.

Secondly, the popularity of this technique is due to the fact that scrapbooking material can be collected at home without spending a dime. It is very economical and convenient. You can use scraps of fabric, scraps of old curtains, artificial flowers, bows from holiday gifts, ribbons, brooches, shells, stones, and dozens of other items as craft items.

If you want to purchase materials, then this will not be a problem either, because today there are hundreds of shops with a huge assortment of handicraft products, where you can choose the elements of a future masterpiece. Let's compare the design from improvised means (Fig. 1) and purchased materials (Fig. 2).

Both works look very interesting, but still the second one is more suitable for a chic gift for loved ones. But its cost also increases significantly.

Thirdly, scrapbooking is popular because of its practicality - it is a great gift for a birthday or wedding. In the 21st century, it is very fashionable to give photo frames or albums. Do not be banal when buying a finished work in a store, but arrange a gift yourself, because the best gift is the one that is made by yourself.

So you can arrange not only albums and frames, but also gift books for loved ones or yourself. Agree, it is much more pleasant to hold your favorite book in your hands in a beautiful paperback or an exclusive voluminous


Fourth, wedding or birthday invitations made using the scrapbooking technique are very popular today. Any bride wants to make her wedding unique, so everything should be perfect, including invitations, which you can make yourself or order from the masters.

You can also make your birthday brighter. It doesn’t matter for children or adults, using the scrapbooking technique, you can make an invitation for every taste.

Having received such a wonderful invitation to the holiday, you will definitely want to please the hero of the occasion with a similar craft. And what could be more beautiful than scrapbooking cards? It can be as a postcard with a text greeting or an envelope card for a cash gift.

Among modern girls, the scrapbooking technique for decorating notebooks or diaries for friends is very popular. Each of us had such a diary in childhood, and each wanted to excel, to make it as bright and interesting as possible. You can also decorate a notebook for everyday use and delight yourself every day.

Finally, let's talk about scrapbooking crafts as elements of a home or office interior. Of course, only girls use such things, but they will be pleasing to the eye to everyone who notices them. Initially, only covers were made in this technique, but today dozens of new areas of its application have been invented. It can be a desk calendar, a box, a vase, a candlestick, a Christmas ball, and more.

Basic Paper Art Techniques

These techniques allow you to understand the essence of scrapbooking. There are three of them in total:

  • distressing;
  • embossing;
  • stamping.

Distressing consists in the reception of aging. The pages of the product are painted antique with the help of sponges, tea: they make torn or scorched edges.

Embossing is embossing. Different patterns are squeezed out on paper in two ways: through a stencil onto foil or thick paper and with the help of special powder. The latter is called wet embossing.

Stamping consists in drawing a stamp with the help of ink and applications.

In addition, masters use other techniques: embroidery, sewing, beading and rhinestones, quilling, decoupage, iris folding and origami.

Iris folding is a special kind of laying out colored strips of paper and creating patterns from them. They also use kirigami - origami technique, where three-dimensional elements are folded on a flat product.

Before using the techniques, you need to deal with the problem of page composition or product page. Aesthetic placement of elements is difficult for beginning scrapbookers.

In order to beautifully place elements, use the rules of squares, learn the basic rules of composition. Knowledge of the basics of photography and color combinations will not be superfluous. It will also be useful to peep ideas from experienced craftsmen while you are learning.

The design of the background, headings, inscriptions also matters. Scrapbooking for them is to create an aesthetically pleasing page or product where all the elements look organic.

Modern styles

There are several styles in craftsmanship. They are combined based on the use of materials and the general idea of ​​​​the product. It is not necessary to adhere to the given styles. Over time, each master has his own handwriting, by which he is recognized.


They use old photographs, aged sheets, antiques, memorabilia. As a rule, the product is kept in the style of one era. Use stamps, decorations, ribbons. Add newspaper clippings about the iconic events of the era.


This style is for family photos. Choose the colors in which the photo was taken for fonts, backgrounds, and decorative details.

Shabby chic (shabby chic)

Falsely aged elements are used. Carelessness is observed in the use of details: slightly loose ribbons, broken buttons. The color scheme is mainly white, pink, light green and pastel shades.

European style

He is characterized by strictness and restraint. Several photographs are placed on one page, they are cut in special ways. There are a minimum of decorative elements on the pages, no pretentiousness, aged elements.

American style

Differs in brilliance, catchiness. Decorations do not dominate the photo, but there are plenty of them. In this style, you should balance the background, inscriptions, choose the right color scheme.

Pure and simple style

Note the predominance of straight lines and square shapes. On the page I use the same fonts and a uniform background. Pages in this style resemble an assembled puzzle without unnecessary elements.

Free style

The design of the page in this style is reminiscent of magazine pages. On a light background, they combine different colors, add handwritten inscriptions with pencils or felt-tip pens and bold fonts. There is often a single leading page element.

Mixed media (mixed style)

In this style, it is allowed to combine incongruous. This style is better to work with after gaining experience, as it is important not to overload the pages with frilly elements and incompatible styles.


Thus, we examined several modern crafts using the scrapbooking technique, with the help of which we substantiated its popularity. Inexpensive design, practicality in use, beauty, exclusivity - these are the main factors that make scrapbooking crafts so popular today. Create and fantasize, do not hesitate to use materials that are unnecessary, at first glance, in the house and give joy to yourself and your loved ones.

scrapbooking- this is a kind of creativity, the name of which comes from the English scrapbooking. The word consists of two parts: scrap - clipping, book - a book or notebook. Many craftswomen call it in abbreviated form - "scrap". The main idea of ​​this paper art is to preserve personal and family history for the next generations, therefore it is very unusual and bright.

Scrapbooking for Beginners

Where to start scraping?
Very often, when starting scrapbooking, you simply have no idea where to start and what to use to make a postcard or photo album with your own hands. Therefore, in this article we decided to tell you what scrapbooking tools a beginner will need and what materials can be used for this.

Scrapbooking paper

To create a page, as a rule, several types of paper are used - one main and several additional ones for substrates and decorations. Choose scrap paper so that it matches the color scheme, but does not argue in brightness, pattern size, etc.

Scrapbooking paper is:
- size 30 x 30 cm (most common), 20 x 20 cm (ideal size for beginners), 15 x 15 (great for mini albums and postcards)
- single-sided (back side white) and double-sided (back side with a pattern)
- with glitter, embossed, foil embossed, with curly edges, etc.
- different density(less thick paper is better to be reinforced with cardboard or pastel paper so that the pages do not deform)
If paper is not available, printouts of pictures, backgrounds, and patterns can be used. This is a good option for beginners - to practice, so to speak, but printouts cannot fully replace real scrapbooking paper.

DIY photo album

To make a photo album yourself, for starters, you need to choose materials that are suitable for your scrapbook album.

On bolts: come with thick sheets or with files (not suitable for pages with voluminous decorations) On rings: in the form of a folder with static fastenings (on round or D-shaped rings)Cardboard blanks: made of thick cardboard, mounted on rings, come in a wide variety of shapes
Acrylic blanks: transparent sheets, can be used as a separate album or as additional pages to an album on a cardboard basisScrap kit: includes scrapbook paper, paper and embellishments - perfect for the beginnerSet components(paper, flowers, ribbons), can also be bought separately

Photo album rings:
Rings differ in size (diameter) and color (silver, white, black) and are designed to fasten pages in an album.


There is such a huge amount of decor in scrapbooking that everyone can find a lot of something to their taste. We list the most common of them.
Artificial flowers:
perhaps this is the most beloved and versatile element of decor. Flowers are paper (most often) and fabric.

they come in a standard round shape of different colors and sizes, in addition, they produce themed sets - in the form of toys, animals, objects, etc. You can also find cardboard buttons with patterns or drawings in craft stores.

ribbons and lace can be found in sewing supplies stores - there are a lot of them, although you are unlikely to buy special scrapbooking ribbons there, and they have an advantage in design and variety of shapes.

brads is a carnation with two flat legs that are inserted into the right place and unbent in different directions. Bradsom can decorate the middle of the flower, also used as a mount, or separately just as a decorative element.

these are metal or plastic rings that “squeeze” holes in paper, fabric, etc. To install the eyelets, you need a special tool - the installer of the eyelets.

are figures made of thick paper, cardboard or felt. Sold together with the sheet or separately (figures in the package only). From paper I usually make cut-outs in the form of journaling and tags. Cut-outs made of thick cardboard can be of various shapes - curls, alphabet, objects, etc., uncoated or coated (with a pattern, pattern). The die cut shape can be so original that it will become an indispensable decoration in your work.

these are decals ready for use - remove the top sheet of the film (the pictures remain on it), put it on top of the paper and rub it over the drawing with a blunt object - the edge of the ruler, the back end of the pen, wooden stick until the image is completely on paper.

Scrapbooking paints and varnishes

gouache, watercolor, acrylic paints not so hard to find, just visit the artist's shop. But paints and varnishes with the effect of craquelure can not be seen there. Craquelure paint begins to crack when it dries, the thicker the layer of paint, the deeper and larger the cracks will be. The craquelure effect varnish is transparent and also cracks after drying. With the help of spray paint, you can get wonderful droplets and splashes.

Adhesive materials in scrapbooking

For gluing paper, double-sided tape or a glue stick is most often used (it is better to stick small pieces of paper last). PVA glue is not good - the paper from it "comes in waves" and swells. Photos can be glued on special photo squares that do not contain acid, which can change color in the photo over time, or on the same double-sided tape. Decorations, flowers, etc. can also be glued on double-sided tape, or you can use voluminous squares, glue drops, a hot gun (glue gun), or Moment glue.

scrapbooking tools

Perhaps this is the most expensive part of this work, but the cost justifies itself. With the help of different tools, you can achieve beautiful effects, make the work more interesting and elegant, or simply make some processes easier with the help of special tools.

Scrapbooking punches
The scrap metal industry boasts a large and varied number of hole punchers. Let's single out several categories of hole punchers:

- figured hole punch: They come in different sizes and punch holes in a wide variety of shapes and patterns. Usually, the maximum paper density and care instructions are written on the packaging. In addition, do not use soft and loose materials - napkins, cloth, tissue paper, tracing paper, this can lead to breakage of the hole puncher.

- border hole punch: allow you to create an openwork edge on paper

- angle composter: allows you to create beautiful corners

- multifunctional hole puncher: they work both as a figured hole punch, and as a border punch, and as a corner punch

You may be used to cutting with nail scissors, but dummy knife can easily dislodge them. For cutting small parts, it is simply indispensable and very convenient to use.

In order not to spoil the surface of the desktop, it is better to purchase a special self-healing mat. The mats come in different sizes, the top (on some models and with reverse side) is marked in centimeters or inches. This rug should be stored on a flat surface.

Roller cutter(aka disk cutter or trimmer) is a working platform with markings and a cutting mechanism that moves along the guide. This tool makes it much easier to cut a large amount of paper, not to mention the fact that you are unlikely to make such a smooth edge with scissors.

Eyelet installer: I use three types of eyelet installer:

- set for manual installation of eyelets, which includes a punch (for making holes), a tool for riveting (installing) an eyelet, a hammer and a rug (the presence of the last two depends on the set).

- automatic installer: rivets the eyelets due to the spring - pull the handle up and release, the spring is compressed and the nozzle hits the eyelet, flattening its leg.

- cropadil (crop-a-dile): a very handy and silent tool, allows you to pierce holes and install eyelets.

Curly scissors: like ordinary scissors, very easy to use, allow you to create a curly edge.

Hand printer: a handy device for creating journaling, headings and any other inscriptions. The inscriptions are squeezed out on a special self-adhesive film (it can be of different colors), the effect of embossing is obtained.

Scrapbooking stamps

Stamping is one of the main techniques in scrapbooking today. The scrap metal market can offer a variety of stamps, inks, and stamping tools. Let's consider everything in order.

Stamps are:
- silicone stamps: appear transparent and flexible. To create an impression, you need to remove the stamp from the base and stick it to the acrylic block. Silicone stamps are self-adhesive, so you do not need to pre-lubricate them with anything sticky. After that, apply paint to the stamp and make an impression in the right place. The stamp must be wiped after use. wet wipe and then wipe dry. You can wash the stamp with ordinary soap, and also wipe it dry afterwards. Store silicone stamps in closed packages so that they serve you faithfully for many years to come. It is also important to note that the stamp makes an impression only with the color that you applied to the stamp. The prints themselves can be colored with paints, pencils or special felt-tip pens.

- rubber stamps: naturally, they are made of special rubber, they are on wooden blocks (already glued to them) and separately the stamps themselves, which can also be repeatedly glued to an acrylic block. The stamping technique and care for them do not differ from the previous type. The only difference is that rubber stamps are less susceptible to external influences, and small details are clearer.

Stamp inks are:

-Dye Ink: water-soluble dye based ink, fast drying, waterproof, suitable for any kind of paper.

- Pigment Inks: an ink based on a water-insoluble dye. This ink takes a long time to dry, so it's ideal if you want to color your stamp in different colors. They can be used on different surfaces - wood, clay, vellum, paper.

- Chalkink: opaque chalk ink, the impression of which is similar to art pastel (English "chalk" - chalk). For best effect, use dark colors on light surfaces and vice versa.

- Alcohol ink: although alcohol ink is not used in stamping as such, it is also an ink that is used for glossy surfaces (glass, plastic, metal, glossy paper). These inks require a special mixing solvent and applicator.
The ink is available in the form of ink pads (a sponge soaked in ink), as well as in liquid form in bottles.

Stamping tools:

- acrylic block serves as the basis on which the stamp is glued, they come in different sizes;

- stencil (mask) for stamping made of a transparent durable film, the stencil is sticky on the reverse side, so it does not need to be held during the application of paint, but simply glued to the paper. The stencils are reusable and easy to stick on and off the paper.

- stamping applicator allows you to easily tint and apply paint in the right place without getting your hands dirty. Replaceable foam nozzles are available for the applicator.

Also, you may find the following articles helpful.

A special kind of creativity, scrapbooking, appeared in the 17th century. and is rapidly gaining popularity among fans of needlework. On the Internet there are various master classes for beginner needlewomen with step-by-step tips and photos of original works.

Scrapbooking was originally based on individual design family photo albums and books. Later, craftsmen began to decorate photo frames, document covers, wallets, and bags. Ribbons, lace, beads, buttons, themed stickers, dried flowers and leaves, plastic or wooden inscriptions are used as decorations.

As a result, an ordinary album for storing memorable photos can be turned into an exclusive encyclopedia of family adventures, sign and mark favorite pictures with icons, decorate the cover.

scrapbooking is unique look creativity, in which you can combine all available needlework techniques (origami, macrame, crochet, embroidery, quilling, decoupage, patchwork, rainbow folding, sewing). In order for beginners not to get lost in the great variability, it is worth learning the basic needlework techniques that you can build on in creating a unique gift.

Types of techniques:

  • Distressing- artificial aging of pages (when paper is tinted, torn or burned edges, cracks, scuffs, scratches are made using special ink and wilted or dried flowers.
  • Embossing- creation of three-dimensional elements (convex drawings, letters, using stencils or special powder for heating and melting).
  • stamping- decoration with ink, stamps, creating various effects.

What do you need for scrapbooking

Before starting work, you must:

  • Determine the direction of action, that is, what is to be created (album, book, frame, cover).
  • Make sketches (drawings) on paper of the finished product in order to understand what tools and materials to stock up.
  • Write a list of the necessary components and purchase them in needlework stores or through online stores (it sometimes takes several months to purchase everything you need if you order rare items from abroad).
  • Novice needlewomen should look at the advice of experienced scrapbooking craftsmen, preferably step by step with a photo.


What you may need for creative design (the set depends on the idea):

  • special colored paper with drawings or cotton fabric with bright prints;
  • carved multi-colored adhesive tapes (these are original paper laces on adhesive tape);
  • stickers on the chosen theme (children's, wedding, travel, animals);
  • wooden or plastic inscriptions placed on the cover (or three-dimensional letters);
  • fabric lace (braid) with Velcro or sewn;
  • satin ribbons of different widths;
  • buttons, beads, beads (curly and regular);
  • dried natural flowers and leaves (twigs);

  • metal corners for fixing the edges of the cover;
  • small pompoms (about 1-2 cm in diameter) of different colors (they can play the role of snow or flowers);
  • patches of fur or leather (natural or artificial);
  • sewing accessories (fasteners, fasteners, pendants, rhinestones, eyelets, buttons, thermal stickers, chains);
  • colored thick cardboard (chipboard);
  • shells, flat stones, clockwork wheels;
  • decals (children's tattoos), patterns, tags from clothes or from a maternity hospital;
  • cut out paper pictures (parts of photographs) or ultrasound images during a woman's pregnancy (they are often used in the design of albums for newborns).

Options for material combinations are shown in the photographs:


In order for the final work to be preserved for a long time (and possibly be inherited), all elements must be securely fixed.

The following set of tools will help you with this:

  • Sewing kit (needles, threads, scissors of different sizes).
  • Sewing machine (if fabric and sew-on lace are used).
  • Transparent adhesive, which is selected depending on the type of connecting surfaces.
Glue name purpose
Universal For small metal and plastic parts
Clerical For paper parts and photos
Spray For bulk surfaces
sticky pads To lift elements above the surface
Pistol For large workloads
Double-sided tape Bonding fabric and small items
  • Scissors with curly edges (for original cutting).
  • A figured hole punch (makes holes in the form of a leaf, flower, square, snowflake) can be useful for self-cutting decor details from colored paper.
  • Non-fading writing instruments (lacquer markers, watercolor pencils, archival colored pens, paints).

Ready sketches for pages

Scrapbooking for beginners (everything is described step by step with a photo important details) is hard to imagine without sketches. In other words, without a draft or sketch of the finished work. This will allow you to see what should end up happening.

You can come up with sketches yourself or use ready-made options that are created by experts and posted on the Internet.

When drawing a drawing yourself, it is useful to indicate the necessary material. And using a sketch created by other masters, you can modify or add something, guided by your taste.

What can be sketches for scrap:

  • Rectangular(created for pages, frames, document covers, notebooks) in which the base is square. Example in the photo:

When creating your own sketch, you also need to decide on the style of work. It can be a delicate vintage (from aged images, old coins, yellowed lace), a strict and restrained European style (with minimal decorations and many cut photos on one page).

There are also “shabby chic” (which is characterized by disheveled edges of ribbons, calm shades of design, torn edges, scuffs) or a mixture of favorite styles from different eras.

Photo album for a child

For careful and caring storage of your favorite pictures, a self-made scrapbook album is suitable.

Step by step master class

To create a universal children's album suitable for a boy and a girl, it is necessary to divide the process into stages:

Planning of all work

If there are ideas about the desired result, then you need to sketch in detail in a notebook or album the layout of the cover and each page. Or download ready-made sketches of pages on the Internet and print them with notes, where everything will be located and what material is needed.

Scrapbooking for beginners how to do. Photo step by step.

In order to more accurately assemble a sketch, it is worth deciding in advance on the number of photos to be placed in the album (this will depend on the size of the album, page dimensions and the method of attaching pictures). For example, if it is supposed to place a lot of photos, then envelopes will be attached to each page, which will fit several photos of the same period.

When viewing such an album, you need to open each envelope and take out the images, then remove them. Much more interesting pictures stick directly to the pages, but such an album will not contain a large number of pictures. On the other hand, if the author likes the manufacturing process, you can make another album for an older child.

How to make an album cover

The cover can be made of bright fabric, leather or its substitute, paper, oilcloth.

Consumables (for an album measuring 26*26 cm and 5 cm thick):

  • Fabric flaps (the size depends on the author's idea, if a single piece is supposed to cover the entire cover, then its size should be at least 40 * 70 cm).
  • Stitched padding lining (to add thickness and softness).
  • One-sided adhesive fabric (the size of a single piece is 55 * 10 cm).
  • Iron.
  • Appropriate type of glue and double-sided tape.
  • 3 pieces of cardboard (2 mm thick) and measuring 27 * 27 cm (2 parts for pages) and 5.5 * 27 cm (1 part - spine). If the author is going to stitch the cover on a sewing machine, then thinner cardboard must be used.
  • Stationery (ruler, scissors, simple pencil, breadboard knife, glue brush).

Manufacturing steps:

1. Connection of 3 parts of the cover:

Take 2 large pieces of cardboard and a spine. Place them in such a way that the spine is in the center between the sheets and move the sheets close to each other. Put a glue cloth on top of the spine with the grip of parts of the pages (the sticky side of the fabric is facing the paper). Iron with an iron. The fabric will glue all parts of the cardboard.

Photo guideline:

Then carefully turn all the parts over, wrap the spine with adhesive cloth and do the same work with an iron, as in the photo:

Then carefully turn all the parts over, wrap the spine with adhesive cloth and do the same work with an iron. Ready product will move and look like this:

  1. Creating Thickness and Softness for the Cover:

To do this, you will need to cut off one piece of padding polyester of the same size as the cover and glue it on the outside (well coated with PVA glue). Cut off excess.

Next, prepare the main fabric of the cover. If it is planned that it will consist of different cuts, then you need to sew all the pieces of fabric. Iron the resulting base and lay a cardboard blank on it (synthetic winterizer between cardboard and fabric), leaving 3 cm of material for allowances. Example in the photo:

Then double-sided tape is glued along the upper and lower edges of the pages and the edges of the fabric are folded. After that, the same adhesive tape is glued to the side edges and the fabric folds are similarly formed. How to beautifully and quickly arrange the corners is shown in the following pictures:

As a result, it should turn out like this:

Glue the free edges with glue, for better fixation, as in the photo:

Then decorate the front of the cover with decorative elements, make ties. And in the end, glue a thin piece of cardboard on the inside of the cover in one piece (lubricated with plenty of glue). Leave to dry for several hours. Decorate as desired.

Suitable materials for the design of the cover of children's albums:

  • fabric or paper of delicate colors (with animals, toys);
  • knitted lace, braid, satin ribbons;
  • silk flowers, feathers, pompoms;
  • buttons and beads in the form of a stroller, pacifier, baby, animals;
  • stickers on a children's theme;
  • wooden lettering, small Stuffed Toys from felt;
  • figured adhesive tapes with drawings of garlands, toys.

Possible album cover design options for a boy and a girl:

Pages and binding

To create a binding (26 cm by 26 cm with 10 sheets) from scratch you will need:

  • Thick white cardboard (2 mm thick) 50 * 70 cm in size.
  • Stationery knife.
  • Ruler and pencil.


1. Draw and cut out 5 strips of cardboard:

  • 1st - 26 * 52.5 cm;
  • 2nd - 26 * 53.5 cm;
  • 3rd - 26 * 54.5 cm;
  • 4th - 26 * 55.5 cm;
  • 5th - 26 by 56.5 cm.

2. In the center of each strip, draw a future spine, for which it is necessary to set aside 26 cm from the short sides and draw lines. As a result, a strip of different widths (from 0.5 cm to 4.5 cm) should appear in the center on all sheets.

3. Fold each strip inward along two lines to collect in a notebook, as in the photo:

4. Get a large notebook. Free space between the sheets is necessary for the subsequent decoration of each page. Looks like that:

5. Number each page in pencil and set aside.

The next step is to create page decor.

To do this, you need to prepare in advance:

  • scrap paper (purchased in a set in the same style or assembled to your taste);
  • decorative elements of the album (ribbons, beads, buttons, accessories, stickers, adhesive tapes);
  • 20 transparent office files;
  • rubber roller for better bonding of sheets and extrusion of air;
  • small stickers (sticky paper) in the amount of 20 pcs.

Action algorithm:

  • the birth of a child (place, date, time, weight, height, who was present, the first photos from the maternity hospital or from discharge);
  • unusual events that occurred on the baby's birthday;
  • the dynamics of the growth and development of the child by months and his achievements during these periods (one page - one month);
  • the first complementary food with the image of your favorite products;
  • first haircut (with a bunch of hair in an envelope);
  • first words, first steps;
  • communication with parents, relatives and peers, as well as with pets (in the form of photographs);
  • be sure to capture the first transport of the baby (carriage, crib, walkers, jumpers, wheelchairs);
  • favorite toys and short stories associated with them;
  • walks at different times of the year (in autumn in the park, in winter with a snowman, in summer on the beach, in spring with puddles);
  • trip to Kindergarten or other preschool, memorable moments;
  • child's birthdays.

There can be several children's albums, divided by age (from birth to 1 year, from 12 months to kindergarten, Primary School and at older ages). Such a division will allow the mother to reflect each period of the life and growing up of the child in the corresponding album.

Examples of simple interior design for children's album pages:

Assembly of all parts of the album (cover and binding)

To connect the binding to the cover, you will need glue, an awl, a satin ribbon, and a needle. Take the first double sheet (with the widest spine), smear it well with glue and press it against the inner middle part of the cover. Glue gradually the remaining sheets, in order of decreasing width of the spine. It should turn out as shown in the photo:

Leave to dry completely, fixing all glued parts as recommended in the picture:

Upon drying, it remains only to flash the album. To do this, you need to punch a few holes in the center of the spine with an awl, insert the tape and make stitches. Tie a bow outside.

Final touches

The very last action is to attach the metal corners to the cover so that they do not tear or get dirty. To do this, drop a little glue inside the part and put it carefully on the corners of the cover, press on them for a secure fit. As a result, you will get a finished album, approximately, as in the pictures:

family photo album

Scrapbooking (it will not be difficult for beginners to make an album step by step with a photo) allows you to create a beautiful generic book using affordable and inexpensive materials.

Features in the design of family albums:

Lock options for envelopes:

  • tie with ribbons;
  • elastic band stretched across the entire page;
  • brads;
  • buttons or buttons.

The algorithm for creating a family album (similar to the children's album described above):

  1. Draw a layout yourself or borrow ready-made sketches from the Internet.
  2. Prescribe the necessary materials and tools.
  3. Prepare everything you need.
  4. Start by creating pages.
  5. Make cover and binding.
  6. Connect all parts of the album and insert photos.

Information that should be reflected on the pages of the family album:

  • general photo all family members and relatives brief description(for this it is better to take the first turn);
  • close relatives (parents, brothers, sisters, uncles, grandparents) in the form family tree;
  • important events associated with family holidays;
  • branded recipes of the best family chefs;
  • weddings, birthdays, other holidays marked with dates;
  • travel map, trips to nature, to friends;
  • working moments (indicating professions and positions of relatives);
  • favorite family songs with their lyrics;
  • relics, traditions, awards;
  • letter to the future.

How to make a scrapbooking card

Scrapbooking (for beginners, step by step with a photo is easy to create unusual gift do-it-yourself) is actively used in decorating postcards. Today they do not have such popularity as several decades ago, however, weddings, birthdays, Valentine's Day - these are the very events where postcards have a magical effect and give a particle of warmth.

To create a postcard, you can use ready-made kits from needlework stores or pick up everything you need yourself.

A few tips for creating a postcard layout:

  • If the birthday boy has a hobby, it is worth reflecting this in the style of the gift (for example, a woman loves to knit, then use knitted decor elements. Another example, if a man has a passion for watches, then he will like it if there are clockwork wheels on the card).
  • On the anniversary of the birthday person, it is logical to use voluminous numbers and an inscription with wishes on the postcard (reflect the achievements of the hero of the day and the wish inside).
  • If the author gives money and knows their purpose (for example, buying household appliances), then it will be original to beat this in a postcard (for example, make an envelope in the form of a washing machine, where the so-called “drum” opens and banknotes are folded inside, and leave a humorous wish on the next spread.
  • For a boss or work colleague, you can make a postcard with a hint of professional achievements(for example, the basis of a postcard in the form of a business suitcase with the inscription " the best employee office”, and inside there are small “sheets-orders” about the appointment of a bonus, unscheduled leave, promotion, salary increase, accompanied by wishes).

A step-by-step description of creating a postcard - a castle for a girl (as in the photo)

Necessary materials:

  • Pink cardboard as a base.
  • Multi-colored paper with a pattern (for drawing on the doors) and green paper for the leaves.
  • Ribbon, 3 types of paper lace (for turrets).
  • Ready-made or homemade roses.
  • Stationery (glue, scissors, hole punch).


  1. Draw the base of the lock and the door with a pencil on plain paper.
  2. Cut out the template and transfer it to cardboard, cut out 2 identical parts of the lock (face and back) and 2 doors.
  3. Cut out leaves and twigs from green paper.
  4. Make holes in the doors with a hole punch.
  5. Decorate the turrets of the castle with paper lace, gluing it with glue.
  6. Cut and glue the window above the doors.
  7. Cut lace curls from multi-colored paper and glue them on the doors.
  8. Glue the doors along the inner seam.
  9. In the space between the doors, attach a postcard with a wish.
  10. Pass the ribbon through the holes and tie a bow.
  11. Decorate the facade of the castle with roses and leaves in the form of a rim, putting them on glue.
  12. Glue the reverse side of the castle with the second base, while closing the seams from the lace on the towers. The postcard is ready after complete drying.

wedding cards

When creating wedding cards with your own hands, you must adhere to the basic rules:

  • light shades (pink, peach or coral);
  • airiness of decor (pearl beads, lace, paper curls);
  • the use of pigeons, rings, figurines of the newlyweds;
  • silk or satin flowers;
  • unexpected surprise inside the postcard;
  • packaging for the envelope, so as not to damage the voluminous decorations.

An example of the design of an unusual postcard-album (with a cash gift inside)

Photo of exemplary work:

This card-gift will be remembered by all the guests of the celebration and will definitely make an indelible impression on the young spouses. Its peculiarity is several pages on which there is comic information about opening a life account for the joint name of the newlyweds, an envelope for banknotes, wishes and parting words for a long and happy family life.

Necessary materials:

  • cardboard, 2 mm thick;
  • ready-made satin roses or made by yourself;
  • ribbon;
  • scrapbooking paper;
  • stationery.
  • half pearls.

Making a "Savings book" (sizes at the discretion of the master):

  1. Make the base of the cover according to the pattern from the children's album described above.
  2. Decorate the front of the cover with blue paper and the first page of the passbook printed on a color printer (take a template from the Internet), attach flowers and inscriptions on top.
  3. Make a binding of 2 double sheets (as in the children's album, described above), arrange them as follows: 1st page - information about opening an account (as in a real book), 2nd - an envelope for banknotes with a ribbon tie (if banknotes not much, you can attach them with a stapler directly to the page), 3rd and 4th - wishes and parting words.
  4. Assemble the postcard album together and pack it in a gift box.

Notebook scrapbooking technique

For homemade a unique notepad for notes (for example, a photo) you must have:

  • split rings — 2 pcs. (or a spring from a common notebook) and special metal clips for rings (4 pcs.), which are inserted into the cover;
  • hole puncher;
  • scissors, glue;
  • scrap paper;
  • cardboard (1 mm thick) for the cover;
  • sheets for notes (plain A4 paper is suitable);
  • decorative elements for the design of the cover of the notebook (lace, brads, badge, wooden butterfly);
  • sewing machine.


  1. Cut the inner sheets of the same size (20*25 cm).
  2. Make holes with a hole punch at equal distances from the edge.
  3. Cut out 2 sheets of cardboard, 21 * 26 cm in size (covers).
  4. Decorate cover:
  • stick background paper on 2 pieces of cardboard, leaving 2 cm allowances on all sides;
  • seal the corners and all allowances from the inside of the cover;
  • at the location of the rings, make holes with a hole punch and insert the clamps on both parts of the cover;
  • attach a window to the front of the cover, along the edges of which sew lace folded in 2 layers with a machine;
  • to close the seams on the lace, sew a frame from the braid on top, not forgetting to sew in a tie for the notebook;
  • in the corner of the window, attach lace flowers and fix in the center with a brad (pre-make a through hole with an awl);
  • attach a badge and a wooden butterfly;
  • after finishing the decoration, complete the inside of the cover by gluing the scrap paper of your choice.
  1. Gather the notebook together and thread the rings.
  2. Make a bow out of ties.

Panel for photos

Scrapbooking (for beginners, you can make interior decorations step by step with a photo) allows you to create large works, for example, a wall panel with photographs. The panel can be different - in the form of one photograph or several, framed in a single frame or interconnected.

For an economical option for making panels from simple materials necessary:

  • cardboard sheet (from a TV box or a washing machine), the size is at the discretion of the master;
  • foam corners in two sizes (they are sold in construction stores), will serve as a baguette and frames;
  • paint in a spray can (for coloring foam);
  • paper for scrapbooking;
  • whatman sheet of paper;
  • white lace or white paint;
  • background paper the size of a sheet of cardboard (you can use gift paper);
  • satin ribbons, decorative elements (buttons, shells, animal figurines, steering wheel, anchor, stroller);
  • colored cardboard for children's applications, glue, scissors, adhesive tape, rubber roller.


Flowers and butterflies for scrapbooking

To make paper flowers with your own hands, you need to prepare:

  • Colored cardboard (what is used for children's applications is suitable).
  • Awl and scissors.
  • Buttons, carnations or brads for the center of the flower.

How to craft:

  • make a flower template;
  • cut out 3 identical blanks for 1 flower from cardboard of the same color (photo A);
  • bend the petals inward (photo B);
  • put 3 parts in one pile (photo C);
  • cut out the core of the flower from cardboard of a different color and put it in the center of the workpiece (photo D);
  • with an awl, make a hole in the center and insert a carnation, secure (photo E);
  • if a stem is required, then make it from green wire, and the leaves from green cardboard.

To make your own butterflies, you need to take:

  • colored or white cardboard (1 mm thick);
  • paints, brush and scissors;
  • half pearls, beads for antennae.

Action algorithm:

  • using the template below, cut out 2 pieces of each butterfly from cardboard (one piece should be slightly smaller than the second);
  • paint both parts of one butterfly with paints as desired;
  • form antennae from a thin wire, put on the tips of the bead;
  • glue the antennae to the bottom of the butterfly in the head area (on top of the paper);
  • connect the two parts of the butterfly in the center (smaller on top), fastening them with glue;
  • glue halves of pearls in the center;
  • sticky double-sided pads or adhesive tape are suitable for attaching insects to work.

The pattern and method of coloring butterflies is shown in the figures:

Passion for scrap will allow you to create very non-trivial beautiful gizmos for household use or for a gift.

Variations interesting ideas:

  • Caskets for bijouterie and jewelry.
  • Making cross-stitch embroidery (instead of the usual baguette).
  • Wallet, laptop bag.
  • Dollhouse for girls to play.
  • Watch as photo:

  • Boxes for storing albums or other things.
  • Cookbook with recipes.
  • Baby box (where photos, hair, pacifier, first socks are collected), example:

  • Bookmarks in books, as in the photo:

  • Educational materials for teaching children (for example, a book with letters), as in the photo:

  • Decoration of a children's room with soft felt frames for drawings, pictures, lesson schedules.
  • Sophisticated home decor.

Scrapbooking creativity is for romantic and enthusiastic people, which allows you to turn your fantasies into work, while experiencing harmony in your soul. And you don't have to be a professional or study for a long time.

Beginning needlewomen who first got acquainted with the ancient craft, using step-by-step descriptions of master classes with supported photos, can easily cope.

The main thing is to have patience and a desire to surprise loved ones with a man-made masterpiece.

Article formatting: Anna Vinnitskaya

Scrapbooking video for beginners

First purchases for scrapbooking:


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