Mink breeding as a home business. Mink breeding at home as a business Mink how to breed at home

Mink breeding is one of the promising directions in business development. Entrepreneurial activity in raising animals is widespread in 14 regions, which means that there is a demand.

Mink farming business

Minks are bred mainly in three colors - STK, pastel, sapphire. The rest for breeding for sale in practice have not found application.

Mink breeding as a business is implemented in two ways:

  1. Growing females and males of common colors.
  2. Breed individuals of rare colors - pearl. These are more expensive.

You need to choose what type of labor will be used on the farm - manual or automated. It depends on the number of planned purchases of animals and staff. When workers manage to take care of the animals and feed them themselves, don't spend extra money on automation.

Organizing a mink farm

To organize and establish mink breeding as a business, first you need to choose a site for construction. All actions taken to organize entrepreneurial activity must be agreed with the fire inspectorate, sanitary-epidemiological and veterinary supervision.

You can not be located in the water protection zone. As for large farms, at least 50% automation is considered normal for them. On small ones, it is advisable to use manual labor.

It is unacceptable to place a mink farm near residential buildings. Minimum distance:

  • with a population of 20-50 females - at a distance of 30 m from the house;
  • with a population of females from 51 to 250 - from 60 meters;
  • when the number of animals on the farm exceeds 250 individuals - no closer than 90 m.

The mink growing business is profitable, but before calculating the profitability, they calculate the costs of arranging and maintaining animals, feeding and disposing of leftovers.

Sales of products are being established in stores that sell fur products, and in factories for sewing fur coats and hats.

Farms - technological norms

Mink breeding farms perfectly justify themselves as a small subsidiary farm, and a large farm enterprise. It is better to know right away how many animals you can keep at the first stage, whether you need additional workers. The presence of a veterinarian at the enterprise is not necessary, his visits on call are sufficient.

Process design standards

  1. The recommended number of females is from 20 to 500.
  2. The following factors apply to the herd:
    • females - 1;
    • males - 0.2;
    • young animals (offspring) - 5.1.
  3. Cultivation of minks occurs until the animal enters the active stage of growth, individuals under the age of 8 months are considered young.
  4. The rut in animals usually begins in the second half of February and lasts until March.
  5. Fertilization (whelping) occurs from late April to May.
  6. Pregnancy in females is from 30 days to 2 months and twenty days.
  7. Cubs are taken from females and deposited at 35–45 days of age.
  8. All adults of the herd should be kept in separate cages, young animals can be planted in pairs.
  9. Breeding minks is not recommended in areas where the summer temperature is above 30 degrees, and in the premises for keeping animals there is no constant cooling of the air. At high positive temperatures, the fur of animals loses quality, which affects the price of products.
  10. The cage for keeping should consist of a house and a place for walking. Height - not less than 45 cm. House area - 0.15 sq.m., paddock - 0.338 sq.m. For young animals, respectively - 0.039 and 0.098 sq.m.
  11. The room should have a central and transverse aisles, as well as a utility room for storing inventory.
  12. Depending on the skin processing technology, the animals are kept in single-tier cages, double-row or multi-row cages.
  13. The cage is made of a metal mesh with a cell size of 25x25 mm.

For high-quality breeding of animals you will need:

  • room for food preparation;
  • a place for slaughter and initial processing of skins;
  • fencing throughout the farm;
  • sewerage, electricity and heat supply, provision of water supply;
  • storage and household premises;
  • platforms and sheds for storing manure and peat.

Animal care

Approximate norms of water per day:

  • 0.5 l. for an adult mink;
  • 0.7 l. for a cub;
  • 7l. – per 1 female (train, production needs).
  • adult animal - 38 kilograms;
  • young growth - 16 kg.

Products necessary for feeding animals:

  • meat;
  • fish;
  • corn;
  • compound feed;
  • meat and bone, fish meal;
  • dairy;
  • succulent feed;
  • sprat, cake, fodder yeast;
  • fish oil or prefabricated fortified fats.

For bedding, hay, straw (from awnless cereals), wood shavings (sawdust) are needed. Change as it gets dirty. For one adult animal, 30 kilograms of bedding material is harvested per year, for young individuals - 4. Stored in a place inaccessible to rodents - under a canopy, in a stack, in a ventilated barn. It is strictly forbidden to use material damaged by rodents, as well as with traces of mold and dust to animals.

For dressing skins, expensive equipment is needed, therefore, for further processing, they are handed over to wholesale customers at a good price.

Breeding mink for skins

After removing the skin from the animal, its inner part, the mezdra, is cleaned of fat and meat, then spread on a flat surface with fur down until it cools. After that, it is covered with salt for 2-3 days before drying.

The second way - the skins are dipped for 5-6 hours in a strong salt solution, and then laid out on the surface to dry. The drying process takes several days.

Storage without treatment with saline or salt is unacceptable. Further dressing of the skins on their own is undesirable. Manufacturers use equipment.

Mink breeding does not require a lot of capital. First, young females are left to reproduce offspring in order to increase the number of livestock. The time to make a profit will be delayed, look for reliable buyers, conclude contracts.

when they sell an untanned skin, the price will be 120 rubles. for 1 square decimeter. Factory dressing costs 3000 - 4000 rubles. It is more profitable to sell factory - you can order work from professionals.

The price for an adult female is from 3000 rubles. Male - 2300 rubles. The purchase of animals will require from 60 thousand rubles. Each female gives offspring up to 5 puppies per year. Increasing the number of minks to four times the original number is considered optimal, giving the company a good profitability. Ideally, when not a single cub dies, for the sale of young animals they receive good profit. To save feed, part of the offspring can be sold, and part can be used to obtain skins.

It must be borne in mind that the delivery of the first skins will only pay for the maintenance of animals, and then only partially. The main thing in business is exact observance of technologies, vaccination. Animals should not be kept in residential premises and allowed to close quarters to children.

Mink breeding. Mink feeding

Mink breeding

Hello, dear readers of our site, today we will touch on the topic of fur farming, not so long ago we already wrote about breeding and keeping nutria at homeI, today we will talk about minks. Keeping minks at home the business is very profitable, because it is not in vain that mink production is considered a leader in the fur farming industry.

Among other things, minks feel great in captivity, are not whimsical about food, and live well in cages.

Minks are relatively small animals, body weight reaches approximately 790 grams. for female minks and about 1.5 kg. for male minks, the length of the body, excluding the tail, will be approximately 40 cm for females and 50 cm for males, respectively. Therefore, mink cages are made small, the main condition is the size of the mesh cells, consider the fact that mink puppies are very small, if you have a mesh with large cells, then mink puppies need to be kept in another room so that they do not fall out of the cage.

Mink feeding

Do not forget that the mink in wild nature it is a carnivore, so meat must be in their diet. The diet of the mink during the dormant period and during the breeding period is different, so at rest, fish, meat waste, cereals, and dairy products predominate in the mink feed. During the breeding season, minks need enhanced nutrition, the same fish, meat plus plant foods, sometimes minks are given fish oil, for pregnant females and mink puppies, milk and yeast are added to the feed.

Minks are seasonal animals, they breed puppies, in the spring, for the winter, fur grows in minks, which is of the greatest value, because of it, as a rule, minks are bred. Between November and December, minks are selected to be slaughtered for fur. Also in the fall, it is necessary to select minks for breeding, in order not to lose livestock, it is worth selecting strong, active animals. On average, a mink is kept for about 5 years, after which it is slaughtered, otherwise the quality of the fur will deteriorate.

There are a huge variety of mink colors, over 300, but there are not so many main types, now we will consider the most common mink colors that are found when grown on farms.

mink photo

  • -Dark brown mink, this is the dominant species, from which all the other colors of animals have gone, this coloring is found in almost 34% of the number of females.
  • -Black mink, very rare and makes up no more than 1.2% of all animals that are bred in fur farms.
  • - Silver blue, the most common group of minks, found in 39% of cases where animals are kept.
  • - Sapphire mink, appeared as a result of selection, by crossing the Aleutian mink with the silver-blue one, it has a very high survival rate of the offspring, which is less than 88%.
  • - Pastel mink, the color resembles a dark brown mink, but has a blue tint, which gives its skin a special charm and is valued much higher, the species is also highly prolific and high rate offspring survival, it is 90%.

Mink breeding at home

We have already mentioned that they are not very large, they are also mobile, active, love to play, with the help of their claws, they can climb almost any surface in any direction. Therefore, if you plan to keep a mink in an apartment, then take care of buying a cage for a mink, otherwise there will be peace, you only dream, you need to walk the mink, letting it out of the cage, it will walk around the room.

Minks love to play with their owner , in this regard, they are very similar to cats, but unlike the latter, they are very fond of taking baths, so a basin of water will be the cutest thing for them. The nature of the mink is pretty bad, they do not get along very well with other animals in the house, therefore, in order to avoid unpleasant consequences, it is better to keep the mink separately from other pets. To avoid biting your pet when you vaccinate him (and you need to do it once a year), put on thick gloves, and hold the animal by the head and neck to avoid being bitten.

This concludes our story about minks, we wish you success in keeping minks, whether it is a business or keeping a mink at home for your own pleasure!

Mink in the house video


Mink breeding as a business

For people who want to organize their business in livestock farming, I recommend taking a closer look at the idea of ​​​​breeding a mink at home or a sable business.

Mink breeding as a business is a profitable business that proper organization, will certainly bring you a stable and large income.

Mink is an animal that is very famous for its beautiful fur. Every woman dreams of a chic mink coat. Products from the fur of this animal are quite expensive, only rich people wear such fur coats and vests. A mink coat is not only very warm and beautiful, but also worn for many years without losing its presentation.

Not only fur coats are sewn from mink fur, but also hats, mittens, collars and scarves. The demand for fur is quite large, so its cost is considerable.

From this, many entrepreneurs are thinking about organizing a mink breeding farm.

Mink breeding business plan

Successful entrepreneurs always draw up a clear business plan of action before starting to implement an idea. This is necessary in order to calculate the profitability of the idea in a particular territory, the level of demand and competition, as well as indicate the approximate amount of costs and approximate dates business payback. As an example, we advise you to look at the business plan for breeding rabbits.

Mink breeding at home

The mink is a small predatory animal of the mustelid family. The animal is small in size up to 50 cm. The mink comes in a wide variety of colors from brown, black, to silver-blue. Interestingly, for the production of elite fur coats of world brands, only female skins are used, the quality of their fur is much higher than that of males.

To keep these fluffy animals, you need to equip cages and a room. Cells can be made independently or made to order. It is important that the mink has enough free space, take care of the convenience of the animals. Raising these wild animals requires free space, so this species earnings suitable for people living in countryside. If you are a resident of the city, we recommend that you start breeding dogs as a business at home.

A house should be equipped in the cage, where the animal can hide from prying eyes. Also put a special feeder for food, a drinking bowl and a container of water, these predators love water treatments.

Minks are aggressive animals, so they need to be kept in separate cages. The length of this structure should be at least 60 centimeters, and more, it all depends on your preferences. But even in such an area, predators will feel comfortable.


Minks are predators by nature. In the wild, they feed mainly on small rodents, fish, and birds. If you decide to start breeding mink at home, you must provide the animals with a complete, balanced diet. It should mainly consist of fresh meat, fish, plant foods and dairy products.

It is not necessary to feed the mink with low-quality oily waste. It is best to breed rodents for these purposes, providing these predatory animals with a complete, healthy diet.

It is also possible to feed minks with inexpensive fish that can be bought in bulk. But do not forget that these furry animals are prone to various diseases, and this is a risk to your business. Therefore, take care of the constant monitoring of minks by a veterinarian, and also add vitamins to food for prevention. This will significantly increase the chances of survival of the offspring.

Business registration

Before starting your business, you must register as a sole trader or LLC. To breed minks, you need to obtain a license, as well as documents confirming the origin and evaluation of the breeding and productive qualities of animals.

If you plan to implement your detail as individual entrepreneur, then they must have an appropriate education (livestock specialist or zooengineer). If there is no education, then you need to register as an LLC and hire, for the position of your deputy, a person with the appropriate education.

In addition, the maintenance of minks on your farm will be checked by the sanitary and epidemiological service, which should issue a conclusion on whether you adhere to the rules and regulations.
After collecting and submitting documents within 60 days, the licensing authority decides whether to issue or refuse a license, which is issued for 5 years.

Sales of products

This business does not require large investments. You can start small, buy a small stock and leave young females for breeding. Naturally, in this case, the payback period of the business will be longer, but with a lack of funds, this is a good way out of the situation.

Mink implementation options:

  1. Sale of live minks as pets or for divorce. Additionally, you can earn money by selling minks for breeding. Also today, keeping these animals at home as pets has become fashionable. But here you should not forget that the mink is a predatory and rather aggressive animal that is difficult to tame. The only way to domesticate a mink is to care for the cub from the moment of birth. It is almost impossible to tame an adult animal.
  2. Sale of skins. You will receive the main income, of course, by selling this valuable fur. Fur factories and shops can become your clients. Prices for mink skins are quite high, everything will depend on the quality and a well-established distribution channel. So take care of that initial stage implementation of your idea;
  3. Tailoring of fur products. If you own own farm for breeding mink, you may well open a factory for tailoring fur products. Thus, you will be able to successfully invest your money and significantly increase your profits.


First of all, I would like to point out that this business- cost-effective and quite promising, because the price of fur only grows every year.

An important condition for success in business is a competent investment, it is also important to adhere to the technology of breeding, caring for and keeping furry animals. Without proper care, minks can get sick, and you will lose all your livestock and doom your business to failure.
A very important point is a competent sales market. It is important to find buyers in advance and, if possible, conclude a contract with them for the supply of products.

Mink breeding business

In nature, there are not so many valuable breeds of animals that can be bred in captivity. These include the main supplier of valuable fur for Russian market- mink. The fur of these animals is used for sewing beautiful and warm winter clothes, as well as for making various complementary or decorating accessories for it in the form of mittens, collars or scarves. For a long time, a fur coat made of mink skins has been considered almost the first indicator of the security of its wearer.

The fur of this animal has been in high demand on the clothing market for a long time period, and given that minks are easily kept in captivity, the business of breeding these animals is a very profitable business. If the organization of a mink breeding farm in Russia is carried out in accordance with all the rules of zootechnics, deliberately and with interest, then it will certainly allow its founder to quickly recoup the initial investment and then receive consistently high incomes.

Starting investment - 4,480,000 rubles.

Market saturation is average.

The complexity of starting a business is 5/10.

Cellular maintenance of minks

The issue of building cages for breeding minks for fur or buying them ready-made is almost the most important in the development of this business. The construction of the premises of the fur farm for breeding mink is not so important as the conditions for the life of animals that are formed by a separate cage.

Cells can be placed almost in the same house where the owner himself lives. But such a business plan for aspiring businessmen will be more like the actions of an inquisitive person or just an animal lover. To organize a serious fur business, a fur farm, if not large, is required. The beginning of this business was the purchase of a land plot for the placement of a mink farm. Those who live below the line will not have problems with this. big city and owns a household with a plot of land sufficient in area. He will only have to build a low canopy there and place ready-made cages for keeping minks under it. It is quite affordable to make these cages with his own hands. Considering that minks are very active animals, the size of the cages should correspond to the area for their free movement.

An important part of breeding a mink at home is a house in which she can hide from prying eyes at any time, relax and bring her offspring. You will also need drinkers well fixed to the walls of the cage and a small reservoir of water where the mink will swim - after all, this is their favorite pastime, which also directly affects the quality of the future fur. If everything in the cage is not securely and thoughtfully fixed, then this energetic animal will make a huge mess there, turning loose elements literally “upside down”.

The cell grid should have cells whose size does not exceed 2.7 cm. Only in such small cells this nosy animal will not be able to squeeze through. But this size is only suitable for adults. But newborn cubs can easily penetrate into such small holes, so it is better to immediately put them into boxes prepared in advance or into cages with another, smaller cell.

An entrepreneur who does not have the time and skill to make cages for keeping a mink at home with his own hands can buy them at a fairly reasonable cost. A cage for ten animals is usually sold by manufacturers for no more than 10 thousand rubles. Given that minks are not peaceful, it is better to immediately settle them in separate smaller cages. You can buy cages for minks for separate keeping at a much lower price by posting ads on relevant websites. Now the prices for cages for separate keeping of animals do not exceed 4 thousand rubles.

A canopy for the location of cages must meet all the conditions for keeping minks, reliably protect animals from bad weather, dust, and drafts. It is especially necessary to take into account the fact that the animals do not tolerate heat well in summer. But in winter they do not need any heating.

Animal feeding

The main problem here is that the mink is carnivorous. She is a wonderful hunter, which gives her high vitality in the wild. The main subjects of her hunting are various rodents, animals that are smaller in size. This animal does not pass by a fish standing in a whirlpool, or a gaping bird on a branch by the river. Considering these facts, both fresh meat and fish, as well as cereals, should be included in the diet of minks. Also required in a certain proportion are special dry feed additives and milk-based products.

Highly an important factor Mink maintenance is that, with the right diet, they are not prone to any diseases. If you do not feed them with low-quality waste, then they will be healthy, and the fur will be shiny with a high quality of wear, with a good color scheme.

The best option is to give animals literally live food. These may be mice from some research laboratory or bred specifically for feeding minks. After all, the mice themselves can be fed with inexpensive cereal waste. Such a food chain provides sustainable economical effect, which will be followed by the profitability of the whole process of growing mink as a business.

Given that an adult mink eats half or a full mouse per day, then this way of feeding these animals is fully justified. You can also buy cheap fish for food. Cannibalism is inherent in minks, and if some animal dies, it can also be used to feed other, healthy individuals. You can buy mink food at the nearest meat processing plant, and by finding regular suppliers of this product from ads on the Internet.

Minks living in captivity also require vitamin supplements, which they need to be fed regularly. This will contribute to the stability of the immune system of animals, protect them from diseases. Given that the disease of one animal on a fur farm very quickly turns into an epidemic that mows down almost the entire livestock in a matter of days, this must be avoided by all means. It will be a bust for the business. To avoid such failures, you need to know the features of mink breeding very well and strictly adhere to the sanitation plan drawn up at the very beginning of the business.

Popular publications:

Breeding and reproduction of minks

An important point in breeding animals is the ability to plan the growth of the farm. Of course, this requires a very careful organization of this process, taking into account all biological features development of fur animals.

Rutting and mating in minks begins in early spring, in March, and already after reaching ten months, the animals reach puberty. Mink puppies a month after fertilization, in April. In the first half of the pregnancy of females, this cannot be established by their appearance. Only when the second half of pregnancy comes, they begin to rapidly increase the size of the abdomen.

Before whelping, it is necessary to spread the litter in the form of hay or soft wood shavings in the nesting house. The brood of a healthy female usually has up to 5 cubs, which, after giving birth, do not see anything, do not hear anything and are completely helpless. They feed on mother's milk for the first two weeks of life, and already from 18-20 days of life, puppies begin to taste food themselves. To begin to accustom them to feeding, food should be placed directly in the house where they are. Only at the age of 40 days, puppies begin to lead an independent lifestyle, eat well and navigate well in the cage. At this age, they need to be separated from their mother.

Animals begin to acquire winter fur in early autumn, in September. It is these skins that are most valuable. The animals are slaughtered in order to obtain high quality fur in late autumn, from November to December. Given that the sale of animal skins is the income from this business, only healthy animals with a shiny and beautiful skin are selected for slaughter. At the same time, the selection of the livestock of the farm is carried out. From the healthy part, those animals are selected that are most suitable for both the buyer and the entrepreneur in terms of appearance and quantity.

Selection should be aimed at ensuring that the individuals remaining for breeding are the most beautiful and largest. The life expectancy of minks when kept in captivity usually does not exceed six years. If the animals are kept longer than this period, then both the quality of their fur and their reproductive ability will quickly decrease.

Mink breeding business planning

Even taking into account the well-known fact that mink breeding is a very profitable business, an entrepreneur from the very beginning of his activity must have clear business- a mink breeding plan, in which it is desirable to take into account everything, even the smallest moments of the upcoming work.

Accurate cost and income calculations, professionally compared with each other, can make it possible to determine both the payback period of the initial investment and the profitability of the fur farm.

Experts in this field have calculated that keeping one animal for a month will cost the entrepreneur a maximum of 70 rubles. But the price of high-quality minks offered by sewing enterprises now reaches from 6,000 to 12 thousand rubles apiece.

If you organize a farm by buying mink puppies for breeding in the amount of 1000 females and 23 males, then one person will be enough to care for the mink of this farm. If we take a small farm with 20 females and 3 males, then with all the costs and losses, up to 110 skins can be obtained by the end of the season. If we take a larger population, for example, consisting of 300 females and 20 males, then about 320 cages will be required for their maintenance at a price of 4,000 rubles apiece. This is 1 million 320 thousand rubles. Each animal costs about 10,000 rubles, and its maintenance during the year is another 840 rubles.

Having added the content of the livestock and care for them, we will reach the figure:

320 x 10,000= 3,200,000 rubles

320 x 4,000 \u003d 1,280,000 rubles.

320 x 840 = 268,800 rubles

Initial costs come out to 4 million 800 thousand rubles.

Already in December next year, it will be possible to sell about one and a half thousand skins. And the sale of such a quantity of fur goods at the appropriate price will bring income of tens of millions of rubles. This amount is so large that it is simply ridiculous to talk about the low profitability of the enterprise, about whether it is profitable or not to breed minks. This indicator will be at a very high level.

Breeding mink at home as a business

Such a promising business as breeding mink at home is many times easier than growing other fur-bearing animals, and the demand for the product is huge. Below we present detailed instructions on organizing such a business for beginners.


First you need to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC with codes OKVED: 01.49.- Breeding of other animals, 01.49.2. - "Breeding rabbits and other fur-bearing animals on farms."

To grow fur-bearing animals on your farm, you need to get a license from the Ministry of Agriculture. It is issued for five years.. When buying breeding animals, ask for certificates of origin and assessment of the quality of the livestock.

Other documents

  • Permission from Rospozharnadzor;
  • Conclusion of the SES;
  • Permission of veterinary supervision.

Animal farm cannot be placed in water protection zone and near residential buildings.

The best mink breeds for breeding

The most valuable and popular types of fur color: silver-blue, dark brown (one of the most common), sapphire, black (rare variety), pastel.

Fur of females is considered more valuable. The most expensive colors are white and gray, black, red, palomino, cross.

Buying minks

It is best to acquire young animals at the age of 5-6 months, by the 9-10th month they reach puberty and begin to multiply. In order to get about 200 heads at the end of the year, it is necessary to have 40 females and 6 males.

The price at which you can buy a live mink for breeding, ranges from $ 60-90 per individual. In total, the purchase of young animals will take $ 3000-3500.

Where to buy mink for breeding in Russia by region?

1. In the Central Federal District. Well-known farms are Savvatyevo (the village of Savvatyevo in the Tver region), Russian Sable (the village of Zverosovkhoz in the Moscow region), Saltykovsky Breeding Animal Farm (Balashikha in the Moscow region), Mermerins (Tver region);

2. Ural: Marble Animal Farm (the village of Marmorskoe in the Sverdlovsk Region);

3. Siberia: Bolsherechensk fur farm near Irkutsk, "Siberian Fur Company" (Novosibirsk);

4. Far East : Animal farm Valentinovskoe (Valentin village in Primorsky Krai);

5. SFD: Ladoga fur farm (Ust-Labinsky district in the Krasnodar Territory).

Requirements for a mink farm

  • At least 5 acres of land (at least 2 acres are required for 200 heads);
  • Fences around the perimeter of the farm;
  • Sewerage, water supply, electricity;
  • Warehouse, space for storage and preparation of feed;
  • Slaughter rooms.

In our calculations, we focus on the fact that breeding farm mink is located on its own plot of land with an area of ​​5 acres.

Housing for mink

This animal is unpretentious in terms of heat, so the cages can be placed outdoors, best of all under a canopy. Then they will be less polluted, and their inhabitants will not be threatened by bad weather. A complex of cages located on several floors under a canopy is called a shed.

Mink- aggressive and restless pets, so it is better to place them one by one (the exception is the mating period).

Cell parameters for one adult: height - from 45 cm, area - about 0.5 square meters. The grid cells should be as small as possible. Set up a small house inside so that the beast can hide and feel protected. A small wooden box with a hole will do. The litter is made of soft hay (for puppies - from wood shavings), the litter is changed at least once a week.

These furries love to swim. so if space allows, place a container of water inside the cage. Before you buy mink puppies, fully equip their future “home” and secure all “interior details”, especially feeders and drinkers. Otherwise, the animals are all turned upside down.

Mink breeding conditions

From the very beginning, all animals must be vaccinated, it is desirable to repeat this procedure every year. If one individual gets sick, then you risk losing the entire livestock in a couple of days. Known vaccines - hexodog, nobivak. You can vaccinate yourself.

Temperature regime

Animals tolerate cold well, and at high temperatures require keeping in refrigerated rooms. If the air is warmer than +30 degrees, the fur fur may deteriorate and fall in price.


Being predators, these animals need meat. Breeding minks requires proper diet, otherwise the fur will be dull and of poor quality.

Definitely needed meat, fish, dairy products, grain and fishmeal, succulent feed (grass, root crops, potatoes), vitamins (“pushnovit”), fodder yeast, fish oil, compound feed should be added to food.

Fish and laboratory mice are also suitable. Mice can be self-bred and fed inexpensive grain mixes. About $ 1.2-1.6 per month is spent on food for one animal.

Feeding is done twice a day (morning and evening), always at the same time., which you define and fix yourself. A pregnant female requires feeding 3-4 times a day. It is impossible to skip feeding, even a short fasting exhausts the animals and affects the condition of the fur.

An adult requires 0.5 liters of water per day (it must always be in a ball drinker in a cage), a cub - 0.7 liters.


Mating most often occurs in March; in April-May, the females are already puppies. The first 40 days the cubs spend with their mother, then they are placed in separate rooms. On average, one female brings 5-6 puppies.

Costs and profits

When drawing up a business plan for breeding mink, consider the seasonal nature of the business. Winter fur builds up by September-November, this is the best time for slaughter. Of the 200 livestock that we will receive at the end of the year, we leave 50 animals for rearing, and from the rest we make a profit from the sale of skins for dressing.

It is difficult to organize dressing on your own, the only option is to negotiate with nearby production and share the profits. Ready-made fur products are best sold.

Main costs:

  1. Documents - about $ 500;
  2. Purchase of puppies - $ 3,000;
  3. Arrangement of cells - in the region of $ 3,000;
  4. Feed for a year - $ 2,500.

Capital investments for the opening and rearing of the first livestock - approximately 9 thousand dollars. In subsequent years, the costs will be about $2500-3000.

For a carcass, you can get $ 30-50. For 150 heads we will get up to $6,000. After a year or two, the business pays off, and only then does it acquire the necessary profitability. Net income is $3,000 per year. To increase this figure, it is recommended to expand the fur farm.

home breeding mink as a business is an easy task, and the product itself is not cheap.

But before you start, be sure to consider distribution channels to quickly recoup your business.

At all times, animal husbandry has been a profitable and ancient human activity. Nowadays, people even breed wild animals at home. There is always an increased demand for this type of product, so animal breeding is very popular and profitable.

Mink is a small predatory animal that belongs to the mustelid family and has very valuable fur. Mink skin is actively used for sewing outerwear and other wide variety of accessories. Fur coats, mink hats are considered very beautiful, valuable and warm. Who doesn't want a mink coat? But in order for this product to be considered truly beautiful, of high quality and spectacular, the mink needs special care and proper nutrition. AT modern world many people think about small business who can bring fixed income. Breeding a mink at home is a profitable and profitable business. Now this animal is even started at home as a pet. Usually this process occurs in two directions:

  • when bred female and male individuals of various different colors;
  • when animals are bred only a rare flower, for example, a pearl color. The fur of unique individuals will cost much more than ordinary colors.

How to do business?

To engage in this business, special specific conditions are not needed. But you need to pay attention all the time. To begin with, if you still decide to engage in this business, you need to decide whether everything will happen on your farm with the help of special automatic machines or you will hire employees to work. If you can find skilled workers who can easily do their job without machines, then, of course, this kind of work will cost you less than automating the process. But, if you plan to increase the number of animals over time, then soon you will simply not be able to grow these animals without special machines.

At the initial stage, it is necessary to carefully and carefully study the most diverse literature on breeding these animals at home, view useful and entertaining videos on the Internet about the behavior of these predators. And the important point will be, of course, drawing up a business plan. In the natural environment of minks, there are over 300 species and colors. They are all obtained by different crossing.

What minks are chosen for business?

Most often, people are breeding at home the American individual. The most common colors are: dark brown, silver - blue, ordinary black, sapphire, pastel. Black color is considered the most common and practical. But gray-blue mink or pastel will be much more expensive and spectacular. For the process, it is recommended to have from 25 to 450 females. The ratio of the calculation of females and males on the farm is approximately the following: there should be 0.2 males per 1 female. And in this proportion, about 5 young animals are obtained.

A juvenile is considered to be under 8 months of age. The process of growing minks goes on until the transition of the individual to the adult stage. At the end of February, the rutting process takes place and lasts about two weeks. Fertilization occurs from the second mid-April to mid-May. Pregnancy in females lasts from one to almost three months. When the cubs are about a month old, one and a half, they need to be placed in separate cages. Adult minks are kept in separate cages. A very important point is the control of the temperature in the room in which the minks live. If the temperature exceeds 30 degrees, the fur may lose its beautiful appearance.

The cage needs to be spacious enough and large enough to accommodate the animal's house freely and have room for walking. Minks are quite aggressive animals, therefore, when placing them in cages, all norms, sizes and material for the cage must be observed. The height of the cage should be more than 40 cm. Also, there should be various central and transverse passages inside the room. The cages are made from metal mesh.

The main materials needed for breeding minks at home:

  • a place to prepare food;
  • the place where the slaughter of the animal and the process of processing the skin will take place;
  • the room must be fenced around the perimeter;
  • the farm must be provided with sewerage, electricity, heat and a constant supply of water;
  • on a farm where mink is grown, warehouses and household premises must be present;
  • there should be special platforms and sheds so that manure and peat can be stored.

Organizational issue

Before you start organizing a mink business, you need to right place place a construction site and coordinate all actions with all authorities, register with special authorities as a private entrepreneur or company. You can not build a farm in places close to residential buildings. These unique animals do not tolerate the bustle and noise of the city. If you plan to keep from 20 to 50 females on the farm, then the distance from the house should be at least 30 meters. If from 50 to 250 females, then the distance from the house should be about 60 meters. Or if the most is more than 250, then the distance must be more than 90 meters.

Mink breeding as a business is very profitable business which can be highly profitable. But before the start of any event, it is imperative to draw up a competent business plan, calculate the costs of arranging a farm, keeping and feeding animals, and recycling waste. All goods can be organized into shops, factories and other places that sell fur products and sew fur coats and hats.

The norms under which the normal cultivation of an individual occurs

The approximate water consumption for 1 female is about 7 liters, for 1 cub 0.7 liters and for an adult 0.5 liters. In one year, about 38 kilograms of manure is obtained from adults and 16 from young animals. The main food for minks: meat, various dairy products, fish, special feed, cake, fish meal, fish oil, meat and bone meal, fodder yeast. As bedding, the animal needs hay, special wood shavings or straw. It needs to be changed when it gets dirty. Cereals do not need to be processed and minks love live mice. You can buy them in ordinary pet stores or grow them yourself.

Minks are very fond of chicken meat, even with bones. Dairy products must be present in the mink's diet, for them this is a real delicacy. Low-fat cottage cheese is very useful for teeth and skeletal formation. For one adult, about 30 kilograms of bedding is needed per year. For young individuals, about 4. You need to carefully monitor the quality of the litter. Damp, moldy litter should not be used for animals. In order for the dressing of the skin to be of high quality, you either need to purchase special equipment, which costs big money, or hand over the skins at a good price to wholesale customers.

The mink is a very active animal.

Likes to swim and take baths. That is why, in order to ensure a full and profitable rearing of individuals, do not forget about the presence of a bathing container in the cage. Water must be clean, not hot, at medium room temperature. The pool can be purchased at a pet store or you can make your own. It must be remembered that the container for water procedures must be made of strong material so that the mink cannot bite through it with its teeth. An important point in growing minks is the constant deworming and regular necessary vaccinations. You can keep a veterinarian on the farm or invite him on some days to save money. Minks often suffer from the same diseases as dogs.

Skin processing

How is the process of processing the skin? You need to take the animal in your hands only in special gloves, since the mink is still a wild aggressive animal. After removing the skin, you need to very carefully process the inside of fat and meat and spread it on a flat and clean surface with the fur down to cool. After it has completely cooled, the surface is sprinkled with salt and left for several days. You can use another option and dip the treated skins into a saline solution, lay them out on a surface to dry. You can not store the skin without treating it with saline. The process of decay and loss of fur may begin.

In fact, the process of growing mink does not require a huge investment of money. To begin with, you can start increasing the heads of young females and after a while the number of individuals on the farm will gradually increase. You can sell the raw skin, but the price for it will be significantly lower than for the processed one. It all depends on the demand in your area. An adult female is slightly more expensive than a male. She brings about 5 cubs a year. If all the cubs survive and you sell the cubs, you will already make a good profit. To optimize the breeding process and get more profit, you can determine part of the offspring for sale, and use part to obtain skins.

Of course, doing this for the first time, get ready for a small profit in the beginning, because the profit from the first skins sold will go to feed and livestock.

Rules and Regulations

If you correctly follow all the norms and technologies, actively participate in the process of doing business, then you can earn a good fortune by breeding minks. The most important criteria that you need to pay attention to when conducting this type of activity:

  • for good start and a successful business, you need to buy at least 20 female minks;
  • one person can safely take care of 50 animals. If the number of individuals increases, it is necessary to hire additional employees or automate the process;
  • keeping minks is allowed only in separate cages to preserve the quality of the fur due to their natural aggressiveness;
  • it is necessary to adhere to the established norms and the correct coefficients: there should be 0.2 males per 1 female and 5.1 young animals in one herd;
  • individuals reach maturity after 10 months, so the mating process should fall on initial days Martha. Within two months, the female bears cubs and in one litter can bring about 5-6 puppies;
  • one and a half months after birth, the young must be transplanted into separate cells;
  • fur starts to appear last days September, and already in early November, young individuals are selected for slaughter;
  • the best and most effective period for keeping these animals is from 5 to 6 years.

One of the difficult issues is the sales market. There is either the option of selling live individuals, or selling skins. The minks will be bought by the same farmers who are engaged in the same business. They will pick up mink puppies in bulk. But because we live in today's world, many people buy minks as pets, and most pet stores are willing to purchase them from farmers. The price depends on the color of the individual. And if you sell fur, then you need to find a factory or salon that sells fur products. For all questions regarding the breeding of these unusual animals, you can ask specialists and farmers who have been in this business for more than one year or read information and reviews on the Internet.

Mink has been bred for fur since the second half of the 20th century. For example, in the USSR, huge fur farms were created with American minks, the fur of which was considered to be of higher quality. However, now the purpose of breeding mink is not necessarily fur. Domestic mink can become a pet, although more obstinate than a cat or dog. We tell you in what conditions they keep minks, what they eat and whether it is difficult to organize a business on their breeding.

Minks are predators from the weasel family. Their appearance can be misleading: their small size (body length about 60 cm and weight up to 3 kg) in combination with a funny muzzle seem to be safe. However, animals are mobile, difficult to educate and can be quite aggressive. They have a wild disposition and sharp claws with which they can climb anywhere. Therefore, they should be chosen with care as pets. Domestic minks, even after education, tend to obey only one family member and ignore other people.

The cost depends on the breed and the number of puppies. For example, if you buy several animals, some breeders will give you a discount. An adult costs about 20 thousand rubles, puppies - from 3 thousand rubles.

Mink is a predator, with a wild disposition and aggressive character.

Conditions for keeping animals at home

Conditions of detention depend on the goals. Keeping a mink at home involves living in a spacious cage. Some owners decide to keep free when the mink moves freely around the apartment on its own (for example, like a cat). This is a risky move: they are much more aggressive than cats and dogs, more mobile, prone to scattering small things and breaking objects. Domestic mink should live with the owners from childhood, then there is a chance that her disposition will be more calm.

It will not work to accustom an adult mink to life with people, buy puppies aged 30-45 days. Then there is a chance that the pet will grow up more affectionate and obedient.

Animals need walking, especially if the pet spends most of the time in a cage. They are good with leashes if they are accustomed to them from childhood. They are active, curious, mobile.

Males living at home should be sterilized, because during the rut they become hyperactive and are able to ruin all household property: they tear up furniture, tear off wallpaper, scratch floors. Educational measures are useless, only sterilization.

If you have a cat or a dog (or any other pet), you should not start a mink in addition to them. They are aggressive predators, capable of injuring and even killing other animals (their small size shouldn't fool you).

A significant problem with home maintenance is accustoming to the tray. In this matter, minks are much more capricious than cats. Most likely, you will have to clean up after her throughout the apartment.

Breeding mink at home is possible only if you live in a private house, and you have a spacious yard at your disposal where you can install cages. It is impossible to keep several animals in an apartment: they will not have enough space, they will constantly break things and equipment, tear wallpaper, etc.

Living conditions of minks when grown for fur

Minks provide about 80% of the world's fur needs. Their fur is prized for its luster, resilience, uniform color, longevity, and warmth. For entrepreneurs, their fur is valuable for its high cost and stable demand. Fur farming should provide the most comfortable conditions for keeping, which will contribute to the maximum quality of the fur.

What issues need to be addressed in order to grow minks for fur:

  • normal conditions of detention;
  • quality food;
  • controlled breeding, natural restocking;
  • slaughter and fur harvesting system;
  • fur sales.

When farmed, animals are kept in cages that are spacious enough for free movement. Their needs are the same as those of pets: they are very active, they are uncomfortable in cramped quarters. Each adult animal needs a separate cage. Drinkers, feeders, houses are installed there. They must be screwed to the floor, because individuals tend to turn over and move any objects.

  1. A large fur farm should be at least 100 meters away from the residential and water protection zone.
  2. The cage fencing is made of a metal mesh with cells no larger than 2.5 cm.
  3. Above the cages - gable canopies (sheds).
  4. Consider the installation of cages so that it is convenient for farm workers to serve them.
  5. Newborn puppies and young animals are kept in a separate room. They are born blind and deaf, so they will need constant care.
  6. For the normal growth of a young individual, a territory of 5.3 sq.m.
  7. Can't stand the heat. If the cages will stand on the street, put them in the shade. Even in winter, cool temperatures will be preferable to stuffiness.
  8. The floor can be anything, even concrete, but it is necessary to cover it with hay, straw or sawdust.

On farms, minks are kept in cages.


The fundamental difference between minks and most other farm animals is that they are predators. Their diet must include meat. Poor, poorly organized nutrition has a detrimental effect on wool, which means it nullifies the whole meaning of the economy. Approximately 70% of the quality of fur depends on the diet.

In the wild, minks eat small river fish, shellfish, crayfish, frogs, and sea rats. The diet in captivity should also be high in protein.

Minks eat about 200 grams of food per day. If a lot of food is available, they tend to stock up. Eat 4 to 9 times a day.

What do minks eat?

  • meat;
  • fish (sprats);
  • corn;
  • compound feed;
  • meat and bone and fish bone meal;
  • fish fat;
  • dairy;
  • succulent food.

Plant foods account for no more than 30% of the daily diet:

  • cereals;
  • cereal crops;
  • oat flour;
  • sunflower cake;
  • carrot;
  • beet;
  • potato;
  • young grass.

However, if animals eat a lot of meat and fish, and their diet is supplemented with vitamin complexes, vegetables can be discarded without any consequences. From meat, the liver is especially useful. When the diet is based on compound feed, vitamins will not be enough: you should cut the vegetables thinly and mix them with the main feed.

Mink meat must be fresh. If they do not like the food, they will starve for several days.

Don't forget clean drinking water. One adult requires 0.5 liters per day, and a young one a little more - 0.7 liters.


Animals breed from 10 months, mating occurs in March, and the birth of young animals occurs in late April or early May. To obtain offspring in early spring, up to 5 females are planted with one male.

Minks breed once a year: puppies are born in spring. One female gives birth at a time from 4 to 12 puppies, but on average from 4 to 6. At the same time, 10% of females are infertile, and about 20% of newborns die. Blind and deaf puppies are kept with their mother, she will feed them with milk. After about 40 days, they will be ready to live in a separate cage. Fur will appear only at 4 or 5 months of life (that is, in autumn). However, winter fur is most valued, so young animals are sent for slaughter after the first winter, at about 9-10 months. The fur of young females is more valued.

Animals over 6 years of age are considered unsuitable for breeding and fur.

Minks are active, fast and love space.

Business registration

If you are considering mink breeding as a business, you must officially register. Some recommend breeding minks as part of a personal subsidiary plot, but such an organizational and legal form gives the right to use the produced products only for personal needs, it will not be possible to sell it.

Peasant- farming seems to be a more profitable option if you intend to breed fur-bearing animals with the whole family. Fur can be sold on legal grounds. There are few reports from peasant farms, and taxes are rather modest (if you choose UAT, you can pay only 6% of income).

It is not forbidden to breed minks in the form of individual entrepreneurs and LLCs. You can only focus on agriculture and get all the profits from it. Then you can use the preferential taxation regime - ESHN. The farm is not forbidden to be combined with other activities, but then the preferred option for paying taxes would be simplified.

The specifics of animal breeding is such that it requires permission government agencies. For the farm to be legal, you will need:

  • certificate of registration with the Federal Tax Service;
  • permission from the SES and the Ministry of Emergency Situations;
  • veterinary opinion.


Minks can be pets, but are more often bred in fur farms for their fur. They are predators that hardly adapt to life with humans, so individuals for home keeping are tamed from childhood. They love space and freedom, are self-willed, do not get along well with other pets. They eat mainly meat. If you plan to develop a business on minks, officially register a peasant farm, individual entrepreneur or LLC.

Minks are animals that have shiny, fluffy and smooth fur, which is often used to make fur products - fur coats, hats, etc. The animal itself belongs to the marten family, is predatory, and nevertheless, breeding a mink at home is possible, both on a small and industrial scale.

Animal fur can be of various shades: from black, to brown, sapphire and even blue. The latter options are the most popular for the manufacture of gloves, collars and other fur products.

At the same time, it was experimentally found out that the fur of females is of better quality, therefore global clothing manufacturers are interested in it.

How to register a business and do I need to obtain permits?

Mink breeding as a business begins with the registration of an enterprise as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. A license is usually obtained for a period of up to 5 years; for this, a future entrepreneur needs to prepare the following documents:

  1. Documents that prove the origin of minks and expert assessments of the quality of their fur.
  2. Permission to conduct activities from the fire inspectorate and, without fail, from the sanitary and epidemiological service.
  3. Permits from the veterinary supervision service.

In any case, the algorithm of actions is standard. First, registering a company and obtaining all permits. At this stage, a business plan is created, which prescribes how much you can earn.

Then comes the purchase and cultivation of the first batch of animals, their slaughter and sale. According to the results of the business, the business is adjusted in such a way as to make a profit when minimal risk.

Making basic financial calculations

The mink farming business will make a profit if you complete all the calculations and calculate the profitability of the business in advance. So, an approximate investment to start:

  • erection on land plot cells for the maintenance and arrangement of the farm - from 300-500 thousand.
  • Purchase of inventory and auxiliary equipment for work from 150 thousand.
  • Purchase of young animals from 500 thousand.
  • Unplanned other expenses, advertising, etc. - from 100 thousand rubles.

From 1 million rubles - this is what you need to start a business. Next, we consider how much is required to invest in the maintenance of one animal until it reaches the slaughter weight (which is about 6-8 months):

  • Food from 800 rubles.
  • Costs for electricity and water supply from 30 rubles each month.
  • The wages of hired workers in terms of 1 animal - 600 rubles.
  • Vaccination - 50 rubles.

If we subtract the amount of these monthly expenses from the price of the skin of one animal (about 2000 rubles), we get 620 rubles only for the sale of the skin. By selling these skins from 150 pieces per month, the entrepreneur gets the opportunity to reach a profit level of 100 thousand rubles, which means the payback period of the business is from 14 months.

How to choose the best room?

To equip a mink breeding farm, you will need a separate room. According to all the rules, a farm cannot be closer to residential buildings than 30-90 meters. The larger the farm population, the farther it should be from human homes.

Breeding mink at home as a business is also not possible near the water protection zone. Therefore, when choosing an area for a farm, all actions must be coordinated with the fire and sanitary supervision, as well as the veterinary service.

The farm must have:

  1. A room with cages for the minks themselves.
  2. A warehouse where all inventory will be stored.
  3. Warehouse for litter and feed.
  4. A place for slaughtering animals and processing their skins.
  5. A place where manure will be dumped for a while before disposal.

Of course, the room must have sewerage, ventilation and lighting.

What are the requirements for cages and what equipment is needed?

Immediately after the premises are found, it is time to build animal cages. The conditions of keeping and breeding are chosen taking into account the fact that the nature of the mink is quite aggressive, and the character is active. Animals should be kept one at a time.

The dimensions of the cage are selected in such a way as not to embarrass the animal. Height 45 cm, area for one individual - 0.5 sq.m. Also, a house is placed inside the cage, an analogue of a hole in the wild, where the mink can hide from the world.

A feeder, a drinker and at least a small container of water where the animal can splash is required attributes every cell. All items are firmly attached to the floor due to the fact that the mink is very active and will gladly turn over and gnaw everything that is possible.

Straw, hay or sawdust spread on the floor. The cage bars should be no more than 2-2.5 centimeters - this is optimal for an adult who cannot escape.

Here the young will be able to sneak away, so for a while until they grow up, they need to be deposited in other cages, the lattice on which will be even smaller. In winter, there is no need to heat the room; in summer, all cells should be in the shade.

Sales of products

There is a saying that there is no bad business, there are only bad businessmen. If you properly organize your business and approach the process as responsibly as possible, this will definitely bring profit.

Focus on these criteria:

  1. For the business to be effective, you need to purchase at least 20 females to start.
  2. There is no need to hire a large number of staff, a livestock of 50 individuals may well be followed by 1 worker with salary about 20 thousand rubles. If the livestock grows larger, you need to hire workers to automate the process.
  3. Remember the aggressiveness of the animals, so they are kept in separate cages. And for more details, you can watch the mink breeding video.

You have several channels for selling products: sell skins to domestic fur factories or conclude a cooperation agreement with garment enterprises on an ongoing basis. You may even be able to go to private salons that are engaged in tailoring luxury fur clothes.


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