Club business. How to open a nightclub in your city. What is needed to create your nightclub

Encyclopedic reference: night club - Entertainment establishment at night. Some nightclubs offer their own entertainment programs, others invite famous performers "on tour. The income of nightclubs provide, mainly 2 types of activity: alcohol sale and providing tables for the time of the show program.

If you decide to link your entrepreneurship with the organization of leisure and consider the opening options for your own nightclub, the tips of this article will be useful. After reading it, you will learn how to calculate whether the nightclub is beneficial in your area, how much money (and nerves) will be required to open it, and also learn how to avoid many beginner errors.

Step by step to the benefit from the provision of bread and spectacle

Step one: Choose the room

Before you open your nightclub, conduct a marketing research to understand which format of the institution will be most popular.

Having determined the main direction of development, proceed to the selection of space - these two points are closely connected. So, if you plan to open an elite club, you need a room in a prestigious area. If your potential audience belongs to the middle class, the room is suitable in a residential area. At the same time, remember that the club should be in sight and have good transport accessibility. Do not forget that fashion for clubs is short-lived - in 3-4 years old you will have to change or even a place. Therefore, it is not worth investing in the purchase of the premises, it is better to rent.

Regardless of the club format, the room must comply with certain parameters. Optimal size Middle Club - 1000 m?, The height of the ceilings is from 4.5 meters. Remember that the club is a place where they are not only drinking and leading secular conversations, but also dance: the lack of good ventilation, stoolness and tesne is not allowed.

Step two: We draw internal space

One of the important components of the club's success is the interior. Many nightly owners do not regret the means of arranging the indoor space. True, there is a diametrically opposite approach - some successful nightclubs are located in the hangars or abandoned industrial buildings and attract visitors to their pronounced urbanism.

From the point of view of controlling and inspection bodies in your nightclub, there should be a fire alarm, hydrant, flawlessly operating systems of ventilation and air conditioning (almost 40% of the cost of all arrangement). Coordination must pass the projects of sewage systems, water and power supply. Experienced owners of clubs note that the most trouble is due to the provision of nightclub heating (20% of costs) and its connections to external electrical networks (10% of costs).

After all the approvals behind and permit are obtained, you can proceed to the purchase of equipment. Please note that it is desirable to change it (or at least to modernize) approximately 1 time per year.

Step Third: Build a strategy to attract visitors

To "promote" the club needs a large-scale marketing action, to start a few months before the discovery. During preparation advertising campaign This will make it right choice The topics and ideas of the club, determine the target audience.

Moreover, such market research will have to be carried out regularly, since the audience of night clubs, firstly, is small, and secondly, changeable. "Dip out a fashionable jet" means losing visitors.

Where to get money?

Opening own club - The undertaking is not cheap. To present how much it costs to open a nightclub, consider the cost of renting and equipment of the room, as well as the purchase of equipment. Starting investments are only the first investments in club business: Development requires constant financial injections. Therefore, despite the high yield of business, it has a fairly long payback period - up to two years.

Banks do not credit this type of entrepreneurship, so you have to do with personal funds or take a non-target loan.

Underwater rocks

Almost everyone who decides to open a nightclub, waiting for real bureaucratic reefs on the way. Registration of the company and numerous coordination in fire supervision, Rospotrebnadzor, SES and other instances are only part of the problem. As you remember, one of their main income articles of the nightclub are the sale of alcoholic beverages and alcoholic cocktails. This activity is licensed, and many entrepreneurs have a license to receive a license. There are many cases when the owner of a freshly open club is forced to look for a buyer to his business only because he could not get a cherished document.

It is also worth remembering the problems that may deliver unskilled personnel.

Let's sum up

Night club - one of the most complex species business activities. In addition to the fact that considerable investments and colossal punching ability are required, you need to be a real fan of your business.

Those people who have already decided to create their own own businessAs a rule, they know in advance that they will need to spend their finances. Nightclub How is the type of activity that will be beneficial for secured businessmen. Indeed, open a nightclub will be able to those people who have a decent cash capital. In turn, the nightclub is a fairly profitable and very interesting business, which will definitely bring its owner good money. And if you create a nightclub in your plans, the business project must be compiled quite correctly. In this article we will talk in detail about how to open a nightclub from scratch.

Underwater stones of business

Before starting to engage in the opening of your nightclub, you should know that there is a pretty rigid competition in this business. Based on this, a large number of such clubs do not withstand such circumstances and soon closes, or sell their business to other people. And the reason is that these entrepreneurs simply do not show due skills and the desire to lead such a thing and understand that how to choose a potential audience. For this reason, before starting to engage in the opening of the nightcloth, it is necessary to carefully analyze this market And competently carry out marketing. After you spend all the necessary research, you can easily understand who will be your target audience.

According to statistics, approximately 75% of income in the night establish regular visitors. So, it is originally necessary to understand what your future audience will be. Whether these are students, or businessmen, and maybe representatives of some minorities. From your choice depends on what the interior needs to create in this club and what to choose music for him. And you can easily determine the cost of the available drinks and service level. But let you give you a small advice: you should not open a nightclub who will be alien to you. For example, if a person is like a natural orientation, and creates a club for gays, then this case will not be able to bring him no success or profits. Therefore, this rule must be remembered.


The first stages in creating their nightclub is the construction of a future establishment or search for the finished room. If possible, the Club can be rebuilt on the prepared project. But before you start this construction, you should think about all the options. Perhaps more appropriate for you will be the rent or redemption of various abandoned establishments. For example, for the future nightclub, old houses of culture or Palaces of Pioneers can be redeeming. As a rule, these premises can be found in small district centers or provincial cities. But if you decide to acquire these institutions in the capital, then you are unlikely to be able to implement it.

Very often the right selection of the club's location affects his future success. It is also necessary to remember that the fashionable nightclub, designed for the highest society, should be in the central part of the city. And those establishments that have a more democratic audience are located on its outskirts.

For those clubs that are designed mainly to the youth audience, one of the most important conditions is the convenience of its location. That is, it is possible to quickly get to this institution through the metro, as well as any land transport. Do not have a nightclub on the first floor of multi-storey buildings. And even if you receive the necessary permission from the authorities, and in your institution there will be excellent sound insulation, you can safely work in this home residents. Unfortunately, in most apartment houses There are several women of old age, which will turn to the police with frequent frequency. The consequence of this circumstance will usually break parties in your club.

What is needed to create your nightclub

  • First, you need to find a building that meets some provided for the rules. The building should: have a large area (the hall where the dance floor will be provided should be at least 300 square meters. M.) And sufficiently high ceilings, (approximately 3.5 meters) for placing light and sound equipment there.
  • Secondly, it is necessary to issue all documents.

Make a business plan

  1. If you want to know how to open a nightclub, then you should take into account our tips and make a competent business plan.
  2. Then, you should register your type of activity. You can consider the opening option of IP or LLC.
  3. The next step will need to make a list of services provided by your business. For example, it may be:
  • Banquet lounge and conversations.
  • Hall karaoke.
  • Restaurant hall.
  • Bar rack.

The list of data services can be increased by taking into account the requests of their visitors.

If you do not know how to equip your nightclub, then for the arrangement of this institution will need to be purchased:

  • High-quality sound equipment.
  • Lighting equipment.
  • DJ remote.

Interior design of the institution

If you take into account the internal interior in the club, then in this case, some unambiguous opinion, as the room should look like, no. You can make an expensive repair with a rich decoration, but not to wait for customers, but you can spend a minor amount of money for the interior arrangement and have a huge number of visitors. In this case, it should be noted that most nightly institutions are engaged in selling the inner atmosphere, and last time they are engaged in interior design, an increase in the diversity of dishes and drinks.

Before the beginning finishing workYou need to create the project you need for this purpose. In this case, it will be simply impossible to do without the help of specialists (you spend about 3-4 thousand dollars to provide these services). It will be more correct to start with the basic concept. Such an approach in this matter will help you from excess costs. Specialists will help you quickly get the necessary permissions and documents that are needed to work your institution. The business project should necessarily make these costs.

Employees of the institution

After all the necessary documentation was obtained, the equipment was purchased, and the internal arrangement of the room was produced, employees should be found. In the nightclub staff should be:

  • Manager of the institution.
  • Director.
  • Club Administrator.
  • Service personnel (waiters- 5-7 people).
  • Cook (5-6 people).
  • Bartender (3-4 people).
  • Cleaner (2 people).
  • Worker in the dressing room - (1 person).

But what regards the protection system, then in this case there is no consensus. One part of the entrepreneurs forms their security unit, and the other is to work as a guards from already existing organizations in this field. IN official duties The guards include not only the maximum provision of threats and security, as well as support for the proper order indoors (ie, elimination of drugs to implement narcotic substances). And all because many club clients are completely different personalities.

Undoubtedly, all working staff must have a compliance with the level of this institution or at least have small experience in this area.

Chief worker

According to most professionals, the success and luck of any nightlife directly depends on the promoter. And if the club's administrator does not have the appropriate professional skills in this field of activity, it may suffer from his work even that has achieved its great popularity and famous club. Therefore, a business project to create a nightlife must be compiled with care and quite competently. But in the event that you accept the work of a nice and illiterate promoter, then the success of this case should not be expected. Such a specialty as a promoter, unfortunately, cannot be purchased in any higher educational institution. It can be found and explored all the necessary skills only in practice. The main responsibility of the promoter is to attract new visitors. Promoter It is necessary to carry out the activities of the institution in the right direction on a clearly indicated goal. This specialist should have a great ability to organize various festive events.

Financial plan

If you decide to organize your nightclub in a small provincial town, then the initial start-up capital It will be approximately in the area of \u200b\u200b11-16 million rubles. This amount includes the following costs:

  1. Building or room - from 4. 500. 000 r.
  2. The internal arrangement of the club - in the area of \u200b\u200b600 thousand rubles. Most of money It will be spent on purchasing and installing sound and lighting equipment.
  3. Registration of the necessary documentation - approximately 450 thousand rubles.
  4. Equipment - 200-400 thousand rubles.
  5. Failure to employees - 3.5 - 4 million rubles.
  6. Marketing and advertising - in the area of \u200b\u200b150 thousand rubles.

In order for your club to quickly find visitors on unlit streets in the evening or night, you should install a bright outdoor sign from neon, which will be bright and diverse to attract you to your client's institution.

One Mongon Meter Neon will cost you approximately around 15-45 dollars. But according to statistics, there is a small part of the nightly institutions that do not make the installation of a signboard on the facade of the building, in order not to attract the desired visitors to themselves. BUT regular customers And so beautiful know the location of the club. But before installing the installation of the signboard, it is necessary to think carefully, what kind of name will have this nightclub? In this case, the decision, as a rule, must be taken by the owner of the institution. But we will give one small advice - the name of the institution must fully comply with its main activity and direction.


The entrepreneur may well count on the following profit:

The income from the sale of alcohol, and various snacks - 7-9 million rubles per year.

The implementation of entrance tickets to the club - 8 million rubles per year.

In addition, the above-described profit can also be additional services - in the region of 2.5-3 million rubles. For example, you can get income from your sponsors. In this case, it is meant to accommodate advertising club in the hall with different alcoholic and tobacco products, as these products are prohibited to advertise on public television.

♦ Capital investments in the nightclub: 778 000 rubles
♦ Project profitability: 22%
♦ Payback period: 17 months

With the current fast pace of life, the need for high-quality vacation is becoming increasingly relevant. Residents of large and small cities want to spend time in a pleasant atmosphere, listening to good music after hard workers.

For this reason, the opening of the nightclub is perspective idea for business.

In order to plan the activities and the path of development of the project, it is necessary to compile business Plan Night Club.

This case can be entrusted to professionals. However, foreign people cannot fully intersect your business.

Therefore, it is better to do it yourself. Not scary, if before you did not do anything like anything.

Examine the proposed sample plan of the nightclub and make your own according to this scheme.

Nightclub Business Plan: Planning

Summary of the project

In the summary of the Nightclub Business Plan, you must specify who, where and why I decided to open the firm. Answer questions you need to be briefly: 5-7 sentences. Disclose the topic more you can later.

Among the objectives of the opening of such a institution may be such items:

  1. Satisfying the needs of the residents of the city N in the existence of a place for recreation and dancing, which provides services at night and at affordable prices.
  2. Organization of a nightclub with a high level of profitability.
  3. Obtaining profits from activities.

The goals specified in the club's business plan need to return from time to time, so as not to lose the project development course.

Marketing Plan for the Development of the Night Club

Market Review:

Overview of the existing market for entertainment and recreation - priority.

To make a complete picture of the potential of development, in a business plan an entrepreneur must answer a few questions:

  1. What is the level of competition in the selected city, the area?
  2. Which of the night clubs are most popular and why (special "chips", subjects, discounts, shares)?
  3. Who will become the main customers of the institution (gender, income, generation)?
  4. What location for a nightclub will be the most successful?

Target group:

The audience visiting nightclubs is very different.

Therefore, the exact data for the business plan can be obtained only for a particular type of establishment. On average, the following are:

  • age: 15-35 years;
  • income: medium and above average;
  • business: Students office workers, businessmen;
  • men and women are approximately equal proportions.

Competitive advantages:

As a rule, in any city there are already valid nightclubs.

To stand out among competitors, you need to analyze their activities and determine a list of advantages that benefit the future nightclub in their background.

Opening costs (approximate list)

These are minimal estimated amounts of expenses.

To arrange a ready list and cost necessary costs On the nightclub, it is necessary to use the tables that are taken out in a separate business plan application.

... The list of premises did not entered the list of premises, as an example with its rental is considered.

Therefore, the numbers are indicated in another section of the business plan, referred to as "monthly expenses".

NamePrice, rub.)
TOTAL:777 230 rubles.
1. Paperwork, drawing up business plan 28 000
2. Repair and decoration of the room 300 000
3. Lighting equipment: 178 730
91 500
30 500
Rotating head
42 700
6 100
Smoke car
4 880
Disco ball
3 050
4. Music equipment 90 500
5. Furniture 120 000
6. Dishes 60 000

Financial section Business Plan Nightclub:

Monthly expenses

The monthly spending on the maintenance of the business plan's nightclub may include:

  • The cost of renting the room.
  • Payment of taxes and documentation costs.
  • Payment of advertising.
    It should be particularly actively funded until the opening and the first months of the establishment of the institution.
    But after reaching the level of stability, advertising should be.
  • Salary staff - an average of about 35% of revenue.
  • Consumables (dishes, cleaning facilities, office, ingredients for bar and cuisine).

About how to properly manage the nightclub - look in this video!

Night club revenue and payback

To calculate the payback of the club in the business plan it is worth considering that the main stream of customers is fixed on weekends and holidays. There are about a year for the year about a year and in this case 70% of the club's filling should be expected.

With a check of a "average visitor" 650 rubles, only for this period, the revenue will be 9,500,000 rubles. The total year is approximately 15,500,000 rubles.

With a deduction of monthly expenses, net profit for the year will be from 2,759,500 rubles.

Thus, the profitability of the institution will be at the level of 22%, and the payback period is 17 months.

Open your business is hard anyway. But there is no greater pleasure than working for yourself, while doing a favorite thing.

If a purposeful and thrust person puts himself a goal, he will definitely achieve it. AND the best option This goal will be a detailed business Plan Night Club. An entrepreneur, ready to pay proper attention to him, which will be in the development of the project all his strength, guaranteed to succeed.

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Night clubs - restaurants, cafes, bars according to GOST belong to catering enterprises. They differ only by the fact that entertainment For them - the main service, and the sale of food and beverages is additional. When choosing a suitable room, you need to proceed from the concept of the institution, and take into account legislative restrictions.


When evaluating business ideas, such an option, how to open a club, night for dancing or thematic, more often attracts young entrepreneurs. Interest is clear: the overwhelming mass of club regulars - people from 18 to 35 years. On the other hand, with all its profitability, this case requires large investments, is characterized by increased risks, and a difficult organization. The success of the enterprise is determined by three main factors:

  • the concept of an entertainment institution;
  • place and room for the organization of the Club;
  • investments to finance the project.

In fact, the first two define the prospects for business ideas, and the entire subsequent economic calculation: the payback period of investments, costs-income.

The base of the club concept - the idea

The main "chip" of the night club can be anything: an unusual architecture of the building, the original musical direction, location: floating platform, beach, roof and so on. The concept is born from the idea that is translated into sketches, calculations, drawings and drawings. When it is developed, marketing research is used. Need assessment financial opportunities future visitors, the need in the service; explore competitors, find them strong and weak sides By main parameters: price, quality, luxury entertainment. Examples of club concepts are shown below (Table 1).

Table 1. Optimal area of \u200b\u200broom for nightclubs of different formats.

Club Concept


Population, thousand people.

Capacity, people

Square of the room, sq.m.

Event restaurant

place for holidays; Something cross between restaurant and concert venue with a big dance floor

Arena for events

open dance floor for large-scale concerts, festivals, raves

from 1, 5 million

Vidi cafe

conducting unique events that combine music and multiprojects on video pools

from 300 (high intelligent level)

bohemian club for a narrow category of secured visitors with a bar, cigar room, expensive artists

Lounge cafe

cozy place for chosen, with a special selection of music, a small dance floor, a big hookah

more than 400 (developed club culture)

Dance club

Democratic establishment with a large platform for dancing, DJ, show program

from 600 (living standard and slightly higher)

Choosing a room for the club, pay attention not only to its area, but also the height of the ceilings - usually up to 4 m. Level 6 - 8 m requires a third more expensive musical and light instrument on a third. And it is mounted at the very first stage, even before finishing the hall.

If you just wondered how to open your club from scratch, do not too much to listen to the advice of experienced entrepreneurs. It is believed that the location of the nightlife: the center, the outskirts of the city - plays a secondary role. Up to 80% of customers are regular visitors, they know exactly what they need. The second point: Do not purchase the building in the property, the rental is more practical. The average life of such projects is about 3 years. Then they close, renamed, move to another place.

In which rooms you can open the club

Not every place is suitable for the institution that works in the night. It is not enough to assess the suitability, capacity, the acoustic properties of the hall. For public buildings where a large number of people are gathering, special requirements are presented. In addition, any club provides nutrition services, alcohol and cigarettes. So, it is necessary to comply with all requirements for catering enterprises.

Guest Restaurant Club

In 2015 - 2016, two documents were put into effect, the requirements of which should be taken into account when organizing any restaurant, regardless of its size, ownership form, type and range of services.

  1. GOST 30389-2013 "Services ... Classification ...", from 01/01/2016
  2. GOST 31985-2013 "Services ... Terms ...", from 01/01/2015

According to the classification, the nightclub is a specialization of consumer interest institutions (Fig. 1). The document does not provide for such enterprises special conditionsAnd all common restrictions relate to them fully (Table 2). We note the main one.

  1. Any public catering facilities can be located in residential and public buildings (including separately standing), on the territory of the train stations, the TRV, offices, cultural and entertainment centers.
  2. Enterprise should be provided access roads, pedestrian access with the placement of information pointers. The adjacent territory should be covered, landscaped. For a restaurant, an equipped parking is required, which cannot be located inside the courtyard area.
  3. If the institution is located in the MKD, then all building rates are complied with the permissible level of noise, vibration (GOST 30494 - for residential buildings). It is equipped with separate entrances and outputs, including emergency, with instructions on the procedure for actions in an emergency.

When placing a club in a conventional residential building, difficulties arise with the transfer of the room into a non-residential. The Housing Code does not require the mandatory consent of all residents (Article 23). However, for the arrangement of a separate input zone, it is often required to take the land plot belonging to the MKD, reconstruct common areas (wall of the house, entrance). The question is solved individually, sometimes you can restrict ourselves to the decision general Assembly (Redevelopment), in another situation - the consent of the owners (reconstruction) is required.

Table 2. Minimum requirements for buildings and premises for a night restaurant.

Gosta requirement


Separate entrances for visitors and personnel (service)

Signboard indicating the name, profile, operation mode

to the room

Arrangement of the entrance area: Hall, Lobby, Avanzala

Wardrobe, hangers in the lobby or directly

Service hall separated from production premises

Free toilet with soap, towels, garbage basket

TO technical equipment

Natural and artificial lighting

Emergency lighting (rechargeable lights, generator)

Water supply (hot, cold), sewage

Heating providing T ° 19 - 23 ° C

Air conditioning system with maintaining parameters T ° and humidity

Security alarm

Soundproofing of the room (in a residential building level less than 35 decibels)

A separate topic is the fire safety requirements for catering buildings. To get a positive conclusion of the Ministry of Emergency Situations can only be compliance with all regulatory documents. Wooden walls must be covered with flame retardant paints, or plastered; Only non-combustible materials are allowed in the decoration, the width of the stairs is not allowed less than 1.35 m.

Antisanitaria - Enemy entrepreneur

For the night restaurant is required to fulfill the requirements of Sanpin - to the organization of catering. When placed in the MKD, SanPine - to the living conditions in residential buildings. We list only a few grounds that can lead to fines, and even the closure of the club.

  1. It is impossible to place shops for cooking in basements and semisillary rooms. Production should not worsen the living conditions of residents of the house (noise, odors, vibration, electromagnetic fields).
  2. Unloading products, other raw materials from the entrances of a residential building. To do this, equip the reception point from the end of the building where there are no windows, or from the street.
  3. Garbage, food waste is stored in separate containers on an asphalt (concreted) site not closer to 25 m from the entrance, the playground, are cleaned when 2/3 of volume is filled.
  4. Exhaust ventilation is equipped separately from the general above the roof level by 1 m. The pipe of such a height is attached to the wall of the house, and for the use of the facade you need to get the consent of the collateral of the owners. Peacefully settle the question can be concluded paid contract Rental with HOA common property at home.

Thus, it can be concluded. The law does not prohibit the organization of catering enterprises, including institutions with night schedule, in residential buildings. However, a safer building is more reliable - it will save from numerous complaints and checks.

Financial investments, payback

Even a novice businessman is clear that the club is an expensive idea. Without doings, it is impossible, and it needs to be convinced of the profitability of the project. Most of the business plans are calculated on the amount of investment from 50 million rubles (Table 3). But among investment queries, you can see the amount of 10 - 30 million rubles, usually from a small peripheral city. Profitability is estimated at 25 - 50%.

Table 3. Comparative characteristics of three projects in different regions. Source "Club of Investors".

Quantitative indicators

Financial data

The requested amount of investment

Night club with bar and cafe (zero cycle), Krasnodar

complex: place for events, concerts, discos, corporate parties;

dance floor, neon 3D effects

separate building, center;

area - 1000 sq.m;

capacity up to 1,500 people;

middle check - from 1000 rubles.

entrance ticket - 500 - 700 rubles;

dinner (cafe) - 2 500 rubles;

drinks (bar) - from 500 rubles;

payback period - 2.5 - 3 years

150 million rubles.

Nightclub, St. Petersburg (from scratch)

Lounge Cafes - Day, At night: Live music, Laser show, Entertaining program

area - 500 m;

seating — 150;

planned number of visitors / night - up to 400

expected income / month:

daily - 350,000 rubles;

night - 1,500,000 rubles;

payback period - 1.5 years

general not specified; Participation from 5.5 million rubles. from the participant

Expansion on the basis of the current restaurant such as the Rland Pub; G. Nakhodka

dance hall in modern style, exclusive club music, speeches of professional dancers

in the restaurant - 210 inpatient places;

it is in the property undeveloped 2nd floor: an area of \u200b\u200b200 sq.m., the height of the ceiling is 8m.

project development: 5 months;

repair - 300,000 rubles;

furniture - 5,000,000;

sound, lighting equipment - 1,000,000 rubles;

payback - 3 years.

net profit - 1,200,000 rubles / month

50 million rubles on

10 investors (10% per each);

credit - 3.5 million rubles. for 24 months

If someone lasted, appreciating the level of investments in the club business, then there is no reason for this. The task is not easy, but after all, only an unequal person can attract such an idea how to open a nightclub from scratch. They are very different, not everyone is distinguished by rich entourage, and quite successfully operate in many places. List of 40 best russian clubs According to musicians (Daily compiled) and small cities: Sochi, Kaliningrad, Izhevsk, even the Surfer Beach club under Anapa. It all depends on local conditions if there is demand - sooner or later he will be satisfied with someone.

The entertainment industry has formed long before many other types of business. Also in Ancient Rome The phrase was born, denoting the two main needs of the people: bread and spectacles. On satisfying these needs and are built profitable species entrepreneurial activity. It is impossible to imagine the life of modern youth without nightclubs. Miscellaneous incarnations appear like mushrooms after rain, and in the capital, and in poor provincial cities. Some finish their life path, did not have time to work, and others become truly cult and legendary places. However, one of the other does not cancel.

It is understood that the sum of the initial costs of the club's opening will be approximately 2.9 million rubles, of which 1 million is their own money of the entrepreneur, and 1.9 million bank loans and another type of loan.


Night club, an example of whose organization is described in this business plan, registered in the form of society with limited liability (One or two founders). The tax system is USN ("Simplified") with a deduction in favor of the state of 15% of the net profit of the institution. OKVED codes Next:

  • 93.29 "Entertainment and entertainment activities".
  • 93.29.2 "The activities of dance pieces, discos, schools of dance."
  • 93.29.9 "Activities of spectacular and entertainment, not included in other groupings."
  • 56.30 "Feed drinks".

Premises for the location of this nightclub, with an area of \u200b\u200b350 square meters. meters, rented in the city center and must comply with the rules fire safety, Sanpine standards. It is advisable to conclude a lease agreement immediately for three years, fully paying for the first six months. Also, it is also necessary to preliminarily conclude a contract for the repair of the premises, as well as contracts for the supply of sound and light equipment.

The work of the nightclub is based on the provision of a whole range of entertainment services, such as:

  • Discos with integrated show programs.
  • Parties dedicated to a certain topic.
  • Organization of the entertainment of citywide events.
  • Conducting various contests and creative competitions.
  • Services of the VIP zone.
  • Bar work with a wide range of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages.

Since the nightclub will trade with alcoholic beverages, it is necessary to take care of the relevant license in advance. The average cost of the ticket for the entrance to the ordinary disco should be set in the amount of 200 rubles per person. At the same time, it is necessary to periodically provide customers with various discounts that will depend on the subject of the relevant events and festive dates. The planned maximum capacity of the club is 150 people.

How much you need to invest

Initial investments in the organization of the nightclub are presented in the table:

Marketing plan

Given the location of the nightclub in the city center, it means that it has convenient driveways. To calculate the approximate profit of this institution, we will take as the main target audience Young people from 18 to 30 years old. If in the city there educational establishments Middle and higher vocational education, most of the nightclub customers will be students. It is also advisable, if possible, place a nightclub in close proximity to major shopping centers. The main musical directions whose music will sound on discos, it is planned to make Diso, Pop and Techno (focus on the musical taste of your target audience, and clubs for a narrower audience are possible - for example, RAP or Rock lovers).

It is necessary to make a clear worked outline of actions aimed at attracting customers to the club. It should necessarily include the following activities:

  • Advertising campaign in all available media - newspapers, magazines, radio.
  • Installation of banners, billboards and reddings on the most viewed places of the city.
  • The distribution of advertising booklets and flyers, as well as posting ads on information stands.
  • Development of the site of the nightclub and the creation of groups in social networks.
  • Promotion in search engines and buying contextual advertising.

The Complex of the above events will ensure the attraction of a large number of customers in the first weeks of the club's functioning.

For nightclubs, peak attendance is on Friday and Saturday, as well as holidays. On these days of the week, you can count on at least 70 percent facilities of the institution. And this is without a small 100 people. The year there are approximately 105 days off and holidays.

Accordingly, if each client is on average will leave 600 rubles in the club, the annual revenue will be 6.3 million rubles. Additional income Corporate, buffets, contests and city-wide events will be brought, which will be held about 5 times a month. Revenue from each of them will be at least 45 thousand rubles, and the total per year is 2.7 million rubles. Planned overall revenue of the nightclub in little city - 9 million rubles.

Production plan

An entrepreneur needs to make the most competently use the entire available area of \u200b\u200bthe nightclub room. 350 available square meters should be divided as follows:

  • 150 "Squares" should be highlighted for a dance floor and mini scene.
  • 100 square meters. Meters to send landing and VIP zones.
  • 50 sq. M. Meters will take the hall and dressing room.
  • The remaining 50 "squares" will remain under the bathrooms and utility rooms.

The nightclub room should be equipped with fire alarm with an emergency fire extinguishing system, as well as to have an evacuation plan, which must be accommodated in plain sight. The equipment must be certified and comply with safety standards.

The mode of operation of the club should be organized in accordance with the norms of logic and common sense, but do not forget to take into account the features of the target audience of the institution. For example, a nightclub, designed for an audience aged 18 to 30 years, can adhere to the following mode of operation:

  • Friday - Saturday from 21:00 to 05:00.
  • Tuesday - Thursday, Sunday from 20:00 to 04:00.
  • Corporates and thematic events can be organized on any day of the week.

Example staff schedule The nightclub is presented in the table below.

Position Number of people Salary, rub. Monthly payment fund, rub. Payment per year, rub.
1 Administrator 1 25 000 25 000 300 000
2 Art Director 1 22 000 22 000 264 000
3 Promoter 1 20 000 20 000 240 000
4 DJ 1 20 000 20 000 240 000
5 Bartender-cashier 2 18 000 36 000 432 000
6 Cleaner 1 10 000 10 000 120 000
7 Wardrobe 1 9 000 9 000 108 000
8 Janitor 1 10 000 10 000 120 000
9 Security guard 3 12 000 36 000 432 000
10 Accountant 1 15 000 15 000 180 000
TOTAL 213 000 2 436 000

The staff will consist of 13 people - this is the optimal number of employees for a small provincial nightclub. Of course, it is possible to additionally hire several employees, but the practical benefits of this step will be much less than expenses for its implementation. For successful development Business is important not to be scattered with money left and right, but on the contrary, it is reasonable to save on optional things and actions. As Benjamin Franklin said, Saved Cent - this is earned cent!

Calculations of income and expenses

This section of the business plan has calculated financial costs and potential income from the functioning of a nightclub in a small town.

Monthly articles of expenses of this institution look like this:

As a result, we see that the monthly costs of maintaining the functionality of the nightclub will be about 600 thousand rubles. Most of the money will go on wages Employees (35%), another important line of expenses - the purchase of high-quality alcohol for the bar (33%). All other expenditures on their size are significantly lagging behind the above positions. It is also worth noting a fairly large amount of insurance deductions to employees in the FIU and the FSS, which is almost 11% of the final one.

The yield of the nightclub in a small town is given in the following table:

As you can see from the table, the net profit of the nightclub after paying all taxes will be about 1.5 million rubles per year. It is easy to calculate that in a month the club will bring about 120 thousand rubles to its owner. Based on the calculations, the profitability of the nightclub will "swim" in the area of \u200b\u200b20%, which is very good for entertainment in the provincial city. The nightclub will fully pay off after 24 months.

Possible risks

The opening of the nightclub in the provincial city is associated with a number of risks that directly or indirectly "make adjustments" in business development. Below are their approximate list:

  • Rising inflation.
  • The emergence of competitors with wider financial capabilities.
  • Problems with the law due to criminalized clients of the club.
  • Studying the concept of the institution.
  • Reducing the purchasing power of the city's population.

To level as much as possible negative influence The above risks, the owner of the nightclub must always be "on the crest of the wave" and invent all new "hooks", which will cling and hold the Club customers.


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