Business plan for opening photo booths. Photo booth business: overview, features, reviews. In addition to the basic service, you can organize

We develop and manufacture equipment, photo booths and special software for them. Main the target audience- large retailers who want to install a customer-oriented additional photo service in their premises. As well as event marketers who use the temporary installation of photo boxes to entertain visitors.

Accordingly, our SpeedPhoto machines are currently available in two versions. Firstly, paid photo booths for visitors for shopping centers, hotels, restaurants (we sell them). Secondly, free booths that serve at individual events such as Europe Day on the streets of the city or a corporate celebration (we keep and rent them, we currently serve more than 150 events a year).

How did the business idea come about?

From the age of 17 we had general business- in the event industry. During my trips abroad in the late 2000s, says Arthur Fiesinger, I often saw photo printing boxes at stations and airports. And I asked myself: why at that time such equipment was not something that was not produced in Poland - but was not installed here?

Slowly, I began to test the soil, to study the parameters of photo booths of Western manufacturers. And suddenly my girlfriend Renata gave me an article about American company for the production of photo booths has plans to enter the Polish market. We had to roll up our sleeves, develop a prototype day and night - and start in 2012 immediately, ahead of the curve. And those Americans, to our surprise, have not entered the Polish market to this day.
Are your services only for trade and event marketing? Or can I buy myself a photo booth and place it in a crowded place - as a vending business for my own income?
Yes, of course you can buy. We provide services for both individual clients and trade enterprises. And besides personal business at a booth with a paid visit, you can rent a personal photo booth with a free visit from us - for a wedding or an anniversary.

How much money did it take to start your business?

It cost 28,000 zlotys ($7,500) to develop and produce a prototype of the equipment and took seven months of hard work. It was long and expensive, because we ordered components from France and Germany - in Poland and China at that time there were no ready-made solutions even for the details of photo booths.

By the way, today, three years later, the situation is completely different - after our successful start we were followed by both competitors and Polish entrepreneurs who are now working for our industry: developing all the details for us and ordering their production in China.

Then we collaborated with the AIP Seed Capital fund and received 100 thousand zlotys (26 thousand dollars) from it for business development.

Did your startup also participate in the business incubator program from AIP Seed Capital?

Yes, cooperation within the framework of the “Academic Entrepreneurship Incubators” program has become the engine of our development. Actually, this business incubator opened a company for us with limited liability, arranged everything in a way that we could not have at that time - and conducted a master class on many aspects of the manufacturing business.

And thanks to the business incubator program, we got more than a two-week trip to Shanghai, where we participated in state program facilitating the acquaintance of Polish startup developers with Chinese manufacturers, performers of parts according to our templates.

How did you promote your brand?

First of all, on the Internet. In addition, we work with key marketing agencies(who suggest "us" trading floors) and with event agencies, wedding agencies. Recently launched "viral" campaigns in social networks.

Are your photo booths already what you were going to come to in your business plan?

Yes, only now we finally see that the product is already final, originally conceived. I think three years of polishing and refining for newly created high-tech equipment is normal. But, of course, we will continue to constantly update its software.

Are you planning to enter Western markets? Who do you see as your competitor?

Yes, we are. In France, Fotomation is the leading manufacturer of photo booths. In Germany we will call, for example, Fotofix. We can defeat them, first of all, by the variety of services that we offer: for example, event rental of photo booths for weddings and corporate parties is our “trick” (the Americans invented this, but this service is not yet particularly represented in Europe).

We can quickly and cheaply modify the design and branding of photo booths to order, which in Europe is still very expensive and cumbersome and bureaucratic. Once a client wanted photo booths in the form of medieval towers - we did it.

And we can update and even modify the software for little money - which is also expensive and difficult in Europe.

Finally, we have a new strategic objective. Now we are developing photo booths with multimedia applications that allow you to quickly process a photo after taking a picture and before printing it. We are also going to implement the possibility of using booths for photo printing directly from the Internet - or from phones and tablets of visitors via the Internet. If we manage to enter Western markets with such a product ahead of competitors thinking about the same thing, we will have serious competitive advantages.

What advice would you give to people who are thinking about an innovative manufacturing business?

Here's the important thing: you can't give up if the first prototype of a new product doesn't work. After all, you received invaluable information about how not to do it, learned the pitfalls - which means you will surely become successful on the second attempt.

And most importantly: if you are thinking about developing a product, start a business right away! At least in the minimum version. Don't procrastinate and waste precious months - either in the dreamy and relaxed formation of a grandiose strategic business plan - or in finding large investments that are still not easy to get long before the start.

Photo booths are very popular in the entertainment market, and therefore there are already quite a few of them, even though they have begun to lose their relevance over the years. But many more entrepreneurs continue to install them, and there are several reasons for this.

Reasons for the popularity of the photo booth business:

  • Photo booths do not require hiring additional employees, their work is completely autonomous;
  • To create such a business, large investments are not needed, only 100 thousand rubles will be enough;
  • There is no need to service the photo booth often, 2-3 times a week is enough;
  • Such a business can be easily combined with any other job;
  • A photo booth pays for itself very quickly, provided it is installed in a good location.

In words, everything looks easy and simple, but in reality, problems often arise due to the fact that there are no customers. Even despite the fact that the device is installed in a very crowded place. But the success of a business largely depends not so much on the population of a place, but on whether visitors to this place need photo booth services.

Suppose a crowded shopping center was chosen for installation, through which hundreds and thousands of people pass daily, but there are still no customers. The problem is that in such places the photo booth acts only as an entertainment, which will be used only for the sake of interest or for the sake of a photo for memory, for example, friends or couples in love. But such visitors in shopping centers are a minority, especially since almost everyone has a phone with a good camera, and photo booth services are simply irrelevant.

The most likely way to make good money on a photo booth installed in mall- provide the walls of the apparatus for advertising. Due to the high traffic, the prices for such advertising can be very impressive.

An additional direction in making money on such a business is a photo booth with an event backdrop (presswall, presswall). You have definitely seen such a background when looking at photos of stars or watching a report from some event.

Company logos or information about the event are placed against this background. Renting a photo booth for a wedding, birthday, or other event with an informational stage can help make the celebration memorable.

The best option is to install a photo booth where people often need printed 3 by 4 cm photographs, and such places are registry offices, passport offices, consulates and other similar organizations. The services of a photographer are much more expensive, and often you have to wait quite a long time, so the services of photo booths in such cases are very useful. Renting a place near such organizations will cost much less than in a shopping center, but there may be more problems with permits.

When organizing a business, first of all, you need to find a place for installation, and then purchase equipment. The cost of a new photo booth is approximately 80-90 thousand rubles, but at the initial stage, you can get by with a used device, then for the same price you can buy two good used photo booths.

One of the most important advantages of such a business is that even with minimum capital you can open your own small business, which right approach will bring a stable tangible income.

Photo booth as a business

Photo booth as a business

To date, one of the most popular and quite effective ideas for opening own business is the installation of a photo booth in shopping and entertainment centers, supermarkets, metro and other in public places with relatively high permeability.

What are modern photo booths? Today, such a cabin is an excellent element for creating a festive mood. It is not surprising that nowadays almost no corporate event, party or wedding is complete without this device. The photo booth is an interactive device for automatic shooting. It is made in the form of a vertical cabin, which people who want to take a picture as a keepsake must enter. In modern models of photo booths, several people can be at the same time. The advantage of a photo booth for users is the ability to instantly print the photos they have just taken. Moreover, these photos can be easily saved to disk, memory card and other storage devices.

How to start earning

Photo booth as a business starts with market analysis. In Russia, this line of business is not popular. Accordingly, novice businessmen have a huge niche for opening this business. Moreover, assessing the market Western countries, we can conclude that photo booths are at the peak of popularity there. Of course, this is due to the development social networks, whose users literally every day want to show their friends new unusual photos.

It is also necessary to analyze the main costs. Basically, they fall on the purchase of a cabin and renting a place. To save costs, experienced businessmen recommend not buying, but renting photo booths from specialized companies. Additional costs may include the cost of advertising and consumables.

To make a good profit, a businessman must draw up a business plan for a photo booth, which should take into account the characteristics of the market, the main costs and the profitability of buying (renting) the booth itself.

Photo Booth Ideas

Perhaps the main advantage of a photo booth is its mobility. Due to its size and autonomy, this device can be used on almost any flat surface. That is why today photo booths are actively used at weddings, presentations, forums, exhibitions, corporate parties and other similar events. It should be noted that assistance in the delivery, installation, configuration and operation of this interactive equipment, as a rule, is provided by representatives of companies that provide photo booths for rent. Using the services of such companies, businessmen will be able to significantly reduce their time and financial costs.

Where to place a photo booth?

Photo booth ideas don't end with events. This equipment is also suitable for stationary use in crowded areas. Therefore, it is advisable to approach the choice of the cab installation site with all seriousness. Experienced businessmen recommend installing this interactive equipment on the first floors of cinemas and 24-hour entertainment centers. Photo booths in the metro are also a good idea for a novice businessman. In addition, instant photo booths can be used near airports, train stations and higher educational institutions.

Business with investments from $1,000 to $10,000

Many people dream of starting their own business, but are not ready to invest a lot of money. But you can find an idea that does not require significant investment.

So, interesting enough is the business on the booth for a snapshot. Next, we will take a closer look at the business plan for this type of activity.

The purpose of the business plan is to open a photo booth in the city center, which will bring the popularization of such services, as well as profit.

What is a photo booth?

This is a small area cabin with a door. Cabin operation is fully automated. With its help, the client can independently take a photo on the built-in camera.

Offers services such as instant photo standard sizes for documents, as well as postcards with a photo collage - a series of four consecutive shots. There are more than a hundred options for designing such a postcard.

  • The cost of one cabin is 1.5 thousand dollars.
  • The cost of the service is $0.5.
  • The cost of the service is $1.5.
  • An average of 10 people visit one such cabin per day.
  • Printing a photo takes 1 minute.

Cabin photo specifications:

  • Weight 200 kg.
  • Metal case.
  • The presence of a door.
  • Components: camera, photo printer, bill acceptor, touch control panel.

The process of shooting and printing a photo, in general, is 5 minutes. The interface is simple and accessible even to users far from technology. And in addition to visual prompts in the interface, there are also sound ones.

This type of business is just beginning to develop, and therefore the competition in this market is very low. Business all year round.

No problems in operation - the cabin works automatically, it is controlled by the client himself, the check of the cabin is necessary twice a month. This explains quite high profitability this business.

Benefits of this project

The competitive advantages of the photo booth are as follows:

  1. 1. It occupies a minimum amount of space, which significantly reduces the amount of rent.
  2. 2. The client sees himself on the screen and it is easier for him to take a photo that satisfies him.
  3. 3. Unlike photos in photo salons, confidentiality about client data is preserved here.

The size of the initial investment is $2000 , which include:

  • The cost of one cabin.
  • Payment for its delivery to the point of sale.
  • Rent one outlet below the photo booth for one month.
  • Marketing services.

Market analysis

Photographic services have always been and remain in demand. This is primarily due to paper workflow, for which a photograph is used as an identifier, and in the near future the current situation is unlikely to change dramatically. The age of potential consumers of photo booth services varies from children to the elderly.

If we talk about an entertainment service with compiling photo postcards, then at present in Russia this is a new trend, and therefore people will be interested as a novelty for the next 5 years, then, quite possibly, people will simply use these services for fun.


It is usually possible to get such photo services from professional photo studios, but due to high prices, photo booths are unlikely to compete with photo booths. Very often the client is dissatisfied with the pictures taken in the photo studio, and he understands that it is much less problematic to photograph himself with the help of a photo booth. That is why we can confidently say that this business does not have a decent competition in its industry.

Business Startup Plan

  • IP registration.
  • Obtaining a bank loan secured by the acquired property (photo of the cabin).
  • Signing a lease agreement with a promising outlet.
  • Choosing a seller and buying a booth.
  • Delivery and installation.

Marketing plan

Since the cabin is supposed to be placed in places with high traffic, it will be noticed in any case. However, flyers can be used as advertising - this will attract additional customers.

Financial plan

As mentioned earlier, the total initial investment is $2,000.

If we take the average attendance of one booth - 10 people a day, then the monthly profit will be $300 (service cost ($1.5) – service cost ($0.5) = profit ($1) * 10 people per day * 30 days = $300).

Thus, in a little more than half a year (7 months) this project will pay off and will bring net profit, hence we can conclude that the business is highly profitable.

The peculiarity of this idea is that, due to its novelty, this business has practically no competitors, and its attractiveness is enhanced by high profitability and small initial investments.

Why PhotoJet

If every time we are asked how our equipment differs from others on the market, we would be given 1 ruble, we would have become millionaires long ago. Be patient and try to read this text thoughtfully and to the end. There is a little surprise waiting for you at the end.

The promised gift.

Reading comprehension test. Find a word in the text above (section "Why PhotoJet") a word with four vowels "o" and get an additional set of photo paper when ordering!

metal case

PhotoJet, as well as any other self-service equipment (payment terminals, ATMs, information kiosks, etc.) is made of metal at the factory. Only metal, only hardcore). Yes, it is more complicated and more expensive than putting together a wooden box, but our customers do not worry about the safety of their funds inside the machine, nor about its durability.

Operating system

We only work with Linux. Equipment that has a permanent connection to the Internet is subject to hacker attacks and viruses. From this point of view, there is nothing better than Linux.

Quality components

In our work, we use components that have proven themselves in high-load self-service systems. Such components allow you to forget about technical problems with the equipment. You will only go to PhotoJet for money 🙂

The unique features of the PhotoJet photo printing machine

All equipment on the market is limited to printing from social networks and selfies on the terminal. We have gone much further and developed functionality that allows you to print directly from your phone. Now even those who do not have accounts in social networks can print their photos from the phone, and this, you see, is a significant mass of users.


Perforated paper

In the work of Photojet machines, we use perforated paper (photo paper with longitudinal perforations). The machine gives out a 10x15cm picture on which 2 Polaroid-format photos are separated by perforations. We abandoned the knife (cutter) a long time ago for several reasons. Firstly, it must be calibrated every 500-700 photographs, because he starts to cut crookedly, secondly - this mechanical part, which is the most vulnerable in terms of breakdowns.

Technical support

Our partners contact us with any questions and we always perceive their problems as our own and try to find a solution.

Installment plan

It is only because we are confident in the success of our equipment, and also because we work only on long-term partnerships with our beloved customers, that we are ready to make an incredible installment purchase offer.

Shipment to the countries of near and far abroad

We ship to different countries and to different continents. Our company will take care of all issues related to the delivery and customs clearance of your future equipment. Naturally, in this case, the equipment adapts to work with the local currency and language. For the convenience of working with clients from the EU and the USA, offices were opened in Tallinn (Estonia) and Miami (USA)

Business idea: Photo booth

Installing a photo booth is a fairly simple business idea that does not require special skills to implement, but can nevertheless bring regular and stable income. An additional advantage of this idea is that in this case there is no need for the constant presence of attendants to provide photo services - the booth is designed exclusively for self-service.

Who is interested?

Modern photo booths combine several functions at once - they can take instant photos for documents, entertaining photos and series snapshots. In addition, some of them are able to supplement photos with special effects, print them on the most various materials and even comment on them. Accordingly, potential consumers can be divided into two large groups - those who need a photo for documents and those who will use the booth solely for entertainment purposes.

Where to place?

The success of this type of business, as well as other vending options, depends entirely on the successful location of the booth. Of course, it is best to place several cabins at once at different points, but if you want to limit yourself minimal cost, choose one, but the most popular place. If there are large universities in your city, this is a great option, since the booth will be in demand for both ID photos and fun student shots.

Also, large shopping centers, railway stations and airports, as well as beaches and embankments of resort towns can become profitable accommodation options. By the way, installing photo booths in cities with a large flow of tourists increases the profitability of this type of business several times.

photo booth business plan

The purchase of the booth itself will cost from 130 to 200 thousand rubles. It should be noted right away that many suppliers offer to pay for the purchase of equipment in installments, which allows you to reduce initial costs several times.

These calculations are based on the statistics of the network of photo booths in the city of Rybinsk.

Calculating the profitability of a photo booth:

Permeability photocabin per day 7-15 people. We take the average value (7 + 15) / 2 = 11 people. Of these: 7 people - a photo for documents; 4 people - entertaining photo. I want to note that most of all our outlets are located in large grocery stores. Since our city is small and large malls we have only two in the whole city, it turns out such a ratio of entertaining photo to photo for documents.
2. The cost of prints of one image is 6 rubles (photo paper + original cartridges).
3. The cost of a picture for a client: a photo for documents - 150 rubles; entertaining photo - 100 rubles.
4. Total per day: 7 people. x 150 rub. + 4 people x 100 rub. - 6 rub. x 11 people = 1,384 rubles.
5. Total per month: 1,384 rubles. x 30 days = 41,520 rubles.
6. Average rent in our city: 9,000 rubles.
7. Net profit for the month: 41,520 rubles. - 9,000 rubles. = 32,520 rubles.
It is also necessary to take into account the seasonality of some photo services. For example, a photo for admission to universities. In just one month, you can increase your profits many times over. AT new year holidays the number of people wishing to be photographed for an entertaining photo is sharply increasing.

Calculation of the profitability of the built-in printing of photos in the photo booth:

1. Based on our statistics, the average number of prints is 23-35. in a day. For simplicity of calculations, we take the average value (23 + 35) / 2 = 29 pcs. in a day.
2. The cost of prints of one image is 2 rubles (photo paper + CISS).
3. The cost of a print for a client is 10 rubles.
4. Total per day: 29 pcs. x 10 rub. - 29 pcs. x 2 rub. = 232 rubles.
5. Total per month: 232 rubles. x 30 days = 6,960 rubles.
6. We have already taken into account the cost of the average rent in the calculation of the profitability of the photo booth.
7. Net profit for the month: 6,960 rubles.

Calculation of the profitability of the built-in payment terminal in the photo booth:

1. Based on our statistics, the average number of payments is 100-200 per day (very dependent on location). We take the average value (100+200)/2=150 payments. We also noticed that after the installation of coin acceptors, the number of payments increased by 15-20% (this is due to the fact that paper 10 ruble bills accounted for half of all bills during collection, and after withdrawing them from circulation, revenue fell sharply). After the installation of coin acceptors, customers came to us from nearby competitors who did not have coin acceptors.

2. The cost of the service is at least 5 rubles (depends on the payment system and you, you can set interest, for example 7%, but not less than 5 rubles).

3. Consumables:

3.1. Thermal paper 80 × 80 mm, 45 rubles. for 1 piece 5 pieces per month: 45 rub. x 5 pcs. = 225 rubles. per month for thermal paper;
3.2. Monthly maintenance fee fiscal registrar 450 rubles;
3.3. Annual replacement EKLZ 8 000 rub. or 667 rubles. per month;
3.4. Total per month: 1342 rubles;
3.5. Total per day: 45 rubles.
4. Total per day: 150 payments x 5 rubles. - 45 rubles. = 705 rubles.
5. Total per month: 705 rubles. x 30 days = 21,150 rubles.
6. We have already taken into account the cost of the average rent in the calculation of the profitability of the Photo booth.
7. Net profit for the month: 21,150 rubles.

Organization of a photo salon is a very interesting business line. This type of activity can be considered not only as a source stable income but also as a limitless field for creativity and implementation of new ideas. Why exactly? Let's consider in more detail.

Profit, target audience and types of photo services

Photo salons are able to bring good profits. Its main source (up to 50-70%) is income from the production of photographs for documents. This is the basic and most demanded service that people always need.

In addition, it is the most cost-effective: 3-4 photographs cost about 100-150 rubles at a cost of about one ruble (about 70 kopecks for a piece of paper and 30 kopecks for ink). From an average place (visited daily by 10-15 people), the income will be 3,000 - 4,000 rubles a day, and from a checkpoint and with a wide range of services - 30,000 rubles or more.

To target audience include visitors to the OVIR, passport offices, applicants and everyone else who needs photos for the following documents:

  • Russian passport;
  • international passport;
  • visas;
  • military ID;
  • student ticket;
  • police and civilian identity cards;
  • honey. references;
  • dignity. books;
  • passes;
  • badges;
  • personal files and questionnaires, etc.

But the activity of the salon is not limited to the production of photographs for documents. The scope for the implementation of creative ideas in this business is almost limitless. There would be demand.

In addition to the basic service, you can organize:

  • photo printing from electronic media on photo paper;
  • printing photos from films;
  • creating retro photos;
  • restoring old pictures;
  • printing of photo pictures and wall posters;
  • printed booklets, business cards, inserts, stickers;
  • collages, photos for mugs, key chains, T-shirts;
  • production of ovals for monuments;
  • production of vignettes;
  • photo retouching;
  • recording photos to external sources of information (etc.);
  • photocopying;
  • scanning and printing of publications;
  • sale of various accessories and photographic equipment (films, batteries, albums, frames, etc.)

Templates for postcards (and other templates) can be easily found on the Internet.

It is quite possible that creative personalities Those who are fond of photography and have professional skills in this area will want to expand their business to the level of a photo studio (photo studio). It differs from a photo salon in the presence of special areas (at least 20 m2 with ceilings - at least 3 m) and equipment that allows you to shoot in a studio (shoot full-length, take group portraits, various artistic photos, etc.)

Registration of a photo salon, basic formalities

1 Original case needed register activity either as an LLC or as an individual entrepreneur. If you apply for an IP, you can apply any tax regime of your choice - UTII, STS or STS. It is advisable for a small photo salon, whose activities relate to the service sector, to use UTII. Starting from 2013, small firms will be able to apply a new simplified form of taxation - patent. Its benefit for photo salons is obvious.

2 Required decide on codes OKVED, which are also indicated in the tax. It:

  • 74.81 - activities in the region. Photo;
  • 74.8 - provision of various types of services;
  • 52.4 - other rozn. trade in specialized stores(for accessories trade)
  • 22.22 - printing activities not included in other groups (for photocopying).

3 Registration in the Pension Fund and other off-budget funds

4 Acquisition cash register or strict reporting forms

5 Bringing the premises into compliance with requirements Gospozhnadzor and Rospotrebnadzor

6Studying the regulatory framework. At the legislative level, requirements are fixed for certain types of photographs. This mainly concerns the passport of the Russian Federation and the passport of Russians. Therefore, at a minimum, it is necessary to study:

Location selection

For successful implementation photo salon business plan for documents - it is necessary to strategically approach the choice of premises. The correct location of the cabin is 90% capable of determining the success of the business.

What features should be considered when choosing?

  1. The place must be passable. Will it be the city center or a residential area, but it should be crowded around. An excellent option would be to place a point in a shopping center.
  2. It's good if it's nearby large educational institution, OVIR, Passport Office, recruitment agencies etc. organizations in which it is required to provide a photo for documents.
  3. Under the photo studio no need to select a large room(unless you plan to convert it into a photo studio later on). 6-10 m2 will be enough.

Now let's say a few words about the design and equipment of the room.

First of all, you need order a big, beautiful sign.

It will be the main advertisement of your salon. As practice shows, advertisements in newspapers and on television are ineffective. Such advertising is not capable of inducing people to get popular photo services today in an inconvenient place for them.

In the photo studio, you need to install a couple of chairs, a counter, a mirror, a hanger. You can also get a set of clothes - a jacket and a tie, and rent it out. Such a service is useful to the client when he urgently needs to take a digital photo, but he is not “in shape”.

What equipment is required to start a business in the photo for documents?

In order to start providing the most simple and common services ( Photos of the documents) will need:

  • digital camera(e.g. Canon 400D+430EX or Canon PowerShot S5-iS) - from 10000 rubles.
  • enough powerful computer with the appropriate software - 30,000 rubles.
  • photo printer(inkjet, color with CISS, better Epson rx690 or Canon PIXMA iP4840) - from 5000 rubles.
  • tripod (for example, Era ECSA-3770) - from 1500 rubles.
  • expendable materials(cartridges - about 1000 rubles, photographic paper 100 sheets - 300 rubles, etc.);
  • lighting equipment. Used will cost about 1000 rubles, and new devices - from 2.5 tr. for one projector or more.

If you buy a piece of used equipment, then you can meet 40,000 - 60,000.

About paper

Paper for documentary photos should be approximately 170 g.m2 (indicated on the package). For reproductions in A5, A4 format, the recommended paper weight is not less than 230 g.m2. The best prices are for Privision (glossy) and Lomond (matte) products.

About lighting fixtures

It is worth deciding what you will work with - with incandescent lamps (halogen spotlights) or with flashes. If you want to save money, then go to flea markets or online commissions. There you can find outdated devices on 500 W Photon halogen lamps, as well as Fil107 or Fil 106 flashes. You can buy them for 1000 rubles.

Branded devices brands Hensel, Multiblitz, Broncolor will cost 25 tr., Chinese - 2.5 - 6 tr. Everything depends on the budget. Halogen lamps in the amount of 3 pieces and a power of 500 W will be enough for a small photo salon. The best option may be to buy a REKAM LIGHT KIT lighting kit for 8000 rubles.

About Photo Salon Software

For high-quality photo processing, elimination of possible defects arising in the process of shooting, retouching and other similar operations, it is used Adobe program Photoshop.

We recommend buying a licensed product, as the fight against the distribution of counterfeit products has recently become tougher. A licensed Photoshop will be more expensive (from 10,000 rubles) than a pirated one, but it will be calmer with it.

For the convenience of printing photos on documents, you need to purchase a special program. One of these is from AMS Software.

It contains all formats, taking into account guests for all types of documents. With the program, you do not need to be afraid of any changes or innovations - if this happens, then an update will be sent to you.


To photograph people for documents, don't have to be professional photographer . Sometimes it is enough to invite a specialist who will set up the camera and adjust the light. After that, anyone familiar with the basic functions of the camera can take a photo.

home operator task— Correction and processing of images after shooting. Therefore, it is important that the operator has at least minimal skills computer design. If he does not have such, then he will have to take the appropriate courses, lasting about 2 weeks.

Usually photo salons work from 10 am to 19 pm. At first, only 1 specialist is needed.

The organizer of the case can also perform direct duties in the salon. At first, this is what you should do. However, in the future, it will be problematic to combine organizational and working moments. After all, you need to find time to buy Supplies, and on interaction with tax authorities, on other administrative functions. Therefore, it is still better to find a person who would deal exclusively with current work.

Business Features

Demand for photos for documents is seasonal. The most "fruitful" period falls on May - October, and it is connected with the onset of the vacation season and the time of admission of applicants to educational institutions. All photo salons located near universities, colleges, etc., at this time are literally bursting with clients. The recession occurs in December-January. In the "lean" time they help out Additional services- photocopying, laminating, sale of accessories and others.

Business pays off on average in six months, sometimes in a year. Much will depend on the attendance rate of the salon and on the level of expenses for renting space.


If you need a detailed business plan, you can order its development for your specific project. Fill out an application to receive detailed information from the partner of the Moneymaker Factory site of the MegaResearch consulting agency.

Success in business can only be achieved through original idea and full immersion in your work. You should never take on something that does not cause any interest. So, for example, a person who is passionate about photography can earn good money and at the same time enjoy his favorite pastime.

Even if it will be instant photos, booths working in automatic mode, or sale of special equipment. In any case, such a business will bring more satisfaction to the connoisseur than, say, the clothing trade.

Market analysis

A photo booth as a business is a little-known phenomenon for Russia, which is why it is extremely promising. Indeed, this niche in our country is practically not occupied, although the demand for such services is huge. As an illustrative example, we can take the United States or Western Europe, where about 75% of all photographs are taken from booths.

This can be explained by the fact that in modern world time becomes the main value, and in order to save it, people are willing to pay. This is what photo booths are designed for. On documents, for example, with the help of them you can capture yourself in just a couple of minutes, moreover, at any time.

In order to understand the existing opportunities, it is enough to compare the streets of conventional London and St. Petersburg. In the first of them, there is an average of 1 photo booth for every 10 blocks. While in the northern capital it is quite difficult to meet them.

Benefits of a business idea

It’s worth starting with the fact that few businesses can boast such a high level of profitability. Typically, a photo booth business plan sets a project payback period of 6 months. In order to meet it, it is enough just to choose the right place.

In addition, almost everyone can start a business, since for this you need to have only a small initial capital. The compactness of the cabin allows you to save money on rent, and the lack of permanent staff - on wages.

Indeed, the autonomy of the installation is of no small importance. This means that it is enough to inspect it and carry out diagnostics once every 2 weeks. This option is the best suited for those who dream of passive income.

Of course, relying on the fact that the instant photo program will allow you to lie on the couch all day is not worth it. She, too, may have failures that even an experienced specialist will have to tinker with.

Basic costs

The photo booth business plan for the expenditure side will contain the following items:

  1. Purchase of the installation itself.
  2. Renting or buying a place.
  3. Consumables costs.

The lion's share of the initial capital will have to be spent on a photo booth. Its price can reach 250 thousand rubles, but in this case you should not save. This can be considered an investment in quality, which in the future will ensure a stable demand for the service provided. It’s not even worth looking at how much a Chinese-made “instant photo” device costs, since such a miracle of technology will not last long.

The remaining two items make up only about 10 percent of the total budget. The site for installing the cabin will require a very small one, so it is worth laying down expenses for this item in the region of 8-10 thousand rubles. Consumables will also cost no more than 20 thousand per month.

In total, we get an amount of 280 thousand, which is very good for promising business, capable of bringing from 50 thousand rubles a month. In this case, the calculation was based on the assumption that about 15 people a day will use the booth services, the cost of one photo is 150 rubles. On the day, the revenue will be 2250 rubles, but the cost of consumables, which is about 500 rubles, must still be deducted from it. In total, the booth will bring at least 1,750 rubles of net income per day.

Additional expenses

In any case, you can not do without side costs. In this case, they will be due to the need for initial advertising. Many will be surprised that one of the most important business tools and the main engine of trade is relegated to the category of secondary ones. But this can be easily explained.

The thing is that the photo booth can and will advertise itself. Only at the first stage it is necessary to inform potential clients about the availability of such services. This can be done through local newspaper ads, billboards, and other widely used methods.

Location selection

The number of people who want to capture themselves directly depends on where the photo booth is installed. There is probably no other business whose profitability would depend to the same extent on location.

Indeed, no one will go to some gateway to take a picture. Moreover, even if the booth is located at some distance from the client's usual route, he may prefer the nearest photo studio.

Thus, this issue must be approached with all seriousness. The photo booth business plan should include renting the best space on the ground floors of 24-hour shopping and entertainment centers, cinemas.

You can also place them near railway stations, airports, metro stations and higher educational institutions. Priority conditions when choosing a place should be a large flow of people and an environment that makes you want to take a photo as a keepsake.

Business expansion

When starting your own business, you should always remember two things:

  1. Possibility of bankruptcy and ruin.
  2. The need to expand and continually invest in the business.

The first point may simply be the consequence of the fact that the second was not fulfilled. The photo booth business plan is no exception. It should provide for the further development of the project.

This program can be implemented different ways. The first of these is to increase the number of points where services will be provided. Moving along this path, you can increase profits for some time, but at some stage there will be stagnation and recession.

Therefore, the second way involves the introduction of diversity. You can take up a slightly different activity, for example, open an atelier specializing in professional photo shoots, or a salon selling professional photographic equipment. Restriction in this issue imposed only by the imagination of the business owner.


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