Production of cinder blocks as a profitable own business. General Information about Cinder Block Business Cinder Block Business

The building materials market in Russia is actively developing, which contributes to an increase in the share of cinder blocks production. More and more are being built in our country, which requires a huge amount of inexpensive, but high-quality materials for the construction of new buildings.

And it is cinder blocks that are especially in demand today in this market.

The reason for the popularity of cinder blocks lies in their versatility. They are used for the construction of mainly low-rise buildings - private houses and cottages, workshops, garages, utility blocks. The advantages of this material are increased heat and sound insulation, while the cost of a cinder block is much lower than for bricks, foam blocks and other building materials.

It is not difficult to open a business for the production of cinder blocks, since the technology for their manufacture is quite simple, and the raw materials are available and do not require significant costs. In the presence of an easy technical equipment, a suitable platform and funds for the purchase of a batch of raw materials, any novice entrepreneur can become the owner of his small but profitable enterprise.

How to fill cinder block

In order to open a business for the production of cinder block bricks, an entrepreneur, first of all, will need a good vibrating machine. For small workshops, small-sized electric machines of domestic production are often used. As initial components for the manufacture of cinder blocks, cement, water, a plasticizing additive, as well as a variety of fillers are used. It can be sawdust, sand, gypsum, crushed stone, expanded clay, ash or scrap bricks. The choice of filler depends on the requirements that apply to the manufactured cinder blocks, on the characteristics of the local climate, as well as the planned cost of production.

Another important point in the process of creating a business is the choice of a production site. The most expensive option is a closed room where you can work all year round. A prerequisite is the presence of a flat concrete floor. The room should have high-quality ventilation, and in the cold season it will be necessary to carry out heating. A more economical option is an open area, which requires preliminary preparation. In order for it to be even, it can be asphalted, concreted, or simply leveled the surface of the earth.

If you are thinking about the prospects for further development of your business, be sure to use a professional business plan for the production of cinder blocks. In some cases, it turns out that there is simply nowhere to expand production, and it is not always possible to realize this fact without the support of professionals. With the help of this document, you will not only be able to foresee possible risks, but will also deal with such complex issues as finding a market for products, fighting competitors and improving production technology.

Production of cinder blocks

Do-it-yourself cinder blocks machine for the production of cinder blocks

Cinder blocks are a very popular and sought-after building material.

Business plan for the production of cinder blocks with calculations

It is made by vibrocompression in the form of a concrete solution. With a small amount of construction, you may not even need a machine for the production of cinder blocks, although it will go much faster with it.

What are cinder blocks and what are they made of?

Such material as cinder blocks is made of concrete, to which ash, slag, coal combustion residues, or any other cheap and affordable material is added.

The production technology and composition of cinder blocks is widely known, and many private developers have used it to build their houses. The process of their manufacture consists of several stages:

1. Mixing a concrete mixture of cement, water and any slag suitable for the technology manually or using a mixer or a concrete mixer.

2. Pouring the resulting mixture into a special form for cinder blocks, which can be both with special void formers and without them.

3. Compaction of the poured mass in the mold under the influence of pressure and vibration.

4. Removing the mold from the cinder block to dry it.

As a rule, on simple vibropresses without clamping, the process takes from 60 to 90 seconds, but if you buy a machine for making cinder blocks with a force of several tons and clamping, then the vibrocompression time can be significantly reduced.

5. In order for the blocks made of slag to gain strength, and they can be stored and transported, they need to be “aged” from two to four days at natural temperature environment. For complete hardening of vibro-concrete stones, as cinder blocks are also called, a month is needed, while the ambient temperature should not be lower than +1 ° C and a high level of humidity should be constantly maintained. The higher the temperature external environment, the faster the strength gain of cinder blocks occurs.

Block making equipment

If you have a small construction on your own site, then there will be no questions about the equipment. Today, such a practice as equipment rental is quite common. For a moderate fee, you can rent both for a few hours and for more long term, the necessary devices, thanks to which productivity will be higher, and you will not have to spend your own physical strength, will remain: a concrete mixer, a vibrating machine and a vibrating sieve.

In the event that the construction volumes are large, it is easier to order a vibro-machine for the production of cinder blocks from the manufacturer or in a special store and purchase it. There are many designs of such devices, but for individual construction and small businesses, the best option would be models of small-sized cinder block vibrating machines, for example, the "Builder's Dream" M310 or such manual machines with lever lifting of forms as 1X or MARS.

More powerful and productive, but correspondingly more expensive, are machines with lever clamping and mold lifting, such as Comanche and Dragon. Unlike the M310, MARS and 1IKS, which have a capacity of 200-400 pieces, they can produce up to 600 blocks per day. All machines for the production of building blocks require electricity of 220 watts. The table shows the technical characteristics and prices of the most popular vibrating machines.

From the presented table it can be seen that for a private developer, the most suitable, both in terms of price and performance, will be the M310, 1IKS and MARS machines.

For those who want to organize the production of cinder blocks with their own hands, or are engaged in contract construction, Comanche and Dragon will be more profitable acquisitions. But before starting such own business, it is imperative to calculate the costs, analyze the needs of the region where it is planned to deploy activities, and, only on the basis of all this information, form own business plan for the production of cinder blocks.

Vibrating machine Dragon, despite the rather high price, has a number of undeniable advantages. First of all - reinforced, in comparison with Comanche, matrix, frame, clamp and wheels. Yes, and it is equipped with a vibrator more powerful - industrial IV-99.

Choosing the most suitable for your conditions and financial opportunities, you can order a vibro-machine for the production of cinder blocks both from the manufacturer and in stores. Of course, the manufacturer's price will be lower, but do not forget about the cost of delivery services.

Business plan "Production of cinder blocks"

According to the testimony of experts in the field of economics, one of the most promising areas commercial activities is the production of construction and finishing materials. The demand for these products is not decreasing, which is why starting your own business in the industry associated with the production of any type of building material is a promising and profitable business. So, the direction of activity is defined, it remains to decide only on the specific type of material produced, for example, you can choose the production of cinder blocks. This material is in constant demand as construction firms as well as private individuals.

The advantage of opening a mini-business for the manufacture of cinder blocks is explained by the fact that it is better to purchase this material in small businesses than in large factories.

Dignity same material are:

  • extensive scope (use in the construction of garages, workshops, utility blocks, cottages, houses, etc.);
  • good heat and noise insulation properties;
  • more low cost compared to other materials (brick or foam block);
  • no need to involve masons in the work.

In order to open own enterprise for the production of cinder blocks, a business plan should be drawn up with a calculation of all the required indicators for business case the feasibility of launching the project, as well as take into account in this project all the nuances of doing business in this area of ​​management.


A special place in the preparation of a business plan should be attributed to the choice of a suitable premises for future production. In this choice, there are several options:

  1. Covered room with a concrete floor, while the floor surface must be flat. To ensure the normal functioning of production, you should make sure that the ventilation and heating systems are in good condition in the room.

    Production of cinder blocks as a profitable own business

    It is better to rent such a room for the first time.

  2. Outdoor area, but also equipped with a flat floor. Such a floor can be earthen, asphalted or concreted.

The total area of ​​​​the premises to accommodate the entire production workshop should be at least 100 square meters. meters.

It is recommended to look for the location of the production workshop near cement plants, sand pits, etc. in order to reduce the cost of transporting raw materials to the place of its processing and production of finished cinder blocks.

In addition, it is desirable that the production location is located on close range from points of sale finished products. All of these measures are aimed at reducing the cost of production and increasing the level of business income.

Raw materials and equipment

In any business plan (including for the production of cinder blocks), special importance is attached to the description of the equipment and the raw materials used.

The key installation in the equipment is the vibrating machine

The key installation in the equipment used is the vibrating machine; it can be involved in production in the form of various modifications.

Main raw materials used in the production of cinder blocks is:

  • water;
  • filler;
  • plasticizing additive;
  • cement.

Various materials can be used as a filler, the choice of a specific one depends on the financial capabilities of the businessman, as well as the requirements for the final product of manufacture. Most commonly used fillers are:

  1. sand;
  2. shavings;
  3. crushed stone;
  4. expanded clay;
  5. gypsum;
  6. screenings;
  7. sawdust;
  8. granulated slag;
  9. scrap brick;
  10. slag.

In the business plan itself, a detailed recipe for the production of cinder blocks must be provided, with the exact dosages of each type of raw material and additives used. A plasticizing additive must be used without fail, as it increases the strength, frost resistance and water resistance of finished cinder blocks.


3-4 workers are needed to service the production

In the business plan for opening the production of cinder blocks, issues related to recruitment should be consecrated. To service a mini-production, it is enough to attract 3-4 workers, while their experience of a similar kind is not at all necessary.

You should also decide in what mode the production workshop will operate, if it is planned to continuous work in 2 shifts (for the purpose of greater output and corresponding production profit), then workers should be hired in the amount of 4 people to work 2 people in each shift.

In order for production to function normally, recruited employees can be trained and explained all the responsibilities for ensuring production process right on the spot.

Marketing program

For the success of the whole business as a whole and to prevent the loss of the enterprise on initial stage work in the business plan should be clearly spelled out marketing program. It may include various tools, for example, setting a lower retail price for manufactured cinder blocks compared to similar products from other manufacturers at the initial stage of the enterprise. This will increase the competitiveness of your production and attract the attention of more potential buyers.


At the end of each business plan, a calculation is made financial indicators, reflecting the feasibility of launching a new project or lack thereof.

For example, if finished products are sold at an average price of 1700 per 1 cubic meter. meter, then the profit from the sale of this quantity of products will be 5000 - 6000 rubles daily. The result of such activities will be the payback period of the entire project, which will come in approximately 2-3 months.

Expenditure part financial indicators at the initial stage of project implementation include:

  1. rent of premises to accommodate production (outside the city) - 40,000 rubles per month;
  2. purchase of equipment - 1,800,000 rubles;
  3. purchase of primary raw materials - 100,000 rubles;
  4. staff salary - 80,000 rubles per month.

After calculating the income and expenditure parts of the business, it can be noted that the net profit on the business project will be about 555,000 rubles per month.

Download business plan for the production of cinder blocks for 350 rubles, from our partners, with a quality guarantee. In the public domain, on the Internet, it is not.
The content of the business plan:
1. Privacy
2. Resume
3. Stages of project implementation
4. Characteristics of the object
5. Marketing plan
6. Technical and economic data of the equipment
7. Financial plan
8. Risk assessment
9. Financial and economic justification of investments
10. Conclusions

Below is a video containing helpful tips start-up business related to the production of cinder blocks


Despite the rather harsh competitive environment in this industry, the business associated with the production of cinder blocks may well become promising and profitable, and bring a stable profit. To do this, a competent business plan must be drawn up, which in the future must be implemented in compliance with all the nuances of doing business for this industry.

Readers interested in this topic can download a free sample of a business plan for the production of cinder blocks.

Modern construction market has long been trading platform, on which new construction technologies and materials for their implementation are born and go to the masses. But in all this variety, the consumer always opts for materials that are relatively inexpensive and at the same time easy to work with. It is these cost-effective and easy-to-install materials that block products are.

From the foregoing, everyone can conclude that their own business based on the manufacture of cinder blocks can be profitable. But in order to understand the full benefit of this idea, one should not only get acquainted with the technology according to which such a building material can be made, but also know the cost of a cinder block made by oneself. It should also be noted that this type of building materials and equipment used in their manufacture do not need a mandatory certification procedure, which greatly simplifies the life of entrepreneurs involved in such production.

Basics of cinder block production

Before you start organizing the production process and purchasing the necessary equipment and materials, you should take the time to carefully analyze the market situation over the past few years. Such an analysis will easily reveal that over the past 5 years, the popularity of cinder block as a building material has increased at a rapid pace.

This building material has become the main one in such matters as the construction of garages, the construction of summer cottages and extensions to country houses.

Workshops, production shops are being built from cinder blocks with enviable speed, warehouses, country estates and even large and multi-storey industrial and residential buildings. Such versatility and demand for cinder blocks lies in the combination of the main characteristics of the material, such as:

  • low price range;
  • ease of use;
  • optimal dimensions of each piece product;
  • small weight of one block;
  • high strength indicators;
  • enviable wear resistance;
  • excellent insulating performance, noise intrusion resistance and heat retention.

An analysis of the market situation will certainly lead to the conclusion that selling is a rather profitable scheme, especially if we take into account the cost of such a product, which will be discussed later. Such a study of the market of each entrepreneur will lead to one of the most important questions for manufacturing: what is the technology for manufacturing such products?

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What is needed to start production?

In order to make cinder blocks yourself, you should make sure that everything that is presented in the following list is prepared in advance:

  1. Vibrating machine. This is the main equipment needed for the production of such building materials. The machines themselves are produced in a huge variety of designs, but experience has shown that in order to produce cinder blocks, the design of the M330 vibrating machine will be the most convenient and efficient. Such a sledge is manual and small-sized.
  2. For quality work this machine should not create any special conditions. He will need the electricity of the most ordinary household electrical network of 220 V, which should please aspiring entrepreneurs even more.
  3. In order for the manufactured cinder blocks to be of high quality, the site on which the production process will be carried out must be relatively flat, there must also be a properly functioning ventilation system in the room, and in the cold season it must be heated.

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Technology for the production of homemade cinder blocks

Now that all of the above conditions have been met and the production site has been prepared, you should familiarize yourself in detail with the creation technology, according to which production will be carried out. First of all, it is necessary to take care of the availability of all necessary materials:

  1. Cement. For this production process, this material grade M400 is best suited.
  2. Filler. Various natural or industrial materials can act as a filler for a cinder block. Such as sand, expanded clay, sawdust, slag, broken brick and much more.
  3. Plain clean water.
  4. plasticizer.

This material is not a mandatory participant in the solution for the manufacture of cinder blocks, but its presence is desirable. Plasticizing additives will speed up the solidification time of the blocks, improve their quality characteristics and resistance to low temperatures.

After all the necessary materials have been prepared, you can proceed to the production process itself. Cinder blocks are made in accordance with the following step-by-step instructions:

  1. Preparation of concrete solution. In measured proportions, all the ingredients of the solution are mixed. Mixing, of course, can be done in any convenient way, but for the production process it would be useful to purchase a concrete mixer.
  2. Molding. The prepared solution is poured into the vibrating machine purchased in advance and the device is turned on for a few seconds.

The solution settles, and the worker needs to level it from above with any convenient tool, usually a trowel. The clamp is installed, the clamp is lightly pressed and the device is turned on again. The operating time of the vibrating machine directly depends on the quality of the solution poured into it, and on the design of the block being poured.

Without turning off the device, raise the machine, in place of which the finished product will remain.

Drying. The drying process of the molded solution usually takes about 2 days, after which the finished cinder blocks are removed from the production workshop to the warehouse. Well, if plasticizing additives are present among the ingredients of the solution, then, according to their instructions, finished products can be sent to the warehouse after 6 hours of drying.

It is recommended to stack cinder blocks for storage in piles of pyramidal type, no more than 100 blocks in each pyramid, so it is more convenient to store and easier to count. It would also be useful to mark on each pyramid the date of production of the blocks included in it.

Unfortunately, in the CIS countries, and in particular in Russia production very poorly established, we are talking about absolutely all industries, for example, cars that are comparable in cost to foreign cars have much worse technical specifications and quality, and this despite the fact that they are made in our country, investing huge funds allocated from the budget (read - ours with you), and still no progress is visible.

Almost any product that is considered good and of high quality is imported, of course, some types of equipment needed in construction and other industries are produced by us, but they are bought only when there is not enough money to purchase a high-quality analogue from a foreign manufacturer, or the volumes are small . But not everything is so bad, there are areas where the situation is better, this is food production and various materials from raw materials, for example, most of the products that you see and buy daily in supermarkets, shops and on the market are produced by “our” companies, not all of them perform the entire cycle of work on their own, for example, when it comes to milk - many dairies buy it from farmers, while they themselves are only engaged in cleaning it, as well as “dividing” it into milk and cream directly, then dairy products (cottage cheese, cheese, whey, etc.) are produced from it.

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If you would like to start your own small production and looking for a suitable option, then we have something to help you. The production of cinder blocks is a business plan for which is not so complicated, you can open it quickly enough, and you can start producing the first batches literally on the second or third day, as soon as you install everything necessary equipment and bring materials from which later the building material itself will be made.

New building materials appear every month, manufacturers promise unusual properties, low prices and a whole lot more, however, as a rule, they are not widely used on the market, since their cost is much higher than the “usual” materials that have been used everywhere for decades, and the benefits are dubious. Brick and cinder block are now very popular and will remain so for quite a long time, since no competitors are visible on the horizon, joining the production of these means having a chance to make good money, in the production itself, as a process, there is nothing complicated, even a person has never dealt with the production of goods, construction business and in general, entrepreneurship will be sorted out within a couple of weeks, the difficulty lies precisely in something else - to whom and how to sell the produced material.

In most cases, the production of cinder blocks is opened after they have agreed on the supply of a large batch, so as not to “fly by”, spending on equipment, salaries to employees and renting premises, but this is not the only way, having studied our business plan, the production of cinder blocks and their subsequent implementation will not seem so complicated.

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What you need to start the production of cinder blocks

Now we go directly to the part of the business plan for the production of cinder blocks, how much money is needed and for what. The most important thing is the equipment, even without proper premises, you can produce cinder blocks in your own yard, or even rent it from neighbors who do not use the free space, without equipment, you will not be able to establish the production of high-quality cinder blocks.

So, we need the following set of equipment and tools:

A wheelbarrow for the solution (to take it from the "mixer" to the molds), which costs quite a "minimum", even for 1,000 rubles you can buy the option that suits us. Forms will not cost much either, of course it depends on their quality and “lifetime”, there are disposable ones, and there are those that can serve you faithfully for several years, the latter will certainly cost more. A cinder block machine is one of the main ones in this production, it’s better to buy a new one, it’s not worth saving, especially since you don’t have to spend so much money to start the production of cinder blocks, and buying used equipment will cost even more for yourself (one beautiful moment it will break, you will need to spend your own money again, and plus, the work will get up for a day or two). A concrete mixer is also better to buy a new one, given the cost of several hundred dollars, you certainly won’t go broke.

Of the additional requirements, it is worth noting the importance of having a constant source of water nearby, we will need it in large quantities in the cinder block production business, as well as a flat surface (this means that a “crooked garage” will not work).

As you can see, the business plan for the production of cinder blocks is not very expensive and can be afforded by any person who knows how to save money ( detailed calculations we will give below, in a separate part of our article), so if you have the desire and free money, you can try your luck in this field.

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Income and payback of this type of business

On average, as experienced people say, the payback of a cinder block production business is no more than 3 months, often 1.5-2, it depends on many factors (what equipment and how much was bought, where the material is produced, etc., because the cost of rent, raw materials and labor varies greatly from city to city).

So, how much money is needed to start - the 2 most important pieces of equipment will cost about 1,500 - 2,500 dollars, about 500-1000 more dollars will be needed to rent a suitable room, the associated costs (wheelbarrow, hose, forms) will cost another 500- $ 1000, also do not forget about raw materials and labor force- depending on the size of the first batch, your costs may vary, but prepare about a couple of thousand more dollars (people can work both in 2 shifts of 2 people, and 2 people in one shift, respectively, this directly affects the costs wages and quantity of material produced). In total, it turns out about $ 7,000 - $ 8,000, which, given the profitability, is not so much, from each cinder block sold for favorable price, you can count on a profit of several tens of percent.

The main risk in this business is to spend money and not sell the product, or to make it of terrible quality, for example, when the workers mixed up the proportions while mixing raw materials, or did not follow technological standards, in this case you will spoil not only the raw materials, but also lose precious time.

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Difficulties and nuances of a business plan for the production of cinder blocks

If you have studied in detail all the previous points of our business plan, then you can already guess in in general terms about what will be needed to start production and sale of finished products. But there are many pitfalls that we would like to talk about in more detail, because not everyone wants to learn from their own experience, and there is no need for this, because why make mistakes where others have already done it for you.

To start, a little preface - today most in demand the construction market enjoys the construction of small cottages and houses, as well as extensions to existing buildings, even in the crisis years of 2008-2009, this sector of the market did not stand like everyone else, because those who started building the future home are unlikely to stop this business without very good reasons or some serious obstacle (for example, the final impossibility of further funding due to the deprivation Money). This is where our material - cinder block - is used. We mean that the biggest problem is not the sale, but the sale of this building material, in addition to it, related services should also be offered ( free shipping, super-low prices and stuff like that), we recommend establishing relationships with those who have been building for a long time and on an ongoing basis, while not bothering to create the production of all the necessary materials, you can make good money, and builders will get rid of the problem with constant search for manufacturers.

Do not lose sight of the Internet, commercial announcements, thematic forums (where those who are engaged in construction on their own communicate, etc.) will help attract additional customers, albeit with small volumes, but there can be quite a lot of them if you are active in this direction.

It is not difficult to organize a business for the manufacture of cinder blocks: the technology is simple, the raw materials are cheap. However, a careful calculation of profitability is required. This niche cannot be called free, which means that the products must be competitive in quality and price.

Cheap wall materials are in demand in the construction of cottages, garages, outbuildings, and sometimes industrial facilities. The production of cinder blocks as a business is attractive due to the simple technology, the cheapness of raw materials and the breadth of the sales market. Currently, not only slag, but other fillers are used for their manufacture. The outdated name is strongly associated with the low-grade building material of the Soviet era, from which it was customary to build mainly cowsheds. Modern blocks have little in common with it, they are often called by the composition of the main components or manufacturing technology.

Raw materials, varieties, certification

In fact, any cinder block is an artificial building stone obtained from concrete mortar. Composition 80 - 90%: boiler slag, waste metallurgical production, crushed granite and screenings, brick breakage, sand. Modern environmentally friendly components are becoming increasingly popular: expanded clay (expanded clay), wood concrete (wood pellets, sawdust), polystyrene (porous plastics). Depending on this, a wide variety of names of the finished product arise. The bonding mass is represented by cement, sometimes with the use of plasticizing additives that accelerate the hardening process (Table 1).

When planning the production of cinder blocks, you need to have answers to three main questions:

  1. what materials are available for use as filler;
  2. what types of stone are in demand in a particular area;
  3. what is more profitable to use as an advantage: price or quality of products.

The most interesting thing is that the cinder block is not subject to mandatory certification. Unlike the constituent components: cement, sand, gravel, chemical additives - they must comply with established standards. If desired, the manufacturer can pass it on a voluntary basis in any relevant laboratory. At the same time, the products will be checked for compliance with GOST 6665-91 "Concrete wall stones. Specifications". This will require:

  1. certificate of state registration (OGRN, TIN);
  2. specifications, if any (TU);
  3. application and details of the company.

The absence of the guest, on the one hand, unties the hands, and on the other hand, it gives rise to certain problems. Buyers are critical of the unfounded statements of the seller, and the presence of a certificate is a convincing argument when choosing a building material. The use of industrial waste is especially not welcome - such products can hardly be attributed to environmentally friendly materials.

Cinder block production technology

The full cycle of building stone production includes:

  • kneading the initial semi-rigid mixture in a mixer or concrete mixer;
  • loading concrete into the matrix (with or without a blank former);
  • leveling the mixture, sealing corners (for manual loading);
  • compaction of the solution using vibration (from 2 to 30 seconds) and pressure;
  • molding by lifting the matrix; block remains on the floor or pallet;
  • transportation finished products to the place of final drying.

The rigid solution does not allow the block to crumble after pressing, and lose shape after drying. The temperature in the working room must be at least 1°C. Solidification to a degree that allows transshipment occurs within 1.5 - 4 days. When adding special plasticizers, it is reduced to several hours. The final ripening is carried out on racks, or on the street, at natural temperature for a month. Humidity should be high, sometimes steaming is used.

Common types of equipment

The principle of operation, as well as the performance, of most mechanical, semi-automatic machines differs little from each other. Rather, when choosing, attention is paid to the reliability of materials, design features, and ease of use. Conventionally, they can be divided into three groups:

  • simple mechanical machines using manual labor, (popularly known as "zhivopyrki"); with low-power vibrators or without them;
  • semi-automatic vibropresses equipped with additional labor-facilitating elements: lifting mechanism, rollback, etc.;
  • automatic lines, including forced-action concrete mixers, buckets with dispensers, conveyors, vibropresses in one process.

If we talk about small businesses, then most use machine tools and vibropresses. For example, on one of the most major Internet stores exhibited 175 offers for the sale of equipment for the manufacture of cinder blocks. Consider what manufacturers offer.

1 Machine tools with a low power vibrator.

In the total volume of supply, they occupy about half - 80 pieces at a price of up to 50,000 rubles. About 40 models are sold at prices up to 25,000 rubles (RMU-1, Strom-unique, 1X Universal, Mars, M3 K). The principle of operation of "simplified" vibration is that it allows you to give a semi-rigid concrete mass a shape using a matrix.

Most of these devices (Fig. 1) have a capacity of 200 - 1,000 blocks per day. Mixing the mortar, feeding into molds, leveling are done manually. They differ in the power of the electric motor, the number of dies (from 1 to 4 pieces), the design of the lifting mechanism, and the possibility of rolling back the machine. Working on them is hard physical labor, it is difficult to maintain the geometry of products.

Part of the machines with enhanced vibration costing 50,000 - 100,000 rubles can also be attributed to this category (Fig. 2). The number of proposals is about 30. Fundamentally, they do not differ from their low-power counterparts. Usually they have a larger number of matrices (up to 8 pieces), some models have a table, others have wheel mechanisms, and so on.

According to concrete business practitioners, an increase in the number of matrices does not lead to a direct increase in efficiency. Productivity is a relative concept when it comes to manual or semi-mechanized labor. Such machines are more difficult to maintain, they must be operated by at least two people. They practically do not reduce costs, but are more expensive.

2 Semi-automatic hydraulic vibropresses.

This group includes machines, devices costing from 170,000 to 470,000 rubles (Stroy-Profi-4, Sirgis-3, Rifey, Skala 15ML, Mastek-Meteor, Universal). Usually they are designed for the production of 3 - 4 blocks per cycle, the pressure on the concrete mass is 2,000 - 5,000 kg, the pressing time is up to 30 seconds. A significant advantage (in addition to facilitating physical labor) is the high quality of products. Shaping equipment (matrix, punch) provide accurate geometry. Productivity is positioned as 120 - 180 pieces / hour, that is, from 1,000 to 2,000 per shift.


  1. automatic, semi-automatic control; minimum manual labor;
  2. high quality, good geometry of products, different types block;
  3. additional equipment for the production of borders, paving slabs;
  4. unloading bunkers, belt conveyors; damping springs;
  5. the ability to connect in line with other equipment;
  6. production of blocks with a decorative surface: smooth, corrugated, under a stone.

3 Mini-factories for the production of cinder blocks.

The price of automated lines that implement the full production cycle from forced mixing of the initial mass in a concrete mixer, with automatic feeding, pressing and drying (steaming) is from 2 to 5 million rubles. They are distinguished by high productivity, producing up to 400 finished blocks (80 pallets) per hour of work, as a rule, they are equipped with a set of interchangeable modules for the production of other types of concrete products (up to 350 pieces). The set includes forced-action concrete mixers, high-power vibrating presses, vibrating tables, overpasses. Such mini-factories are produced by Mastek LLC and some other manufacturers (Fig. 3).

Investments, payback, profitability

Cinder blocks are small-piece concrete products along with cellular concrete (foam and gas blocks). The main advantage is low price. A feature is seasonal demand, because construction is preferred to be carried out in the summer. In addition, stone wall materials are not equally in demand by region. Indirectly, the need can be estimated by the distribution of the main competitor - bricks (Fig. 5).

The amount of investment depends on the type of equipment purchased, the availability of filler (mainly local materials), and the cost of cement - this is the most expensive part of the raw material.

For example, let's calculate the cost of costs for 1 cinder block at the prices of the Middle Urals in 2015.

  • cement - 9.28 rubles. (3.5 kg);
  • screening of granite - 1.12 rubles. (9.3 kg);
  • sand - 3.16 rubles. (9.3 kg);
  • e / energy - 0.44 rubles;
  • salary - 2.18 rubles.

Total: the cost per unit of production is 16.17 rubles. A year ago it was about 12.24 rubles.

For 9 months of 2015, the average cement price increased by 1.9% and amounted to 3,931 rubles/t in October (2,858 rubles for the same period in 2014). And its consumption decreased by 11% (Fig. 6).

The cost of one standard cinder block ranges from 27 to 29 rubles apiece, the expanded clay block is more expensive: 37 to 39 rubles. At first glance, the profitability seems high, but you still need to add the cost of equipment, rental of premises for production and storage.

Other things to consider when planning:

  • building materials are characterized by inelastic demand - price reduction has little effect on sales volumes; the buyer prefers quality, as the period of use is long;
  • do not rely on the performance parameters of the equipment specified by the manufacturer; in reality, it is usually lower by 15-20%;
  • at the beginning of work, time will be spent on selecting the optimal ratio of components, testing the technology - product quality strongly depends on the equipment used and the composition of the mixture.


Definitely, it is impossible to say whether the manufacture of cinder blocks is profitable or not. In each case, a huge number of local factors must be taken into account: demand, access to cheap (or even free) filler, the number of competitors, the cost of labor in the region, its organization, delivery costs, product quality. It all depends on what the goal is for the entrepreneur: to earn a living for the family, or to reach a certain business level.

The most difficult thing in this business is to find a niche in the sales market. Business is more successful for those who travel “on the shoulders of the builders” - that is, they begin work with certain guarantees. For those who rely on end consumer- more difficult. Although right now, during the crisis, they began to order services less, to build on their own - more.

A large number of building materials for the construction of walls, partitions and cladding are on the market. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. But the most popular are those that, at a low price, are highly durable.

The cinder block just fits into this category. The production of this building stone is very promising business idea. The article presents detailed business plan for the production of cinder blocks. We describe the features of the case, clarify approximate dates reaching the breakeven point.

What are cinder blocks: a brief description, composition

Cinder block is a building stone made from various materials by vibrocompression. In fact, it is an artificial stone. The production technology was developed back in the 19th century - then the filler was slag: waste obtained from incineration hard coal. Hence the name of the building material.

Now other materials are used as a filler:

  • granite screenings;
  • broken brick, concrete, cement;
  • small gravel, crushed stone, sand;
  • sawdust.

The composition affects the characteristics of the cinder block. Sawdust makes the material more environmentally friendly; sand and gravel - heavier, more monolithic. The effect of each filler can be studied separately. When choosing a cinder block in terms of composition, it is important to build on specific goals - decide whether you will use the blocks for the construction of residential or outbuildings.

The filler is mixed with water, knitted with cement. After the mixture is sent for molding and compaction in a vibrating machine.

Application and types of cinder blocks

Now this building material is more often used in the construction of non-residential buildings: garages, sheds, swimming pools, outbuildings, fences. This is due to the characteristics of the cinder block.

There are several types of material:

  • Full-bodied, wall. These are durable blocks that are used to create the structure of a building, load-bearing walls.
  • Full-bodied, fundamental. Used for laying foundations. Durable, characterized by increased strength, do not shrink, the material does not crumble.
  • Hollow. They have internal voids. Cheaper but less durable. Needed for interior walls and partitions.
  • Facing. Have decorative coating, invoice on one side. They are used for finishing walls and fences on the front side.

The main characteristics of cinder blocks

One of the main parameters of cinder block stone is the strength grade. The value of the parameter is in the range from 35 to 125. It indicates the maximum weight (in kg) that the material can bear per 1 sq. cm (35-125 kg).

  • Cinder block brand M35 is the most fragile, used for insulation.
  • M50, M75 are needed for the installation of partitions, internal walls.
  • M100, M125 are considered the most durable, they are used when laying the foundation, load-bearing walls. Accordingly, the larger the number in the brand of cinder block, the greater the load it can withstand.

Frost resistance is estimated in cycles: 15-50. The higher the value, the better the stone can withstand low temperatures. In central Russia, a cinder block is used for 35, in the northern regions of the country - for 50.

The thermal conductivity coefficient of slag concrete is 0.27-0.65 W/m*K.

Market situation

Since the late 2000s, the housing market in Russia has grown steadily. increased as the number construction companies and the solvency of citizens. In 2007-2014 volumes of individual residential construction increased from 26 million sq. m to 36 million sq. m.

Since 2014, due to the growth of political and macroeconomic instability in the world and Russia, the actual figure has fallen. Now construction is being restored, and by 2020 it is projected to grow to 40 million square meters. m.

The current situation in the economy (decrease in the real level of income of Russians) gives certain advantages to the producers of cinder blocks. People continue to look for cheaper methods of construction, and this building material fully meets their needs. A “window of opportunity” opens up for a business on cinder blocks - there is an excellent chance to gain a foothold in the market.

The main costs of starting production

The opening of a small cinder block production does not require serious capital investments. To work, you need manual equipment of small productivity.

Table 1. Basic Costs for Starting a Cinder Block Production Business.

The rates here and below are determined based on a study of the offer on the Internet, the cost of renting premises and the amount average salary in the regions of Russia.


You can register a business as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. When choosing an OPF, you need to build on the volume of production and on the available distribution channels. Keep in mind that large retail chains prefer to cooperate with legal entities.

This cinder block business plan involves opening a small production workshop at home, so an individual entrepreneur will be the best form of doing business. Registration in this case is faster, requires less money and effort to collect documents.

When choosing a taxation system, it is best to take the "simplified". When registering a new construction business, the documents must indicate the OKVED code 23.69.


According to Russian legislation, cinder blocks do not have to be certified according to the requirements of GOST. But it is strongly recommended to do this, because a product with a certificate of conformity will sell better. In addition, some stores, when accepting goods for sale by one of mandatory conditions put the availability of documentation confirming the quality of building materials.

You can get a voluntary GOST certificate. It also has a good effect on sales of EZ - the expert opinion of Rospotrebnadzor, which is realistic to receive after checking the products by state experts. EZ guarantees the safety of products, their compliance with hygienic and sanitary standards.

Production room

For the manufacture of artificial building stone, a room with an area of ​​\u200b\u200bat least 40 square meters is required. m. It should be divided into a production workshop, warehouses and a room for drying finished products.

In summer it is possible to manufacture and store products outdoors under an awning.

The space requirements are as follows:

  • flat floor;
  • protection from precipitation (serviceable roof);
  • connection to the water supply;
  • bright lighting;
  • excellent ventilation system;
  • heating system (for operation in the cold season).

There are no other requirements. This means that an entrepreneur can organize the production of cinder blocks even in a garage or similar room - subject to its arrangement. Also, there are no requirements for the remoteness of the workshop from the residential area.


The manufacture of cinder blocks within a small business at home involves the use of small equipment - a manually operated vibrating machine. In this way, it will be possible to minimize initial costs and quickly create inventory for further implementation.

Table 2. Equipment costs for the workshop.

Work will be carried out in 1 shift. With an increase in sales volumes, a second shift can also be opened.


2 people should work in the production workshop. Skilled workers are not needed to maintain the process. Employees need to be trained to operate the equipment. People play the role of maintenance personnel, since most of the work is done by equipment.

You also need a sales representative (driver), whose tasks are to look for customers, conclude contracts with them and sell cinder blocks, organize delivery.

The role of senior manager can be performed by the entrepreneur himself - this will reduce fixed costs and will allow you to monitor the quality of work of staff. In the future, when control by the businessman is no longer required, authority can be delegated to another employee.

Brief description of the production of cinder blocks

Producing building materials is quite simple:

  1. Components (filler, water, cement) must be mixed in a concrete mixer. Plasticizers can be added here - additives that can improve water resistance, frost resistance, increase the strength of the finished material, and reduce the number of cracks.
  2. The prepared solution is transported and loaded into a vibropress - in appropriate forms with or without partitions. Here the main work takes place: the machine processes the forms with the help of pressure (pressure with a punch) and vibration. The process takes about 90 seconds.
  3. Finished blocks are put forward from the vibropress. Next comes the process of their hardening. With plasticizers, they can be ready in 8-10 hours, without them - about 36 hours.
  4. Blocks are stored, their final drying takes place. Products will be fully ready for sale in about 30 days.


It is worth thinking about the channels for the sale of products at the planning stage. It is necessary to evaluate the existing construction sites in the region. Cinder blocks are most in demand as a building material for outbuildings where good heating is not required. These are complexes for processing, storage of grain, crops, production and storage facilities, parking lots, sheds.

The blocks will be in demand from private developers. Accordingly, it is necessary to use all the possibilities of regional advertising:

  • advertisements in newspapers, on local TV channels;
  • posting leaflets near the places where construction works, and in the private sector;
  • handing out leaflets near building supermarkets.

You can also negotiate sales with small construction shops. It is useful to spread information about cinder blocks through friends and acquaintances.

economic calculation

With a well-thought-out marketing organization, a cinder block business can quickly pay for itself.

The productivity of the mini shop is 450 blocks per shift. With 26 shifts per month, 11.7 thousand cinder blocks can be manufactured standard size 400x200x200 mm grade M50 (solid).

The minimum cost of such a block is approximately 25 rubles. When selling all manufactured products, the monthly revenue will amount to 292.5 thousand rubles, however, we will take into account that at first cinder blocks will go for 150 thousand rubles. monthly (about 50% of total production).

Initial costs will amount to 255 thousand rubles. So the production of cinder blocks as a business will pay for itself in about 1.7 months. The payback period can be extended up to 1 quarter (3 months) due to expenses not taken into account in the business plan.

Advantages and disadvantages of building materials

Cinder blocks as a building material have pros and cons:


  • strength and durability - a cinder block house can stand for a century;
  • frost resistance;
  • good soundproofing properties;
  • light weight - the pressure on the foundation is minimal;
  • you can build houses quickly - 1 block replaces up to 6 bricks.


  • Need thermal insulation. The cinder block does not retain heat well and is not able to protect it from the cold in winter. The way out is additional insulation (for example, mineral wool, polystyrene foam).
  • Waterproofing required. Cinder block is a hygroscopic building material, therefore it should be protected from moisture, otherwise it will quickly become unusable.

Cinder blocks are in demand in Russia - especially in the construction of utility, non-residential buildings. This is an inexpensive building material from which you can quickly create a durable building. Calculations show that the business is profitable and pays for itself literally in a quarter.

Our business plan for the manufacture of cinder blocks will help anyone who wants to understand the topic and organize a profitable business at home or in the garage. With a responsible approach, you can eventually expand to a small plant.


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