Increasing the school motivation of younger students psychologist's recommendations. Ways to increase the motivation of younger students. Make sure your child has adequate exercise

"Ways to increase student learning motivation"

The question of learning motivation is

the question of the learning process itself.
P.Ya. Galperin

Every teacher wants his students to study well, to study with interest and desire at school. Parents of students are also interested in this. But sometimes both teachers and parents have to state with regret: “does not want to study”, “could do well, but there is no desire”. In these cases, we meet with the fact that the student has not formed the need for knowledge, there is no interest in learning. One of the criteria that ensures the quality of education is the learning motivation of students. About ways to improve learning motivation we'll talk today.

Why are we raising this issue with you parents today. Very often you can hear the following phrase: "We brought the children to school, you teach and educate." That is, sometimes parents believe that with the arrival of a child in school, the role of the family in his upbringing decreases, because now children spend most of their time within the walls of the school. Note that the influence of the family not only does not decrease, but also increases.

Let us pay attention to the words of the outstanding teacher V.A. Sukhomlinsky. He says that the family takes on a significant share of care for the comprehensive development of the child.

So Article 63 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation states:

1. Parents have the right and duty to raise their children. Parents are responsible for the upbringing and development of their children. They are obliged to take care of the health, physical, mental, spiritual and moral development of their children.

2. Parents are obliged to ensure that their children receive basic general education. Parents, taking into account the opinion of children, have the right to choose educational institution and forms of education for children before they receive basic general education.

And article 65 of the Family Code states: “Parental rights cannot be exercised in conflict with the interests of children. Ensuring the interests of children should be the main concern of their parents. When exercising parental rights, parents have no right to harm the physical and mental health of children, their moral development. Ways of raising children must exclude neglect, cruel, rude, degrading treatment, abuse or exploitation of children.

Parents need to understand well what contribution the family makes to the process of influencing the student, what are the requirements educational institution to the level of education, upbringing of the child. This is important so that situations do not arise when one thing is required at school, and another is required in the family. If parents have doubts about the correctness of the teacher's requirements and teaching methods, you should talk about this with the teacher, and not try to retrain the child at home.

The ancient wisdom is quoted a thousand times in relation to school: you can lead a horse to a watering place, but you cannot make him drink. Yes, you can seat the children at their desks, achieve perfect discipline. But without the awakening of interest, without internal motivation, the development of knowledge will not happen, it will only be a semblance of learning activity.

How to awaken in children the desire to "get drunk" from the source of knowledge? What is the essence of the need for knowledge? How does it arise? How is it developing? What kind pedagogical means can be used to motivate students to acquire knowledge?

Let's try to answer a few questions...

Why did you send your child to school?

Parents' answers are recorded on the board in a column: to be literate, to enter the budget, to be able to self-determine, to gain knowledge, learn to write, count, read.

To achieve this goal, you need to perform a series of actions? What?

The answers are written on the board in the second column: go to school, listen to the teacher, do all the tasks, read, do homework.

But in order for a person, and even more so a child, to begin to perform actions, is it necessary that he wants to perform them? It is this desire that is called motive.

Teachers know that a student cannot be successfully taught if he treats learning and knowledge indifferently, without interest and without realizing the need for them. Therefore, the formation of learning motivation at school age, without exaggeration, can be called one of the central problems. modern school a matter of public importance. (4sl)

Motive is the drive to achieve a goal.

Motivation for learning: a scientific approach

First, we will look at the scientific approach and take a look at the origins of the term "motivation".

This term comes from English "movere" - "move". In other words, Motivation is what moves a person, makes him perform this or that task with enviable perseverance and perseverance and go towards the goal.

Let's take cognitive and social motives.

Cognitive motives related to the content of educational activities and the process of its implementation. ideas, etc. Cognitive motives reflect the desire of schoolchildren for self-education, the focus on self-improvement of methods for obtaining knowledge.

social motives. They are associated with various types social interaction of the student with other people. For example: the desire to gain knowledge in order to be useful to society, the desire to fulfill one's duty, an understanding of the need to learn, a sense of responsibility. The motivation to learn is programmed in us by nature: the knowledge gained or the mastery of a new skill is rewarded with a surge of happiness hormones. Learning can even become an obsession, so the right dosage of stimulation is very important. If the child does not know for sure whether he can do the task, and nevertheless copes with the work, the degree of success is the highest. And, of course, the student's motivation to learn becomes very strong. Surely, you yourself could observe signs of motivation for learning in your child: his eyes shone, he concentrated on doing his homework or learning something, getting incomparable pleasure from it!

But if the expected reward or praise is not followed or excessive demands are made, the reward system bursts. The same thing happens if success becomes something taken for granted. And in this case, it will be almost impossible to form a student's desire to learn.

You probably noticed this phenomenon in your child: the first time, having managed to correctly lay out the cubes, he was very proud of himself, and the fifth time he remained completely calm.

This is what motivation for learning looks like from a scientific point of view. And it does not arise at all at school, but much earlier - even in infancy at home. It is the parents who develop in the child the desire to comprehend new things and form his desire to learn. Many of us, when raising children, choose different ways to increase our motivation to learn. Each of these methods has different results, each of them has positive and negative sides.

So, summing up our scientific block, we can conclude that the motivation for learning is laid from infancy and stimulates us to self-improvement throughout life.

Motivation for learning: psychological aspect

The next stage in the study of the formation of a student's desire to learn is the psychological aspect, which will slightly open the veil of mystery in building a motivational line in children.

The result of the formation of motivation for learning is school performance. But for many students and their parents, the time allotted for homework becomes a daily test of patience. Parents have to call the child many times to sit down for lessons. Instead of doing homework, the student plays on the computer, looks out the window, draws little people in a notebook, or chews on a pencil. Parents lose patience, and - word for word - a scandal flares up. The child does not enjoy learning, being under constant pressure from adults and, as a result, completely loses interest and desire to learn. It is increasingly difficult for parents to find reasons to increase motivation for learning, because in the understanding of the child, confidence is affirmed: school is hard labor.

Every year, the desire for academic achievement and motivation for learning decreases for most students.

What are the reasons for the decrease in motivation among schoolchildren?

Demotivating factors device-specific modern society, are:

lack of relationship between the level of education and the level of income


the habit of imitating activities to fulfill duties;

attitude to intellectual property;

promotion of a glamorous (easy) lifestyle;

scientific and technological progress, including the Internet, television, etc.

We cannot change these factors, although the government is already thinking about the problem of lowering the literacy of the population.

But the following factors need to be taken into account.

    The reason is the inability to learn. Adult action - revealing weaknesses. Gradual elimination of weak links. Celebrate successes. Show the student his progress.

    The reason is the missing means of teaching (poorly developed cognitive abilities). Actions of an adult - orientation to what the child can do, play activities, non-standard tasks.

    Parental behavior. After all, everyone knows that a child from an early age begins to imitate his parents. In addition, the attitude of parents to learning is very important. If a child hears from them the phrases “come on, this school”, “you will soon go to suffer”, etc., then it is unlikely that he will be interested in what even his parents, who “anyhow attach” him, do not like. The actions of an adult are to change the attitude towards school and learning in general.

    Other reasons can be called a lack of new sensations, too much guardianship of the parents, the good provision of the child with everything necessary before he wants it. Such children grow up apathetic, non-initiative, passive.

    Lack of educational values ​​in the family. And did the child see you with a book, or at the moments when you were engaged in any cognitive activity. Adult actions - show the child an example of your cognitive activity.

    Lack of adult attention. Adult activities - try to analyze how much time you spend in joint activities with your child. Let's try to do it now: make up your usual daily routine, how many times you mentioned your child in it, think about what types of your activities can be replaced with communication with the child.

Motivation for learning is not a constant value, it changes depending on the situation, mood, subject of study, but there is not a single child who could not be "interested" in school disciplines. Every person has powers through which he is able to learn, and it is very unfortunate that these powers are not always directed towards mathematics or geography. But everything can be changed, including the formation of a student's desire to learn. It is only necessary to direct the child, give him independence and develop in him an understanding of the chain of motivational interaction.

How to create a student's desire to learn?

To understand how to form a child's motivation for learning, you need to understand what hinders the awakening of his interest in learning and does not allow him to fully use his resources. Among these factors the following stand out:

Lack of autonomy in decision making and consequences own actions;

Lack of real help in understanding complex learning processes;

Absence unified system behavior of adults in the requirement in relation to themselves and to the child.

By setting the rules above for yourself, you will be able to give your child the opportunity to be responsible for his actions, teach him to trust you, and be able to control the situation. Discuss controversial points with children, do not solve them unilaterally. The child needs to create an attitude to the result, which does not happen without difficulty. Try not to create false goals for the child using the “Give it for it” method. It is very important to give the child the opportunity to show independence, because it is one of the most important components of success. What is student autonomy?

According to many teachers, the independence of the student lies, first of all, in the ability to set various educational tasks for himself and solve them without outside motivation. when a teacher or parents stand over their souls and repeat: "Do this ...", "Do this ...". The child must do something on his own meaningful impulse: "I need to do this ...", "I'm interested in this." Here, such qualities of the child as interest, initiative, cognitive activity, the ability to set goals, plan their work are important. It is in this case that the student's motivation for learning can be formed.

You may object that Small child are not yet able to make plans and make decisions on their own. But the help of an adult lies in helping the child to identify these qualities, not to suppress them with constant overprotection.

To educate independence, you can offer at first (until the child learns to set goals for himself) options for action: “You don’t get the task. What will you do?" (options: do first those lessons that are obtained; call a classmate; postpone until the arrival of one of the parents who can help, etc.); “Tomorrow you have a dictation in Russian. What should be repeated first? What to pay attention to during the dictation? What should be done at the end of the dictation?

The skill of self-control is very important in educational activities and in the formation of a student's desire to learn. It's no secret that many mistakes in children occur due to inattention. And if a child has learned to check himself after one or another type of activity, the number of mistakes is sharply reduced - and if there are fewer mistakes, then there is more motivation for new achievements. Play games with your child, where he is a teacher and checks your assignment, it is very important that parents do not pull, do not urge their child, do not get annoyed.

A well-thought-out system of rewards for the child plays an important role. for success, and not those successes that the child gets easily, depending on his abilities, but those that are difficult and completely depend on the efforts that the child spends on this type of activity. Praise your child for his effort even if he didn't achieve something special.

It’s not material rewards that work especially well, but pleasurable events that parents and children experience together, such as going to the zoo or an unplanned game of football with dad. It is important that the reward, if possible, correspond to the achievement, then a positive connection will remain in the child’s memory.

Learning motivation is maintained and developed if the student realizes his potential, sees the real results of his work.

The student manifests interest in the subject being studied .

Subject Olympiads, various forms of education, extracurricular activities, additional material, academic performance rating.

You can instill in your child the desire to explore the world!

In these cases, various joint activities of children and parents. Take your child to exhibitions, museums, read informative books with him, leaf through encyclopedias, watch popular science films. If there is insufficient interest in knowledge in the family, then children's motivation to study remains low. But it's up to you to change that!

You can, at least for a while, “feign” a cognitive interest in yourself. For example, take a keen interest in the process of plant growth and begin to observe the sprouting beans together with the child. Motivation for learning in this case will only increase.

Also a very important point is whether the child believes in his success or not. The teacher and parents must constantly support the child’s faith in their own strength, and the lower the child’s self-esteem and level of aspirations, the stronger should be the support from those who are involved in raising children. After all, if a child who already feels his weakness is also urged on, you will not only not be able to form his motivation for learning, but also destroy all the interest in learning that he had. In order for every child to become successful, it is necessary to emphasize even the smallest success, progress.

Faith in one's own abilities.

At primary school age, children still have unlimited trust in their parents and teachers, they almost unconditionally accept their assessments and comments. That is, it is on what assessments an adult gives a child, how he evaluates his success, his self-esteem depends. Notice what judgments your son hears about himself?

The basis of any motivation is the influence of the environment.

Your son is forced to interact with other children at school. Therefore, it is important to form a highly motivated team. Create conditions for your child to communicate with classmates after school hours in order to increase cognitive activity (visiting the theater, a trip to Lipetsk).

Education industriousness.

Of course, teaching is not always a pleasure, it often requires a lot of hard work and willpower. Both the child needs to be trained. Give him some household chores. When children get used to regularly doing certain household chores, they are comfortable with the fact that homework also needs to be done daily. And most importantly, do not follow the myth that parents should do homework and other things with the child. Children with whom parents do homework until the end of school grow up lacking initiative, weak character, passive, impossible to live independently.

So it's better to think carefully before you sit down with your child for lessons. It is known that abilities develop in an emotionally favorable environment. It is very important for the student to constantly feel psychological support of mentors, hear words of approval, see their friendly faces and realize that he will be accepted by them with any of his individual characteristics and shortcomings.

And in conclusion, I would like to say that there is no button that could turn on the desire to learn. However, the people around the child, through specific education, can help him increase his faith in his own abilities and awaken cognitive interests in him. The main thing is never to lose hope, and you will succeed.

The Parable of the Four Candles.


Did our meeting today help?

    Yes it helped

    You can check the box

    Found out what not to do;

    We talked, for the first time such a meeting was held at the school;

    They realized that little attention was paid to children;

    The teacher was right when she talked about my child.


    Bozhovich L. I. Studying the motivation of the behavior of children and adolescents. - M., 1972.

    Vorontsov A.B., Chudinova E.V. Educational activity. M., 2004.

    Zimnyaya I.A. Pedagogical psychology. Textbook for high schools. M., 1999.

    Markova A.K., Orlov A.B., Fridman L.M. Motivation for learning and its education in schoolchildren. M. 1983.

    Markova A. K., Matis T. A., Orlov A. B. Formation of learning motivation. - M., 1990.

    New pedagogical and information technologies in the education system / Ed. E.S. Polat. - M.: 2000.

    Popov G.Kh. Organization personal work student. M.: 1987.

    Rais F. Psychology of adolescence and youth. - St. Petersburg, 2000.

    Schukina G.I. Pedagogical problems of formation of cognitive interests of students, M., 1998

the sister-in-law dreams of school. He wants to grow up and be independent. A student is a serious social status. “Finally, they will stop looking at me like I’m a stupid kid,” he thinks. And there are so many interesting things at school! The child is delighted that he will soon go to school.

Finally he became a schoolboy. What is new and interesting becomes routine and boring after a while. Homework becomes punishment. The burden of duties is so burdensome that one thinks: “These kids are lucky! Play as much as you like, and there is no need to learn lessons.

A familiar picture, isn't it? How many children, who recently entered school with a desire, begin to treat their studies as an unpleasant duty. And no arguments of adults are able to convince the child that it is necessary to study.

Kind parents draw before the child the prospect of a good job, a prosperous, comfortable adult life. "To be respected person you need to study well. If you don’t study, you will become a janitor.” Such a distant prospect says nothing to a child's mind. What's wrong with being a janitor? The janitor can walk through puddles, burn a fire, water from a hose. This is more tempting than the abstract image of a "respected person."

Parents who are not so kind (or kind but desperate) try the whip method. It can be effective. But what is the cost of this efficiency? Fear of a bad grade, anxiety will give the study a negative emotional coloring. The child will strive not for knowledge, but for a good mark, knowledge in such conditions will be fragile. It is worth softening the requirements a little and loosening control, as the child will quit studying.

Two examples (kind and not so kind parents) demonstrate nothing more than an attempt to motivate a child to study. Parents usually use external motivation. It can be negative (based on fear of punishment) and positive (based on a sense of duty to the family, a desire to please parents, to receive some kind of encouragement). The sad fact is that no external motivation will ensure stable, long-term academic success, solid knowledge, and high development of the necessary skills.

The Problem of Motivation

Psychologists and educators say that the right motivation is the key to success in school. At the same time, the problem of motivation remains one of the most important problems of modern pedagogy. The complexity here is of a practical nature; theoretically, the issue of motivation has been sufficiently studied. It is well known what the structure of motivation should be at a particular school age. However, theory is very different from the practical state of affairs in schools.

By the end of elementary school, the child should form a stable internal cognitive motivation, and it should become the leading one in overall structure motivation to study. According to various studies, this occurs only in 60-80% of cases. 5-10% of children are diagnosed with extrinsic motivation, including negative. The remaining 15-30% of cases fall on other types of motivation.

Motivation to study is formed incorrectly for various reasons. One of them is the illiteracy of parents in this matter, insufficient attention to it. Many people think that such things are within the competence of the school, and parents can only help the teacher by "giving a lecture" on the need to study well, check homework, will be punished for a bad mark.

This is not enough! Yes, the teacher has more experience, knowledge and opportunities to successful work with a student. But after all, not every teacher is equally good, besides, like any person, he is not immune from mistakes. Control over the child, over what happens in the classroom is the function of parents.

Another point is important. In relation to the child, parents and the teacher must adhere to a single line in the requirements for learning, for the behavior of the student. For example, a teacher is focused on “discipline at any cost”, requires children to strictly, unconditionally fulfill his requirements, loves neat people. Parents, on the other hand, instill critical thinking in the child, allow them to doubt, even argue with their elders, they believe that the main thing is to understand the educational material, be able to solve the problem, and the fact that the solution is written sloppily is not scary. The teacher can organize the work with the class in such a way that the child is sincerely interested in the subject, even wants to study additionally. And parents will consider that this item will not be useful to the child in the future, it is not worth spending time on it. The different approach of the family and the school is one of the most common reasons for the lack of the right motivation for the student to study.

So, parents need to evaluate the work of the teacher, determine whether the teacher is acting correctly in terms of the formation of educational motivation, and help the teacher in his work. In this case, you won’t have to force the child to study: by the end elementary school he will form a persistent cognitive motivation. Success in studies depends on it by 80% (20% falls on abilities).

Types of motivation

Parents should understand the peculiarities of the motivation of children of primary school age, know what types of motivation are found. This knowledge will allow you to correctly adjust the motives of the child's educational activities.

External and internal motivation

In relation to the child as a subject of educational activity, motivation can be external and internal.

An external motive is such a motive that does not come from the child himself, his own interest, desire. The external motive lies outside the educational activity. Examples external motivation given above. "Whip" or "carrot" is not so important. An external impulse to action is always unstable; activity under the influence of an external motive is unstable.

External negative motivation is also called motivation to avoid failure. The child tries to avoid bad marks (usually "twos", sometimes "triples") because of the consequences that such a mark will entail (punishment, dissatisfaction of parents, teachers).

External positive motivation may be associated with the desire of the child to bring joy to parents, to receive encouragement (praise, a new toy, monetary reward). A kind of such motivation is a sense of duty to the family, the desire not to let down parents, class, beloved teacher.

Children with high self-esteem, leadership qualities and good abilities develop the so-called prestigious motivation. She encourages the child to be the best in school, to stand out among classmates, to become a leader. Prestigious motivation is often found in elementary school, since children of this age mark is perceived as a measure of personality assessment, and not knowledge (more on this below).

At first glance, there is nothing wrong with striving to be the best. This motive can become a powerful engine for the development of the child: he will achieve excellent results in school to the limit of his abilities and diligence.

At the same time, the moral component of the personality is distorted in this case. The child becomes an individualist, begins to disdain lagging behind, not so successful peers. In a situation of rivalry, he can show intolerance, cruelty, use dishonest methods in relation to a competitor (the so-called unhealthy competition). Motivational sphere- the core of the personality, and such an experience, having gained a foothold, can become a property of the personality, a trait of character.

Prestige motivation should not be confused with motivation for success- the desire of the child to complete the task correctly, to achieve a good result, not in order to look the best, but because the very completion of the action brings satisfaction. This is a slightly grown-up version of the “I myself” motive: the child enjoys what he could, he did it, and it turned out well.

The motive for achieving success is very valuable, it must be supported and developed.

Pay attention to one subtlety. The motivation of prestige is, as it were, on the border of external and internal motives of activity. The child recognizes such a motive as his own, but this motive is still not educational. In the case of motivation to achieve success, the motive already belongs entirely to the activity itself, although it refers only to its result.

Motivation is the most valuable cognitive. Both in its content and in its orientation, it is entirely in educational activity. The child experiences positive feelings about the fact that he has learned something new, learned something that he did not know before. The child shows curiosity, he is interested in the problem, the task that the teacher sets in the lesson, he tries to understand and solve it. The child experiences the joy of learning, for the sake of it he is able to overcome some difficulties, not only due to enthusiasm, but also by making an effort of will.

Cognitive need is inherent in man by nature. We all know how curious babies are. In older children, this need causes them to pester their parents with numerous whys and whys. If the parents in preschool age supported the child's desire to learn new things, tried to use what the child learns in the game and practical life, they themselves have a wide range of interests, then the first grader will go to school with a good base for developing interest in learning.

It should be noted that need and interest are not the same thing. Need is a deeper stimulus to action, but the immediate impulse to take action comes from interest. We can say that the need generates interest. That is, without a cognitive need, there can be no interest in learning.

Need and interest together constitute the motive (motivation) of action.

Cognitive motivation includes three mandatory components:

  1. Positive emotion towards knowledge and the process of "obtaining" knowledge (to learning activities).
  2. The presence of the "joy of knowledge" in the structure of this emotion.
  3. The motive lies in the activity itself.

Such a motive is understood as something in the activity itself that encourages one to engage in it, regardless of other reasons. This "something" is usually called an interest. Other motives (duty, coercion) may help to generate interest or reinforce it, but do not determine it by themselves.

So, the main task of parents and teachers is to cultivate a craving for knowledge, a desire to learn, that is, to make efforts to obtain this knowledge. This is also important in the future adult life of the child. Modern professions, high-tech production are dynamic, they require not only strong and deep knowledge, qualifications, but also the ability to learn.

The structure of the motivation of the first grader

Primary school age is a key in the formation of cognitive motivation for learning. At the same time, very few children enter school with even a solid foundation for its formation. Almost all children (up to 80%) are motivated by play, and the cognitive motive, if it occurs, is episodic, at the same time. It fades away as soon as the external stimulus disappears (for example, the lesson ends).

At first, teacher approval and grades are powerful motivating factors.

The authority of the teacher

It is unlikely that any other person in a child's life will ever possess in his eyes such a completeness of knowledge, experience, authority as the first teacher. It would never occur to a first-grader to disobey a teacher: all his demands are met unquestioningly. A first-grader will not think about why to do this and that, whether it is really necessary. Even an uninteresting task, he will perform diligently, if required by the teacher.

The teacher is a kind of unattainable ideal image, the opinion of the teacher for the child is the truth. This state of affairs has its drawbacks (after all, there are also bad teachers), which is why parents are advised to take a responsible approach to choosing the first teacher. But there is one big plus in the teacher's authority: you can build on it in order to direct the child's activity towards the development of cognitive interest. A good teacher knows many tricks for this:

  • He creates a positive emotional background in the classroom, an atmosphere of trust, he is friendly to students, attentive, knows how to come to the rescue in time, encourage, support. Without the proper emotional state, it is impossible to enjoy the activity. It is important that the child feels the joy of knowledge, the joy of learning.
  • The teacher creates a situation of success; at the same time, he approaches each student individually, depending on his strengths and weaknesses. The situation of success increases the student's self-esteem, reinforces a positive emotional attitude to the lesson.
  • The speech of the teacher is bright, emotional, entertaining, in itself attracts the attention of students.
  • The teacher uses unusual forms of presenting the material (but not too often): discussion, heuristic conversation, problem situation, research, competition, collective (group) work, game. Such forms stimulate interest in learning, especially when they are already known to children and are anticipated by them.
  • Keeps "feedback" with students in order to correct incomprehensible or misunderstood educational material in time.
  • He studies new material based on what is already known to students, connects the new with the life experience of children, emphasizes the practical significance of the material being studied, and shows how to use it. Uses interdisciplinary connections where possible.
  • The teacher gradually includes the class in the assessment and strategic activities. From the point of view of strategy, it teaches students to set goals and learning objectives, artificially creates a knowledge gap that children must fill in on their own, and provides a choice of tasks. Assessment activity concerns the work of the class as a whole and the student himself.
  • Teaches the child to see mistakes and correct them, including directly in the process of completing the task. Teaches you how not to make the same mistake again.
  • Engaged in the development of those qualities that contribute to the strengthening of cognitive ability: memory, imagination. He sets the task not just to teach, but to develop the thinking of children by means of his subject.
  • He generously encourages the guys, not only with marks, but with verbal praise.

Together, these methods and techniques will develop a child's interest in learning and teach him how to learn. By the end of secondary school, when the teacher's personality has somewhat lost its absolute significance, cognitive motivation will take the place of external positive motivation.


marks in primary school, as a rule, they are introduced from the second half of the first grade, or from the second grade. It is right. Children do not realize the objective role of the mark. From the point of view of the junior schoolchild, the grade is only the last measure of the quality of his knowledge, the quality of the performance of this or that task.

The mark may be perceived:

  1. As an assessment of the child's personality. “I got a five, which means I'm good, a two means I'm bad,” the child thinks so.
  2. As the teacher's attitude towards himself. “The teacher loves me, so she puts fives, and Kolya puts threes - she doesn’t like Kolya.”
  3. As an assessment of the diligence, the efforts expended on the task. “I wrote so much, I tried, but I got only a three. It's not fair."
  4. as a prestige booster. First graders evaluate each other with marks. The one who learns better than others has great authority.

This perception of marks can persist until the end of elementary school, and it certainly dominates among students in grades 1-2. In some education systems, grades only appear in high school. In our system, those teachers who put a mark not only for a single answer (task), but for several answers, the so-called "work in the lesson", do well.

Adults need to carefully approach the marks. Elementary students are very upset because of poor grades, do not add punishment or condemnation of parents to them. Interest in learning may fade.

What should parents do

Usually the child comes to school positively motivated. He wants to study. This desire is not yet connected with a deep personal need for knowledge. The efforts of adults should be directed, on the one hand, to the formation of the motivation to achieve success, and to the development of cognitive motivation, on the other hand. This is the correct structure of educational motivation. Normally, it should be formed by the time of graduation from elementary school.

Despite the fact that a huge role in the development of learning motivation is assigned to the teacher, parents should not withdraw themselves from this important issue. Parents are primarily responsible for the child, not the school.

Parents are able to help their child, even if he got not the most highly professional teacher primary school. This requires paying attention to the emotional background and lifestyle of the family, joint homework, monitoring the teacher's work and the child's schoolwork.

Family situation

It is no secret that cognitive interests are often formed spontaneously. A father or mother turns up in time, one of the relatives introduces the child to his studies, the right book comes across, a talented teacher appears. Maybe we should not trust such an important thing to chance?

In order for a child to be inquisitive, the family in which he grows up must encourage and develop this curiosity. When, at preschool age, a little why child bothers parents with questions, they cannot be brushed aside. It should be so as to stimulate his interest in the world around him.

The way of life of parents has a decisive influence on the child's interest in learning new things at school. If parents relax after work near the TV, silently watching the next entertainment program, do not talk to each other about abstract subjects, are not interested in anything but money and work, you should not expect that the child will show a craving for knowledge. But some parents directly express their life credo: the main thing is not knowledge, but connections, success in life does not depend on the effort expended (whoever is lucky), money decides everything.

Another thing is when parents themselves value knowledge and are drawn to it. It does not matter how developed and educated they are, what is the material wealth of the family, the very approach of the parents, their attitude to knowledge and education is important.

Parents of those children who, with a proper family tone, still have a low interest in learning, can be advised a few “tricks”:

  • Take a look at the child. Notice something, even if not in the field of school programs, that interests him at least a little. If there is such an activity, consider how to strengthen this interest. It happens that a child needs simple practical help (to enroll him in an art school, for example), but he himself does not think to ask for it.
  • If there is no such interest, then it is necessary to arrange “tests of interest”. Offer the child some new activity and look closely at how much they liked it. One lesson didn’t fit, offer another, third, and try until interest in something appears. After that, maintain interest.
  • Get involved with your child. Adults think they know everything in the world, but this is far from the case. Your sincere interest can infect a child. Even if this activity is not related to study. The main thing is that the child feels the joy of learning new things, the taste of success. This joy and taste can then be transferred to school activities.

Sometimes parents make the mistake of trying to impose their own interests on children, something that they themselves did not realize in childhood. It should be remembered that the child is not obliged to repeat the parents.

Doing homework

All responsible parents in the first or second grade of school (and some beyond) help their children with homework. They do the right thing, because during this period the basics are laid not only of the right motivation, but also of teaching skills.

A few tips that you should listen to in order to form a child's cognitive motivation and motivation for success when doing homework:

  • Build lessons at home on the principle of cooperation. Together with the child, try to understand the essence of the problem, task, feel interest in it, think about how the task can be used in Everyday life Tell your child about your observations.
  • Get to know the concept of "", use it in the classroom. In short, this means that you can not leave the child alone with tasks that are obviously beyond his strength; at the same time, the current task should always include something slightly beyond the child's capabilities.
  • Feel free to explain the material as many times as necessary. Answer any questions your child has as they do homework. Encourage questions, ask them yourself.
  • Do not express dissatisfaction, do not make fun of the child if he seems slow-witted, inattentive, sloppy. Be patient. Determine what qualities prevent the child from learning better and engage in the development of these qualities. There are many interesting, memory, imagination, they can be offered to the child in their free time.
  • Do not evaluate the child's personality, evaluate his efforts spent on the task. Never compare your child with adults, siblings, classmates. If necessary, compare with him, but at an earlier age, or new results with the previous ones.
  • You also need to praise your child wisely. One should not praise his abilities or himself as a person. Praise the child for the effort expended, for perseverance, attention, willpower, diligence.
  • Teach your child to plan, to anticipate the result. Ask for an explanation of your successes and failures. Develop the skill of self-control.

And most importantly - a positive emotional attitude. Without it, it is impossible to form the motivation for success. Despite any difficulties, the child must be confident in himself and his abilities.


It is very important to be aware of the child's school affairs, to have an idea of ​​what is happening in the classroom, what is the style of the teacher's communication with the children. A first-grader is unlikely to be able to talk about this in detail, and the situation does not always allow for the direct participation of a child in it.

From the first days of school, it is vital to establish strong contact with the teacher. Taking into account that teachers are different both in terms of qualifications and in their personal qualities, general recommendation- show maximum benevolence, restraint, tact. Do not make it clear to the teacher that you are better versed in education. Refrain from giving advice on the content and form of education, especially since parents will still not be able to influence them. It will be more productive to take a position of cooperation: both parents and the teacher are interested in the quality of the child's knowledge. This is the point of contact on which interaction should be built.

Discuss with the teacher the lesson strategy, the reason for the child's failures. Ask him for his opinion on ways to overcome difficulties. Ask for his advice. Such tactics will give a better result than criticism and rhetorical questions like “My child was well developed and prepared for school, why is he not doing well now?”.

There are also conflicts. In extreme cases, when parents are sure that the teacher is incompetent, his actions are harmful to the mental health of the child, the style of conducting the lesson discourages not only the desire to learn, but even go to school, it is better to transfer the child to another class (another school).

If this is not possible, do not despair. Craving for knowledge can be instilled by parents themselves. And if she appeared, then be calm, she will find a way to prove herself. Time will pass, the child will move into high school where lessons are taught by different subject teachers. Books, mugs, internet: modern world provides people with many alternative educational opportunities. There will be one or the other option. compensatory motivation: small successes at school are compensated by successes in other, extracurricular activities.

No matter how difficult the situation, a child who has formed cognitive motivation will not cause much trouble at school in adolescence and youth. Yes, he will not get much benefit from his studies, he will not study at full strength. But the craving for knowledge, the ability to learn - this is what will be useful to him throughout his life.

Here comes the first of September! You walked your child to school, happy for him. And in the depths of my soul, the anxiety that it would be difficult for your student again crossed. Two or three weeks will pass and the childish feeling of joy will be replaced by the blues with a complete loss of motivation for learning.

How to create a student's desire to learn? How to make sure that he does not lose his inner incentive to learn new things, regardless of how much effort will have to be made for this? How to form motivation for learning in a student who thinks that studying at school is boring? In this article, we will try to understand how learning motivation is formed and works, and what you can do to make your child begin to enjoy learning and improve school performance.

Ways to Increase Motivation for Learning: Parent Experience

Communicating on various forums, parents list many ways to increase the motivation of children to learn. They offer to set today's millionaires as an example, scare them with work as a janitor and a loader, and someone is sure that a child's interest in learning depends on teachers and psychologists. Some parents suggest radical ways: punish bad grades, deprive the computer, walks and goodies for every grade below 4.

We will not analyze the justification of such methods of forming motivation for learning in a schoolchild now.

There are many opinions, but we would like to invite you to look at the issue of student motivation for learning from several angles.

Motivation for learning: a scientific approach

First, we will look at the scientific approach and take a look at the origins of the term "motivation".

This term comes from English "movere" - "move". In other words, Motivation is what moves a person, makes him perform this or that task with enviable perseverance and perseverance and go towards the goal. Motivated person easily achieves intellectual, sports and creative success.

Surely, you yourself could observe signs of motivation for learning in your child: his eyes shone, he concentrated on doing his homework or learning something, getting incomparable pleasure from it!

The motivation to learn is programmed in us by nature: the knowledge gained or the mastery of a new skill is rewarded with a surge of happiness hormones. Learning can even become an obsession, so the right dosage of stimulation is very important. If the child does not know for sure whether he can do the task, and nevertheless copes with the work, the degree of success is the highest. And, of course, the student's motivation to learn becomes very strong.

But if the expected reward or praise is not followed or excessive demands are made, the reward system bursts. The same thing happens if success becomes something taken for granted. And in this case, it will be almost impossible to form a student's desire to learn.

You probably noticed this phenomenon in your child: the first time, having managed to correctly lay out the cubes, he was very proud of himself, and the fifth time, he remained completely calm.

This is what motivation for learning looks like from a scientific point of view. And it does not arise at all at school, but much earlier - even in infancy at home. It is the parents who develop in the child the desire to comprehend new things and form his desire to learn. Many of us, when raising children, choose different ways to increase our motivation to learn. Each of these methods has different results, each of them has positive and negative sides.

So, summing up our scientific block, we can conclude that the motivation for learning is laid from infancy and stimulates us to self-improvement throughout life.

Motivation for learning: psychological aspect

The next stage in the study of the formation of a student's desire to learn is the psychological aspect, which will slightly open the veil of mystery in building a motivational line in children.

The result of the formation of motivation for learning is school performance. But for many students and their parents, the time allotted for homework becomes a daily test of patience. Parents have to call the child many times to sit down for lessons. Instead of doing homework, the student looks out the window, draws little people in a notebook, or chews on a pencil. Parents lose patience, and - word for word - a scandal flares up. The child does not enjoy learning, being under constant pressure from adults and, as a result, completely loses interest and desire to learn. It is increasingly difficult for parents to find reasons to increase motivation for learning, because in the understanding of the child, confidence is affirmed: school is hard labor.

This happens to many children, and it's not a lack of ability, but a lack of motivation to learn. School successes and failures are not an indicator of only the mental development and abilities of the student. School performance, rather, is the sum of skills, knowledge, and desire to learn. It is very difficult for a child who is not interested in learning to acquire knowledge and be able to apply it in practice.

As part of the study of this problem, studies were conducted, the result of which were disappointing conclusions: every year, the majority of students have a desire for academic achievement and motivation for learning decreases. Moreover, if earlier teenagers fell into this category of children, mainly due to the transition period, now the motivation for learning is steadily declining even among toddlers in primary school.

Motivation for learning is not a constant value, it changes depending on the situation, mood, subject of study, but there is not a single child who could not be "interested" in school disciplines. Every person has powers through which he is able to learn, and it is very unfortunate that these powers are not always directed towards mathematics or geography. But everything can be changed, including the formation of a student's desire to learn. It is only necessary to direct the child, give him independence and develop in him an understanding of the chain of motivational interaction.

How to create a student's desire to learn?

To understand how to form a child's motivation for learning, you need to understand what hinders the awakening of his interest in learning and does not allow him to fully use his resources. Among these factors the following stand out:

Lack of independence in decision-making and the consequences of their own actions;

Lack of real help in understanding complex learning processes;

The absence of a unified system of behavior of adults in the requirement in relation to themselves and to the child.

By setting the rules above for yourself, you will be able to give your child the opportunity to be responsible for his actions, teach him to trust you, and be able to control the situation. Discuss controversial points with children, do not solve them unilaterally. The child needs to create an attitude to the result, which does not happen without difficulty. Try not to create false goals for the child using the “Give it for it” method. It is very important to give the child the opportunity to show independence, because it is one of the most important components of success. What is student autonomy?

According to many teachers, the independence of the student lies, first of all, in the ability to set various educational tasks for himself and solve them without outside motivation. when a teacher or parents stand over their souls and repeat: "Do this ...", "Do this ...". The child must do something on his own meaningful impulse: "I need to do this ...", "I'm interested in this." Here, such qualities of the child as interest, initiative, cognitive activity, the ability to set goals, plan their work are important. It is in this case that the student's motivation for learning can be formed.

You may argue that a small child is not yet able to independently make plans and make decisions. But the help of an adult lies in helping the child to identify these qualities, not to suppress them with constant overprotection.

To educate independence, you can offer at first (until the child learns to set goals for himself) options for action: “You don’t get the task. What will you do?" (options: do first those lessons that are obtained; call a classmate; postpone until the arrival of one of the parents who can help, etc.); “Tomorrow you have a dictation in Russian. What should be repeated first? What to pay attention to during the dictation? What should be done at the end of the dictation?

These algorithms are very useful for developing independent actions for children, as they teach the child to develop their own algorithm in various situations. To form a student’s motivation for learning, write down the algorithms of his actions in the form of diagrams and hang this sheet over the child’s desk so that he can refer to it.

The skill of self-control is very important in educational activities and in the formation of a student's desire to learn. It's no secret that many mistakes in children occur due to inattention. And if a child has learned to check himself after one or another type of activity, the number of mistakes is sharply reduced - and if there are fewer mistakes, then there is more motivation for new achievements. Play games with your child where he is a teacher and checks your assignment. The child must know how to check the correctness of mathematical calculations, how to look up the spelling of a word in the dictionary, how to find out if he remembered the content of a paragraph. It is in the teaching that many business qualities of the child begin to take shape, which are then clearly manifested in adolescence, and on which the motivation for achieving success depends. At this moment, it is very important that parents do not pull, do not urge their child, do not get annoyed. Otherwise, you will not be able to form a student's desire to learn.

A well-thought-out system of rewards for the child plays an important role. for success, and not those successes that the child gets easily, depending on his abilities, but those that are difficult and completely depend on the efforts that the child spends on this type of activity. Motivation for learning in this case will only increase.

Also a very important point is whether the child believes in his success or not. The teacher and parents must constantly support the child’s faith in his own strength, and the lower the child’s self-esteem and level of claims, the stronger should be the support from those who are involved in raising his children. After all, if a child who already feels his weakness is also urged on, you will not only not be able to form his motivation for learning, but also destroy all the interest in learning that he had.

We hope that every interested parent and teacher, having understood the mechanisms and put into practice the information received, will be able to form a student's desire to learn. After all, only having the motivation for learning and development, the child will be able to grow into a purposeful person, capable of responsible decisions. We wish you good luck!

Harmony Development Center.

We work for children and adults.

You can often hear from modern children that they do not want and do not like to go to school and study, and not only from those who study poorly, but also from good and excellent students. It is not surprising that parents very often ask themselves the question “How to motivate a child to study?”

The question of who should create the right motivation the child is complex. Someone thinks that teachers should do this, someone - that a school psychologist, a third opinion - parents should instill in children a love of learning, there are those who do not attach importance to whether the child wants or does not want to study - “We must !

Loving, attentive and caring parents rarely ask the question “Who should motivate?”, More often it is the question “How to motivate a child?”. And this is not always easy to do.

Motivation- motivation to action. motive- this is an image of a material or ideal object that "directs" a person's actions on itself, that is, it forms motivation.

Motivation can be:

  • external(due to external circumstantial, not related to the motive) or internal(associated with the content of the motive);
  • positive(if the motivational stimulus is positive) or negative(if the stimulus is negative).

Not all preschoolers and schoolchildren have to be motivated and instilled with a love of learning, there are inquisitive children from nature.

These children love to read books and watch educational programs. This curiosity in them needs to be supported and nurtured, but at the same time, make sure that the child not only learns, but also plays outdoor games, communicates with peers, and relaxes.

Studying in its classical form (at the desk, reading textbooks and solving problems in a notebook) most often loses in competition with computer games or walks in entertainment center. And not only because the children are not diligent students, but also because of the special organization educational process. Not every teacher tries to make lessons interesting, creative and bright.

They don't like to study too active, enterprising, not accepting authorities, creative, advancing or vice versa children lagging behind in development, and those who are simply spoiled.

It is possible to create the right motivation in a child only instilled in him a love of knowledge. Such motivation is internal and positive. This type of motivation also includes:

  • pleasure from the process of learning,
  • striving for success
  • positive communication with classmates and teachers,
  • understanding of the need for learning for life.

But some parents resort to negative and/or extrinsic motivation:

  • over-importance of marks,
  • study is a forced duty,
  • material or other reward for good study,
  • avoiding punishment for bad grades,
  • prestige, leadership and other positions "above" in the class.

Tricks, promises, deceit, intimidation, and even physical punishment are used to form this kind of motivation.

It cannot be said that tricks like “If you study well, we will buy you a tablet” or “Study well, otherwise you will get from me!” Do not work. They work, but obviously not for the benefit of the child: he begins to study more diligently, but not because he wants to, not of his own free will, but with the goal of bringing a good mark in order to get a “prize” or avoid punishment.

In the first case, the child learns to manipulate people for his own benefit and to appreciate wealth higher than spiritual ones, in the second one, an attitude is formed to avoid failures and increased anxiety.

Reasons for not wanting to study

It is necessary to motivate both preschoolers, preparing them for school, and children who are already studying, since they periodically experience a loss of interest in learning. There is an opinion that high school students should already be able to create the right motivation for themselves. Of course, a teenager is capable of this, but the participation and support of parents is also important for him.

More often motivation disappears after a long summer vacation, when the child is sick or overworked, but there are other reasons.

The most common causes why the child does not want to study:

  • communication difficulties or conflicts in the classroom, with children from other classes, with teachers;
  • the priority of the child is an alternative occupation (hobby, hobby, additional education);
  • indifference of parents (do not help the child with lessons, are not interested in school life);
  • overprotection of parents (they do homework for the child and require full report about how your day at school went.

The above reasons can be classified as external factors . Eliminate they can be done by performing some active actions or deeds:

  1. If the child is afraid of the teacher because he is too strict or for some reason lowers his grades, a conversation with this teacher or with the director will be required.
  2. If there is a conflict with classmates, it will have to be resolved peacefully or the child will be transferred to another school.
  3. If the problem is in extracurricular hobbies, you need to figure out what kind they are. It's one thing to skip classes, lingering at an art school, and another to play computer "shooters" for hours.
  4. If the problem is in the behavior of parents, you need to either learn to pay more attention to the child, or vice versa, give him more freedom and independence.

In addition to external, there are internal causes loss of interest in studies:

  • fears,
  • complexes,
  • psychological trauma,
  • diffidence,
  • thinking errors,
  • "forbidden" feelings and so on.

For example, there are children who have a prejudice against learning: studying is a meaningless activity, the knowledge gained at school will not be useful in life. With such an attitude, even the most flexible, inquisitive, diligent student can lose interest in learning.

The situation is even deeper. For example, if a misfortune happened in the family, and the child was at school at that time, he has a fear that this will happen again.

The internal reason for the reluctance to learn can be established in a confidential conversation. The child himself will call her, the main thing is not to miss this moment.

If the reason for the child’s unwillingness to learn deep inside is fueled by fears and negative attitudes, you should seek advice from school or child psychologist.

Few people know, but the motivation for learning, that is, the acquisition of new knowledge and skills, is inherent in people. genetically. Man in antiquity, learning something new, sincerely rejoiced this. And today, as in ancient times, when it is possible to solve a complex problem or find an answer to an exciting question, hormones of happiness are released into the body.

Dependence on the joy of knowledge can become so strong that it becomes akin to a drug addiction. Why do few people strive for such a “useful drug” as study?

Children who go to school because "I have to!" and study “for show”, they do not have the goal of learning something, therefore they are not happy with the results of training. Motivated child happy to learn, so will achieve great success while maintaining a lively interest.

Children love the items they interesting that they want to know. Such classes are expected, and they fly by in one second. At unloved occupations miss, and time, unfortunately, drags on slowly.

Hence the first recommendation for parents: in order to increase the motivation of the child, he needs to explain that all items are useful in life, even the most uninteresting and unloved. Words are better supported by examples from life. For example, to tell a child who does not want to learn physics that knowledge of its laws has saved people's lives more than once and give an example.

Second recommendation: reduce the importance of grades. Grades are not important, but knowledge is. The child must understand this, but at the same time remember - it is impossible to know everything. Therefore, no matter what grades the child receives, and no matter how much knowledge he manages to learn, the main thing is not this, but whether he tries or not.

For a child to want to learn, notice and celebrate any, even the most insignificant successes and achievements. This is the third recommendation for parents. So you can not only stimulate the child to strive for knowledge, but also discover or develop talents in him.

Scolding for bad grades or for the fact that a student is not given any subject is pointless, this will not make him better at learning, but self-confidence and that his parents love him will decrease.

Fourth recommendation: support comfortable psychological atmosphere in the family. Children are very sensitive. They don't know much, but they feel everything. The child feels that there is discord between the parents, even if they do not swear in front of him. What to say about high-profile quarrels and scandals! An equally difficult situation is when conflicts arise between the child himself and one of the parents or the whole family. When there are problems in the family, the child is not up to school.

Never do not compare the child with other children, to know and respect its features - the fifth recommendation. What is more important: the justified hopes of the parents or the happiness of the child, his self-confidence, health? The student grows up as a psychologically prosperous person, he develops an adequate self-esteem, when he knows that his parents accept him the way he is and love him, then he strives to become even better.

To create a positive intrinsic motivation to study at a preschooler, you need to instill in him a love of knowledge in advance. Classes in preparation for school should take place in a playful way: include games, dances, competitions, warm-ups, modeling, drawing, a fairy tale, experiments and many other techniques and techniques that allow you to make the learning process fascinating.

For motivation diagnostics psychologists have developed several methods for preschoolers and schoolchildren that you can use on your own. For example: Luskanova's school motivation questionnaire, Bayer's methodology for determining the leading motives of teaching, Wenger's test "Motivational readiness for schooling" and others.

If you want to study the topic of learning motivation in more depth, we recommend that you study the literature:

  1. Sh. Akhmadullin, D. Sharafieva “Children's motivation. How to motivate a child to study
  2. E. Galinsky “I myself! Or how to motivate a child to succeed”
  3. J. Dirksen “The art of teaching. How to make any training fun and effective”
  4. N. Titova “How to motivate with one word. 50 NLP tricks”
  5. A. Verbitsky, N. Bakshaeva “Psychology of student motivation”
  6. L. Peterson, Yu. Agapov “Motivation and self-determination in educational activity” (for teachers and psychologists)
  7. V. Koroleva “Style of pedagogical activity and motivation of younger schoolchildren” (for teachers and psychologists)

How to keep children motivated (interest) to study together with their parents in the primary grades.

We very often hear from our children such words as: "I hate math", "I don't want to do homework", "I don't like to study at school". What is it like to hear this for parents who are so interested in the education of their children, make a lot of effort and time for this, and still cannot achieve a positive attitude of their child to gaining knowledge.

“Why is my child not interested in learning?”, “What makes my child resist going to school? Why does he say that studying is very boring”, “Why does he show high results in some subjects, but low in other subjects?”, “Why does he not like learning Russian?” These are just a few of the questions worried parents have when their children show a lack of interest in learning, both at home and at school. Some parents choose homeschooling for their children, others enroll in sports or extracurricular activities after school - all this to increase the level of children's thinking and stimulate their interest in learning.

Children are not responsible for their actions, so be patient with them. They differ from each other in terms of intelligence and perception. For some, a simple stern look is enough to understand, while others need to be strongly scolded. But one should never stop following the hadith of the Sultan of the Prophets, who said: “Whoever does not show mercy to young people, he cannot be one of us” (Tirmizi, Birr). Therefore, a child can only be won with love, tenderness and gentleness.

Let's try to understand the reasons why many children show a lack of interest in learning. Sometimes the reasons can be the most obvious: perhaps the parents do not have time to help the child with homework, or the child is surrounded by a lot of entertainment, because of which he cannot concentrate properly in his studies. There may also be less obvious reasons: perhaps the child does not like this or that subject, perhaps his understanding is given to him with great difficulty, for example, he may not like writing or mathematics. Sometimes a change in the learning environment or the arrival of a new teacher can affect the child from a negative side, and peer pressure or lack of trust from adults can cause a lack of interest in learning. An important question is how much we, as parents and educators, pay attention to whether the child receives joy and pleasure from the learning process.

The first years in a child's life are of paramount importance and play essential role in establishing the nature of the child and his possible actions in the future.

Research shows that the experiences children experience in the first five years of their lives form life connections in the brain. It is these connections that are the basis for the child's predisposition to learning, his social and emotional development. Each child develops individually, so the difference in the formation of children is expected.

Educators come into contact with children from a wide variety of linguistic and cultural backgrounds. Basically, this applies to children learning languages ​​other than their mother tongue. Therefore, new curricula offer additional activities to meet the needs of these children.

On average, boys perform worse than girls, and the UK Education Standards Authority has produced a report based on research on ways schools can improve boys' performance. They found that peer pressure is the main reason why boys lag behind girls in almost every subject except math and science.

Also, some children who have a short concentration period cannot do one activity for more than 5-10 minutes. Their requirements are different from their peers.

Spending your time with your child while playing or doing homework is one of the key opportunities for interaction and builds trust and motivates the child to learn. We must not forget that children receive knowledge all the time and everywhere, not only at school.

1 - Nurture interest in your child by giving him the opportunity to explore and learn about his interests, whether it's dinosaurs, stars, animals, flowers, or more.

2- Contribute to the emergence of new ideas in your child, participating not only in school, but also in various other social events.

3 - Try to set short-term goals for children, as sometimes children become overwhelmed with complex tasks. This does not mean that these tasks are difficult to complete, just that children may be nervous because it takes a long time to solve or understand the problem. Sometimes children may immediately refuse to solve a problem, so it is advisable to divide such problems into several smaller parts.

4 - Help your child learn to organize his time, because after the start of school, he will have to allocate more time for some subjects, less for others. Therefore, a child with early age must learn to value their time. Over time, he himself will have to learn how to properly manage his time.

5 - Praise your child for his efforts. Some children may have trouble translating their efforts into results. In order to help a child succeed, every achievement should be evaluated. Instead of saying "You could have done it better," you should say, "You tried very hard and were able to achieve a good result."

6 - Help your child take control of their results: Children who are lagging behind believe that achieving a result is beyond their control, so they feel that all their efforts are meaningless. The child must learn to recognize the role of personal responsibility for achieving results.

7 - Show a positive attitude towards school, as children need to see that parents appreciate the role of education. You should be careful what you say about teachers.

8 - Help your child find the connection between school and his interests. Often the reason for the lack of motivation is that the child does not find any connection between learning and his interests and goals. For example, a teenager who wants to study astronomy should know that for this he needs to study mathematics and physics.

9 - Do your homework in the form of a game, since most children love this, so sometimes boring homework can be turned into an exciting game. Also, checking the work of children shows that you care about them. Link your child's homework to their interests, or let them do it themselves.

10 - Parents should keep in mind that the child's motivation for learning should be connected not only with the school. It is important to know that some children are also highly motivated to achieve their non-school goals. Remember that achievement is not motivation. Therefore, you need to know that while you force your child to do homework, this does not mean that he is motivated to do them. So what is the difference between these two concepts? Motivation is temporary and changeable. Motivation is the desire and willingness to do something. A motivated person can set long-term goals, such as becoming a professional writer, or short-term goals, such as learning one foreign word.

We have given only a few examples through which we can stimulate children's desire to learn. Some parents think that they are not able to arouse in the child the desire to learn at home with the same joy and enthusiasm as at school. Therefore, parents can worry about this, although in fact everything is very simple, for example, it is enough to go to the park or library with the child, or some useful activity, such as cooking dinner together, caring for house plants will always be fun. and enjoyable pastime, as well as the creative part of the learning process. Communication with the child's teachers, parents of other children, learning from their experience in similar situations can also serve as an impetus for an even greater understanding of the process of teaching and raising your child. We are fortunate that there is now a lot of information in the public domain, including websites that can help parents better understand this topic. In addition, now the curricula in schools are constantly being reviewed and updated in order to make the learning process more interesting and exciting for children, with active interaction between the teacher and students.

Low motivation of younger students

1. With low motivation, it should be borne in mind that for children, communication with adults and with other children usually represents an independent and essential value. Therefore, the main line of the recommendation is a variety of techniques for joint activities of children and adults, including cognitive elements.

2. If the examination reveals a child complete absence cognitive orientation, it can be assumed that adults simply never conducted joint cognitive activities with this child, and this often hides the lack of cognitive values ​​in the family.

3. The reason for the lack of cognitive interests in a child can also be the opposite: when parents, too concerned about his development, too early and in inappropriate forms begin to “stuff” him with knowledge, teach him to read, write and count. Pedagogical illiterate education can firmly discourage a child from doing any such things. The way out in this case is the same: joint classes with a cognitive orientation, and not one-sided learning from the position of a teacher who hammers knowledge into a negligent student. The simplest options for joint cognitive activities with a child of primary school age are the observation of germinating plants (beans are a very convenient and accessible object for such observations); or fixing changes in nature, when, from early spring to late autumn, a child with his parents, walking through the nearest forest, identifies plants using the simplest school determinant and writes down what new types of flowers appear every week.

4. Any circle with a cognitive orientation can help adults compensate for the home deficit of cognitive values. It is especially successful if one of the older children who are already passionate about astronomy, computers, history or insects introduces the child to the circle. But joint cognitive activities should be in the nature of involving one child in the sphere of interests of another, and not the usual “pulling up” of a lagging behind, say, in mathematics. The importance of communication with an older child may be a condition for the "launch" of cognitive motives. The place of joint activities of children does not have to be a circle; at home, parents can arrange something like a “club of interests” for children, in which they themselves take part.


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