How to open an online tire and wheel store: numbers, facts, launch experience. Will tire recycling as a business pay off: feedback from entrepreneurs and nuances How to open your own tire center

Trade in tires, disks and car accessories is an interesting segment. But the success of a business in it largely depends on the right relationship with suppliers. Below you will find typical questions that you need to answer if you are planning to open an online store selling tires and wheels.

In the photo: Igor Karpachev, Development Director of MarketMixer

Below are some typical questions that you absolutely need to pay attention to if you are just planning to open an online store or a marketplace selling tires and wheels. If you are already an experienced seller and are thinking about how to further optimize your work with tire and wheel suppliers, you may also find useful parts for yourself.

So where to start?

1. Own warehouse or sale from the supplier's warehouse?

One of the main issues that online store owners face is the issue of selling from their own warehouse or the so-called dropshipping, or sale from the supplier's warehouse.

Selling from your own warehouse makes sense if you have an active offline business - one or more retail tire and wheel stores, and you are planning to open an online store that will help supplement your business with online sales.

The main criterion is the availability of space for a warehouse or the possibility of inexpensive rent of such a location. Maintaining a warehouse space (and staff) will be a major expense for your business, so this question need to pay Special attention.

Tires and wheels are bulk goods. There are also many options and brands. Therefore, the location for the warehouse must be chosen appropriately.

If you do not have a network of traditional retail stores, then the most realistic would be to open a business selling tires and wheels using the dropshipping model, i.e. from the supplier's warehouse. The advantages of such an approach are obvious. You don’t need your own warehouse, you don’t need personnel to service the shipment and issue of goods, you don’t need to deal with logistics, returns and other processes.

The details of tire and rim sales under the dropshipping model, which will help you make the right decisions, we will tell below.

2. Premium brands, middle segment, mass segment or mix?

Another important question is what brands of tires and rims will you choose to sell? Will your online store only sell premium brands? Or just brands of tires and wheels of the middle segment? Or do you want to represent mass market models? Or a mix? These are all important questions that should be answered before starting a business.

Premium brands will be able to give you a higher margin. However, selling premium brands is more difficult. This is a niche product that will sell well if you've been in the tire and rim business for a long time and have an established customer base. Knowing the needs of your customers, you can easily select the range and focus on demand.

Middle segment brands focused on customers who know and trust good quality, but not ready to overpay for a premium brand. Clients of the middle segment, no doubt more. The margin on such sales will be slightly lower, but the sales and marketing themselves will be simpler in comparison with the marketing and sales of tires and wheels of premium brands.

Brands of tires and disks of the mass segment will bring the largest number of buyers to your online store. However, the margin on such sales will be minimal. For sale mass commodity you also need the widest possible marketing support, since you will need to tell about your product to the widest possible range of potential buyers.

Mix of premium brands of tires and wheels, brands of the middle segment and brands of the mass market - this is probably the most difficult combination to implement. Watching a combination of different brands of tires and wheels within the same online store, customers will not understand who your offer is intended for. Combination of high, medium and low prices and the diversity of brands is likely to scare off a new buyer, who will be lost in choice. It makes sense to introduce a product mix if you have already accumulated a customer base of tire and wheel buyers and are planning further growth and development of your business.

3. Winter tyres, summer tyres, all season tyres, or the entire range?

Since tires and rims are mostly a seasonal item, it also makes sense to consider whether you plan to offer the entire range, or focus your efforts only on a specific season item.

Most online retailers choose the strategy of presenting a full range of tires and rims - winter, summer and all season tires. However, again, due to the seasonal nature of the tire and rim business, it may make sense to complement tire and rim sales (which will sell well during the season and poorly out of season) with other items that will have more stable sales over the course of the year. the whole year. Such goods may, for example, be auto accessories or the most typical auto parts.

As your online store sales grow, knowing your sales statistics, you can actively manage, supplement and update the assortment in order to achieve the most profitable combination of seasonal and non-seasonal goods for yourself. Active assortment management will also help to increase the profitability of sales.

4. Range renewal and inventory tracking?

When choosing a supplier of tires and rims, pay attention to the requirements and possibilities for updating the assortment and monitoring the level of stocks both in your online store and in the supplier's warehouse. When selling under the dropshipping model (selling from the supplier's warehouse), the level and assortment of stocks in your virtual warehouse will be directly related to the level of stocks and assortment in the warehouse of your supplier or suppliers.

The issue and challenge of keeping track of stock levels and inventory renewal becomes an order of magnitude more complex if you work with more than one supplier. The complexity of this problem also increases exponentially with the expansion of the range.

Imagine that your online store represents 1000 products from 5 suppliers. If part of the assortment can be supplied by more than one supplier, and each supplier is able to supply several hundred items, the issue of tracking inventory levels and updating the assortment cannot be manually resolved in a reasonable time.

Make sure that your online store will receive information about the rate of change of balances for a particular item in the supplier's warehouse. For example, if a supplier has less than five items of a particular item in stock, it is risky to offer that item because it may not be available at the time of sale.

Agree, having spent a lot of money to attract customers and increase conversion in the sales funnel, you will be very upset if you lose a customer due to the lack of the right product in the supplier’s warehouse.

When choosing suppliers of tires and rims, be sure to pay attention to the requirements for minimum and recommended retail prices MRP / RRP. It is customary for some suppliers in the industry to actively monitor the retail prices of their partners.

Large suppliers make sure that the MRP / RRP is respected. In practice, this may mean that the online store may be stopped from further shipments due to non-compliance with the recommended retail prices.

If, for selection better conditions If you plan to work with several suppliers whose assortment overlaps, it will not be easy to comply with the recommended prices due to the difficulties of comparing goods from different suppliers. Differences can arise even due to a small mistake in the name of the product, such as the absence of the XL index in the product from one of the suppliers.

Pay attention to the requirement to comply with the MRP / RRP, ask suppliers for recommended prices and always keep your prices at the set level.

6. Integration with the supplier's internal system?

An essential point, especially with the growth of the range and variability of goods on the showcase of an online store, is the possibility and degree of integration with supplier systems.

Consider how suppliers will send you updated price lists.

  • Will it happen once a day, once a week or once a month?
  • Is the supplier ready to provide a single price list format throughout the period of cooperation?
  • To what extent will data presentation formats of different providers be combined?
  • Will your online store's internal systems be able to receive and process price list updates at the required frequency?

Until now, the issue of updating price lists is often at the mercy of content managers. Such a solution does not scale with the growth of the volume of data (it will be necessary to hire new employees). When hiring content managers, the risk of human error is very high. When the assortment and demand or seasonality changes, sales will not simply respond to changes in the volume of processed data.

It would not be superfluous to add that a content manager can quit and take knowledge with him, he will need vacations, workplace, he must be smart, diligent and accurate, that is, not very cheap. At the same time, his work will be monotonous and can quickly get bored.

Therefore, decisions on working with price lists, updating content, stock levels and assortment on the site, it makes more and more sense to trust automation.

7. Data reliability?

The next question for negotiations with the supplier is how much you can trust the data you receive. Pay close attention to this and check whether the stock levels and accuracy of the assortment that the supplier gives you are correct.

Find and get started with multiple vendors and compare them for accuracy and up-to-date data. Such an analysis will pay off in full, since the sales of your online tire and wheel store, especially if you work on a dropshipping model, are completely dependent on the reliability and reliability of your suppliers' data.

8. Reliability of the company?

Gather information that confirms the reliability of your potential tire and wheel suppliers. Find out in the market how they work? How well and regularly do they pay their bills? How are partners treated? Are there scandals involving your potential suppliers known to market participants? Gather reviews from other online stores that work with the same vendors.

Such homework will help you choose the right partners at the start of the project. The more consciously you go to sign a contract with a particular supplier, the more you know about the company at the start, the better the choice will be prepared, the easier it will be to build relationships as you work.

9. Requirements for a partner from the supplier?

It is also very important to understand what requirements you will have to fulfill when working with this tire and wheel supplier.

If you are a beginner online store, and you are just waiting for the first orders to arrive, check if the supplier is ready to work with single orders? How many sales does the supplier expect from you per day, per month, per season? This is key information that will allow you to correctly assess your strengths and choose the appropriate supplier at the start.

If you already have good experience In online sales of tires and rims, a clear understanding of supplier requirements will also help you select the right partner to support your level of sales and growth.

  • What discounts does the supplier give when reaching a certain level of sales?
  • How does the supplier handle returns?
  • Is the supplier ready to keep a reserve in stock for you?

Getting answers to these questions will be a great help in ensuring the uninterrupted supply of tires and rims to your customers.

10. Wholesale, small wholesale, one-time sales?

Tire and rim suppliers differ in whether they provide bulk supplies, small wholesale supplies, or can support one-off sales as well.

Large wholesale suppliers usually do not work with one-time deliveries, but they can keep a reserve in stock to ensure large deliveries. Large suppliers will also most likely not ship retail orders, nor will they handle returns on a case-by-case basis.

Small wholesale suppliers will be willing to sell items for one-time deliveries, but may be unable or unwilling to supply retail orders themselves and handle individual returns. You need to consider whether you are ready to organize your own delivery service or hire a subcontractor to send orders and secure returns.

Thus, when reviewing tire and rim suppliers, be sure to specify in detail whether the supplier will work with retail orders and retail returns. Also, clarify what the supplier expects from your online store when transferring orders, paying and handling returns.

11. New tires or used tires?

An online store may also specialize in selling new tires or used products. Just as it does not make sense to mix premium brands, mid-range brands and mass market brands, it also does not make sense to mix a new product and a product that has already been in use in one online store. The buyer will not understand where he has landed and what level of quality he can expect from such an online store.

If you want to sell both new tires and wheels, as well as used products, it makes sense to open a separate online store and specialize sales in one of the selected areas.

When choosing a supplier of used tires, also pay attention to the level of wear, grades offered, as well as the overall level of quality of the products offered. The rest of our recommendations work both for suppliers of new tires and rims, and for suppliers offering used goods.

12. Car tyres, truck tyres, special equipment tyres, motorcycle tyres?

Specializing in car tires and rims, truck tires and rims, or specialty products also makes sense, as your customer will be very different depending on the focus you choose for your online store.

Most online stores choose to focus on tires and rims for passenger cars. This is understandable, passenger transport is the most massive segment and is represented mainly by retail customers. You will have many options for brand options, seasonality, pricing and other details. The market for tires and wheels for passenger cars is more local. This means that you can create an online store that serves a specific region or city.

However, the sale of tires and rims for trucks or the sale of tires and rims for special equipment provides an opportunity to provide more specialized services and develop more loyal and long term clients. The development of such an online store is likely to take longer. However, there is an opportunity to enter a less competitive segment that will provide you with long-term profitability.

If you decide to focus on motorcycle tires, you will also be able to find and attract the right buyer. There may be a shortage of motorcycle tires in your area. If there is such a deficit, it is quite possible to try to occupy this niche.

13. Tires, wheels, accessories or specialized supplier?

Consider choosing between a dedicated online tire and rim store versus developing a wider range that may also include auto accessories and related products.

In addition to tires, the online store may have stamped wheels, alloy wheels, forged wheels. In addition to tires and rims, you can also sell related products, such as car tire and tire repair kits, car pumps, tire inflation compressors, jacks (hydraulic, mechanical), tire and wheel storage cases, rim caps, etc.

Inclusion of a wide range from the very beginning may seem attractive, as it has the potential to increase sales, reduce the seasonality of the supply (remember that tires are mainly a seasonal item).

However, a wide range has many pitfalls that need to be understood and evaluated at the start. A wide range involves integrating, receiving and exchanging data with different providers, according to different types goods, with different features delivery and returns.

The issue of data exchange may not seem significant in initial stage business, but it certainly is. The complexity of processing and synchronizing data on price lists, balances and orders increases exponentially as the number of products on the online storefront grows, as the number of suppliers and orders grows.

14. Communication with the supplier and references?

Since you are choosing a supplier and looking forward to long-term cooperation (it makes sense to build long-term partnerships with suppliers, as changing suppliers is always difficult and costly for business), take the time and collect references for tire and wheel suppliers that you are seriously considering.

Call customers (customers can often be listed on supplier websites), read and ask questions in professional forums or industry conferences. Find out what are the positive aspects of working with this supplier, and what problems have been encountered in partnership with him.

15. Choose tires or supplier?

If you choose to specialize in rare stamps, or the supplier network is not as developed in your area, then it may well be that the choice of suppliers is not so wide. The rarity of stamps and the absence wide choice Supplier contact can play into your hands, as it gives you the opportunity, for example, to invite a supplier to start working in your area. And you can become the exclusive representative of a new brand for the market.

The exclusivity of product distribution provides good opportunities for marketing and creating your own base of loyal customers interested in buying this particular tire brand.

16. Warranty obligations of the supplier or manufacturer?

Check warranty obligations on tires and wheels that your online store will offer. Who gives a guarantee for products - the supplier or the manufacturer? Or both supplier and manufacturer? (this also happens)

The topic of guarantees is not yet so widespread in the market. However, with the development of trade, consumer protection law is applied more and more often. In the event of a warranty situation, where should the buyer go?

Since the buyer bought tires or wheels in your online store, he will call you. It is better to be prepared for such calls in advance and place on the site information about the guarantees for goods purchased on the site. A clearly defined warranty and return policy low-quality goods, understandable, transparent rules often become a decisive argument in favor of buying on a particular site.

17. Buy from a wholesaler or a manufacturer?

More and more tire manufacturers are developing their own sales networks. This is understandable, manufacturers do not want to share profits.

However, the construction of a distribution network, small wholesalers and retail sales This is not an easy task requiring a significant investment of time and money.

If you are located in close proximity to the manufacturer's office and the manufacturer agrees to issue retail orders, accept returns, and work with individual clients, you can try working directly with the manufacturer.

In most cases, the manufacturer of tires and rims will supply wholesale quantities to distributors, and you will be able to purchase goods from the warehouse of the wholesale supplier.

Partial list of international tire manufacturers:

  • Michelin (France);
  • Continental (Germany);
  • Dunlop (Germany);
  • Goodyear (USA);
  • Pirelli (Italy);
  • Nokian (Finland);
  • Bridgestone (Japan);
  • Firestone (Japan);
  • Cooper (USA);
  • Hankook (Korea);
  • Kumho (Korea);
  • Tigar (Serbia);
  • Toyo (Japan);
  • Firenza (China);
  • Infinity (China);
  • Goodride (China).

Partial list of Russian tire manufacturers:

  • Kirov Tire Plant (KShZ);
  • Yaroslavl Tire Plant (YaShZ),
  • Moscow tire plant "Taganka" (MShZ);
  • Altai Tire Plant (ASHK);
  • Volzhsky Tire Plant (Voltyre-Prom);
  • Voronezh Tire Plant (Amtel-Chernozemye);
  • Nizhnekamsk Tire Plant (Nizhnekamskshina);
  • Krasnoyarsk Tire Plant (KShZ);
  • Omsk Tire Plant (Omskshina);
  • Ural Tire Plant (Uralshina).

Trade in tires and car accessories is an interesting segment, which, with a competent approach, will provide the entrepreneur with a stable profit and business growth. After all, motorists are quite kind to their vehicles and, once having received high-quality service and great product, become loyal customers for a long time literally “from the first purchase”. This segment is not easy in terms of interaction with suppliers. And I hope that by answering these 17 questions, you will eliminate some of the difficulties that may arise already at the start.

Becoming a Finnish Nokian Tires franchisee is definitely beneficial if you already have a business that lacks a brand. If you build everything from scratch, then the payback period is incomprehensible

Tire shop at Vianor's flagship tire center in the Leningrad region (Photo: RIA Novosti)

Entrepreneur Dmitry Shmatov from St. Petersburg rebuilt his car service center into a tire center under the Vianor brand in 2010. Investments of 10 million rubles. (a third of which was compensated by the franchisor) he recaptured after a little over two years. Twice a year, when motorists "change shoes", the monthly revenue of its tire center is about 1 million rubles, and out of season - half as much.

Vianor in numbers

$800 million invested by Nokian Tires in its plant in Russia since 2005

1429 tire centers around the world is part of the Vianor network

411 Vianor centers operate in Russia

26% sales of Nokian Tires are in Russia and the CIS

37,4 billion rubles bailed out Nokian Tire LLC, which sells Nokian tires in Russia, in 2014

Source: company data, SPARK

Franchisor's view

The Finnish tire manufacturer Nokian Tires has one of the largest branded tire distribution networks in Russia, operating under the Vianor brand. According to the company, now the network has 411 tire centers, of which only two are own, and the rest are franchised. In 2015, 35 points were opened, and 15 stopped working.

According to Andrei Pantyukhov, General Director of Nokian Tires Russia, in order to become a franchisee, the company needs to pay a one-time entry fee of 60 thousand rubles, and then pay annual contributions to the marketing fund - 25 thousand rubles. Franchisees enter into a commercial concession agreement with Nokian Tires for a period of five years. “As a rule, franchise tire centers are opened by people with experience in this business,” explains Pantyukhov in an interview with RBC.

The requirements for the premises of the tire center are quite strict, since Vianor positions itself as a premium network. “There should be a convenient location for customers, convenient access, there must be parking and a recreation area for customers,” Pantyukhov lists. The sales area must be at least 45 sq. m, warehouse - from 100 sq. The franchisee must coordinate with the company the external and internal design of the center. Nokian Tires recommend partners to several agencies who are familiar with the requirements for finishing work.

“Partner investments can be small - within a few hundred thousand rubles - and consist in upgrading an existing tire center,” says Pantyukhov. - If the tire center is being built from scratch, investments can range from 40 million to 100 million rubles. - depending on the format, area and number of posts for tire fitting. To help a partner at the start, the company provides him with gratuitous material support of 500 thousand rubles. for the first open center and up to 2 million rubles. for the next ones. In addition, Nokian Tires, at its own expense, supplies the franchisee with signs, sales and tire fitting equipment (it remains the property of the franchisor, and in the event of termination of the contract, the franchisee must return or buy it back).

Nokian Tires reimburses franchisees half of the cost of advertising their tires. She provides sales uniforms for free and provides free sales training twice a year. In addition, for marketing support to franchisees, for which they pay a nominal 25,000 rubles, Nokian Tires gives them all sorts of nice little things - pens with the Vianor logo, sweets, sun shades for cars, ice scrapers, small bags, key rings, flavors . “Souvenir products are given to customers for free and are very popular with them,” says Vianor franchisee Dmitry Shmatov from St. Petersburg to RBC.

The main requirement for the Vianor franchisee is to provide a multi-brand product line for the buyer, which will be dominated by Nokian sales tires. Thus, new partners within five years should increase the share of both premium (Nokian Hakkapeliitta, Nokian Hakka) and mid-price segment (Nokian Nordman) up to 60% of tire sales in the center. Nokian Tires does not control the choice of other brands in the line of partner tire centers, but they must be in stock. “We can sell tires of any brand, but Nokian tires are a priority,” Alexander Makarov, manager of the Vianor tire center in Mezhdurechensk (Kemerovo region), confirmed to RBC.

In addition, Nokian Tires sets a minimum recommended selling price. The franchisor checks the centers for compliance with the requirements: sends mystery shoppers who monitor the assortment, prices and ensure that Vianor sellers offer the Nokian brand in the first place.

Nokian Tires does not track financial indicators franchisees: it is impossible to bring more than 200 cities in Russia where Vianor centers are located, to a common denominator, explains Pantyukhov. But the company proceeds from the fact that any tire center must sell at least 1.5 thousand tires per year, which usually gives sales of about 8 million rubles. “These are the minimum levels - a large number of network members, especially in large cities, have turnovers that are an order of magnitude higher than these figures,” says Pantyukhov.

Franchisee's view

Dmitry Baginsky, commercial director of the Vianor tire centers network in Barnaul, believes that it is profitable to work with Nokian Tires. “They themselves are looking for partners in the regions and offer interesting conditions for cooperation,” he told RBC. The first Vianor-branded center in Barnaul was opened by Baginskiy in 2008, having re-equipped the existing tire shop, now he manages four points. Investments in the latter, built from scratch and opened in December 2014, were about 60 million rubles. In it, on an area of ​​​​about 1 thousand square meters. m there is not only a tire service, but also a large shopping room, and warehouse.

Shmatov from St. Petersburg already owned a car service when in 2010 he decided to attach a tire shop and a shop to it; since he already had land, communications and part of the buildings, investments did not exceed 10 million rubles. He returned them after two and a half years of work. Alexander Nakonechny from Novosibirsk says that the refurbishment of the existing center (without significant construction works) will cost 1-2 million rubles, which can be returned in six months.

The revenue of tire centers is subject to seasonality: in the high season (March-April and October-November), when there is a mass "re-shoeing" of cars, it can differ significantly from the low season (the remaining eight months of the year). Shmatov from St. Petersburg says about 0.5 million in the low season and 1 million rubles. per month in high, and Baginsky from Barnaul - about 2.5-25 million rubles. for a tire center with an area of ​​1,000 sq. m. m. Such a big difference is explained not only by the surge in tire sales and demand for tire fitting. Oleg Khryashchev from Dmitrov, near Moscow, says that the conversion of buyers of new tires into tire fitting customers reaches 90%. “Almost everyone who buys tires prefers to put them there,” he tells RBC. - But Additional income depends on the number of tire fitting racks: if you have only one post, then all customers cannot be offered to “change shoes”. The representative of the Kirov company "Regionshina" speaks of the average revenue of the Vianor center at 2-3 million rubles. per month, Nakonechny from Novosibirsk - about fluctuations of 1.5-2.5 million rubles. per month. “In the off-season, tires generally stand, other goods work,” says Khryashchev from Dmitrov. According to his estimates, in the low season "non-tyres" (oil, accessories, spare parts) can bring up to 40% of revenue - twice as much as in the high season.

Nokian Tires does not control the markup. “In the best of times, our margin is 10-15% of the minimum price,” says Nakonechny from Novosibirsk. - When the season ends and many are left with leftovers, anarchy begins on the price - a holiday for the client. Merchants go down to 5%, and someone probably sells at the purchase price.” Shmatov from St. Petersburg says that some tire brands provide retailers with a 10-15% rebate on sales. Shops, knowing that they are guaranteed to receive a percentage of sales, sell such tires at the purchase price.

Not a single Vianor franchisee wanted to name the absolute values ​​of profit: the majority speak of an average annual rate of 10-15% of revenue.

Additional discounts from the manufacturer allow you to increase the margins of your business. According to Baginsky from Barnaul, from a certain sales volume (“several thousand tires per month”), Nokian Tires allows you to buy tires directly from the plant in Vsevolozhsk, bypassing distributors, which significantly reduces costs, since the manufacturer pays for the delivery of tires. “Reducing logistics costs allowed us to save 2.5% of the purchase price that we paid for shipping to distributors,” Baginsky says. For partners who buy tires directly from the company, other concessions are possible, such as deferred payments.

Only large partners have the opportunity to purchase directly from the manufacturer - from a thousand tires per month, complains Shmatov from St. Petersburg. However, according to Baginsky, with smaller volumes this is not profitable: “The truck assumes a volume of 800 to 1200 tires, with smaller volumes, no manufacturer is interested in this.” There are no restrictions on the volume and frequency of purchases from regional distributors (35 in the country). "During the season - in October-November and March-April - you can buy tires once a week," says Shmatov from St. Petersburg. Out of season, he usually makes purchases once a month.

Most franchisees easily comply with the 60% share of Nokian Tires products in sales. In Mezhdurechensk and Kirov, the share of Finnish tires even reaches 70%, but Nakonechny from Novosibirsk says that in the capital of Siberia, even a share of 40% is considered a good indicator. “Other brands historically flourished in our region, like Bridgestone,” he explains. According to the entrepreneur, Nokian Tires is sympathetic to the deviation from the standards - competition with other brands is quite high, and no one wants to lose the sales channel.

According to Khryashchev from Dmitrov, a big plus for Nokian Tires is an extended tire warranty. “We change or repair tires for free, regardless of the nature of the damage: a hernia, a rupture, a puncture beyond repair,” he says. Lifetime warranty as long as the tire is in service (tread height not less than 4 mm). All costs incurred by the franchisee warranty work Nokian Tires compensates.

There used to be a markup!

One of the main difficulties in the tire business, franchisees interviewed by RBC called increased competition from online stores, which led to a several-fold drop in the markup on Nokian Tires tires. “Six years ago, we had a margin of 40-50%,” admits Baginsky from Barnaul. In addition, branded tire centers began to lose customers due to the fact that products began to be sold in hypermarkets at minimum prices, two entrepreneurs interviewed by RBC noted. “Hypermarkets really squeeze all the juice out of entrepreneurs, but in the case of Nokian, this effect is less noticeable, since the company controls the minimum price for its products there too,” notes Shmatov from St. Petersburg.

In this material:

The number of car owners in Russia is increasing every year. For this reason, a business that is somehow connected with the automotive industry is attractive to investors. One of the areas of interest in this industry is the sale of tires and wheels. The creation of such a project is fraught with the risk of being squeezed out by competitors, so the entrepreneur will need a business plan for a tire shop.

Project Summary

The investor's goal is to open a car tire store in a city with a population of over 500,000 people. Source of financing - own funds entrepreneur. The point will be located in a rented room with an area of ​​100 m², of which 60 m² is allocated for a trading floor, and the rest of the space is used for a warehouse.

The store is located in a densely populated part of the city near a busy roadway. Nearby there is a small parking lot for 4 cars. The work schedule is from 9.00 to 20.00 without days off. The main source of profit is the sale of car tires of different manufacturers and modifications. An additional source of income is the sale of discs and caps, accessories.

Tire business features

The modern tire business is not the same as it was 15 years ago. Today, this niche is crowded with competitors, with many entrepreneurs preferring online sales to a physical store. Today's consumers value their time, so they order tires online more often.

To survive in the face of fierce competition, you will have to present a huge range of tires in the store, and this requires a lot of money. The second way to achieve success is to create an online store as additional tool to find customers and increase sales. The third option is to open a tire shop and a tire shop on the same territory.

Benefits of the tire business:

  • demand for goods;
  • average check from one sale - 15,000 rubles;
  • constant and stable income.

The disadvantages of the project include a large size starting investments and the influence of the seasonality factor.

Market analysis: target audience, competition and risk assessment

Before you take the first steps towards achieving your goal, you need to marketing research. It is important to find out what is the demand for tires in a particular region. A large number of car owners are concentrated in large cities. Each of them has to buy new tires with a frequency of 1 time in 2 years, when the old ones wear out. Discs are purchased somewhat less frequently, since in most cases they can be repaired.

In a city with a population of 500,000, about 100,000 are registered and in operation. Vehicle. With even 10 competitors, each has 10,000 potential customers, that is, 5,000 sales per year. This means that each store will be able to sell up to 13 sets of tires daily. This is very high rate, taking into account the value of the average check.

To target audience include vehicle owners residing in the city. Of these, 60% are men and 40% are women. These are people with an average income of different age categories. Most of the target audience uses their car to earn money - these are taxi drivers, sales agents, merchandisers, workers large companies. Approximately 10% of the target audience are owners of SUVs. These are people with high incomes.

The main risks of the project include:

  • termination of the lease agreement;
  • decrease in the purchasing power of the population;
  • increase in the purchase price of tires;
  • natural disaster, fire and other emergencies;
  • emergence of new competitors in the city.

Setting up a tire sales business step by step

The organizational plan includes several stages of work. The first step is the legalization of activity. After obtaining the status of an entrepreneur, you can start looking for premises for a store, purchase equipment. Next, you have to find tire suppliers, make up the main categories of goods, form an assortment and make a purchase. Recruitment and launch of a retail outlet is the final stage of work.

Legalization of business

Suitable for a tire shop organizational form IP. To register, you must come to tax office at the place of residence and submit an application in the form P21001. Have the following documents with you:

  • passport with copies of all pages;
  • TIN and a copy;
  • a receipt confirming the fact of payment of the state duty (800 rubles).

In order for a simplified taxation system to be applied to an entrepreneur, at which rates of 6% of income or 15% of the difference between income and expenses are available, you will have to write a corresponding application. If this is not done within 30 days from the date of submission of documents, the businessman will be common system taxation, which is characterized by more complex reporting.

Attention! In the case of trading tires and wheels, it is better to choose a tax rate of 15% of the profit, since the margin on this product is small - from 15 to 30%.

When submitting documents, you must select and indicate OKVED codes from the classifier of types of activity. Suitable for tire store 45.32.2 - " Retail automotive parts, assemblies and accessories.

The main requirement for the premises for a store is a good location, near busy highways, in full view of car owners. Tires and wheels are bulky goods, so you will need a lot of space not only for window dressing, but also for storing a stock of tires. On the other hand, the larger the area, the more expensive the rent. It is important to find the golden mean here.

The lease agreement must be signed for long term- its sudden termination will cause damage to the entrepreneur. The next step is to obtain permission to operate the building from the SES and the fire service. This process can take 1 to 2 months.

Purchase of commercial equipment

To accommodate large and heavy goods, special racks and shelves will be required. They are installed along the walls or in rows so as to accommodate as much goods as possible. In addition, you will need cash machine, desk or reception desk, chair. To provide good lighting additional lights will need to be installed. Raster invoices are suitable for the ceiling, they will need 8-10 pieces. To keep records, you will need at least a simple laptop.

Search for suppliers and assortment formation

It is important to find reliable tire suppliers who are ready to cooperate with start-up entrepreneurs who cannot immediately purchase a large consignment of goods. The business owner must find out which positions are in demand among motorists and which are not in demand.

The assortment of the store should include tires from different manufacturers, including domestic ones, as they are affordable. Tires differ in seasonality, size, profile height, tread pattern. Each of the options must be available to the client. Separate category goods are tires for SUVs, which are divided into groups:

  • universal;
  • mud;
  • highway.

Attention! You should not buy slow-moving items. They can be brought to order. Such a strategy will avoid the storage of goods in the warehouse.


It is better to take young men who are well versed in tires to the store for the position of sellers. It's good if they have experience in trading automotive parts. It will take 2 sellers and 2 loaders working on schedule 2/2. The business owner will take the administrative position, and bookkeeping can be outsourced. A cleaning lady is needed to keep the store clean.

Advertising and marketing

To attract customers to the store, you will have to regularly invest in advertising. Before the opening of the tire salon, you need to order a bright sign. Good results can be achieved by distributing flyers in crowded places of the target audience - in supermarket parking lots, at busy intersections. Placing ads for the sale of tires on bulletin boards on the Internet will also help you consistently find new customers.

Most The best way promotions are word of mouth. It will work if the prices of goods in the store remain at an acceptable level. It is better to earn less, but sell the goods faster than to inflate the cost and lose a client.

Website development and online trading

Selling tires online is a great business idea. Parallel to real outlet it is worth creating an online store that will present the entire range of tires with detailed description and characteristics. Prices for goods on online platforms are lower than in markets or in salons, since you do not need to spend a lot of money to maintain the platform. For this reason, people willingly place orders on the Internet.

Creating your own website will take no more than 1 month. You will have to pay about 60,000 rubles for this. To promote the store, you need to hire a specialist who will set up advertising in Yandex Direct in order to potential clients could get to the site. The monthly cost of maintaining the project will amount to 25-30 thousand rubles.

Financial calculations

The financial section of the business plan contains calculations based on which it is easy to find out how effective the project will be. The entrepreneur must compare expected returns with fixed costs store, determine the profitability of sales and the time to reach the break-even point.

Investment in the project

The cost of opening a tire store includes spending on:

  • IP registration - 800;
  • arrangement of the premises - 50,000;
  • purchase of commercial equipment - 60,000;
  • purchase of a range of goods - 1,000,000;
  • advertising - 25,000.

Total: 1,135,800 rubles.

Current expenses

Monthly business maintenance costs include:

  • rent of premises - 50,000;
  • wage fund - 90,000;
  • working capital - 500,000;
  • outsourcing - 8,000;
  • advertising - 10,000;
  • tax - 15% of the profit.

Total: 658,000 plus tax.

Tire Store Revenue and Expected Profit Calculation

The average check of a tire store is 15,000 rubles. Provided that only 2 sales per day are made, the outlet's revenue for the month will be 15,000 x 2 x 26 = 780,000 rubles. To determine the net profit from this amount, you need to subtract monthly expenses and tax deductions. Let's do the calculations:

  • 780,000 - 658,000 \u003d 122,000 - the difference between the store's income and expenses;
  • 122,000 x 0.15 \u003d 18,300 - tax (15% of the difference between income and expenses);
  • 780,000 - 658,000 - 18,300 = 103,700 rubles - net profit of the outlet.

As can be seen from the calculations, the sale of tires is an economically viable business idea. Making more than 2 sales per day, you can expect a profit increase of 1.5-3 times. The payback period of the project will be 8-16 months, depending on the number of successful transactions.

Opening a tire shop requires significant financial investments, most of which will go to the formation of a range of goods. The project is quite difficult to implement and involves a lot of risk due to high competition. To stand out from the already existing stores in the city, you will have to be flexible. One option is to open a tire shop near the outlet. In this case, customers will be able to immediately install new tires on their car.

Buy a ready-made business plan

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We have collected the questions most often asked by our clients and answered them in one sick article.

- How to choose tires?

There are a huge number of tires on the market from different manufacturers with different characteristics and prices. It is very difficult for an ordinary buyer to choose the right thing for him.

Tire production is a high-tech process. It is impossible to produce tires in the "cellars of the Moscow region".

One price one quality

Among the manufacturers of tires, as well as other products, there are well-known names - brands. Manufacturers carefully monitor each other's achievements and do not allow the competitor to take a big lead. To say that someone is better and someone is worse is not entirely true. You can say that all tires are the same if you compare tires in the same price range.. Sellers use the following tactics: the best tire is the one that is in stock. Therefore, the question of which manufacturer is better will not help you make the right decision.

Each product has its own price

Tires are very easy to understand the more expensive the tires, the more famous the brand and the better the quality. All manufacturers offer the lineup tires at different prices in order to cover the entire market, which clearly indicates their quality. Not every consumer is ready to buy expensive tires, just as not everyone drives luxury cars.

One manufacturer different tires

Sometimes you can hear: “I didn’t like this manufacturer so much, I don’t need to offer it.” Believe me, just as Mercedes has an “A” class that you might not like, so there is an S class that you will be delighted with, or maybe the E class will suit you. We all know that everything has its price. It's the same with tires.

A, E and S classes

Current classification cars developed in the mid 90s. Each class denotes a body type.

From Wikipedia

You can't cheat on the internet

None of the tire sellers in the age of the Internet will sell you expensively cheap goods and vice versa, since there is a risk of losing a client forever.

Conclusion: the choice of tire should depend on the capabilities of your wallet.

If you want to receive the latest technology tire industry, we will be happy to offer them to you, but neither here nor anywhere else you can get the latest high-end tire model for three kopecks. Retail network ON KOLESYAKH.RU is a multi-brand seller. We have everything for every taste and wishes!

- How to choose summer tires?

Is it worth it or not to "change shoes" in the spring of your car? Many people still cannot answer this question and continue to drive on winter tires in the summer. This is especially noticeable when winter tires are not studded, and the car needs to be sold. Worse, when the tires are spiked - you won’t really ride with them, as the gnashing of the spikes on the asphalt will be annoying. Besides that Winter and summer tires have different tread patterns, they are made of rubber with different properties.. Winter tires are made from softer grades of rubber. Therefore, in the summer heat, softening, they lose their performance. Let's just say: all their advantages for the winter disappear on the summer molten asphalt. Summer tires, on the other hand, are more rigid. As a result, in winter frosts, they become too elastic in order to ensure normal grip of the wheels with the road surface.

Frugal drivers change tires in a timely manner, maintaining tire properties, and tire life is increased without sacrificing safety.

In the figure, we see that the most expensive tire costs 9,500 rubles, and the cheapest - 2,201 rubles.

You can move the slider to match tires in different price ranges. The next question, which should be treated with cold calculation: “How much am I willing to pay?”. Just like you decide in a shoe store, cosmetics, clothes and restaurants. The manufacturer, putting the maximum amount of technology into the tire production formula, spends money on it. The more new technologies, expensive additives are invested in the tire, the more expensive it will cost. It is not customary for a manufacturer to sell a low-quality product for a lot of money.

The main parameters of summer tires

    Price-brand ratio

    Road grip performance

    exchange rate stability




    wear resistance


    cornering stability

    Speed ​​mode

None of these parameters can be assessed for yourself until you start using tires. How can you appreciate the level of the restaurant until you try the salad from the menu.

The manufacturer sets a fair price for the product, based on the costs that are invested in the production of a particular model.

A good thing is expensive - this is the rule of the market.

- What are interchangeable tire sizes?

The manufacturer often recommends several sizes of tires of different widths and diameters for one car, prescribing this in the technical documentation.

On the site "On Wheels.RU" in the selection are collected all the recommendations of manufacturers. By specifying the data of your car, you can safely use the information on the interchangeability of tires and, accordingly, rims on the car.

Sometimes professional tuning studios use tire sizes that contradict those prescribed by the car manufacturer. This is done in order to improve appearance car to get a sportier or more aggressive look. Ateliers work closely with manufacturers, receiving confirmation from them for changes in the technical parameters of the car, including tires.

The question is often asked: “Can I install the tires that were left from the car that was broken by a neighbor?”. Remember, tires are a very important element of the car, on which, first of all, the safety of the driver depends.

In this case, the selection of tires by size on the site will give you all the information. We recommend relying on two sources - our selection of tires and the technical data sheet of the car. When designing a car, developers calculate, sometimes even empirically, based on operating practice, which tires should be. By changing the parameters of the tire, that is, by installing tires of a larger or smaller size, you violate the technical specifications. The car may be getting prettier, but that could put the safety of you and your loved ones at risk. The company "On Wheels.RU" does not recommend that you do this.

The second case, let's call it tuning. We recommend that you contact a tuning studio for a recommendation specifically for your car. Companies that do this seriously should have patents to improve cars. But if you just "cut your wings with a grinder" and seek to install tires, focusing solely on your taste, we would not want to participate in this life-threatening adventure. Fulfilling technical requirements you will always be safe.

The company's programmers developed the Tire Applicability Calculator. It is available on the app for Android and iOS platforms. Using the calculator, comparing tires, you will get information about the change specifications when resizing.

for your phone
or tablet

Selection of tires and wheels by brand of car and motorcycle and registration for installation services

- How to choose winter tires?

There are some basic tips for choosing winter tires.

Don't expect frost or snow. Change tires as soon as the temperature is stable around +5. The sooner you do this, the:

  • Spend less
  • More attention
    the seller will give you
  • Safer you'll be yourself
    feel at the peak of bad weather

Winter tire - car tire, specially designed for use in the cold season at temperatures below +7 °C.

From Wikipedia

Are spikes needed?

In the stores of the On Wheels.RU network, you will be offered a large selection of tires, but it is quite difficult to choose a product when the buyer does not know what he wants. We have prepared a small test for those who cannot decide which tires to choose. Do not take this as a dogma, but it will help you make your own choice based on the operation of your car. Believe me, if you yourself do not know what tires you need, how can the seller know about it? It is not always possible to carry out the test below during the peak sales season.

Answer the questions by choosing "Sh" and "N/S".

The first studded snow tires were created in 1933 by Michelin.

From Wikipedia
  1. Minimum temperatures in your area:
    • Not lower than -15 — N/W
    • −15 and below — W
  2. How public utilities work in the city:
    • The snow is removed, the roads are watered with a non-freezing composition - N/W
    • The roads are snow-covered, the snow is packed and the asphalt is not visible - W
  3. Driving experience:
    • Up to 5 years - W
    • More than 5 years - N/W
  4. Where do you travel most often?
    • Only in the city N/W(but pay attention to point 2)
    • In the city and outside the city - W
  5. Does the car have ABC?
    • Yes - N/W
    • Not - W
  6. Where do you have to park in winter at home and office?
    • Paid guarded parking N/W
    • In the yard or as you like - W
  7. What kind of ride do you prefer?
    • Aggressive, fast, fast W
    • Calm, on a familiar road - N/W
  8. Car drive:
    • Rear - W
    • Front - W
    • Full - N/W
  9. Spikes destroy the road surface:
    • It worries me, but I often move in the snow - W
    • I want to save roads N/W

Count the number of "W" and "N / W". If you scored more "W", then studded tires are preferable for you, if "N / W" - order non-studded tires and you will not be mistaken.

If you passed the test and still decide to buy other tires than the result indicated, we respect your independent choice. The main thing for us is that you know what you need.

You can do it yourself without wasting your time on calls, especially during the peak of seasonal sales.

The seller has sufficient information to answer where the product is located and whether it is available at all. To form a response, he uses software, to which the company's website is also connected. We suggest that you use them yourself and do not waste time calling and communicating with sellers who do not have time to answer during the peak sales season.

The item listed on the website is in stock. If the product is sold or reserved, it immediately disappears from the free sale and, as a result, from the site.

If you have selected a brand, model and size, the site will show everything that is in stock.

What to look out for

  • Product availability. The quantity is usually indicated up to 12 pieces. This means that there are 12 or more of these tires in stock. It is better to place an order through an electronic shopping cart to reserve a product for yourself.
  • Quantity of goods. The product may remain 1 unit (this will be indicated on the site). Be careful here. If it says that there is only one item left, you don't have to specify if that's the case or not. It is not in our rules to hide goods from buyers. You should not demand to find 3 more tires or disks, as you need them. It does not depend on the manager. As soon as the tires go on sale, they will immediately appear on the site with an indication of the warehouse or store where they arrived.
  • Where is this product located? You can find out by clicking on the "Availability in stores" link.

This sign marks a product that is in stock.

After selecting the item in stock, determine the desired quantity and add it to the "Basket". That's all you need to do. Then the system will do everything automatically and notify you when the goods will be delivered to you or when you can drive up and pick them up at the store.

If you did not find your tire or rim size on the site

  • Check if you entered the correct tire or rim size.
  • If you selected the size by car, then use the selection by size or vice versa.
  • If you entered all the parameters correctly and the program answered that this size is not available, then we most likely will not be able to help you.

Be sure to leave a comment or write in the "Book of Complaints and Suggestions" about the lack of the size you need.

What is the year of manufacture of the tire?

The seller will not always be able to give you an accurate answer to this question over the phone, since at the time of accepting the order, the tire may be in another warehouse. Let's figure it out on our own. The question is important and often arises from buyers. What is the manufacturer's rule?

Manufacturer's rule: A tire is considered new for 5 years. This means that it can be sold within 5 years from the date of production.

Sometimes this moment is confused, believing that 5 years is the expiration date of the tire, but this is not so. In this regard, there is an official letter from the certification body. There is no one higher than this institution. The courts accept their expert opinions for conducting cases related to road accidents and various types of damages. Very rarely tires do not have time to sell in 2 years, but if you suddenly come across an “older” tire, there is nothing to worry about. Under the Consumer Protection Act, you can return an item you don't like.

The Na company closely monitors its assortment and tire release dates. If you have been sold or offered a tire in our stores that is more than 5 years old, let us know at " Book of complaints and suggestions” located on the site.

- How to view all brands of tires and rims on the site?

There are two possible options for viewing all product brands.


Use the view of all presented brands on the site if you want to get acquainted with the range of tires and wheels that our network sells. To do this, select a product (tyres, wheels, etc.), and the site will present you with a full range of brands presented this season. We warn you: this is a very large amount of information - about 15,000 tire and wheel items. By revealing the brand, you can see all the models presented this season that are on sale. Items in stock are marked with green checkmarks. If you open a model separately, you can get more detailed information: size, characteristics, availability, what warehouse it is in, etc. Use this view only if you want to get acquainted with the assortment of the company as a whole. Do not match the product to your car in this way, as what you may like in terms of parameters may not suit your car.

Summer, winter or all-season tires are marked with such icons

Icons for cast or
forged wheels

Selection of goods by car

To see the brands of products that fit your car, use the search by car or by size. Specify the parameters of your car or dimensions, and the program will automatically select all the available brands that fit your car. Don't rush to call. It’s better to “play” with the program yourself and choose the best option, which suits you in every way.

- What depends on the country of the tire manufacturer?

Very often sellers have to answer the same questions of the buyer: “Which is better, Continental or Nokian, Bridgestone or Yokohama?”, “I can’t decide whether to put GoodYear or Michelin?”. This is understandable, as it is usually difficult for a car owner to understand the variety of brands and models. To answer this question, it is necessary to see through the eyes of professionals what the market of tire manufacturers is like, who is the leader and why?

The leader in the tire industry, as in principle in other areas of business, is the company that sells the most.

Bridgestone has long been the world leader and Continental has been the European sales leader. Although I am sure that among the readers there may be motorists who did not like the operation of tires of these brands. And, on the contrary, they liked Nokian or Yokohama tires, the share of sales of which in the world is much lower.

Why is that? In fact, the same situation with any other product. Ask yourself and your friends which refrigerator is the best, which milk is the most delicious, which clock is the most accurate, and you will see: how many people - so many opinions.

The answer lies in three points:

Manufacturers are in fierce competition. In order for a product to sell, you must constantly improve it and sell it as expensive as possible. Accordingly, as soon as a new innovative tire (and the most expensive one) goes on sale, other manufacturers instantly study what has been introduced and try to do it even better or at least at the same level. The manufacturer tightly controls his production, and if he managed to save on production, work force, this will not change the price on the market for this product, since its quality is impeccable. The only thing that can change the price of a product is competition.

2. Personal connection to the brand

An important argument when buying is our personal feeling of comfort from operation. We enjoy using a well-known brand, we are satisfied with its quality and we get moral satisfaction from this. It happens and vice versa - we expect more and remain disappointed.

We constantly receive all sorts of information that affects our attitude towards brands. Some brand organizes races, another - a test drive, the third sponsors a charity evening. We ourselves do not notice how this forms our respectful attitude towards the brand. These are very costly and well thought out marketing techniques.

How do we choose any product in the store

We come to the store and see the goods we need (for example, a refrigerator). The question arises: can we pay for what we liked, because the manufacturer, releasing the most advanced product for sale, sets the maximum price for it. If the price is too high for us, we take the product that is cheaper. The most interesting thing is that the same manufacturer can offer the goods cheaper. It's just that a more affordable model will lack some of the latest features.

Each manufacturer understands that it is impossible to sell only expensive tires, since the company will have a small share in a large market “pie”. Therefore, the manufacturer is trying to get a larger market share, load its production more and sell tires in different price niches. But the cheaper the tire, the less technologically its production.

Let's summarize:

Large corporations have already thought of everything for us, and the maximum that we can do before entering the site is to check the contents of our purse. Answer your question: “How much am I willing to spend on tires for my “swallow”? Choose the size that suits you on the site, and the program will offer several brands and models. At the top there is a "price slider" that will allow you to leave tires only in the price range that suits you. In tires, as in any other product, more expensive means better.

Take what is closer, what you have already heard about, in other words, whose marketing worked better. Remember: tires of different brands at the same price are absolutely the same in operation. If you have experience of personal exploitation, rely on it. Do not be afraid to experiment: if there are many tires of different brands in the same price niche, take one that has not yet been ridden. Don't be discouraged if you can't get the most expensive tire. Not everyone can afford the most expensive phone, but everyone has a phone, and that doesn't make making calls any less fun.

When considering ideas about starting a business, you need to pay attention to modern media. In particular, on the Internet you can find a lot of tips, ranging from articles with ideas for starting a business to detailed research on a specific type of activity. Take, for example, such a section as the sale of tires. And let's see if any forum will tell you how to start a business.

Why tires

In this area, the seller is provided with a continuous, year-round (albeit with seasonal bursts) influx of interested and solvent customers. The topic on how to start a business on a car enthusiast forum starts with a car tire sales business.

In addition to selling tires from the manufacturer, it is quite possible to organize the sale of used rubber. After all, drivers have different attitudes to own security. And if some get rid of a set of tires after the first season, then others will gladly buy "almost new" tires cheaper for their old Zhiguli and will ride it for several more years.

Why forums

Most of the articles on the sites, as well as customer reviews in online stores, are written by the sellers themselves or at their request. Thus, they do not fully reflect all information about negative points and complexities. For those who would like to start their own business, the forum of the corresponding direction will tell you what difficulties you will face.

In any area related to trade, there are a lot of offers. And real reviews will help you choose a quality product. For those who are looking for where to start their business, the forum will help determine the assortment and find out the requirements of customers.

For example, it is not easy for a novice businessman to determine which tires are needed for SUVs, what buyers of tires for buses and trucks are looking for, and which brands and models are preferred for motorcycles.


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