Mexico's economy and its role in naphtha. «Mexico's foreign trade What is Mexico exporting?

Mexico is an industrial-agrarian state in the southwest of the North American continent, is one of the most developed countries Latin America... Second place (1st - Brazil) for the production of GNP (gross national product), and in terms of GDP (gross domestic product) - the third place (2nd Argentina and Venezuela). In ancient times, Mexico was inhabited by Indian tribes, at the beginning of the 16th century, Spanish colonization overtook it, it gained independence and became federal republic led by a president in the 19th century. However, there was no stability in the country: the change of presidents and coups d'état followed one after another. The United States, taking advantage of the unstable political situation, seized more than 22 million km 2 of Mexican territory (present-day Texas, New Mexico, California and Arizona).

Building up its industrial potential, Mexico enjoyed financial support from more developed countries, in particular, the United States. Gradual integration of Mexican economic structures in the economy of developed countries has left a deep imprint on its development.


It is 121 million people (11th in the world). It consists mainly of various ethnic groups: mestizos and mulattos (descendants of mixed barges of whites, Indians and representatives of the Negroid race) - 60%, the native inhabitants of the country (Indians) - 30%, the white population - 9%, the rest - 1%. There is a high level of urbanization, 79% of the population lives in large cities and megalopolises. The largest city in Mexico and throughout Latin America, the capital of the state of Mexico City, is home to ¼ of the population of the entire country. The official language is Spanish, and most Mexicans are Catholic. Approximately the same ratio of the number of men and women (0.96 / 1).

Industry of Mexico

Currently, the leading industries in Mexico are:

Oil and gas industry

The backbone of the Mexican economy, oil and gas account for a significant share of export products. Oil production is 3rd in the Western Hemisphere and 7th in the world. The monopolist is state company Petroleos Mexicanos (Pemex), the world's largest oil production organization. Oil production centers - Tampico, Poza Rica de Hidalgo, the southeast of the Gulf of Mexico, where "black gold" is being extracted from the ocean shelf. Natural gas is also important natural resource, it is the backbone of Mexico's energy industry, and is extracted from oil fields. The Pemex company is a monopolist in gas and oil production;

Power industry

Mexico produces more than 200 billion kilowatt / hour of electricity, this is the second place in the region. There are mainly thermal power plants operating on natural gas, there is one nuclear power plant with low capacity, hydropower is represented by the Manul Moreno Torres HPP;

Metallurgical industry

Having a rich raw material base (deposits of high-quality non-ferrous ores in the Mexican Highlands, the Cerro de Mercado iron ore, native sulfur of the Tehuantepec Isthmus, etc.) is developing very rapidly. Steel production is 15.2 million tons, of which 45% is exported.

Engineering industry

The leading branch of the metalworking industry, here ¼ of the Mexican industrial production... Transport engineering is especially developed (automotive production - 1 million annually), electrical and electronic production, machine tool construction. Largest enterprises in Mexico City, Guadalajara and Monterrey.

Chemical. Includes 14 industries. Produces more than 2 million tons of plastic. The acid is produced in Monterrey, mineral fertilizers in León, refining is carried out in Tampico, and household chemicals are produced in Mexico City; in the construction industry in Mexico high rates: The country produces 51 million tons of cement - 4th place in the world.

Light industry

Main positions in light industry for textile products and shoe industrieswhich are mainly export oriented. Textile mills and factories employ over 30% of the total working population.

Agriculture of Mexico

Crop production prevails, the bulk of agricultural land is either in the form of private property (commercial farms), or in the form of ejidos (lands that are collectively owned by the peasant community, they can use it without the right to own or sell). Crops such as corn are grown here (the main food for most Mexicans, grown everywhere in arid regions up to 3 thousand meters high), rice (Morelos state), wheat (irrigated areas of the Bahio region in Central Mexico, 70% is exported), soy, sorghum, legumes.

Mexican cotton is in great demand in the global market and is grown in the Rio Bravo estuary, La Laguna region and the irrigated northwest. Important components of agricultural export products are tomatoes, oranges, lemons, peaches (3% of world production), mangoes (6.5% of world production), and bananas. In terms of coffee production, Mexico is the fifth in the world. Sowing of sugar cane is increasing, sugar production - 5.2 million tons. Large quantities of cocoa beans, peanuts, tobacco, grapes, pineapple, strawberries and other tropical vegetables and fruits are exported.

Extensive pasture cattle breeding with a dairy orientation prevails in animal husbandry. Large cattle is bred in the north-central territories of the country, most of the livestock is exported abroad, to the United States. On the coast of the Gulf of Mexico, a variety of domestic cows are bred - zebu, which are a source of meat and dairy products for urban residents. Mexicans breed horses, sheep, mules, donkeys, goats and pigs for livestock purposes.

Trump's election as President of the United States negatively affected relations between Mexico and the United States, which increases political and economic risks for Mexico. Mexico is the most at-risk US country in the region as the economies of these countries are closely related. Immediately after Trump's election, it became clear that he intended to try to fulfill his campaign promises regarding the construction of a wall on the border with Mexico and the fight against illegal emigration. Mexican President Enrique Peña rejected Trump's offer to pay part of the cost of building the wall, which, according to various estimates, could range from $ 10 billion to $ 25 billion. Trump is currently considering different ways reimbursement of planned costs for the construction of the wall, which include: 20% tax on imports from Mexico, tax on transfers from the United States by migrants to Mexico money other. According to IMF estimates, the nominal GDP of Mexico in 2016. decreased to $ 1,063.6 billion (-7%), making it the second consecutive year of declining GDP in dollar terms. In 2015. the decrease was 12%. Real GDP growth rate in 2016 decreased by 4 pp to 2.1%. The transition of the industrial production index to Q3. 2016 into the negative zone signals a likely further slowdown in real GDP growth in 2017. You can also note the acceleration of inflation, January inflation was the highest since 2012. 4.78% y / y. Mexico, according to the OECD, is the 11th country in the world in terms of GDP, measured in purchasing power parity. The country has come a long way of structural reforms since the 90s, when it was an oil-dependent country with weak industry and a focus on agriculture. Now the country is strengthening its position as an international trade hub. Mexico develops free trade by signing 12 FTA agreements with 46 countries and is now one of the largest exporters cars, TVs and other goods in the region. However, the realization of Mexico's economic potential is hampered by such problems as corruption, crime, weak rule of law, high poverty rates, low participation of women in the economy and other problems typical for developing countries. Mexico ranks 47/190 in the Doing Business rating, which is 7 steps below the Russian Federation. Transparency International ranks 123/176 in the corruption perception rating, which is 8 steps higher than the Russian Federation. We are not so pessimistic about the prospects for a dramatic deterioration in US-Mexican relations. Given the deep integration of the economies of the two countries and a powerful lobby, relations should begin to gradually recover towards the end of 2017. At the same time, the current situation may create certain opportunities for russian companies in the short term.

The United Mexican States is an advanced state North America with an economy in transition.

The structure of the economy

Mexico is an upper-middle-income country with an economy ranked 15th in the world. In terms of exports, the country is in 15th place, and in terms of imports, it is in 14th place in the world. In addition, Mexico is ranked 10th among oil exporting countries, 7th among auto-producing countries and 4th in the world among auto-exporting countries.

The main share in the country's gross domestic product belongs to the service sector, industry and trade.

Mexico is a member of the OECD, and since June 2006, its representative, José занимаетngel Gurria, has been holding the post of secretary general of this organization, which underlines the country's recognition as an industrial state.

In addition, Mexico is in the G20.

The country seeks to diversify its foreign trade structure and strongly advocates rapprochement with the states of the Pacific region.

So, in October 2015, the existing system of 11 free trade agreements between Mexico and 46 countries of the world was supplemented by the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement.

Over the past two decades, the centrality to development mexican economy had the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), which came into force in 1994, which has given impetus to the country's modernization and economic liberalization and continues to generate substantial trade flows. The fact is that, beyond any competition, the largest trading partner of Mexico in terms of both exports and imports is the United States, which accounts for 80% of all exports and almost 50% of imports of this Latin American state.

In addition, Mexico has established the Pacific Alliance with Colombia, Peru and Chile.

In March 2016, the preparation of amendments to the trade part of the Global Agreement between Mexico and the EU began, while the agenda should include issues related to non-tariff methods of regulation foreign economic activity, rules for determining the country of origin of goods, system public procurement and intellectual property protection.

Despite the liberalization of the economy, in its key sectors, in particular, energy, telecommunications and banking, there are still oligopolies and monopolies that impede competition and burden the economy with high costs. True, the government is successfully implementing reforms that undermine the foundation of these structures and thereby stimulate the opening of the central sectors of the economy to private investment. However, with regard to, for example, the oil sector, its opening to private investors is taking place at a very unfavorable period for Mexico, during the global fall in crude oil prices.

International trade

The main items of Mexican exports are industrial products (in particular, automobiles, auto and aircraft components and machine tools, electrical and electronic devices), as well as different kinds mineral fuel.

Against the background of a sharp decline in the volume of oil exports, the importance of exports of processed agricultural products has significantly increased recently.

In general, the country's foreign trade dependence on the United States continues to persist. The development of the economic environment in the United States of America, in particular, the change in demand from the industrial sector, invariably has a strong impact on the growth of the Mexican economy.

Poverty problem

Mexico has made progress in realizing its main development goal in the second millennium (eliminating poverty and hunger): for example, compared with 1990, the share of citizens with an income of less than US $ 1.25 per day has more than halved in 2014 to only 3 , 7% of the population.

However, the Mexican government is more rigorous in its definition of poverty: according to the multidimensional poverty index, which measures not only the income available, but also the access to basic social rights (in particular, to health, education, and housing), according to the latest count, carried out in 2014, 46.2% of all Mexicans (55.3 million people) were considered poor. According to this method of calculation, 9.5% (11.4 million) of Mexicans live in poverty at all.

In addition, the situation is characterized by high inequality in income distribution and strong regional imbalances, as well as insufficient access to basic services, especially in countryside... However, a particularly dire situation remains in the southern states of Chiapas, Oaxaca, Guerrero and Veracruz, where the proportion of the poor remains the highest in the country.

Imports to Russia from Mexico in 2016 amounted to $ 636 million, having increased by + 7.97% over the same period last year. Mainly imported:
  • 43% - Machinery, equipment and apparatus: “Nuclear reactors, boilers, equipment and mechanical devices; parts thereof ”(53%),“ electrical machines and equipment; sound equipment, television equipment; their parts ”(47%).
  • 18% - Transport: “Means of land transport, except for railway and tram. their parts ”(98%),“ ships, boats and floating structures ”(2%).
  • 12% - Instruments and apparatus, watches: "Instrument. and app-you optical, photo, cinematogr., measurable., medits .; their parts ”(100%).
  • 8% - Metals and metal products: “Products made of ferrous metals” (79%), “tools, accessories, cutlery, spoons and forks from the bowels. metals "(6%)," nickel and products from it "(5%).
  • 7% - Food, drinks, tobacco: "Alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks" (86%), "different food products"(8%)," processed products of vegetables, fruits, nuts "(3%).
  • 3% - Products chemical industry : "Pharmaceutical products" (36%), "Paints, varnishes, mastics, putties, etc." (18%), “essential oils and resinoids; perfumery, cosmetic, toilet preparations ”(17%).
  • 3% - Vegetable products: “Fruits and nuts” (64%), “coffee, tea and spices” (24%), “seeds, grain, medicinal plants” (11%).
  • 2% - Plastics, rubber and rubber: "Plastics and products from them" (60%), "rubber, rubber and products from them" (40%).
  • 2% - Various industrial products: “Toys, games and sports equipment; their parts and accessories "(50%)," different finished goods"(27%)," furniture; bed dress; lamps and lighting. equipment, illuminated signs "(23%).
  • 2% - Other.

During 1970-2018. Mexico's imports in current prices increased by $ 498.3 billion (112.5 times) to $ 502.8 billion; the change occurred by $ 6.8 billion due to a population growth of 78.7 million, and by $ 491.6 billion due to an increase in imports per capita by $ 3,759.4. The average annual growth of imports in Mexico amounted to $ 10.4 billion, or 10.3%. Mexico's imports grew at an average annual rate of 6.7% at constant prices. The share in the world increased by 0.90%. The share in America increased by 5.4%. The minimum import was in 1971 ($ 4.5 billion). The maximum import was in 2018 ($ 502.8 billion).

For the period 1970-2018 imports per capita in Mexico increased by $ 3,759.4 (44.8 times) to $ 3,845.3. The average annual growth of imports per capita in current prices amounted to $ 78.3 or 8.2%.

The change in Mexico's imports is described by a linear correlation-regression model: y \u003d 10.2x-20 123.0, where y is the calculated value of Mexico's imports, x is the year. Correlation coefficient \u003d 0.934. Determination coefficient \u003d 0.873.

Import of Mexico, 1970

Mexico imports in 1970 it was $ 4.5 billion, ranked 18th in the world and was at the level of Norway's imports ($ 4.8 billion), South African imports ($ 4.5 billion), and Austria's imports ($ 4.2 billion). Mexico's imports exceeded Mexico's exports by $ 1.4 billion, with a trade surplus of 3.0% of Mexico's GDP. The share of Mexico's imports in the world was 1.2%.

In 1970 it was equal to 85.9 dollars, ranked 117th in the world and was at the level of import per capita in Bhutan (89.2 dollars), import per capita in Cameroon (88.4 dollars), import per capita in Peru (88.2 dollars), imports per capita in Palestine ($ 86.5), imports per capita in Comoros (84.1 dollars), imports per capita in Argentina (83.9 dollars), imports per capita in Iran (81.6 dollars), imports per capita in Mozambique ($ 80.8). Mexico's per capita imports were less than the world's per capita imports ($ 104.3) at $ 18.4.

Comparison of imports of Mexico and its neighbors in 1970. Mexico's imports were 77.7% higher than those of Cuba ($ 2.5 billion), Guatemala's imports ($ 0.4 billion) were 10.4 times higher, and Honduras' imports ($ 0.4 billion) were 12.7 times higher, but less than US imports ($ 55.8 billion) by 92%. Mexico's per capita imports were higher than Guatemala's per capita imports ($ 76.6) by 12.1%, but less than Cuba's per capita imports ($ 288.5) at 70.2%, US per capita imports ( 266.0 dollars) by 67.7%, imports per capita in Honduras (129.2 dollars) by 33.5%.

Comparison of Mexico's imports and leaders in 1970. Mexico's imports were less than US imports ($ 55.8 billion) by 92%, German imports ($ 35.8 billion) by 87.5%, UK imports ($ 27.4 billion) by 83.7%, French imports ($ 22.9 billion). USD) by 80.5%, Japanese imports (19.6 billion USD) by 77.2%. Mexico's per capita imports were 82.6% less than UK imports ($ 492.7), Germany's per capita imports ($ 455.5) by 81.1%, per capita imports in France ($ 440.4) by 80.5 %, imports per capita in the United States ($ 266.0) by 67.7%, imports per capita in Japan ($ 186.5) by 54%.

Mexico's import potential in 1970. With imports per capita at the same level as UK imports ($ 492.7), Mexico's imports would be $ 25.6 billion, 5.7 times the actual level. With imports per capita at the same level as Cuba's imports per capita ($ 288.5), the best neighbor, Mexico's imports would be $ 15.0 billion, 3.4 times the actual level. With imports per capita at the same level as imports per capita in America (195.1 dollars), Mexico's imports would be 10.2 billion dollars, which is 2.3 times the actual level. With imports per capita at the same level as imports per capita in the world ($ 104.3), Mexico's imports would be $ 5.4 billion, which is 21.5% more than the actual level. With imports per capita at the same level as Central America's imports per capita ($ 98.7), Mexico's imports would be $ 5.1 billion, up 14.9% from actual levels.

Mexico imports, 2018

Mexico imports in 2018 it was equal to 502.8 billion dollars, ranked 14th in the world. Mexico's imports were more than Mexico's exports by $ 23.4 billion, the trade surplus was equal to 1.9% of Mexico's GDP. The share of Mexico's imports in the world was 2.1%.

Import per capita in Mexico in 2018 it was equal to $ 3,845.3, ranked 92nd in the world and was at the level of imports per capita in Costa Rica (4,016.4 dollars), imports per capita in the Marshall Islands ($ 3,651.5). Mexico's per capita imports were higher than the world's per capita imports ($ 3,201.3) at $ 644.0.

Comparison of imports of Mexico and its neighbors in 2018. Mexico's imports were 23.1 times higher than Guatemala's imports ($ 21.7 billion), Honduras' imports ($ 14.5 billion) were 34.8 times larger, Cuba's imports ($ 12.6 billion) were 40.0 times higher, but less than US imports (3,148.5 billion dollars) by 84%. Mexico's per capita imports were 2.5 times greater than Honduras' imports ($ 1,536.1), Guatemala's per capita imports ($ 1,259.7) were 3.1 times, per capita imports in Cuba ($ 1,094.0) ) 3.5 times, but was less than the import per capita in the United States (9 635.1 dollars) by 60.1%.

Comparison of Mexico imports and leaders in 2018. Mexico's imports were less than US imports ($ 3,148.5 billion) by 84%, Chinese imports ($ 2,543.8 billion) by 80.2%, German imports ($ 1,629.4 billion) by 69.1%, UK imports (907.1 billion dollars) by 44.6%, Japanese imports (904.4 billion dollars) by 44.4%. Per capita imports in Mexico were 2.1 times higher than imports per capita in China ($ 1,797.7), but 80.6% less than imports per capita in Germany ($ 19,799.4), imports per capita in Great Britain (13 625.7 dollars) by 71.8%, imports per capita in the US (9 635.1 dollars) by 60.1%, imports per capita in Japan (7 111.0 dollars) by 45.9%.

Mexico import potential in 2018. With imports per capita at the same level as imports per capita in Germany ($ 19,799.4), Mexico's imports would be $ 2,589.0 billion, 5.1 times the actual level. With imports per capita at the same level as imports per capita in the United States ($ 9,635.1), the best neighbor, Mexico's imports would be $ 1,259.9 billion, 2.5 times the actual level. With imports per capita at the same level as imports per capita in America ($ 5,034.0), Mexico's imports would be $ 658.3 billion, which is 30.9% more than the actual level.

Mexico imports, 1970-2018
yearimports, billions of dollarsimports per capita, dollarsimports, billions of dollarsimport growth,%share of imports in GDP,%share of Mexico,%
current pricesconstant prices 1970in the worldin Americain Central America
1970 4.5 85.9 4.5 9.9 1.2 4.4 64.8
1971 4.5 82.9 4.3 -4.6 8.9 1.0 3.9 62.8
1972 5.2 93.7 4.7 10.2 9.0 1.0 3.9 64.3
1973 6.8 119.0 5.5 16.7 9.7 0.99 4.2 65.4
1974 9.9 167.9 6.6 20.3 10.8 1.0 4.3 64.3
1975 11.0 181.2 6.6 0.43 9.9 1.1 4.7 66.1
1976 11.4 182.5 6.7 0.99 10.1 1.00 4.2 64.5
1977 10.9 169.5 6.0 -10.2 10.5 0.83 3.5 59.3
1978 14.8 223.6 7.3 21.9 11.3 0.97 4.1 64.1
1979 21.8 322.4 9.5 29.9 12.8 1.1 5.0 69.9
1980 32.8 472.9 12.5 31.9 13.8 1.4 6.5 74.6
1981 42.0 591.2 14.8 17.7 13.8 1.8 7.5 79.3
1982 23.3 320.5 9.2 -37.9 11.0 1.1 4.5 71.2
1983 18.2 245.4 6.1 -33.8 10.0 0.84 3.5 67.8
1984 21.8 287.4 7.2 17.8 10.2 0.96 3.5 69.7
1985 24.8 319.9 7.9 11.0 11.0 1.1 3.9 69.6
1986 22.6 286.0 7.3 -7.6 14.3 0.90 3.3 69.2
1987 24.4 302.8 7.7 5.1 14.3 0.83 3.2 69.3
1988 34.0 414.3 10.6 36.7 16.3 1.00 4.0 75.3
1989 42.6 508.8 12.4 18.0 16.7 1.2 4.7 76.0
1990 51.9 607.6 14.9 19.7 17.3 1.2 5.4 78.9
1991 60.7 697.2 17.2 15.2 16.9 1.3 6.1 79.7
1992 73.8 831.4 20.5 19.6 17.8 1.5 6.9 79.7
1993 77.8 859.3 23.3 13.3 15.5 1.6 6.7 79.0
1994 91.5 990.2 27.4 17.7 17.3 1.7 7.0 80.1
1995 79.8 849.0 23.0 -15.9 22.2 1.3 5.5 76.0
1996 100.3 1 048.6 27.0 17.5 24.4 1.5 6.5 79.7
1997 122.3 1 257.4 33.3 23.1 24.4 1.8 7.1 80.6
1998 139.0 1 406.7 38.2 14.8 26.4 2.0 7.7 81.1
1999 156.0 1 555.0 42.6 11.5 26.0 2.2 8.0 83.0
2000 191.3 1 880.7 51.3 20.3 27.0 2.4 8.4 84.7
2001 185.4 1 798.7 50.9 -0.84 24.5 2.4 8.6 84.2
2002 186.4 1 786.5 51.5 1.2 24.1 2.3 8.6 83.9
2003 188.5 1 784.4 52.8 2.5 25.8 2.0 8.1 83.2
2004 216.3 2 021.2 56.2 6.5 27.6 1.9 8.0 83.3
2005 243.1 2 241.1 59.2 5.4 27.7 1.9 7.9 83.2
2006 280.6 2 548.8 64.3 8.7 28.8 1.9 8.1 83.4
2007 308.1 2 755.0 67.5 4.8 29.3 1.8 8.1 82.0
2008 333.8 2 937.2 69.7 3.3 30.1 1.7 8.0 80.7
2009 259.3 2 245.1 58.6 -15.9 28.8 1.7 7.9 80.5
2010 328.6 2 800.6 68.5 17.1 31.1 1.8 8.2 81.2
2011 382.9 3 215.1 72.4 5.6 32.4 1.7 8.3 80.5
2012 402.4 3 330.4 76.3 5.4 33.5 1.8 8.4 80.1
2013 413.7 3 376.1 77.9 2.1 32.5 1.8 8.5 80.4
2014 434.7 3 499.6 82.5 5.9 33.1 1.9 8.8 81.1
2015 428.5 3 403.3 87.4 5.9 36.6 2.0 8.9 81.5
2016 421.1 3 302.0 90.0 2.9 39.1 2.1 9.3 81.6
2017 456.8 3 536.7 95.5 6.2 39.4 2.0 9.4 81.9
2018 502.8 3 845.3 101.5 6.2 41.1 2.1 9.8 82.6

Picture. Mexico imports, 1970-2018

Picture. Imports per capita in Mexico, 1970-2018

Picture. Import growth in Mexico, 1970-2018

Picture. Share of imports in Mexico's GDP, 1970-2018

Comparison of imports of Mexico and neighboring countries

Imports of Mexico and neighboring countries, the order of relation to the indicator of Mexico
The country1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2018


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