Pilot development plan for the Chapaevskoye carbonate deposit. What are the main stages of the oil field development process? Field plan

The organization was founded in December 2005. The operator of the project is KarakudukMunai LLP. LUKOIL's partner in the project is Sinopec (50%). The development of the deposit is carried out in accordance with the subsoil use contract signed on September 18, 1995. The contract is valid for 25 years. The Karakuduk field is located in the Mangistau region, 360 km from the city of Aktau. Remaining recoverable hydrocarbon reserves - 11 million tons. Production in 2011 - 1.4 million tons of oil (LUKOIL's share is 0.7 million tons) and 150 million cubic meters of gas (LUKOIL's share is 75 million cubic meters). Investments since the beginning of the project (since 2006) - more than $ 400 million in LUKOIL's share. Total number employees - about 500 people, of which citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan - 97%. LUKOIL plans to invest up to $ 0.1 billion in its share in the development of the project by 2020.

Proved oil and gas reserves (in the share of LUKOIL Overseas)

million barrels

billion cubic feet

Oil and gas

million barrels n. NS.

Marketable production per year (in the share of LUKOIL Overseas)

million barrels

Oil and gas

million barrels n. NS.

Share of LUKOIL Overseas in the project *

Project participants

Project operator

LLP "Karakudukmunai"

Production well stock

Average daily flow rate of 1 well

Average daily flow rate of 1 new well


Geographically, the Karakuduk field is located in the southwestern part of the Ustyurt plateau. Administratively it belongs to the Mangistau district of the Mangystau region of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The nearest settlement is the Sai-Utes railway station, located 60 km to the southeast. Beineu station is located 160 km from the field. The distance to the regional center of Aktau is 365 km.

In orographic terms, the work area is a desert plain. The absolute marks of the relief surface range from +180 m to +200 m. The work area is characterized by a sharply continental climate with hot dry summers and cold winters. The hottest summer month is July with a maximum temperature of up to +45 o C. In winter, the minimum temperature reaches -30-35 o C. The average annual rainfall is 100-170 mm. The region is characterized by strong winds, turning into dust storms. In accordance with SNiP, the area of ​​the deposit in terms of wind pressure belongs to the III area (up to 15 m / s). In summer, prevail winds N-W directions, in winter - N-B. The snow cover in the work area is uneven. The thickness in the most submerged low-lying areas reaches 1-5 m.

The fauna and flora of the region is poor and is represented by species typical for semi-desert zones. Rare herb and shrub vegetation is characteristic: camel thorn, wormwood, hodgepodge. The fauna is represented by rodents, reptiles (turtles, lizards, snakes) and arachnids.

There are no natural water sources in the area of ​​work. Currently, the sources of water supply to the field drinking water The Volga water from the Astrakhan-Mangyshlak main water conduit is used for technical and fire-fighting needs, as well as special water wells up to 1100 m deep for the Albsenomanian sediments.

The work area is practically uninhabited. 30 km to the east of the Karakuduk deposit passes Railway Makat - Mangyshlak station, along which the existing oil and gas pipelines Uzen-Atyrau-Samara and Central Asia-Center, as well as the Beineu-Uzen high-voltage power line are laid. Communication between fishery and settlements carried out by road.


3.1. Characteristics of the geological structure

Lithological and stratigraphic characteristics of the section

As a result of exploration and production drilling at the Karakuduk field, a stratum of Meso-Cenozoic deposits with a maximum thickness of 3662 m (well 20), from Triassic to Neogene-Quaternary inclusive, was uncovered.

Below is a description of the exposed section of the field.

Triassic system - T. Variegated terrigenous strata of Triassic age is represented by alternating sandstones, siltstones, mudstones and argillite-like clays, colored in various shades of gray, brown to greenish-gray. The minimum penetrated thickness of the Triassic is noted in well 145 (29 m) and the maximum - in well 20 (242 m).

Jurassic system - J. With stratigraphic and angular unconformity, a stratum of Jurassic deposits overlies the underlying Triassic rocks.

The Jurassic section is presented in the volume of the lower, middle and upper sections.

Lower section - J 1. The Lower Jurassic section is lithologically composed of interbedded sandstones, siltstones, clays and mudstones. Light gray sandstone with a greenish tint, fine-grained, poorly sorted, well-cemented. Clays and siltstones are dark gray with a greenish tint. Dark gray mudstones with ORO inclusions. Regionally, the Yu-XIII horizon is confined to the Lower Jurassic deposits. The thickness of the Lower Jurassic deposits ranges from 120-127m.

Middle department - J 2. The Middle Jurassic sequence is represented by all three stages: Bathonian, Bajocian, and Aalenian.

Aalenian Stage - J 2 a. Deposits of the Aalenian age overlie the underlying ones with stratigraphic and angular unconformity and are represented by alternating sandstones, clays and, less often, siltstones. Sandstones and siltstones are colored in gray and light gray tones; clays are characterized by a darker color. In the regional relation to this stratigraphic interval, horizons J –XI, J – XII are confined. The thickness is over 100m.

Bayos tier - J 2 c. The sandstones are gray and light gray, fine-grained, strongly cemented, not grainy, micaceous. Light gray, fine-grained siltstones, micaceous, clayey, with inclusions of charred plant remains. Clays are dark gray, black, dense in places. The deposits of this age are associated with the productive horizons Yu-VI-Yu-X. The thickness is about 462m.

Bathsky stage - J 2 vt. Lithologically, they are represented by sandstones, siltstones, interbedded with clays. In the lower part of the section, the proportion of sandstones increases with thin layers of siltstones and clays. The deposits of the Bathonian stage are associated with the productive horizons Yu-III-Yu-V. Thickness varies from 114.8m to 160.7m.

Upper section - J 3. The deposits of the Upper Jurassic conformably lie on the underlying ones and are represented by three stages: Callovian, Oxfordian and Volgian. The lower boundary is drawn along the top of the clay member, which is clearly traced in all wells.

Callovian Stage - J 3 K. The Callovian Stage is represented by alternating clays, sandstones and siltstones. According to the lithological features, three members are distinguished in the composition of the stage: the upper and middle ones are clayey with a thickness of 20-30 m, and the lower one is an alternation of layers of sandstones and siltstones with interlayers of clay. The productive horizons Yu-I and Yu-II are confined to the lower member of the Callovian Stage. The thickness ranges from 103.2m to 156m.

Oxford-Volga tier - J 3 ox-v. Sediments of the Oxfordian stage are represented by clays and marls with rare interlayers of sandstones and siltstones, while some differentiation is observed: the lower part is clayey, the upper part is marly.

The rocks are gray, light gray, sometimes dark gray, and have a greenish tint.

The section of the Volga time is a stratum of clayey limestones with interlayers of dolomites, marls and clays. Limestones are often fractured and porous, massive, sandy, clayey, with an uneven fracture and a matte sheen. Clays are silty, gray, calcareous, often with inclusions of fauna remains. Dolomites are gray, dark gray, cryptocrystalline, in places clayey, with an uneven fracture and a matte sheen. The thickness of the rocks ranges from 179m to 231.3m.

Cretaceous system - K. Deposits of the Cretaceous system are presented in the volume of the lower and upper sections. The section was subdivided into tiers based on well logs and compared with adjacent areas.

Lower section - K 1. The Lower Cretaceous deposits are composed of rocks of the Neocomian superstage, Aptian and Albian stages.

Neocomian superstage - K 1 ps. The underlying Volgian sediments are consistently overlain by the strata of the Neocomian interval, which unites three stages: Valanginian, Hauterivian, Barremian.

The section is lithologically composed of sandstones, clays, limestones and dolomites. Sandstones are fine-grained, light gray, polymictic, with carbonate and clay cement.

At the level of the Hauterivian interval, the section is mainly represented by clays, marls, and only at the top is the sand horizon traced. The Barremian deposits are distinguished in the section by the variegated color of the rocks and are lithologically composed of clays with interlayers of sandstones and siltstones. Throughout the section of the Neocomian age, the presence of members of silty-sandy parods is observed. The thickness of the deposits of the Neocomian superstage ranges from 523.5 m to 577 m.

Aptian Stage - K 1 a. Deposits of this age overlap the underlying ones with erosion, having a clear lithological boundary with them. In the lower part, the section is composed mainly of clayey rocks with rare interlayers of sands, sandstones, siltstones, and in the upper part, a uniform alternation of clay and sandy rocks. The thickness varies from 68.7 m to 129.5 m.

Albian Stage - K 1 al. The section consists of interbedded sands, sandstones and clays. In terms of structural and textural features, the rocks do not differ from those below. The thickness varies from 558.5 m to 640 m.

Upper section - K 2. The upper section is represented by Cenomanian and Turonian-Senonian deposits.

Cenomanian stage - K 2 s. Cenomanian deposits are represented by clays alternating with siltstones and sandstones. In terms of lithological appearance and composition, the rocks of this age do not differ from the Albian deposits. The thickness ranges from 157m to 204m.

Turonian-Senonian undivided complex - К 2 t-cn. At the bottom of the described complex, the Turonian stage is distinguished, composed of clays, sandstones, limestones, chalk-like marls, which are a good benchmark.

Higher in the section, there are sediments of the Santonian, Campanian, Maastrichtian stages, united in the Senonian superstage, represented lithologically by a thick stratum of interbedded marls, chalk, chalk-like limestones and carbonate clays.

The thickness of the deposits of the Turonian-Senonian complex varies from 342m to 369m.

Paleogene system - R. Paleogene deposits are represented by white limestones, greenish marl strata, and pink siltstone clays. The thickness varies from 498m to 533m.

Neogene-Quaternary system - N-Q. Neogene-Quaternary deposits are composed mainly of light gray, green and brown carbonate-clay rocks and limestone - shell rocks. The upper part of the section is filled with continental sediments and conglomerates. The thickness of the deposits varies from 38 m to 68 m.

3.2. Tectonics

According to tectonic zoning, the Karakuduk field is located within the Arystan tectonic stage, which is part of the North Ustyurt system of troughs and uplifts of the western part of the Turan plate.

According to the seismic data of CDP-3D (2007), carried out by OJSC "Bashneftegeofizika", the Karakuduk structure along the reflecting horizon III is a brachyanticlinal fold of sub-latitudinal striking with dimensions of 9x6.5 km along the closed isohypse minus 2195 m, with an amplitude of 40 m. The angles of incidence of the wings increase with depth: in the Turonian - a degree, in the Lower Cretaceous -1-2˚. The structure along reflecting horizon V is an anticlinal fold broken by numerous faults, possibly some of them of a non-tectonic nature. All major faults described further in the text are traced along this reflective horizon. The submeridional fold consists of two arches, outlined by the isohypsum minus 3440 m, identified in the area of ​​wells 260-283-266-172-163-262 and 216-218-215. Along the isohypse minus 3480 m, the fold has dimensions 7.4x 4.9 km and an amplitude of 40 m.

The uplift on structural maps along the Jurassic productive horizons has an almost isometric shape, complicated by a series of faults dividing the structure into several blocks. The most basic disturbance is the F 1 disturbance in the east, which can be traced throughout the productive section, and divides the structure into two blocks: central (I) and eastern (II). Block II is lowered relative to block I with an increase in the amplitude of the displacement from south to north from 10 to 35 m. Violation of F 1 is oblique and moves from west to east with depth. This violation was confirmed by drilling well 191, where part of the Jurassic deposits of about 15 m at the level of the Yu-IVA productive horizon is absent.

Violation F 2 was carried out in the area of ​​wells 143, 14 and cuts off the central block (I) from the southern block (III). The rationale for carrying out this violation was not only the seismic basis, but also the results of well testing. For example, from among the base wells next to well 143 there is well 222, where oil was obtained during testing of the Yu-I horizon, and water was obtained in well 143.

Work description

The organization was founded in December 2005. The operator of the project is KarakudukMunai LLP. LUKOIL's partner in the project is Sinopec (50%). The development of the deposit is carried out in accordance with the subsoil use contract signed on September 18, 1995. The contract is valid for 25 years. The Karakuduk field is located in the Mangistau region, 360 km from the city of Aktau. Remaining recoverable reserves of hydrocarbons - 11 million tons. Production in 2011 - 1.4 million tons of oil (LUKOIL's share is 0.7 million tons) and 150 million cubic meters of gas (LUKOIL's share is 75 million cubic meters).

The oil field has a rather long life cycle. It can take several decades from the discovery of an oil deposit to the first oil production. The entire process of developing an oil field can be divided into five main stages.


  • 1 Discovery of oil fields
  • Oil and gas occur in rocks - reservoirs, as a rule, at a considerable depth
  • Seismic surveys are carried out to locate oil deposits in the strata of rocks. Studies provide an image of deep layers of rocks, in which experienced specialists identify potentially productive structures
  • To make sure that there is oil in the identified mountain structures, prospecting wells are drilled
  • 2 Estimation of oil field reserves

When the discovery of a field is confirmed, its geological model is built, which is a set of all available data. Special software allows you to visualize this data in a 3D image. A digital geological model of the field is needed to:

  • Estimate initial and recoverable oil (and gas) reserves
  • Develop an optimal field development project (number and location of wells, oil production levels, etc.)

For more qualitative assessment appraisal wells are drilled. Drilling exploration wells helps to clarify the size and structure of the deposit.

At this stage, economic assessment the feasibility of field development based on the forecast levels of oil production and the expected costs of its construction. If the expected economic indicators meet the criteria oil company, then she starts to develop it.


  • 3 Preparation for field development

For the purpose of optimal development of the oil field, the Development Project (Technological Development Scheme) and the Field Development Project are being developed. The projects include:

The development of drilling technologies and the introduction of deviated wells into practice makes it possible to locate wellheads in so-called "clusters". One pad can contain from two to two dozen wells. The cluster location of wells allows to reduce the impact on the environment and to optimize the costs of the field construction.

  • 4 Mining of oil and gas

The period for which oil reserves can be extracted is 15-30 years, and in some cases it can reach 50 years or more (for giant fields).

The field development period consists of several stages:

  • Growing production stage
  • Stabilization of production at the maximum level (plateau)
  • Falling production stage
  • Closing period

The development of oil production technologies, geological and technical measures (GTM), the use of enhanced oil recovery (EOR) methods can significantly extend the profitable period of field development.

  • 5 Liquidation

After the level of oil production becomes lower than profitable, the development of the field is stopped, and the license is returned to the state authorities.

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The main graphic document when calculating reserves is the counting plan. Estimated plans (Fig. 3) are drawn up on the basis of a structural map for the top of productive reservoirs or the nearest benchmark located no more than 10 m above or below the top of the reservoir. The outer and inner contours are plotted on the map oil- and gas content, boundaries of reserves categories.

The boundaries and area of ​​calculation of oil and gas reserves of each category are colored in a specific color:

Rice. 3. An example of an estimated reservoir plan.

1 - oil; 2 - water: 3 - oil and water;

Wells: 4 - producing, 5 - exploration, 6 - mothballed, 7 - abandoned, 8 - no inflow; 9 - isohypsum of the collector surface, m;

Oil-bearing contours: 10 - external, 11 - internal; 12 - boundary of lithological-facies replacement of reservoirs; 13-categories of reserves;

Figures for wells: the numerator is the well number, the denominator is the absolute elevation of the reservoir top, m.

All wells drilled on the date of reserves calculation are also plotted on the calculation plan (with an exact indication of the position of the wellheads, the points of their intersection with the top of the corresponding reservoir):



Mothballed in anticipation of the organization of the fishery;

Injection and observation;

Those who gave anhydrous oil, oil with water, gas, gas with condensate, gas with condensate and water and water;

Being tested;

Untested, with specification oil-, gas- and water saturation of reservoirs - reservoirs according to the interpretation of materials of geophysical studies of wells;

Liquidated, indicating the reasons for liquidation;

Revealed seam, composed of impermeable rocks.

For tested wells, the following are indicated: depth and absolute marks of the top and bottom of the reservoir, absolute marks of perforation intervals, initial and current oil production rates, gas and water, diameter of the choke, depression, duration of operation, date of appearance of water and its percentage in the produced product. When two or more layers are tested together, their indices are indicated. Debit oil and gas should be measured when the wells are operating on the same chokes.

For production wells, the following are given: commissioning date, initial and current flow rates and reservoir pressure, oil produced, gas, condensate and water, the date of the beginning of watering and the percentage of water in the produced product as of the date of reserves calculation. With a large number of wells, this information is placed in the table on the calculation plan or on the sheet attached to it. In addition, the calculation plan contains a table indicating the values ​​of the calculation parameters adopted by the authors, the calculated reserves, their categories, the values ​​of the parameters adopted by the decision of the State Reserves Committee of the Russian Federation, the date on which the reserves were calculated.

When recalculating reserves, the estimate plans should contain the boundaries of the reserves categories approved at the previous calculation, and wells drilled after the previous calculation of reserves should be highlighted.

The calculation of reserves of oil, gas, condensate and the components contained in them is carried out separately for gas, oil ,. gas-oil, water-oil and gas-oil-water zones by types of reservoirs for each stratum of the deposit and the field as a whole with a mandatory assessment of the prospects for the entire field.

Reserves of commercially important components contained in oil and gas are calculated within the bounds of reserves estimate oil and gas.

When calculating reserves, the calculated parameters are measured in the following units: thickness in meters; pressure in megapascals (accurate to tenths of a unit); area in thousands of square meters; density of oil, condensate and water in grams per cubic centimeter, and gas - in kilograms per cubic meter (accurate to thousandths of a unit); porosity and oil and gas saturation coefficients in fractions of a unit rounded to the nearest hundredths; recovery factors oil and condensate in fractions of a unit rounded to the nearest thousandths.

The reserves of oil, condensate, ethane, propane, butanes, sulfur and metals are calculated in thousands of tons, gas - in millions of cubic meters, helium and argon - in thousands of cubic meters.

Average values ​​of parameters and results of calculation of reserves are given in tabular form.


1.4 Stock information

1.5.1 Subsoil protection

Section 2. Mining operations

2.4.1 Stripping work

2.4.2 Extractive work

2.4.3 Mouldboard work

2.5 Auxiliary quarrying facilities

2.5.1 Drainage and drainage

2.5.2 Repair and maintenance of quarry roads

2.5.3 Repair Service

2.5.4 Production and amenity premises

Section 3. Schedule of mining operations

3.1 Opening Hours and Pit Performance

3.2 Schedule of mining operations

3.3 Inventory preparation and recovery plan

3.4 Stripping work schedule

3.5 Dump work

3.6 Performance indicators of the main mining equipment

Section 4. Drilling and blasting operations

Section 5. Mining remediation

Section 6. Power supply

Section 7. Career transport

7.1 General information and initial data

7.2 Calculation of the performance of vehicles and the need for it

7.3 Career roads

Section 8. Mining reclamation

Section 9. Repair Service

Section 10. Calculation of mineral extraction tax

Section 10. Measures for labor protection, safety and industrial sanitation

Section 12. Production control over compliance with industrial safety requirements at the enterprise

Basic set drawing list

No. of p / pDescription Sheet No. 1. Position of mine workings as of 01.11.07, M1: 200012. Schedule of stripping and dumping operations, M1: 2000. 23. Schedule of mining operations, M1: 200034. Engineering-geological section along I-I, M v 1: 500, M v 1: 100045. Consolidated mining plan, M1: 200056. Plan of engineering structures, M1: 2000 67. Longitudinal profile of the road, M G 1: 2000, M v 1: 50078. Basic single-line diagram of the open pit power supply 89. Passport of production of mining operations in the mountains. +33 m with an E-2503910 excavator. Passport of production of mining operations in the mountains. +29 m with an E-25031011 excavator. Passport of stripping operations with an E-25031112 excavator. Passport of overburden stripping operations with bulldozer DZ-171.1-05 1213. Passport of operation of bulldozer DZ-171.1-05 on overburden dump. 1314. Passport of the production of dumping works by the bulldozer DZ-171.1-0514


A pilot development plan for 2008 for the extraction of limestone from the Chapaevskoye deposit (the "unfinished" southern part of the Yuzhny area), for OOO RosSchebStroy, was drawn up on the basis of contract No. 328/07 and terms of reference approved by the Department for Technological and Environmental Supervision of Rostekhnadzor in the Saratov Region.

LLC "RosSchebStroy" is developing the unfinished part of the southern section of the Chapaevsky limestone deposit located in the Ershovsky district of the Saratov region.

On the north side there is a quarry of the Chapaevsky crushed stone plant (Alliance-Nedra LLC). On the north-western side there are areas worked out and partially reclaimed by OJSC "Ershovsky stone quarry" (currently - LLC "SPK" Stroydetal ").

License for the right to use subsoil SRT-90101-TE dated 04.10.2007, valid until 05.10.2015.

Based on the recalculation of the balance reserves of the Southern section of the Chapaevskoe carbonate deposit, performed by Nerudproekt LLC in 2007, the protocol of the TEKZ Committee for Environmental Protection and Natural Resources Management of the Saratov Region No. 27 dated September 25, 2007 approved "unfinished" reserves in the southern part of the Southern the amount of 828.0 thousand cubic meters m, in categories A, B, C1

The subsoil plot has the status of a mining lease.

Right to use land plot received from the Ershovsky administration municipal district Saratov region, letter No. 1429 dated 08.08.2007.

The detailed design for the development of the field is under development.

deposit mining rock

The excavator E-2503 (front shovel) is involved in mining operations. At stripping works - bulldozer DZ-171.1 - 05

For the transportation of rock mass, overburden, DSZ waste - KrAZ-256 dump trucks.

Planned losses in 2008 - 0.8% (0.96 thousand m 3).

Performance, according to the terms of reference, 120 thousand m 3in a dense body, excluding losses, 120.96 thousand m 3taking into account losses.

Reclamation works are not foreseen in 2008.

Section 1. Geological and industrial characteristics of the field

1.1 Geological characteristics of the area

The area of ​​the deposit is a wide, slightly hilly plain, forming a vast watershed between the basins of the Bolshoi Irgiz and Bolshoi Uzen rivers. The general slope of the terrain is to the northwest.

The hydrographic network is represented by the Bolshoi Irgiz rivers with tributaries and rivers Bolshoy Uzen and Maliy Uzen. The river valleys in the area are well developed. In them, in addition to the modern floodplain terraces, there are three to four above-floodplain terraces.

The climate of the region is sharply continental, with cold stable winters and hot summers. The average annual temperature is 4 0WITH.

The amount of atmospheric precipitation in the warm period averages 350 mm, and in the cold period - 102-122 mm, the depth of soil freezing is 0.5-1.5 m. Winds of the eastern and southeastern directions prevail.

Useful strata at the site is represented by carbonate rocks of the Orenburg Stage of the Upper Carboniferous.

Most of the explored limestones are of light gray variety.

Dark gray and gray limestones are of subordinate importance. Fractured limestones, the most fractured are the upper layers of limestones to a depth of 5 m.

At a depth of 5-10 meters, fracturing is expressed to a much lesser extent. Most of the cracks are developed in bedding. Vertical cracks are much less common. By appearance, as well as on the basis of physical and mechanical properties and chemical analyzes, limestones of this deposit are divided into two units.

The rocks of the upper first member are represented by dolomitized limestones, fine-crystalline, light gray and gray, in places with yellowish, bluish and violet tints. The thickness of limestones of the first member ranges from 5.35 m to 8.6 m, on average 6.97 m.

The second member is separated from the first by sandy-argillaceous material with limestone crushed stone. The rocks of the second member are represented by limestones and slightly dolomitized light gray limestones. The thickness of the limestones of the second unit ranges from 5.0 m to 11.65 m, on average 8.17 m.

In the mass of limestones, karst manifestations are observed in the form of small cavities filled with blocks of leached limestones, crushed stone, fine-grained sands and a calcareous-clay mass.

Average geological section for the field (top to bottom):

- soil-vegetation layer and brownish-yellow loam, 1.2-1.5 m thick;

- dolomitized limestones of gray, light gray color, in places with yellowish, pink tints, 0.53-6.6 m thick;

- interlayer of sandy-clayey material with limestone crushed stone, 0.8-5.3 m thick;

- light gray limestone, less often of a dark color, slightly dolomitized, occasionally fractured, 0.65-11.35 m thick.

1.2 Hydrogeological conditions of the field

Hydrogeological exploration data on the field revealed two aquifers, which have a major impact on development. These aquifers are confined to Neogene and Carboniferous deposits. In Neogene sediments, groundwater is confined to sandy-argillaceous rocks and, due to the insignificant distribution of the latter in the area of ​​the deposit, are not significant in development.

A thick aquifer is confined to the thickness of limestones, the water of which circulates through cracks and karst cavities. The horizon is fed due to the infiltration of atmospheric precipitation and due to the backwater of deep confined waters. This aquifer is found almost everywhere, the level of occurrence of the horizon, depending on the terrain, ranges from 28.34 m to 29.34 m, averaging 28.5 m.For calculating the reserves, an elevation of +29.0 m is taken.

1.3 Qualitative characteristics of a mineral

Physical and mechanical tests carried out during production

geological exploration, show a high quality characteristic of limestones: they are suitable for use on crushed stone, rubble stone.

The main working properties that characterize limestone are mechanical strength, frost resistance, bulk density, porosity and water absorption. All these properties are in a certain dependence on the qualitative and quantitative composition of the rock, on its structure, fracturing, as well as on the degree of weathering of the rocks.

According to the results of laboratory tests, the bulk of limestone in terms of strength meets the requirements of GOST 8287-93.

Sediments of the Upper Carboniferous are represented by highly dolomitized limestones of light gray, yellow-gray, grayish-yellow color, dense, medium strength and strong, weakly fractured, areas along fractures are weakly ferruginous.

These deposits compose the useful strata of the deposit.

According to exploration data, the productive stratum of the entire explored area is characterized by the following qualities of limestone: limestone with a strength of more than 1000 kg / cm 2, alternating with limestones with a strength of 331-800 kg / cm 2.

In the lower part of the productive strata (in the range of marks 30.5-33.5 m), limestones of grade "800" and higher are traced, suitable for concrete grade "500".

Limestone reserves are approved for the production of crushed stone as a filler for ordinary and heavy concrete of grade not lower than "200", and for the production of a ballast layer of railways and highways.

Table 1. Chemical composition carbonate rocks.

# # P / p Name Contents 1. CaO from 29.56 to 48.98% 2. MgO from 14.92 to 21.57% 3. CaCO 3from 53.05 to 87.41% 4. MgCO 3from 10.51 to 45.81% 5. SiO 2+ AL 2O 3from 0.3 to 4.88%

Table 2. Physical and mechanical indicators.

# # P / p Name Contents 1. Frost resistance MRZ 502. The volumetric weight of the rock mass in a dense body 2.45 t / m 33. Water absorption 4.3-9.5% 4. Porosity 3.0-18.7% 5. Loosening ratio 1.456. Breed category VIII7. Volumetric weight of crushed stone 1.32 t / m 38. Strength200-2750 kg / cm 39. Crushing of crushed stone "DR-16" 10. Exit of crushed stone from the rock mass 0.7 11. Content of lamellar, acicular grains,% 11-19

1.3.1 Radiation hygiene assessment

According to the results of well logging studies, the radioactivity of the sands does not exceed 14 μR / hour, which makes it possible to classify the raw materials as class 1 of building materials according to NBR-76, which can be used without restrictions.

1.4 Stock information

In 2007, Nerudproekt LLC performed a recalculation of the reserves of the Southern section of the Chapaevskoye field for blocks A-1, B-2. WITH 1-3 in licensed areas of enterprises - subsoil users, as well as in areas of "unallocated" (northeastern part) and "unfinished (southern part) reserves.

Protocol TEKZ of the Committee for Environmental Protection and Natural Resource Use of the Saratov Region No. 27 dated September 25, 2007 approved "unfinished" reserves in the southern part of the Southern section, in the amount 828.0 thousand m3 , by categories "A + B + C1", including by categories: " A "- 158.5 thousand m3 , "B" - 87.0 thousand m3 , "WITH1 "- 582.5 thousand m3 .

According to Appendix 1 to the license of the CPT series No. 90101 TE, the balance of LLC RosSchebStroy includes "unfinished reserves in the southern part of the site in categories A + B + C 1in the amount of 828 thousand m3 , including by categories: " A "- 158.5 thousand m3 , "B" - 87.0 thousand m3 , "WITH1 "- 582.5 thousand m3 .

1.4.1 Industrial reserves and losses of mineral resources in 2008

In 2008, it is planned to extract limestone in the amount of 120.0 thousand m 3.

Class I losses - general career losses, absent.

Class II losses - operational losses:

group 1- there are no losses in the massif (in the sides, in the bottom, in the places of pinching out and in the complex configuration of the deposit).

group 2- losses separated from the array of minerals (during excavation together with host rocks, transportation, during drilling and blasting operations):

-during transportation - 0.3% (ONTP 18-85, table 2.13):

Vtr. = 120.0 * 0.003 = 0.36 thousand m 3

-during drilling and blasting operations 0.5% (ONTP 18-85, Table 2.13):

Vbvr = 120.0 * 0.005 = 0.6 thousand m 3

The total career losses in 2008 will be:

V total = 0.6 + 0.36 = 0.96 thousand m 3 (0,8 %).

Balance reserves to be redeemed will be:

thousand m 3+0.96 thousand m 3= 120.96 thousand m 3

Indicators of completeness of extraction and losses of mineral raw materials in 2008

Table 3

Indicators Planned Balance reserves to be redeemed, thousand m 3120,96Losses, total% 0.8 Reserves recovery from subsoil,% 99.2 Recovery (production), thousand m 3120Total losses of mineral raw materials, Total (thousand m 3): 0,96including by groups: General quarry losses class 1 - Operating losses class 2, TOTAL, (thousand m 3) of which: 0.96 1) losses in the massif (total) - - in the sides-2) losses of minerals separated from the massif (total): - during excavation with overburden - - during transportation, at the places of loading and unloading 0.36 - during blasting operations 0.6

1.5 Protection of subsoil and the environment from the harmful effects of mining

1.5.1 Subsoil protection

When developing a quarry, it is necessary to be guided by a license for the right to use subsoil, geological documentation, a protocol for approving reserves at the TEKZ (TKZ), a project for the development and reclamation of a deposit, as well as the requirements of the following regulatory documents:

Ø Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Subsoil" with amendments and additions No. 27-FZ of 03.03.95, No. 20-FZ of 02.01.2000, No. 52-FZ of 14.05.01, No. 49-FZ of 15.04. 06, No. 173-FZ dated 25.10.06;

Ø "Rules for the Protection of Subsoil" (PB 07-601-03), approved by Resolution of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia No. 71 dated 06.06.2003;

Ø Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities" No. 116-FZ dated July 21, 1999, with additions and amendments No. 45-FZ dated May 09, 2005;

Ø "Industry instructions for determining and accounting for the loss of nonmetallic building materials during mining", VNIINerud, 1974;

Ø "Instructions for surveying accounting of the volume of mining operations in open pit mining", approved by the Resolution of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia dated 06.06.2003, No. 74.

When developing a deposit, the subsoil user is obliged to ensure:

compliance with the requirements of the legislation, as well as the standards (norms, rules) approved in accordance with the established procedure for the technology of conducting work related to the use of subsoil, and during the primary processing of mineral raw materials;

-compliance with requirements technical projects, plans and schemes for the development of mining operations, prevention of excess losses, dilution and selective mining of minerals;

-maintaining geological, mine surveying and other documentation in the process of all types of subsoil use and its safety;

-submission of geological information to the Federal and the corresponding territorial funds of geological information;

-bringing plots of land and other natural objects disturbed during the use of subsoil into a condition suitable for their further use;

-conducting an advanced geological study of the subsoil, providing a reliable assessment of mineral reserves or properties of a subsoil plot provided for use;

-ensuring the most complete extraction from the bowels of the reserves of the main and, together with them, the underlying minerals;

-reliable accounting of recoverable and left in the bowels of the reserves of the main and together with them underlying minerals;

-protection of mineral deposits from flooding;

-watering, fires and other factors that reduce the quality of minerals and the industrial value of deposits or complicate their development;

-prevention of unauthorized development of areas of occurrence of minerals and compliance with the established procedure for using these areas for other purposes;

-prevention of accumulation of industrial and household waste on the field development area.

In 2008, the measures for the protection of subsoil shall provide for the strict observance by the mine surveyor and technical supervision of the parameters of the system and technology of field development, the implementation of measures to protect the environment from the harmful effects of mining.

To protect the atmospheric basin, in the dry season, irrigate open pit roads.

To prohibit the discharge of used oils on the territory of the quarry, to prevent garbage dumps on the territory of the mining and land allotment of the enterprise.

After reclamation of the areas (filling of the fertile layer), sow the restored areas with herbs and hand them over according to the act in the prescribed manner.

1.5.2 Environmental protection

Earth, bowels of the earth, water, vegetation and animal world, as elements of the natural environment, are a national property.

All enterprises, organizations and institutions are obliged to strictly observe the rules of nature protection, to prevent pollution or destruction of elements of the natural environment, to introduce more modern technologies, machines, materials, the use of which reduces pollution, noise, vibration, etc.

In case of violation of the requirements of environmental legislation, the persons guilty of the damage caused shall bear administrative, material and criminal responsibility.

Damage caused to nature is compensated by organizations or separately by citizens.

Officials are subject to a fine imposed in the administrative procedure for damage to agricultural and other lands, industrial waste pollution, mismanagement of land, failure to comply with mandatory measures to improve land and protect soil from wind, water erosion and other processes that worsen the condition soil, untimely return of occupied lands and other violations.

Reducing pollution of the natural environment with dust during loading and unloading operations should be carried out by reducing the height of loading and unloading, the use of irrigation.

When performing stripping and mining operations on roads, dedusting should be performed (using a watering machine).

Overburden must be located in the areas provided for by the development project (separately - PRS and other rocks).

To prevent water and wind erosion, the surface of long-term overburden dumps should be sown with grasses. During the operation of mechanisms and vehicles, the levels of pollution should not exceed the established maximum permissible concentrations of harmful substances for air, water, soil, as well as sanitary standards and safety requirements during work.

Minimal pollution of the atmosphere with exhaust gases is achieved through timely adjustment of the fuel supply and injection system (at least once a quarter).

During the operation of mechanisms, it is necessary to monitor compliance with the permissible noise level.

Refueling of cars, tractors with fuel and oils should be carried out at stationary refueling points. Refueling of vehicles with limited mobility (excavators, etc.) is carried out by refueling stations. Refueling in all cases should be done only using hoses with closures at the outlet. Application for filling buckets, etc. open dishes not allowed. The collection of used and replaceable oils should be organized at the quarry. Drainage onto the soil cover or the base of the quarry is prohibited.

At the quarry, the established maximum permissible concentrations (MPC) must be observed, taking into account the maximum permissible concentrations (MPC).

The MPE should be measured twice a year.

1.6. Geological survey service

In accordance with article 24 of the Law Russian Federation"On the subsoil" one of the main requirements for ensuring the safe conduct of work related to the use of subsoil is a complex of geological, mine surveying and other observations sufficient to ensure normal technological cycle work and forecasting hazardous situations, timely identification and application of hazardous zones on mining plans. In accordance with Article 22 of the said Law, the subsoil user is obliged to ensure the maintenance of geological, mine surveying and other documentation in the process of all types of subsoil use and its safety.

In accordance with paragraph 40 of article 17 Federal law No. 128-ФЗ dated 08.08.2001 "On licensing certain types activities "production of mine surveying is carried out on the basis of a license. Licensing is carried out by the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision (hereinafter Rostekhnadzor) in accordance with the" Regulations on Federal Service on environmental, technological and nuclear supervision "(clause of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 30, 2004, No. 401)

Mine surveying service is carried out in accordance with the "Regulations on geological and mine surveying of industrial safety and protection of subsoil" RD-07-408-01, approved by the Resolution of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia No. 18 of 05/22/2001; RF Law "On Subsoil" No. 27-FZ dated 03.03.1995; "On Amendments and Additions to the Law of the Russian Federation" On Subsoil "with amendments and additions dated 02.01.2000, No. 20-FZ, dated 25.10.2006, No. 173-FZ; Federal Law dated 02.07.1997, No. 116 - Federal Law "On industrial safety of hazardous industrial facilities" with amendments and additions from 22.08.2004, No. 122-FZ, dated 09.05.2005, No. 45-FZ; "Instructions for the production of mine surveying", approved by the resolution of Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia No. 73 dated 06.06 .2003, "Instructions for surveying accounting of the volume of mining operations in open pit mining", approved by the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia No. 74 dated 06.06.2003.

1.The activity of the mine surveying service is determined by the regulations on the mine surveying service, approved and agreed by the organization in the prescribed manner.

Mine surveying service carries out:

production of surveys of mine workings and the earth's surface;

preparation and replenishment of surveying documentation;

accounting and justification of the volume of mining operations;

transfer to nature of geometrical elements of mine workings, construction of buildings and structures, boundaries of safe mining, barrier and safety pillars, boundaries of a mining allotment;

periodic monitoring of compliance with the established ratios of geometric elements of buildings, structures and mine workings during development;

organization and implementation of instrument observations of the stability of benches, pit walls and dumps;

control over the fulfillment of the requirements at the quarry, contained in the projects and plans for the development of mining operations for the rational use and protection of subsoil, for the timeliness and efficiency of the implementation of measures that ensure measures to protect mining, buildings, structures and natural objects from the impact of work related to the use of subsoil, safety for the life and health of workers and the population;

acceptance of mine surveying and topographic and geodetic works carried out by contractors, a technical report on the work performed and materials (original plans, measurement logs, calculation lists, catalogs of coordinates and heights).

When using the subsoil, a book of mine surveying instructions is maintained, in which the employees of the mine survey service record the identified deviations from project documentation mining operations and the necessary warnings on issues within their competence.

In order to ensure the protection of the subsoil and the safety of work related to the use of subsoil, surveying instructions are carried out officials to whom they are addressed.

Mine surveying is carried out in compliance with the established requirements for the safe production of mining operations.

During the production of mine surveying, the completeness and accuracy of measurements and calculations is ensured sufficient for the rational use and protection of the subsoil, for the safe conduct of mining operations.

Maintaining mountain graphic documentation, both for objects of survey of the earth's surface, and for mine workings within a separate field is carried out in unified system coordinates and heights.

A certain list of mine surveying works is carried out under a separate agreement, by a specialized enterprise LLC "Nerudproekt", which carries out its activities on the basis of a license for the production of mine surveying work No. 58-PM-000248 (O) dated 27.03.03.

The scope of work includes:

development of the existing mine surveying network (if necessary) and the creation of the required number of fairly accurately defined points of the survey justification of the quarry, the points of the mine surveying support network are fixed by special benchmarks (centers);

the determination of points in the survey networks relative to the nearest points of the mine surveyor reference network is carried out with an error not exceeding 0.4 mm on the plan in the accepted survey scale and 0.2 m in height;

the filming network at the quarry is secured by long-term preservation centers and temporary use centers;

the planned position of the points of the survey network of the quarry is determined by geodetic intersections, the laying of theodolite moves, the joint laying of the moves and the polar method, using the surveyor reference network as the starting points, the heights of the points are determined by technical and trigonometric leveling.

When creating networks, Nerudproekt LLC uses an electronic total station Sokkia Set 600, which provides the required measurement accuracy.

Processing of surveying measurements and drawing up graphic documentation is carried out using computer technology.

All types of mine surveying are carried out in accordance with the requirements of the "Instruction for the production of mine surveying" RD 07-603-03 (section I, II, III and p. 385-416, 428-434).

1.7 Operational reconnaissance

No operational exploration is planned for 2008.

Section 2. Mining operations

2.1 Main directions of mining development in 2008

In 2008, it is planned to develop the southern part of the site along the reserve calculation border.

The overburden thickness is 5 m on average.

The height of the production bench does not exceed 12.0 m, the bottom elevation is +29.0 m (to the lower technical boundary of the field development, which is 1 m higher than the average value of the groundwater level).

2.2 Opening and preparation for exploitation of new horizons

The deposit was opened by a permanent internal entry trench. The development of the useful strata is carried out by one production horizon.

Opening of new horizons in 2008 is not planned.

2.3 Development system and its parameters

The plan for the experimental-industrial development of the open pit adopted a continuous one, transport system development with a single-side front of stripping and mining operations, with internal dumping. This system provides the safest and most economical extraction of minerals. The method of extracting a mineral is continuous.

The mineral is represented by limestone, the bulk density of which is 2.5 t / m 3... Coefficient of rock hardness on the scale of M.M. Protodyakonov - VI, fracture category - III.

By the difficulty of development, limestones belong to the VI-VII group of rocks according to SNiP - 5-82. The loosening factor is 1.5.

The small capacity of the deposit predetermined the choice of the technological scheme with the use of the most maneuverable mining and transport equipment of cyclic action: excavator - motor transport, both for overburden and mining operations.

Mineral development is carried out with direct loading with an E - 2503 excavator, with a bucket capacity of 2.5 m 3into KrAZ-256 dump trucks, after preliminary loosening of limestone by explosion.

Due to the low thickness of the soil-vegetation layer (PRS), the latter is developed by the DZ-171.01-05 bulldozer and is assembled into shafts for further use in the restoration of disturbed lands.

Overburden development is carried out with an E-2503 excavator with loading into KrAZ-256 dump trucks and transportation to an internal dump located in the mined-out area of ​​the open pit.

2.3.1 Elements of the development system

The development of limestone is carried out by a mining bench, the height not exceeding the height of excavation of the excavator along the blasted massif (no more than 9.0 m), and the height of the mining bench in its entirety does not exceed 12.0 m.

The width of the excavator run-in is 10.8 m.The slope angle of the mining working ledge is assumed to be 80 0, non-working - 75 0... The minimum length of the work front for one excavator is 130.0 m.

The width of the working platform for the excavator is determined by calculation (Appendix No. 2, NTP, 77):

A. For loose and soft rocks with a bench height up to 8 m:

NS R = A + P NS + P O + P b + P O

where: A is the width of the excavator entry E - 2503 (A = 1.5 R h. u.) , 10.8 m (Table 11.1);

NS NS - width of the carriageway for KrAZ-256, 8.0 m (Table 11.2),

NS O - shoulder width from the upland side, 1.5 m (Table 11.2);

NS b - safety lane width, 1.1 m

NS b = H * (ctg φ - ctg a) = 12 * 0.0916 = 1.1 m.

H - height of the underlying production ledge, 12 m;

φ , a - the angles of the stable and working slopes of the underlying ledge, 75 0, 800

NS 0- the width of the shoulder from the lower side, taking into account the device of the tray and the fence, 4.5 m (Table 11.2);

NS R = 10.8 + 8.0 + 1.5 + 1.1 + 4.5 = 25.9 m we take 26 m.

B. For rocks:

Shr = B + Po + Pp + Po 1+ PB

B - the width of the breakup of the blasted rock, m;

B = A 1+ M = 11.1 + 20.76 = 31.86 m

A 1= P b 1+ H (ctg α - ctg γ ) + in (n-1) = 3 + 12 (ctg 75 0-ctg 80 0) +3.5 (3-1) = 11.1 m

A 1- drilling run width, 11.1 m; M - incomplete camber width, 20.76 m; Po - shoulder width from the upland side, 1.5 m; Пп - width of the carriageway, 8.0 m; By 1- shoulder width from the downstream side, 4.5 m; PB - width of the safety strip (collapse prism), 0.4 m at the height of the underlying production bench H = 4 m

Fr = 31.86 + 1.5 + 8 + 4.5 + 0.4 = 46.26 m (we take 47 m)

(Fr = 31.0 m - on the lower horizon)

The minimum width of the working platform for the DZ-171.1-05 bulldozer will be equal to:

NS b = L + P b + P v + L cx = 4.12 + 4.0 + 2.0 + 4.88 = 15 m

where: L - bulldozer length 4,12 m (passport);

L cx - freewheel length 4.88 m;

NS b - safety lane width, 4.0 m

NS b = H * (ctg φ - ctg a) = 8 * (ctg 40 - ctg 55) = 4.0 m

NS v - safety shaft width, 2.0 m

Table 4

Development system parameters.

Name of indicators rev. Steps in overburden, open-pit mining loam loam Heights of ledges 0.28.04 ÷ 12.0 Marking with sole -45.0 29.0 - 33.0 Width of the working platform - 47.0 Width of the transport berm Width of the safety berm 1.51.10 - 0.4 Angle of the ledge slope: deg. - worker 5580 - stable 4075 Width of entry for excavators - 10.812.0 Width of rock breakup after explosions - 19.93 - 31.86 Angle of slope of dump ledge: deg. - working 4545 - - stable 3838 - The slope angle of the pit side at the extinguishment of mining hail. --45

2.4 Technology and organization of mining operations

The existing technology and structure of complex mechanization of the field development is adopted in accordance with the mining technical conditions of the given field.

The scheme of transport communications was selected taking into account the terrain, in accordance with the mining technical conditions at the quarry. Exits to the quarry are accepted with the oncoming traffic of loaded and empty vehicles.

2.4.1 Stripping work

Overburden rocks at the deposit are represented by fine-grained clay sands with interlayers of clays, fine-grained sands and sandy clays, deluvial loams.

The loam is covered with a soil-vegetation layer 0.2 m thick.

The thickness of the overburden in the area being developed ranges from 2.5 to 8.0 m.

According to its physical and mechanical properties, soft overburden belongs to the 2nd category of rocks according to the difficulty of excavation (ENV-79) and to the 1-2 group of rocks according to SNiP 1V-2-82.

The PRS is raked by the DZ-171.1-05 bulldozer into the shaft in the southern part of the site along the reserve calculation border.

Subsequently, the soil and vegetation layer will be used for reclamation work.

Sandy-clay overburden is removed by an E-2503 excavator and loaded into a KrAZ-256 vehicle with its placement in an internal dump. The average shift volume of overburden mining and loading operations is 274 m 3in the whole.

The total amount of stripping in 2008 will amount to 82.3 thousand. m 3, including PRS - 3.3 thousand m 3.

The displaced overburden on the dumps is planned by the DZ-171.1-05 bulldozer.


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