What books really help in business. Best Business Books to Read About Business From Scratch Trends in the World of Business Literature

When Elon Musk - the creator of PayPal, Tesla electric car and space company SpaceX - is asked how he learned to build rockets, he replies: "I read books." Commissioned by The Village, the League of Reading Companies asked Russian businessmen what books could help build a business in Russia.

Once I had difficulties with working with minimal stock balances: we could not find the optimal purchasing strategy in the context of jumping currencies. Ford's book "My Life, My Achievements" just described something similar, plus many other useful things. The book made me take a more systematic look at the problem. At least one answer - about “buy when you need it, and not when you intuitively want it” - we found there.

Another time the task was to make a layout in a store. We spoke with a specialist from " Children's world", Plus they bought Paco Underhill's books" Why We Buy "and" The Scene of Action is a Shopping Center. " Then with enthusiasm they did as it says there. Focusing on the behavior of customers (we had a screen with cameras from the shops right in the office), we noted how different units work. Six months later, a good calculation methodology appeared.

"To hell with all of it! Take it and do it! "Richard Branson and" Chichvarkin E ... a genius. If out of 100 times you are sent 99 ... ”by Maxim Kotin - two books that we sent out to our franchises in the first year. Both are very motivating, both make you move. It is worth reading - and you already want to do something.

Sooner or later, everyone is faced with the issue of delegation and distribution of time. One simple piece of advice from Brian Tracy's Get Out of Your Comfort Zone - “Do the hardest and most unpleasant things first” - is already pretty cool. Masha, the head of our retail, said that at one time, thanks to this book, she was able to optimize her time.

“Catching the Rabbit” by Stephen Spyrap helped build the business processes of production and helped to minimize waste. “The look of the book. Selected articles on book design and typography ”by Jan Tschicholdama we give each new production designer to read.

Maxim Spiridonov
CEO of "Netology-group"

I believe that classical literature provides an excellent basis for expanding the horizons, skills of a psychologist, and the development of empathy in an entrepreneur. It sounds trite, but I am sure that in order to succeed in business, it is worth reading Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Dreiser, Camus and so on.

Business books are divided into two types - applied and motivational. Classics of motivational literature - memoirs or biographies of famous entrepreneurs: "Naked Business" by Richard Branson, "Steve Jobs" by Walter Isaacson, "Chichvarkin E ... a genius" by Maxim Kotin - they are worth reading for a budding entrepreneur.

From good and read relatively recently applied I can advise “You can agree on everything” by Kennedy Gavin and “Clients for Life” by Carl Sewell and Paul Brown.

Andrey Terekhov
founder of Tagline agency

Nordström's Funky Business and Trout and Rice's Marketing Wars are the most iconic books that influenced me most during my career in 2004-2007. This is the basis that significantly influenced the formation of my business thinking.

Everything that was read from business literature afterwards was of a purely applied nature. Yes, somewhere there were interesting concepts and approaches, somewhere there were interesting local ideas. And often reading trendy business books was a waste of time.

Fedor Ovchinnikov founder of the pizzeria chain "Dodo Pizza"

The stories of great entrepreneurs and companies helped me. "Made in America: How I Made Wal-Mart" by Sam Walton, "McDonald's: How an Empire Was Built" by Ray Kroc, "Pour Your Heart into It" by Howard Schultz (about building Starbucks).

These books were a source of inspiration, strength and motivation. I read them and got energized during the most difficult moments of my entrepreneurial career.

Victor Provotorov
CEO of the network "Your doors"

I made the final choice between a stable present and a very unstable future in favor of the latter after reading Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. I believed in myself, my capabilities and stepped into what only later became known as a business.

"Funky business" by Nordström is a sensible imperishable in a cold Scandinavian guise. Pleasant to read and extremely inspiring. You do not need to be afraid of the new and live by stereotypes if you want to achieve your goal. The brightest discoveries are born only at the edge of the unknown.

"Parkinson's Laws" by Cyril Northcote is not a book about business in the usual sense. It's about statistics turned into a farce. Disassembled into hundreds of quotes, it satirically tells how with an increase in the number of employees, their effectiveness inevitably decreases. How the responsibility of an individual person is replaced by collective irresponsibility and much, much more.

Dmitry Shakhov
director of the group of companies "Remarka"

I entered business without studying any business literature. It was 2004, I just wanted to do something of my own.

The hunger for knowledge came only in the third year, when I could breathe a little more freely and look around. It was then that I discovered Kotler, Trout, Ogilvy. The hunger was so strong that I swallowed books in batches. Later, the need for constant updating of knowledge in its niche forced me to switch to periodicals, blogs, forums and groups in social networks. From there I draw my knowledge even now, recommending a large business literature mainly to neophytes who often lack basic training.

It is a pity that there are few really serious books published today and they are mostly reprints. Most modern business books can be boiled down to one thesis and a couple of cases.

Artyom Stepanov
General Director of the publishing house "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber"

We have been publishing books for a long time. But I didn't see it as a producer before. The book "Producer is coming out" by Alexander Rodnyansky has put a lot of things in my head on the shelves. Now we structure our work differently and instead of project managers, we have book producers.

Although the Rework book is over five years old, it is not out of date. This is a manifesto of intelligent simplification from smart and successful people. We intuitively built the work of "MYTH", without bothering with complicated formal procedures, and were glad to find similarities.

In 2006, I realized that I would be overwhelmed with things if nothing was done. Through forums and blogs, I found the GTD system and then David Allen's How To Get Things Done, which made my life a lot easier. At the same time, at first I didn't even have a laptop. I went on business with a folder in which there were cardboard sheets, pasted colorful stickers on them and wrote tasks. The approach to organizing time, described in the book, I still use with some variations.

Jim Collins Good to Great is one of my favorite books. Collins is close to me in spirit and the ideas that he promotes. Its main goal is to show businesses and entrepreneurs around the world that just making money is not cool. It's cool to do great things. Collins looks carefully at the facts, collects a huge amount of data, does a lot of work to draw some general conclusions. In my opinion, this is something worth reading for an entrepreneur or a serious leader.

If you want to strengthen your communication skills, improve your leadership skills, and learn to manage your time wisely, these books will help you earn some points towards success.

The most common advice that can be seen in almost any book of this genre is to be single-minded and pursue your passion, and success will come. Professor Cal Newport provides an important addition to this recommendation: excellence in any endeavor can open new doors, set the stage for progress and, as a result, give new passion. The author suggests not giving up your dreams, but being realistic and becoming a professional at what you do.

People love the illusion of confidence in the future, backed up by the predictions of authoritative personalities and experts. In Black Swan, investor and philosopher Nassim Taleb talks about the vulnerability of such a position and on the example of collapse financial system in 2007 proves that even the most secure systems are exposed to potential hazards.

Don't Be Afraid to Act is worth reading if you want to competently debate women's right to leadership positions. Sherrill Sandberg combines research data with personal stories in her book by telling how women inadvertently deny themselves the chance of career advancement.

The Power of Habit is one of the most useful and engaging books for young people seeking happiness and success. The New York Times journalist Charles Duhigg shares tips on how to get rid of bad habit, whether smoking or smoking, with small steps you can take now.

Something in our culture tells us that we must look for our own benefit in everything, be calculating and selfish in order to achieve something. Psychologist Adam Grant explains why this view is wrong. Research confirms that the most successful people are those who are interested in creating value for others. Adam Grant shares tips on how to be useful and succeed.

The founder of the Nasty Gal online store Sofia Amoruza in the book #Girlboss does not hesitate to share with the reader personal experience... She talks about her rebellious youth and discusses how bullying helped her to succeed. The book is full practical advice that will inspire you to follow your passion and find your own path to the top.

Interpersonal skills are just as important as the skills we used to list on a resume. Napoleon Hill was a journalist who befriended industrial tycoon Andrew Carnegie. During friendly conversations, Carnegie, then the richest man in the world, shared with Hill the lessons he learned from his journey from poverty to wealth.

Although Think and Grow Rich was first published in 1937, it provides up-to-date practical advice on building interpersonal and leadership skills.

A favorite book by investor and multi-billionaire Warren Buffett talks about the psychology of everyday interpersonal interactions and helps you understand how to become a leader and influencer. The book was first published in 1936, but basic advice on how to overcome and inspire people is as valuable today as it was decades ago.

The main message of this book is that we should spend less time thinking about our shortcomings and focus on what we do well. This book will help you find your professional niche based on your character and existing skills and, possibly, tell you where you will bring more benefits to society and succeed.

We live at a time when young entrepreneurs and start-up founders are rapidly becoming billionaires, taking away the title of world's most powerful people from Wall Street financiers. Investor and billionaire Peter Thiel lifts the curtain over current state business and provides a fascinating and concise guide to starting and running a company.

This book is recommended reading for those who want to be effective at work and at home. The author gives practical advice on organizing and distributing daily tasks. One such recommendation is adherence to the two-minute rule. It says: if something can be done in less than 120 seconds, then it should be done immediately, and more time-consuming tasks can be postponed for later.

Well-known networker Keith Ferrazzi believes that the reason for her success is the ability to start relationships and communicate with people. The author was born in a small town in the family of a steelworker and a cleaning lady, but his tenacity, talent and communication skills allowed him to earn the title of networker # 1 and create a telephone directory of thousands of contacts, including numbers of presidents, rock stars and famous entrepreneurs. In his book, Ferrazzi talks about the communication strategies he used on the road to success.

If you are not inspired by the overwhelming success stories of successful businessmen, you might like this book. In "It Won't Be Easy," entrepreneur Ben Horowitz says there are no universal recipes for success. The only way to succeed is to be decisive and attentive to what is positive for business dynamics and what is not.

In a book that shouldn't be taken literally, Timothy Ferris shares practical advice on how to be as effective and successful in your professional and personal life as possible. For example, the author recommends using the “fear management” method - a technique that allows you to examine in detail what you are afraid of, to calmly analyze the risks and ways to overcome them.

According to Stanford University psychologist Carol Dweck, the key to success is our confidence that we can achieve it. The author cites studies that prove that the ability to learn and improve can mean much more than innate talent. The book states that if you are in your 20s, you can become anyone with the right perseverance.

If you are an introvert, it does not mean that the path to the top career ladder closed in front of you. The author was prompted to write this book by the injustice of the widespread stereotype that the owners of this type of personality are second-class people. Research by negotiation consultant Susan Kane disproves the idea that being “loud” and extremely outgoing is essential for success.

If you want to be successful in business, you have to understand the complexities of human behavior. The book by Professor of Psychology and Behavioral Economics Dan Ariely is one of better ways do it. The author cites Scientific research that explain the nuances of our behavior: for example, why we procrastinate or how we make a decision to buy a product.

This book, published in 1989, has already become a classic. Whether you are a politician or an entrepreneur, it will inspire you and empower you to achieve your professional goals. Each chapter discusses a key skill such as proactivity or synergy. Each of these qualities helps to become an effective leader and a true team member.

Michael Lewis in Liar's Poker talks candidly about the Wall Street financial district of the 1980s. Lewis himself after college got a job at the prestigious investment company Salomon Brothers, where he went from an intern to a bond seller. The book is written in the genre of documentary, but reads like a novel: the author paints a vivid picture of the trading room and the characters in it.

The reason for writing "The Strategy of Life" was a meeting of the author with former classmates of the Harvard Business School. Then, at the end of their studies in 1979, the future of each of them was filled with prospects, their peers had equal and excellent conditions for employment or starting their own business.

Twenty-five years later, it turns out that many of Harvard's former students are in crisis. Some are personal, some are professional, for example, the former head of Enron, Jeffrey Skilling, who was sentenced in 2006 to 292 months of imprisonment. The book explores why some of those with great opportunities prosper while others lose everything.

Investor and billionaire Bill Ekman is one of many Wall Street financiers who have called The Smart Investor the book that changed their lives. This in-depth guide to valuable investments will not only help finance industry workers, but anyone who wants to get the most out of it over the long term.

This book does not focus on special attention place of work in our life. This sets Crossing the Unknown Sea apart from other business literature titles. The author views a career not as a quest that must be completed, gaining maximum points, but as an incessant contact of a person with the world and himself.

The late Apple co-founder and CEO Steve Jobs has become a legendary figure hovering over Silicon Valley. Isaacson's biography helps to understand the Jobs phenomenon and offers a look at two sides of his personality: a strong inspiring visionary and a difficult businessman to communicate.

This is the story of how great person was fired from own company, and after a while he returned and conquered the whole world. It shows how important it is to recover from failure and move towards your goal.

James Altusher is a hedge fund manager, entrepreneur, podcaster, and best-selling author. Choose Yourself teaches you to express yourself in your profession and at the same time not give up your wildest dreams. Altusher is trying to convey the message that whoever works for someone else is no less valuable than any businessman.

As professional growth and immersion in a routine, many lose their craving for creativity. The Pixar co-founder tells the story of the creation of one of the largest animation studios and talks about the fact that everyone can create, but many simply do not dare due to the various social norms and personal inhibitions. The author argues that love and skill are no less important for bankers or programmers than for writers and musicians.

Starting a career is the best time to define your leadership role. Business professor and leadership expert Herminia Ibarra shares advice on a range of topics, from expanding professional networks to generating new ideas. The author's philosophy is based on the assertion that there is no universal recipe for successful leadership, the best tactic is the one that works in your case.

Journalist and pop sociologist Malcolm Gladwell brings results sociological research and explains the mechanics of information dissemination. Tipping Point was published in 2002, but the material in the book continues to help us understand why people share news, facts and ideas, and why some of them are spreading to epidemiological proportions.

Not understanding how powerful people think and act makes us vulnerable to their will. The biography of the city planner of New York, Robert Moses, is called upon to shed light. If you want to see how Machiavellian intelligence works, The Power Broker can help you with it.

"Light the fire!" - a collection of essays that will make you take a fresh look at your "I", will help to overcome the fear of resisting habits and beliefs imposed from the outside. Business Strategist and PR Specialist Danielle Laporte argues that you are the only one responsible for who you are, and that it is not necessary to conform to other people's ideas to be successful.

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“Due to the fact that we are engaged in investment, the choice of books is associated with investment (unexpectedly?) And entrepreneurship. These books will be of the greatest interest to aspiring entrepreneurs. Indeed, at the beginning of the journey, first of all, motivating, but realistic literature is interesting, which will allow you to give answers to how best to start a business, how to deal with the first difficulties and how to continue working in spite of everything. Later, at the stage of company development, you will need books like “how to manage a company” and “ financial planning“. Many of the books are not entirely new - but you should definitely read them. "

under the cut - top 10 books for a startup according to Nikolai Lyakhovsky

1. And nerds do business.Maxim Kotin (oz.by)

And don't be fooled by the name. The book is a kind of hymn to entrepreneurship. She tells the story of a young Russian businessman who, by his example, shows that business is perseverance, willpower and remarkable endurance. Moreover, the book is universal and will go to both online and offline businesses - the systems work in the same way: there is a product, and there is a client who needs this product. By the way, the ending is not like in all books of this genre: without a Ferrari and a mansion on some island. Anyone who wants to do business must read it, and I am a supporter of the fact that any startup is primarily a business and nothing else.

2. Raising Venture Capital for the Serious Entrepreneur.Dermot Berkery (amazon.com)

A guide for people who plan to study venture investments and those looking to raise venture capital. Thanks to the book, you will be able to understand the logic of a venture investor and either attract financial resources to the company, or understand that you do not need them for development yet. The book is only in English - I have not seen the Russian version. The key phrase in the title is "serious entrepreneur", that is, the literature will be useful for those entrepreneurs who have already passed the stage of starting a company. If you are just creating a prototype, attracting investment from a business angel, this is still a waste of time. But when the company starts making money and shows good dynamics, be sure to read Comrade Berkeri.

3. Durov's code.The real story of VKontakte and its creator.Nikolay Kononov (oz.by)

It was impossible to ignore the book about the large and at the same time controversial Internet project of the CIS. It was curious to know what kind of logic is guided by the person who was and remains at the head social network... As a result, we can draw the main idea of ​​the book: when making a social startup, attract as many beautiful girls as possible (in general, it seems to me that all areas where there are pretty girls are simply doomed to success). Well, and what is also obvious - Pavel Durov (i.e. totem) is a complex person, but he has his own point of view, which can be supported or not.

4. Life is like a startup.Build your career according to the laws of Silicon Valley.Reed Hoffman and Ben Kasnocha (oz.by)

A beautiful cover, but the book does not contain especially valuable thoughts. The whole idea of ​​the book can be expressed in one sentence: you need to "spin", create opportunities and move from words to deeds as quickly as possible. And, well, yes, and, of course, Linkedin will help in this like no other.

5. My own MBA. Self-education 100%.Josh Kaufman (oz.by)

A kind of MBA for dummies. The first few chapters can be intimidating, as the author goes too deep into stories about how cool he is after all. But the further you read, the clearer the book becomes. If you don't have the money or time to get an MBA, it's worth reading. It is cheaper than listening to video tutorials of domestic information businessmen on how to make a million (we have already understood that for this you need to become an information businessperson and record the same lesson).

6. Atlas squared his shoulders.Ayn Rand Trilogy (oz.by)

Although the art genre is a classic. The story itself, however, is somewhat exaggerated, but at least it can captivate the plot. Therefore, when a crisis strikes in your startup, at work or in your personal life and you need to get distracted, take a trilogy and you will quickly forget about your troubles and problems, and perhaps endure something useful. And again a book about entrepreneurship - but I can’t help myself, we so want to see more and more intelligent entrepreneurs in Belarus.

7. How to become a businessman.Oleg Tinkov (oz.by)

Tinkov is one of the most extravagant, but, nevertheless, one of the most talented entrepreneurs in Russia (he was not noticed in the loans-for-shares auctions - although he probably regrets it now). In the book, he lays out the main nuances of any business - from trade to production and banking (fortunately, his experience allows him to do this). How to choose your niche and what you should pay attention to, that is, if you are an existing entrepreneur, the book is unlikely to be useful. But for those who only think about own business the book is worth reading.

8. Steve Jobs.Walter Isaacson (oz.by)

It is probably easier to find those who have not read this book. What I have personally learned for myself is that talented people are always very difficult and even though it's hard to work with them, you can't go anywhere. After all, it is these people who achieve heights in life - be it politics, business or science. Therefore, learn to work with by different people and we will be Zen to you.

9. Lean Startup (Business from scratch).Eric Rees (oz.by)

The book is very good. But again, the main point can be expressed in a couple of sentences. Startups - don't try to make a perfect product (it won't work anyway). Better to release it first and raw than perfect, but not wanted by anyone (who would have thought ?!). And always test your startup idea on a bare minimum prototype. This will save you and the investor's (we would very much like) money. Despite the fact that I have already told about main idea books, I highly recommend reading it to those who are doing their own IT startup.

10. How to work 4 hours a week and at the same time not hang around in the office "from call to call", live anywhere and get rich. Timothy Ferris (oz.by)

Although in the book there are many motivational moments so beloved by Western authors: come on, come on and work, work. It also contains great tips on how to better plan your work, day and life, for example. Moreover, the book contains specific examples the author, and not a general theory of time management. It will suit future millionaires / billionaires. The beauty of the book is that it makes it clear that in order to taste all the joys of life, a million is not so necessary. You can also rent a Ferrari or Audi R8. So don't start a startup for the money - do it for the soul (not really).

Once Sergei Mikhailovich told reporters about two books that inspired him to accomplishments. This is the autobiographical book of the Nobel laureate in quantum electrodynamics Richard Feynman"You're kidding, of course, Mr. Feynman!" and sci-fi novel "Avalanche" (Neil Stevenson), based on which was createdvirtual universe Second Life.

One of the tycoon's favorite business books is The Rise of Money (Niall Ferguson), which tells the story of money from antiquity to the present day.

Bill Gates reads a book a week. Among his favorites are the story of Peter Buffett, a talented child from a wealthy family, "Send Money to ..." Shock Therapy for The American Dream (Thomas L. Friedman and Michael Mandelbaum) and others. But the best book on business, by his own admission. remain "Business Adventures" (John Brooks). These are 12 stories about the financial life of the United States.

Notes biography President of the United States "American Lion: Andrew Jackson in the White House" (John Macham), Guide to working with creative individuals“Corporation of Geniuses. How to manage a team of creative people "(Ed Catmell), biography" Einstein: His Life and the Universe "(Walter Isaacson) and others.

In a place of honor in the Trump library is the book The Power of Positive Thinking (Norman Peel). According to the president, he believes in this power and does not succumb to depression even in the most difficult times.

Like many successful businessmen Fedor respects the success stories of great companies. These are Made in America: How I Made Wal-Mart (Sam Walton), McDonald's: How an Empire Created (Ray Kroc), (Pour your heart into it."(Howard Schultz)

Among business books, Oleg Yurievich especially singles out "Fundamentals of Marketing" (Philip Kotler) - a book that shocked many residents of the post-USSR in the 90s. Further on the list -ancient Chinese treatise on military strategy and politics, relevant at all times "The Art of War ”(Sun Tzu),the story of the creator of Wal-Mart“Made in America” (Sam Walton), a book with the telling title “Think and Grow Rich” (Napoleon Hill), the history of “Sony. Made in Japan ”(Akio Morita),“ Losing Innocence ”and“ Naked Business ”(Richard Branson), the success and failure story of“ Rich Dad Poor Dad ”(Robert Kiyosaki).

A list of books recommended by Roman Abramovich is circulating on the Web. Alas, we could not verify its authenticity personally with Roman Arkadyevich - so take his word for it! But the list is good, it's a fact. Here is the prophecy about new technologies "Time of recklessness" (Charles Handy), and desk book managers of all stripes " Competitive strategy... Methods for analyzing industries and competitors ”(Michael Porter), and the philosophical work of Viktor Vasiliev“ White Book ”, and interviews with top managers“ Break all the rules first ”(Markus Buckingham, Kurt Coffman), and the book by the creator of management theory Peter Drucker“ Encyclopedia management ”.

German Oskarovich is very sensitive to business literature. All top managers of Sberbank are required to read 12 books by foreign authors per year. Among the chosen ones is a book about personal growth The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People (Stephen Covey), Stories of Long-Lived Companies Good to Great (Jim Collins), The Customer Oriented Companies Bible(Janelle Barlow, Klaus Möller), The Toyota Tao (Jeffrey Liker), The Art of Good Management (Larry Bossidy, Ram Charan), The Essential Book on the Art of Simplification Briefly. It's clear. Just ”(Alan Siegel, Irene Etzkorn) and others. Have you read the favorite books of millionaires? Rather share the article with your friends!

You can learn from your own mistakes for a long time, filling big bumps, losing considerable sums and completely disappointed in the path you have chosen. We have another proposal: borrowing experience from those who were able to achieve success in developing their own business. It can be small, medium or big business, but the main thing is a result worthy of imitation.

We have compiled books about business that need to be read in the TOP-10 and are sharing with you. Best books about business are not only informative, but also provide a sufficient amount of motivation for their own steps. Take notes, read, do squeeze and practice from your own experience.

The best business books: the experience of the successful

  1. Henry Ford My Life, My Achievements.

During his 83 years of life, American Henry Ford was able to achieve heights that one can only dream of: the owner of 161 patents in the United States, the owner of car factories around the world, the author of a real bestseller. Yes, the book "My Life, My Achievements" by the owner of the "Ford Motor Company" in 1932 sold like hotcakes. As the years passed, books about business appeared in more and more numbers, and Henry Ford remained at the top of his popularity.

What's the secret? It will be better if you pick up the book yourself or find the online version. And don't be confused by the date when the bestseller was written. Its relevance has not been lost to this day.

  1. Guy Kawasaki "Startup".

Many people do not get one question out of their heads: how to start your own business? If you have a place for such a question in your head, then the book of the startup guru is for you. Just interesting information: Guy Kawasaki was one of the first Apple employees, and today he is the managing director of the venture capital firm Garage Technology Ventures.

His book on business and self-development, Startup, is a handbook for anyone looking to turn an idea into a successful startup. Want to? Take action! Oh, and don't forget to read Guy's book.

  1. Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill.

Just imagine for a second: 20 million copies of the book. What does this mean? Of course, this is an indicator of crazy success and 100% benefit from reading. These are the sales statistics for the book "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill, which was published in 1928. This masterpiece could not fail to get into our top business books.

This is a prime example of how the rules of success defy the influence of time. Read it - see for yourself. This is one of the best books in the business literature segment without timing.

Best books on business with motivation

Building own business starts with motivation. Difficulty finding motivation on your own? Take it from the books. From what? We will tell you, continuing our TOP 10 business books:

  1. Donald Trump "Never give up!"

The book is nothing at all - 6 years old, but today Donald Trump is a contender for the presidency, and his business experience is really worthy of attention. Trump had a co-author: Meredith McIver, who is sometimes forgotten. We very often perceive failures and failures as a sentence.

In his book, Trump provides illustrative examples in the form of disasters, crises and personal failures, which ultimately became a springboard for the jump and the achievement of all goals. Thinking plays an important role, and you will also understand this after reading the book "Never give up".

Business planning books like Trump's work should be desktops. We recommend reading both for novice businessmen and those who have at their disposal an already operating and successful business.

  1. Bill Gates "Business at the Speed ​​of Thought."

The creator of a real empire of the 21st century - Microsoft Bill Gates could dispose of honestly earned billions for his own pleasure, without revealing the secret of success. But he decided to demonstrate business process modeling using modern information technologies in his book Business at the Speed ​​of Thought.

It's very cool if you are a favorite of fortune and you have an inexhaustible number of bright ideas. But…

  • Modern business is a multi-level structure
  • In each successful company must have its own "electronic nervous system"

Such theses are demonstrated in the book by Bill Gates. Who, if not him, know about the creation successful business in the 21st century using modern information technology. Do you want the whole world to talk about you? Start with books about business and successful experiences. It will be difficult further, but the main weapon at your disposal is knowledge.

  1. How to Stop Worrying and Start Living by Dale Carnegie.

He was not a businessman, but he was an inimitable speaker and teacher. Dale Carnegie developed the concept conflict-free communication... Is it necessary in business? Of course!

His work “How to Stop Worrying and Start Living” gets into the TOP of business books, after reading which you will get answers to many questions: How to find yourself? How to help loved ones understand themselves? other.

  1. Sergey Azimov “How to make money without start-up capital».

This is one of the new jobs from business coach and businessman Sergey Azimov. The issue of earning without start-up capital is relevant today for many. For you too? In this case, we recommend that you definitely read the book. It will be useful to novice businessmen in the first place.

The best business literature: who made it to the TOP-3?

  1. Alexander Vysotsky “Small business. Big game".

In 2014, an entrepreneur, management consultant, business lecturer Alexander Vysotsky published a book that will primarily be useful for small and medium-sized businesses.

One of the main problems of small businesses is manual control. How do you “get out” of this and scale up? Alexander Vysotsky in the book demonstrates strategies and effective tools management that allows you to expand your business and abandon manual control.

  1. Robert Sutton “Don't work with motherfuckers. And what if they are around you. "

The translation of this book into Russian appeared only last year. Have you ever met destructive elements in your team? What if this team is under your leadership and you do not know how to act? Building an effective and well-coordinated team is not an easy job.

True, the company will become a well-oiled mechanism as soon as destructive elements disappear from the team. What to do with them? Pick up a book or download it on the Internet, and there is enough information for thought and action.

  1. Walter Isaacson "Steve Jobs".

In the first place is a biography about the manager of the legendary Apple, with a history and results that are impressive in their scope. Why is the book about the life of Steve Jobs in the first place?

We're sure we don't need to talk a lot about Steve. Better than any words - Apple, to the development of which he devoted most of his life. Only the example of successful managers can become the basis for your own success. He motivates, gives answers to many questions, arouses admiration. Behind the bright well-known brands is the difficult path of their creators and those who were able to prove to the whole world: "This product is worth your attention, period." This was Steve Jobs. You will learn his life path and approach to doing business from the book by Walter Isaacson.

These are the books about business for beginners and those who already have their own business, we recommend reading. Even little idea has every chance of becoming a legend, about which hundreds of books and articles will write. It is everyone's right and opportunity to create a legend. The main thing is not to stop.


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