The best business books to read from scratch. What books really help in business The best literature on business

You can learn from your own mistakes for a long time, stuffing bumps, losing considerable amounts and completely disappointed in the path you have chosen. We have another proposal: borrowing experience from those who have been able to achieve success in developing their own business. It can be small, medium or big business, but the main thing is a result worthy of emulation.

Books about business that you need to read, we have formed in the TOP-10 and share with you. The best business books are not only informative, but also provide enough motivation for your own steps. Take note, read, make a "squeeze" and practice on your own experience.

Best Business Books: The Experience of the Successful

  1. Henry Ford "My Life, My Achievements"

During his 83 years of life, the American Henry Ford was able to achieve heights that one can only dream of: the owner of 161 patents in the United States, the owner of car factories around the world, the author of a real bestseller. Yes, My Life, My Achievements, by the owner of the Ford Motor Company, sold like hot cakes in 1932. As the years passed, business books appeared in increasing numbers, and Henry Ford kept at the top of his popularity.

What's the secret? It would be better if you pick up the book yourself or find an online version. And don't let the bestseller's writing date bother you. Its relevance has not been lost to this day.

  1. Guy Kawasaki Startup.

Many people have one question in their heads: how to start a business? If you have a place in your head for a similar question, then the book of startup gurus is for you. Just an interesting piece of information: Guy Kawasaki was one of Apple's original employees, and today he's the managing director of venture capital firm Garage Technology Ventures.

His book on business and self-development, Startup, is a desktop guide for anyone who wants to turn an idea into a successful startup. Want to? Take action! Oh, and don't forget to read Guy's book.

  1. Napoleon Hill Think and Grow Rich.

Just imagine for a second: 20 million copies of a book. What does it say? Of course, this is an indicator of crazy success and 100% benefit from reading. Such are the sales statistics for Napoleon Hill's book Think and Grow Rich, which was published in 1928. This masterpiece could not miss our top business books.

This is a prime example of how the rules of success are timeless. Read it - see for yourself. This is one of the best books in the segment of business literature without time references.

The best business books with motivation

Building own business starts with motivation. Finding it hard to find motivation on your own? Take it from books. From what? We will tell, continuing our TOP 10 business books:

  1. Donald Trump "Never give up!".

The book is nothing at all - 6 years old, but today Donald Trump is a contender for the presidency, and his business experience is really worthy of attention. Trump also had a collaborator: Meredith McIver, who is sometimes forgotten. We very often perceive failures and defeats as a sentence.

In his book, Trump provides illustrative examples in the form of disasters, crises and personal failures, which ultimately became the springboard for the jump and achievement of all set goals. Thinking plays an important role, and you will also understand this by reading the book "Never Give Up".

Business planning books like Trump's should be desktop books. We recommend reading it for both beginner businessmen and those who have an already operating and successful business at their disposal.

  1. Bill Gates Business at the Speed ​​of Thought.

The creator of a real empire of the 21st century, Microsoft, Bill Gates could dispose of his honestly earned billions at his pleasure without revealing the secret of success. But he decided to demonstrate business process modeling using modern information technologies in his book Business at the Speed ​​of Thought.

It’s very cool if you are the favorite of fortune and you have an inexhaustible amount of bright ideas. But…

  • Modern business is a multi-level structure
  • Every successful company should have its own "electronic nervous system"

Such theses are demonstrated in the book by Bill Gates. Who, if not him, knows about the creation successful business in the 21st century with the use of modern information technologies. Do you want the whole world to talk about you? Start with books about business and the experience of successful ones. Further it will be difficult, but at your disposal the main weapon is knowledge.

  1. Dale Carnegie How to Stop Worrying and Start Living.

He was not a businessman, but he was an inimitable orator and teacher. Dale Carnegie developed the concept conflict-free communication. Is it necessary in business? Certainly!

His work “How to stop worrying and start living” gets into the TOP of business books, after reading which you will receive answers to many questions: How to find yourself? How to help loved ones to understand themselves? other.

  1. Azimov Sergey "How to make money without start-up capital".

This is one of the new works from business coach and businessman Sergei Azimov. The issue of earning without starting capital is relevant today for many. For you too? If so, we recommend that you read the book. It will be useful for novice businessmen in the first place.

The best business literature: who made it to the TOP-3?

  1. Alexander Vysotsky “Small business. Big game".

In 2014, an entrepreneur, management consultant, business lecturer Alexander Vysotsky published a book that will primarily be useful to small and medium-sized businesses.

One of the main problems of small businesses is manual control. How to “get out” of this and scale up? Alexander Vysotsky in the book demonstrates strategies and effective tools controls that allow you to expand your business and abandon manual control.

  1. Robert Sutton Don't work with assholes. And what to do if they are around you.

A Russian translation of this book appeared only last year. Have you ever met destructive elements in the team? But what if this team is under your leadership and you do not know how to act? Building an effective and well-coordinated team is not an easy job.

True, the company will become a well-functioning mechanism as soon as destructive elements disappear from the team. What to do with them? Pick up a book or download it on the Internet, and there is enough information for reflection and action.

  1. Walter Isaacson "Steve Jobs"

In the first place is a biography book about the manager of the legendary Apple, with a history and results that are impressive in their scale. Why is a book about the life of Steve Jobs in the first place?

We sure don't need to say much about Steve. Better than any words Apple company, to the development of which he devoted most of his life. Only the example of successful managers can become the basis of their own success. He motivates, gives answers to many questions, is admirable. Behind the bright well-known brands is the difficult path of their creators and those who were able to prove to the whole world: "This product is worth your attention, period." That was Steve Jobs. You will learn his life path and approach to doing business from the book by Walter Isaacson.

These are the books about business for beginner startups and those who already have their own business, we recommend reading. Even small idea has every chance of becoming a legend about which hundreds of books and articles will be written. To create a legend is the right and opportunity for everyone. The main thing is not to stop.

There are many business books. Good business books are few and far between. Magazine Time chose 25 publications that have already brought up several generations of successful managers and are still relevant. What books do you have on your desk?

#1 Age of the Absurd (1989), Charles Handy

Professor London business school talks about dramatic changes in everyday life and working life people. New technologies are changing the usual rules and ways of working. The book is called prophetic, because after decades Handy's thoughts have become even more relevant.

#2 Built to last. The Success of Visionary Companies (1994), Jim Collins, Jerry Porras

The authors study the success of business giants ( Disney, 3M, Sony and others) and try to understand how they manage to stand out from the background of others. The reasoning leads Collins and Porrasak to believe that it's not so much the leaders that matter as the right corporate culture.

#3 Competing for the Future (1996), Gary Hamel & K.K. Prahalad

This book provides revolutionaries with tools and concepts to fight the defenders of the past. Hamel and Prahalad talk about strategic planning, that it should be emotional, purposeful, and not just analytical. The book talks a lot about core competencies companies and the need to anticipate changes in the industry, and not just adapt to the new.

#4 Competitive strategy. Methodology for Analyzing Industries and Competitors (1980), Michael Porter

For thirty years now, this book has been a starting point for managers who think about profitability in a competitive market.

#5 Emotional Intelligence (1995), Daniel Goleman

Why do people with different IQs perform equally well at work? It's all about self-control, perseverance, and motivation—in other words, emotional intelligence. Goleman talks about how this emotional intelligence can be developed. The ideas from the book smoothly migrated to the employee evaluation standards.

#6 E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don't Work and What to Do About It (1985), Michael E. Gerber

There is a myth that a good technical or operational person can also run the whole business just as well. Gerber destroys this myth and proves that the head of a business must be an effective manager and entrepreneur.

#7 Encyclopedia of Management (2001), Peter Drucker

Drucker single-handedly created the theory of management. His ideas were ahead of their time. To begin acquaintance with his works is, perhaps, with this book.

#8 Fifth discipline. The Art and Practice of the Self-Learning Organization (1990), Peter Senge

Most management guides are based on case studies and data analyses. But not this book. Senge took it up after his morning meditation. He describes five disciplines for a smart company. But the most important of them is the fifth, which is tied to “systems thinking”.

#9 First Break All the Rules (1999), Marcus Buckingham, Kurt Coffman

The authors urge executives to personalize their style and not to treat everyone with the same brush. To come to this conclusion, Buckingham and Coffman conducted more than 80,000 interviews with the best managers. The book contains many other useful tips.

#10 Target (1999), Eliyahu Goldrat

The book differs markedly from other business bestsellers. First, its author is not a titan of industry, not a business school professor or even a consultant. He is a physicist. Secondly, this is not a textbook, but a novel. The protagonist Alex Rogo is faced with the "limitation theory" and is trying to get the company going. The book has been reprinted several times.

#11 From good to great. Why Some Companies Breakthrough and Others Don't... (2001), Jim Collins

How do companies become not only successful, but also profitable, and for a long time? To answer this question, Collins took a deep dive into 1,400 Fortune 500 companies. He discovered seven keys to success.

#12 Guerrilla Marketing (1984), Jay Conrad Levinson

The guerrillas changed the way people thought about war, and Levinson's book changed the way small companies thought about promotion. How to compete with the giants? Use your head, not your muscles. Twenty-five years later, real business empires are growing on Levinson's ideas.

#13 How to Win Friends and Influence People (1936) by Dale Carnegie

Financial success is 15% dependent on technical knowledge and 85% of the ability to lead people, says the author, who called himself a simple village guy. The advice in the book is fairly simple, but that didn't stop Carnegie from selling more than 30 million copies during the Great Depression.

#14 The Human Side of the Enterprise (1960), Douglas McGregor

McGregor turned the business idea of ​​personnel management upside down by proposing two theories. Theory X assumes that all employees are inherently lazy. Theory Y that employees can be ambitious and motivated. Management, according to McGregor, should create conditions for subordinates to strive for more.

#15 The innovator's dilemma. (1997), Clayton Christensen

This book is not about success, but about failure. Professor Harvard Business School explains why once-successful companies went bankrupt and what happens to those who turn a blind eye to new technologies and market trends. The main lesson of the book is to adapt sooner and more often, even if it hurts today's profits.

#16 Ahead of Change (1996), John Kotter

Who does not change, he fails. Kotter talks about eight stages of organizational change and provides each stage with examples from the consultant's own extensive practice. In addition, the author explains the difference between someone who manages change and someone who leads it.

#17 How to Become Leaders (1989), Warren Bennis

The book from the leadership guru is perceived not as a business textbook, but as a way to understand yourself. Bennis talks about the lack of leaders and calls this problem a "social disease". In the book, he tells how to treat this disease.

#18 Out of the Crisis (1982), W. Edward Deming

It was in this book that the idea was first formulated general management quality (TQM). Deming's work revolutionized American businesses. The book talks about 14 key management principles that are contrary to many of the standards of those times, but are now perceived as the norm.

#19 My years at General Motors (1964), Alfred Sloan

Author led GM from 1923 to 1946 and turned the company into the world's largest corporation. GM's lawyers have long hindered the publication of the book, fearing that Sloan's revelations would serve as the basis for lawsuits against the company. This book is still considered required reading in many business schools around the world.

#20 One Minute Manager (1982), Kenneth Blanchard, Spencer Johnson

This thin book with simple (critics used the word "innocent") business truths immediately won the hearts of the world public. The authors recommend that effective managers "catch people who are doing the right thing" and reward good behavior with one-minute praise. Bad behavior should also be marked with a one-minute reprimand.

#21 Corporate reengineering. Business Revolution Manifesto (1993), Michael Hammer, James Champy

The division of labor that once spurred the growth of young corporate America is now sinking businesses, the authors argue. Hammer and Champy call for a rethinking of the business structure and merging some professions into one. There are opinions that the book is involved in the massive corporate layoffs of the 1990s. In the era digital technologies the thoughts in the book sound even more believable.

#22 The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People (1989) Stephen R. Covey

This is one of the best selling business books of all time. Curiously, it says very little about business and management. But you will read seven easily digestible maxims that will help in business life.

#23 Six Sigma course. How General Electric, Motorola, and the World's Other Leading Companies Get Better (2000), Peter S. Pandy, Robert P. Newman, Roland R. Caveneg

Motorola and General Electric developed Six Sigma in the 1970s and 1980s, and in the 2000s the method of management went mainstream.

#24 production system Toyota (1988), Taiichi Ohno

After World War II, an engineer Toyota Taiichi Ohno was looking for a way to bring Japanese factories to the big three from America. The results of his work changed the manufacturing industry forever. Taiichi Ohno and his managers developed the " lean manufacturing”, which helped Toyota break into the world leaders in the industry. In the book, Ono talks about the most important stages of innovation.

#25 Who stole my cheese? (1998), Spencer Johnson

Another thin book-parable. Read in 30 minutes maximum. The idea is simple: change because it is inevitable. Company executives truckload the book and hand out copies to employees so they don't go into a stupor when faced with changing circumstances. Sold over 20 million copies.


Books are our life. From them we learn not only stories of incredible love or travel to mysterious places together with the authors, but also gain knowledge. Our site contains the best online library of business books. You can download free business literature in fb2, rtf, txt, epub, pdf formats without registration, read online and buy your favorite book.

If you want to dive into the world of money, finance, economics and analytics, then you need to read business books. Here you will find literature from foreign and domestic authors, ranked by popularity, which touch on a variety of topics, issues and problems and offer their own solutions. Thanks to this information, you can analyze your activities, highlight its strengths and weaknesses, and radically change the situation for the better.

With this book, you will be able to:

  • analyze the markets of your country and around the world;
  • find the right direction for your business;
  • analyze activities, find problems and successfully deal with them;
  • find out how famous people the world have succeeded and received their fortunes;
  • study the psychology of communication. You will be able to better understand people, you will know what clients and partners want, and you will be able to successfully conduct presentations;
  • you can become more confident. Learn to influence people, capture their mood, desires. As a result, you will be not only a successful businessman, but also an excellent conversationalist who knows what he wants and knows how to achieve it.

Do not assume that starting your own business is easy. Enough to assemble good people, who will do the main work, and all you need to do is give orders and reap the rewards. In fact, there are a large number of pitfalls that every manager has to face sooner or later.

It is even more difficult to find a direction for the development of your business and get around all the sharp corners that can harm the business. This will help literature from the best analysts and businessmen from around the world about business analysis. You will be able to analyze your work, find ways to improve operations, products and services, write a business plan, identify problems and solve them with ease. Books about business analysis will help you answer many questions.

Business books will help not only competently manage your company, contribute to its development, but also allow you to get out of difficult situations correctly, know the secrets of business and use them effectively.

Even if you do not have your own company, but you want to become an excellent specialist in your field of activity, business literature will be extremely useful to you. Any work is not just the fulfillment of certain tasks and assignments, but also communication with superiors, colleagues, partners. This requires knowledge in the field of business psychology. You will become not only an excellent interlocutor, but you will also be able to influence people's decisions, you will be confident in yourself, in your work, persuasive, and you will give the impression of a serious and serious person to others. wise man who can be trusted.

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The "Business Books" section contains the best and interesting literature about business and modern approaches to him, about financiers, economists and analysts from all over the world who have become successful in their endeavors. We have selected a rating of books by popularity and you can download for free, read without registration or buy literature that has become very useful and interesting for readers all over the world.

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Constant reading of books was noted as one of the main habits successful people like Warren Buffett, Bill Gates. Whether you're an aspiring entrepreneur or an experienced one, it's always important to stay ahead of the curve and read the best business books. Here is a list of great business books to read to ensure you start 2018 on the right foot and stay successful.

"Startup without a budget" by Mike Mikalowitz

“Have you ever been entrepreneurial in your life? Don't know where to get start-up capital? Fine! Now is your chance to do it right,” Michael Mikalowitz motivates his readers. Complex concepts from the world of business are presented in a simple and understandable language with a touch of humor, which makes the book a real find for both novice entrepreneurs and more experienced businessmen.

"The pumpkin method. How to Become a Niche Leader Without a Budget Mike Mikalowitz

Inspired by the experience of vegetable growers, the famous author Michael Mikalowitz decided to borrow their method of growing giant pumpkins and apply it in business. Sounds incredible, right? This unusual view of things has paid off: Mikalovits' company has become a niche leader with a turnover of millions of dollars. In the book, the author not only shares his own experience, but also cites incredible stories the success of other entrepreneurs who have not been afraid to use the same strategy.

”, Logaster

Free Small Business Guide to Starting corporate identity, written by the authors of the online service Logaster. Tips, practical examples, useful services- in a word, everything you need to create your own style!

Startup for $100. Create a new future by doing what you love, Chris Guilbaud

In this book, you will learn how to turn a seemingly nondescript business idea into a goldmine and start getting more satisfaction from your work and hobbies. According to the author himself, this book is not about business, but about the search for freedom, independence and prosperity. The text is easy to read and is replete with useful tables and lists of self-assessment questions.

Delivering Happiness, Tony Shay

Tony Shay shares his business experience with readers, and this experience is striking in its wide range - from opening a worm farm to a pizzeria. Written in simple and concise language, the book demonstrates a new approach to corporate culture: By caring for the happiness and well-being of others, you can become happier yourself.

"Blue Ocean Strategy" Chang Kim, René Mauborgne

This book describes in detail the process of creating so-called "blue oceans" - market spaces devoid of competition. Authors Kim and Mauborgne have developed a range of tools for researching and using such markets - the value curve, the strategy canvas, the mass price band, and others. If you want to find out what lies behind these interesting titles, then this book is simply a must to add to your collection!

Rework, Jason Fried, David Heinemeier Hansson

Rework is the perfect book for those who dream of starting their own business not according to a hackneyed plan, but following their own individual strategy. From it you will learn how it can harm, how you can easily do without external investors and why it is better to ignore the competition. To start your own business, you need less than you think. No offices, endless meetings and paperwork!

« From good to great. Why some companies make breakthroughs and others don't by Jim Collins

In his book, Collins identifies and analyzes the factors due to which some companies managed to become not just successful, but, without exaggeration, go down in history. What are the criteria for such "greatness"? In nine chapters of the book, the author examines in detail the issues of management, personnel policy, operating activities and social behavior. Perhaps this is your chance to make your company one of the greats?

« How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie

Dale Carnegie's bestseller is still relevant today. This book has already helped countless people achieve success in business and personal life. 6 ways to please people, 12 persuasion strategies, 9 ways to change people without causing a negative reaction and many other secrets. A must-read classic even in the 21st century!

« The Innovator's Dilemma by Clayton Christensen

In his bestselling book, Christensen explains why successful companies that seem to do everything right still lose their market leadership. According to the author, if managers do not know when and how to move away from traditional business approaches, then even the most successful firm will inevitably go under. Bold, compelling, and provocative, this book contains valuable business advice that all managers, entrepreneurs, and project managers must know.

"How to make money without start-up capital", Sergey Azimov

Want to break out of the boring, low-paying office routine? Tired of working 16-hour days trying to keep your business afloat? On the pages of his book, business coach and entrepreneur Sergey Azimov shares effective secrets of making money and a completely different approach to work. Thanks to the easy and extraordinary presentation of the material, the author manages to win the trust of the reader from the first pages.

“Don't work with assholes. And what if they're around you" by Robert Sutton

The author advises managers on how to deal with the unproductive behavior of some "difficult" employees and at the same time learn to benefit from their positive qualities. Moreover, the book provides real examples from experience largest companies. Understandable to everyone, and sometimes even humorous style of presentation will turn reading this book into a real pleasure.

"Stop dreaming, get busy!" , Cal Newport

Cal Newport boldly debunks the myth that business is all about finding something you really enjoy. The author proves that many people begin to love and appreciate their work only with time, even if at first it seemed to them far from ideal. This book is the result of communication with dozens of representatives of the most different professions, from farmers and screenwriters to investors and freelance programmers.

"Zero to One" by Peter Thiel

According to the author, the key to continued progress is the leader's ability to think independently and make decisions. Tomorrow's leading companies will be able to avoid competition by creating unique products and services. This book contains a new, optimistic view of progress and innovation. She teaches readers to ask the right questions, which can help us see the value in the most unexpected things.

"Never Eat Alone" by Keith Ferrazzi

According to the author, all successful people are united by one quality - the ability to form relationships in such a way that they are beneficial to all participants. In his book, Ferrazzi tells how to properly build communication with colleagues, friends and business partners. At various times, the described strategies were successfully used by Winston Churchill, Bill Clinton, the Dalai Lama and other powerful people of this world. And as you probably know, really good things do not lose their relevance over time!

"How to Work Four Hours a Week" by Timothy Ferris

Surely many are familiar with the situation when work turns into a trap and begins to require more and more time. If you want to get away from the routine, travel the world without special efforts earning five-figure incomes, or just work less and devote more time to yourself, then this book is your ticket to a new, freer and more flexible world.

"Predictable Irrationality" by Dan Ariely

Dan Ariely's book is devoted to one of the most interesting and multifaceted areas of economics - behavioral economics. Consumer behavior is irrational: in response to a number of external stimuli, they often take rash actions. After reviewing 13 examples of predictable irrational customer behavior, you will discover 13 opportunities to increase your sales!

"The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" by Stephen Covey

Stephen Covey's book offers a holistic approach to addressing personal and professional problems. Sharing insightful observations and real life stories with readers, Covey shares how to live in accordance with principles such as justice, honesty and human dignity. These principles allow us to adapt to change and take advantage of the opportunities that change brings with it.

The Intelligent Investor, Benjamin Graham

Despite the fact that this book is about investments, Graham pays close attention to psychology and temperament types. After all, even the most profitable investment strategy can turn into a fiasco if the investor does not have the appropriate type of temperament. If you want to know how stable investors differ from entrepreneurial investors and what style of investing is most effective, be sure to read this book!

"Act like a leader, think like a leader" by Erminia Ibarra

In her work, Emilia Ibarra tells how a manager of any level can become a leader by gradually changing himself and his work environment. For example, the author advises to adopt a flexible leadership style and expand your circle of business contacts. Offering a variety of assessment tests and practical advice, this book will help you become a more effective leader and inspire your career new life. It's time to learn by doing!

"Tipping Point" by Malcolm Gladwell

In his fascinating work, Gladwell explores the notion of a “tipping point,” when ideas, trends, and patterns of social behavior seem to spill over the edge of an imaginary vessel and spread rapidly. Gladwell's book can be compared to an intellectual adventure story, in which one can feel admiration for the power of new ideas and the author's conviction that one extraordinary person can change the whole world.

"45 manager tattoos", Maxim Batyrev

This book, without a doubt, deserves the title of the most unusual in our list. The titles of the chapters of this book are the names of the author's tattoos, each of which symbolizes a certain life principle. “All that is in the book is my rake, bumps and tattoos. I share with you a part of my life and I hope that my practice will serve you. good example", - says the author. Here you will not find complex concepts and theories. All Batyrev's recommendations are simple and practical, but at the same time based on the principles of effective management.

"Customers for Life" Carl Sewell

In his bestselling book, Sewell shares the secret to building a loyal customer base that will stay loyal to your business for years to come. Sewell examines expectations in detail modern consumers and employees, once again proving that the good old principle “Find out what your customers want and give it to them” still works flawlessly. The man who owns the second largest Cadillac dealership in the US can't be wrong about these things!

“Business is like a game. The rake of Russian business and unexpected decisions”, Sergei Abdulmanov, Dmitry Kibkalo, Dmitry Borisov

In their book Business as a Game, the authors share the secrets of launching and developing successful business projects in Russia. Features of the Russian market, the development of an effective business plan, relations with investors and partners, determining the size of salaries, conducting interviews, competent interaction with clients - these are just a few of the issues that are covered in the book. Start reading from any chapter that interests you!

"And nerds do business" , Maxim Kotin

Maxim Kotin's book is built around a very real character - Fyodor Ovchinnikov, who 10 years ago decided to open his own business in an unremarkable Russian city. We can say that Ovchinnikov has become a symbol of thousands of ordinary Russians who were not afraid to drastically change their lives and try their hand at entrepreneurship. This is a story of successes and failures of small business in Russia at the beginning of the 2000s. It is difficult to imagine a more truthful book about this difficult period, so it is a must read!

How to become a businessman, Oleg Tinkov

Oleg Tinkov is the owner of several successful companies, who has tried himself in a variety of business areas - from brewing to providing banking services. This book contains concise, practical advice for entrepreneurs who want to start their own business and succeed. According to Tinkov, courage and the ability to control risks are essential qualities for any entrepreneur. But even if these qualities are not fully inherent in you, the author advises not to give up and still try your hand at business. This approach is definitely motivating!

Anything Can Be Negotiated by Gavin Kennedy

Useful tips for successful negotiations both in business (real estate, long-term contracts, companies) and at the household level (buying a TV, repairing a car, communicating with colleagues). How to present your proposal in the most favorable light? How to behave if you are faced with blackmail? The book is interactive and contains many assessment tests. A great read for those who want to improve their negotiation skills!

"Startup without cuts", Ekaterina Inozemtseva

Startup Uncut offers an honest look at contemporary Russian business. From it you will learn how to avoid typical mistakes, find a good investor, resolve conflicts between partners and much more. The purpose of this book is to educate and motivate both future entrepreneurs and those who already have their own business. Moreover, the book contains links to useful workshops, document templates, and other materials based on the invaluable personal experience Russian businessmen.

"To hell with business as always" by Richard Branson

In his work, Branson shares his vision of the future with readers. According to the author, it is time for people to reconsider their values ​​and make it a priority not to make money, but to take care of other people and the planet as a whole. In an easy and convincing way, the author tells how companies, using their resources, can make this world a better place. And for more motivation, the author gives real stories caring entrepreneurs who can serve as an example for others.

“Business from scratch. The Lean Startup Method, Eric Rees

According to the author, most startups fail not because of non-compliance with deadlines or high costs. Companies close because they offer no one desired product or a service. The central idea of ​​the lean startup concept is to constantly receive feedback from consumers. Instead of development detailed business plan, the company must listen to the needs of its customers and, based on the information received, adjust its development strategy.

Startup. Founder's Handbook, Steve Blank, Bob Dorf

This book is step by step instructions for those who want to create a profitable, scalable startup using a customer-centric customer development methodology. This concept, the author of which is Steve Blank himself, is being studied at the world's leading universities. On 608 pages of the book you will find more than 100 graphs and charts, 9 irreparable mistakes of entrepreneurs and much more.

Startup Management, Katherine Kathleen, Jaina Matthews

This book is a real encyclopedia of business with five hundred success stories from entrepreneurs from various fields of activity. How do you know it's time to change your management style? What personal changes are the key to success? What is dangerous for the company inaction of the head? By providing detailed answers to these and other questions, the authors explain step by step the company's sustainable growth strategy.

"Angels, Dragons and Vultures" by Simon Ecklund

Are you looking for money for your startup, but the venture capital market seems like a dense forest to you? In this provocative and witty book, you'll learn how venture capitalists run their businesses and make money, how they can help your firm, and what alternatives to venture capital exist. With a deep understanding of the subject, Simon Acklund offers a professional guide to give you the confidence to find a venture capitalist.

Scrum. A Revolutionary Project Management Method" by Jeff Sutherland

In this book, you will not find a detailed description of how to use the Scrum methodology. Sutherland sets himself a more difficult task: he analyzes the reasons for the effectiveness of this methodology, answering the question "why?". The book is autobiographical in nature: the author tells how the Scrum methodology was useful to him in various and sometimes unexpected areas of activity - from service in Vietnam to the development of ATM technology.

"Attracting Investment in a Startup", Brad Feld, Jason Mendelsohn

The process of attracting investments is described from the point of view of two venture investors who have been investing in risky and developing projects for more than 40 years. How to develop a mutually beneficial investment attraction strategy? By what criteria do investors evaluate companies? What are the terms of the deal Special attention? This book will be useful to everyone: ambitious entrepreneurs, and venture investors, and lawyers who specialize in certain types of transactions.

"Startup Weekend", Mark Neiger, Clint Nielsen, Frank Nuriga

Think it’s impossible to develop a full-fledged startup concept over the weekend? This book will convince you otherwise! If you gather developers, designers, marketers and other specialists around the same table, then in just 54 hours you can get a whole range of interesting ideas, form competent teams and develop an effective growth strategy! The authors have collected for you best work, lessons learned through trial and error and inspiring examples from other companies.

"Finding a Business Model", John Mullins, Randy Komisar

It may sound surprising, but most companies that do not dare to deviate from their original strategy one step are doomed to failure. And among successful projects there are many that now only remotely resemble the original idea of ​​their founders. In this guide, you will learn why the gradual transition from Plan A to Plan B is not only desirable, but vital to the success of your business.

"Rules for Profitable Startups" by Vern Harnish

In his debut book, Harnish notes that the three principles of the legendary John D. Rockefeller - Priority, Data and Rhythm - form the basis of effective management to this day. In addition to these three principles, leading companies also use Harnish's One-Page strategic plan". Although the book is aimed primarily at business owners and senior executives, it contains universal ideas and strategies for managers at all levels.

If you notice any great books we missed that should be included in the article, add them in the comments below!


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