Choosing equipment for a bakery. Equipment for mini-bakeries: baked goods, buns, large and small Purchase of equipment for a bakery

It is impossible to overestimate the quality of the equipment necessary for the development of small businesses associated with baking bakery and confectionery.

Who wouldn't want a cup of coffee or tea in the morning? What if they come with a bonus of fragrant fresh baked goods? While the buyer evaluates the final result, an entrepreneur planning to make a career out of his own mini-bakery sees a complex process behind an ordinary bun. And it starts in the confectionery shop with sifting the flour.

And housewives know how capricious the dough can be, and the right one professional equipment takes on a decisive role at the stage of creating not only tasty, but also unique products that will create worthy competition for mini-bakeries of this kind.

Necessary set for bakeries and pastry shops

  1. area where flour is sifted;
  2. place for preparing dough;
  3. cutting and shaping;
  4. proofing and baking of preparations;
  5. curing and packaging of products into packages.

Each process corresponds to a unit of equipment:

  1. Flour sifter. The name speaks for itself. The flour is sifted in a special unit. Any housewife knows that this is necessary to saturate the flour with oxygen. At the same time, the flour is cleaned of impurities.
  2. Dough mixing machines. They are selected depending on the volume of one-time loading of the furnaces. To prepare liquid dough, for example, for a sponge cake, churning machines are used.
  3. Ice makers or water coolers are used to prepare puff pastry in a dough mixer. When using ice, the workload of the latter increases, which must be taken into account when choosing the appropriate machine model.
  4. Dough dividers. Once the dough has been mixed and kneaded, it must be divided into pieces. The operation of the dough divider can be replaced by a manual one. Then you will have to weigh each workpiece. To prevent the dough from falling, the dough divider must be good quality. They are hydraulic, mechanical and piston.
  5. Dough rounder. This procedure is needed to restore the properties of the dough. But most often, and especially in a mini-bakery, this process is done manually.
  6. Dough sheeter machine. Necessary if you are dealing with puff pastry. It’s not easy to do this manually, so a machine will speed up the process and guarantee a high-quality product at the end.
  7. . For this process it is important to maintain the required temperature and humidity. Here the dough is released from all the processes it has been subjected to and is prepared directly for baking.
  8. Ovens. The heart of the bakery. The furnace is selected with special care, taking into account the size, types, and performance.

What is better to buy: ready-made kits or individual devices

The choice between a ready-made set of baking equipment and individual devices depends on many factors. These include affordable investments, development prospects, and specialization.

If you plan to deal exclusively with yeast dough, then there is no point in buying a complete set of equipment with devices for puff pastry and sponge dough.

Expanding the range in the future requires a full range of equipment and accessories.

Before thinking about the need for equipment, you need to figure out whether you plan to work with a full or incomplete production cycle:

  • Will you prepare confectionery and bakery products, starting with the preparation of text, or will your business be built exclusively on baking and sales? finished products.
  • Make sure your bakery has refrigeration or freezers, racks for storing ingredients needed for the dough.
  • To prevent food from getting damp, high-quality ventilation is necessary.
  • Buy carts for blanks or for finished products.
  • Auxiliary baking equipment includes packaging equipment and storage cabinets for accessories.
  • Among sectional and rotary ovens, the latter are most often used in restaurants and confectionery shops.

Review of bakery equipment manufacturers

Italian products trademark Sottoriva has been on the market since 1944 thanks to brothers Giuseppe and Claudio Sottoriva. Sottoriva is a leader in the production of ovens for pastry shops, bakeries, bakeries and pizzerias. A wide range can provide small and medium-sized businesses with everything they need, not counting large factories.

“I have a small bakery. We specialize in baking bread and baguette. We bought equipment separately and tried not to save money. Among the dough dividers we chose the semi-automatic Sottoriva SBS30-T. It made the cooking process much faster. The dough divider can simultaneously load up to 16 kg. dough.”


German Miwe baking plants are proud of their hundred-year production history. The company can afford to create custom installations for bakeries. The range includes both modular bakeries and industrial ovens.

“I work with the Miwe AEROMAT model of combi steamer. very compact and easy to use equipment. With the help of a built-in circulation fan, the air temperature is distributed evenly throughout the chamber.”

Equipment price

The price of the equipment depends on its size, and in the case of choosing a furnace, on technical characteristics. They can cost from 5-10 thousand dollars and indefinitely. The price of flour sifters varies from one to 20 thousand dollars. Proofing cabinets can be purchased for between $1,000 and $10,000.

In general, in a frugal startup, all types of equipment for a mini-bakery will cost around 20 thousand dollars.

It is worth choosing equipment with all responsibility and care. The successful start of the enterprise depends on it. It is necessary to decide, in accordance with the business plan drawn up, what kind of baking you are relying on, whether you will engage in a full production cycle or limit yourself exclusively to baking without preparing dough. Pay attention to quality products, which will serve you for a long time and will pay off with interest.

The bakery business is always relevant. By choosing the right equipment for a mini bakery, organizing sales, purchasing and logistics, production will be quite profitable. Experience Western countries shows that the share of baked goods produced by small businesses may well be between 70 and 90% of the total market. Mini bakeries are gradually being replaced. In our country, they already occupy 12-13% of all manufactured bakery products, so there are still prospects for the development of this economic niche.

Where to start opening a mini bakery?

To open a baker, of course, you will have to purchase equipment, find a premises, make repairs in it, but the most lengthy procedure is the paperwork. It will take more than one month to obtain permits, so it is better to plan the procedure for preparing a business so that, in parallel with waiting for answers from government agencies, work continued to put the bakery into production. In total, in addition to the registration authorities and the tax inspectorate, the entrepreneur will need to visit the sanitary and epidemiological station, the fire service, inspections responsible for issues labor discipline and ecology. According to the experience of many entrepreneurs, independent attempts to get Required documents, even if they ended successfully, they were greatly extended over time. Opening an object in this way is a waste of time. Experts advise turning your strength and energy into a more beneficial and interesting process of organizing production, and entrusting the paperwork to an experienced lawyer. Even with his help, the business plan needs to include a stage that takes about two months. Another important document that a mini bakery must have is a recipe certificate. It usually takes about one and a half months to receive it. Now some tips that will tell you how to properly plan the process to open your own bakery, and subsequently a bakery.

How much profit can a mini-bakery bring?

If we analyze the average economic indicators enterprises in this industry, we obtain the following values ​​(thousand rubles/month):

  • The gross income of the mini-bakery is 3900 thousand.
  • Gross costs 2640 thousand.
  • Profit before tax 1260 thousand.
  • Net profit (with simplified tax system 15% of the difference between gross income and expenses) 1026 thousand.

In this case, we consider a bakery operating at , subject to 100% sales of its products.

How much money do you need to open a mini bakery?

We have described the general sections that a business plan should include on how to open your own bakery or bakery shop. Now, here are the numbers that will show the required amount of investment in your bakery:

No. Expense item Amount, rubles
One-time expenses
1 Equipment purchase: 1 121 000
bake 600 000
dough mixing machine 250 000
proofing cabinet 40 000
dough table 40 000
dough sheeter 20 000
flour sifter 9 000
cart 12 000
retail store equipment for bakery 150 000
2 Room renovation 100 000
3 Additional furniture 30 000
Total capital costs will be 1 251 000
Current expenses 2 640 000
1 Renting premises 900 000
2 Payment for energy resources 180 000
3 Employee salaries 1 560 000

The profitability of the enterprise depends on which products will be present primarily in the bakery’s assortment. During production, this figure is 50-60%, and in the production of ordinary bread it does not exceed 20%. Before you open a business, you need to calculate this - draw up a plan for the production of finished products. Accordingly, the payback will also have different meanings. For the first production option, net profit will be achieved in 1.5 years, and for the second case, the business will pay off in 2-3 years.

Which equipment to choose?

All the vicissitudes with obtaining permission to operate from the SES will be connected, first of all, with the premises. Sanitary doctors use a whole set of rules and regulations that relate to food production facilities. They have their own interest in budding entrepreneurs. It is from the norms prescribed by law that you need to build on when searching for premises and renovating them. Let us immediately draw your attention to the fact that in the second part, the business plan can amount to significantly larger amounts than the rent itself.

The agreement with the lessor must allow repair work. In this case, it is necessary to discuss the possibility pouring the foundation for equipment, laying tiles on the walls and floor, and so on. A business plan on how to open a bakery or bakery will show that the main repair costs are the purchase and installation of tiles, ventilation systems, and plumbing work.

As for the location, any area of ​​the city is suitable for a regular mini-bakery workshop. If the initial investment is small, then the premises can be chosen on the outskirts or.

If a business plan is being drawn up for an object with a store or bakery, then the location is determined by the free reach of customers, and preferably in the city center.

You can also learn more about investing and what steps you need to take to avoid getting burned. Read how and where to invest profitably and increase your wealth.

Choosing a mini bakery

A business plan on how to open your own bakery provides for the purchase of a set of equipment for the bakery, which is necessary for production for industrial purposes. To buy a bakery, you need to know how the installations differ from each other:

  1. by type of oven;
  2. by cost;
  3. in terms of performance.

Modern baking equipment allows us to produce both budget varieties of bread and more expensive and exotic types of products. Today, baguettes, cookies, croissants, ciabatta, and brioche are very popular among consumers. Having mastered their production, the entrepreneur will always be able to offer retail outlets a wide range of products.

When choosing a bakery by oven type, you need to consider the following information:

  • Low-cost equipment aimed at small-scale production of products is produced on the basis of deck ovens. Its productivity is from 500 to 100 kg per shift, so it is not possible to fulfill a large production plan. They allow you to bake pan bread, buns, products from hearth, rye and mixed flour.
  • If the mini-bakery is equipped with a rotary oven, then this makes it possible to expand the range of bakery cookies, confectionery, and gingerbread. Bakery products baked in such an oven have an attractive appearance and high taste qualities. Equipment productivity is from 1300 to 2600 kg per shift.
  • The third type of equipment includes automated lines for the production of bakery products. They are capable of producing 5000 kg of products per shift, so the implementation plan can be set accordingly. Automated lines are most often equipped with tunnel ovens.

The kit also includes: a dough mixing machine, a dough sheeter, a proofing machine, a flour sifter, tables, carts. If the project provides for opening a store in the form of a bakery, then commercial equipment is added to all this, cash machine, cabinets for storing finished products.

Preparation of necessary documentation

Resolving all organizational issues of your activity must begin with a visit to the Federal Tax Service for or LLC. The first option is more economical, but it is suitable for entrepreneurs who do not plan to seriously develop their business in the future. If you expect to work with large wholesale companies or invest your earned money in other areas of activity, then it is better to register an LLC. The procedure itself consists of preparing statutory and personal documents, paying state fees, resolving issues with legal entities. address and transfer of all specified papers to the Federal Tax Service. Don't forget to indicate your activity code, which can be found in all-Russian classifier(for a bakery, this is OKVED 15.81).

In addition to documents on registration of the subject entrepreneurial activity in the tax inspectorate, Rosstat and funds (pension, social and health insurance), you need to complete the following papers:

  • Certificate of conformity for the entire range of products.
  • Sanitary and epidemiological certificate for the product and production (issued by Rospotrebnadzor).
  • Conclusion of the fire inspection on compliance with fire safety rules.

In addition to the above documents , additional licenses and permits are not required to operate a mini-bakery.

Selecting a tax regime

Entrepreneurs who decide to engage in the production of bakery products must, along with documents for registration, prepare an application for choosing a taxation system. The cheapest option is UTII, but it is not used in all regions of the country (depending on local authorities authorities). The second option is the simplified regime (STS), which allows you to calculate the amount of taxes in two ways:

  1. 6% of revenue.
  2. 15% of the difference between gross income and expenses.
  3. Begin

Hello, dear readers of the site! Today we present interesting material about baking equipment. Read and ask your questions in the comments.

Equipment for a mini-bakery: what, why and how much

We all want to live well, which means earning a decent living. There are different ways to achieve this. Let's say you have already decided on the direction and decided to open your own mini-bakery. A good choice, but three main questions immediately arise:

  1. What equipment is needed?
  2. What size room will you need?
  3. How much will you have to spend?

We will try to answer them. To do this, we will consider three configuration options for a mini-bakery: minimal, optimal and maximum.


This option involves the use of the minimum required set of low-performance equipment. In this case, it is assumed that manual labor will be actively used.

So, you will need:

Bakery oven

They are hearth, rotary and convection. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. For a mini-bakery with a minimum configuration optimal choice– hearth model. Its design can have from one to four tiers (hearths). Each of them is equipped with heating elements.

Bakery ovens can also be electric, gas, steam and others. We only consider electric models. From a practical point of view, this is the best option: it is the smallest and requires minimum investment for restructuring the engineering systems of the premises.

The advantage of multi-tier hearth ovens is the ability to independently control the operating mode of the upper and lower heating elements. This allows you to bake different products at the same time, which fully fits into the concept of a mini-bakery.

The presence of a steam humidification function allows you to get a glossy crispy crust on the surface of bakery products, and this directly affects the improvement of the presentation and taste of the product. A good choice is the three-tier deck oven Miratek BK-39 for 9 baking trays measuring 400 × 600 mm. Its cost is 118,590 rubles. It can also be equipped with stone hearths.

Flour sifter

It can be vibration or centrifugal (screw). We suggest going with the first option. Centrifugal flour sifters have greater productivity, but for the minimum configuration option their capabilities will not be fully used. Vibrating models are smaller in size and more suitable for mini-bakeries.

A good choice is STILLAG SM-5. The productivity of such a flour sifter is 150 kg/hour, and the cost is 27,842 rubles.

Dough mixer

Spiral mixers are similar in appearance to planetary mixers, but are designed for mixing thick dough. Both the kneading tool and the bowl (dough container) or only one of these elements can rotate. A good choice is the Miratek PX-80 dough mixer. This is a dough mixer for yeast dough with a stationary bowl of 80 liters. Its cost is 145,125 rubles.

Proofing equipment

Proofing is necessary to restore the gluten framework of the dough. It is again saturated with carbon dioxide, becomes porous and increases in volume by 50–70%. In this case, the top layer of dough pieces becomes gas-tight, elastic and smooth. As a result, after proofing, you get delicious, fluffy baked goods.

A distinction is made between preliminary and final proofing. During pre-proofing, the dough, not yet shaped, is left for a period of 2 to 20 minutes. During this process, the volume increases, the porosity and plasticity of the dough improves, and a thin elastic film is formed on the surface. There are no strict requirements for humidity and temperature. Workpieces that have undergone preliminary proofing are easier to roll out and acquire their final shape.

The final proofing is carried out after the dough has been formed. The dough increases in volume, loosens and is saturated with carbon dioxide. At the same time, the gluten frame is restored, the workpiece takes on the required shape, and its surface becomes smooth and elastic. Three parameters are important for final proofing: temperature, humidity and duration.

Ideally, a bakery should have both pre-proofing and post-proofing equipment. In the minimum version, you can get by with a simple thermal cover measuring 600 × 900 mm. Its cost is 12,870 rubles.

Auxiliary equipment

Auxiliary equipment includes production tables (in our version you will need 3 pieces), trolleys (8 pieces), bread molds, baking trays and a washing bath. All of the above will require another 90,000 rubles.


To purchase everything listed equipment you will need about 400,000 rubles. It is located on an area of ​​30 m2 and allows the production of up to 500 kg of bakery products in an eight-hour shift.


The optimal configuration option for a mini-bakery is, in a certain sense, the golden mean. The equipment used has good performance and allows you to automate a number of operations. As a result, the capabilities of the enterprise increase significantly.

Bakery oven

When implementing the optimal configuration option for a mini-bakery, you will need two baking ovens: a hearth and a rotary oven. The first allows you to diversify the product range as much as possible. We talked about it, describing the minimum configuration option. The same model is suitable for the optimal option.

Rotary kilns have their own characteristics. They accommodate one or more multi-tier trolleys. During operation, they rotate and are blown by fans. In rotary ovens there are no temperature differences and all baked goods are baked under the same conditions. This is the main reason they are stable High Quality.

Buying a rotary oven is a way to increase the productivity of a mini-bakery by an order of magnitude. A suitable model for this is Danler BV-16 with a steam humidification function and a built-in trolley for 16 trays measuring 400 × 600 mm. Its cost is 566,265 rubles.

Flour sifter

For the optimal option, the same model is suitable as for the minimum: STILLAG SM-5.

Dough mixer

In this case, you will need equipment of greater power and performance. A good choice is Danler PQ-140 with a 140-liter stationary bowl. This model costs RUB 308,333.

Dough divider

Dough dividers are used to obtain pieces of the required weight. The uninterrupted production of standard products and the reduction of production losses depend on the accuracy of the operation of such equipment. Dough dividers can be screw, roller, rotary, piston, hydraulic, paddle, vacuum or combination, etc.

Hydraulic models with a weight method of dividing dough are suitable for mini-bakeries. These are compact devices that are often equipped with a wheelbase, which allows them to be used as mobile ones. A good choice is Staf La Junior costing RUB 474,586.

Proofing equipment

For the optimal configuration of a mini-bakery, we recommend using a final proofing cabinet. A suitable model is Miratek LVP-32 for two trolleys (32 trays) measuring 400 × 600 mm. Cost 266,827 rubles.

Bread slicing machine

Bread slicing machines cut bread, including freshly baked bread, into even slices. The time of bakery employees is saved, production volumes are increased and the amount of waste is reduced.

Bread slicing machines are equipped with frame, sickle or disk type knives. The first ones are the simplest, without the ability to adjust the thickness of the slices. Devices with sickle-shaped knives do not have this drawback, but they are the least productive. Bread slicing machines with disc knives are the most functional.

According to the type of control, such devices can be manual, semi-automatic (with manual loading of products) and automatic. According to the placement option - tabletop and floor-mounted.

For a mini-bakery in the considered option, it is quite enough to install a desktop semi-automatic bread-slicing machine equipped with frame-type knives. A good choice is Danler FZ-375 for RUB 50,401.

Auxiliary equipment

From auxiliary equipment you will need: production tables (in our version 3 pcs.), trolleys (9 pcs.), bread molds, baking sheets and a washing bath. This will require another 240,000 rubles.


To purchase all the equipment listed above, you need about 2,000,000 rubles. It is located on an area of ​​48 m2 and allows the production of up to 1,000 kg of bakery products in an eight-hour shift.


The maximum configuration option for a mini-bakery allows you to get the greatest effect from the enterprise. The basis of this approach is automation production process. As a result, the influence of the human factor is reduced and productivity increases.

Bakery oven

In this case, you will need two identical rotary ovens. They have the required productivity and ensure the production of high quality baked goods. A suitable option is the Ramalhos Rotoram S-Maxi with a built-in trolley for 18 trays measuring 600 × 900 mm. The cost of the equipment is RUB 1,489,302. for a unit.

Flour sifter

For the maximum option, we recommend using auger models. The most convenient devices will be those equipped with a wheelbase to increase mobility. Suitable choice– Danler XL-2000 with a capacity of 1,500 kg/hour and a hopper volume of 50 l. It costs 154,010 rubles.

Dough mixer

Select equipment with the power and performance that suits you. For a mini-bakery, a dough mixer with a rolling bowl with a capacity of 200 liters is quite suitable. For example, BakeBerry PM-200. To use it with maximum efficiency, you will need an additional 200 liter BakeBerry PM-200 bowl. The cost of the dough mixer is 1,047,035 rubles, the bowl is 237,770 rubles.

Dough divider

For the maximum configuration of a mini-bakery, you will need a dough divider combined type. A suitable choice is vacuum piston models. They are able to produce blanks with high precision and do not “injure” the dough (they do not compress or tear). Like Danler DV-2000 for RUB 479,802.

Dough rounder

Rounders are used to give workpieces a rounded shape after exiting the divider. A good choice is Danler RS-2000 for RUB 254,671.

Dough seamer

Dough rolling machines are used to mechanize the processes of forming bakery products. According to their purpose, they are divided into three types: for the production of French baguettes, loaves or bagels. For a mini-bakery, the optimal choice is a dough sheeting machine - Danler WML-400 for RUB 271,274.

Proofing equipment

To get the most out of your mini-bakery, we recommend using both pre-proofing and final proofing cabinets. In the first case, a good choice is Danler LP-154 for 154 cells costing 527,130 rubles, in the second - Miratek LVP-64 for four carts of 16 trays measuring 600 × 800 mm for 325,791 rubles.

Bread slicing machine

For the mini-bakery in this version, you will need a semi-automatic bread-slicing machine equipped with frame-type knives, which can be changed depending on the thickness of the slices. A good choice is Danler FZ-480 for RUB 147,051.

Auxiliary equipment

Auxiliary equipment will be needed: production tables (in our version, due to maximum automation, 1 piece), trolleys (8 pieces), bread molds, baking trays and a washing bath. This will require another 275,000 rubles.


To purchase all the equipment listed above, you need about 6,000,000 rubles. It is located on an area of ​​80 m2 and allows the production of up to 2,500 kg of bakery products in an eight-hour shift.


From the above data it can be seen that, depending on the configuration of the mini-bakery, the costs of purchasing equipment grow exponentially. It is assumed that income will grow at a similar pace. Conclusion: when choosing suitable option The main thing is to correctly estimate the sales volumes of future products.

People will always eat. Therefore, some businessmen consider running their own business exclusively in the field of Catering. Fast food sales points are growing like an avalanche. There are two development options in this direction: purchasing a ready-made franchise or implementing your own concept.

The second option is preferable. The “raw” business model will require a lot of effort from the entrepreneur, but it also has its advantages. For example, there is no need to pay a lump sum fee or royalties. A good idea for your own business is to open a mini-bakery.

Is it profitable to run a bakery?

Yes, it's profitable. This business is characterized by profitability of 50-60% and constant demand. Bonus - mobility. The owner of the enterprise can change the product range and adapt to demand. This will allow you to quickly meet customer needs without incurring additional costs. With a decrease in public interest in baguettes or exotic varieties of bread, you need to reorient yourself to the production of confectionery products and puff pastries.

The diagram is based on information from Rosstat. At the same time, industry experts predict an increase in the share of bakeries in supermarkets and small private enterprises to 20 and 16%, respectively. Another trend is also noticeable. The Russian population is increasingly interested in “European” baked goods: ciabattas and baguettes.

Stages of opening a mini-bakery

Starting a business takes place in several stages. This applies to entrepreneurs developing their own model. When purchasing a franchise, most organizational tasks are transferred to the shoulders of the partner. A dilemma arises: on someone else’s project or should you still “promote” your own? It's better to take the second path. Before launching his own model, a businessman must draw up a clear step by step plan. It must be followed strictly. It looks like this:

  • Business registration.
  • Selection of premises.
  • Purchase of equipment.
  • Personnel search.
  • Purchase of raw materials.
  • Establishing sales channels.

Business registration

There are many forms of running your own business. For beginning entrepreneurs who do not operate with large capital, two are suitable:

Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages. You need to weigh the pros and cons in advance. This approach will help avoid a lot of mistakes and problems in the future.


This form of business is suitable primarily for those who work in partnership with other citizens. Future preferences are distributed depending on the share of participation of each founder in the authorized capital of the company. Registering an LLC is more difficult. To register with the tax authority you must provide:

  1. Charter
  2. Foundation agreement (if the company has 2 or more founders).
  3. Minutes of the meeting of founders.
  4. Application for state registration.

You need to additionally open a current account and form an authorized capital. Registration authorities also require the provision of documentation for legal address firms, for example letter of guarantee from the owner of the premises. The state fee for opening an LLC is 4 thousand rubles. On average, registration time (including collection and preparation of documentation) takes 1 month.


Everything is simpler here. A businessman needs to fill out the appropriate application on form P21001, pay a state fee (800 rubles) and provide a copy of his passport. After receiving the registration certificate, the next step in the plan is to choose a tax system. A simplified system is perfect for individual entrepreneurs. There are two options:

  • 6% of income.
  • 15% of the difference between income and expenses.

The first type is simpler for calculations, but in case of large monthly costs, the second one is also applicable.

Important: The difference between an individual entrepreneur and an LLC lies in the form of liability. An entrepreneur, in case of problems with his activities, risks all his property, and a limited liability company risks only the size authorized capital. For beginners in business, it is recommended to open an individual entrepreneur.

Selection of premises

For a mini bakery right choice premises is a key stage of the plan. The main criterion is cross-country ability. The turnover of an enterprise directly depends on traffic. There are 3 placement options for this type of business:

  1. Rent in a shopping complex.
  2. Pavilion at the bus stop.
  3. The apartment is on the first floor of a residential building.

Each type has advantages and disadvantages. A detailed comparison will help you make your final choice.

Rent in TC

There are many advantages. For example, a businessman does not need to undergo a fire inspection, since this has already been done by the owner of the premises. The rent (from 300 rubles/m2) directly depends on the popularity of the shopping center and the location of the bakery inside the hall. This is what is considered the most accessible for beginning entrepreneurs. The disadvantages include:

  1. Adjustable operating mode.
  2. Competition within the shopping center itself (sometimes several individual entrepreneurs of the same focus are located in one complex).
  3. Problems with future expansion.
  4. Limited power grid capacity.

The low price eliminates these shortcomings. Therefore, merchants often locate their business there.

Pavilion at the bus stop

This type of activity requires serious investments. The price for making a pavilion reaches 6-12 thousand rubles/m2. The problem also lies in coordinating the location of the mini-bakery with the city administration. It will not be possible to simply install production at a bus stop with a lot of traffic. The entrepreneur independently obtains permission from the SES and the fire inspectorate, negotiates with power engineers about the allocated capacities and connection to the network. The advantage is independent adjustment of the operating mode. Some shopping malls open only from 9 am, but you can set the pavilion’s schedule yourself, taking into account the intensity of traffic during the day.

Apartment on the ground floor

For those new to business who don't have much financial capabilities, this way of doing business is not suitable. The advantages are the same as those of a pavilion at a stopping point; the disadvantages include the high cost of doing business. In a city with a population of over a million, rent for premises on the ground floor of a residential building does not fall below 30 thousand rubles. This has a negative impact on business profitability.

Important: from personal experience Entrepreneurs are advised to stay in pavilions at the bus stop; at the start of work, renting from a shopping center is also suitable.

Equipment purchase

A mini-bakery will require different equipment. You can make your choice only after setting the range of baked goods. Basic set includes:

  1. Convection oven.
  2. Proofing cabinet.
  3. Dough mixer.
  4. Flour sifter.
  5. Stainless steel tables.
  6. Dough forming machine.

Conventionally, all equipment is divided into two types: domestic and imported. The difference between them is the price and functionality. Showcases, refrigerator, cash register are not included in the list. In this case, we are talking only about specific equipment for preparing bakery products.


Italian convection ovens are popular in the baking business. They differ in build quality and variability of operating modes. Manufacturers provide extended warranties for many models. The equipment is expensive. When compiling financial plan this expense item will become the main one.


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