The purpose of motivation in the company. Motivation of staff in the organization. Directions of improving and improving the efficiency of labor motivation in the organization

What are the main and non-standard types of personnel motivation? How to motivate employees in an organization? Who will help choose the most appropriate type of personnel motivation in management?

Every manager - at least large enterprise, though small - two questions are worried: how to raise profits and at the same time spend less? That is, how to achieve an increase in income without extra costs, and so that employees are comfortable and did not want to look for something better.

In the new article from the Personnel Motivation section we will tell you about different types Motivation. Anna Medvedeva is a permanent author of the online journal "Khitirbobur".

Fulfilled the article waiting for a bonus - you will learn about completely unusual types of motivation that exist not in theory, but apply in real existing companies. Read and adopt someone else's experience - perhaps this is exactly what is missing in your team.

1. What is the personnel motivation

Who has the right to call himself a good leader? Principles effective management Personnel and skillfully applies them in practice.

What does it mean skillfully apply in practice? It is worth paying attention to the result.

Employees are satisfied wagesThey do not seek to go into competing companies, because in your team there was a wonderful microclimate, and everyone works with a desire, showing a creative approach to their work. This is the result of quality management.

In order to competently manage, you need to use various management tools. One such auxiliary techniques is the introduction of motivation at the enterprise.

What it is?

Personal motivation - This is the creation of internal incentive to high-quality and efficient employees labor activity With the help of various techniques.

The concept of stimulation is connected with the concept of motivation. Many believe that these are similar terms. We would distinguish them a little.

Stimulation - This is the use of tougher, categorical measures. Methods and forms of stimulation are different, but most often are negative (that is, they are a system of fines and restrictions).

Motivation same - more flexible and multifaceted system. It includes many techniques and relies on a variety of factors - from the specifics and objectives of the company to the needs of each employee separately.

Different types of personnel motivation described in detail in the next section of our publication.

As in any other sphere associated with the human factor, when drawing up motivational programs is indispensable creative principle and using non-standard techniques . Only a combination of traditional and non-traditional methods Makes any motivation system really interesting and standing.

4. How to motivate personnel - step-by-step instructions

How to introduce a motivation system so that from the very beginning it worked and was protected by at least the most common mistakes?

We will make an algorithm of actions.

Step 1. We inform employees about the plans to increase the motivation

Employees should be aware of all changes in the enterprise, and the implementation of the motivation system is not an exception. Everyone should see the prospects and advantages of upcoming events, and the main thing is the benefits.

IN a small organization It is easier to advertise on a common glider, where you can collect all employees. If the enterprise is large, then from general Director The disposal to the managers of units, which, in turn, comes information to the subordinates.

Step 2. Carefully learn full-time employees.

Often, ordinary written surveys and surveys are used for this. They allow you to determine the satisfaction of employees working conditions, relations in the team, the desire of everyone to career growth, etc.

However, we advise you to certify staff. This more in-depth study will help you reveal. the best employees, as well as divide employees on working stably and with varying success, assess the level of knowledge and skills, compliance with positions and other very significant indicators.

Step 3. We analyze the system of motivation of other companies

To study the types of personnel motivation in similar companies will be especially useful if you do not attract third-party specialists, but you are developing a program on your own.

Of course, it is not necessary to borrow completely ready, even if you work well, the schemes, because each enterprise and the team has their own characteristics. But rational grain in such a practice undoubtedly there.

Step 4. Approve the final version of the Motivation Program

Taking the basis of some of the systems using the experience of competitors and their personnel data, you can make an effective motivation system for your team.

We add that help or at least consultation of a competent specialist will still be superfluous. Especially if the team you have a small, and there is no separate service of marketers, which would be dealt with such questions.

Step 5.

When the Motivation Program is ready, it is again necessary to convey to subordinates in detail. Everyone should be understood by the calculation of bonuses and premiums and other nuances of the process.

Be sure to tell about the main goal, which is pursued by a complex of upcoming events. When employees not only strive for personal incentives, but still feel an important part of the Great Process, it makes labor quality at a completely different level.

5. Help in improving staff motivation - Overview Top 3 services for the provision of services

For those who are not strong in theories of management, there are companies that are professionally engaged in the development of motivation systems adapted to the specifics of various institutions and teams.

There are various kinds of training organizations - business schools where you can get initial or in-depth knowledge in this area.

Meet representatives of this direction and choose for yourself the most suitable option.

1) Mas Project

The company-developer of an effective business management system offers the most reliable solution - to teach employees to planning, managing their time and many other things that make work as efficient as possible.

From the video posted on the site, you will learn about the tools strategic planning - managing projects, tasks and amounts of salaries, regulation, cards of goals and many other things. The program will help you constantly be aware of the effectiveness of each employee.

The MAS Project system is an online service that can be deployed - both in the "cloud" and in the inner corporate system. Your employees will have access to it 24 hours a day, regardless of remoteness.

2) Business Relass

With this company you are guaranteed to break through your company's development. Business Relations offers training, after which the level of employee motivation increases maximum. The main goal of the training is to create a cohesive team in the team, eliminate conflict situations and inspire workers to a new attitude to work.

Book a free test for your team to assess your team and callback to consult.

3) Moscow Business School

Business school, which is in Moscow, is taught not only in the capital. Seminars and corporate business training can be visited in many cities of Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Belarus and Vietnam.

If you need practical skills in the field of business and management, boldly contact one of the best domestic business schools that corresponds to international levels. Diplomas and certificates issued here are appreciated both in the CIS and West.

The site is conveniently represented by the schedule of training activities. For those who cannot be present personally provided distance learning in the form of video seminars.

6. What are there non-standard ways to increase staff motivation - 4 main ways

Non-standard and unusual ways of encouraging employees are not needed to show the originality of the leadership of the leadership.

The creative approach allows you to expand traditional motivation schemes and make attention to employees from different sides.

Method 1. Arrangement of a place to relax in the office

Even in a small office, additional rooms are needed for locker room and resting. Thus, the needs of workers in comfort will be implemented.

Each employee will have the opportunity to drink tea or coffee during the working day, without interfering with others and without demonstrating its five-minute vacation to visitors, if it comes to the office where you work with customers.

In addition, during such snacks, the atmosphere is discharged in the team, because employees have the opportunity to relax from the working rhythm in an informal setting, simply communicating over a cup of tea.

Method 2. Prize for good relations with colleagues

In a mental friendly atmosphere, we work more fruitful. In a safe microclimate in the team, everything is done easier, creativity and mutual execution flourishes.

If the management is encouraged by this, the staff will be a real team of like-minded people, from which no competitor is liabating the valuable personnel.


JapangeneleStateco has set the rule to the manager of the company who had friendly relations with employees, to pay an award to the salary of about 3,000 dollars.

Agree, a good stimulus in order to go to a higher level of communication.

Method for 3. Bonuses for vacation used for rest

Often, instead of vacation, people prefer to spend the money allotted for him and the time for something else. Someone remains at work at all, having received compensation, and someone instead of resting at the sea climbs another repair or buying something useful for the house.

But human resources are not limitless, and everyone needs in vacation in the same way as in full-fledged nutrition. Without a good recreation, a person decreases productivity and quality of labor.

Therefore, in some companies there is a practice to pay compensation for those employees who replenish the physical and moral forces to the rest of the rest. For this, an employee needs only to make a ticket to a sanatorium or a holiday home and travel tickets. Naturally, for the period when he is listed on vacation.

Successful business development assumes that each employee working in the organization must be interested in the results of his labor. To achieve this, the leaders of the organization should apply special methods of personnel motivation. Their use should be individual, otherwise final goal may not be achieved.

general information

The motivation of personnel in the organization is a set of measures aimed at stimulating the work of employees in order to develop an organization in which they work.

Management should strive to satisfy the personal, physiological and social needs of workers in priority.

What reasons are the motivation reduced?

Many employees coming to work are full of initiatives. However, with the impression of labor motivation, the personnel can come frustration in its work. This happens for a number of reasons:

  1. Strong intervention of leadership in the activities of a particular employee.
  2. There is no support from the organization, there is no psychological assistance.
  3. There is no information that is necessary for efficient work.
  4. The head of the organization is little interested in employee issues.
  5. There is no feedback between the management of the organization and employees.
  6. An employee may be incorrectly evaluated by the head.
  7. Remaining unchanged for a long time payment of labor.

As a result, employees have a sense of need to fulfill work, as responsibilities for their existence, but initiative to disappear, pride, aspiration for career growth.

To avoid all this, it is necessary to implement the labor motivation.

Stages of loss of interest in labor

It is believed that interest in work disappears within 6 consecutive stages:

  1. Confusion. Here, the employee begins to experience the first signs of stress. He does not understand that he does not work. Communication with colleagues continues, it is possible to even an option for more intensive work, which can lead to more stress.
  2. Irritation. Some managers give some instructions on one day, and others - others. It begins to cause irritation to employees. Labor productivity at this stage still may increase, but irritation grows.
  3. Hope in the subconscious. The employee assures that he does not work at work, the boss is to blame. He is waiting for the manager to allow a miss to show his right point. Labor productivity remains at the same level.
  4. Disappointment. Here, the productivity of labor is already reduced to the minimum. To revive the interest of an employee to work is hard enough, but not all is lost. The worker still hopes that the head will pay attention to it.
  5. The desire and willingness to cooperate comes down to zero. Here, the employee fulfills only what he is supposed. A number of employees begin to refer to work with disregard. The relationship with subordinates, colleagues begin to deteriorate. Interest in work is lost, it is important to preserve self-esteem.
  6. The final stage. An employee who has lost interest in work becomes another company or refers to work as unnecessary for him personally, but necessary for existence. Regret it can be noted that a large number of workers work today in the second option.

All this determines the need to apply special methods designed to motivate personnel in the organization.

Motivation theory

According to this theory, most motives are in the sphere of unconscious. At the same time, the conscious behavior of the organization's staff is motivated. The manager should be able to identify the needs of the organization's staff and motivate them to fulfill the tasks that are necessary to improve the efficiency of the organization's activities.

At the same time, motivation should not be static, the continuous improvement of personnel motivation should be carried out.

Motivation of staff activities should focus on each individual.

Psychologists allocate three types of orientation - on themselves, to the task and on other people. Employees are mainly aimed at themselves, and leaders want employees to go to the task. Hence the task of the manager, which consists in ensuring effective execution by employees of their duties to achieve the task required for the organization. To fulfill it, it is necessary to stimulate employees.

There is a small difference between motivation and stimulating personnel. Stimulus from the point of view of psychology is an external impact on a person, and the motive is internal.

Classification of methods

All methods of personnel motivation are divided into two large groups: material and intangible.

The use of the manual of specific methods is determined by what it wants to achieve. If it is necessary to increase the implementation indicator use material motivation, representing an extra charge to the employee in the form of a percentage of selling. If you need to raise the moral spirit of workers, then the head is planning to conduct corporate competitions or joint trainings.

However, it is rare when it is possible to do with the use of only one motivation methods. Mainly use their combination. In this case, they talk about the system motivation system.

Methods of material incentive

Motivation is directly related to the stimulation of workers, so in many cases these two concepts are united in one and talk about motivation and stimulating staff.

Consider methods of material motivation and stimulation:

  • Individual cash bonuses. Basically, the work is carried out by the team, but not the whole team works uniformly. Some workers work more, invest more strength, skills, skills, and others - less. Encouraging active workers in cash can serve as a method of encouraging them for self-development, as well as the method of motivating staff in less active position. When applying this method, the enterprise it is possible to keep the most qualified personnel, which will contribute to the growth and development of the enterprise.
  • The percentage of implementation is aimed at motivating staff in organizations engaged in real estate, perfumery and cosmetics products, household appliances, mobile devices or product promotion. Data interest can be paid directly in wages or be a premium to it. Thus, the staff becomes interested in implementing as many products as possible (goods, works or services).
  • Premium payments for qualitatively performed work, overfulfing the planned, the introduction of know-how, brought real benefit to the organization. This method is used by the heads of those organizations where the ultimate goal of the activity commercial organization Depends on the number and quality of work performed. Such premiums can be paid for any innovative projects, with the implementation of which new customers are attracted.
  • Redistribution of profits. This method Looks like the first, but the profit received by the organization is redistributed here. Redistribution can be carried out evenly between all employees or a large proportion can be distributed in favor of those employees who contribute a greater contribution to the common cause.

Intangible principle

To stimulate the working process in an organization, you can use not only material, but also intangible methods that are best used in the complex, since the increase in only wages begins to gradually decompose employees, they begin to disappear for self-development. The methods of intangible motivation of personnel include:

  1. Bringing to the attention of information workers about the dynamics of the organization's development, its plans and prospects, which can serve as one of the incentives for the fulfillment of its tasks more responsibly.
  2. Public recognition the best workers. A bright example of personnel motivation can serve as a competition for best project The organization in which the winner will be chosen, which will receive an appropriate sign of distinction, and even better if a special report will be made with the coverage of its media activities.
  3. Congratulations to employees with holidays, the organization of corporate trainings, providing vouchers.

At the same time, it is necessary to constantly improve the motivation of personnel, since monotonous methods quickly come, become ordinary.

Personnel motivation management

The main goal of the motivation management is to create such a system in which the objectives facing the organization were achieved with the joint satisfaction of its employees. In this case, each employee will be aimed at improving the work of the organization, because it directly affects its income, the satisfaction of interests and needs.

Motivation management objectives:

  • improvement economic indicators organization activities;
  • reduction of frame tube;
  • improving employee loyalty with increasing the degree of their involvement;
  • creating a team of managers who should continue monitoring and improving the personnel motivation system.

These goals should be specified by the organization, its divisions and for each employee individually.

Motivation and stimulation of personnel can be achieved when attracting employees to management. However, opposite results may be obtained here compared to expected if such motivation will be directed to the employees of the lip-based type.

Principles of motivation

Motivation of staff at the enterprise should be carried out not just for the reason that it is necessary, but for effective motivation that can be achieved only under the management of the organization of certain principles:

  1. The interests of workers in motivation should be taken into account, but the possibilities of the enterprise should be taken into account.
  2. Motivation tools should be based on the principles of justice and objectivity.
  3. The use of motivation tools should be accompanied by a short temporary lag between the work performed and the remuneration for this work.
  4. The motivation program must be brought to all employees of the company.
  5. When using motivation methods, it is necessary to consider the features of each employee.
  6. The management of the organization must himself or by delegating data to the authority to interrogate employees for their motivation.

The motivational program at the enterprise should be constantly analyzed, which makes it effective.

Individual motivation methods

As mentioned above, the achievement of motivation objectives is possible if individual motivation methods are applied.

These methods include:

  • Material bonuses workers for performing the task. Each organization itself establishes the criteria for employees. Each person is interested in greater pay for his work, so he will strive to fulfill the prescriptions of the head.
  • Work for a certain period of time without care to the hospital. This contributes to sports, refusal harmful habitswhat can be encouraged by special cash payments specific employees, as well as those employees who simply did not go to the hospital.
  • In difficult industries, it is necessary to provide employees with a full social package so that they feel that in case of temporary disability, they will be protected, which will allow them to better do their work.
  • Training and retraining staff as new knowledge appears. This contributes to the self-development of workers, and the organization can receive a wide profile specialists.
  • Signs of differences, awards, Cups and other promotions belong to intangible motivation methods. Following the fulfillment of any work, certain employees are allocated, which contributes to raising their moral spirit and the desire for improvement.

Motivation problems

Managing the motivation of personnel involves the presence of competent management. However, today in domestic enterprises there are problems of motivation, which are subject to elimination if the leader's desire to ensure the effective activities of the organization.

These issues include:

  1. Legal problems. Employees of the Organization very often weakly own a regulatory framework in the field of labor legislation, which allows some managers to carry out pressure on the data of employees and humiliate them. As a result, the motivation of staff at the enterprise reduces its effectiveness, employees cease to receive satisfaction from the employment process.
  2. Problems of the economy. Many managers believe that employees are enough to pay wages. However, in the absence of various encouragements of both material and intangible nature, the organization's employees lose their initiative, labor productivity decreases, which adversely affects the efficiency of the organization.
  3. Moral problems. Workers domestic enterprises Always differed in that they brought home from work something that lies badly. Basically, these actions are punishable by serious antimotive actions - various fines, punishments.


Thus, the motivation of staff at the enterprise is a rather complicated task. It requires the use of an individual approach to each employee, which is very difficult for managers. The main methods of motivation are material. However, they must be combined with the intangible motivation of staff, which will make it possible to more effectively affect the subconscious of employees, and will increase the efficiency of the organization.

What is the personnel motivation in the company? Who is responsible for the company for the motivation of employees? And in general, what motivation in modern business? These and other questions periodically arise from modern leaders. What will be the answers to them?

How figuratively noticed the owner of a major production Holding When discussing a consulting project: "Make me such a system of motivation for staff so that my employees will be run by running along the corridor, enthusiastically performing the task, and I would only have time to dare." This is really a dream of any supervisor - when employees do not need to constantly push, they work independently, enthusiastically, with a light. How real is the real picture? By the way, with this remark, consultants immediately asked the owner: "And how do you want the people along the corridor ranks: quickly or efficiently?". This, by the way, is different tasks.

First of all, it is necessary to determine what motivation is? There are many definitions of this concept, it is often also replaced by the concept of "stimulation". In Russian and Soviet literature, always shared concepts: stimulation and motivation. In the first case, they talked about the motivation of labor behavior, in the second - about motivation at all. In Western literature, this division does not exist, in Western sources, only motivation always mean in the Western sources with labor behavior or in ordinary life.

Motivation - A combination of processes that encourage, direct and support human behavior towards achieving a specific purpose.

"The essence motivation It is to give people what they most want to receive from work. The more complete you can satisfy their desires, the more chances you have to get what you need, namely: productivity, quality, service, "- writes Tweela Dell. (From the book" Honest labor days"- Twyla Dell," Honest Days Work ", 1988.)

Of course, there are various motivation factors that determine what is the most valuable, important to humans. As a rule, this is not one factor, but several and together they make up a map or a set of motivational factors. Motivation factors are divided into external and internal.

Internal motivation factors:

  • Dream, self-realization
  • Ideas, creativity
  • Self-affirmation
  • Conviction
  • Curiosity
  • Health
  • Need for someone
  • Personal growth
  • Need to communicate

External motivation factors:

  • Money
  • Career
  • Status
  • Prestigious things
  • Aesthetics of life
  • The ability to travel

In addition, the motives of human behavior differ also in nature: they can be positive (acquire, save) or negative (get rid of, avoid). So, the positive external motive of behavior is the premium that a person can get for good work, and negative - punishment for her failure; A positive inner motive is the fascination of the case, which he is engaged in, and negative - his routine character, as a result of which the person's classes, on the contrary, seeks to get rid of.

Studies, for example, show that, provided that there are 20% of people with a sufficient state of 20% of people under any circumstances; from the remaining 36% will work in case of interesting work; 36% - to avoid boredom and loneliness; 14% - from the fear of "losing yourself"; 9% - because work brings joy. Only about 12% of people have money as the main motive, at the same time up to 45% prefer them to them; 35% - satisfaction content of work.

Thus, the knowledge of the factors of the employee's motivation is a fundamental basis for the head, since it is the ratio of internal and external factors Motivation is the basis for coordinating the interests of the employee and the company, the development of the motivation system for it. To identify a set of motivational factors for an employee in different ways. It may be an interview of the candidate, and testing, and the survey. The choice of a specific tool always depends on the situation in the company, from planned results, from the skills of the leader himself and / or personnel management specialist.

However, it is often necessary to reveal the factors of motivation of already working employees. This is especially important for management personnel and for personnel reserve. At one of the projects, which implemented our company, the customer as one of the tasks set the identification of the motivation of the directors of the stores and the creation management team. The most effective in this case was a combination of testing, and then projective interview. The TTI LTDs of the TTI LTD are used as testing tools, which in a short time testing allow you to get a fairly complete report, which includes not only the employee's motivational card, but also identify the features of its management style, the features of its communication skills, managerial potential, etc. d. Then, based on test data, an interview was conducted, which made it possible to check some test results and build a more complete picture.

Based on testing data and interviews, it was possible:

  • distribute managerial personnel by category
  • lower the motivation system for management personnel
  • determine the zone of the nearest development of each employee, i.e. form an individual learning program
  • create Backgrounds To Build Management Team
  • shape a personnel reserve
  • prepare for the customer recommendations for each employee, its effective work in the company

As a result, the Customer has the opportunity to create tools for the development and retention of management personnel in the company, in accordance with the aspirations of each of the managers to use someone when implementing new projects, someone - when maintaining standards on old projects.

So, after the motivational factors have been identified different ways, It is necessary to understand what instruments can an employee motivate, how much will this cost the company and how to calculate the efficiency of the system as a whole?

First of all, the main motivators for the employee may be:

  • Wage
  • Description of labor
  • Labor intensity
  • Protection labor rights employee
  • Order at the enterprise
  • Account management to employee
  • Relationships in the collective
  • Ability to advance training

Those. These are precisely those tools that can be used in the company. On the other hand, from the position of the company, you can divide all possible tools for motivation into two large groups: these are material and intangible motivators.

TO motivation material instruments refer (they are also called financial species Motivation):

  • Wage
  • Bonus (Prize)
  • Compensation (Social) Package

Intangible (or non-financial) tools much more. Here options can be a different one. For example:

  • Limited Title
  • Honorary Difference
  • Accommodation Photos on Honor Board
  • Rewarding tickets to the theater (with family)
  • Personal Stationery (Paper, Folders, Files, etc.)
  • Photo of a representative in a campaign booklet
  • Fare
  • Payment of subscription to sports club
  • New business accessories
  • Free lunches for a week in the restaurant
  • Personal clock (value varies)
  • Opportunity to test herself in the role of the head
  • Joint collective events (sports and leisure)

For employees whose main motivators are recognition, career, status, self-affirmation from the manager there are some more options for intangible tools:

  • Participation in decision-making
  • Delegation of authority
  • Participation in the new company project
  • Transfer of an important (key) client

Each company uses already described or invents its own options. It all depends on corporate culture Companies, its strategic tasks and goals. But, combining those or other tools of motivation when building common system It must be remembered that intangible tools have the opportunity to use only when employees are satisfied with a material point of view. Those. Then, when their material expectations are satisfied, what is not only about wages, but also on the full filling of the compensation package. Frequently, the company simply forget that for an employee, in addition to wages and awards, for example, free lunches, passage of travel, additional days for vacation, payment of hospital in a larger volume than is provided for by the TK RF. This is also the entire financial component of the compensation package. You should not immediately increase wages, you need to calculate all components of the compensation package, and then it becomes clear what is possible, your compensation package and not lower, and sometimes even higher than the average.

The system of compensation in the company is closely connected with the motivation system. In fact, the compensation system is a reflection and development strategy of the company, and the focus of employee motivation.

The system of motivation and compensation in the company is completely individual, and a simple copying of competitors practically does not lead to success. This is especially true about the top managers of the company. Look, as a rule, top managers motivated, i.e. Returns to efficient and responsible work:

  • Direct dependence earnings from the results
  • Transparency and controllability
  • Top Manager Status
  • Clear contract
  • System of requirements and tasks at the Strategic Planning Stage

The main problem in motivating top managers is not even material factors. As a rule, with the compensation system, everything is more and less consistent here, everyone knows that they offer competitors, and try not to retreat from the general, so to speak, the list. If you analyze the list of motivators, you will see that the main thing that can be interesting to the top manager is its positioning within the company, the quality of the tasks being solved, and the ratio of power and resources with its responsibility.

Unfortunately, it is the last most difficult to implement everything. It is here, when coordinating the interests of the top - manager and the owner and the conflict of interest begins. This is due to the fact that on the one hand we do not have in full legislative base For such a transfer of responsibility and powers, on the other hand there are mutual fear and the owner, and the top manager who is evoked like this: "What if he kins me (substitute, will lead my business, ...). Question" How can I trust him ? "It arises constantly, on all consulting projects, where you have to solve such tasks.

Exit from this situation, in my opinion, is very complete, written in detail supplementary agreement to labor Treatywhere all motivational programs are specified in advance, learning opportunities, delegated tasks (along with resources and responsibility), etc.

And often the presence of such an agreement, with clearly prescribed rights and obligations of the Parties, with clearly formulated tasks written in stages, and is suitable for the remuneration, the reason why the top manager agrees to come to the company even for less (compared to) with competitors compensation package.

What else can you offer to employees:

  • Brand
  • Product
  • Remuneration for work
  • Good team
  • Possibility of learning
  • Career growth

So, the motivation of employees is an important resource of the company, which allows it to move forward and implement the goals facing it. There are financial and non-financial instruments of motivation, the combination of which the company uses purely individually. And it is also necessary to remember that the balance of interests of the employee and interests of the company always lies the balance of interests.

A good leader knows, so that the company will be successful, it is necessary to pay a lot of attention to its employees, constantly encouraging them. In the past, the Honor Boards, corporate stands were very popular, today they have practically no other ways.

Much attention in the science of personnel management is given precisely methods of personnel motivation. In order to lead employees without conflict and problems, you need to know what motivation and all its basic methods.

What is the motivation of labor?

Motivation is the ways to create a desire for workers to work better and put out fully. Specialists appear in the inner motive, which moves them in achieving the goals. In other words, the employee himself wants to improve his performance and improve the quality of his work.

Today, the most common methods of motivation of employees are corporate standards and premiums. But few leaders think about the fact that the violent pastime of employees on the corporate will not help if the opposite atmosphere always reigns in the office.

The leaders who have a richest fantasy find new methods of motivation and stimulating labor. Usually, there are specialists who are simply underestimated, did not praise for well-done work, or who did not charge an interesting task.

Even the most real careerist under his mask of rigor and responsibility is eager to hear the words of gratitude or just dreams of getting an extraordinary vacation.

Classification of personnel motivation

There are the most famous motivation theories that have formed the basis of education different species Motivation of employees.

Theory of F. Herzberg. According to Herzberg, the most best methods Motivation at the enterprise are external working conditions (for example, money) and labor content (for example, job satisfaction).

Theory of F. Taylor. In his opinion, only instincts drive workers, the desire to meet the needs of the physiological level. For better management, such factors must be present:

  • hourly payment;
  • compulsion;
  • certain norms of work performed;
  • certain rules that describe the procedure for the tasks.

Theory D. Makcloland. Based on its theory, there are three forms of human motives: the desire for belonging, the desire for power, the desire to achieve success. Leaders seek power. Those leaders who are accustomed to working alone seek success.

Theory A. Maslow. Employees at the enterprise satisfy their hierarchical needs. That is, from light to the highest:

1. Physiological, like food, drink, warm, that is, ways of survival;
2. Safety. Desire to preserve physiological principles to maintain the achieved standard of living;
3. Love. The desire to be adopted in society, the team;
4. Recognition. Desire to be respected person in society;
5. Self-realization. The desire to be better.

There are many other theories, but everyone has one general concept: There are certain methods of stimulating employees at the enterprise.
The main methods of personnel motivation in organizing better labor are divided into:

  • material;
  • intangible.

Material and intangible types of motivation

Material motivation is divided into 2 groups:
1. Fine system. The organization of the best workflow uses fines methods. That is, if the employee works poorly, shows bad results or makes gross mistakes, it is fine, which motivated to work better;

2. System of promotions. The opposite way, that is, to stimulate employees, a bonus is paid for any achievements, well done. So, every employee knows if he will fulfill his duties better, will strive for more, he will receive a prize.

Intangible motivation has much more species:

1. Praise leader. In fact, this method of stimulation is very effective, even though many are considered otherwise. Public and personal praise bosses promptly move on, strive for more. It is because of this, many enterprises still use the buds of honor, both physical and virtual;

2. Career growth. Each employee knows if he will fulfill his work better and quickly, it will increase it, which will significantly raise his social status and guarantees further development in the professional sphere;

3. Training at the expense of the company. An excellent way of motivation if the company will offer its employees to undergo courses for advanced training at the expense of the company;

4. Good atmosphere in the team. Workers are much better and better than their work if they are in heat, friend collective. And vice versa, if the atmosphere is far from calm, it cannot be configured to the working mood;

5. Company image. Many seek to work in an organization that everyone knows and its services or goods are in great demand, because it is prestigious. Here, the company's prestige should be taken into account not only in the market, but also as an employer;

6. Sports and cultural events. Sit down to nature, joint campaigns for concerts, theater, sports, all this is a great motivation and makes the atmosphere in the team warmer and more pleasant. Employees should relax well, only then they will be able to work well.

Each manager himself chooses suitable material and intangible modern methods The motivation of the staff of the organization that will meet his business will help achieve maximum return from employees.

Modern staff motivation management methods

Thanks to the methods achieved goals. Personnel motivation methods should have such an impact on employees so that their behavior responds to business requirements. Modern methods are quite diverse, but they can be divided into groups:

  • individual are aimed at motivating the narrow circles of employees with the same motives and needs;
  • diagnostic are used to evaluate a specific employee, and show methods for its motivation;
  • organizational use to create a stimulating system in an organization, such as the development and implementation of the grads system.

Problems that arise in the preparation of personnel motivation

Modern methods of work motivation staff have their own difficulties. Each leader thinks how to properly stimulate employees, but at the same time without high costs, but with high results.

In addition, it is necessary to create such a motivation system that would easily adapt to all changing conditions.

Also, it is necessary to clearly define the optimal combination of incentive methods that would not require high costs from the leadership.

Best Modern Personnel Motivation Methods

As already mentioned above, it is not necessary to organize more quality work Use material forms and methods of personnel motivation. There are many simple and interesting ways that do not require large cash costs.

Joking punishment of the worst employees. It is not necessary to finant the worst workers, you can come up with different humorial titles and ranks that are received by those who do not cope with their work. For example, the title "Turtle of the month".

Entertainment. Many modern companies abroad have gaming areas where employees can relax and distract from problems. The work becomes more efficient, and the staff does not have thoughts on how the depressing atmosphere in the office.

Spontaneous gifts. Small presents to employees just for have a good mood Can not but rejoice and not stimulate to work.

Attention to family members of employees. You can provide children's vouchers to camps or sanatoriums, issue sweet gifts for holidays, guarantee medical insurance to all family members of each employee.

Replacing the award by more budget options. Not everyone can afford to issue premium distinguished employees. You, for example, can give a person an unscheduled day off.

Premium to those who have good health. In other countries, such methods of motivation and stimulation of personnel have long been practiced, as providing a premium to those who did not hurt all year and constantly passed a medical examination.

Free visit to work. The best specialists at a certain time can be set free visiting schedule.

Large selection of prizes for good work. For example, a subscription in gym, hike in a restaurant or movie.

And finally ...

Sure, good salary - The best motivator. All managers should remember one thing: they come for good money and career growthAnd go - due to the oppressive atmosphere and inadequate leadership.

The main methods of intangible motivation - best options For better work without much cash costs.

If you have your own options or examples of good motivation, leave them in the comments, people will be interested to read about them 🙂


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