Get an EDS for an individual. Electronic signature (EDS) for public services - creation and receipt. The procedure for obtaining an electronic digital signature


Advantages and purpose of EDS

When registering digital signature it is important to know its varieties and capabilities:

  • simple - has no legal force, but confirms authorship and is used in the internal document flow in the company;
  • unqualified - protects the document from counterfeiting, confirms authorship, is used to exchange documents with third-party organizations;
  • qualified - it can be issued only in a special center, has elevated level security and full legal force, analogous to a person's handwritten signature.

It is the last type of ES that gives the right to submit electronic reports to regulatory authorities, participate in electronic trading, in arbitration proceedings, etc.

EDS for reports to departments

To send a report to the department, you can use two ways: special programs, the most common of which are Kontur-Extern, Taxcom-Sprinter, SbiC ++, etc. They are simple and understandable for the user, help to track the progress of the report through the processing stages and protect from a technical failure during the transfer of documents. Some official portals of government agencies allow you to transfer data for free, but their work is unstable and data may be lost due to malfunctions. Whichever method you choose, you will need an electronic key to communicate with the authorities. Moreover, each department requires its own signature, so it is better to order a whole set - many issuing centers offer a discount on such orders.

EDS for public services

Signature for bidding

Signature for the court

With the help of a digital signature, a company will be able to send documents to a court of any jurisdiction, which is necessary in case of bankruptcy. Documents signed in this way are considered full evidence at court sessions.

Transfer of documents

Digital workflow is a powerful competitive advantage. EDS acts as the basis for both types of document flow:

  • between legal entities;
  • inside the company.

Have electronic document management there are many advantages:

  • reduction in shipping and courier costs;
  • fast and effective interaction with partners;
  • accelerating adoption management decisions;
  • the optimal way to control the circulation of securities within the company;
  • confidentiality of data.

You can order a special EDS for document circulation or choose a set of EDS that gives the right to participate in auctions, submit reports online and use public services.

A package of documents for obtaining an EDS

Sometimes a larger package of documents may be required. For example, to bid on electronic platform you will need an application for an EDS to participate in the tender. If entity registered abroad, you will need permission to open a representative office in our country and a Certificate of Recording in State Register accredited branches, representative offices of foreign legal entities.

Power of attorney for obtaining a digital signature by a legal entity

This document allows you to transfer to the certification center all the necessary papers to obtain an EDS, and in return receive a certificate and all the keys to the signature. Issued in case of impossibility to receive the electronic signature personally to the head.

You can get a digital signature yourself - but in this case, many of its capabilities are inaccessible to a legal entity. A simple signature only allows you to certify authorship without guarantees of authenticity and to use part of public services. Qualified signature with full legal force opens new road for a company of any level: this means entering the international arena, and complete confidentiality of the data sent, and significant savings in document flow.

Certification centers with certified hardware and software are in charge of issuing qualified signatures. Such organizations have extensive experience in the market and issue a digital signature in a matter of days. They take care of all the formalities, often requiring only two documents from the customer. Delivery and installation of EDS is attached free of charge. Bundled offers significantly reduce the price of digital signatures. The EDS issuing center in Moscow has been providing electronic keys for legal entities, while providing full information support to the client and guaranteeing low prices.

As you can see, obtaining and using an electronic signature is not difficult. But the opportunities that it opens up are truly vast. A legal entity with an established and frequently used EDS is not just a company, but a developing company that optimizes its work, cuts costs without compromising quality and opens up new areas of activity.

The current rhythm of life and a huge number of daily tasks contribute to the fact that the entire document flow goes into electronic form and an increasing number of services can be obtained via the Internet. And more and more people are learning about the existence of a public services portal, which presents the largest catalog of services that are provided online. This resource was originally conceived as a platform for interaction executive bodies with individuals. But in order to use any service on this site, you need to obtain an electronic signature and in this article we will look at how this can be done.

What is an electronic signature

Let's first look at why this electronic signature is needed at all? Its presence implies the law of April 6, 2011 No. 63 "On Electronic Signature", according to which an electronic document can be legally valid only if there is an electronic signature that identifies the person, and in our case, the recipient of the service.

So that you do not have questions on terms as you read the article, let's list the main abbreviations and their decoding:

  • EDS or EP- electronic digital signature
  • UC- verification Center
  • NEP- unqualified electronic signature
  • CEP- qualified electronic signature

Types of electronic signature

Electronic signature can be of three types:

  1. simple
  2. unqualified
  3. qualified

A simple electronic signature implies that an individual has a login and password to access the services. We often come across such signatures on the Internet and in some cases it is still required to enter a one-time password, which will be sent to your phone number.

An unqualified electronic signature makes it possible not only to identify its owner, but also to record changes in documents with it. You can get such an electronic signature only at a certification center. It should be noted that the scope of such an EDS has limitations. For example, it cannot be used to sign documents that contain a secret.

A qualified electronic signature is recognized by everyone without exception. social institutions and gives absolute legal force to an electronic document, which is similar to a paper document that contains the owner's signature and seal.

Electronic signature for individuals and legal entities

Both individuals and legal entities can create an electronic signature to work with the portal of public services. The choice of the type of electronic signature depends on the tasks that you plan to solve using the site. But we want to warn you right away that working with such bodies as the FSS, FSS, PFN or Rosstat is possible only with a qualified electronic signature. You can get the ES both before and after registration on the portal. We recommend that you first, and only then proceed to obtaining a signature.

Creating a simple electronic signature for public services

Let's look at how you can get a simple electronic signature to work with the public services portal. To do this, open the site and pay attention to the right column of the page that opens. This is where the links for entering the site and registering are located. We are interested in the latter, so we click on it.

You will need to enter your last name, first name, patronymic, your phone number and email address. A message with a confirmation code should be sent to your phone or email address. We recommend that you come up with a more difficult password, since this is what you will enter every time you enter the site.

Next, you need to enter the maximum possible amount of information about yourself, so that it is then automatically substituted into the necessary forms at the stage of receiving a particular service. At a minimum, you need to enter your passport data, SNILS number and TIN. Confirm your account can be at the nearest branch of the Russian Post or MFC. Only after going through all these stages can it be considered that you have successfully created a simple electronic signature for working with public services.

Creation of a qualified electronic signature for public services

As we mentioned above, a qualified electronic signature can only be created in a certification authority. A list of such centers in your region is available at

To display only the centers of your city in the list, select its name in the "city" field and click on the "apply" button. In the list that appears, click on each of the operating centers in turn and look at their addresses. It is advisable for you to choose the closest to you (to view, click on the magnifying glass icon in front of the center name)

It is best to call the provided contact phone number and ask all questions before visiting the center. There you can find out what documents you need to take with you. A trip to the center is inevitable, since only there you will be able to get your hands on a secret key with an electronic signature on a USB stick.

The service price includes:

  • issuance of a certificate
  • issuance of a license to use software
  • USB signature medium
  • disk for automatically setting up your computer
  • consultations on emerging issues by the company's specialists

To obtain a qualified electronic signature for a legal entity, you will need the following:

  1. issue a power of attorney for the employee who will receive the signature
  2. TIN of the organization
  3. extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities

Checking the functionality of the electronic signature on public services

When you have received the whole set that comes with the signature in your hands, you will need to check the efficiency of the received EDS. To do this, open the site, upload the file and enter the code from the image.

If after that you see the inscription "The authenticity of the document is confirmed", then everything is in order and you can start working with the portal. We would like to immediately note the fact that this electronic signature will work only with the portal of public services and will not be valid on other resources. For example, you will not be able to use it on the website of the Federal Tax Service.

We hope this article has given you answers to most of your questions. If you have any difficulties, then let us know about them in the comments to this article. Also, we recommend that you watch a video about working with an electronic signature.

Electronic digital signature (EDS) - modern way personal identification. Having established an electronic document flow with its help, you will save yourself from going to government institutions, to counterparties and from queues at the authorities. Individuals, individual entrepreneurs and legal entities use electronic signatures. In this article, we will tell you how to get an electronic digital signature, what documents to prepare, how long you have to wait to receive an electronic signature.

Who issues the electronic signature

An electronic signature can be simple or enhanced. Strengthened, in turn, is divided into skilled and unskilled.

Strengthened electronic signatures are received only in certification centers (CA), accredited by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications, having, among other things, a special license from the FSB. Specify the address of the nearest CA on the website of public services.

NEPs and CEPs are issued to an individual, individual entrepreneur or director of a company either on a physical medium, similar to a USB flash drive, or in the "cloud". For example, in personal account The Federal Tax Service has implemented this feature along with storing the certificate key on the computer. Such signatures are stored on secure servers, access to them is through additional authorization via SMS.

Electronic signature capabilities

An electronic signature can be used by an individual individual entrepreneur or a representative of the organization (most often a director).

Each signature has its own capabilities. For example, with the help of an electronic signature, an individual can apply for a passport on the portal of public services. At the same time, he will receive a 30 percent discount when paying state duty. An individual entrepreneur or "physicist", having issued an EDS for the tax, can receive information about personal movable and immovable property, accrued and already paid taxes, tax debts, open and print notifications and receipts from the personal account, fill out the 3-NDFL form and track the status of the check tax. EDS is also useful when hiring an individual entrepreneur or natural person (self-employed citizens) to sign documents in remote mode of work and thereby regulate labor relations.

Individual entrepreneurs and directors of firms often have to issue several EDS for the requirements of different state structures... There is no universal digital signature that would satisfy the needs of all government agencies in Russia.

A separate EDS will be required:

  • for accounting reports via the Internet (FTS, Pension Fund, FSS, RAR, etc.) or for working in your personal account on the website (for example, for registering online cash registers);
  • to participate in state trading (according to No. 44-FZ, only KEP is required for trading, but some sites still accept NEP);
  • for EGAIS (needed to work with alcohol).

What documents are needed to obtain a digital signature for individual entrepreneurs and individuals

To issue a signature for an individual, they will require:

  • the passport;
  • SNILS;
  • application for the production of a signature.

An individual entrepreneur, in addition to this list, provides his certificate from the USRIP.

The set of documents for the director of the organization is wider:

  • the passport;
  • SNILS;
  • application for the production of a signature;
  • TIN of the director;
  • USRN of the organization;
  • power of attorney or other document that gives the right to act on behalf of the company;
  • if the organization is foreign, you need the number of the certificate of registration with the tax foreign representation or TIN of a taxpayer - a foreign organization.

Features of submission of documents for obtaining a digital signature

Each certification authority has its own form. Sometimes you have to fill out the application yourself, in some CAs, when you enter the applicant's data into the system, the fields are automatically filled in - and a ready-made application is printed, which you just need to check and sign.

For individuals and individual entrepreneurs, the applicant's full name, taxpayer's TIN, region, locality, SNILS, e-mail address scope of the certificate (for example, "cadastral engineer" or "bidding"), full passport data and phone number.

The application from the organization contains the name, TIN, OGRN, country code (RU), region, full name and position of the director for whom the electronic signature is issued, his SNILS, e-mail address and full passport data.

When applying remotely, the application is sent to email, signed with a blue pen, scanned and returned to the certification center. During a personal visit, the original application is given to a CA specialist.

The certifying center has the right to request additional documents... If, for example, an individual entrepreneur or an organization receives a signature for conducting cadastral works, then you will need a diploma of education of a cadastral specialist.

To save time, a set of documents can be submitted to in electronic format... But not every scanned file will be skipped during the check. The document should be easy to read, without streaks and smeared elements. Color scan is desirable. If it is not possible to make a color one, a black and white scan from a copy is allowed, but each of the scanned pages must be certified by the signature and seal of the organization. The signature is strictly in blue (not black!) Pen.

You will have to pick up the electronic signature personally. The certification center will verify the passport data with the original document and issue a signature. A proxy (accountant or deputy) can receive a signature for the director. He must bring with him a power of attorney from the organization, certified by the signature and seal of the authorized person. In this case, the certification center will verify the passport of the authorized person with the data in the power of attorney and issue an electronic signature.

Counterfeiting EDS

EDS cannot be counterfeited by technical means: it is created using special encryption and crypto protection technologies. However, there are cases that the signature was illegally seized by malefactors who found the full namesake of the director and received the signature in his place.

Therefore, most certification centers have video cameras with good resolution.

How much does an electronic signature cost

EDS for an individual will cost an average of one thousand rubles. For legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, the price depends on the capabilities of the digital signature. For example, the larger the number trading platforms can serve an electronic signature, the more expensive it is: prices range from 6 to 25 - 26 thousand. For the delivery of financial statements, the prices for digital signatures are more democratic: from 2 to 5 thousand rubles, and for working with the Unified State Automated Information System - from 3 to 5 thousand.

An electronic digital signature is issued for one year, then you will have to order and pay for a new EDS.

An electronic digital signature is issued within three days after payment. As practice shows, with the planned workload of the CA, the signature is ready in 5 - 7 hours.

In some certification centers there is a service for accelerated registration of an electronic signature and its issuance, you will have to pay an additional 2 to 4 thousand. In this case, the digital signature will be ready in 2 - 3 hours.

Three months of accounting, personnel records and legal support for FREE. Hurry up, the offer is limited.

Electronic signature - how to make this analogue of a handwritten signature yourself, encrypted using cryptographic information transformation, will be considered in the article.

How to create your signature and seal electronically on a computer for free

In the century information technologies electronic media are replacing paper documents. To give them legal significance, they also need to be certified with a signature and seal. In this connection, many users have the question of how to make an electronic seal and signature yourself. To answer it, you need to find out what is digital signature(EDS)?

EDS - information about the signer, attached to other information (signed document).

There are 2 types of EDS: simple and enhanced. Strengthened, in turn, is divided into skilled and unskilled.

Simple EDS (PES) - a signature consisting of a set of symbols and passwords. A striking example of a PEP is the use of a bank card. When registering it, a username and password are registered, and when making payment actions, the subscriber receives a code to the phone number registered in the banking system, which must be entered to confirm the payment.

Unqualified ES - information about the subscriber, encrypted using a cryptographic information converter, which allows you to track the signer, as well as all changes made to the document after his signature.

A qualified digital signature has the same properties as an unqualified signature, but its mandatory attribute is the certificate of the digital signature verification key.

Simple and unqualified ES correspond to a visa on a paper document, qualified is electronic seal and signature.

There are several ways to make a signature on a computer and to certify a document with it. Which ones, we will consider further.

EDS creation in Word

Electronic signature free of charge is created in MS Office documents. Let's look at an example with a Word file. To certify a document created using Word software, you must perform the following steps:

  1. We put the cursor in the place where you want to add the signature.
  2. Go to the "Insert" tab and click the "Microsoft Office Signature Line" button.
  1. In the window that opens, fill in the required fields.

  1. The signature is ready and looks like this:

You can also add a signature from the File menu. To do this, open the document, press the button "File", "Information", "Document protection" and select the function "Add digital signature".

Next, fill out the form in the same way as shown in Fig. 2. However, the signature generated in the above manner is difficult to verify for authenticity. Therefore, many users choose relatively inexpensive Karma software.

Karma program for creating EDS without MS Office

Karma software is a cryptographic software product developed by Russian programmers that can be used in various systems of any level:

  • for legally significant electronic document management (EDM);
  • to work in the 1C system;
  • for messages sent by email;
  • for management document flow;
  • to sign files opened by Windows Explorer, etc.

A feature of the system is the ability to add to the document graphic image signatures and seals (facsimiles). When using this function, the paper copy is practically identical to the original.

In addition, the sender can attach a sticker to the document to be signed, recording messages, comments or instructions intended for the recipient of the document. At the same time, the software has an intuitive interface that does not require special knowledge from an ordinary user.

However, the signature generated by the Karma program is not suitable for sending reports to the Federal Tax Service or for working on the portal of public services.

How to create an EDS and register a certificate online

To make an electronic signature online for EDF with IFTS, an individual must register in the personal account of the taxpayer (LCN). To obtain a certificate in the LCN, go to the "Profile" section and click on the button "Obtain a certificate of an electronic signature verification key". This key is valid for 1 year, after which the certificate is requested again. The LCN generates electronic signature online for free.

This function is available only to individuals who do not include individual entrepreneurs, private notaries and other self-employed population. In addition, the EDS received by an individual in the LCN for sending reports to the Federal Tax Service is not suitable for working on the public services portal. To conduct electronic document management through the website of public services, a citizen must use a universal electronic card, received before 2017, or an electronic passport (if available), as well as purchase a special reader (card reader).

To organize EDM with fiscal authorities and funds, as well as to work on sites intended for participation in tenders according to the law dated July 18, 2011 No. 223-FZ, subscribers can receive a certificate of the EDS verification key only at an accredited certification center (CA).

ATTENTION! To work on the public procurement website according to the law No. 44-FZ dated 05.04.2013, EDF participants should receive a certificate of the EDS verification key from the territorial department of the Federal Treasury (letter from the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation dated 26.10.2016 No. D28i-2792).

Registration of the EDS certificate

To generate a key, a subscriber must contact the nearest CA with a full package of documents:

  1. To a natural person:
  • application for a certificate;
  • copies of the passport, TIN, SNILS of the individual - the owner of the certificate.
  1. Legal entity:
  • documents named in clause 1;
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (EGRIP);
  • an order to appoint a manager or other document that allows a person to act on behalf of the subject;
  • other documents at the request of the CA.

The certificate is usually written on removable media or issued on paper.

ATTENTION! For various operations different certificates are issued. So, for work on the website of state purchases under 44-FZ or on sites under 223-FZ, the certificate received for sending reports to the Federal Tax Service will not work, and vice versa.

The process of signing a document electronically

The process of signing a document with a simple EDS does not require special knowledge... To do this, enter the password and confirm it.

Signing with a qualified signature has its own characteristics. Before signing the document, it is necessary to install the CryptoPro software or another cryptographic information converter and the EDS key verification certificate itself.

The installation algorithm is considered step by step in the article "How to install an EDS certificate on a computer?" ...

Next, you should endorse the required document. The sighting algorithms differ depending on the type of file, type of editor or software. For example, to send reports to the Federal Tax Service or to the funds, the file is loaded into a special program, then the appropriate certificate is selected and the "Sign file" button is pressed.


To give a document legal significance, you need an electronic digital signature - you now know how to make it yourself for free. The method of obtaining an EDS depends on the type of signature, the subscriber and the needs for which it is drawn up.

How to get an EDS at a certification center? Where to buy an electronic digital signature? What is regulated by the law on electronic signature?

The weather is bad: rain and snow, piercing wind. Moreover, this process is in the Arbitration Court, for which additional documents are urgently required. That would be to send them there without leaving home ... Is something similar familiar to you?

Now the electronic signature is used by both legal entities and individuals. It is recognized by courts, regulatory authorities and government agencies.

The publication material will allow you to get a clear idea of ​​the process of registration and use of an EDS.

1. What is an electronic digital signature

Let's start our acquaintance with the basic concept of the article.

Electronic digital signature(EDS) - an analogue of a personal signature, provides the ability to endorse electronic documentation. Serves as a guarantor of its integrity and authenticity.

Electronic signature (ES) allows:

  • authenticate the source of the message;
  • control the consistency of the item;
  • make it impossible to refuse from the fact of endorsement of the message.

The ES scheme includes two processes: a signature generation algorithm and a verification algorithm.

To better represent this process, I depicted it schematically.

The question often arises about the legality of such an endorsement. There is a large arbitrage practice, confirming the legality of the digital signature.


The decision of the Volga-Vyatka court in one of the cases considered in 2010 is indicative.

Company "A" filed a claim against its partner company "B" for the return Money for delivered but unpaid goods. In the course of the transaction, electronic documents certified by EDS.

The defendant explained the absence of payment by the fact that the submitted documents, certified in this way, are invalid, and therefore cannot serve as a basis for making settlements.

The court did not accept the explanations of the defendant, since earlier an additional agreement was signed between the former partners, allowing the use of documentation signed by the electronic signature within the framework of these contractual relations.

And, therefore, all documents are drawn up properly and have a visa of an authorized person. The court satisfied the claim in full.

Electronic signature regulation is carried out within the framework of Federal Law No. 63 “On Electronic Signatures”.

It regulates its use:

  • in civil transactions;
  • provision of public services;
  • the provision of municipal services;
  • performance of state functions, etc.

There are some requirements for the ES.

The main ones are:

  • ease of authentication;
  • high complexity of its forgery.

2. What are the types of EDS - TOP-3 main types

Varieties of EDS are prescribed by law. Article 5 of FZ-63 mentions: simple and strengthened. Reinforced, in turn, is unskilled (UNEP) and qualified (UKEP).

Let's get to know them better!

View 1. Simple electronic signature

So, a simple electronic "autograph", formed with the help of special codes (passwords), testifies to the endorsement of the sent messages.

He is not endowed with any other powers.

View 2. Strengthened unqualified electronic signature

This variant is formed in the process of cryptographic transformation of information using the ES key.

Such endorsement makes it possible not only to identify the author, but also to identify unauthorized adjustments to the sent message.

View 3. Enhanced Qualified Electronic Signature

This is the most protected species.

He has all the signs of UNEP and some additional qualities:

  • the verification key is contained in the qualified certificate;
  • created and verified by the UKEP using means approved by the FSB.

3. Where is the electronic signature used - an overview of the main options

Electronic signatures, depending on the type, are used in various fields.

Possible areas of application of the electronic signature:

Let's take a closer look at each of the use cases.

Option 1. Internal and external document flow

ES is especially in demand in internal and external document flow. The company's documentation certified in this way is considered approved and becomes protected from corrections.

With electronic document flow between counterparties, documents signed by an EDS receive a legal status. Both contracts and primary accounting documents (invoices, etc.) can be certified.

Option 2. Arbitration court

Often, when considering cases in the Arbitration Court, additional evidence may be required, which is allowed to be submitted in electronic form.

Certification of such ES documents is required by law. Then they are legally binding and equal to written evidence on paper.

Today, the arbitration courts of the Russian Federation accept for consideration the following documents, certified by a digital signature:

  • statements;
  • petitions;
  • reviews.

Option 3. Document flow with individuals

Individuals still rarely sign any documents with a digital signature, although this practice is becoming more and more popular every year, especially among people working remotely.

Electronic digital signature allows them to exchange acceptance certificates for their services electronically. With the help of electronic signature, natural persons-inventors have the right to file a patent application on the Rospatent website. Its owners can write an application for state registration of an individual entrepreneur or legal entity directly on the website of the tax department.

Option 4. Public services

The portal of public services makes the life of Russians much easier. If you want to get full access to the portal services without any problems, apply for an EDS.

With its help, you can interact with the traffic police, apply for a passport, to the registry office, etc.

Option 5. Supervisory authorities

Electronic reporting certified with a qualified electronic signature is legally binding and recognized by the regulatory authorities.

With its help, they submit reports not only to the tax, but also to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the FSS, Rosstat, etc.

Option 6. Electronic bidding

Electronic auctions are specialized sites, places where suppliers and buyers meet, transactions for the purchase / sale of services, works and goods are concluded.

To participate in them, you need to purchase an EDS. The documents signed in this way confirm the reality of the proposals and become legal.

4. How to get an electronic signature - 6 easy steps

You have heard that EDS allows its owners to perform various legally significant actions without leaving their office or home.

Are you eager to get such a signature and join the ranks of its lucky owners, but don't know how to do it right?

You have come to the right place! In my mini-instructions, I will tell you how to get a digital signature quickly and correctly.

Step 1. Determine the type of electronic signature

Before ordering an electronic signature certificate, I recommend that you once again answer the question: "Why do I need it?"

If you plan to use it only for the internal electronic document management of your company, then a simple or unqualified digital signature for a legal entity will suit you.

If you are going to use a signature in an external electronic exchange, then a qualified electronic signature is already needed.

Step 2. Choosing a certification center

Certification center (CA) is a legal entity, one of the statutory activities of which is the formation and issuance of an EDS.

Choose a CA that is as close as possible to your location. Also pay attention to the cost of services and the timing of the ES production.

Perhaps you are interested in the "Out-of-the-box" service, then choose a center offering this service.

Step 3. Fill out and send an application

The type of signature has been determined, the certification authority has been selected, the turn of the application has come.

You can submit it in two ways:

  • make a personal visit to the office;
  • fill out the form on the website of the center.

It contains only the most necessary information: Full name, contact information (phone, e-mail).

After receiving the application, the CA manager will contact you and clarify all the data necessary for the issuance of an EDS, advise on prices and conditions.

Step 4. Pay the bill

After processing the application by the specialists of the center, you will receive an invoice for payment. As you know, services are usually paid according to the principle "Money in the evening, chairs in the morning", that is, on a 100% prepayment basis.

The cost of ES is on average 5-7 thousand rubles, the minimum price is 1.5 thousand rubles.

It includes:

  • generating a signature key certificate;
  • required software;
  • technical support.

You can pay the bill both non-cash and in cash.

Step 5. We provide documents

The list of documents depends on the status of the applicant: legal entity, individual entrepreneur, individual.

The table presents Required documents taking into account the status of the applicant:

Applicant statusRequired documents
1 EntityCopies: certificate of registration with the Federal Tax Service, confirmation of the authority of the head of the legal entity, passport of the applicant, SNILS of the owner of the certificate, power of attorney confirming the powers of the owner of the certificate, power of attorney to obtain a certificate (if not received by the owner)

Original: application for the production of a certificate

2 SPCopies: certificate of state registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur, passport, SNILS

Originals: an application for the production of a certificate, a notarized power of attorney confirming the powers of the owner of the certificate acting on behalf of the individual entrepreneur (if the owner of the Certificate is not an individual entrepreneur), a notarized power of attorney for obtaining a certificate (if the certificate is received by a representative of the individual entrepreneur)

3 Physical personCopies: SNILS, passport

Original: statement

Step 6. We receive an EDS

You can get a signature at the points of issue, which are now numerous. You will find their addresses on the website of the selected center.

An electronic signature is usually produced in 2-3 days. Some CAs provide a service for its urgent registration and delivery (within an hour). Having visited the point at the appointed time, providing the originals of the documents (for control verification), you will receive your EDS.

Remember! An electronic signature is valid for a year, then it needs to be renewed or reissued.

5. Where to get an EDS - an overview of the TOP-3 certification centers

Traditionally, I present you with a selection of companies that provide services for the registration of electronic signatures.

Today I bring to your attention 3 specialized centers.

The company offers its clients the design of various certificates for ES keys.

Gosportals, electronic auction, tenders, state purchases will become available to the owners of an EDS issued by high-class specialists Alfa-Service. The company is ready to urgently produce any EDS and then the procedure for obtaining it will take no more than 10 minutes.

Flexible prices and permanent promotions within the framework of the company's loyalty program make EDS available to everyone.

TC "Taxcom" has been operating in the field of electronic document management since 2000. During its existence, the company has established constant cooperation with various organizations, enterprises and government agencies.

Partners and clients are:

  • various ministries and departments (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Economic Development, Federal Tax Service, etc.);
  • famous brands (Nokia, Svyaznoy, HeadHunter, etc.):
  • credit institutions (Sberbank, Alfa-Bank, etc.);
  • Russian Post, etc.

Clients are attracted by the reliability and impeccable reputation of the company and those indisputable advantages that Taxcom possesses.

Benefits of work:

  • there is accreditation;
  • a wide range of electronic signatures for different purposes (request for quotations, construction tenders, etc.);
  • experienced professionals;
  • a new generation of secure media.

The Center for Paperless Technologies was founded in 2016 by spinning off paperless technologies from Garant-Park LLC into a separate company.

The center provides a wide range of services in 2 large areas:

  • paperless technologies in document flow;
  • electronic bidding.

The company offers its customers an increase in sales thanks to the online service of the Center for the selection of an auction according to the parameters set by them.

It allows you to:

  • find a suitable tender or procurement;
  • track trading in the Russian Federation and abroad;
  • win more auctions.

6. How to store an electronic digital signature - 3 proven ways

IN modern world the problem of protecting various information, including electronic signatures, is becoming more and more urgent.

For its safety, the owners use different ways... I will briefly tell you about the most common ones.

Method 1. Local storage

A very common storage method is local storage. In this case, the electronic autograph is placed on the computer, for example, in the register.


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