What you need fast food opening. How to start a fast food business. How to open fast food: documentation and permissions

How to open a cafe fast food - detailed business plan: planning + step by step process project implementation + detailed calculations expenses.

Capital investments: 1,220,000 rubles
Payback period: 6 months

The modern rhythm of life forces people to have a quick bite to eat and then run about their business.

And this is what makes both beginners and experienced entrepreneurs open fast food cafes.

It all comes down to the fact that this area is famous for its quick payback and high profitability, and for these reasons will beckon anyone who is willing to invest their money.

Before the idea how to open a fast food restaurant, was of interest only to those who were ready to start a business in large cities, but now you can see such establishments even in small settlements as well as in roadside areas.

Advantages and disadvantages of opening a fast food cafe

Any business has its advantages and disadvantages, which you need to be prepared for in the process of project implementation.

This will immediately help to understand whether it is necessary to start or still stop at another option for entrepreneurial activity.

I would like to dwell on such a point as the size of the initial investment.

It may seem to many that if we are talking about opening a fast food cafe, then here you can get by with 300,000 rubles.

Of course, if you want to implement this idea in the form of a stall, then you can invest in the specified amount.

But if you want to implement the project in the form of a full-fledged institution, you will not even cover the cost of equipment with such capital.

The second point is the human factor.

This refers to poor-quality service from the staff and the preparation of dishes in violation of production technology.

The main principles of the fast food cafe

A fast food cafe is an establishment where visitors go for a quick bite to eat or "kill time" over a cup of tea.

But despite this, it must meet certain requirements, which will distinguish it from restaurants and other cafes.

So, a fast food cafe should work according to the following principles:

    fast and quality service

    As a rule, employees must serve the client at the set time: help him make a choice, take an order, receive money and issue a check.

    constant and specific assortment of dishes

    Here it is important to choose the optimal number of dishes and drinks, in which you can quickly prepare blanks, and give the client his order.

    adherence to cooking technologies

    The days when many perceived fast food as a "snack bar" are long gone, so it is imperative to offer your visitors only high-quality food prepared according to technology.

    relatively low cost dishes

    This point is observed not due to savings on products, but due to the fact that most often there are no waiters in such establishments.

Business plan for a fast food cafe - 4 main sections

  1. Planning
  2. Calendar plan
  3. Project implementation
  4. Revenue Forecast


Interesting fact:
In fast food establishments, they often turn on fast music, since visitors eat their food faster to such music, which means they free up space for new customers faster.

Any business plan starts with planning.

At this stage, it is important to think through all the little things regarding the question of how to open a fast food cafe.

This will be the definition target audience, competitor analysis, room selection, menu development, marketing tools selection and much more.

    Project Summary

    This section specifies the following points: who, where and why opens a business.

    This also includes the finished name of the institution.

    The goals of the fast food cafe are:

    • meeting the needs of the population in a fast food establishment;
    • providing visitors with a varied menu with dishes and drinks;
    • Receiving a profit;
    • providing jobs.
  1. Development of the concept and name of the cafe

    Any fast food cafe should have a "name" by which it will be recognized.

    Therefore, do not neglect this moment.

    At this stage, you need to come up with and patent a name that you can then use to launch your own franchise.

    As for the development of the concept, it can be presented in the form of a cafe:

    • following the example of European and American fast food;
    • with an emphasis on the cuisine of a particular country;
    • "one product" (pizzeria, pancake, etc.);
    • with a canteen-like organization;
    • on the territory of the mall.
  2. Schedule

    Here it is worth proceeding from the chosen concept of the cafe:

    • first 4 options: 6:00-21:00 without breaks and days off;
    • last option: depending on the schedule of the mall

Marketing strategy for a fast food restaurant

  1. The target audience.

    Most of the consumers are students and office workers who will go to the cafe before work and during breaks.

    The approximate age of the guests of the institution is 17-35 years.

    If the cafe is opened on the territory of the mall, then this will include almost all of its visitors who wish to have a bite to eat in between shopping.

    Market analysis.

    General market situationThere are many cafes in the market different concepts. It is also worth noting that they are in decent competition with various stalls and mobile cafes, which are famous for low prices.
    The number of catering establishments is growing rapidly every year, so the requirements for fast food cafes are also increasing, as the population becomes more spoiled due to the abundance of choice.
    Development prospectsThe market is developing successfully, which makes it possible for novice entrepreneurs to occupy a profitable niche.
    It requires quite large investments, which sometimes slows down the opening of new cafes.
    Due to the high and fierce competition, you may notice that some cafes are closed due to low profitability and the lack of a stable flow of customers.
    Price policyMost of the cafes are aimed at people with average incomes.
    Also, such establishments are visited by clients with a level of income below the average.
  2. Competitive advantages.

    Many complain that all such establishments are similar to each other, regardless of the chosen concept, so you need to offer customers something new.

    It is advisable to include a description in the business plan of a fast food cafe competitive advantage that will make it stand out from the rest.

    Varied menuFast food is not a menu consisting of 10 primitive positions and solid semi-finished products. Therefore, you can offer your customers various variations: morning, healthy, children's, seasonal, author's dishes.
    Cooking with fresh ingredients and minimizing processed foodsOf course, it is difficult to imagine fast food without the use of semi-finished products, but with a strong desire and qualified staff, you can switch to preparing fresh products, or cooking non-stop dishes.
    Photogenic design of the room and interesting presentation of dishesIt is no secret that people can no longer live without phones and photography, so do not skimp on interior design, decor and packaging for ready meals that they come to capture as a keepsake.
  3. Menu development.

    Many argue that fast food cafe menus should be simple and specific.

    But in fact, visitors will quickly get bored with it, because living half a day in the same office or university, and going to the same institution, it is impossible to eat the same dishes day after day.

    Therefore, after defining the concept of the institution, it is necessary to start developing the menu.

    Let it contain several permanent, so-called classic positions, as well as seasonal dishes that will be on sale for 2-3 months.

    Using the example of a European and American cafe, the following dishes should be presented:

    • several types of sandwiches;
    • salads;
    • meat dishes (chicken nuggets, legs);
    • pancakes;
    • bakery products;
    • ice cream;
    • hot and cold drinks.

    Toppings and filling can be changed depending on the season or even the day.

Calendar plan how to open a fast food cafe

The next thing in studying the question of how to open a fast food cafe is drawing up a schedule of actions.

First of all, you need to start with an idea, namely, with the development of a concept and inventing a name.

Then, at the stage of searching for premises, you can start registering a business and collecting the necessary permits.

Repair, recruitment, menu development and active advertising must be carried out in parallel with each other in order to have time to open your own fast food in 4 months.

Stage1 month2 months3 months4 months
Development of the concept and name
Business registration
Room search
Menu development
Repair and purchase of equipment
Advertising and promotion

Registration of an establishment

There are two options for registering a fast food cafe:

  • IP - suitable for creating a small institution with 50 seats and a staff of 3-5 people.
  • LLC - necessary to create an institution with a quantity seats more than 50 and with a further desire to expand the business and attract additional capital.

After registration, it is necessary to become registered with the tax service and decide on the taxation system.

You will also need to get:

  • permission from the fire department;
  • sanitary and epidemiological conclusion;
  • certificates of conformity for products and equipment.

Search for premises and its repair

    The best places for:

    • business districts of the city;
    • near educational institutions, railway stations, bus stations, metro stations;
    • shopping and entertainment centers.
  1. The room itself must meet the following requirements:

    • minimum area - 100 sq. m.;
    • ground floor and separate entrance; the exception is shopping centers - then the cafe will be located in the food court;
    • the presence of two bathrooms (one for visitors, the other for staff);
    • communications - light, water, sewerage, ventilation;
    • emergency exit.
  2. In the process of repair, it is necessary to equip the kitchen, showcase, bathrooms, storage and utility rooms.

    Also at this stage, you need to contact the designer who will develop the style and interior design.

Menu design

After the repair, you need to start designing the menu.

For these purposes, you can also contact specialists who will deal with:

  • menu card design (cover and page thumbnails);
  • food photography;
  • creating a lightbox.

In many fast food cafes, you rarely see the usual menu that the waiters give out, and this is due to the fact that this staff is absent.

But many customers claim that they lack at least a small brochure to familiarize themselves with the dishes.

Therefore, they can be attached to each table so that guests can learn about the rest of the assortment while eating.

As for lightboxes, they are in almost every such institution.

Thanks to them, it is enough for the visitor to cast a glance to get acquainted with the dishes and the prices for them.

Equipment for fast food cafe

Using the example of a stationary fast food cafe of European and American type, it is possible to demonstrate how much money is needed to purchase equipment and furniture.

It is for this reason that the total investment will be impressive.

So, you will need to purchase the following items of equipment and furniture:

EquipmentQtyPrice per unit, rub.Cost, rub.
Total: RUB 675,000
Refrigeration cabinet
1 35 000 35 000
Chest freezer
1 20 000 20 000
Showcase thermal
1 25 000 25 000
Refrigeration cabinet (for drinks)
1 25 000 25 000
Refrigerated showcase
1 40 000 40 000
2 7 500 15 000
Electric stove
3 15 000 45 000
Oven cabinet
3 10 000 30 000
Production tables
5 3 000 15 000
Umbrella exhaust
3 10 000
Washing bathroom (2 sections)
1 15 000 15 000
Freezers for ice cream
1 100 000 100 000
1 5 000 5 000
waffle iron
1 20 000 20 000
crepe maker
2 15 000 30 000
1 10 000 10 000
Coffee machine
1 100 000 100 000
Cash register
3 10 000 30 000
2 5 000 10 000
Kitchen tools
1 50 000 50 000
2 12 500 25 000
FurnitureQtyPrice per unit, rub.Cost, rub.
Total: RUB 123,000
Tables for 4 people
8 4 000 28 000
Tables for 2 people
10 2 500 25 000
35 1 000 35 000
5 7 000 35 000


The staff plays a key role in the opening of catering establishments, because it depends on the quality of service whether the guest will be satisfied.

With a daily schedule for the cafe, the staff works in two shifts.

The cashiers will have a flexible schedule, as the main peak of visitors will fall in the morning and lunchtime.

PositionQuantity, pers.Salary, rub.Payment fund, rub.
Total: 260 000 rub.
Cook6 25 000 152 000
Cashier waiter5 18 000 90 000
Cleaning woman2 10 000 20 000

Restaurant advertising

As a promotion of the future cafe, you can:

With the development of a network of its cafes and access to the regional and state market you need to create a full-fledged website and launch advertising on television.

Project implementation

    One-time expenses for opening a fast food cafe

    As you can see, the main share falls on the purchase of equipment, furniture and renovation of the premises.

    Monthly expenses for the operation of the institution

    For the stable operation of a fast food cafe, you need to constantly invest money.

    So monthly expenses include the following:

Income forecast and payback period calculation

The profitability of fast food establishments can range from 35 to 65%, which confirms the profitability of such a business.

But in order to ensure it, it is necessary to attract as many visitors as possible and increase the amount of the average check.

So, in order to reach the break-even point with an average bill of 250 rubles, it is necessary to serve 2630 people per month.

That is, cafes should be visited by at least 5 people per hour.

Considering that the population loves fast food, suppose that with a fifteen-hour schedule, 120 people will visit the cafe every day.

Then the calculation of profit will look like this:

With a successful course of affairs, you can recoup the invested funds in six months.

you will also take for yourself from the video:

If you are thinking about how to open a fast food cafe, then be prepared for the fact that you will have to invest quite a large amount.

But with proper implementation of the project, you can quickly recoup the capital investment.

And as the number of guests of the establishment increases, think about how to expand your business and take it to the next level, for example, create a chain or start selling a franchise.

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Why, wanting to invest in a business, many entrepreneurs around the world choose the fast food industry?

The demand for fast food establishments is high not only in large metropolitan areas, but also in small regional cities. The food served in them is rich in taste and satiety. And this is not to mention the fact that its cost is several times lower than lunch in a full-fledged restaurant or cafe.

It is not surprising that many are interested in how to open fast food and start making money from it. And now you will learn some secrets of this popular business.

Step 1. Choose the format of the enterprise

The organization of fast food begins with the fact that you choose one of two formats of the enterprise: stationary or street.

Street fast food includes outdoor outlets: mobile carts and counters, pavilions, kiosks and vans. The food is prepared right in front of the customers and served in the same place, on the street.

Stationary establishments are primarily pizzerias, bistros, small restaurants, coffee houses, etc. In recent years, the so-called food courts have become increasingly popular - food courts near shopping centers.

However, all such establishments have one thing in common: the menu is based on dishes, the preparation of which requires minimal cost time.

Arguing about which of these two formats is better is pointless - almost any outlet will bring good profits to its owner. Of course, only under the condition of competent organization of the work process and the use of high-quality equipment and raw materials.

Step 2. Analysis of competitors

It is extremely important, when opening a private fast food, to analyze the activities of the main competitors (especially if you live in big city). At the same time, it is necessary to study the clientele, location, product range and pricing policy of other enterprises. In parallel, you will be able to see the main mistakes made by your competitors and avoid them in your work.

Step 3. Business registration and paperwork

Organization of street format fast food is possible for individuals registered as individual entrepreneurs. No additional licenses are required for trading. However, an important point is obtaining permits from the fire inspection and the sanitary and epidemiological service. In addition, you will need certificates of compliance of your equipment with the relevant standards and documents confirming the quality of the products.

If we are talking about a full-fledged fast food cafe, it would be more logical to register entity LTD.

Step 4. Choosing a room

If you are interested in how to open fast food, you should focus on places that are characterized by a large crowd of people. An excellent option is the location near shopping and office centers or right on their territory. In this case, you will ensure yourself a stable influx of customers.

You must have at least 5 rooms (including a kitchen, shopping room, warehouse, toilet and staff quarters).

The premises must be completed quality repair, All Communications Are Carried Out (electricity, Cold And Hot Water, Heating, Gas, Etc.).

Step 5. Purchase of equipment

Now let's talk about what equipment is needed for fast food. The more diverse units you use, the more opportunities you will have to expand your product range.

A standard set of equipment for organizing the work of a fast food establishment includes:

  • devices for making hot dogs;
  • pancakes;
  • grills;
  • fryers;
  • waffle irons;
  • thermal showcases;
  • devices for making shawarma;
  • microwaves;
  • boilers;
  • electric food warmers/microwave ovens;
  • chest freezer/refrigerators;
  • refrigerators for drinks.

In addition, you will need cash registers, dishwashers, dishes and cutting tools (if we are talking about creating a full-fledged cafe).

Modern equipment for fast food can significantly reduce the cooking time of various dishes, reduce their cost and end up with really tasty, mouth-watering food that none of your visitors can resist!

A little "freebie"

Already interested? Indeed, people interested in how to open a fast food restaurant can get some help from the big cold drink manufacturers (Nescafe, Coca-Cola, Nestle, etc.). These companies are extremely interested in increasing the supply of their products to such points, and therefore they can provide you, as the owner of fast food, with refrigerators for storing drinks for free (or by installments).

If we are talking about an open-air cafe, then they can also help in terms of decorating the point^, for example, by providing branded umbrellas for tables.

Step 6. Analyze seasonality

Fast food as a business is quite dependent on the seasonality factor. The largest influx of buyers is observed in spring and autumn. In sultry summer days demand falls a little, but the sale of soft drinks can make a fairly large cash desk during this period (just imagine how many people want to drink a can of cold cola in a 40-degree heat!). In addition, the sale of delicious ice cream will attract customers in the summer.

Step 7. Search for personnel

Fast food is a business that, with the right approach, can bring you huge profits in the first years of operation.

To ensure the normal operation of your enterprise, you will need sellers, cooks and cleaners. If you are planning to open a large enough outlet, the skills of managers coordinating the work of the rest of the staff will be useful.

In the process of recruiting employees, you should focus on the following factors:

  • availability of special training and qualifications in this specialty;
  • Experience in similar positions in other institutions Catering;
  • knowledge of relevant normative documents associated with work in the catering industry.

In addition, an important point is the sociability of all employees and their ability to build communication with customers.

Step 8. We buy products

The most profitable solution is to buy special semi-finished products for fast food. Ask what companies in your city offer such services, and try to establish regular wholesale deliveries.

Gives his advice on starting a fast food business general manager company "Kroshka-potato", Andrey KONONCHUK.

For this business, the location of the van plays a huge role. 100 meters to the right or to the left - they matter. It happens that the difference in revenue between two points that are located within sight is 50%. Therefore, it is necessary not only to determine the very “good place”, but also to get the right to take it. Now it is very difficult to obtain permits in Moscow.

Before you start investing in this business, find trading place and determine whose it is. If this is municipal land, look for the right official and arrange everything accordingly. As for shopping centers, it is now simply impossible to agree on the placement of a retail outlet near them for less than $500. For a novice entrepreneur, this is unprofitable and impractical.

The initial investment in this business is really low. An equipped auto buffet costs 10-15 thousand dollars, a grill - about 8 thousand. This should also include the cost of developing a corporate style. Further costs will be associated with the payment of salaries to employees and the purchase of products.

But don't expect big profits right away. Your product should be relatively inexpensive (more expensive than grandma's, but cheaper than McDonald's). The turnover of one non-stationary point of "Crumbs-potatoes" is up to 500 dollars per day.

It is not so important to determine what exactly from a wide range of fast food you will trade. Today, there are many outlets offering a variety of dishes, ranging from potatoes and pancakes to exotic Korean snacks.

Your choice is up to you. The only thing to consider is the location of your van. So, in "sleeping" areas or new buildings, grilled chickens are sold better, they are bought so as not to cook at home. But in passing places, such chickens will be much less popular - there are few people who want to eat chicken on the go, pouring grease on their hands (where to wash them afterwards? And it’s easy to get clothes dirty!). And, on the contrary, it is absolutely inexpedient to set up tents of other fast food in the areas of new buildings, even near the metro. It is unlikely that anyone will buy fast food if there are a few meters left to the house and a hot full dinner is waiting there. Set up your tents near the metro, entertainment areas, and central squares.

If you plan to organize a round-the-clock operation of a point, choosing a place becomes a doubly important task. It is very difficult to find a place where a continuous flow of customers at any time would be guaranteed. But a constant stream ... cars can be found. It is better to have such a round-the-clock buffet near the road. Customers are guaranteed day and night. At the same time, paradoxically, parks turn out to be a "dead place" - people appear there only in the evening, and even then - in the summer.

A beginner should know that if after the end of peak demand not a single buyer comes to you within an hour, the outlet will become unprofitable.

Practice shows: if you place your autobuffet next to "Baby Potato" or "Russian Pancakes", then the revenue will not only not decrease, but probably even increase. The trick is that a certain “food zone” is being formed, where people go specifically to eat. Eating one potato every day is boring, but if there is a choice, it always attracts customers. The existing "food zone" will attract additional visitors.

Everyone knows that the level and quality of a restaurant depends on its management, which, in turn, directly affects the ordinary staff. It depends on the level of service. But in this business, auto buffets are scattered throughout the city and you can’t assign a separate manager to each one. It turns out that abuse in our system is much more likely than in the case of a stationary cafe.

There are especially many problems with "weight" fast food, where the product is superimposed with a measuring spoon. It is really difficult to clearly put the prescribed portion, but you can “make a mistake” on purpose, “undergive” two or three clients, and put the saved portion to your regular customer and money in your pocket. So for the shift you can collect an amount equal to the daily profit. This is the main scourge of street trading. In this regard, piece trade is much more profitable.

Of course, you can arrange general checks. But you can’t do this during peak hours, buyers may be indignant. You can arrange unexpected inspections, test purchases. But this requires an increase in staff, and start-up entrepreneurs can hardly afford it right away.

I advise you to hire older women. Older women, unlike younger ones, have something to lose, which means they work more responsibly.

Salary is highly dependent on performance. In summer, if the point is at good location, salary can reach (and even exceed) 50 dollars per shift. And in winter, in frost, it decreases. But there is a stipulated minimum - the seller cannot receive less than 250 rubles for a shift that lasts 24 hours.

Aspiring entrepreneurs should think about developing their own corporate identity already on initial stage. By doing so, you position yourself as a company that takes business seriously. If you spend money on design and decoration, then you can no longer afford to shrug off issues of product quality.

Try to add some zest to the process of cooking fast food. In the case of "Baby Potato" it is the process of turning a hot potato pulled out of the oven into a puree.

"Street" has its advantages - such trade is very cost-effective. Moreover, if the auto buffet is on wheels (that is, it can be moved at any moment), there is no need to draw up a land allocation for it, which means that current expenses will be minimal, usually no more than 500-700 dollars per month. The profit from some similar points in the summer is even higher than that of stationary catering establishments.

The only negative is the constant communication with the SES, tax, trade, gas technical inspections, with firefighters ... With a stationary institution, this is easier - you get permission from the SES once. But without a well-developed and cost-effective street network, it is almost impossible to build a sufficient number of stationary points. A stationary point is 5 times more expensive than a street point, the cost of its creation will be about 60 thousand dollars. Yes, and rental rates in some shopping centers reach about 8 thousand dollars a month (for comparison: an auto buffet costs from 50 to 100 dollars a month). But sales volumes are almost identical. But hospitals are the future. Kroshka Potato already has stationary outlets in IKEA, Auchan, Ramstor and other stores.

Set yourself up for success. A self-confident person is more likely to convince potential partners. It is best to start with three auto buffets. It is not advisable to open one point - the same hassle to open, but the profit is much less. But even a larger number - four or five - already requires additional investments: buying cars, searching for new personnel.

In general, think big and plan your network right away. It will definitely pay off.

Based on materials from an interview with Olga Koleva for Business magazine

*The article is over 8 years old. May contain outdated information

Profitability calculator for this business

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How to open fast food and build your business on catering services.

In this article, we will consider the option of opening a small street fast food outlet in the take-away format with placement in a mobile stall or in a stationary kiosk, pavilion. As practice shows, this is the most profitable format of the institution with relatively small financial investments.


Fast food as a business.

Street fast food has always been and is one of the most profitable species catering business. Quick and inexpensive snack for a student, office worker, and any person who is in a hurry, it's just a necessity, fast food is an opportunity to eat almost on the go. Therefore, if you place such a catering point near a university, office center, market, or other busy crowded place, you can count on a quick return on investment and making a profit.

The fast food business is certainly profitable, but such street outlets are not very welcome by the SES, and it is not easy to obtain official permission to operate. The main reason for the refusal is the lack of a centralized water supply and sewage system in the stall, and where does it come from, so it turns out a vicious circle.

But this is only at first glance, quite often you can see street fast foods quietly working without running water and sewerage. The issue of water supply can be solved by installing a water tank with a built-in heater and a sink with a storage tank for draining. This option is used by most street fast foods, in this case it is a way out of the situation.

If we talk about the presence of a toilet for the seller, then this option is possible, if there is a toilet nearby, for example, on the territory of a market, a food base, then this option can also suit the SES.

Most street fast foods operate with an incomplete set of documents (SES), it is quite difficult to get all the permits right away. But in order to avoid problems and possible fines, from the very beginning of the opening, it is imperative for the SES to comply with all sanitary standards, to make technological map, obligatory sanitary books for sellers and work uniform, certificates for purchased products, other documents can be issued already in the process of work.

According to the law, after the opening, you notify Rospotrebnadzor (SES) of the opening, and work calmly. If you comply with sanitary standards, and none of the clients writes a complaint against you, then the SES will not check anything for the first time. During subsequent checks, if there are minor violations, you will get off with a small fine, with significant violations, the point can simply be closed.

Fast food equipment.

The set of equipment depends on what you plan to trade. For french fries you will need a deep fryer, for various big macs, cheeseburgers, hamburgers - a stove for heating semi-finished meat products and a stove for warming up buns.

If you plan to sell mini pizzas, you will need an oven to heat up frozen pizzas.

For shawarma, you need a skewer with a shade, for pancakes - a pancake maker, for hot sandwiches - a microwave, etc.

Refrigerator showcase for soft drinks, coffee machine and kettle for making tea.

Since vegetables and meat can only be stored in separate refrigerators, you will need two refrigerators, for cutting vegetables and meat you will need separate tables and, accordingly, a separate cutting board for each table.

New equipment is not cheap, so it would be quite justified at first to purchase a used one.

So, the fast food opening sequence.

Registration of sole proprietorship or LLC.

Rent or purchase of premises - a kiosk, pavilion or basement.

Necessary repair of the premises (painting, installation of signs, etc.).

Installation and configuration of equipment.

Installation cash register(may not be necessary, depending on the tax system).

Menu compilation.

Making a shopping list of groceries.

Conclusion of agreements with product suppliers and obtaining certificates for products from suppliers.

Hiring two sales assistants to work in shifts schedule 2/2.

Beginning of work.

How to open fast food: documentation and permissions.

You can register a business as an individual entrepreneur or LLC, it is desirable to have a taxation system of UTII (flat tax and cash register not needed).

OKVED codes for catering establishments - 52.11, 52.12, 52.27, 51.70, 51.39, 55.30, 55.40, 63.12.

After the conclusion of the lease agreement for the premises, it is necessary to register the object with the tax office within 10 days.

You will need to obtain permission from Rospotrebnadzor (SES) and Rospozharnadzor.

We receive a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion from Rospotrebnadzor, for this you need to provide the following package of documents:

  • Copies of the state certificate IP registration, certificates of registration for tax accounting(INN).
  • Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.
  • A contract for the lease of premises or a certificate of ownership.
  • Technological map of production.
  • Equipment list.
  • Project documentation, BTI plan, (not always required).
  • Contract for garbage collection, deratization and disinfection.
  • Product range.

When opening a fast food outlet, there should always be photocopies of documents, a book of complaints and suggestions, labor Code and obligatory sanitary books of sellers. In sanitary books, seals must be updated every 3 months.

As for the firefighters, if the premises have already been used as a retail outlet, then all issues with the fire inspectorate are usually already settled. Periodically, 1 - 2 times a year, they will visit you, if there are no gross violations, then the issues that have arisen can be resolved on the spot.

Fast food business profitability.

At the moment, there is a fairly large variety of so-called fast food - hot dogs, hamburgers, big macs, sandwiches, cheeseburgers, chicken burgers, shawarma, sandwiches, french fries, noodles, mini pizza, pizza horn, spring rolls and without, omelettes with bacon, salads, desserts, drinks. Food is served in paper bag or in a cardboard box, can be served in disposable tableware, paper napkin goes in addition.

You need to select several positions and focus on them, you should not grab everything at once, especially since you will need a lot of equipment that requires a place to place it. Let's say for starters, it will be quite enough to cook several varieties of burgers and sandwiches, french fries, in addition to tea, coffee and chilled drinks.

For the preparation of fast food, semi-finished products are used, which are quickly prepared, some require only heating. For example, to cook a hamburger, you need to heat up a bun, heat up a beef patty, add pickled cucumber, mustard and ketchup. Ready, the hamburger must be served to the client in a paper bag and put a paper napkin.

The cost of preparing burgers is usually half of the selling price, the cost of french fries, pancakes, omelettes is about a third of the final cost, the markup is quite good and this is the appeal of fast food.

We can talk about the profitability of a business only if the point is located in a good crowded place - near a university, market, train station, near the embankment, in an amusement park in various places where it is crowded. If you open fast food in such places, then you will always have customers, and the business will be profitable.

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