Name of positions according to the classifier. List of professions and positions. All-Russian classifier of professions. Sections of the classifier of positions and professions

In the legislation of the Russian Federation, a number of normative acts have been adopted that establish the procedure for classifying working professions, as well as positions of employees. What is the purpose of these sources of law? Which of them are among the most demanded at Russian enterprises?

9149 — given figure shows that we are talking about the profession of a turner;

6 - this figure is a control number;

02 - the corresponding indicator indicates that the profession corresponds to the 2nd edition of the Unified Qualification Handbook;

7223 - this figure reflects the correspondence of the profession to the base group related to the Classifier of Occupations;

5 - the corresponding indicator reflects the fact that a person needs to have the 5th tariff category;

12 - this figure shows that a piece-bonus scheme for calculating salaries for employees is used;

1 - the corresponding indicator reflects that for working profession typical working conditions;

2 - this figure means that a person carries out his labor activity through machines and mechanisms.

It turns out that the turner profession code, generated based on the criteria that are reflected in the Classifier, will look like 19149602722351212.

Similarly, the list of professions of the Russian Federation also provides for facet codes when classifying the positions of employees. Let's consider them.

Facet codes for employees according to the Classifier

In this case, we are talking about codes that reflect the category of the position - they contain 1 character, as well as indicating a specific position according to the Classifier of Occupations, in which 4 characters are fixed.

Through 3 facets, positions are reflected on such grounds as:

Derived positions (facet 11, represented by 2 characters);

It can be noted that facets 11 and 12 are selected based on the specifics of a particular position. So, in derivative positions qualification is not fixed. Therefore, only facet 11 is selected for the respective positions.

Employee position code: example

For example, a position such as deputy head of the financial and economic department of an enterprise will have a code consisting of indicators such as:

2 - denoting the position;

4695 - reflecting the fact that we are talking about the position of the head of the department;

1 - used as a control number;

1 - reflecting the fact that we are talking about the category of managers in the enterprise;

1231 - indicating the relationship of the position with the corresponding base group in the Classifier of occupations;

03 - reflecting the fact that we are talking about a derived position.

The relationship of OK 016-94 and the classifier of occupations

It can be noted that between the objects of the Classifier, which was introduced by the Decree of the State Standard on the approval of the list of professions and positions, and those that are present in the Classifier of occupations, it is assumed that there are links that allow the former to be attributed to one group or another within the list to which the latter belong. . That is, each position - a worker or an employee, as a rule, can be attributed to a certain category of occupation.

However, it should be noted that given the fact that such concepts as "occupation", "profession", as well as "position" differ significantly from each other, then the employee personnel service an enterprise that uses the Classifier in question may need to use explanations for individual groupings of the Occupation Classifier in order to determine an unambiguous connection with its objects of those positions that are provided for by the considered official list of professions and positions.

Each profession is important and distinctive. A person of each specialty has his own designated job tasks, the amount of remuneration, characteristics of the workplace, categories, etc. Each enterprise has a system of bonuses and punishments, specificity professional activity etc.

Qualification guide

To determine the classification of positions and instructions, there is a special unified qualification reference book. Abbreviated ETKS, approved on the basis of a government decree Russian Federation. Thanks to him, enterprises form personnel activities. According to the content of Article 143 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the qualification of professions and duties is carried out on the basis of a unified tariff-qualification guide.

It consists of two chapters: the first characterizes the sectoral managerial staff, the second - the professions provided for by the main employees and working specialties at the enterprise.

Leading and working professions according to ETKS in the agricultural industry

The classifier gives an exhaustive list of working professions in agriculture. This includes specialties that are in demand in the agricultural industry.

Management team

This list includes the following occupations:

  • Ch. specialist of the agronomic service (agronomist) of the enterprise.
  • Ch. agronomist-agrochemist at work.
  • Ch. agricultural service specialist (agronomist) in the field of crop protection.
  • Ch. specialist of the agronomic service (agronomist for the study of the soil).
  • Ch. specialist in veterinary service (veterinarian).
  • Ch. zootechnical service specialist (livestock specialist).
  • Ch. specialist of the zootechnical service in the horse breeding industry (livestock specialist of the state stables).
  • Ch. zootechnical service specialist - hippodrome livestock specialist.
  • Ch. melioration service engineer.
  • Ch. mechanical engineer.
  • Ch. energy specialist (energy engineer).
  • Ch. judge in the field of breeding horses.
  • Veterinary service worker veterinary pharmacy.
  • Veterinary service worker vet section.
  • Head at the enterprise garage.
  • Head point of procurement in the production of processing flax and other bast crops.
  • Head toxicological laboratory.
  • Head production laboratory of plant protection biomethod.
  • Head laboratory of the state inspection for plant quarantine and fumigation squad.
  • Head laboratory for diagnosing and predicting the future occurrence of pests and plant diseases.
  • Head laboratory for assessing the quality of tested varieties of the State Commission for sorting agricultural crops.
  • Head breeding laboratory. case and artificial insemination.
  • Head transport department.
  • Head oil depot.
  • Head experienced field.
  • Head border crossing point for plant quarantine.
  • Head point of artificial insemination.
  • Head point of signaling and forecasting the appearance of pests and plant diseases.
  • Head repair workshop.
  • Head seed station.
  • Head of tech. exchange office.
  • Head variety testing area.
  • Head phytohelminthological production laboratory.
  • Head seed storage.
  • Head of mech. detachment.
  • Head of Procurement Department.
  • Head of the department (section) of production and veterinary control.
  • Head of the technical department operation of the fleet and equipment of agricultural enterprises.
  • Boss production department hippodrome.
  • Head of plant protection station (at the level of the subject, region and district).
  • Technical station manager maintenance of the fleet, service stations maintenance of the machine-building park.
  • Head of livestock department.
  • Head of fumigation department.
  • Technical station manager maintenance of machines and equipment of livestock farms, poultry farms and farms.
  • Head of the feed production department.
  • Head of the department for land reclamation.
  • Head of the incubation department.
  • Head of the mechanization department.
  • Head of plant growing department.
  • Head of the expedition for bioprotection of plants.
  • Head of department for transportation management.
  • Farm manager, foreman.
  • Head of KFH-farmer.

Professions in the agricultural industry

If we talk about professions in the agricultural industry, then the list of working professions and positions of employees, after the management team, is divided into specialists (laboratory assistants, machine operators, etc.), positions common to all industries (weigher, warehouse worker, etc.). ), subsection positions with professions in the field of crop production and animal husbandry, as well as professions where there is no rating by category. The list of working professions in construction is also quite wide.

Workers in the sphere of harmful professions

Labor law and a unified classifier of professions separate industries where management staff, job positions are characterized as hazardous production and the industry as a whole. There is a list of working professions with harmful conditions labor.

Spheres of economic activity where employees are recognized as employees of hazardous professions

Here is a partial list of such professions:

  • Persons whose activities are related to gunpowder, ammunition equipment, as well as initiating and explosive substances.
  • Workers in the oil industry, coal mines, etc.
  • whose activities are related to metal processing.
  • Employed in electrical production and maintenance of such equipment.
  • Manufacturers of radio equipment, production of building materials.
  • Glass and porcelain production.
  • Manufacturers and processors of synthetic and artificial fibers, the labor composition of the pulp and paper industry.
  • Employees of institutes and research centers in the field of manufacturing medicines and biomaterials.
  • Labor composition in the field of health care, printing workers, transport workers.
  • Those whose activities are related to radiation and exposure, workers in the nuclear industry.
  • Divers.
  • Welding workers.
  • Research activities related to microorganisms.
  • Metal testing.
  • Cleaning metal with sand.
  • Mercury substation workers.
  • Workers of electric trains and stations.
  • Labor composition of the food industry.
  • Working in the field of film copying.
  • Workers in the field of construction, repair and restoration.
  • Communication workers.
  • workers in the agrochemical industry.
  • Mining industry workers.
  • Workers in the chemical and paint industry.

Positions of employees

The positions of employees are included in the list of working professions. If we talk about employees, then this is a category of citizens involved in any of the industries in positions below the leadership professions. The category of employees includes agents, artists, archivists, secretaries, etc.

Engineering professions

If you make a list of working professions in mechanical engineering, there is a division into management, specialists and working professions. Let's consider in more detail.

For example, managers are included in the list of working professions of the management team (head of the design shop, head of the testing shop, head of product release, etc.).

If we talk about specialists in mechanical engineering, then these are mechanical engineering technologists, mechanical engineering engineers, designers, etc.

Also involved in mechanical engineering are professions that belong to the category of the same in all sectors of the economy.

List of working occupations for women

Allocates a single classifier and a separate category of women's work positions. They tend to be associated with lighter activities.

Some of them are listed below:

  • manicurist;
  • beautician;
  • the hairdresser;
  • cleaning service worker;
  • secretary-typist;
  • painter;
  • specialist in laying out and sorting goods;
  • salesman;
  • masseur;
  • nurse;
  • Cook;
  • confectioner.

An important instrument of labor law

If we talk about the classification of professions in general, then they are divided into a list of working professions according to the field of activity, working conditions, harmfulness of production, severity of labor, etc.

The unified classifier characterizes each profession separately, attaching a list of job duties that are mandatory for execution, the procedure for the benefits provided, the categories assigned, etc.

Based on the classification, the entire labor process is built, starting with accrual and calculation wages, ending with bonuses and the duration of vacations.

The classifier provides a list of positions for each economic sector, defining the scope of duties and rights official or an employee.

The use of the classifier of professions allows each organization, enterprise to streamline the work process, clearly distribute responsibilities in the work team, and comply with labor laws.

As legislative acts in labor law, Labor Code and the classifier are approved with links to each other. This indicates that violation of the provisions of the classifier of professions will be the basis for violation of labor legislation and administrative offense. When organizing personnel activities at enterprises, a single list of working professions is taken as the basis for the formation of positions, labor hierarchy, reward and punishment systems.

The classifier is constantly being improved, amendments are made necessary in connection with changes in the country's economy. However, these nuances are not significant and practically do not concern the main list of positions.

The list of professions and the job classifier is the most important tool labor law, the personnel service of any enterprise, acting as a guarantor in the organization and remuneration of almost every employee.

This section presents the releases of the Unified Qualification Directory for the Positions of Managers, Specialists and Other Employees (hereinafter referred to as the CSA). EKS is intended for billing works and assigning tariff categories. On the basis of the EKS, it is possible to draw up job descriptions and programs for the training and advanced training of specialists in various industries and fields of activity. Section updated October 17, 2018 - added releases, fixed technical errors.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 31, 2002 N 787 established that the EKS consists of qualification characteristics for the positions of managers, specialists and employees, containing official duties and requirements for the level of knowledge and qualifications of managers, specialists and employees.

The CSA is developed by the Ministry of Health and social development RF together with federal authorities executive power, which is entrusted with the management, regulation and coordination of activities in the relevant sector (sub-sector) of the economy (paragraph 2 of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 31, 2002 N 787). Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of 09.02.2004 N 9 approved the Procedure for the application of the CEN.

This section contains a list of TEN issues valid on the territory of the Russian Federation, relevant as of 06/15/2014. We also draw your attention to the fact that this guide is often erroneously called ETKS positions of managers and specialists(see ETKS works and occupations of workers).

Positions alphabetically

If you know the title of the position in the directory, but do not know in which section of the CSA it is described, then for quick search You can use the alphabetical index to describe it:

List of positions by sections of the directory

Title of the CEN section Approval document
Industry-wide qualification characteristics of the positions of employees employed at enterprises, institutions and organizations Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of August 21, 1998 N 37
Qualification characteristics of the positions of employees employed in research institutions, design, technological, design and survey organizations
Qualification directory of positions of managers and specialists of organizations of geology and exploration of subsoil Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of December 20, 2002 N 82
Qualification characteristics of the positions of employees of the centers of standardization, metrology and certification authorized to exercise state control and supervision Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of January 29, 2004 N 5
Qualification directory of positions of managers, specialists and other employees of electric power industry organizations Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of January 29, 2004 N 4
Qualification characteristics of the positions of managers and specialists in architecture and urban planning Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of April 23, 2008 N 188
Qualification characteristics of the positions of employees of institutions of the state material reserve system Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of 05.05.2008 N 220
Qualification characteristics of positions of specialists carrying out a range of works in the field of legal protection of the results of intellectual activity and means of individualization Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of July 23, 2008 N 347
Qualification characteristics of the positions of employees of institutions of bodies for youth affairs Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of November 28, 2008 N 678
Qualification characteristics of the positions of managers and specialists of air transport organizations Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of January 29, 2009 N 32
Qualification characteristics of the positions of managers and specialists of road facilities organizations Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of February 16, 2009 N 47
Qualification characteristics of the positions of employees of the hydrometeorological service Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of February 16, 2009 N 48
Qualification characteristics of the positions of employees of the territorial bodies of the Federal Migration Service Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of March 11, 2009 N 107
Qualification characteristics of the positions of managers and specialists in ensuring information security in key information infrastructure systems, countering technical intelligence and technical information protection Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of April 22, 2009 N 205
Qualification characteristics of certain categories of employees of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of November 24, 2009 N 919
Qualification characteristics of positions of employees of nuclear energy organizations Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of December 10, 2009 N 977
Qualification characteristics of the position "Conflictologist" Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of December 22, 2009 N 1007
Qualification characteristics of positions of workers in the field of healthcare Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of July 23, 2010 N 541n
Qualification characteristics of positions of employees in the field of education Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of August 26, 2010 N 761n
Qualification characteristics of the positions of managers and specialists of higher professional and additional professional education Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of 11.01.2011 N 1n
Qualification characteristics of positions of workers of culture, art and cinematography Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of March 30, 2011 N 251n
Qualification characteristics of positions of employees in the field of physical culture and sports Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of August 15, 2011 N 916n
Qualification characteristics of the positions of agricultural workers Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of February 15, 2012 N 126n
Qualification characteristics of the positions of employees of organizations in the tourism sector Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of March 12, 2012 N 220n
Qualification characteristics of positions of employees of organizations of the rocket and space industry Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of April 10, 2012 N 328n
Qualification characteristics of the positions of employees of state archives, document storage centers, archives of municipalities, departments, organizations, laboratories for ensuring the safety of archival documents Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of April 11, 2012 N 338n
Qualification characteristics of the positions of specialists working in the field of translation Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of May 16, 2012 N 547n
Qualification characteristics of the positions of specialists performing work in the field of labor protection Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of May 17, 2012 N 559n
Qualification characteristics of the positions of specialists performing work in the field of forensic examination Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of May 16, 2012 N 550n
Qualification characteristics of the positions of employees engaged in activities in the field of civil defense, protection of the population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies, provision fire safety, safety of people at water bodies and mining facilities in underground conditions Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated 03.12.2013 N 707n

Unfortunately, at the moment it is not possible to download all issues of the EKC in one archive from our website. However, you can find the positions you are interested in using the alphabetical index of positions or the rubricator of the issues of the EKS operating in the territory of the Russian Federation.

4th edition, revised
(approved by resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of August 21, 1998 N 37)

With changes and additions from:

January 21, August 4, 2000, April 20, 2001, May 31, June 20, 2002, July 28, November 12, 2003, July 25, 2005, November 7, 2006, September 17, 2007 , April 29, 2008, March 14, 2011, May 15, 2013, February 12, 2014, March 27, 2018

Qualification guide positions of managers, specialists and other employees is a regulatory document developed by the Institute of Labor and approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia of August 21, 1998 N 37. This publication includes additions made by the Decrees of the Ministry of Labor of Russia of December 24, 1998 N 52, of February 22 1999 N 3, dated January 21, 2000 N 7, dated August 4, 2000 N 57, April 20, 2001 N 35, dated May 31, 2002 and June 20, 2002 N 44. The directory is recommended for use in enterprises, institutions and organizations of various sectors of the economy, regardless of ownership and organizational and legal forms in order to ensure correct selection, placement and use of frames.

The new Qualification Handbook is designed to ensure a rational division of labor, create an effective mechanism for delimiting functions, powers and responsibilities based on clear regulation labor activity workers in today's environment. The directory contains new qualification characteristics of civil servants' positions related to the development of market relations. All previously valid qualification characteristics have been revised, significant changes have been made to them in connection with the transformations carried out in the country and taking into account the practice of applying characteristics.

In the qualification characteristics, the unification of the labor regulation standards for employees was carried out to ensure a unified approach to the selection of personnel of appropriate qualifications and compliance with the unified principles of billing work based on their complexity. The Qualification characteristics take into account the latest legislative and regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

Qualification directory of positions of managers, specialists and other employees

General provisions

1. Qualification directory of positions of managers, specialists and other employees ( technical executors) is designed to address issues related to the regulation labor relations, ensuring an effective personnel management system at enterprises * (1), in institutions and organizations of various sectors of the economy, regardless of ownership and organizational and legal forms of activity.

The qualification characteristics included in this issue of the Handbook are regulatory documents designed to justify the rational division and organization of labor, the correct selection, placement and use of personnel, ensuring unity in determining the duties of employees and the requirements for them. qualification requirements, as well as decisions made on compliance with the positions held during the certification of managers and specialists.

2. The construction of the Directory is based on the job description, since the requirements for the qualifications of employees are determined by their job responsibilities, which, in turn, determine the names of the positions.

The directory was developed in accordance with the accepted classification of employees into three categories: managers, specialists and other employees (technical performers). The assignment of employees to categories is carried out depending on the nature of the predominantly performed work that makes up the content of the worker's work (organizational-administrative, analytical-constructive, information-technical).

The names of the positions of employees, the qualification characteristics of which are included in the Directory, are established in accordance with the All-Russian Classifier of Occupations of Workers, Positions of Employees and Pay Grades OK-016-94 (OKPDTR), which entered into force on January 1, 1996.

3. The qualification guide contains two sections. The first section lists the qualifications industry-wide positions managers, specialists and other employees (technical performers), widely distributed in enterprises, institutions and organizations, primarily in the manufacturing sectors of the economy, including those that are on budget financing. The second section contains the qualification characteristics of the positions of employees employed in research institutions, design, technological, design and survey organizations, as well as editorial and publishing departments.

4. Qualification characteristics in enterprises, institutions and organizations can be used as normative documents direct action or serve as the basis for the development of internal organizational and administrative documents - job descriptions containing a specific list of job duties of employees, taking into account the specifics of the organization of production, labor and management, as well as their rights and responsibilities. If necessary, the duties included in the description of a particular position can be distributed among several performers.

Since the qualification characteristics apply to employees of enterprises, institutions and organizations, regardless of their industry affiliation and departmental subordination, they present the most typical work for each position. Therefore, when developing job descriptions, it is allowed to clarify the list of works that are characteristic of the corresponding position in specific organizational and technical conditions, and the requirements for the necessary special training of employees are established.

In the process of organizational, technical and economic development, mastering modern management technologies, introducing the latest technical means, carrying out measures to improve the organization and increase labor efficiency, it is possible to expand the range of duties of employees in comparison with the established corresponding characteristics. In these cases, without changing the job title, the employee may be entrusted with the performance of duties stipulated by the characteristics of other positions, similar in content to work, equal in complexity, the performance of which does not require a different specialty and qualifications.

5. Qualification characteristics of each position has three sections.

The section "Job Responsibilities" establishes the main labor functions that can be entrusted in whole or in part to the employee holding this position, taking into account the technological homogeneity and interconnectedness of work, allowing for optimal specialization of employees.

The "Must Know" section contains the basic requirements for an employee with regard to special knowledge, as well as knowledge of legislative and regulatory legal acts, regulations, instructions and other guidance materials, methods and means that the employee must apply in the performance of job duties.

In the "Qualification Requirements" section, the level vocational training the employee necessary to perform the prescribed job duties, and the requirements for work experience. The levels of required vocational training are given in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education".

6. In the characteristics of the positions of specialists, within the same position without changing its name, an intra-position qualification categorization for remuneration is provided.

Qualification categories for remuneration of specialists are established by the head of the enterprise, institution, organization. This takes into account the degree of independence of the employee in the performance of official duties, his responsibility for decisions made, attitude to work, efficiency and quality of work, as well as professional knowledge, practical experience, determined by work experience in the specialty, etc.

7. The Directory does not include the qualification characteristics of secondary positions (senior and leading specialists, as well as deputy heads of departments). The duties of these employees, the requirements for their knowledge and qualifications are determined on the basis of the characteristics of the corresponding basic positions contained in the Directory.

The issue of the distribution of duties of deputy heads of enterprises, institutions and organizations is decided on the basis of internal organizational and administrative documents.

The use of the official title "senior" is possible provided that the employee, along with the fulfillment of the duties stipulated by the position held, manages the executors subordinate to him. The position of "senior" may be established as an exception and in the absence of performers in the direct subordination of the employee, if he is entrusted with the functions of managing an independent area of ​​work. For positions of specialists for which qualification categories are provided, the official title "senior" is not applied. In these cases, the functions of managing subordinate performers are assigned to specialist I qualification category.

The job responsibilities of the "leaders" are established on the basis of the characteristics of the respective positions of specialists. In addition, they are entrusted with the functions of a manager and a responsible executor of work in one of the areas of activity of an enterprise, institution, organization or their structural divisions or responsibility for coordinating and methodological guidance groups of performers created in departments (bureaus), taking into account the rational division of labor in specific organizational and technical conditions. The requirements for the required work experience are increased by 2-3 years compared to those provided for specialists of the first qualification category. Job responsibilities, knowledge requirements and qualifications of deputy heads of structural units are determined on the basis of the characteristics of the respective positions of heads.

The qualification characteristics of the positions of heads (heads) of departments serve as the basis for determining the job responsibilities, knowledge requirements and qualifications of the heads of the relevant bureaus when they are created instead of functional departments (taking into account industry specifics).

8. Compliance of actually performed duties and qualifications of employees with the requirements job descriptions is determined by the certification commission in accordance with the current regulation on the procedure for conducting certification. Wherein Special attention paid attention to the quality and efficiency of work.

9. The need to ensure the safety of life and health of workers in the course of work puts forward the problems of labor protection and environment among urgent social tasks, the solution of which is directly related to the observance by managers and each employee of an enterprise, institution, organization of existing legislative, intersectoral and other regulatory legal acts on labor protection, environmental standards and regulations.

In this regard, the official duties of employees (managers, specialists and technical performers), along with the performance of the functions provided for by the relevant qualification characteristic positions, mandatory observance of labor protection requirements at each workplace is provided, and the official duties of managers are to ensure healthy and safe working conditions for subordinate performers, as well as control over their compliance with the requirements of legislative and regulatory legal acts on labor protection.

When appointed to a position, it is necessary to take into account the requirements for the employee to know the relevant labor safety standards, environmental legislation, norms, rules and instructions for labor protection, means of collective and individual protection against the effects of hazardous and harmful production factors.

10. Persons who do not have special training or work experience established by qualification requirements, but who have sufficient practical experience and performing qualitatively and in full the duties assigned to them, on the recommendation of attestation commission as an exception, they can be appointed to the relevant positions in the same way as persons with special training and work experience.

OKPDTRAll-Russian classifier professions, positions, wage categories.

What is OKPDTR

In fact, it is a reference book with codes that determines whether a worker belongs to any group. It was introduced in 1994 instead of the All-Union Classifier of Specialties (OKS). The need to replace the old document is justified by changes in the economy and the production environment. This served as a means of achieving consistency between Russian accounting and statistics standards and international ones.

The code contains information about:

  • belonging of an employee to workers or employees;
  • the nature of the work performed by him;
  • applicable tariffs;
  • skill level;
  • payment method;
  • the severity and harmfulness of the work;
  • the level of workplace automation;
  • job category;
  • place of the staff unit in the hierarchy.

Tasks of the classifier

  1. Collection and generalization of information about all professions and positions available on the territory of the Russian Federation into a single structure.
  2. Creation of a statistical report on the state of the labor market.
  3. Condition assessment work force by degree of qualification.
  4. Analysis of working conditions and wages.
  5. Accounting for the number of employees employed in various fields of activity.
  6. Integration into the world statistical system.
  7. Identification of the average educational level to create conditions for retraining, improving the professional level of personnel.
  8. Ensuring the correctness of entering the names of positions and professions in documents when hiring personnel.

Where and by whom is applied

It is used in a production environment, wherever workers and employees are hired. Assign it immediately upon employment. The code is reflected in the documents of the accounting department and the personnel department. It is most often used in such cases:

  1. When drawing up documents: an employment contract, a personal card T-2, an order for dismissal, taking office. OKPDTR is introduced into them.
  2. To make decisions on the payment of compensation, the application of benefits.
  3. Determination of the name of the future position, based on its characteristics.
  4. Entering the position in the staffing table.
  5. Providing reports on accruals to the pension fund.
  6. Appointment of a retirement pension.

What sections and blocks does it consist of

The classifier is divided into two main sections:

  • by workers;
  • by employees.

Workers are employees who are directly involved in production. They do the work that results in a real product. The place of work can be a workshop, a workshop, a house under construction, etc. It is usually equipped with a large number of technical equipment and inventory designed to work with materials. The main resource in the labor of a worker is physical strength and good health. Payment for many professions is piecework. Work time depends on the nature of the activity. Can be installed at any time of the day. For example, road construction is carried out at night. Availability higher education not required for such work.

Employees are administrative staff. These include accountants, managers, secretaries, any other office specialists and management staff. They work with information. The main resources of an employee are intellect, knowledge, specialized education. Workplace equipped with telephone, computer, fax on the table. The work schedule is clearly stipulated, it is established once, when applying for a job, it is fixed in the employment contract. Working hours are daytime. Employees are accepted for positions after graduation.

Three blocks in classifier positions

  1. Identifying. It is a composite code that includes five digits in a row that make up the number and one separately - the control number. The first contains information about the profession or position. The next four are just a serial number in the registry. The control number is determined on the basis of a unified methodology for its calculation.
  2. With the name of the object. Each code corresponds to the name of the position or profession. It is to be used exactly in the form in which it is given, and cannot be changed in the organization that uses it at will. The names are arranged alphabetically.
  3. Informational. It contains codes called faceted. They indicate the correspondence of the profession code to the tariff codes for ETKS and the codes of the old OKZ classifier.

Facet codes reflect such features and characteristics of professions:

  • 01 - varieties of work and production activities;
  • 02 - categories of tariffs;
  • 03 - skill levels;
  • 04 - conditions of payments for work;
  • 05 - working conditions;
  • 06 - equipping with equipment;
  • 07 - professions in production.

Is it mandatory to apply OKPDTR

The need to apply the classifier in relation to a specific staff unit is directly dependent on the conditions stipulated in the employment contract. And the mandatory components of this type of contract are regulated by the norms of Art. 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. According to the article, it must include information about labor function employee:

  • a list of specific tasks to be performed in the position;
  • work, ;
  • speciality;
  • profession;
  • qualification.

If federal law provides for preferential terms, compensation payments, limiting factors for a particular position or profession, their names should be used unchanged, in accordance with OKPDTR or other reference books and regulations of the Government of the Russian Federation containing standards. Mandatory conditions, for example, could be:

  • pension;
  • the presence of harmfulness or hard work;
  • additional leave;
  • inclusion of a tariff category in relation to employees;
  • application of tariffs for works.

case from judicial practice

Mr. N. worked on employment contract mechanic. Changes took place in the company, and by decision of the management, the N. department was renamed, contracts with employees were renegotiated. N. was familiarized with the new job description against signature, but did not agree with the innovations relating to his position. It did not suit the fact that, while working as a mechanic, in addition to his previous duties, he was also required to perform the functions of a cleaner and security guard. The requirements were documented in job description. Expressed dissatisfaction verbally. The authorities did not accept his point of view. N. filed a lawsuit, because he believed that the requirements of the management did not correspond to the characteristics established in OKPDTR for the position of a mechanic.

The court did not satisfy the claim, explaining that Art. 8 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation allows organizations to independently develop internal regulatory documents.

The job description refers to internal regulations. There are Gosstandart rules that you should rely on when creating a document. But the legislation does not establish strict rules for its development. Therefore, the employer has the right to introduce norms at its discretion, taking into account the specifics of the company's activities and the requirements for the position.

OKPDTR standards in some cases are advisory in nature. If, based on the characteristics of the activity, they are not necessary, no penalties are provided for non-use. The moments at which the provisions of the classifier must be taken into account without fail are established by law at the federal level.


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