The concept of staff. We draw up the staffing table correctly: what is the AUP and other positions in the organization? Differences from related concepts

The presence of this document is not required by law. And yet, it exists in many, especially large, companies. In this article we look at important questions: how to fill out staffing table, who should approve it and whether it is possible to work without it.

From the article you will learn:

What is staffing and why is it needed?

“Personnel decide everything,” it says Soviet times, but has not lost its relevance in the modern business world. Indeed, if we compare an organization with a living organism, then the staffing table will serve as a skeleton in it - a structure onto which personnel are “built up”: workers, managers, leaders at various levels.

How many employees does the company need in total? How many of them should take leadership positions? How many units are required? What are the growth prospects? How much should all these people be paid? If you ask such questions chaotically, running a business will be difficult. But when an organization has a staffing table, the picture becomes much clearer. So, the first reason for drawing up a “staff” is practical, it helps:

  • Form a clear structure of the enterprise.
  • Recruit an effective team and always respond to vacancies in a timely manner.
  • Manage the fund wages and control wages.

It is not necessary to provide specific employee names. The staffing table is a structural document on the basis of which the employment service fills the staff with employees. When an employee is hired or after his dismissal, the main document does not change.

How to properly draw up a staffing schedule

Despite the fact that there are no mandatory norms and samples for drawing up the SR, everyone who is responsible for this document would like to see specific example correct filling.

Here it is appropriate to take as a basis the unified form T3, which was approved by the State Statistics Committee of Russia on January 5, 2004. Since 2013, the regulation on this form has been canceled, and all samples have become recommended instead of mandatory. That is, if necessary, any company can make changes to the template in accordance with the internal needs of the organization. However, it is safer and easier to adhere to previously developed standards.

When developing an individual ShR form, it is necessary to ensure compliance with the second part of Article 9 of the Law “On Accounting”.

Drawing up a staffing table can be divided into filling out three main sections: header, main and final parts. Let's look at each section in detail.

A cap

Regardless of the format (in T-3 form or without it), the header part begins with the name of the document. In our case, this is the “Staffing table”. It is also necessary to indicate all company details:

  • Name, including legal form (LLC, JSC or other).
  • Registration number, as well as OKUD and OKPO codes.

The dates of preparation, approval, entry into force, and expiration should also be indicated here. It is also worth providing an approval stamp.

Please note: the unified form does not provide a strict approval format, so you should be guided by existing state standards filling out the approval form. Read more about the ShR approval later in the article. To understand in practice all the nuances of drafting, download a sample document.

An example of filling out the staffing table of the T3 form

Main part

According to the unified form, this section of the staffing table is formed on the basis of ten columns:

  • Box 1: Unit name (capitalized).
  • Column 2: Department code (must be taken from the document on the structure of the organization).
  • Column 3: Job title and code. If there are several specialists working in a department, it is better to list them in descending hierarchy order - from managers to ordinary employees. If there are requirements for qualifications or rank, please indicate.
  • Column 4: Number of vacancies for each position. Part-time workers and part-time workers are summed up for this column. For example, if a department has 3 part-time employees and one full-time employee, the value for the column is 2.5.
  • Box 5: Tariff scale or salary.
  • Columns 6–8: Data on bonuses and types of financial motivation, if any.
  • Column 9: Final salary fund. To calculate, you should multiply the number from column 4 by the sum of the values ​​​​from columns 6, 7 and 8. This column must be filled out even if the wages are mixed or tariff-free.
  • Box 10: Notes and notes, if any.

Final part

Here, as a rule, are the signatures of those who are responsible for drawing up and implementing the “staff”. For example, the chief accountant and the head of the personnel department. There is no place for a seal on the official form, so it is placed at the discretion of the manager.

If the specifics of the company involve the use of temporary or seasonal workers, it is worth adding the SR with the column “Duration of work”. If there are employees who work in hazardous conditions, their job titles must match those listed in government classifications and other regulations. If the staffing table is drawn up and approved, the job titles in the employment contracts must match those indicated in it.

Who draws up the staffing table in an organization?

The question of who should develop SR is one of the most frequently asked questions on HR forums. And this is not surprising, because there are no legally approved standards regarding staffing. The important thing is that it combines personnel issues with financial ones. Therefore, it is logical for the structure of the organization and job titles to be written down by HR specialists, and economists or accountants to deal with the columns relating to the tariff rate, allowances and others. financial issues. In small companies, all tasks for drawing up the SR are often undertaken by Chief Accountant.

When is staffing drawn up?

The best option is to draw up and approve it immediately after the company is founded. If for some reason this was not done, it is never too late to create such a schedule.

There is no statutory periodicity for compiling the SR. At the discretion of management, this can be done once a year, or more or less often. Most often, companies choose this mode: the document is drawn up annually, at the planning stage for the next year. During this period, if the need arises, changes are made to it, confirming them with relevant orders.

Experts recommend establishing the form of the ShR, as well as the procedure and frequency of its updating, in a separate local regulatory act.

How to approve

The staffing table is approved by the head of the company or an employee who has such authority (this must be indicated in the constituent documents). It is necessary to issue an appropriate order, and in the document, in the approval stamp, put down information about the order: its number and the date of entry into force.

Shelf life

Like other organizational and regulatory documents of the company, ShR has a certain shelf life. To determine how long this document should be stored, we turn to the order of the Ministry of Culture No. 558 of 08/25/2010. It has several positions:

  • It is stored permanently if developed at the same enterprise. If on the side, then the shelf life is only 3 years.
  • Projects and working documents for the preparation of such documentation - 5 years.
  • Internal correspondence related to changes in the SR must be retained for 3 years after these changes have been adopted.
  • The related document (staffing arrangements) should be kept for 75 years.

M.A. Kokurina, lawyer

Staffing: we create it ourselves

A company cannot be fined for lack of staffing: this is not a violation of labor or tax laws. After all, the obligation to have such a document is not directly stated in the Labor Code. Although the phrase “in accordance with the staffing schedule” is still contained there Art. 57 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In addition, this document is not the primary document required to recognize expenses in tax accounting. Why are online forums full of discussions about how to fill it out? And readers turn to our editors with similar questions quite often.

Why do you need staffing?



Chief accountant, Moscow

“How tenacious is our Soviet heritage, where the staffing table, along with the seal and estimates, was considered the basis of the financial independence of the institution: “...salaries according to the staffing table and taking into account the ratio of the number of managers, specialists and employees...”

Maybe in the budgetary sector control is rather weak, so it’s impossible to do without a staffing table. But in commercial companies operating for profit, the most important thing is to save and control. If the company is small, then the manager knows by name who works, how and for what. In average and even more so large company HR reports are such that the standard staffing table, as they say, is not even close.

So think for yourself: should you have a staffing table or not. I answer like this: “In our organization there is no such document! »» .

In fact, a complete, correctly drawn up staffing table summarizes information about the number and structure of the organization’s personnel and salary costs. That is, from it you can see how many staff units are capable of ensuring the normal activities of the company and how much money is needed for salaries.

Unified forms of primary documents in in electronic format can be found: section “Reference information” of the ConsultantPlus system

Inspectors want to see approximately the same thing from your staffing table. Tax or labor inspectorates, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and the Social Insurance Fund are instructed to request staffing during inspections, and they do so. Compare information from it with information on salaries from employment contracts, employment orders, pay slips, and employee testimony. In particular, to identify gray payments, check the correctness of calculation of insurance premiums or the application of tax benefits. clause 91 of the Methodological Instructions, approved. Resolution of the FSS dated 04/07/2008 No. 81; Appendix 1 to the Methodological Recommendations, approved. Resolution of the Board of the Pension Fund of January 30, 2002 No. 11p.

By the way, there are courts that support labor inspectorates and fine companies for violating labor laws when the salary specified in the employment contract does not correspond to the amount specified in the staffing table and Decision of the Leningrad Regional Court of 08/04/2011 No. 7-478/2011.

There is also such a position of judges: the staffing table fully confirms the amount of the employee’s salary on an equal basis with employment contract and an order for employment with Appeal ruling of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Buryatia dated 07.11.2012 No. 33-3034. But not all courts consider the staffing table a necessary document for the company, in particular proving the level of salaries in the organization and Resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the North-West District dated November 8, 2011 No. A26-3875/2010.

In addition, the staffing table may be useful in the event of a dispute with an employee dismissed with the wording “due to a reduction in the number of employees.” To prove the legality of dismissal Art. 179, paragraph 2 of Art. 81 Labor Code of the Russian Federation, you can submit to the court exactly staffing tables and/or orders amending them issued before and after failure:

  • <или> from any positions, if there was a staff reduction (suppose the position of senior cashier was eliminated);
  • <или> from any staff units, when the reduction in numbers took place (for example, instead of three units of cashiers, there was only one).


The staffing table with changes made to it will serve as additional evidence in the event of a legal dispute with an employee dismissed due to reduction in numbers or staff.

And if you have no changes in the staffing table on the date of issuing the order to dismiss the employee due to reduction, the court may reinstate him at work and oblige you to pay him for the days of forced absence. Cassation ruling of the Supreme Court of the Udmurt Republic dated September 27, 2010 No. 33-3088.

So the decision to have or not to have staffing is really yours. And our further recommendations for those who answered yes to this question.

What to write down in the staffing table

When drawing up this document, you can use form No. T-3 approved Resolution of the State Statistics Committee dated January 5, 2004 No. 1. It is no longer mandatory, but in order not to reinvent the wheel, take it as a basis and, if necessary, modify it “for yourself.” Let's say there are no allowances in your company - then remove the unnecessary column.


Deputy Head Federal service on labor and employment

“ It is recommended that the procedure for preparing primary accounting documents, including labor accounting and payment, be enshrined in a local regulatory act on the organization’s accounting policy.

Unified forms of primary accounting documentation for recording labor and its payment, approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee No. 1, contain the necessary details, comply with legal requirements, and are familiar in work. Therefore, it is recommended that you continue to use these forms, including Form No. T-3.”

We provide a sample of filling out the staffing table using the unified form No. T-3.

LLC "Yasnye Zori" You can write the full or abbreviated name of the organization as it is written in the constituent documents

name of company

Code Approved
Resolution of the State Statistics Committee
Russia dated 01/05/2004 No. 1
OKUD form 0301017
according to OKPO
STAFF SCHEDULE Document Number Date of preparation APPROVED
3Use continuous numbering for all your staffing tables - it’s more convenient 20.03.2013
for a period of ________ The period of validity of the staffing table may not be indicated, because the law does not establish the validity period of this document or mandatory periods for changing it. It can be approved once and be valid indefinitely if there are no changes to it.
And if large-scale changes in the staffing table are needed, you better approve it anyway new edition, even when the validity period you set has not yet expired

With " 1 » April 20 13 Separately indicate the date from which the staffing schedule comes into force. This way you can immediately see when it will become effective, and there is no need to look into the order for its approval.
By order of the organization dated
"25" March 2013 No. 3-5
Staff of 24 units
Structural subdivision Position (specialty, profession), rank, class (category), qualification Work in some positions, specialties or professions is associated with the provision of benefits (for example, early retirement in old age) or the presence of some restrictions (for example, shortened working hours). In such cases, the names of these positions, specialties, professions, as well as structural divisions, in which they are listed, must exactly correspond to the names indicated in the qualification directories. And all these names must be the same in the staffing table, employment contract, work book.
So if you have, for example, harmful production, heavy hazardous work, do not forget to check the List of productions, workshops, professions and positions approved Resolution of the State Committee for Labor of the USSR and the Presidium of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions dated October 25, 1974 No. 298/P-22
Number of staff units Here you indicate how many employees are provided for each position in your organization. You also write down incomplete staff units, for example, when working part-time work time- 0.25; 0.5; 0.75 bet.
It is better to make the staffing table as complete as possible, that is, to include in it those positions and the number of them that are needed for the operation of the company. Then you won’t have to make changes to it every time new employees come to work.
Tariff rate, salary, etc., rub. The salary must be written down:
in a fixed amount(without specifying a fork, for example 23,000-30,000 rubles);
only in rubles(in cu or foreign currency - a violation for which the labor inspectorate may fine Art. 5.27 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation);
in an amount not less than 5205 rubles.- the current minimum wage for full pay and Art. 133 Labor Code of the Russian Federation; Art. 1 of the Law of December 3, 2012 No. 232-FZ
Allowances, rub. Indicate the allowances required by law (for example, regional coefficients for work in areas with special climatic conditions, additional payments for hazardous working conditions). Allowances, unlike salaries, can be written down:
<или>in the form of a fixed amount in rubles;
<или>as a percentage of salary;
<или>in the form of a coefficient.
There is no need to list bonuses, bonuses and personal allowances here.
Total per month, rub. (gr. 5 + gr. 6 + gr. 7 + gr. 8) x gr. 4 You can put a dash in this column if the premiums are indicated as percentages or coefficients.
But for a complete calculation of the payroll, it is better to recalculate the percentage allowances into fixed amounts and include them in the total amount of wages
Note In the note you can note important features of the work schedule or payment for the position.
In particular, in this column you can:
<или>make a reference to a local regulatory act establishing additional payments “for harmfulness” in a higher amount compared to those provided for by law;
<или>indicate that for some profession the payment is piecework
Name You can name your structural units and positions as you wish. For example, “accounting” or “department accounting and economics”, “chief accountant” or “head of the accounting and economics department” code You assign codes to departments yourself so that you can determine the structure of the company and the subordination of departments to each other
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Administration 01 CEO 1 46 000 - - - 46 000
Secretary 1 15 000 - - - 15 000
Accounting 02 Chief Accountant 1 34 000 - - - 34 000
Senior accountant 1 28 000 - - - 28 000
Economist 0,5 28 000 - - - 14 000
Purchasing department 03 Head of Purchasing Department 1 28 000 - - - 28 000
Commodity expert 2,5 22 000 - - - 55 000
Purchasing Manager 2 16 000 - - - 32 000
Retail department 04 Administrator of the trading floor 1 18 000 - - - 18 000
Salesman 3 15 000 - - - 45 000
Salesman-cashier 4 15 000 - - - 60 000
Technical department 05 Delivery driver 2 15 000 - - - 30 000
Loader 4 12 000 - - - 48 000
Total: 24 - - - 453 000

In addition to the legislative acts of our country, which are designed to regulate labor sphere, every company has internal regulations.

Some of them are mandatory, others are developed based on the needs of the organization.

It can be:

These documents are distinguished from other acts by several specific rules:

  • they are approved by the head of the company;
  • their effect applies only to employees of the enterprise;
  • their content should not contradict the law, worsening the situation of employees;
  • their effect lasts for a certain time.

The staffing table is one of these internal company documents.


The concept of “staffing table” can be found only in the second part of Article 57 of the Criminal Code Russian Federation.

We are talking about mandatory items there. It also simultaneously deciphers a number of concepts, such as position, specialty and qualifications.

According to this article, the staffing table is “an organizational and administrative document that establishes the official and numerical composition of the organization, and also indicates the wage fund.

It is drawn up in the form established by the State Statistics Committee of Russia and includes a list of positions, information on the number of staff units, official salaries, allowances, and monthly fund.

According to the law, if the contract concluded by an employee with the employer only mentions a position or specialty, then the staffing table is a mandatory document that must be drawn up in accordance with all the rules.

If the contract provides a complete description of the work responsibilities of the hired person, then it is not necessary to draw up a schedule.

According to the article of the law, this document is not necessary for individual entrepreneurs; it is provided only for organizations.

But in fact, during an inspection, the federal inspectorate will fine such an employer for violation Labor Code(50 thousand rubles).


The staffing table is an internal document of the enterprise that reflects its structure, with a mandatory list of professions, positions, specialties, as well as total number employees, the amount of their wages and its components.

There is no consensus on whether or not staffing is necessary at an enterprise.

An indisputable fact - a well-drafted document can help a company win a dispute in court, for example, with a redundant employee former employee or avoid fines from inspection authorities.

Data contained in the document:

  • a list of all structural divisions of the company, according to the hierarchy;
  • information on the number of all staff units of the enterprise;
  • the amount of wages accrued for each position;
  • list of all positions;
  • listing with the order of their calculation.

To draw up a staffing table, the organization must have an already formed and established structure.

It is in accordance with it that all positions and staffing units are indicated in the document.

What is it for?

A well-designed staffing table helps to quickly and efficiently solve a number of problems, namely:

  • helps the manager and employees to have a clear understanding of the structure of the enterprise with all its divisions;
  • record the number of all company personnel;
  • analyze and control the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of employees;
  • control and monitor the remuneration system in the organization, as well as the amount of allowances;
  • draw up an employment contract correctly;
  • when vacancies arise, it simplifies the selection of workers.

In addition to current tasks, the staffing table will help the employer:

  • win a lawsuit against a former employee due to layoffs;
  • explain .

When checking a company by tax authorities or the Fund social insurance this document is also necessary.

Although its presence is not considered mandatory, auditors will require it in any case to check the correctness of various cash accruals.

Who composes?

The law does not mention who should draw up the staffing table.

It could be:

  • enterprise management;
  • a specially created group of responsible persons;
  • HR department employees;
  • legal department staff;
  • employees of the economic department;
  • employees of the payroll and labor organization department.

It should be noted that at least one economist must necessarily participate in filling out the document.

How to fill out and draw up a staffing table in 2016?

How to properly develop and draw up a staffing schedule?

To do this, you need to know several rules for filling it out, using the official form.

Form and sections

For staffing, the Unified Form No. T-3 is used.

It was approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation in 2004 on primary documents for labor accounting. It is not necessary to use this particular form, but it is recommended.

Document sections:

  • Official name of the organization.
  • Department code.
  • Position according to the All-Russian Classification of Professions and the Qualification Directory of Managers and Specialists.
  • Number of staff in the organization.
  • Tariff rate.
  • Allowances
  • Total salary, including bonuses.
  • Notes

Step-by-step filling algorithm

The algorithm for filling out the staffing table is as follows:

  1. The company name is filled in according to the constituent documents. If the company has a full and abbreviated name, then you can choose any option. But to avoid controversial situations, it is advisable to fix the selected option in any instructions for filling out company details.
  2. Fill in the number and date of the document. It should be borne in mind that the staffing table may not come into force immediately, so the date is set accordingly. For example, if the document comes into force on January 1, 2018, then this date is indicated.
  3. The name of the structural unit of the company is filled in. In commercial organizations it can be anything, but not of foreign origin. For state-owned enterprises, compliance with standards is mandatory. Because some units are used as an indicator for calculating benefits upon retirement ( medical workers, education workers, workers in hazardous industries).
  4. The department code is filled in according to the company hierarchy. For example, department - 01, management - 01.01, department - 01.01.01, group -
  5. The “position” column is filled in. This is done in strict accordance with the employment contract and work book. In this case, for the name of the category, specialty, category of workers, it is used All-Russian classifier professions and Qualification Handbook managers and specialists. First, the positions of department heads are filled, then their deputies, then specialists and ordinary employees.
  6. Fill in the number of staff units. It should be remembered that this does not mean the actual number of employees of the enterprise, but the necessary one. Therefore, the data in this column can be fractional (the value of 0.25 is taken as a step). For commercial organizations each value is chosen based on their needs. For budgetary enterprises, the number of staff is calculated in a certain way.
  7. The “tariff rate” column is filled in. Its value cannot be lower than the minimum wage. You cannot fill out this column, for example, 10-15,000 rubles. You must indicate a specific salary in rubles. If it changes depending on certain conditions, then the following columns of the form are used to reflect this.
  8. The following 3 “surcharge” columns are filled in depending on the norms prescribed by law, the bonus scheme at a particular enterprise, operating mode or availability harmful conditions labor, it is allowed to indicate amounts in rubles or percentages.
  9. The total salary is filled in, obtained by summing the values ​​of columns 5,6,7,8.
  10. Notes are filled in, if they are.
  11. The “total” columns are filled in. This is done by summing the form values ​​vertically (staffing units, salaries, allowances and payroll).

Sample of filling out (example) form T-3 in 2016:

In the example given, it is filled out for NEXT LLC.

Based on the document number (No. 5), this is the 5th approved staffing table in the organization. The date of completion and approval are the same - December 23, 2015. And the moment the staffing table came into force came only on January 1, 2016, which is indicated separately.

According to the document, NEKST LLC has only 3 structural divisions:

  • Administration (01). The division includes the following positions: General Director, Commercial Director, deputy general director according to ACh, secretary-referent.
  • Accounting (02). The division includes the following positions: chief accountant, leading accountant, accountant-cashier.
  • Logistics Department (03). The unit consists of a department head and a logistician.

In column No. 5 The salaries of all positions are indicated. Columns 6 and 7 contain bonuses “for work intensity” and “bonuses for young specialists”.

In column No. 9 the values ​​of columns 5,6,7 are summed up (column No. 8 is not filled in).

In the "total" column number of staff units - 10, total salary is equal to 376,000 rubles, and the total wage fund at the enterprise is 477,650 rubles.


The staffing table is approved by a special order, which must be indicated (in the final column of the document).

You can download the sample here:

The text of the order may be as follows: “Approve the staffing table dated July 15, 2016 No. 15 with a staff of 10 staff units with a monthly payroll of 250,000 rubles.”

Signatures and seals

The staffing table must be signed by the head of the company and the chief accountant.

If a document consists of several sheets, it is allowed to sign each sheet in the fields specially provided for this. This may be necessary, for example, in an organization where a document is first approved in branches and then at the head office.

You can put a stamp on the approved schedule, but it is not necessary.

The document is usually valid for 1 year.

Changes are made to it as follows:

  • draw up a new staffing table;
  • amend the already approved document, making a note in it in accordance with the new order.

Shelf life

According to Order of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation dated August 25, 2010 N 558 On approval of the List of standard management archival documents, the storage periods for the staffing table are determined as follows:

  • at the place of approval and development - constantly;
  • in another organization - 3 years;
  • The number of employees is 75 years old.

Can contractors work according to their staffing schedule?

The staffing table applies only to those employees who work under an employment contract.

Workers under a contract are not included in the staffing table, because their relationship with the employer is regulated Civil Code RF, in which there is no mention of this document.

To summarize, we can say that staffing is not mandatory, but required document to systematize personnel information in the company and for its effective operation, not to mention the fact that its presence is a guarantee of the successful completion of any audits.

In accordance with the Instructions for the use and completion of forms of primary accounting documentation for the accounting of labor and its payment (Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004 No. 1), form T-3 is used to formalize the structure, staffing and staffing levels of the organization in accordance with its Charter (Regulations) and contains a list of structural divisions, names of positions, specialties, professions indicating qualifications, information on the number of staff units.

Developing your own staffing form , you can take the unified T-3 form as a basis, adding or removing some of the details, taking into account GOST R 6.30-2003 and Part 2 of Art. 9 of Law N 402-FZ, which lists the mandatory details of the primary accounting document:

What type of orders is the order to approve the staffing table?

"Dictionary personnel records management. An order on the main activity is a legal act issued by the head of a management body, acting on the basis of unity of command, for the implementation of executive and administrative activities in the course of solving tasks assigned to the organization, or in pursuance of laws, decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, higher authorities and management.

In the List of Typical management documents, formed in the activities of organizations, indicating storage periods (M., Rosarkhiv, 2002), orders on administrative and economic issues are classified as a separate group of orders (Article 6), i.e. orders on compliance with internal labor regulations, on the operation of buildings, structures, transport services, internal communications, security (Section 10 of the List).

How to draw up a staffing schedule for an organization

Rosarkhiv establishes certain storage periods for standard management documents, according to which the institution’s staffing table must be stored for three years, starting from the year following the one in which the document became invalid. As for staffing arrangements, which will be discussed in the next section, they are stored for seventy-five years after new ones are compiled.

A reduction in staff or number of employees is one of the grounds for making changes to the staffing table, since a reduction in the size of an organization involves the exclusion of individual staff units from the schedule, and a reduction in staff - positions. In this case, laid-off employees are subject to dismissal (unless they are expected to be transferred to another job).

Staffing: controversial document status

Meanwhile, Rostrud, in letter No. PG/13229-6-1 dated January 21, 2020, states that in accordance with the organization’s staffing table, not only the name of the position, but also the profession, as well as the specialty are indicated. As you can see, officials interpret the Labor Code in an expanded manner.

  • Do you have any positions in your company? Do not rush to answer this question in the affirmative. Study the regulations governing your activities;
  • the staffing table determines exactly the positions, that is, establishes a list of them;
  • It does not follow from anywhere that the staffing table should characterize the amount of remuneration.

Statutes government organizations approved by higher authorities (ministries, departments). Statutes municipal enterprises approved by district or city administrations. The charters of private enterprises are approved by the respective owners or teams and registered with regional, regional, city and district administrations.

^ Letters of guarantee. Sent to confirm previously made promises or agreed upon conditions. The quality of work, the timing of order completion, payment for goods, services, etc. can be guaranteed. This is the only type of letter that uses the “Name of document type” attribute.

Staffing table

Staffing table- a regulatory organizational and administrative document of the organization, with the help of which the structure is drawn up, the staffing and number of the enterprise are approved, indicating the amount of wages depending on the position held.

To draw up a staffing schedule legal entity or an individual, which is individual entrepreneur, a unified form N T-3 is provided (approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated 01/05/2004 N 1 “On approval of unified forms of primary accounting documentation for recording labor and its payment”).

The staffing table refers to which documents?

Let’s say that in some companies there is 1 full-time lawyer, and several specialists are engaged in this area, whose job title may indicate, for example, a specialist in legal work. Or the same watchman can become a security guard for the economic unit, since he is in charge only local area company, and even then at night.

This is why long job titles arise in order to specify labor function or titles that disguise simple duties under a prestigious name. And the formation of job titles is determined by law. It establishes both naming requirements and possible options.

We'll tell you how to make a staffing table

  • Salary size. You cannot set different salaries for the same position. If this is necessary, the grounds must be clearly indicated - qualifications, education, academic degree, experience, etc.
  • Allowances. If someone from the department received an increase, it is necessary to indicate which of the employees is a leading specialist and who is still a newcomer.
  • Part-timers. Part-time work must be expressed in the correct staff units - 0.25; 0.5 or 0.75. At the same time, it is important seniority insured persons.
  • Related activities. If the company has one person working as a lawyer and an accountant, for example, it is worth taking care of the schedule of counterparties.

The duration of the period when changes can and should be made is also not established. Therefore, during the reporting year, if a change was introduced, a new or amended staffing table is developed for ease of use in the company’s work.

Staffing table

  • Full name of the organization, in accordance with the constituent documents.
  • OKPO organization.
  • Staffing number (you can use any numbering method).
  • Date of actual compilation.
  • You must indicate the period of validity of the staffing table (usually this date is 1 year).
  • In the upper right corner the stamp “Approved” is placed and the details of the approval order and the implementation of the staffing table are indicated.
  • The name of the employee's position in accordance with the ECSD.
  • Number of employees for each position.
  • Dimensions tariff rates(salaries) of employees.

According to clause 5.5.4 of the Regulations, Rostrud provides information and consultation to employers and employees on compliance with labor laws and regulations containing standards labor law. The opinion of Rostrud on the issues contained in the appeal is not an explanation or a normative legal act.

How to number the staffing table

— With an annual system, a new countdown of staffing numbers begins every year. If over the past year all employees remain in place and there are no new ones, then the personnel department draws up the same document as before, only indicating the new year. It should also be listed at number 1. If during the year there was any reduction or replenishment of staff, as well as viewing tariff schedule wages, then in that case, the company issues a new document under number 2. Starting from the new year, the schedule report will continue to begin with number 1.

The staffing table is an important document that is used in all organizations. It contains special information about staffing and employee salaries. Therefore, every organization has an employee who knows how to number the staffing table. This document relates to reporting and should be completed in accordance with the rules.

25 Jul 2018 818

The staffing table is an important personnel document that contains the most complete information about everything related to the organization’s personnel. The data in it is presented in the context of structural divisions and individual staff units, indicating their number and basic data for each position, such as position held, salary, etc.

The main value of this document is that it is a convenient tool not only for accounting, but also for managing the personnel structure of an enterprise, since based on the information it contains, it is very convenient to analyze indicators characterizing labor efficiency, as well as to develop ways to optimize the use of labor resources .

The staffing table is a unified document for accounting the personnel of an organization, containing data on its:

  • Personnel structure.
  • Official composition.
  • Number of employees.
  • Approved salaries and allowances.
  • Other necessary information.

Its form was approved in 2004 and is contained in the Album of Unified Forms of Documents, but can be compiled in any way, provided that the required details are preserved.

Along with the mandatory details contained in all unified forms of personnel documents, the staffing table must include the following indicators:

  • Name and code of the structural unit.
  • Job title.
  • Number of staff units.
  • Salary and benefits due.
  • The final amount of remuneration.
  • Note.

The staffing table can be drawn up in two versions: current (based on existing data) and planned.

Staffing functions

The staffing table contains a summary of the most important information about personnel, both for the entire organization and for its structural and staffing units. Thus, along with completing tasks personnel records, it provides an information base for efficient work in the field of personnel management. The completeness and detail of the data presented in this document serves as the basis for the development and adoption management decisions at all levels.

Several main functions of staffing can be identified. Staffing:

  • Demonstrates the current organizational structure of the enterprise.
  • It is one of the most important sources of information for analyzing existing personnel structure.
  • Contains data on the number of personnel for the enterprise as a whole and by departments and positions.
  • Provides a snapshot of information about wages.
  • Reflects current job posting needs.

The staffing table at an enterprise can be drawn up by any employee to whom management has assigned this function. The appointment of the employee responsible for performing this function is established by order of the organization. The form of the staffing table itself is fixed in a similar way, and in the order (instruction) of the head of the enterprise on its approval, all the details included in it must be indicated.

The staffing table is drawn up without specifying the names and other individual characteristics of employees working at the enterprise, and contains information about organizational structure indicating their positions, as well as the names of structural units.

The legislative acts of the Russian Federation do not establish any requirements regarding the period during which the staffing table can be valid. This means that each organization has the right to independently determine the frequency of its approval based on the specifics of its activities.


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