Tackle any business boldly. Milk rivers flow from here



Prepared by:

Musical director

Trelina N.L.,

Educator Shapovalova O.S.



"For any business - take it boldly!"

Purpose of the event:development in children of positive attitudes and respect for different types blue-collar occupations and the formation of elementary experience in professional actions.

Main tasks:

1) the formation of an idea of social role labor and the importance of certain professions in the life of society;

2) fostering respect for the results of people's labor different professions;

3) enrichment of the subject of professional role-playing games for children;

4) teaching children how to interact with peers, parents in team games;

5) expanding the vocabulary of children on the topic "Profession".

Participants of the event:students, their parents and teachers educational organization implementing the preschool education program.

Materials and equipment:

Map of the journey to the City of Masters for each team;

Station name plates 6 pcs .;

Challenge tokens 5 pcs. (for each team);

Paintings, illustrations, photographs, drawings depicting people of different professions (cook, hairdresser, laundress, medical worker, fireman), tools and means of labor;

Equipment and materials for productive activities;

Dress code and tools for representatives of various professions;

Types of children's activities:

Playful, communicative, cognitive and research, constructive, musical, motor.

Forms of work with children:

Didactic, outdoor games;

Creative tasks;

Guessing riddles;

Modeling, needlework.

Master classes and productive activities of children:

- "Sweet shashlik";

- "Lucky Doll";

- "First aid";

- "Get your hair done."

Game progress:

Hello dear guys and distinguished guests! Today we will have an exciting journey to the City of Craftsmen. Masters of their craft live and work in it: cooks, hairdressers, doctors and other masters of their craft. Each of them loves and knows how to work. They invite you to visit them and want to introduce you to their professions. A sign hangs over the house of each craftsman, which helps residents of the city learn about the profession of each of them. But before going on a trip, I suggest doing a little warm-up.

Warm up:

We have many professions in the world(hands on the belt, turns of the body to the left - to the right)

We will talk about them now.(spread arms to the sides)

Here the seamstress sews shirts(needle movements)

The cook makes us a compote(interferes with the scoop)

The plane is led by the pilot(hands to the side)

For landing and takeoff(sit down, get up)

The doctor gives us injections

And the school has a guard(arms bent at the elbows)

Bricklayer lays brick(puts his hands one on top of the other)

And the hunter catches game(make binoculars out of fingers)

There is a teacher, there is a blacksmith, a ballerina and a singer(curl fingers)

To have a profession(unbend fingers)

You need to know a lot, be able to(rotations with brushes)

Okay, buddy, study!(shake your finger)

And, of course, don't be lazy!(negative movement of the pointer finger)

Well done! Everyone is ready for adventure. A map will help you to navigate in this city. Symbols- signs will tell you the way to the house of each master.

To start your journey through the City of Masters, you need to get this card. To do this, unite in teams, come up with a name for it and choose a captain.

(children with their parents form teams)

Captains get cards! (captains get cards)

Guys, consider your route!

(Children consider route sheets, which indicate the sequence of travel through the stations; for each team its own route).

Well friends, are you ready for the trip? Good hour, then. We wish you all the best!

(A signal sounds and the teams of children, together with teachers and guests, go on a journey along their route).

STATION "Mysterious" (laundry).

I greet you at the mysterious station. Riddles and challenges await you, upon completion of which, I will give you a token. So the first task isriddles for children.

  1. What a car - just a marvel!

After her, everything is clean, beautiful ...

She washed away all the stains and dirt

She squeezed everything herself - rinsed.

(Washing machine)

  1. It's hard to live without him

He can serve everyone.

From shawls to curtains and trousers

Everything will stroke us ... ( iron )

  1. Slips away like a living

But I will not release it.

Foaming with white foam

He is not lazy to wash his hands.

Smooth, fragrant, washes clean,

It is necessary that everyone has

What guys? (soap )

  1. Waffle and striped

Hairy and hairy,

Always at hand -

What it is? (towel )

  1. It fights dirt, gets rid of stains,

It will drive away germs, the smell is pleasant.

He is friends with water and soap is a friend.

To start washing - buy ... ( powder)

Guys, those who work with household appliances must observesafety precautions.Do you know her? (list: turn off water, iron ...)

Relay with parents... Crumpled rags on clothespins hang on a string. The children take turns running, taking them off one by one and giving them to the parent, who has to iron them all.

We ironed all the rags, now let's make a "Lucky Doll".

Master class on making "Dolls for Luck".


Pieces of white fabric 15x15;

A piece of cotton wool;

Woolen thread;

Rectangular flap of colored fabric (sundress);

Colored ribbon 20 cm;

Triangular flap of colored fabric;

Black pen or felt-tip pen;


"Lucky doll" - is soft toy... Making such a doll with your own hands is a wish of happiness to your loved ones.

1. Take a piece of light-colored fabric 15x15 cm in size, put a small piece of cotton wool in the middle and form a knotted head.

2. We form the nodal head. We fasten with an air loop without cutting off the thread.

3. Sundress.

We take a rectangular flap of colored fabric and tie it to the head with the same thread (which was used to shape the head). We try to gather the entire fabric evenly with folds around the neck.

4. Hands.

In the middle of the ribbon (braid, woolen thread) we make a knot.

5. Tie the ends of the blank to the neck line so that the knot is at the level of the doll's belly.

6. We take a triangular patch and put it on the doll's head: we tie it to the neck line with the same thread that we used to shape the head, or we fasten it on the neck with a decorative braid.

All good fellows, get a challenge token.


Guys, I am glad to welcome you at the Kulinarnaya station. As you may have guessed, I am the cook. A chef is a food preparation specialist. A good cook is sometimes called a wizard, because he can prepare a real masterpiece from the most ordinary products that will bring joy and pleasure to people.

Where do the chefs work?

What do they need to work?

What qualities should a chef have?

There are usually many items in the kitchen that are simply necessary for cooking. And I invite the guys to guess some of them.

Making riddles about kitchen appliances and equipment:

  1. Fries meat, cooks soup,

He bakes pies.

She has here and there

Very hot. (plate )

  1. Take water, vegetables,

Boil soup and borscht in me.

I'm clean, not dirty

I'm mom's ... (saucepan)

  1. To pour cabbage soup into a plate,

Milk soup, borsch, okroshka,

Look in the spoons for mom

Soup ... (cook)


  1. What does a chef need a headdress for? (To prevent hair from getting into food, so that hair does not interfere with work).
  2. What rules of conduct at the table while eating do you know? (Don't talk, don't be distracted, chew food slowly, take your time, wash your hands before eating).
  3. Do you know the saying: "When I eat, I am deaf and dumb"? Why do they say that? (In order not to choke)

Well done boys! And now, since you know everything, I suggest that you, together with your parents, prepare a culinary dish called "Sweet shashlik".

Canapé making workshop.


Bananas, apples, pears, grapes;

Fruit jelly;


Plates, dish, cutting boards, knives, napkins.

The parents prepare the ingredients: cut the bananas into slices; apples, pears in small slices; separate the grapes, cut the gummies into plates.

Children take turns running, stringing various ingredients on a skewer of their choice and returning to the team, where they put their "kebab" on the dish.

All good fellows, get a challenge token. Children go to the next station.


Hello guys! You have arrived at the Medical station, where your knowledge of first aid will be tested. Everyone is familiar with fairytale hero Dunno? Imagine a situation that Dunno is walking in the garden. He ate pear, apple, plum. And after a while he felt bad.


  1. What fruit could he have been poisoned with, why did his tummy hurt? (rotten, dirty). What did Dunno have to do?
  2. Dunno went to sunbathe and overheated in the sun. What to do? (Take to the shade, put a hat on your head, put a wet cloth)

Now let's play the game , which is called"Permitted - prohibited"... I will name useful and bad habits, and you will say whether you can do it or not:

Brushing his teeth,

Biting your nails

Pick your nose

Wash hair,

Use a handkerchief

Wear dirty clothes

Take a shower,

To wash hands.

And now the guys need their parents to provide first aid for a cut.

First aid.


Chopped bandages;

Cotton swabs;


Red felt-tip pen.

The facilitator first shows how to treat the wound and bandage the hand, then the children do this task.

Children stand in a column on one side, parents opposite them at a distance on the other. In front of the parents there is a table, a chair, a cotton swab with iodine and cut bandages. On the parents' wrist, mark the wound with a red marker, which then needs to be treated for the children.


Hello guys! To be beautiful, we all go to a hairdresser, but do you know the name of the person who works there? ( the hairdresser ). Right! Now try to guess what the hairdresser is working with, what he needs when working.


  1. In this little thing

A warm wind settled.

Dries the wind - dry wind

My mom's curls.(hairdryer)

  1. The one who shaves his mustache is that person ...(barber)
  2. Experienced tool -

Not big, not small.

He has a lot of worries:

He cuts and cuts. ( scissors )

  1. I am friends with hair, I put them in order.

The hairstyle is grateful to me, but my name is….(hairbrush )

  1. Wrap your hair on your head

With him everything will be very simple, and you are at your best! ( varnish)

Master class "Make your hair".



Elastic bands, bows, hairpins;

Varnish or gel.

Many people say that hairstyles help change. Now we'll check it out.

Parents will need to do a few hairstyles for their kids. One of them was named"Hooligan" ( children sit on high chairs, parents take everything they need from the table for hairdressing and start).So the time has come!

After the parents have completed the task, you can invite them to swap places with the children, the latter do"Evening" hairstyle ( or parents do a second hairstyle for their children).

Well done boys! The host issues a token, and the children go to the next station.


Hello guys! Today we will introduce you to the work of firefighters. This is a very demanding job, it requires composure, physical fitness and courage. Do you possess all these qualities?

To begin with, I propose to conduct a little warm-up for parents and children.

Warm up: so on command, you need to line up:

One column;

Line up in a square;

Line up in a triangle;

Line up by height: (two ranks: one for parents, the other for children, or all in one)

1. If in your room tears are rolling down from your eyes,

As the smoke curls in clubs and the fire chews the palace

You need the courage to find a phone call.

Try to remember numbers from zero to nine.

Feel free to pick up the phone, and what number to dial? (101)

And now the time has come to real action. It is necessary to save everyone and take them out of the burning house.

"Relay, save the toy" - passing the toy along the chain. Parents and children are lined up in one column. The children's hands are above their heads, the last child stands forward and hands over the toy.

"Putting out the fire"(can be divided into 2 teams). Each team in front holds a bucket of "water" in the hands. He must run between the pins, crawl through the “window” (hoop), jump from bump to bump (3 pieces), “pour the water” into the bucket and run back. The next participant scoops up a bucket and performs the same actions.

Well done boys! The host issues a token, and the children go to the next station.

STATION "LOGICAL"(music hall)

So guys, you've got to know some of the profession. Now let's put your knowledge to the test.

Please list me the professions where people work:

1) with technique : driver, machinist, crane operator, excavator operator, trolleybus driver, tram driver, turner, weaver, etc.

2) with people : teacher, doctor, tour guide, educator, lawyer, policeman, artist, etc.

3) with papers, drawings, documents, books: economist, engineer, accountant, librarian, secretary, etc.

4) with animals : veterinarian, trainer, milkmaid, cattle breeder, calf, poultry.

Well done, we did the job. And now I propose to play a game called "Fables".

Game "Fables":

The leader in turn pronounces a sentence to the teams, the children say whether it is true or not. If it is not true, they give the correct one.

Host: A gardener is someone who works in a kindergarten.

Children: Wrong. A gardener is one who tends the trees and shrubs in the garden.

Host: The cleaning lady is the one who makes the hats.

Children: Wrong. The cleaning lady is the one who picks up trash, sweeps and mops the floors.

Host: A carpenter is the one who sits at the table.

Children: Wrong. A carpenter is someone who makes objects out of wood.

Host: A carpenter is someone who makes rafts.

Children: Wrong. A carpenter is someone who builds buildings from wood.

Presenter: The driver is the one who drives the excursion.

Children: Wrong. The driver is the one who drives the car.

And now, riddles for parents:

  1. Who gets taller when they sit down? (dog)
  2. What gets easier when it gets inflated? (ball)
  3. Two are sitting side by side, looking to the right and to the left. Only they cannot see each other at all, it must be, they are very offended. (eyes)
  4. One will start to work, the other will immediately help her, and one cannot even wash without the help of the other. (arms)
  5. We saw him dressed in spring and summer.

And in the fall all the shirts were ripped off the poor thing.

But winter snowstorms dressed him in furs. (Tree)

  1. Under New Year he came to the house

Such a rosy fat man.

But every day he lost weight.

And finally, he completely disappeared. (The calendar)

  1. A heart beats behind the glass door. (clock)
  2. Can it rain for 2 days in a row? (No, because the night separates the days)
  3. There were 4 apples on the table, one of them was cut in half. How many apples are on the table? (4)
  4. If the chicken is standing on one leg, then it weighs 2 kg. How much will a chicken weigh if it stands on 2 legs? (2 kg.)

Well done boys! Well done, parents! You have done well. We visited the City of Masters and, I hope, learned a lot of interesting things.

You will receive a reward for your participation! (giving gifts)

It is always interesting to learn about the work of agricultural enterprises in the region, especially if things are going well there, there is something to show and something to be proud of.
FSUE "Aleshinskoe" is located in the village of Aleshnya, where we went on a gloomy autumn morning. The mood, however, was good, because we were going to one of the best agricultural enterprises in the area.

Mechanic Nikolay Sinitsyn. Photo: Anatoly Sotnikov

A business atmosphere reigned in the spacious government building. This is how our acquaintance with the director of "Aleshinsky" Anatoly Vasilyevich Skrynnik took place. He is not a stranger here, but in this position recently. Prior to that, he worked for twenty years as the chief animal technician of the farm, knows well the local order and people, about whom he speaks with great respect.

Anatoly Vasilievich Skrynnik. Photo: Anatoly Sotnikov

Milk rivers flow from here

"Aleshinskoye" specializes in grain and dairy production. The farm has 960 heads of large cattle, of which 450 are dairy herds. The farm is working steadily, milk production is going with a plus as compared to the last year. And this is the merit of those who work at the livestock complex, which is headed by Nikolai Ivanovich Tikhonov. The region has long known about the successful work of the Alesha livestock breeders.
Local craftsmen machine milking more than once they became heroes of the publications of the regional newspaper. And today they are among the best in the area. So, Elena Akshonova has milked 3967 liters of milk per cow since the beginning of the year. Nadezhda Tereshkina lagged behind a little, having fed 3616 liters of milk.
We heard many kind words about the calf Raisa Afanasyevna Borkina. In spite of retirement age, she does an excellent job with her duties, loves her charges.
A good forage base contributes to the successful work of livestock breeders. Harvested in abundance of hay and green mass. In winter, the cows will not need feed; the feed dispenser Aleksey Vlasov is responsible for their nutrition. Diligent and conscientious work of everyone ensures the successful successful operation of the livestock complex.

Without a steel horse - neither here nor there

The efficient work of all divisions of the economy is impossible without agricultural machinery. And this is well understood by the chief engineer Vladimir Viktorovich Gogin. One problem is that there are not enough machine operators here. The backbone of the team is universal machine operators. So they have to own two or three pieces of equipment. And they cope, do not fail in the hot summer season, and at other times of the year. The technique is old, but well maintained. The farm is trying to acquire new equipment, in particular, through leasing.
For many machine operators, working with machinery is a family affair. The Stepanov family is doing great work: Vladimir Leonidovich and their son Sergei. The Sinitsyn family is not far behind: father Sergei Nikolaevich and his son Nikolai. They take their work seriously and responsibly. Vladimir Sergeevich Malygin and Gennady Shuvarkov work just as well.

Don't expect a good harvest without a good seed

The farm pays special attention to plant growing and seed procurement. Much credit for the work of this unit belongs to the chief agronomist Lyudmila Aleksandrovna Fomina. Here she has been since 1983 and no doubt is an expert in her field. It is no coincidence that this year her photo will be presented on the Board of Honor of the foremost workers of the agro-industrial complex of the ministry. Agriculture and food Ryazan region... Thanks to her excellent knowledge of her craft, strong character, this fragile woman ensures the flawless operation of its unit. And Lyudmila Alexandrovna's farm is large and troublesome. That only is worth 2720 hectares of arable land, which are kept in perfect order. She is also in charge of drawing up the structure of sown areas.
An important task for this industry is to provide cattle with fodder. For this purpose, alfalfa, clover, cereal-legume mixtures are grown. The melliferous base has also been preserved - sweet clover, phacelia. They are also used for harvesting seeds. It should be noted that the seeds are of excellent quality. They are bought large enterprises, firms and private entrepreneurs. The farm has a close relationship with Bashkiria, Moscow, Kursk, and the entire Ryazan region.
Sowing of winter crops is completed. Wheat - on 233 hectares, rye - on 140. It should be noted that other farms do little to do such a crop as rye due to its low purchase price, but here it is used both as a food crop and for the production of seeds for themselves and others. farms.
A lot of rye seeds are taken by the private sector. This culture is good for the health of the soil. The set of spring crops includes legumes, in particular, fodder peas. It is more productive, taller, and is used as a grain mixture. Peas are grown both for seed production in the region and as green mass.
Of course, wheat and other grain crops are grown here. The grain yield this year amounted to 36.9 centners per hectare, which is the second figure in the region.
After the crop is grown, a responsible task arises - to clean, preserve and prepare the seeds for sowing. This important mission is performed by the grain grain. After that, the seeds are placed in warehouses where for them are created the necessary conditions storage, temperature and humidity are maintained (2-3%).
Storekeeper Klavdia Mikhailovna Gutorova, locksmith, weigher, workers perform their duty with knowledge of the matter. We met one of the workers, Galina Samoshkina, on the current. Despite her young age, Galina worked for two. Wherever we go, order reigns everywhere. It is felt that people are rooting for the assigned task.
For many years the farm was headed by Yuri Sergeevich Kozlovtsev. Thanks to his efforts, it is still preserved good base, contacts with enterprises and firms. The workers of the farms speak kindly about him, they asked to congratulate him on the Day of Agricultural Workers.
As elsewhere, the farm makes plans for the future. This is, first of all, to preserve and increase everything that has been accumulated, to solve the problem of personnel (now the economy employs 97 people), to reopen Kindergarten in the village. And the most cherished dream- organize milk processing on site, that is, open your own dairy plant. Undoubtedly, this task will be within the reach of the economy, because responsible people work here, specialists in their field, and successful work team will achieve the desired results.

In November, kindergarten No. 95 organized a career guidance event. The holiday was held in the game format of the children's and parental quest "City of Mechanical Engineers".

In autumn, the kindergartens of Zlatoust received an offer from our company to participate in the career guidance project "We are the future machine builders". To do this, it was necessary to develop and conduct a career guidance event on its site. Kindergarten No. 95 was one of the first to respond.

The journey through the "City of Mechanical Engineers" began with an exciting trip. The first task - to visit the area of ​​the machine-building plant - the girls and boys performed together with their parents. They were photographed near the central entrance of the city-forming enterprise and the Victory Palace, they learned what kind of products Zlatmash produces. Following the results of the trip, a presentation was prepared, which was demonstrated to the representatives of JSC "Zlatmash" who came to visit the children preparatory group 20 November.

Having united in two teams, together with cartoon characters, girls and boys traveled through the stations and performed various tasks.
The teachers organized entertaining tests for their wards. The guys at the sports stage "Hydromanipulators" were carrying the load in a race. Then the children guessed riddles, getting to know the professions: welder, assembler, tester, turner, locksmith, designer, engineer. From "Lego" they built a rocket (just like the Zlatoust machine builders) and put together puzzles depicting the products of JSC "Zlatmash". In the computer class, the kids at the monitors solved vocational guidance puzzles, which were developed by a kindergarten employee.

In the early 90s of the last century, at the end of the perestroika movement, the state relied on farms. The idea of ​​independent farming seemed then tempting to many former collective farmers. However, the farmer's share was not as sweet as it seemed at first. The state, throwing the cry “become a farmer,” at first provided assistance, but gradually left the newly minted farmers, in fact, face to face with numerous problems. As a result, many peasant farms have ceased their activities.

The second wave of the farming movement in the country started already in the 2000s. It was then that the Khokhlov family from the Ermishinsky district decided to create a farm. By combining the land shares of family members and starting with the preparation and sale of hay, they over time, buying out the shares of local residents, were able to switch to crop production. The path was long and difficult, but neither Zinaida Nikolaevna, nor Pavel Vladimirovich, nor their son Yevgeny despaired, worked tirelessly and achieved a lot.

Now farmers Khokhlovs cultivate 1,500 hectares of land: they grow winter wheat, oats and forage grasses... Initially used old technique, redeemed from a bankrupt collective farm. And later, becoming participants government programs support of agricultural producers, they purchased a new MTZ-1221 tractor, an Acros combine harvester, and other equipment.

In 2012, the son of the Khokhlovs Yevgeny, who had already created his own family by that time, inspired by the example of his parents, registered his own farm. As a novice farmer, he managed to win a grant and acquired the necessary equipment for plant growing.

Feeling self-reliant, three years ago chapters farms decided to go into animal husbandry. According to them, without the help and support of the state and the regional government, they would hardly have been able to carry out their plans. Taking part in support programs for agricultural producers, Zinaida Nikolaevna, and the next year and Evgeny Pavlovich won grants for the creation of family dairy farms.

The funds were spent on the reconstruction of an old farm building for 200 head of cattle, the installation of a milk pipeline, an autodrinker, a manure removal system, and a cooling tank. This year, the construction of a farm for 100 heads was completed at Yevgeny Khokhlov's.

Today, both farms are not yet operating at full capacity. The total livestock is 133 heads on one farm and 30 heads on another. And so far 10 first-calf heifers are giving milk, but now calving is underway, and the dairy herd will increase. The first daily milk yield of 20 liters from each cow is already pleasing. The farmers bought the calf of the black-and-white breed in the Moscow region and in OOO "Avangard" of the Ryazan region.

- While the animals receive feed without any additives, I think that when we start feeding them fully, the milk yield will grow a little more, - says Zinaida Nikolaevna. - For the winter period of keeping, 600 tons of green mass were harvested for silage, and this amount will be quite enough until spring. The number of cattle will grow, but there is not enough pasture today. For several years we have been trying to solve this problem by submitting an application for a lease with the right to purchase 1,500 hectares of land owned by Nadezhkinsky rural settlement... However, the issue has not yet been resolved.

Farming, having occupied its worthy niche in the agrarian sector of the regional economy, will continue to develop. As confirmation of this - the actively developing economy of the Khokhlovs. This year they have harvested a good grain harvest, with an average yield of 41.6 c / ha, in some areas reaching up to 50 c / ha. All fields have already been put in order, winter wheat has been sown in due time. The necessary feed has been prepared for the livestock. There is an agreement on the hiring of milkmaids who will start working as soon as the mass calving takes place.

Of course, the work of the farmers has noticeably increased, but the Khokhlovs are sure that everything will work out for them. They are accustomed to work and know for sure that only by hard work can one reach the intended goal.

Natalia Abramova


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