RCC report for improving examples. Rationalization offer. Rationalizing proposals in the enterprise: examples. How to file a rationalization proposal without being an employee of the enterprise

Ideas on improving work come to many. Often they remain the ideas. However, if they arrange them in the form of racks, they can benefit and money. How to make a properly and submit a racknership, tell me in the article.

From the article you will learn:

How to make a racnership

1. The first stage of the execution of racnership (hereinafter referred to as RP) is the verbal expression of all aspects of the idea:

  • in what conditions it can be implemented;
  • who will use it;
  • how the idea budder is embodied;
  • what are the benefits to get an enterprise from the introduction of RP.

2. Three stage - studying the history of the issue. You need to collect all the information about how this problem was resolved earlier, what are the approaches to its solution now, what is the advantage of your solution to this problem. It may be more economical, safe, convenient to use, etc. All arguments in favor of your option must be confirmed by numbers, i.e. You should spend economic analysis RP.


Consider this stage For example. Suppose you want to improve the pot for cleaning potatoes. Examine the question. Potato cleaning with a conventional knife suggests waste in the amount of 10 g for each medium-sized tube. Your knife reduces the amount of waste up to 5, if the cost of a potato kilogram is 25 rubles, and the weight of the tuber is 70 g, then the resulting savings will be 2 rubles. with kilogram. You should also take into account the savings of time. It is 2 minutes per kg. At the cost of the work hour 120 rubles, the savings will be an additional 4 rubles. Next, it should be noted the convenience of contacting and improving the security of an employee performing this operation.

All the information provided must be reduced to the table to which drawings, graphics, schemes, as well as a concise description of the RP will be attached. The description of the description should not exceed 1-2 pages and express the very essence of the RP: the subject of the proposal, the difference from analogs, economic benefits.

How to apply for rationalization proposal

When the description of the RP is ready, you need to make a request. The application takes a standard A4 format sheet. In the top, the left is the destination. As a rule, this is the head of the organization.

At the top of the right in the frame writing the word "registered for no" and leave the place to specify the date.

The certification of educators in 2017 will be voluntary and mandatory:

  1. Personnel Number;
  2. Full Name;
  3. Place of work and place of registration;
  4. Profession, specialty, position, education.
  5. Year of birth.

"Statement by rationalization offer ".

Next subtitle "Agreement on the distribution of remuneration". Under it you should write the following:" Previously given sentence Nothing was served"(And if it was served, then you should specify wherever) and then" Copyright Remuneration to divide in equal shares"(In the event that there is a different agreement with co-authors, you need to specify this option.

Then follows this phrase: "I (we) argue () what really is the author (co-authors) of this offer. To me (for us), it is known that if the proposal is confirmed by the secret, I (we) are bred (in) to comply with the rules of secrecy, including those established on discoveries, inventions and rationalization proposals. "

The next, final paragraph "attached:

  1. graphic materials (sketches, drawings, schemes, graphics, etc.) on ... sheets;
  2. technical and economic calculations, justifications, etc. On ... sheets;
  3. other materials on ... sheets.
    Total ... sheets. "

The next sheet of your application will be "conclusions upon proposal."

In this section, you need to bring some reviews received on your RP. Reviews must be at least two. One must be obtained in his structural division, and the second and subsequent - from other departments of your organization (for example, economic, legal or from accounting).

All feedback should be certified by signatures indicating the post and date. Please note that if the introduction of your RP can improve the working conditions of the company's employees, then in this case you will need to get a review of your company's labor specialist. In practice, the reviews are made up by the authors of the RP, taking into account the comments of those who will sign them.

The conformity structure consists of two blocks - in the first one is listed all the advantages of the RP, distributed according to reviews, and the second should be justified the need to recognize this proposal to innovation.

The next sheet has a title " Decision by the proposal". Here it should be left enough space for making text of the decision. There should also be provided for signatures and the date.

At the bottom of the sheet inserted a table having a header " Change of regulatory and technical documentation" It will have the following columns:

  • Title of the document;
  • Notice number;
  • Date of change;
  • Position and name of the division;

In case your RP entail changes to regulations Companies, this data will be entered in the table.

Last, most pleasant line:

« Certificate of the rationalization offer received (s).»

Date and signature.

The process of drawing up the application is completed. All additional materials should be attached to it and apply to the RCC Usil Council. Usually, applications are considered at the end of each quarter. If your offer is approved, you are waiting for a premium, certificate, honor and glory, and most importantly - moral satisfaction.

How to get an accompanying letter competently

The letter offer is drawn up on the letterhead of the organization's letter.

What is the text structure of the letter-sentences?

The letter offer is recommended to begin directly with the essence of the letter, that is, with the proposal. Already in the first line, the letter must be described about what is offered, lists the most important conditions or objectives of the proposal. If the subject of the proposal needs to be details, this information is set out in the second part of the letter, after the proposal made.

What key words and phrases are used in the letter?

The key verb letter-offer is the verb "offer". If the letter is addressed to a specific person, the pronoun is additionally used " You»: « we are offering to you…" If the letter is addressed to the organization as a whole or a group of persons, the personal pronoun is written from the lowercase letters: "We offer you ...".

If the offer is sent as an answer to the request, in the initial phrase of the letter it is necessary to express their gratitude to the addressee for the interest manifested them, for example: " Thank you for the interest that developed by our personnel testing program.».

Three effectiveIn our opinion, the development of piles and pile foundations in construction are the technical solutions of the department of technology of construction production of the Brest state technical University: Pile Support (Patent of the Republic of Belarus for utility model number 8603), Burbinal pile (Patent No. 8370) and the third development - patent (application for patent of the Republic of Belarus).

The pile support, compared to other similar purposes, is very simple in the manufacture, the minimum metal (metal only barrel), cheap and technologically in production. On such supports, you can build fences, gates, build country, household buildings and other wide variety of above-ground facilities.

The pile support before immersion in the well is a profile metal pipe 1 with drop-down blades 2 made of 3 sections of the wall cut by longitudinal slots (Fig. 1). The pipe 1 in cross section is made of a square box profile (Patent No. 8603). It can also be made and rectangular box cross section. Both types of box profiles are produced by the domestic industry and they are cheaper round metal pipes, approximately equal with boxes in the area cross section trunk.

Longitudinal slots 3 are performed on lateral roams of pipe 1 with a cutter or cutter on a milling or cutting machine, a gas or kerosene cutter or even, on a sharpening (grinding) machine, as well as manually using the metal hacksaw. Moreover, the larger the length of the blades 2 and the length of the longitudinal slots 3, the greater will be the disclosure of the blades in the well and the more broadening in the soil will be created.

After drilling in the soil of wells with any tool, mechanism, a device or machine of the required depth and larger (compared to the cross section of the pipe 1), the diameter is lowered (reset) lost shoe 4, pre-selected from natural or artificial stone in the form of a rounded shape boulder or a spherical body, and then proceed to the disclosure of the blades 2 by driving a pipe 1 (Fig. 2). Due to the large sizes of the shoe 4 in cross section (compared with the size of the cross section of the pipe 1), but smaller compared to the diameter of the well, the blades 2 pipes 1 begin to slide and drive around the shoe 4 (boulder) to the side and crash into the walls of the well , creating broadening and the silent support itself. After sufficient disclosure of the blades 2 in the well (as you can joy visually and instrumentally on the cutting pipe 1 in the well), it is embarking on the layer-by-layer backfill of the well, sand, rubble with a thorough seal of each layer. As a result, the pile support is formed in the ground, a very high bearing capacity of the base of the base on the action of both the vertical pressing load and is horizontal.

The second (Patent of the Republic of Belarus No. 8370) was also developed in BRTTU and the third (application for patent of the Republic of Belarus) variants of the pile support device (borotable pile and pile), differ from the first form of carrying out the barrel and pile material.

In the bromotive patch, the trunk is round from metal pipe 1 with drop-down blades 2, made of 3 sections of the wall cut by longitudinal slots at the lower end of the barrel (Fig. 3). In the future, under the influence of the blade of the blade 2, the well is revealed, turning into a pile support in the ground (Fig. 4).

In the patch, the barrel 1 is made wooden from the round forest (round), and the revealed blades with 2-metal, attached to the trunk of nails or screws 5 (Fig. 5). The disclosure of the blades 2 in the well is also performed by a scoring method (Fig. 6).

Otherwise, the design of the pile support, the booming pile and piles are similar, and the technologies of their device are similar in the wells pre-drilled in the soil.

Under certain conditions, all three structures can bring a significant economic effect on the implementation of construction in the practice, in particular on weak soils of the Republic of Belarus.

V.P. Chernik, Associate Professor Department of Building Technology

Brest State Technical University, Ph.D.

Inventions, rationalizing offers, useful models are of great importance in the process of improving the technologies used. All of them act as technical creativity. However, the most massive of them are rationalization offers. At the enterprise, seeking to the most efficient achievement of the goals, they have far from the last value. Consider further this category in more detail.

Positive moments

Thanks to the rationalization proposal, an existing technical solution may be improved, the equipment used and its adaptation to certain production conditions was modernized. In addition, with the help of such implementations, it is possible to eliminate certain errors of designers or designers. According to data, which are provided in specialized publications, innovation proposals in recent times provided about 70% of the total savings in the management system of Russia.


In the previously current position, the rationalization proposal was a technical solution that was useful and new for production, institutions or an organization to which it was directed. It assumed the change in technology, the design of products or equipment, material composition. In addition, certain types of decisions were also given to the category under consideration.

According to this provision, the rationalization proposal had such signs as utility, novelty and technical solution. In the recommendations current today, the definition is given in several modified form. In particular, the rationalization offer is a managerial, organizational or technical solution that is recognized as useful and new for this structure. It can be seen from the definition that only its first part has changed. Thus, the rationalization proposal ceased solely on the scope of technical methods for solving current practical tasks.


First of all, it should be noted that the proposal that is entered as rationalizant does not just have to put any task. Through it, it is necessary to disclose specific ways to solve the problem. A situation in which due to the rationalization proposal would be able to obtain the expected result with maximum efficiency And with the smallest losses. They will not be recognized as useful and new solutions, only the statement of any need limiting the indication on the feasibility of conducting a particular event or a positive result that can be achieved during its implementation, and so on.

Rationalizing proposals, examples of which will be given later, includes a fundamental response. The solution should be so concretized so that there is no need to build some guesses or assumptions. The proposal discloses the essence of the author's idea, and its execution does not require additional creative improvements. This condition will be considered executed if in solutions and materials, its explanatory, there is enough information for the practical implementation of the intention by means of known design methods (design).

Methods of execution

Ensuring the solution of the problem can be carried out with the help of management, organizational, technical means or their aggregate. Among the proposals of the technical orientation, those relating to constructive changes in products are dominated by manufacturing technologiesused equipment or material composition. Such solutions are focused on improving and modernization. This is not excluded with the recognition as a rationalization offer and such a project, which provides for the introduction new technology either technicians. Management and organizational decisions contribute to obtaining an effective result by conducting relevant activities or optimize management.

What could be the innovation proposals?

Examples can be brought different. So, the solution may touch the arrangement labor resources, Document Roll. The rationalization offer can be made on the repair of equipment, changes in the schedule of work and so on. The solution may also have an organizational and technical orientation, combining different elements. So, thanks to the rationalization proposal, it is possible to improve the state of places for workers, the optimal placement of equipment, effective separation or combining production operations and so on.


This is a second essential feature of a useful solution. To the rationalization proposal, in contrast to the inventions, the requirement of local novelty is presented. This means that this feature must be present within those companies that are sent to solutions. The new proposal will be considered in the event that before it is submitted at the enterprise it has not been known to the extent that would be sufficient to implement it.


Novelty is determined in accordance with a specific temporary segment. Regarding rationalizing proposals is used by the concept of championship. It is determined by the date of receipt of a properly executed application for the implementation of the project. The championship will be recognized as the author who did it first according to the established procedure. The proposal may be opposed only to such information that reveal the essence of this or identical project, which have become known to the specified duty of the championship.

Information Fund

The rationalization offer includes:


It must be borne in mind that a useful and new proposal should be the result of the creative activity of his face. Often, in special publications it is proposed to consider this feature as an independent criterion for "security" of solutions. However, according to a number of experts, this is not particularly needed due to the fact that all intellectual property should be posted creative orientation, which is recognized as copyright.

Thus, it is initially believed that all objects of this kind, including the innovation proposal, act as the result of creative activities directly from the creators themselves and is not borrowed from open sources. Of course, the latter should be obvious. Failure to recognize the proposal of innovation on the basis of the establishment of borrowing is thus allowed only if this fact is proved either not disputed directly by the applicant himself.

This article is devoted to a very important and integral part of the activities of any enterprise - rationalization. What exactly is its importance, and how to create your racnership?

Rationalization (rationalizing activities in the enterprise) - This is the process of improving funds and methods of production in order to increase its effectiveness. Includes improvement in technology, technologies, labor organization, production and management.

The main thing in the article, if there is no time to read:

  • for rationalizing proposals pay money
  • rationalizing proposals must be unique in one enterprise - can be exchanged with colleagues
  • you can submit rationalizing proposals for the enterprise without being an employee through the community of rationalizers and inventors
  • in the presence of the economic effect of payments can be significant

The principle of rationalization - in a simple understanding is needed in order to improve the functioning of the elements in the space around us, optimize the level of their interaction. The most commonly rationalization in production involves the search for more economical solutions that will allow at less labor and resources and resources to obtain the required result. In practice, this is achieved by improving in several directions. For example, the improvement of the equipment and technical processing is the modernization and technical re-equipment of the equipment used to ensure positive trends in the company's development. Since the same purpose, labor results are improved, but definitely in other ways - by expanding the spectrum of services provided, improvement consumer properties Produced products and so on. And improvements to labor processes (rationalization of labor) provide for the provision of a more favorable labor situation by eliminating factors leading to stressful situations in the working team, material incentives for each separate employee, increasing the interest of the formed personnel in the growth of the status of the enterprise.

Companies need rational ideas, employees of the idea arise - to obtain mutual benefits, it remains to organize the relationship between these links. Rationalizing activities, as part of an innovative, is regulated at the state level.

TNPA regulating rationalization activities. The procedure for recognizing innovation proposals

the Russian Federation

Organizational conditions for the development of innovation are determined by the decision of Rospatent and the Ministry of Industry and Communist Party of Russia of June 25, 1996 N 6/7 "On the methodological recommendations for the organization and conduct Russian Federation" In accordance with this solution, the innovative, organizational, or management proposal, which is new and useful for this enterprise can be recognized.

In Russia, the process of recognition of the proposal to the innovation is carried out by sending by the author and the subsequent consideration of the application drawn up in form: Download the application form. Technical, organizational and managerial offers need to be issued separately from each other. Proposals are also recorded in the journal, with regardless of whether a positive decision was made about their adoption. When considering an application for the company, its detailed analysis of the criteria for technical solutions, novelty and utility, and, with full compliance with the requirements of the enterprise available to resources, the size of the incentive payments to the author are appointed. Recognition of rackspecks and the start of its application is accompanied by an authority issuance (co-authors) of the certificate no later than in a month. Russian legislation also provides premium payments to persons who contributed to the use of this offer. Payments to the author are carried out as follows:

  • by a period of up to a month after the proposal was considered innovatory (25% of minimal salary);
  • on a time up to 2 months after the 1st year, from the moment of introducing into production or after the end of the use of racepets (if operation lasted less than a year, the remaining part of remuneration is paid);
  • on a time up to 2 months at the end of the 2nd year, additional payment is made, if its applications increased in comparison with the previous year.

Remuneration is not below 50% of the minimum salary established in the Russian Federation regarding proposals with technical solutions and 25% with organizational and managerial. The maximum dimensions are not limited.


art. 481-484 of the GC of Ukraine in the rationalization proposal It is customary to be approved by the legal proposal approved by any decision (improvement) in terms of the organization of the process in any fields of activity.

In Ukraine, the number of intellectual property rights transactions has recently increased, and, in fact, at such a legal object, as a rationalization proposal, has begun "new life". At the same time, not only the process, but also a component may act as the RCCresenting Object material property firms. An introductory table with a detailed description of the criteria, in accordance with which the proposal can be attributed to the innovation, is displayed below:

The subjects of the right of IP on the racnership, based on the provisions of Art. 483 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, his author and the Jurlso, to which it is addressed. The author is, in turn, the physical, who has made efforts to create a suggestion, or a group of persons (co-authors) jointly attending participation in the project. The rights of ownership of the rationalization proposal are distributed between co-authors on the basis of a mutual agreement and on the fact of making a personal creative contribution to its development (excluding the help of a technical, organizational or material plan, as well as facilitating the conclusion of the agreement with the company).

In art. 484 of the GC of Ukraine it is indicated that the legal entity that recognized the proposal of innovation, there are unlimited rights to use them. In addition, such acts differ from inventions or patents, plant varieties and other certificates of intellectual property by the fact that under the law do not prohibit everything, excluding the author himself, allow them to use them. In general, the author's property rights in this case are reduced to one - receiving remuneration for 2 years since the racnership has been integrated into the activities of the enterprise. Means pays entitywho became the subject of the contract.

Without recognition, the proposal will not become innovatory, and in addition to the above aspects, it will be necessary to arrange it correctly. IN general the recognition procedure involves the following:

  • filing the author of a written statement in form N ib-5, in which all the necessary information should be specified, such as descriptions, drawings, schemes, sketches, and all that is directly related to its use in the enterprise;
  • nomination of sufficiency requirements for the implementation of documentation supplied by the author (under Art. 482 of the Civil Code of Ukraine);
  • registration of the company's proposals and consideration for the 1st month of the decision on, actually, recognition or non-recognition by its innovation.

As a result of recognition, the company provides the author to a special certificate, on the basis of which he will receive a remuneration subsequently. This certificate contains information about:

  • title and (subject to) branded name of the company who has written evidence;
  • call service;
  • the names of the author (surnames of co-authors from "A" to "I");
  • date of reception;
  • date of his recognition;
  • registration issue of the log of magazine.

Certificate is fixed by the signature of the managing company and the seal.

The temporary act of N 479/92 is established norms of remuneration sizes defined in the conditions of the author and firm contract, with minimal boundaries in:

  • 10% of the company's annual income from the introduced rationalization proposal (the accurate calculation is made according to the methodological guidelines No. 80);
  • 2% of that part of the cost of production (including works and services), which falls on a racification that does not extend positive influence on income.

The payment of remuneration is carried out with the frequency specified in the contract, but no later than the 3 months, which have passed since the end of each year of the application of racnership in the organization.

Republic of Belarus

Decree of the Council of Ministers dated February 17, 2010 №209 "On approval of the Regulation on Innovation in the Republic of Belarus"

In Belarus, the application in writing should correspond to the form.

Each of the solutions, be it technical or organizational, is also issued separately. The application and the materials attached to it should contain the signatures of all co-authors and the creation dates are affixed. After the statement will be registeredThe author still has the right to make adjustments to it until the decision has been made about his recognition / deflection, but it is impossible to redefine the essence of the proposal. For all adjustments and additions, individual sheets with dates and signatures are becoming. The certificate of acceptance of the proposal is transferred to the author (each of the co-authors) within 30 days. Remuneration The co-authors are distributed among themselves, based on the interest rate specified in their written agreement.The amounts of payments are determined by the provision in the enterprise, for proposals without an economic effect amounts to at least 2 basic values, and with an economic effect - up to 10% of the effect.


Applications for the estimated invention are drawn up according to "instructions on the preparation of applications for the invention (EZ-1-74)", with an equally strict regulation of the composite elements and the nature of the documents. Be sure to have information about the author and co-authors names, their official duties, education, year of birth. The document contains all data on the proposal, such as its description, decision on acceptance / deviation, changes in technocamentation, calculated data on the annual savings after the introduction of a proposal and the copyright agreement on the mutual distribution of funds. In general, the author is required to calculate, analyze and state, what is the technical advantage of its solution in comparison with the already used and substantiate the expected economic effect of its implementation, as well as assess the possible amounts of application of this solution. That is, the procedure for design is essentially similar to those previously described.

In enterprises, rationalization is regulated by the provision of inventive and rationalizing activities and may include the following sections:

  1. Planning and analysis of inventive and rationalization activities. It sounds fantastic how this can be planned such activities. Often at the output of the planning dry numbers, and how to do it is completely incomprehensible. After all, it is impossible to schedule ideas. In fact, everything is very simple - it is necessary to conduct a survey, identify the most acute problems in areas of activity and set tasks to solve them. This is called "thematic planning" - see more details by reference http://rzd-expo.ru/
  2. Reporting and document management on inventive and rationalization activities. This is what creative people do not like. The rationalization idea will automate the entire process from Excel and Google Tables before integrating into your CRM or internal site, but may not count if it enters your official duties, or such an item is already scheduled to work in the work by the superior leader.
  3. Stimulating innovative activities. Payments for ideas and% of the economic effect. If the idea is too beneficial to the employer - the maximum amounts of one-time payments or a year are designated.

How to file a rationalization proposal without being an employee of the enterprise?

It often happens that the side is visible. For example, I have near the house in grocery store Terminals for payment card set in front of the cashier. It really is uncomfortable and delays the queue. While I will not pay on the map, the next buyer cannot post the goods. My appeals to the head of the store's store did not give - it is not motivated to change, rather, on the contrary. If the location of the terminal will open, it will get a catching care for the fact that I did not immediately see. How to be in this case? Contact the upstream leadership, which, too, the problems of a small shop of a huge network are not tightly interested. To even higher leadership, I myself am not reasonable to contact. Yes, and I do not want to conflict and prove something. You can contact the society of inventors and rationalizers and benefit from such a proposal.

  • All-Russian Society of Inventors and Rationalizers http://www.ros-voir.ru/
  • The society of inventors and rationalizers of Ukraine seemed to cease its activities in 2006 in regional and urban councils it is possible to act.
  • Belarusian society of inventors and rationalizers http://belgospatent.by
  • Kazakhstani society of the authors of discoveries, inventors and rationalizers exists formally

Thus, the article covered the main issues relating to the relevance, procedures for designing, recognizing and receiving benefits from the rationalization proposal. The team of authors MADCASH.PRO sincerely hopes that it will benefit readers, becoming one of the deposits of success in concluding another favorable deal.

Ideas for rationalizing proposals

The main criteria for recognition of the proposal to the innovation will be:

  • novelty technical solution (within the company)
  • economical effect
  • organizational solutions
  • labor protection and industrial safety

In practice, it all depends on the enterprise where you work, and from the leadership. On the large enterprise It is hard to find new technical solutions - everything is already known and scheduled (but nothing is done). Organizational solutions are also not recognized - these are obvious misses of your leadership. In small business use spreadsheets and lED lamps May go to "Hurray." If the study of innovation is no, spend a survey among workers and colleagues: "Name 3 things that you most interfere with working." The more data you have for analysis, the easier it will identify the main problems that require solutions. Well, then it is necessary to successfully solve the problem with the help of remedies.

Main directions:

  • special devices not manufactured by industry. Various grippers, service platforms, special lifting devices
  • saving electricity and other resources
  • automation of document management and databases. At the output there must be a document on the prescribed form.
  • development of training stands and software complexes
  • use of modern chips and components in obsolete equipment

And how are they with rationalization ideas?

Abroad, all innovations in the environment of workers are encouraged by prizes and bonuses without issuing documents and planning. Modern developments can be seen in IT companies. For example, a mug or other souvenir with a company logo is assumed to each for a reasonable idea. Large companies I am pleased to use voluntary ideas from consumers in production. It is called crowdsourcing.

What could be the innovation proposals?

What is expressed from efficiency?

How to choose a formula for calculating economic efficiency?

It is possible to reduce the cost of products to produced by optimizing the cost of the enterprise. One of the methods of improving performance industrial enterprise - Rational use of resources and reducing waste and losses during the production process. In order to motivate workers to find waste reduction options, enterprises develop and implement the provisions on innovation.

The economic efficiency of innovation activities at the enterprise is expressed in increasing production, improving product quality, reduce losses from production marriage and waste, reducing production cycle, savings of material and energy resources, reducing the cost of products, grow productivity growth and relief. When calculating the real savings from the introduction of proposals, only those articles of costs for the production of products that are really changing as a result of the implementation of this proposal are taken into account. All costs associated with the introduction of the proposal are deducted from the economy.

In order to motivate employees to find such solutions, it is necessary to develop and implement a provision on innovation at the enterprise.

Rationalization offer - this is an offer of production and technical nature, which is directly improving manufacturing process by more effective use equipment, materials or labor workers, but not significantly changing the design or technological processes production.

It is necessary to distinguish between the innovation proposals in the field of the organization of production from rationalizing proposals in the field of enterprise management organization, economy, etc.

In the first case, the author of the accepted rationalization offer receives a remuneration, the amount of which, as a rule, depends on the amount of annual economy derived from the application of the proposal; In the second - a premium in the amount established by the head of the enterprise or institution.

In the second case, it is necessary only to evaluate, is the proposal of innovation or not. And in the first economists should calculate the economic effect of the rationalization proposal.

The choice of formula for calculating the economic effect depends on the type of rationalization offer.

Economists of enterprises most often calculate the economic effect on the first type technical solutionsUsing the formula:

E \u003d (s 1 - 3 2) × a 2 \u003d [(C 1 - C 2) - E × (to 2 - K 1)] × a 2, (1)

where E is an annual economic effect, rub.;

S 1, 3 2 - the presented costs of the unit of products (work) produced before and after the introduction of the rationalization proposal;

C 1, C 2 - the cost of the unit of products (work) according to the changing costs of costs before and after the onset of the use of the invention or the rationalization proposal;

E - the coefficient of bringing capital investments;

To 1, to 2 - specific capital investments in production funds before and after the start of using the rationalization supply, in rubles;

And 2 - annual production production (work) with the help of rationalization proposals, in natural units.

Consider the procedure for calculating the economic effect on the example of rationalizing proposals for the decrease in industrial waste disposal.

By this direction There are 2 types of rationalization proposals:

  1. to reduce return waste and their rational use;
  2. on the use of irretrievable waste.

We are interested in the rationalization proposal to reduce the cost of products as a result of reducing return waste and more rational use. In this case, the economic effect is the difference in the cost of main products, in the production of which was formed, for those costs of costs that are affected by the rationalization proposal. At the same time, prices established for waste implementation are taken into account.

And since return waste minus, the cost of main products can be calculated by the formula:

C O \u003d N M × (C M + R T) - O M × C O, (2)

where from about is the cost of the unit of the main products, rubles;

N M - consumption of basic material, raw materials per unit of products;

Rt - transport and procurement costs for the delivery of a unit of material, raw materials to the enterprise, rub.;

C m - Wholesale price per unit material, raw materials, rub.;

About M - waste of material, raw materials per unit of products;

C o - price for the implementation of a deposit unit, rub.

We substitute formula 2 in Formula 1:

E \u003d [(N M1 × (C M1 + R T1) - O M1 × C O1 - N M2 × (C M2 + R T2) + O M2 × C O2) - E × (K 2 - K 1)] × A 2. (3)

If p T1 \u003d p T2, C M1 \u003d C M2, C O1 \u003d C O2, etc., the formula for calculating the economic effect will look like this:

E \u003d [(C M1 + R T1) × (n M1 - N M2) - C O1 × (about M1 - O M2) - E × (K 2 - K 1)] × A 2. (four)

To calculate the economic effect of the rationalization proposal to use for the production of irretrievable waste instead of full-fledged materials, the cost of manufacturing products from full-fledged materials with the cost of manufacturing products from irrevocable waste is compared. At the same time, only changing costs of costs are taken into account.

In this case, you can use formula 4. Provided that about M1 \u003d O M2, the formula will take the form:

E \u003d [(C m1 + p T1) × (n M1 - n m2) - E × (to 2 - K 1)] × a 2. (five)

Table 1

Calculation of the economic effect on the rationalization proposal by changing production waste

No. p / p


unit of measurement

Before use

After use


Cost unit products


consumption of the main material per unit of products

wholesale price material for 1 kg

transport and procurement costs for 1 kg

waste disposal

the price of units of waste

Economical effect

58 800,00

R. V. Kazantsev,
Financial Director of UK LLC "Teplodar"


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