Hostel floor plan. How to open your hostel from scratch in Russia. Is it profitable and how much does it cost

Today, hostels are becoming more popular because they offer tourists or just travelers an inexpensive accommodation option. At first, the main client base of these establishments were students and traveling youth, and today adults of certain philosophical views (downshiftingists) are increasingly settled here. Rooms in such institutions resemble rooms in student dormitories.

In this article, we will analyze all the nuances of opening such a business option.

On the disadvantages and advantages of the hotel business

A distinctive feature of such a shelter for tourists is the ability to rent not only a room, but also a bed. As practice shows, the hostel is popular with tourists not only because of the cheapness of housing, they are attracted by new interesting acquaintances and the opportunity to communicate with their own kind. As one of the activities, the hostel has its advantages and disadvantages.

The benefits include:

  • low cost of living (prices are much lower than in hotels);
  • the ability to rent beds (very convenient for those who travel alone);
  • new acquaintances, interesting communication especially attracts young people, who are the main target audience;
  • convenience of accommodation (hostels are usually located near the center and tourist attractions).

This business also has its drawbacks:

  • the number of people living in one room;
  • inability to store valuables;
  • the inconvenience of using the bathroom;
  • unavailability of additional services;
  • Difficulties in finding suitable premises.

But such shortcomings are often compensated by the owners (by arranging a safe where guests can store money and valuables, organizing breakfasts in nearby cafes).

The European market for such services is distinguished by the presence of marketing alliances, which is still underdeveloped in our country. There are no regulated standards in the Russian Federation, which deprives the client of the opportunity to realistically assess the place of residence in advance. In addition, many hostel owners use this.

Often, novice hostels prefer to sell their services without intermediaries. On the initial stage it is, of course, more profitable, additional costs are excluded. But in the future, this may lead to a narrowing of the market segment and a low load on the hostel.

What does it take to open a restaurant like this?

Such establishments are considered to be objects of tourist infrastructure and no special documents, permits, licenses are required. You just need to register for tax office as a subject economic activity and open a bank account for making payments. For this, a simplified form is sufficient.

From the point of view of legislation, organizing a hostel is quite simple, but there are still several conditions. For example, it should be borne in mind that a person should be allocated minimum 5 m 2 living area. There should be one sink for 6 guests, the toilet bowl is calculated for 12 people, the shower room for 14. In case of opening in an apartment / separate room, no licenses are required, only compliance with the rules established by law:

  • do not open an institution on the basement / basement floor;
  • follow the rules fire safety;
  • conducting migration registration of foreigners.

Accordingly, it is necessary to obtain written permission from the fire inspectorate and SES.

If you have not yet registered an organization, then the easiest this can be done using online services that will help you generate all the necessary documents for free: If you already have an organization and you are thinking about how to facilitate and automate accounting and reporting, then the following online services come to the rescue, which will completely replace an accountant at your plant and save a lot of money and time. All reporting is generated automatically, signed electronic signature and sent automatically online. It is ideal for an individual entrepreneur or LLC on the simplified tax system, UTII, PSN, TS, OSNO.
Everything happens in a few clicks, without queues and stress. Try it and you will be surprised how easy it got!

Room selection

The best option for the location of the premises is naturally the central part of the city. Its size depends on the number of beds, the minimum number is 10-15. Such a shelter can be equipped in a simple apartment of an ordinary high-rise building. The cost of rent for 1 m2 is 15 000 rub. per year. A three-room apartment is enough to accommodate ten guests.

A good option for opening a mini-hotel is to rent a separate building. You can, for example, rent 1 or a couple of floors. The average cost of 1 m 2 will cost between 10,000 and 15,000 rubles. in year. Repair with redevelopment will cost an average of 4,000 - 8,000 rubles. for 1 m 2. And to build a separate house for this purpose will cost approximately 5-6 00 000 rub. So the choice is up to the owner.

To open an establishment in a non-residential premises, it is necessary to register an LLC (a company with limited liability). It is a bit more complicated and more expensive than IP. You will need partners, you will have to draw up more documents.

The process of opening a mini-hotel in an apartment

To organize an institution in a rented apartment, you should choose the most optimal option, taking into account many factors. You will have to study the area, the availability of transport infrastructure, the contingent of nearby courtyards, etc. It is also important to find out if there are establishments of the same kind nearby, what is their efficiency.

The successful development of such a business will largely depend on the neighbors, their attitude to such activities. Before renting an apartment, you should make contact with them in order to avoid problems in the future (complaints about garbage, noise, etc.).

If you take up the matter responsibly and with enthusiasm, in about 6 months you will be able to justify the financial costs.

After choosing a place, it's time to equip a mini-hotel. In the case of arrangement in your own apartment, it is better to remove it from the housing stock. Otherwise according to current legislation with all guests will have to draw up a contract of employment. The rules for the arrangement of hostels do not provide for the presence of single rooms, therefore, first of all, you will have to redevelop the apartment and repair it properly.

Features of the arrangement of the premises

The peculiarity of the room fund of such a hotel is that it has 80% are single/double rooms, and 20% of larger rooms, usually with bunk beds. All of them are standard in category (mostly mid-range). This determines the choice of furniture and plumbing fixtures: it is better to choose domestic products. At 600,000 rubles. you can fit in. The decoration of the rooms must meet the criteria of "light and clean". You should not save on beds, guests are often settled only to spend the night.

Modern travelers are no longer attracted by randomly placed beds and the presence of communications. They want to settle in a home that is not only comfortable, but also unique in its own way, having its own unique face.

It is important to remember that in the sleeping area for each guest there should be at least 5 m 2, and the beds should be located at least 75 cm apart. The presence of bright saturated colors, fashion trends and creative design solutions will make your hotel not only cozy, but also unique and attractive to visitors.


The main difference between small hotels is an individual approach to each client. The quality of their service determines the popularity and demand of the institution. Therefore, the issue of staff selection should be taken responsibly.

According to experts, the productive work of a small hostel can be ensured by the presence manager(responsible for the smooth operation of the institution as a whole), administrator to receive and accommodate visitors, 1-2 maids, if possible cooks And his assistant.

Since administrators are the face of the institution, it is important to select sociable and responsive people for this position. It will be a plus if they speak English at a conversational level (it is easier to work with foreign visitors).

Advertising and marketing

Remember that most tourists are looking for a temporary shelter, usually through the Internet. Therefore, do everything to make it easy to find you there, do not skimp on advertising:

  • Popular here to help you social media VK, Facebook, Odnoklassniki, etc., as well as regional media.
  • Undoubtedly, the most effective advertising are testimonials from satisfied customers. A PR campaign can be built by attracting student youth, people, foreigners, etc.
  • You should not ignore international sites, provide an opportunity for their visitors to book rooms with you online.
  • No less effective will be the supply contextual advertising. The cost of such a service will be from 15 to 60,000 rubles, you can also resort to placing banner advertising (text + photo).
  • Business cards are a popular form of advertising. They are distributed in places of potential concentration of tourists (train stations, airports, universities, cafes, etc.). You can also use free weekly newspapers for this purpose, minimum cost advertising module in which will be from 5,000 rubles, and a simple ad of 10 words is only 2,000 rubles.
  • You can offer a tour to agencies and corporate clients bonus discounts, seasonal promotions. Do not ignore schools, sports clubs that travel frequently.

The main thing is not to limit yourself to one direction: constant renewal, search for creative solutions, and most importantly, improvement and expansion of the range of your services will be the best advertisement for such an institution and, accordingly, the key to its successful work.

How to make a hostel a profitable business

Today, the main service of all mini-hotels is the provision of beds to guests. But many tourist hostels already provide and Additional services for clients. Modern guests are willing to pay extra for both Wi-Fi and toiletries, and cosmetics.

Additionally, you can provide guests with the opportunity to use a safe, microwave, coffee maker, refrigerator, hairdryer and other types of equipment. Breakfast can also be included in the rental price. By the way, diversity is also important in the matter of nutrition: you can give the client the opportunity to cook it yourself, you can involve staff for this, or you can agree on cooperation with the owner of a neighboring cafe. It is important to constantly monitor customer requests and look for ways to satisfy them.

Useful tips for organizing such a business - in the following video:

Is it profitable and how much does it cost

When drawing up a business plan, keep in mind that in addition to the salary of employees, utility bills and other small expenses should be added to the costs of maintaining a mini-hotel.

Depending on the number of beds, the average income will be about 100-120 thousand monthly. Therefore, such a hotel (based on 10 people) will pay off in about 6-15 months (with maximum efficiency work). With a minimum load, full payback can be achieved only after a few years.

According to statistics, the average profitability of such a business is about 30%, so everything will depend on the organization of work and advertising of the institution. If we talk about net profit, then it can average 1,000,000 rubles. in year. Again, everything will depend on many factors, and most importantly on the ability and desire to work.

Today, more and more employees yesterday are striving to open their own business. Whatever the risks, the profit that you can get out of the business every month will be able to cover the costs and, most importantly, it will give you an incomparable feeling of freedom and independence from the changeable mood of the authorities or the intrigues of work colleagues.

The hostel as a business is quite viable!

To date, one of the most promising types of business is the organization of hostels. Their relevance is growing day by day, since every year tens of millions of people go on trips, and not everyone and not always has money for really expensive and luxurious hotels.

Economy class tourists are happy to resort to hostels. What are they? These are hotels that are inexpensive and outwardly very reminiscent of hostels. Anyone who considers a hostel as a business is primarily attracted by its low costs, even at the initial stage of organization. But the profit can be very tangible due to the constant flow of people who want to settle in them.


By the way, hostels were first invented in Germany. Representatives of the hotel business around the world liked the idea of ​​the Germans so much that they adopted their experience and began to implement it in various countries. To date, there are about forty million people - fans of hostels. In this type of hotel, there must be a bed, a kitchen for cooking, a bathroom and a bathroom or shower. At the same time, it is not worth spending a lot on design.

The most important thing in this matter is cleanliness, comfort and accuracy. Very often, rooms are equipped with safes for storing personal belongings of clients. The rooms have six or eight beds. Hostel furniture is also not particularly luxurious. As a rule, these are single strong beds made of wood, reliable and practical.

How much will it cost you to open a hostel?

In most cases, the main costs go to the payment of rent or the acquisition of real estate. Ideally, you should purchase a room closer to the city center or to its historical sights. Remember that your guests will stay with you for 1-2 days. During this time, it is very important for them to have time to see as many interesting buildings or amazing places as possible, so they will give preference primarily to those hostels that are in close proximity to their route.

Thus, it turns out that the hostel profitability is quite high. Having solved the issue with the premises, you will not experience any special difficulties with others. organizational moments. As for the staff, an administrator and a cleaning lady will be needed here. The first one can work in 24-hour mode after three, that is, you need 4 people. Their average wage is about 20 thousand rubles.

Additional business

Also as extra income you can organize the preparation and delivery of breakfast for your customers. You can equip the kitchen for about 80 thousand rubles. A separate shower and toilet can cost about the same amount. Don't forget Wi-Fi yet. Its presence is very important, especially for foreigners.
And, most importantly, since you will have strangers in your rooms, make sure that an appropriate contract is drawn up with a security agency. A well-thought-out scheme of ready-made options for excursions, cycling and hiking routes, and picturesque places in the surroundings will also not be superfluous. Before organizing own business, try to compose detailed business plan hostel with financial model. This will help you in the correct distribution of your available funds and accelerate profits.

Advantages of a hostel over a hotel

Even from the position of a person inexperienced in entrepreneurship, the advantages of just this type of hotel over a hotel are obvious: this is a large number of customers attracted thanks to cheap services, and in general, any house or a spacious apartment can be used to implement the idea in Russia (recently it has become especially popular embody hostels in old buildings).

Among other things, you do not have to worry about the traditionally high level of service (necessary for ordinary hotels). As we have already noted, large funds are not needed to open a business here. It is quite possible that you do not even have to take out a loan - you can manage with your own funds. The most important thing is to plan everything correctly. Do not try to give an exact answer to the question of how to open a hostel, the business plan of which is not fully developed or thought out. Otherwise, you will simply lose money.

In how many years can the investment be recouped?

By the way, in continuation of the conversation about the merits of economy class hotels. It is worth noting that today in Western Europe their number has long exceeded the figure of 5000. There are still few such economical hotels in Russia. However, this area of ​​business is developing at a very fast pace. And it is quite possible that in 5-10 years our country will become one of the leaders in this market (in any case, there are all the prerequisites for this). Today the situation is the opposite.

The niche is almost completely free. This, in turn, creates fertile ground. The profitability of a hostel in Russia can be very, very high. The main thing here is the right organization (we will not get tired of repeating this). Hostel business plan should be thought out to the smallest detail. You must clearly understand for yourself what funds you need to invest and what benefits you will derive from this. Only then can success be predicted. By the way, you should not hesitate with this business either. If you decide, do everything faster, while there are no major players on the market.

Accommodation in a hostel during the holidays is becoming popular. In addition to the main audience of students, other travelers have also moved into the inexpensive segment of the hotel business. Even foreigners are very interested in Russian hostels.

How to make money on this wave by opening your hostel from scratch? Let's see.

Drawing plans: find a room and create a hostel in it

The first thing to do is to find a good place. What does "good" mean?

  • The hostel is easy to get to

The location is two hours walk from the nearest bus or subway stop? It is not suitable for business. Travelers are divided into two groups: some think over the route, others go "wherever their eyes look." And no one plans to rest in such places.

  • Easy to get out of the hostel

What's even more important. A motel in the middle of nowhere won't make much money anymore. A motel in the middle of nowhere without attractions won't make any money at all.

As a result, the most needed places to create a hostel are in the center of Moscow. High traffic, proximity to transport, good views. Guests who have chosen a hostel for a business trip, as well as tourists on vacation, will be able to quickly get anywhere.

Alternatively, a hostel can take on a narrower niche if it "settles" on distant attractions. Cons: Fewer customers, business more dependent on the season. Pros: there is a tangible advantage over competitors. Rent outside the center - below.

Technical details of organizing a hostel from scratch

What footage of the premises will be required to open a hostel? Usually - about 150 square meters or more. Depending on how many guests are planned. The most common solution is from 10 to 15 beds in two or three rooms.

Less is not in demand and will not pay off the costs. Travelers turn to hotels for private rooms. More is not very convenient. It is more difficult to find the area, higher costs for rent, supply and risks.

The hotel business is seasonal, guests will arrive unevenly, and too large a room will greatly lose profit. In addition, even in the non-residential stock, it will be necessary to reckon with the load on the local power grid and other utility restrictions.

How to create a hostel with the right layout?

The classic hostel begins with a major renovation in the chosen premises. The former room is not suitable for a room for 6 people.

This is important: accommodation standards require at least 75 centimeters between beds, and at least 5 square meters per guest.

Routine renovations are done in a few bright, light colors to attract customers but not interfere with a relaxing holiday.

For individual design check with the designer. These are almost one-time costs, but they should be approached seriously and responsibly: the hostel “brings” a new appearance for a long time.

Interested in hotel business? Find out more about how you can buy a hostel in Moscow from the owner, how much it will cost and how quickly your investment will pay off.

Staff and equipment - to be satisfied with the hostel

The premises have been found, the marafet has been set up. The next step in organizing a hostel is people and equipment. Before the guests arrive, there is still a lot of work: at the reception desk they should be met by sociable and responsible administrators. English is good, but not always required.

Here, guests receive the keys to their rooms, linen, leave things in the storage rooms. Then they will need beds, appliances in the kitchen, appliances in the bathrooms and toilets. Optional seating area. It is individual for each hostel, but the classic recipe is a Wi-Fi router, chairs, TV, board games.

Approximate cost:

  • The price of a bunk bed is about 13 thousand rubles. You will need 5 pieces (≈ 65’000 ₽)
  • Linens. Full set - 1.5 - 2 thousand. 10 pieces. (≈ 17’000 ₽)
  • Several pear chairs ≈ 6’000 ₽ for 4 pieces.
  • Fully equip a bathroom - from 30 to 60 thousand rubles. A minimum of two rooms is required.
  • A kitchen with everything you need can cost about 30 - 35 thousand rubles.

In total - about 215 thousand rubles. Costs for public Utilities and Wi-Fi will be much less, but monthly.

The hostel will also need a cleaning lady and an accountant. In both cases, it makes sense to use a ready-made service - it's cheaper and more rational than keeping staff for these positions.

Inexpensive marketing to make the hostel recognizable

Congratulations! You have overcome the stages of "how to open a hostel" and "how to organize a hostel". It's time to think about advertising.

How to attract customers when all preliminary work done? There are many thematic platforms for this, including FastTravel, Trivago, Booking and others.

Some of them post ads for free. But this does not eliminate the need for your own website and social media accounts, where customers can leave their opinions and reviews.

What are good reviews? Negative ones provide material for development, good ones create a reputation. And reputation is the main source of income in the hotel business.

Hostel income and documents for a quiet life

Where does the hostel get the lion's share of their income to cover all of the above? Of course, with the provision of beds.

But there are other types of profit. For example, you can find machines that make caramel or popcorn and take over the way movie theaters and American motels make money. Or put any other complex equipment (sometimes they take money even for using a microwave or refrigerator).

Some hostels provide parking, breakfast, or video games for a fee. On the territory of the mini-hotel you can put ATMs or machines with drinks or sweets.

If there are many guests, it is worth negotiating with local attractions and museums about hosting advertising for tourists.

All this is considered commercial activities, and the hostels themselves, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, fall under the category of simplified taxation. No special licenses are required, but you will need permission from firefighters (the room must meet minimum standards) and the sanitary and epidemiological service.

In addition, an agreement on garbage collection and an agreement on the lease of premises (or papers confirming ownership) are important.

Currently, the hotel business is developing at a tremendous pace and is of great interest not only to experienced entrepreneurs, but also ordinary people who want to work for themselves, develop in professionally, achieve new heights and success, do what you love and not depend in any way on the employer. However, opening a hotel or hotel requires not only specific knowledge, but also significant financial investments, which not everyone can afford. The most suitable option for a person of average income is to invest in a so-called hostel. But along with the idea, many questions arise: how to open a hostel, what documents will be required, what is the competition in the market, whether this activity will bring profit, etc. Of course, any business is associated with a certain risk. Therefore, before you leave your main place of work and make an attempt to start your own business, you need to collect as much information as possible about the upcoming activities, carry out elementary calculations, weigh all the pros and cons, and only then make a final decision.

What is a hostel?

Before you seriously think about how to open a hostel, you need to clearly understand what it is. In simple words we can say that a hostel is a mini-hotel, which, as a rule, occupies a small area and specializes in providing inexpensive temporary accommodation to tourists, young people, students, guest workers and all interested people who cannot afford to pay for rooms in hotels or hotels. Hostels are characterized by a block or corridor system of arranging rooms adapted for living from 3 to 20 people. On each floor or block there is a shared toilet and bath (or shower), as well as a kitchen where guests can cook their own meals at any time. In any point of the city it is really possible to find a suitable hostel for everyone. Photos of buildings and rooms can be viewed in brochures and in our article.

Initial capital required to open a hostel

The cost of opening a hostel depends on many factors. For example, those who are interested in how to open a hostel in Moscow should take into account that it will not be easy to do this in the capital. This is due, firstly, to the fact that the competition in this area is simply huge. Secondly, this is not a place for entrepreneurs with limited financial resources, since buying or renting a premises will cost a tidy sum. A similar situation is typical for St. Petersburg, although inexpensive hostels in St. Petersburg are more common than in Moscow. Things are much easier in small towns and settlements, where buying / renting a room will cost an order of magnitude cheaper. However, it should be noted that the profit in this case will be less.

After preliminary calculations, we can conclude that at the initial stage, a businessman will need an average of 1.5-2 million rubles to open a hostel (rent of premises, repairs, purchase of furniture and equipment, paperwork, employee salaries, tax deductions). With the right business management, the profitability of the hostel will be 50% or more.

Factors to consider when opening a hostel

In order to answer the question of how to open a hostel, it is necessary to take into account a number of important factors that can significantly affect the development of the project: strengths and weaknesses, existing opportunities and, accordingly, threats and risks. Among strengths It should be noted: a relatively low threshold required to enter the market (from 350 thousand rubles), a simplified taxation system. Weaknesses are the profitability and payback period of the project. As for the opportunities, in this sense it must be emphasized that the opening of a hostel is a very promising direction in the hotel business, which makes it possible to develop and consolidate a strong position in the market. With all this, one should not forget that risks are inevitable. Take into account that you are far from the only ones who are thinking about how to open a hostel, the competition is growing every day (the market is growing by 45% annually). In addition, talent, entrepreneurial spirit, determination and, of course, stress resistance are of great importance. A business is built gradually, and one cannot count on immediate success.

What is required for the legal registration of the hostel?

Despite the fact that many are directing their eyes to the hotel business, how to open a hostel, only a few really think about it. That is why at present it is a rather promising direction with a real possibility of promotion. No special permissions are required to open a hostel. This is due to the fact that in hotel activities not subject to licensing. All that is required is to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC in the prescribed manner, purchase cash register and register it with the tax office, obtain the appropriate permits from the fire service and SES.

How to choose the right room?

Opening a hostel begins with finding a suitable room. The hostel can be located both in an apartment and in a private house. It all depends on the desire of the entrepreneur and his financial capabilities. Not everyone can afford to rent or even buy a house. It is much easier for those who are thinking about how to open a hostel in an apartment. Things are even better for those who already own premises suitable for human habitation. In this case, it remains only to do quality repair, equip the premises, hire staff and get to work. The room for the hostel should not be less than 150-200 m2. Otherwise, there is nothing to talk about the benefits. The central streets of cities are not a prerequisite in order to open a good and popular hostel. Visitor reviews are the best confirmation of this. The maintenance of hostels located on the outskirts of the city is much cheaper, which, in turn, affects the cost of living for visitors. The winners are both entrepreneurs and guests.

The most suitable furniture for a hostel

planning start-up capital to open a hostel, it is worth considering the amount to be spent on the purchase of furniture and equipment. The most important element is the purchase of beds. They should be single, preferably bunk (to save space) and as comfortable as possible. Entrepreneurs who know a lot about hotel business, do not skimp and prefer to order even orthopedic mattresses for their hostels. Naturally, these are additional investments, but be sure that they will pay off in full soon. The cost of one fully equipped bunk bed is on average 15-20 thousand rubles. The number of beds required depends solely on the size of the room.

In addition to beds, you will need to purchase cabinets, racks, bedside tables, electrical and household appliances. Do not save on quality, otherwise in the future you will have to spend money again on the repair or replacement of damaged equipment or equipment.


After the premises are selected, repaired and equipped, you should start recruiting. At least two administrators will be required to provide round-the-clock services to guests. When calculating that the working day will last 8 hours, you will need to hire three employees at the reception. In addition, you can not do without service personnel: cleaners, maids, electrician, security guards. The main requirements for the hostel staff are: integrity, friendliness, stress resistance, ability to work in a team, responsibility, etc.

How to organize the activities of the hostel?

A huge number of questions and problems with the organization of activities arise especially among those businessmen who are thinking about how to open a hostel in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other large cities. The main reason for this is that the competition here is serious, and in order for people to choose a certain hostel, its owner should fight for it. The success of a hostel largely depends on proper organization activities. Therefore, first of all, you need to determine the target audience, which should be targeted. For example, young people, students and tourists from the provinces are likely to prefer inexpensive accommodation. For them, comfort is not as important as cost. If your hostel is designed for such a contingent, then you should save on furnishings, but at the same time make reduced prices for accommodation. If you plan to open a hostel for business people, then you will have to allocate a place where the conference room will be located, equip a separate room in which you can hold various seminars, trainings, business meetings, etc. The cost of living in such a hostel will be much more expensive. However, no matter what segments of the population the hostel is designed for, the service must be at the highest level and meet the needs of the guests.

Advertising campaign and hostel opening

Before opening a hostel, marketers recommend holding a wide advertising campaign. The more people know about the existence of the hostel, the higher the flow of guests will be. Order brochures in any printing house. They should be printed on high quality glossy paper. Come up with a catchy title and describe the advantages of the hostel. Leaflets can be handed out on the streets of the city, at the entrance to shopping centers, near hotels and hotels, at railway stations, at universities and in student gathering places.

In addition, advertising is easy to place on special sites, where future visitors can not only get acquainted with the basic information about the hostel, but also book a room. Various social networks and blogs are also good platforms for advertising.


Opening a hostel should be approached very responsibly. Having learned how to open a hostel in Moscow or any other city in Russia, first evaluate your capabilities, think carefully about whether this business is right for you, identify all the pros and cons, and only then make a final decision. There is a lot of work to be done, so in the next few years you will have to completely forget about weekends and vacations. If you are confident in yourself and your abilities, then go ahead and take concrete actions. With desire and diligence, success will surely come.

Quite a lot of people are wondering how to open a hostel in an apartment legally, but not everyone knows the answer to it. All because they did not study the information. To know the answer for sure, you just need to carefully read this article.

Hostel Disadvantages

Before you open a hostel in an apartment legally or not, you need to know all the disadvantages of this business.

The first thing I want to note is the presence of strangers in the same room. Not all hostels allow you to rent a room. Usually tourists are provided with a bed in a large room. Not everyone will be comfortable being with strangers in the same room.

Also, before you open a hostel in an apartment legally, you need to take care of a place to store valuables. For guests very a big problem- where to leave valuables, because there are a lot of strangers in the room.

In addition, a shared bathroom also scares off visitors to some extent.

  • Firstly, it is impossible to visit it, because there is always someone there.
  • Secondly, even with very good cleaning, it is unhygienic.

Hostels don't offer extras because it's a cheap place to stay, not a five-star hotel. And this upsets many visitors.

There is also a minus from the business side - it is quite difficult to find a room for a hostel. After all, it has special requirements.

The downside is that marketing alliances are very poorly developed in our country, although this practice is widespread in Europe. This is just an agreement by the hostel owner, for example, with the owner of a cafe working nearby, so that guests are provided with free or discounted breakfasts.

Another point to think about before opening a hostel in an apartment legally is the compliance of the room with European standards. Of course, there are no such standards in our country, but such compliance, although it will cost a lot, will quickly pay off with grateful guests.

Most entrepreneurs, after having opened a hostel in an apartment legally, decide that it is better to work without the help of intermediaries. At first, of course, yes, but over time, this can lead to a narrowing of the target audience and a small hotel occupancy.

Hostel benefits

Everything is clear with the shortcomings, but what are the advantages of this business? What you need to know before opening a hostel in an apartment?

The main reason why hostels are popular is the inexpensive cost of living.

You can rent not only a room, but also a bed. This is a great solution for solo travelers.

Main the target audience are the youth. This means that they will be interested in communicating and meeting new people. This means that they will not be embarrassed by life in the manner of a hostel.

Most often, hostels are located near the center, which attracts tourists even more.

What do you need to open

Of course, every novice businessman thinks about how to open a hostel in an apartment. You need to start by understanding the purpose of the hostel. It belongs to the tourism sector, and therefore it does not require many documents to open it.

First of all, you need to visit the tax office and register as individual entrepreneur or as a limited liability company. After registration, you need to open a bank account, to which all transfers will be made.

It turns out that before you open a hostel from scratch in an apartment, you do not need to run around all kinds of authorities and collect documents. However, there are several mandatory conditions.

  1. For each person in the hostel, a minimum of five square meters of living space must be provided.
  2. One sink should be installed based on six people.
  3. The toilet is designed for twelve people.
  4. One shower can be used by no more than fourteen people.

All the same applies to questions about how to open a hostel from scratch in an apartment. But there are some nuances there:

  • it is forbidden to use basements and basements for the hostel;
  • the room must comply with fire safety standards;
  • hostel owners must keep a migration record of foreigners.

That is, to open a business, you still need to obtain permission from the fire service and SES.

How to draw up documents

If registration cannot be done at the tax office, then you can turn to online services for help. Specialists will help to collect a package of papers required for registration, this saves a lot of time.

When the organization is already formalized, then the question of business support arises. With this, you can also contact accounting services. They will help you collect documents, save time and money. They are interested in customers, so there are practically no mistakes.

How to choose a room

Before thinking about how to open a hostel in your apartment legally, you need to analyze the territory. Naturally, it is best to open a hotel of this kind in the center. Especially if it's not the capital. The size of the room is chosen based on the number of beds. So, you can not make less than ten beds in a hotel. An ordinary residential apartment is perfect, subject to the footage. If we assume that the price per square meter will be around fifteen thousand, then a three-room apartment for ten beds will be enough.

How to open a hostel in your apartment is more or less clear. But how to do the same in a separate room? This is also a good option. In this case, the possibilities increase, for example, you can rent several floors. The price per square meter is about the same as for an apartment, but you can find a room where they ask for ten thousand. Redevelopment, together with repairs, will cost eight thousand per square meter.

Against the background of all these calculations, the construction of a separate building, which will cost no more than six million, no longer seems such a crazy idea.

It is important that opening a hotel in non-residential premises complicates everything. For such a business, registration of an LLC, the presence of partners and an additional package of documents is required.

The algorithm of actions for opening a hostel in


Everything is not so difficult, you just need to follow a certain order. How to legally open a hostel in an apartment in Russia?

Before you rent an apartment for a hostel or use your own, you need to do some research. For example, to find out what kind of people live around, their social status, the transport interchange of the area, the location of the house itself, the presence of shops and other necessary institutions around it.

In order to correctly assess the competitiveness of the future hostel, you need to find similar establishments nearby.

Much in the hotel business depends on the neighbors. So that in the future the district police officer does not often go to the entrepreneur because of the huge number of complaints, you need to find a common language with the neighbors.

It would be nice to write a business plan: "How to open a hostel in an apartment." If it is correctly compiled, then the payback will take no more than six months.

When a place is chosen, they begin to deal with the arrangement. The first thing to do if the business is done in your own apartment is to withdraw it from the housing stock. If this is not done, then each guest will be required to sign a contract of employment. According to the rules of accommodation for hostels, there are no single rooms. For this reason, it is necessary to make a redevelopment. In connection with such problems, you need to think ten times whether it is possible to open a hostel in an apartment and whether it is necessary.

The nuances of redevelopment

As a rule, in such hotels it is customary to have a certain number of double rooms, and the rest of the rooms are occupied by bunk beds. Repairs should be of the middle class, therefore it is easier to purchase the necessary furniture and materials from a domestic manufacturer. With such repairs, you can meet six hundred thousand. There is no need to make some unthinkable decor in the rooms, clean and bright rooms will be quite enough. But you need to choose beds of very high quality, because healthy sleep is important for many tourists.

The distance between the latter should not be less than seventy-five centimeters. The color scheme is preferably bright, because mostly young people will live there. This once again suggests that before you open a hostel in an apartment for illegal immigrants or foreign tourists, you need to think over the design very well.


It is the individual approach that distinguishes a small hostel from a huge hotel. The quality of service can make a hotel very popular or make it close soon. That is why it is necessary to select personnel very carefully.

In order for the hostel to function normally, it is enough:

  • hotel manager;
  • administrator;
  • couples of maids;
  • cooks;
  • assistant cook.

It has long been known that it is by the administrator that a hotel or hostel is judged. Therefore, the question of what is needed to open a hostel in an apartment and make it profitable can be answered - a good administrator. Indeed, the more pleasant and helpful the person at the reception, the more good reviews remains about the hostel. An important role is also played by his ability to speak English language. Ideally, the administrator must be fluent in conversational speech.

How to advertise correctly

Nowadays, most people are looking for a haven on the World Wide Web. This means that the main focus should be on advertising on the Internet.

  1. Social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki work great. Recently, Instagram has gained immense popularity and attendance.
  2. Word of mouth continues to work. If a person liked the service, then he will recommend the hostel to all friends and acquaintances.
  3. Contextual or banner advertising (when a photo is added to the text) also show good results. The cost of such a service is rather big, but it will bring good results. So, marketing of this kind will cost up to sixty thousand.
  4. Good old business cards also show good results. They need to be laid out in crowded places (cafes, bars, train stations, educational establishments). This also includes advertisements in free newspapers. This is not a very costly advertisement, because a text ad in it can be published for two thousand, and a modular ad in the region of five thousand.
  5. For travel agencies and corporate clients can develop special discount programs. But do not forget about sports clubs, schools or other institutions that are often on the road.

Only permanent job can make the business successful. You cannot first learn how to open a hostel in an apartment in Moscow or a provincial town, and then just sit and wait for the profit to go into your hands. Only constant updating of services, improving the quality of service and new advertising can ensure prosperity.

Profitable Business Secrets

The main function of the hostel around the world was considered to provide accommodation for the night. But over time, everything changes. Now even a hostel needs at least a minimum package of services. Tourists need Internet access, as well as toiletries and cosmetics, for which they are willing to pay.

In addition, you can put a hair dryer, coffee maker, microwave, refrigerator and other appliances in common areas.

Food can be dealt with in a variety of ways. One of them is to give the guest the right to cook their own food. The second option is to have a chef on staff, which means you need to make a menu. The third option may be an agreement with the owner of the nearest cafe for the supply of food or for a discount for guests. It is important not to stand still and constantly develop and diversify.

Some nuances

Today travel business very popular both in our country and in the world. This means that competition even among hostels is huge. Therefore, the services provided must correspond to a given level. A modern tourist is accustomed to comfort, for this reason, a hostel that does not correspond to one star is unlikely to return. And the consumer is not to blame, but the entrepreneur. Due to competition, it was businessmen who increased the level of comfort for the same money. This trend has led to the fact that now a lot of money is needed to open a hostel.

A modest interior and a list of services will be in demand only if there is no competition.

Among other things, it is very important to build the correct algorithm for registering guests. Everything must happen on time and according to all the rules.

Concerning household appliances, then here too there are nuances. For example, it is better to refuse ordinary teapots. It will be much more convenient to use thermal pots. They are much larger in size and boiling water is always at hand.

You can also try to create a hostel website. Firstly, it sets tourists up for trust. Secondly, where, if not on your own website, you can place complete information about your business.

Summing up, we can say that it is not enough to figure out how to organize a hostel in an apartment. It is important to learn how to lead and develop it correctly. Because time passes very quickly, and the level of development of mini-hotels is high. And consumer demands are constantly growing. But it's very interesting to create something from scratch and bring it to some grandiose level. It is quite possible that one hostel will lead to a whole network of prestigious hotels around the world. To do this, you just need to work hard and not give up.

But not everything depends on the leader. Many moments are connected with the hotel staff. It should consist of professionals who not only do their job well, but also love it. It is the person who plunges into the matter with his head that will be able to make it better, not because the boss requires it, but according to his personal desire. Equally important is the collective mood. Recipe for success - Friendly team who knows how to solve all problems inside. Only when people are ready to help each other and listen will the matter be argued. If the team is quarrelsome, then they will simply drown the business with their squabbles. Therefore, the leader must take the most responsible approach to the choice of employees. After all, he does not take servants for himself, but chooses a family for himself, on which the success of his offspring depends.


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