Outline of the lesson on the topic “The essence of entrepreneurship and its types. A single lesson "I am an entrepreneur!"

Anikeeva Olga Nikolaevna

Place of work

GAPOU PO "Penza multidisciplinary college» Construction Department

Job title


Basics entrepreneurial activity

Lesson topic

The essence of entrepreneurship and its types

Basic Tutorial

V.D. Simonenko, Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship: tutorial for students in grades 10-11. - M.: Vita-Press, 2013.

The purpose of the lesson: Formation of subject knowledge and intellectual skills necessary for the successful socialization of students through the study of the topic "Entrepreneurship".


- educational: to identify the role and importance of entrepreneurship, to form knowledge about the essence of entrepreneurial activity, to be able to identify and process the information necessary for business development.

- developing: contribute to the development of memory, attention, the further development of cognitive interest, the ability to operate with the acquired knowledge in Everyday life.

- educational: contribute to the formation of citizenship and professional qualities, to educate the personality in each student, the ability to understand others through group forms of work, respect for representatives of various professions.

Lesson type: lesson learning new material

Forms of work of students: brainstorming, discussion, individual independent work, work in small groups with the text of the textbook, with ESM

Required technical equipment: handout, teacher's PC, students with Internet access.

Structure and course of the lesson:



Lesson stages

Teacher activity

Student activities


Updating the basic knowledge of students:

Introductory conversation, brainstorming

The purpose of the stage: the mood of students for learning

"Brainstorming" on the questions proposed in the "Remember" section (textbook)

Participation in brainstorming

Learning new educational material

The purpose of the stage: the formulation of the topic of the lesson, to arouse interest in the study new topic

Announcement of the topic of the lesson. Focus the attention of students on the epigraph of the lesson: “Many famous businessmen, talking about their success stories, utter the same phrase: “The money was lying on the ground, they only needed to be raised.” But for some reason, none of them specifies how many times it was necessary to bend down for this.

Setting the goal of the lesson. Teacher's story about the role of free enterprise in a market economic system

Gives the task of filling out the table "Functions of entrepreneurial activity"

The teacher brings students to the understanding that the activities of entrepreneurs are carried out in various organizational forms, but the main one is the firm; gives assignments to small groups, consults students if necessary.

During the report, group 2 draws the attention of students to the fact that the goal of the company is not only narrow goals - profit and growth, but also broader ones. social goals

Tells students about small business, its essential characteristics, draws students' attention to the advantages of small businesses, emphasizes and reveals to students the importance of this type of economic structures in improving the socio-economic situation in Russia. Leads students to a discussion on the issues: “The state is an assistant or a hindrance small business?»,

Write the topic of the lesson in a notebook. Working with EER No. 2: find and write out in the dictionary the definition of the term "Entrepreneurship"

Filling in the table "Functions of entrepreneurial activity" - (with / working with a textbook) and discussing the results

After the teacher's story, small groups perform tasks using the ESM and textbook material:

1 group- finds out what a company is (EOR No. 3)

2 group- Clarifies the company's goals

3 group- finds out the main organizational and legal forms of firms (text of the textbook)

4 group- finds out character traits individual private enterprise (text of the textbook)

5 group- finds out the characteristic features of the partnership (text of the textbook)

6 group- reveals characteristics joint-stock company(textbook text)

Report of groups on the work done, sending the data received to the teacher's PC to create a booklet "Entrepreneurship"

7 group- receives the data and completes the booklet "Entrepreneurship" (together with the teacher, a booklet blank was created in advance)

Participation in the discussion on the questions: "The state - an assistant or a hindrance to small business?",

“Imagine that you have earned a million. How would you behave?

Consolidation of educational material

The purpose of the stage: the development of the ability to analyze, compare

Organizes the implementation of educational and cognitive tasks by students

Perform educational and cognitive tasks:

Highlight socially significant personal characteristics of an entrepreneur

List the economic rights of a free entrepreneur

The enterprise produced 125 thousand rubles for the year. products. Production and distribution costs amounted to CU 35. per unit of product. What is the profit of the enterprise for the year if the selling price per unit is CU 58?

Summing up, grading

The purpose of the stage: students' analysis of their own activities in the lesson

Summarizes, marks the work in the lesson, taking into account the activity of students in the lesson, the marks given by the students.

Evaluate the work of classmates in groups


The purpose of the stage: practicing the knowledge gained in the lesson

Issues homework: complete tasks No. 1,2 from the heading "In the office and at home"

Record d / z

Annex to the lesson plan


Resource name

Type, type of resource

Information submission form(illustration, presentation, video clips, test, model, etc.)

Types of economic systems

EOR control type


EOR information type


Reasons for establishing firms (firm, firm goals)

EOR information type


Main economic concepts:

Entrepreneurship»- “it is proactive, within the framework of current legislation activities for the creation, maintenance and development of an enterprise, which has as its goal the production and marketing, making a profit.

Entrepreneur- 1. "A person who opens an enterprise for the purpose of making a profit and takes on the responsibility and risk associated with its activities"; 2. “An enterprising person who has decided to perform a new business is one who is capable of making decisions, a new business.”

Entrepreneurial activity- this is a special type of activity, which is based on a number of indispensable conditions, requirements and methods of activity; freedom in choosing directions and methods of activity; independence of decision-making; responsibility for decisions made; achieving commercial success, making a profit.

BUSINESS RISK ABILITY TEST(test for a budding millionaire)

How do you expect to get rich in the near future?
a) make a career, climbing up the leadership ladder;
b) invest the available money in the business and take risks with profit;
c) try your luck in the lottery.

If you were an actor, what role would you be best able to play?
a) Ostap Bender;
b) Levin from Anna Karenina;
c) Stirlitz from Seventeen Moments of Spring.

Imagine that you have made a million. What will you do next?
a) I will invest in a bank and live on interest;
b) invest in a profitable business;
c) I will invest part of the money in a new business, and I will put part in a solid bank.

What can money bring you?
a) power;
b) life for pleasure;
c) many new worries and envy.

If you get rich, would you like it to be in the papers?
a) no;
b) yes;
c) they write about me sometimes.

Which of the three job groups suits you best?
a) writer, artist, composer;
b) lawyer, doctor, politician;
c) the head of the company, the head of the institute, the director of the publishing house.

When creating your form, will you recruit people who were previously friends with you?
a) yes;
b) no;
c) needs to be thought through.

Imagine that you have made a million. How would you sit yourself?
a) only my apartment, car, furniture and other furnishings would change;
b) I would travel more;
c) I would radically change my lifestyle.

Imagine that you have just become a director of a firm. Where will you start your business?
a) from studying the people with whom you will work;
b) would determine the main directions of work of the form;
c) would engage in the selection of reliable assistants.

Which of the following statements do you think is more correct if you received a promotion and became a director of a firm?
a) in my work, the importance of vocational skills has decreased and the role of conceptual knowledge has increased;
b) the higher the rank of management, the more significant communication skills compared to vocational skills;
c) the requirements for all personality traits have changed.

In your company, a conflict situation arose in one of the teams. What will be your actions as a director of the firm?
a) it is necessary to listen to the opinions of the conflicting parties and convince them to find a compromise solution;
b) you need to listen to the opinion of everyone, but entrust the final resolution of the conflict to the foreman;
c) do everything so that a small conflict does not grow into a big one.

How strongly do you feel the need to have big money?
a) constantly;
b) periodically;
c) rarely.

If you had a million and you had the opportunity to make a new deal, what would you choose?
a) a quarter of a million;
b) half a million;
c) in a million.

Key to the test

Question number

Points per answer

Add up all your points and determine on a ten-point scale the level of your ability to take risks in commercial activities.

From 0 to 11 points - the first, very low level.
From 12 to 19 points - the second, low level.
From 20 to 27 points - the third, significantly below the average level.
From 28 to 35 points - the fourth, slightly below the average level.
From 36 to 43 points - the fifth, average level.
From 44 to 51 points - the sixth, slightly above the average level.
From 52 to 59 points - the seventh, above average level.
From 60 to 67 points - the eighth, high level.
From 68 to 78 points - the ninth, very high level.

If you have determined that your ability to take risks in business is at levels one, two, or three, then The best way to get rich for you is to work hard, avoiding the career of a manager, leader.

If you are on the fourth, fifth or sixth levels, then you need to work hard, avoiding the career of a manager, leader and actively develop your abilities as a businessman.

If you are at the seventh, eighth levels, then you have a chance to master the profession of a manager.

And if you scored from 68 to 78 points, i.e. If you are at the ninth level, then you have every chance of becoming a millionaire, if you have not already become one!

Qualities that ensure success professional activity, and qualities that impede the effectiveness of professional activity:

  • organizational skills;
  • management and leadership abilities;
  • high level of conceptual thinking;
  • good analytical skills;
  • verbal oratorical skills (the ability to clearly and clearly express one's thoughts);
  • communication
  • interpersonal skills
  • ability to make decisions in conditions of lack of time and information;
  • ability to self-regulate feelings.

personal qualities, interests and inclinations:

  • low self-esteem;
  • the desire to work creatively, create capital;
  • fear of failure, self-doubt;
  • conformist behavior (dependence on someone else's point of view, exposure to outside influence);
  • the desire to overcome and correct mistakes, not to be afraid of failure;
  • the need to realize their personal potential;
  • lack of initiative;
  • readiness for autonomous activity (the ability to rely on oneself and one's capabilities);
  • initiative;
  • inability to make decisions;
  • purposefulness, ambition;
  • reliability, obligation;
  • inertia (inability, unwillingness to change, change behavior under the influence environment);
  • the ability to predict, anticipate the situation;
  • self-confidence in the decisions made;
  • erudition;
  • tendency to shift responsibility to others;
  • the ability to adapt to changing environmental conditions (to respond to changes in the surrounding world);
  • business acumen.

Information about the Unified Lesson “I am an Entrepreneur!
on the involvement of students in entrepreneurial activities

In MKOU "Iki-Buhusovskaya secondary school named after P. M. Erdniev" May 14, 2016 held Single lesson on the involvement of schoolchildren in entrepreneurial activity "You are an entrepreneur"

The lesson was held as part of the development and implementation of activities for the professional orientation of schoolchildren, the formation of entrepreneurial thinking and the promotion of entrepreneurial activity among the younger generation.

The materials included lesson scenarios for students in grades 1-4 and 5-11, tests to determine attitudes towards entrepreneurship, presentation materials, and descriptions of business games.

For students primary school a lesson was offered in the form of performing a creative task - preparing drawings on the topic "My business". Entrepreneurs are people who create goods and services and exchange them for money. The children were given a situation, after graduating from school, college, university, many can become entrepreneurs, the students fantasized about the future business.

The students were asked questions: “Who will tell us what kind of business they want to do? And how will this business help people and satisfy their needs? Students describe how they imagine their business and then proceed to visualize it on paper.

Prepared drawings were scanned and after individual registration of students on the website of the BusinnessTeen entrepreneurial quest www.bizteen.ru they were uploaded to the website to participate in the competition.

For students of middle and high school Mandzhieva I.S. offered a thematic lesson aimed at introducing the basic concepts of entrepreneurship, promoting entrepreneurial activity, developing an entrepreneurial culture among all students, as well as a business game.

A single lesson on entrepreneurship began in grades 8-11 with a funny character in Mark Twain's book - Tom Sawyer. It would seem that Tom has something to do with it ... But if you remember the history of painting the fence (a task that Tom Sawyer received from his aunt), everything will become clearer.

The children were offered a test, the purpose of which was to determine the attitude of the student to entrepreneurial activity and income generation. This test allows you to personalize the assessment of entrepreneurship in relation to yourself. It was very interesting, some guys already have clearly expressed entrepreneurial skills, others do not. But in the end, everyone came to the conclusion that entrepreneurial qualities can be developed in oneself, with a strong desire.

The children were happy to complete the task “Do you want to become an entrepreneur?” Purpose: explanation of the basic concepts of entrepreneurial activity in order to further form the answer to the question: “Do I want to become an entrepreneur?”

Often people ask the question “Do you want to have your own business?” Many people answer “yes”. There are a lot of reasons, but the main one is that entrepreneurial activity brings income. How much do you understand about income? We return to literature, the fairy tale "Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves". Ali Baba entered the cave of the robbers and saw untold riches there: gold, silver, Jewelry, money, precious stones. Is this treasure wealth?

Livestock, gold, jewelry, silver, precious stones - these are all tools for obtaining other useful and necessary things through exchange.

Students give examples of an item that can be fixed capital, a commodity, and an item of personal consumption.

Goals and objectives of the game:

1. Develop creative thinking skills in high school students

2. Development of internal communications in the interschool environment

3. Formation of a positive attitude towards entrepreneurial activity

4. Education of an active civic position among schoolchildren through a sense of belonging to the solution of public and socially significant issues

The results of the game are the emergence of creative and relevant business ideas that will be of interest to schoolchildren and are a priority within the municipality / city / region of residence, as well as establishing communications in the classroom.

Conduct scenario:

1. Students are divided into teams of 3-4 people (depending on the number of students in the class).

2. The team develops a business idea for a limited time, which is relevant and, if implemented, will be in demand in their region.

3. After preparing a business idea, the teams present their projects to all participants.

4. Each team evaluates the business idea of ​​other teams on a 5-point scale according to the following criteria:

5. The representative of the team announces the assessments of the business ideas of other teams and the assessments are recorded on the board (multimedia board) as follows:

Team Number/Evaluation Criteria

The uniqueness of the idea

Consumer need

Team #1

Team #2

6. Team No. 1 is declared the winner of the game

In modern conditions of development of the Russian economy, the problem of increasing the share of small and medium-sized businesses remains relevant. This sector of the economy is important role in the development of society, raising the level of well-being of the population, improving the quality of services provided, stimulating the formation of new domestic goods.

In "Fundamentals of State Youth Policy Russian Federation for the period up to 2025”, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 29, 2014 No. 2403-r, the following definition is given to the concept of “youth entrepreneurship” - the entrepreneurial activity of citizens under the age of 30, as well as legal entities (subjects of small and medium enterprises), the average age of full-time employees of which, as well as the age of the head, does not exceed 30 years in the authorized (share) capital of which the share of deposits of persons not older than 30 years exceeds 75 percent. One of the goals in the framework of the implementation of the foundations of the state youth policy is the creation of basic conditions for the formation and disclosure of the entrepreneurial potential of young people.

A strategic resource for the development of small and medium-sized businesses is the popularization and involvement of young people in entrepreneurial activities.

One of the mechanisms for using this resource on initial stage is the need to introduce schoolchildren to the basics of entrepreneurial activity, to talk about the advantages and opportunities of an entrepreneur in our country, to present success stories of young entrepreneurs.

Unleashing the entrepreneurial potential of young people, a high-quality educational base (which is being implemented as part of the activities of the subprogram "Development of small and medium-sized businesses" of the program "Economic development and innovative economy"), will be the impetus for dynamic development and an increase in the number of small and medium-sized businesses in the next few years.

Spanish Zhaginova N.M., Deputy director of BP

Materials for conducting a training session among students of middle and high schools (grades 5-11)


We'll start our single lesson on entrepreneurship by remembering the funny character in Mark Twain's book, Tom Sawyer. It would seem that Tom has something to do with it ... But if you remember the history of painting the fence (a task that Tom Sawyer received from his aunt), everything will become clearer.

On a sunny Saturday afternoon, when everyone was relaxing and enjoying the games outside, Tom Sawyer stood in front of a long fence with a bucket of lime and brushes in fear of being ridiculed by the boys. However, the difference between Tom and his peers was that even in difficult moments inspiration did not leave him, and he set about solving the problem provocatively and confidently. The first person to tease Tom was Ben, but he heard back that Tom actually enjoyed whitewashing the fence.

It was not every day that the boys managed to whitewash the fence, because Ben and all the other boys asked Tom to join this cause in exchange for their "values" in the form of glass, balls, toys, sticks and other things. The fence was painted with fun and joy, the boys snatched each other's brush to paint out of turn. And Tom Sawyer turned from a loser into a leader and a rich man “... twelve marbles, a broken harmonica, a piece of blue bottle glass to look through it, an empty reel, a key that did not unlock anything, a bar of soap, a crystal cork from a decanter, a tin soldier, pair of tadpoles, six crackers, one-eyed kitten, copper doorhandle, a dog collar without a dog, a knife imp, four pieces of orange peel and an old window frame” - this is all Tom earned in exchange for the service he provided to the boys - “the opportunity to participate in painting the fence.”

The character of Tom Sawyer is very similar to the character of an entrepreneur. He was able to get "profit" in the form of numerous trinkets, do a good deed - allowing the boys to participate in painting the fence, and took part in the ennoblement of the territory of his city.


The purpose of the test: to determine the student's attitude to entrepreneurial activity and income generation. This test allows you to personalize the assessment of entrepreneurship in relation to yourself.

Let's define the character traits of each of you, see how much Tom Sawyer is in you, and then decide how to make yourself more like him.

You received millions of rubles. How do you manage this money?

It's hard to imagine (1 point)

I will spend it for my own pleasure (2 points)

Which statement is closer to you:

Money is paper (3 points)

Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends (2 points)

Money is the goal (0 points)

Which course would you most likely be following?

Cruise ship course (2 points)

Exchange rate (0 points)

Lecture course (3 points)

An acquaintance cannot repay a debt to you, your opinion about him

Irresponsible person (0 points)

Have to forget the debt (3 points)

A person has difficulties, you have to wait (2 points)

In which publication would you like to see news about yourself?

Entertaining (2 points)

Business (0 points)

Any (3 points)


13-15 points Money is not your creed, probably precisely because you don't feel like you know how to earn money. Don't worry, this can be changed.

8-12 points You tend to earn money and spend wisely.

5-7 points You tend to live for money, but is such a cycle worth depriving yourself of the joys of life?

Is it possible to change yourself and become more like an entrepreneur? There is such a proverb "Where you were born, there you came in handy" or "By whom you were born, so you remained." Folk wisdom. But many psychologists argue that it is possible to develop entrepreneurial qualities.

Do you want to become an entrepreneur?

The purpose of the section: to explain the basic concepts of entrepreneurial activity in order to further form the answer to the question: “Do I want to become an entrepreneur?”

When asked the question “Do you want to have your own business?”, Many people answer “yes”. There are a lot of reasons, but the main one is that entrepreneurial activity brings income. How much do you understand about income?

Let us return again to literature, the fairy tale "Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves". Ali Baba entered the cave of robbers and saw untold riches there: gold, silver, jewelry, money, precious stones. Is this treasure wealth?

The Spaniards, having arrived in America, asked the Indians if there was gold in these places. But when the European envoys arrived at the grandson of Genghis Khan, he asked if their king had a lot of cattle. Both of them were interested in whether the country was rich enough to conquer it, but the concept of wealth was different for everyone.

Livestock, gold, jewelry, silver, precious stones - these are all tools for obtaining other useful and necessary things through exchange. Let us turn again to the literature, this time to A.S. Pushkin.

What is beyond my control? Like some kind of demon

From now on I can rule the world;

If I only want, halls will be erected;

To my magnificent gardens

The nymphs will run in a frisky crowd ...

And virtue and sleepless labor

Will humbly await my reward

Everything is obedient to me, but I am nothing.

Miserly knight A.S. Pushkin.

The Miserly Knight's son Albert lives in poverty and dreams of how he will spend his father's treasures for his own pleasure.

... like a chain dog, in an unheated kennel;

Lives, drinks water, eats dry crusts.

He does not sleep all night, everything runs and barks -

And the gold lies quietly in the chests.

The father guesses how Albert will dispose of his treasures after his death:

As soon as I die, he, he! Come down here

Under these peaceful, mute vaults

With a crowd of caresses, greedy courtiers ...

He will open chests with laughter,

And my treasures will flow

In satin holey pockets ...

The father is stingy, the son is wasteful, and we have come to the solution of the main question “What is wealth?”

Save or spend? Money in chests does not bring happiness and benefit, start spending it and it will soon run out. The solution to this dilemma is to renew and increase the existing wealth, resource or commodity. This wealth is called "capital".

The renewal and increase of wealth is called the turnover of capital, and wealth itself is called working capital. A herd of cows brings the owner fixed income. They give him milk and are owned by the farmer. This type of capital is called fixed capital. If the farmer decides to sell the herd, it will cease to be a fixed asset. The sale of the herd will turn it into a "commodity", since the income received will not become working capital, but will bring income once.

And what will happen if the cow is allowed to be meat for the needs of the farmer's family? What category does the cow then fall into? The cow will become a subject of personal consumption.

Give examples of an item that can be fixed capital, a commodity, and an item of personal consumption.

Let's continue. If a farmer raises cows for his own needs, then such a farm is called subsistence farming. If animals are raised for sale, then such production is called commodity.

The purpose of producing a commodity is to exchange it for other goods or money. To sell a product to a buyer, you need to know whether it represents consumer value for him.

The value can be consumer value (the apple received by Tom Sawyer can only be eaten), or it can be exchangeable - it can be used both as a commodity for personal consumption and as a commodity by selling or exchanging it.

Entrepreneur and employee

The purpose of the section: to bring students to the idea that entrepreneurship is a culture that should be inherent in hired personnel as well.

What is the difference between an entrepreneur and employee? Both work and receive income, but each does it for different purposes. Let's discuss their similarities and differences.

What does an entrepreneur invest in?

In creating a new way to meet the needs of society and generate income.

What does an employee invest in?

In the renewal of strength and motivation (personal consumption) to generate income.

How does the entrepreneur distribute the income received?

On the restoration of capital and its increase, and personal consumption.

How does an employee distribute income?

For personal consumption and improvement of conditions for renewal of strength and motivation for work.

Comment: the above points demonstrate the differences in the goals of the entrepreneur and the employee, which guide them in the course of their activities.

Why are organizations and commercial companies created?

Comment: any organizational form created to meet the needs of society, the profit of the organization is a derivative of this satisfaction.

How can an entrepreneur increase his income/profit?

Create new products and services.

How can an employee increase his income?

Increase productivity, i.e. create new or better products and services

Comment: If an employee does not show a desire to improve his work, then his interests are contrary to organizational ones. The contribution of such an employee to profit growth is zero, the probability of income growth is also zero.

It is possible to increase income only through the creation of new goods and services, which is common for both the entrepreneur and the employee.

Entrepreneurial Leadership

Commentary: the market represents already formed preferences of consumers, the entrepreneur must offer the society a new product or service or a modified and more convenient for the consumer existing service or product. If he succeeds, it is called entrepreneurial leadership.

Innovative approach

The purpose of the section: using the example of a literary hero to explain the technology of creating new goods and services.

Let's get back to our friend Tom Sawyer. Tom revealed to us the secret of a special entrepreneurial technology. How to offer people who are already buying goods from others or who have a well-established idea of ​​​​a particular service, your product? Tom is a born leader, he convinced the boys to change their attitude towards work. How did he do it?

What idea did the boys have about work before meeting Tom at the fence - any work is boring. Tom found a way to turn just "work" into "art work" and it became fun and interesting.

It is necessary to fill uninteresting work with a different meaning. Create new look work. When Ben approached Tom, the first one swiped the brush and stepped aside to evaluate his work. It was an artistic process, not just painting a fence. Mark Twain does not tell us about the growing up of Tom Sawyer and about his future specialty, but he definitely became an innovator and an entrepreneur who used the main law of innovation:

"Formulate the contradiction and solve it"

So did all the great inventors and creative people.

Steve Jobs was the first to formulate the contradiction "new features on the phone cannot be implemented due to the large area of ​​​​the buttons" (controversy). The decision to "remove the buttons and use the touchpad of gaming devices" increased the free space on the phone and allowed for a huge number of new features. This innovation has made Apple world leader in the mobile device market.

So, to summarize, formulate in three verbs what entrepreneurship is (for example):

change, create, create.

Business game on creating business projects among high school students (grades 10-11)

Goals and objectives of the game:

5. Develop creative thinking skills in high school students

6. Development of internal communications in the interschool environment

7. Formation of a positive attitude towards entrepreneurial activity

8. Raising an active citizenship among schoolchildren through a sense of ownership in solving public and socially significant issues

The results of the game can be the emergence of creative and relevant business ideas that will be of interest to schoolchildren and are a priority within the municipality / city / region of residence, as well as establishing communications in the classroom.

Conduct scenario:

7. Students are divided into teams of 4-5 people (depending on the number of students in the class).

8. The team develops a business idea for a limited time that is relevant and, if implemented, will be in demand in their region.

9. After preparing a business idea, the teams present their projects to all participants.

10. Each team evaluates the business idea of ​​other teams on a 5-point scale according to the following criteria:

The idea differs from existing offers on the market, or the product or service is in demand, but is not widely represented on the market

The buyer must need your product or service

· Understanding competitive goods on the market

11. The representative of the team announces the assessments of the business ideas of other teams and the assessments are recorded on the board (multimedia board) as follows:

Team Number/Evaluation Criteria

The uniqueness of the idea

Consumer need

Analysis of potential competitors

Team #1

Team #2

12. The team with the most points is declared the winner of the game.

Activities of the subprogram "Development of small and medium-sized businesses" state program"Economic development and innovative economy" in the subjects of the Russian Federation

In 39 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, under the auspices of the state program implemented by the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs, events are held aimed at involving young people in entrepreneurial activities: seminars, lectures, master classes, forums, exhibitions and conferences.

During these events, young people will be able to meet and communicate with entrepreneurs of their subject, as well as get their advice on creating and running their own business.

You can get information about the events held in your subject in the executive authorities of the subject in charge of economic, educational, youth policy, on the website of the quest for youth entrepreneurship "Businessteen" www.bizteen.ru.

The second all-Russian online quest (competition) for youth entrepreneurship "Businessteen" www.bizteen.ru

The purpose of the event is to popularize entrepreneurial activity among students in grades 1-11 of schools and college students, as well as to teach them the knowledge and competencies necessary for doing business.

The competition is organized by communication agency"Tinrelations" with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Ministry economic development RF and federal agency for youth affairs.

The first stage of the quest involves online training in entrepreneurship, as a result of the quest, the winners of the first stage will be determined at the district, regional and federal levels. The 10 most active participants from the regions must develop a summary of the project and convince the jury of the success of their business. The team with the highest score in the final will be declared the best business team and the winner of the quest.

The portal will also host online testing to determine entrepreneurial abilities, leadership skills, propensity for innovation and creative thinking, evaluation of communication skills.

For students elementary school there will be a drawing competition in two categories: "My business" and "Merchant". To participate in the competition are accepted different kinds graphic works (drawing by hand, computer graphics). A special photo application (photo editor) is open for participants to edit their drawings and prepare new ones.

The site will also host the Second All-Russian online survey "Teens and Entrepreneurship". The objectives of the study are to identify the conditions that encourage adolescents to choose a career as an entrepreneur, and to assess the information support for entrepreneurial activity in the regions.

During the study, students will answer questions about their attitudes towards entrepreneurship, the reasons for choosing an entrepreneurial path or employment, assessment of regional entrepreneurs, etc. Based on the results of the study, each entity will be assigned a Youth Entrepreneurship Index, which will take into account various factors.

Project "History of Russian Entrepreneurship" http://historybiz.ru/

All-Russian social organization « Business Russia» together with the Russian historical society implements a large-scale joint project "The History of Russian Entrepreneurship".

This project was supported by the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin, which was reflected in the relevant instructions (Instruction of the President of the Russian Federation No. Pr-399 dated 08.03.2015).

Project mission:

  1. The project is designed to update in the public mind issues related to the mission and role of Russian entrepreneurship in the development of Russia.
  2. Through an appeal to the cultural and historical heritage associated with the restoration of historical memory and justice regarding the contribution of Russian entrepreneurship to the history of the state, to form new trends in a positive attitude towards business and entrepreneurs, patrons, philanthropists of our time.

Goals and objectives of the project:

  1. to promote the preservation of the historical memory of people, Russian and Russian entrepreneurs who have made a great personal contribution to the development of the state;
  2. to promote the process of objective positioning of the role of entrepreneurship in the history of the state;
  3. to promote the popularization of the results of the activities of domestic entrepreneurs (both past times and modern ones);
  4. promote broad public involvement in compiling a "new chronicle" of Russian entrepreneurship;
  5. contribute to the formation of a positive image of the entrepreneur;
  6. through an appeal to the experience of the past, to contribute to the formation of a patriotic attitude towards the Motherland among the younger generation;
  7. to promote the popularization of the profession of an entrepreneur in society.

Olympiad of the National Technology Initiative for schoolchildren http://nti-contest.ru/

The University of Mechanical Engineering (MAMI), Tomsk Polytechnic University and St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University announced the joint holding of the National Technology Initiative Olympiad with the support of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives.

The NTI Olympiad is the first all-Russian multidisciplinary engineering competition for teams of students in grades 9-11, aimed at identifying talented children with engineering thinking.

The participants of the Olympiad will compete in four areas of the National Technology Initiative: “Autonomous transport systems”, “Big Data and Machine Learning”, “Space Technologies” and “Smart Energy Systems”.

GoTo-series educational programs for schoolchildren in the field of IT and robotics http://goto.msk.ru/

GoTo educational programs help schoolchildren from all over Russia to implement the most daring ideas, gain knowledge from practitioners and entrepreneurs, find like-minded people and gain motivation for further self-development.

A participant of each GoTo school or camp gets the opportunity to implement a project in the field of IT and robotics. Participants are divided into teams, in which they will go through all the stages of project development together - from idea to implementation. Projects are supervised by teachers top universities countries and experts from leading companies: MIPT, HSE, Innopolis, Yandex, CROC, Microsoft, Nival, Rambler&Co, Intel, etc. In addition to working on the project, the program includes master classes and lectures by experts from the most promising areas: software engineering, analysis data, bioinformatics, neurotechnology, artificial intelligence, industrial design, etc., as well as excursions to large companies and career guidance games, quests and trainings.

Startup Tour is the largest project in Russia and the CIS to search for promising innovative projects and development of competencies of novice start-up teams implementing projects in the field of high technologies.

The purpose of the tour is to find promising innovative solutions and help young developers to form their own development strategy.

The event was organized with the participation of representatives of the Development Fund of the Center for the Development and Commercialization of New Technologies (Skolkovo Foundation), the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs, the Foundation for Assistance to the Development of Small Forms of Enterprises in the Scientific and Technical Sphere, the Association of Innovative Regions of Russia, the Agency for Strategic Initiatives, as well as support of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Communications and Communications of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

They will bring together participants not only from the regions of the event, representatives of neighboring regions will also be invited to it. Thus, the geography of the tour is expanding, and hence the number of teams participating in the competition.

As in previous years, the program of the event will consist of a training and a competitive part. However, expanding the program to two days will allow organizing and holding more seminars, master classes, individual meetings between regional entrepreneurs and experts. This will also increase the number of tracks and thus the number of contestants.

The RUSNANO School League is an educational program aimed at promoting in the schools of the Russian Federation ideas aimed at the development of modern education, primarily science education.

Uniting, on the one hand, schools and teachers, scientists and university professors, representatives of industry and business, on the other hand, the League organizes their interaction to achieve its main goal.

216 participants of the School League in the 2010-2015 academic year educational institutions from 54 regions of the country. More than 400 educational institutions cooperate with the School League in the status of "partner schools".

RUSNANO School League - Program of the Fund for Infrastructure and Educational Programs (RUSNANO).

The Fund for Infrastructure and Educational Programs was established in 2010 in accordance with federal law No. 211-FZ "On the reorganization of the Russian Corporation of Nanotechnologies". The goal of the Fund is to develop an innovative infrastructure in the field of nanotechnology, including the implementation of educational and infrastructure programs already launched by RUSNANO.

Additional presentation materials

Presentation materials, bases for coloring, presentations, lesson notes and other materials are posted on the network site for the Unified Lesson - www.Unified Lesson.rf

1. Website of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs http://www.fadm.gov.ru

2. Website of the School of Youth Entrepreneurship "Businessteen" www.bizteen.ru

3. Portal for the development, communication and daily activities of entrepreneurs "Business environment" http://www.dasreda.ru/

4. Website "Fund for Development of the Skolkovo Innovation Center" http://sk.ru

5. Website of the state budget institution of the city of Moscow "Small business of Moscow"

Starting a new business is always associated with great responsibility, hard and everyday work, and sometimes with the danger of failure. It will take a lot of effort from an aspiring entrepreneur to achieve success. In short, business is hard work.

But the end results of the decision to create own business, labor and risk can be really big. And we can talk here not only and not so much about money.

Satisfaction plays an important role here and about the pride that a person who achieves success experiences. It's a truly incomparable feeling. It is a feeling of victory, a sense of success and self-importance.

In order not to make a lot of mistakes at the start and achieve in the end everything that a novice entrepreneur wants, we offer 25 outwardly simple but very important tips:

  • Dream. Don't be afraid to dream big. Dream that it is you and your business idea that will conquer the world. Only he achieves success who dreams big in small things;
  • Back up your dreams with action. Only he achieves success who not only dreams, but also acts. Always bring the results of your actions to the end. Do not become Manilovs and always "dreaming". Start now. Right now;
  • Believe in yourself and your business. You will be dissuaded. Many if not all. Acquaintance, relatives, friends. Listen to yourself. Strive to be calm and confident in your choice and decision. Discuss and defend your choice calmly and with dignity. Be confident in your product or service. You must be the first to believe in success and you will be the first in business;
  • Your business must be relevant. Make sure that your business is important and necessary not only for you, your friends, investors and shareholders. Your business should be relevant to as many people as possible;
  • Don't be afraid of mistakes. There is no life or business without mistakes. Don't be afraid to make mistakes, but don't repeat them. Learn from mistakes. Draw conclusions and, based on these conclusions, make adjustments to the business. Read a lot and learn from the mistakes of others. It's cheaper;
  • Discover opportunities. In oneself, in people, in situations, etc. Opportunities are always there. Many simply do not see them or do not want to see them. Do not be afraid of the difficulties of the absence of opportunities. Think, look and find opportunities. I assure you they are always there. There are really a lot of them;
  • There is no one way for everyone. There are many ways to make a million dollars. But there is no single and suitable recipe for everyone. Everything is very individual and much depends on the personal qualities, character traits and upbringing of the one who earns a million or dreams of it. Tailor the situation to suit your needs, not the other way around. Even if your original plan did not work, this does not mean at all that the second, third ..., tenth will not work;
  • Make and execute plans. It is very important to make clear and realistic plans, especially at the start of a business. Have a clear picture of what you will be doing today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, a month from now, and so on. Know what you want to achieve and how you will achieve it. But know and understand that it is not always possible to realize in life what is written “on paper”, as they say: “point to point”. It's not realistic, and probably not necessary. The main thing here is that the changes made to the implementation of the plan do not change or break it radically;
  • Understand your business. It is clear that starting a business that you do not understand at all is a mistake that can be costly. But even if you are starting a business that you are well versed in, do not stop. Constantly learn, learn more about your business and related areas. Know what is causing supply and demand in your business and control these processes. Control costs and management. Control all the main things that can somehow affect your business. Chat and chat with other business owners similar to your business. Don't lock yourself into your business;
  • Understand financial matters. Understand and control. Control your company's income and expenses. Understand how, when and how much you will personally earn, and how much your company will earn. Do your best to personally understand financial indicators of his business despite the fact that the company employs an accountant or even several accountants. Knowing the real indicators and figures, you will know where your business is now and where it will go in the future, which means you can quickly influence its path if necessary;
  • Know and respect your customers. Your business will exist and develop if it has customers, buyers, consumers of your offers. And, of course, satisfied customers. No other is given. If you are unable to run your company in such a way that you have many satisfied customers, you will not be successful. If you do not understand what your and potential clients, you will also fail. Find out constantly what your customers want, what problems they have and think about how to solve these problems. Understand why consumers are not satisfied with the services or products of your competitors? Find out why satisfied? Offer cheaper and better quality. Keep constant feedback with your customers and get feedback from them about the work of your company. When they are disappointed, it will be too late. Talk, as soon as possible, personally with each client. Take care and respect them all. Even those who are not very pleasant or irritate you. Remember: there are no friends and personal preferences in business. In business, there is a customer and a profit;
  • Get out of your comfort zone. Entrepreneurship is a challenge. A challenge to your prevailing comfort, slender and measured rhythm of life. Entrepreneurship is always a loss of existing comfort and risk, since there is no comfortable and calm life with risk. It is important to understand this. Achieves success in business only a brave entrepreneur and risking wisely!;

Continued Part #2 >>>

Target: to form students' understanding of entrepreneurial activity, its functions, role in the development of the country's economy.


  • ensure active position participants
  • contribute to the formation of independent views
  • to form the ability to analyze and evaluate the moral and economic problems of entrepreneurial activity

1. Introductory phrase:

The topic of our today's lesson is very relevant for modern Russia.

In the lesson, we must find answers to the questions (slide number 1):

1. What is entrepreneurship?

2. Entrepreneurship - a brake or an engine of social progress?

3. Who is capable of becoming an entrepreneur?

4. What moral qualities of an entrepreneur do you consider the most important?

1. Let's start with the first question “What is entrepreneurship? - your opinion, the students give their concept of “entrepreneurship”. Further, the concept is specified in the dictionary (page 221 of the textbook, slide No. 2).

Based on the definition, students independently identify the distinctive features of entrepreneurship and write them down in a notebook, this

Economic innovation

Economic freedom, initiative and search for participants

2. Teacher: To answer the next question, let's turn to A. Smith's statement (slide No. 3).

A. Smith formulated the main principle as follows market economy:“Every person should be given equal right pursue their own interests, and the whole society benefits from this”. Orientation economic activity to make a profit makes it very attractive to the widest segments of the population. This allows us to highlight several functions of entrepreneurial activity that are significant for society. (A group of students presents their presentation on the topic “Functions of Entrepreneurship”, the task was given in advance)

A) entrepreneurship helps to attract large Money in various branches of the national economy, which contributes to the development of the national economy as a whole. These diagrams confirm this thesis. (slide 4)

Structure of small business

B). The emergence of a network of small and medium-sized enterprises contributes to the creation of numerous jobs.

According to the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, Rosstat and the Federal Tax Service of Russia, the country currently has:

  • micro-enterprises - 1,065,016 units;
  • small enterprises - 227,706 units;
  • medium enterprises - 17,486 units;
  • individual entrepreneurs- 3,882,155 units;

The average total number of employees employed in small enterprises is 11 million. 419 thousand people.

The contribution of products produced by small enterprises to the total volume of GDP is 21%.

In general, the contribution of small enterprises can be characterized the following indicators: a fifth of the gross domestic product; every sixth employed in the economy, and taking into account individual entrepreneurs - every fifth;

C). Active participants in entrepreneurial activity are the largest taxpayers, and taxes are the main source of government revenue. In this regard, the welfare of the state may directly depend on the successful development of commercial enterprises.

Stage 2

In order to compare the proposed business ideas, we use the method of expert assessments.

The method of expert assessments is successfully used in solving informal problems. The general idea is that a group of specialist experts put forward comparative estimates different options for solving the problem. In our case, put forward business ideas are evaluated by students and experts.

Assignment to students or expert group: evaluate each idea according to three criteria - necessity, reality, profitability.

4. Teacher: “Despite the active, creative power of entrepreneurship, the role of entrepreneurs in the eyes of modern Russians is quite contradictory. Part of the population positively evaluates their business qualities, considering entrepreneurs as the driving force behind market reforms. The other part sees in them a layer harmful to society, having a low moral character (the desire for profit, indifference to public interests, dishonesty).

What position do you take?

Students express their position, on the basis of this we formulate the conclusion that a civilized understanding of entrepreneurial success is associated primarily with moral and ethical issues, and then with financial ones.

Consolidation on questions:

  • what is "entrepreneurship"?
  • What are the functions of entrepreneurship in society?
  • What moral qualities should an entrepreneur have?


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