A single lesson "I am an entrepreneur!". Outline of the lesson on the topic "The essence of entrepreneurship and its types

Do you want to create own business Or expand an existing one? Be sure to check out Fifteen Essential Lessons from Subway founder and CEO Fred De Luca. In his book Start Small, he talks about how small startups grow into industry giants. This experience formed the basis of the businessman's Fifteen Commandments.

First lesson. Start Small

Some people think that if a small business does not bring in tangible income or does not expand to international company, then it is of no use. I disagree. On the one hand, small things can always grow into big ones, and on the other hand, while the enterprise is small, you have time to learn the lessons necessary for future success. So if you want to end up with big business it's best to start small. A real little business covers all the basics of entrepreneurship, and thanks to it you get a very big experience.

Lesson two. Earn a few pennies

How did you earn pocket money as a child? Maybe they collected empty bottles of lemonade and handed them over for a few cents? You have learned an important lesson, which says: no matter how much you earn in the beginning, even a few cents, but you are learning to earn. Here they are - the first lessons of economics.

Lesson three. Start is an idea

Look around. What can be improved? Where is the free niche? Ask for the opinions of others. You are sure to come across a great idea. Now it seems to us that all big ideas are connected with new technologies, the Internet. Some of the creators of Internet projects have become billionaires overnight, but they often started with a simple idea.

Lesson four. Be far-sighted

One idea is not enough. You must imagine what is behind it. Let's say you've implemented an idea, and what's next? This "what" is really important. What happens after we launch the business? What can he become? What value can it have? What emotional and financial benefit will I get from this? What exactly in my business will make me act, invest effort and money? The answers to these questions will help you form the big picture of your business. And when creating it, always think big! Give yourself the opportunity to experience the excitement of the idea and the future associated with it.

Lesson five. Believe in yourself

Building a business is all about solving problems that never end. Very often, the future of your enterprise seems very doubtful. You don't have enough money, you lose customers, suppliers disappoint, employees take advantage of your business. A lot goes wrong. Then people around you will certainly advise you to forget the “crazy idea” and do something else, for example, find a job! But even in these moments, you should not lose faith in yourself and your business.

Lesson six. Ready, fire, aim!

Don't be afraid if you don't have much experience. You can spend your whole life on plans and dreams. It is better to shoot first, keeping the general direction, and then refine the target, than not to shoot at all. Get started. Move in the right direction and correct the course as you go.

Lesson seven. Profit or perish

You can sell a lot, but still remain an unprofitable business. There are only two ways to make money: increase sales and reduce costs. Believe me, this is a lesson to be learned as early as possible.

Lesson eight. Be positive

Do you face obstacles that seem insurmountable? Being in a bad mood won't help you out of the situation, so be positive.

Lesson nine. Constantly improve your business

Those who are successful are constantly improving their work. It requires introducing new products, new ways of serving, finding new market outlets, new ways to outperform others. You cannot do it once and for all - the process never ends.

Lesson ten. Trust your people

Perhaps this is not easy. But experience successful people shows: you need to trust your people more ... or blame yourself.

Lesson eleven. Never spend all your money

You can make mistakes, you can have a bad day, a week or even a year. You may not have much money, but you should never spend everything you have.

Lesson twelve. Attract new customers daily

You can't grow if you don't have new people coming to you all the time. It is important to convey information about your product, invite them to try it, and then turn a one-time visitor into a regular one. And every day to attract new customers is your main task.

Lesson thirteen. Be Persistent: Never Give Up

It is perseverance that is the quality that allows people to move forward and achieve success. If you give up, you will never grow. Stay true to your plan or goal no matter the circumstances. In business, you must solve problems, no matter how difficult it may be. People who give up have only one choice: start over and try again.

Lesson fourteen. Give your brand a name

It's a fact: despite the higher price, branded products sell better.

Lesson fifteen. Opportunities wait for no one.

When you are faced with an opportunity, it is very important to be ready to say yes before the opportunity goes anywhere. This does not mean that you should grab for anything. But if you want to start and build a business, then you must answer “yes” to some offer.

Why are these lessons so valuable? If you follow them, you will increase the likelihood of success for your business. They are learned and used by all entrepreneurs. And if you're planning to expand your business to include more than two people, then of course you'll have to learn a lot more. Start Small is full of inspiring entrepreneurial stories and highlights the importance of starting your own business. It is better to start small and continually improve your business than not to start at all and put it off until later.

Lesson topic: "You are an entrepreneur"

Lesson Objectives:

  1. Awareness by students of their professional intentions, interests, inclinations;
  2. study of personality traits of an entrepreneur;
  3. study entrepreneurial activity.

Lesson objectives:

  1. To acquaint with the basic concepts: "profession", "entrepreneurship", "entrepreneur";
  2. conduct testing to determine entrepreneurial potential;
  3. contribute to the education of diligence, a responsible attitude to the choice of profession;
  4. to check and summarize the knowledge of students on economic problems and entrepreneurship;
  5. to develop the ability of students to think actively, to develop elements of figurative memory, to cultivate feelings of rivalry and collectivism.
  6. to continue the formation of communicative and organizational skills of students, the ability to work in a team, interact both with the teacher and with peers;
  7. to cultivate a culture of dialogue and exchange of opinions, a culture of emotions.

Lesson type: combined

Equipment: electronic presentation, Handout.

Audience: 7th – 9th grades

Lesson duration: 40 minutes

During the classes

Epigraph to the lesson:

“Business is a game, the greatest game

In the world - if you know

How to play it.

James Watson

  1. Organizing time.

Hello guys, sit down.

Psychological attitude "Everything is in your hands."

Parable. “There was a wise man who knew everything. One person wanted to prove that the sage does not know everything. Clutching the butterfly in his hands, he asked: “Tell me, sage, which butterfly is in my hands: dead or alive?” And he thinks: “If the living one says, I will kill her, if the dead one says, I will let her out.” The sage, thinking, replied: "Everything is in your hands."

  1. A conversation about the professional intentions of students, the need to take into account interests and inclinations when choosing a profession.

Millions of young men and women, graduating from school, are trying to find their way in life. Unfortunately, not everyone is able to achieve the desired success. One of the reasons is that professional, personal and life plans are not always well thought out, drawn up without taking into account one's abilities and possible obstacles. Today we will try to understand these issues. The topic of our lesson is: “You are an entrepreneur”. slide 1

Pay attention to the epigraph to the lesson. Slide 2. James Watson once said, "Business is a game, the greatest game in the world - if you know how to play it." How do you understand these words? Who are the participants in this game?(student answers)

Undoubtedly, entrepreneurs play the main role here.

Entrepreneurial activity has been and remains attractive to today's youth, as it is associated with economic freedom, the ability to independently make business decisions, achieve personal success and material well-being. However, you cannot learn to be an entrepreneur at a university, and there is no such specialty - “ successful businessman". Do you think anyone can be successful in business? Why?(student answers). It is true that in order to become an entrepreneur, a person must have certain qualities, and what and whether you have them, we will try to figure it out in our lesson.

Entrepreneurial activity is permitted and supported by law. Slide 3. Law Russian Federation"On Enterprises and Entrepreneurial Activities" enacted on January 1, 1991, fixes the main features of this activity:

entrepreneur running his own business

In one's own name,

At your own risk, under your own liability.

According to statistics, people who become entrepreneurs in different countries world - from 2.5% to 4.2% of all residents of these countries. Russia is also no exception to this rule. In our country, already 2.7% of people from the number of all residents who are engaged in various types business. The spirit of entrepreneurship has penetrated our lives and makes more and more people think about their destiny and their life path.

3. Checking homework.

Guys, name the entrepreneurs of your locality. (student answers)What can you tell about their activities? Do you think they were successful? What helped them succeed?(student answers)

4. Information - activity stage.

We had the opportunity to get acquainted with the entrepreneurs of your locality. We see that any business starts with an idea. People choose the type of activity that is needed, will be in demand, and only then it will bring profit, and entrepreneurial activity will be successful. But it is clear that one idea is not enough. People must have certain qualities.In order to highlight the main features of an entrepreneur, let's try to formulate a definition of an entrepreneur.

Who is called an entrepreneur?(student answers).

slide 4. Entrepreneurship- initiative independent activity of people, carried out on their own behalf, at their own risk and aimed at generating income, profit from the use of property, the sale of goods, the provision of services. This is an activity associated with risk, initiative, enterprise, independence, responsibility, active search.

Slide 5. Entrepreneur- this is the one who organizes the whole process, which ultimately brings profit. He takes care of the assortment, the selling price, relations with the authorities, security, accounting, recruitment, transport, you can’t count everything ...

His profits can be very large. But in the event of a crash, he can lose his entire fortune and even his life.

From this definition, highlight the main personality traits of an entrepreneur.(student answers).

It is true that success in business is usually achieved by those who are obsessed with an idea, are confident in themselves, are able to select the right team, and are sociable.

Slides 6-7. The modern entrepreneur has the following features:

  • purposefulness
  • boundless faith in your product or service
  • ingenuity
  • perseverance and perseverance in achieving the goal
  • focus on success and profit
  • understanding your strengths and weaknesses
  • willingness to start all over again
  • analytic mind
  • complete confidence in your business
  • ability to lead others by example
  • practicality
  • attention to detail and minor nuances in business
  • the desire to constantly develop their business
  • willingness to take risks
  • lack of fear of difficulties

slide 8. Among personal qualities There are six most important ones:

  • independence
  • ambition
  • persistence
  • industriousness
  • stamina
  • a responsibility


Psycho-gymnastics "Chick" (with elements of breathing exercises) slide 9.

In order to have a stable psyche, strong endurance, the ability to control oneself in any situation, not to show one's emotions, an entrepreneur must engage in psycho-gymnastics.

Imagine that you have a small helpless chick in your hands. Stretch your arms palms up. And now warm it up, slowly fold your palms one at a time, hide the chick in them, breathe on it with your even calm breathing, put your palms on your chest, give the chick kindness of heart and breath.

And now open your palms and you will see that the chick joyfully took off, smile at him and do not be sad, he will still fly to you!

What makes people take risks and start their own business?(student answers)Indeed, there are many motives. Let's highlight the main ones. slide 10.

  • earn more to live better
  • realize yourself in something
  • be independent, successful and wealthy

Obviously, having your own business is much harder than being an employee. Work will absorb all your time, thoughts. It is unlikely that you will find a quick and fabulous enrichment: the path to it is thorny.

You will have to enter into difficult relationships with competitors, regulatory authorities, and even possibly with criminal structures. But if all these difficulties do not scare you, and you see your future in entrepreneurship, then go ahead!!!

There is a certain “Code of Honor for a Russian Entrepreneur”

Modern entrepreneurs do not enjoy great love among the people. "Crooks", "thiefs" - these are not the most rude characteristics that they are awarded. To some extent, our level of consciousness and just envy of the success of others affects here. But in many ways, there are reasons for such reviews: some entrepreneurs often conduct their business using dishonest methods. In this regard, it is interesting to turn to the experience of the "old entrepreneurs" - those who built capitalism before 1917. Slide 11.

"Seven principles of doing business in Russia" - a document developed by industrialists in 1912:

  1. Respect authority . Power - necessary condition for efficient business management. Everything must be in order.
  2. Be honest and truthfulis the foundation of entrepreneurship, a prerequisite for healthy profits and harmonious relationships in business.
  3. Respect the right to private property. Free enterprise is the basis of the well-being of the state. The Russian industrialist is obliged to work for the good of the Fatherland.
  4. Love and respect the person- such an attitude on the part of the entrepreneur gives rise to a reciprocal feeling. In such conditions, a harmony of interests arises, prompting people to show themselves in all their splendor.
  5. Be true to your word. Success in business largely depends on the extent to which others trust you.
  6. Live within your means, always evaluate your capabilitiesand choose a case shoulder.
  7. Be purposeful. An entrepreneur needs a clear goal like air. Do not be distracted by something else and remember: in an effort to achieve your cherished goal, you must not cross the line of what is permitted. No goal can replace moral values.

Let's check whether you can be an entrepreneur, whether you have a set of qualities that add up to entrepreneurial ability. Slides 12-13.

5. Test to determine the ability to entrepreneurial activity.

Target: development of personal interest in entrepreneurial activity.

For each positive answer - 1 point

1. Are you able to complete the work you have begun, despite the difficulties that arise?

2. Can you insist on decision, or can you be easily persuaded?

3. Do you like to take responsibility, to lead something?

4. Do you enjoy the respect and trust of your comrades?

5. Are you in good health?

6. Are you willing to work from dawn to dusk with no immediate payoff?

7. Do you like to communicate and work with people?

8. Are you able to convince others of the correctness of the chosen path?

9. Do you have any slightest experience in the area in which you want to start your own business?

10. Are you at least a little familiar with current rules taxation, accounting wages, bookkeeping?

11. Can you talk to a stranger on the street?

12. Do you consider cunning to be a useful quality?

13. Are you jealous of the success of your friends?

14. Do you have in mind a room that can be rented?

15. Do you address your older relatives as "you"?

16. Do you worry if you were cheated in the store?

17. Do you have the opportunity to attract relatives and friends to finance the enterprise you are creating?

18. Are you able, for example, at the station to entrust a suitcase to a complete stranger for a while?

19. Do you have in mind smart specialists with experience and knowledge that you lack?

20. Are you sure that owning your own business is your main dream?

Calculate your points. slide 14.

If your score is 17 or more,you have all the necessary qualities to become an entrepreneur. Your determination, energy and faith in success will help to realize any worthwhile idea - the main thing is that the idea really deserves it.

You scored between 13 and 17 points.Your chances of success as an entrepreneur are not so clear. However, you can become a successful entrepreneur.

If you have less than 13 points,you are unlikely to come out good entrepreneur. Try to gain experience and, before embarking on the path of free enterprise, again and again compare your interests, desires and opportunities.

I hope that based on the results of the survey, the example of parents or friends of parents, one of you will choose this difficult, but rewarding and profitable job for yourself in the future.

  1. Lesson results. Reflection.

Guys, I suggest you remember everything that was said in the lesson and fill out the “Plus-minus-interesting” table.

You need to fill in a table of three columns. In the column "P" - "plus" - write down everything that you liked in the lesson, the information and forms of work that caused positive emotions, or, in your opinion, may be useful to you to achieve some goals. In the column "M" - "minus" - write down everything that you did not like in the lesson, seemed boring, caused hostility, remained incomprehensible, or information that turned out to be useless for you in terms of solving life situations. In the column "I" - "interesting" - write down all the interesting facts that you learned about in the lesson and what else you would like to know about this problem, questions for the teacher.

This chart was created by Edward de Bono, MD, PhD from the University of Cambridge, an expert in the development of practical skills in the field of thinking. This exercise allows the teacher to look at the lesson through the eyes of the students, to analyze it in terms of value for each student. For students, the columns “P” and “I” will be the most important, as they will contain reminders of the information that they may someday need.

Remember, entrepreneurship is the ability to take risks, make decisions, and make money.

Without faith in success and readiness for the sake of your goal to put everything at stake and go to the end, there is nothing to think about creating your own business. Success is achieved by those who are obsessed with an idea, self-confident, persistent, hardworking, independent.

This concludes our lesson, thank you all.

In recent years, a wide variety of innovations have been proposed to reform the education system, both in traditional system, as well as outside of it. Innovative search is certainly repelled by the demands of modern society. The market system has deeply entered our life, the economy is present in all spheres of activity of each of us. Therefore, the task of economic education is to help the student to better understand the basic concepts and provisions of the theory, learn to apply the knowledge gained in solving practical problems in the household, in production, in business, in Everyday life. Real life is diverse, it requires a person to make quick and informed decisions in non-standard situations. The theme of entrepreneurship contributes to the solution of this problem.

I decided to conduct this lesson in an unconventional form, in the form of a talk show, where the heroes are real entrepreneurs from relatives and acquaintances of students in this class. Participants in the discussion and spectators are students of the class.

The main goal of these types of lessons is to create a model of a new "non-boring" lesson, in which students can reveal their full potential, both mental and creative. The methods of this lesson are: interactive conversation between the characters and the audience, information technology (presentation).

Economics, 11th grade.

Lesson topic: Is it easy to be an entrepreneur?

  • get to know the participants of entrepreneurial activity, contribute to the formation of knowledge on entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial skills necessary in life situations;
  • identify the features of the legal literacy of entrepreneurship;
  • to promote understanding of the need for knowledge on entrepreneurship in modern economic conditions.

Know the terms: entrepreneur, entrepreneurship, entity, forms of entrepreneurial activity, signs of entrepreneurial activity, goals of entrepreneurship, business entities, business law, rights and obligations of entrepreneurship.

Be able to: distinguish between forms and signs of entrepreneurial activity.

Equipment: tutorial, handouts, mood cards for reflection.

Forms learning activities: a conversation on prepared questions with entrepreneurs, students' speeches on the main content of the topic, discussion, answers to the teacher's questions, writing the main provisions in a notebook.

Type of lesson: iterative-generalizing lesson.

Lesson form: lesson-game (talk show).

Lesson structure.

1) Organizational moment.

3) Repetition of the studied material:

1. The concept of entrepreneurship.
2. Business entities.
3. Forms of entrepreneurial activity
4. Business law
5. How to organize your business (training).

4) The result of the lesson.

5) Reflection.

Epigraph of the lesson (written on the board):

“Wise is he who knows what is necessary, and not much.” (Aeschylus)

During the classes

1) Organizational moment.

Preparation of game participants (talk show characters and spectators).

2) Introductory speech of the teacher.

From the moment when Russia switched to market relations, when there were real opportunities to earn big money, many citizens decided that they could become businessmen and entrepreneurs. The profession of an entrepreneur is still very relevant, it attracts many, and many young people dream of getting an education in entrepreneurship. In fact, this is very difficult to do, not everyone can do it. Our task is to understand this problem, to find ways to solve it. To answer the question - is it easy to be an entrepreneur?

Performance of the heroes of the program.

(the story of invited guests engaged in entrepreneurial activities. How did they start, what problems are still encountered.).

Questions from talk show participants (spectators-students) to the heroes of the program.

(students ask questions prepared earlier on entrepreneurial activity).

3) Repetition of the studied material: Identification of the basic concepts of entrepreneurship:

1. Entrepreneurial activity is one of the forms of participation of citizens in entrepreneurial relations. In accordance with Art.2. of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, entrepreneurial activity is an independent activity carried out at one’s own risk, aimed at systematically obtaining profit from the use of property, the sale of goods, the performance of work or the provision of services by persons registered in this capacity or in the manner prescribed by law ...

Vladimir Dal in his dictionary gives the following explanation of the concept of an entrepreneur. “An entrepreneur is an enterprising merchant, capable of enterprises, large turnovers, a brave, resolute, courageous person of this kind.”

2. Business entities:

Legal entities - organizations that own, in the economic vision or operational management of separate property and are liable for their obligations with this property, can acquire and exercise property and personal non-property rights on their own behalf, bear obligations, be a plaintiff and defendant in court.

Legal entities are commercial organizations and non-profit organizations (consumer cooperatives, public and religious organizations, etc.)

A citizen has the right to engage in entrepreneurial activity without forming a legal entity from the moment of state registration as an individual entrepreneur. (Article 23 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

Separately highlighted in paragraph 2. Art. 23 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, such a subject of entrepreneurial law as the head of a peasant (farmer) enterprise, carrying out activities without forming a legal entity.

3. Forms of entrepreneurial activity.

The forms of entrepreneurial activity include: business partnerships and companies, general partnerships and limited partnerships (limited partnerships), limited liability companies, additional liability companies, joint-stock companies, production cooperatives, state ones. and municipal unitary enterprises; business organizations - associations (unions), holdings, financial and industrial groups.

4. Business law.

Entrepreneur's rights:

Each entrepreneur has the right to: independently form a production program, choose suppliers and consumers of his products, set prices for it within the limits determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation and contracts, challenge in court in accordance with the procedure established by law the actions of citizens, legal entities, government bodies.

Entrepreneur Responsibilities:

Fulfill obligations arising from the RFI legislation and agreements concluded by it; timely submit an income declaration and pay taxes in the manner and amount determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

5. How to organize your business? (training)


  1. Think about what kind of business you could open?
  2. Select legal form enterprises (justify your choice).
  3. Prepare a project employment contract with employees (working hours, terms of payment, a responsibility).
  4. Sketch out a business plan.

Generalization (discussion).

  1. Can we answer the question posed in the topic of our lesson?
  2. Do you have a desire to become an entrepreneur?
  3. What do you need to do business?
  4. What new concepts are you familiar with?
  5. In what areas did you expand your knowledge?

4) Summing up the lesson.


Prepare reports on topics (optional):

- “Non-Profit Organizations and entrepreneurial activity”

- “Privatization and its role in entrepreneurial activity in the Russian Federation”

Develop a project of your own entrepreneurial activity.


Guys, with the help of mood cards, show your attitude to today's lesson:

  • Red color - I liked the lesson, it was interesting.
  • Green color - did not like the lesson.
  • Gray color - I didn't care


1. Volkov S.D., Korneichuk B.V., Lyubarsky A.N. Economics. Collection of tasks. - M.: Airis-Press, 2002

2. Guseva T.A. Entrepreneurial Law. Textbook.- M.: RIOR, 2005

(Lesson in the 8th grade on the course "Social Science", textbook by A. I. Kravchenko)

Target: to create an idea of ​​who an entrepreneur is, about the role of entrepreneurship in the economy, its function and forms, to contribute to the formation of skills to work with a textbook, with a document, to analyze, summarize the material, use it to develop new ideas, teach the rules of behavior in the economic sphere.

Characteristics of the main activities of the student

Subject Results:

1) formulate a definition of the concepts of "entrepreneurship", "entrepreneur";

2) characterize the qualities that an entrepreneur should possess;

3) name the functions of an entrepreneur, types of entrepreneurship;

4) indicate the differences between an entrepreneur and a manager and an inventor;

5) formulate their own definition of the concept of "risk", give examples of entrepreneurial risks.

Metasubject results:

1) using historical facts, as well as information from various sources(media, Internet), give specific examples of entrepreneurial activity, talk about Russian entrepreneurs.

Personal results:

1) substantiate their own opinion whether any person can become an entrepreneur;

2) assess their entrepreneurial abilities;

3) illustrate concrete examples manifestations of entrepreneurial ethics;

4) participate in group work to develop an entrepreneurial innovation.

Basic concepts:

  • entrepreneurship;
  • entrepreneur;
  • functions of an entrepreneur;
  • forms of entrepreneurship;
  • entrepreneurial idea, entrepreneurial innovation;
  • entrepreneurial principles

Lesson plan

a) Entrepreneur. Qualities of an entrepreneur.

b) Functions of an entrepreneur.

c) Forms of entrepreneurship.

d) Entrepreneurial risk.

e) Entrepreneurial innovation.

f) Ethics of the entrepreneur.

Lesson type- combined.


  • Textbook "Social Science" 8 cells. ed. A.I. Kravchenko, paragraph 13.
  • Workbook in social science to the textbook A.I. Kravchenko "Social science" Grade 8, paragraph 13.
  • Presentation "Entrepreneurship in history".
  • Materials for the game "Make a living".
  • A student's report about the Begunitsky entrepreneur H.L. Sugyan and his business "Bread Estate".

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

Greeting students. Check readiness for the lesson.

2. Statement of the learning task.

Conversation with the class.

Teacher: What are the main factors of production. (Answer: Natural resources, labor resources, capital resources, entrepreneurship).

What is the payment for the use of resources? (Answer: rent, salary, interest, profit).

Today we will get acquainted with the fourth factor of production - entrepreneurship. Students write down the topic of the lesson in a notebook and, together with the teacher, formulate a learning task: to find out who an entrepreneur is, what are his qualities, in what forms does entrepreneurship exist, how is the activity of an entrepreneur regulated, can everyone be an entrepreneur?

The attention of students is offered a PP presentation (prepared by students), which tells about entrepreneurs in Russia and Western countries(B. Franklin, brothers McDonald, S. Morozov, S. Mamontov, P. Tretyakov, Eliseevs, Ryabushinskys).

Teacher: What is an entrepreneur? Students provide their own definitions. For some, this is a person who opens his own business, for others - a speculator who risks his own and other people's money. For others, it is the manager who coordinates the business.

Students compare their answers with the textbook and write down the definition in a notebook: “An entrepreneur is a person who has come up with a new business that satisfies some need and makes a profit”

Question: What are the qualities of an entrepreneur?

Students note such qualities as initiative, the ability to solve emerging problems, freedom in choosing goals and methods, independence in decision-making, easy adaptation to the situation, the ability to take responsibility, the ability to establish business relationships, negotiate, plan, organize and provide personal influence. Entrepreneurs are people who live by the principle of "can - do it." Psychologists claim they have a sense internal control. They are ready to take responsibility for the mistakes made, as well as a reward for progress made. They never treat failure as an end, but only as an experience.

Work in pairs. Students are encouraged to think about the following questions:

Question 1: “How does the concept of “entrepreneur” and “inventor” correlate? Can we say that they are one and the same? Students should note that the inventor invents, creates something new, but often cannot sell the product, and the entrepreneur promotes goods and services, brings them to the buyer, consumer.

Question 2: How does the concept of "entrepreneur" and "manager" correlate? With the help of a textbook (pp. 86-87), students note that in a small business this is practically one person, and on average big business, as a rule, are different, because the entrepreneur is the owner of the company, and the manager is a hired manager, management specialist.

Question: What is entrepreneurship?

Students provide their own versions.

Notebook entry. Entrepreneurship is an independent initiative economic activity aimed at making a profit. (Textbook, p.85)

Question: What is profit? How to get it?

Notebook entry: “Profit is a general indicator financial results economic activity, one of the economic categories; represents the surplus of proceeds from the sale of goods over the costs of their production and sale.

To better understand the role of an entrepreneur, students are encouraged to take part in the game "Make a Living".

1. The class is divided into two groups: representatives of firms (entrepreneurs) and consumers. Representatives of firms receive 10 chips of 1000 rubles each and “Entrepreneur” badges, and consumers receive 15 consumer cards, regardless of type (15 cards for natural resources or 10 for human and 5 for capital, etc.), it is only important that the general number of distributed cards different type was approximately equal.

2. Put a sheet with the inscription "Factory" on one of the desks. Here, consumer cards will be exchanged for cards with the inscription "Econo". These cards will indicate the goods and services produced. The teacher takes this place for the duration of the game.

3.Warn students that when a third or a quarter of the participants have sold all their cards, the game will be over in 5 minutes. During the game, consumers sell their resource cards for money and use the money to buy Econo, entrepreneurs pay money for resources and receive them for Econo. The deal is based on free market prices.

4. After the end of the game, the participants count the number of cards (consumers - "Econo", and producers - money). Find out which of the entrepreneurs turned out to be bankrupt (had accumulated less than 10,000 rubles). Explain that they suffered losses. Mark producers and consumers who have achieved the best results.

The game will help you understand what entrepreneurs bring together different types resources to produce a product useful to consumers, sell it and make a profit.

2.Functions of an entrepreneur.

Teacher: What role does an entrepreneur play in society?

(Students offer their versions, highlight the main thing and make brief notes)

An entrepreneur introduces a new product or service to the market. One has only to take a quick look at any house to see a refrigerator and a TV, a vacuum cleaner and a computer, a blender and a mixer. Behind each of these items are people who understood the need of the consumer, which could not be satisfied and found ways to satisfy it. They have found all the resources and have taken the liberty of offering these products to the consumer market.

Entrepreneurs discover new resources or use old ones new way. For example, production waste or renewed energy sources. Entrepreneurs contribute to the development of new technologies (for example, knowledge-intensive, resource-saving, waste-free technologies).

Entrepreneurs open up new markets. New markets are emerging in healthcare and financial services. Entrepreneurs are able to see new markets where they do not yet exist (OSAGO, tourism).

Entrepreneurs reorganize existing businesses. Any enterprise that remains unchanged is bound to fall behind soon. Entrepreneurs can find best ways such a reorganization by reducing costs and increasing efficiency. G. Ford reorganized the automotive industry, E. Carnegie - steel production.

3. Forms of entrepreneurship.

Teacher: Entrepreneurship can be embodied in three forms (depending on the field of application)

a) risky business. A venture is the opening of a new business. The teacher asks the students to give examples. For example, space tourism.

b) Domestic entrepreneurship. This is entrepreneurship within the framework of an already existing business. The teacher asks the students to give examples. For example, an entrepreneur may find ways to reorganize management and production, or reduce costs, or increase efficiency by introducing new system bookkeeping or information processing.

in) Social entrepreneurship. There are hundreds of problems in society that need to be addressed. Many of these decisions may come from the government or the non-profit sector of our economy. Students give their examples (fighting drug addiction, homelessness, crime).

Depending on the number of participants, three forms of entrepreneurship are distinguished:

(students work with the diagram on page 87 of the textbook).

Individual (firms, retailers);

Partnership (partnership owned by several owners);

Corporations ( economical society association of persons and capital for the production of goods and services)

Question: Determine what are the advantages and disadvantages of each form.

Students answer the question using the textbook.

Fizkultminutka. Pupils do exercises:

To become strong and dexterous,

Let's start training (we walk on the spot),

Lap of honor run (running in place)

Or lift weights (flexion and extension of the arms),

Inhale and exhale (inhale - exhale)

Take a breath, take a breath (exhale-inhale).

Be an athlete always ready (applause).

4. Entrepreneurial risk.


Entrepreneur Features:

a) the desire for independence;

b) increased desire to achieve the goal;

c) risk taking.

Student's report about Begunitsky businessman Sugyan H.L. ("Bread estate").

Question: What risks does an entrepreneur overcome on the way to success?

Students note the following: lack of investment, the need to constantly improve production, fierce competition, staff turnover, the need to improve skills, crisis, the risk of ruin.

  1. Entrepreneurial innovation.

Question: How do entrepreneurial innovations occur? (Teacher's story)

Innovation is the process of developing new production, introducing new technologies. The result of innovation is always the same: an increase in possible investments in the economy. Innovation, by stimulating the growth of investment, increases overall demand, thereby raising both the quantity of output and the level of employment. The entrepreneur is the bearer of innovation, creating opportunities for investment in the economy that increase its growth. Innovation can be seen as a series of steps by which goods and services that already exist are improved and thus more in line with the needs of buyers.

The innovation process includes three stages:

a) development of the concept. It comes down to identifying new needs of society and developing ideas in the field of production, services and technologies.

b) Improvement. The developed idea should be developed and tested for feasibility. This is the longest and most difficult stage.

c) Commercialization. The idea must be translated into a product or service, brought to the market and effectively sold.

Students make notes about the stages of entrepreneurial innovation.

Group work.

The class is divided into groups of 3-4 people. Each group proposes and justifies 1 entrepreneurial idea for our district, village, school. During the discussion, the most interesting ideas emerge.

Students are given homework to develop a business plan for the most promising of the ideas. The teacher gives explanations for drawing up a business plan.

A business plan is a document that reflects all the main aspects of a future business enterprise, analyzes the problems that it may face, and determines how to solve these problems.

  1. The main thing in business plan- explain what needs to be done to make a profit.
  2. How do you hope to outperform your competitors so that your future product will attract buyers and sales will constantly grow.
  3. What financial results do you expect in the future.

Experience shows that students perform this task with interest, which helps them to imagine themselves as an entrepreneur, take into account their interests and consumer needs. The range of topics is very wide (car repair shop, veterinary clinic, beauty salon, Internet cafe, brewery, etc.)


Students independently evaluate the results of their educational activities by attaching leaves, flowers, fruits to the tree:

Fruits - the lesson was useful, fruitful;

Flower - not bad;

Green leaf - not quite satisfied;

Yellow leaf - "lost day", dissatisfaction.


Workbook, p. 13, task 2, formulate the rules of entrepreneurial ethics, evaluate your entrepreneurial capabilities.

Draw up a business plan for an enterprise (for students who have time for "4" and "5").

Teacher MOU "Begunitskaya secondary school" Simonova L.A.

Lesson: Entrepreneurship

Target: creation of conditions for the study of entrepreneurship as one of the integral components of the socio-economic practice of modern Russia.


    Educational: to form in students an idea of ​​\u200b\u200b"entrepreneurship", its essence and role in the system of market relations; determine the qualitative characteristics of the entrepreneurial profession.

    Educational: develop communication skills when working in a group, develop cognitive interest, develop the ability to explain features, patterns, analyze, compare, develop text skills, help students determine the level of predisposition to entrepreneurial activity

    Educational: to cultivate a humane attitude towards others, to cultivate an attitude towards entrepreneurship not only as a way to make a profit (personal benefit), but also a way to meet the needs of society.

Equipment: presentation "Entrepreneurship", individual worksheets, didactic materials for group work, questionnaire of personal entrepreneurial abilities, smile pictures to highlight groups and reflect on mood.

New words:





During the classes

1.Motivational stage.

Hello guys, check if everything is on your desk, get ready, and now close your eyes, think about something good, open your eyes and smile, let this smile accompany you throughout the lesson.

I hope that our communication with you today will be not only useful, but also interesting.

Social science

Spheres of society

What area are we studying?

What key areas are united by the economy

Which item comes first


The basis of production is resources or otherwise factors of production. name them

Teacher: Students need to distribute the "harvest" into baskets


Labor Land Capital Entrepreneurship

Harvest: money, equipment, land plot, lathe, oil, equipment adjuster, technologist, timber, knowledge technological process, building, efforts aimed at finding new opportunities, lawyer, risk, ability to organize a case,)

Which of these factors do you think is the most important?


What do you know about this factor?

Initial assessment of students' knowledge on a topic. Scale on the board.

- Determine the level of your knowledge on the topic of the lesson: low, medium or high.

On the scale, students evaluate their own knowledge on a given topic and put a certain sign.

How would you rate your knowledge? High level or low?

What questions would you like to ask to learn about entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship?

Formulate the purpose of the lesson:

Who is an entrepreneur?

What does he do

How does

Why is he doing business?

Who is an entrepreneur?

Questions on the screen:




For what?

Let's see: Who is an entrepreneur? and Who can be an entrepreneur? Surely each of you already has an idea of ​​​​an entrepreneur, each has his own image of an entrepreneur, which, I hope, we will supplement during the lesson.

To do this, we will work in pairs. Each couple will have their own task. Read the task, think, consult, come to a common decision, jointly select a speaker.


1. Task:

Work on the text of the textbook - Yakovleva and Grigorieva

Paragraph 13.

Page 85 The paragraph "Entrepreneur - ... with their wallet" and p 86 "Entrepreneur ... computer empire" and with a social science dictionary

2. task - the study of regulatory documents - find out who can be an entrepreneur. Yakovlev D. and Isaev V.

Constitution of the Russian Federation

Civil Code

How old are you? If you come to tax office, you will be registered as entrepreneurs?

Children's answers. story by regulatory documents. name documents

If any citizen of the Russian Federation can be an entrepreneur, why are there teachers, mechanics, drivers, salesmen?

Task 3 - study the text "Qualities of an Entrepreneur" and complete tasks - handout

After discussion and additions, a summary is summed up - the most important, according to students, qualities are called. Answers are recorded on worksheets.

Teacher: And now let's check which of you in the future can choose the profession of an entrepreneur.

Questionnaire for assessing personal entrepreneurial abilities

Please answer "yes" or "no" to the questions provided.

1. Are you able to complete the work you have begun, despite the obstacles that arise?

2. Are you able to insist on the decision made or can you be easily persuaded?

3. Do you like to take responsibility, lead?

4. Are you ready to work from dawn to dusk without receiving immediate returns, rewards?

5. Are you able to convince and infect others with your confidence in the correctness of the chosen path?

6. Do you understand the ideas and thoughts of other people?

7. Do you enjoy the respect and trust of your colleagues and acquaintances?

8. Do you like to communicate and work with people?

9. Do you think that if you have already decided something, then nothing will stop you?

10. Starting something new is always scary. Are you one of those who will not be stopped by this?


Each positive answer gives you one point. Calculate, please, the sum of points.


If the score is 8 or more, you have all the necessary qualities to become an entrepreneur. Your determination, energy and faith in success will help to realize any worthwhile idea - the main thing is that the ideas really deserve it.

You scored from 5 to 7 points. Your chances of success as an entrepreneur are not so obvious, but anything is possible if you work hard on yourself.

If you have less than 5 points, you are unlikely to make a good entrepreneur. Try to gain experience, and before embarking on the path of free enterprise, again and again compare your interests, desires and opportunities.

The students answer the questionnaire. Then the teacher is interested in the results. The first to raise their hands are those who can become an entrepreneur, then those who need to work on themselves, the last are those who are better off not starting, the teacher convinces the latter not to be upset, because there are many more professions where you can realize yourself.

As it turned out, not everyone has this quality.

O form on worksheets

What does an entrepreneur do?

What type of activity do you associate entrepreneurship with?

Listen to students' opinions.

Work on the text of the textbook p. 88 to "Example successful business»

An enterprise with more than 500 employees - big business

An enterprise with a number of employees from 100 to 500 is a medium-sized enterprise

An enterprise with less than 100 employees is a small business

Working with statistical data of the Urmar region

video sketches

What kind of business is developed in our area?

Small and medium

What sectors of the economy are covered by small and medium business?

Students name according to the table

Distribute these sectors of the economy by type of business.

Calculate the share in%.

Why small business?

Why service industry?

Student responses

Why organize your business? What is the purpose of entrepreneurial activity?

Work according to the text of the textbook p.85 “The desire for profit ... 4 years”

So, the main income of an entrepreneur is profit. You all understand that it will differ significantly from the income of an employee.

Using the text, find the main difference between the income of an entrepreneur and the income of an employee.

AT economic theory labor as a factor of production refers to any mental and physical efforts made by people in the process of economic activity in order to produce a useful result. The price of labor services, income employees- wage. Wages are defined as remuneration paid to an employee for work performed. This is a guaranteed income for an employee of the enterprise.

An entrepreneur is an essential attribute of a market economy. Profit is one of the most important indicators financial results of economic activity of business entities (organizations and entrepreneurs), for the sake of which entrepreneurial activity is carried out. According to Cantilom (18th century), an entrepreneur is a person with uncertain, non-fixed income (peasant, artisan, merchant, etc.). He receives other people's goods at a known price, and will sell at a price not yet known to him. A. Smith characterized an entrepreneur as an owner who takes economic risks for the sake of implementing a commercial idea and making a profit.

Students formulate the main difference between profit and wages - its volatility. Be sure to record this on the worksheet.

The exercise "Colored pencils" is carried out.

Children are invited to take colored pencils placed on the desk.

Teacher: Let's say you are an entrepreneur. The end has come reporting period. You have your income in your hands. How do you distribute your income?

All this is the income of the entrepreneur (the teacher has pencils in his hands). After paying wages to workers, taxes, paying for electricity, renting premises, production costs, etc. (the teacher puts away pencils), the entrepreneur is left with a net profit (a few pencils).

Teacher: It is for the sake of this small number of pencils - profit, that an entrepreneur must show all his abilities, initiative, take risks and be responsible for his risk, and most importantly, be an innovator. We congratulate successful entrepreneurs (children who have pencils left) with applause, think about those who did not have enough of them or did not have them left after paying all the costs.

"Every person should be given equal right pursue their own interest, and the whole society benefits from this ”(Adam Smith)

Why does the state encourage business development?

Whole society wins

The value of entrepreneurship for the state economy:

    The entrepreneur creates jobs.

    The entrepreneur pays taxes and thereby increases the welfare of the state.

    In an effort to make a profit, the entrepreneur innovates

into the production process (new goods, services, technologies, etc.)

So, we have already learned quite a lot of new things, we took something from your life experience, we heard about something for the first time. Let's create a complete image of an entrepreneur. Students performexercise on an individual worksheet. After the allotted time, chain check.

An entrepreneur is a ___________ citizen who is ready to show __________, to go on ____ creating and managing an enterprise, to introduce _______________ ideas and technologies, to take on ______________ for business decisions, to invest ___________, forces and means in order to obtain ______________ based on a combination of __________ benefits with _________________ benefits .

Back to scale

You and I have not remembered such a quality, without which the activity of an entrepreneur has become much more complicated - this is optimism. We started the lesson with a smile, if your mood has changed by the end of the lesson, if it is wonderful, raise a smiling image. I am very glad and wish that you start any business, even such a complex, risky and responsible one as entrepreneurship, with a smile and optimism, and then success and luck will definitely smile at you in return.

The teacher thanks and evaluates the work of the students.

Entrepreneurship it is not prohibited by law, associated with risk, independent, proactive economic activity aimed at making a profit.

Entrepreneur - a person who has come up with a new business that satisfies some need and makes a profit.

Business is any (not prohibited by law) activity aimed at making a profit. whether.

Profit - a generalizing indicator of the financial results of economic activity, one of the main economic categories; is the excess of revenue from the sale of goods over the costs of their production and sale.


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