What documents are needed to install a coffee machine. How to make a coffee machine business. How many vending machines are convenient for running a vending business

Evgeny Smirnov


# Business ideas

The realities of the vending business in Russia

Coffee and food vending machines will soon appear on suburban electric trains. This suggests that the market is developing and demand is growing.

Article navigation

  • Features of the vending coffee business
  • Place for a coffee machine: choose the right one
  • Coffee machines for business: choosing equipment so you don't regret it later
  • Registration and business
  • What do coffee machines “fill” with?
  • Staff
  • Maintenance
  • Business plan for making money on coffee machines
  • Monthly expenses
  • Profit per month on coffee machines
  • Payback coffee machine
  • Business development for the installation of coffee machines
  • How many machines do you need

Among all vending machines, coffee machines stand apart. It is believed that they are the most profitable, and the word "vending" for many is primarily associated with coffee. Such a business seems very simple, but this is not an entirely true statement. Yes, there are not very high risks here, under certain conditions a large start-up capital is not needed, but, as they say, the dog is buried in the details. And there are more than enough such nuances for business on coffee machines.

Features of the vending coffee business

The most important features include:

  • Possibility of easy and fast start.
  • Opportunity to make a small investment.
  • Very large selection of equipment and ingredients.
  • Even in large cities, you can find places without competition (although we note that among all the areas of vending, it is coffee that has the most competition).
  • No need to look for highly qualified and experienced staff.
  • Low seat rental fee. Coffee machines occupy a small area.

These are the features that can be attributed to positive moments. But there are also negative (or at best neutral):

  • A very strong dependence on a good place, this is what determines the profitability of each coffee machine individually.
  • In major cities there are big companies, which conduct business aggressively, forcing out small competitors. They capture all more or less promising areas for sales.
  • Possible equipment damage. Sometimes even deliberate, on the part of competitors. It happens, though rarely.

Also, at the very beginning of the article, we will immediately tell you the most important thing. We will talk about the choice of location and other nuances below, but all this will not matter if you offer a poor quality product. And it depends not only on the machine itself, but also on the ingredients that you buy.

The thing is that often the majority of sales are repeat sales. And if a person really did not like your coffee, he will never make a second purchase. Yes, there is a category of places where customers can be new every day, but the number of such places is very limited. And coffee machines often stand where there are regular visitors (for example, office space). That is why for successful business on coffee machines, the product must be of very good quality. Maybe not like in a cafe (where the cost is several times higher), but definitely better than regular instant coffee from a can.

Place for a coffee machine: choose the right one

The list of places where coffee machines can bring good profits is long. The important thing is that the best places are not those with very high traffic, but those where people stay for a while, albeit a short one:

  • transport hubs (stations, airports);
  • hospitals;
  • gas stations and car washes;
  • educational establishments;
  • trade and entertainment centers(this includes cinemas);
  • business and office buildings;
  • canteens of industrial enterprises;
  • state institutions.

These are traditional places, but it is always possible to find other options. The main thing is the crowd. Sometimes you can find completely non-obvious places that turn out to be very profitable. For example, you have placed a coffee machine next to a small office building where only fifty people work. But you have such delicious coffee that almost all of these people drink it every day. And the income from one glass is from 20 rubles, so consider it yourself.

If you decide to start a business with coffee machines, then be prepared to experiment. You can do without them, but in this way you run the risk of not finding the most advantageous places. You can always try to put the machine on for a short time and look at the level of sales.

There are the following requirements for a place for a coffee machine:

  • the ability to connect to the mains;
  • Free access;
  • it is highly desirable to install it in a safe place (protects from vandals).

The required area is about one square meter. Most property owners don't mind. additional income and easily agree to the installation of machines, but there are exceptions. They can charge very high prices or refuse to rent out a place for other reasons. You should also be prepared for this.

Places for coffee machines, as well as negotiations with the owners of the premises, it is desirable to carry out before buying machines. Otherwise, it will be like starting to build a house without a plot of land.

How to test a place with minimum cost and maximum accuracy?

It is always better to check the point, and only then conclude a long lease. This is easy to do, but only if the owner of the premises went to meet you halfway. Agree with him on a trial period, which can be paid even in double the amount (in case of failure). It will be much cheaper than signing a lease for several months, and the place will turn out to be bad in the end.

It is very easy to calculate and test a place. Any machine has the ability to collect statistics. The minimum period for testing is a week. Sometimes on certain days sales can be very high, and on other days, vice versa, low. Therefore, seven days is the minimum reasonable period that will allow for objective testing. Putting the machine for more than 14 days does not make sense. If there are no sales, then there won't be any.

After the test, it is necessary to analyze sales statistics and compare them with the specifics of the place. Easier to explain to concrete examples, for this we will make a table.

Day of the week Office building (number of sales) car wash
Monday 15 24
Tuesday 36 26
Wednesday 47 29
Thursday 17 28
Friday 14 36
Saturday 3 18
Sunday 2 23

Now let's decrypt the received data. A drop in sales over the weekend in an office building is perfectly logical, but something else should alert us: a sharp drop in sales on Thursday and Friday. What does this mean? Most likely, people tried coffee, but they didn’t like it, which is why we can see a drop in sales. It is also possible that the price was too high. In this case, it is desirable to conduct a survey and identify the real reason.

Everything is more even in the car wash, with the exception of a completely logical drop in sales on Saturday. There can be no questions here: the place is suitable and successful. But even here you can talk with the staff and find out what kind of feedback customers have left.

Coffee machines for business: choosing equipment so you don't regret it later

The cost of coffee machines is from 40 to 500 thousand rubles. The average price for a new and good coffee machine is 200-240 thousand rubles. It is often recommended to buy used or cheap Chinese-made equipment, but this is a bad idea for obvious reasons. However, here the decision must be made independently, if there is only enough money for used coffee machines, then you can buy them too.

The difference in the cost of devices is caused by the following reasons:

  • machine quality;
  • assortment of drinks;
  • menu type, screen presence;
  • Payment Methods.

Also, modern coffee machines can be equipped with additional useful features. For example, the ability to remove all data from it (remaining ingredients, etc.) remotely via the Internet.

It is difficult to give specific advice on choosing equipment; here, focus on your own financial opportunities, as well as what you want to get as a result. However, there are three points to pay attention to:

  • Possibility of service maintenance, as well as the availability of a service center near you. If the coffee machine breaks down, it will be very expensive to transport it thousands of kilometers. This question needs to be clarified before buying, especially when it comes to new models.
  • Warranty period, the possibility of warranty service on the spot.
  • The maximum load of ingredients can be important if you don't plan on serving them very often.

If you want to buy an old model, we recommend that you search the Internet for reviews (of course, not on the websites of companies that sell coffee machines). Sometimes you can find very useful information that will make you refuse to buy one model in favor of another.

Registration and business

The optimal form of business registration on coffee machines- IP. The taxation system is the simplified tax system or UTII, or the patent system. OKVED code: 47.99.2 (this is new code which appeared in 2016).

Other permits and licenses are not required, but keep in mind that according to the rules, people who service machines are required to have a health book. It may also require permission from the SES and the fulfillment of a number of conditions if the equipment is connected to the water supply, but such models are practically not found in Russia.

What do coffee machines “fill” with?

The coffee machine uses the following ingredients and expendable materials:

  • Coffee. Usually ground, or in grains. Soluble is almost never found.
  • Different types of tea (by the way, buying a coffee machine that does not have the ability to make tea is very unreasonable).
  • Cocoa and hot chocolate.
  • Sugar.
  • Milk and cream (in dry or granulated form).
  • Water.
  • Cups and spoons for stirring.

You don’t need to invent anything: all the ingredients are sold especially for coffee machines, you need to buy them. They are not quite the same as those sold in regular stores. In particular, they dissolve faster, absorb moisture worse. Ideally, find a permanent supplier and work only with him.

You determine the dosage yourself, but usually it is about seven grams of coffee per glass. With each machine, you should be given detailed setup instructions and dosage recommendations.

Water is collected from springs or tap water is used, but it must be filtered. Do not forget that bad water can adversely affect the taste. It must be clean and without the slightest content of impurities.


High qualifications from the staff are not required, although a person must be able to carry out simple repairs right on the spot. But that comes down to training. Each machine comes with all the necessary instructions, which tell about the elimination of the most common problems. Most often, these are problems with software or minor breakdowns (hose came off, etc.), which are easy to fix on your own.

With a small number of coffee machines, you can not hire staff at all, but you must be ready to work for your business seven days a week. A rather controversial option, but with 2-3 machines, hiring staff will be really superfluous. Set the salary based on the realities of your city.


One person per day can serve from 10 to 15 coffee machines, it all depends on how far they are from each other. The frequency of service depends on the number of ingredients that can be loaded and the number of sales. On average, this is three days, but sometimes you have to do maintenance every day.

Since you have to carry not only consumables, but also water, you will need a car. By the way, during the preparation of a business plan and cost planning, this is very often forgotten, and it is not mentioned on other sites, but a car is really required. At least light. You can solve the issue in two ways:

  • Hire employees only with their own car (and reimburse them for their gas costs).
  • Buy a used and inexpensive car, which will be comparable in value (or even cheaper) to one coffee machine.

We already wrote about breakdowns above. It is also necessary to periodically wash coffee machines and carry out preventive maintenance (all this is in the technical documentation). Money is taken out once a week. You can do it yourself, or you can trust your employees. We have one comment about this.

On the one hand, in modern coffee machines it is possible to collect all the statistics on money, which makes theft problematic. No, of course they can steal (if they get the money themselves), but it will be difficult to go unpunished. On the other hand, coins must always be left in the machines for change, which makes petty theft possible, which cannot be immediately detected. Therefore, once a month, a complete inventory is carried out.

Business plan for making money on coffee machines

A vending business with coffee machines does not require complex and fundamental research however some planning is needed. At a minimum, you need to determine a list of promising places, study competitors, find ingredient suppliers, and determine optimal prices.

Monthly expenses

Monthly expenses include:

  • rent;
  • consumables and ingredients;
  • staff salaries.

This is what money will have to be spent on without fail. There may be additional costs, such as those associated with repairs, but these cannot be planned.

Also, at the stage of planning expenses in your business plan for coffee vending, you need to determine the cost of each position in the machine. This is very easy to do if you know the consumption and prices of the ingredients.

Profit per month on coffee machines

Monthly profit cannot be predicted, but at a minimum, you can calculate the break-even point for each machine individually and for the entire business as a whole. Let's say the cost of one item is on average 5 rubles, and the average price is 30 rubles. You have five coffee machines, monthly expenses:

  • salary for one employee: 20 thousand rubles;
  • rental fee: 15 thousand rubles.

Now we divide 35,000 (20,000 + 15,000) by 25 (30 rubles - 5 rubles) and get 1,400. Thus, 1,400 sales is a break-even point, and everything above is a profit. By simple calculations, you can find out that each coffee machine should have 9.3 sales daily.

Payback coffee machine

Here the calculations are exactly the same, but you need to add the cost of the equipment, after which you will get the right numbers. In general, the payback in this business is usually about a year, sometimes a little more, sometimes a little less, but you need to focus on 12 months. Let's take a look at our example.

Your devices cost 600 thousand rubles. For them to pay off in one year, you need to sell another 24,000 cups of coffee or tea. And this is another 13.1 glasses per day for each machine. Thus, we get 13.1 + 9.3 = 22.4 glasses to be sold daily, which will allow us to return the initial investment within 12 months and start making a profit.

Business development for the installation of coffee machines

The business is very good because it is easy to scale. Have free funds appeared and you have found another promising place? You can buy a machine in one day, install it and it will start to make a profit. In this sense, it is difficult to find another such business.

However, the market still has a certain capacity. The difficulty lies in the fact that it is difficult to determine the potential number of consumers. Even impossible. In one city with a population of 100,000, 50 coffee machines may be successfully operating, while in another city with the same population, 25 may not be profitable. This happens even within the same city (everything is good in one area, everything is bad in another, while the flow of people is approximately the same).

If you see that some coffee machines are not profitable, then you should start looking for other places for them. In such cases, you should not wait, the situation in practice never changes. Or you can try lowering the prices. Business development on coffee machines is a constant search for new places, price optimization or assortment expansion.

How many machines do you need

And here it is very difficult to give specific recommendations. Simply because no market research has been conducted in Russia, so there is no data for analysis. You should start from the ratio of the number of promising places for the installation of coffee machines and financial opportunities. If there is money, then you can try to capture all the suitable places until competitors appear.

It all depends on what monthly income you plan to reach. If this is more than 100 thousand rubles, then even in a very good place to get such an amount from one machine is unrealistic. From two it is still possible, but only if the places are really very good.

In different regions of Russia, the situation is different, but it is believed that a profit of 25 thousand per month from one machine is already a very good result. You can focus on this figure, but we repeat, it is impossible in practice to predict the profitability of a particular place. This can only be determined by experience.

* Calculations use average data for Russia

Starting investments:

350 000 ₽ (2 machines)


80 000 ₽ (2 machines)

Net profit:

30 000 ₽ (2 machines)

Payback period:

Coffee machines are the most popular vending trend; they occupy about 65% of the total market. In this article, we will analyze the main points of the business from choosing a place to equipping machines with online cash registers.

Coffee vending is one of the most popular types of vending trade. Hot drink vending machines work without a salesperson, and with the right place they bring stable income and can pay off in a year of work. To organize such a business, you will need minimum capital and a personal car for machine maintenance.

But, despite the outward simplicity, coffee business needs a lot of attention, especially initial stage. To organize a vending trade, you need to find an area, select equipment, solve the problem of maintenance and repair, and ensure regular purchase of ingredients. To turn vending into a real business, you must create a network of at least four devices - then you can count on high incomes.

Therefore, before starting active steps to start a vending trade, you need to draw up a business plan: analyze the market, evaluate placements, calculate the amount of planned income and expenses.

Let's take a closer look at how to open a coffee vending.

Market analysis

First of all, you need to evaluate all the advantages and disadvantages of the business. This will allow you to make a decision to open and foresee what difficulties you will face. The advantages of vending are provided by automated trading, which helps to save significantly. But the main drawback is due to the fact that the success of a business is largely determined by the location. Moreover, in this case, not only the passability of the point is taken into account, but also the possibility of round-the-clock work, the presence of security. For example, if you place the device in a shopping center, then you will solve the problem of vandalism, but the point will work according to the schedule of the shopping center. And the location near the station is more risky, although it will allow you to work around the clock.

Advantages and disadvantages of coffee vending trade



    does not require large investments;

    ease of maintenance;

    no need to hire staff - the entrepreneur himself will be able to serve the business, spending several hours a week on it;

    installation area less than 1 sq.m.;

    margin on the goods is about 300%;

    can be combined with other business options;

    possible round the clock work schedule;

    high competition;

    it is difficult to find the right place for the machine;

    technological risk: the machine may simply break down, which will entail high costs;

    the vending machine can be hacked or damaged;

    high cost of delivery of ingredients to the regions of Russia

According to statistics, the vending market is growing by an average of 20% annually. Today, more than 60 thousand devices throughout Russia make up a market of 3-4 billion rubles. But the market is developing unevenly: 75% of vending machines are located in large cities, and the regions are still empty. So there is still space to be found in this business. Russian market there is room to grow. If in our country there are 600 people per vending machine, then in the USA this figure is 35, and in Western Europe - 110. Conclusion: in the coming years, the vending market will grow rapidly.

Earn up to
200 000 rub. a month, having fun!

2020 trend. Intelligent entertainment business. Minimum investment. No additional deductions or payments. Turnkey training.

Coffee machines are the most popular vending trend; they occupy about 65% of the total market. This is due to three factors: speed, availability, low price.

    the vending format is very suitable for selling coffee;

    coffee from vending machines is cheaper than in public catering;

    coffee machines are very compact, so they can be placed where a cafe cannot.

Coffee machines owe their popularity not only to the development of such a trade format as vending, but also to coffee itself. Every year in Russia, the volume of consumption of this drink is growing. If in 2001 our compatriots consumed 400 g of coffee a year, now this figure is already 1.35 kg. According to social surveys, more than 50% of Russians buy a cup of coffee on their way to work or school. At the same time, 22% of the respondents make daily purchases, and 48% drink coffee in cups once or twice a week.

How to register a business selling coffee

In any business, registration is the first step. For vending, the best option would be to register an individual entrepreneur. To do this, you just need to write an application in the prescribed form, attach a receipt for payment of the state duty (800 rubles). It is possible to issue an IP without additional employees. In this case, contributions to the funds will have to pay only for themselves. Type of activity according to OKVED-2: 47.99.2 Activities for the implementation of trade through automatic machines.

After the number of days specified in the notification, you will collect your documents from the tax office (extract from the USRIP). On the same day, it is advisable to write an application for the transition to the selected tax regime. It is recommended to choose UTII (the tax is calculated based on the number of vending machines and the k2 coefficient for the city in which the business is planned). Please note that UTII is not valid in all regions, so you should clarify in advance whether this type of taxation is available in your region.

The choice of taxation system also depends on the location of vending machines: a fixed rate should be chosen if the machines are located in places of high demand (shopping malls, railway stations). If the outlet has a pronounced seasonality of demand or an average level of pedestrian traffic, then it is better to choose a method of taxation that depends on profit (STS 6%). Pre-calculate both options to determine the appropriate one. After that, you can open a current account (its monthly maintenance will cost about 2,500 rubles).

Many novice vendors are concerned about the question - do I need to obtain any permits, licenses from regulatory authorities? Rospotrebnadzor is quite loyal to vending. Therefore, there is no need to notify territorial bodies Rospotrebnadzor on the start of entrepreneurial activity. However, you should keep in mind that Rospotrebnadzor has the right to conduct scheduled and unscheduled inspections of your organization. To avoid claims from regulatory authorities, each vending company must have:

    a medical book for the employee who will service the vending machine;

    certificates for machines (provided by the manufacturer or seller) and certificates for goods, ingredients (provided by the supplier);

    a lease agreement for a place for a vending machine;

    production control program and monthly reports on program execution;

    order on responsible persons for compliance with the requirements of sanitary norms and rules, and the implementation of the above program.

How to choose a place for a coffee machine

Choosing a suitable place for vending trade is one of the most important and difficult stages of opening. The volume of sales depends on the successful location. To find such a place, the entrepreneur must carefully analyze all potential points for installing the machine. Keep in mind that most of the "fish places" in large cities will be occupied - malls, train stations, etc. The benefit of such an arrangement is obvious, but the analysis various places will help you find better alternatives. If you fail to take the "fish" place, then bet on the quality of the products: offer unusual varieties of coffee, original recipes, and a variety of assortment.

When selecting a platform for the machine, consider the following requirements:

    proximity to public places with high pedestrian traffic: shopping and office centers, railway stations, service stations, universities, etc.;

    the presence of an outlet;

    required area 1 sq.m.

The average cost of renting such a point is 3-4 thousand rubles. Some shopping centers may charge a higher fee - from 6 thousand and above. By the way, it is also possible to find a place for coffee machines among government agencies. Tenders for the placement of coffee machines are published on the Rostender website (rostender.info).

At the first meeting with the owner of the site, experienced operators are advised to bring an image coffee machine in this interior, having previously photographed the place. This will clearly show that the device really occupies a small area and organically fits into the environment. Other useful tips for negotiating with landlords regarding the installation of vending machines can be found here.

In the lease agreement, it is desirable to prescribe all the conditions for cooperation: the amount of rent, guarantees, obligations of the parties, the degree of responsibility, payment of other expenses. Discuss the possibility of including energy costs in the rent (they will average 1,000 rubles per month).

How to choose a coffee machine

Coffee machines differ by country of manufacture, raw materials used and performance. Experts advise studying the offer using the Internet and Moscow professional exhibitions, such as Vending Expo.

Most vendors advise buying European coffee machines. German, Italian and Spanish coffee machines need repair less often than Chinese or Korean ones. From an aesthetic point of view, the "Europeans" are more attractive: they are ergonomic, fit better into a modern interior. But the cost of European machines is quite high compared to the same Korean or Chinese counterparts. Thus, a new machine running on freeze-dried coffee, Jofemar Coffeemar (Spain), costs 230 thousand rubles, and its Korean analogue SMC costs 130 thousand rubles.

You can save money and buy a used European coffee machine. According to sanitary standards, the maximum service life of the device in Europe is seven years, although in fact it is still quite functional. The equipment is sold to countries “without an age limit”. So you can buy a coffee machine with a 70% discount.

When choosing a coffee machine, you should clearly understand your business model. The vending equipment market offers many options for vending machines with different functions. There are machines that can prepare a maximum of 8 drinks, and there are more advanced versions for 12-15 drinks. The machines also differ in the raw materials used: some work on instant coffee, others on capsules, and others are equipped with coffee grinders and allow the use of coffee beans. There are also combined machines that combine the functions of coffee and snack. Of course, the cost of equipment varies significantly depending on the performance, functions and type of raw materials that are used.

Important point! When choosing a device, you must take into account the requirements of the law. Since 2013, GOST R 51303-2013 has been approved, which obliges owners of vending machines to install cash equipment. And since 2018 vending machines must be equipped with online cash registers and send checks to the tax office. Therefore, it is not recommended to buy used equipment that cannot be adapted to modern requirements. At the stage of choosing a machine, check whether it is possible to modify the terminal. Then you need to buy an online cash register and connect the cash register to the device. The cash desk needs to be registered with the tax office and sign an agreement with the OFD in order to transfer all checks to it.

How to connect the online cash register to the device? With the change in legislation, work with checks has been simplified - now it is not necessary to print them. It is enough to connect an automatic device to the terminal that generates and sends electronic checks via sms or email. Automatic online cash registers join the machines that were produced in 2003 - and yet there are such terminals and devices that cannot be connected to cash registers. Keep this in mind when choosing a coffee machine.

How much will the online checkout cost?

    Fiscal accumulator - 6-15 thousand rubles. Those who work on the simplified tax system or UTII will have to change it every 3 years;

    OFD services - 3 thousand rubles per year;

    Automatic device for settlements (online cash desk) - 4-13 thousand rubles;

    SIM-card with 3G (for sending electronic checks) - 100 rubles. per month.

    Printer for printing checks (optional) - 10 thousand rubles.

What equipment is suitable for terminals and vending machines? Models of cash registers are included in the register of the Federal Tax Service. For vending, devices whose names end in “FA” are suitable.

Thus, choose the equipment that suits your budget and all requirements. Even in such a narrow niche, there are options for the concept. You can sell instant economy coffee or a drink brewed with freshly ground coffee. Accordingly, prices and target audience will be different.

Ready-made ideas for your business

Having decided on the place and equipment, it is necessary to install coffee machines. Installation work takes a little time and is carried out by the company that sold you the equipment.

What ingredients are needed for a coffee machine

The assortment of coffee is formed based on the installation location and target audience. For example, in office and shopping centers, consumers are focused on higher quality, so it is better to install machines with freshly ground coffee there. But in universities it is more expedient to place coffee machines with instant drinks. And it's not just that instant coffee is cheaper. It cooks faster, and it is important for students to have time to buy coffee in a short break. This is beneficial for you too. Judge for yourself: instant coffee is prepared in 20 seconds, and from freshly ground beans - 50 seconds. Then, in a 10-minute break, the instant coffee machine will be able to "sell" 30 cups, and the second - only 12 cups. This example clearly shows what needs to be planned in advance. key parameters business.

Now let's move on to the purchase of raw materials.

The main consumables for coffee machines are coffee (grain or instant), sugar, cream, chocolate. All this can be purchased from one supplier. Experienced vendors advise purchasing ingredients from European brands: the Danish company Eurogran, the Dutch ICS, the Italian Ristoria, or the domestic Golden Domes, Andrey and Co.). The average coffee machine consumes 20 kg of the “total ingredient” every month, costing about 400 rubles. per kg, i.e. 8000 rubles.

In addition, you need to buy bottled water. One unit requires about 300 liters of water per month (costs - 2000 rubles). Please note that water for coffee machines must be of the same company. If the water hardness level changes, the machine may malfunction.

You also need cups: volume 165 ml, packs of 100 pieces, price - 170 rubles. Stirrers: 100 pieces for 40 rubles. The average coffee sales volume is 60 cups per day. Accordingly, 18 packs of cups and plastic stirrers will have to be purchased per month. The total cost of consumables will be about 2500 rubles. Add to this the cost of sugar, milk and other - another 2500 rubles. Thus, the monthly cost of raw materials will amount to 15,000 rubles.

Please note that all food products must be certified. The vendor provides the certificates.

How to calculate the cost

Before setting a price for coffee, you need to calculate the cost. The cost of a 0.2 liter cup consists of the following:

    coffee, 12 g - 5 rubles;

    milk, 60 ml - 5 rubles;

    water, 120 ml - 1.5 rubles;

    sugar - 1 rub.;

    glass and stirrer - 2 rubles.

In total, the cost of 1 cup of coffee (volume 0.2 l) is 14.5 rubles. The selling price is 40-60 rubles a glass. That is, the markup on coffee will be 200-300%.

How to advertise coffee vending

You must clearly understand who your target audience is. It depends on where the vending machines are located:

    Universities - students, young people aged 18-25;

    Stations - men and women with low and middle income;

    Shopping malls - middle-income families;

    Business centers - office workers.

Focusing on the target audience, you can set prices and form trade offer. Understanding who your consumer is is not a marketing tool, but it largely determines the level of sales. If your offer meets the interests and needs of the audience, then the trade will go well. Otherwise, even the best offer will not be appreciated.

The main way to advertise a coffee machine is to place it in the right place. You need to choose retail outlets based on the results of geomarketing research. Pedestrian traffic must be at least 1.5 thousand people per hour during daylight hours. Please note that pedestrian traffic is not the most important characteristic for outlet. 2 thousand people per hour can pass by the coffee machine, of which only 10 people will buy coffee (because your target audience will not be among them). And a coffee machine installed in an office with 50 employees will earn more because all 50 employees will buy coffee.

In general, it must be admitted: marketing for vending machines is very specific, and each advertising tool needs to be adapted to specific conditions.

For example, it is effective for vending outdoor advertising, aimed at visually highlighting the outlet. For this, they use: pillars, streamers, signboards, aromamarketing, i.e. attracting customers with scent. The aroma of coffee in itself stimulates sales because it awakens the appetite. Practice shows that 80% unconsciously focus on the smell. The coffee machine itself is unlikely to smell of coffee, so you will have to use a special flavor based on gel cartridges. To do this, an aroma device is installed on the outer wall of the machine. The aroma is heard within a radius of 1-5 meters and can attract people who have not paid attention to the coffee machine itself. This technique can increase sales by 15%.

Another way to attract attention is branding your machine. This is done not only to catch the eye of a passer-by with a bright sign, but also to increase the recognition of the coffee machine. For branding, it is enough to order a sticker film in the printing house or paint the surface of graffiti. But keep in mind that in this case you deprive yourself of the opportunity to rent out the advertising space.

How to maintain a vending machine

There is nothing difficult in the maintenance of coffee machines. Any person can cope with this - even those who combine the vending business with other activities. In a week you will spend only a couple of hours on maintenance. It consists in changing ingredients and utensils, as well as in withdrawing money. It is recommended to check the machine 3 times a week. If the bill acceptor is full, the machine will simply stop accepting money. An entrepreneur can easily handle the maintenance of 1-4 machines on his own. When expanding the network of vending machines, it is better to hire an assistant who will service the equipment.

How much can you earn from coffee vending

The average turnover of a coffee machine is 30-50 thousand rubles. per month. That is, you have to sell 40 cups a day. And this is quite real. Of course, such a volume of sales will not appear from the first day of installation, but such points are quickly gaining momentum; advantageous location and spontaneous purchases help.

An additional source of income can be advertising on cups and panels of coffee machines. The cost of advertising on the side of the machine is about 4,000 rubles per month, and on the front panel - 750 rubles per month. If you rent out advertising space for six months, you can earn almost 30,000 rubles extra.

How much does it cost to open a coffee vending

Experienced vendors advise installing several coffee machines at once in different places. So you can compare which site works more efficiently. A beginner should install at least 2 coffee machines, and then focus on creating a whole network with several points around the city. Thus, you will have to spend about 300 thousand rubles only on coffee machines. Almost 90% of your budget will go to equipment. The rest of the amount will have to be spent on obtaining permits, paying rent for the first month and purchasing raw materials. The table shows estimated costs for each article.

Initial investment to open a coffee vending business



Coffee machines (2 pcs.)

Business registration

Purchase of raw materials

Rent for 1 month of work

Other (unforeseen) expenses

To open a coffee vending, you need to invest 350 thousand rubles.

In addition to the initial investment, plan monthly expenses, because they determine the net profit. The table shows an approximate calculation of fixed costs.

Fixed costs of coffee vending




Communal payments


Ingredient costs

UTII tax

    Initial investment - 350 thousand rubles

    Revenue from 2 machines - 80 thousand rubles per month

    Cost of sales - 30 thousand rubles per month

    UTII tax - 2 thousand rubles per month

    Other expenses - 18 thousand rubles

    Net profit from 2 machines - 30 thousand rubles per month

    Payback period - 12 months.

As practice shows, the average payback period for identical projects is 1-1.5 years. This indicator is worth focusing on. And if you manage to conclude a lease agreement for advertising space on your coffee machines, you can quickly recoup your investment.

Pitfalls of coffee vending

Vending is a specific business, but its problems are quite common: competition, seasonality, technical breakdowns. Consider each risk in more detail to know how to deal with it.

    high level of competition in the market. At the first stage, carefully choose a place, considering not only its attractiveness, but also the presence of competitors nearby. Be an innovator in any direction: use advertising that competitors have not thought of; Offer something that others don't.

    seasonality. Coffee is a seasonal drink. Popular in the cold season and completely irrelevant in the summer. Therefore, to maintain demand, you can introduce cold drinks (refreshing tea or milkshake) into the assortment. Of course, consider the capabilities of your equipment. Because not every machine has such functions;

    vandalism. The site where the coffee machine is installed is not always secured. Therefore, there is a risk of vandalism. To avoid this problem, try to locate machines in protected areas, supply coffee machines with strong locks and security equipment. It is also recommended to prescribe in the contract with the landlord his liability for damage to property;

    technical breakdowns, equipment downtime. Since the business is completely dependent on technology, you need to carefully monitor that it works properly. To do this, regularly monitor the condition of the equipment, ensure Maintenance devices and purchase them from high-quality, trusted manufacturers.

By foreseeing these "pitfalls", you can avoid unnecessary expenses, which means you can earn more.

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Business plan for organizing a network of coffee machines in a city with a population of 250 thousand inhabitants.

How much money do you need to start a business

According to preliminary calculations, the entrance ticket to the business on coffee machines from 10 vending machines will be 2,230,000 rubles:

  • Deposit for renting premises - 80,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of automatic machines (10 units) - 2,000,000 rubles.
  • Materials and ingredients - 100,000 rubles.
  • Business registration and other organizational expenses - 50,000 rubles.

The capital for opening a business, according to the business plan, will be formed from the personal funds of the project initiator (40%) and borrowed money- bank loan (15% per annum for 5 years). Monthly loan payments will amount to 19,725 rubles.

Description of the object

Vending in English means selling goods and services through a vending machine. Today, this is one of the fastest growing business areas. Especially when it comes to selling coffee and drinks through a vending machine. These products are in constant demand, regardless of the season. The advantage of vending is that the outlet does not need sellers, a counter and cash machine. The machine combines all these functions. You just need to choose a good location and the business will generate income. The machine does not get tired, it works for the entrepreneur 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. She will never cheat, will not steal the proceeds, will not run away from work ahead of time, will not be rude to the client. Promising places for installing coffee machines are bus and railway stations, shopping and entertainment centers, higher educational institutions, office and business centers, cinemas, fitness centers.

Step-by-step plan for organizing a network of coffee machines

  1. Finding profitable places to install coffee machines
  2. Business registration
  3. Conclusion of lease agreements
  4. Purchase of vending machines and ingredients
  5. Installation of vending machines at the point of sale
  6. Hiring operators

Download the business plan for coffee machines from our partners, with a guarantee of quality.

What equipment to choose for business

At the first stage, it is planned to create a small network of vending machines, consisting of 10 machines. For this, coffee machines from the Italian brand Veneto will be purchased. The machine has a striking design, a self-cleaning program and a large selection of products. The device offers a choice of 8 drinks at once:

  • Coffee with milk;
  • Espresso coffee;
  • Cappuccino;
  • Hot chocolate;
  • Whipped milk;
  • Latte;
  • Mokachino;

Ingredient loading volume includes:

  • Instant coffee - 1.5 kg;
  • Chocolate - 3.1 kg;
  • Milk - 2.2 kg;
  • Sugar - 5.3 kg;
  • Coffee beans - 3.5 kg.

How much can you earn from coffee machines

The average check according to preliminary calculations will be 25 rubles. Depending on the patency of the point, one vending machine will sell an average of 80 drinks per day. 10 machines will sell 800 drinks per day, per month (30 days) - 24,000.

The expected revenue per month (on average per year) will be 600,000 rubles.

Production plan

Vending machines are planned to be installed in local shopping centers, at the university, at the railway station and in two cinemas. The average rent will be 8,000 rubles per month (in the shopping center it will be slightly higher, in the university a little lower). To service the network of coffee machines, it is planned to employ one operator with a personal car. His responsibilities will include daily monitoring of the operation of the machines, timely loading of ingredients and withdrawal of proceeds, caring for the external condition of the machines, resolving disputes with customers. The salary will be 15 thousand rubles. per month + fuel. Possible monthly bonuses for overfulfillment of the plan.

What system of taxation to choose for the organization

organizational form business will be ordinary sole proprietorship. As a taxation system, it is planned to use the simplified tax system - a simplified taxation system. Tax payments will amount to 15% of the organization's profit per month.

Business risks

During the course of this business the following negative points may occur:

  • Vandalism and theft of equipment;
  • Increasing competition, the emergence of major players in the market;
  • Decrease in demand during the summer period;
  • Equipment breakdown, downtime;
  • Increasing rent payments, reducing business profitability.

Financial plan

Let's proceed to the calculation of the main indicators economic efficiency business. The fixed monthly costs of the coffee machine network will include:

  • Rent - 80,000 rubles.
  • Operator's salary - 15,000 rubles.
  • Insurance deductions - 5,000 rubles.
  • Loan payments - 19,725 rubles.
  • Fuel and lubricants - 20,000 rubles.
  • Depreciation - 10,000 rubles.
  • Other unforeseen expenses - 15,000 rubles.

The total expenses according to the plan will amount to 164,725 rubles. Variable costs

  • Raw materials (sugar, coffee, cups) - 25% of the turnover or 150,000 rubles. per month.


  • Average check - 25 rubles.
  • Number of sales in 24 hours - 800
  • Revenue for 24 hours - 20,000 rubles.
  • Revenue per month - 600,000 rubles.

Hence the profit: 600,000 - 164,725 ( fixed costs) - 150,000 (variable costs) = 285,275 rubles. Less taxes (STS, 15% of profit), net profit will be 242,483 rubles per month. The profitability of the business is 77%. The return on investment, with such indicators, will come after 10 months of work.

This is a complete finished project which you will not find in the public domain. The content of the business plan: 1. Confidentiality 2. Summary 3. Stages of project implementation 4. Characteristics of the object 5. Marketing plan 6. Technical and economic data of the equipment 7. Financial plan 8. Risk assessment 9. Financial and economic justification of investments 10. Conclusions

  • Rent amount
  • Buyer Audience
  • Presence of competitors
  • Safety
  • Activity registration
  • What equipment to choose
  • Ingredients and Suppliers

Even 10-15 years ago, the vending business in Russia was just emerging, and not every entrepreneur wanted to start it. The market was still poorly understood and little understood by many operators. In this regard, we are far behind the United States, Japan and developed European countries. Today, the picture is drastically changing. The activity of operators is visible against the background of an increase in the number of vending machines, and the consumer is becoming more and more picky - the amount of products consumed through vending machines is gradually increasing.

Vending is one of the types of business

According to Valeo Firma General Director Valery Rakitsky, in Japan, where vending is most developed, there is one vending machine per 23 inhabitants, in the USA - per 35, in Western Europe - per 110 people. In Russia, there are about 2,200-2,400 people per vending machine, which indicates a huge potential for the development of the industry.

Why coffee machines? The answer is simple - coffee machines are considered the most cost-effective in the vending industry. This is achieved due to the low price of the ingredients and the high selling price of the finished coffee. Moreover, coffee machines are quite easy to install - you can “attach” such a device anywhere, from the subway entrance to the bus stop, office or government agency.

Consider the main issues that arise when organizing a business on coffee machines.

Choosing the location of the machine

Before you buy a machine, it is important to determine its location. The place of installation of the machine is the most important thing, because the income of the entire business depends on it. How more sales will carry out the coffee machine - the more profit we will get.

Of course, the conclusion suggests itself that the greater the throughput of the outlet, the higher the income of the coffee pot. This is partly true, but not always. In addition to patency, indicators such as:

Rent amount

A retail outlet can be highly passable, but at the same time have a “non-lifting” rental rate. Often, the landlord guesses about the estimated income of your coffee pot and will try to set the maximum price per 1 m2. For example, in megacities - Moscow, St. Petersburg, it is almost impossible to find a point with low rent (up to 2000 rubles / m2.). In the regions, the rental rate is lower, but the price of the final product is somewhat lower.

The most unpleasant thing is that during a period of decline in demand, you still have to pay high rent.

There is an option to reduce the risks of high rent - by installing a vending machine in a new place, you can offer the owner a fee not for 1m2, but a percentage of the vending machine's revenue. Often, this option can be beneficial to both parties.

Buyer Audience

When choosing a place to install the machine, you should determine: Who will be the main buyer of coffee? How often does he drink coffee? What is his ability to pay? The answer to these questions will help you understand the expected demand and turnover of the coffee machine.

Presence of competitors

According to experienced operators, a real business begins with the installation of at least 10 coffee pots. On 1-2 devices, you will count pennies, and most likely, you will work with your own hands, since it will be unprofitable to pay the salary to the operator.

If there are other coffee machines or outlets in the immediate vicinity Catering, then you should think about finding another location. Or you may have to offer a better product, and possibly at a lower price.


We live in Russia, not in Europe - when installing a coffee pot for 200-300 thousand rubles somewhere at a street stop, you must assess all the risks from the invasions of "vandals". And they certainly will. Important is the presence of protection, the type of body of the coffee pot (vandal resistance), the ratio of profit to risks (the coffee pot must earn a lot to cover the costs of possible equipment repairs).

The most common installation points for coffee machines are: bus and railway stations, universities, office and shopping centers, bus stops, entertainment centers, banks, airports, government agencies. Gas station, according to some operators, is not the best option to set up a coffee pot.

Activity registration

Once you have decided on the intended location of the coffee machine, you can start registering a business. In this case, the organizational form can be either an ordinary individual entrepreneur or entity (OOO).

What OKVED code to indicate when registering vending machines OKVED code - 52.63 "Other retail trade outside stores." No activity licenses are required. As tax systems applied single tax on imputed income (UTII). The size of the tax directly depends on the size of the trading area. In our case, this is only 1-2 m2 per vending machine.

What equipment to choose

There are no exact recommendations for choosing equipment. There are a large number of different manufacturers on the market, from well-known “oldest” European brands to newly arrived Russian companies. The main thing that a novice businessman should pay attention to is the price, technical characteristics of the device and real reviews of operators (on forums and Internet portals). It will not be superfluous to personally drive through the vending machines installed in your city, check them in operation, and conduct a coffee tasting. Thus, it is possible to understand which devices are given the greatest preference.

The choice of a specific manufacturer of a coffee machine must meet the following criteria:

1. Which machine do you need (depending on the installation location): anti-vandal, outdoor or office mode.

2. The capacity of the machine (number of cups, assortment of coffee) - depends on the throughput of the outlet. As a rule, the more capacious the machine, the more expensive it is. However, it makes no sense to overpay money for the capacity of cups if your machine will be in a low-passable place (office, state institution), where the bulk of customers are regular consumers. Another thing is universities, shopping centers, bus stations, etc., where just the capacity and assortment of a coffee pot are very important.

3. Region and city of the equipment supplier - the closer, the better.

4. Specifications apparatus. Sometimes it is better to pay 20-30 thousand rubles, but get a more reliable and functional device.

5. Supplier warranties and service maintenance. Also an equally important question. Coffee pots tend to break. It is doubly offensive if this happens with a new device. Therefore, the larger guarantee period offers the supplier, the better for you.

6. Feedback from existing operators (as noted above). Do not strongly believe all kinds of magazines and reviewers. Articles in such publications may be purely promotional in nature. The best opinion is the opinion of the real owner of the slot machine network. And those can be found either on the forums / social networks. networks, or in person.

7. Price (everything is clear here).

8. How many years the company has been operating on the market - the longer the better. The age of the company should tell us about its experience, well-established technology and the trust of customers.

The coffee machine Coffeemar-G546 has good reviews from operators (on thematic forums). The device is the older brother of the equally successful G250 model. It has a large supply of water and cups (500 pieces), an increased assortment of coffee (by 5 buttons), automatic grinding adjustment and electronic control of coffee extraction. It also has increased vandal resistance due to the durable case made of 1.5 mm steel.

Such a device is perfect for installation in any place: in offices, state. institutions, shopping centers, universities, etc. The average cost of a new machine is 150 thousand rubles.

Ingredients and Suppliers

You will select the ingredients by trial and error. All novice vendors go through this. Much depends on the specific point. This is especially noticeable in office buildings - where the coffee pot has regular customers. The quality of the drink in this case acquires crucial. You need to choose the ingredients that you like. end user. Otherwise, you may face a lack of sales and a general loss of the outlet.

Choosing an ingredient supplier doesn't seem like a cakewalk either. The first step is to request sample samples of the ingredients, to try out their taste and quality. At the beginning of the operation of the machine, at least 3 suppliers should be compared. Alternately, you should fill in the ingredients of the first manufacturer, then the second and third - and take an interest in the opinion of the consumer. Which option is bought more often, with such a supplier, perhaps, one should work.

Maintenance of the coffee machine

Maintenance of the machine depends on the traffic of a particular point and the volume of sales - on average, once every 2-3 days. If the point is super passable, a daily visit to the coffee pot is also possible. In any case, frequent visits to the apparatus cannot be superfluous. Proper maintenance involves: collection of the device, replenishment of the bunker with ingredients, checking the performance of payment systems, sanitary cleaning of the TA (inside and outside).

Speaking about the number of operators required to service coffee pots, the calculation is as follows - one operator for 30 vending machines. The average salary in the regions is 15-20 thousand rubles, plus bonuses are possible depending on the amount of revenue.

Coffee is one of the most popular tonic drinks, the love for which unites many people around the world. Few of us can imagine our day without a cup of fragrant and invigorating Arabica. Coffee helps to wake up in the morning, cheer up during the lunch break, get away from the usual hustle and bustle and enjoy a rich and delicate taste.

Due to the fact that no other drink can repeat the taste of natural coffee, and therefore compete with it, its preparation and sale seems to be a rather profitable activity. Coffee can be offered in cafes and bars, shops and pavilions, you can even organize a coffee house on wheels - all this requires considerable financial investments and labor costs. Business on coffee machines is the easiest, and at the same time, a very profitable option for making money on such a popular drink. However, even such a seemingly simple business requires some preparation and planning.

Advantages of vending - selling goods with the help of special automated systems- before traditional trade are obvious, which is why it has become so widespread throughout the world. In our country, this direction is still poorly developed, especially in small towns. Therefore, for those who are planning to open their own business, coffee machines, as one of the vending options in conditions of moderate (and in some regions, low or no) competition, can serve as an excellent start to an entrepreneurial career.

Advantages of such a business:

  • relatively small investment at the start;
  • no need for large retail space (for 1 vending machine, a space of 1 sq. m is enough), therefore, the ability to save on rent;
  • no working staff is needed - the entrepreneur can perform administrative functions independently;
  • advertising is not needed, it is enough just to choose the right place to place the device;
  • mobility - the machine can be moved if necessary;
  • high profitability of the coffee machine and a quick return on investment.

Among the disadvantages of coffee vending, one can single out only the risk of incurring losses due to a hacking attempt, since street vending machines often attract the attention of intruders. If the coffee machine is located on the territory of a guarded store or office, then this risk is absent.

Having noted the main features of a business idea, let's talk about how to implement it with maximum benefit.

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How to start a coffee vending business

Coffee machines as a business will bring good revenue only if you choose a suitable place to install them. Therefore, it is advisable to start the implementation of this commercial idea with the search for a site. At the same time, you should rely on your own observations, data from population surveys, as well as feedback from entrepreneurs who are already engaged in coffee machines as a business.

As practice shows, the following placements are the most effective:

  • airports and railway stations, waiting rooms;
  • clinics and hospitals;
  • youth gathering places - colleges, technical schools, universities, cinemas, etc.;
  • trade, business and entertainment establishments;
  • parking lots and car parks;
  • markets;
  • recreation areas for motorists, the so-called truckers.

Simultaneously with the solution of the issue of location, you should take up the choice of the coffee machine itself.

Important! While looking for a device, read the reviews on the network, find out if there are service centers of the manufacturers in question in your city. Pay attention to the price, functionality, download options and warranty period of the coffee machine.

You can start a business with one vending machine, then as you develop and reach self-sufficiency, you can expand your activities by installing several machines at once in the busiest places. If financial possibilities do not allow you to buy the device, consider renting it.

Documents for business

Considering coffee machines as a business, it is important to understand that any entrepreneurial activity subject to mandatory state registration. To engage in trade on an official basis, you should collect a package of documents and contact the tax service.

Coffee vending can be implemented using any organizational and legal form of activity. In other words, you have the right to decide for yourself. If you act independently and plan to start a business with the installation of one or two machines, then the best choice will be which is on our website. With its help, you can quickly and easily go through all the necessary procedures.

Important! include an application of the established form Р21001, in which it is necessary to indicate the type code of the planned economic activity. For a vending machine business, 47.99.2 - "Vending activities through vending machines" should be reported.

In addition to the Certificate of State registration as an individual entrepreneur, you will also need a lease agreement for a place to place the machine.

Important! Some start-up entrepreneurs install vending machines based on verbal agreements with the owner. However, this option is highly undesirable, since in this case the landlord can at any time, without any agreement, increase the fee or even stop cooperation and demand that your equipment be removed from the leased area. To avoid trouble, sign written contract, which will spell out the obligations of the parties, the procedure for payment and responsibility.

Additionally, you will need the following papers:

  • certificates for the device itself, as well as for all products that will be sold with it, and for accessories (cups);
  • product information (place on the machine itself);
  • information about what actions the buyer must take in order to purchase the desired product, as well as what needs to be done if the device does not dispense the product (place it on the machine itself);
  • information about the seller - name, location, mode of operation (place on the machine);
  • a contract for the removal of waste (if this obligation is not assigned to the lessor under the contract);
  • honey. book of an employee serving a coffee machine (if you plan to carry out activities on your own, then your personal medical book).

For the preparation of all required documents in total it can take 1 to 2 weeks. Next, consider a brief business plan for a coffee machine.

How much profit can you get from a coffee machine - calculations for a business plan

To find out how much profit a coffee machine brings, you need to draw up a business plan in which you indicate the amount of necessary start-up and running costs, as well as the amount of potential income. When planning your own coffee vending, you can use the following sample data.

Composition of expenses

Startup costs:

  • execution of documents and conclusion of necessary contracts - 3,000 rubles;
  • purchase of one coffee machine - 200,000 rubles. – the average price of a vending machine with cooking modes for 16 types of hot drinks, including coffee, tea, chocolate, as well as the ability to sell snacks, built-in bill and coin acceptors and a terminal for paying with bank cards;
  • delivery and installation of the device - 2,000 rubles;
  • formation inventory(5 kg of coffee of different varieties, 2 kg of cream, 3 kg of tea and 2 kg of chocolate) - 2,400 rubles. – the average price of professional ingredients for coffee vending is 200 rubles. for 1 kg;
  • purchase of related products (600 cups and 600 stirrers) - 1140 rubles. at a price of 1.4 rubles. for 1 cup and 0.5 rub. for 1 stirrer;
  • purchase of sugar, water and snacks - 3,000 rubles.

If you sum up all these items of expenditure, you get about 212,000 rubles.

Current costs include:


Amount, rub./month

replenishment of stock and consumables

payment for electricity

machine maintenance costs

taxes and fees *


* - For the attention of businessmen, for retail through vending machines, you can choose one of the special tax regimes, which will greatly simplify interaction with the Federal Tax Service and save on payments.

One of the preferred options is to use . In this case, the tax will be 15% of imputed income. The latter can be calculated using the following formula:

basic yield (4,500 rubles) * number of slot machines (in our case, 1) * deflator coefficient (1.798) * adjustment coefficient (average for the country - 1) = 8,091 rubles.

Having calculated 15% of this amount, we get about 1,214 rubles. This will be the amount of tax per month. In addition, the individual entrepreneur is obliged to make contributions for himself to extra-budgetary funds in the total amount of 23,153.33 rubles. per year (almost 1,930 rubles / month comes out).

Income planning

How much does a coffee machine bring in a month? Let's make an approximate calculation.

The average selling price of one serving of coffee is 35-40 rubles, tea - 25 rubles, chocolate - 30 rubles. In the event that an entrepreneur manages to find a good place to place a vending machine with high traffic, then from 50 to 100 portions of hot drinks can be sold per day.

Thus, the monthly income can vary from 35,000 to 120,000 rubles. depending on workload and demand for specific drinks. Let's add to this about 5,000 rubles. for the sale of snacks.

To determine the profit from the coffee machine, you should subtract the amount of expenses from the amount of income. It turns out that even with the minimum income from our example - 40,000 rubles, the entrepreneur's profit will be more than 27,000 rubles. Consequently, it will be possible to fully recoup investments in the installation of one machine in 7-8 months of work.


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