How to make money on coffee machines. How much does the coffee machine business bring. Where to place coffee machines

Coffee is one of the most popular tonic drinks, the love for which unites many people around the world. Few of us can imagine our day without a cup of fragrant and invigorating Arabica. Coffee helps to wake up in the morning, cheer up during the lunch break, get away from the usual hustle and bustle and enjoy a rich and delicate taste.

Due to the fact that no other drink can repeat the taste of natural coffee, and therefore compete with it, its preparation and sale seems to be a rather profitable activity. Coffee can be offered in cafes and bars, shops and pavilions, you can even organize a coffee house on wheels - all this requires considerable financial investments and labor costs. Business on coffee machines is the easiest, and at the same time, a very profitable option for making money on such a popular drink. However, even such a seemingly simple business requires some preparation and planning.

Advantages of vending - selling goods with the help of special automated systems- before traditional trade are obvious, which is why it has become so widespread throughout the world. In our country, this direction is still poorly developed, especially in small towns. Therefore, for those who are planning to open their own business, coffee machines, as one of the options for vending in conditions of moderate (and in some regions, low or even non-existent) competition, can serve as an excellent start to an entrepreneurial career.

Advantages of such a business:

  • relatively small investment at the start;
  • no need for large retail space (for 1 vending machine, a space of 1 sq. m is enough), therefore, the ability to save on rent;
  • no working staff is needed - the entrepreneur can perform administrative functions independently;
  • advertising is not needed, it is enough just to choose the right place to place the device;
  • mobility - the machine can be moved if necessary;
  • high profitability of the coffee machine and a quick return on investment.

Among the shortcomings coffee vending only the risk of incurring losses due to a hacking attempt can be singled out, since street vending machines often attract the attention of intruders. If the coffee machine is located on the territory of a guarded store or office, then this risk is absent.

Having noted the main features of a business idea, let's talk about how to implement it with maximum benefit.

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How to start a coffee vending business

Coffee machines as a business will bring good revenue only if you choose a suitable place to install them. Therefore, it is advisable to start the implementation of this commercial idea with the search for a site. At the same time, you should rely on your own observations, data from population surveys, as well as feedback from entrepreneurs who are already engaged in coffee machines as a business.

As practice shows, the following placements are the most effective:

  • airports and railway stations, waiting rooms;
  • clinics and hospitals;
  • youth gathering places - colleges, technical schools, universities, cinemas, etc.;
  • trade, business and entertainment establishments;
  • parking lots and car parks;
  • markets;
  • recreation areas for motorists, the so-called truckers.

Simultaneously with the solution of the issue of location, you should take up the choice of the coffee machine itself.

Important! While looking for a device, read the reviews on the network, find out if there are service centers of the manufacturers in question in your city. Pay attention to the price, functionality, download options and warranty period of the coffee machine.

You can start a business with one vending machine, then as you develop and reach self-sufficiency, you can expand your activities by installing several machines at once in the busiest places. If a financial opportunities do not allow you to buy the device, consider renting.

Documents for business

Considering coffee machines as a business, it is important to understand that any entrepreneurial activity subject to mandatory state registration. To engage in trade on an official basis, you should collect a package of documents and contact the tax service.

Coffee vending can be implemented using any organizational and legal form of activity. In other words, you have the right to decide for yourself. If you act independently and plan to start a business with the installation of one or two machines, then the best choice will be which is on our website. With its help, you can quickly and easily go through all the necessary procedures.

Important! include an application of the established form Р21001, in which it is necessary to indicate the type code of the planned economic activity. For a vending machine business, 47.99.2 - "Vending activities through vending machines" should be reported.

In addition to the Certificate of State registration as an individual entrepreneur, you will also need a lease agreement for a place to place the machine.

Important! Some start-up entrepreneurs install vending machines based on verbal agreements with the owner. However, this option is highly undesirable, since in this case the landlord can at any time, without any agreement, increase the fee or even stop cooperation and demand that your equipment be removed from the leased area. To avoid trouble, sign written contract, which will spell out the obligations of the parties, the procedure for payment and responsibility.

Additionally, you will need the following papers:

  • certificates for the device itself, as well as for all products that will be sold with it, and for accessories (cups);
  • product information (place on the machine itself);
  • information about what actions the buyer must take in order to purchase the desired product, as well as what needs to be done if the device does not dispense the product (place it on the machine itself);
  • information about the seller - name, location, mode of operation (place on the machine);
  • a contract for the removal of waste (if this obligation is not assigned to the lessor under the contract);
  • honey. book of an employee serving a coffee machine (if you plan to carry out activities on your own, then your personal medical book).

For the preparation of all required documents in total it can take 1 to 2 weeks. Next, consider a brief business plan for a coffee machine.

How much profit can you get from a coffee machine - calculations for a business plan

To find out how much profit a coffee machine brings, you need to draw up a business plan in which you indicate the amount of necessary starting and running costs, as well as the amount of potential income. When planning your own coffee vending, you can use the following sample data.

Composition of expenses

Startup costs:

  • execution of documents and conclusion of necessary contracts - 3,000 rubles;
  • purchase of one coffee machine - 200,000 rubles. – the average price of a vending machine with cooking modes for 16 types of hot drinks, including coffee, tea, chocolate, as well as the ability to sell snacks, built-in bill and coin acceptors and a terminal for paying with bank cards;
  • delivery and installation of the device - 2,000 rubles;
  • formation inventory(5 kg of coffee of different varieties, 2 kg of cream, 3 kg of tea and 2 kg of chocolate) - 2,400 rubles. – the average price of professional ingredients for coffee vending is 200 rubles. for 1 kg;
  • purchase of related products (600 cups and 600 stirrers) - 1140 rubles. at a price of 1.4 rubles. for 1 cup and 0.5 rub. for 1 stirrer;
  • purchase of sugar, water and snacks - 3,000 rubles.

If you sum up all these items of expenditure, you get about 212,000 rubles.

Current costs include:


Amount, rub./month

replenishment of stock and consumables

payment for electricity

machine maintenance costs

taxes and contributions *


* - For the attention of businessmen, for retail through vending machines, you can choose one of the special tax regimes, which will greatly simplify interaction with the Federal Tax Service and save on payments.

One of the preferred options is to use . In this case, the tax will be 15% of imputed income. The latter can be calculated using the following formula:

basic yield (4,500 rubles) * number of slot machines (in our case, 1) * deflator coefficient (1.798) * adjustment coefficient (average for the country - 1) = 8,091 rubles.

Having calculated 15% of this amount, we get about 1,214 rubles. This will be the amount of tax per month. In addition, the individual entrepreneur is obliged to make contributions for himself to extra-budgetary funds in the total amount of 23,153.33 rubles. per year (almost 1,930 rubles / month comes out).

Income planning

How much does a coffee machine bring in a month? Let's make an approximate calculation.

The average selling price of one serving of coffee is 35-40 rubles, tea - 25 rubles, chocolate - 30 rubles. In the event that an entrepreneur manages to find a good place to place a vending machine with high traffic, then from 50 to 100 portions of hot drinks can be sold per day.

Thus, the monthly income can vary from 35,000 to 120,000 rubles. depending on workload and demand for specific drinks. Let's add to this about 5,000 rubles. for the sale of snacks.

To determine the profit from the coffee machine, you should subtract the amount of expenses from the amount of income. It turns out that even with the minimum income from our example - 40,000 rubles, the entrepreneur's profit will be more than 27,000 rubles. Consequently, it will be possible to fully recoup investments in the installation of one machine in 7-8 months of work.

Coffee has long been one of the most beloved drinks for many. With a morning cup of a fragrant drink, it is easier to wake up and get involved in the normal rhythm of life, during a break at work, meeting with friends, discussing important issues, we drink coffee. And when you can’t enjoy your favorite taste in a cafe or at home, the already familiar coffee vending machines come to the rescue - on the street, in the office, in the shopping center. And there are a lot of people who want to stop, pause in a busy day and drink their favorite drink, and therefore these products are always in demand. Thus, the coffee machine business can be very profitable, if, of course, everything is correctly calculated and organized.

Vending: advantages and disadvantages

Vending is a business that is based on the sale of a variety of goods using vending machines. And it has its undeniable advantages.

A very small retail space: 1 sq. meters. Some of them, quite large, may require an area of ​​​​1.5-2 square meters. meters, but this is quite a bit. Of course, the machine needs free space nearby: people should be able to freely approach it, 2–3 people should be accommodated near the machine without any problems.

Low rent: This follows naturally from the first point. You can even rent a square meter of space for little money (500–1000 rubles is a very real price). However, the price depends on the location, it can be much more.

No need to hire staff, register employees for work, pay them a salary. Of course, it is necessary to service the machines, but the presence of a person is required no more than once every 2-3 days.

It is coffee machines that are considered the most cost-effective among all others. They require less maintenance (one machine can “charge” up to 300 servings of coffee with the necessary ingredients), and coffee margins are very high. At a cost of 7-15 rubles, a portion of coffee at the exit can cost 25-35. That is why coffee machines, according to experts, make up about 70% of the entire vending business.

If we talk about the disadvantages of this business, the main one is high competition. Finding a good, profitable place for a slot machine is now quite difficult, but possible.

In addition, there are also certain risks, for example, vandals can damage the coffee machine. To avoid this, you should install machines only in protected areas. If you decide to put it on the street, you should choose a place near the security cameras.

Where is the best place to install a coffee machine

To begin new business it's better with the choice of location. There is hardly anything more important. If you manage to find a good place where coffee will be in great demand, in the future it will be only possible to load ingredients on time and get money.

Successful places for placing coffee machines are traditionally considered:

  • railway stations, bus stations and bus stations;
  • airports;
  • polyclinics
  • government agencies and any other organizations where people spend a long time waiting: social services, tax office, city administration departments;
  • banks;
  • educational institutions;
  • cinemas, parks and other places of entertainment;
  • shopping centers, markets and shops;
  • office and business centers.

Of course, most of these places may already have coffee machines. But this is no reason to despair. You can try to find another place, not worse, or not be afraid of competition with existing devices. Here you can experiment: if after installing the machine you do not receive the profit that you expected, it is never too late to change its location: it is hardly worth counting on the situation to change on its own.

When compiling a business plan, one should not lose sight of the fact that the cost of renting a place for a coffee machine can be different. by the most expensive places airports, railway stations, large shopping and business centers, banks are considered. Markets, shops, educational institutions and clinics prices can be much lower.

In some cases, it may be more profitable to pay not a fixed rental price, but a certain percentage of sales. This is true for those who have just installed the machine and cannot yet know exactly what income they can count on. If the owner of the premises is ready to meet halfway - you can agree on this with him.

Choice of coffee machine

Today, the market for coffee machines is vast and diverse: there are plenty to choose from. You can purchase a modest, reliable and inexpensive model of imported or domestic production. “Advanced” expensive devices are no less popular: more massive, with a bright design and an extended menu, which includes a variety of types of coffee and tea.

If we add to this the abundance of brands and manufacturers, it becomes clear: choosing a coffee machine is not an easy task. But doable.

You can study the reviews on the Internet, but you need to be careful about them: if somewhere they only praise or only scold a certain model or manufacturer, it should be assumed that this is part of an advertising or anti-advertising campaign. You can conduct your own monitoring: walk around the places with coffee machines, personally see how the machines work, ask the regulars (if the machine is in the building of a university or institution, this is possible), whether it breaks often.

What you need to pay attention to when choosing:

  • Do you have a service center of a manufacturer you like in your city?
  • What is the configuration of the machine: do you need an anti-vandal model for the street, or the machine will be installed in an office building where there is security.
  • Warranty: conditions, terms, as well as the cost of post-warranty service.
  • The cost of the machine itself is also an important factor. However, it is not the cost itself that is more important here, but the payback: very often the more expensive option turns out to be more profitable.
  • How long has the model been on the market? New models are attractive in terms of price and features, but it is also important how they are tested.
  • The maximum load of the machine: how many servings of the drink it can dispense without "refilling".

Machine maintenance

You can do the maintenance yourself, or you can hire an employee for this - it depends on the availability of free time and the number of machines themselves: one person can handle the maintenance of 10 coffee machines during the day. Adding ingredients is required every 3 days, so it is not difficult to calculate that one worker can cope with maintaining 30 machines in working order.

The unit must not only be “refueled” on time, but also kept clean so that it looks attractive to buyers and lasts as long as possible.

Troubleshooting and breakdowns, alas, also happen. And this is fraught not only with lost profits, but also with expenses - for repairs. As a rule, repairs are carried out by specialists of the supplier company. That is why it is better to give preference to a new machine: they have a guarantee (usually 3 years), and they break much less often.

What do coffee machines run

To make coffee tasty, and therefore in demand, you need to purchase high quality ingredients, this is obvious. Before entering into contracts with suppliers, it makes sense to personally test. Those who have been working in this area for a long time recommend giving preference not to experimental samples and new products, but to those that are already in work.

For filling coffee machines use:

  • coffee (in beans or ground) in different mixtures;
  • tea (black, green, fruit - there can be many options);
  • hot chocolate, cocoa;
  • filtered water;
  • powdered or granulated milk (can be used as an additive to coffee and cocoa, and hot milk is included in the menu of some models as a separate drink);
  • dry or granulated cream;
  • disposable cups and stirrers.

Fillers for machines differ significantly from those ingredients from which ordinary coffee is prepared. They are designed specifically for automatic preparation: they can be stored for a long time without sticking together and without caking; do not accumulate odors; do not absorb moisture; dissolve quickly. To achieve this, coffee is roasted in a certain way.

It is better to purchase ingredients from trusted manufacturers, follow the recommended dosages when preparing - then the coffee in your machines will be really tasty.

Company registration

To start a business on coffee machines, enough. When choosing a taxation system for this activity, it is worth giving preference to or.

You do not need a license, permissions from any authorities are also not needed. You just have to take care of quality certificates for fillers: they will need to be taken from the supplier.

Another document that you will need to prepare is a lease agreement with the owner of the premises in which you will install the machine.

Expenses and income

The first question that a future entrepreneur asks is how much a coffee machine costs. The variety of offers on the market suggests that the price range is quite large: from 80 to 350 thousand rubles, however, a used machine can be bought for 50-60 thousand, but, as already mentioned, in this case, unforeseen repair costs are possible in the future.

On average, a high-quality device with a large selection of drinks that will work properly without creating problems for its owner costs about 140-160 thousand.

Such a machine pays off in about six months. This means that in 6 months it can bring a profit of about 150 thousand. However, this figure can be much higher or lower.

Calculate costs and profits

  • the cost of a serving of coffee is 7–15 rubles;
  • the cost of a portion for the buyer is 25–35 rubles;
  • income from the sale of one portion on average 15–20 rubles;
  • the number of servings per day is 50-100.

Thus, income can range from 750 to 2,000 rubles. Per month - from 22 to 60 thousand rubles.

Now let's move on to expenses:

  • rent can cost from one to 15 thousand rubles;
  • payment for electricity - 2.5-6 thousand;
  • service - from 1000 rubles per month.

As you can see, the profit from the enterprise can be 20-50 thousand rubles a month. Moreover, the upper bar is achieved under the condition of a successful location of the machine and a not too high rental cost. Getting 20 thousand monthly is not at all necessary: ​​under adverse circumstances, the profit can be zero.

Another important question is how many coffee machines you need to buy. Here the main factors are your financial capabilities and availability good places to install devices. Experts recommend starting with one or two, so that at first you can figure out how it works, evaluate the ratio of income and expenses, and then, if necessary, expand the business.

Vending is a very popular type of income for owners and a great way to save time and get a number of essential conveniences for the buyer. All you have to do is press the button and insert a certain amount into the bill acceptor and you can get what you want.

The most popular type of vending machines are coffee bean (or instant) coffee machines, but there are plenty of other vending machines for many types of goods, from gum to souvenirs. Let's look at the most popular vending machines that can bring significant profit to their owner. In this article, we will consider other vending machines that make a profit.

Coffee machine

Naturally, the most famous type, which we will talk about in a little more detail. This device will be appropriate in the office, shop and wherever you put it. Even on the street, this unit is installed, and there it is able to provide high profit to its owner.

Another advantage of this device is that it allows you to try more than a dozen different types drinks without the intervention of a bartender or barista. Self service - very handy thing, whatever one may say. And yes, the price in Moscow for such coffee is very low.

You can install the coffee machine in the following places:

  1. Shopping center. Actually, coffee machines are easiest to see there.
  2. Waiting rooms. For example, airports, train stations and other places. The most profitable vending machines are installed there.
  3. financial institutions. Here you can drink coffee while standing in line for rent. Very comfortably.
  4. Schools. Of course, coffee machines are rarely placed in places where children study. The fact is that for a small organism this drink is harmful. But no one interferes.
  5. Mail. Here the benefits are the same as in financial institutions. It is enough just to buy a device.
  6. Cinemas and others entertainment centers.

The coffee machine itself is priced between $1,500 and $5,000. The price depends on the functionality of the model, as well as the ability to buy a used coffee machine. Additionally, you need to spend from 150 to 200 dollars for coffee refills and somewhere the same cost for chocolate and other drinks. The total will be from $ 1,800 in costs, which, in principle, is not so expensive.

As for the payback, the machine will start bringing you profit only after 1-2 years, which is basically normal. Although it all depends on how many people pass by. In principle, many people love coffee, and therefore it is possible to establish a direct relationship between the number of people passing by and potential profit. Selling hot flavored drinks is a very profitable undertaking.

snack machine

Business with snack machines on our territory is a relatively new phenomenon. These vending machines are equipped with refrigerators and their main task is to sell packaged products. In addition, such machines can sell sweet water, chips and other small products.

Snekovy devices are divided into the following types:

  1. Conveyor. Such devices got their name due to the principle of supplying goods. A huge advantage is that any small packaged products can be loaded into them.
  2. Spiral. Their essence lies in the fact that at first the purchased products are placed in a special tray, and from there it gets to the buyer. If the goods are fragile (may break), then a special elevator is intended for these purposes.
  3. Cellular. Everything is simple here - a person gets all the products he needs from a special cell. Using this method, you can sell a huge number of goods, from fruits to cakes.
  4. Mini snacks. This type of snack machine is characterized, first of all, by its small size. Therefore, it is intended for dispensing tiny products that usually go well with coffee. Therefore, it is recommended to place such vending machines near coffee machines; people like to eat cookies with tea or other warm aromatic drink.

It is impossible to provide exact payback figures, because it all depends on many factors: the location of the machine, the goods being sold (each has a different price and demand), the economic period (for example, in times of crisis people are more inclined to save and not buy little things like chips).

Lens mats

Many people have vision problems, and contact lenses are one possible solution to this problem. Therefore, the installation of lensomats (this is what these devices are called) is a fairly promising occupation. The cost of such devices is about 150-200 thousand rubles. It all depends on the brand. The lens mat pays off within 5-8 months if the device is placed in right place. And where can the device be installed?

  1. Shopping and entertainment centers.
  2. Polyclinics.
  3. Schools, universities.
  4. Gyms.

In general, lenses are an expensive commodity. Therefore, a special infrared sensor determines whether the goods have been dispensed. If this does not happen, then the money from the client's card is not debited. In the event that it is not possible to sell lenses, the device can always be converted into another type of vending machine.

Soda vending machine

Soda water business despite the fact that Soviet times long gone, is still considered a very cost-effective business with a high payback. The cost of a vending machine will be from 75 to 200 thousand rubles.

The price for one glass usually does not exceed 10 rubles. At this price, you will receive 15 thousand per month from one machine if 50 cups are bought. The math is simple. But if you sell sparkling water with syrup at a price of 20 rubles, then the monthly income can reach 90,000 rubles, since it sells better with syrup. Well, of course, net income. That is, taxes, electricity and other expenses must be taken away from this amount.

Ice cream machines

Another popular type of vending machines are ice cream vending machines. Their advantages are novelty, and hence the low competition. Such devices have an interesting way of serving ice cream. The merchandise is served with a pump arm, a process that children usually enjoy very much.

There are many interesting vending machines. It is better to buy them from us. Why? Because we install devices for free and teach how to use them.

We looked at different vending machines that make a profit. But the choice is not limited to them. We only brought the most profitable vending machines.

Majority modern people can't imagine life without coffee. They drink coffee in the morning to cheer up before work, in the middle of the day to relax and get distracted, in the evening to go from work to rest with good mood and the same feeling. It is not always possible to drink coffee at home or in a coffee shop. Sometimes you have to do it literally on the run, in between some activities. In this case, coffee vending machines installed in offices help out, shopping malls and sometimes right on the streets. Their products are in constant demand, because there are always a lot of people who want to drink a cup of coffee and relax for a couple of minutes. Therefore, we will consider how to organize a business on coffee machines.

Pros and cons of vending

Vending is a business of organizing the sale of food and non-food items by using vending machines. This way of doing business has many advantages. Let's try to list them:

  • A small, one might even say, scanty, trading area. To install a conventional coffee machine, you need an area of ​​\u200b\u200b1 sq.m. For some, more bulky models with an extended range, the area can increase to 1.5 - 2 m. But even in this case it remains small. True, it must be taken into account that there should be free space near the machine to accommodate 2-3 people, but this is not a problem either, because such machines are not placed in corners or under stairs, they must stand in open spaces.
  • Small rent. This is a consequence of the previous point. The rent of one square meter of space can start from 500 rubles per month, which is quite a bit for outlet. Of course, the amount of the fee can be much higher, it depends on the location.
  • Lack of sellers and constantly working service personnel. And, therefore, it will not be necessary to deal with the registration of employees and pay them wages. Of course, the machine needs maintenance, but it needs the presence of a person no more than once every 1-3 days.

Of all the vending machines, the coffee machine is considered the most cost-effective. It requires less maintenance (one machine can hold up to 300 coffees with all the necessary ingredients) and the coffee mark-ups are the highest. At a cost of 4-8 rubles, a cup of coffee at the exit can cost 20-30. That is why coffee machines occupy, according to experts, from 65 to 70% of the entire vending business.

The main disadvantage of vending is high competition. Those who started this business in the early 2000s have occupied almost all commercially profitable places, so it can be difficult to find a good profitable place for a coffee or any other vending machine.

In addition to the minuses, there are also risks, for example, the risk of damage to the coffee machine by vandals. To protect against this, you need to place machines in protected areas, and if the machine is still located on the street or at a bus stop, then it must be in the field of view of CCTV cameras.

Place for coffee machine

After studying the pros and cons of vending and deciding to work in this area, you need to draw up a business plan. Coffee machines will only be profitable if you think carefully about all aspects of running a business.

And you need to start by choosing a place to place the machine. This is perhaps the most important part. If you find a good place where there will be a high demand for the products of your coffee machine, you will only have to add ingredients in time and extract the proceeds.

Good places to place a coffee machine:

  • Stations.
  • Airports.
  • Bus stations and bus stations.
  • Polyclinics.
  • Government agencies where people have to spend time waiting: tax office, social services, city administration departments.
  • Universities, colleges, schools and other educational institutions.
  • Banks.
  • Shopping centers.
  • Markets.
  • The shops.
  • Office and business centers.
  • Cinemas and other places of entertainment.

Most of the places listed may already have coffee machines. You will either have to compete with them or look elsewhere. It remains only to act experimentally. If you have installed a coffee vending machine and have not received the expected profit within a month, look elsewhere. It is hardly worth hoping for a spontaneous change in the situation.

It should be noted that the cost of renting space in different places can vary significantly. The most expensive accommodation places are airports, large shopping centers, banks, railway stations. It can be cheaper to rent in educational institutions, markets, shops or clinics.

Sometimes it is more profitable to pay a certain percentage of sales, rather than a fixed rent. Especially in the first month after installing a coffee machine, when you do not know if this place will bring the expected income. If possible, negotiate with the owners of the premises on the percentage payment of rent at the first stage.

Choice of model and manufacturer

There are many options for coffee machines. For example, classic, familiar, time-tested machines of foreign production. Another option is domestic ones, which appeared on the market relatively recently, but have already gained some popularity. There are expensive coffee machines of new advanced models. They usually have a larger size, an original, eye-catching design, an interesting menu with additional items like green tea, mate, etc. and relatively high cost.

How to choose from all the variety of options? Learn models in theory and practice. Research this issue on the Internet, find real reviews about specific models, posted not on the manufacturer's website, but on thematic forums. If possible, visit the installation sites of different machines, try them in operation, and interview consumers.

What to look for when choosing a machine:

  • Who inspires more confidence in you: domestic manufacturers or foreign companies.
  • Availability of service centers of this manufacturer in your city or area.
  • Device format: do you need a rugged anti-vandal outdoor version, or your machine will be installed in a secure room and a regular office model will do.
  • Warranty terms and cost of post-warranty service.
  • The cost of the coffee machine.
  • The presence of this model on the market. The longer this model is produced, the better it is tested. New models may be attractive in terms of price, design and other declared characteristics, but it is not known how the model will work and how much the description corresponds to reality.
  • What kind of coffee is used in this model, grain or ground. Choose, depending on which, in your opinion, is better, tastier and more profitable.
  • Quantitative loading of the machine: how many servings of coffee it can prepare without "refilling".
  • Specifications: power, the amount of electricity consumed, the speed of preparing a portion of coffee.

Maintenance of the coffee machine

Perhaps you will do it yourself, or maybe you decide to hire an employee. One person can serve about 10 coffee machines per day. On average, ingredients need to be replenished once every three days. That is, if you have 30 coffee machines, one employee will be enough for you to fully service them.

But at first, when you have just installed the machine, it is better to ensure a more frequent service presence. After all, it is in the first days that the reputation of a new place for selling coffee is formed. You must exclude the possibility of any failures in the operation of the machine. And do not forget that, in addition to replenishing ingredients and extracting revenue, the machine needs care. It must be kept clean so as not to scare away potential clients.

Sometimes there are breakdowns or some kind of malfunction. For repairs, use the services of a supplier of vending machines. Therefore, it is recommended to purchase a new rather than a used machine, especially for a new businessman in this field. In this case, your machine will be under warranty and for about three years all maintenance and repairs will be carried out at the expense of the supplier.

Of communications, you only need electricity. Water is not supplied to the machine, it is simply poured inside, into a special container.

Coffee Ingredients

The ingredients must be of high quality, and the coffee in your machine must be delicious. Otherwise, your customers will go to competitors or drink coffee at home. Before purchasing beverage components and entering into agreements with suppliers, test all options. Experienced businessmen working in this area are advised not to test prototypes offered to you by firms, but those that are in work. Sometimes they can differ in taste and quality.

The ingredients of the coffee machine are as follows:

  • Coffee - ground and grain, depending on the model of the machine, in different mixtures and compositions
  • Cocoa or hot chocolate - also usually present in the assortment
  • Milk (powdered or granulated) - sometimes there is a separate item “Hot milk” on the menu
  • Cream - dry or granulated
  • Water - filtered or mineral
  • Disposable tableware - cups, stirrers

How do fillings for coffee machines differ from the usual ingredients from which we prepare coffee at home? They are designed and manufactured specifically for automatic coffee preparation, using technologies that allow them to be stored for a long time without caking and sticking, they do not absorb moisture and do not accumulate foreign odors and dissolve quickly and efficiently. Coffee for vending machines is roasted in a special way and has a given strength, taste and smell.

Buy ingredients only from specialized vending machine supply companies. Follow the indicated dosages. And then your coffee will be tasty and attractive to customers.

Company registration

In order to make the coffee machine business legal, it is enough to register in tax office how . Selected as a tax single tax on imputed income (UTII) or simplified taxation system (STS).

This type of business is not licensed. You don't need any permission from authorities either. The only thing you need is quality certificates for filling machines. These certificates must be provided to you by the supplier.

In addition, you will need to conclude a contract for the lease of space with the owner of the premises in which your coffee machine will be installed. If you want to install a coffee machine in public institution, you will most likely need to bid and win the tender.

Business value and profitability

Now the main question: how much does a coffee machine cost? The range of prices for proven and newly developed latest models of foreign and domestic manufacturers is quite large. The cost of a new coffee machine can range from 80 to 300 thousand rubles. A used machine can be bought for 50 thousand.

The average cost of a high-quality device with a good choice and a decent taste of drinks that will work properly and will not create problems in operation is from 120 to 150 thousand.

On average, a coffee vending machine pays for itself in six months. That is, in six months you will earn about 120-150 thousand. This figure may be much higher, or may be lower than planned.

Calculation of expenses and profits of one coffee machine:

  • The cost of one serving of coffee is from 4 to 10 rubles.
  • The cost of a serving at the exit is from 20 to 35 rubles.
  • Income from one portion - an average of 15 rubles.
  • The number of servings per day is from 50 to 100.
  • Thus, the income from a coffee machine per day can be from 750 to 1500 rubles.
  • Monthly income - from 22,000 to 45,000 rubles.

Monthly expenses:

  • Rent - from 500 to 10,000 rubles.
  • Electricity payment - 2,000 - 5,000.
  • The cost of maintenance is from 500 rubles per month.

From this we can conclude that the net monthly profit from one coffee machine can be from 20 thousand rubles or more. The upper limit is about 50 thousand under very favorable circumstances, the main of which is the good location of the machine, as well as low cost area lease. The lower limit, under adverse circumstances, unfortunately, can be zero.

In this business, much depends on the ability of the entrepreneur to understand and feel the needs of potential customers, as well as on his ingenuity, efficiency and energy.

The next question is: how many coffee machines to buy? It all depends on your capabilities and on the prevalence of such a service in your city or area. In any case, it is better to start with one or two machines in order to understand the business, understand the principles of operation, and evaluate income and expenses.

It is clear that the more machines you have, the higher the income will be, but this is only true if you find enough profitable and convenient places to locate them. If you purchase 10 coffee machines, then in a year, when the initial investment pays off, you will have a very good profit. Then it will be possible to think about expanding the enterprise and making the vending business the main source of income.

In this material:

Coffee is one of the most popular soft drinks around the world. This statistic also did not bypass Russia, which is observed in the colossal growth of the vending business. Going to a cafeteria or even buying a hot drink on the street is no longer as important as getting the same portion in a coffee machine. It's tastier, faster and more profitable. A business plan for installing coffee machines is a multi-level process that includes an analysis of the market, target audience, location and organizational measures.

Description, relevance and advantages of the vending business

Vending - sale of goods different directions through the machines. Recently, this business, especially in the coffee industry, is gaining immense popularity for a number of reasons:

  • low investment - the entrepreneur only needs to purchase equipment and products, and the machine will do the rest;
  • round-the-clock work - in fact, coffee machines work 24 hours a day without a break, but you should take into account the location of the device. If this is a shopping and entertainment center with an operating mode of 10:00-23:00, then there is no need to count on nightly profit;
  • lack of staff - 30% of income in almost any business is spent on paying salaries. Vending excludes this point;
  • high markup - the cost of a cup of coffee is equal to 6 rubles, including a glass, and for the buyer the price is set from 25-30 rubles for an inexpensive type of drink;
  • simple business registration - an entrepreneur does not need to buy a license or issue special permits to install several coffee machines.

There are also disadvantages in the vending business, but they are not so serious, and their number fluctuates within 3 points:

  • service - any equipment requires careful attitude and timely service. This includes both checking the performance of the mechanisms as a whole, and controlling the volume of ingredients. To do this, you need to hire an employee or perform actions yourself;
  • system failures - unforeseen breakdowns mean no profit for the system recovery period. If problems are not fixed in time, the entrepreneur will suffer serious losses;
  • vandalism - by placing a vending machine with round-the-clock access outdoors, it can be attacked in order to seize Money or for hooligan reasons.

Reference: modern coffee machines are equipped with GSM modules, allowing owners to control the stock of ingredients in real time and receive information about the state of equipment. The option solves problems associated with unauthorized access and timely repairs.

The relevance of vending is explained simply - the devices can be installed in various places with high traffic of people, whether it is a mall, a supermarket, a market or a train station. Coffee from a machine is no different in price from drinks in a cafe or diner, but it is made from natural beans, and not from instant powder. In addition, the coffee machine provides in its assortment from 12 types of drink, which no public catering can boast of.

Fresh, hot coffee, prepared according to an impeccable recipe, is in daily demand among various segments of the population. Someone did not have time to have breakfast at home, someone regularly drinks coffee during the day, and the third category of people just walks or waits for someone. There can be many reasons for an invigorating drink. The main thing is that there is demand, which means that the vending business in terms of coffee is flourishing.

Market and competition analysis

Despite the fact that coffee machines have appeared in the country relatively recently, the competition in this business is already huge. Every mall has at least one hot drink machine.

Before organizing a business, it is necessary to carry out some analytical activities in order to determine the level of competition in various areas of the city, as well as in specific places.

Action algorithm:

  1. Selecting one or more districts locality for comparative analysis.
  2. Determination of the most visited places - shops, entertainment centers, cinemas.
  3. Identification of working coffee machines in each place, taking into account the number of appliances per room area and the estimated attendance of people.
  4. Comparison of data for selected areas of the city.

Based on the information obtained, it is possible to identify potentially advantageous places for placing machines.

It should be taken into account that the presence of 1-2 devices in a large shopping and entertainment center does not mean the presence of competition at all. In this case, your own equipment can be placed both near the working machines, because people are already accustomed to the location of their favorite drinks, and in another place if it corresponds to the high traffic of potential customers.

Possible business risks

There are not so many risks in the vending business, but they are:

  • vandalism - typical for machines operating at night;
  • frequent breakdowns of the device - typical for equipment purchased in a used state or from unverified buyers;
  • lack of profit - the situation is relevant in case of an incorrectly chosen location or unreasonably high prices for products.

organizational plan

Registration of type of activity, taxation system

To organize a vending business based on coffee machines, it is best to register as individual entrepreneur. The advantages are obvious:

  1. The minimum package of documents for registration of activities.
  2. Savings on state duty - for individual entrepreneurs - 800 rubles, and for LLC - 4,000 rubles.
  3. Simple reporting.

As a taxation system, either a fixed form (UTII) or a simplified one (STS) is chosen, the amount of deductions of which depends on profit.

"Vmenenka" is good because the volume tax payments determined in advance based on the scale of the future business. This is relevant when stable income independent of seasonality.

"Simplified" must be chosen by those entrepreneurs whose income level is floating. For example, devices are installed in educational institutions. In this case, during the summer and partially winter periods, the profit will be significantly lower.

Installation of coffee machines does not require a license. An entrepreneur only needs to conclude a lease agreement for a place and request a product quality certificate from suppliers. With these documents, you must contact the SES to obtain permission to start a business.

Purchase of coffee machines and characteristics of equipment

There are 2 main classes of devices - A and B.

  • power - 1 300 W;
  • number of servings - 600;
  • dimensions - 1800x700x600 mm;
  • diagonal touch screen - 22 inches;
  • preparation and sale of soft drinks;
  • sale of snacks;
  • the possibility of cashless payment.
  • power - 1 800 W;
  • number of servings - 500;
  • dimensions - 1600x600x750 mm;
  • number of types of drinks - 13.

Class B is a cheaper and budget version of the devices. Also, each machine is equipped with a container and separate tanks for hot and cold water, departments for loading ingredients, bill and coin acceptors. The system works on the basis of computer software.

Coffee machines can be purchased both new and used, as well as leased or loaned, which depends on the preferences and capabilities of the entrepreneur.

Reference: if new devices provide a guarantee of 1-2 years, then when buying used equipment, you should be extremely careful. The best option - the service life of the machine has not exceeded guarantee period, otherwise, after the purchase, the equipment may break down, and this is an expensive repair or lost funds.

Where to place coffee machines?

The main condition for placing coffee machines is a crowded place. The following options are suitable for this:

  • supermarkets;
  • cinemas;
  • entertainment complexes;
  • amusement parks;
  • educational establishments;
  • budgetary institutions (polyclinics, hospitals, government agencies);
  • business centers;
  • banks and 24-hour ATM rooms;
  • points close to taxi ranks;
  • stations.


Coffee machines require regular service and maintenance. The frequency depends on the speed of product sales, but on average, the equipment needs to be visited once every 2 days.

What needs to be done:

  • fill the machine with ingredients;
  • fill containers with water;
  • clean the main components of the equipment;
  • carry out collection;
  • timely prevent and eliminate breakdowns;
  • support appearance technology.

Expendable materials

For the full functioning of the coffee machine, you must regularly purchase:

  • coffee - grain or ground;
  • tea, chocolate or cocoa;
  • dry milk or cream;
  • water;
  • tableware.

Materials are purchased as needed. Finding suppliers is not difficult, because in most cases initial stage the seller of the apparatus supplies the buyer consumables, offering further cooperation. The entrepreneur independently decides from which supplier to purchase ingredients.


If the number of coffee machines does not imply a large number (up to 10 units), then a businessman can deal with all issues independently. Visiting 4-5 vending machines a day is not a problem.

Another issue is the necessary skills and abilities to maintain the equipment. Not every person can handle this.

In any case, the IP deals with all organizational and procurement matters personally, and 1-2 people can be hired as a technician, which again depends on the number of installed coffee machines.

Advertising and marketing

The sale of hot drinks is a local business whose target audience is employees and visitors to the establishment where the machines are located. In this case, a minor advertising campaign is provided:

  • a sign or poster on the facade of the building, symbolizing the presence of a coffee machine in the room;
  • pavement signs on the way to the point of sale;
  • pointers - especially relevant in large shopping malls and business centers;
  • indoor posters to capture the attention of customers.

Financial calculations

The financial part of the business plan is based on the fact that the entrepreneur purchases new coffee machines in the amount of 10 units.

Investment in the project

Spending at the start (in rubles):

  • 10,000 - registration of IP and additional documents;
  • 50,000 - rent of a place for 10 machines;
  • 1,200,000 - purchase of equipment;
  • 100,000 - consumables.

Result: 1,360,000 rubles.

To install one machine, you will need 130-150 thousand rubles, depending on the cost of the equipment.

Current expenses

Regular expenses include (in rubles):

  • 100,000 - purchase of consumables;
  • 40 000 - payment utilities(electricity);
  • 25 000 – wage technique.

Result: 165,000 rubles per month.

Income and calculation of profit and profitability

Revenues from coffee machines are quite variable and depend on the installation site and consumer demand.

On average, 1 machine sells 50-60 cups of coffee per day. The cost of one serving is 30 rubles. Income per day - 1,500 rubles, and per month - 45,000.

Considering that there are 10 such machines, the monthly income is 450,000 rubles.

Net income - mandatory expenses are deducted from the amount received.

450,000-165,000 \u003d 285,000 rubles.

Profitability - the ratio of net income to dirty, multiplied by 100%.


The payback of the vending business is 5-6 months.

The above calculations are rather rough, because they do not take into account specific models of coffee machines and their cost, as well as location and purchasing power. Individual calculations of the financial part of the business plan will always be different.

The coffee vending business can be partly called passive income. Having installed even one device, it will in any case make a profit without the need for the entrepreneur to be constantly at the workplace. Having recouped investments in a few months, you can safely proceed to expand the business, working only in plus.

Order a business plan

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