Furniture business - from home assembly to workshop production. How to open a furniture store? Business plan furniture showroom

Almost any person is capable of organizing their own business. The desire to become an entrepreneur arises in each of us at a certain stage of life. At this moment, we start looking, or a metropolis, in a village or a village. The most important thing is to find a business that would bring not only profit, but also pleasure.

Determining the format of the furniture store

Surely each of us bought furniture and household appliances and certainly faced a situation when we had to choose between price and quality, finished goods or made to order according to individual measurements. Accordingly, we can conclude that all stores are conventionally divided into several types, differ in format, price category and assortment.

Therefore, first of all, a novice entrepreneur needs to decide on the format of his future store.

To make it clear, I will guide you through a few basic formats of furniture stores.

  • Furniture store of narrow specialization. This is an establishment that offers customers a certain type of product, for example, extremely soft sofas, kitchen corners and chairs. In this niche, this store is considered a full-fledged owner, offering customers a wide assortment of a specific group of goods. The required area for such a retail outlet is from 300 sq. m.
  • Furniture hypermarket. In such a store, a wide selection of headsets is provided for the living room, bedroom, office, bathroom. To open such a store, you need a large room, not necessarily in the center, it can even be outside the city. Recommended area from 1000 sq. m.
  • Furniture salon. This institution differs significantly from its brothers in that it offers a wide range of expensive, luxury furniture from well-known manufacturers. Such shops are visited by people with high material wealth who can afford to buy a sofa for several thousand dollars. As a rule, there are not very many similar furniture stores, even in large cities. You can order goods there exclusively from the catalog, all furniture in the store is presented only as exhibition material.
  • Store-warehouse. Such establishments offer their customers ready-made furniture from the factory. Here you will no longer be able to order a sofa or bed by individual measurements, you can only choose a product exclusively from the proposed grid standard sizes... The advantage of buying such furniture is in its cost and the ability to purchase the product in one day, and not wait several weeks until it is manufactured.

It should be noted that the cost of opening a furniture store will directly depend on the chosen format.

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Where can I get money to open a store?

In our article, we promised to tell you how to open a furniture store from scratch. There are several options that you can use individually or all together.

Bank loan

If you do not have enough money to start a business, buy real estate or purchase household appliances, then you can borrow it without any problems. Is it worth it? Banking is risky, but sometimes well worth it. I recommend that you think carefully before making this important decision. First, you need to make sure the profitability of the business, determine it approximate terms payback and level of competition. Only after making sure of the correctness of the choice, go to apply for a loan.

Financial assistance from the state

Surely many of you have heard about such an opportunity to get a certain amount for the development of your business. All that is required of you is:

  • Register with the employment service as unemployed;
  • Submit a certificate of income from previous place work;
  • Make up detailed business plan with calculations and submit it to the commission, which will issue its verdict regarding the receipt of monetary assistance or its refusal.

Thus, you will receive financial assistance for the development of your business free of charge. Agree, even a small start-up capital will not hurt you.


Another option for receiving money and the opportunity to open furniture business from scratch. Finding a partner or investor is quite difficult, but if you are confident in the profitability of your idea, have developed a detailed business plan to achieve the goal, then you can try to find a person who will agree to financially support your project.

Furniture business registration

To obtain permission to trade in furniture, you should collect and execute a certain package of documents and permits.

The first step is registering with the tax office. You must apply for registration legal entity(LLC) or sole proprietorship.

The second step is obtaining permits from the sanitary and fire service. The store premises must comply with safety standards and regulations. After checking specialized services, you will be issued an authorization document.

The third step is obtaining permission from Rospotrebnadzor.

Where is it profitable to rent a room?

In order to sell a product, in this case furniture, you need to rent a suitable room. As noted above, first you need to decide on the format of the store, after which we can draw conclusions about the required area. After that, the rented premises of the retail outlet should be repaired so that it meets all the requirements. fire safety.

Furniture store location

As for the location of the store, the same format of the outlet is taken into account here. If you are planning to open an elite furniture store, then you need to rent a place in the city center, because rich clients will not go to your remote sleeping area. Opening a furniture hypermarket requires a large area where the store itself will be located, as well as parking and a warehouse. Therefore, it is most profitable to open a hypermarket outside the city or in a residential area of ​​the city, where the rental price is much lower than in the center.

As for the design of the premises, in the case of a hypermarket, there is no need to make special repairs, it is quite enough to comply with the standards for storing furniture and meet the requirements of the fire and sanitary services.

In case of opening a salon of luxury furniture, you should take care of the interior of the room. This store does not need a large area, 30 sq. M is quite enough. m., because in such establishments, customers choose all the goods from catalogs and only make and pay for the order. Therefore, there is no need to rent a large room, it is quite enough to equip a place for employees (table, chairs, computer) and a place for clients (soft sofas).

When you open a furniture showroom, your main expenses will be paying rent and advertising costs, which will attract wealthy customers. As for the profit, you will receive a certain percentage from each order made. In this case, you, as a store, do not invest money in the purchase of goods, the costs are borne by the buyer, who pays all costs. Thus, your salon only provides an opportunity to select and order goods from the catalog and guarantees its delivery.

Custom-made furniture or finished products?

You need to decide in what format you will work. First of all, you need to form an assortment. There are two options.

Manufacturing and sales of products. In this case, your store is engaged in independent production of furniture and its implementation. In our previous publications, we once discussed the possibility of opening the manufacture of furniture and other goods, if interested, read. In this case, production and sales are combined. This is a pretty good way to make money, but financially costly for a budding entrepreneur.

The second option is exclusively selling furniture. This option involves mediation between the manufacturer of the product and the customer. The outlet receives profit from each order by setting a margin on the product that it sells.

Scheme: contacting a furniture store with a claim

How to attract customers?

  • Advertising in the city. Use banners, hand out flyers with the store's address in crowded places, and attract people with advertisements posted around the city.
  • Advertising on the Internet. Selling furniture through websites and auctions is a profitable business. Advertise your store in in social networks by creating a thematic group. In addition, be sure to create a website where information about the location of the store, contact numbers for communication will be posted, and you will also be able to view the assortment of goods sold.
  • Promotions and discounts. Be sure to use these tricky customer acquisition techniques. Give discounts to regular customers, expand the assortment, hold promotions. All this will help attract more people, and, accordingly, get a lot of orders and a stable income.
  • The furniture trade business is no different from the one we wrote about earlier. In this other case, you work as an intermediary between the customer and the manufacturer. It is important to acquire connections, the right contacts and build a customer base. Only then will you be successful.
  • Don't be afraid to start your own business!

Dmitry Kuprienko, an experienced entrepreneur in the field of furniture production, shares practical advice about how to start and organize a business in the production of furniture, what you need to organize your first workshop, how to get up from scratch and where to start in this business.

Many companies that started their business with the manufacture of cabinet furniture in small workshops a few years ago have become quite successful and have expanded their business. Today, some of these organizations, in addition to the production of kitchens, wardrobes and other interior items, provide the population with a number of other services. Usually it is sawing laminated chipboard and making facades from MDF according to customers' sizes, pasting the ends of PVC parts and melamine edging, assembling doors from aluminum profiles and selling furniture fittings with accessories.

With some experience and initial knowledge in this area, you can organize your own small business, which has every chance of success. Moreover, some serious investment and the presence of large production areas in initial stage you don't need it. With a skillful approach, rational use of earned funds and a certain amount of luck, you can literally have in 1-2 years decent wages.

How to start a furniture manufacturing business?

Dmitry Kuprienko(author of the material) - for more than ten years engaged in the production of custom-made cabinet furniture:

"The presence of a huge number of players in this market segment should not stop you. In any business, as elsewhere, the evolutionary process never stops - someone goes bankrupt, and a more agile entrepreneur takes his place."

Since, as already noted, starting a small business for the production of cabinet furniture does not imply large cash costs, there can be no talk of any expensive advertising campaigns and other promotions. Finding your clients can be much easier and cheaper. It is enough to order business cards and distribute them to everyone you can, or publish several advertisements in special newspapers.

Also try to negotiate cooperation with small hardware stores, since the chances of finding a customer in such a place are quite high. Renovators often plan to purchase new furniture as well. If you can convince the owners of these outlets that they will benefit from a certain percentage of your orders, then customers will soon appear.

In addition to traditional methods, you need to start preparing your website or blog, since every year more and more orders, especially in large and medium-sized cities, are received by masters via the Internet. Of course, promoting such your own virtual store will require financial and material costs, but not everything is done at once. Gradually developing the main production, at the same time, be engaged in the development of an Internet resource, which, with a successful combination of circumstances, will provide you with many orders - the dream of all entrepreneurs without exception.

How to choose the right supplier of materials?

Sufficiently high competition in this sector forces firms providing this kind of services to pursue approximately the same policy in relation to finance. Therefore, choosing an organization based only on prices would be fundamentally wrong. Some may sell some products cheaper than competitors, while others - more expensive, as a result, the average cost of components for furniture production will be approximately similar everywhere. Naturally, we are talking about the same level of quality, since materials and accessories from different manufacturers have different prices.

The maximum possible range of goods and services offered by the organization to its customers. In such a place, you should be able to buy almost everything you need, without spending additional time and money on trips to other stores for some little thing. Moreover, it is highly desirable that the components are sold in different price categories, since customers have unequal income levels, and not everyone will be able to pay for expensive elite materials, and some only need such materials. Therefore, you must have the freedom of choice in one place.

The timing of the execution of your orders and the discounts that are provided to regular customers are no less important. Duplicate information received from company employees with experienced clients. It is from them that you can learn important nuances.

The location of the organization plays a significant role; it is better to start working with a company that is located at the maximum close range from your workshop. Voyages across the city, with the current traffic congestion in the daytime, take up a lot of precious time.

The territory should have convenient entrances to the workshops and properly equipped areas for loading parts into your vehicles. It's good when in such places there are sheds that guarantee the safety of parts in any bad weather.

Search for premises and purchase of equipment

For the manufacture of cabinet furniture at the initial stage, you will need a room with an area of ​​about 20-25 square meters, it will be good if it turns out to be one large room. Please note that there will be a small warehouse here for both recently delivered blanks and finished products... In the same room, you will need to drill and process parts, as well as assemble furniture, so choosing a room less than 20 squares is not recommended.

In addition, pay attention to the possibility of maintaining the temperature in it at the level of 10-15 degrees in the autumn-winter period. Calculate immediately how much it will cost you. Sometimes cheap rent is completely offset by expensive heating. There was no need to remind the room that the room should be dry, since this is one of the main conditions, and neglecting it, you risk a lot.

It is also important to be confident in the safety of all property, because over time, if the business develops successfully, the shop may simultaneously contain components and equipment worth several thousand dollars. Do not forget here about ensuring convenient loading of finished furniture and unloading of the brought parts with fittings.

When buying equipment, many cannot decide on the class of hand-held power tools. Opinions on this matter are very opposite: some prefer to purchase inexpensive goods and change as needed, others work only with expensive products of world famous brands.

There is also a tool in the middle price range, so it is probably worth stopping your choice on it at the very beginning. In addition to production needs, it is always useful for other things. In order for you not to have any problems during the execution of orders, you must have in your arsenal:

  • Electric drill - 2000 rubles;
  • Cordless screwdriver - 2500 rubles;
  • Mains-powered screwdriver - 2,000 rubles;
  • Jigsaw - 2200 rubles;
  • Manual milling cutter - 2500 rubles;
  • Grinding machine - 2500 rubles;
  • Electric face saw - 7,000 rubles;
  • Industrial hair dryer - 1600 rubles;
  • Perforator - 2200 rubles.
  • A set of cutting tools: drills, cutters, knives and crowns - 3000 rubles;
  • A standard set of hand tools for a home craftsman - 1000 rubles;
  • Clamps - 1000 rubles;
  • Miter box - 800 rubles.

Over time, having gained more experience and accumulated money for the development of production, you will acquire more sophisticated equipment providing a higher level of production. In the meantime, it is quite possible to do with what is listed in this section, since this is quite enough to produce cabinet furniture from ready-made parts. Your costs when purchasing the mentioned instrument will amount to about 30 thousand rubles, and prices can deviate in both directions by about 20%.


No, we are not talking about expensive CNC machines, but just two programs that can significantly facilitate your work at the stages of furniture design and when ordering cutting laminated chipboard. One way or another, but you will have to do this anyway, until well-going affairs allow you to hire an employee for this purpose. Without the use of software, this entire process will take a lot of time and effort, and errors in calculations are also possible. Therefore, you should pay attention to very simple and useful programs:

PRO 100- a program created for the design, as well as the construction of furniture. With its help, you can easily carry out both the visualization of the object and the calculation of the parts required for assembly. Today there are several versions of PRO 100, as the program is constantly being improved. The latest development allows you to create fairly realistic 3D pictures.

Cutting- a program, the purpose of which is to assist in drawing up the optimal option for cutting sheets of laminated chipboard and MDF. Using it, you will quickly find out how much material is needed to make a particular product, and you will also be able to minimize unnecessary waste. Cutting saves both time and money.

Besides, it is advisable to have a laptop. Your future work associated with frequent visits to homes, offices and other facilities where measurements will be made. Almost all clients in this case are childishly impatient, they want to immediately see how their furniture looks. With a laptop and PRO 100, you can render in 45-70 minutes. By the way, this greatly increases your chances of getting an order.

Prospects for the development of the furniture business

Following our recommendations and putting aside some of the money earned for business development, you can reach a new quality level within 2-3 years. In the process of fulfilling orders, acquaintances are made with construction crews because repairmen and furniture makers are, in fact, inseparable. Connections such as the Internet project will allow you to increase the number of clients and increase your income.

An important factor guaranteeing success of undertakings, is the constant expansion of the production base both in terms of increasing areas and purchasing new equipment.

From the first days of work, you will dream of panel saw and edge banding machines... They provide independence, quick on-site error correction and cost savings.

But you can't rush to buy them, many craftsmen, turning ahead of time to a bank or to individuals for a loan to purchase them, incorrectly assessed their capabilities and subsequently suffered losses. Therefore, it is better to make such serious purchases for your own money or borrow an insignificant amount.

Expensive machines only justify themselves with the appropriate amount of material to be processed, only then are they effective.

Their cost is approximately:

  • Panel saw (made in China) - about 200,000 rubles.
  • Curved edge banding machine (made in Russia, China) - about 50,000 rubles.

There is equipment that is both slightly cheaper and much more expensive than the quoted prices. But even familiarization with the average cost of machine tools, which are usually purchased for small workshops, is enough to avoid making impulsive decisions. Without a carefully calibrated business plan, which is confirmed by an increase in the number of orders, it is not worth starting this event. The delay in such a purchase may be just as undesirable for effective development. You will simply be wasting money and time.

Furniture making has always been considered a promising occupation, especially in our country, since a huge percentage of the population still uses old headsets and dreams of new ones. People who bought a kitchen, wardrobe or hallway about 5-8 years ago are already starting to think about replacing them, so furniture makers will always be with work. You just need to organize it correctly.

New idea for business: Production of fences and fences for private households under the FenceLego franchise "(novelty, lack of competition, great demand even in the current market conditions).

First of all, a beginner must take into account that the furniture market has already taken shape. And if 15-20 years ago it was possible to bring any furniture and find a buyer for it, now it is difficult to guess the needs of the client. Therefore, you need to study the market and focus on those segments of the population that you want to serve. The luminary of the market with many years of experience told about the intricacies of this business to the BIBOSS portal, general manager network of furniture stores "Vash Byt" Farid Safin.

Where to start?

To begin with, experts advise to conduct marketing research... See what competitors are selling, what are their advantages and disadvantages. Entrepreneurial intuition should work. First of all, you need to understand what niche you want to occupy. There is a strong stratification of the target audience. There are those who buy expensive imported furniture. There are those who only come from functional features furniture - design and manufacturer are not important for them.

Aspiring entrepreneurs, as a rule, do not have a lot of capital and the opportunity to occupy large retail space for samples. Therefore, it is advised to start working with the economy and middle class, where the bulk of buyers are concentrated.

You can consult with those who have been working in this market for a long time. They can be manufacturing partners who produce furniture and know what is in demand. In Russia, these manufacturers are established companies that contain marketing services, constantly study the demand, go to exhibitions.

By the way, visiting furniture exhibitions is good way market research. Manufacturers there exhibit existing and new furniture samples and monitor the reaction of visitors. There are a lot of both ordinary buyers and representatives at the exhibition. retail chains, they enter into contracts with manufacturers for the supply of furniture.

Working with a supplier, you can find out what kind of furniture is in demand in the region. Because depending on the region, the demand differs. Somewhere one color and model is popular, somewhere another. For example, in Tatarstan, where there are many Muslims, calm green tones are held in high esteem. But furniture models throughout Russia are basically the same. Only Moscow and St. Petersburg stand apart - there is a demand for advanced models. The most ultramodern modern trend is first mastered in Moscow and St. Petersburg, and then goes to the regions. Therefore, if you open a store not in these capitals, then it is better not to immediately bring unusual furniture here - it is unlikely that it will find a buyer.

How to get around the competition? It is necessary to find those models that, in terms of price and quality, can compete with those already on the market.

Farid Safin

If we talk about us, we have been working on the market for a long time and cover all categories of clients - from economy class to VIP clients. In our salons you can look through catalogs of expensive furniture, we exhibit some samples of high quality Italian, Belarusian furniture. The client places an order and we contact the manufacturer. Orders for expensive furniture are infrequent, so keeping all models in the store is unprofitable, since renting retail space is not cheap.

Investment size

Farid Safin

CEO (founder) of the Vash Byt group of companies

As for the search for funds for the launch, it is better not to count on state support. Today in Russia, first of all, they support producers and agribusiness. It is believed that trade is already sufficiently developed and organized, so this industry is not subsidized. The only hope remains for banks that participate in programs to support small and medium-sized businesses. They lend to businesses at reasonable interest rates.

Farid Safin

CEO (founder) of the Vash Byt group of companies

But there are nuances. Based on personal experience, I can say that all banks require a deposit - a room, an apartment, a car. At the same time, today the direction of trade in furniture is considered a risky business. Recently we wanted to take out a loan, everything seemed to suit the bank, there was a pledge, but later we were told that the furniture business was risky, and the loan was refused. Therefore, not everything is so simple. It is better to find an investor, partners who are ready to invest in business and develop together.

What are running costs business? It is necessary to have a warehouse stock of furniture, rent and maintain warehouses, where loaders work for the acceptance and release of furniture, storekeepers. Accounting systems are now computerized, so programmers are needed. Plus transportation costs, including the delivery of furniture from the manufacturer - from factories and plants.

How to optimize costs? You can transfer something to outsourcing - for example, the services of programmers, rent warehouses with a ready-made staff of loaders, or generally work with "wheels" - pick up furniture directly from the factory and immediately deliver it to customers. The advantage of small businesses is that there is no need to maintain a large office staff: dispatchers, commercial service, accounting, management. At the initial stage, many entrepreneurs perform all these functions themselves - he is a freight forwarder, a manager, a dispatcher, and an accountant. But as you grow, it is better not to inflate the staff, this will optimize costs.

On average, the operating costs of a furniture salon at the initial stage, with a minimum number of attendants, amount to 100-150 thousand rubles per month. But this amount does not include rent - it depends on the area. In large Russian cities on average - from 800 to 1500 rubles per sq. M.

Step-by-step instruction

In your activities, you will have to interact with a number of counterparties and suppliers. First of all, these are furniture manufacturers. You can go directly to them. But when the volume of sales is small, it is difficult, because manufacturers are interested in large orders. Therefore, it is easier for small companies to work with dealers, wholesalers.

Farid Safin

CEO (founder) of the Vash Byt group of companies

Our company has a wholesale department. We bring furniture from all over Russia, as well as from China, Belarus, the Baltic states and release it from our central warehouse in small batches for small entrepreneurs - they take the assortment they need. This is convenient for novice entrepreneurs, especially since they can take into account our trading experience, because we know in which region which furniture is in demand, and we give our recommendations.

If a person once bought furniture in one trade network and was completely satisfied with the quality and price, the next time he tries to contact the same store. There is a bond between the seller and the buyer that has been maintained for years. In our network there are regular customers who have been buying furniture from us for many years and bringing their children.

The main quality for the seller is the desire to work. If a person thinks that the furniture will sell himself, but he can sit on the couch and read, waiting for the buyer to come up and place an order, then you do not need him. Today there is a wide selection of furniture in different salons. And the seller must interest the buyer himself. Most often, after 2-3 months of internship, a person masters the assortment and can already cope well with sales. Developed companies have their own HR department, which deals with the recruitment and training of personnel.

Farid Safin

CEO (founder) of the Vash Byt group of companies

We try to make people work in our company stably, constantly. And so it happens. Most of our employees have been working, if not from the day the company was founded, then on average 10-15 years. To do this, we constantly use a motivation system and periodically review it so that it is attractive to our employees. We have a 13th salary, works trade union organization, which maintains contacts with many institutions - for example, sanatoriums, and you can get preferential vouchers. People can get vacation pay, sick leave. We hold corporate events - and new year holidays, and March 8 and May 1. V New Year summarize the work and announce best workers, we give gifts and certificates of honor.

In shopping malls, you will be forced to adhere to the established work schedule. In freestanding salons, focus on the mode acceptable for a particular area of ​​the city.


You do not need to obtain special permits. Hygienic quality certificates are needed, but they are usually supplied by the manufacturer.

Today, there are two main types of taxation used by entrepreneurs engaged in retail trade - the Unified Imputed Income Tax and the simplified taxation system. UTII is charged depending on the area. "Simplified" depends on the turnover, that is, the tax is paid depending on how many goods are sold. And the choice of the type of taxation depends on the traffic of the outlet. There are retail outlets with high traffic, where the rent is high, but also the return per sq. M. the turnover is also high. In this case, it is better to pay UTII. If the areas are large, but the traffic is low, the rent is low - a simplified system works better here.

Opening checklist

The opening of a store in a detached building must be covered as an event. If the store is designed for the scale of the area, it is necessary that its residents know about the opening. Usually, when a store opens, they create a beautiful exposition of furniture, hang balloons at the entrance, attract animators who will meet and entertain guests and children. Such events cannot do without gifts - even if they are small, so that when they come home, people tell their family and neighbors about your store.

Furniture is an integral part of every person's life. It is everywhere: at work, at home, in places of rest, in various institutions. Most often, household furniture is purchased, updating the interior or furnishing a new apartment. Therefore, business on retail furniture has its own prospects for development and earnings. In order to correctly calculate the main points and costs of opening your own retail outlet, we present a business plan for a furniture store, an example of which you can use when starting your project.

Project summary

We are considering opening a furniture store in a city with a population of about 800 thousand inhabitants. The store will feature the following categories of home furniture: sofas, armchairs, bedroom and kitchen sets, desks and office chairs, coffee tables and ottomans. The target audience: people from 25 to 50 years old with an average income.

The store is located in a large residential area of ​​the city in an active passable place, close to a shopping center, clothing stores and home improvement stores.

The main risks of the project:

Risk name Solution
The emergence of a strong competitor In the fight against a strong competitor, it is necessary to offer buyers the widest possible selection of furniture models, alternative options for production and delivery times; develop a loyalty system, promotions, great offers, discounts for regular customers
Unsuccessful first purchase To minimize the risk of unsuccessful purchase of furniture, it is necessary to analyze competitors and similar furniture stores, form a portrait of the buyer and determine the level of demand for furniture categories. In addition, you can agree with the manufacturer to take furniture for sale or with the possibility of exchange for another model.
A sharp increase in the price of renting a store premises You will have to rent a large area, so the price will be rather big, as well as the costs of repair and preparation of the premises, so it is better to draw up a lease agreement for at least 2 years with the possibility of lease extension and the right of priority purchase of the premises
Economic crisis, decrease in the target audience's ability to pay In this case, you will have to redesign the sales tactics, offer cheaper furniture models that will be affordable to buyers or offer joint programs with banks for installments and lending

A business plan of a furniture store with calculations will help to form an estimate of the planned and reserve costs for the opening and development of a furniture salon.


To open a furniture store, we need to choose a form of business and go through the appropriate registration with the tax office. For the operation of one store, it will be enough for us to register an individual entrepreneur and choose a simplified taxation system of 15%. We indicate the OKVED code 47.59, which allows us to engage in retail trade in furniture and interior items.

In addition, it is necessary to obtain permission from the fire inspectorate to use the premises for a furniture store.

No more permits or licenses are required.

Investments in registration and registration will not exceed 7-10 thousand rubles.

Premises for rent

We will be renting a room in a residential area of ​​the city in an actively passable place, close to clothing stores, building materials and transport interchange. The room is located on the basement of the house. The total area is about 80-100 sq. m. The cost of such premises will be 50 thousand rubles.

Also, in the room you will need to make cosmetic repairs - painting the walls, installing coatings on the ceiling and floors. We will determine the cost of repairs in the amount of 200 thousand rubles.

To minimize the cost of renovation, it is important to rent a room with a minimum number of partitions, free area viewed from the entrance.

Utility bills for such premises will cost about 7 thousand rubles. The store should be warm, but not hot or damp.

Purchase of equipment

For a furniture store, you need to purchase a table, a chair and a laptop, an MFP for the work of a sales assistant, as well as cash equipment.

In addition, the furniture store will need a truck to deliver furniture to the customer. A GAZelle-business class car with an all-metal van body worth 900 thousand rubles is taken.

In total, 1 million rubles will be needed for these purposes. To save on buying a vehicle, you can buy a used car or negotiate cooperation with the owner of such a vehicle.

Assortment and manufacturers

It is very important to select both the current assortment of furniture during the first purchase, and manufacturers. Mandatory in trading floor the following categories must be present (we indicate the purchase at cost):

Name price, rub. Quantity Amount, rub.
Large sofa 20 000 2 60 000
Small sofa 15 000 2 40 000
Big bed 15 000 1 20 000
Two-story bed 15 000 2 40 000
Elements of a bedroom set (table top, wardrobe, upper wardrobe, chairs) 10 000 5 types of cuisine 50 000
Sleeping set (curbstone, wardrobe) 15 000 3 types 45 000
Mirrors 5 000 5 25 000
Closet 15 000 3 45 000
Desk 10 000 3 30 000
Children's ottomans 2 000 10 20 000
Ottomans for adults 3 000 5 15 000
Children's table chair 2 000 3 6 000
Adult table chair 2 500 4 10 000
Chandeliers 1 000 10 10 000
Table lamp 500 10 5 000
Floor lamp 1 000 5 5 000
Outcome 426 000

This is the minimum purchase of the necessary representatives of the furniture categories and the maximum for a given retail space. It is advisable to negotiate with the supplier-manufacturer about the exchange option for color or for another model, if necessary. Also from the manufacturer you can get visual catalogs for the supply of custom-made furniture.

The store must have at least 5-7 different manufacturers. They should differ in price category, quality and style solutions.

Our furniture mark-up will start at 50%.


For the full-fledged operation of a furniture store, it is necessary to hire several workers. Initially, the entrepreneur himself may be involved in the sale and delivery of furniture, but combining these 2 functions with administrative tasks will not be easy. Therefore, we will hire a sales assistant and a delivery driver. The third specialist is a furniture assembler.

One of the work functions can be performed by the owner himself, for example, a deliveryman. This is a responsible position, since expensive transport is under his responsibility. And the safety of the delivered furniture also depends on this person.

Indicative staffing table:

The salesperson will have a salary system with a bonus for fulfilling the sales plan. The assembler will receive piecework wages for each order.

The bookkeeping will be carried out independently by the entrepreneur, as well as ordering furniture in the trading floor.

Marketing and advertising

To attract customers, it is important to analyze the level of demand and form the correct pricing policy and the appropriate assortment for the first purchase. During the opening period of the store, it is imperative to install a large signboard, organize the grand opening of the furniture salon with balls and promotions for the first buyers.

The accumulation system is formed individually for the buyer. For example, with a one-time purchase of furniture in the amount of 50,000 rubles, you will receive a loyal customer card with a 5% discount. After reaching the figure of 100 thousand rubles, the discount increases to 7%.

In addition, there will be favorable options for payment by installments for expensive furniture (from 35 thousand rubles per item).

Expenses and income

Here we will analyze and bring together all the starting and monthly expenses for the opening and development of the store. Let's outline a sales plan and plan an approximate revenue starting from the 3-4th month of active trading. After that, we will determine the net profit, the rate of return and the payback period of the initial investment.

Start-up costs


The first 3-4 months for a furniture store will be challenging, with little or no profit in the first month. However, starting from the 4th month, a certain level of sales is planned. By this period, the number of buyers should reach the planned level.

Sales plan:

Name price, rub. Quantity Sum
Large sofa 20 000 1 20 000
Small sofa 15 000 1 15 000
Big bed 15 000 1 15 000
Two-story bed 15 000 1 15 000
Fully bedroom set (medium) 70 000 2 140 000
Bedroom set 100 000 2 200 000
Mirrors 5 000 2 10 000
Closet 15 000 1 15 000
Desk 10 000 2 10 000
Children's ottomans 2 000 3 6 000
Ottomans for adults 3 000 1 3 000
Children's table chair 2 000 2 4 000
Adult table chair 2500 2 5 000
Chandeliers 1000 10 10 000
Table lamp 500 5 2500
Floor lamp 1000 5 5 000
Total: 475 500

Taking into account the average markup of 50%, the profitability will amount to 237,750 rubles per month.

Let's calculate the difference between income and expenses to calculate the tax:

237,750 - 122,000 = 115,750 rubles per month.

We calculate the tax payment:

115,750 x 0.15 = 17,363 rubles.

Accordingly, our net profit will be:

115,750 - 17,363 = 98,387 rubles per month.

Let's calculate the return on investment:

(98 387/122 000) x 100 = 80.64%.

The profitability indicator of the furniture store is quite optimistic. However, it is worth remembering that for the first 4 months you will have to work on the store's image and constantly work to increase the effect of advertising, in which investments will be required.

Let's calculate the payback period of the project:

758,000 / 98,387 = 7.7 months.

It is planned to recoup the initial investment in the store within 7-8 months.


Selling furniture even in a small town can be quite a profitable business. The main thing is to enter the market, establish solid positions, attract as many buyers as possible and keep regular customers lucrative offers and loyalty system.

In the future, in a year, you can rent a room with a larger area and increase the offered assortment, enter the online sales market and open your own online store with home delivery. In addition, in two years, it is planned to open another point of sale in another large area of ​​the city.

  • Marketing plan
  • Product description
  • Production plan
  • What OKVED code to indicate
  • Financial plan
  • Choice of taxation regime

Business plan for opening a furniture store selling upholstered furniture and related products. The location of the store is a large shopping center in a city with a population of 550 thousand inhabitants.

How much money is needed to open an upholstered furniture store

According to the calculations of the business plan, the opening of an upholstered furniture store in the rented area will require investments for a total amount of 790,000 rubles:

  • Deposit for renting premises (80 sq. M.) - 120,000 rubles.
  • Commercial equipment (seller's desk, computer) - 70,000 rubles.
  • Creation of an assortment of goods - 450,000 rubles.
  • Advertising budget (sign, business cards, brochures, online advertising) - 100,000 rubles.
  • Other organizational expenses - 50,000 rubles.

Marketing plan

Despite the great competition in this area, open successful business selling upholstered furniture is quite possible. The main thing in the success of the business is the observance of the following conditions:

  • Convenient location of the store. High permeability of the paying audience of buyers. In this sense, one of the most best places are large shopping centers where special trading places for furniture departments.
  • A good assortment of goods, a large selection of quality furniture.
  • Correctly built pricing policy, regular promotions.
  • Extensive advertising campaign, the use of the most modern methods of promotion (including on the Internet).
  • Competent and well trained salespeople are consultants.

Product description

The assortment of our store will include:

  • Straight sofas;
  • Corner sofas;
  • Armchairs;
  • Soft beds;
  • Poufs;
  • Sofa beds and armchair beds;
  • Children's upholstered furniture;
  • Roll-out sofas;
  • Office sofas;
  • Ottomans.

Also, in order to increase the average check, it is planned to sell related goods: rugs, paintings, tapestries, figurines, flower girls and so on. The sale of such a product works very well to retain the client, creating the effect of a "habit" of asking questions about buying furniture in our salon. The product will be primarily designed for consumers with middle and lower-middle income. This is not luxury furniture, but at the same time it is of very high quality. The suppliers will be enterprises not only from nearby regions and regions, but also furniture factories from the CIS countries. The trading margin will be at the average market level and will amount to 30% for most positions. The average price level for a sofa bed will be 22 thousand rubles, for armchairs - 8 thousand rubles, for a chair-bed - 15 thousand rubles. The average check, according to preliminary calculations, will be equal to 18 thousand rubles.

Production plan

The store will be located in a large mall with an average traffic of 6,000 people per day. The leased premises will be 80 square meters of retail space, plus 30 square meters. m. storage facilities. The store will be located on the third floor, which is almost entirely dedicated to the sale of furniture and related products. The rent will amount to 120 thousand rubles per month. The premise does not need repairs, installation of fire safety systems, etc., therefore, the main investments will be associated only with the creation of an assortment of goods. Two sales consultants will be hired to operate the point of sale. The work schedule will be 2 through 2. Remuneration is planned to be set as a salary plus a percentage of revenue (5%). This will give additional motivation to employees. In addition to sellers, an administrator and a procurement manager in one person will be hired. It is planned to outsource the services of an accountant (8 thousand rubles per month). The approximate salary fund for the store will be 60 thousand rubles per month.

What OKVED code to indicate

It is planned to register ordinary individual entrepreneurship as an organizational and legal form. OKVED code 52.44.1 " Retail furniture ". We have chosen UTII as the taxation system - single tax on imputed income. This is the optimal tax regime for a furniture store. With UTII, reporting is minimal, the tax can be reduced by the amount of insurance premiums to the PFR and FSS. It is not necessary to use a cash register.

Financial plan

Fixed monthly expenses, according to the calculations of the business plan, are as follows:

  • Rent - 120,000 rubles.
  • Salary + insurance contributions - 85,000 rubles.
  • Advertising - 20,000 rubles.
  • Third-party services - 8,000 rubles.
  • Taxes (UTII) - 9,000 rubles.
  • Other expenses - 15,000 rubles.
  • Total - 257,000 rubles.

How much can you earn on sales of furniture store products

To reach the break-even point of sales with a 30% trade margin, a furniture store needs to earn 1,113,667 rubles per month.

Monthly income

  • Trade margin - 30%
  • The average bill is 18,000 rubles.
  • Income from one sale - 4200 rubles.
  • Number of buyers per day - 3 people, per month - 90 people.
  • Income per month - 378,000 rubles.

Net income: 378,000 - 257,000 ( fixed costs) = 121,000 rubles per month. The profitability is 47%. Taking into account the period for the promotion of a furniture store (6-8 months), the return on investment will not come earlier than after 14 months of work.

It is full-fledged, finished project which you will not find in the public domain. Business plan content: 1. Confidentiality 2. Summary 3. Stages of the project 4. Description of the object 5. Marketing plan 6. Technical and economic data of equipment 7. Financial plan 8. Risk assessment 9. Financial and economic justification of investments 10. Conclusions

The main stages of organizing a furniture retail business

In order to open a furniture store, you need to solve the following issues:

  • Study the situation on the market for this product.
  • Develop an initial business plan and determine how much money is needed to open a store.
  • Execute documents of a business entity.
  • Choose a place and premises for the store.
  • Draw up an assortment of goods, and negotiate with suppliers.
  • Form a staff.
  • Buy equipment.

Based on the data obtained, a real business plan is created for opening your own retail outlet for the sale of furniture, which can be used as an "indicator" of business development or to attract potential investors, creditors and partners.

Selection of equipment and preparation of documents for a furniture store

As already mentioned, the item of expenses for the purchase of equipment for the operation of the outlet provides for the amount of 70 thousand rubles. It includes a showcase, shelves, shelves, mirrors, decorative items and a computer. In the future, it is possible to purchase additional equipment. The list of mandatory papers for the opening and subsequent operation of a furniture store includes:

  • IP registration documents.
  • Lease agreement for retail space.
  • Invoices and certificates for the entire range of products sold.
  • Contracts with suppliers.
  • Help on opening a current account.
  • Permission from the fire inspection and Rospotrebnadzor.
  • Personnel contracts.

In addition, it is necessary to organize a buyer's corner, where each visitor of the outlet can find the phones of the services that control the activities of entrepreneurs, see information about the store or leave an opinion about the work of the staff. The procedure for registering a business and processing all documents is not particularly difficult, due to the fact that for this type of activity you do not need to obtain special permits and licenses.

Choice of taxation regime

At the initial stage of business development, it is planned to work on UTII, but possibly after the introduction of this tax for payers cash registers(from July 1, 2018), this question will be revised. In this case, it is more profitable to pay STS - 15% of the difference between gross income and costs of the company for the reporting period.


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