How to learn to always be positive. How to be positive. Ignore the gossip

The famous philosopher Emerson said that mental health is measured by the tendency to see good in everything. However, not everyone has this ability. Nevertheless, the habit of thinking positively can be developed and developed in oneself. Moreover, the habit of being optimistic about life is the only way form a habit of happiness.

How to learn to think positively?

If a person decides to wait for the right moment while life circumstances allow you to think positively, it may happen that your whole life will pass in anticipation. Every day necessarily includes good and evil.

The world in general and someone's specific life is full of moments that can justify an irritable and pessimistic state of mind as well as a joyful state of mind. Being optimistic or pessimistic is not an innate quality, but a conscious choice.

When a person deliberately focuses on the positive moments in life, he not only instantly smooths out the current inconveniences, but also creates a certain positive base for the future.

Memorized moments of happiness and victories, however small, can provide significant support and inspiration during difficult times.

The American scientist and inventor Elmer Gates wrote that a person who strives for self-improvement must mentally recreate the feeling of being needed and kind. In ordinary life, a person rarely experiences such feelings, however, such emotions can significantly change a person in better side in a month.

The habit of thinking positively

A person's habits always correspond to his personality. As soon as habits change, the person himself changes. Translated from English, the word "habit" also means clothing, vestments. And in the literal sense of the word, a habit is the clothing in which our personality is clothed. However, they are not given to us at birth or by chance.

A person has those habits that are comfortable for him and correspond to his personal qualities. If a person forms new rules of behavior and skills, then old habits are immediately thrown off and new ones are put on.

Do not confuse a habit with addiction, it is not the same thing, and it is foolish to think that you cannot get rid of it. A habit is just a way of reacting, automatic, without thought or deliberate decision. About 95% of human emotions and reactions are formed habits.

When a person walks, he does not think about which foot to step on. Also, the dancer performs movements automatically, the driver changes gears, the musician presses the keys. Likewise, the habitual worldview, feelings and beliefs are formed. Every time a similar situation arises, we think, feel and act in the same way and in the same manner.

A habit can be changed, transformed, and completely reversed. This requires only a conscious decision and subsequent regular practice. A musician can deliberately hit another key, a dancer can deliberately do a different step, and there is nothing strange about that. However, in order for a habit to become automatic, it must be trained daily and constantly pulled back if the previous behavior resumes.

V Everyday life we often hear statements related to the filling of our thoughts: “what's inside is outside,” “thought is material,” “negative thoughts attract similar events,” etc. It seems that there is an inner world and an outer one, each exists by itself and is independent of each other. However, it is not.

Negative thinking contributes to the "attraction" of negative events, due to the fact that we simply do not notice the positive, but focus on the negative. Our Life is going according to the scenario that was formed by consciousness. Psychology teaches that our thinking acts on the principle of a sieve, that is, a sieve is the principle of thinking, and it preserves what is closer to it. A high level of negativity provokes the inability to find a way out of a difficult situation, the creation of difficult relationships with others, and even many diseases.

The answer to the question of how to learn to think positively will give you the opportunity to change your life. Psychology notes that people who think positively are more successful, happier and healthier. They are less likely to get into trouble and are less stressed.

Our inner world is a reflection of the external, taking into account upbringing, temperament, nationality, attitudes, etc., while the external world is so multifaceted that it gives us events and experiences similar to our content.

Specific traits

Positive thinking does not mean completely ignoring failures, negative events or experiences - after all, this is our experience that will allow us not to make mistakes in the future.

Thinking positively means seeing problems in terms of opportunities, not obstacles.

If trouble happens to a negatively-minded person, he can give up, perceive the event as a pattern - “it’s always like this with me,” “I’m a loser,” etc. and to abandon further struggle and search for a way out, he believes that success is an accident in his life. A person who thinks positively will also be upset, but will quickly come to his senses, perceive the event as an experience and move on. He knows that success doesn't come without failure. Such people are most often distinguished by friendliness, smiling, easygoingness and curiosity.

Positive thinking excludes life in black and white. The basis of peace of mind is the understanding that today may be bad, but tomorrow everything will change for the better. Living in a "catastrophic" mode is fraught with disease and shortened life span. Thinking positively means understanding that you should not take responsibility for all the events around you. It is important to force yourself to let go of the situation if its solution is not within your capabilities.

10 main rules

How to come to positive thinking and change your vision of the situation, if initially you tend to see a lot of negative things? Don't give up on yourself... Our consciousness is able to form a new picture of life over time, if you are guided by several rules:

  1. Conscious attitude towards positive

Always tune yourself to positive emotions and thinking, do not allow negative thoughts to remain in your mind for a long time, if they arise - take time for an internal dialogue, try to translate minus into plus. If you have something to praise yourself for, be sure to do it. Remember, negative thinking is about attracting such events.

  1. Forbid disappointment

If you encounter obstacles and failures on your way, take them as life experience, an opportunity to develop your weak sides and think in terms of finding workarounds.

Your task is to achieve balance, to form a positive picture of the world, whatever the cost, and disappointments will pull you back and prevent you from living happily.

  1. Chat with positive people

People like you will help you answer the question “how to learn to think positively”. Try to surround yourself with those who try to see the pros in everything, do not "stick" to failures. People who hold grudges, are vindictive, or do not like life at all - take a lot of energy and mental strength from you.

  1. Believe in your personality

Under any circumstances, keep faith in yourself and your capabilities.

Psychology recommends every day to let something new into your life - for example, to get to work by a different route, or to dine in a new place, etc. Study more the lives of those people who know what success is, its price, who went to the goal, despite the obstacles, and learn from them.

  1. Be single-minded

Success comes to those who clearly see their goals and are ready to move towards achieving them. Always make plans to achieve your goals and stick to them. Consider even minor achievements - your mind will remember positive experiences, which ultimately contribute to your confidence and positivity.

  1. Remember thought is material

Developing the habit of thinking positively will help your understanding of the materiality of thoughts. Negativity can poison your existence and contribute to bad events in your life. Each day, think about what else you can do in order to come to a way of thinking positively.

  1. Seeing positive in negative
  1. Rejoice in the simple

You should not tie your feeling of happiness and contentment with life to global things: for example, I will be happy only if I am rich, or become a star. Learn to enjoy something simple: good weather, a pleasant conversation partner, a good movie, etc. It is not difficult to develop this habit - remember how many people are deprived of what you have in abundance.

  1. Develop constantly

Self-improvement brings a lot of positive... Every day you will notice that you have become smarter, more successful, and therefore happier. Investing funds and efforts in your development is a guarantor of your self-confidence, which will allow you to fight negative and change your life for the better.

  1. Strive to live life to the fullest.

This means finding the time, effort and money for the maximum of life areas - family, personal life, friends, work, leisure, hobbies, travel - all this should be present in your life.

Make these rules the principles by which you will live from now on. Thanks to them, you will be able to change and live in harmony.

Creating a supportive environment for positive thoughts

When looking for an answer to the question of how to start thinking positively - psychology recommends regularly using several techniques, which are aimed at creating a "favorable ground" for positive thinking:

  • keep a diary in which you will note your achievements;
  • meditate;
  • visualize the desired results;
  • monitor your health;
  • track your bodily reactions: posture, facial expressions, gestures;
  • smile more often.

How will your thinking change?

Summing up, we summarize - positive thinking focuses the attention of the individual:

  • Not on problems, but on tasks and goals;
  • Not on what is missing, but on what you want;
  • Not on obstacles, but on opportunities;
  • Not on the minuses, but on the pluses;
  • Not failures, but successes.

This kind of thinking will allow you to make your life bright and happy, success - affordable, yourself - healthier, and relationships with loved ones - full of love. Even if you are just thinking about how to learn to think positively, then you are already halfway to success.

Perhaps, nothing influences a person's behavior so strongly and at the same time does not depend to such an extent on his will as an emotional state. At first glance, it may seem that acts committed under the influence strong emotions are not controlled by the mind. But after all, each particular case is a piece of the general puzzle and part of a system of habits, ways of thinking and general attitude to life. And if so, then each person chooses how to look at the world and react to what is happening around. Not momentarily, but according to the worldview that he chooses for himself. And therefore, for the same circumstances, in similar situations different people act in completely different ways. And they interpret them and themselves in them are also not the same.

It's no secret that being on the wave positive mood, you feel much better, you make decisions easier, even difficult ones, and in general you have a simpler attitude to everything and everyone around you. You don’t find fault with trifles, you don’t take offense, you don’t take troubles to heart. I would like to be in this state always! Unfortunately, this is not possible. Even if you make a firm promise to yourself not to be upset or sad, sooner or later there will be a person or a moment will come that will unsettle your positive attitude. The only question is how quickly each of us is able to cope with the shock and get back on track.

What determines the emotional mood
It is impossible to dispute the fact that all people are different and cannot be on the same emotional wave at the same time. The character, temperament, upbringing and life experience of each of us are individual. Add to this the current circumstances, the state of health and simply the mood - and questions about disagreements and mutual misunderstandings will disappear by themselves. And yet, having at least a little information about another person, one can assume how he perceives the world:

  1. Sanguine, thanks to the natural inclinations of temperament, the most positive and cheerful people, and this state is quite stable for them. At the same time, such inclinations are given to them by nature, and not acquired as a result of upbringing and self-discipline, which means that in reality they can turn out to be very superficial and not fully realized.
  2. Choleric have a similar strong and passionate emotionality, but it cannot be called unequivocally positive. At the same time, for the owners of this type of temperament, with due effort and work on themselves, it is easier for many other people to maintain optimism and an active life position.
  3. Phlegmatic not as positive as they are not negative. By and large, they are too calm to clearly show their true attitude to what is happening. Therefore, they make the impression on those around them that they are rather closed and immersed in thoughts of people, and their inner state at this moment can be both brightly positive and suppressed negative. Learning to experience and express exactly the mood that is appropriate is the main task of phlegmatic people in working on themselves.
  4. Melancholic the most difficult of all is to remain positive, nature has endowed them with such nervous reactions. But it is more difficult to bring them out of balance than choleric people. But nevertheless, it is this type of temperament that is most susceptible to negative thoughts and despondency, and it is its owners who will have the most painstaking and long work on their attitude to life.
Why stay positive
Hence, a natural question follows: is it necessary to bother oneself and go against one's own nature just for the sake of seeing the world around us mainly in a positive light? The answer to this question worries not only ordinary people. In particular, doctors answer it unequivocally: in their opinion, positive-minded people are much less likely to experience health problems than their sad comrades. This mainly concerns the cardiovascular system, which, being "protected" by a good mood, functions better, more harmoniously and does not bother its owner with painful sensations and deviations.

Among optimists and merry fellows, there are very few victims of heart attacks and other vascular diseases, and they tolerate rare ailments more easily and recover from them faster than gloomy people. And in general, their immunity is stronger, their metabolism is faster, and appearance- younger. People in a positive mood can boast of good skin and good looks. Of great importance here is a smile and a good-natured expression on the face, subconsciously winning over others. But the secret lies deeper and lies in muscle tone and good blood circulation.

Optimists differ from pessimists even at the hormonal level! In the former, the level of stress hormones in the blood - adrenaline, cortisol and dopamine - is much lower, which protects the body from nervous overstrain and physical exhaustion... Remember the childish joke that five minutes of laughter is as good as a glass of sour cream? Modern scientists have subjected her to real scientific tests and found that a minute of sincere laughter positive impact on the general condition of all human systems and organs is really practically equivalent to deep relaxation in the meditative system for as much as 45 minutes. Simply put, people "on the positive" simply do not need to specifically relax - after all, they do not strain in vain.

How to maintain a positive attitude
Understanding the benefits and deciding to stay positive is only half the battle. The most difficult thing is to learn not to lose heart even in the most extraordinary and unpleasant situations, which sometimes life throws up completely unexpectedly. This is where the ability to take a punch and concentrate first of all on the positive moments manifests itself, getting rid of the negative as soon as possible. To begin with, it will be enough for you to sincerely believe in the power of a positive mood and honestly give up the desire to dramatize. And based on this approach, it will already be possible to use several effective and pleasant techniques:

  1. Smile even through force, when not at all laughing. Psychologists have shown that mood regulation mechanisms work in both directions. That is, you not only smile when you have good mood but the mood itself improves when the lips stretch into a smile. Muscle memory and associative thinking are very powerful levers of influence on the psyche. And even a forced and forced smile can normalize heart rate, relieve stress, and raise the mood curve a few divisions higher.
  2. Love- after all, this is the most positive emotional state, into which nature itself has prudently invested strength, energy and desire for life. If you are lonely - and lonely people, according to statistics, are more often depressed than family people - fall in love with a good, worthy person. A new feeling will inspire you and make you forget about everything bad. If you have someone to give your warmth to, then you already happy man... Just imagine how many people on the planet can only dream of what you already have - which means that you are happier than many. Admire your loved ones, please them, warm them - and you will notice how you become more positive and joyful with them every day.
  3. Look for the good. Don't let yourself get hung up on bad feelings, thoughts, feelings, and forebodings. Drive them away. Of course, one cannot ignore real physical ailments. But everything that lends itself to correction with the help of common sense and a constructive attitude must be reformatted and directed in a positive direction. Often times, time has shown that most of our problems were far-fetched and / or exaggerated. So do not let despondency take over you despite the optimism and the actual state of affairs.
  4. Be grateful. They say that happiness is when you thank God more often than you read. To this we can only add that gratitude is not so much a matter of circumstance as the ability to be grateful. If you woke up in the morning in good health, if you have clothes, food and work, you are much luckier than a huge number of earthlings. Just thank fate for this and go about your business with a pure heart to make this day and this world a better, kinder and more positive one.
  5. Drive your problems to the point of absurdity- mentally, of course. Imagine that everything is gone and there is simply no way back to the light. What is the worst scenario for you? Imagine it in paint, and then compare it with what it really is. This contrast of imaginary fears and real circumstances can shake up and cheer up even the most dull pessimist. You will simply understand that, firstly, everything is not so bad, and secondly, in your imagination you have already seen the most deplorable outcome, and you are mentally ready for anything. Although in life, as a rule, these scenarios are never realized, and they remain scary tales for their own suspicious mind.
  6. Sublimate in art, work, any other activities that allow you to escape from sad thoughts and completely immerse yourself in the creative process. It is no coincidence that many great works were created by their authors in a depressed emotional state. Sadness allows you to focus on your thoughts and in some unknown ways extracts from the soul exactly those words / notes / gestures that most fully express your feelings. Having taken shape and becoming public, sadness is rethought and takes on more life-affirming forms, gradually melts away and is replaced by a positive.
  7. Communicate. Meeting and talking with other people, especially friends and family members who love you, have a positive effect on mood for two reasons. First: optimistic people infect with their positive attitude, it is easier to feel happy around them. Second: even those who are as worried as you are at the moment, individuals, sharing their sorrows with you, thereby make you understand that you are not alone with your problems, and there are things in the world that are even worse than your troubles. And this is already a reason to have fun, right?
  8. Get tired physically, then you simply will not have the strength for sad thoughts. After work, do not fall on the sofa, but go to the gym, help the household with the housework, do homework with the children, find a part-time job. In general, be busy all the time with useful and constructive activities so as not to devote it to destructive experiences. And creative activity will sooner or later bear fruit, which one can be sincerely proud of and experience positive emotions about this.
  9. Relax mentally and physically. Allow yourself to relax - this is a physiological need for any organism. Often the cause of depression and negative attitudes is prolonged stress and permanent fatigue. To exclude them from your life, at least sometimes allow yourself to be lazy for your pleasure. Listen to your favorite music, read exciting books, watch movies, skate and carousel. Anything to make you happy. End the day with a bubble bath and massage, and the next morning you will surely feel much better and more fun.
  10. Become a philosopher. As you know, if rape is inevitable, then you need to relax and try to have fun. Another thing is also known: sooner or later everything passes, both good and bad. Based on this, is there any point in wasting nerve cells and the time of a single life on depression and anxiety? After all, try to imagine if today's turmoil will upset you just as much in a year from now? And if not, then they are not worth such great sacrifices on your part, as giving up a positive outlook on the world.
  11. Learn from Scarlett, who uttered the famous phrase: "I will not think about it today, I will think about it tomorrow." This advice naturally follows from the previous paragraph and helps to master it. If there is a problem or if it is illusory - in any case, until tomorrow, little will change. And today you can live as if it does not exist. Such healthy selfishness saves nerves, maintains peace of mind and at the same time puts troubles at the test of time. And not all of them pass it.
  12. Be healthy: eat right, move more, get rid of ailments in time. In a healthy body healthy mind. In addition, very few people remain indifferent to their own blooming appearance in the reflection of the mirror and makes them admire themselves, smiling internally and flourishing even more. And inner harmony and peace with oneself is the most solid foundation of a positive attitude to oneself and to everything around.
With these twelve points, avoiding the "bloody dozen", we end our list of recommendations. All of the above can be safely called the code of a positive person and used in everyday life as a guide to action. This approach will bring you at least a few pleasant moments, and as a maximum - a complete restructuring of the worldview in a positive way. And finally, it remains to advise everyone who wants to always be positive, love themselves, life and share love with others. Only you are the blacksmith of your own happiness - so spare no effort in creating it!

A person is a product of his thinking, what he thinks, so he becomes

Mahatma Gandhi

Often I hear such phrases from others: “be positive”, “you need to think positively” and others. But do people really understand the meaning and essence of how to think positively and why? Putting on the mask of a positive "superman" and being one are completely different things. Looking around, you can see the faces of people who express various emotions, for example: concern and joy, sadness and happiness, anger and peacefulness, boredom and interest ... But to see genuine happiness or satisfaction in the eyes is a rare occurrence. "Being positive" is in trend now. And few people want to communicate with a negative person or a sad crybaby. And yet everyone understands something of their own under the positive. Many can “put a smile on their face”, but not everyone can plant a smile, happiness and positiveness in their hearts. You can put on a mask of positiveness as much as you like, if at the same time “cats scratch at your soul”, and you engage in self-flagellation or self-deprecation, then the mask will forever remain a mask and sooner or later will fall off. All these are just different ways of deceiving, we can successfully deceive others or even ourselves, but this will not change the fact that it is best to come to positive thinking and high-quality internal and external changes through self-awareness and deep inner work.

Let's take a look at how to think positively, how positive thinking can affect your life, and why thoughts materialize when you think positively.

How to think positively and achieve peace of mind

How often do you hear the phrase “thoughts are material”? And indeed it is. Many of you must have noticed that when the mood is "on the rise", then life becomes easy, simple and pleasant. All problems are solved as if by themselves, there are positive-minded people who are ready to help and support, everyone around is friendly and nice, and the world seems to be smiling at you. And vice versa, when the mood and thoughts leave much to be desired, then life is not a joy, the space around begins as if to confirm your sad thoughts and contributes to their realization. This is why it is so important to think positively! Positive thinking helps to change your life for the better, to achieve inner peace and harmony.

Recently, I had to communicate with a large number of negatively minded people, I really wanted to help them and make it clear that sometimes their troubles and sufferings flow and materialize from their own head. Trying to convey the idea of ​​positive thinking and looking at people, I saw the following: some people say: “Yes, everything is bad with me, but Vaska's neighbor is still worse and this makes me feel good (easier), because my problems are in comparison with the problems of others not so scary - you can live. "

Others say: "Everything is bad for me and I do not care if others are bad or good, I only care about my own life, my problems and my worries."

Still others say: “Everything is bad for me and will not get better, all the good things have already been chopped off by those rich people who are furious with fat, or those sectarians who are out of their minds, or those who have a higher salary, or those who have grass greener on the lawn, and so on. "

And there are also those who understand the power of positive thinking, but cannot cope with their thoughts, saying something like the following: “Yes, you need to think positively in order to change your life, but I don’t know how, because I have a lot of problems; I don’t know where to start, or I don’t know how to remake myself, change myself, or where to take time to work on myself; Yes, you need to think positively, because Katya over there thinks positively, and everything works out for her and everything is fine with her, so I can, but just what can I do for this? And for this you also need to do something? And I am lazy (difficult, scary, no time) "... Where did you recognize yourself?

Now, based on the categories described, let's figure it out, how to think positively to change your life.

So, let's begin ... We found out that people can plunge into negativity in different ways, some begin to elevate themselves above those who are worse off than themselves, others envy those who are better, others are generally indifferent to everything and everyone except their own person. Shantideva's words are immediately remembered:

« All the happiness that is in the world comes from the desire for happiness to others. All the suffering that is in the world comes from the desire for happiness for oneself»

Based on these words, we can conclude that the more you desire and do good to others unselfishly, the more good then comes back to you, and in the end everyone is happy and everyone wins. But for this you need to say goodbye to such defilements as envy, anger, pride, laziness, fear, and bring more altruism, compassion and awareness into your life.

An analytical and evaluative approach to this or that situation, sincere belief in the best and awareness of the law of Karma also helps to achieve peace of mind. I know that when negative events happen to me, negative karma simply boils away. This process can be accelerated or slowed down, but you still have to exhaust karma. And when positive events occur in life, then I understand that this is a reward for my good deeds and actions. It helps to let go of any worries and move on, working on yourself.

Of course, sometimes awareness is not enough to sensibly assess the situation and draw the right conclusions from the lessons that have happened. Then I switch to "standby". I just do what I have to, what I have to do, block out negative thoughts (I just don't let them get into my head) and do practices that can ease the inner state, such as hatha yoga, taking a hot bath, or listening to yoga lectures. and a healthy lifestyle, reading spiritual and developing literature. Internal heaviness and fatigue gradually recede, it becomes easier physically and energetically, there is a desire to do something for the good and strength for realizations and conclusions.

Sometimes the following phrase inspires me: “If there is a goal - go to it, if you can't go - crawl, if you can't crawl - lie down and lie in the direction of the goal”. The main thing is not to give up, difficulties are always temporary, and if you give up and give yourself some indulgence or 100 indulgences, it won't get any easier, you just have to go through these lessons and this path again, because every indulgence, weakness or negative thought is a step back from the goal, from a feeling of inner happiness and integrity. This does not mean that you do not need to relax and rest. But even relaxation can be chosen such that it will both delight and reinforce a positive attitude towards life, and at the same time bring good.

All this helps to shift the focus of concentration from one's own sufferings and experiences to actions to change and rework the current situation. When you realize that everything that happens to you is the result of your actions and actions in the past, then the question no longer arises: “WHAT IS THIS FOR?”, Now you can stop and understand WHY this situation came to you, and draw the appropriate conclusions. With the realization of these simple things comes peace of mind and balance, because everything happens as it should, but there are always ways to change your life, karma and thoughts for the better, redirecting your actions in a more benign direction.

How to start thinking positively

In fact, to start thinking positively, you just need to start! Start celebrating positive things in life: celebrating what makes you happy instead of celebrating what makes you sad; focus on what you have, instead of desiring endless blessings and feeling envy; it is important to praise yourself for your successes, even for the smallest, but also to perceive adequately constructive criticism in order to change negative points! You can also make a list of positive thoughts that support and inspire you. Getting started can be difficult, but anything is possible! Try to start the day with a smile and gratitude for the precious birth, and in the evening before going to bed, remember what good happened in your life today and what good you did. Gradually, you will learn to celebrate the positive, without even thinking about it, you will see the good in people or see in their actions an example of how to behave, and how not to, to learn from even unpleasant situations. The feeling of guilt before this world, other people and ourselves will be replaced by the awareness of your causality and calmness. What if think positively, thoughts materialize in a positive way, and life in general will become easier and more enjoyable.

A very important point in positive thinking - do not paint yourself vivid pictures of how you are doing well and how wonderful you are, how wonderful everyone around you and how you love everyone, and they love you. Thinking in pictures means leaving your energy and part of yourself in the imagination. In fact, when our attention is stuck in something that is no longer there (the past), in something that does not yet exist (the future) or simply in a non-existent present (imagination), then the energy simply flows away into nowhere, and there is no sense from these visualizations, but there is harm. It doesn't matter for our mind in what reality you will be happy, real or imagined, and it will happily dream up everything for you! And when you return to real reality (I apologize for the tautology), it will hurt from the realization of the discrepancy between the imaginary and the real, sad from the useless waste of time and psychic energy. Be mindful of visualization and meditate. To really start changing life, raise your consciousness to a different, qualitatively new level, stop running away from reality, accept it as it is and start acting! Any action begins in the head, allow yourself to think positively. The world will not collapse if you become a little happier! Define a goal, create a plan for achieving that goal, and start thinking positively as you achieve it! Start small and work your way up. Feel small positive feelings inside yourself and big ones will appear. positive thoughts... Then you will understand how to think positively in any difficulties. In this practice of positive thinking, as in many other activities, experience and practice are important. After all, if you want to pump up the press, then you will perform exercises to strengthen it and make great efforts to achieve your goal, and in this particular case, in order to learn to think positively and do it right, diligent practice is required.

How to force yourself to think positively

Our life is sometimes unpredictable, and sometimes it is impossible to predict when and where the next lesson will lie in wait for you. How to think positively in the face of any difficulties? Start small, because "a 1000 mile journey starts with one step."

  1. Learning to let go of the negative. The practice of yoga and concentration will help you with this. When we practice asanas on the mat, it increases our awareness and releases hidden energy resources. Redirect your energy to a good channel - learn how to concentrate on an object, a candle flame, water ... The practice of concentration helps you to be more collected and teaches you to control your attention. This way, you will learn to quickly and painlessly switch to positive thinking.
  2. Learning to accept the positive. The problem with some people with a lack of positive thinking is also that they consider themselves unworthy of the best. Therefore, it is extremely important to accept yourself as you are without excessive self-flagellation. Try to assess yourself in terms of the positive qualities and qualities that you need to work on. Highlight the main thing and start working on yourself, praise yourself for your successes - this will help form a habit of positive thinking and save you from a number of unnecessary complexes. Accept the positive and change the negative. There is such an eastern wisdom: "If you do not like the situation, change it, if you cannot change, then change your attitude towards it." Indeed, if you are unable to change something, then what is the point of lamenting about it?
  3. Learning to ask the right questions to ourselves. Listen to people who complain about life ... What are they talking about? Of course, about YOUR unhappy life, about YOURSELF! Do you think there is nothing more to tell these people? Of course have! Try to ask a question to such a person: "What good happened to you today?" And the person immediately switches his attention to the positive. You need to ask yourself this question more often. If the answer is not satisfactory, then ask another question: “What can I do to change the situation? What lessons did I learn today? What conclusions can be drawn? What can I do to be happier? What is true happiness for me? What can I do for family, friends, the world to experience happiness? " By answering these or similar questions, you will realize many interesting things about yourself.
  4. Learning to rest. Internal work like external activities, can be tiresome, so take care of providing yourself with quality rest. Do yoga, take a walk in nature, chat with like-minded people. At the same time, relaxation is not lying on the couch in front of the TV, various parties with the use of intoxicating and intoxicating substances, as well as communication with people that lead you to degradation and even greater immersion in negative thoughts. If you want more energy and a better quality of life, get the right rest.
  5. Learning to do well for ourselves. Do the things that benefit you. This is where the ability to ask the right questions will help us. For example: eating 5 chocolates might be delicious, but how good is it for your body? Eat right, get enough sleep, and practice energizing practices. Try to associate with sane, positive people who have a positive influence on you.
  6. We learn to praise ourselves, to celebrate the good in ourselves. Frequently celebrate the positive events in your life and your good deeds that have benefited other sentient beings. This will become the guarantor of your good mood and inner lift. Over time, you will find that your mood can be difficult to influence. external factors in a negative way.
  7. Learning to do good to others(selflessly). Try to just smile at people. Studies have shown that when we meet a smiling person, we involuntarily begin to smile ourselves, as if we are "infected" with his good mood. It is always pleasant for me to see a reciprocal smile, and at the same time my own happiness does not diminish if I share it, but it becomes very pleasant in my soul from the realization that it has become easier for someone, and he the best mood will go into the world and, possibly, will also "infect" someone with happiness. Over time, you will want to do good things for other people more and more often.
  8. Learning to celebrate the good in others. To make the world brighter, kind and pleasant, try to celebrate in the people around you their good qualities, thereby you give them the opportunity to show themselves from their best side.
  9. We recharge in nature. For me, yoga and nature are the best recharging and inexhaustible sources of energy. With the help of yoga, you can change your inner energy and raise it up, and in nature you seem to be saturated with the energy of the sea, forest, ocean, mountains, rivers, earth and clear sky ...

I hope you find this story helpful and help you start thinking positively through self-awareness. Get started! And you will understand for yourself how to think positively and live to the fullest.

What good happened in your life today?

Everyone loves positive, optimistic, cheerful and smiling people. They want to be friends with them, communicate, and girls want to kiss. How to be positive and happier, respectively?

People smile little and often walk around with a puzzled look. They are probably unhappy with life and always puzzled by problems. Look around you. Where do so many gloomy people come from?

The ability to be positive is a wonderful ability for a person to deal with difficulties with a smile. Did you notice that positive people like everyone? They want to be friends, communicate with them, and they are the soul of the company. But there are other people. Most of them. They walk around with displeased faces, do not smile and are constantly sad. If you recognize yourself in this, but it's not very good. Positive people not only find language with others easier, have a good mood, but are also more successful in life.

How to get rid of the negative sides of life and tune in to the positive?

Positive in negative

Everyone knows how to think in a negative way, but only a few can find their advantages in the negative. Learn to see new opportunities in loss and trouble. Firing from work is a good chance to try yourself in a different place and business. Breakdown of a relationship is an opportunity to start a relationship with another, more best girl... Most of the troubles, as practice shows, were for the better. Strong and positive people have found a lot in them and have learned this lesson with benefit. Strong people passed this test with a smile, became stronger, and achieved more. And the weak broke down under the yoke of negativity and sadness. Be positive!

Getting rid of negative moods

How to banish sadness, worries and sorrow? Scientists advise to get distracted and go in for sports. Spend time to good use in the gym or at home. At one point, you will notice that all the negative energy has evaporated. Sport heals the mind and soul. Many men and women use this technique especially in love dramas. It helps to be more positive.

Take criticism right

Criticism should not make your mood worse. If criticism is productive, then it is valuable advice for improvements. This is the reason for becoming more perfect and successful in life. Productive criticism is an opportunity to improve. But there is also negative criticism. If you are sure that this is the case, then is it worth it to be upset because of the stupidity, envy, or shortsightedness of others? Take criticism right!

Take a break

The morning is wiser than the evening! When negativity and trouble hits you, take a break. It makes no sense to consider yourself an iron and imperturbable mechanism. Take a timeout to recover. Often a short break is enough for a person to get rid of most of the negative thoughts and return to a positive positive state.

Avoiding negativity

If things go wrong, don't go with them! You can often get away from things that only make your life worse. It is to take and break with relationships that are only burdensome and disappointing. Quit your hated job. Don't communicate with negative people. Change your disliked backwater village to the capital or abroad. Move away from negativity and everything around you will become more positive.

Tune in to the positive

If difficult times begin, and deeds and thoughts are obscured by clouds, use self-hypnosis. Remember all the good things about yourself: achievements, successes, praises. If you look, things are not going so badly for you. Hold your tail with a pistol. Self-confidence is the key to success.

Smile, stop winding yourself up and pretending to be a cynic. You are not like that inside. You are positive ...


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