Sheep breeding as a business. Selection of a suitable pasture. Sheep breeding as a business: where to start and how to succeed

Before considering sheep breeding as an independent business, you need to think carefully about whether there is enough determination and perseverance in order to raise subsidiary farm to a good level, and whether it is profitable to breed sheep and rams. Such an event involves constant perseverance in work and the management of assistants, only under such conditions can the profitability of sheep breeding be able to reach a sufficiently high level.

Such an event involves constant perseverance in work and the management of assistants.

According to collected statistics, a small private sheep farm pays only 25%. Indeed, the return at first will be small, but if you devote all your time to breeding sheep as a business, referring to statistics and not ignoring the experience and recommendations of famous sheep breeders, the sheep farm will bring considerable and stable income.

Sheep are the most unpretentious animals, so even with minimal care, they will reproduce well and gain weight. They are not afraid of the cold, which means that when building pens, you can not deal with the heating system.

Popular breeds for breeding

Sheep breeding as a business involves the selection of breeds in such a way that the bulk of the income will come from the sale of meat. You can choose a breed based on your own preferences, if the owner has a sheep farm and some experience. If you are interested in breeding sheep at home, it is better to purchase breeds that have gained popularity:

  1. Romanovskaya. A well-known breed, distinguished by the quality of wool and excellent fertility. In some cases, the offspring is so large that the sheep does not produce enough milk to feed the offspring. Several goats are raised to feed the lambs, and their milk is used for supplementary feeding. Breeding ewes of this breed at home as private business at proper organization and marketing of production products can bring good profit.
  2. Hissar. Representatives of this breed are quite large in size. Breeding rams can gain weight up to 170 kg, and females - about 120 kg. The breed is considered profitable, since lambs, even under normal growing conditions, quickly gain weight.
  3. Karachevskaya. The breed quickly adapts to any climate, it is characterized by stable immunity, thanks to which breeding sheep have excellent wool, which lends itself well to working out.
  4. Texel. Perfectly takes root in the climate of the middle zone and has high endurance. The meat of this breed is distinguished by the absence of a specific smell, which stimulates the breeding of sheep for subsequent sale.
  5. Edilbaevskaya. Fat-tailed sheep of this breed are bred in climatic conditions with warm winters. Although they belong to the infertile type, their meat is very tasty, and also healthy. Under appropriate conditions, edilbaev sheep can be released to pasture all year round.

Regardless of the choice of breed, it is best to consult a veterinarian before starting to breed sheep. This will avoid buying culled individuals. To purchase animals, it is advisable to visit a sheep farm or livestock market, which have permission to sell livestock.

According to collected statistics, a small private sheep farm pays only 25%

Sales prospects

The main benefit that sheep breeding promises as a business is the sale of meat. Prepared meat carcasses can be sold in different places, including:

  • eateries;
  • restaurants;
  • meat processing plants;
  • supermarkets or market.

You can register your own point of sale of lamb. High-quality meat is always in demand, and if there are products and a responsible attitude to work, there will be no end to customers. It is much more difficult to sell wool and milk, of which there will be a lot. To sell them, you will have to work hard in search of places of sale. Perhaps in the future it will be possible to open an additional wool processing business, but at first it is necessary to find a private enterprise engaged in wool processing.

Sheep farming as a profitable business (video)

First stage

Sheep farming as a business always starts with the cost of acquiring everything you need. It is necessary not only to acquire sheep and rams, but also to create all conditions for the active development of business. At first, you should prepare:

  • small truck or a car with a trailer;
  • feed and fertilizer to improve green fodder in pastures;
  • drinkers;
  • milking machines;
  • mower and tractor;
  • wool clipper.

In addition, it is necessary to rent a plot of land on which a sheep farm and a place for slaughter will be located. Lacking experience in the rational arrangement of a sheep farm, the best option will have about 10 sheep and a few rams for their fertilization. Further, everything will develop as usual without any losses in case of failure.

It is necessary to rent a plot of land on which a sheep farm will be located

The next column of expenses is the services of a veterinarian. Growing sheep as a means to make a profit involves the timely detection of diseases, vaccination and the addition of vitamin preparations to feed. Only a highly qualified veterinarian can cope with this task.

You can reduce costs by learning how to shear sheep yourself. Sheep and rams are quite peaceful and calm animals, and the specificity of the haircut does not contain any secrets that are passed from one to another. Therefore, if you decide to professionally engage in sheep breeding, you need to learn how to shear yourself.

Starting the breeding of sheep for meat as a business, you should not expect a rapid increase in income. At the initial stage of development, this event will not be as profitable as it should be. The profitability of breeding sheep and rams, as mentioned above, borders on the level of 25%. The positive side of this case is that sheep breeding as a type of business is at an early stage of development, so there is no need to be afraid of aggressive competition.

Useful advice given by experienced breeders of sheep and rams:

  1. It is necessary to draw up a business plan for sheep breeding, which will indicate the exact figures for future costs. Prepare for the fact that the planned amount of costs for feed, helpers and other circumstances may be much higher.
  2. It is necessary to fully study the pros and cons of the selected breed, which they decided to breed.
  3. We need to figure out the optimal types of feed so that raising sheep pays off.
  4. It is very important to keep the land for sowing in good condition.

Having thoroughly mastered in practice breeding sheep for meat and wool, you can expand your business, gradually increasing the number of animals.

For those new to the business, sheep farming is a very tempting place to start. entrepreneurial activity. This occupation is one of the most profitable and promising in the agricultural sector in our country, it allows you to quickly reach a good profit and profitability and does not require large labor costs. In this article, we will take a closer look at sheep farming as a business for a novice farmer and demonstrate a detailed business plan.

Sheep have fairly strong immunity, which significantly reduces the risk of loss of livestock and frees from the cost of veterinary services. Sheep breeding is the most traditional branch of animal husbandry in Russia and today it demonstrates a fairly good perspective of the direction.

Sheep breeding has a number of advantages over other areas in the agricultural industry:

  • the process can hardly be called laborious;
  • low costs for the purchase of feed;
  • high precocity;
  • unpretentiousness in content;
  • lack of seasonality indicators, which leads to a constant demand for products;
  • rapid increase in livestock;
  • small investment;
  • high demand for meat with low competition in the market;
  • the opportunity to participate in preferential programs from the state for the development of agriculture.

This list of benefits makes sheep farming great business an idea that, with a small initial investment, will allow you to quickly reach a good income.

But, as in any business, there is weak sides, which should mean a novice farmer.

A significant disadvantage is the low profitability. Even with the development of a successful business, high labor costs and favorable conditions, the maximum level of profitability will not exceed 15-20%. In addition, in the early years, the profits must be directed to the development of livestock in order to build a truly reliable and stable business.

It should also be noted the growing demand for meat, milk and wool. At the same time, the demand for farm products significantly exceeds production, which leads to a general trend towards a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition at the population.

Statistics show that the annual consumption of mutton in Russia is about 2-2.5 tons, which indicates a high demand.

Despite the disadvantage of a small profitability, sheep farming is an ideal option for entry into farm business. Small capital investments, stable demand and unpretentiousness of livestock will help to start correctly, gradually increasing volumes.

The main risk in this area is the case. This can be significantly affected by natural disasters and epidemics.

How to start a sheep breeding business?

The precocity of this cattle is an undeniable advantage for businessmen. At the age of 5-6 months, puberty sets in, which makes it possible to effectively breed livestock.

Fertility depends on the breed. On average, it is 120-140%, some breeds, such as Romanov sheep, have a high degree of fertility - about 300%. At the same time, the young growth reaches the full weight of an adult by the 10th month of life. The gain is about 300 grams per day.

Those who decide to enter such a business are interested in where to start breeding sheep?

First of all, you need to draw up a competent business plan that will allow you to correctly calculate the costs and draw up phased implementation all parts of production.

For breeding, it is necessary to organize a pasture, the size of which will depend on the livestock. It is advisable to immediately focus on the future and choose a pasture with the possibility of expanding the livestock.

For a correct calculation, focus on averages: 1 hectare is needed for 1 individual and rearing offspring land plot. With simple calculations, we get the following figures: breeding 200 sheep will require about 200 hectares of land. As for the premises in which livestock will be kept, there are no clear requirements, so it will be enough to build a simple barn that shelters animals from rain, wind and cold.

For those who are engaged in cattle breeding in the eastern and northern parts of the country, it is necessary to consider a barn heating system. However, a small potbelly stove will be enough for a farm.

The most favorable regions for this industry are the Krasnodar and Stavropol Territories. The Republic of Kalmykia and the Caucasus are not inferior in popularity to keeping sheepfolds. For sheep breeding in other areas, forage can be a major problem. Efficiency largely depends on the quality of the feed this business. Feeding livestock with grass alone will not work, especially when it comes to northern latitudes. It will be necessary to purchase feed, which will affect costs and greatly affect profitability.

In order to implement entrepreneurial activities in this direction, first of all, it is necessary to find an appropriate pasture. This will be the first step in farming.

To minimize costs, you can take as a basis an already existing empty farm. Today you can find hundreds of similar objects in which dilapidated stalls and pens remain.

Of course, organizing a farm with this option will require considerable effort, but it is much easier than starting from scratch.

Choose a format

Starting to engage in this type of business, it is important to immediately determine the format for yourself. It can be of two types: farming or private farming. What is the difference between them and how to choose the best option?

Business process conditions are regulated legislative regulations. A non-entrepreneurial form is recognized by law as private subsidiary farming. That is, the owner of such a farm breeds livestock to meet his own needs and on his personal land plot.

Farming involves renting land and raising livestock for business purposes. In order to choose your option, you need to clearly understand the distinctive features of these two activities.

Arranging his personal subsidiary plot, the owner does not need to register entrepreneurial activity and obtain a Certificate. With a plot at your disposal, you can begin to create a sheepfold. At the same time, it is not necessary to submit reports to the tax authorities and extra-budgetary funds.

But this species activity has a serious limitation - allotment of land up to 2.5 hectares. That is, if the owner of the land plans to breed larger livestock, then it is necessary to switch to the second option.

To implement a farm, it is necessary to register an individual entrepreneur, issue a land lease and an appropriate permit that allows you to conduct activities on this land.

The area of ​​the land allotment is not limited by law when farming. Another advantage of farming is the opportunity for an entrepreneur to participate in various state grants and programs that are aimed at developing the agricultural industry.

Such assistance from the state to the private economy is not provided.

Therefore, if an entrepreneur does not have initial investments, then it is better to pay attention to farming. This is a more serious object of economic relations, which gets the opportunity to participate in various subsidy programs.

Sheep breeding: advantages, technology

Raising sheep has a number of advantages as a business idea. These animals are very unpretentious, have good health, do not require special nutrition and easily tolerate frosts.

The average duration of a sheep is 20-25 years. The ability to reproduce remains in an adult for 8-10 years.

In addition to organizing a pasture, it is necessary to consider the diet of animals. Given their unpretentiousness in maintenance and food, this will not be difficult to do.

Sheep are grazing livestock, so there are no specific rules for feeding time here, they constantly eat. To this end, it is necessary to organize feeders in the corral, where food and water in the drinkers will constantly be located.

The diet must contain rock salt, which is involved in digestion, so lumps of salt should be added to the feeders. If pastures are fertile, then additional food not required during the summer. But in the autumn-winter period they need to be fed with oats, hay and barley.

The winter period of time requires careful preparation. Should be calculated in advance required amount feed, so that the main part of it is done in the form of mowed grass.

The most suitable grass for sheep is clover and bluegrass, which must be cut before the flowering period.

If the purpose of the sheepfold, in addition to the sale of meat and milk, is wool, then a more balanced diet should be considered. Vitamins and useful microelements have a great influence on the quality and growth rate of wool, so it is necessary to purchase concentrated feed. Of course, this will increase the expense item, but the income from the sale of sheep's wool will cover these costs and give a good profit.

When calculating the required amount of feed, we focus on the standard diet of one individual. In a year she needs:

  • 100 kg of concentrated feed or grain;
  • 100 kg of straw;
  • 250 kg of green grass;
  • 150 kg of hay.

With simple mathematical calculations, you can calculate the required amount of feed, based on the size of your sheepfold.

Development of breeding sheep breeding

To breed strong offspring, it is better to purchase livestock from different farms, which will avoid crossing closely related individuals.

Considering the high popularity of three breeds of sheep in Russia, we will focus on the features of the development of breeding sheep breeding of them.

Drawing up a business plan: what is it for?

The implementation of any entrepreneurial activity is preceded by the stage of drawing up a business plan. Many novice businessmen lose sight of this point and immediately begin to implement the project. At the same time, the lack of a clear plan, calculation of payback, profitability, analysis of the competitive environment endangers the entire business.

Why is it necessary to write a business plan, and what issues should it cover in the first place? The document helps to realistically assess your capabilities as an entrepreneur, correctly predict expenses and income, minimize financial risks.

A business plan is a desktop guide for an entrepreneur and a valuable guide to launching and growing a project.

The standard document consists of the following sections:

  1. Summary (relevance of the idea).
  2. General provisions.
  3. Analysis of the environment (level of competition, market demand).
  4. Description of activity.
  5. Marketing section (formation and search for distribution channels for products).
  6. Organizational (recruitment of personnel, premises, purchase of equipment, etc.).
  7. Financial (forecast of expenses, income, calculation of profitability).

All these points need to be worked out regardless of the format of activity and production volumes. For novice farmers who are unfamiliar with this industry, it is better to seek help from professionals in developing a plan and analyzing the environment, selecting a breed.

Market and industry analysis

Speaking of prospects this direction on the market, experts estimate this economic period as very favorable.

Today there is little competition in this segment, which significantly reduces financial risks and allows you to install enough good price for products. High demand and little competition has been the result of a large reduction in livestock in recent years.

According to statistics, today about 10 million heads of livestock belong to private farms, which indicates a great potential for the direction. The largest growth in livestock is observed in the southern and central parts of the country. Despite the unpretentiousness of livestock in maintenance, not the entire territory Russian Federation suitable for successful implementation project.

The basis for sheep breeding are large fertile pastures. Difficult to fulfill successful project, providing for the feeding of animals with purchased feed in advance. The most abundant regions in terms of sheep breeding are the Caucasus, the Krasnodar and Stavropol Territories, the Volga region and the Southern regions of the Urals. Moreover, each region is famous for its specialization.

Natural conditions and climate determine the choice of one or another type of livestock. For example, in the North Caucasus, the most popular are coarse-haired sheep. But the Central part of the country is famous for the abundance of semi-fine-wool type.

Cold regions and mountains are the best place for breeding fat sheep. The largest farms can be found in the Caucasus, as the region has an optimal climate, huge fertile pastures and a small percentage of the urban population.

Organizational part

This section will become a real desktop guide. It gradually reveals such issues as paperwork, search for premises and land, recruitment of personnel, purchase of equipment and livestock.


The decision to formalize agricultural activity as a farm and obtain the status of an individual entrepreneur directly depends on the scale. If 2.5 hectares of land is enough for the owner to breed a sheepfold, then you can do this without appropriate registration. This will free you from unnecessary costs, loss of time and paying taxes.

The temptation of this idea is leveled by the fact that it is unlikely business partners will consider the owner of a private economy for the sale of products, which does not provide documents.

As a standard, farmers register a KFH form.

Therefore, for more serious actions, you can not do without registering an IP. Only in this case it is possible to work with shops, restaurants and factories as a marketing tool.

In addition to processing documents for IP, you will need to obtain permission from the sanitary and epidemiological service. This is necessary for the legal sale of milk, meat and wool to wholesale buyers.

For the technical part of the maintenance of the sheepfold, the permission obtained from the fire department is responsible.

To save time and nerves, you can use the services of professionals and entrust the registration of the sheepfold to them. The costs of these services, in this case, must also be included in the costs.

Finding and renting land for farm and pasture

After receiving permits it's time for pasture selection. For many start-up entrepreneurs, the question arises of buying their own land plot or renting.

An easier option is to rent land. This will reduce financial risks and will not require large investments.

Grazing one sheep requires 1 hectare of land

Given the good adaptation of sheep to weather conditions, open pastures can be used for the summer period. For the winter period, you can use closed pens, in which it will be enough to install a small potbelly stove for heating.

Search for personnel to work on the farm

After you have found a pasture for the sheepfold, the next step is the selection of workers who will take care of the maintenance and health of the animals.

To organize a small farm for 200 heads, you will need the following composition:

  • shepherd;
  • haircut specialist;
  • vet;
  • milkmaid;
  • a worker who feeds the cattle and keeps the sheepfold clean.

To organize a small farm and minimize costs, you can invite a veterinarian and a shearer, if necessary, from outside. For a larger scale business, you will need to keep these specialists on a permanent basis in the state.

With a small farm, it is advisable to find a specialist wagon who can combine several functions at once: shearing sheep, grazing, feeding.

To calculate such specialists, be guided by the fact that there should be no more than 50 heads per person. Shepherds (shepherds) and milkmaids should be permanent in the state. Others can be brought in as needed.

In order to avoid staff turnover and really secure the farm good specialists, analyze the average salary plan in nearby villages and establish a good income.

Selection and purchase of animals

For this industry, the choice of breed is a key factor on which the success of entrepreneurial activity depends. It is necessary to carefully analyze the market, take into account the region of work and study in detail the characteristics of each type in order to select the right cattle.

If the entrepreneur does not have experience in this industry, then an outside expert can be involved, who will demonstrate in detail the characteristics of livestock, choosing the best option for the activity.

For the Krasnodar and Stavropol Territories, meat-type sheep will be the best choice. For northern latitudes, you can pick up animals with abundant wool.

Specialists classify animals into the following types:

  • semi-coarse;
  • semi-fine-wool;
  • fine-fleeced.

Fine-wooled breeds include fat-tailed, Georgian, Kazakh, Vyatka breeds.

Long-haired can be attributed Kuibyshev, Gorky, Lithuanian. Sheep of the Saraja breed belong to semi-coarse wool. Coarse-haired animals include Kuchugorov, Romanov and Hissar.

We provide a comparative description of the most popular breeds, which will help you make your choice.

species nameTypebreedsDescription

Rough looking. Romanov breed of sheep

  • fur-meat;
  • smoshkovye;
  • meat-fat;
  • meat and milk products.
  • Romanovskaya, Sokolskaya, Karakulskaya, Gissarskaya, Kuchugorovskaya.Animals are distinguished by high endurance and adaptability to the environment. They are suitable for year-round maintenance, they tolerate low temperatures well.

    Fine-grained look. Ascanian breed

  • woolen;
  • meat-wool;
  • wool and meat.
  • Dagestan, Askani, Grozny, fat-tailed, Georgian, Kazakh, Vyatka.This breed is mainly used for the supply of wool and meat. The animal has a crimped coat, they are mainly grown for meat.

    Semi-fine look. Lincoln sheep breed

  • meat-wool long-haired;
  • meat-wool shorthair.
  • Lincoln, Lithuanian, Tsigai, Gorky.Animals of this species are distinguished by a strong constitution, have thick skin and a uniform white coat. Great for wool production.

    Important! The choice of breed is largely dependent on competition and demand, so study this data before purchasing animals.

    Where to buy sheep and rams?

    The purchase of animals is one of the most important stages in the sale of a sheepfold. After analyzing the competition in the region and the characteristics of various breeds, one should focus on one or two types of sheep.

    The search for suppliers for the purchase of animals should be carried out according to two criteria:

    • supplier reliability;
    • his experience in the market.

    Romanov sheep are the best option for a novice farmer. They are characterized by unpretentious content and high fertility.

    If the main line of sheep breeding is the sale of meat, then you should pay attention to the following varieties:

    • Edilbaevskaya;
    • Gorky;
    • Hissar;
    • Romney march;
    • North Caucasian;
    • Tien Shan;
    • Romanovskaya;
    • Kurdyuchnaya.

    romney march

    One of the most common and profitable are Romanov sheep. The advantage is in the rapid weight gain of the animal. For 3.5-4 months, a young lamb gains 50% in weight, and by the end of the first year it already reaches 90-95% of the weight of an adult ram.

    The weight of an adult male reaches 50 kg, the female - 35 kg. Also, Romanov sheep are characterized by high fertility and early puberty. Unpretentiousness in maintenance and resistance to frost makes these sheep one of the most popular species in farms in the central and northern part of Russia.

    Marketing part

    This chapter of the document is responsible for the sale of products and pricing. For this, it is necessary to carefully study competitive environment and research the market in order to competently perform pricing. Given that the business can be implemented in several directions (sale of meat, milk, wool, livestock), it is necessary to analyze the market in all segments.

    When pricing, consider the following nuances:

    • perform a miscalculation of the cost of goods before setting a price;
    • focus on supply and demand in the market;
    • The maximum amount of profit depends not only on the price, but also on the costs.

    Receipt and sale of products

    Sheep farming allows marketing activities in three areas: milk, meat and wool. In order to ensure the continuity of the process, it is necessary to establish distribution channels even at the stage of purchasing animals.

    It is better to sell meat and milk on a contractual basis with major suppliers. It can be supermarkets, shops, enterprises Catering.

    The presence of a contract imposes obligations on both parties. On your part, you will have to ensure the supply of fresh meat in accordance with established sanitary standards. The buyer undertakes to fully pay for the ordered goods.

    Another marketing option is to sell meat and milk to dealers, but this will significantly reduce income and affect profitability.

    The sales option can be implemented in two directions:

    • sales of live products;
    • sale of already cut meat.

    The first option is easier to organize, but at the same time, the buyer purchases the entire batch from you at a wholesale price.

    The second option requires hiring additional staff, but in this case, the profit will be higher. It will be necessary to additionally organize a slaughterhouse and hire a butcher. In addition to the sale of meat, an additional source of income can be the sale of wool.

    Breeding and processing sheep wool on an industrial scale is considered a profitable direction for farmers. In our article you will find detailed information about the types of woolen raw materials, the features of the process, as well as how to start a wool processing business.

    You can negotiate with combines and private enterprises that will buy wool in bulk during the shearing. Thus, you fully realize the goods. In addition to wool, you can donate dressed skins of slaughtered sheep, which are in great demand today. For the delivery of this product, study the demand among the enterprises of the shoe, leather haberdashery direction, conclude contracts for the supply of products.

    Just betting on the sale of wool is not worth it. The price of wool is low and in order to achieve good profitability, you need to have a farm for 1,000 heads or more.

    Another area of ​​marketing may be the sale of milk and dairy products. But, unlike cow's milk, sheep's milk is not as popular in the market. Therefore, if you sell it privately at retail, it will take a long time. In addition, it will be necessary to include in the financial section and transport costs.

    The best solution would be to conclude an agreement with a milk processing plant or a catering facility that needs these products.

    As an expansion of production, we can further consider opening our own workshop for dressing skins, producing sheep cheese, sewing leather products from sheep skin.


    This chapter is one of the most difficult and important. Try to make financial projections for at least three years to see the development prospects.

    You should also set a short-term and long-term goal for generating income from the sheepfold. This will allow you to clearly navigate and make adjustments if you suddenly deviate from the vector.

    The main costs of organizing a sheep farm

    In order to make the calculations correctly, we take into account the production of 300 heads.

    For the organization of the economy you will need:

    • purchase of sheep (3,000 * 300 pieces) - 900,000 rubles;
    • land allotment - 100,000 rubles;
    • repair / restoration (construction of a stall) - 100,000 rubles;
    • wage(based on 5 units) - 600,000 rubles;
    • registration of a business and payment of taxes per year - 150,000 rubles.

    In total, 1,850,000 rubles will be required to organize a sheepfold.

    It should be noted that the amount for the purchase of livestock, land, repairs should be immediately available. At the start, the income will be minimal, so it is not necessary to count on investing the earned funds.

    Revenue part

    To calculate the income for the year, we take the profit from the sale of all products.

    • delivery of live individuals (100 pieces * 3 thousand) - 300,000 rubles;
    • wool sales - about 200,000 rubles;
    • meat - 500,000 rubles;
    • milk - 200,000 rubles.

    The average expected income from keeping a sheepfold will be 1,200,000 rubles.

    Thus, the payback period of the sheepfold is 16-24 months.

    Profitability of sheep breeding

    Calculating the benefits of this idea and profitability, it should be said that the standard organization of a sheepfold pays off within two years.

    A lot depends on the climate zone and the entrepreneurial spirit of the farmer. If the cost item fully includes the labor of hired workers, then this will significantly reduce income and affect profitability. If the main work is done on your own, then in this case we can already talk about good profitability. You can even start farming with minimum investment, gradually increasing the number of livestock and developing production.

    Video - Sheep breeding

    Sheep breeding can be called a universal area of ​​animal husbandry. A well-designed business plan, a well-organized farm will allow you to get the maximum benefit from the sale of meat, milk, wool and sheep fat. In this review, we will consider a business plan and other important aspects of sheep breeding that will bring you closer to a good income.

    Sheep breeding as a business is an attractive area for the modern entrepreneur and is a fairly profitable line of business in agriculture. Several factors contribute to this. Sheep are unpretentious animals that are easily adaptable and have good health. Their main food is pasture food. With proper business organization, its profitability can reach 25-30%.

    That is why this type of animal husbandry is gradually becoming widespread. By making a choice in favor of this type of activity, an entrepreneur can really create successful business. This is due to the existing shortage of sheep meat and its cost, reaching 180 rubles. per kilogram. Therefore, if you are looking for a suitable direction for making money honestly, then you should definitely consider raising sheep.

    Fundamentals of a successful farm

    To ensure the long existence of a sheep farm, the farm must have 50 queens or more. For the meat and wool direction, the number must be increased to 75-100 females.

    For organization technological processes it is important to provide for such production buildings as a maternity ward, a room for, a canopy for breeding males, single queens, replacement young animals and culled individuals. To eliminate the physical labor associated with cleaning the sheepfold, all production processes should be mechanized.

    The choice of breed and direction of activity

    There are fine-wool and meat-wool breeds of sheep. The first includes the Stavropol, Caucasian and Salsky species. Representatives of these breeds are distinguished by endurance and unpretentiousness in care. They quickly adapt to climatic conditions, are characterized by decent wool productivity.

    At the same time, their meat properties are also well developed. Having provided the animals with high-quality fattening, the carcass of an 8-month-old lamb can reach 20 kg, and an adult - up to 25 kg. Fine-wool breeds have a large volume of skin folds and long hair, the values ​​​​of which can reach up to 9 cm. Wool is valued for its density. It is used to make high quality woolen fabrics.

    As for the meat and wool breeds, you can choose the North Caucasian for breeding, as well as a mixture of Merino with the North Caucasian. Unlike fine-wooled representatives, they give coarser, but longer hair (10-13 cm). It is used to create knitwear. In addition, it is perfect for knitting sweaters, blouses and socks.

    A distinctive feature of sheep of the meat-wool direction can be called their precocity. They rapidly gain weight and reach maximum weight indicators faster. When choosing sheep, you should pay attention to the body type of the animal, its age and health.

    It is also worth considering the following points:

    • good specimens have proportionally developed parts of the body, strong bones, dense skin;
    • you should refuse to buy if the animal has a narrow, heavy, rough or too long head;
    • a wide chest is considered the norm;
    • the back together with the lower back should be even;
    • a good sheep has strong, wide-set legs.

    The age of an animal can be determined by assessing the condition of its teeth. For one-year-old individuals, the change of two milk teeth located in front is inherent. In their place appear wide and large incisors. In animals at the age of 4 years, gaps form between the teeth, as they are gradually erased. By the age of five, they turn yellow, stagger, fall out. For details on breeding sheep, see the video from the channel Advertising agency CIA.

    From the conditions in which to keep the sheep, their health depends, as well as the level of productivity. That is why it is important that the premises for livestock meet the existing zoohygienic requirements. Based on climatic factors and economic conditions, there are two ways to keep sheep.

    1. Pasture-stall. In this case, natural food is used. Animals are transferred indoors only in winter.
    2. Stable-pasture. This option is common in areas with little pasture and a cool climate.

    The site on which it is planned to build a base-canopy or shepherd must have sufficiently strong soil and be dry. The premises should be located away from residential buildings, but close to the area where feed is produced. They should be dry, light, spacious.

    The floor should be raised 20 cm from the ground level. It can be earthen, clay concrete, wooden. Straw bedding will help prevent dampness in the room. It can also be made from sawdust. Windows should be located 1.2 meters above floor level. You should also take care of the organization of artificial lighting.

    Not all sheepfolds have a ceiling. But if it is included in the project, then it will make a wonderful hayloft. It is very important that the doors close tightly. This will keep the heat in the room. The temperature should not fall below 8 degrees. At the time of lambing, its indicators should not be less than 15 degrees.

    The room must be equipped with the following equipment:

    • drinkers;
    • feeders;
    • shields for dividing the sheepfold into cages and pens.

    Particular attention should be paid to the organization of watering. The fact is that sheep endure a lack of water more difficult than starvation.

    You also need to provide for the presence of a walking yard, where animals can be driven out in winter in good weather. There should also be feeders on its territory. Walking in the fresh air increases appetite, activates metabolism, improves the body's resistance to diseases.

    Would you like to have your own sheepfold?

    Sales and sales of products

    When production is already established, it is necessary to determine ways to market the resulting products. On the market you can sell meat, skin, wool of sheep. If the enterprise specializes in the production of meat, then meat processing plants can serve as distribution routes. And it's good if they are located nearby. In order to avoid problems in terms of marketing products, you should set reasonable prices, which at the end of the season will definitely make your business profitable.

    Non-littered wool taken from sheep can be handed over for 9 rubles per kilogram. Receiving 5 kg from one sheep, it will be possible not only to cover the committed costs, but also to get a decent profit. By providing animals with high-quality feed and organizing comfortable conditions for them, about 10 kilos of wool can be obtained from fine-fleeced sheep.

    Business plan

    We bring to your attention a business plan for breeding sheep for 300 heads.

    1. First you need to arrange a land lease, which can cost 120-150 thousand rubles. in year.
    2. If there is no place for an animal stall, then its construction will be required, which will require approximately the same costs.
    3. An important item of expenditure is the wages of the farm workers. According to minimum estimates, it is at least 500 thousand rubles. in year.
    4. Overhead costs are about 70-80 thousand rubles.
    5. Purchase of sheep and fodder. It is worth noting here that the price of sheep depends on their breed. So, a fat-tailed lamb up to 40 kg can cost 5000-8000 rubles, and an adult 10-12 thousand rubles.

    Many are interested in whether it is profitable to breed sheep. Profit from the sale of meat at a minimum price of 100 rubles. per kg will be 500 thousand. The same amount can be earned by selling live weight sheep and their wool. If we refer to these indicators, then the sheep farm will pay off within 1.5-2 years.

    If it is planned to organize a farm for 1000 heads, then 8 million rubles will be needed for the purchase of sheep, 1.5-2 million for equipment and documentation. At least 10 million rubles are needed for the construction of the complex and the meat processing enterprise. It is also important to have large pastures of 4-5 thousand hectares and up to 100 hectares of hayfields. The payback period for such an enterprise is about 5 years.

    If it was decided to breed sheep as a business, you need to follow the drawn up business plan. In sheep breeding, group keeping is most often practiced. In order to build a sheepfold, even ordinary adobe is used - one of the available materials. It is very important to take into account the unacceptability of dampness and the absence of drafts.

    The room where the sheep are kept should be spacious and also dry. Within 8 months, animals should be allowed to walk on the pasture, where they can receive good nutrition, represented by grass, fallen grains, and undersized plants. In winter, feeding is carried out with hay, straw, root crops. Due to this, the cost of the meat obtained is reduced.

    In addition, you should always remember that the key to success lies not only in a competent approach to organizing a business. It is also important to treat with love the case that was chosen.

    Video "Conditions for keeping sheep"

    This video (channel Main farm portal FERMER.RU) will allow you to understand how the sheepfold should look like, and what devices are relevant for this room.

    According to experts, animal husbandry does not attract entrepreneurs too much. However, animal husbandry, including sheep farming as a business, has high profitability and is considered one of the most profitable activities in agriculture. This is due to several factors.

    1. Sheep are hardy animals. They don't require special conditions maintenance and serious care, possess good health. The mortality rate in sheep is much lower compared to other animals.
    2. Sheep are grazing animals, so most likely you will not have any problems with feed.
    3. You can start sheep breeding even with a small livestock. In this case, of course, you should carefully calculate the costs and draw up detailed plan actions.
    4. Another stimulating factor for agricultural enterprises is the continuous growth in demand for mutton, sheep wool, cheese, and lamb.

    Among the shortcomings, it should be noted the relatively low profitability of the business, which is approximately 25-30%. Under adverse conditions, profitability can drop to 10%. At the same time, much depends on the size of the enterprise and the experience of livestock breeders.

    Finding and renting land for farm and pasture

    It really doesn't matter what area you want to start a business in. In any case, the first step is to create a carefully thought-out business plan. Consider step by step how to turn sheep breeding into countryside into a profitable business.

    Ideally, you need to start by finding a suitable land plot. You can buy or rent land. Then you need to buy sheep, hire workers. At least once a week, you will have to bring the necessary things to the farm, once a year the sale of lambs, the purchase of feed and the necessary work to equip the farm are carried out. It should be noted right away that organizing your own business requires solving many problems and issues.

    First, you need pasture to raise sheep. When calculating the area, it is necessary to take into account that 1 hectare of pasture per year is required to feed one sheep and its offspring. Thus, the area of ​​land will depend on the size of the herd. In addition, the further north you acquire land, the more expensive it will be for you to keep animals. You should calculate the profitability in advance and evaluate how profitable the enterprise will be for you in specific conditions, taking into account the costs of fodder, sanitary measures, and veterinary services.

    Remember that grazing in the north can only be done from May to September. To find out all the features of a particular region, you can watch a training video on the topic of sheep breeding.

    You can borrow money to buy or rent land. For example, many banks offer for agricultural enterprises special conditions lending and low interest, which is very beneficial for beginner businessmen.

    Business organization

    If you are attracted to sheep breeding, it is advisable to register your enterprise as a peasant (farm) enterprise. By law, you do not have to create entity. Registration of a peasant farm is almost the same as the creation of an individual entrepreneur. In this case, you will need to sign an Agreement on the establishment of a farm for sending to the registration authority.

    Besides, you need to prepare the following documents:

    1. power of attorney at the MFC;
    2. application for registration of the farm;
    3. original and copy of the passport of the farm organizer;
    4. original and copy of birth certificate;
    5. receipt of payment of state duty;
    6. registration document from the place of residence of the head of the economy.

    In addition, you must obtain permission from the SES employees.

    For sheep breeding, ordinary livestock pens made of wood are well suited. For example, you can buy or rent an old abandoned farm or land left over from a failed state farm. Watch the video on the Internet, evaluate the various advertisements for the sale of plots to find the right option. This will significantly save on the construction of corrals. In case of severe frosts, you can install a small stove in the paddock, but in general sheep tolerate frosts quite well. In addition, a good house for a shepherd should be provided.

    It is best to purchase sheep from a certified farm, which will avoid serious problems with the animals and significant losses.

    If you want to increase the livestock over time, it is best to buy animals from different farms. This will avoid interbreeding. In order to quickly reach self-sufficiency, it is worth starting with two hundred goals. If you don't have good experience in the selection and breeding of sheep, it is best to consult with experienced specialists.

    As for the breed, the Romanov breed of sheep is the most popular among domestic farmers. In total, about 70 breeds of animals are preferred in the CIS countries. In general, all animals can be divided into the following groups:

    • fine-fleece: Altai, Caucasian, Askanian, Grozny, prekos, Stavropol sheep, Soviet perinos and so on;
    • semi-fine-fleeced: Tsigai, North Caucasian and so on;
    • semi-coarse: saraja sheep;
    • coarse-haired: Karakul, Romanov, Edilbaev.

    A significant expense item is the purchase of feed for the winter season. The type of food will depend on the region. In the event that you purchased land in an unfamiliar region for you. It is best to check with your neighbors what it is worth feeding the sheep, as well as watch various video recommendations and read articles by experts.

    Feed prices change every year. You will need to calculate clear business plan subject to possible changes to estimate costs. According to the norm, 2 kg of straw, 1.5 kg of hay, 100 g of barley per day are required per animal. You can also feed sheep with silage, root crops, offer them branch feed. In addition, it is imperative to give salt slime to animals.

    To avoid additional costs and possible problems we recommend that you prepare at least 30-40% more feed than is calculated, because it can get cold much earlier, and heat can come later than planned in advance. The weather is notable for its unpredictability. When compiling a business plan, you should take into account the costs of processing animals and veterinary care.

    The lifespan of a sheep is up to 25 years, but reproductive abilities are preserved only for 8 years. If an animal has a special ability to reproduce, then it is better to keep it at court longer so that this valuable quality can be passed on to offspring.

    The subtleties of breeding various breeds

    As already noted, four breeds are most popular: Romanovskaya, "meat", Eddibaevskaya and fat-tailed.

    1. Romanov sheep will be an excellent solution for aspiring entrepreneurs. You can find the features of their breeding on the Internet by watching videos or articles from more experienced breeders. It is very profitable to breed such sheep, because thanks to their thick wool they feel good in unheated sheds at temperatures up to -30 degrees. For a good wintering, it is enough for them to prepare a straw bedding. In addition, this breed is unpretentious and has a good increase in meat even with a moderate diet.
    2. "Meat" breeds of sheep have a high quality of meat and a large body weight. This category includes texel, zwartbles, suffolk, Barbados black-bellied sheep and so on. Most of these breeds are well adapted to temperate climates.
    3. The Edilbaevskaya sheep has a large size, a developed fat tail and a strong body constitution. These meat and greasy sheep were bred by crossing Astrakhan and Kazakh breeds. Animals are distinguished by good wool, high milk production, they grow quickly. In a hundred days, a ram can grow up to 190 kg of weight. You can also watch videos about them on the Internet, which will help you make a first impression about these animals.
    4. Fat-tailed sheep were brought from Central Asia. They tolerate both winter cold and summer heat well. The main feature of this breed is the presence of a fat tail, which is a large fat deposit at the root of the tail. As a rule, rams go for meat, and females are left to increase the offspring. The percentage of meat in sheep of these breeds is up to 65% of body weight.

    Personnel search

    It is advisable even at the stage of finding a place for a farm and acquiring animals to search for the main staff. Note that for every 300 animals you will need a shepherd. Also for successful development farms need to find a good veterinarian, milkmaids, sheep shearers. The shearer can be a seasonal worker and come to the farm as needed. Of course, the shepherd remains the main worker on the sheep farm.

    Finding a good person for this position, who can immediately perform the functions of a shearer, veterinarian, livestock specialist and manager, is quite difficult. Therefore, the salary of such a specialist will be quite high. Standard terms of employment involve the transfer of about 50 heads of sheep to his possession, a percentage of the farm's profits and bonuses that are issued for weight gain, a high level of offspring and other merits.

    If the entrepreneur does not plan to personally deal with his household, then the shepherd will perform the functions of the manager, so he must inspire complete confidence in you.

    However, with a small livestock of up to 200 heads, hiring such a specialist will no longer be so profitable for you and it is better to take on the corresponding functions. Of course, this will require a lot of time and effort from you, because the sheep have to graze all day, but you can quickly reach self-sufficiency.

    The rest of the workers are engaged in auxiliary types of work: they feed the animals, take care of them. Note that among these workers there is a fairly high level of turnover. It is better to offer them a high level of salary and find the most reliable people in the nearby villages.

    Sales of products

    Sheep farming as a business generates income through the sale of wool, milk and sheep meat. Compared to previous decades, the cost of wool has decreased significantly, so shearing and selling wool can only be assessed as an additional, but not the main line of work. Milk, which is used mainly for cheese production, is also not in high demand, so meat production will bring the main income.

    Lamb meat is in rather high demand with a very limited supply. In total, experts distinguish three main methods of implementation:

    • piece slaughter of animals with subsequent sale on the market;
    • wholesale trade live animals;
    • sale of semi-finished products and meat in large networks, wholesale trade.
    Ideally, it is best to sell lamb through your own outlets in the markets. This method will allow meat to be sold for cash and at a higher price.

    Small sheep farms use this method, since meat processing plants prefer to buy large lots of 400-500 animals, and often use payment deferrals.

    Large farms can also sell directly to the market, but for them it comes with a lot of hassle. In addition, lamb is purchased by cafes, restaurants, specialized butcher shops. The presence of regular customers will increase profitability and achieve stable demand.

    Large sheep farms with large areas and a sufficient supply of feed tend to keep sheep until winter or early spring, when the purchase price of mutton increases significantly.

    Profitability of sheep breeding: financial calculations

    Consider a business plan for organizing a sheep farm for 300 heads.


    • land lease - from 150 thousand rubles per year;
    • construction and repair of premises - 100 thousand rubles;
    • wages for working personnel - from 500 thousand rubles a year;
    • overhead costs - 90 thousand rubles per year;
    • purchase of sheep - 1 million rubles when buying 300 heads at a price of 3500 per head;
    • purchase of special equipment - 100 thousand rubles.

    The profit from the sale of meat will, according to estimates, be about 500 thousand rubles if 50 individuals are sold at minimum cost 100 rubles per 1 kg. The sale of live animals will bring the same amount, and up to 150 thousand rubles can be earned from the sale of wool. As a result, the payback period is about 12-24 months.

    Thus, we can conclude that sheep breeding is very profitable and profitable business. These animals are undemanding to the maintenance, grow quickly. Of course, you should always draw up a detailed business plan in order to calculate how profitable sheep breeding is in certain conditions. An instructional video will help you with this, containing useful practical recommendations for keeping specific breeds of animals.

    Demand for mutton remains stubbornly strong, with sharp price hikes not yet expected in the coming years. Of course, this action plan gives you only a rough idea of ​​how much money you will need to start your business. Specific figures will depend on the region, the breed of sheep and the number of herds. But in general, we can say that such a business can bring an entrepreneur very good income.

    Breeding and raising sheep in agriculture in most countries is the most popular form of animal husbandry. Profitability is in the range of ~10-25% with a payback of ~15-20 months. Sheep breeding is suitable for starting a business in the village from scratch, because. does not require large financial costs and special knowledge of animal care. In the article, we will analyze how to organize sheep breeding as a business from scratch.

    Sheep breeding as a business: advantages and disadvantages

    The key point is the choice of the direction of business, which depends on the breed of sheep. Breeding sheep can be for meat products (meat and meat-fat breeds of sheep) or wool (wool and meat breeds). An additional direction may be the sale of sheep's milk. Consider the main advantages and disadvantages of the sheep farming business.

    Advantages disadvantages
    Minimum initial investment. Animals are very unpretentious, because. are pasture. Tolerates cold well Low profitability of the industry and business ~10-15% and long term payback ~15-20 months.
    Animal nutrition has no special requirements. Savings on feed, lack of a specialized diet. The difficulty of selling and selling products. High competition with classic meat industries: pig and cow breeding

    This business in the field of animal husbandry does not have special requirements for starting. Small capital is required, the cost of raising animals is minimal. A significant drawback But there is - profitability. Some domestic specialists or "experienced" livestock breeders estimate the profitability of ~ 10-15%. This is often the main criterion by which start-up entrepreneurs are judged and, unfortunately, they are not entirely right. Foreign analysts estimate the profitability of this area of ​​animal husbandry ~ 25%, proper care of animals and pastures can increase business efficiency.

    Sheep breeding business plan

    An important feature of writing a business plan is the preparation of approximate calculations for available resources, distribution channels, personnel, costs and income. The purpose of a business plan is a visual presentation of a business idea to determine the stages of its implementation or presentation to investors (lenders) to receive investments or subsidies for business development. If you are starting your business from scratch, then expect to receive Money from investors is not worth it. Investors, with the exception of venture or business angels, invest in already existing business, which shows its effectiveness through an assessment of its income and costs. To raise funds for business development from scratch, you can get state support or subsidies, but as a rule their size is very small.

    Investors will not invest in a "bare" idea, they will invest in an existing business with financial performance!

    The advantage of sheep breeding is the ability to start a business from scratch on your own without large financial investments.

    Registration of a sheep breeding business

    One of the following is suitable for registering a business legal forms: LPH (personal subsidiary plot), IP ( individual entrepreneur), LLC or KFH (peasant farm). For a novice entrepreneur, the best option would be LPH. If you plan to expand the herd, then you will need to switch to IP. For this in tax office activity must be registered OKVED code: 01.22.1 - "Cultivation of sheep and goats".

    Legal form of business Peculiarities
    LPH (personal subsidiary plot) +) the ability not to pay taxes;
    +) simple form activity registration. It is necessary to obtain a certificate from the local administration ;-) restrictions on the plot up to 2 hectares., no possibility of hiring personnel.-) products are not certified, so there is no possibility of selling to shops and wholesale bases.
    IP (individual entrepreneur) +) the possibility of expanding the pasture for sheep breeding;
    +) the ability to choose a special taxation regime: ESHN or USN;-) payment of tax payments.
    LLC (company with limited liability) +) the possibility of attracting debt capital, investments for scaling;
    +) the ability to choose a special taxation regime: ESHN or USN;-) bookkeeping and reporting.
    KFH (peasant farming) +) suitable for running a partnership business (an analogue of an LLP is a limited liability partnership).
    +) the ability to select a special taxation regime: ESHN or USN;

    When registering an individual entrepreneur, LLC or KFH, you must immediately apply for the transition to a special taxation regime: USN or ESHN (single agricultural tax). Otherwise, there will be an OSNO taxation regime, with a higher interest rate! The opportunity to apply for a transition to a preferential regime will appear only at the end of the calendar year. For animal husbandry, ESHN would be the best choice.

    The use of ESHN is possible if the share of livestock products produced is more than 70%!

    If a loss was incurred during the UAT in the previous reporting period, then it can be taken into account in the tax base as expenses. This will reduce tax payments.

    The interest rate for UAT is 6% of income minus expenses.

    For the simplified taxation system (STS), the interest rate will depend on the type of regime:

    • 15% for income minus expenses;
    • 6% of gross income.

    The difference between the USN and the ESHN in accounting for losses. If (under the regime of 15% income minus expenses) for reporting period If there is a loss, then you still need to pay tax in the amount of 1% of the profit received.

    Organization of pasture and creation of a place for breeding sheep and rams

    First of all, pasture is necessary for breeding a herd of sheep. The size of the pasture will directly depend on the number of bred sheep. You need to choose a place with a low cost of rent or purchase, as well as with a good amount of potential forage growing on the territory. The pasture area should be sown with a combination of perennials and annuals. As annual plants, crops such as: winter rye, mogar, sorghum are suitable; and for perennials: alfalfa, clover, fescue. Do not forget about the place where your herd will be kept. Often lands that have come out of crop rotation are used for pasture.

    For the summer period, a corral made of wood or an abandoned barn is suitable. In winter, you should not worry too much about heating or warming the places of detention. Sheep are not very whimsical to frost due to their warm wool. When the temperature reaches more than -15 degrees, you will need equipment for a potbelly stove for temporary heating.

    One animal has a pasture area of ​​~0.1-0.2 ha.

    Acquisition of future livestock and its maintenance

    It is best to buy sheep and rams from farms that can document the quality of their livestock. References, certificates and reviews - that's what the future buyer should pay attention to. For beginner sheep breeders, sheep breeds such as Romanov are suitable - excellent meat quality, medium wool; Russian longhair - excellent quality of wool, average quality of meat. In order to be successful in your field, it is better to have both types of breeds available. To maintain the herd, you will need the following small staff:

    • The shepherd (shepherd) is an important member of any livestock business, controls the animals, one is needed at the rate of 200-300 heads;
    • Veterinarian - may be part-time for animal problems;
    • Grooming specialist - grooms animals;
    • The caretaker is the person responsible for feeding and providing nutrition to the animals.

    Video lesson: "Sheep breeding"

    The video lesson details the breeding of the Romanov, Edilbaev breeds of sheep and their crossbreeds in farming Tereshat.

    Selling future products

    The main raw materials that you end up with are wool and meat. Wool brings more tangible income, as it has a higher profitability and is grown without losing a sheep. But meat is in higher demand and, thanks to the possible volumes, can be sold all year round. This is the main part of the possible income of your business. Potential customers of your farm can be: chains of restaurants, cafes, bars and barbecue houses (especially in summer), as well as trade organizations: markets, supermarkets, butcher shops. Cooperation even with half potential clients can lead to the prosperity of your business for many years, bringing you a stable income and thereby increasing the profitability of your business year after year.

    Initial investment for the development of sheep breeding business

    For a budding entrepreneur, consider this financial plan to create a farm of 300 sheep. It reflects all the major capital investments that you will need for your goal.

    • 1050000 rub. - purchase of the main livestock (300 sheep * average cost of 3500 rubles per individual);
    • 100000 rub. – lease of pasture lands;
    • 100000 rub. – possible acquisition of premises for keeping sheep and staff;
    • 600000 rub. – the annual salary of future staff and the purchase of feed;
    • 50000 rub. - the amount for small expenses (equipment, overalls, other expenses).

    The total amount will be about 1900000 rubles. to start developing a sheep breeding business. Income by the end of the first year will look like this:

    • 500000 rub. - sale of meat products.
    • 500000 rub. - sale of 100 fed sheep at an average price of 5,000 rubles.
    • 100000 rub. - sale of wool.

    As a result, we get approximate income for the first year of your business in the region of 1,100,000 rubles. This amount will pay back the invested money in two years and will begin to generate net profit after this time.

    This financial and business plans clearly show that sheep breeding and the business associated with this type of animal husbandry is ready to bring you income, even with a small profitability. The success of the business is the creation of a wide distribution network of livestock products.

    Evaluation of the attractiveness of a business by a magazine website

    Business Profitability

    (2.5 out of 5)

    Business Attractiveness


    Project payback

    (3.0 out of 5)
    Ease of starting a business
    (4.5 out of 5)
    Sheep breeding business can be started from scratch and from minimal cost in the village. Profitability is relatively low and amounts to ~15-25% with a payback period of ~15-20 months. Caring for sheep does not require a lot of money. A business can be registered as a private household plot for a herd of up to 20 heads (up to 2 hectares), which does not require payment of taxes. The success of this business will be the creation of a wide distribution network.


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