Management Spurs 3. Exam questions for the course Management. Cheat Sheet: Management Questions (Gosy) Management Questions for Students

Industrial way of organizing production; development of market relations, the main elements of which are supply demand and price. Defining the main functions of a business as finance, production and marketing, the classics were sure that they could define The best way division of the organization into divisions or groups. Manager is a professional in the organization and management of production, sales and service possessing ...

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1. What character traits should such a manager archetype as “administrator” have?

(A) Be sociable and be able to inspire people to maximize their dedication

(V) Have an analytical mind

+ (C) Be extremely objective and rely on facts and logic

(D) methodical work, forecasting the future

What kind of planning is used in manufacturing systems with continuous technological processes?

2. What are the main factors involved in the motivation model of Viktor Vroom?

(A) The need for self-respect, self-affirmation and belonging to a social group

(V) Difficulty and stress of work and the level of remuneration

+ (C) Expectation of the possibility of a result, expectation of a possible reward from this result and expectation of the value of the reward

(D) hygienic factors, factors related to the nature and nature of work

3. Leaders have real influence in managing by goals.

(A) Intermediate levels

(V) Lower level

(WITH) Higher, middle and lower levels

4. Indicate what is typical for the Japanese company "Sony" in the relationship between managers and subordinates?

(A) If possible, it is desirable that a person stay in one workplace throughout his life, where he gains certain experience, which accordingly increases work efficiency

+ (B) Lack of differentiated attitudes towards people

(WITH) For successful work in the company it is important what educational institution the employee finished and with what marks

(D) with all positive qualities freedom of discussion in big company she disrupts the work schedule

5. How should one treat the accumulation of information about the problem?

(A) The more information the better

+ (B) Too much information is just as harmful as lack of information.

(WITH) Getting as much information about the problem as possible is the manager's responsibility

(D) excessive amount of information is the key to success

6. Which of the human needs is the main one according to McClelland's theory of motivation?

7. Basic control functions

(A) Planning, control

+ (B) Planning, organization, motivation, control

(WITH) Organization, motivation

(D) organization, motivation, control

8. An example of multi-tier technology (Thompson's classification) can be:

+ (A) Mass production assembly line

(V) Banking

9. The limit of the use of automation is

(A) The limitations of our knowledge

(V) Qualification level service personnel

+ (C) The impossibility of excluding unforeseen situations

10. What characterizes the compromise when making a decision?

(A) Establishing a certain average as a result of a dispute between two employees

+ (B) Reducing benefits in one area in order to reduce unwanted consequences in another

(WITH) Decision making auditively, taking into account the views of all interested parties

11. What is the "Socio-technical system" of an organization with high production technology?

(A) Universal computerization of production

(V) Development of the social sphere

(WITH) Professional growth workers

+ (D) integration of personnel and technology, delegation of responsibility for the final result

12. The purpose of planning the organization's activities is

(A) Cost justification

(V) Justification of the timing

+ (C) Determination of goals, forces and means

(D) justification of the number of employees

13. The main difference open system from closed is

(A) Lack of orderly interaction between individual subsystems

(V) The presence of interaction of individual subsystems with the outside world

(WITH) Closure of the elements of the system to themselves

+ (D) the presence of interaction with the external environment

14. What belongs to the category of “internal remuneration”?

15. The basic rule when determining the level of wages is:

(A) Legally defined minimum level

(V) Certain staffing table bid

(WITH) Pay level in competing firms

+ (D) an absolutely accurate and objective definition of the nature of the invested labor and an exploratory comprehensive and impartial assessment of it

16. The main thing in the management by goals is the development of goals

+ (A) From the top down the chain of command

(WITH) From bottom to top and top to bottom

17. Determine the main characteristics of the external environment for the organization

+ (A) All of the above

(V) Interconnectedness of factors, complexity

(WITH) Complexity and mobility

(D) interconnectedness and uncertainty

18. Why is the delegation of authority to other managers carried out?

+ (A) For an optimal solution to a complex problem

(V) To preserve the "group" style of work

(WITH) To test the qualifications of workers

19. Which of the following methods of allocation of responsibilities in the organization is adopted on a functional basis?

(A) Branches of the enterprise were created in five cities

+ (B) Departments for production, marketing, personnel, financial issues created

(WITH) Workshops were created at the biscuit production plant, chocolates, caramel

(D) departments created at the enterprise, equal in number

20. Technology continuous production usually used in the manufacture of products such as

(A) Production of passenger cars

(V) Production of military aircraft

(WITH) Building level ships

+ (D) oil refining, pig iron smelting

21. What type of management structure does the following situation refer to: “The construction of a pipeline includes a number of technological operations: preparatory work, excavation (trenching), welding (pipe welding), insulation and laying of the pipeline in a trench, etc.? The management of the production of each type of work is entrusted to the head of a special construction department... Information about each process goes to the manager of the construction trust, and from him to the head of the department?

(A) Matrix control system

(V) Functional control system

+ (C) Linear control system

22. What kind of feedback is more important in terms of improving the effectiveness of communication?

23. What does the economic mechanism of management consist of?

+ (A) All of the above

(V) In-house management, production management

(WITH) Personnel management, production management

(D) in-house management, personnel management

24. Action planning is

(A) Creating the next link to honey by setting a goal and a program for its implementation

(V) Clarification of roles

(WITH) Identifying the circumstances that need to be considered in order to achieve the goal

(D) an estimate of the time spent for each operation

25. Of the listed managers: 1. General manager and board members. 2. Heads of independent bodies. 3. Shop managers. The top management level includes:

26. Control-oriented behavior is

+ (A) Actions of subordinates aimed at what the management wants to see when checking their activities

(V) Orientation to underestimated goals

(WITH) Using the fact that controllers do not thoroughly know the activities of employees subordinate to them

(D) orientation to inflated goals

27. What does “make a decision” mean?

(A) Go through all possible alternatives

(V) Enumerate several alternatives that provide the most effective opportunities for solving the problem

(WITH) Order the selection of a possible alternative

+ (D) order the implementation of a specific plan

28. Which approach does not apply to well-known schools in management?

(A) Scientific management

(V) Administration

+ (C) New economic policy

29. The linear organization of management allows you to formulate a management structure, which is:

+ (C) Stable and durable

30. Why did the United States become the birthplace of modern government?

(A) No problems with origin, nationality

(V) Support for Education for All, Huge Labor Market

(WITH) Formation of monopolies

31. A key factor in any governance model is:

(V) Means of production

32. What should the quality control system at a modern enterprise be based on in the first place?

(A) To clearly defined norms and assumptions for specific processes

(V) To assess the quality of products by workers during the production process

(WITH) To a rigid control apparatus at the output of products

(D) for checking finished products

33. The aim of the classical school of management was to create

(A) Labor rationing methods

+ (B) Universal control principle

(WITH) Working conditions of employees

(D) methods of stimulating labor productivity

34. What is the main difference between preliminary, current and final control?

+ (B) During implementation

35. The external environment of direct impact on the organization is:

(A) Shareholders, competitors, suppliers

(V) Consumers, trade enterprises, local authorities

+ (C) All of the above

(D) government bodies, local bodies

36. The process of delegation of authority includes the transfer of authority from a senior manager to subordinate managers to carry out special assignments. What situation is inherent in this process?

(A) Authority and responsibility are transferred to a subordinate leader

(V) Responsibility is transferred to a subordinate leader

+ (C) Powers are transferred to a subordinate leader, and all responsibility continues to be borne by the senior leader.

(D) a new, equal leader is appointed and all responsibility is transferred to him

37. What should be contained in the document "Distribution of duties"?

(A) The title of the position and the department in which the position is held

(V) All of the above

(WITH) Description of the functions performed, duties and rights

(D) relationships with management, colleagues and subordinates

38. The "Father of Scientific Governance" is often referred to as:

(V) Frank and Lilian Gilbert - they identified seventeen basic micro-movements of workers, calling them terblig; and they also developed a method for the analysis of micromovements, which was based on the motion picture of the worker's movements

+ (C) F. Taylor - he tried to substantiate the daily rate of the worker by the methods of timekeeping and the study of his labor movements

(D) Mr. Gantt - he created a schedule that allowed you to plan, distribute and check work. This graph was the predecessor of the PERT network planning system, which now uses computers. He is famous for his system material incentives for the completed task

39. Why methods of direct coercion and fear of punishment are gradually replaced by methods of social coercion?

(A) It became unprofitable to keep a large staff

(V) Difficult to train a manager to use them effectively

(WITH) The labor movement has achieved a certain protection of workers from direct coercion

+ (D) the mechanism of coercion has ceased to ensure the development of production

40. What is optimal number subordinates?

(A) The more subordinates, the easier it is to work

41. What factor does the type of production system depend on?

(V) From marketing strategy

(WITH) From the type of product

+ (D) from regional employment programs

42. The most difficult and costly element of control is

(A) Choice of standards

(V) Selecting the Appropriate Unit of Measure

(WITH) Choice of criteria

43. Which of the informal forecasting methods provides the most valuable information?

(A) Visual information

+ (B) Industrial espionage

(WITH) Written information

(D) information in global networks

44. Technology of small-scale or one-off production is usually applied in companies such as

(A) A group of people united by a common goal

(V) A group of people who own the means of production

(WITH) A group of people whose activities are coordinated

+ (D) a group of people whose activities are deliberately coordinated to achieve common goal

46. ​​Is management of productive labor?

(A) Yes, because management creates new value

(V) No, it's just oversight and control

(WITH) No, this is just the result of the contradiction between wage labor and the owner of the means of production.

+ (D) yes, since this type of activity is inevitable with a high level of specialization of production and is intended to ensure the integrity of the labor mechanism

47. An organization's control system usually consists of

+ (A) Preliminary, current and final

(V) Current and final

(WITH) Preliminary and final

48. Objectives that can be used as standards for control are distinguished by the following:

(A) High morale

+ (B) Time frame, specific criterion

(WITH) Using indirect manifestations

49. Management is mainly concerned with systems

(WITH) Closed and closed-type subsystems

(D) closed and open-type subsystems

50. What type of relationship does the relationship between the foreman and the head of the shop correspond to?

(A) Functional relationship

(V) Material relations

+ (C) Linear relationship

(D) managerial relations

51. What type of planning is used in production systems with continuous technological processes?

(A) Operational functional diagram

(V) Fixed positional scheme

+ (C) Linear flow diagram

(D) operational and positional schemes

52. From the listed items: 1. Development of clear, concise goals. 2. development of goals from the bottom up. 3. realistic plan, ways of its implementation, monitoring and evaluation of results and monitoring. 4. correction of the adopted plans, evaluation of results and control. To the main stages of management:

53. Steps of motivation according to Maslow are

(A) The need for development and recognition

+ (B) The need for development and recognition, the social need and the need for security, basic needs

(WITH) Social need and need for security

54. What function is not characteristic of the process approach to management according to Fayol?

(A) Work planning

(V) Organization of work

+ (C) Independence of managers' judgments in certain areas (programs)

55. What are the components of the organization's tasks are traditionally divided?

(A) Work with people

(V) Working with people and information

(WITH) Working with objects and people

+ (D) work with people, work with people and information and work with objects and people

56. Which sequence of priorities will allow the firm to succeed:

+ (A) People - products - profit

(V) Profit - people - products

(WITH) Products - Profits - People

57. What is the primary need for the successful work of an employee in a new place?

(A) Compliance with specialization

(V) Fair remuneration

+ (C) Social adaptation

58. The essence of the situational approach is:

(A) Knowledge of methods professional management proven to be effective; the ability to anticipate the consequences of applied techniques and concepts

(V) Correct interpretation of the situation, identification of the most important factors

+ (C) All of the above

(D) application of methods of action. causing the least negative effect in this situation, with maximum efficiency

59. Any enterprise, regardless of its legal form must have

(WITH) Means, equipment

(A) Sequence of actions to be taken in specific situation with a tendency to repeat

+ (B) Guaranteeing the execution of specific actions in specific ways in a specific single situation

(WITH) Specifically Articulated Past Experience

61. What are the main features of such a manager archetype as a “leader”?

(A) Ability to locate a failure and take corrective action

(V) Ability to resolve personal conflicts that arise with volitional decisions

(WITH) Be sociable

+ (D) the ability to communicate with people, the ability to recognize the potential of each person and interest him in full use this potential

62. More often they resort to rotation in

63. What is the most important management function?

(A) Getting the maximum profit

(V) Create conditions for the further successful functioning of the enterprise

(WITH) Minimizing tax payments

(D) conquering new sales markets

64. Of the listed items: 1. analysis of the survey level wages... 2. conditions in the labor market. 3. the productivity and profitability of the organization. The wage structure is determined using

65. What is the meaning of the word "risk" when making decisions?

(A) The significance of the problem for overall activities firms

(V) The degree of influence of an incorrectly solved problem on the official position of the manager

+ (C) The level of certainty with which the outcome can be predicted

(D) level of abuse of authority

66. In order to be effective, control must be

(V) Permanent

67. Preliminary control financial resources organization is

(V) Conclusion of the auditing organization

(D) financial report for the past period of time

68. Why methods of direct coercion and fear of punishment are replaced by methods of social coercion?

+ (A) The mechanism of coercion has ceased to ensure the development of production

(V) It became unprofitable to maintain a large staff

(WITH) Difficult to train a manager to use them effectively

(D) the labor movement has achieved a certain protection of workers from direct coercion

69. What is the ability of a manager, according to McGregor, leads to success?

+ (B) Predicting Human Behavior

(D) forecasting demand for products

70. What are the features of cybernetization in relation to automation?

+ (A) Inclusion in the algorithm of the stage of using intelligence, i.e. the ability to solve non-formalized tasks and find a way out in unforeseen situations

(V) Giving the machine the ability to think

(WITH) The use of electronic computing technology in combination with the stages of "brainstorming" and expert assessments

(D) a qualitatively new level of technology and technology

71. What is called "socio-technical systems"?

+ (A) People involved in the production process

(WITH) Programmed machines

(D) computer systems replacing a certain number of workers

72. Define the main stages of building an organization?

(A) Determination of the nature of the work performed

(V) Distribution of work between individual management positions

(WITH) Classification of management positions, building on this basis of logical management groups

+ (D) determination of the nature of the work performed. Distribution of work between individual management positions. Classification of management positions, building on this basis of logical management groups

73. Of the listed items: 1. Provides management with the information needed to plan for the future; 2. comparison of actually obtained and required results; 3. contributes to the motivation of staff. The functions of the final control include:

74. What are the aspects of the human variable in a situational approach to management?

+ (A) All of the above

(V) behavior individuals, the behavior of people in groups

(WITH) The nature of the leader's behavior, the functioning of the manager as a leader

(D) the influence of the manager on the behavior of individuals and groups

(A) Long term strategy

+ (B) Short term strategy

(WITH) Medium-term plan, results appear in 3-4 years

(D) medium-term plan, results appear in 1-2 years

76. The main components of the communication model are:

(A) Object, subject, interaction

+ (B) Source, message, channel, recipient

(WITH) Object, subject, influence, feedback

(D) external environment, internal environment, interaction

77. What is the reason why it is required to check the result of the adopted decision?

+ (A) If the decision is good, you will know what to do in a similar situation; if it is bad, you will know what not to do.

(V) According to the accuracy of the solution implementation, it is possible to assess the qualifications of subordinates

(WITH) Checking the reliability of the administrative structure

(D) verification of the reliability of the expert structure

78. The classical (administrative) school in management set as its goal

(A) Considering the administrator as a profession

(V) Coordination of the work of the financial apparatus at the enterprise with production and marketing

(WITH) Creating a new management style

+ (D) creation of universal management principles

79. The purpose of control is

(A) Checking the execution of the plan

(V) Collection of statistical information

(WITH) Increased dependence of subordinates

+ (D) providing guidance with information to adjust the plan

80. What condition prevents the emergence of a formal organization of people (according to Bernard)?

(A) Ability to communicate

(V) Achieving a common goal

+ (C) Striving for freedom of action

81. What is the principle of unity of management?

(A) Any employee (employee) can have only one manager

+ (B) Full and absolute responsibility for the activities of the entire enterprise should be borne by one person

(WITH) The number of persons in good governance limited

(D) a group of leaders is responsible for the work of the team

82. In what cases do they turn to quality methods forecasting?

(A) Inability to obtain information by other methods

+ (B) Lack of information received quantitative methods forecasting

(WITH) The time allotted for solving the problem is very limited

(D) in the absence of sufficient funds for forecasting

83. The hallmark of a formal organization is

(A) Lack of unity in the actions of its members

(V) Hard pressure on her members

(WITH) Availability of job descriptions and prescriptions

+ (D) deliberate coordination of the actions of two or more persons

84. An example of influencing through reasonable faith is attitude

(A) Worker with master

(V) Peasant and landowner

+ (C) Patient with attending physician

85. Procedure is

+ (A) Sequence of actions to be taken in a specific situation that tends to be repeated

(V) A sequence of specific actions to be performed in a single specific situation

(WITH) Using the experience of the past

(D) guaranteed performance of specific actions

86. The ultimate goal of management is

(A) Development of the technical and economic base of the company

+ (B) Ensuring the profitability of the firm

(WITH) Rational organization production

(D) advanced training and creative activity of the employee

87. How can influence through fear be used with skilled workers?

(A) Intimidation by lower wages

(V) The threat of dismissal

(WITH) By the threat of demotion

+ (D) intimidating the possibility of infringement of pride

88. The most frequent source of conflict when changing rules and procedures of work is

(A) Infringement of someone's interests

+ (B) The way management communicates new rules

(WITH) People's reluctance to change the way they work

(D) ambiguity of the purpose of these changes

89. For what purposes is brainstorming used in the decision-making process?

(A) Intensification of the thought process

(V) Analysis of non-standard solutions

+ (C) Identifying alternatives

(D) involvement of all participants in the decision-making process

90. Which person should you choose as a new employee in most cases?

(A) A person who is sympathetic to the leader with his personal qualities

(V) Of a person who has the best qualifications to perform actual work in the position held

(WITH) The candidate who appears to be the most suitable for promotion

(D) a candidate who has great potential

91. Why is an excessive number of subordinates dangerous?

+ (A) Loss of team manageability

(V) The proliferation of bureaucratic apparatus

(WITH) Duplicate efforts

92. The development of the principles of scientific management in the United States was facilitated by

(A) Diligence of free citizens

(V) Support for England

+ (C) Formation of large industries and enterprises

93. Which of the following communication roles performs the function of transmitting messages in the organization?

94. What, according to Berchord, is the reason for the emergence of an informal organization?

(A) People's desire for chaos

(V) Unwillingness of the team to work

(WITH) Weakness of formal organization

+ (D) need to be protected from formal organization

95. The principle of the theory "Z" is a priority for increasing labor productivity -

(A) Waiver of layoffs

(V) Rotation of personnel

(WITH) Committed to ensuring the well-being of all employees

+ (D) participation of both management and employees in making decisions concerning their work

96. The highest achievement of the school of scientific management is the development

(A) Labor motivation methods

(V) Methods of mathematical modeling

+ (C) Analysis of work steps

(D) ways of psychological compatibility of employees

97. Define the principles underlying management?

(A) One-man management, motivation, leadership, feedback

(V) Scientific approach, responsibility, correct selection and placement of personnel

(WITH) Profitability, feedback, unity of command, motivation

98. What kind of authority will be most acceptable in a research group of highly qualified specialists?

99. When shaping governance structures, the following should be taken into account

(A) How many levels of management may be required, how formal should the interaction be

(V) Degree of centralization, whether all questions should be decided by top management

(WITH) Complexity of the organizational structure

+ (D) number of control levels. The degree of formality of their interaction. The degree of centralism. Complexity of the organizational structure

100. Factors affecting individual behavior and performance are:

+ (A) All of the above

(V) Mental and physical abilities, values ​​and attitudes

(D) values ​​and claims, needs

101. What are the components of management?

(A) Strategic management, control

(V) Operational management

(WITH) Control, operational management

102. The practice of management has arisen

(A) In the XX century, during the industrialization of industry

(V) Together with the creation of F. Taylor of the School of Management

+ (C) Together with the unification of people into organized groups, for example, tribes

(D) along with the emergence of a systematic approach

103. What is "motivation"?

(A) Conditions in which a person is forced to carry out a specific activity

+ (B) Feeling of lack of something, with a certain focus and focused on achieving a goal (desire to do something)

(WITH) Forcing someone to do certain activities

(D) creating someone's interest in a particular activity

104. The classification by the type of interaction between the organization and the person includes:

(A) Traditional organization

105. The classification by the type of interaction of the organization with the external environment includes:

106. The classification by the type of interaction between units in the organization includes:

107. What type of relationship is not typical for corporate culture in an organization?

(A) Monopoly and standardization in activities

(V) Dominance of hierarchical power structures

+ (C) Combination of competition and cooperation in the activities of employees

(D) principle of majority or seniority in decision making

108. What features are not characteristic of the mechanistic type of organization?

(A) Narrow specialization in work

+ (B) Ambitious responsibility

(WITH) Clear rights and responsibilities

109. The theory of bureaucracy by Max Weber substantiates the effectiveness of the distribution of powers in an organization by the type:

110. Management is the science that studies

(A) Market relations

+ (B) Management of intellectual, financial, raw materials and material resources

(WITH) How the healthcare system is financed

111. Organizational documents do not include

(A) Institutional States

(V) Procedure and rules of activity

(WITH) Institutions' statutes

+ (D) sales announcements

112. The functions of the strategic management level do not include:

(A) Organization design

+ (C) Accounting for raw materials

113. The functions of the operational management level do not include:

+ (C) Organization structure design

114. Participation is

(A) Profit sharing due to productivity gains

(V) Design and redesign of works

+ (C) Involving employees in problem analysis and solutions

(D) production simulation method management decisions according to the given rules

115. Organizational structure- this is

(A) The art of managing intellectual, financial, raw materials, material resources

(V) A type of human activity aimed at satisfying needs through exchange

+ (C) Management system that determines the composition, interaction and subordination of its elements

(D) a method for imitating the development of management decisions according to given rules in various production situations

116. One of the main functions of management is

(A) Monitoring production progress

(V) Methodological support of decision making

(D) issuance of orders and orders

117. Which of the following theories of motivation does not apply to meaningful theories:

(A) Abraham Maslow's theory

+ (B) Porter Lawler's model

(WITH) Frederick Herzberg's theory

118. The process of encouraging oneself and others to act to achieve personal goals or goals of the organization is:

119. Performance of work under duress or through economic incentives is:

(A) Motivation by status

+ (B) Extrinsic motivation

(WITH) Result motivation

120. "When starting to perform this or that work, a person with a certain degree of probability expects that the efforts expended by him will bring the necessary result, which, with one degree or another, must be noticed by the manager and appropriately rewarded." This provision answers:

+ (A) Vroom's expectation theories

(V) Porter Lawler's theories

(WITH) McCleland's acquired needs theories

(D) Adams' theory of justice

2. The history of the development of management and its "school".

3. The composition of the organization's management complex.

4. Consistency in management.

5. The main differences between Russian and foreign management.

6. Correlation of management with economics and other sciences.

7. Democratization of management - the way to improve the efficiency of the organization.

8. Distinctive features of modern management.

9. The meaning of the situational concept of management.

10 role organizational culture in the success of the enterprise.

11. The role of technical progress in management.

12. Management resources and the effectiveness of their use.

13. The mission of the organization and its choice.

14. Internal and external environment of the organization.

15.0 main management constraints.

16. The essence of the organizational management structure.

17. Practical varieties of organizational structures.

18.Characteristic of the main functions of management.

19. Formulation of the question of management methods.

20.Characteristics of management methods.

21. The system of methods of management of a social organization.

22. Style of management / leadership / and its impact on the effectiveness of the organization.

23. Typical styles of leadership.

24. Practical work of a manager to form a leadership style.

25. Foreign approaches to the analysis of leadership style.

27. Democratic leadership style.

28. Management "grid" R. Blake and D. Mouton.

29. Models of leadership styles proposed by Ransis Likert.

30. Passive and liberal leadership styles.

33. The main requirements for managers.

35. Goal setting in planning.

36. Strategic and tactical planning.

37. Essence and bases of planning: the advantages of planned work.

38. In the ides of plans.

39. Principles of rational planning.

40. Types of management decisions.

41. The essence of the process of preparation, adoption and implementation of management decisions.

42.0peculiarities of making managerial decisions in Japanese management.

43. Requirements for management decisions.

47. Human needs.

49. Principles of providing effective material incentives.

50. Influence of the labor situation on the attitude to work.

51. The purpose and essence of labor motivation.

52. Motivational expectation theory.

54. Motivational theory of justice.

55.0 Foundations of the manager's power.

56. Motivation of group behavior.

57. The meaning and content of the function of the organization.

58. Delegation of authority / purpose and basic conditions of effectiveness.

59. The effectiveness of the control function.

60. Function of control in management.

61. The main stages of the control procedure.

62. A measure of control of employees.

63. Management of innovations.

64. Methods of persuasion in the work of a manager.

65. The most important social and psychological phenomena in the organization.

67. Criticism in the work of the manager.

68. Interaction of the manager with informal leaders.

70. The mode of work and rest of the manager.

71. The image of the manager.

72. The work of the manager to improve business skills.

73. Organization of the manager's workplace.

74. Planning of personal work and analysis of the use of the manager's working time.

75. Work of the manager with information and interaction with the secretary.

Management - from of English language, means control. Management (management process) - the organization of actions aimed at achieving goals. Management is a sphere of human activity and a corresponding area of ​​knowledge, which includes management of people as a mandatory element, social organizations or structures. As a science M. It appeared 100 years ago. The main directions (schools) of M. During this period: 1) the school of scientific management (1885-1920) Taylor, Gilbert and others - the rationality of labor plus mat. motivation leads to increased efficiency; 2) the administrative (classical) school of Fayol, Weber and others (1920-50) - a universal principle of management; 3) the school of human relations (1930-50) by Maslow et al. - interpersonal relations between people; 4) behavioral school of Arjiris, Likert - maximum use of human potential based on psychology and sociology; 5) quantitative school of Wiener, Ackoff - computer mathematical modeling of situations.

There are several definitions of M. by various authors: 1) the definition of Parker-Rollet from the school of human relations - M. - “ensuring the performance of work with the help of others”; 2) definition from the textbook "Foundations M." Mescona, Albert and Khedouri - M. - “the process of planning, organization, motivation, control necessary for the formation and achievement of the goals of the organization”; 3) Vinan "Foundations M." - "theory and practice of management of the company and its personnel in the market." 4) “a set of principles, methods, means and forms of production management in order to increase its efficiency” - from the dictionary of foreign words in 1988; 5) "the sphere of human activity and the field of knowledge, which includes as a mandatory element the management of people" - from the American encyclopedia; 6) setting and their effective achievement with the help of people ”, - connects 3 main factors of M. - goals, efficiency, people.

In a competitive environment, efficiency is central to the survival of the firm. Effective M., ensuring the success of a company, requires a focus on the person: in terms of the external environment - to the consumer, in terms of the internal environment - to personnel.

2. Development history of M. and his school

As a science M. appeared 100 years ago, and at the beginning of the century F. Taylor formulated and published the principles of management. Schools M .: 1) School of Scientific Management (rationalistic school) 1885-1920 - Taylor, Gilbert, Gaitt. The main principle, the main idea is the rationalization of labor in labor production plus the material interest of workers leads to an increase in labor productivity; 2) administrative (behavioral) school - 1920-50. - A. Faill, Urvik, Weber. The main idea - there are “universal” principles of management, the application of which guarantees success in any organization; 3) the school of human relations (1930-50) Mayo, Follett, Mslow - to effectively achieve the goals of the organization, it is necessary and sufficient to establish interpersonal relationships between employees; 4) behavioral school (1950-present), representatives - Arjiris, Likert, McGreager, Blake - “the effectiveness of achieving the goals of the organization requires the maximum use of human potential based on the data of psychology and sociology; 5) quantitative school (1950-present) - Wiener, Ackoff, Bertalanffy - optimal management decisions are sought with the help of computers based on the use of mathematical models situations.

So formed modern science, the application of the principles of which in practice bring an increase in production efficiency. The symbolic key M. “human-efficiency goals”. Golden Rule M .: "effective M., ensuring survival and success in the conditions of market competition, requires an orientation towards a person: in the external environment - to the consumer, in the internal environment - to the personnel"

In the science of modern medicine, the following features stand out: 1) a systematic approach to management; 2) the situational principle of management; 3) the determining role of organizational culture; 4) mechanization and automation of management processes; 5) democratization of management; 6) internationalization of M.

3.Composition of the M. complex in the organization

The M. complex consists of a trace. components: strategic M., personnel management (or personal or personnel M.), management of technological processes and operations, financial management (financial M.), material and technical supply management, product sales management, property management., innovative M. (management development), product or service quality management.

1.Strategic M. - setting and achieving the main strategic objectives, including: mission selection, situational analysis, strategic marketing, strategic planning activities, creation and correction of organizational structures, management of the implementation of the strategy.

2. Personnel management - all the goals of the organization are achieved through people - the most important component of M.

3. Control of technological processes - carried out by people using machines, mechanisms, equipment and devices, including computers and other special devices.

4. Financial management - through the distribution of finance and their dynamics, the production and economic activities of the enterprise are regulated to ensure efficiency.

5. Management of material and technical supply - supplies of raw materials, materials, equipment, tools and other necessary products are provided.

6. Sales management - carried out on the basis of marketing activities, including monitoring of the external environment.

7. Real estate management - this means the operation, purchase, sale, exchange, lease and other actions with real estate.

8. Innovative M. - development management - is necessary to maintain and improve the efficiency of the organization in a changing environment. Innovations are planned, organized, motivated and monitored.

9. Quality management is a must to maintain the competitiveness of a firm in a competitive market.

4. Systematicity in M.

A system is a set of individual elements considered in interaction as a whole. Consistency is present in all controls. The various systems used to ensure planning, control, organization, motivation, decision-making are the most effective tools of the firm.

The system of goals includes business attitudes, principles, spiritual values, long-term goals.

The planning system of the company as a whole. Planning levels: 1) strategic plans; 2) tactical plans; 3) operational plans; 4) analysis, development, marketing.

The system of indicators to which the firm strives: 1) the growth of the firm; 2) profitability; 3) solvency; 4) market share; 5) flexibility, stability.

The system of factors of the company's success, for example: 1) selection of a product with growth potential; 2) product selection with high competitiveness.

The system of performance indicators of the company: efficiency, efficiency, quality; performance; working conditions, innovation; profitability.

Control system, motivation system.

Management systems - systems that implement the management process to achieve goals.

Organization management system:

The control system consists of:

· From the subject of control - the control part of the system, which develops control actions and delivers them to the object;

· Object of control - a controlled part of the system, which is a part of the system, the state of which is brought to the desired result.

If the subject of control manages his own actions, that is, the subject and the object are one whole, then in this case we are dealing with self-government.

Picture 1

5. The main differences between Russian and foreign M.

The difference in the following points: 1) the external environment (due to differences in historical development); 2) the mentality of the people (attitudes, habits, psychology, moral level). Hence the following differences:

1. The prevailing method of management. In the USA and West. Europe - economic, complemented by command and socio-psychological. In Russia, it is a command one, supplemented by an economic and a little socio-psychological.

2. The prevailing leadership style. In the USA and West. Europe - consultative-democratic or benevolent-authoritarian. In Russia, it is exploitative-authoritarian or authoritarian-passive. Japan - Participatory or Consultative Democratic.

3. Concentration of managers. In the USA and West. Europe - in practice or in people, or both. In Russia - on yourself or in practice, or on both. In Japan, in people and in deeds.

4. The predominant type of management decisions. In the USA and West. Europe - solely advisory or compromise. In Russia, it is purely sole proprietor or solely advisory. In Japan, there is a consensus or a compromise.

5. The structure of management decisions. USA and West. Europe is a short preparation phase, a long execution phase. In Russia, there is a very short preparation phase, a very long execution phase. In case of failure, the excuse: "We wanted the best, it turned out as always." In Japan, there is a long preparation phase, a short execution phase.

6. The prevailing type of motivation as a process of attunement to work. In the USA and West. Europe - motivation specific workers based on economic and non-financial incentives. Russia - motivation of specific employees with material incentives based on idle speculations of managers, motivation by coercion and lack of motivation. Japan - the motivation to work for the company. Formation of corporate consciousness.

7. Planning. USA and West. Europe - an emphasis on long-term strategic planning. Russia - work on the basis of short-term plans or unplanned. Japan - Thorough Strategic and Tactical Planning.

8. Democratization of production. In the USA and West. Europe - moderate employee involvement in management. Russia is a very weak management involvement. Japan - active involvement of workers in management.

9.Automation of management decisions. USA and West. Europe is high and very high. Russia is very low and low. Japan is very tall and tall.

10. Organizational culture. USA and West. Europe is high. Russia is very low and low. Japan is high.

11. Appointment to a senior management position. USA and West. Europe - high professional qualifications and successful work experience are required. Russia - personal connections are needed, sometimes formal grounds are required in the form of a diploma or some work experience for any leadership position... In Japan, it is obligatory basic higher education(preferably university) plus the presence of a degree as a result of the defense of a new scientific and practical work.

6. Correlation of M. With other sciences.

M. Operates with three concepts - goals, efficiency, people. These concepts also affect other sciences: economics, law, ethics, sociology, psychology, computer science and other sciences. Let us depict on the diagram the position of M. in the social process, among other sciences.

Picture 2

The figure shows a single social process in which M. is important along with other sciences and is closely related to all elements of this process. Next, briefly reveal the essence of the process (management has become a special type of activity, when production, economic and other processes have become more complicated, embraced the entire social process, and it became obvious that it is impossible to do without competent management of this process, it is necessary to streamline everything that happens in the system, to coordinate all the actions of individual participants. Management sets as its immediate task to introduce a certain orderliness in the process, to organize joint actions of people, to achieve consistency, coordination of actions. Science of management - M.

7. Democratization of management - the way to improve the efficiency of the organization.

Democratization of management is a distinctive feature of modern M. Democracy in the economy is the development of cooperation between managers and staff. The forms of democracy are as follows:

1. The right of workers to participate in the management of the enterprise in the course of decision-making (investment sales, production, software. This is the most powerful opportunity to influence).

2, The right of workers to participate in decision-making on economic and labor issues, management and social policy issues.

3. The right of employees in the field of information, discussion and justification of decisions.

4. Implementation of dem. management principles instead of hierarchical leadership styles.

5. Taking into account the social, personnel consequences of the planned decisions.

Systems of “participation in governance” in Japan function at all levels of the national economy:

1. At the level of the workplace, site, workshop - in the form of quality circles and autonomous teams. 2. At the enterprise level - in the form of production committees, which include representatives of personnel and administration, as well as "workers-directors". 3. At the industry level, where there are industry advisory committees consisting of union representatives and leaders. 4. At the level of the national economy, on the scale of which there are a number of government labor and capital advisory councils.

In Europe, the participation of workers in management in the Netherlands, France, Germany is legislatively enshrined. In Germany in the 1950s, a number of laws were passed making it mandatory for workers to participate in voting boards of directors.

The difference between M. in Russia and foreign in terms of democratization of government is as follows: in the USA and Zap. Europe - moderate employee involvement in management. In Japan - active involvement of workers in management. Russia is a very weak management involvement. Hence the conclusions: the high competitiveness of Japanese firms, Japanese managers believe that the potential of the firm is the skill of its employees.

8.Distinguishing features of modern M.

1. A systematic approach to management - consists in the following - provides for decision-making based on taking into account the most important circumstances and possible methods of influence in their interaction;

2. The situational principle of management - asserts the absence of recipes suitable for any occasion. Acknowledges the existence of principled approaches to management. Requires making specific decisions only in connection with a specific situation;

3. The determining role of organizational culture is the forms of activity and norms of behavior that have developed in business practice and in the minds of employees. It is based on the system of values ​​adopted in the organization. Plays a leading role in the development and fate of the organization due to its profound influence on the effectiveness of all aspects of its activities.

4. Mechanization and automation of the managerial process - represents the introduction of mechanical devices in managerial work: computers, modern communication facilities, duplicators and other office equipment;

5. Democratization of management - manifests itself in the active participation of ordinary workers in production management based on the submission of proposals, participation in the work of quality circles, assistance to managers in collegial forms of preparation of decisions.

6. Internationalization of M. means the strengthening of the role of the international factor in the management of an organization due to the growing interstate division and cooperation of labor, as well as the intensifying international competition.

9. the meaning of the situational concept of management.

3. The hand must correctly interpret the sieve and and. It is necessary to correctly determine which actors are the most important in a given situation and what are the likely ect maybe entail a change in one or more variables. 4. The leader must be able to tie up specific techniques that are challenging and the least negative eff ect with specific situations, thereby ensuring the achievement of goals org-tion most ff efficient n those.

73. Organization of M.

There are two types of office organization: closed (cabinet) and open office planning system.

1.Traditional closed (cabinet) office layout.

Has the following advantages:

Conditions for confidential conversations

Work with closed documents

· Gives a special status to the leader.

The work of a leader requires conditions that are different from those of teamwork. Therefore, high-ranking executives usually have separate offices.

2. The open plan of the offices has a trace. Benefits:

Eye contact, verbal communication

Economical use of space

· Information sharing leads to fewer meetings.

Combined office layout:

1)workplace in a room for several people, for example, 4 (4 compartments). Writing desk and desktop PC, modern communication facilities, office equipment, storage space for documents. In the middle is a place for communication.

2) a room for receiving public visitors

3) a room for individual creative work.

During the working day M. is engaged in various activities. The concept of a combined office is the allocation of permanent and temporary jobs to employees.

74. Planning of personal work and analysis of the use of the manager's working time

The leader's readiness for effective activity is largely determined by his daily work. Decisive for the formation of the style of leadership and the effectiveness of the manager has a rational use of working time. An important step for a leader is to set goals for the activity, both for the short and for the long term. The goals set by the leader not only determine the actions that should be carried out, but also stimulate their implementation. Goal setting means for a leader to take action.

The goals should be:

· Realistic and specific;

· Focused not on the implementation of activities, but on the achievement of a specific result;

· Measurable and time-limited specific deadlines.

Every day, a leader has to make decisions about how best to use his or her work time... It is very important to link working time planning and desired results. When planning working hours, it is necessary to use concepts such as “planning periods”: day, week, month, year. Each planning period should be considered separately. When developing a plan for each period, the leader should answer the following questions:

· What is the main purpose of this period?

How much time does he have?

· In what order should the main tasks of the period be performed?

· What preparatory activities should be carried out?

The most important thing is to plan for the day. Identifies the end goals of the work in order of importance. It is formed at the end of the previous day or at the beginning of the planned day. The weekly plan is presented in three groups:

Mandatory work (important and urgent)

The work is important, but not urgent, they should be started if there is enough time for the coming week

· The work is less complicated and not urgent. They will be fulfilled if time remains in the week.

On completion working week an assessment of the time plan for the week and the end goals achieved should be assessed. The most important link in the annual plan is the definition of key areas of activity. On this basis, the manager's personal plan and budget for the coming year are developed.

After the goals are determined, the manager needs to decide how the control over the progress will be organized. Control over the execution of tasks and the use of working time is the last item in the individual planning system. Control allows you to receive information for analysis and identify ways to improve your work. Control allows the manager to determine how successful the planning of working hours was in relation to different planning periods.

And electronic forms of transferring information to the practice of daily activities of computing equipment and office equipment. For timely processing incoming information and documentation, the manager interacts with the secretary. Secretary functions: printing documents, registration, accounting and storage of documents, copying and duplication of documents, information processing.

1. What character traits should such a manager archetype as “administrator” have?

(A) Be sociable and be able to inspire people to maximize their dedication

(V) Have an analytical mind

+ (C) Be extremely objective and rely on facts and logic

(D) methodical work, forecasting the future

2. What are the main factors involved in the motivation model of Viktor Vroom?

(A) The need for self-respect, self-affirmation and belonging to a social group

(V) Difficulty and stress of work and the level of remuneration

+ (C) Expectation of the possibility of a result, expectation of a possible reward from this result and expectation of the value of the reward

(D) hygienic factors, factors related to the nature and nature of work

3. Leaders have real influence in managing by goals.

(A) Intermediate levels

(V) Lower level

(WITH) Higher, middle and lower levels

+(D) top level

4. Indicate what is typical for the Japanese company "Sony" in the relationship between managers and subordinates?

(A) If possible, it is desirable that a person stay in one workplace throughout his life, where he gains certain experience, which accordingly increases work efficiency

+ (B) Lack of differentiated attitudes towards people

(WITH) For successful work in the company, it is important which educational institution the employee graduated from and with what marks

(D) with all the positive qualities of freedom of discussion in a large company, it disrupts the work schedule

5. How should one treat the accumulation of information about the problem?

(A) The more information the better

+ (B) Too much information is just as harmful as lack of information.

(WITH) Getting as much information about the problem as possible is the manager's responsibility

(D) excessive amount of information is the key to success

6. Which of the human needs is the main one according to McClelland's theory of motivation?

+ (A) Success

(V) Money

(WITH) freedom

(D) security

7. Basic control functions

(A) Planning, control

+ (B) Planning, organization, motivation, control

(WITH) Organization, motivation

(D) organization, motivation, control

8. An example of multi-tier technology (Thompson's classification) can be:

+ (A) Mass production assembly line

(V) Banking

(WITH) Insurance

(D) network schedule

9. The limit of the use of automation is

(A) The limitations of our knowledge

(V) The qualification level of the service personnel

+ (C) The impossibility of excluding unforeseen situations

(D) imperfection of technology

10. What characterizes the compromise when making a decision?

(A) Establishing a certain average as a result of a dispute between two employees

+ (B) Reducing benefits in one area in order to reduce unwanted consequences in another

(WITH) Decision making auditively, taking into account the views of all interested parties

(D) diminishing benefits

11. What is the "Socio-technical system" of an organization with high production technology?

(A) Universal computerization of production

(V) Development of the social sphere

(WITH) Professional growth of employees

+(D) integration of personnel and technology, delegation of responsibility for the final result

12. The purpose of planning the organization's activities is

(A) Cost justification

(V) Justification of the timing

+ (C) Determination of goals, forces and means

(D) justification of the number of employees

13. The main difference between an open system and a closed one is

(A) Lack of orderly interaction between individual subsystems

(V) The presence of interaction of individual subsystems with the outside world

(WITH) Closure of the elements of the system to themselves

+(D) the presence of interaction with the external environment

14. What belongs to the category of “internal remuneration”?

(A) The salary

(V) Career

+ (C) The work itself

(D) environmental recognition

15. The basic rule when determining the level of wages is:

(A) Legally defined minimum level

(V) Staffing rate

(WITH) Pay level in competing firms

+(D) an absolutely accurate and objective definition of the nature of the invested labor and an exploratory comprehensive and impartial assessment of it

16. The main thing in the management by goals is the development of goals

+ (A) From the top down the chain of command

(V) Upwards

(WITH) From bottom to top and top to bottom

(D) by matrix scheme

17. Determine the main characteristics of the external environment for the organization

+ (A) All of the above

(V) Interconnectedness of factors, complexity

(WITH) Complexity and mobility

(D) interconnectedness and uncertainty

18. Why is the delegation of authority to other managers carried out?

+ (A) For an optimal solution to a complex problem

(V) To preserve the "group" style of work

(WITH) To test the qualifications of workers

(D) all of the above

19. Which of the following methods of allocation of responsibilities in the organization is adopted on a functional basis?

(A) Branches of the enterprise were created in five cities

+ (B) Departments for production, marketing, personnel, financial issues created

(WITH) Workshops were created at the enterprise for the production of cookies, chocolates, caramel

(D) departments created at the enterprise, equal in number

20. Technology of continuous production is usually applied in the production of products such as

(A) Production of passenger cars

(V) Production of military aircraft

(WITH) Building level ships

+(D) oil refining, pig iron smelting

21. What type of management structure does the following situation refer to: “The construction of a pipeline includes a number of technological operations: preparatory work, excavation (trenching), welding (pipe welding), insulation and laying of the pipeline in a trench, etc.? The management of the production of each type of work is entrusted to the head of a special construction department. Information about each process goes to the manager of the construction trust, and from him to the head of the department?

(A) Matrix control system

(V) Functional control system

+ (C) Linear control system

(D) no system fits

22. What kind of feedback is more important in terms of improving the effectiveness of communication?

(A) Positive

(V) Correlation

(WITH) Indefinite

+(D) negative

23. What does the economic mechanism of management consist of?

+ (A) All of the above

(V) In-house management, production management

(WITH) Personnel management, production management

(D) in-house management, personnel management

24. Action planning is

(A) Creating the next link to honey by setting a goal and a program for its implementation

(V) Clarification of roles

(WITH) Identifying the circumstances that need to be considered in order to achieve the goal

(D) an estimate of the time spent for each operation

25. Of the listed managers: 1. General director and members of the board. 2. Heads of independent bodies. 3. Shop managers. The top management level includes:

(A) 1, 2

(WITH) 1, 2, 3

+(D) 1

26. Control-oriented behavior is

+ (A) Actions of subordinates aimed at what the management wants to see when checking their activities

(V) Orientation to underestimated goals

(WITH) Using the fact that controllers do not thoroughly know the activities of employees subordinate to them

(D) orientation to inflated goals

27. What does “make a decision” mean?

(A) Go through all possible alternatives

(V) Enumerate several alternatives that provide the most effective opportunities for solving the problem

(WITH) Order the selection of a possible alternative

+(D) order the implementation of a specific plan

28. Which approach does not apply to well-known schools in management?

(A) Scientific management

(V) Administration

+ (C) New economic policy

(D) human relations

29. The linear organization of management allows you to formulate a management structure, which is:

(A) Flexible

(V) Self-regulating

+ (C) Stable and durable

(D) all of the above

30. Why did the United States become the birthplace of modern government?

(A) No problems with origin, nationality

(V) Support for Education for All, Huge Labor Market

(WITH) Formation of monopolies

+(D) all of the above

31. A key factor in any governance model is:

+ (A) People

(V) Means of production

(WITH) Finance

(D) managment structure

32. What should the quality control system at a modern enterprise be based on in the first place?

(A) To clearly defined norms and assumptions for specific processes

(V) To assess the quality of products by workers during the production process

(WITH) To a rigid control apparatus at the output of products

(D) for checking finished products

33. The aim of the classical school of management was to create

(A) Labor rationing methods

+ (B) Universal control principle

(WITH) Working conditions of employees

(D) methods of stimulating labor productivity

34. What is the main difference between preliminary, current and final control?

(A) In volume

+ (B) During implementation

(WITH) In methods

(D) in scope and methods

35. The external environment of direct impact on the organization is:

(A) Shareholders, competitors, suppliers

(V) Consumers, retailers, local authorities

+ (C) All of the above

(D) government bodies, local bodies

36. The process of delegation of authority includes the transfer of authority from a senior manager to subordinate managers to carry out special assignments. What situation is inherent in this process?

(A) Authority and responsibility are transferred to a subordinate leader

(V) Responsibility is transferred to a subordinate leader

+ (C) Powers are transferred to a subordinate leader, and all responsibility continues to be borne by the senior leader.

(D) a new, equal leader is appointed and all responsibility is transferred to him

37. What should be contained in the document "Distribution of duties"?

(A) The title of the position and the department in which the position is held

(V) All of the above

(WITH) Description of the functions performed, duties and rights

(D) relationships with management, colleagues and subordinates

38. The "Father of Scientific Governance" is often referred to as:

(V) Frank and Lilian Gilbert - they identified seventeen basic micro-movements of workers, calling them terblig; and they also developed a method for the analysis of micromovements, which was based on the motion picture of the worker's movements

+ (C) F. Taylor - he tried to substantiate the daily rate of the worker by the methods of timekeeping and the study of his labor movements

(D) Mr. Gantt - he created a schedule that allowed you to plan, distribute and check work. This graph was the predecessor of the PERT network planning system, which now uses computers. He is also famous for his system of material incentives for the completed task.

39. Why methods of direct coercion and fear of punishment are gradually replaced by methods of social coercion?

(A) It became unprofitable to keep a large staff

(V) Difficult to train a manager to use them effectively

(WITH) The labor movement has achieved a certain protection of workers from direct coercion

+(D) the mechanism of coercion has ceased to ensure the development of production

40. What is the optimal number of subordinates?

(A) The more subordinates, the easier it is to work

(V) 15-30 people

+ (C) 7-12 people

(D) 3-5 people

41. What factor does the type of production system depend on?

(A) From the market

(V) From marketing strategy

(WITH) From the type of product

+(D) from regional employment programs

42. The most difficult and costly element of control is

(A) Choice of standards

(V) Selecting the Appropriate Unit of Measure

(WITH) Choice of criteria

+(D) measurement of results

43. Which of the informal forecasting methods provides the most valuable information?

(A) Visual information

+ (B) Industrial espionage

(WITH) Written information

(D) information in global networks

44. Technology of small-scale or one-off production is usually applied in companies such as

(A) McDonald's

(V) Ford

(WITH) Shell

+(D) Boeing

45. Organization is

(A) A group of people united by a common goal

(V) A group of people who own the means of production

(WITH) A group of people whose activities are coordinated

+(D) a group of people whose activities are deliberately coordinated to achieve a common goal

46. ​​Is management of productive labor?

(A) Yes, because management creates new value

(V) No, it's just oversight and control

(WITH) No, this is just the result of the contradiction between wage labor and the owner of the means of production.

+(D) yes, since this type of activity is inevitable with a high level of specialization of production and is intended to ensure the integrity of the labor mechanism

47. An organization's control system usually consists of

+ (A) Preliminary, current and final

(V) Current and final

(WITH) Preliminary and final

(D) only out of current control

48. Objectives that can be used as standards for control are distinguished by the following:

(A) High morale

+ (B) Time frame, specific criterion

(WITH) Using indirect manifestations

(D) time frame

49. Management is mainly concerned with systems

+ (A) Open

(V) Closed

(WITH) Closed and closed-type subsystems

(D) closed and open-type subsystems

50. What type of relationship does the relationship between the foreman and the head of the shop correspond to?

(A) Functional relationship

(V) Material relations

+ (C) Linear relationship

(D) managerial relations

51. What kind of planning is used in production systems with continuous technological processes?

(A) Operational functional diagram

(V) Fixed positional scheme

+ (C) Linear flow diagram

(D) operational and positional schemes

52. From the listed items: 1. Development of clear, concise goals. 2. development of goals from the bottom up. 3. realistic plan, ways of its implementation, monitoring and evaluation of results and monitoring. 4. correction of the adopted plans, evaluation of results and control. To the main stages of management:

(A) 1, 2, 3

(V) 2, 3, 4

+ (C) 1, 3, 4

(D) 1, 2, 3, 4

53. Steps of motivation according to Maslow are

(A) The need for development and recognition

+ (B) The need for development and recognition, the social need and the need for security, basic needs

(WITH) Social need and need for security

(D) basic needs

54. What function is not characteristic of the process approach to management according to Fayol?

(A) Work planning

(V) Organization of work

+ (C) Independence of managers' judgments in certain areas (programs)

(D) control

55. What are the components of the organization's tasks are traditionally divided?

(A) Work with people

(V) Working with people and information

(WITH) Working with objects and people

+(D) work with people, work with people and information and work with objects and people

56. Which sequence of priorities will allow the firm to succeed:

+ (A) People - products - profit

(V) Profit - people - products

(WITH) Products - Profits - People

(D) people - profit - products

57. What is the primary need for the successful work of an employee in a new place?

(A) Compliance with specialization

(V) Fair remuneration

+ (C) Social adaptation

(D) growth perspective

58. The essence of the situational approach is:

(A) Knowledge of professional management methods that have proven their effectiveness; the ability to anticipate the consequences of applied techniques and concepts

(V) Correct interpretation of the situation, identification of the most important factors

+ (C) All of the above

(D) application of methods of action. causing the least negative effect in this situation, with maximum efficiency

59. Any enterprise, regardless of its legal form, must have

(A) Premises, office

(V) Management

(WITH) Means, equipment

(D) staff members

60. The rule is

(A) Sequence of actions to be taken in a specific situation that tends to be repeated

+ (B) Guaranteeing the execution of specific actions in specific ways in a specific single situation

(WITH) Specifically Articulated Past Experience

(D) sequence of operations

61. What are the main features of such a manager archetype as a “leader”?

(A) Ability to locate a failure and take corrective action

(V) Ability to resolve personal conflicts that arise with volitional decisions

(WITH) Be sociable

+(D) the ability to communicate with people, the ability to recognize the potential of each person and interest him in the full use of this potential

62. More often they resort to rotation in


(V) Of Russia

(WITH) England

(D) Of Japan

63. What is the most important management function?

(A) Getting the maximum profit

(V) Create conditions for the further successful functioning of the enterprise

(WITH) Minimizing tax payments

(D) conquering new sales markets

64. From the listed items: 1. Analysis of the survey of the level of wages. 2. conditions in the labor market. 3. the productivity and profitability of the organization. The wage structure is determined using

(A) 1, 2

+ (B) 1, 2, 3

(WITH) 2 and 3

(D) 1 and 3

65. What is the meaning of the word "risk" when making decisions?

(A) The degree of significance of the problem for the general activity of the firm

(V) The degree of influence of an incorrectly solved problem on the official position of the manager

+ (C) The level of certainty with which the outcome can be predicted

(D) level of abuse of authority

66. In order to be effective, control must be

(A) A comprehensive

(V) Permanent

+ (C) Frugal

(D) independent

67. Preliminary control of the organization's financial resources is

+ (A) Budget

(V) Conclusion of the auditing organization

(WITH) Balance

(D) financial report for the past period of time

68. Why methods of direct coercion and fear of punishment are replaced by methods of social coercion?

+ (A) The mechanism of coercion has ceased to ensure the development of production

(V) It became unprofitable to maintain a large staff

(WITH) Difficult to train a manager to use them effectively

(D) the labor movement has achieved a certain protection of workers from direct coercion

69. What is the ability of a manager, according to McGregor, leads to success?

(A) Operability

+ (B) Predicting Human Behavior

(WITH) Leadership

(D) forecasting demand for products

70. What are the features of cybernetization in relation to automation?

+ (A) Inclusion in the algorithm of the stage of using intelligence, i.e. the ability to solve non-formalized tasks and find a way out in unforeseen situations

(V) Giving the machine the ability to think

(WITH) The use of electronic computing technology in combination with the stages of "brainstorming" and expert assessments

(D) a qualitatively new level of technology and technology

71. What is called "socio-technical systems"?

+ (A) People involved in the production process

(V) Computers

(WITH) Programmed machines

(D) computer systems replacing a certain number of workers

72. Define the main stages of building an organization?

(A) Determination of the nature of the work performed

(V) Distribution of work between individual management positions

(WITH) Classification of management positions, building on this basis of logical management groups

+(D) determination of the nature of the work performed. Distribution of work between individual management positions. Classification of management positions, building on this basis of logical management groups

73. Of the listed items: 1. Provides management with the information needed to plan for the future; 2. comparison of actually obtained and required results; 3. contributes to the motivation of staff. The functions of the final control include:

(A) 1, 2

(V) 2, 3

(WITH) Only 1

+(D) 1,2, 3

74. What are the aspects of the human variable in a situational approach to management?

+ (A) All of the above

(V) the behavior of individuals, the behavior of people in groups

(WITH) The nature of the leader's behavior, the functioning of the manager as a leader

(D) the influence of the manager on the behavior of individuals and groups

75. Tactics is

(A) Long term strategy

+ (B) Short term strategy

(WITH) Medium-term plan, results appear in 3-4 years

(D) medium-term plan, results appear in 1-2 years

76. The main components of the communication model are:

(A) Object, subject, interaction

+ (B) Source, message, channel, recipient

(WITH) Object, subject, influence, feedback

(D) external environment, internal environment, interaction

77. What is the reason why it is required to check the result of the adopted decision?

+ (A) If the decision is good, you will know what to do in a similar situation; if it is bad, you will know what not to do.

(V) According to the accuracy of the solution implementation, it is possible to assess the qualifications of subordinates

(WITH) Checking the reliability of the administrative structure

(D) verification of the reliability of the expert structure

78. The classical (administrative) school in management set as its goal

(A) Considering the administrator as a profession

(V) Coordination of the work of the financial apparatus at the enterprise with production and marketing

(WITH) Creating a new management style

+(D) creation of universal management principles

79. The purpose of control is

(A) Checking the execution of the plan

(V) Collection of statistical information

(WITH) Increased dependence of subordinates

+(D) providing guidance with information to adjust the plan

80. What condition prevents the emergence of a formal organization of people (according to Bernard)?

(A) Ability to communicate

(V) Achieving a common goal

+ (C) Striving for freedom of action

(D) desire for joint action

81. What is the principle of unity of management?

(A) Any employee (employee) can have only one manager

+ (B) Full and absolute responsibility for the activities of the entire enterprise should be borne by one person

(WITH) The number of persons under effective management is limited

(D) a group of leaders is responsible for the work of the team

82. In what cases are high-quality forecasting methods used?

(A) Inability to obtain information by other methods

+ (B) Lack of information obtained by quantitative forecasting methods

(WITH) The time allotted for solving the problem is very limited

(D) in the absence of sufficient funds for forecasting

83. The hallmark of a formal organization is

(A) Lack of unity in the actions of its members

(V) Hard pressure on her members

(WITH) Availability of job descriptions and prescriptions

+(D) deliberate coordination of the actions of two or more persons

84. An example of influencing through reasonable faith is attitude

(A) Worker with master

(V) Peasant and landowner

+ (C) Patient with attending physician

(D) defendant and judge

85. Procedure is

+ (A) Sequence of actions to be taken in a specific situation that tends to be repeated

(V) A sequence of specific actions to be performed in a single specific situation

(WITH) Using the experience of the past

(D) guaranteed performance of specific actions

86. The ultimate goal of management is

(A) Development of the technical and economic base of the company

+ (B) Ensuring the profitability of the firm

(WITH) Rational organization of production

(D) advanced training and creative activity of the employee

87. How can influence through fear be used with skilled workers?

(A) Intimidation by lower wages

(V) The threat of dismissal

(WITH) By the threat of demotion

+(D) intimidating the possibility of infringement of pride

88. The most frequent source of conflict when changing rules and procedures of work is

(A) Infringement of someone's interests

+ (B) The way management communicates new rules

(WITH) People's reluctance to change the way they work

(D) ambiguity of the purpose of these changes

89. For what purposes is brainstorming used in the decision-making process?

(A) Intensification of the thought process

(V) Analysis of non-standard solutions

+ (C) Identifying alternatives

(D) involvement of all participants in the decision-making process

90. Which person should you choose as a new employee in most cases?

(A) A person who is sympathetic to the leader with his personal qualities

(V) The person with the best qualifications for the actual job in the position held

(WITH) The candidate who appears to be the most suitable for promotion

(D) a candidate who has great potential

91. Why is an excessive number of subordinates dangerous?

+ (A) Loss of team manageability

(V) The proliferation of bureaucratic apparatus

(WITH) Duplicate efforts

(D) all of the above

92. The development of the principles of scientific management in the United States was facilitated by

(A) Diligence of free citizens

(V) Support for England

+ (C) Formation of large industries and enterprises

(D) French resistance

93. Which of the following communication roles performs the function of transmitting messages in the organization?

(A) Watchman

+ (B) Messenger

(WITH) Opinion leader

(D) cosmopolitan

94. What, according to Berchord, is the reason for the emergence of an informal organization?

(A) People's desire for chaos

(V) Unwillingness of the team to work

(WITH) Weakness of formal organization

+(D) need to be protected from formal organization

95. The principle of the theory "Z" is a priority for increasing labor productivity -

(A) Waiver of layoffs

(V) Rotation of personnel

(WITH) Committed to ensuring the well-being of all employees

+(D) participation of both management and employees in making decisions concerning their work

96. The highest achievement of the school of scientific management is the development

(A) Labor motivation methods

(V) Methods of mathematical modeling

+ (C) Analysis of work steps

(D) ways of psychological compatibility of employees

97. Define the principles underlying management?

(A) One-man management, motivation, leadership, feedback

(V) Scientific approach, responsibility, correct selection and placement of personnel

(WITH) Profitability, feedback, unity of command, motivation

+(D) all of the above

98. What kind of authority will be most acceptable in a research group of highly qualified specialists?

(A) Traditions

(V) Charisma

(WITH) Through fear

+(D) expert

99. When shaping governance structures, the following should be taken into account

(A) How many levels of management may be required, how formal should the interaction be

(V) Degree of centralization, whether all questions should be decided by top management

(WITH) Complexity of the organizational structure

+(D) number of control levels. The degree of formality of their interaction. The degree of centralism. Complexity of the organizational structure

100. Factors affecting individual behavior and performance are:

+ (A) All of the above

(V) Mental and physical abilities, values ​​and attitudes

(WITH) Performance

(D) values ​​and claims, needs

101. What are the components of management?

(A) Strategic management, control

(V) Operational management

(WITH) Control, operational management

+(D) all of the above

102. The practice of management has arisen

(A) In the XX century, during the industrialization of industry

(V) Together with the creation of F. Taylor of the School of Management

+ (C) Together with the unification of people into organized groups, for example, tribes

(D) along with the emergence of a systematic approach

103. What is "motivation"?

(A) Conditions in which a person is forced to carry out a specific activity

+ (B) Feeling of lack of something, with a certain focus and focused on achieving a goal (desire to do something)

(WITH) Forcing someone to do certain activities

(D) creating someone's interest in a particular activity

104. The classification by the type of interaction between the organization and the person includes:

(A) Traditional organization

(V) Divisional

+ (C) Corporate

(D) matrix

105. The classification by the type of interaction of the organization with the external environment includes:

(A) Divisional

(V) Individualistic

+ (C) Organic

(D) corporate

106. The classification by the type of interaction between units in the organization includes:

(A) Mechanistic

(V) Corporate

+ (C) Matrix

(D) organic

107. What type of relationship is not typical for corporate culture in an organization?

(A) Monopoly and standardization in activities

(V) Dominance of hierarchical power structures

+ (C) Combination of competition and cooperation in the activities of employees

(D) principle of majority or seniority in decision making

108. What features are not characteristic of the mechanistic type of organization?

(A) Narrow specialization in work

+ (B) Ambitious responsibility

(WITH) Clear rights and responsibilities

(D) clarity in hierarchy levels

109. The theory of bureaucracy by Max Weber substantiates the effectiveness of the distribution of powers in an organization by the type:



+ (C)"Fir-trees"

(D) "Umbrella"

110. Management is the science that studies

(A) Market relations

+ (B) Management of intellectual, financial, raw materials and material resources

(WITH) How the healthcare system is financed

(D) market structure

111. Organizational documents do not include

(A) Institutional States

(V) Procedure and rules of activity

(WITH) Institutions' statutes

+(D) sales announcements

112. The functions of the strategic management level do not include:

(A) Organization design

(V) Forecast

+ (C) Accounting for raw materials

(D) market dynamics analysis

113. The functions of the operational management level do not include:

(A) Regulation

(V) Accounting

+ (C) Organization structure design

(D) control

114. Participation is

(A) Profit sharing due to productivity gains

(V) Design and redesign of works

+ (C) Involving employees in problem analysis and solutions

(D) a method for imitating the development of management decisions according to given rules

115. The organizational structure is

(A) The art of managing intellectual, financial, raw materials, material resources

(V) A type of human activity aimed at satisfying needs through exchange

+ (C) Management system that determines the composition, interaction and subordination of its elements

(D) a method for imitating the development of management decisions according to given rules in various production situations

116. One of the main functions of management is

(A) Monitoring production progress

(V) Methodological support of decision making

+ (C) Planning

(D) issuance of orders and orders

117. Which of the following theories of motivation does not apply to meaningful theories:

(A) Abraham Maslow's theory

+ (B) Porter Lawler's model

(WITH) Frederick Herzberg's theory

(D) McCleland's theory

118. The process of encouraging oneself and others to act to achieve personal goals or goals of the organization is:

(A) Organization

(V) Action

(WITH) Coordination

+(D) motivation

119. Performance of work under duress or through economic incentives is:

(A) Motivation by status

+ (B) Extrinsic motivation

(WITH) Result motivation

(D) intrinsic motivation

120. "When starting to perform this or that work, a person with a certain degree of probability expects that the efforts expended by him will bring the necessary result, which, with one degree or another, must be noticed by the manager and appropriately rewarded." This provision answers:

+ (A) Vroom's expectation theories

(V) Porter Lawler's theories

(WITH) McCleland's acquired needs theories

(D) Adams' theory of justice

1. Definition and essence of the concept of "Management" - as the theory and practice of management.
“Management” as a term meaning management has become widespread in Russia due to the influence of 2 factors: the formation of a system of market relations and economic self-government demanded different approaches, based on the experience accumulated abroad; ambiguity of the term "management", management of human activity. The general definition of management is a set of theory and practice of management of purposeful, professional human activity, which ensures the most effective use of available labor, material, technical and financial resources to achieve certain goals and solve the problems facing the team. In modern practice, there are also more frequent definitions of management, such as: - the process of managing the production or commercial activities of a firm or enterprise; - a set of stable principles, methods, means and forms of management used in the practice of a certain firm. Management in its development is not a consequence of any theorems. Scientific indicators of management are theoretical studies of the features of the organization of management according to the experience acquired by generations. Thus, management should be recognized as a science of common sense in managing the activities of people.

2. Key components of the organization's management
The key components of management include. Management impact - the institution of management of investigations, as a specific work of professional managers. The control system is a set of rules, methods, limitations of liability, isp-x control structures. Management process is an orderly interaction of elements of administrative and executive structures. Management laws are objectively specific tendencies and patterns of action .... In the management process. The principles of management are the fundamental ideas of the laws and rules of behavior of their actions by leaders and organizational structures. Object-organizational structures or processes operating under the influence of management systems. The entity is that part of the organization that is the source of business activity by the performer. Management functions are a set of elements of certain areas of activity. The purpose of management is to create the conditions necessary for solving basic problems.

3. Theoretical schools of management, their essence and evolution.

A variation of the classical school of management is the "administrative school". She studied the issues of the role and functions of the manager. It was believed that as soon as the essence of the manager's work was determined, it was easy to identify the most effective methods manuals. Founder - Fayol. He divided the management process into 5 main functions: the function of the organization; f. planning; f. selection and placement of frames; f. motivation for work; control. "School of Human Relations" - it is based on the achievements of psychology and sociology (the sciences of human behavior). Author-A. Maslow. He substantiated that the activity of everyone is subject to the laws of satisfaction of needs. He proposed the following classification of the needs of the individual: the basis of the life of the provision; security; social communication; self-realization; social recognition (significance). As a consequence of the school of human relations, the school of management appeared. Founder-Douglas McGregor. Explaining the reason for the difference in attitudes towards the activities of each person, he divided all performers, as it were, into 2 groups and introduced the terms: x-control theory and y control theory. He argued that there is a group of people, each of whom does not like to work and does not want from birth, he requires constant coercion and control. Most of them belong. These are people devoid of ambition, prefer to be led, they are devoid of initiative. Such performers require daily control, constant instructions. The second group of people differs in that any activity is also necessary for them, like a game for children. Work is their natural state. They show self-government, self-control, strive for self-realization, social significance. The theory of “x” - management presupposes strict management (carrot and stick); and the theory "y" is the theory of soft control.

4. Basic principles of the classical school of scientific management F. Taylor.

Management, as a practice of activity management, in essence has been taking place since the time of the emergence of organized purposeful work. His (Taylor's) fundamental management principles are as follows; if I can scientifically select people, scientifically train them, provide them with some incentive, and put together work and people, then I can have an aggregate productivity that exceeds the contribution of the individual labor force. Taylor's main merit lies in the fact that, as the founder of the school of "scientific management", he developed the methodological foundations of labor rationing, standardized work operations, and introduced scientific approaches to the selection, placement and stimulation of workers' labor into practice. Taylor's principles are widely used in management practice. Taylor's greatest contribution is to start the management revolution. He became interested not in the effectiveness of a person, but in the effectiveness of the organization, which marked the beginning of the development of the school of scientific management. The first scientific school had several names - “scientific management”, “classical”, “traditional”.

5. Behavioral theoretical school of management, essence and main

The School of Behavioral Sciences has departed significantly from the School of Human
relationships, focusing primarily on methods of building
interpersonal relationships. The new approach sought to a greater extent to provide
assistance to the employee in realizing his own capabilities based on
applying the concept of behavioral sciences to building and managing
organizations. In the most general outline, the main goal of this school was
increasing the efficiency of the organization by increasing the efficiency of its
human resources.
The behavioral approach has become so popular that it is almost completely
covered the entire area of ​​management in the 60s. Like earlier schools, this
approach advocated "the only best way" to address management
problems. His main tenet was that the correct application
behavioral science will always improve efficiency as
the individual employee and the organization as a whole. Techniques such as change
the content of the work and the participation of the employee in the management of the enterprise is
effective only for some workers and in some situations.
Despite many important positive results, this approach sometimes
turns out to be untenable in situations that were different from those
investigated by his adherents. For a more successful, competitive development, managers needed to study a person, his psychological characteristics, and adaptive capabilities. A "behavioral school" began to form, which studied human behavior in a production environment and the dependence of labor productivity on the moral and psychological state of the performer.

It is believed that the beginning of this direction was laid by one of the founders of the behavioral school Elton Mayo (clinical psychologist). The conclusions of the research were mostly reduced to three postulates: man is a "social animal"; a rigid hierarchy of subordination, formalization of organizational processes are incompatible with human nature; the solution to the problem of a man is the business of businessmen. E. Mayo believed that conflicts between a person and an organization, and, more generally, with society as a whole, can be removed by satisfying the needs of the performer, from which both employees and employers benefited.

6. Administrative school of management, essence and main features.

Representatives of the classical (1920-1950) school, namely A. Fayolle, L. Urvik, J. Mooney, had direct experience of work as top managers in big business... Their main concern was efficiency across the organization.

The goal of the school was to create universal principles of management, the adherence to which will undoubtedly lead the organization to success. These principles were related to two aspects. One of them was development of a rational organization management system... Defining the core functions of a business as finance, manufacturing, and marketing, the classics believed they could determine the best way to divide an organization into divisions or groups.

A. Fayol formulated 14 principles of management:

    Division of labor - specialization of work required for effective use work force.
    Authority and responsibility - each worker should be delegated authority sufficient to be held accountable for the work performed.
    Discipline - workers must obey the terms of an agreement between them and management, managers must apply fair sanctions to troublemakers.
    One-man management - the employee receives orders and reports to only one immediate superior.
    Unity of actions - all actions with the same goal should be combined into groups and carried out according to a single plan.
    Subordination of interests - the interests of the organization take precedence over the interests of individual employees.
    Personnel remuneration - employees receive fair remuneration for their work.
    Centralization is a natural order in an organization with a governing center. The best results are achieved with the right balance between centralization and decentralization. Powers (authority) should be delegated in proportion to responsibility.
    A scalar chain is an indissoluble chain of commands through which all orders are transmitted and communications are carried out between all levels of the hierarchy ("chain of chiefs").
    Order is a workplace for each employee and each employee at his workplace.
    Fairness - established rules and conventions must be enforced fairly at all levels of the scalar chain.
    Stability of staff - setting employees on loyalty to the organization and long-term work, as high staff turnover reduces the effectiveness of the organization.
    Initiative - encouraging employees to develop independent functions, within the boundaries of delegated powers and work performed.
    Corporate spirit - harmony of interests of personnel and organization ensures unity of efforts (in unity - strength).

The main contribution of the administrative school to the theory of management is that it viewed management as a universal process, consisting of several interrelated functions, such as planning and organization.
7. The main goals and objectives of management in the management structure of the company.

The practical role, goals and objectives of management are determined by what component of a specific socio-economic system we are considering. The content of the goals and objectives of management also depends on this. The goal of top management is to formulate a strategy for the organization. A strategy is a master plan of action to achieve a specific goal. In this case, the goal acts as a conscious one, i.e. virtually expressed in words and thoughts, as an anticipation of the future result of actions, i.e. it is an ideal image of the desired and expected state of the controlled system of objects, i.e. goal-reference point of activity. The main task of management is to ensure the achievement of a certain result by creating the necessary and sufficient conditions for the purposeful activity of the team. At the same time, as a rule, a number of particular tasks are solved: choosing the right direction and methods of action (what to do? How? In what way?); building a rational organizational structure of the executive team; study of the demand for manufactured goods and services (marketing research); optimal organization of the production process (technical support); measures for the introduction of advanced technology and scientific achievement; stimulation of the work of performers (motivation).

8. The essence and content of the concepts of "entrepreneurship" and "business".

Entrepreneurship is an independent proactive activity (industrial or commercial) carried out by individuals and legal entities on their own behalf and at their own risk on a permanent basis permitted by law, in order to obtain the proper, predictable effect. Individuals are individual entrepreneurs, whose legal status is regulated by the relevant laws. Their activities are classified as individual (private) activities. In the process of individual activity, the entrepreneur acts in this case both as an owner, and as a leader, and as an executor of basic functions. A legal entity-bearer of property rights and obligations, acting in a household turnover from its common name, exists independently of the persons included in it, and bears independent property responsibility for its obligations. Property legal entity separated from the personal property of its members. Legal activity belongs to collective entrepreneurship. Hired labor is used as physical, there and Yu.L. Business-to-business activity aimed at solving problems, final goal which is the receipt of income (profit) or any other economic result that justifies the labor expended and the invested funds. In terms of rights and obligations, individuals and legal entities in the sphere of business and entrepreneurship are equal by definition.

9. Classification and characteristics of organizational and legal forms

business structures.
By the entrepreneurial structure, we mean some kind of composition of subjects of market relations, organizationally formalized for production or commercial activity, as the main tasks of their existence. We call a firm any organizational and economic unit, carrying out entrepreneurial activity as a legal entity. Unlike all other structures, the company has its own brand and a guarantor. Obligations to support technical exploitation. products. An enterprise is understood as a production and economic unit, an organization to achieve specific goals for the production of goods and services. Entrepreneurial structures are classified according to the following characteristics: the nature of economic activities - industrial, trade, transport, insurance, tourism; by legal status - individual, corporate; by the nature of the property - private, state, corporate, mixed. Individual enterprises - all the affairs of the enterprise (transactions, obligations, responsibility) are conducted by the owner or a specially authorized person-manager. Corporate enterprises include a Limited Liability Company (LLC) - a form of capital pooling as one of the types of company. The members of the company are liable for its obligations only by their contributions. Each LLC is subdivided into participatory interests, which are allocated without the use of public signatures. and must be named. Joint-stock company (JSC) is a combination of capitals formed by issuing shares, which are a bearer document without a name and are free to move from one place to another through the exchange fund. Closed Joint Stock Company (CJSC) - organize the distribution of shares according to the agreed lists. Open Joint Stock Company - granted the right to free stock.

10. The main types of associations of entrepreneurial structures and their

Currently, especially abroad, the practice of entrepreneurial structures has spread to larger organizations. The main ones are: trusts; cartels; syndicates; pools; concerns; holdings; consortia; financial groups; consulting. Trust-1 from the forms of association into cat. Participants lose their production (commercial) and legal independence. The purpose of the merger is to centralize the production and marketing of products. A cartel is a form of association, the participants of which conclude a written agreement on the regulation of the volume of production, especially the hiring of labor, etc. Syndicate-f.of the association, which is harsh by the fact that the distribution of orders for the purchase of raw materials and the sale of industrial products are carried out through a single sales ... general fund "", and then distribute according to pre-established proportions. Concern-1 of complex associations, including the enterprise of industry, transport, trade, bank with-us, etc. participants conc. Save Formal independence, but subordinate to the control of the colleagues of the management body. K. is an association in which all participants act according to developed collective plans. Holding-joint-stock company, using its own capital for the acquisition of a controlling stake in other companies, in order to establish dominance and control over them. A consortium is a temporary agreement between banks or industrial companies for the joint placement of a loan or the implementation of a single, capital-intensive project. Financial group-association of the bank and enterprises for joint coordination of the actual production committee or financial activities. Consulting organization, the basis of which is consulting clients on financial or other capital-intensive problems, evaluating the effectiveness of development projects, the implementation of foreign economic relations, creating a transformation of the organizational structure, the end of ways out of the crisis and etc ..

11. The goals of the company and its mission; specifics of definition in modern conditions.

In the definition of entrepreneurship, many authors argue that the activity of any undertaking construction is aimed at getting economical. effect i.e. arrived. Profit yavl. the main link in the general purpose of existence. The statement that there are chapters in profit. and unique. purpose yavl. erroneous. People have n. many needs are material. and spiritual. Among the needs is a very important place. Spirits. need:
own. employment, in the process of production of products necessary for people.
Created. conditions for busy. other people.
Self-realization. personality through achievement. the set goal.
Feeling your social. significance through one's own, power.
From here comes a deep understanding of the organization's mission. Mission presented a general service of the company, this is what it exists for. in general. A well-chosen mission is necessary and sufficient. condition of the collective. Peace. Experience shows that firms are oriented. Sooner or later it becomes profit and only profit. On the verge of bankruptcy.

12. The internal environment of the organization and its main components.

An organization means not only a firm, but also its subdivisions. Int. Environment organi: 1) the goal is an element of the environment (concrete. Final. Or intermediate. State, denoted. In the image or documents). 2) structure - mutual. Elements of the organization, reflected. processes section. and cooperative labor. 3) Operations - prescribed work, indicating the methods and terms of performance. 4) Technology - Wed-va transform. raw materials, into the required products or services. 5) Performers - subjects and objects of activity. Internal elements The environment of the organization determines the overall efficiency of its activities, depending on the competence of management structures.

13. The external environment of the organization; features of the influence of external factors.

Ext. The environment of the organization: 1) consumption 2) competitors 3) rules. institutions 4) mixed organizations 5) fin. structures 6) sources of works. resources. Ext. The environment is divided into direct and indirect factors. Direct impact: labor. resources, customers, raw materials, types of energy, capital, competitors, etc. Indirect impact: population structure, economy, ecology, demographer., Polit. Collisions, etc.

14. Method "Space" in assessing the strategic state of the company.

SPACE method (Strategic Position and Action Evaluation). This method is a comprehensive approach designed to diagnose the situation and select a strategy option for small and medium enterprises. It allows you to establish the strategic position of an enterprise based on two groups of factors: the internal state of the enterprise and the external position of the enterprise.

Each of these two groups of factors consists of many variables. Therefore, they are ordered into groups and assigned specific assessments (weights) within the conventionally adopted scale.

In the SPACE method, four groups of criteria for evaluating an enterprise are distinguished:
The financial strength of the enterprise (F).
Competitive advantages (K).
Industry attractiveness (P).
Industry stability (C).

Within these groups, a list of the main criteria is provided. Each of the criteria listed within one group consists of a number of factors that are assigned scores on a ten-point scale (from 1 to 10).

For each factor within a predetermined scale, a score is assigned, which, when multiplied by weight, gives the final significance (value) of the score for each particular criterion. The weight determines the significance of this criterion in relation to the entire set of criteria and represents a number in the range from 0 to 1. The sum of the values ​​of all weights for individual specific evaluation criteria should be 1. After calculating the final scores, the sum of the scores for each group of criteria is determined.

After analyzing the strategic state of the organization and the necessary adjustments to its mission, you can proceed to the analysis of strategic alternatives and the choice of strategy.

Typically, an organization chooses a strategy from several options. At the same time, she may face a fairly large number of alternative strategies. The whole variety of strategies can be considered as various modifications of several basic ones: limited growth, growth, contraction, combination.

Limited growth (a few percent per year). This strategy is the least risky and can be effective in industries with stable technology. It involves the definition of goals from the achieved level.

Growth (measured in tens of percent per year) is a strategy typical for dynamically developing industries, with rapidly changing technologies, as well as for new organizations that, regardless of their field of activity, strive for short time take a leading position. It is characterized by the establishment of an annual significant excess of the level of development over the level of the previous year.

This is the most risky strategy, i.e. as a result of its implementation, material and other losses can be incurred. However, this strategy can also be equated with supposed luck, favorable outcome.

Growth can be internal or external.

Reduction. It involves the establishment of a level below that achieved in the past (base) period. This strategy can be applied in conditions when the performance of the firm acquires a steady downward trend.

Combination (combined strategy). Assumes a combination of the alternatives discussed above. This strategy is typical for large firms operating in several industries.

15. SWOT analysis in assessing the strategic state of the company.

    SWOT is a method of analysis in strategic planning, which consists in dividing factors and phenomena into four categories: Strengths ( Strengths), Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats.
    SWOT analysis allows you to determine the reasons for the effective or ineffective work of the company in the market, it is a concise analysis of information on the basis of which it is concluded in which direction the organization should develop its business and, ultimately, the allocation of resources by segments is determined. The result of the analysis is the development of a ith strategy or hypothesis for further testing.
I will give approximate options for factors in the SWOT table

1. New types of products
2. New technologies
3. New needs, fashion, incl. unconscious needs
4. Capturing adjacent segments - studying situations of consumer switching
5. (Re) Definition target audience
6. Additional services
7. Demand trends
8. Cooperation with other companies
9. Increase in advertising to the target audience
10. Formation of USP
11. Good public relations
12. State support

1. Great experience

4. High sales

7. Low cost

10. Close-knit team

12. Wide assortment
13. Trained staff
14. Marketing Potential

16. Distribution channels

1. Substitute products
2. New players on the market
3. Weakness of suppliers
4. Product life cycle (LCT) on the decline
5. Changing trends in demand / fashion
6. Legislative regulation
a. New customs barriers
b. New legislative acts
7. Lobbying for competitors
8. Activity of competitors
a. Promotion programs
b. Additional services
9. Seasonal decline
10. Economic downturn


1. Great experience
2. High quality products
3. High reputation of the company
4. High sales
5. Leadership in the industry / segment
6. Innovative technologies, patents
7. Low cost
8. Customer Satisfaction
9. Well-tested business processes
10. Close-knit team
11. High-quality equipment
12. Wide assortment
13. Trained staff
14. Marketing Potential
15. Fast order processing
16. Distribution channels
1. Few working capital
2. Weak product image
3. Low reputation of the company
4. Weak distribution, promotion
5. Weak marketing
6. No corporate culture
7. Lack of strategy
8. Domestic political problems
9. Narrow product line
10. Low qualification of employees
11. Low motivation of employees
12. Unknown trade mark
13. No after-sales service
14. Few additional services
In practice, SWOT analysis is used most often in project management, in the process of marketing planning, in the course of market segmentation for segment analysis.

After identifying critical project factors and key success factors, based on the analysis, the main goals are formed, strategies are developed and financial indicators are calculated

16. The method of "five forces" according to M. Porter in assessing the strategic state of the company.

    Model of five forces of competition by M. Porter.
    This model is intended. for industry analysis. The purpose of the industry. analysis yavl. attract industries and departments. commodity markets inside her. This analysis allowed. understand industry-specific capabilities and noun threats, as well as determine the key. industry success factors. To show jumping. the fight was fought deliberately, necessary. know those forces, the cat. oppose each subject of the market. M. Porter proved that the state of competition in the industry can be characterized by 5 competitive. forces: 1. rivalry between firms within the industry; 2. by the forces of suppliers; 3. by the forces of buyers (the power of influence of buyers); 4. the possibility of the emergence of new competitors within the industry; 5. the attempts of companies and various industries to win over buyers with their substitute goods. The value and influence of each. of the factors of competition changes from market to market and determines prices, costs, the amount of capital investment in the production and sale of products, the profitability of the business. From t.zr. entry barriers, the effect of factors is largely determined by the presence of real and potential. competitors; and barriers to entry for new firms. All factors create conditions for the dynamic development of competition. These five forces determine the boundaries of prices, costs, investment requirements, which are the main factors for determining the profitability of an industry in the long term, and therefore for the attractiveness of the industry. Intensity of competition among intra-industry competitors. Rivalry among competitors within the industry is at the center of the forces that determine industry attractiveness
    This model is the basis for the SWOT analysis.
17. The method of "key questions" in assessing the strategic state of the firm.
The method of key questions is based on the posing of questions and the analysis of answers for all factors of the external and internal environment of the organization that impede or contribute to the achievement of the goals of the organization.

The key questions are: What are the possibilities for achieving the goal? What threats can arise for the organization?
For example:
What factors of the economic environment are critical for the industry and the organization? (inflation, unemployment rate, etc.).

18. The main methods of management, their essence, advantages and disadvantages.

The method of management, we understand, is a combination of methods and techniques that are fundamentally qualitative. Features of the influence of the subject of control on the object. There are 3 methods of management: 1) administrative-command 2) economic 3) social. Psychological. In practice, the decree. methods of use. together. Administrative-command - Positive: a long method is needed when it is necessary to implement the implementation. plans in a difficult situation, in addition, this method does not require materiel. costs. Negative: there is no domino stimulation of labor, no power and subordination to different people. the effect is different. Economical method - the main advantage of the yavl method. possible stimulation based on mater. interest. Leadership. it should be borne in mind that on the basis of mater. needs often lie in the spirit. needs. Disadvantages: add. mater. expenses. Social - Psychol. Method. - this method is incl. into action mechanisms of motivation and incentive. labor is not connected. with mater. costs. Disadvantages: complete disregard for the administration. teams. and economical. methods and hobby only social.-psycho. in the long term. perspective can not guarantee. success. Modern management calls for the use of the method, the cat. requires folding. situation.

19. The main functions of management, their essence and relationship.

The control function is concrete. type of management activity, cat. real specialist. techniques and methods, reflect. the specifics of the work of a certain direction. In the classic. school is managed. considering. 4 basic functions: planning, organization, motivation, control. Planning is the development of goals and the development by way of achieving them. Fu-I'm planning on one side of the set. Goals and objectives, and on a different form and methods of achieving them. Planning will allow: 1) not to miss something important. 2) avoid. gross mistakes. 3) choose the optimal scheme of actions. 4) minimize time and resource waste. 5) take into account the influence of ext. and int. factors. The result of the planning process is called. document cat. name. plan. Purpose of designation. In terms of - there is an object of striving for the expected state. Often in practice, planning is used. goals: distant, close, immediate, focused, general, private, final. Effective. planning observance of specific principles. 7 principles: …… The fun-I of the organization serves for the essential reality is developed. plans. 1) through administrative-organiz. control 2) through the operative. Administrative-organiz. management involves the definition of the structure of the company, a list of divisions, establishing. rights and powers, as well as ot-ti employees of the management apparatus. Operative. providing management. fu-and subsection. firms acc. with approved. regulations. Fun-ya motivation. Motivation is the process of motivating oneself and others to act in order to achieve personal or organizational goals. We divide the various motives into two categories: substantive and procedural. Content based on the identification of those internal motives (needs), cat. force people to act this way and not otherwise. Procedural motive - and are based primarily on how people behave, taking into account their perception and knowledge. The theory of management is accepted by considering. labor motivation. The motive of labor was formulated. The answer to the question: - what for the people. Working? - what worries him? - how does the person live? - what does he want? - what to offer him, so that the rez-t of his activity is satisfied to the maximum extent. some of his material. side. For the first time the motive and demand was revealed by A. Maslow. Further elaboration of the connection between the activities of people and their motives has been worked out by many scientists. For example: Herzberg. He identified 14 factors that influence the attitude of people. to work. Among them: 1) the value of the charge. fees 2) the measure of the answer 3) the status and security of the person 4) the attitude of the administration 5) the achievement of the possibility of official growth. K is indicated. Factors subsequently excreted. factors of the need for power, cat. are of particular importance in stimulating labor. The advice. Time noun theory of 3 needs (social., mater., spirits.). Control function. Control is the process of ensuring that an organization achieves its objectives. Neither planning, nor organization, nor motivation can be considered in isolation from control. they are. an integral part of the overall control system. The purpose of the control: 1) to make sure whether the organization really came out on schedule. 2) to find out on what the organization earns money, and on what it loses it. 3) find out whether the organization is really using. the best she can do. 3 stages of control: 1) setting standards and criteria. This stage is directly related to the planning function. 2) at this stage, the results are compared with the established standards; 3) the necessary corrective actions are taken. Types of control: 1) preliminary - real. to the fact. define. work. 2) the current-existing. in the process of execution of the decisions made. 3) final - real. after the job is done.

20. Planning - as a function of the management process; content and forms

Planning is the development of goals and the development by way of achieving them. Fu-I'm planning on one side of the set. Goals and objectives, and on a different form and methods of achieving them. Planning will allow: 1) not to miss something important. 2) avoid. gross mistakes. 3) choose the optimal scheme of actions. 4) minimize time and resource waste. 5) take into account the influence of ext. and int. factors. The result of the planning process is called. document cat. name. plan. Purpose of designation. In terms of - there is an object of striving for the expected state. Often in practice, planning is used. goals: distant, close, immediate, focused, general, private, final
Planning (forecasting) is a systematic search for opportunities to act and in predicting the consequences of these actions in given conditions (see control cycle).
Planning can be classified according to several criteria:
- by the degree of coverage (general and partial),
- in terms of content in the aspect of entrepreneurial activity (strategic - the search for new opportunities and products, tactical - the prerequisites for known opportunities and products, operational - the implementation of this opportunity),
- on the subject (object) of planning (target, funds, potential, equipment, materials, finance, information, actions),
- by areas of operation (production, marketing, R&D, finance),
- by coverage (global, contour, macro, detailed),
- by terms (short-, medium-, long-term),
- rigid and flexible.

Criteria for choosing a planning form (planning principles):
- completeness (it is required to take into account everything);
- detailing (its depth is determined by the purpose of planning);
- accuracy;
- simplicity and clarity;
- continuity;
- elasticity and flexibility (use of planned reserves, consideration of the multiplicity of possible alternatives, postponement of planning details until the situation is clarified, variance);
- alignment when planning (taking into account "bottlenecks");
- efficiency.

When assessing the cost-effectiveness of planning, you should consider its usefulness (which is usually difficult) and the costs of planning.
The management approach to planning can be carried out by setting criteria and planning tasks, defining planning tools, methods of coordinating plans, directions and methods of planning.
It should be clearly defined:
- the object of planning (what is planned),
- the subject of planning (who plans),
- planning period (horizon) (for how long),
- planning tools (e.g. computer software),
- planning methodology (how to plan),
- coordination of plans (what, with whom and on what conditions).

21. Function of the organization. Types of organizational structures of company management.

The fun-I of the organization serves for the real-I developed. plans. 1) through administrative-organiz. control 2) through the operative. Administrative-organiz. management involves the definition of the structure of the company, a list of divisions, establishing. rights and powers, as well as ot-ti employees of the management apparatus. Operative. providing management. fu-and subsection. firms acc. with approved. regulations.
The organizational structure of the administrative apparatus is a form of the division of labor for the management of production. Each department and position is created to perform a specific set of management functions or jobs. To perform the functions of a division, their officials are endowed with certain rights to dispose of resources and are responsible for the implementation of the functions assigned to the unit.

The diagram of the organizational structure of management reflects the static position of units and positions and the nature of the relationship between them.

There are connections:
- linear (administrative subordination),
- functional (in the field of activity without direct administrative subordination),
- cross-functional, or cooperative (between divisions of the same level).

Depending on the nature of the relationship, there are several main types of organizational management structures:
- linear;
- functional;
- linear functional;
- matrix;
- divisional;
- plural.
In the linear management structure, each manager provides guidance to the subordinate units in all types of activities. Dignity - simplicity, economy, ultimate unity of command. The main drawback is the high requirements for the qualifications of managers. Now it is practically not used.

The functional organizational structure implements a close relationship of administrative management with the implementation of functional management (Fig. 15).

D - director; FN - functional bosses; And - performers

Rice. 15. Functional management structure

In fig. 15, the administrative relations of functional superiors with performers (I1 - I4) are the same as for performer I5 (they are not shown in order to ensure clarity of the figure).

In this structure, the principle of one-man management is violated and cooperation is hampered. It is practically not used.

Linear-functional structure - stepwise hierarchical. Under her, line managers are sole managers, and they are assisted by functional bodies. Linear leaders of the lower levels are not administratively subordinate to the functional leaders of the higher levels of management. It was used most widely (Fig. 16).

D - director; FN - functional chiefs; FP - functional
divisions; OP - subdivisions of the main production.

Rice. 16. Linear-functional management structure

Sometimes such a system is called the headquarters system, since the functional managers of the corresponding level make up the headquarters of the line manager (in Fig. 16, the functional heads make up the headquarters of the director).

The divisional (branch structure) is shown in Fig. 17. Divisions (branches) are allocated either by area of ​​activity or geographically.

Rice. 17. Divisional management structure

The matrix structure (Fig. 18, 19) is characterized by the fact that a performer can have two or more managers (one is a line manager, the other is a program or direction manager). This scheme has long been used in the management of R&D, and now it is widely used in firms doing work in many areas. It increasingly displaces the linear-functional from the application.

Rice. 18. Matrix product-oriented management structure

The multiple structure brings together different structures at different levels of governance. For example, a branch management structure can be applied to the entire company, and in branches - a linear-functional or matrix structure.

Rice. 19. Matrix structure of project management

22. The main directions of changes in the organizational structure of company management.

Trends in the evolution of organizational structures:
Modern processes indicate changes in mobile and smart enterprises, the activities of which correspond to modern society.
Labor activity and nature of work:

    The transition to intellectual work
    Transition to innovation and innovation
    Strengthening the role of education and attention to people
    From performing individual functions to general projects
    From the power of executives to the power of consumers
Direction of improvement of divisional structures:
        Decentralization of production and distribution.
        Transition to centralization
        Enhancing creativity and production initiative
        Refusal to use administrative levers in coordination and control
        Providing subsidiaries powers in solving sales problems
        Flattening pyramidal structures (decreasing control)
The process of modifying organizational management structures, specific forms and methods of managing production and marketing operations is developing in a number of specific areas. The main ones are the following.
1. Implementation of the decentralization of production and sales operations. For this purpose, within the framework of the largest companies, semi-autonomous or autonomous branches have already been created or are being created, fully responsible for the results of their work. All responsibility for organizing production and marketing activities is entrusted to these departments. In a relatively small organ corporate governance concentrates on the solution of only strategic development issues associated with large investments. Each department fully finances its activities, enters into partnerships on a commercial basis with any organization.
2. Innovative expansion, search for new markets and diversification of operations. This direction is implemented through the creation of innovative firms within the framework of large companies focused on production and independent promotion of new products and technologies to the markets and operating on the principles of risk financing. It is becoming a widespread practice of large companies to create small enterprises in the most promising areas, aimed at gaining strong market positions in the shortest possible time. These enterprises can be created both on an independent basis and by agreement with other companies, on a cooperative basis. Hundreds of firms can participate in these associations.
3. De-bureaucratization, constant increase in the creative and productive efficiency of personnel. To do this, a variety of measures are being taken, including the distribution of shares among employees and the formation of enterprises that are collectively owned by their employees.

23. The function of control in management technology, its essence and features.

Control is the process of ensuring that an organization achieves its objectives. Neither planning, nor organization, nor motivation can be considered in isolation from control. they are. an integral part of the overall control system. The purpose of the control: 1) to make sure whether the organization really came out on schedule. 2) to find out on what the organization earns money, and on what it loses it. 3) find out whether the organization is really using. the best she can do. 3 stages of control: 1) setting standards and criteria. This stage is directly related to the planning function. 2) at this stage, the results are compared with the established standards; 3) the necessary corrective actions are taken. Types of control: 1) preliminary - real. to the fact. define. work. 2) the current-existing. in the process of execution of the decisions made. 3) final - real. after the job is done.
Control can also be classified:
- by belonging to the enterprise of the subject of control (internal, external);
- on the basis of the obligation (voluntary, according to the charter, contractual, according to the law);
- on the object of control (for the object, for decisions, for the results);
- by regularity (regular, irregular, special).

24. The essence and basic provisions of the theory of labor motivation.
Motivation is the process of motivating oneself and others to act in order to achieve personal or organizational goals. We divide the various motives into two categories: substantive and procedural. Content based on the identification of those internal motives (needs), cat. force people to act this way and not otherwise. Procedural motive - and are based primarily on how people behave, taking into account their perception and knowledge.

25. The theory of motivation according to A. Maslow; essence and features.

The theory of management is accepted by considering. labor motivation. The motive of labor was formulated. The answer to the question: - what for the people. Working? - what worries him? - how does the person live? - what does he want? - what to offer him, so that the rez-t of his activity is satisfied to the maximum extent. some of his material. side. For the first time the motive and demand was revealed by A. Maslow. Further elaboration of the connection between the activities of people and their motives has been worked out by many scientists. For example: Herzberg. He identified 14 factors that influence the attitude of people. to work. Among them: 1) the value of the charge. fees 2) the measure of the answer 3) the status and security of the person 4) the attitude of the administration 5) the achievement of the possibility of official growth. K is indicated. Factors subsequently excreted. factors of the need for power, cat. are of particular importance in stimulating labor. The advice. Time noun theory of 3 needs (social., mater., spirits.).

26. The function of motivation and stimulation of the activities of the performer.

Motivation is the process of encouraging oneself and others to take action to
achievement of personal goals and goals of the organization.
Motivation theories are based on the definition of human needs and their
structures. Need is the awareness of the absence of something that causes
motivation for action.
These theories include the theories of Maslow, McClelland and Herzberg.
A. Maslow's theory:
1. Needs are divided into primary (physiological, safety and
security) and secondary (social, respect, self-expression).
2. Human behavior is determined by the lowest unmet need.
3. After the need is satisfied, its motivating effect
McClelland's theory:
1. Three needs that motivate a person are the need for power,
success and affiliation.
2. At present, these higher-order needs are important, since
the needs of the lower levels are usually already met.
Herzberg's theory:
1. Needs are divided into hygiene factors and motivations.
2. The presence of hygienic factors just does not allow development
dissatisfaction with work.
3. Motivations that roughly correspond to the needs of higher levels
Maslow and McClelland, actively influence human behavior.
4. In order to effectively motivate subordinates, the leader
he must grasp the essence of the problem himself.
Due to the fact that there are different ways of motivation, the manager must:
first, establish a set of criteria (principles) that are most strongly
affect employee behavior;
secondly, create an atmosphere conducive to motivating employees;
thirdly, actively communicate with their employees, because in order to
was fully motivated and worked with full dedication, he must clearly
imagine what is expected of him.
The incentive system is a set of interrelated and complementary
stimuli, the impact of which activates human activity for
achievement of the set goals.
Incentives are divided into tangible and intangible.
Material, in turn, are divided into monetary (wages, additional payments,
allowances, loans and preferential loans) and non-monetary, consisting of social
(medical service, insurance, vouchers, meals, gifts, etc.) and
functional (improving work organization, improving working conditions).
Intangible incentives consist of socio-psychological (social
recognition, praise, support and approval), creative (professional development,
internships and business trips) and free time incentives ( flexible schedule work,
add. vacation).
Thus, motivation depends on needs, expectations and perceptions.
employees receive fair remuneration for the work performed.

27. The value of the analysis of the economic activity of the enterprise for the control function.

The analysis of economic activity is an important element in the production management system, an effective means of identifying on-farm reserves, the basis for the development of scientifically based forecast plans and management decisions and monitoring their implementation in order to improve the efficiency of the enterprise.

In modern conditions, the independence of enterprises in the adoption and implementation of management decisions is increasing, their economic and legal responsibility for the results of economic activity. The importance of financial stability of business entities is objectively increasing. All this enhances the role financial analysis in the assessment of their production and commercial activities and, above all, in the availability, placement and use of capital and income. The results of such an analysis are necessary, first of all, for owners (shareholders), creditors, investors, suppliers, tax services, managers and heads of enterprises.

The key goal of financial analysis is to obtain a certain number of basic parameters that give an objective and reasonable characterization of the financial condition of the enterprise. This applies, first of all, to changes in the structure of assets and liabilities, in settlements with debtors and creditors, in profit and loss.

Local goals of financial analysis:

¦ determination of the financial condition of the enterprise;

¦ identification of changes in the financial condition in the spatial-temporal context;

¦ identification of the main factors causing changes in the financial condition;

¦ forecast of the main trends in the financial condition. The analyst and the manager (financial manager) are interested in both the current financial position of the enterprise (for a month, quarter, year) and its forecast for a more distant future.

The alternativeness of the goals of financial analysis is determined not only by its time limits. It also depends on the goals set by the users of financial information.

The research objectives are achieved as a result of solving a number of analytical problems:

¦ preliminary review of financial statements;

¦ characteristics of the property of the enterprise: non-circulating and circulating assets;

¦ assessment of financial stability;

¦ characteristics of sources of funds: own and borrowed;

¦ analysis of profit and profitability;

¦ development of measures to improve the financial and economic activities of the enterprise.

These tasks express the specific goals of the analysis, taking into account the organizational, technical and methodological possibilities of its implementation. The main factors, ultimately, are the volume and quality of analytical information.

To make decisions in the field of production, sales, finance, investment and innovation, the management of the enterprise needs a business systematic awareness of the issues that are the result of selection, analysis and synthesis of initial information.

28. The basic principles of management - as a management process.

The principles of the manager are a general pattern within the framework of the cat. the connection between the various st-mi of the control system is realized. Basics. principles of management yavl. : 1) the principle of optimal combination, centralization and decentralization. 2) the principle of optimal combination of single and collegial management. 3) the principle of combining rights, obligations and responsibilities. The combination of center-s and decent-s in management is the problem of the extension of powers in the adoption of concrete definitions. solutions. The best option is count. approach when centralized yavl. decisions concerning to work out the goals and strategy of the company as a whole. Decentralized form of presupposed created within the company of production units of users. full self. One-man command is understood as being presented. higher. heads. such a power, a cat. necessary for making a decision. Collegium - it is possible to develop a team. decisions based on the opinion of the leaders. different levels.

29. Factors that determine the structure and forms of management.

Under the structure of the apparatus is understood the number and sos-in links and stages of control, their subordination and interrelation. Stru-ra control I opred. track. factors: 1) the character of the production of goods or services. 2) the form of organizational management. 3) the degree of the corresponding. 4) the relationship between centralization. and decentralization. forms of control. 5) ratio. between industry and territory. forms and automation. In the structure of the production of different. 2 under p-ry: 1) organiz. str-ra - the composition and the ratio of the differences. production levels. 2) production-th p-ra - the composition and power of production units and their relationship.


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