Numerology for business company name online. Numerology in business: what number will bring good luck. Protection against the evil eye and damage yourself at home

The folk wisdom has long made it that, on behalf of a person or the name of the ship, the success or failure of its carrier is depends on. So exactly and in business: it is important not only to choose the exact day of creating and registering the company, but also to choose the perfect number of names - Code number.

Numerology facilitates this task, offering to produce the simplest calculation: Identify the numbers corresponding to the names of the name, and fold them to the final simple number. Take for example the name of the Phoenix, and the digital value of each letter is visible in the table.

F-3, E-6, H-6, and - 1, K-3, C-1, further fold: 3 + 6 + 6 + 1 + 3 + 1 \u003d 20 \u003d 2. Code number of the name "Phoenix" is equal 2. Now it is easy to find out which prospects of this number for your company than it threatens for your type of activity, it is worth or not to leave this name.

Code number 1.

This is a very favorable number, especially if there are plans for considerable development. Number 1 patronizes just open businesscreated to meet the demand of people and the supporting signs of novelty, innovations that are not widely distributed. Any product will be successful if the company name has in code 1. However, it is worth considering that if the company does not expand, but simply work to obtain a permanent income, the unit can negatively affect the business and expel you from the market. An exception is small companies that produce original and small-spread goods. The unit must be allowed to develop the company, and then your business will flourish.

Code number 2.

This number is experiencing an influence on the part, she has no strength, therefore trade is contraindicated. A shopping branch with its name containing in the code number 2 for a while will bring the profits of the main company, but inevitably doomed to closure - it will not bring profit. Two in the title carries company problems with documents and other obstacles, to avoid which is possible if it is competent from the point of view of numerology to choose employees (to know the numbers of their names and surnames). Positive staff name vibrations are able to help avoid many problems of the company.

Code number 3.

This number is perfectly combined with children related activities: Private kindergarten Or a playroom under vibration triple will work successfully. Also, this number patronizes business associated with flowers, and a billiard club, as well as the club of hunters. Troika is visiting the atmosphere of leisure, this is the number of customer manitis, makes them rest in the game establishment enjoyable and helpful.

Code number 4.

Four is visited by success in activities related to two types of goods. The first view is the goods of daily demand, the second - the goods are exclusive, belonging to the subjects of luxury, the stuff of copyright. Products of the first type will always be sold in the store, in whose title there is a number 4: Four attracts customers and makes them permanent buyers. If you sell large equipment for home or furniture, at first some problems are possible, but the Four is able to establish a business and overcome all the problems. It is desirable that the number four is in harmony with the date opening date of the store and its registration. The vibration of the number 4 multiplies the efforts of the hardworking owner. If you need only on the name of the company and its code number - the success you do not see, the store will progrit.

Code number 5.

The top five in the title gives the company not permanent, but variable success in activity, and this is the problem. It is necessary that the name of the business owner is in harmony with the company name: so, if the host has a code number of 3, then it will not be possible to cope with the business with a number of 5 in the title. This business threatens debts, client discontent. If the name of the company can not be changed, we advise you to carefully select employees: calm vibrations of their names will not be allowed to occur frames. Nevertheless, the company with four in the title may well work successfully and receive good income. Four negatively affects trade activities - the shops. Favorite travel agencies, sightseeing bureaus, companies engaged in cargo transportation (furniture, things, building materials). The five along with the top three gives the success of the recreation and entertainment industry.

Code number 6.

Six favors those areas of trade, where there are always many visitors, especially children: a store of goods for children, a toy store or a salon pyrotechnics will be very successful. For any business, consumer interest is always important, let it be hotel business or advanced training courses. The six is \u200b\u200bharmoniously combined with the implementation of widespread consumption goods and food products: Shops will always be profitable, despite different income volumes.

Code number 7.

This number in the title will help companies specializing in the production of expensive goods (jewelry), as well as companies producing cosmetic, perfume products, clothing, etc. under a personal brand. It is especially important not to miss the chance that seems to you - this is the most likely way to success. It is important that the number of owner name of the company does not oppress the positive vibration of a successful number for business. If everything succeeds to harmonize, the company will receive a guaranteed success, and the brand is popular.

Code number 8.

This number in the title must be large companies, Shops and firms: Eight loves big scales. The ideal number 8 is suitable for institutions such as a sports club or fitness center. It will have the most favorable impact on companies that develop their own chain of stores or representative offices. The eight vibration is designed for large-scale, global projects that have every chance of becoming well-known.

Code number 9.

The nine patronizes companies whose activities are related to the accumulation of funds. These are commercial institutions: banks, financial institutions, paid educational establishments, various funds, incl. Charitable. The nine will help a very well to help such a institution as shelter for stray animals. The vibration of this number must be supported by giving the company name from two words.

Everyone knows that as a ship will call, so he will swim, so the most important thing in creating a company is to find her a bright and laconic name that will "chain" and attract, and also it is obliged to tell this organization. There is another substantial point in choosing the right name - contacting numerology, with the help of science of figures you can choose not only the beautiful name of the enterprise, but also carrying certain information about the providing services or products.

The value of numbers

1. Such a name usually give firms that decided to expand on a large scale. The managers will all work out, but you need to act, and not sit still, otherwise you can wait only losses. As for the suitable production name for this name, it is better that this is a law firm - a lot of customers who won courts and much more. Also, the vibration of the unit is good for small firms as part of the megal company, they are expecting great success and recognition.

2. With such a name, the family business is well developed or focusing on lovers and family, "Two" is perfect for a restaurant, pizzerias, children's center, etc., here will always be comfortable to people in the company and communicable, lonely will feel uncomfortable as Distract their attention from this organization. One important remark - if the company has a twice vibration, then it may have problems with two owners or bosses (better one or more), because both will pull the brake of the head and will eventually ruin in the pressure.

3. Digit of leisure and childhood, so suitable for various children entertainment centers Or private schools and gymnasiums, it also harmonizes with firms and organizations focused on chatting children and adults, it can be gaming institutions or clubs in interest. An excellent option is creative clubs, where moms are engaged in their affairs, and children - their own, and then join one team.

4. This firm will flourish under one condition - its leaders must have the same digital vibration. Typically, this figure is favorable for firms that are focused on selling luxury and originality - paintings, panels, podium and wedding wear and other works of art, but it will have to work a lot and promote things created by your own hands, if you sit back, then nothing will happen . The motto of this organization is hard work, patience and exclusive.

5. This figure is suitable to travel agencies, freight and other firms where you need to move. And if the authorities are still allowed, the subordinates must work, not to give up hands, then the case will be aroused, and the income to bring considerable. It is worth paying attention to this fact - among the workers there should be no people with vibration more than five, otherwise the business will collapse under their pressure. The best tender is five and three, some fives are also contraindicated.

6. "Six" is an excellent vibration for shops and hotels, then the company will bring decent and stable income. The owners will only remain cooking safes and bags where to fold earned profits, but it should be remembered that it cannot be told about his spending and income, otherwise the company will fall from the envy of small pieces, which will be very hard.

7. The developers of their own perfume or jewelry line is best to choose the name with the vibration of the seven. By the way, the "seven" is the number of intuition, so it is always worth listening to her tips, it will not let down. Quite often, owners of firms with such titles are a problem, they cannot make the right choice, so the best option will always be the first one, it will become brand.

8. Such a figure will suit business, which is always relevant - fitness halls, network stores, beauty salons, etc., only one should be focused on such a rule - no one and never trust cash issues, since someone else can make endless problems from which practically It will not be possible to get out.

9. This vibration of kindness and charity, so the name "Nine" is ideal for banks, educational institutions, charitable foundations, orphanages and animal shelters. Great when he heads his man with a numerological code "nine", such a combination of the company and the boss will only bring success - financial and media. It is worth noting the fact that the name is desirable to give a double, that is, consisting of two words, then no one and nothing will help prevent the development of the work started.

On the course of business life, business prosperity affects many factors: personal qualities of a businessman, his experience, correctly chosen activity. At the same time, few people think that the combination of numbers can affect the business, of which the date of registration of the company can affect.

For some reason, many think that numerological forecast Make only in order to or better understand yourself ,. Not many know that using the principles of numerology, you can find answers to questions about business and commerce. If you are interested in how things will be made by any enterprise, firm or store, it is worth seeking help to numbers and science studying them - numerology.

For this you need, first of all, install accurate date of commencement of the company- date of her registration. Remember the date of birth of your business, fold all the numbers of the date, then the figures of the result obtained twist to a unique number (from 1 to 9). So you will learn the numerological number of your company and, accordingly, its energy vibrations, its purpose and fate.

Numerological number of business on the date of registration of the company. Online calculation

Enter in the date of registration of the company in numbers in the form of DDMMGG and click the "Learn" button. For example, for a company registered on December 8, 2008, 8122008 must be introduced in the field.

- This is the number of goals. The future of the business associated with this vibration foreshadows success and recognition. The new company will quickly conquer the leading position, and its products will be enjoyed in high demand. Any undertakings in such an enterprise are successful, and the "units" energy contributes to the subsequent expansion of the business.
To obtain financial returns, in such a firm it is necessary to embody several ideas. In addition, it is necessary to properly regulate revenues, since there is a risk of bankruptcy, or the money will be expected not to appoint. Head follows special attention pay a psychological atmosphere in the team; make every effort to prevent interpersonal conflicts; eliminate envy and competition; To strive to ensure that no one from employees fought for the title of "Pet".

- "Two" foreshadows the company both ups and falls. Grow such an enterprise will be slowly, but if you put enough strength into it, you can expect returns. However, it should be remembered here that any undertakings will require considerable effort. Such a business will require constant control, it is impossible to relax and affect the samonek.
Financial difficulties will often have financial difficulties from the firm, therefore, in order to protect it from bankruptcy, it is necessary to keep some part of the capital in the bank on the deposit. Such a margin will help the firm function in difficult periods when income will be minimal or high investments will be required.

- The firm born under the influence of "Troika", as if created in order to generate income. Successes from the very beginning will follow one after another. Money in such an enterprise will always be, only their number will be non-permanent.
In such a company, it should be particularly careful to new partners, "Troika" radiates so much money energy that everyone will think about what an enterprise is a real "golden live", and everyone wants to warm up near her.
The energie "Troika" is aimed at achievements, new goals and creative implementations, so stagnation and monotony will lead such a firm for destruction and collapse. For a successful existence, the firm must constantly explore the market, introduce new ideas, enter something new, repaint the old one, only then can count on its successful development.

- Vibration "Four" means strength and sustainability, equilibrium and stability. The future of such an enterprise is quite reliable, - to competitors will have to be pretty to work, if they want to drop the soil from under his feet.
It is not necessary to expect that such a company will immediately begin to bring huge profits, is a slowly developing business. He is undoubtedly configured to success and career, only requires a careful attitude towards himself and needs a constant influx of new solid ideas.

- Vibration "Five" is favorable for risk. The future of such a company will be presenting enough situations when it is necessary to put everything on the card. Such an enterprise can bring high incomes, although there is a risk of conflicts - both inside the team and with competitors.

The firm with the vibration of the "fives" is to fear the thefts that can be in all areas - both material and intellectual. In addition, the head should closely monitor costs, as well as for the actions of competitors.

- The future associated with the vibration of "six" foreshadows stability and reliability business. This type of such type is able to generate income, which although it will not be calculated by millions, but will be permanent and stable. Here, of course, the family will play a big role, since family business Also falls under the energy of this number.

Helping someone, such a firm will conquer increasing respect, which means that success. It should be more careful with loans and loans, because they carry the negative energy of uncertainty. It is not necessary to hope that loans will be a rescue circle - money will have to be produced by the own or forces of the family.

- The company with vibration "seven" will be successful. The company will not be ignored, and the company's products will be in demand. Success will be accompanied by any direction, the main thing is to carefully consider the organization's strategy, put clear goals.

Here, however, there is one nuance, the "seven" promises light profits, but perhaps it is only an illusion. Do not break the head to get involved in the adventures - only awareness of future risks will be able to lead to prosperity and sufficiency.

- Vibration "Eight" promise profit and material success. Any financial operations will be very profitable and beneficial. The main condition here - all ideas should be carefully thought out and planned, and then they will bring incredible income.

In addition, for successful development And the prosperity of the company will need to make significant forces that can forget for some time to forget about the rest. However, a huge stream of energy will create a voltage that will affect all participants, so that such work does not affect health, everyone should properly distribute the time between work and recreation.

- "Nine" symbolizes durability and stability. Even if significant financial losses arise, the firm can quickly recoup the losses. The main thing is to find errors in the calculations on time, make the right conclusions.
"Nine" patronage of charity, so any generous donations will return with profitable investments. The risk in such a company will not pay off - it is necessary to think over all a few steps forward.

The article contains only actual informationwhich is directly related to the name of the fedence of Feng Shui.

Company name on Feng Shui for a successful business

Feng Shui in translation means harmony, according to this, the name should consist of promising words or words. It is best to advise with relatives, close to the people who know you will tell something emanating from the pure heart. A good choice will be the word out of 5 letters, with a vowel letter at the end.

With the help of numerology, it is possible to find out whether business will be able to be able to calculate the word for this, folding all the letters into numbers. Write numbers from 1 to 9, under them in order to write letters. For example, take the word "paradise" P-9, A-1, Y- 2. 9 + 1 + 2 \u003d 12 1 + 2 \u003d 3

In this case, the figure 3 turns out.

1. A digit suitable for a business that will develop in the future on a large scale. The high probability is that it will be possible to open a whole network. This figure is well affected on new businessBy helping him develop in the right direction.

2. This figure is not ready to lead business forward. Yes, perhaps at the very beginning everything will be smooth, but over time the business is "blown away."

3. An excellent choice for a business based for people, such as kindergarten, night club, Café or restaurant. A place where will be comfortable to visit their leisure.

4. This figure will suit the business that will offer not essential goods that people will buy regardless of the amount of funds. Namely, luxury items, author's things. What people buy for pleasure.

5. Elegant digit for any undertaking, it will help a person in all matters. But the top five does not like debts, so leading a business, try not to accumulate unnecessary burdens and debts, so as not to give God, do not break. Suitable in the service sector, beauty salons, massage Cabinet and other.

6. With such a digit about buyers it is worth only to dream. Business can not even develop, not to resist the market. Consumers will bypass your institution.

7. A good option For expensive goods, jewelry. Will patronize only strong personalities. In order to open such a business, you must have everything thought out to the smallest detail.

8. This figure is pretended to those who are ready to invest in a business soul. Wishes to develop to the volume of large cities.

9. Ideal for firms that collect money. Bank, charity.

How to choose a name for LLC on Feng Shui

The name should be enjoyable for rumor, it is best if it bears some sense, and not just a set of letters. Oddly enough, but to call shops or other institutions with names is not very profitable.

The people say: "How the ship will call, so he will float." The success of the company has an impact not only the day of its foundation or registration, as well as the code number of the company names.

For example:

C-1, E-6, M-5, B-3, I-6. We get 1 + 6 + 5 + 3 + 6 \u003d 21 \u003d 2 + 1 \u003d 3

Thus, the code number of the name "Family" is 3.

The number obtained by this method is the number of firms. After you calculate the number of firms, read the decryption of the code number, and think about whether you should leave this name or think about another more suitable for the kind of activity of your company.

Code number 1.

Excellent digit that is suitable for organizations intending to expand on a global scale. The unit has favorably affects the newly educated business, aimed at demand. modern consumer, implies a certain innovation, something uneutled earlier, which has not yet been rooted on a huge scale. And it is not so important that it produces an enterprise whose name has a vibration of units, because the product will be successful. But it should be borne in mind that if the business owner does not intend to expand, but only plans to have fixed incomeThis number may displace his business due to the market inconsistencies. An exception can be small firms focused on specific products that are not in the market in sufficient quantities. If you come to vibrations competently, you can, most likely help the business, without holding back its development.

Code number 2.

Vibration, which is amenable to exposure. She has no power because it is not focused on trade. This vibration may have a branch of an enterprise who has its own name, but after a time he will close due to non-discharge. The firm with twin vibration will be forced to encounter obstacles, and problems with the documentation are not excluded. If you're responsible for the choice of personnel, considering the vibrations of their names and surnames, then, "launching" positive vibrations to help the main, you can avoid many problems.

Code number 3.

This vibration will be an excellent choice if you intend to open a children's game room or a private kindergarten. Troika you are best suited. But this number is harmonized with a business-oriented business, as well as atmosphere billiard Club. Troika promotes leisure. Her vibration attracts customers and multiplies their positiveness from the playing room in the game establishment. If you create a private hunting club, vibration is also suitable for you.

Code number 4.

There are two different categories of goods for this vibration. The first is the goods in which a person needs every day, and the second is the objects of luxury and exclusive things, perhaps the author's performance. Regarding the first category, you can be confident in constant consumer demand, sometimes more, sometimes less. The number can attract customers and, at the same time, they will experience a desire to visit the store again. If the goods sold are large appliances, Furniture, maybe not everyone will develop as I would like, but the vibration will tell all inconsistent and will contribute to debugging business. Well, if the vibration is harmonized with the date of opening and registration of the enterprise. It should also be borne in mind that the vibration of the numbers helps hardworking people, and if you have a hope only for one vibration, the company "will not survive."

Code number 5.

Vibration symbolizes alternating success, and in order for the case to go, the name of the owner of the company should be harmonized with its name. If the name of the owner of the company is under the influence of the troika, it will not be under the power to lead the company with the name of the vibration "5": the debts, the disturbance of displeased customers are not excluded. If it is impossible to make a compromise for some reasons, choose the staff especially carefully, with calm vibrations, otherwise the frames of frames are provided. Despite this influence, the firm can work successfully and give a stable income. At the same time, it should be taken into account its dependence on the scope of activity. Need to say, vibration is not for shops. It is best suited travel agencies, excursion bureaus, firms on cargo transportation things and furniture subjects, building materials. Figure 5, as well as 3, helps in organizing leisure and entertainment.

Code number 6.

Excellent vibration for firms where interested visitors are not disposed. The consumer's interest underlies the business, be it hotels or advanced training courses. This vibration is suited to shops that implement the goods. folk consumption And the grocery products: at the same time the store will bring stable income, despite the rise and decline. This vibration can make a successful children's, toy store or pyrotechnic store.

Code number 7.

A good vibration for enterprises producing expensive products, for example, jewelry, and can also patronize firms offering their own cosmetic or perfume line, clothing line, and so on. Here, in no case can you pass by random chances that will lead to success. But sometimes it happens that the vibration of the name of the owner is oppressing positive influence Successful for the development of business numbers. Basically, if it is possible to debug everything according to the plan, the company is guaranteed by the company, and the brand becomes popular.

Code number 8.

Vibration of broad scale, which does not accept small organizations or institutions. If you intend to open fitness center, then the vibration of this figure will be perfect. The eight patronizes firms that are aimed at developing their own chains of stores or enterprises. Vibration is as if designed for huge projects. Such enterprises become widely known.

Code number 9.

Vibration has a positive impact on firms. It may be commercial Bank, paid educational institutions, charitable foundations. The nine will contribute to the success of those who intend to organize a nursery for homeless animals. Vibration of nines needs to be supported that it is possible to ensure due to the name of the organization: to make it not one, but from two words.


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