Problems of organizational culture at the enterprise. Organizational culture problems. See also in other dictionaries

Formation factors organizational culture

The personality of the head of the organization is of great importance for the formation of organizational culture at all stages of development. The influence of the leader becomes especially strong at the stage of formation of the company or in cases when the leader has outstanding personal characteristics and leadership qualities.

Another significant factor in the formation of organizational culture is the external environment in which the organization operates. External factors naturally influence the cultural characteristics of a company. However, it should be noted that organizations operating in similar conditions external environmentcan vary greatly in a number of characteristics and characteristics of their organizational culture.

Differences in organizational cultures of companies are due to the problems they face in the process of forming their organizational culture, and different approaches to their solution. All problems associated with the organizational culture of a company and its formation can be conditionally divided into two groups - problems of external adaptation and problems of internal integration.

The problems of external adaptation of the company are associated with the company's search for its place in the market and adaptation to the conditions of an unstable external environment. External adaptation is the process of achieving organizational goals by interacting with factors and representatives of the external environment. In the process of external adaptation, the organization chooses methods for solving the assigned tasks, taking into account and using environmental factors.

Remark 2

Internal integration problems relate to relationships within an organization between its members. Internal integration is the process of finding ways to effectively interact and working together... In the process of internal integration, first of all, self-determination of both individual employees and their groups of various sizes, up to the organization as a whole, is necessary.

External adaptation problems

  • Mission and strategy - the organization needs to formulate its mission, identify the tasks, the solution of which is necessary to achieve it, and choose the appropriate strategy of action;
  • Goals - the organization sets specific goals, coordinating them with the conditions of the external environment;
  • Methods - the company chooses the means to achieve its goals, adapting them to the conditions of the external environment, decides on organizational structure, corresponding to the goals and objectives, and also develops subordination systems;
  • Control - the company creates information system and formulates the criteria by which the assessment of the organization's activities and environmental conditions is made;
  • Correction - the organization develops the types and forms of actions that must be carried out to correct the chosen course and achieve goals in the event of a change in any conditions.

Internal integration problems

  • Common language - the company needs to determine the methods of communication and the language of communication that are acceptable in its culture in order to ensure that the conceptual categories of the organization members coincide;
  • Group boundaries - the organization sets the criteria for belonging to a particular group, as well as to the organization as a whole;
  • Power and status - certain rules are formed in the organization for the acquisition, maintenance and loss of power, the distribution of the statuses of employees, the criteria for their assignment;
  • Personal relationships - the organization establishes the rules of social relationships that regulate their level, nature, and the permissible degree of openness;
  • Rewards and punishments - the organization sets the criteria and boundaries of desirable and undesirable behavior of employees and the corresponding sanctions and rewards;
  • Ideology - within the company, the meaning of things is determined that cannot be explained and controlled, belief in the principles of the organization is a way of team building and stress relief.

The formation of organizational culture, its content and individual parameters is influenced by a number of factors of the external and internal environment, but at all stages of the development of an organization, the personal culture of its leader largely determines the culture of the organization. This influence is especially strong if the organization is at the stage of formation, and its leader has outstanding personal and professional abilities. The external environment has a significant impact on the organization, which naturally affects its culture. However, as practice shows, two organizations operating in the same environment can have very different cultures... This is because through their shared experiences, members of the organization solve two very important problems in different ways. The first is external adaptation. The process of external adaptation and survival is associated with the search and finding by the organization of its niche in the market and its adaptation to the constantly changing external environment. This is the process of an organization achieving its goals and interacting with representatives of the external environment. In this process, issues related to the tasks performed, methods of their solution are resolved. The second problem is internal integration. The process of internal integration is concerned with establishing and maintaining effective work relationships between members of the organization. It is the process of finding ways to work together and coexist within an organization. The process of internal integration often begins with the establishment of specificity in defining oneself, which applies both to individual groups and to the entire team of the organization. This often leads to organizational differentiation.

External adaptation and survival problems:

  • 1. Mission and strategy... Determination of the mission of the organization and its main tasks; choosing a strategy to fulfill this mission.
  • 2. Objectives. Setting specific goals; reaching agreement on goals.
  • 3. Facilities. Methods used to achieve goals; reaching agreement on the methods used; decisions on organizational structure, incentive and reporting systems.
  • 4. The control. Establishment of criteria for measuring the results achieved by an individual and groups; creation of an information system.
  • 5. Correction. Types of actions required in relation to individuals and groups who did not complete the task.

Internal integration issues:

  • 1. Common language and conceptual categories. Choice of communication methods; determining the meaning of the language used and concepts.
  • 2. Group boundaries and criteria for entry and exit. Establishment of criteria for membership in the organization and its groups.
  • 3. Power and status. Establishing rules for the acquisition, maintenance and loss of power; determination and distribution of statuses in the organization.
  • 4. Personal relationships. Establishing rules on the level and nature of social relations in the organization between sex and age; determining the acceptable level of openness at work.
  • 5. Awards and punishments. Determination of desirable and undesirable behavior.
  • 6. Ideology and religion. Determining the meaning of things that are not amenable to explanation and are not subject to the control of the organization; faith as a stress reliever.

In any organization, its employees tend to participate in the following processes:

  • - to distinguish important and unimportant for the organization from the external environment;
  • - develop ways and means of measuring the results achieved;
  • - find explanations for success and failure in achieving goals.

It should be borne in mind that for enterprises tourism industry, especially hotel complexes, human resources are the basis of all activities. Therefore, the main task in the process of forming the organizational culture of the hotel is to create a single cohesive team that will be able to effectively, quickly and kindly serve both its customers and its employees.

Being an integral part of the hotel product, the staff, in my opinion, should be very clear about what aspects hospitality he has to face in the work and which of his colleagues can help him to solve certain problems that arise when communicating with the client. For this personnel service should develop an organizational culture that will maximize the improvement of communication between various hotel services and staff awareness of the specifics of work hotel services and the changes taking place in them.

One of characteristic features hotel service is its intangibility. It cannot be tasted, seen, or heard until it is rendered directly. To give potential client some guarantee of the quality of the service, it is necessary to show him something tangible, material. Accordingly, increased attention should be paid to such methods of formation of organizational culture as the use of corporate symbols, slogans and declarations of management, the creation of the image of the staff and the entire hotel complex.

It is also necessary to create conditions for encouraging good work with the client, to pay attention to the so-called "intracorporate marketing". Accordingly, when developing the concept of the hotel's organizational culture, one should give preference to the formation of such values \u200b\u200bamong the staff as the priority of the client's interests, cohesion, mutual assistance and a sense of belonging to one company.

Another specific characteristic of a hotel service is inseparability from the source and object of the service. In most situations, rendering hotel services requires the presence of both the one who provides them, and the one to whom they turn out. Therefore, employees are part of the product being sold. A hotel room may be beautifully decorated and furnished, but unprofessional or even rude behavior by the maid will diminish the client's overall impression of the hotel and will most likely be negative. Consequently, the hotel management must monitor not only the state of its material resources, but also the state of human resources. This requires periodic inspection and certification.

The use of such a method of forming organizational culture, as a reaction of management to the behavior of employees in a critical situation, can be an effective means of negative impact to meet the needs of the client such a characteristic of the hotel service as the inconsistency of quality. In addition, attention should be paid to staff training and development programs that foster pride in their hotel and job satisfaction among employees.

The lack of organizational culture in a particular hotel means that there is no mutual understanding between the staff and the management of the hotel, as well as between its ordinary employees. An atmosphere of mistrust and suspicion reigns in such a hotel, mutual assistance is excluded, since the basic motto of the enterprise is the primitive slogan “Every man for himself”. The attention of the staff is more occupied with intrigues than serving clients who become hostages of internal squabbles of the team. It is not difficult to assume that such an enterprise will not be viable in the saturated market of hotel services. In Russian hotel market there are still organizations that neglect the creation of a healthy working climate. The management of such hotels relies only on the technical side of the service process. Why this becomes possible has been shown by special studies carried out by specialists of the Association "University of Hotel, Tourism and restaurant business", Based on the results of which, in particular, the following conclusions were drawn:

one of the reasons for the lack of attention of directors hotel enterprises to personnel issues is the existing psychological barrier between managers and performers, which creates a situation of mutual misunderstanding and mistrust;

excessive specialization complicates the organizational structure of hotels, leading to the fragmentation of a single mechanism into numerous services isolated from each other, in which their own subculture is often created and cultivated, based on a sense of the false superiority of one division over another;

lack of incentives for professional growth reduce the interest of staff employed at lower levels of customer service in increasing productivity.

These findings are suggestive because research shows that there is no alternative to organizational culture. The hotel staff should see behind each of their actions a definite - negative or positive - contribution to the overall financial results hotel activities.

Dialogue with the client - the only way to a common goal, which is the organization of recreation, the most consistent with the desires and capabilities of a particular buyer.

Thus, the provision of hotel services is a special type of business with rather specific characteristics that can become both a factor in the growth of an enterprise's competitiveness and a reason for its failure. One factor successful use the above characteristics can become the formation and development in hotel complex an organizational culture that will contribute to both improving the quality of services provided and increasing employee satisfaction with their work

The formation of organizational culture, its content and external parameters is influenced by a number of factors of the external and internal environment. At all stages of the organization's development, the personal culture of its leader largely determines the culture of the organization. This influence is especially strong if the organization is in its infancy and its leader has outstanding personal and professional ability. The external environment has a significant impact on the organization, which naturally affects its culture. However, as practice shows, two organizations operating in the same environment can have very different cultures. This is because, through their shared experience, members of the organization solve two very important problems in different ways.

The first is external adaptation. The process of external adaptation and survival is associated with the search and finding by the organization of its niche in the market and its adaptation to the constantly changing external environment. This is the process of an organization achieving its goals and interacting with representatives of the external environment. In this process, issues related to the tasks being performed are solved by the method of solving them.

The second problem is internal integration. The process of internal integration is concerned with establishing and maintaining effective work relationships between members of the organization. It is the process of finding ways to work together and implement in an organization. The process of internal integration often begins with the establishment of specificity in defining oneself, which applies both to individual groups and to the entire team of the organization. This often leads to organizational differentiation.

External adaptation and survival problems:

· Mission and strategy. Determination of the mission of the organization and its main tasks; choosing a strategy to fulfill this mission.

· Objectives. Setting specific goals; reaching agreement on goals.

· Facilities. Methods used to achieve goals; reaching agreement on the methods used; decisions on organizational structure, incentive and reporting systems.

· The control.

· Correction. Types of actions required in relation to individuals and groups who did not complete the task.

Internal integration issues:

· Common language and conceptual categories. Choice of communication methods; determining the meaning of the language used and the concept.

· Power and status. Establishing rules for the acquisition, maintenance and loss of power; definition and distribution of statuses in the organization.

· Personal relationships. Establishing rules on the level and nature of social relations between sex and age; determining the acceptable level of openness at work.

· Rewarding and punishment. Definitions of desired and undesirable behavior.

· Ideology and religion. Determining the meaning of things that cannot be explained and are not subject to the control of the organization; faith as a stress reliever.

In any organization, its employees tend to participate in the following processes:

1. to distinguish from the external environment important for the organization;

2. develop ways and means of measuring the results achieved;

3. find an explanation for success and failure in achieving goals.

It is noted that employees need to develop acceptable ways of communicating information about their real capabilities, advantages and successes to representatives of the external environment. For this purpose, some companies organize travel for their employees to both customers and suppliers. It is also important that the organization is aware of when to fail. To do this, individual companies, when developing new projects, set boundaries at which, due to failure, the project is scrapped. This is formally provided for in the project document.

The formation of organizational culture, its content and its individual parameters are influenced by a number of factors of the external and internal environment. At all stages of the organization's formation, the managerial culture of its leader can largely determine the culture of the organization. To a very large extent, the influence of the leader and founder of the company on the formation of culture is manifested if he is a strong personality, and the organization is just being created.

It can also be said that a significant influence on the formation and maintenance of culture, along with its regulation, is exerted by the style of leadership, by which it is customary to understand a set of typical, most stable methods of practical activity of leaders. The leadership style largely determines the overall (corporate) style of the organization. The external signs of this style are reflected in the symbols of the organization: logo, flag, emblem, corporate clothing, trade marks, etc.

However, in modern conditions, the influence of managers, as the analysis shows, is provided not so much by the power of the administrative machine, as by the common values \u200b\u200bshared and realized by the employees of the organization and the predictable reactions of managers to the rapidly changing business environment. In this regard, the ability to influence becomes very important for leaders. Intellectual leadership is as important today as administrative or charismatic leadership. And a lot depends on the level of the leader's personal culture. Even the formation of a certain culture in an organization is associated with the specifics of the industry in which it operates, with the speed of technological and other changes, with the characteristics of the market, consumers, etc., it is known that a company of high technology industries is inherent in the presence of a culture containing innovative cultural values and belief in change. However, this trait can manifest itself in different ways in companies in the same industry, depending on the national culturewithin which the organization operates.

Analysis of the factors of formation of organizational culture shows that it is the subject of development and changes throughout the life of the organization. At the same time, due to deep basic assumptions and their stability, these processes proceed gradually and evolutionary rather than radically and revolutionary. The formation of culture in an organization can manifest itself in different ways in a company of the same industry, depending on the national culture within which a particular company operates.


Integration is the process of combining the efforts of various subsystems to achieve the goals of an organization. Integration is inherent in any system, including humans.

The most important condition for ensuring the effectiveness of reorganization is the unity of purpose, both in the planning process and in the process of organization.

In order to integrate the organization effectively enough, managers must constantly keep in mind common goals organization and just as constantly remind all employees of the need to concentrate their efforts precisely on common goals.

There are several methods for effective integration. The choice of the appropriate integration method depends on the environment in which the organization has to operate. One of them is the development of appropriate rules and procedures.

The method is effective only in a relatively stable and predictable environment.

Allocate horizontal and vertical integration.

Horizontal integration Is a union structural units one or more enterprises of the same profile of activity, allowing to pool resources and achieve common goals by joint efforts.

Vertical integration is carried out by expanding the scope of the enterprise in order to reduce costs and increase control over value added streams. In some industries, companies are highly vertically integrated.

IN allocate external and internal integration.

External integration is carried out by combining the efforts of several organizations or enterprises.

Internal integration is carried out own resources organization or firm and affects only its structural units.

The main forms of enterprise integration that have been developed in modern conditions:

Corporation - an organization created to protect the interests and privileges of its members and forming an independent entity;

· Holding - an organization that owns controlling stakes in other companies in order to exercise control and management functions over them;

· Consortium - one of the forms of associations created on the basis of an agreement between several banks, enterprises, companies, firms, research centers, states for the joint conduct of large financial transactions for the placement of loans, shares or the implementation of science and capital-intensive projects, including international ones.

Modern management represents the variety of forms of integration that an organization can use to achieve its goals.


In conclusion, it can be noted that the organization is increasingly dependent on its culture.

Organizational culture represents the set of the most important propositions, values \u200b\u200band symbols shared by members of the organization. Different levels of organizational culture are distinguished: superficial, superficial and deep. It can also be said that organizational culture is not a monolith, but consists of a dominant culture, group subcultures and countercultures that enhance or weaken the culture of the organization as a whole. The development of organizational culture involves its formation, maintenance and change.

The formation of culture takes place in the conditions of the organization solving two important problems: external adaptation and internal integration. The formation of culture in the organization is influenced by the culture of the society, within which, this organization is functioning.

Organizational culture is supported by what attention is paid to, how the activities of organization members are assessed and monitored, ways of responding to critical situations - modeling roles and training personnel, motivation criteria, as well as criteria in personnel work... Changes in behavior can lead to changes in the culture of an organization, and vice versa.

Organizational culture contributes to a favorable socio-psychological climate in the team, ensures the strength, vitality and longevity of the organization. And if the organization has a high degree of compatibility of strategy and culture, then it can be argued that such an organization will be successful.

List of used literature

1. Druzhinina ZG Management is the most important thing. - SPb .: Peter, 2007, - 327s.

2. General management: the basis of an electronic textbook: textbook. manual for students / S.S. Tsukarev, S.P. Kretov, O.S. Krasnov and others - 2nd ed., Rev. And add. - Novosibirsk: Nauka, 2006 .-- 444p.

3. Shane E. Organizational culture and leadership. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2006, p. 14

4.http: //\u003dstatic&page\u003d83teoro

5.http: //


Shane E. Organizational culture and leadership. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2006, p. 14

General management: the basis of an electronic textbook: textbook. manual for students / S.S. Tsukarev, S.P. Kretov, O.S. Krasnov and others - 2nd ed., Rev. And add. - Novosibirsk: Nauka, 2006 .-- 444p.

Druzhinina Z.G. Management is the most important thing. - SPb .: Peter, 2007, - 327s.


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St. Petersburg "Humanistics"

A. N. Asaul, M. A. Asaul, P. J. Erofeev, M. P. Erofeev

Saint-Petersburg "Нumanistica" 2006



A. N. Asaul, M. A. Asaul, P. Yu. Erofeev, M. P. Erofeev


St. Petersburg "Humanistics"

UDC 17.022.1 (075.8) BBK 87.75.i 73

Asaul, A.N. Organization culture: problems of formation and management / A.N. Asaul, M.A.Asaul, P.Yu. Erofeev, M.P. Erofeev - SPb .: Humanistika, 2006.

In this book, the authors consider the culture of an organization as part of the resources that any company uses to create value. Shown domestic and overseas experience formation of the culture of the organization. The analysis of the main directions of rationalization and increasing the efficiency of business processes in business activities... Proposed guidelines on the design of the organization's culture, as well as a methodology for assessing the level of organizational culture. The principles of reputation audit and creative management are considered, corporate behavior and conflict management.

The publication is not only a presentation of individual scientific ideas and conclusions of the authors, but also a generalization of theoretical views and practical experience scientists and practitioners, in connection with which the book will be useful to a wide range of readers interested in the problems of organizational culture.

The book is intended for scientists-economists, graduate students, as well as a wide range of readers interested in the problems of organizational culture.

The publication is carried out with the support of the Institute for Problems of Economic Revival and the editorial board of the journal "Economic Revival of Russia"

ISBN 5-86050-278-8

A series of books is published by the editorial office of the journal "Economic Revival of Russia" Project leader - chief Editor magazine, Honored Builder of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Economics. Sciences, Professor A.N. Asaul


A. N. Degtyarev, Doctor of Economics Sci., Professor, Honored Scientist of the Republic of Bashkortostan (Ufa State Academy of Economics and Service)

M. M. Omarov, Ph.D. Sciences, Professor (Novgorod state University them. Yar. Wise)

© A. N. Asaul, M. A. Asaul,

P. Yu. Erofeev, M. P. Erofeev, 2006 © "Humanistics", 2006






On the present stage the relevance of the study of the culture of an organization increases with the intensification of competition, with a shift in emphasis competitive struggle from technology to intelligence, mergers and acquisitions of some companies by others, the desire to develop new areas of business, with the globalization of the economy and the formation of a single economic space. The complexity of methodological assessment, multidisciplinarity, and its unique interactive nature create certain problems in the study of the culture of an organization. From a practical point of view, the culture of the organization is the “soul” of the company, makes it possible to competently and effectively manage the organization, is a new direction, little studied in Russia. Such generally accepted values \u200b\u200bas discipline, obedience, hierarchy, power are being replaced by others: participation, self-determination, collectivity, personality disclosure, creativity, intellectual capital. Companies whose collective has a well-developed culture are growing and developing the fastest.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe book is the accumulation of scientific ideas about the most probable directions of development of the culture of the organization, as well as the development of methodological provisions and applied results aimed at shaping the culture of the organization, its diagnosis and management of both corporate culture and its changes.

This book uses the terms "organizational culture", "organizational culture", "corporate culture". There are dozens of definitions of these concepts. Their analysis shows that each of them has its own phenomenology, which the authors did not set out to investigate.

The term "culture of the organization" includes the concepts of "organizational culture" and "corporate culture" and performs systemic functions aimed at improving the efficiency of management and human activities at each workplace and the company as a whole, as well as the growth of indicators of the final results of its activities.

The main goal of the formation and management of the culture of the organization is the disclosure of human potential and its organizational capabilities.

Since talented people as an intellectual resource are an integral part of the resources used by the company, and resources must be managed, the authors of the book offer their own vision of managing a creative team and talented people.

Ethics 1


1.1. Business ethics and business culture

“… Ethics should apply to everyone and everything. Ethics should be in everything, whatever happens in the company. It should constantly serve as a guide to action. You cannot be a little ethical or ethical when it suits you. Ethics is absolute.

In an era of emotional attachment and abundance, ethics is a powerful competitive weapon. It can become a source of differentiation, since it is very rare that this area is completely taken over by competitors. "

Nordstrom K., Ridderstrale J. Funky business

- a system of norms of moral behavior and responsibilities of people in relation to each other and society as a whole.

Ethics business relationship is a system of universal and specific moral requirements and norms of behavior implemented in professional activity... It includes:

ethical assessment of internal and foreign policy organizations; the moral principles of the members of the organization; the moral climate in the organization; norms of business etiquette.

Each company has a certain system of generally recognized moral procedures (norms, values, knowledge) that are mandatory for all employees. Core corporate ethics is formed by the founders of the organization and is directly related to their life experience and worldview. The reputation and authority of the leader, the effectiveness of his work are perceived by subordinates for granted, and they, to one degree or another, begin to imitate him. Any person who decides to become an entrepreneur, that is, to start his own business, to enter the world of business, is only for this reason that he is an extraordinary person. And the qualities of this personality begin to be realized, projected onto the organization he creates. It is in human interaction that corporate ethical values \u200b\u200bare formed.

Ethical Business Principles2 have been developed by the World Business Roundtable. This structure was founded in 1986 by businessmen from the USA, Europe and Japan. The Round Table created a set of rules based on the ideology of Japanese corporations (the term “kyosei” is used to denote this ideology - literally “live and work together”).

Principle 1. Companies have obligations not only to shareholders, but also to all those who are directly or indirectly involved in business. The value of business for society lies in the fact that it provides material wealth

1 Aristotle defined the concept of "ethics" as "virtues or dignity manifested in human behavior" and believed that ethics "helps to know what should be done and what should be abstained from."

2 Based on materials from Washington ProFile (USA).

the condition and employment of the population, and also provides quality goods and services for consumers at affordable prices. Enterprises are called upon to play a certain role in improving the living conditions of their customers, employees, partners, investors, giving them a share of the fortune that they have created jointly. Suppliers and competitors can also count on being treated fairly and fairly. As conscientious members of society, businessmen bear a share of responsibility for how regions, countries and the whole world will look in the future.

Principle 2: Companies should contribute to the social progress of the countries in which they operate by ensuring effective production activities and helping to improve the well-being of the people of these countries. Companies must contribute to the economic and social development through judicious use of resources, free and fair competition and improved technology, production methods, etc. Business must have a positive impact on education, human rights and the overall health of the countries in which it operates.

Principle 3. trade secret has a right to exist, but a businessman must understand that sincerity, benevolence, honesty, the ability to keep his word and openness not only contribute to the strengthening of reputation and stability, but also ensure the clarity and efficiency of transactions, especially at the international level.

Principle 4. To avoid friction and to ensure free trade and to create equal opportunities for competition, fair treatment of all business participants, a businessman must respect the laws. In addition, he must acknowledge that some actions, even if they are legal, may have undesirable consequences.

Principle 5: Companies should join forces to ensure progressive and legitimate trade liberalization, as well as to ease local restrictions that hamper trade in general, while respecting each country's political objectives.

Principle 6. Companies should protect and where possible improve environment, prevent the wasteful use of natural resources.

Principle 7: Companies should not engage in activities that condone bribery, money laundering or other acts of corruption. Trade in weapons or other materials for conducting terrorist activities, drugs, as well as participation in other types of organized crime is inadmissible.

Ethics of national economy is formed by joint efforts in the sphere of the state, business circles, trade union, civil society and the church1.

1 VII World Russian People's Council on the topic "Faith and Labor: Spiritual and Cultural Traditions and the Economic Future of Russia", held in 2002, in the final document

In a conciliar speech - he said that the development of an ethics of national economic management based on Orthodox values \u200b\u200bis the most important task for modern Russia.

Culture is a combination of production, social and spiritual needs of people or a high level of something, high development, skill1. There are many more definitions, but they all boil down to the fact that culture is a concept that integrates various aspects of life, activity, behavior of people, their associations, society as a whole at a certain historical stage of its development.

Any culture, including corporate (organizational), contains two main aspects: values \u200b\u200band procedures. Values \u200b\u200bare ethical ideals, qualities that are the highest moral categories. A procedure is a formally written and unwritten code of conduct based on specified values.

Currently, the terms "enterprise culture", "enterprise (firm) culture", "economic culture", "corporate culture", "organizational culture" are used. All these are identical concepts, which mean the spiritual life of people in an entrepreneurial environment, in an organization, their ideological moral state, feelings, thinking and actions2.

Economic culture is a kind of projection of the economy onto the cultural sphere; the converse is also true, according to which it is a projection of culture onto the sphere of economics. In other words, the cultural component economic activity (economic culture) is inseparable from this activity itself, is its necessary prerequisite and is able to actively influence it, strengthening or slowing down the development of the economy. In the same way, it can be argued that the economic component of culture (economic culture) affects the entire cultural environment of a given society (including science, art, religion), and directly, directly affects those spheres of culture that are most closely related to economic (such are the legal and political culture).

Towards economic activity the cultural environment is divided into external and internal.

External cultural environmentis an integral part of the macroenvironment that influences the behavior of business entities.

Internal cultural environmentrefers to the microenvironment of a business entity and relates both to the firm itself and to the partners with whom it interacts.

The composition of the cultural environment is characterized by a set of factors, which include politics, technology, education, art, values \u200b\u200band attitudes, religion, language, jurisprudence, social status (Fig. 1.1).

1 Ozhegov S.I. Dictionary of the Russian language.

2 Anikeeva N.P. To the teacher about the psychological climate in the team.-M .: Education, 1983.- 235s.

Figure 1.1 - Composition of the cultural environment

Politics is a well-known category, but not all leaders take into account the possibilities of this factor of culture in the organization. Policy studies can help understand the potential of a country's societal contribution to the firm's business climate. The stability of the political climate, the characteristics of groups, parties that support or hinder foreign business, the degree of influence of each of these groups - these are factors that make it possible to assess the degree of business risk in political terms.

Technology is an area of \u200b\u200bprecise concepts, methods, measurements and knowledge. Studying the technical level of the business environment can provide information on the level of development and potential of the market, on the degree of development of its infrastructure, on the degree of urbanization and development of "industrial values", as well as to reveal the attitude towards science and innovations, to establish the scientific potential, research.

Education and arts, their level and profile are rarely considered within the organization. Comparative analysis These cultural factors can assist in the study of literacy and its impact on technical and vocational training, as well as on the effectiveness of market relations and economic relations. In addition, the educational level forms an attitude towards values, which is advisable to take into account when forming and developing economic activity.

Religion has a great influence on economic activity. All major religions - Buddhism, Islam, Christianity, etc. - have several varieties, confessions (for example, Catholicism and Protestantism in Christianity). A unique view of the world and true values, the practice of religious rites can stimulate or hinder the desire for change, the use of new methods in entrepreneurship. For the successful implementation of economic activity, it is necessary to take into account the development, role and characteristics of religion in each country where it is planned to organize a business.


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