Cleaning company where to start. Stages of opening a profitable cleaning company. cleaning company clientele

  • Directions
  • Registration and paperwork
  • room
  • Staff
  • Equipment
  • A little about advertising
  • Expenses and income

Cleaning firms appeared not so long ago in the CIS countries, therefore this species earnings can be good start for a woman who decides to organize her own business. Moreover, its discovery and development will not require large investments, so the risk is minimal. So, how to open a cleaning company from scratch, where to start and how to succeed? We offer you a step-by-step guide to successful entrepreneurship.


The first step in starting your own cleaning company is to choose the right line of business. You must understand that small companies are reluctant to partner with cleaning organizations. Two or even one cleaning lady is quite enough for them, with whom an employment contract is concluded. The same applies to individuals, as they will need the services of your company only for general cleaning after repairs or before any important celebration. However, such one-time orders will be more expensive in price and should not be abandoned. This is especially true for those women who decide to open a business in small town and have little competition. It is possible that thanks to word of mouth, you will get your first profit. The most profitable option is cooperation with large organizations, especially with shopping and entertainment centers.

Some entrepreneurs open cleaning companies that not only clean the premises inside, but also wash the facades of buildings. Such work will be more highly paid and special training of employees will be required. A safety briefing will also be required.

Registration and paperwork

Of course, if you want to open a cleaning company correctly, you cannot do without legal registration your business. What documents are needed for registration and what should be studied before starting work? To open a cleaning company, you will not need to obtain a license, but the activity must comply with GOST R 51870-2002: “Household services. Services for cleaning buildings and structures.

You will also need to decide on legal status to start a cleaning company. For cooperation with large organizations, it is better to register and formalize an LLC with common system taxation. If you still want to open a company that cleans private houses, then feel free to register an individual entrepreneur with UTII taxation. After registration and registration of the organization with the tax authorities, it will be necessary to obtain permits on the premises from SES and state fire supervision.


In some cases, when you are planning to open a small cleaning company, you can even do without renting a room. The dispatcher will take orders at home and contact the cleaners to transfer information about the place and specifics of cleaning. Equipment can be stored in your garage. This option is acceptable at the very beginning, when the business only needs to be developed and the search for the first customers is underway. However, we still advise immediately, even before the opening, to look for a suitable building. A small room of 20-30 sq.m., divided into the director's office, a room for staff, a room for inventory, equipment, household appliances, overalls, etc. In the future, when you can promote the company well, you should think about renting a large office building.


As for the personnel, in order to open a good cleaning company, it will be necessary to try and select qualified employees. You must take into account that you are not hiring a simple cleaner, but a cleaner, i.e. a person who has undergone special training, knows how to use cleaning machines, understands chemicals for removal of pollution and is capable to perform large volumes of works.

The number of cleaners depends on orders, so for the first time 2-3 will be enough for you good employees. Be prepared for the fact that the job of a cleaner is not in demand, so a high turnover of staff is possible. Most likely, shortly after the opening of the company, you will have to hire a recruiting manager if you do not want to search for new employees yourself.

To open a successful cleaning business, you need to pay attention to all the little things. Take care of creating your own logo and original name, which will be on the overalls for cleaners. This will produce good impression on clients.

In relation to other employees, everything is individual and depends on your desire, professional skills and how large a company you want to open. You can easily refuse any of the following positions and take over all its functions (or do without it at all). To open a quality cleaning company, the following employees are usually hired:

  • advertising manager;
  • purchasing manager;
  • manager for attracting and working with clients;
  • quality control manager;
  • accountant;
  • driver;
  • administrator.
  • How to recruit staff

Having appeared in Russia in the 90s of the last century, the cleaning industry has become one of the most highly profitable and profitable, and now the profit of cleaning companies in our country is 2-3 times higher than the same indicators abroad. More and more customers use the services of cleaning professionals. If at first these were business centers and banks, then gradually shopping and entertainment centers, industrial enterprises, railway stations, airports and hotels began to join them.

Most cleaning companies are located in metropolitan areas. Many of them have a large staff and a good client base. In small towns, things are different. Cleaning companies there are just beginning to conquer the market, proving their advantage over the current staff of cleaners. But even in the regions, cleaning from professionals is beginning to enter the market thanks to a wide range of services, reasonable prices and modern technologies.

How to start a cleaning business

Before you enter the cleaning services market, you should think about choosing a client base, that is, with whom you will work:

Cleaning services can be provided:
  • companies and enterprises;
  • shopping and business centers;
  • hospitals and clinics;
  • restaurants and cafes;
  • housing and communal services;
  • high and middle income population.

It should be borne in mind that shopping and shopping and entertainment centers bring in the most income, which account for up to 50% of the country's cleaning costs. In second place are hospitals and polyclinics - 18%, in third place - business centers -17%. For the rest of the sector - only 15% of the costs, which means that the income will be small. It follows from this that it is necessary first of all to focus on shopping malls and public institutions.

What services can be provided?

Since the market for cleaning services in Russia has appeared relatively recently, we have less demand for cleaning. Therefore, along with cleaning, carpet cleaning and upholstered furniture, window cleaning, you can offer such services as repair and construction services, security of facilities, catering, consulting services etc. More range of services - more profit. But the costs of starting a business are significant. Therefore, we will try to consider a project that does not require large investments, and which can be quickly recouped.

Business registration: what documents are needed?

It would seem that in order to open a cleaning company, neither special education nor skills are needed. But this is far from the case. If you are not aware of the basics of management and modern innovations in the field of cleaning equipment and cleaning products, it is better to take special courses. They do not require large investments, but they will help a lot in organizing a business. You should also study GOST R 51870-2002, concerning household services for cleaning buildings and structures.

Starting an activity, apply for an individual entrepreneur or register an LLC and choose a simplified taxation system. If your plans include working with legal entities, then the second option is preferable.

The main OKVED code is 74.70. “Cleaning and cleaning of industrial and residential premises, equipment and Vehicle» On it and you need to stop when processing documents. A certificate for organizing activities is not required, but a standard set of documents for starting a business is required.

Premises and equipment: what is better to choose?

The premises that will be chosen for the office must meet the requirements of Sanepidnadzor and Gospozhnadzor. Enough area of ​​20-25 square meters. meters, if only there was a place for an office and storage of equipment and detergents. One more detail must be taken into account: how difficult it will be for employees to get to the place of work. Therefore, it is more convenient if the office is located near the city center, from where you can quickly get to any point.

It is better to stop at a new and modern one, although you can use used ones. Start from your means and opportunities. In the modern market, there are enough equipment for cleaning domestic production at affordable prices:

You will need:

  • scrubbing machine - 70 thousand rubles;
  • flat MOS - 1.5 thousand rubles;
  • professional trolley - 7 thousand rubles;
  • window cleaning equipment - 3 thousand rubles;

In addition, you will need wetter than wipes and scrapers - 300 rubles. That is, you can meet the 81,800 rubles. Detergents and cleaning products will cost about 5 thousand rubles per month. We will also need a car to deliver the cleaners to the customer service point.

How to recruit staff

When hiring cleaners, it is worth proceeding from the fact that one employee during the working day is able to clean an area of ​​500 square meters on average. meters. It is quite possible that two or three people will be enough for you to start. It is desirable that they receive special training. Such services are provided by large cleaning companies. The average cost is 4 thousand per person. But it is easier to train newcomers, who will then work for 10-15 thousand rubles, than to immediately hire qualified personnel.

How much does it cost to open a cleaning company and how much can you earn

Based on the already determined costs, we calculate what is needed start-up capital to start a cleaning company.

That is, you can start with an amount of 153,800 rubles. Even if you include salaries in the initial expenses employees and tax expenses, to open a cleaning company you will need no more than 250,000 -300,000 rubles. The cleaning business pays off in large cities within 8-12 months, in the regions - twice as long. Much, of course, will depend on the frequency of orders and your customers. The highest earnings are given by large five-star hotels, but it is difficult for a beginner to reach such clients, and the requirements for the quality of services for such customers are very high. On the initial stage it is better to focus on supermarkets, shopping and entertainment and business centers.

How to create an ultra-profitable cleaning company can be found here

It will be much easier to promote a business if you start working on a franchise. One of the most famous franchisors in this area is City Shine, which has been on the market for over 10 years. You can also purchase a Clean House Cleaning franchise. The choice is yours. But if you are determined to open a business in the field of cleaning services, you will need good business a plan to help you organize your work.

Download a business plan for a cleaning company.

Cleaning is the activity of cleaning premises on a contract basis. There are three main areas: one-time cleaning (for example, apartments after renovation), regular maintenance of enterprises (office centers, hypermarkets, etc.), specialization in specific services (carpet cleaning, window washing, etc.)

To get things done faster and brought more profit, especially in a small town, it is worth stopping at the universal option. So you will quickly gain a client base and gain fame among customers.

In the cleaning market, glass washing, general cleaning, cleanliness after repair and construction, cleaning of carpets and upholstered furniture are most in demand.


To start clean, you need to open an LLC or IP. Suitable codes OKVED: 74.70.1 - "Cleaning and cleaning of residential and industrial premises", 90.00.3 - "Cleaning the territory and performing similar activities."

The quality of services must comply with GOST R 51870-2002 on the cleaning of buildings and various structures.


The office of a cleaning company for apartments and other premises should be located in a residential area or closer to the outskirts of the city, the location in the center is not necessary. The client rarely comes to the office, usually the assessment of the scope of work and the conclusion of the contract take place on the territory of the customer. Own space is needed for interviewing employees and storing inventory.

A room of 20-25 square meters, consisting of two rooms, is enough. First - workplace manager, the second - for inventory and a washing machine. Monthly rent will be 300-350 $.

Cleaning company equipment

For maintenance of apartments and small offices, a minimum set of manual equipment is sufficient. But to clean commercial premises, industrial and retail space, you will need special cleaning machines.

Harvesting equipment

To fully equip, you will need:

  • Scrubbers (3 pieces) - $ 3,000. Good manufacturers are Cleanfix, Karcher, Columbus, Lavor, Fiorentini;
  • Industrial vacuum cleaners (4 pcs.) - $ 400. Metabo, Karcher, Einhell, Bosh, Enkor;
  • Floor polishers (2 pcs.) - $ 370. Mint, Karcher;
  • Steam cleaners (2 pcs.) - $ 200. Sinbo, Rolsen, Endever;
  • Carpet dryer - $450. Cleanfix, Numatic, Tennant, Truvox, ChaoBao;
  • Special carts on wheels (6 units) - $ 400. Vermop, Cleanfix, TTS;
  • Cleaning buckets on wheels with wringer (5 units) - $ 280. Bol Equipment, Baiyun Cleaning, TTS;
  • Ordinary buckets (10 pcs.), flat mop mops (4 pcs.), scrapers, napkins and rags for wiping dust, brushes for cleaning windows, garbage bags - $ 250;
  • Washing machine - $ 250. Beko, Bosch, Ariston;
  • Detergents and household chemicals (cleaners, care products various surfaces, cleaning carpets and upholstery, etc.) - $ 800. This is a stock for several months. Popular manufacturing companies: Econom, Anticid, Himitek, Tanu.

Each employee needs a set of overalls: overalls, T-shirt, headgear, gloves (cloth and rubber). Six cleaners will need about $180-200.

Furniture and appliances

That's not all it takes to start a cleaning company. The office needs shelving for storing tools and supplies, cabinets, two tables with chairs for the director and administrator, a computer, telephone, printer, chairs and a sofa for visitors. This will cost approximately $800.

How much money is needed to equip a cleaning company? Taking into account detergents and clothing for employees, we get a starting amount of $ 7300-7400.


At the initial stage, eight employees are sufficient. This is the director (he is also the owner of the company), the administrator on the phone and 6 cleaners. One cleaner serves an average of 500-900 sq. m. of area per working day, if we are talking about office or shopping malls. About 100-200 sq. m. - in the case of residential facilities.

Important Tips: it is worth concluding an agreement with the cleaners on material value(otherwise, in case of property damage, the responsibility will fall on the office) and, when focusing on single orders, pay not a salary, but a percentage of the fee (25-30%).

Accounting can be done by an outsourcer. Monthly salary fund (excluding the salary of the director-owner) - $ 2000.

Search for customers

The best channels for finding clients: creating and promoting your Internet site, paid ads, direct contact potential clients. Of course, you can’t call the owners of private apartments, but you can offer your services various companies and institutions. These are office and business centers, shopping and entertainment centers, warehouses, manufacturing plants, restaurants, shops, facilities after graduation construction works.

Costs and profits

How to open your own cleaning company and how much money will you need to invest? Capital expenditures:

  1. Registration - $ 70;
  2. Equipment - 7400 $
  3. Office rent for three months in advance - $ 1000;
  4. Website development and advertising - $200.

Total- 8700 dollars. Fixed expenses(rent, salary, expendable materials, advertising) - $ 3,000.

Cleaning service costs $0.7-0.9 per square meter. On average, general cleaning of an apartment is estimated at $100-200, an office - $150-250, a production workshop - from $300. These are rates for one-time jobs. By concluding a contract on a permanent basis, you get a stable order, but make a good discount.

Regularly serving 2-3 companies and fulfilling 15-20 one-time orders per month, you can earn about $ 4000-4500, net profit is in the region of $ 1000-1500 per month.

Build - promising idea for any city with an active business life, where people do not have time to restore order on their own. This type of business is good because it is easy to scale, increasing the staff and expanding the client base.

This article will discuss how to open a cleaning company from scratch step by step.

To begin with, by registering a business (IP or LLC) in tax office, you should start studying:

  • target market;
  • work of competing companies.

What do you need to start a cleaning company? It is necessary to decide to whom to provide services:

  • commercial organizations;
  • private individuals (washing floors, windows, walls, dust control).

More profitable work for legal entities is the maintenance of various industrial buildings, warehouses, offices. There are fewer private clients (usually they are quite rich people, or single men, busy with work), in addition, the profit here is less. But the first option is more difficult, it will also require more investments.

Cleaning happens:

  • one-time (including capital, including after repairs);
  • daily;
  • specialized (carpet cleaning, etc.).

So, it is approximately clear how to open a business Cleaning company. It is advisable to choose one direction, gradually expanding the scope of its activities. Gradually, a fairly large client base will be built up. It is necessary to take into account the presence of competition - other firms providing the same services. To begin with, it is recommended to study the activities of companies in this area: the list of services provided, prices, experience in the cleaning market. After that, you need to create a list of services provided, select suitable targets, think over a business strategy, and resolve the issue with prices, which will allow you to get more profitable customers. You will need to open a web page, or a site with detailed description services of the company (IP), contacts for communication. It is quite appropriate to advertise on television - it will pay off in a couple of weeks - a month. Promotion through print media will cost even less. The creation of the site must be entrusted to professionals who can make an online cleaning order form. All this will allow you to quickly find new customers. Now it’s approximately clear how to start a cleaning business.

Step one– registration of a business, determination of the services provided, study of the work of clients, creation of a website.

cleaning company staff


The next stage is recruitment and training. Employees need to be carefully selected as they determine the image of the firm, the customer experience and, ultimately, the income generated. Recommendations from friends or advertisements are suitable for hiring employees. When the recruitment is completed, the employer teaches the cleaners how to properly use modern equipment, detergents, and conducts briefings. Hiring, training, control of work can be completely shifted to the manager. Applications of clients are accepted by the employer himself, or he finds a dispatcher.

In total, several groups of employees will be required. Cleaning is better performed by women, respectively, teams should be formed from four women aged 25-50 years, the foreman can be a man who can carry heavy loads and move heavy objects. Let the dispatcher take orders. For delivery working group The facility needs a driver. large company you will need a director, accountant, secretary, senior shifts. Staff turnover is likely, especially among cleaners, as this work not prestigious, not everyone is able to hold on to it. In addition, for a small salary it is difficult to find decent employees who are not prone to theft (and this is very important, since it determines the reputation of the company). It is recommended to conclude a material value agreement with the cleaners. Some firms pay for work in the form of a salary, sometimes it is a percentage of the order amount (usually about 20%).

Initially, it is recommended to hire a minimum of employees, and perform administrative functions yourself. This will reduce costs at first and reduce the payback period. Further, the number of people can be increased depending on the actual size of orders. And if the demand for services increases sharply for a certain period, it is possible to resort to outstaffing - hiring third-party personnel.

The cleaning business starts with people. When looking for them, you need to pay attention first of all to the presence of sufficient work experience (maids, cleaners), skills in handling equipment, inventory, benevolence, accuracy, pleasant appearance, modesty, the ability to behave, especially if you have to clean the objects of private clients. If the skills are not enough, it is desirable to retrain the staff. Inexperienced cleaners need to clearly explain in detail the principles of organizing modern cleaning. Training is possible independently by the head, or it should be a referral to special courses.


When preparing to open a cleaning agency, you should purchase everything you need to carry out activities:

  • professional vacuum cleaner;
  • battery and network scrubbing machines;
  • carpet dryer;
  • various small inventory;
  • detergents, cleaning products;
  • garbage bags;
  • office equipment.

Most likely, you will need a car (it is better to buy a minibus or several). It should be noted: everything must be of excellent quality, especially since there will certainly be orders for cleaning upholstered furniture, carpets, and they are not cheap and require careful treatment. It is advisable to purchase goods of well-known Western brands. Here is a brief on how to start a cleaning company from scratch. All this is important to foresee in advance, before opening the office. If you study in detail the necessary information, think over the nuances of the work, it will be much easier to act later. For example, in the shopping center, the shoes of people who come there in the winter leave chemicals used to sprinkle the streets of the city. If you do not remove them in a timely manner, parquet, marble coatings will become unusable. It will be possible to prevent this by treating the floors with solutions at night, and during the day it is required to eliminate the emerging dirt. This is a whole science, before starting to carry out activities, it is necessary to carefully study the entrepreneur, then explain these nuances to the working staff.

Cleaning service

Business plan

Before starting a business, a cleaning company must come up with a business plan. Without it, successful activity is impossible. You will need to describe in detail the costs, estimated income. In principle, the field of cleaning is simple, the risks are minimal, and no special investments are required. It is necessary to register officially (tax, Pension Fund) to report. Most likely, you will need an office space, and for it - permission from Rospotrebnadzor and firefighters. There are quite enough rooms for inventory, a reception room, a locker room. Of course, you need a business plan from scratch for a cleaning company. It is important to ensure high-quality communication (cellular and landline phones, the Internet) in order to take orders on time, solve problems with employees and customers.

What is a cleaning company as a business? This is a staff, rented or purchased office space, a set of equipment, inventory, a valid viable business plan. Everything is simple. The cost estimate is roughly as follows:

400,000 - equipment, inventory, detergents;
100,000 - office equipment, computer, furniture;
300,000 - vehicles and fuels and lubricants;
20,000 - advertising spending;
300,000 - advertising company
10,000 - working capital;
50,000 - rent of premises
50,000 - salary to employees;
5,000 - utilities.

Total 1,235,000 rubles.

Cleaning service


In the calculations of income, expenses, all the little things are displayed, they try to predict the demand for the service. So, the primary costs will amount to 1,235,000 rubles. In the future, expenses will decrease, they will be equal to approximately 180,000 rubles. per month.

Incomes are painted something like this: let the cost of cleaning 1 “square” of area be about 25 rubles. There are daily orders - well, then when taking into work 500 sq. m revenue will be 12.5 tons. (for a month - already 375 thousand "wooden"). Taking into account expenses, the income will be almost 200 thousand rubles. it exemplary business cleaning company plan with calculations. Be sure to indicate income, expenses, approximate payback periods. When setting prices, choosing a pricing policy, one should take into account how much the actual consumers of services are willing to pay, starting from the cost of cleaning from numerous competing companies. If desired, you can always find in global network examples in which everything is described in more detail. There you can download a business plan for a cleaning company for free. There are more than enough examples on the Internet. You will need to carefully study them, draw conclusions for yourself. In any case, you should give priority to such an indicator as the profitability of a cleaning company and think carefully about everything so as not to be a loser. Being a winner in practice is not as easy and fast as it seems. Attention should be paid to this.

Having properly organized the cleaning business from scratch, it will be possible to recoup the invested funds fairly quickly (a little more than six months). Compared to production, it is much more profitable, and you don’t have to wait years for a return on investment. In addition, there is no threat of a financial crisis.

What's next?

What does a cleaning company do? Cleaning of offices, retail space, apartments, private houses, industrial premises. In order to effectively develop the company, to attract the attention of potential customers, you need to find your own characteristics in a “pure business”, some kind of zest. It is also important to plan effectively. It is recommended to focus on long-term cooperation with customers. The company will be able to earn credibility by the quality of cleaning. Having won a reputation, you need to maintain it, constantly improve. Can be gradually introduced Additional services. Cleaning services include, in addition to cleaning itself, dry cleaning of upholstered furniture, washing of bedspreads, washing of windows, facades, stoves, refrigerators, garbage collection, and disinfection. Customers will eventually increase, although costs will also increase. To ensure savings, it is recommended to rent a not very large office.

It is important to understand that pitfalls are possible, but you will have to work without interruption, instantly solve any problems, maintain the trust of customers (for example, if they are permanent, it will be useful to send them greeting cards for holidays, birthdays). So it will be necessary to constantly improve in the areas of marketing, psychology. Employees will need to be trained on a regular basis. They must be able to communicate with customers. Over time, positive recommendations will appear, which are akin to advertising. A cleaning company is a constant struggle for customers. Having organized everything correctly, it will be possible to achieve success and profit.


So, the article addresses the question of what is a cleaning company. First of all, it is the personnel, a certain organizational structure. In addition, this is necessarily an office, utility rooms, inventory, necessary equipment. And of course, the start of work is impossible without drawing up a business plan, which calculates:

  • expenses
  • income
  • profitability.

What is cleaning services? They can be basic (actual cleaning in the house, apartment, office, on manufacturing plant) and additional (carpet cleaning, garbage disposal). The list of services is different, here the management itself chooses what to give preference to. In any case, you need to think carefully about everything, purchase equipment, inventory, select and train employees. Only then can you be sure that the services are of sufficient quality, and the client will also be satisfied.

Defeat dirt and earn money.

Cleaning is a highly demanded service. Over the past 10 years, the number of companies wishing to master this niche has only grown. Clients can be owners of apartments and houses who do not have time and desire for homework, legal entities who wish to outsource the work of cleaning offices, retail, industrial space to third parties and organizations. The threshold for entering this business can be zero, or it can start from 500,000 rubles - this will depend on your specialization and the form of doing business.

Working on the principle of "single handicraftsman" has its pros and cons. The first applies minimum costs, the ability to keep all moments under personal control. The disadvantages are the inability to cover “everything at once”, a small flow of orders that you are able to serve.

The organization of a cleaning company carries the threat of problems with personnel, financial investments, risks, while at the same time making it possible to expand, increasing the number of objects and customers.

Starting with a zero budget means working in small areas with the help of one or two employees, interacting mainly with individuals. Since the competition is quite high in this type of business, it is possible to win serious customers in most cases by resorting to price dumping.

When opening a cleaning company, orders are sought by distributing leaflets and posting ads in multi-storey residential buildings and cottage settlements, posting ads on the Internet and in social networks, through acquaintances, through direct calls.

Infographic: 6 steps to start a cleaning business from scratch:

In the infographic, we will consider the opening of a cleaning company with a sufficient number of employees capable of servicing large facilities (cafes, restaurants, offices, several cottages, production bases, etc.).

After you have officially registered, start looking for clients: advertising, direct sales by phone, participation in thematic events, etc., and at the same time - recruitment. The best option is the selection of workers for a specific object. If you find the cleaners earlier, you will either have to pay them to wait, or they will scatter.

How to open a cleaning company with minimal investment

A limited budget for starting a business or its actual absence should not be an obstacle to realizing your goal.

What format of work to choose if there is no money for business promotion?

In this case, feel free to choose the "loner" format - act as the main employee and manager. When you find a client who will require services that you are not able to perform on your own, look for an additional employee.

The most important thing for starting a business is determination and action. There will never be perfect in this world. The main thing is to take daily actions that, according to your calculations, will bring financial results.

Steps to Start a Cleaning Company with Zero Starting Budget:

  1. IP registration. The main OKVED code is 74.70 - Cleaning and cleaning of industrial and residential premises, equipment and vehicles.
  2. Search for orders: placing ads on Avito, on other resources, groups in social networks, calling companies to make an appointment.
  3. Conclusion of an agreement ( standard contract for cleaning services can be downloaded here).
  4. Prepaid expense.
  5. Execution of work.
  6. Final payment under the contract.

Try to always take either the full amount or an advance.

But in fact, in a real business, this is quite difficult, since most cleaning companies offer payment for services upon completion of work. And customers are afraid that you will "throw" them, or you will do poor quality cleaning.

At the same time, remember that paying after the fact will be risky - you may simply not be paid. Which decision to choose is already a matter of your inner willingness to take risks and the situation on the market.

Working moments: registration, staff, equipment, uniforms and facilities

Having decided to start, register your business. You can choose the form of an LLC or an individual entrepreneur (the latter option is preferable for beginner businessmen). Your OKVED codes- 74.70 (cleaning and cleaning of industrial and residential premises, equipment and vehicles) and additional.

You can apply for an IP without leaving your home, through the portal of public services.

The purchase of work uniforms and professional chemicals will require small expenses - in general, about 10,000 - 20,000 rubles.

The list of equipment that you will need for work will depend on your specifics. So, if you plan to start with cleaning houses and apartments, then household appliances are suitable for you:

  • rotor;
  • water mud vacuum cleaner;
  • extractor;
  • polishing machine;
  • ladder, buckets, sponges, couplers, professional chemicals.

Personnel should be recruited for a specific facility. Those. you and the client agreed to clean the cottage with an area of ​​400 sq.m. with furniture dry cleaning - immediately look for specialists who can help you. They are looking for similar working personnel at Avito, regional portals, where such resumes are posted, in the Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki groups, posting job advertisements on the bulletin boards of microdistricts. Recently, unfortunately, access to the applicant's data on Avito has become paid.

If you are approached by labor migrants, pay attention to the availability of a work permit, otherwise you can get fined.

List of cleaning company services for cleaning apartments, cottages and non-residential premises

Differentiated services are understandable to customers and meet their needs, and cleaning businessmen can make good profits.

Standard gradation of residential cleaning services and their cost:

  • express cleaning on an area up to 70 sq.m. (1.5 -2 thousand rubles);
  • general cleaning in a residential area up to 70 sq.m (3-5 thousand rubles, includes dry and wet cleaning, polishing furniture, degreasing the kitchen);
  • cleaning after repair (from 5 thousand rubles);
  • cleaning after a fire (from 10,000 rubles);
  • additional services at different rates (garbage removal, dry cleaning, etc.)

The provision of cleaning services for legal entities may include the following services:

  • industrial alpinism (sink of shop windows, windows, glass facades);
  • cleaning the area in front of the building;
  • toilet cleaning,
  • cleaning of industrial and kitchen premises for cafes, restaurants, canteens;
  • cleaning pools, baths.

Cleaning of apartments and equipment for work

When working with professional chemistry, one should be well versed in the features of the action of a strongly alkaline substance on a particular material in order to avoid damage to property and related problems. So, for example, the polishing of the laminate is not performed. Instead, protective coatings such as SMART PROFI, Clean and Buff "Premiere Clean & Buff" are applied. To work with floor coverings, it is recommended to use a rotary polishing machine, a polishing machine (you can use a household one from Karcher).

Minimum for cleaning apartments and cottages you will need the following equipment:

  • rotor for washing floors and dry-cleaning carpet;
  • water mud vacuum cleaner;
  • extractor;
  • stepladder for working with chandeliers, ceiling, tall furniture;
  • buckets, couplers, fur coats, professional chemistry.

Cleaning of premises after repair

After construction work, effective acid products are needed that allow you to quickly remove traces of cement, plaster, lime, mixtures, rust and salt smudges.

Contaminants can be removed manually or with the use of foam generators or high-pressure apparatuses.

Prices for work start from 140 rubles/sq.m. (in rooms up to 50 sq.m.). In an apartment or cottage up to 200 sq.m. (this is the most frequently ordered option) the price starts from 120 rubles/sq.m.

Means for cleaning premises after repair

Highly concentrated Shine No. 5.

Designed to work in internal and external surfaces with stains of building mixtures, cement, etc. The cost for 5 liters is from 300 rubles.

Used for manual and mechanized harvesting. The solution is applied to the surface with a brush, sponge, brush or spray method, after 5-10 minutes the surface is washed with water.

Consumption for weak pollution -10 ml per 1 liter of water, for strong pollution -1:1.

Alkaline oil cleaner Power No. 8.

It is used for metal surfaces, tiles, marble, artificial stone, self-leveling floors. With this tool, you can remove carbon deposits, soot, oil stains, fuels and lubricants. The cost for 5 liters is from 300 rubles.

Try to get professional tools for cleaning residential and non-residential premises wholesale suppliers- this will allow you to save a lot, since the consumption of chemicals for daily orders will be significant.

Dry cleaning of upholstered furniture, carpets, chairs

Dry cleaning is the second most popular cleaning service. It is often ordered for residential and office premises in order to remove grease, stains from blood, food, ink, felt-tip pens, paints from mattresses, sofas, carpets, chairs.

Approximate rates:

Chair - from 200 rubles / piece.

Armchair - from 400 rubles / piece.

Sofa 2-seater - from 1300 rubles / piece.

Corner sofa - from 2400 rubles / piece.

Photo "BEFORE" and "AFTER". Expand your portfolio - be sure to take photos!

Window cleaning, industrial mountaineering

This service is also very often ordered from cleaning companies. The price for washing a window from two wings and from plastic starts on average from 500 rubles. It takes about 15-20 minutes for a professional to do this work. These services are seasonal: most often they are ordered in spring and autumn.

Cleaning of windows, facades, balconies, showcases from the outside at a height refers to hazardous work and requires licensing. Employees performing this work must be provided with the necessary equipment, undergo specialized training. Otherwise, you will not be able to provide this service.

Important! For work at height industrial alpinism) requires a license. This means that your organization must join the SRO at the place of deployment and pay an entrance fee (300,000 -700,000 rubles). Workers must have permits and certificates of a high-altitude fitter, work permits must be issued with instructions.

Industrial mountaineering is an expensive service (the standard washing of windows from the inside and in one-story houses is not taken into account - the prices here are low). Wage installer in the regions on average 50,000 - 60,000 rubles, in Moscow it is usually 2 times higher.

These workers are expensive..

Cleaning after a fire

It is very problematic to remove the smell of burning because of the release of resins and phenols at high temperatures and their peculiarity of penetrating deeply into materials, therefore, owners of residential premises where smoke has occurred often turn to specialized cleaning companies. Therefore, this service must be on the list of your options, especially since the price for it starts from 200 rubles per square meter.

Equipment and means necessary to work with a room with traces of soot, soot, burning:

  • high pressure apparatus;
  • foam generator;
  • detergents (concentrate);
  • vacuum cleaner;
  • nozzles.

Diluted concentrates of the Karcher series, Kiehl HODRUPA A soot remover are often used as detergents. The latter is used undiluted for manual cleaning of fire-affected objects and in certain proportions if high-pressure apparatuses are used.

The sequence of actions when washing rooms in which a fire or smoke has occurred:

  1. Applying foam.
  2. Interaction of chemistry with the surface.
  3. Washing off the chemical with an AED.
  4. Removing water with a vacuum cleaner.
  5. The final stage can be the aromatization of the room with professional air fresheners: the unpleasant smell in the room is eliminated with the help of disinfectants and neutralizing agents.

Pool cleaning

To clean the pools, you will need separate specialized equipment, chemicals and instructed personnel. The standard set of cleaning services includes:

  1. Drainage and garbage collection.
  2. Cleaning the floor and walls of the pool, including from algae, their disinfection.
  3. Wiping and disinfection of sun loungers, handles, rugs.
  4. Cleaning plaque and polishing tiles and other surfaces.
  5. Cleaning and disinfection of showers and locker rooms.

Your clients can be both private owners of cottages, and baths, saunas, sports and fitness centers, swimming pools. Average price for 1 sq.m. - from 200 rubles. The cost may be higher if the pool is deep and heavily polluted.

Cleaning of cafes, restaurants, industrial facilities

Industrial premises need constant monitoring of cleanliness. While daily cleaning is done by permanent staff, general cleaning Cleaning companies may be invited.

If this is a public catering, then you should use special products against traces of fat, oil, burning.

The subtleties of work in cleaning: do not offer sex!

Cleaning of apartments, as a rule, is carried out by women aged 25 to 45 years. They come to a strange house, not knowing at all who will meet them. Cleaning staff receives offers of an intimate nature from time to time, so working alone can be unsafe.

Most private traders are forced to immediately warn: do not offer sex!

Your safety or how to protect yourself from accusations of theft

Accusations of employees of cleaning companies of theft and damage to property are a nuisance that is very often faced by those who open a cleaning business for cottages and apartments. This is also a common fear of new businessmen.

How can such accusations be prevented and avoided?

There are several options here.

If you work alone or with a trusted person, then the risk of theft is minimal. If the company employs several people and their number is growing, then sooner or later you will encounter such a problem.

The way out of the situation may be insurance of civil liability of employees. Any damage caused by cleaners to the customer (theft, damage, etc.) is covered by the insurance company. The purchase of such an insurance policy will not only minimize unpleasant situations, but also increase customer loyalty, and this is a definite plus.

Problem customers and receivables

One of the most common problems that cleaning companies face is late payments and non-payment of debts.

Be prepared for the fact that 1 in 10 of your customers will delay paying their bills. In difficult cases, you will have to “knock out” debts in judicial order. To do this, your state (or outsourcing) should have a lawyer who will deal with claims and litigation work on receivables.

In practice, the “risk zone” is legal entities that have recently been operating on the market (the so-called one-day firms), clients that are already acting as defendants in court in similar cases. Having ordered services, dishonest companies begin to “pull” with payment, referring to financial difficulties, while it can be difficult to obtain payments even through the courts, since they do not hold funds in bank accounts.

In order to insure against non-payment, it is always necessary to conclude an agreement and sign a work acceptance certificate. Even if you know the client well and have worked with him more than once, always try to protect yourself from such problems by properly filling out documents.

What to do if the client refuses to pay or starts to feed "breakfasts"?

In this case, a claim letter is first drawn up and sent to the client. by registered mail. If the money is still not transferred to your account, go to court and seek a judgment on administrative case. If the amount of debt is more than 350 thousand rubles, you can try to initiate a bankruptcy case for a legal entity-debtor.

Search for orders and promotion of services


Competitions for the provision of cleaning services are held quite often. They are organized by large retailers (Magnit, Auchan, Pyaterochka, etc.), management companies of business centers, regional and municipal authorities authorities, industrial enterprises.

Such tenders involve significant budgets (from 500,000 rubles to several tens of millions of rubles), however, the requirements here are strict: to the number of employed employees, price category, availability of equipment and tools, work experience, financial security, etc.

If your clients are individuals, do not refuse to permanently post information about your services on specialized Internet resources ("Avito", "From hand to hand", etc.) Additional orders can bring publications in groups in social networks, on forums, freelance exchanges, resources for finding orders and performers (“Professionals ru”, “Remontnik ru”, etc.)

Put up ads in urban neighborhoods, drop flyers in mailboxes - this can give, albeit a small, but exhaust.

Create a website that will represent your company on the Internet. Develop it and look for clients with contextual advertising and seo.

This is what your competitor's website looks like. Do better.

Direct access to customers through telephone conversations

If your business employs several dozen people, you cannot do without direct sales. You or your sales manager must call a certain number of potential customers daily in search of a real order.

Your advantages over competitors can be:

  • lower price;
  • employees with Russian citizenship or a work permit if the backbone of your staff is migrant workers;
  • customer focus;

Thematic events, competitions, etc.

From time to time, exhibitions, workshops and other events are held in the cleaning industry where you can offer your services. It is not necessary to wait for "cleaning" events. At exhibitions dedicated to design, cottages, there may also be your the target audience– use every opportunity to express yourself and your business.


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