Motivation system for project deliveries. Bad bonus system. Motivational policy of the project manager

Project motivation tasks

Remark 1

The goal of motivation management for project teams is to improve the quality of project implementation through increasing the efficiency of team members.

Typically, modern organizations use either common system, establishing uniform approaches for all employees of the organization, or the actual project motivation, which becomes an addition to the main system of motivation.

Key tasks of project motivation:

  • motivation of the project team for the timely and high-quality implementation of the goals and objectives of the project, effective interaction between the departments involved in the project, high discipline
  • formation of the basis for making personnel decisions, decisions on remuneration or punishment, additional training;
  • receiving timely feedback from the project team leader.

Distinctive features of project motivation

In practice, most modern organizations adhere to the point of view that the effectiveness of material reward is high, regardless of the type of activity. Thus, individual indicators are determined, the degree of achievement of which is laid in the basis for calculating the project team's bonus. However, due to the specifics of project activities, this form of motivation does not always bring the expected result.

The main distinguishing features of project motivation are:

  • a high degree of uncertainty in actions to solve the assigned task;
  • the significance of the final result of the project is significantly higher than the achievement of intermediate results;
  • the scale of changes in the company or a separate area of ​​its activities;
  • for the implementation of certain stages of the project may be involved different people various qualifications and professions;
  • the presence of a certain period both during the implementation of individual stages and the project as a whole.

The specificity of the project activity implies the use of special approach to motivate the project team.

Choosing a form of motivation for the project team

The currently popular KP1 system is not entirely suitable as a definition of project motivation for a number of reasons:

  • the members of the project team are not always able to influence the level of such fundamental indicators as the budget or the deadline for the completion of construction work;
  • a lower level of indicators does not reflect the progress of work, therefore it does not objectively reflect the effectiveness of the project.
  • This form of calculating motivation significantly loads the accounting system, which may affect the timing of the project.

With a higher uncertainty of the project, the less focus of motivation on the result. In this case, it is advisable to apply motivation based on skills or competencies.

Remark 2

An important aspect of the motivation scheme should also be the recognition of the merits of the project team members and the prospects for their career growth.

Project milestones act as “natural” time points for assessing and rewarding the project team. Completing a phase of a project is the most obvious opportunity for rewarding project team members. An important point in the development of a project motivation system is an objective assessment of the organizational structure of the company and the organization of the project team's work.

For example, for the functional structure, it is advisable and effective to use various forms of individual motivation, and for the project structure, it is better to use the mechanisms of team building and bonuses at the collective level.

The goal of motivation management for project teams is to improve the quality of project execution by increasing the efficiency of project staff. An organization can choose one of two systems for motivating project teams:

  • a system of project motivation, which is used in addition to the current system of motivation for all employees
  • a common motivation system that uses uniform approaches and principles of motivation for all employees

Project motivation tasks

The tasks of managing the motivation of project teams include:

  • creating motivation for project teams for high-quality and timely completion of project tasks, effective interaction of the departments involved in the project, a high level of discipline
  • formation of the basis for personnel decisions, decisions on additional training, remuneration, penalties
  • receiving feedback from managers on the work of employees on projects

Project team motivation management process

The process of managing the motivation of project teams in an organization consists of the following sub-processes:

  • definition of project key performance indicators (KPI)
  • assessment of project KPIs
  • determination of bonus rates
  • calculation of the project participants' bonus
  • organization of premium payments

Key performance indicators

2 or 3 types of KPIs are used to calculate the project bonus ratios:

  • Project KPI- determines the effectiveness of the project in terms of achieving results, quality and timeliness of the results achieved. The indicator is the same for all teams and project employees. In most cases, to determine the KPIs of the project, the KPIs defined in the documents of the strategic and tactical levels are used (more about the levels)
  • KPIs for the block of measures(optional) - determines the efficiency of the block of measures (functional part of the project) in terms of achieving the quality and timeliness of the results of the block of measures. The indicator is the same for all performers (teams) of the corresponding block of events and is unique for all blocks of events (this level is allocated for the largest projects)
  • Individual KPI- determines the individual effectiveness of the project participants in terms of the quality and timeliness of the execution of control events and orders, the effectiveness of interaction with other project participants, and the timeliness of reporting. The indicator is unique for each project participant

The bonus coefficient for project participants is calculated based on the project's KPIs, the KPIs for the block of activities (when using this level) and individual KPIs based on weighting factors. For the Director and Project Manager, the maximum weight is given to the KPI of the project; for the performers, the Individual KPI has the maximum weight.

Services of the company "Project Services"

The company "Project Services" provides professional consultants with experience building project motivation systems, and unified systems motivating personnel for organizations based on KPIs.

Any company carries out two types of activities. One activity is regular, associated with the implementation of typical, many times repetitive work without any changes (for example, hiring personnel or filing reports). Other activities are aimed at solving a unique problem in a limited period of time with restrictions in the budget and other resources (for example, the development and implementation of a new IT system), such an activity is called a project.

In some companies, projects are implemented infrequently, while the activities of other organizations are based solely on the implementation of various projects for clients. This is how they work consulting companies, system integrators, the entire construction industry.

In general, in Russia the word “project” has many meanings, but in this article we will proceed from the definition given above and corresponding to international standards. Here I suggest that you stop reading the article for a minute, remember and, preferably, write down several projects that are currently being carried out in your company. Then you can relate everything you read about to your practice.

Over the past decades, a whole science has been formed: project management (PM), or Project Management. It is to her, or rather, one of her little-studied sections, that this article is devoted.

Personnel in the project

Various resources are required to successfully implement a project. By and large, the difference between a truck crane and a worker is small: both perform a certain amount of work in a certain period of time and cost us a certain amount of money. Nevertheless, people have a number of features that require the allocation of project personnel management into a separate functional area. And if a lot has been written about project schedule management or risk management, then personnel management is often like shamanism and is performed "by eye", at the inspiration of one or another leader.

The project team

So, a project is a temporary phenomenon, and this determines the specifics of managing its participants. For the duration of the project, a so-called project team is created. Despite all the variety of existing projects, a number of more or less standard roles can be distinguished in the team.

First of all, this is the project manager (leader) - individual who is personally responsible for the success of the project and provides operational management.

As a rule, companies appoint a project curator - a representative of senior management, who, although he does not delve into the intricacies current situation affairs in the project, but controls its progress, makes sure that the project corresponds to the strategic goals of the company, and if he lacks authority, he helps him with his authority.

A project committee is created in companies in which the business is built on a project type. This is a body whose tasks are to select projects and monitor their implementation at the highest level, to make key decisions. In technically complex projects, the role of the chief project engineer (GUI) is important, who is sometimes equal in status to the project manager. In large projects, managers can be allocated for various functional areas, for example, financial management, personnel management, risk management, etc.

All of the above roles form a project management team that is part of the project team. Also, members of the project team are performers both from the staff of the company and those hired specifically for the implementation of a specific project. Sometimes contractors and subcontractors are included.

It is worth highlighting separately. In the simplest case, this is a kind of secretariat, which stores all the documentation for the project. It can consist of one or several employees. In more advanced companies, the project office also acts as a methodology center serving all of the organization's projects. In fig. 1 shows an example of a typical project team.

Fig. 1. Typical project team

Project and company

No project exists in a vacuum. As a rule, it is implemented in the interests of some company, which initiates it. Such a company is called a parent, parent, or parent company. Accordingly, the company has a certain organizational structure, and the project is somehow “embedded” into it.

V Russian companies a very common functional organizational structure (Fig. 2), in which the coordination of the project is carried out at the level of the heads of line departments. Sometimes a member of the functional unit is appointed as the project coordinator. However, he has few actual powers, and he resolves all issues through his leader. This structure is very static and effective only for the implementation of local projects within the unit.

Fig. 2. Functional structure

The project structure (Fig. 3) is completely opposite to the matrix one in its organization. Here, project teams seem to form their own temporary divisions, created for the duration of the project and led by the project managers. With such an organization, functional units perform a service function in relation to projects, that is, they provide services to them, for example technical support or accounting service. Also, functional departments play the role of a pool of resources (for example, specialists), dynamically redistributed between projects. In the project structure, team members are focused only on achieving the goals of the project and report only to its leader.

With this organization, the project is actually a branch of the company, while the "laws" by which the employee acts within the project are completely determined by the project management. Such a structure is effective in large projects that are significant for the company, as a rule, lasting more than two years.

Rice. 3. Project structure

Note: The employees participating in the project are highlighted in color.

The main disadvantage of the project structure is that resources are not always used efficiently (for example, you only use the services of a lawyer for a few hours a week, and it is unprofitable to pay them entirely from the project budget).

This problem is solved by the matrix structure (Fig. 4), which is a compromise between the functional and design structures. Here, the employee reports, on the one hand, to the project manager, and on the other, to his functional leader. Depending on which of them has more power, we distinguish between weak (insignificant power of the project manager) and strong, or rigid (project manager is higher than the functional leader) matrix. A balanced matrix seems to be ideal, in which the project manager is responsible for its results, and the functional leader is responsible for the quality of work of his employees, "sent" to the project. The main disadvantage matrix structure- double subordination of employees.

Rice. 4. Matrix structure

Note: The employees participating in the project are highlighted in color.

Different organizational structures can coexist in a company at the same time. According to our experience, in Russia the weak matrix has received the greatest application, since the role of functional leaders is traditionally great.

External environment of the project

The project interacts not only with the parent company, but also with a more distant environment. The key role in the project is played by the customer who is interested in the project to achieve its goals. The investor wants to return the money invested in the project with a certain profit. End-user wants a quality product at a reasonable price. Also, do not forget about the state, about public organizations, about the families of the project participants.

The main goal of the project manager is to achieve the goals of the project, taking into account all the constraints. And the motivation of the participants has the most direct impact on the success of the project.

So, the first step is to identify all the project participants, taking into account the roles described above (perhaps some more will be added). Here I invite you to recall a project that is relevant to you and then write down all its participants on a piece of paper, indicating their roles. Then it will be useful to find out who relates to your project (from enthusiast to oppositionist), as well as the level of influence of each of the participants on the project.

The result is a matrix, which I suggest you build.

"What does motivation have to do with it?" - you ask. And besides, now you can determine in which square of the matrix you would like to see this or that participant, and also find out how, for example, to make a neutral influential participant an enthusiast. This way you can increase the importance of your project in the eyes of the head of the company, regularly demonstrating to him the benefits of the project and informing him about successes achieved... As an exercise, I suggest that you come up with a plan for moving at least three project participants to the squares you want.

Moving on. If someone is a participant in the project, it means that he is somehow interested in it. And it is useful to know these interests, because effective motivation it is precisely built on understanding the needs of those whom we are going to motivate.

Now I invite you to identify the interests of each participant in your project. Try to take into account not only material interest, because, although it is the basic level of Maslow's pyramid, man does not live by bread alone. For example, the goal of a curator is often not so much to make money on a project as to increase his political weight in the company. But the project also has some requirements for its participants. For example, you need full and timely financing from an investor, as well as a minimum of control.

These are the requirements I suggest you now write down on a piece of paper.

The resulting table is the key to building a motivation system for project participants. You know, on the one hand, what you need from each participant, and on the other hand, what they need from you, how you can motivate them. Money will not necessarily be the main motive: you, as a project manager, are vitally interested in saving the budget. At our trainings, heated discussions often arise when identifying project participants, assessing their impact, and developing a plan for influencing them. In the course of these debates, documents are born that can be further applied when the participants of the training are carrying out real projects.

Recruiting people

In many ways, the motivation of the project team is determined at the stage of selecting its participants. Here are a few principles that will help you lay the foundations for the success of your future project already at this stage.

  • Invite to the team those people for whom participation in the project means possible prospects career and professional growth and the topic of the project is of interest.
  • Check each candidate for professionalism criteria. In order for the results to meet your expectations, it is better to describe in advance, before identifying possible candidates, what professional and personal characteristics this or that team member should have. After all, the fact that someone - good man does not mean that he is an efficient worker.

For the main roles of your project, define necessary knowledge, skills and personal qualities.

  • Think about the psychological compatibility of the team members, because then they will have to communicate closely, work side by side for a long time.
  • Evaluate your candidates in terms of their experience. On the one hand, it is risky to hire amateurs: there is no guarantee that a person will cope with the task. On the other hand, if a team consists of only professionals, conflicts and disputes are possible, because everyone has their own rich experience behind them. This sometimes leads to project failure. Therefore, the basis of any team is specialists with 1–5 years of experience in this field.
  • Also pay attention to the personal qualities of future participants. Most important for working in a project team:
    • the ability to work in a team and communication skills;
    • a higher level of initiative than when working in a functional structure;
    • the ability to work in conditions of uncertainty and constant change (after all, in the overwhelming number of projects, plans change many times during the implementation process);
    • stress resistance and willingness to work overtime (in Russia, the peak of the load is often in the final phase, when the project must be handed over “yesterday”, and the customer begins to present all new requirements, the implementation of which often does not fit into the initial time limits (scope) of the project);
    • focus on the result, not the process. Willingness to ensure that income is directly proportional to the results achieved.

How to get the right people into the project

For the success of the project, it is important that enough professional, team-working employees are included in its team. First of all, for this, it is necessary to formulate the project's need for personnel: in what period and how many specialists of a particular profile are required.

And finally, you need to find the right people... And it’s not so easy. Indeed, even if there are instructions from above, not every manager will agree to give you their best employees. Need it yourself! This is where negotiation skills come in handy. And, of course, good relationships with colleagues from various departments. In general, practice shows that the ability of a manager to negotiate, to resolve "political" issues largely predetermines the success of the projects he implements.

Material motivation

Now let's talk about motivation in the sense that is usually put into this word. Although without all of the above, motivation is much less targeted and effective.

There are several approaches to staff motivation, each of which has a right to life.

  1. The employee receives all material remuneration in his functional unit. The plus is the transparency of such a scheme, the minus is the lack of motivation of a person for the results of work in the project. A variant is possible in which the functional manager independently decides on employee bonuses. This can have a stimulating effect, but there is a high likelihood of a subjective approach to the assessment of employees.
  2. While working on a project, the employee receives all remuneration from the project budget. This scheme is suitable for those participants who are completely released from their daily duties while working on a project.
  3. The employee continues to receive a permanent part of the remuneration (salary) in his "home" division, and bonuses are accrued to him from the budget of the project for which he is performing work.

I must say that so far in Russia the first payment scheme is the most widespread due to the habit and simplicity of its implementation. We should also talk about the motivation of the project manager.

It is important that his income directly depends on the results of the project. To do this, a contract is concluded with him, which stipulates the terms of payment. A certain minimum is paid to him in the form of a salary, a part - upon completion of certain stages of the project, and the main part - a bonus, a bonus - based on the results of the project. The size of the bonus directly depends on the results achieved, compliance with the deadlines and budget. Other criteria can also be taken into account, which must be negotiated "onshore" and fixed in the contract.

Motivation at the stage of closing the project

Problems often arise at the last stage of project implementation and are associated with cleaning up the "tails":

  1. it is necessary to ensure the signing of the acts by the customer and payment for the work performed, it is often desirable to conclude an agreement for further support;
  2. you need to close all contracts;
  3. members of the project team must be "returned" to their jobs, but they were not empty all this time; if the employee only deals with project activities, then he must be given the opportunity to "sit out" somewhere before next project otherwise you may lose a valuable worker;
  4. we need to resolve issues on all legal entities that could have been created for the duration of the project;
  5. you need to close all questions about taxes, etc.

Not surprisingly, most project managers perceive all this work as an additional burden, because the main project has been completed! And quite often "tails" on completed projects drag on for years, imperceptibly eating up the project's profit. In this regard, sometimes part of the project bonus is paid only when the project manager has signed a kind of "slider" in the company's services (accounting, legal department, etc.) that they have no complaints about the project.

Mutual settlements between the project and the parent company

The question of mutual settlements between the project and the parent company arises very often and concerns not only personnel, but also premises and other resources (transport, etc.). Much depends on the degree of isolation of the project, on maturity. project management in the company and a specific project manager.

Various options are possible. For example, the grant of resources to a project within a given budget (although in many companies project accounting is not sufficiently developed and it is not easy to separate project costs from the general costs of the company).

At the other extreme: the company acts as a lender and a pool of resources, providing projects with everything they need for a fee, possibly at more favorable rates than in the market. But here it should be borne in mind that often the decision to provide a project with this or that resource is rather political and the company can deliberately go for some dumping. For example, in a project (especially with third-party partners) it is always more profitable to have your own proven lawyers and financiers.

If you want projects to pay a company to use its resources, you have to build a strong system. management accounting and accounting of working time, as well as to develop "internal price lists" of the cost of resources.

Intangible motivation

Correctly using the methods of non-monetary motivation, you can increase the efficiency of the project participants, create a more pleasant creative atmosphere, and also, importantly, you can save your budget and increase your bonus on the basis of the project. In general, all non-monetary motivation methods are aimed at raising the morale of your team.

Starting the project correctly

The launch phase of your project is very important. The fact is that the attitude towards the project is often formed even before the start of its implementation, because "the earth is full of rumors." And if you don't want to at the first meeting project team to see the mournful faces of your colleagues who are sure of failure in advance, that is, it makes sense to start forming an aura of success around it even before the start of the project.

The first meeting of the project team is especially important. On it you have about an hour (no more, because people quickly lose interest in the material being presented and are not able to hold attention for too long), for which you must make the project participants enthusiasts, dispel their possible doubts about the project. At this meeting, everyone should understand what benefits he personally will receive if the project is successfully implemented.

It is well known that the project team goes through a number of stages in their emotional development (Fig. 5).

Rice. 5. Stages of emotional development of the project team

At first (if you did everything right in the preliminary stages), people are full of enthusiasm, since a project means certain opportunities, prospects, a chance to break out of the routine daily work... Then there comes a recession, the participants "descend from heaven to earth." Also (sometimes implicitly) intragroup conflict arises when people distribute roles, including fighting for informal leadership.

To get through this stage faster, sometimes they arrange team building trainings, in which, in a few days, the participants gain experience of effective working together... Sometimes a team comes up with a name, symbols and other attributes, forms a team code. If this decline is successfully overcome, then the team reaches the level of effective creative work.

Mission of the project

To increase the motivation of various project participants, the mission of the project can be used - a description of the goals of the project in terms of their benefits for the participants, as well as for the external environment of the project.

In essence, the mission is a description of how well each person involved in the project will live if it is successfully completed. A well-written mission statement is a description of a beautiful picture that should appear in a person's head when he thinks about a project.

Here are the basic rules for writing a mission:

  1. sentences use present tense second person verbs;
  2. statements contain an indication of the personal responsibility of each participant for receiving benefits from the implementation of the project (the optimal wording is: "Doing this and that, you get this and that");
  3. all the promised blessings at least partially correspond to possible reality, that is, they are realistic (do not be fooled: nothing is more annoying than empty promises);
  4. the whole range of needs of the addressee is affected (basic, social needs, guarantees and safety, respect and self-respect, self-realization).

The Appendix contains slightly modified fragments of a mission created with the participation of consultants for a real project to implement a quality system in a large Russian company.

Maintaining motivation during project implementation

The project takes quite a long time, and all this time it is important to keep staff motivated at a high level. This will help you:

  1. regularly informing the team about the progress of things and changes in the project (it is especially important to note intermediate successes - this is highly motivating);
  2. providing project participants with the opportunity to inform the manager of potential or real difficulties;
  3. a working mechanism for resolving problems and overcoming difficulties;
  4. on the one hand, it is important to collectively make key decisions so that everyone feels personal responsibility for their implementation, and on the other hand, a real leader, who should be a project manager, has the moral right in an emergency to make a decision alone and make the team carry it out as your own.

Competent completion of the project

Often, the completion of a project is associated with the signing of acts by the customer and the receipt of project bonuses, while the employees who were involved in the project are forgotten. At the same time, an effective project closure event lays the foundations for the success of future projects. Here it is important not only to arrange a banquet, but also to summarize: what goals were set, what was achieved, how they went to this. It is useful to emphasize the contribution of individual participants to the successful implementation of the project, to note their achievements. And, of course, add all the "discoveries" made during the project into the "treasury of experience" of the company, although this is a topic for another article.

Mikhail Yurievich Rybakov

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The conference was opened by the first deputy head of Rosatom for operational management Alexander Lokshin. After his introduction to the presenter, he joked: "I did not expect that I have already become a tradition, without which the conference will not take place." The jokes ended there. The COO of Rosatom summed up the results of the last year. On the one hand, the order book is growing, the devaluation of the ruble has doubled the competitiveness of Rosatom, and more and more people are striving to work in the industry. On the other hand, the demand for electricity in Russia has slowed down, and Rosatom has postponed the commissioning of several nuclear power units at once.

Against this background, competition in the construction market is intensifying nuclear reactors... Apart from traditional rivals Westinghouse and Areva, Rosatom has to keep an eye on new players. For example, China is expanding abroad. Cheap gas generators are appearing on the electricity generation market, and the cost of solar energy is improving every day. Alexander Lokshin emphasized that the guarantee of maintaining a leading position in a highly competitive environment is the fulfillment of the obligations undertaken, and moreover quickly, efficiently and with benefit for the state corporation. Designers play a key role here.

“In the design complex, the competitiveness of our projects is formed, technical solutions are laid that determine the cost,” said Gennady Sakharov, Director for Capital Investment of Rosatom. And he confirmed this thesis with figures: while design services make up only 4 - 5% of investment costs for the construction of a nuclear power plant, 80 - 90% of the project cost is determined at this stage. Sergey Egorov, deputy director of Rusatom Overseas, who has worked in the design complex for many years, conveyed the whole meaning in one phrase: "Design is the tail that twirls the whole dog."

The pilots didn't fire

At Rosatom, we worked a lot on the incentive system for design organizations... “Everyone who is involved in the design and construction of facilities should be interested in ensuring that these facilities are created in as soon as possible and for minimal funds, ”explains Alexander Lokshin. And a year ago, such a system was launched, it began to be implemented at several pilot sites: the Akkuyu and Hanhikivi NPPs, the Kursk NPP-2, the MBIR project and a number of NWC facilities. However, in practice, the system is not yet operational, Gennady Sakharov noted with regret. After monitoring design institutes, OCKS found that about 80% of employees know about the motivation system, but half do not see how to achieve savings, and another half do not believe that they will receive an award. The remaining 20% ​​have never heard of new system... “At the top level of management, we did everything, but at the bottom there was a huge layer of work. It is necessary to convey the essence of the motivation system to every person, to every performer, "insists Gennady Sakharov. - We have done colossal work, prepared a bunch of documents, they are very good, they have passed the examination of the Ministry of Construction, a working group has been created there. But it turned out that the most important thing is to break the psychology of people. And this is much more difficult than drafting documents. "

According to Gennady Sakharov, St. Petersburg Atomproekt has advanced further in the implementation of the system. The general director of the enterprise Sergey Onufrienko is confident that the first payments of bonuses will raise the level of employee confidence in the motivation system up to 100% at once. In addition, OCKS proposed to launch several small pilot projects. “People in the next two to three months will complete projects and receive an award. In this way we will show that it really works, ”explained the director of ROSATOM's CAPEX.

Why didn't the motivation system work? There is insufficient awareness of the design engineers themselves. Additional days of informing, seminars are needed. Uncertainty scares: there are fears that in the future, it is possible to reduce the remuneration of designers. The conference was helpful. The new approach to the organization, in addition to the team-building effect, gave the event a certain dynamics. Unfortunately, the format of parallel sections does not allow taking part in the discussion of all topics. Shorter sessions, seminars with discussion limited quantity questions. Alexander Yashkin, director of design production, NIAEP

Expensive projects

Rosatom's costs for the design of facilities in Russia and abroad by 2030 may amount to 400 billion rubles. Naturally, the state corporation is interested in these funds being spent wisely. However, at the moment, the effectiveness of the designers' work raises questions, while the level of salaries in the Rosatom project complex allows attracting the best specialists. OCKS analyzed the implementation of the investment program in 2014 and found that almost half of the violations are in one way or another related to design. The main problem is low study technical solutions... As a result, already during the implementation of the project, its refinement continues, which causes a chain reaction at the next stages. Sad but true: the phrase “ best project is a project that has been completed, paid for and is not being built ”has become a common joke.

OCKS compared financial performance nuclear design organizations and design organizations from related industries, mainly the power industry. Their incomes are comparable, but the margins in the nuclear industry are significantly higher. “The products that are issued today by our design institutes are quite expensive. There is only one conclusion: we need, among other things, to revise the pricing issues, ”said Gennady Sakharov.

Rosatom's strategy envisages a reduction by 2019 of the construction time for nuclear power plants to 48 months, the design time to 24 months, and a 15% reduction in capital costs compared to the VVER-TOI project. And without optimizing the work of designers, these indicators cannot be achieved, summed up the head of the OCKS.

Recipes for effective work

In which direction you can move, the largest organizations of the complex demonstrated. According to the director of design production at NIAEP Alexander Yashkin, the key to success is standard solutions and Lean... The optimization program adopted by NIAEP assumes to increase by almost a third in two years such indicators as labor productivity, the period for issuing working documentation, the number of adjustments to working documentation, the time spent by an engineer on activities with added value. The main tool is the office RPS. The approach is already being applied in the design of the Belarusian NPP; later this experience is planned to be extended to the Kursk NPP-2.

Another tool for increasing work efficiency and motivation is the transition to weekly and daily planning, as well as the regulation of routine operations. To do this, you need to create a database of repeated jobs. Besides, best employees should be encouraged - by insignia, inclusion in personnel reserve, says Alexander Yashkin.

General Director of GSPI Vyacheslav Galushkov proposes to create a multilevel quality control system for design and engineering work and form an internal project examination department, develop and implement a classifier of codes of remarks and inconsistencies. In addition, the system will help to solve some of the problems. standard documentation based on unified solutions, taking into account the basic requirements of the customer, says Vyacheslav Galushkov. Moreover, the use of such a system is possible even for unique objects - due to the unification of individual solutions.

Learn easily!

From the very beginning, the organizers of the conference broke the usual idea of ​​such events. The participants were seated in five to seven people and spent 15 minutes getting to know each other. The presenter suggested calculating the total work experience in the industry for each table: it turned out that this indicator ranges from 30-40 to 110 years and more. And the maximum "age" of the table was 144 years. So the organizers raised the topic of the generation gap. “Business is getting younger, more and more people of a different formation appear who were practically born with AutoCAD in their hands and have never used a drawing board. This is the norm for them. And this speeds up the process of thinking, they find information faster and easier, ”comments Eduard Abdulmanov, business coach, partner of EveryCo. “But they also demand more. Therefore, using the old methods, we will disrupt communication, interaction with these people. "

The speeches of the speakers were interspersed with team-building modules. During one of them, Eduard Abdulmanov told how people formed the habit of taking pictures, showed how the telephone evolved. “We wanted to convey the main idea: changes occur regardless of our attitude to them. We can reject, not use new technologies, but they still enter our life, "- explained the interlocutor of" SR ".

Within the framework of another module, the participants were divided into groups and set the task to build a highway in a limited time - a structure for transporting the ball. Each group was responsible for its own section, at the end the sections had to be docked so that the ball would pass along the entire line without delays.

“There is such a section in teaching theory - androgogy. In it, one of the principles of development and involvement in the process of adults is the ability to try in practice those theoretical studies that are being discussed. It is very important not only to look at the theory from the outside, but to test it in real actions, to check what works in it and what does not work. In addition, it was important for us to keep people's attention at a high level. The brain turns off in the mode of long-term work of the same type, for example, therefore, a change in activity is needed. Thus, we expand both the possibilities of working memory and, in general, the possibility of including a person in any activity. We also use different channels of perception, ”explained Eduard Abdulmanov.

After flexing their brains, the next day the conference participants were divided into round tables. We discussed adjusting the incentive system, in particular, how best to make payments - through the wage fund or, for example, through the reserve fund. They discussed the reduction of the threshold for remuneration: on the one hand, 5% of the cost of a project for the construction of a nuclear power plant is a huge amount of money, and on the other hand, if with the help of a specific design solution it is possible to save several million, this is also a noticeable benefit for the industry. Aspects of typical design and application of innovative methods, interaction of the customer, designer and supervisory authorities were analyzed. Sound questions and rational proposals were sounded, but the experts did not come to a final decision on the motivation system - they agreed to create working group and continue adjusting the mechanism.

The tasks of building an effective project management system and creating an equally effective system of personnel motivation are so urgent that you can even save time on the obligatory words of a tedious introduction designed to draw attention to the article.

So let's get straight to the point.

The recommendations provided here are applicable to projects of any complexity and thematic focus. Recommendations for building a motivation system for project teams are variable, for each option, comments are given on the effectiveness of their implementation in the context of certain projects.

I immediately appeal to skeptics who like to argue: “Projects-projects are different! And how can you talk in one article about DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS (usually pronounced in sublimely poetic tones) and about some small things organizational development? !! ”. I will answer categorically: “You can!”.

  • personal participation in projects: R&D, external consulting projects, organizational development projects in large companies
  • development of project management systems for development companies and companies in the oil refining industry
  • a short but very productive collaboration with the PMI Project Management Institute

Now - to business ...

Introduction. Project Management - Conceptual Factors Important to Understand

If you are reading this article, then you are already a darling of fate. Fate has given you the opportunity, for the money of the employing company, to become an expert in one of the most demanded areas of management. The dynamics of changes in our life is such that even the most processing / line production is acquiring more and more clear signs of project management.

Whatever project you are now puzzled by, to get the most out of the benefits from current work in terms of personal professional growth, I recommend immediately focusing on what is “conceptually solid” - what makes different projects similar and what makes them different.

Structurally, all projects are the same!

A project is always:

  • Structured, scope of work, which:
    • can be executed in parallel or
    • must be performed strictly sequentially
  • A set of resources for the implementation of work, resulting in costs, which form the project budget.

Which gives real exclusivity to projects ...

Project scope

It is this parameter that gives importance to development projects. Yes indeed, successful implementation a long and costly project commands respect. But, returning specifically to the issue of building a project management system, the only trouble that is associated with a large-scale project is the requirements for detailed work and an honest determination of the critical path with the further construction of the monitoring system.

In fact, it is required to shift the understandable construction / erection technology of something into the format of project management. The resources required are clear and generally available. Most of the basic work lends itself to standardization.

The real problem that you can face is building a reliable monitoring system for project implementation that provides up-to-date data on the progress of work and costs incurred.

In a large-scale industry-specific project, management requires broad delegation of authority and distribution of responsibility for the implementation of certain stages of work. Yes, the project manager is responsible for the project as a whole, but he may not have specialized competencies that allow him to make specific decisions, managing the progress of work.

In reality, this is what happens in companies - the project manager interacts with a certain number of experts, each of whom is responsible for the effectiveness of the project at a certain stage. Performance is measured:

  • Time (timing and actual duration)
  • Money (spent budget)
  • Quality of completed work

Reliable knowledge about the progress of the project is distributed among the decision-making centers (in other words, it is stored in the set of heads). And, in general, the task of managing a large-scale project comes down to organizing an information space that ensures high-quality coordination of the interaction of participants and the supply of resources. The base of such an information space is the monitoring system. This is a separate section below ...

Unfortunately, the long list of expensive, long, complexly intertwined, but understandable works does not add super-exclusivity to the project. The work is clear, there is a lot of work, and working for a long time is a good guarantee of long-term labor relations between the project participants and their employer.

But when the scope of work is not obvious, but only the timing is obvious and, if not at all lucky, the approved budget ...


Uncertainties abound in R&D projects (research and development). These projects include:

  • projects related to production modernization
  • complex organizational development projects, which also suffer from a lack of complete certainty,
  • and if you think about development, - development new series an apartment building - this will be a long project with a very high degree of uncertainty.
  • and the list, I'm sure you can continue.

What it looks like:

  • there is a project task - the requirements for the result that should be obtained at the output. For example, a certain product.
  • there is a general understanding of what needs to be done to get the desired result
  • there is a lack of understanding how we will implement some intermediate stages. Lack of understanding is defined by:
    • or technological / methodological multivariance. Clarity will appear only upon completion of the previous stages or the task itself may be adjusted
    • or, if we are not at all lucky, in the middle of the project we have a couple of white spots in science: “Create something that you have never seen, about which there is nowhere to read, but it should work this way and have such and such dimensions ...”
  • and there is a recommended (not at all lucky - approved) budget for creating a project miracle

There is no exaggeration of the problem here, such projects underlie the activities of many companies. And these projects need to be managed.

Uncertainty in the organization of project work makes serious demands on the exclusivity of professional skills required to solve project problems. Dear specialists are involved in projects, who are not so many in the labor market and you need to have serious arguments to interest them in your projects.

And now we have short description full of beauty:

  • uncertainty of the implementation process multiplied by
  • desire to believe in getting the desired result, and all this is built in
  • the degree of compulsory investments that are difficult to analyze for their effectiveness.

Project for project, project drives ...

Well, now let's remember that the company's activities are not limited to the implementation of a single project:

  • The main activity can be project - the company earns by implementing projects. Project implementation costs form the company's budget. The payroll of the team projects is approaching the total payroll of the company (most of the staff is engaged in projects)
  • The company develops by implementing organizational development projects. The costs of implementing such projects put pressure on the company's budget and are investment
  • The company must maintain production facilities in a workable resource-saving state - the budget for capital expenditures for modernization and repair programs, which “go and understand how much they have been completed”, when one event was suddenly replaced by another ...
  • The company creates new products, sells marketing programs, - which also either have an effect, or the effect comes down to the fact that the budget is not exceeded ...

And all this is controlled by superhumans - the top managers of the company. Who must keep in their head a holistic picture of the effectiveness of all activities, control financial flows companies in providing everything that boils and rages.

  • spend time at production meetings, listening to each manager about the progress and problems of the implementation of his project,
  • look at management accounting tables, looking for areas of financial hunger,
  • hang project implementation schedules in their offices (it has always been a mystery to me who updates these schedules and how often),
  • make decisions on the reallocation of resources between projects in an on-line mode.

They are the first who need an effective system for monitoring the performance of the company, which also includes information on the implementation of current projects.

Project implementation monitoring system.

Let's go from top to bottom ...

Integration and Consolidation Requirements.

Top managers Are the end users of the project implementation monitoring system. For them, of course, every project is interesting and important, but they need a picture as a whole, with the ability to get the required level of detail.

If this is sales, then it is important to have an idea of ​​the proceeds received from the processing activities and from the project. If these are indicators of marginal profitability or management profit, it is all the more important to know where we get this profitability / profit from. The accounting principles are different, but in a summary form, everything should be presented in a form that is digestible for analysis.

This can be realized by integrating the project management system with the company's performance management system - by integrating the project implementation monitoring system into the complex KPI-model of the company's activities.

Fig 01. Integration of the project management system into the KPI-model of the company's activities

It is integration, and not a simple transfer of some data on the implementation of projects, that will provide quick access to complete information about the implementation of projects:

Fig 02. Detailing information about the project implementation.

Whether you like the next thought or not, if your company's activities are filled with projects, you will have to think about choosing a specialized automated business performance management system based on kpi. There are systems on the market and their cost is incomparably low in comparison with the losses incurred by companies in conceptual project management (management "by concepts")

Requirement 1. To the project implementation monitoring system - absolute integration with the business management system as a whole.

Project manager important to have up-to-date information on the progress of the project as a whole. He can receive this information only from his subordinate experts responsible for the implementation of certain stages (we immediately consider a large-scale project with a high degree of uncertainty). Workshops and phone calls are great, but you need a consolidated picture.

The person responsible for the execution of the stage of the project has an additional task - to bring information about the progress of work to the attention of the project manager. And this delivery of information may require efforts and labor costs no less than the actual performance of professional responsibilities for the coordination of work.

Unfortunately, most automated project management systems are ill-suited to organizing the collection of the necessary information.

The project is transferred to the system as a single indivisible object. And, “so that no one breaks anything in it and deceives anyone,” in practice, companies are forced to create dedicated units for collecting and transferring information about the progress of project work to an automated system. There is a nice name for such units ...

Project office and requirements for organizing the collection of information.

But look at the functionality of this department ... Honestly and aloud, list what the specialists of the Project Office are doing:

  • create projects in an automated system
  • enter factual data on the progress of projects, based on the information provided to them

What else fills their life:

  • Development of information forms providing data on the implementation of projects
  • Clarification of errors and inaccuracies in the final data on the implementation of the project. Unfortunately, very often errors are revealed during production meetings, when top managers and project managers operate on different data.

A vicious circle arises: new requirements for the provision of information are needed to minimize errors. Errors are allowed, inter alia, due to frequent changes in the formats for providing information (typos of the final executors) and / or insufficient qualifications of the employee who enters data directly into the system.

How can you break this vicious circle - collect data directly at the point of its appearance.

Banality? - Yes!

Why is this not being done? The reasons, unfortunately, are no less commonplace:

  • If the company automated system there is no project management, then there is nowhere to enter. Data is consolidated in MSOffice files, their presentation formats are constantly changing, this process can only be supported by a dedicated group of specialists
  • If the company has implemented an automated project management system:
    • the company saves on licenses by providing members only with access to view information
    • the automated system does not allow you to provide access to changes in the data of the selected stage of the project (the project is a monolith, and either you can change any information or nothing)

Requirement 2. To the project implementation monitoring system - each project manager must have full access to the system, including with the ability to enter actual data on the progress of the project and adjust the scope of the project

Naturally, this is about providing access to that part of the project that is under the control of the leading participant.

Access to change the scope of work of a project stage is necessary to manage projects with a high degree of uncertainty. Either the Project Office and highly paid project experts will be bogged down in the eternal process of agreeing on how a project stage should look like, or an expert, within the framework of his competence, will complete the project on his own.

The project office is being transformed from a call center into a think tank. Project office analysts will always have up-to-date information:

  • requiring only additional confirmation / agreement with the financial department
  • sufficient to generate analytical reports for top managers with recommendations for the reallocation of resources

Agree that this role is more honorable than the role of the center of constantly mistaken (in the opinion of colleagues) operators.

This approach will add efficiency to the process of developing the project structure itself. Let's remember honesty again ...

The key expert performers who will be involved in the project are most often known. How they are distributed in stages is also understandable. Tell them the task, set a deadline by which they must give their vision of what and how should be done in order to get the desired result, and give them the opportunity to form a work plan and calculate the budget for which they will be responsible.

Fig 03. Formation of the project structure, taking into account the distribution of responsibilities between key participants (performers).

You will need to hold another wrap-up meeting of the project team to approve the final project implementation plan, making the necessary adjustments.

Good question: "How to get project participants to enter correct data on the progress of work in a timely manner?"

And here we turn to the issue of motivating project participants

Motivation of the project team.

The project participants will timely update the data on the progress of the work, if through this update they can control the accrual of their personal bonus.

If, immediately after updating, they can look into their bonus card and get acquainted with the current assessment of their performance, which directly affects their bonus ...

Figure 04. An example of the presentation of a consolidated assessment of the project performance of an employee

... They will enter the necessary reliable data very accurately and in a timely manner.

Why will the data be reliable ??? Because the Project Office has not been canceled and the office staff are closely monitoring. And the identified errors can be a reason for reducing the assessment of compliance with regulatory discipline, and this assessment is also part of the bonus card.

How to build a remuneration system for an employee from participating in projects.

Option 1... It is bad, but acceptable at the start of implementing a project management system.

Use the resulting consolidated performance score in the summary bonus card. It might look like this:

Figure 05. An example of a bonus card including a project performance assessment

In fact, we are not talking about the accrual of an additional bonus for participation in projects. The score for participation in projects affects the amount of the accrued base bonus.

A more or less similar approach is acceptable for assessing participation in organizational development projects, especially if they are implemented constantly (that is, the main activity of the back office is the implementation of development projects).

It's a very bad decision to apply this approach to core business projects. Demotivating factors will immediately turn on. The main thing that this concept does not take into account is the scale of the employee's workload in projects. The most productive employees will be involved in the maximum amount of work, the less productive we will entrust a smaller and simpler scope of work. And before the bonus card, everyone will be equal. Sad?

Of course, the situation can be corrected by adding a corrective assessment of the head, but this is already manual control with all its delights of conflict management.

Option 2... Honest performance assessment and bonus accrual upon the implementation of project work

If you decide on this option, then there are no boundaries for perfection.

A bonus to a project participant can be credited:

1. For the fact of the implementation of a specific work, taking into account the assessment of the performance of the work(budget, deadline, quality)

The basis for calculating the bonus can be:

  • Normalized cost of work (if the job lends itself to rationing)
  • Contractual value - we determine the amount of the bonus that is paid subject to 100% performance

2. For the fact of closing the subsidiary works of the stage- for employees responsible for the execution of the stage. This adds motivation to the stage manager to make every effort to resolve all organizational issues.

Base for calculating the bonus:

The established amount of the bonus for the implementation of the entire stage

% of the bonus fund for works forming a stage

3. For the fact of closing a stage (s) of which work is a part - this bonus component includes team interest in the implementation of the project. The basis for calculating the bonus is the actually accrued bonus for the implementation of the work (it takes into account the personal performance of the employee)

4. For the successful completion of the project... As a basis for accrual, we take the bonus actually accrued to the employee for the implementation of the project's work in which he took part.

This approach adds maximum drive to the project participants and keeps the drive until the completion of all work.

Something needs to be redone, someone needs help - the only deterrent is the employee's personal harm.

The main thing is that there is a money "pinaric" before your eyes - either we are waiting for an SMS notification that the money has dropped on the card, or - we do not wait:

Fig. 06. An example of presenting information about the bonus accrual

The only thing that can scare away from the implementation of the proposed option for building a motivation system for project teams is the fear that it can be done. "Not be able to" count.

But, excuse me, there are drawings in the article, so you can count.

Better focus on the benefits:

  • Transparent control system for project implementation.
  • The motivation system is built in strict accordance with the project implementation assessment system.

There is no reason for disputes with employees - they see the assessment of the project implementation, and the assessment of their own performance, and their bonus.

Comprehensive employee motivation system

The complex system of employee motivation includes all the components of material motivation, the set of which may differ depending on the category of the employee.

This could be:

  • Reward for the execution of a bonus card.
  • Separate remuneration for the execution of tasks / assignments.
  • Design performance.
  • An additional bonus for special merit or generated from the distribution of the consolidated bonus fund of the company / division.

Fig 07. An example of the presentation of information on the accrual of the aggregate bonus.

The most important thing:

  • Correctly determine the size of the base bonus:
    • The bonus fund of the project must be consistent with the expected financial and economic performance of the project as a whole. Simply put - not burdensome for the company.
    • The size of the company's bonus fund (expected to be accrued to employees) should be calculated based on actual coverage financial sources... 100% staff performance, calculated using bonus cards and assuming the accrual of 100% bonus, must mean the financial and economic performance of the company at least 100%.
  • The rules for calculating the bonus and the indicators underlying the calculation of remuneration should be clear to the employee.


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