Open a branch of confectionery in your city. Create a branch. Trade under the order


Who has not dreamed of opening a company, then entering the regions, and then conquering the whole world?! But in reality, the scaling process turns out to be not as simple and rosy as it seems at first glance - otherwise so many branches would not have closed as soon as they opened. Failures happen due to various reasons: incorrectly chosen model, poorly planned opening, lack of competent communication with the head office, problems with legal side and much more. So, how to avoid unnecessary mistakes and correctly open a branch in the region, we describe below:

1. Scaling
As American entrepreneur and investor Andrew Chen (who has had a hand in such projects as Dropbox, AngelList, etc.) says: “The only thing that matters is the rapid growth of the company. If you don't grow, you will cease to exist." When the main business processes are debugged, the company owns a market share, there are resources for expansion, then the management usually begins to think about expanding the company. In addition, sometimes the goal of entering the regions is due to the fact that the regional market is favorable from the point of view of competitors, so the company's position will be more confident. Four of the most popular are:

  • Opening of own branch.
    The advantages of this method are that you will have full control over income and expenses, as well as monitor the quality of the product or service. Total control over everything is guaranteed. But it also has disadvantages - all the costs of opening will have to be borne.
  • Building a remote sales system.
    It is less expensive than the previous one, but not for everyone. The implementation scheme is something like this: you create a website, do geographic targeting, and then arrange delivery. You can sell small goods in this way, but cars cannot.
  • Franchising.
    We talked about this type of scaling and its trends in our article. The main role here is played by brand recognition and its reputation. The advantages are that you can quickly and inexpensively build a network with regional coverage. And disadvantages: control problems of franchising enterprises.
  • Building a dealer, partner network. Also an inexpensive way. If you are not ready to build your sales network, invest in logistics, then indirect sales will be optimal, that is, sales through a dealership, affiliate network. Partnership agreements include the following items: conditions for sales volume/turnover for enterprises wishing to become dealers; basic rules of interaction; price terms; sales area of ​​responsibility (territorial framework, product range); options for resolving conflict situations; dealer support (training programs, marketing activities); rewards, bonuses, partnership programs(as a condition for receiving remuneration, privileges).

Since access to the regions through the opening of branches is one of the most popular ways in our country, let's talk about it.

2. The expediency of opening a branch in a particular region.
Efim Katz, CEO Maria, the largest kitchen furniture factory in Russia, says that making a decision on the feasibility of opening a branch usually begins with analytics and detailed calculations. You should know well: how many people live in a given region, the level of income of residents, the number of competitors in your segment, and also what is the position of the infrastructure for your business. The following studies help in making a decision to enter a particular region:

  1. Analysis of competitors.
    In this matter, you can resort to a SWOT analysis of business players, thanks to which you can offer more advantageous conditions for customers than competitors.
  2. PEST analysis- it shows the impact of the external environment.
  3. Market capacity analysis.
    To understand the market capacity, you will most likely need data on the volume of consumption of your product or service from ROSSTAT or other analytical materials. The bottom line is that you need to find out how much a product or service an average Russian consumes per year, and calculate the volume of consumption per inhabitant of a particular region where you are going to open your branch.
  4. customer development.
    You will receive complete information about the desires and needs of your potential users. Moreover, you will build communication channels in advance and prepare the audience for the release of a new product. Customer development is directly integrated into your sales chain, playing the role of an element pre-sales preparation. More detailed information you can learn about this method in our material “How to create a product that will be bought: customer development methodology”

“First of all, when opening a branch, we chose million-plus cities,” says Katz, “Then we found large cities that were as close as possible to the chosen million-plus cities. Then compiled investment plan, where they took into account costs, and also considered the payback period of the studio and set sales plans. At the moment, the payback period for one kitchen studio "Maria" is 18 months, the average profitability of the studio is 7%.

Bringo CEO Mark Kaptchits, who has opened four branches in Vladivostok, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg and Samara, also admits that in opening branches he focuses mostly on the population of the city. However, the saturation of the city various types business also plays a decisive role. “Vladivostok is not a millionaire, but business life in the city is so active that it is one of the most attractive cities for the development of our business,” Kaptchits explains.

3. Interaction with the head office
The same employees work in regional branches as in the head office. The only difference is that they are geographically remote. But often it seems to the management that they are difficult and impossible to manage. In control remote employees you will be helped, first of all, by the electronic tools that we talked about earlier in the article.
In managing employees in branches, it is important to remember that you will need to manage not only their activities, but also their status in relation to the company as a whole, as well as the boundaries of their powers. This must be done, because, as practice shows, sometimes Heads of regional branches can make the following mistakes:

  1. In negotiations with regional authorities, they may begin to claim that they make the final decisions.
  2. Out of good intentions, they may try to increase the workload of subordinates without coordination with the head office.
  3. They try to take full responsibility solely on themselves.

However, the employees of the head office are also not perfect and make mistakes:

  1. They are looking for partners in the regions, bypassing the employees of the branch.
  2. Dispose of salaries without informing the director of the branch.
  3. Begin to control every step. In some branches, the situation reached the point where employees had to spend about a third of their time not on their main activities, but on informing the head office about it.

Yefim Katz (Kitchen "Maria") says that the main function of the head office is "information": "The head office informs the branches by mailing. We also use CRM - customer relationship management systems and regularly post news on the corporate website and in the company's social networks. In addition, for design managers working in branches, the company necessarily organizes training and excursions to production, where they not only receive the necessary information on products, sales tools, but also exchange experience.

Mark Kapcitz (Bringo) also believes that the branch should always work closely with the head office. “From time to time, the top management of the company travels to regional offices to get acquainted with the situation, and their specialists come to Moscow for training.”

4. Legal Issues when opening a branch
The process of creating a branch from a legal point of view consists of two stages:

  • Amendments to the Articles of Association of a legal entity establishing a branch.
  • Registration of a branch (representative office) for tax accounting.

In the context of jurisprudence, branches and representative offices are separate subdivisions located outside the location of the legal entity that forms them. The definition of a branch is given in Article 55 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Separate divisions are not legal entities, that is, they cannot make transactions on their own behalf. The range of functions of a branch is wider than that of a representative office. It is also important to know that information about the created branches is included in the Charter of the organization.
Branches and representative offices are endowed with the property of the legal entity that created them and act on the basis of the provisions approved by it. In addition, heads of representative offices and branches are appointed by a legal entity and act on the basis of a power of attorney.

5. Budgeting
For a better understanding of how the “Budgeting” of a branch takes place, it would probably be right to start with a picture of all business processes related to budgeting. How and why to depict business processes, we wrote in detail in the article. The budgeting plan usually includes such items as elementary debugging of logistics, office, management, sales department and much more.

“For a detached studio with an area of ​​100-120 sq. m. you need about 5-6 million rubles. depending on the condition of the premises, for a studio in a shopping center of the same footage - 20-25% less, ”says Efim Katz (Maria kitchens). "If speak about Trading House, then we have a development department that is engaged in opening branches, but employees from different departments, from IT specialists to installers, take part. One person, the project manager, controls the entire process from the search for premises, repairs to the full opening of the studio and its transfer to the regional manager. By the way, in terms of terms, the entire process of opening a studio takes from 30 to 60 days, depending on the complexity of the project.

To draw up a competent budgeting plan, you need to calculate the costs for the month, year, and also take into account financial plan several years ahead:

(In the book by S.M. Perminov "Distribution. Strategy and Tactics of Company Management" the author provides the following table, reflecting the main part of the expenditure items of the branch budget).

6. Branch opening team
Depending on the financial opportunities and the complexity of business processes, you can choose several ways to open a regional branch. Tatyana Sorokina in her book Branch Network: Development and Management identifies three main ones:

  1. Opening team.
    It makes sense to invite the opening team to your branch if you need to exactly reproduce (literally copy) the structure, atmosphere and rules of the head office. This method is mainly used by companies with complex business processes: retail chains, restaurants, etc. Usually the opening team gets to work a few weeks before the start of the branch. And after the opening, literally immediately leaves to deal with the next “object”.
    Tatyana Sorokina explains that the functions of the discovery team are as follows: creating corporate culture, the establishment of all business processes and the regulation of all problems when opening a branch, which regional employees will not face in the future. The team consists of specialists who duplicate the key employees of the branch, they are called upon to train their regional colleagues in everything necessary. Sometimes they are even called anti-crisis managers, since their task is to settle all problems when opening a branch in the region.
  2. Open Manager.
    This approach is mainly used by wholesalers and manufacturing companies opening a branch office. Usually the list of business processes that he needs to establish is not so large, therefore this work under the power of one person. Often the functions of an open manager are performed by an employee of the head office or a manager branch network who, after the opening of the branch, returns to the central office and proceeds to his usual duties. In the region, the open manager works closely with the director of the branch - he gives him all the information about the parent company, helps to establish business processes, and so on.
  3. Project group branch openings.
    For each newly opened branch, a special group of employees is formed from the divisions of the Head Office directly involved in the opening. The group is led by the director of the branch network. For example, the group for opening branches of a wholesale and retail company includes managers of the following departments: legal, procurement, marketing, information technology, financial, and personnel departments.

7. Standardization
The final stage of opening a branch - "Standardization" - is that the head office must make sure that the branch becomes an independent unit, and also track: what changes have occurred in the central office when opening a branch. Efim Katz (Maria's kitchen) sums up the results of the opening of branches: “There were no global changes in the structure, but with the expansion into the regions, the company grew, and the structure itself became more branched. Such divisions as the development department, the department for working with the dealer network, with regions and others have been added, a corporate university has appeared to train employees.”

So, the algorithm for entering the regions through the opening of a branch is as follows:
1. Clearly describe the purpose of entering the region
2. Look at the planned region, market through the lens of market research and analysis
3. Review Resources
4. Test the territory (using customer development methodologies and guerrilla, low-cost marketing tools).
5. Separate powers
6. Give more freedom to the discovery team
7. Establish a communication channel with the head office
8. And do not forget about legal and tax nuances.

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  • 01.

    What if I don't have a sole proprietorship or LLC yet?

    White Service: We can conclude an agreement with you as an individual. face. At first, while you are looking for premises and craftsmen, as well as studying materials, registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC is not required. But later, with the start of work, you will need to register a legal entity. If you are just starting your business, then we recommend registering an individual entrepreneur, not an LLC, which is much easier and more convenient. If you have any difficulties or additional questions during the registration process, we will help you figure it out and guide you through all the stages of this simple operation.

  • 02.

    Why can't I do everything myself?

  • 03.

    Than service delivery niche better selling goods?

    White Service: When selling goods, the margin, or net profit, is often fixed or minimal due to a lot of competition. Even if you have excellent service, smiling and polite managers, it will still be difficult for you to sell goods for more than competitors. Services are a little different. Customers are willing to pay for good service because this service is the product they are buying. It is important for people that the master who comes to repair their equipment is neat, polite and at least sober, and they are ready to pay extra for it.

  • 04.

    Are there additional opportunities for the White Service franchise?

    White Service: Our service is attractive because we can provide almost any service to the public or legal entities. If you wish, you can start providing Additional services that the parent organization does not yet provide, whether it is cleaning work or repair of medical equipment. The main thing is that you have the competence or desire to work in this area. The rest - the development of the site section and attracting customers, we will do for you without additional payments from you.

  • 05.

    How fast can I get my money back?

    White Service: We have developed a business plan and development strategy in such a way that our franchisees can cover their opening costs and a lump-sum payment within 2-3 months after opening service center. Due to low start-up costs, the break-even point is reached after a month of fruitful work.

  • 06.

    I don't know how to find masters and premises

    White Service: All this information and more will be in the starter package, which will be given to you after signing the contract. In it you will find all the necessary information about where and how to look for masters, what kind of premises you need. If something seems too complicated or incomprehensible to you, you can always contact us for advice.

  • 07.

    What if I don't succeed?

  • 08.

    Is your franchise suitable for a city with a population of 50,000 or more?

    White Service: Yes, our franchise is adapted to work in small and remote cities. When opening a service center for the repair of equipment in small town you will have no competitors on your side and low cost room rental. This will allow you to reach the break-even point even faster and cover expenses.

A lot of people dream of starting their own business. But there are many business pitfalls along the way. And desire can evaporate instantly. However, you can also implement a lightweight option, namely, open a regional branch of some large online store in your city. Of course, this process is not so simple, but almost everyone can handle it.

Before opening a branch, it is necessary, of course, to study all issues and find out how this project will be profitable. To open your own online store, you need to have great potential: know programming, SEO optimization, find suppliers and open an office. And this is just the beginning. The lighter option is that you can open a representative office in your region of a large online store. This process is not so simple, but it is much easier to implement. The main thing is to adhere to a certain algorithm, which will be discussed below.

Preparing the opening of a branch store

First step. It is necessary to decide with which particular online store cooperation will be started. For this purpose, all stores known to you are monitored. Naturally, you need to give preference to one that has been operating on the market for more than 1 year. For example, 5-10 years. So, in the future, you will advertise your affiliate with great success, especially if it belongs to a well-known company. Collaboration with narrowly focused stores may not be profitable at all. It is better if the categories and range of products offered can satisfy the most fastidious buyer.

Make a selection of online stores that work with regional offices, and analyze the pricing policy and the proposed assortment.

Stage two. After you decide on the store, you need to call the main office and find out what contractual obligations and partnership conditions they offer. Ask to be sent a financial contract and find out what percentage of the sale you will be paid.

Stage three. Register an IP with single tax. The single tax rate is based on the type of activity, number of employees and annual turnover.

Stage four. Now you need to find an office. There is no need to buy it, you can rent it. It will be better if you decorate it with a prominent sign and if it is located in a crowded place. Signage as part of advertising will help you "promote" the store. Be sure to equip the office: install a printer, scanner, computer, and connect to the Internet. It is enough that the room has several squares and it accommodates equipment and a table. And in the future you can expand. If you decide to trade in large goods, then choose an office on the 1st floor, and preferably with a separate exit. Not all delivery services provide for the lifting of oversized cargo to the office door, and you will need to carry it yourself.

Stage five. Now you can enter the office and conclude a cooperation agreement. After that, your details, namely the phone number, office address and other contacts and coordinates, the online store will place on its website. After that, people will contact you.

Stage six. You need to enter into an agreement with transport company, of which there are quite a few now.

This completes the organizational issues.

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Expenses required to open a representative office

A branch of an online store involves costs such as:

  • purchase of a content management system - from 4 to 40 thousand rubles (the amount depends on the required modules);
  • creation of a competent design project - from 25 to 50 thousand rubles;
  • development of the entire concept of the site, texts, navigation, menus and other things - up to 50 thousand rubles;
  • domain registration - about 250 rubles annually;
  • purchase of hosting - from 2000 rubles annually.

Naturally, you can make a website yourself using a template design and place it on a free hosting. However, such representation is unlikely to be effective and achieve the goals set.

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Nuances and scheme of work

So, the representation of the online store is ready. You need to familiarize yourself with the proposed assortment, read articles on the topic of choosing goods so that you can answer customer questions. Large stores often arrange all kinds of trainings and seminars, both online and in their office. It is on them that you can learn a lot of invaluable useful information.

The branch of the online store works according to the following scheme. The buyer enters the site and, after deciding on the product, contacts you. Your task, if necessary, to advise him and place an order. Questions regarding the configuration, timing and warranty can be found at the head office, in which, as a rule, there are online curators of the regions. You can place an order with or without prepayment. Of course, it is convenient for the buyer to purchase goods without an advance payment, because he will not need to go to an office or a bank in order to make a payment. After all, not everyone pays through electronic payment systems. For you, this is not very profitable, since the buyer may not pick up the goods. But usually there are no problems with the return of unpacked goods. The transport company brings the goods to your office, and the buyer can pick them up in a few days.

Since you'll earn a percentage of every item sold, it's in your best interest to sell as much as possible. For this, the number of inhabitants living in your region is quite important. If there are more than 500 thousand people in the city, then the income will be quite significant. Over time, word of mouth will also work, and customers will go not only from the site.

We offer to open an auto parts store for foreign cars

in your region based on our


About us and our offer.

We are an auto parts store for foreign cars "" have been working productively in the market for the sale of spare parts since 2009. The Internet resource after the restructuring began its work in 2011.

On the this stage we make dozens of shipments a day to different regions of Russia for retail customers and auto parts stores. We noted that manyclients from regions register on the site, place orders, but do not pay for them. We conducted a survey among these customers, and it turned out that they were interested in our prices and delivery times,BUT:

1) they need representativein their city, where you can come, discuss your questions and pay for the order.

2) they need cheaper delivery to their city. It can be achieved by groupage cargoes from orders of different customers.

So, we have created an opportunity for you to open an auto parts store in your region based on our online store.

What will it give you?

· A ready-made business scheme based on the online store

· Best prices for Internet clients

· The ability to quickly capture a significant market share due tobest prices in your region

Analysis of the market for the sale of spare parts in Russia shows the following. Customers buy expendable materials on cars (candles, filters, pads, oils, etc.) in retail store on the spot, while consulting with the seller about the quality of certain brands in search of an expert opinion.

At the same time, the same customers, when carrying out, for example, a complete repair of the chassis, body parts, repair of engines, gearboxes and other major repairs, try to find the lowest price for spare parts - either on their own or with the help of the younger generationlooking for it on the internet.

This trend will continue in the market in the future.

Accordingly, companies that provide consumables locally, but at the same time give their customers access to the best prices on high-value parts via the Internet, and will be market leaders.

You just have to open an auto parts store or an order desk and notify the residents of your region that from now on they can buy spare parts through a representative in your city at competitive prices.

So, what do you get in the status of our representative ?

· Administrative access to the database of the online store

· Purchase of spare parts at the price level of the representative

· The ability to automatically manage customer orders (accepting orders, processing the required documents: order forms, contracts, invoices), maintaining the client's financial balance, monitoring the receipt of goods, tracking order execution, posting and shipment of goods.

· Provision of electronic spare parts catalogs for foreign cars

· Possibility to upload your price lists of availability to the online store.

· worked out over the years retail customer relationship plan that allowseffectivelyorder spare parts, exclude manager's mistakes and not bring illiquid parts.

· A business plan on the basis of which parts stores successfully operate.

· Forwarding all orders placed by customers in your region to you

· Opportunity for education and training.

Now about how to become our representative.

Write a letter to the address with a question about the validity of our offer for your city. We will answer you and inform you whether your city is currently free or whether there are already representatives, or intending to become representatives.

Upon receiving a positive response from us, you send us information about yourself and what status (see below) you are targeting.

We provide you with test access to the administrative database with representative prices.

You will need to familiarize yourself with the work of the administrative base within a week,monitor the market , estimate own forces and take the finalweighted solution.

Our task is to create one strong representative in the city, and not many small ones.

Representative statuses:



Includes all features described above. Designed for newly opened stores, also suitable for existing stores with a turnover of up to 1,000,000 rubles. per month (the representative undertakes to promote the brand, comply with the standards for placing orders and technologies for working with clients).



Simplified status is intended for:


car services

representatives of insurance companies involved in the purchase of spare parts for suppliers of car services

private craftsmen

operating auto parts stores

in general, for all those who are regularly engaged in the purchase of spare parts, but mostly for their own use or without the intention of occupying a dominant part of the market by reselling them.

The simplified status includes only access to the database with representative prices, without the ability to work with the site in administrator mode and, accordingly, without the ability to attract and process Internet customers. Basically, you are buying our discount from our suppliers. Status Exclusive in this case is not provided.



This status cannot be bought. It can be secured by showing growing statistics for 6 months. When you receive this status, you get exclusive rights to represent in your entire region. Conditions for obtaining an exclusive status are discussed individually.

Questions about commercial offer You can ask on a specially allocated for this phone +7-910-320-98-11

or write an e-mail to: [email protected]

Thanks for attention!

A company representative is a specialist who promotes the products of a particular manufacturer in a particular region. Any sane person who wants to achieve financial independence dreams of taking such a vacancy, since this is a fairly profitable and very interesting job. How to become a representative of the company in your city, we will tell you in this publication.

Where to begin?

In order to become a representative of a large company, you will need:

  • Experience in a particular field;
  • Competent business plan;
  • Personal interest in products;
  • Having a team of professionals;
  • Necessary technical equipment;
  • Willingness to invest.

In addition, you need to collect a package of documents:

  • Charter;
  • Constituent documents;
  • Registration certificate;
  • A document confirming that you are the head of the organization;
  • Office lease agreement;
  • Bank account.

Dealer without investments

Many citizens who want to try their hand in this area often ask the question, how to become an official representative of a company without investment? There are several ways:

Trade under the order

You have probably met in the price lists of online stores opposite some items of goods the mark "under the order". This means that the buyer must deposit money for the goods into the seller's account, after which, after a certain time, he will receive his purchase.

If you look at it through the eyes of a businessman, the situation looks like this:

  • The entrepreneur signs an agreement with the supplier for the purchase of goods at dealer prices;
  • Puts up a product for sale at its outlet, or rather, adds it to the price list and various promotional materials;
  • The buyer pays for the purchase, after which you buy the goods from the supplier for the money received and transfer it to the buyer.

If you want to become a representative of a company in the region without significant financial investments, choose a market segment that includes goods whose cost ranges from 5–20 thousand rubles. Consumers prefer to buy inexpensive everyday goods in the nearest stores, even if they are slightly overpriced. If you choose products that are too expensive, you will have to rent an elite office or store. For example, for car trade, they rent large areas for showrooms.

Goods for sale

If you have firmly decided that I want to become a representative of companies, but do not have the funds to realize your plans, you can try to conclude an agreement with the manufacturer in order to receive goods from him for sale. Many large companies go towards novice entrepreneurs and willingly agree to such cooperation.

The most important thing is to sell products on time. If you do not have time to sell all the goods for a certain period of time, you will have to pay money for it, and 1–2% more than its original cost. In some cases, vendors take back unsold items. The conditions for the return must be prescribed in the contract.

Free testing

The manufacturer sends samples of its products to the sales representative so that he can try them out in practice. If you find a company that is willing to give you a free trial of their products, consider yourself very lucky, because many suppliers refuse to work on such conditions, so the chance to test the products for free is a great fortune for a beginner.

Official representative

This is the most profitable option as you get a guarantee that the products you sell will be of interest to end user. The supplier provides you with full information support, as well as assistance in organizing and developing commercial enterprise. Advertising specialists are engaged in the promotion of goods at a professional level, so you do not have to spend time and effort on this.

Work in a foreign company

Many domestic enterprises unsuitable for agency work. In addition, some of them may not fulfill their obligations. In this regard, newcomers are often interested in how to become an official representative foreign company? Abroad, this form of sales has long become commonplace and has become widespread. If you don't have work experience, look for a company that provides training.

Let's take a closer look at what steps you need to take to become a representative of a foreign company:

  • Choose a line of business that you are familiar with. For example, a mechanic might sell industrial equipment because he has certain knowledge in this sector;
  • Find the right company and offer your services to it. The necessary information can be obtained on the Internet or from industry directories;
  • Decide on a range of products. For example, along with lifts for car repair, it is possible to offer consumers balancing stands, compressors and other equipment for car services;
  • Conclude oral or written contract with a company;
  • Carefully study the product to determine its commercial and technical advantages.

Advantages and disadvantages

Before becoming a company representative in your city, you need to familiarize yourself with all the advantages and disadvantages of this profession.


  • There is no upper income limit. The more efficiently you work, the more you get;
  • There are no competitors within the company;
  • Strong partner support;
  • Free education;
  • Fast start.


  • No fixed salary
  • Big risks of losing start-up capital.

Where to find a company?

Interested in how to become a sales representative of a company? Many manufacturers post information about vacancies on their own websites on the Internet. You can also send your resume to different companies. Perhaps someone will respond and offer you cooperation.

Try to collect as much information as possible about the activities of different companies. This will help you choose the right supplier, on which the success of your business depends on 90%. You should not give preference to any supplier, focusing on low prices. If you are in the mood for serious work, you need to pay attention to Special attention on the company's reputation. It is also very important that the products you will be selling are in demand in your region.

How to choose a company?

Before making a final decision which company or manufacturer is more profitable for you to cooperate with, you must first find out.

Construction Materials

Nowadays trade building materials brings good profit, therefore, many successful entrepreneurs cooperate with enterprises that produce such products.

Before that, decide on the scope of work. You can open a small outlet or large supermarket. It all depends on your financial capabilities. According to experts, at the stage of formation, an average company will bring much more profit than a large retail chain. You should not strive to conclude a cooperation agreement with a large manufacturer. At first, it is better to work with a small company. In this case, you will earn good money and get the necessary experience.


This is the simplest and most easily implemented idea. Almost all furniture that can be purchased on the market is sold through dealers. An exception may be foreign-made products or large retail chains.

If you decide to go into business and do not know, first of all you need to find a furniture factory and agree on cooperation with it. The manufacturer bears full responsibility for the complete set of furniture and its quality. If the buyer finds any defect, the furniture factory is obliged to replace the product.

Children food

Before that, many aspiring entrepreneurs get a job as sales representatives. This allows them to gain the necessary experience and deal with the assortment offered by modern baby food manufacturers.

This approach is fully justified, since products intended for children must be of high quality. If you open your own store and buy defective goods, the enterprise will quickly go bankrupt. Working as a sales representative allows you to study from the inside all the features of trading in such products, and the experience gained will become a guarantee of the success of your business.

Video: About the profession of a sales representative


It is most profitable to sell food during a crisis. Despite the fact that almost all citizens are starting to save money, they continue to buy food, especially sweets. Before that, draw up a competent business plan and find reliable suppliers who sell quality goods at affordable prices. The most profitable option is direct deliveries of goods from the manufacturer. In this case, you will receive the freshest products at low prices.

To reduce the payback period of the enterprise, several can be installed in educational institutions or in shopping centers. In such passage places, chocolates, cookies in small bags, candies and so on perfectly diverge. Since this piece of goods is sold quickly and in decent quantities, vending machines will bring good income.


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